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Keep /pol/ out of /vip/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 298
Thread images: 89

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So we all agree we don't want /pol/tards around here right?

They have manage to be at the same level of obnoxiousness as pony faggots and just shit up every board where they sneak in.
Nope. I like em. I like you too anon. It's all good!
People who excessively complain about /pol/ are worse than /pol/


>/vip/ has no topic - talk about whatever you want!

Hey OP, instead of whining about people you don't like, how about you post some quality content we can all enjoy! That way, people will be having too much fun enjoying your spicy content to do any meanie /pol/ stuff.

/pol/fags are easy to deal with. They shit up boards specifically because everything that isn't redpilled triggers them. For example, /g/ deals with /pol/fags by posting lots and lots of black women.

As long as you keep cuckposting they won't be a problem.
          . ::゜.゜。・゜゜゜゜ .
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            : ::.゜ ゜ ゜゜。・。゜.゜..
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                :::.゜。 ゜・。゜゜. .  . .
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                    :::.゜。 ゜・。゜゜. .  . .
                        : ::.゜ ゜ ゜゜。・。゜.゜..
                        :::.゜。 ゜・。゜゜. .  . .
                             : ::.゜ ゜ ゜゜。・。゜.゜..

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 ミ\Ⅱミ彡[]     ~   what if /pol/ wasn't full of newfag redditors?
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Ignore threads you don't like, fgt.
Delete /pol/.
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Don't be a retard, you can't talk about Pony shit here because it's against the rules, why posting bronies across the whole site became an offense doesn't need an explanation at this point, /pol/ shit is in the same bag.
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Reminder that 4chan is in a bad situation because of all the retards /pol/ brought here from reddit and twitter
delet /pol/ pls moot
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You can fuck right off if you don't like what's being posted on /vip/, plebeians.
delete /pol/
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No one likes you faggot, kill yourself
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Remember what happened last time you tried that?

Protip: Your precious little boards got shoahed.

Stay shitblasted as always, reddit.
I didn't try anything. I don't have the power to delete boards.

regardless, delete /pol/
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>I don't have the power to delete boards
And it'll always be that way.
Burn /pol/ to the ground

Delete /pol/

Ban /pol/ users

Banish all IPs from the Deep South to a separate board

Hunt them down wherever they hide and ban them again and again

Post false conspiracy threads attempting to get /pol/tards to agree to commit violent acts and property damage then report them with their IPs to the police

Report /pol/ posters to the FBI Internet Hate Crimes Task Force when they post threats and if they are from other countries remember posting racism can actually be prosecuted in some shitholes so use it against tem

Never let /pol/ exist again

You could have stopped it, but blatant shitposting all over the entire site, the entire internet, even the entire election with KEK PEPE in the news is too fucking much bad press for Hiro

I actually mused /pol/ before Trump and ironic HAPPENING shit was fucking fun. This edgy reactionary political movement is pathetic.
ok thank you for your very informative and helpful post
>Reddit boogeyman shitposting

You are the cancer killing this site.
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Nice pasta
/pol/ died when the Trump shills from Reddit took over
>le reddit is a boogeyman!
Now everyone knows you're a reddit.
>Trump shills
Now I know you're a redditfag.
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/pol/tards have reached chanology levels of cancer at this point, we don't want these retards here please Hiro
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>/pol/tard accusing someone of being from Reddit
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thanks bro
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Wait did /pol/ create /r/the_donald? What the fuck, these niggers are doing what /b/ has been failing at for more than a decade. They managed to beat reddit.

The problem is they fucked up and now /pol/ is 90% redditors and normies repeating the same shitty memes from March onward.
I'm sure it'll get better after the election, it's pretty typical for increased shiposting around US elections.

Congratulations, you just described all of the top ten most active boards on 4chan.

I'm not sure if it's entirely /pol/'s fault but Leddit has been infested with pol-types for a while on /r/the_redpill and the other Gaymergate sub, the donald is just the newest addition
that's a lie and you know it

/v/ doesn't intentionally set up a subreddit and invite the fuckers into 4chan, /pol/ did exactly that
You retard, last time I checked, /v/ never made a subreddit, it was /pol/ who did it.
/v/ had that gg crap didn't they?
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>triggered /v/ermin don't think their board is infested with meme spouting redditers
/pol/ is Reddit. It's the same userbase.
/v/ never made a subreddit to import redditors to the site.
Every nigger in the fucking hood knows that, it's a shithole that needs to get it's act together.
/pol/ is going down, no, fucking jumping off a cliff and into the waters of reddit and underage, stupid /pol/ack.

So you agree with me, you're just butthurt about it. Weird, but not unexpected from a /v/tard.
then who made that /r/katokuaction one?
No, I ain't agreeing with you because you won't fucking own up that /pol/ is a fucking caliphate filled with redditors.
Deleting /pol/ to fight cancer is like assassinating public figures to fight unrest: It doesn't work

Instead, I think the solution is to split off /pol/ from the rest of 4chan in a way that preserves the way the board looks, works and feels. I don't think /pol/ posters really care if they're posting on boards.4chan.org/pol/ instead of polboard.org as long as the format is effectively the same.

could be wrong though
A redditor.
>all of the top ten most active boards on 4chan

You think /pol/s not on that list, retard?
It is, and so is /v/. The fact you wanna skip and prance and act like /pol/ is so fucking great and magical because you can say nigger without anyone giving you shit, then you're the reason /pol/ is dying.
I just want the mods to delete /pol/ spam and memes that are outside of /pol/ that blatently breaking rule 3.

Contain that shit.

You can say nigger anywhere without anyone giving a shit. What the fuck are you even trying to argue with me about? We're literally in complete agreement on the point of my post.
That's /pol/ has a higher concentration of redditors and I want them out.

If only we could build a wall to keep out the invasive immigrants. We could even make reddit pay for it.
I wish we could just remove them from the site, it's like a fucking cyst.

They hate anime. Lots of anime posting. Always remind them 4chan is an anime site.

It won't do anything to drive them off but it might make you feel better.
No I want to drive them out.

Well I don't know what to tell you other than good luck. If hiro allowed sitewide loli and guro posting for a month maybe we could scare them away but who the fuck knows.
No, I want other users to go on with this crusade to remove reddit, it'll work.
>We could even make reddit pay for it.
So in this analogy, it would be like getting reddit to pay for 4chan passes?

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Or someone stealing all of reddits credit card info and using it to fund an internet wall

Yes, except they pay twentybux and are banned for life.
It's the same thing that happens every time 4chan interacts with the greater internet. When you raid, you drag trash back with you.
They did happily invite redditors to their threads when their moderators were going on a deletion spree.
>no subreddit
then we still wouldn't be rid of this shit cluttering the page
oh look another pol thread

im from pol and not going away. your move
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poltards ins gas
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Stop combining anime with your pol shit, it looks retarded as fuck
Why does the meme-right support 4chan again?
>Stop combining anime with your pol shit, it looks retarded as fuck

codeword for

>ill taunt him into posting more nazi girls because i love them and want to increase my collection.

you could just ask nicely you know
Wow, that looks like shit.
>not posting the collection of dictators, anime style

Looks retarded, you're retarded, go look yourself in a mirror and realize you're some cringey retard with anime nazis images in his hard drive
calm down jewboi

here one for you
Fuck off you stinkin libtard faggot
4chan is pol and pol is 4chan

Without pol this would just another no name weeb forum. Kill yourself kike
Sup reddit?
Delet yourself nigger
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poltards everyone
I dont browse reddit, I actually dont understand the layout.
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I don't believe you and I think you're swine.
I like how pol is basically 1/4 of vip

only a matter of time before they own the board
I really dont, I dont use twitter for that same reason. Shitty layout that is impossible to understand (not saying that twitter isnt shit anyway)
No, it's like 1/128 of /vip/.
Then get off your phone.
what is it like to be triggered by a board on a website? never happened to me before id like to know
I only bought a pass to keep 4chan/pol alive. /fit can stay too
All libtards >>>/out/
Niggers who can't even spell /pol/ right get >>>/out/
>No, it's like 1/128 of /vip/.
Vocal minority

Reason I don't use twitter is because trying to load twitter.com makes my browser choke on the mind-boggling amounts of javashit they try loading

It's one of the heaviest websites I actually use from time to time
>Vocal minority
No shit. /a/ and /jp/ are probably the most people here.
Followed by /qa/ and /v/
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Wow the /pol/tard said "triggered" it's all over, too bad he didn't say cuck or the own would have been astronomical.
/v/ fags are usually underage and can still be redpilled.
nice deflection dumb frogposter
Like most of /pol/
Haha, there's so many threads, and you're all so mad, but /pol/ isn't going anywhere!

This is so much fun!
reddit needs to get out.
It's amusing when weebs leave their containment boards and realize the vast majority of the rest of the website has opinions they despise
For all the dumbfuck here (basically everyone) those threads are made by pollacks
It's amusing when redditors act like they wuz kangs when they aren't.
>/pol/ is the rest of the website
But isn't that exactly what's happening to you, /pol/poster. Only the barest minority here share your shitty beliefs.
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Yeah I figured.
I thought that /pol/ is like 1/3 of the traffic of 4chan?
>Entire ideology built around being butthurt over the modern world

>Calls other people mad
You do seem upset, you never answered him anon.

So, what is it like to be triggered by a board on a website?
>Nobody took this b8

/vip/ really is a quality board.
Do you see me complaining about anime and posting threads saying 'Keep /a/ out of /vip/, my asshole hurts?'. No? Because you're full of shit.
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November 9th can't come soon enough
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Reddit, everyone.
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I guess I'll never know, you just can't even so hard you can't do type post.
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But anime is the backbone of 4chan you retard /pol/ shit, your kind are outsiders to the whole site and need to get the fuck out.

I believe /pol/ should get delete but I'm not advocating for it here, I just want your obnoxious ass out of /vip/

And you know, I consider /soc/ to be outsiders too but they keep their shit on their board, you retards feel the need to sperg about your idiotic jew conspiracies and be obnoxious about your orange clown on every single fucking board, that's why you're cancer.
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hahaha you simple little fuck, nobody cares about anime outside of the anime containment boards. 4chan became 4chan when it grew out of anime, before that it was just another weeb circlejerk.

>I consider x to be 'outsiders'
Could you possible be more of a cringy faggot? I'm honestly asking. It would take some work. I'd actually be impressed.
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>/pol/ checklist
>make broad sweeping claim with no proof
>deflect deflect deflect
Could you be any more of a stereotype?
>Newfag checklist
>Cry about people posting things I don't like
>ban them ban them ban them

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>make broad sweeping claim with no proof
Like saying "[/pol/ is] outsiders to this whole site"?
For fucks sake this always happens. You faggots complaining about /pol/ are the worst.
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Look at the first page, they're already shitting up the board. Nothing but crying about their boogieman.
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Why the fuck did /qa/ stay open for a year
All it did was let these retards fester in their echo chamber
I hope it isn't lost on you that I genuinely cannot tell which side of the argument you represent from your post.
>4chan became 4chan when it grew out of anime,
Actual cancer.
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/pol/ used to be fun, now it's reduced to the same memes everyday

it's boring and pathetic

and worse they take themselves seriously and think internet crusading means something, just like Tumblrinas and redditors

/pol/ is cancer to 4chan and we need chemo
Same thing happened with /q/. Things got better immediately when it got axed.
I'm saying this place was comfy before constant threads complaining about /pol/
No, all it did was make me feel like I'm a schizo.
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Anyone who has an inherent problem with either weebshit or /pol/shit needs to lurk moar or get the fuck back to wherever they came from
/pol/ shares no cultural similarities with any of the rest of 4chan and is primarily a board that seeks to interface with the rest of society. It is and has always been garbage.
the only reason this keeps getting posted is because you keep responding
All of this
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Lurk moar
>Lurk moar
Referring to black people as niggers is not a real cultural trait.
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Okay. I didn't say it was. Words are not cultural traits.
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>/pol/ shares no cultural similarities with any of the rest of 4chan
Remember when "niggers" wordfiltered to roody-poo for like 18 months
No you don't because you're new as shit
Then explain how /pol/ draws proudly on early 4chan heritage and how "fuck niggers" is the logical extension of "pool's closed."

That does literally nothing to prove your point. If 4chan tried to filter it today /pol/ would declare that an SJW mod apocalypse.
>He probably doesn't even remember candy-ass

>Then explain how /pol/ draws proudly on early 4chan heritage

Being offensive and triggering sensitive newfags for the lulz.

And why would I try to explain a logical extension that you are making? I never said that, so not my job.
>Being offensive and triggering sensitive newfags for the lulz.
/pol/ isn't in it for the lulz. It's in it for real-world results.

>And why would I try to explain a logical extension that you are making? I never said that, so not my job.
You're right; you've made a generic assertion that can be neither backed up or challenged. It was my mistake to try and lend substance to it.
Burn /pol/ to the ground

Delete /pol/

Ban /pol/ users

Banish all IPs from the Deep South to a separate board

Hunt them down wherever they hide and ban them again and again

Post false conspiracy threads attempting to get /pol/tards to agree to commit violent acts and property damage then report them with their IPs to the police

Report /pol/ posters to the FBI Internet Hate Crimes Task Force when they post threats and if they are from other countries remember posting racism can actually be prosecuted in some shitholes so use it against tem

Never let /pol/ exist again
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>"early 4chan heritage" was a love and tolerance zone of safe space and friendly banter
>4chan was never deliberately offensive at any point UNTIL /pol/ CAME
I know they got rid of all of the swastika banners before you came here but come the fuck on now

>/pol/ isn't in it for the lulz. It's in it for real-world results.
And Chanology was just a prank, bro
>/pol/ isn't in it for the lulz. It's in it for real-world results.

As was old /b/, shown repeatedly throughout its history.

>4chan was never deliberately offensive at any point UNTIL /pol/ CAME
It's not about being offensive. All the boards can be offensive as shit, whether it's about raping children or blending babies. It's about using the internet as a springboard to affect real-world change, and shitting on the nerd heritage of the site as outdated and autistic shit, because /pol/ is where the "real 4chan" is.

>And Chanology was just a prank, bro
Chanology was a retarded prank that decided to bring lulz into real life. It was also stupid.

>As was old /b/, shown repeatedly throughout its history.
TIME's man of the year, and most other shit that /b/ came up with, did not matter, nor did anyone ever pretend it mattered.
/pol/ thinks that obsession over harambe was somehow secretly about blm.
>And Chanology was just a prank, bro
Channology was fucking awful too. Glad to see you're honest enough to admit how similar they are.

/pol/tard can't distinguish sarcasm and takes anything he read on the internet seriously
>TIME's man of the year, and most other shit that /b/ came up with, did not matter, nor did anyone ever pretend it mattered.

So? I never claimed it mattered, I'm saying that /pol/, as with old /b/, were in it for the lulz and real life events did happen. You implied that only /pol/ tried to do things outside of 4chan.

Actually, the annoyance came into play when BLM got in on it.
the issue is of course that everyone who posts something that is not literally my wife's son tier cuckoldry is accused of being a poltard by the innumerable redditors who have invaded this site. Did you pay $15 just because you think your shekels will convince Hiro to delete the single biggest driver of traffic to this site? Do you think he is stupid enough to do that when moot showed us exactly what happens when you delete a containment board?

This thread is cancer and this board is cancer. If Hiro needs to save on bandwidth he should just delete the 3d porn boards and send all porn back to /b/, /r9k/ and other red boards. There is no valuable discussion or community in the 3d porn boards, but there is in the 2d boards, particularly /d/.

/vip/ will become nothing more than a circlejerk for self-important faggots who think that their opinion matters because they can spend $15 to not have to click the fucking storefronts for a year.
And I'm saying that /pol/ is not in it for the lulz. The goal of most users is to affect social change and resist liberalism both on the internet and in real life. Part of this involves trolling people and doing other humorous shit, but that's not the goal. There is no agenda behind lulz. It's what doing things "for the lulz" means.
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>because they can spend $15 to not have to click the fucking storefronts for a year.

My fucking sides
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/pol/ shits just fuck off and kill yourselves
/v/ is the reason we're mainstream now, don't blame /pol/ after the fact for "muh ethics in gaming journalism"
Just because the vast majority of newfags have poured into /v/ and spilled over into /pol/ after being forced out of /v/ doesn't make the idea of /pol/ a fundamentally bad board
And to argue 4chan hasn't always been fundamentally "edgy" when we've not only always tolerated outrageously racist and otherwise offensive content but have literally used Nazi imagery in official site banners is just fucking asinine.
I hope Hiroyuki finds some way of selling /pol/ to one of the celebrities who have been so very interested in monopolizing the memes of the internet. Everybody wins, really.
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>The goal of most users is to affect social change and resist liberalism both on the internet and in real life.

And this is bad because why?

You disagree with some of their opinions?

Cute, how triggered are you?
Referring to black people as niggers has literally been a cultural trait of 4chan for the majority of the site's existence.
fuck causes thats why
you think I hated on feminism cause i was a conservatard?no
I just want to be left alone with my rape games and loli manga.
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Oh look poltards are it again with their "old /b/" shit, "durr but u guize used to say niggers and had a banner with a swastika hurr"

Yes and it had nothing to do with political ideologies or political activism at all, it was just random edgy shit, not a political statement against the globalist jewish lizards you tards believe in
>And this is bad because why?
What I said at the very beginning is that /pol/ shares no cultural similarities with the rest of 4chan, or at least, didn't until the massive influx of new /pol/ users started to change them.

Most /pol/ users have no respect for the previously existing culture (especially the Japanese-oriented aspects), actively recruits new users in masse who have no respect for the previous 4chan culture, and co-opts 4chan heritage for its own ends by claiming that it's the "real 4chan" and that "4chan was always like this."
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>resist liberalism
Waging war on free speech is so liberal and progressive and tolerant
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>you tards believe in
>/pol/ is one person

Posters from /pol/ comport themselves like everything is a knifefight to the death. It must be terrifying to live feeling like you're under attack 247.

4chan is a private website. You might have a constitutional right to express yourself artistically with feces, but private actors have a right to tell you to do it elsewhere.
>or at least, didn't until the massive influx of new /pol/ users started to change them.

The new /pol/ users are the cancer though.

>actively recruits new users in masse

They fucking hate new users and do not actively recruit them. The amount of threads that consist of nothing but "GO BACK TO X" is staggering.
>Did you pay $15 just because you think your shekels will convince Hiro to delete the single biggest driver of traffic to this site?
Traffic? You mean that's killing the site? I don't think Hiro's going to listen to anything posted here, but you're making a pretty good case for deletion.
>/pol/ is one person
>Traffic is bad
>We should delete the politics board but keep all the useless porn boards that take up tons of bandwidth!
>The new /pol/ users are the cancer though.
I've heard things to that effect.

>The amount of threads that consist of nothing but "GO BACK TO X" is staggering.
Does anyone ever go back? Fundamentally, nobody with an political opinion is going to respect anyone who tells them to leave. They're just going to think the person who told them to leave is a clueless retard. The place is a shit magnet.
I wouldn't expect a poster from /pol/ to disagree with identifying over arching trends in general populations and using that to judge individuals by. /pol/ officially opposes prejudice.
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>Most /pol/ users have no respect for the previously existing culture (especially the Japanese-oriented aspects)
/pol/ is weeb as fuck you mongoloid, there are always threads praising anime for being the least "cucked" medium and praising "based Japan" for resisting globalism and cultural Marxism. The only people who speak against anime are the normalfags even newer than you and the legitimate white nationalists who think all mass media is "kike-funded degeneracy"

>actively recruits new users in masse who have no respect for the previous 4chan culture
No board has any control over the users who come there. /pol/ is one of the few boards that at least attempt to shun newfags
Didn't you just argue at the start of your post /pol/ didn't have any """4chan culture""" until the new /pol/fags came?

>co-opts 4chan heritage for its own ends by claiming that it's the "real 4chan" and that "4chan was always like this."
/pol/ is a whole fucking lot closer to "old 4chan" than the fucking disgraces of their former selves that are modern /v/ and /co/
You have no idea what the fuck you're talking about
Who the fuck even uses the porn boards
/gif/ is basically the only one that has any kind of niche for itself. There's absolutely no good reason to use the rest of them over any decent image aggregator, aside from literally circlejerking with people who share your fetish. They're basically general boards without even the pretext of meaningful discussion, just imagedumping
That's what a lot of /pol/ users want too, or at least that's how they got into it in the first place. Unfortunately, a segment of /pol/ and the broader alt right movement has shifted rightward into genuine social conservatism in a stupid pissing contest to see who's the most pure NatSoc 1488'er. So now it's THEM who want to come for the rape games and loli manga. It's tough being a social libertarian, you get few allies in the world.
>/pol/ is weeb as fuck you mongoloid
It is not. Talking from experience I've seen them get assblasted over gook shit.
>No board has any control over the users who come there
Tell that to /a/.
>until the new /pol/fags came?
What little bit of culture /pol/ had was slaughtered like a whore by the muslims that are coming here. To sit on your ass and to endorse Islamic people who come here and kill the culture is disgusting.
>/pol/ is a whole fucking lot closer to "old 4chan"
No it's not. Where the fuck is the moot then? Where the fuck is that good vibes? All I'm seeing bullshit and e-activism shit. Cargo cult worshiping moron.
I agree that it sucks that /pol/ shits on anime and anything Japanese-related so much. But that's sort of a problem on any 4chan board that's not explicitly Japan-oriented. I've learned to just filter it out.
[SJIS]best post ITT
[SJIS] test [/SJIS]
Hint, don't capitalize.
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>Does anyone ever go back?
>They're just going to think the person who told them to leave is a clueless retard.
The same applies to every single other board that has new user growth.
One of the reasons /a/ is —relatively— one of the least cancerous major boards is they at least also tell people to lurk moar.
thank you sempai
Traffic isn't the problem shit for brains, in fact traffic is what makes a site commercially viable.

The problem with bandwidth is what >>25553 suggests. /gif/, /wsg/, /wg/, /hr/, and the porn boards combined use far, far more bandwidth than /pol/ does. Even some of the smaller porn boards use more bandwidth.

Reduce the porn boards down to /h/ and /d/. Those are Japanese culture relevant and actually have communities in them. The other boards are kind of nice to have around as a source of porn but ultimately not at all necessary. Very, very few people use the site for them exclusively. The only one I would personally miss is /d/ because it's just one of those iconic boards, you know?
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>/pol/ user pays for pass
>can't post on /vip/
Fuck off.
>/pol/ is weeb as fuck you mongoloid, there are always threads praising anime for being the least "cucked" medium and praising "based Japan" for resisting globalism and cultural Marxism.
This is a common enough sentiment in the Japanese boards as well - but 4chan's early weeb culture had much more to do with autistic nerds exchanging degenerate pornography than a celebration of Japan's social policies.

>Didn't you just argue at the start of your post /pol/ didn't have any """4chan culture""" until the new /pol/fags came?
Whatever nostalgia the founding users might have had for 4chan culture, the overwhelming majority of new /pol/ users had no such attachments. For them 4chan was always a site for political activism, and most of what they know about the rest of 4chan is that /b/ used to enjoy calling people niggers.

>/pol/ is a whole fucking lot closer to "old 4chan" than the fucking disgraces of their former selves that are modern /v/ and /co/
I don't browse /v/ or /co/. You might well be right.

The thing about /a/ and most hobby boards is that - if you're new to /a/ and someone tells you off, you might call him a faggot right back, but at the end of the day you came there to discuss anime and therefore you're going to have at least grudging respect for the hyper-nerds who've seen 500+ anime because they're "better at anime" than you. /pol/ doesn't have this dynamic. It's not so much about what you know or what you've read as whether or not you have the correct opinions.
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>polacks crying about prejudice against them
useful feature
>use far, far more bandwidth than /pol/ does
storage=/= bandwidth
>It is not. Talking from experience I've seen them get assblasted over gook shit.
Like I said, that's from the same normalfags crusading against anime on the rest of the site and the few genuine /pol/lacks who are NatSoc or fell for the "anime is degenerate" meme

>What little bit of culture /pol/ had was slaughtered like a whore by the muslims that are coming here
And what culture was that exactly? People roleplaying as Nazis?
The funny thing is, I talk with a lot of /a/ posters, and people like you are the worst posters over there too. The posters that make /a/ great for weebs are too busy enjoying their chinese cartoons to give a rats ass about /pol/ or anything else on this site. But you, no, you have to bitch.
Virtuous people in this world are always lonely.
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>Your argument is fucking retarded
>ARE YOU KIDDING ME I can't believe you even want to have this argument in the current year baka senpai
>that's from the same normalfags crusading against anime on the rest of the site and
Okay, let me explain it to you in simple terms. I'm seeing the fucking people that get imported in aren't from the fucking site are talking shit about the culture.
>And what culture was that exactly?
The culture of trying to rebuild itself from /pol/ harbor (which I can fucking tell by the way you act like there was no culture until you and your reddit buttfucking gang joined in) and trying to fix itself. It was slow, real slow, until all you pieces of shit showed up.
>That's what a lot of /pol/ users want too
no they don't
like tumblr they want to politicize everything
>The posters that make /a/ great for weebs are too busy enjoying their chinese cartoons to give a rats ass about /pol/ or anything else on this site. But you, no, you have to bitch.
It must be really terrible for you to be unable to peddle your viewpoints without opposition in "non-political" boards.
>a celebration of Japan's social policies

But a lot of Japan's social policies are based and they deserve to be praised and emulated. They show that you can build a very successful and peaceful country based on ethnic homogeneity, in contrast to the forced diversity narrative. Women have full equal rights, but there's also a general expectation that they will be dedicated to raising children, and people don't constantly bitch about this. Japan is to ably the only developed country that doesn't get completely triggered over loli manga. The genital censorship thing is weird though.

I would love to make America more like Japan.
It's not about storage, it's about how the porn and filesharing boards have a WAY higher image to text ratio than any other board, and most of them have higher filesize limits than other boards so when people are browsing and downloading images they are using more bandwidth than people browsing boards with actual topics of discussion.

Porn boards also tend to have a lot of lurkers who don't produce content and just save everything posted.
I'm a /pol/ user and I agreed with your statement about just wanting to be left alone with games and manga, so, there you go.

Art and culture has been politicized whether you want it to be or not, so someone has to fight for it.
>it's about how the porn and filesharing boards have a WAY higher image to text ratio than any other board
they also have WAY lower amount of people
Everything is political, but I wish that casuals - and most people are casuals, I'm a casual when it comes to 90% of my hobbies - would leave the political discussions to be duked out between the dedicated nerds. The size of your voice in the debate would ideally correspond to your level of investiture in the hobby. And honestly? Before 4chan, and everything else in life was coated in political varnish, that's how it was. Only autistic fucks gave enough shits about their hobby to carefully study the politics of it.

But these days, the way it mostly works now is that the size of your voice in the debate depends on how politically passionate you are, turning every political argument everywhere into reiteration of the same garbage.

And that's terrible.
>/pol/ is a one-sided echo chamber meme
The board is a 24/7 shitstorm about literally every topic imaginable
Name one other place where you can find open legitimate researched and cited discussion on climate change, economics, colonization, pedophilia and institutional racism. I'll wait.
>legitimate researched
I'm laughing on the inside. Don't get ahead of yourself when you say stupid shit like that, okay?
>discussion on climate change, economics, colonization, pedophilia and institutional racism
>legitimate researched and cited discussion

you're one funny goy!

have an upvote
I was talking more about /pol/ (or opinions commonly attributed to /pol/) that show up in other boards. As for your question itself, I know of a few small political forums where everything on your list can be discussed except pedophilia.

I would care a lot less about /pol/ if it kept to itself.
You get asked for proofs and source more often on /pol/ than any other board.
There has been scientific research about this on /qa/ polfag, /pol/ is the one stealing oxygen and you need to get purged
we're running out of oxygen!?
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Well meme'd my friend
Post shit like this on le reddit or Twitter and see how long it takes for you to get banned for wrongthink

It's hard for /pol/shit to not come up in hobby boards when it seems like every single fucking video game and TV show or movie is shoving PC bullshit in our face
How many works of "entertainment" came out this year where someone kills a Donald Trump stand-in?
>scientific research
>on /qa/
hello where are proofs
>Post shit like this on le reddit or Twitter and see how long it takes for you to get banned for wrongthink
That's not proofs nor sources, those are just polls about what shitskins buy into.
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>Detailed study performed by a highly respected independent international body on exactly how """moderate""" Muslims are in various countries around the world
>not a source that thoroughly debunks the "only one in a trillion Muslims hold radical views" narrative
Sure thing bucko

kek neo-pol doesn't remember when there was pro-islam threads everyday all over /pol/ because they came from reddit some months ago, they were funny as fuck.
Nigger anyone with a simpleton brain knows Islam is evil. You gotta be a fucking retard who needs fucking polls to prove something like that. Shit it's like saying you need a fucking poll to prove that the sky is blue.

reddit is the smartest place on the internet. If you want legitimate discussion, go to reddit. /pol/ is just for shitposting and it's a terrible place to actually debate things.
>there was pro-islam threads everyday all over /pol/
And I guarantee you almost all of them were people fishing for (You)s
/pol/ hates Muslims so much half of them are pro-Israel now

Are you kidding me?
Do you not realize this is the CURRENT YEAR?
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>If you want legitimate discussion, go to reddit
>I am a simpleton who needs to argue with other simpletons about facts of the world
t. (You).
Kill yourself you outsider.
>half of them are pro-Israel now
everyone constantly shitting on israel for every military action they take, but once they get a small taste of the kind of bullshit they have to deal with on a day to day basis maybe they understand why israel does what it does.
Yes, most of the big subs have shitty mods. But there are many thousands of subreddits, and you can have great discussions in a lot of them. You just have to know where to look.
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Germany elected a woman president.
She is afraid of dogs.
Other countries' leaders know this and use it to their advantage in negotiations with the country.
Because of her female weakness and inability to advocate on behalf of the German people, the German people suffer.
Here is a picture of Vladimir Putin terrifying Germany's precious snowflake girl president.

There are people who think this is a good thing. Defend yourselves, cucks.
Why would you want to discuss anything with literal redditors?
>scientific research
>on /qa/

Fuck off with this fake shit
Speak for yourself. /Pol/ is the best board
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Actual responses, not bad. I'll have to unironically think about this.
I dunno, /pol/'s post rate seems to suggest it's a pretty popular pastime.
reddit just straight up has the highest number of really smart people on the internet. Lots of grad students and professors who are experts in whatever subject you want to debate.

/pol/ is a bunch of retarded NEETs who think that watching Molyneux means they're "red pilled".
>"really smart people"
>reddit just straight up has the highest number of really smart people on the internet. Lots of grad students and professors who are experts in whatever subject you want to debate.

True, but it is also full of a lot of shit, just like everywhere else.

>/pol/ is a bunch of retarded NEETs who think that watching Molyneux means they're "red pilled".

And you had to ruin a good post with adhoms.
But anon, the academic establishment is a bunch of brainwashed jews who are actively trying to destroy civilization! Clearly my own lack of education is the greatest guarantee of correctness.
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>tfw too intelligent to be on 4chan
this meme is the worst
It's a tossup for me between this and RLLY MAKES YOU THINK!

The only two fucking memes that actually piss me off for some reason.
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/pol/ is for uncultured plebs and philistines.

All hail our real leader
I'm not even sure how to start unpacking this, but Japan is a mess.

>Consumer economy that depends on infinite growth can't undure shrinking birthrates
>Depends on America to defend itself.
>One of the highlights of their society is apparently drawings of naked children.

This is some 90s weeb tier shit, anon.
Yeah, reddit has tons of shit no doubt.

There are people who literally think this and I hate them. They're trying their hardest to make sure that the public face of pro-White politics is a bunch of mouth-breathing retards.
I didn't mention anything about Japan's economy or military in my post. Obviously Japan has its own set of problems, social problems included. I was just saying that they have many social policies that we should copy.

Drawing naked cartoon children getting brutally raped is a basic human right and it should be fervently defended by anyone who claims to support free speech.
>the public face of pro-White politics is a bunch of mouth-breathing retards.

The nature of the alt-right is cynicism and self-victimization, so that'll always be the case.
See, but in 40 years when whites are a minority in America and discrimination against them is tolerated or outright legal because "the deep foundation of white privilege cannot be destroyed so easily" and "reparations must be made to those groups who have suffered for so long", it won't be self-victimization anymore, it'll be real victimization. And there needs to be a political movement to defend against that. But there won't be one if retards keep screaming "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW" over and over again instead of actually developing reasonable political ideology and strategy.

Some slightly more mainstream right-wing news sources and forums are getting less shy when it comes to race though. There's hope.
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>something that is not literally my wife's son tier cuckoldry
no one buy the pass for that board retard its just a small bonus. the capcha is what matters

This thing right here. The issue with /pol/niggers is that they're /pol/ users first, 4chan goers second, and then go into other boards and refuse to adapt to the culture there.

Doesn't that sound familiar?
>40 years from now

That's when non-Hispanic whites become a plurality. Whites will still make up the majority of the country, non-Hispanics will be a whopping 49.9% of the population, and a huge chunk of the 50.1% will be half/part white anyway.

It's a movement trying to avoid a problem that probably won't exist.
You're no better than /pol/fags
That's just speculating about the worst case scenarios. There's plenty of bullshit we're dealing with already, in terms of racial tensions. Police shootings and Black Lives Matter, affirmative action, refugees (much more of a European problem) and terrorism, the culture of political correctness controlling what you can and can't say because you might offend a minority.

If we counter the multiculturalism/diversity narrative and introduce the idea of voluntary racial segregation into the public discourse, more people might start realizing "hey, we don't have to put up with this bullshit, we could just not fucking deal with each other in the first place and then maybe everyone would be happier."
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Nope. Cry more safe space shills
Funny how /pol/ uses "triggered" more than tumblr now.
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It would be nice if poltards had a bigger vocabulary but their brain is not big enough for it, every think they post is something like:

>durr u le triggered cuck kike?
>muh maga, muh trump
>cuck cuck cuck
>"hey, we don't have to put up with this bullshit, we could just not fucking deal with each other in the first place and then maybe everyone would be happier."

The problem with segregation is that the people who "choose" to segregate themselves always take it a step further by preventing different groups from going near them and gaming the law to alienate them. For example, if an Arab moves next door, a segregationist doesn't go "aw shucks" and move to a whiter neighborhood, they petition the government to ban them from entering the country, or refuse to hire them for jobs, or prevent their family from socializing with them. In matters of policy, when laws are supposed to protect the citizenry as a whole, segregationists either ignore the plight of people who aren't them or actively try to undermine them.
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>but their brain is not big enough
>every think they post
Stay in school, kids.
>your average anti-/pol/ poster

It was auto-correct, fuck you poltard
epik paypay my redpilled friend! praise le kek xD
I'm from /pol/.
We've been invaded by retards from Canada.
I bought a pass just so I could hide among you guys.
I'm not here to cause trouble, and give you this peace offering.
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>getting this mad after being retarded while calling others retarded
I can't take it, guys. The pinnacle of humor.
can you believe it's already October
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Banning shit isn't going to solve anything, just out post them if it bothers you so much.
If he was really from /pol/ he would have said google.
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>Why does the meme-right support 4chan again?
"Alt right" is an autistic meme in itself. It's not a thing
>petition the government to ban them from entering the country

The ultimate goal would be to have a white ethnic state. This is not, in itself, an absurd idea. Jews have an ethnic state in Israel. The Japanese have an ethnic state in Japan. Many or most places in Africa and the Middle East could be considered ethnic states for blacks and Arabs, respectively (ignoring for a moment the huge number of subgroups under the headings "black" and "Arab"). European nations were white ethnic states for much of their history, although that identity is changing now due to declining white birthrates and increased immigration. By the end of the century, whites may not have a nation where they will a) be a majority of the population and b) feel comfortable that the social system of that nation is tailored towards their cultural heritage and identity, although many other ethnic groups will continue to enjoy that privilege. At least, they won't have one as good as America, UK, Germany, etc. I wouldn't be particularly excited to move to Belarus or Russia.

So yeah, the ultimate answer to "what if an Arab moves next door?" would be "that wouldn't be a common enough occurrence to warrant a response, if it was even possible."

Now, obviously there's going to be no pure white nation-state any time soon. This is basically all wild speculation. I don't even support a completely pure white nation-state myself. I support something like Japan's stance towards immigration and racial minorities, maybe even a little stricter, except for white people: sure, we can let a few immigrants in and we'll treat you nice, but this place is ultimately built by and for us, not for you, and if you're gonna whine about it you can fuck off.

Mainly I'm just interested in trying to push this idea into public discourse as a way of countering the SJW narrative.
Holy fucking shit, why do people keep saying this, it's so frustrating.


There you go, there's the alt right. They're not shy about calling themselves alt right.
>ethnically cleansed the Ainu
>Tried to do the same to East Asia
>fucked in the ass for it
>went "muh purity" and now has a declining birthrate

>Colonists who tried to create an ethnostate
>Brought segregation to Palestine
>Created the biggest shitstorm of an ethnic conflict in modern history

These are terrible examples, why would we ever follow them?
I was just giving examples of ethnic states, I didn't say that we should copy everything they've ever done.

I am skeptical that Japan's declining birthrate is caused by their ethnic homogeneity or by their lack of immigration.
He seems like a total hack. Everything I've seen from him has either been so unrealistic it makes communism look like a smart and well considered plan, full of blatant historical revisionism, or actually just democracy in disguise. I read his "Letter to Open Minded Progressives" - the first part was mostly reasonable but then he goes full retard and starts churning out unjustified assumptions by the ass load.
Every first world nation has declining birth rates. It's a natural abundance driven behavior. Most of them conceal this with immigrants. Japan has none. Put two and two together.
It's an awkward position, isn't it? Global capitalism and dependence on constant growth relies on multiculturalism. States that try to enforce ethnic purity always either end up complete shitholes (Zimbabwe, North Korea), run into problems along the way (Japan), or have to eat a massive shit sandwich to maintain the status quo (Israel, Saudi Arabia).
>Global capitalism and dependence on constant growth

I've been told by economists that it's a myth that capitalism relies on constant growth. I'm not an economist, so I trust them to know more than me.

>relies on multiculturalism

Maybe. I don't see why ethnic purity has to lead to inherent problems. It's just that the pressures of global trade work against it.

Ultimately, I don't think there's anything inherent in the white race that must be preserved at all costs. I do believe in the biological reality of race, but only in the sense that different genes have loosely clustered in different geographic regions. A future uniformly mixed brown humanity will have both geniuses and retards, just like all ethnic groups today. Mainly I just view ethnic separation (or rather, the idea of it) as a pragmatic solution for some of the problems that are plaguing Western countries right now.

Also, white women are the sexiest women and I want to make white babies with them.
Don't trust anything. Like mathematics, economics is only truly difficult if you're attempting to forge new ground. Merely treading laid in paths just takes work and discipline. Do it.
Dumb phoneposter
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Hiro should delete /pol/ a day after Trump loses the election for maximum butthurt
+1 familia
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my dad told me if i want to get a new 3DS for christmas i have to jack him off
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Obvious strawmen. /pol/ tells those faggots to go back to /r/stormfront, then engages in their own strawmanning faggotry.
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Every time I post my clover on /pol/ I'm accused of being jewish.
were you under the impression that this was your safe space?
found the kike
Either you can't afford $20/year to post on your favourite website, or you're a newfag. Neither is acceptable.
Moot was an autistic manchild who banned people for not agreeing with his shit taste in anime.

I chose not to support that kike. You did, because you are a newfag who didn't have to deal with his shit back when he was actually active or you're a cuck. Neither is acceptable.

You may leave.
reifag detected
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Both have major personality flaws. But Asuka is superior.

If you were never a goon, you can go fuck yourself.
Sure thing, cuck.
>I typed it again ma!
Anyone is welcome. As long as they shilled out bucks for moot.
thinking the shitposting cant reach u here XDDDDD

i choked
Many modern /pol/acks can't take it easy. /pol/ is as chill as you make it
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We should sticky this discussion forever, creating /vip/pol/,
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Spotted the Skype
Thread posts: 298
Thread images: 89

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