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The Mech genre is dead, and its never coming back.

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The Mech genre is dead, and its never coming back.
Shut your whore mouth, don't lie to me.

This thing looks so retarded. Is that seriously a giant musket its carrying?
There is that mechwarrior RPG being created by the Shadowrun guys and I think hawken is still alive. You could also count Titanfall kind of. At least you're not in the RTS ghetto
Isn't there a new Mechwarrior and Armored Core in development?
Also indies like the one from the FTL devs
It'll be back in ten years, I guarantee it.
>The Mech genre is dead, and its never coming back.

the mistake is thinking "mech" is a genre, and not just an object/motif
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It's not dead, it's just going down with a fight.
Mechassault was the only good mech game, fuck mechwarrior
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AM2 is making another Virtual On game
I will fight you
Good, japmechs and their autistic fanbase are fucking terrible
You'll be too busy setting up your mech for ten years
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>RTS mecha game in notWW2
Might be interesting.
>also being released on consoles
That's a pretty huge fucking red flag, OP.
isn't there a new Armored Core coming out this year?
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>fucking bayonet on a giant musket
The cockpit literally just looks like a giant coffin with a hole at eye-level
What Gundam game should i pick up friends? PC, PS3-4
>No mecha game that plays like a cross between Pokken and Xenoverse
>Can't build your own mech
>Can't play as renowned mecha from all across the genre like Gurren Lagann, Gundam Unicorn, Hyperduck Ultimate Fury Gigawing, Mazinger, and none of that trash from NGE
Feels bad man
>Iron Harvest

>Alt-history ('1920+' is what they call the setting) ww1 RTS.

seems neat, not sure why people are calling that a musket, has no ramrod, and probably has more than a single-shot
>No mecha game that plays like a cross between Pokken and Xenoverse
You should try playing some games sometime


go fuck yourself
FROM will make a new Armored Core
screencap this
That... is an RTS.
Show me where the steam engine is on that machine, anon.
Dieselpunk, actually.
A tragically under-represented setting.
Only xeno team has make good games with mecha.

Fuck kojima.
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No they need to make another Chromehounds

Chromehounds was the last good mech game
Iron Harvest at least has the potential to have a cool setting.
if this is considered 'the best' the genre has to offer then i'm glad it's dying.
>Titanfall 2
>Mechwarrior 5: mercenaries
>Iron Harvest
Seems okay.
The idea that PGI will ever actually release Mechwarrior 5.

The idea that it would be good even if they did

We need a mech title that cleanses the pallet of the disgusting anime plague that's ruining games. It ruined Xenoblade, it continues to ruin Gundam, and it tried ruining Armored Core with every Ps3 iteration needing to be Sanic fast and having a plot with "muh chosen one" and "muh deep speshial snowflake characters".

same shit. its like saying scalies aren't furries
>AC4/FA pilots being special snowflakes
>not understanding that NEXTs are merely the next step in evolution so naturally everyone is scared shitless of them
>only AAA of the 3 of them is a massive flop
>still moves 10 times the copies of the other 2

Seems okay
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What comes to mind when you see this machine /v/?
The Lakers
Who gave physalis mech steroids
what happened to that mechwarrior game that got millions from kickstarter? has there been any gameplay videos or was it a scam?
Godamnit I didn't ask for this feel. Bring back Mechwarrior! Make new Armored Cores!
>there will never be a mech game that uses dual joysticks to simulate the feeling of a mech
I can only hope that with VR we get something like this because controlling mechs with a keyboard is cancerous. I don't know how you would distinguish between "I want to move the arms" and "walk forward you big ass fuck"
With Index characters for some reason.
It had great Mech designs and possiblities but the fact that was entirely designed with multiplayer in mind was cancer, you literally had nothing to do by yourself, you couldn't even unlock stuff without playing online.

No wonder it died pretty fast and peiple just jumped over to PS3 when its first Armored Core came around.
That looks cool. Looks kinda like Ring of Red design wise.
>the mistake is thinking "mech" is a genre

It literally is dumbass, hence why it has it's own board.
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>Press F to pay respects
There isn't a need to screencap this, from announced months ago that they were wanting to make another AC after they were done with DS3.
>tfw Cyberbots remaster never
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>Gundam Versus, Virtual On
>Armored Core, Mechwarrior, Front Mission Evolved(bad)
>Super Robot Wars (Why do you hate NGE specifically?)
Mecha has its own board, mech is not a genre of game. Mechs can be featured in many genres of games from sims to turn based tactics to RTS and whatever the fuck MWO is.
F-From Soft will return Mechs to their former glory. im sure
Name a dozen "mecha" series that would be significantly different if all the robots were replaced with other vehicles.
That game was fun
Nobody cares about singleplayer mech games.
ACV was a good fast. It required actually knowing how to play the game.
Which, I suppose, is why it died so fast.
Probably not this year and there's nothing official on the existence of a new Armored Core.
That said, all signs point to one being in development.
I think it sucked, it still sucks, but I'm still playing it once every couple months because it's fun. It has more players than Toxikk or Reflex, one of those.
Then why Armored Core is the best selling and most succesful out of them all?
I mean, harebrained schemes is working on a mechwarrior game. They produce pretty solid shit.
Anyone remember that shitty steel battallion game for the kinect? Imagine how much nicer it would have been with the Wii U's controls and using the tablet as the periscope or something.
Fuck someone ought to pay me
>was beyond overhyped for this
>it was shit
it still hurts
Armored Core has been designed around the multiplayer as early as Master of Arena. Arguably, even sooner.
>They produce pretty solid shit.
They produce B rate shit with A rate stories.
Though to be fair, the actual gameplay they've released looks substantially more sophisticated and interesting than the Shadowrun games, so maybe they'll knock this one out of the park.
>Playing AC for the multiplayer
This is some fucking awful bait, are you kidding me
From is making Armored Core Souls.

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At the very least this game was immersive as fuck, from the cockpit animations to the sound design and everything between.
If it had released just a few years later it could've made a passable launch title for the first wave of VR headsets.
>what is titanfall
it's working fine
Im more of a zoids kind of boy
So fucking hype for battletech. Tactical RPGs where you play as mercenaries are the fucking best.
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I dunno, ive thoroughly enjoyed the gameplay in the shadowrun games but im also a huge fan of shadowrun so my immense thirst may have clouded my judgement.

As it turns out, HBS is finally successful enough to graduate from unity(which is why mechwarrior looks so much better) and theyve even mentioned wanting to return to shadowrun with an updated system
Can't tell if real babby or not.
anyone remember a mech game that was kind of like advance wars? I think it was on PS2
Rape machine. I saw what it did in Unicorn.
The game was fine but it shouldn't have been F2P.
That and the best immersive effect, the cockpit screen cracking when low on health was removed during Alpha.
you never heard of dieselpunk until that anon brought it up, why you gotta be such a stuck up cunt?
I think that finally those men with their souls weighted down by gravity are going mad.
Ring of Red
>there was a point in video game history where game magazines described the mech genre as a "hotly contested genre with a lot of competition."
Not a mech game.
>and I think hawken is still alive
it's really not
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Looks like a Final Fantasy X enemy.
> Battletech isn't a mech game

Go on, I'd like to hear your reasoning as to why.
Nothing like Advance Wars you retard.
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Are mech games limited to the sim genre?
Let's be honest here, the last few AC games (AC4 and up) have shallow as fuck singleplayer modes and pretty much only existed to S rank so you could get all the shit you needed for MP.
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>it's another gottagofast 4A game
Also why are all my captchas gas stations?
Battletech itself is a board game. Take out the mechs and barely anything changes.

Pretty much. It's like trying to call any game with planes a flight sim.
Try playing the game before talking out your ass.
Are you implying that gottagofast games are bad?
I'm implying that there needs to be a proper balance between gottagofast and THEWALL.png
The problem with the mech genre was that it focused too much on the genres that suck ass.

Too many simulators and strategy, not enough games like Armored Core.
>Pretty much. It's like trying to call any game with planes a flight sim.

What? See how you used the word sim? There are mech sims and there are other games with mechs in them. There are rpgs with mechs, strategy games with mechs, etc.

So what you want is a mech sim, not just a mech game?
Maybe if from stopped sucking souls cock we'd get something.
>weapons is a genre
>high resolution is a genre
>photo is a genre
>origami is a genre
>literature is a genre

this is how dumb you sound
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i wanna go back...: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAZV7X94UFA&t=1s
>releasing it at the same time as BF1 and COD
what the fuck is EA's problem?
Then those are RPGs and strategy games.

FFVIII isn't a racing game because it includes cars.

these fucking words dont mean anything. Cyberpunk actually has a fucking meaning.
>What? See how you used the word sim? There are mech sims and there are other games with mechs in them. There are rpgs with mechs, strategy games with mechs, etc.
Yes, but when people say "mech game", they usually mean a game where you directly control a single mech as its pilot.
>Cyberpunk actually has a fucking meaning.
You know you've replaced the steampunk fans as the most annoying queers on the internet?
It's not muh chosen one if everyone decides you're special after you murder your way through everything single handed.

AC4's protagonist was only unique because he was the last remaining mercenary from the old generation, and V's was only unique because he decided to shack up with the Resistance after seeing their leader get killed. fA and VD's protagonists are straight up faceless nobodies that kill their way to relevance.
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>that design

The problem with mechs is they are too retarded. Completely impractical. Now that we have a glimpse of what unmanned drones can do, some hulking megaconstruction just seems too ridiculous.
If Miyazaki makes a new Armored Core, do you think it is going to play like Souls? I remember reading the other day that he specifically said he didn't care if people thought that the gameplay of his next game was too much like Souls. The only reason I can think of why people would complain about him using the Souls formula again is if he did it on a game series with an already established formula, like Armored Core...
But Front Mission is a mech game. The sole focus just has to be mechs.

Sure, games with mechs in them aren't necessarily mech games, but if the game is all about mechs, it's a mech game.
Older AC games are already pretty close to Souls style gameplay.
tfw Project Aces will never make a Macross game
That doesn't make it any less of a series designed around the multiplayer.
Yeah, what kind of fag makes something that isn't completely realistic?
Fun is for losers, am I right?
Front Mission is about politics/conspiracies and war, not mechs.
>Older AC games are already pretty close to Souls style gameplay.
Holy fuck no they are not in any fucking way.
They're third person and that's where the similarities end.
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How do I go on living know that this is true?
That's a backdrop to display the use of mechs so that the player can use mechs.
I just wish they made something like Ring of Red again.
t. asspained steamfag
Wanzers could be entirely removed from the setting and nothing would change.
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Become a business mogul and destroy Harmony Gold.
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Will Polyphony ever make a non-Gran-Turismo game again?

It's not just that mechs are unrealistic, they don't make sense. Being unrealistic in a game is great, but it has to make sense within the context of the setting.
I'm just saying, endless unoriginality exists within the cyberpunk genres more than any of the other variants, and this is the only reason it has any 'meaning.'
It's a bunch of hacks ripping off a few popular films/books.
The medium itslef reflects what a giant fucking circlejerk the genre is.
Why do normies hate Mecha?
Except the every core concept in the gameplay.
Then provide facts, cuntlips.
Otherwise bait.
You are the only one adhering to your autistic definition, just give up.
There's nothing preventing regular soldier customization in the same vein.
It makes sense by looking neat and being fun.
Maybe the wheel was never invented in this setting, who cares. It doesn't matter.
It's a video game.
Oh no dude, I meant the literal word. Cyberpunk means high tech low life. The other two dont actually mean anything.
That's not what he said
>One thing I can say is that our stance on game production has not changed. In making a new game, we're not being conscious of making something that resembles Dark Souls, or on the other hand of making something that doesn't resemble Dark Souls. Not being concerned about whether it is similar to Dark Souls, I plan on making a game that I want to make now, and that is interesting and worthwhile."
He doesn't care if it's too little like Dark Souls for his autistic fans either.
You would think the biggest mecha fans would be engineers or at least interested in mechanics, but I browsed the hybrid mecha/auto board and Jesus, most of the mecha fans are NEETs that don't own cars or have any clue how real life vehicles work.
The concept is that you have a hanger full of modular machines that can equip multiple weapons and can serve multiple roles on the fly. The machines need to be able to be mobile but still be incredibly well armed and devastating.

Nothing fits the imaginary multi-role purpose of the mech. The game would not work without them.
Devs said no to a season pass and lootcrates you could buy.
You're on 4chan.
There's a reason /v/ doesn't make video games, nobody on /jp/ has even been near Japan, and nobody on /sp/ is an athlete.
Mechs aren't about realism, it's about stomping around in a hulking armored behemoth laying down a metric shitton of hot lead, missiles & lasers on anything that moves.

Seriously i don't understand why anyone wouldn't find that fun.
>who cares. It doesn't matter

Well some of us expect more out of our games than that, anon. But seriously, I'm not mad at anyone enjoying mecha, I just feel the impractical nature of the concept of a mech is why the genre isn't more popular.
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>the mechs got a deformed human skelleton (mins the head) and even hold the guns that way

this triggers me so much, it's like the developers drive pleasure from hurting their own sales
Why would an engineer be a mech fan? In reality it's a terrible idea. They are just really cool and can only exist in fictional worlds, so of course people into shit like anime and sci-fi are going to be the ones that like them.
You might be technically correct, but colloquially, "mech game" means "game where you pilot a mech". Something like Front Mission is "a game with mechs in it".
>Cyberpunk means high tech low life
That's what it tends to focus on by convention (as has been established by a few books and films).
There is no literal meaning of the word.
Gibson came up with it out of thin air.
>can equip multiple weapons and can serve multiple roles on the fly. The machines need to be able to be mobile but still be incredibly well armed and devastating.

There are already several games where normal soldiers do the same exact things.

Is it really too hard for you to imagine a game letting you swap out a soldier's shotgun for a missile launcher?
How are Harmony Gold related? It's not like they can stop Bandai Namco making Macross games. I mean, they've already published a bunch. If they wanted to get the Ace Combat guys to develop them in house they could do that. They just don't want to.
/m/ these days is a shit board infested with /v/ fucktards that think they're special for their hipster choice in anime that can't even tell Gundams apart and need containment threads for everything to restrain their rampant autistic stupidity. It wasn't always so completely crap.
I'm pretty sure one sale isn't going to be that much of an impact.
Most games that people describe as "cyberpunk" are just generic sci-fi with more neon than usual. It's a joke of a genre.
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I happen to be a big fan of mechs
What would be the point in sinking a lot of money into a game that they wouldn't be able to sell in the West?
>blaming /m/'s problems on /v/

/m/ is a shit board but it has nothing to do with /v/.
This is why I like the AC4/FA zippy mcflashy mechs

this shit is already unrealistic, might as well drop any pretense and go all out.
>video game genre
Gundam is fucking garbage and I'm happy that this upsets you.
So you are saying it would be fin to have an infantryman be able to scoot down a road holding a shield and a club and firing missiles from his shoulders?

It doesn't work. The only way you could replicate it is by perhaps giving them high tech power armour, and at that point, you may as well use mechs.

Nothing can match that multi-purpose role of mechs that makes up the core gameplay of Front Mission.
Well I see autism around the mecha community all the time, like what is and isn't a mech, I remember all the arguments about whether the Titans in Titanfall are "true" mechs or not, whatever that means. I just expected some of them to actually know what they're talking about, but they really don't.
Electronic Frontier Foundation?
Giant robots never really did anything for me.

Is that one of those things you really just have to grow up with?
Yes, that sounds like a fun video game.
>I just expected some of them to actually know what they're talking about, but they really don't
Welcome to 4chan!
The april fools joke is fucking shit all of the merges outside of /fitlit/ and ponitics is fucking boring
It's a genre of fiction like any other.
>Gibson came up with it out of thin air.
Gibson didn't invent the word, even.
They don't really, Pacific Rim was pretty popular. Also there wouldn't be so many 6th and 7th gen mech games if people didn't buy them, they just sort of fell out of favor like WWII shooters.
he says while posting a bipedal design
It doesn't work. There is nothing to stop someone just shooting him while he does it. He doesn't have the armour to withstand direct fire, so he needs to take cover and can't use high mobility devices. At that point it becomes a completely different game.

The tactics have completely changed. The loadouts have changed. It's all different.

If you think Front Mission would be Front Mission without Wanzers, you're actually an idiot.
Nah, some people just don't like certain things. That's fine.

I've never understood the appeal of zombies, for example.
Oh whatever dude, that's whose work people used it to describe.
To sell it in Japan, like all the Macross games they already publish. I mean, shit, it's not Macross could sell huge amounts in America anyway, is it?
My copy of MoA is halfway across the state, do you have yours?
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what kind of mech legs do you guys like? humanoid? chicken legs?
I'm personally into haunches right now
Overdesigned piece of shit
>no arms
Gee anon I sure hope it doesn't get tipped over
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Brigador just updated. Added a few more playable vehicles.
Because mechs are dope and I'm pretty sure my opinion of that isn't going to change once I take the F.E. exam in a couple months.
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bipedal and arms are fine, just a giant mech that is literally holding a gun or using a knife/sword is too retarded.

the only exceptions are exoskelletons and powersuits and even on them they look bad most of the times
>He doesn't have the armour to withstand direct fire
There's no realistic way for mechs to stand up to direct fire either, but you don't seem to have a problem with that.
Long shot, but is it still on sale?

Is this game worth playing? Any other games you'd compare it too? It looks pretty cool but I don't have a feel for how it plays.
>There is nothing to stop someone just shooting him while he does it.

It's a good thing the series has always taken liberties with realism.

Wanzers are nothing more than some nice cosmetics. The gameplay itself would be fine without them.
eat a gun
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Bipedal and sleek with energy lines/wings is best kind.
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seems to be

I've got one and balancing it so it stands on its own is hard as shit, I'm currently in the process of tightening all the joints to make it easier
it helps absorb recoil and might save a lot of weight/resources compared to e.g. mounting it on its shoulder (if it does have arms)
>these crossboarding shitposters have nothing to do with the shitposting
You are also part of the problem.

Of course if you just rangebanned southeast asia that would be 50% of the shitposting eliminated in one shot.

You'd have to be retarded to think Gundam is good anymore, this doesn't really excuse claiming to be a robot fan when you pay as much attention to robots as your grandmother does asians.
Still no facts, cum dump.
Maybe you should actually play your shit instead of bragging about it like anyone cares.
somebody forgot to put the torso there
I haven't been to /m/ in years because it's such a shithole.
It's only around $20? I thought these things were expensive
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>a boardgame can't be a mech game
It's absolutely not. Hawken isn't a "mech" game. It's a third person shooter.

Super Robot Wars isn't a "mech" game. It's a turn based strategy game

Virtual On isn't a "mech" game. It's a twin stick 3d fighting game.

Et cetera

Harmony Gold owns the rights to what we think of as Macross, which is a bunch of unrelated anime cut into a semi-connected universe. Bandai Namco does not own Macross.
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Today i learned that mechfags are extremely autistic

Or at least this one is >>17860
No, I'm asking because I can't find a PDF of the manual, so I want you to look at the page where it literally states, in its own fancy bubble, that parts were tweaked for multiplayer balance.
Cripes, man. You've got to tone down that victim complex. It makes you read things in a different light.
You are dumb.
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Personally, I love it. There's a few caveats, though - it's very light on story. The game modes are "Campaign" and "Freelance" - the first mode is a set of missions where you are given four loadouts (typically going from something easy to something pretty challenging), the second is all about choosing a pilot (basically a difficulty setting), vehicle, primary and secondary weapon (each vehicle has those two slots), special "weapon" (smoke, EMP, cloak, audio-kinetic pulse) and then choosing a set of maps to complete. There are no special objectives or goals in this mode, just complete the generic objectives (kill most enemy units, destroy orbital guns, kill commanders, or do all of those for maximum profit) and you can go to the next map.

Another thing a lot of people seem to have trouble with is the controls. It took me an hour or so adjusting to them (but definitely not mastering). There are alternate control schemes in the option - relative, absolute etc.

I like the game because it feels aesthetically right to me - not just visuals and music (which are great), it just feels nice to stomp around and crush the varied enemies, weapons and vehicles feel very different and mostly very good.
Did you not pick up that post was making fun of the other sperg?
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nah framearms are usually pretty reasonable and that site usually has good deals
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If your giant robot doesn't have at least four fully articulated limbs, it's a retarded design.
That's not even close to the case.

What they really own the rights to is absolutely nothing, but because America is no better than china when it comes to foreign copyrights, they can act as if they own the original Macross series, including it's designs. However, they have no claim to "Macross" as a franchise beyond the first series.
does this count?
Makes me wish Cyberbots and Tech Romancer had caught on more. But in today's market where even Darkstalkers can't make a comeback, there's no way those games could.
TITANFALL 2, even though the devs hate the term Mech.
Also Hawken to a much lesser extent, I have no trouble finding a match on PS4
Tell me again how it would work?
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What do you mean? Multiple mech games release every single year.

Ohh you're talking about the bunch of shit that are Western developers, I see I see.
Well you always have F2P Mechwarrior Online and that other Battletech vaporware game that was recently announced, as well at the crowdfunded cancer Battletech tabletop.digital game thing.

Come on now let's be real. This isn't the 90's anymore, PC gaming is fucking dead, it's in the trash, we will NEVER get a golden age of PC gaming ever again like we did 15 years+ ago. Good Western mech games were pretty much PC exclusive and that simply isn't a possibility nowadays, it's no longer sustainable. I mean it is but you'll only get the F2P or crowdfunded shit I mentioned above, not a full mech game with a neat single-player campaign like the Mechwarrior's and Mechcommander's of old.

So.. either go back to the original japanese mechs or rot on /v/ crying out for new games that will never happen.
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