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ITT: Dead multiplayer games you wish would return I want all

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ITT: Dead multiplayer games you wish would return

I want all my clan mates back edition ;~;7
hopefully threearc remasters it instead of WaW which is trash
It's alive on Xbone
Why don't IW and 3arc just start remaking previous games with better textures? It would be better than their newer shit
Not on pc though ;~;
strike vector
game looked cool as fuck but i never heard of it until it died
I enjoyed Gears of War 1 back in the day. The remake just feels too different.
they would probably ruin them with rng lootboxes like they are already doing with MWR
Blacklight retribution (on pc)

had the stigma of pay to win but it was a solid shooter before the console cancer updates in its dying days.
HL: Opposing Force

those servers were the highlight of my fps days
>strike vector

over priced and hard as fuck , bad combo
how the fuck did they make this one so catchy
i haven't played the game for fucking years but i still think of that tune randomly sometimes
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It still hurts
I know this feel, playing OpFor mp with 6 or 7 bros was hilarious and still occasionally comes up in conversation.
Zombie Master
Team deathmach and hardcore are still alive, i play it a lot, what's your username
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Out of all the COD's I had the most fun with World at War's multiplayer. Just the maps, guns, atmosphere, everything was awesome. I'd buy it for PC but they're still charging $20 for it which is retarded
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Which of the older CoD games are alive on PC at all anymore? I'm sick of MW2 being so goddamned boring and I want to play a different "older" modern CoD but don't want to waste money
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Anyone else find MW2 aesthetically pleasing? I don't know what it is about that game specifically, but it looks so much better than all the other CoDs. In a way, even the new cod games. It might not have better textures, but it's the combination of everything, the colors etc.

I don't know why MW3 is so ugly.
That game was my childhood in highschool. That and bad company 2. Always played with friends.
Lost Planet 2
Fucking capcom
Strike Vector was my fucking jam. Nothing else gives me the sensation of making crazy ass breakneck turns in an aerial double gatling duel with this blaring through my headphones
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I want to relive '99 for the first time again. Nothing has even come close to the entire experience and I feel kind of sad knowing that it'll never be that good again.
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Of all the COD games MW2 had the most memorable maps
>Your friend messaging you for 1v1 on Rust to settle a score

good times
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The colours seemed really bright and vibrant compared to every other IW CoD. With MW3 onwards they just went back to being very muted and uninteresting to look at, even Infinite Warfare is very colourless and dull, it fucking sucks
>black ops 2 officially revealed
4 years ago...
MW2 also looked way better too, jaggies aside

spamming voice commands like a little shit, i always picked the gril on allied
Dogs ruined the game
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Monster Hunter Tri for the Wii. Such good times
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>they're still charging $20 for it
cod 1,2 united offensive, MW1, WaW AND MW2 are all 20 freedomdosh

jesus christ activision
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world in conflict

literally 10 years old
sorry anon, i've never seen you ingame
>you are now remembering playing mike myers
Try $80 for Black Ops 1 with all the DLC

Still a bargain compared to when it first came out but shit that's a lot of money
RF online was fucking glorious. There are some PvP servers still running, I sometimes glimpse at rf.mmotop.ru to find retarded x75000 servers or log back to pvpwar.com just to binge on that feel of nostalgia. It was a great mmo, very straightforward and grindy, but it didnt look as retarded as other corean mmos, with animation all over the screen and stupid catwomen races.
Hell yeah. The exo vs. grunt mode was fucking awesome.
I love you!
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it's sad that this game is dying every year. not sure how the servers get filled up at random times but it sucks seeing my favorite fps game dying
is this MAG
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Kane and Lynch
Kane and Lynch 2
Max Payne 3
Lost Planet 2

Those are just recent examples, are there any good third person shooters with active multiplayer right now?
What the fuck happened to all the color?
Crysis 2.
Too bad all that's left of old CoD games are autistic """"tactical realism""" crouch-only servers.
fucking ghosts is $60 still

its literally 3x as cheap for a plebbox disk
When MW2 first came out, I was actually really surprised to see actual colors.

A lot of the maps were bright and colorful. Sure they were shit and had an infinite amount of angles you could get shot from, but they looked pretty decent.
this. but the hackers in search are annoying as fuck
>infinite amount of angles
atleast they wasnt gay angles like in the newer games

>ground war
>you and your buddies try to hold the house while all hell breaks loose
>enemy team starts spaming rockets into the house
>theyre not dicks using OMA DC propipe
>tides naturally switch
>fuck the score i want my house back
take me back
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>when /v/ becomes nostalgic for cod
you realise /v/ has universally taken a dump on cod for the past 10 or so years right?
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Fuck this COD shit. Give me back my Socom
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I was that faggot that went around throwing EMP grenades at everyone
you realize your a fagget for the past ten years or so right?


also lrn2english

Every CoD since WaW has been shit.
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>game is fun
>developers are retarded

I really liked it. What a shame.
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>tried to play this on the Xbone for a couple of matches
>second match some hacker comes in with telelporting, aimbot and invulnerability
>third match is practically dead because of XP reset to the other players
>get kicked and find my level being set to 0 with -2 million XP
Thank fuck I didn't invest too much time in this shit, kinda feel sorry for the others though.
Fuck yeah anon
Moving to zulu
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>being this new
Literally completely dead. You will never find a match, ever.
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Forgot pic fuck

>pretending to be an oldfag on a polynesian scrimshaw forum
on poorfag boxes they are still kicking
You don't know what you have until multiplayer is gone. Plus compared to the newer ones, the older ones seem a lot better, even black ops 1

about 8k players online mon-thurs and around 20k fri-sun
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Harmony of Despair
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Neo-tokyo, I wish I had to chance to play it.
It got a huge boost in population on 360 when it became playable on Xbone. I'm sure there you could easily still find a match in some playlists.
its like classical mixed with some modern sounds and eguitar idk

nigga that is the best cod in all the series
This had such fucking good multiplayer
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CoD was made fun of for being grey brown, but how did it get worse? MW2 had loads of color everywhere. Even Battlefield is guilty of the same shit.
Crysis 2 and 3 had fantastic multiplayer. 2 was maximum comfy and all the maps and modes were great
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Will COD WWII be shitty 6v6?
I saw a screenshot that looked pretty real showing off classes ala battlefield if that helps

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>Spiral Knights

That was one of the coziest games I could play with other people
Since its Sledgehammer I'm more worried for the optimization and if they fuck up the matchmaking. It could have been a surprisingly fun game and close to Titanfall on Steam but they ruined it.
pls god no!
no its not
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Played offline for hours before I realized there was online and got tbe Wii set up for it. Nothing better than doing quests as a low level hunter but wearing Ceadeus armor, killing the monsters in under a minute and cooking double steaks freaking out online only players.
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Have you played the pre-alpha for the newest one?
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why has there never again been a game like this?
>that one game you throughly enjoyed
>was apparently AAA title
>sorta tacked on multiplayer
>check it out after done with game
>you're the only person on the planet trying to play online

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Eclipse time.gif
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>World of Warcraft
so many hours (into the years)
so many good memories
so many bros
its all gone
>those nostalgia threads 4-5 years ago
>fast forward to now and most people here are so new they weren't even around in 2010
>people here too young/new to remember this game

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This game was so much fun, played the shit out of it with some friends. Had over 100 hours in it.

Same thing goes for older that used to be popular titles, hear so much about this fantastic multiplayer only to find out that it has only 8 people online.
The MP was one of the worst though
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>fromsoftware will never make another chrome hounds game
>doubtful if we'll ever get another armored core even
feels bad man
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This, along with Empries, Dystopia, and Modular Combat.
Source multiplayer mods were the shit, and now they're all dead.
nice bait

>its maps
>its weapons
>more than 6 vs 6
MGO2 on the PS3, rip

>rent this from gamefly in late 2009 after watching youtube videos
>know it was an almost 4 year old game at that point
>try to get online and almost nobody playing
>return it
>shuts down a few months later

I should have played it during it's heyday.
fuck i miss that game.

was there a glitch in the dracula fight where he wouldnt drop the best weapon in the game? all my friends got the sword but for some reason it never dropped for me even after trying about 30 times.
Shit taste. The soundtrack alone is GOAT.
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ghosts was alright after all the nerfs
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What the fuck went wrong
So many games

>Tomb Raider

new arena shooters have a learning curve problem. they have to be similar enough to old arena shooters that all the fans of those games can transfer their skills, or else they will not be interested and will just stick with the old games which they like anyway. So they have to be similar. But this causes a problem for new players because they have no opportunity to learn before they are shot to fuck by these old players with their transferred skills. So they get discouraged and don't stick around, if they were even interested to begin with, which many weren't because arena shooters have a reputation for hyper competitive community and a brutal learning curve which turns people off without even giving it a try. Every arena shooter has this problem.
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>tfw my peak was 1.92 K/D in BLOPs Wii
I stopped caring and dropped to 1.76
so much nostalgia
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it still hurts
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>The days of Big Team Slayer on Valhalla are over
>want to focus on trying to found what game it is you're talking about
>you post a pic with two hot girls and a dude with overly tight pants
of course...
>then i find out its TF2 based game
fucking dropped
I hate games like TF2 (well ones that have the childish style of animation like TF2 and overwartch.
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I bought it thinking it would be a proper Castlevania. My first and only game with people was them rushing at light speed and leaving me behind to die while simultaneously complaining that I'm slow.
$15 I'll never get back.
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>That feel when the fun game modes being added to MWR are never permanent

Damn, we just got our asses kicked.
Why can't you play dirty bomb? I just got it recently, haven't booted it, but the game seems to have fallenl off the face of the earth.
SA:MP. It's just BRs and PHfags now. Server browser is full of ded servers while the only populated ones seem to be russian role play garbage
Best CoD. They could have just let it mellow for 2-3 years with occasional dlc and not release anything else. Greedy fucks.
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>could play slayer and ctf on amazing custom mod maps or classic ones
>was alive till 2014
>gets overkilled with gamespy fading into oblivion severs service is gone forever
>you only get a few matchs in the lan mode nowdays
i miss gamespy

Why the fuck have they STILL not made this game a separate purchase? I ain't buying your shitty derivative future trash just to get the last great game in the series activision.
Right here. The game was absolutely wonderful before the PS4 version happened.

It was the best CoD clone I ever played, not to mention all the gun-tweaking autism.
Super Monday night combat was a ton of fun
The best part was when the game made your base the one by the water. You could run the enemy team's flag back and throw it in the water past a certain point and it would disappear and respawn at the base. Guaranteed rage-scream on the chat.
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If only I could blow that fucking wall and steal the documents just one more time playing with shit latency with some european cucks with 2 or 3 ms I think I could die happy

This game is the only multiplayer shooter I enjoyed
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