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memesona 5

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learn japanese.
Show me proof that the japanese version doesnt say that
Are you aware of how much persona lifts from Jojo?
It's not even a meme, it's just a reference to one of the largest influences of the series

9/6 is the date, and the choices in the Japanese version are:
Time Paradox

Someone in the localization team just had to fit their memes in there.
Finally some proof
But who the fuck was monsieur croque
Its funny to think that /v/ did this indirectly
The retarded "is that a jojo reference?" that alsted like a month here spread to the rest of the internet and this translator must have think it was so fucking funny

So you did this /v/, fucking deal with it.
It's a Japanese reference that has no English equivalent, but they should have tried for another joke that all players would get, not something only for fans who completed through Season 3 of JoJo.

Who cares, the entirety of Persona is a fucking Jojo reference.


>The croque monsieur is a baked or fried boiled ham and cheese sandwich.

Looks good.

Might be there because the first part sounds like "clock" with how they spell it in Japanese.
Making a reference to a popular anime that's an internet meme in an anime RPG isn't exactly a stretch

This is the most ridiculous overblown localization complaint i've seen yet
Google says is food though and Im guessing they used it in the JP version because it sounds similar to the real answer.
This thread is so fucking cringe.
They should have gone for another food analogy that had something time related in its name.
Meme localization is godawful and people should complain about it.
>playing P4
>asks which the biggest mountain in the solar system is
>know its olympus mons
>olympus mons isn't there
>it has mt everest, mt olympus and 2 others
>select everest as it was the tallest on the list

I fucking dropped that game right there. MT OLYMPUS IS IN FUCKING GREECE
*dies of cringe* ikr xd
Is this a Doomguy's Strange Journey reference?

Reminder that Kaneko and Araki interviewed each other.
Basically the word for clock in Japanese is super close to Croque-monsieur
I laughed.
>date with futaba
>go to her house to hang out
>"lose to a game: options are

>"ah damn it"
>"you're pretty good"
>"yarra yarra"
dae everything is cringe xdddd
>joke answer gets translated into a joke answer
>food analogy that had something time related in its name.
like what.
Everlasting gobstopper?

is this a jojo reference?
whatever you say censorship shill
No, it's just that Japanese would say and thus also write the word clock the same way they'd say croque.
Instead they went with The World, which works completely fine if you're not an autist looking for memes to get mad about in everything
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you guys believe this? kek
The problem is that people that are not into your epic meme will look at that answer and not understand what they fuck you are talking about
This is bad localization, period
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They put hate speech in their localization?
It's like they deliberately hid the Y
This makes sense in context. It's was something related to 2chan. (Which is fucking huge there)
Definitely not 時計
>implying that people who play this shitty weeb game doesnt know about jojo
this is all just a bunch of moonrunes, how about some real proof
write clock in katakana

he's right, he just didn't mean the literal word.

>I'm going to play a weeb anime RPG which got a jap dub out of pure autism and i don't know about anime

oh no now he won't get one joke answer out of the entire game's dialogue?!?
Cool I dont really disagree.
This is still a bad job.
Yes, sometimes jokes aren't understood. It doesn't hurt the player to not understand them, since it's obviously not the correct answer to the question.
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I thought kek was an offshoot of lel

Fucking nips and their obsession with the French.
No, kek is a white nationalist dog whistle.
Clock hivemind
I've never watched / read anything jojo related and if it wasn't for retards specificially shoving it into my face I wouldn't have known that it was there.
A simple lol would do
Sure if it was also a joke in the original
But it isnt
This is a bad translation job period

Im not even saying this is a big deal but facts are facts
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Medium lel
Fuckin' Max Caulfield said kek in Life is Strange.
Get over yourself, kek.
But it was a joke in the original. It's a fucking sandwich whose name has "clock" in it. That's a pun, Japan loves them. It's supposed to be an obviously wrong answer that might get you to smirk.
why are you so butthurt about a reference of a manga they've been stealing from since Persona 2?

genuinely curious why you're so hurt about it
>Sure if it was also a joke in the original
>But it isnt
The joke is that dem japs can't distinguish fucking R or L pronounciation. That is your precious shitty joke that doesn't fucking work in English.
Keep on crying you fucking autist
It was a phonetic joke in the original.
And you change it to a reference.
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>still saying 'lol' in 2017

i shiggydiggy girugameshu guys don't do this
why the fuck do they do this, they should have just translated it as clock sandwich
>A simple lol would do
>Araki: But if Tokyo is the main setting, then it’s all right. I first came up with the concept of “Stands” when I was in Egypt, since the people over there looked really suspicious. So I thought they were all bad guys.

I'm fucking done. Araki is a legend.
It's not a stretch to assume people playing Persona in america might like anime, let alone heard of one of the most normalfag animes
Don't forget the TL note at the top of the screen to go with it.
I think this weeb is buttblasted
>The game that is Jojo's part 4 with demons makes a direct Jojo's reference.

Atlus is finished.
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Yeah, i totally remember now
Lel came from lol
Kek, jej, wew came from lel
But "kek" only stuck because s4s woulf spam topkek alot with this foreign pastry thing

T. Esfoures historian
Just put another food that has something time related in its name, works just as well as the original.
It has nothing to do with L and R you obviously dont play many JP quiz games

Anyways Im out of here because you will defend atlus to the death and I dont really care enough.
2chan memes being turned into 4chan memes is completely acceptable.
I miss when jojo was just ovas.
>Just put another food
name one
I mean if you really want to reflect the idiocy of today's meme-spouting culture you can do LMAO
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The only choice.
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reminder that even if the localization meme'd a jojo reference in, Persona has made legit jojo references before
>references are to westerners what puns are to the Japanese
Checks out.
now this is just sad. op is really trying hard but is really just over exaggerating.

>stupid nonsensical answer is changed to a stupid nonsensical answer
I can understanding being mad about the OP but this one is just turning a 2ch meme into a 4chan one.
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i speak japanese.

the clock pun doesn't work in english. at all.

even if they didn't have 'the world' reference there, you would complain that it isn't faithful. worse yet, you'd say it's bad translation.

here is a pun in english.
>i walked into my sister's room and tripped over her bra. it was a booby trap
there is NO WAY to translate this into japanese. it would need footnotes and explanations everywhere.

weebs that cant read jap and then complain about poor localisations are truly pathetic faggots.
I think the difference is that when the reference is in the source material, it's okay. If the localization adds in references, then it's evil.
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Played in Japan, it does say that.
as much as I hate localization teams making dumb changes, the world is a much better option than a fucking grilled cheese
No anon, even if the same point gets across that's censorship and bad localization, it has to be 100% accurate even if it makes no sense.
Because that's not what the original reference meant and sounds retarded.

Jesus Christ, the complaints over a Jojo reference in a fucking anime game whose series has made numerous Jojo references throughout its existence.
oh no they tried to have fun with the translation and included something i'd understand reeeee

i hate this fucking place
>Kek, jej, wew came from lel
Wrong, kek came from wow
>Persona has made legit jojo references

so instead of thinking of a new joke that's actually funny, let's just add a meme.
Yes, that is actually something that would've been better than a reference to some trash anime.
Jojo references aren't funny, have never been funny, and never will be funny.
> /v/ now wants direct machine translation

This non-stop inferior complex
It's actually Part 5
ZA WARUDO is one of the only Jojo references I know.
Can someone explain how Croque Monsieur is a 2ch/futaba in-joke?
What's the original supposed to be?
Sorry to break it to you, but Persona is filled with Japanese memeshit.

Persona is a literal meme game.
>thinking of a new joke that's actually funny
then tell me a joke that fits within that context
it's not, クロックムッシュ just looks and sounds like クロノスタシス
Croque sound like Clock if a nip says it
better than the localization not thinking of an actual funny joke and instead just putting an unfunny meme in.
they were talking about this line>>19263
Persona was originally just JoJo the game.
Unless you browse 2ch, you wouldn't get it
Croque and the transliteration of the word "clock" are both pronounced the same way in Japanese, kurokku. In order to easily localize the joke there would need to be a food that we eat which has a time reference of some sort. But since it doesn't, a new joke must be made up. This is a case in which localization did not make a mistake.
Pay me. It's not my job.
It really fucking doesn't.
So thats it? Oh my fucking god
penis wenis xd xd
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but they couldn't make another joke without rewriting the whole question, making it even less faithful to the original.

every line of dialogue in this scene is exactly the same as the original jap except for this clock sandwich joke.

it was a nonsense, silly answer in the jap version, and it is in this version. stuff like this is so fucking inconsequential.

here is /v/:
>huuurrr i dont understand jap or the pitfalls and immense difficulties in translating a language like japanese to english, not to mention something as fucking immense as an entire jrpg, but everything needs to be the same as the thing i dont understand!!!!

I don't get it.
thyme chicken
I speak Japanese I'm just not immersed in their internet subcultures.
Not saying they are, but you must be a fucking riot at parties, anon.
it's a jojo reference in a jojo inspired series, fora fanbase that was so autistic as to ask for a japanese voice over, so it's not like they don't get what jojo is

that you're reading into it as an EPIN MEME XD I BETTER POST THIS TO REDDIT is really just on you being you

Puns are the height of comedy.
can you delete this? doesn't fit my narrative

persona is original work of japanese fiction and doesn't reference anything in the real world
>second to the last
>standing normally is now a jojo reference
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>people complaining about memes in a game that's originally stuffed full of memes
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Does shit like this upset you OP?
this is such a trivial meme in a series that already is pretty heavily inspired by jojo i seriously dont understand why it warrants fairly regular shitposting threads
It's just stupid word play on the kana spelling. No Internet subculture involved. At least this joke anyway.
If there ever was a post that showed how people on 4chan purposefully pick and choose to understand context this would be it
>Triggered by a neutral meme
>Gaymers are more fragile than a crazy feminist.
didn't know memes were puns now as opposed to some shitty joke some autist thought up with.
wait sorry I got it mixed up, clock is the part that sounds like croque

*Stops Time*
*Girono stabs emself with his arrow
Well.. yep... I win! ahaha I win! I win win iw i win iw i iwn inw win mudadmauMDUAMDAMU


Joesepth! :)
They turned a joke about bread having the same pronunciation a clock in Japanese into a Jojo reference. Yet, in the greatest fit of irony, managed to fuck up the only two legitimate Jojo references that appear in the game. They also fucked up a Lupin III reference.

They turned the Pearl Jam restaurant joke into a Ramsey joke. Then they turned the reference to Gyro's mozzarella song into a Kpop joke.

They also completely fucked up the Jigen joke about Sakura if he wore a hat.
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How about a "TIme-to and cheese sandwich"?

Seriously, all the people complaining about this are fucking idiots. That reference changes nothing except making sense in the context
This. You would have to be blind not to see the regular references, why would a slightly subtle one get you?
No one stands like Gappy. There's some video of a guy's girlfriend playing ASB with him and she picks him only because of his goofy stance
Japan loves Jojo more than the West does
Japanese version has it too
They also changed a reference to some Japanese song to a reference to a Bon Jovi song.
is this a jojo reference?
But other references are totally fine?
>series heavily inspired by jojo down to the arcs of each game
>complaining when it makes a jojoke
Yare yare daze
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>They turned the Pearl Jam restaurant joke into a Ramsey joke.
> Treehouse paid shills on full damage control
the game is all about having a weird phenomenon connected to tarot cards based on lots of mythologies. Theres worse things they could reference.
I don't see why kids are so mad, JoJo did inspire the Persona series after all, I believe that this cheeky reference is warranted
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The worst thread I have ever seen in 4chan and i've been here since 2003.
>Pearl Jam restaurant
Fucking what? Is there some weird cum-eating joke in the game?
They could've used dark hour, but no, they chose to use jojo shit.

Fucking memespouters.
So why not just say, "references aren't funny"?
Mad weeb
I don't know what you're talking about. I'm not a shill, I just love when my japanese games get fucked in the ass with memes and unfunny internet reference. that in no way makes me a shill. I also have a tumblr and reddit account so I'm used to taking it up the ass by people bigger than me.
This bait or are you retarded?
The meme in question is a reference and pun on the tarot card "the world" which depending on the deck being played calls "the world" as "time" instead. The argument can be made it's a pun, especially in a set up like this. Of course you don't have to like it, but humor is subjective after all.
One of the customers recites a few of Okuyasu's lines from the Pearl Jam sequence and shouts "Tony OH!" in English before the gag turns into the food actually making him sick instead of better. Then the protagonist picks up a bar of soap.

They changed it into a joke about a bad fish sandwich dripping in oil.
keep telling yourself that
> why
I paid my fucking money on my game, now those lazy cunts fucked up the translation
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I wasn't saying they're the same, but the original answer was a pun. Are stupid puns any better than tired memes?
You know I don't mind the way it is now but that is a much better joke response than "the world".
ok anon, what is your awesome joke?

keep in mind it's text based so you cant just put a picture of your fat ass.
I'm particularly sick of having Jojo shit crammed down my throat any time I look at anything on the internet, I don't need ZA WARUDO XDD in my video games too.

Not that I actually give a shit, I'll just give the right answer when I get to that point and be done with it.
Not even remotely subtle.
It's something I'd probably miss unless it was pointed out to me
you gave enough of a shit to get huffy about it on the internet.
How's dark hour retarded?

What is wrong with referencing P3?

What the fuck is even the point of your post besides shitposting anon?
Maybe subtle wasn´t the right word but anyone who doesn´t know jojo won´t get it
>They thought naming a Stand Pearl Jam was a good idea.
Apparently nips don't understand our American puns either.
>ok anon, what is your awesome joke?
Not him but this seems to suit the purposes
ok, i'll concede, that's funny
a persona 3 reference like that would be awesome

but no

they went with a shitty internet me. nice jobe fatlus.
Yeah because changing dialog in games for no reason other than autistic normies, and casuals, to spit in the face of the people that will actually play your game works so well, right? Just look at how much people loved the fire emblem translation.
> look at this, you need to get triggered about it.

This is some /pol/ level bait
Dark Hour is legitimately a JJBA reference though. You just didn't know what JJBA was back then because normies hadn't ruined it.
>laughing at autists foaming at the mouth over dumb shit makes you a shill
That's pretty good.
There is no way the Japanese word for a sandwich would have worked as an English joke, retard.
That would only work if it said both hands of the clock look like they stopped moving at the 12 position
They generally don't. They just take what sounds cool and use for their own agenda.
>Putting a Jojo reference in a game about summoning Stands

the fuck is that?
Grilled cheese with some ham
>Is this a Doomguy's Strange Journey reference?

not but the move Bites the Dust is
Atlus USA needs to hire you.
You can use me as a reference anon.
so let's just replace it with a meme and not actually try to get around the language barrier xdxd
What's the Lupin reference they missed?
the real question is, how many Jotards will meme and lose out on the Knowledge points
But it's okay when SJ did it.
Holy shit, you're such a fucking autist. I sincerely hope you're only pretending to be retarded because I fucking pity you if you actually believe your bullshit.
This is even dumber than just memeing it up with The World.
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oh no a reference to anime; quick every post your angry face
t. treehouse shill
I only know about it because the Jojo fanbase is so obnoxious.
If you could actually read full sentences in English, I suggested that in the post you got mad at me for.
What was the name of the move in Nipponese?
Fuck you, that's kinda funny.
Well there you go, non jojofags will get it because jojofags can´t shut the fuck up
Honestly, if P5 is as lenient as P4 then it won't really matter if you fuck up a question or two.
Everytime I see this kinda thread I tell myself Don't be a self-hating weeb
That sounds like a monte cristo, shit's good
>P1: Yelling
>P2: More yelling
>P3: Shooting yourself in the face, sometimes with yelling
>P4: Breaking cards, sometimes with yelling
>P5: Taking off masks, sometimes with yelling

What's the best?
Which is silly anyway because there's nothing wrong with throwing in fun shit like that for incorrect answers.

I could understand if they changed something important but this is just nitpicking.
>They take what sounds cool
Well in this case it's sticky cum.
At this point I wouldn't get into JoJo if you paid me.
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>Your copy still hasn't shipped meanwhile everyone else is playing it early

Ripping off your persona sounds pretty great
Headshots will always be best.
Personas are basically Stands anyway, who gives a shit?

Why does /v/ get so triggered by JoJo?
> muh internet circlejerk

Definitely 3.
>Why does /v/ get so triggered by JoJo?

because of /a/ shitposting
>wanting to play with the horrible dub
Nigga, I've been waiting for this but I'll gladly take the language I don't understand over the shit dub we got.
P3 but only because the shooting yourself in the head thing left a real impact
Yeah, its the edgiest :^)
>At this point I wouldn't get into JoJo if you paid me.
Don´t let the fags deter you, it´s actually pretty decent
>having an autism attack over something incredibly minor
Persona and JoJo are both mainstream now, and that scares the shit out of insecure weebs who need to feel superior to others by pretending to like obscure things.
I thought it first appeared like this:
~le + lol = lel
kek (k is next to l on the keyboard)
I found it a little lame how, even though everyone had their own unique style of shooting themselves in the head, no one aimed the Evoker at their chin. Ken was close, but he aimed it at his throat rather than his chin, which seems to imply that you don't actually have to aim it at your face.
wait so what u be sayin is that this is some kinda jojo reference?
What circlejerks have you been to where people are that belligerent?
>I've been two-hand-jamming this guy to my left and the guy to my right hasn't even cupped my balls yet, FUCK
It's from WoW you underage faggots

If you're playing Horde and say "lol", Alliance players see it as "kek"
Not a p3fag but shooting yourself in the face was pretty dope
whats the actual answer to this question though

because it's the only one that makes sense
>jap version has a bad pun
>english version has a bad pop culture reference

both are equally stupid

thanks for linking this, this was a great read.
It may be from WoW, but it transformed into kek in another context here on 4chan
How about you use your fucking brain? Process of elimination.
I never played persona but isn't this game suppose to have some type of humor? Or is it 100% serious?
I cringed so hard when they pull guns to their heads and yell PERUSAWNA, what kinda of emo designer did this?
I-it was cool when I was 15.
i bet futaba says memes
>Persona borrows stands from JoJo
>Somehow this is worse
fucking /v/
I am 100% sure that reference was in the Jap version. They love 2ch. over there.
I hope not
why do people still defend persona 3 to this day?
The gameplay was poorly designed, and it tried to appeal to the Linkin Park audience.
It´s just fags who don´t know jojo who are complaining
It was supposed to symbolize them facing death head on and junk.

Really, though, the main reason was to create an impact.

Persona also got popular, you should be hating it too now anyways.
>The gameplay was poorly designed

my main problem was how fucking bad the ally AI was so I basically had to babysit those fucks

ending up fighting Nyx at level 99 with like 14 Soma items and using Armageddon to cheese the fucker

tried doing the same thing to the final boss of FES but something unexpected happened.
is there really a bon jovi reference in the fucking localization?
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>jojo referenced all the time in western and eastern media
>series heavily influenced by jojo
>/v/ freaks out over this specific instance because of the recent "jojo reference meme"
give me a break
> Not playing the portable version

Yep, I just cant stand playing turn-based game without fully controlling my units. I am just gonna sperg out if AI fucked up.
tempora shrimp
>Teddy doing Dio's pose
Unexpected kek there.

If there's any Jap series that makes consistent Jojo references, it's probably Persona. The whole game's gameplay is based around not-Stands.
Anyone making a big deal out of this would probably neck themselves if they found out how often jokes are changed in localizations. It's usually necessary, get over it already.
I didn't have a PSP at the time.

Hell, I have not purchased P4G for one very important reason

>Anyone making a big deal out of this would probably neck themselves if they found out how often jokes are changed in localizations.
especially in the Neptuina series
it's not a joke, it's a meme.
>/v/ loves low budget trash Neptunia games for the memes and epic references
>/v/ hates Persona for the exact same reasons
This is the most autistic thread I've seen here in a good while and I read Yooka Laylee threads.
Don't worry, in a week or so the anons who left /v/ to avoid spoilers will come back, and they won't have all this retarded negativity.
Persona threads will finally be good again.
What the internet calls "memes" are literally no different from inside jokes.
kek came from people intentionally misspelling lel
OMG 4chan references what the fuck! Oh wait this place is based off 2chan from Japan which Persona is set in. Pull your head in tards.
Persona is originally filled with Japanese memes.
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neptunia is kusoge so having memes doesn't matter

persona is practically art so ruining it with fucking memes is disrespectful
Persona has had JoJo references since the first game though.

Hell, Persona 3 lifted a ton from JoJo and Persona 4 was literally JoJo Part 4.
>/v/ is one person

get out
Persona in Japanese has tons of memes in it. Stop being autistic.
chronon the cob
>Persona 4 references Twilight.
>No one cares.

Nu-/v/ just wants something to complain about. Kinda like feminazis.
P1 and P2 duology was posing while yelling.
bet they're better than western memes. bet they're actually smart.
Like what in 3?
People bring up that the series was inspired by Jojo, but I think the issue here is a case of just spouting out the most well-known phrase from the series the way Jojo fans do.
>it's okay when japanese devs put 2ch memes in their games but it's not okay when theyre added in english localization

I thought that reference was pretty funny actually.
top zozzle
Japanese memes are dat boi tier. You are a really retarded weeb.
That's a fact, Japanese are sure smarter than retarded western gaymers
Is that the /ck/ noodle abomination?
But Croque Monsieur isn't a meme as was discussed.
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>learn japanese.
i am doe
You misread what he said. He didn't say the bread pun was a meme. He said added, not replaced.
Can you introduce me to your sisters, aunts, cousins, classmates and childhood friends anon?
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I got. OP is a brilliant marketeer getting us to talk about the game by pretending to be retarded.

I'm a genius.
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Croque = Kuroke = Clock

Activates my almonds that you're so blind
>learn japanese
no thanks, kanji is fucked
The grammar is more fucked. It's basically a caveman language.

Not them but its not JUST that

Its two or three things, including it being from wow, another being that it works as a laugh onomotapeia , i.e.

>Japan grammar

That shit's ez man
I remember years ago, triple q made good shit but now he/she's just fucking cancer.
I don't know if it had achieved meme status, but there were definitely threads about the PQ promotional image.
I remember because it was the first I had heard of JoJo since that Dreamcast fighting game.
It's not complex, it's too simple for its own good. It's a primitive language that can only be understood through context.
no, i dont focus on production at all
grammar rules are no more complication that reading a game wiki
kanji is also not the real problem, its the number of words in total
the number of common kanji eventually become well known, because of their frequent appearance
rare kanji will appear as often as a literary english book contains unknown words
I would say the vocabulary is more fucked, its full of half-assed machine-translated English.
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Croque-monsieur eh? I see, I see. Thank you very much for clarifying.

Also, thank you for not being on the localization team. That would make no sense for English speaking audiences. At least The World does.

Fucking weebs and their need for things to be literal translations. There's no need to sperg over a harmless reference.
Am I supposed to be mad or something?
"le ironic joejoe" thing took off pretty hard on Silvagunner. Probably why the people who spew it out at very possible opportunity are such insufferable memelords.
No one wants it to be a literal translation, thanks for your useless post.
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I think JoJo is an okay series. Its just that nowadays you see IS THIS A JOJO REFERENCE shitposting has overtaken any actual JoJo shitposting.
Why are we bitching about any Persona when Trinity Soul exists?
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>They could've made a reference, but no, they chose to make a reference
jesus christ thats cancer, thanks for the info
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