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http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics -39465631 Is this the be

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Thread replies: 181
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Is this the beginning of the British Empire 2.0?
england is finished.
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more like the end.
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Honestly, they want to be English inside the EU, and they can't, they must prepare all their shit cause we will close "La verja" again, no more free healthcare, smuggling tobacco and ofc no more tax haven. I don't even want them here I just want them out the EU
Good bye Nazirmany

Your 1000 Year Reich end here
try to wait a few years, i'll be going into naval officer training after uni

They want to leave and trade with the British Empire, from Bechuanaland to Newfoundland, and we want to close the border and lock them out of the markets.

If anything, it's an absolute agreement and convergence of wishes. Literally everyone happy.
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But where will Spain get its smuggled tobacco?
>voted 95+% against brexit
>stand up for interests
Great Britain / UK is finished. England will be fine. The dissolution of the British Empire will reach its conclusion after Scotland leaves. What remains? Cornwall and Wales?
How long would the socialist banana republic of spain last to the British assault?
imagine the literal retards who would give their life for this rock

Well memed friend
>the socialist banana republic of spain
We are not a republic.....
>socialist government
>impotent cuck king

yeah you are de facto a republic
we've already had ten threads about this
>Socialist government

kek. Conservatives are in charge, you fucking gypo.
See this from the socio-economic perspective: The sooner British territories bridge closer to British identity, the better for the brit-imperial ideals.
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Daily reminder that they will be now isolated on that fucking rock with a closed gate, this is why they wanted to remain on the EU.
Daily reminder that this will affect the Andalucians more than anybody else
Yes sure, the 8 million of Andalusians are dependent on Gibraltar. Sure buddy.
How many people are employed there? Lots
You guys are shitheads about the border anyway, so I doubt it'll make loads of difference. I doubt you'll close it off like the Franco days
It's pretty shocking for us too, but it explains more than a few things
Hopefully Spain stops any good deals britcucks might get in brexit negotiations. Especially trade deals.
How delusional can a British person be?

There's ONE (1) fucking city in the whole of Andalusia, and not a big city, called la Línea de la Concepción which borders Gibraltar, 9,000 people living there work in Gibraltar, they will be affected, no doubt.

But saying that Andalusians as a whole, a massive community as big as half of England in territory and with 8 million people will be more affected than Gibraltarians themselves?

You really believe you are the motor of our economy, don't you? Jesus fucking christ, the arrogance.
Why are the Brits so surprised that we want that rock back?

Like, wtf...
We're confused as to why you care so much about a rock you ceded 300 years ago.
Nothing will happen. In fact, the vast majority of andalusians want you to die slowly.

T. Actually andalusian.
>You really believe you are the motor of our economy, don't you?

OK Gib itself might not be, but thinking about it, British people in general surely fucking are.

Dos cervaza por favor pedro

We give it to you? Who? The natives you massacred living there? The foreigner french monarch, Philip V, who didn't even had real control of the Spanish Crown because it was in a succession war with half planet and the other half of Spain? You mean when we give it you .... or else?

Frick off mate, you Brits live in a state of perpetual delusion and nationalistic propaganda. The Empire is over, move on.
give your north african cities to Morocco then if proximity is the deciding factor
>get rekt
>lose stuff

Nobody here cares m8. You're the ones kicking up a fuss. It was 300 years ago and I guarantee you most of the population couldn't point to Gibraltar or the Falklands on a map. Suck it up and move on with your life.
We will discuss that with Morocco if it's pertinent.
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Can't wait.
Gibraltar can sink for all I care. All I know is that it bothers you so much it's almost worth subsidising them just to perturb your buttocks.
Do you not see any hypocrisy?

Basically this >>3528 >>3536 but also the Med belongs to the RN (spiritually) so it's good we have Gib and Cyprus.
> it's good we have Gib and Cyprus.
>Protecting drug dealers is good

Thanks eternal anglo. Thanks for all the FUCKING DRUGs WHICH HAVE DESTROYED A LOT OF FAMILIES.
Ceuta and Melilla were part of Spain before Morocco was formed. Gibraltar was spanish before being british.
Andorra, obviously
Memes. The RN does a good job of keeping the drugs out of Spain.. Probably more than the Spanish coast guard.
I realise they are a "core" part of Spain, but so what? Morocco wants them back, and they're near Morocco so.. It's the same argument. Llanitos DONT want to be Spanish or have ANYTHING to do with Spain (your government)
Brits are extremely proud and arrogant and would interpret giving back Gibraltar as some kind of humiliation or bowing down. But they really don't give a fuck about Gibraltar, really, but they hate us with such passion due to all the stupid British Empire propaganda they still have, that they would prefer to see two historically European and christian cities in the hands of Morocco (which has an Islamist government now) before giving back Gibraltar to its rightful owners, in a situation where the inhabitants of Gibraltar would still have autonomy, retain the co-officiality of the English language and become members of the EU, protected by the EU laws.
I mean, it's so ridiculous that the discussion got to the extent of: <"Yes we will give Gibraltar back but only if during the diplomatical process you give Ceuta and Melilla to Morocco">, yes, with all the Spanish citizens there under the yoke of the muslims, like wtf dude, how can they be so despicable.
>Llanitos DONT want to be Spanish or have ANYTHING to do with Spain (your government)

Your "llanitos" are Andalusians. Fuck´s sake, even the most hardcore "llanito "nationalist admit that "they are very influenced by andalusians"


I'm alright with you subsidizing the Gibraltar while all companies operating there get absolutely fucked and your NHS goes -even more- into the shitter. See, we agree on this too.

Keep the butthurt, britshits.
Why would we give away land AGAINST the people who resides theirs wishes??
Seriously I'm not an empire apologist but Spanish/Argies are both completely retarded in this regard.
>Your "llanitos" are Andalusians
Yes and they want NOTHING to do with Spain
> RN
> helping in the war against drugs
Basically every conflict in the waters near Gibraltar has happened because a Spanish police boat was pursuing drug dealers and the RN stopped the police boat.
But, the people of Gibraltar don't want to be Spanish. They have voted overwhelmingly against it on more than one occasion. You'd be getting a poisoned chalice and a headache for years to come by forcing them back into Spain
hahahaha based
did not know that.

stay the fuck out of our territorial waters!
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>tfw EU can use Gibraltar as a card to push for a better deal
Good, good.
And? We have to be united as a people, you fucking disgusting anglo. It is our land, our fucking rock. Andalusia FOR THE ANDALUSIAN PEOPLE, GTFO INVASOR.
Why did you give Hong Kong back to China then?
The point is that Gibraltar does not have territorial waters beyond the port. That's where the whole discussion comes from.
1) The lease was uo
2) They did, in fact, want to return to China and had protested about it several times. Turning around later on after you've realised you made a mistake isn't on us.

It's not nearly the same at all. Llanitos are foreign colonists that don't have any right over that clay. They are not Gibraltarians. Gibraltarians are the ones that got displaced from there.

Ceuta y Melilla are a completely different story. And that's an issue between Spain and Morocco in any case, and you don't have any say in that. Which btw is just about sovereignity, not about Ceuta and Melilla being a pirate shithole and the worst neighbors ever as it's the case if the fucking '''''''''''gibraltarians''''''''''.
I'm all for helping you shed the yoke of your Castillian oppressors anon
To buy goodwill? Because there is absolutely 0 way we could have held it militarily? Any number of reasons. It's a very sad feel though, I was only a boy.
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>spain and company threatening rightful anglo clay

I think we all know how this will end
>muh spanish creative interpretation of international law

Not an argument. They've been there hundreds of years. Let them be.
By attacking defenceless fishermen like fucking leafs do?
>Castillian oppressors
If they had been oppressor, our culture would have disappeared. Castillians are not the problem, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
Ah yes, they wanted it so much that 1 million Hong Kong residents migrated out of it before the transfer, scared of being under the Chinese yoke especially after what happened in Tiananmen.

Also, the lease only applied to some of the islands (New Territories), Hong Kong Island and Kowloon were ceded to Britain in perpetuity, so there wasn't any lease, it was a situation similar to Gibraltar. You just cucked out and sold "your people" to a foreign dictatorship.
Spanish fishermen taking the piss

British fish for British fishermen
don't you like cheap ciggys anon ;_;

>Let the invasion be and occupation be.

Nah. We'll team up with all the countries wanting to have a go at britshits. It's a nice list.
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I hate the smokers with all my forces. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
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>Fabian Picardo
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I don't know why I should care about this rock
Brits, you can have it
What exactly did you expect you stupid anglos?
The UK is free to leave as much as the EU and its members are free to prioritize their interests over the British ones, now that you're leaving us.

Balkanization of the british isles best day of my life.
who cares lmao, juust be friend, and let's talk about what really matter.
Gibraltar bridge when???? we (iberians) need to extend our relations to northern africa, and it begins with a massive 15km bridge, we will be an united country in the future, from Coruna to Algiers. we share a lot, people just don't know it yet
Callate maricòn traidor.
its the anglo way, to attack civilians and steal their land
>we will be an united country in the future
T. Merkel
>Ceuta and Melilla were part of Spain before Morocco was formed. Gibraltar was spanish before being british.
this fucking meme give me a castillian dynasty that existed before a moorish dynasty and controlled ceuta or meillia
The fact is, during and beyond the Brexit process, Gibraltar will continue to grow and prosper economically and will, paradoxically, provide wealth for the whole Spanish region around us.
>The fact is, during and beyond the Brexit process, Gibraltar will continue to grow and prosper economically and will, paradoxically, provide wealth for the whole Spanish region around us.
The fact is, during and beyond the Brexit process, Gibraltar will continue to grow and prosper economically and will, paradoxically, provide wealth for the whole Spanish region around us.
>The fact is, during and beyond the Brexit process, Gibraltar will continue to grow and prosper economically and will, paradoxically, provide wealth for the whole Spanish region around us.

t. Fabian Picardo
not with EU, bro,
with magreb, northern morocco and algeria.
>More Italians are believed to have moved to the UK than any other European country in 2015; 600,000 are now estimated by the Italian consulate to live in the UK. More Italians live in London than any other city in the world, except Buenos Aires.

Why are there so many Italians leaving Italy and moving to the UK? Is it because your economy has stagnated for the past 10+ years and you have some of the worst unemployment and youth unemployment out of the Eurozone?
ceuta was portuguese, you can still see it in the flag, but we shouldn't fight, just unite our countries, portugal, spain, morocco and algeria
>with magreb, northern morocco and algeria.
wtf dude? you have to go back to morocco
why, they have a big young population, don't hate them because they are muslim. they built alhambra :)
>More Italians live in London than any other city in the world, except Buenos Aires.
grim. it's also the sixth largest french city.
> Gibraltar stays British
> we build a bridge between Gibraltar and Africa
> Gibraltar gets flooded with cultural enrichers
> land border with EU is closed
> since Britain is not part of the EU, Britain must deal with the migrant flood alone
> in a few years, the religion of peace becomes the majority in Britain

Ok eternal Anglo, you can have Gibraltar if you want it so much
>wanting maghrebis in your country
ayyyyy lmao
before being under portugal's control , it was under moorish control . but that doesnt matter now spaniards have those cities and there is nothing wrong in that , they just to stop with their stupid meme of claiming they are the first owner of the cities
Gibraltar is the most beautiful city in the spanish part of southern iberian peninsula.
spain wants it for that
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>As ever, the UK remains implacable & rock-like in our support for Gibraltar

t. Boris Johnson
Visigothic Spain controlled Ceuta before Mahoma started having deliriums.
gibraltar can stay british, we build the bridge to tarifa :)
What the heck have you been smoking , joao?
They are fucking moors.
Ao caralho os mouros de merda.
Pic related, Visigothic Kingdom before the Muslim invasion.
yeah i know that but i said a Castilian dynasty . Visgoths were just an ancient tribe that got defeated . its just like me a poonisian claiming carthage's old clay
You can barely afford to keep the lights on, never mind build a bridge to Africa lmao.
rock-like ahahah was it on purpose?
what a beautiful aryan man he is by the way
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>Pic related, Visigothic Kingdom before the Muslim invasion.
Forgot pic, kek.
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Spain pls stop bullying Gibraltar.
Deja de beber, joao.
We're not losing Gibraltar. The vast majority of them want to be UK citizens, therefore it's not happening. This is just another attempt by the media to clutter up Brexit with stupid shit posting.
I so wish we were still al andalus to be honest, we could have lead islam to a brighter era.
AlAndalus was a very enlightened place, we were the best muslims ever
And this proves what, exactly? Anglos are still scum.
The Castillian monarchs are descendants of the Visigoths through Pelayo and the Asturias Kingdom, it's the same.

It was called Reconquista and not Conquista for a reason, m8.
don't be rude to them, please.
we are here to discuss magreb iberic union now
t. alberto barbosa
it's true, I was in northern morocco this summer, and I loved it, I felt at home.
pic related, a fort we built there :)
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>The vast majority of them want to be UK citizens

have you ever been to morocco? are you a basque or catalan separatist?

they are from our berber race by the way
Well, no Muslim dynasty, let alone a Moroccan one, ever controlled the current city of Melilla because it was founded by Castile on a wasteland. A Muslim city had existed before that, but it had been reduced to ruins due to the Fez-Tremcen wars.

Ceuta was a Portuguese city that joined Spain after Portuguese independence.
gibraltar should stay british, it hads character and quirkiness to our peninsula, plus it's too british already , I went there to by the way, before I went to morocco, it feels like a typical spanish resort, but with british pubs, and flags, style
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>the eternal Tuga
pic of gibraltar with uk flag, and lord nelson reference
>have you ever been to morocco?
It is a shithole full of mussies

>are you a basque or catalan separatist?
No, I am not

>they are from our berber race by the way
Fuck off, I am Iberian.
i love you spain, and I want a spanish girlfriend
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First Spain bullies Gibraltar now it turns its attention to our oldest ally Portugal. No shame.
we are berbers though, magrebs are berber + some southern ssa mix, but they are still close to us, and they like us, they don't treat us like northern pigs or like we are northern pigs
Gilbralter is rightfully British. Why can't Spaniards accept that?
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Why are Italians so rude, bros?
>British people in general surely fucking are
Yes we are thinking also in the 300 k retirees that want to apply 4 the spanish nationality cause muuhhh cheap healthcare and comfy weather. we should call all these retarded that went to work to the UK and send you that fucking retirees leaching Spain
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Portugal is a better country in literally every single way than Spain.

This is fact and can't be refuted.
It is artificially British though. Like trying too hard, filled with cliches. Its basically a big souvenir shop.
They treated you good because you have money and they knew it. Never trust in moors, they love betraying.
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Moroccans have like 30% SSA admixture nowadays.

There was a time when all Moroccans were like pic related. I don't know if it is the case now after a milennia of trans-Saharan slave trade, but even their king looks like a mulatto.
Yup, and their loyalty is only due to the fact that they are basically a tax haven and benefit more from that that being in Spain without those economical privileges.

I mean, fucking FABIAN PICARDO, give me a break.
hope to see the Brits out of Gibraltar and Cyprus one day :)
strong british name.

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>Portugal is a better country
>hope to see the brits out of the earth
Why can't Spain and the UK get on? Here's a British man with his daughter he had with his Spanish wife speaking perfect Spanish.

Brits are so ruthless when it comes to their interests :(
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What have you got against the beautiful name of Picardo?
if Cyprus or Gibraltar want us gone then that's fine I guess.

We're just pirates, let us keep our pirate towns ;_;
He's spanish is quite good, i'm impressed
How long has he been here?
Funny enough, if it wasn't for Gibraltar I think we would be top lads. Gibraltar is the single reason of why we can't have a normal diplomatical relationship and our peoples from time to time resent each other.
No idea, he's a British actor who has worked in Spain and in the theatre there.
Stop with the cutest wolverine
He is a kike. Not even joking.

>Why can't Spain and the UK get on?

Why should we get along with cumskin subhumans who only know how to vomit, drink and fuck their cousins?
>Gibraltar is the single reason of why we can't have a normal diplomatical relationship
Do you even history? they are not Ireland, even Rome has been looted by spaniards
I'm talking about the year 2017.
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>who only know how to vomit, drink and fuck their cousins?

Only 2 of them things are true.
Nothing wrong with fucking your cousins if nobody gets pregnant.
>Nothing wrong with fucking your cousins
t. gypsy
>them things
>have access to all the gold in Latin America
>have more land than you know what to do with
>fall and become shameful husk of a formerly proud and powerful empire
>actually have a dictatorship
>shit economy

I would much rather be a Brit than a Spaniard. At least y'all got football to be proud of
All anglo nations will back the Brits so just fuck off Moor rape babies
t. Erkaitz Korretxobikulmendia
Don't insult me like that, man, I was taking the piss.
We will unleash the Spic swarm on you.
Whatever you say, mexican.
When will it end
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I'm not mexican
t. Walter Pérez Ramires de las crusesitas y todos los santos de los remedios y callejuelas de oaxancatleaoan e ahuatluacantlan y los mellizos de las escopetas.
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>Christian Hernandez, president of the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce, told the programme that the British government needed to "stand firm in the face of Spanish bullying".

>"We don't want to be independent from the UK.

>"We've made it very clear in the last 100 years, in the last 20 years, in the last 15 years, we want a constitutional relationship with the UK, where we continue to be part of the UK and independence is not something we aspire to," he added.

fuck off spics
Vete a la mierda puto pirata hijo de la gran puta.
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>Christian Hernandez, president of the Gibraltar Chamber of Commerce
>Christian Hernandez
won't even bother translating this, get fucked cunt

It's so ridiculous that it is baffling how this farce of a "British" territory is still up.

This people are literally a bunch of mafiosi Andalusians pretending to be Brits for the single reason of the economical benefits of living in a tax haven.
>where we continue to be part of the UK and independence is not something we aspire to
Yes they try to get that in the 60's but fail because we are not Italy and they aren't Malta, if they leave England they have to come back to Spain
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>Christian Hernandez
they are brits reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I would die for my British brothers Christian Hernandez and Fabian Picardo
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>Treaty of Utrecht reversed
>Gibraltar ceded to Spain
>Belgium ceded to Spain
>Sardinia ceded to Spain
>Milan ceded to Spain
>Sicily ceded to Spain
>Kingdom of Naples ceded to Spain
>Spain ceded to France

Lol, I'm British heritage bud.
Spain holding the Netherlands or Milan in 2017, sounds ridiculous right?

Well, the same goes for Gibraltar in fucking British hands.

No need to revoke any treaty, just create a new one with only the rock involved.
Does the 2002 referendum mean anything to you?
Sure, Paco.
>waahhh why don't people just give me free stuff

Now I know where Latin Americans get their shit attitudes and sense of entitlement from. Why don't you just take it from them, after all, they are only a stones throw away from Spain :^
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Gibraltar is a complete shitholes filled with banks and jews. The building were eastern Europe tier there.
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>Giving Gibraltar back is giving free stuff akin to some kind of dindu on welfare

Why do I even bother replying to an American.
Is it not true? Just pay for it or invade the damn place
Gibraltar is not on sale like a pack of Doritos on a supermarket, mate. And the rock is not worth a single death, despite all you have seen in this thread, the UK and Spain have friendly relationships and are allies under NATO. This whole debate re-emerged mostly due to Brexit.
Offering some money would be a start
12 years GDP?
>the UK and Spain have friendly relationships and are allies under NATO

Obviously this.
Ceuta was also part of Portugal.
Furries must love that
They wanted to remain in the EU because they thought Spain would go full retard if Brexit happened.

Prescient really.
Ceuta and Melilla will be part of Morocco in ≈2040. All the spaniards that lived historically there moved to Andalucia in the early 2000's, there's only a couple of bases nobody want to live in Ceuta or Melilla
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