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Thread replies: 78
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>Mass Effect 1 was perf...
>not understanding perspective
Yeah, it really was, good POST, OP.
I don't think anyone ever claims ME1 was perfect. Just that it was better than any of its sequels.

It's the best and most beautiful mass effect
Graphics aged SO well.
It definitely wasn't perfect but it's the best out of the four.
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1 > 2 > 3
3 > 2 > 1
2 > 3 > 1

ME2 is the best overall game in the trilogy. Fucking fight me nerds

>3 > 2 > 1

Especially when you download that weird color filter editor to fix that shitty shadow bug on the ice planet
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Anyone who genuinely thinks ME1 was the best has nostalgia goggles. It was a good game by itself, but ME2 was the highlight of the trilogy. ME3's story was shit, but the gameplay was amazing.

It's actually 3>1>2 for gameplay

I've replayed the trilogy recently and 1 was better than i remembered it and 2 was much worse.

It probably helped playing them all the PC, ME1 is really fun with those extra hotkeys
You're spot on about the trilogy imo. Andromeda has extremely good music, too. On par with ME2 imo.
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The only good thing about Mass Effect are the characters.
And only some of them. The gameplay was always mediocre at best and the story went to shit after the first one.
>ME3's story was shit, but the gameplay was amazing.

The gameplay of all of the games is never better than mediocre.
that bug only happend on newer amd cpu
It's 2 > 3 > 1

2 is the only balanced game in the trilogy.
>2's generic action movie soundtrack
>better than 1's synth

Shit taste.
Mass Effect was never good

No idea why it got so much attention when DA:O was far better
Have you even listened to 2's soundtrack? All three of them have great sound and music. There's still many of ME1's music's elements in both 2 and 3, it's a lie to say there isn't.
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>fight your way thought linear tunnels with strategically placed chestile walls in your ebin quest to recruit idiots to fight the terminator
>Mass Effect was never good

>No idea why it got so much attention when DA:O was far better
KOTOR II was the last good bioware game
Who ever said that?
>but ME2 was the highlight of the trilogy.
ME2 was completely pointless and the level design was pretty shit.
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2 was nothing more than "hide behind chest high wall" no enemies will flank you, very few can knock you away from cover.

Cooldowns are shared so it slows down combat, fewer abilities, unsatisfying weapons with no customization, moving while in cover and transitioning between cover is slow and clunky.

ME2 has aged far worse than ME1, which was clunky as hell but not a fully dedicated cover based shooter.
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ME1 laid the groundwork for a great SciFi RPG franchise.
But instead they made a mediocre coverbased TPS waifubat shitfest.

ME1 was merely okay but instead of improving on it they only made it worse with each title.

>He's a tall guy...
>no enemies will flank you, very few can knock you away from cover.
These are both false.

>ME2 has aged far worse than ME1
You are a fanboy.
>There's still many of ME1's music's elements in both 2 and 3, it's a lie to say there isn't.

They're heavily downplayed. The only aspect of it in ME2 (besides Uncharted Worlds which is just ME1 music) is Tali's ambient theme on Haestrom.
I couldn't stand Mass Effect 2's combat if nothing else for the fact moving Shepard around felt like he had concrete blocks attached to each foot.
Anon I hate to tell you this but you are the fanboy. And you're fanboying for a worse game.
Got 'em.
LITERALLY nobody said it's perfect, but it IS objectively, undeniably better than Andromeda in every regard.
>Horrible equipment menu
>Long loading elevators
>Forces you to use the clunky Mako multiple times
>Soldier class is broken op
>Multiple dialogue choices that don't actually result in different dialogue
>Sticky cover system
Nah son, ME1, has the weakest gameplay in the trilogy.

>These are both false.

Alright then, in my recently insanity insanity play through i was flanked ZERO times. I would find the first piece of cover i could and stick to it. The only time that strat was not functional was when i was fighting Harbinger
>2 is the only balanced game
That's not a positive thing in singleplayer games.
I've had vastly more fun with broken abilities in the series than in watered down balanced trash of 2.
People who say ME1 had bad gameplay are nu-males who think RPGs are just action games with stats.
See I did the same thing but had an opposite effect. I remembered 1 really highly but thought it was a slog to get through, and generally pretty boring save for a few moments. 2 was better as an overall whole imo, and had WAY better characters and gameplay. ME 1 could be completely broken gameplay wise by the time you were done the citadel and one of the main story quests
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Im replaying the series while waiting for the Andromeda crack and i honestly cant see why i loved this series so much.

The story is only good in the first one. The gameplay is shit in all of them, the scenarios are all small blocky corridors because thats the only thing the engine can handle, the animations have always been bad, etc

I think all these years of /v/ ruined video games for me
it's old as fuck so no shit
Suicide mission had a great track

>Forces you to use the clunky Mako multiple times

Mako is fun as shit you scrublord

>Horrible equipment menu

works well enough on PC

>Long loading elevators

Easily fixed with mods

>Multiple dialogue choices that don't actually result in different dialogue

same fucking problem in the other games

>Sticky cover system

Good thing it didn't throw its whole weight into cover based combat, because cover wasn't that important for the game, even on Insanity
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>ME1 was better than 2

This contrarian autism is up there with some of the greats like "The first R&C was the best" and "Daggerfall was better than Morrowind"
It was decent. B- to B+ depending one what you wanted out of it. Story was a bit of a ripoff, the moral system rather shit, but a neat take on things overall.

ME1 itself is already a casual RPG. Most of the RPG elements are casual and tacked on.

ME2 didn't do anything better than ME1 other than the number of characters and slightly more fluid cover based shooting.

And it did many things worse.
Crap I forgot to mention is it more or does it actually look better than ME:A because the graphics are consistent. Sure the typical dead eye Bioware face, but at least they don't look like wax people in a warm room and the texture mods help push it further.
But ME1 is just a third person shooter with stats. And a bad one at that.
Mass Effect was never good its was baby's first KOTOR that sold well to sad lonely fat diabetic bastards because of "sex scenes".

In a few years you're going to be so old that kids will call you contrarian for liking ME2 instead admitting that ME3 was by far the greatest game in the universe.

And I'll chuckle as you get assblasted.
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>Music 2>3>1

Holy shit you are a fucking pleb, how can you not prefer the unique synthy awesomeness that was 1 over the generic orchestral garbage that was 2. Kindly go fuck yourself you shit eating mongrel.



>le 1 has the best story meme

It really, really does not. In fact all the shit in the rest of the series can be traced back to the shitty writing in ME1. The only thing the story does it set up a bunch of questions that the sequels have to answer. The sequels have shitty answers, but that's because they had to deal with shitty questions

>Hey reapers, whatcha doing?
>lol you couldn't possibly comprehend

Yeah, there's no way the answer could fail to disappoint after that.
There are so many moments of shit writing in ME1 it makes you wondered just what happens to be wrong with people who defend it. Like the audio Tali retrieves from a geth databank that has Saren saying something incriminating is such an unfalsifiable and undeniable piece of evidence to prove Saren is a traitor and immediately takes the Council off his dick. Not to mention the entirety of Eden Prime at the beginning, first thing is we hear Saren pulling the trigger on Nihlus and then 7 seconds later as you turn the corner you see Sovereign taking off, then you take the tram and see Saren using the Beacon and telling the geth to set the bombs, then once that mission's done you see him riding inside Sovereign. Amazing attention to detail.
>Mako is fun as shit
The awkward controls completely kill it
>Works well enough on PC
It's a clunky system that's only tolerable on PC because of the mouse. It's a nightmare on console which is sad because ME1 was originally designed for the Xbox 360
>Easily fixed with mods
A lot of shitty things can be fixed with mods, that doesn't excuse the game for having the problem in the first place
>same fucking problem with the other games
It happens a lot more often in ME1
Who cares about how shit functions on consoles lmao

Did you play as a soldier? Because soldier ruins the game by being the brain dead option for people who dont know how to play.
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I agree with you.
I replayed 1 and 2 about half a year ago and while I agree that the music in 1 is better for the world, it sounds to me like budget trash half the time and unlike ME2, I never want to listen to the soundtrack outside of the game.
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>Those horrid shooting mechanics.
>Bland, uninteractive and brain dead environments.
>Mako gameplay.
>Absolutely forgettable boss battles.
>Trash UI second in being awful only to ME:A.

It was a game saved solely by Bioware fanboys and it's character writing.

>>Those horrid shooting mechanics.

Better than over reliance on cover based "stop-and-pop" Gear of was shit we got in ME2.

>>Bland, uninteractive and brain dead environments.

And you, in the same breath, think the hallways of ME2 and 3 are better?

>>Mako gameplay.

Mako was fine, git gud

>>Absolutely forgettable boss battles.

The human reaper wasn't ememorable because it had good gameplay, only how fucking retarded the idea was.
Mass Effect 1 has no level design to speak of, ME2 and 3 both had a lot of thought put into each area and each room is more of an arena, calling it a hallway shooter is just faggotry.
>Absolutely forgettable boss battles.
None of them were as awful as ME2's final boss at least.

>trash UI
Don't remember it being bad and it at least had hotkeys to different screens which were removed in 2.

I don't remember the shooting being any different besides the cool down, which I thought was cool compared to another shitty ammo implementation.

I liked the Mako.
t. 970 user
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>ME2 and 3 both had a lot of thought put into each area and each room is more of an arena

Putting down wall in the same copy paste halways from one is not adding more thought

If you think any of the arenas from the mass effect 2/3 games are well deigned you don't get a say in anything vidya
This is bait. Play something other than Soldier.
>None of them were as awful as ME2's final boss at least.
Benezia was a fucking nightmare where some Asari peace of shit would glitch you out of the map half the time. Saren was a retarded fight as well.
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is me1 with chest high walls added, its the same fucking hallway dipshit

>Mass Effect 1 has no level design to speak of

What am i supposed to do with this nonsense? A video game doesn't have level design? Are you retard

>calling it a hallway shooter is just faggotry.

Because that's all it was, the entire game, hallways with chest height walls with a few arenas sprinkled in.
You are so wrong that it's retarded. You have to be baiting or literally only played each of these games once several years ago and remember none of them.
>Mass Effect 1 has no level design to speak of
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post an "arena" from either game and let me laugh at you as it will be a hallway with chest high walls strewn about
The same cargo freighter and the same prefabricated building are the only level design in the game. You spend more time stuck behind a corner instead of the horrifying chest high walls you seem to hate instead, holding mouse 1 for 50 seconds to kill an enemy with infinitely regenerating health while pressing 1 every 40 seconds, hoping they don't move (and they don't thanks to ME1's non-existent AI)
You could play the game but you won't. I don't have time to spoonfeed you. Post another reaction image and be done with it.
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>I don't have a reply because I know he is right

Ill post one for you

Look a lot like a straight shot with wall in the way

Who could have guessed it?
You should specify Combat instead of Gameplay
Priority: Rannoch, Priority: Tuchanka, all of the side missions, Priority: Palauan, Priority: Eden Prime are all areas that contain primarily open, arena type encounters.

Because unlike you, I'm playing through the game right now.
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