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Who is your favorite game creator?

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Who is your favorite game creator?
also dragon quest
Todd Howard or Peter Molyneux
Manfred Trenz
none of those people in the pic are "game creators"
I think Michael Kirkbride is pretty interesting.
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Gay Bin Newell
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My man Chris Avellone
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Jon Van Caneghem

also acceptable
Is Sakaguchi dead?
Akiman for Street Fighter and Darkstalkers.
did he dead?
No, he left Capcom and went freelance way back in the early 2000s.
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This guy created both Silent Service and Civilization. Thus responsible for me wasting giant chunks of my childhood in front of a computer.
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I guess he's mainly just a character designer now, did anyone play this? looks like it might be cool
it was a very by-the-numbers jrpg. Wasn't great, wasn't horrible.
he shitposting on twitter everyday
Pretty sure bottom left is in Yakuza 0.
Kamiya will say 'He's a businessman'

It's decent.
I personally couldn't get over the retarded sword for the main character or the asshole wizzard kid
Yoko Taro.
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Kaga-sama, creator of fire emblem.
>Redigit, creator of Terraria
>Matt Roszak, creator of Epic Battle Fantasy
>Tyler, creator of Sentry Knight
Miyamoto is very much a game creator, what the fuck are you on.
Glad he's in one of Zanimax studios
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I'm still partial to Rieko Kodama. Haven't played the 7th Dragon games, but damn do I love classic Phantasy Star and Skies of Arcadia.
Out of those four it's be Sakaguchi

Man, Iga looks amazing. Not even gay
>Miyamoto, Horii, Sakaguchi
>not game creator
the fuck
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Based Tarn
miyazaki, kojima, taro, maybe sakurai
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I want to play his game again but I know he can't make anything but dated jrpg.
Sakurai, I like his simple concepts that have depth
Kamiya, Nagoshi, and oatmeal cookie
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Cant hate the man behind F-Zero GX and Yakuza
Will Wright probably. He always seems to make games nobody though was fun until has makes them.
Even Miyamoto's non Mario characters beat the shit out of the others. You're putting Zeus in with ants.
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Miyamoto go back to sleep, you have to find ways ruin more franchises
Don't forget Daytona USA
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George Kamitani is extremely reliable, but I have not heard much from his latest game.
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only right answer
shinji mikami and suda51
I will never know what will drive a man to don the GAL style, but whatever makes Nagoshi happy.
Tokuro Fujiwara and Gregg Mayles
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I want to say Shigeru because he made 3 of my favorite games, but holy shit does he keep fucking up nowadays.
He looks so gay now.
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Just not the same. Sorry YookaLaylee
Well meme'd

Miyahon did nothing wrong.

Wii Musics was a set up,

Outside influence fucked up Starfox Zero.

Paper Mario turning shit has nothing to do with him.

He dintdu nuffin.
t. Miyamoto grandchildren
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artist count?
In that case, I want to say my favorite creator is Kazuma Kaneko.
He's also producer and superviser of most megaten games.
The effect of Donkey Kong the arcade game can not be stressed enough
sick and tired of the glorification of this "ideas guy" who's running his trash archaic company into the ground with his over reliance on "hehe a new way to play" instead of just fucking off and dialing it back to the tried and true You+Gamepad+TV.
>implying he didnt:
>gimp Luigi's Mansion 2 in favor of gyro controls
>shorten Pikmin 3 in favor to muh replayability
>make Paper Mario bland because of muh IP
>risk Mario & Luigi RPGs from stop existing
>ruin a perfectly fine game like Star Fox Zero with gyro controls

>Paper Mario turning shit has nothing to do with him
There are interviews where he said he didn't like Bowser with dialogue and people fiddling with his IP's designs.

Also, Wii Music is mindless fun_____________________
Takashi Tezuka probably had more to do with what made Mario great than Miyamoto.
Miyahon and Ten Ten deserve all the "glorification" they get.

>tries to give inspiration and pass on ideas and sound game design to other teams
>team producers, directors, designers are not to blame! Miyamoto offered some sound advice! He's to blame!
Ok fuck off
This whole thread is dedicated to glorifying idea guys
Gyro didn't ruin Zero, it being too fucking short did.

Also, Luigi's Mansion 2 and Pikmin 3 are still fantastic games.
Ten Ten did not work on Donkey Kong arcade or Mario Bros. anon.
>tries to fix what isnt broken and end up ruining games and killing franschises
I swear Miyamongrels are the worst
>Gyro didn't ruin Zero
Normies and shitty journo's who can't play games shat on it for the Gyro.
Fair enough, but Super Mario was the one that was truly iconic.
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East: Hidetaka Miyazaki
West: Bruce Straley
>tries to fix
He wasn't the director, planner, designer or programmer to any game you consider "ruined" by him.

>Donkey Kong arcade is not iconic
That's it I'm out of here
No Zero sucked because the controls sucked and there was less content than the SF64
Hi Cody
>because the controls sucked
Git Gud

>less content
Now you're just lying
>He wasn't the director, planner, designer or programmer to any game you consider "ruined" by him.
Except he was behind SF0 and many other games development

>That's it I'm out of here
TL: I got BTFO so I go back to fap to my altar of Miyamoto
>g-g-git gud
Sorry not all of us born with deformed hands

>y-you're lying
ok show me where SF0 has more content than 64
Johnathan Blow or Robert Briscoe, if you think Blow isn't a fucking genius, just watch two minutes of his GDC talk on implementing time reversal in Braid, he's clearly a polymath of game design. Every part of the puzzle is in his head simultaneously.
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Ed Boon
Yeah but everyone will dismiss the gameplay and laugh at you because he's pretentious and weird. Witness is one of my favorite games btw.
> Inafune crated Megaman

I want this meme to end.


No he didn't. He's just an artist.
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Wanted to say Toady, but somebody will do it for me anyway.
Only correct answer. This mad genius is actually pushing Vidya to strange new places.
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I met Shigaro Miyamoto once.

I was at the Reptile Center in St. Augustine, Florida back in 2006 and who should walk in; but fucking Miyamoto. Dude come's stomping in with these big heeled iron toe boots and I'm going over to introduce myself and maybe get an autograph when Miyamoto hops over the railing into the turtle exhibit and he just goes nuts stomping turtles right and left. He's kicking turtles around like soccer balls trying to kick them into other turtles, jumping as high as he can and stomping them into pancakes with both feet and all the while he's just scarfing down from this huge bag of shrooms. Dude is laughing like a mad man making the Super Mario Bros sound effects with his mouth, and there are kids crying, chunks of turtles flying all over the place, its a bad scene man. Anyway his handler comes in and tells everyone to calm down and that this is part of Mr. Miyamoto's "creative process" and he starts paying everyone there a thousand bucks a piece to sign a non disclosure agreement and delete any pictures or videos they may have taken, I can't even imagine how much they had to pay the Reptile Center for all those poor turtles.
His current mistakes don't erase his past successes. He's still one of the most influential people in the industry. Dude's just past his prime and even he knows it.
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Sid Meier
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Sakurai has made some of my favorite games ever. Sad thing he will never do sequels

Seconded, his games are good shit.
Who has the angry wojak ideas guy
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this guy's games pretty much all suck but he was an absolute madman and I have huge respect. RIP
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Unless he stops making Souls like games in which case he can go fuck himself.

He'll never come back, will he? ;_;
The Capcom artists (as in the "charamen"/spriters, not the illustrators) were the ones who created the characters and their movesets, with some general guidance and input from the planners (directors) along the way. They were by any reasonable definition creators.
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a guy who made the world's turn-based strategy game.
Yoichi Erikawa aka Kou Shibusawa, Koei Tecmo games CEO
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>a guy who made the world's turn-based strategy game.

Whoa, he made chess?
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video game
are you autist?
Fucking hell, its called taxes. You provide and tax accordingly. You don't cut tax, freak out about not having money and cut services. Fucking wannabe anarchists.
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I love how this image consists of only talentless hacks

best videogame director is pic related
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>video game

did eh take the bogpill?
Meanwhile Romero removed everyone who even supported trump from his friends list
thank you for proving you're autist
>You don't cut tax, freak out about not having money and cut services.
That's exactly what many countries have been doing for years, though. You know, "austerity" and all that crap.
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Either you completely misunderstood what took place in that pic or you are retarded. Maybe both!
Read his lips, he looks like he as saying "the fuck?"
>supposed to be working on his rapidly failing kickstarter project
>makes a taco game for his wife's son instead

Romero is retarded.
Can't have uncontrolled immigration in a welfare state, homie. Literally impossible.
>Gyro didn't ruin Zero

It really did, for all the development time it used up and restrictions made to the engine just to make it work.
He was saying you can't allow mass immigration unless you wanna cut government services. Based on the bullcrap belief that more immigrants must equal less revenue. No, its a larger tax base, you make more money. Especially with the illegals who pay tax but can't use most public services.
And some point people cost more in social services that they add to the system by joining the market. It is happening in Europe right now.

>illegals who pay tax but can't use most public services

I live 5 minutes away from a sanctuary city. This is a myth.
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Full retard
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This guy knows how to make fucking games.
If that were the case no society would ever advance economically ever. We'd still be living in caves. The EU has a lot of problems, but a lot of the ones cited are made up by the far right anti immigration crowd. Literally completely fabricated. Like showing a photo of a Syrian warzone and saying its downtown Sweden.
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