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CEMU !.7.4 IS UP

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Thread replies: 147
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Cemu 1.7.4 just went live on Patreon!
Anyone have a DL link? Remember being able to download directly through their site last time, even when it was 'locked' to Patreon only. Why do I find that?
share it
Would be awesome if someone could share a link
Bump for link!
All these fuckers starting threads for the emu yet nobody shares a link
I forgot my password for patreon and I can't download it, patreon says they are down for maintenance wtf.
Also Bumping for link
Is BotW fully playable, though? If not, who cares?
yeah it kinda is with this release sooo
Is this a bigger shill central than /r/games?
In this release yes
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Here's a "Link", guys

Shills are paid nintenbro; this is free
its not even fucking april fools still you cuck
Post videos and webms.
>paying for an emulator

l m a o
hence why im here >.>
It is here, fucker
We're literally waiting for someone to post a download link so we DON'T have to do that.
never ever
lmao my point exactly
here's the link, you have to be a patreon to use it though. Also there is a way to crack it.

thank you! i will worship you from this day on
Wasn't it some dumbshit like you have to block it with your firewall or something ?
Can I pirate the pirate software?
Piracy always wins, bitches.
there's a guide here that might help to crack it

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can confirm, blocking in firewall does not help
Guys, don't bother. This release is extremely buggy. Wait for the inevitable 1.7.4d or whatever. They obvs rushed it out-- I'm still sinking into ground in places when using runes, grass rendering in wrong areas, crashes while compiling shaders (32gb ram...), etc.
just tried, wont work ;.;
It fixes the cutscenes?
Currently compiling shadercache...what do you mean you have to be patreon to use it?
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>putting DRM on an emulator
>it gets cracked
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Performance hasn't increased.
Overclocked 6600k btw.
You need the serial.bin though
There has been a new patch to the game itself that increases performance, and isn't there supposed to be a new release of cemu to the public next week?
What fps and res?
it's this same version, just for non-paying ppl
no shit. wait for cemuhook to update for 30fps.
have update 1.1.1 ? and dlc ?
literally in the picture
reddit says it's pretty much locked at 15 if you dont disable vsync

Get cheat engine, point it at the cemu exe enable speed hack somewhere between 2-10 (whatever looks right)

you can then do FPS limiting but the amount scales with the Speed.

So for each speed hack value you need a different limit to make it look 30 fps
Have you tried using Cemu hook and Zlauncher? I've gotten a big performance boost on 1.7.3d.
Exzap here. Sorry for bugs, basically pre-release.

1.7.4b in 10-30mins.
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>There has been a new patch to the game itself that increases performance
That wont matter on an emulator (until it at least runs fullspeed)
Not using V-sync.
They don't work. Have to wait for an updated hook.
Is 1.7.5 getting g release on the two week schedule or will you stretch it out to next month again?
I have one and I get 30 fps with the hook version
>Anyone have a DL link?
If you're not a patreon that would be piracy, not cool anon.
>pirating an emulator

Reddit thread says you can edit some game ini files to basically do what cemuhook was doing. Unless I'm reading that wrong and you need to edit the files AND run cemuhook
Confirmed legit
Yeah. But CemuHook still gives you cutscenes + literal drag-and-drop.
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sweet, hoping to double that framerate.
One comment says version works, can't confirm though since it's still compiling my shaders.

>paying for cemu
ultimate cuckery
>buying an emulator

how fucking funny

The only timezone that matters is EST, even when I'm in a different one.
enjoy paying for your emulator when you cant afford a switch
lmao all these niggers, just copy the fucking 1.7.4 fileso ntop of cracked 1.7.3d, gets u fucking 1.7.4 verified lmao, dont run cracked exe run the normal one in 1.7.4
What bugs are there?

please pleas epost link poelase ill suck your dick please oj god ill do anything master please give me link please
>Viral marketing
Do mods still delete for viral marketing or do they not give a fuck any longer?
>pirating to pirate
I'm reading through the documentation from mudlord and seeing if I can make a crack for 1.7.4

>i refuse to pay for shit
>but I'll download questionable files from dodgy sites and go through guides and pretty much do the equivalent of an actual day's work to get them to maybe function properly

Pirates are funny.
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pic related

>a mexican finds the solution

this is the intelligence lvl of /v/, can't copy paste lmao
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Fullspeed w/ cheat engine, but too buggy to really be playable still.
Is this update only for zelda or does it make other games work better?
Where's the non-faggot Mega link?
ctrl+f mega, are you that stupid?
Literally read the thread nigger
this guy..
>i'll just project what I think a pirate is even though at the end of the day they still get it for free ;)

>equivalent of an actual day's work to get them to maybe function properly
top kek
consider that breath of the wild can't run at a framerate of .27 because of their vsync solution then hang yourself
How is texture filtering in Cemu? Is it better than the Switch/Wii U version.
1.7.4b is up.
1.7.4a seems to have fixed everything, camera included. However, it also seems unstable, having crashed twice in half an hour.
Tell me of the significance.
It will be significant.
upload when
Well don't just stand there, upload it!
with the FPS fix at 1440p im getting 25-30 FPS with an i7 4970, better FPS than WiiU i believe, pretty much playable. Only problem left are minor graphics glitches with the lighting.

Time to play this masterpiece for free
That is not full speed.
Can I play zelda with jap voices?
yes, download undub version

The patch is pretty simple. Just get a copy of the japanese version of the game, decrypt it, navigate to content/voice/JPja copy and rename to USen.

Then stick it in

mlc01/usr/title/00050000/[region ID of BOTW]/content/Voice/USen

just load your copy of BOTW and look in the log for the exact location you want to stick this file.
For all the time you've spent in these threads begging for links, reading up on cracks and fixes, and downloading shit that doesn't even function properly, you could have worked at a minimum wage job and probably made enough to buy a used WiiU and BotW. Then you could be playing it at a reasonable framerate without bugs and bullshit. Piracy must be about principles because it honestly doesn't seem like less work.
Thank you anons
shill harder please
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It's not as dramatic or bad as you make it seem.
with things like console games, you just do without them until you can play them. for handhelds, shit gets done a lot quicker and you can play it the day of if you want. and only a small part of a percent of pc games are unplayable longer than release day
I have a Wii U tho, I just want to play it at higher resolutions and with the jp voices, I'm just waiting for the emulator to get better, luckily I have ton of game on ps4 to keep me busy while CEMU gets better
sit at home and watch anime while waiting for someone else to post link or work. nice try
the patch does nothing unless the switch's wifi was reducing your framerate
My god, this is actually good bait. 8/8 m8
Where are you mudlord, help us!
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seems pretty good.
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CPU? Is the frame rate the same as 1.7.4a? Is it buggy?
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>15 fps
so just like in the Switch?
Yeah brah I almost made the mistake of buying one of those Switch toys too. Good thing I found cemu instead.
it's the same, It fluctuates from 20-30 even if I
'm standing still. I'm using a 6600k 4.6 ghz

the cemu hook version 310 will get me 30 fps solid though.
>there are literally cemu devs in thread shilling their kikery.
>there are literally nintniggers in threads shilling wiiu and switch consoles

i'm only going to be pirating cemu, and look forward to when nintendo finally decides to sue the fuck out of them for stealing their actual code to run this shit. It's not like wiiu will get anymore games anyway and we have what we wanted.

burn it all down.
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Does this actually do anything?
Is the game even worth it?
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>shrines still crash the emulator

Yep, they've got DRM which when triggered makes the emulator run slower. I think it forces interpreter no matter what, but not sure.
>stealing code
Proofs? And if some retard at nintendo leaked and/or let codes be stolen through bad security, it's their own fault.
Why are PC users so damn desperate for BotW?
Will someone post the updated build already

>if you don't have bars on your windows and some nigger breaks in and steals your shit, it's your fault

It looks cute, we want to show people how good a game can look if you have hardware from this decade.
>playing eng dub zelda
I rather explode my balls with a shotgun
If you FUCKS keep pirating my emulator I'm canceling development
If you're living amidst niggers, yes, it is.
shut up and fix your shit, faggot, so I can pirate it
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>it literally adjusts for speed hacking through cheat engine

what garbage

crackers, get cracking
eat shit and die you nigger jew, upload the updated build.
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mega that shit anons

hold me over until 1.7.4c, 1.7.4d, and the eventualy 1.7.4dcracked
Does Bayo 1 and 2 still have sounds issues?
Or did they forgo everything else just to emulate that shit game?
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>cancelling on $26k a month
Nice try faggot.
I don't give a fuck I'm already getting paid triple that by S to make this shit
Still only getting 15 fps... I am sad.
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>he thought they'd fix everything and lose out on 26k/mo
If you've ever pirated anything and you also voted for Trump, you're a goddamn hypocrite. This isn't intentional bait. Just ask him how he'd feel if someone was getting Trump steaks for free.
still 5 more than the switch
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okay i'll bite
>how the fuck did you figure out to copy my steaks at no loss? hired!

This is a meme, right? They didn't actually release a current gen console that runs at sub-20 frames did they?
Why does this turn me on so much?
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>tfw everyone has moved on to WiiU emulation and 3DS emulation is still shit
NO, they would never release a system that at max, docks at 720p for all games, with 900p for their prime title

>no loss

Except that you didn't buy them. That's a loss. Welcome to high school econ. And don't give me that shit about how you weren't going to buy a WiiU or Switch anyway because there are people that would buy them if they couldn't pirate. Period.
thanks, they really sent their best
>if you don't buy something it's a loss
what in the fuck do you even mean? You're not buying plenty of things right now.
can I play pokemon on citra?
i dont know about anyone else but i cant even get past picking a boy/girl in pokemon x
i think its only 100% speed in battles
>you would buy it if emulators didn't exist
what kind of fucked up logic is that. I've been PC Master Race every since the N64 (my last console).

I have enjoyed emulation since the golden ZSNES days and went through everything available (PSX, PS2, N64, GBC/GBA and more recently, Wii/GC and DS).

I never, in a single moment, had an urge to buy a console. And never will. Because sooner or later, shit is ported to the PC
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yo daugh, I heard you like piracy

Why do businesses discourage piracy or knock-offs? Because anyone who is pirating or buying a cheaper, copy version isn't buying THEIR version, so they miss out on a sale. Selling 40,000 gizmos is good. But if people bought 5,000 Chinese ripoff gizmos, you could have sold 45,000.
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