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Is peta the biggest faggot ever?

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Is peta the biggest faggot ever?
they are the like that person that says they care about the homeless but when asked if they donate or go to a soup kitchen they fuck off
yes, these dumbfuck 'news' sources shouldn't even be giving these attention-seeking faggots what they want
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Peta is retarded. This is nothing new
>Is peta the biggest faggot ever?

PETA is an acronym for the organization People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, not, as you seem to think, an individual named "Peta"
Thanks bro
*puts on*
But it's just that they're SOOOO RETARDED
mm delicious. thank ewe
wait so you are telling me if I buy a wool coat i get a free food with it as well? Sounds like a great deal to me
>Haha, April Fools so fu-
>It's being reported by two different sites
I love animals, but PETA is retarded
Just like I love traps, but Gays & Lesbians are retarded
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Why wouldn't they go after breath of the wild? You actually kill fucking animals in that game.
So if I breath, I will kill other animals by taking their air away! Thank PETA. Let's not breath together! <3
Why would someone kill a wool sheep after shearing it? That doesn't even make sense.
>shave animal
>its immediately drops dead on the spot
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You're the second biggest faggot
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fuck off with your weeb tumblr emoticons faggot
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>loves traps
>hates gays
I think it's a pun
Ewe = animal
you = (You)
Nobody cared when they went after pokemon, nobodu will care now.
i kekd
Here's your (ewe)
mm delicious. thank ewe
peta has an autistic hatred for nintendo for some reason

>we noticed that in your game, people breathe without you depiction millions of innocent, unassuming microbes being genocided by their cold, uncaring immune systems
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no, she's the best pornstar ever

her BLACKED scenes are fucking amazing
Or better yet, why don't they actually target the dairy farms that are going through with these supposed cruel practices instead of a family-friendly video game company

Oh wait, because they're fucking retarded, like always
Traps aren't gay anon, and neither is fapping to them
t. faggot
We need a Sony containment board
Peta would. Kinda like their '''''''''''''''''refuges'''''''''''' for animal will euthanize the animals after a few day only

Turns out it cost money to care about abandonned animals, and they prefer to use the money for their retarded ad shit.
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I like milk.
>Nobody cared when they went after pokemon
Nintendo cared enough to make them the villains in gen 5.
They day you stop believing that is the day you will stop hating yourself.
because they want their shit to snowball

its fictional animals today; kill all humans because theyre a threat to animals tomorrow
It's a lot easier to protest a piece of popular media now. Since that gets them more attention and they won't get arrested for fire bombing more farms that way.
Their recent tweet about milk being a symbol of muh white supremacists got them a lot of attention, This whole organization makes me want to punch a wall.
They're probably still working on their "Death of the Wild" flash parody.
Wait that "Milk is racist" bullshit gained traction?
They always manage to narrowly edge out Greenpeace for that title, yes.
Why is everything racist now? is my desktop racist too?
Is it white?
Very white
They're also pretty fucking crazy in the fact that they want to murder all pets.
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For once I agree with Peta because the cows should have been titty monster girls like this.
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The closest thing to mainstream attention it got was an opinion piece on the Washington times


That said peta is no stranger to pushing lies as truth to benefit their cause.


The replies are universally shitting on peta, no one's buying it but it's getting a lot of eyeballs on theim tho.

Especially your desktop.
It's simple. Only true or honorary Whites can handle their milk, and since PETA is as blue-pilled as it gets they are against milk.
Wew. How is this even close to accurate for sheering sheep
They should ban breastfeeding! How dare we let mothers feed their nazi juice to our young!!
PETA knows exactly what they're doing.

Protesting BOTW would be a humorous footnote. No one would care, news outlets wouldn't write anything, because lots of games have done the same thing as BOTW before. Sometimes PETA has even protested them.

Protesting 1-2-Switch, on the other hand, is weird. Weird enough that the news outlets pick up on it and start running stories.

PETA doesn't actually care about what goes on in the game they're protesting, they want publicity.
Killing cooking mama is the GOAT peta flash game, none of you faggots can convince me otherwise.
fuck off peter
imo I'm not saying they should be fucking terrorists or anything, but they've supposed spent 35 whole fucking years """investigating""" this issue and haven't done fuck all

Oh but NOW it's a problem once someone puts a milking minigame in a childrens toy. God forbid.
PETA steals dogs from peoples' property and kills them
>but they've supposed spent 35 whole fucking years """investigating""" this issue and haven't done fuck all
They did do some fuck though. They set some buildings on fire.
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You know no one cares about PETA or listens to them, right? Like seriously, have you ever seen a person outside of PETA who didn't view them as nutters?
okay yeah but maybe some non-terrorist level idiotic kind of fuck, like, I don't know, pushing for some actual regulations or some shit.

To be fair, I'm not saying instigating change is easy, but they've claimed they've had HALF A FUCKING LIFETIME of "investigating" and all they've done is be domestic terrorists and slander a video game company
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They don't kill them because they can't afford to care for them, their whole ideology is to kill all domesticated animals and keep humans separated from wild animals.
>opinion piece
The fuck is that?
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Commerically produced milk is fucking disgusting, though.

Do guys have any idea how much pus and blood from overmilking ends up in the average commercial gallon of milk?
Literally nobody with any sense gives a fuck about what peta has to say.
PETA is probably trying to hold on to their lost popularity they had back in the 2000s. Once people found out that they were doing illegal and unethical shit, people pretty much called them out as being hypocritical ingrates. For the organization that practically started the veganism fad of the 2000s, they sure fell hard looking at them now. Hubris and narcissism will fuck you up.
wow. what a bunch of fuckign mongoloid.

I didn't know it was possible to be this fuckign retarded
They are worse than that, they are like that person who tells everyone all about how they care so much about the wellbeing of the homeless, and about how much good they do, then they go hunting hobos at night, corral them into their homeless shelters, and murder them quietly, all the while slinging buckets of paint at anyone whom they arbitrarily decide doesn't help as much as they do
I remember the days where PETA was only of the two groups that were a fairly big deal to make complaints about something, shit done changed.
Peta is desperately trying to get their old 2000 audience back, I honestly forgot they existed
This one is particularly retarded, it's cruel not to shear sheep
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anyone who uses "le pills" meme should be shot these days.
get out
What? Isn't that what pasteurization is for? I always heard fresh milk was more likely to contain blood because it isn't processed.
God damn I'd fuck the shit out of her

And if you knew what was in most shit you eat or drink, you'd never eat or drink again.
>Hubris and narcissism will fuck you up.
Or make you president. One or the other.
It really is way worse than that.

They're like the person who criticizes everyone for how they do nothing for the homeless, and takes money all the time for the homeless.
Then you find out that the way they help the homeless is kidnapping them and locking them in a freezer till they die.
Start with yourself, fagboy
>Go to barber
>Get killed
How did they react to Harvest Moon?
That's called NIMBY, anon. Everyone WANTS to help, just not in their backyard.
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These are the same retards that took offense to Mario in a tanooki suit, and made a disturbing flash game about. They were also 20+ years late.
I didn't use the meme, gringo. Go swallow a redpill full of cyanide. Let the truth set you free from life
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Resist those urges!
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>mfw peta turned friend tried to feed me this horseshit
There's worse anon
I don't think they know what that is.
Shit, I think people who harm animals should be executed Russian style but PETA goes full retard about it.

why do they still exist?
You don't need to use the meme to be eligible for the lead pill
Go watch Jamal fuck your wife and end it
why is it that manlets are always the ones that say drinking milk is bad
No, the people who give them attention are

Not that guy but he's right. It's only 25% gay.
That's why you don't make friends with girls anon
well its not """wrong"""
but its also not bad for you so ye...
aren't sheep supposed to be sheared anyway?

like, if they aren't sheared, they get matted hair and skin fungus and shit.

what a stupid poster.
How do you know he's short anon
Are muslims not allowed to eat turkey? And who the fuck eats turkey with grapes
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Nah, I'd totally fuck a muslim chick or marry one. I think they're cut and adorable and I want to protect one from evil white nationalists
Yeah pretty much. It's because of the way we've bred them for wool output.

PETA would rather have all sheep be dead than have them be under human domestication, though.

maybe in the most cherry picked dairy farms in 3rd world despots running hand-me-down soviet equipment, sure. The sophistication of modern dairy farming is unreal, the machines stop when the pressure from the cow's teats drops below a threshold.

And even then overmilking barely has anything to do with the quality of the milk. hand squeezed fresh milk is going to have just as much piss and shit in it as factory milk.
Modern Domestic sheep have been so bred for wool production that not sheering them leads to them having crazy heavy ridiculously hot coats that can make them sick or kill them.

This is a picture of an escaped sheep.
I will never understand veganism. It's not meme science shit like le crime statistics or le genes posted here. Like, Humans are factually omnivores. The fact you have to take certain pill suplements to stay healthy on a vegan diet shows that it was never the bodies intent to survive off just greens.

Almost all commercially produced food is disgusting. Do you know there are "acceptable" amounts of bug parts and mouse feces in processed foods? Do you know how old the meat and eggs you buy typically are?
I enjoyed this one, and the level of absurdity made me laugh
you should see a """modern""" cow

everytime i see it it makes me hate humans again
That nigga looks swole as fuck
>PETA made these and Super Tofu Boy
>still haven't been sued

>Shadbase got taken down over fucking Roblox
This world ain't fair.
Actually better than the source material.
Yeah domesticated sheep grow their coats endlessly and need to be sheared regularly or >>18958 happens. And the shearing process in a proper farm isn't unpleasant or harmful for the sheep in anyway, not counting some nicks from an electric razor that the sheep won't give a shit about.

In that picture peta probably just bought a lamb, beat it until it died and took a picture of it.
Who in their right mind would think a mini game where you pick almonds to make almond milk would be fun? Almond milk is shit anyways
Peta has never seen how sheeps are sheared though. The amount of blood/flesh is used to add a shock value to the picture which is fucking stupid. And with the inclusion of a nu-male hipster that ruins the picture.

Peta is a total joke company.
The Demon Barber of Sheep Street
Are you implying this is cruelty? Sheering a sheep doesn't harm it unless you are crazy aggressive with it or something.

I dont think its hard to understand that people will eat or not eat what they want. Whats hard to understand is how batshit insane that one choice can make some people.
Pretty sure that title is reserved for people who bought the Zelda Machine.
How can such animal cruelty be allowed?
Almond milk is great. Your taste is shit.
>being upset shad got taken down
Fucking degenerate, and not in the /pol/ way

Who the fuck shaves dogs for clothing besides North Koreans

It;s quite hard to understand people intentionally going against basic survival instincts. Choosing to eat on food over another is not the same as cutting out all foods with vitamin b-12 and trying to get by without the necessary vitamin.
that sheep is probably like aaaah fuck yeah that feels good
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underrated kek
The amount of shit that guy got for doing that photo was amazing.
Ah PETA the real life equivalent of the peoples front of Judea.

They have been jokes for fucking years now. Nothings changed much.
Parody is protected, no one is protected from parody. Shad will easily win. Companies are trying really hard to start violating free use, parody, and the right of artistic expression, by going after anyone who does art.

Not too surprising. Society has been heading toward a strong anti-arts and science phase for a while.
Bees are abused in almond production.
not for clothing, just general grooming and a short coat for the dog in the summer. Ever had a dog with fast-growing fur?
>liking censorship
Hi there, SJW.
What happened?
>Shadbase got taken down over fucking Roblox

Wouldn't care if it weren't for the fact that he got some pretty good artists to post stuff on his site as well

>complaining about censorship
>complaining that PETA hasn't been censored
>copyright infringement = censorship
I don't really give a fuck about shad.
I'm just upset that all the good shit goes away when bad shit like PETA is aloud to keep flappin' their cumflaps.

>nb4 >shad is good
More porn is never not good, faggot.
dont tell peta
I shave my dog in the summer. Thick coat dogs weren't meant to live in 90 degree plus deserts.
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>we suggest that instead of sugarcoating the subject, Nintendo switch to simulating activities in which no animals suffer
>switch in italics saying "look at this pun"

I get that it might be hard to put a different word in that spot, but did they really have to italicize it?
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So there's Rinos getting poached in zoos and wildlife preserves and they're concerned about a goddamn video game animal?
Yeah, he's a different guy.
I'm just saying I don't like PETA but it seems like an uneven balance. At least Shad was doing something useful. I don't know if other anon actually cares.
What copyright? Copyright doesn't come into the equation for parody.

There's a reason Nintendo bought every copy of Super Hornio bros it could find, or why George Lucas lost a case against a porn parody of star wars. The only way it is violating copyright is if Shads art is so damn good it passes as being official material and people can't tell the difference.
Nothing too special. Just the appropriate reaction to how bullshit that campaign was. His band I Killed the Prom Queen used to be pretty popular and that popularity attracted a lot of people to call out his/peta's bullshit. He was basically endorsing a complete lie and a a minor shitstorm occurred.
All my dogs have had hair and not fur, they just get trimmed. I see what you meant now though.
Why is it that /pol/ cucks are always the most degenerate of them all? I just like seeing people I dont like get fucked over.
Perfectly reasonable
>fapping to western shit in the first place

these are the guys equating meat eating to domestic abuse,

by that logic you might as well equate it to rape

Not that guy but they ran a story on it here in Australia and they got some PETA representative to interview on national news. She then proceeded to get BTFO by a bunch of corporate liberals for talking shit about our Sheering industry.
How fucking stupid can one prudish person be?
How the fuck do I get in on this shit?
>just like seeing people I dont like get fucked over.
That's good, except when you are essentially allowing horrible prescedence happen in order to get your hate boner off. Shad goes down for porn, that's okay. Next week some furry artist you like isd taken down, and the week after a few more. Not so funny anymore, is it?

>but my nip art
If porn parody art was illegal in the US, most sites hosting Japanese porn would go offline.
Not who you're responding to. Parody can be a weird thing and isn't always black and white.
Eh, it's not all bad.

Gotta realize I'm like a 12 tabs guy.
Thanks for not ragging on my spelling
>Copyright doesn't come into the equation for parody.
But it absolutely does. Parody can be copyright infringement. But being parody is one of the factors that can make a work "fair use", a.k.a. legally and ethically acceptable copyright infringement.

Whether parody actually is "fair use" requires actually going to court and having a judge decide, though. So in Nintendo's case it was probably just cheaper to pay for it.

that's just semantics though and I'd rather not get into a big drawn out discussion over copyright law. The point is, 'censorship' isn't even relevant here/
It's a desperate cry for attention and you fags are indulging it. Think about it, when was the last that peta was relevent?
Fair use is defense not a right. So the idea that shad would easily win anything based around that is fool hardy and shows just how much of a dumb faggot living in a bubble you are.

Fair use can easily be beaten by anyone if the give so hard of damn and willing to spend ungodly amount cash lawyering it up.

Like shit nigga for real annoys me to all hell and back when dumb pseudo intellectual faggots as your self pretend to fucking know anything about anything.

So the only thing that will determine shads outcome of things i just how willing and wanting the people on his ass are and little to nothing to do with shad sadly. Shit sucks and is hella lame in genral sure but fuck nigga you so dumb and closed off from the world in your dumb ass bubble that shit has quite honestly triggered me.

since dumb asses such as your self are my trigger.
All food has gross shit in it retard.
Do you know how many insect parts are in the grain you eat? Do you eat yogurt?
Well, they did cause a stir after the filming of A Dog's Purpose, although it didn't catch on.

Funny enough, even though Ellen Degeneres is a huge animal lover and she's been insufferably political as of late, when PETA announced their plans to boycott the film, Ellen basically told her fans to tell PETA to fuck off and to go see the film anyway because it accomplished more shit than they ever have.
It was glorious although my imagination may have padded it out a little.
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>another left wing """""non-profit"""" spewing garbage opinions
>shitty peta games are allowed
>the metroid 2 fan remake got shut down

We live in a bad timeline
oh without a doubt
Seriously, it's amazing how little people understand copyright, but at the same time act like they understand it perfectly.

A lot of the time, the reason a work isn't taken down off the internet isn't because it's "fair use", but because the copyright holder doesn't know, doesn't care, doesn't want to risk publicity backlash, or can't be arsed to spend the money/time on a copyright suit.
Peta isn't "another". They're the fucking original. How underage are you?
Why do white people like to say nigga so much
>It's amazing how little people understand copyright , but at the same time act like they understand it perfectly
This is /v/ we're talking about. You really shouldn't be surprised.
it's not just /v/. Have you ever seen a video on youtube putting a quote about "fair use" in their description, as if that affords them any actual protection?
Didn't it come out that the dog's purpouse shit was literally edited and faked to damage the movie?

If PETA did that they'd be sued to hell and back.
Oddly enough, the Tofu Boy one actually wasn't bad. I think it was literally just Meat Boy with a different sprite and insults against meat eaters during loading screens.

But I understand that isn't the point.
One is parody. Both would probably win in court, but PETA has the money to fight a lawsuit and most indie-devs are too afraid of legal trouble.
It's because it's a "forbidden" word, so it's more enticing to use.
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>Almond milk
Oh yeah, of course. The funny thing is, this shit is so rampant that Youtube even went and set up their own page explaining copyright infringement/fair use.
It's because everyone who is making youtube videos now grew up seeing people upload whatever the fuck they wanted with no concept of how anything works.
The Metroid game wouldn't win. Given the right judge, I would 100% expect the judge to say
>So, you used their intellectual property without their permission. Why didn't you just make up a brand new IP to avoid all the legal issues?
What ended up happening is that some douchenugget filmed behind the scenes footage of a trainer forcing a scared dog to jump into simulated "rushing" water. In the film (apparently), this scene involved the dog jumping into a rushing river and staying under for several seconds. What the whistleblower failed to acknowledge is that literally everything after the dog jumps in (and is immediately taken out by the trainer) is SIMULATED CGI FOOTAGE.

Plus, the actors, directors and all the important staff who were being targeted by PETA's slam campaign stated that they weren't even fucking present because it was just early production, pre-edited stunt footage being shot at the time and they were also ready to get upset at this person after they investigated whether or not the dog's treatment was cause for concern.
tfw no gf to milk, feelsbad.exe
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>Bitching about least-concern animals
They're exteremely abundant in Japan that they are considered pests for agriculture in Europe.
They do know that if sheep aren't sheared they get incredibly miserable because wearing a huge wool coat all summer is REALLY FUCKING HOT. They fucking love it.

Like even if some country decided to make a sheep their king and do everything in their power to make that sheep's life as good as possible they'd still shear it.
>incredibly miserable
If I recall correctly, the sheep would die from overheating.
Literally this. They got one telling us to save the pigeons as well?
>Are you implying this is cruelty?
No, what gave you that idea?
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>No copyright intended!
It depends on the part of the world but yeah if you're in a place that isn't cool all year round they'd die a horrible death.
I uploaded a few videos with music playing over them and put that in the description when I was a teenager. It's quite literally kids/teenagers that don't understand this shit.
The dumb in this should be illegal
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That I wont stand for. Cow don't matters to me, but bees are fucking essential.
Why not? We invented it.
They're like animal shitposters. They won't do jack shit for endangered animals as far as making sure tigers and pandas breed yet they bitch about tanuki dogs out of all things.
Sheep love being sheared.
That is measure in PPM = parts per million. Not like you're eating a spider leg when you chomp into a snickers.

More like a microscopic spec.
They legitimately do not care about extinctions because the fact that if they got their way they'd cause so many animals to go extinct has been brought up so much they've convinced themselves it doesn't matter.

As far as their concerned letting every single animal but humans die and go extinct would be better than having species keep living but be killed by humans or something like that. Their logic is so retarded and twisted I can't accurately explain it.
Can't we all just get along?

Milk is lovely whatever the color.

unless it's strawberry, which is objectively shit

my landlord (close family friend) owns and breeds sheep and this ad is so full of shit it isn't even funny. you don't sheer a sheep straight down to the god damn skin you fucking barbarians.
Has everyone activated their almonds today?
Yup. Got a gallon of milk from it.
PETA is like scientology. A scam a few people are getting rich off that somehow managed to rope a bunch of celebrities into supporting them.
[Just a reminder PETA kills shelter animals to put them out of their "misery". Human contact is a disease with no cure.

Also Mario kills Tanooki was retarded.
PETA wants a controversy, so /v/ endlessly reposts shit they do playing into their hands. I sincerely hope you're being paid for this OP.
No, you are for wasting my time informing me of this shit.
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I'm mostly upset that somehow Peta keeps consistently having some of the most shit tier illustrators and graphic designers around.
Its only gay if you actually have sex with one, jesus christ
Yes and a good hearted, world class shearer helped that sheep get better by taking of his coat for him.
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