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Got this from Wal-Mart. Only one in stock. Did I do good?

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Got this from Wal-Mart. Only one in stock. Did I do good?
where are the games?
don't tel you that you bought a $300 tablet that can't even go on 4chan
You got lucky, I did not :/
Stores are starting to have stock amassing
A month from now and it's going to be in regular stock. Can't help but wonder if they called double production prematurely
If you got Zelda yes.
Are those weird problems with screeching and cards not working still prevalent?
They never were.
I looked everywhere today, every GameStop best buy target wal mart in town.

I was told the day before target is getting some this morning and if I'm at the door right when they open I get a switch.

He clerk got it wrong. When the doors opened the manager said I don't know why he told you that but shipment is Monday.

End my life
Get the guy fired

you would be doing him a huge favor
This desu
I work at target and I fucking hate it.
That's good actually because a month from now MK8D will already be out and ARMS shouldn't be much further out then that.

Zelda and MK8D will print money for those on the fence of buying a Switch.
Like with any console defect, it only happened to a small amount of users out of 1.5 million.

Durability tests have shown the Switch to be largely durable though it'd probably be best to get a tempered glass screen protector just in case.
It's crazy. I actually ended up with two Switches at launch because I double preordered. I flirtes with the idea of scalping it in ebay but after watching others for the past month, it became obvious that nobody was making money from scalping them, so I just returned it.
You dumbass now is one of the worst times to buy a switch
theres very few games out right now and the price is too high. you should have waited till odyssey or a price drop
Really? A friend of mine ordered 4 switches, sold three of them for $550 each.

I thought the switch would flop (they just lucked out that everyone has a boner for Zelda)
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>boring gray
At least you managed to find one ya lucky sod.

hah........ epicsauce my dude. welcome to the nintendbro army :D
I should have mentioned that I Iive in Britain. The consoles *are* in short supply here too but it doesn't seem to be a complete sell-out like other regions.
>autism red and blue

I'm holding off buying a Switch because I got a gut feeling that Nintendo is going to pull another 3DS situation where they come out with limited edition bundles and holiday discounts within a year. If they don't then they will surely come out with a "NEW" Nintendo Switch with better hardware soon.
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>or a price drop

What would he have gained from waiting until Oddyssey was released, if there was no pricedrop before then?

I think you might be a retard, anon.
Yeah if you're 10 years old

>calls others '10 year olds' by acting like the most immature faggot possible
The red and blue one is retarded
All grey masterrace
You can just buy the other joy cons and switch them out...
>he doesn't bing bing wahoo

Enjoy being old.
are you kidding, dude? I got one on Monday and already have 7 games for it, including the best game of the generation rn

Did they ever fixed that dock issue or will I have to pick up a screen protector as well?
Shhh. Let people be retarded.

Most will buy a second set of joy cons down the line anyway.

Despite the complaints about peripheral prices, this is the cheapest Nintendo system since the SNES to achieve four-player capability with.
The dock can't scratch the screen like that, it makes no sense
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>not wanting gray
At least try to be discreet about playing toddler games
the dock can scratch the screen but only if you pull out the switch horizontally instead of vertically like you're supposed to.
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Being an inbred mouth-breathing hillbilly you should OF gotten a patriotic Xbox instead.
right, but the scratches from pictures I've seen on here were vertical and fairly deep
Hehehe yes, buy more!! Buy all our joycons, and pro controllers, and docks, yes! Yes! YES!
There was never a dock issue. A few systems seem to have shipped with 'warped' docks which were bent slightly which seemed to be scratching the dock. Others reporting it were just shitposting.

There's a video of a guy running a key all over the screen and it doesn't mark at all. Don't worry about it.
>not billed as a tablet
>calls it a tablet to belittle it
>goes on to belittle it for not doing the things a tablet does
>it still isn't billed as a tablet
>nobody cares for those feature on the Switch
>belittle them for not wanting those features
>even if they already have them all on their phone

That this stunt still goes on amazes me.
you're boring

get a job

honestly I'm hype af that the pro controller is supported on PC, It'll be interesting to see how it stacks with the bone
It's the gaming focused tablet we've always wanted, without all that android crap
Man, you can even just buy new plastic shells for the Joycon off a china site for $6 if you want them a different color.
The switch pro controller is almost identical in size and shape to the xbone one. But I'd say the switch one edges it out with a nice weighty feel to it.
just don't act rough when docking or undocking your switch and you should be fine.
I'm thankful the interface is so sleek.
everyone says it's really good, but it looks goofy in the screenshots
>It's the gaming focused tablet we've always wanted
who's this "we"
I'm pretty sure nobody asked for a gaming tablet.
People wanted Vita with actual games.
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Got my left joy-con back from Nintendo today after a week, works great now.

They even included a nice letter with a 5€ eshop voucher and these switch accessory bits here as an apology.
Haven't yet held a Switch Pro controller. But dang. Both the Wii U pro and the Xbone controller are schmoooth, so if it's even better than those, I'm expecting pure sex in my hands.
>Spending $300, plus $60 for a game.
>Not waiting for the inevitable bundle or "New" Nintendo Switch.
How does the Switch look when plugged in to a 4K HDR TV? I don't have any 720p TVs at my place anymore.
Well fuck, I feel like just bullshitting them and telling them mine needs fixing too, just to get free stuff.
That notebook is cute
Well that was pretty nice of them.

Supposedly, their standard fix for the left JoyCons is just putting in a tiny block of anti-static foam to ward off antenna interference form the rumble unit.

Seems they're swift with dismantling any trouble rearing its head during this launch.
Well for what it's worth, my left joy-con wasn't exactly broken or anything.. but after ~3 meters distance, when I had my index finger on the shoulder button (so in "front" of the joy-con so to say) it got a bit spotty in the calibration menu, so I sent it in thinking why not do that while I have warranty, got a pro controller to keep playing with anyway

Yeah, you can't see it here but the logo and the nintendo switch letters are actually, how do you say.. protruding? you can feel them when you slide your finger across.
I know right? It's almost like all these people on a video game forum are somehow excited for new video game hardware and games.

The absolute madmen.

Supposing the images are normally upscaled to 1080p from whatever the rendering resolution is, your 4K TV will just display it with every pixel drawn as four pixels instead.

The Tv handles this automatically.

So I'm saying it'll look exactly like it looks on a 1080p tv.
>People wanted Vita with actual games.

and that's what we got :)
I think it's "embossed"
Yes you have what games do you hope to get though?
congrats, enjoy the validation from falling for marketing you brainless twit
He asked if he did good. I gave him an answer. Buying any console at launch is asking to be fucked.
Not shitposting here, I'm really considering buying a switch because BotW looks amazing.

But what else is worth buying on it? I know it's only been out a few weeks but is there anyother 'must have' games?
Not at the moment. Wait a year and around Christmas there'll be a price drop or bundle.
That people still respond to blatant bait amazes me. You just couldn't resist jumping to the defense of beloved Nintendo, right?
I think the price comes into question when you add in 4 pro controllers if you want comfortability.

Breaking 2 pairs of joy cons is cool for the feature of 4 player on the go but comfortability is definitely something people would consider a necessity that isn't cheap.

That being said I'm a sucker and I've already paid up for 3 pro controllers and will get 1 more later when MK8 hits most likely.
I have
>Shovel Knight
>Snake Pass
>Metal Slug 1/3
>Has-Been Heroes
>Binding of Isaac
>World of Goo

It's great for indie games because of how portable the tablet is
BOTW is a must obviously, but I haven't been keeping track of the Eshop much. I was hyped for Pocket Rumble but it got delayed to who knows when. ARMS, Mario Kart, and Splatoon in the first few months is an amazing launch for a system and I would honestly feel satisfied with my purchase with those 4 games if the system were to die.
Super Bomberman R.
I know that 50 bucks is a lot for a Bomberman game but Konami is actually trying to make the game better and worth the price. They fixed the input lag and have plans of updating the game with free DLC. Plus its fun to play multiplayer, either online or with friends.
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switch them out you say
The Switch looks like a tablet therefore it needs to function as a tablet. You, know, like how you can do computer stuff with all the other consoles.

Just went by Walmart a little while ago. Already have one though, so does my girlfriend and most of our friends who would want one.

>indie shovelware/abandonware machine
>right now
Zelda BotW
Fast RMX
Disgaea 5
If you like it: Bomberman R, Blaster Master Zero, I Am Setsuna
If you have friends (at least 1): Snipperclips

>this month
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, 1080p60fps locked unlike 720p60fps on WiiU. Now has dual items, purple boost stage, ALL dlc, new items, new characters, new karts and parts and a full new battle arena with multiple new modes and arena tracks
>next month
>ARMS, looks pretty based, traditional controls available too
>afterwards (within 2017 confirmed)
Xenoblade 2
SM Odyssey
Project Octopath
Runner 3

Oh and Puyo Puyo soon and a bunch of other games I forgot about, smaller stuff. Also Fire Emblem Warriors at some point, then FE Switch and who knows what e3 will bring. Also SMT V.
you don't get to define everything that a tablet needs to do.

and it's a games console in the form factor of a tablet, what else does it "need" to do other than play great games?
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all those games are great, and even better when you can play them on the go
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>Not waiting for a catalog of good games first
>Not waiting for the inevitable hardware revision that Nintendo always does for their portable shit
>Not waiting for Miku Teal edition

You dun fukked up.
I really hope Nintendo has plans in place to attract more indies. 3rd party games haven't always done well on Nintendo consoles but indies could plug holes between 1st party classics.
But the switch will have all the bells and whistles other tablets have. Sooner or later.
Why does your Walmart stack everything upside down?
Went to GameStop, Walmart, toys r us and didn't find any
depends on your TV as every TV has different scaling methods.

like if you got a samsung 4k tv then it should be fine but if you have some no name 4k tv brand then it will look like shit.
if snake pass is any indication, i'd rather just play them on my pc

switch is another dedicated nintendo box
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It totally has more than one game
You wasted several hundred dollars on an overpriced toy and came to an anonymous imageboard for approval.

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why would you rather play snake pass on a PC than a tablet?

if you say resolution I swear to god...

Your choice, I'd rather have a portable version.
reminds me when Vitafags were defending their no game system by lapping up any indie game or ps+ title that hits the psn store
Maybe he's Australian?
Pretty good list for just the first year desu, considering e3 will also bring announcements of a new Metroid, Animal crossing, the Pokémon game and an MHXX port

They seem to be going heavy on indies. Apparently NoA is being very accommodating.
Agreed that PC is usually the best platform to play games on, but it doesn't have the Switch's portability/touch screen.
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>$100 maple dollars
hell no
except we already have BOTW :)
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>It's shit!
>It HAS to be shit!
>P-please be shit!
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>comes to 4chan to show that he wasted money on a crappy game console
Fucking ausfags
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>only one in stock

there is.... another.
What's the point of this post? What are you trying to say?
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>posting pictures from reddit

it begins! in a months time we'll see Wii U Pallets version 2.0. I can't wait to make a throne of Switches at Best Buy.
spotted the reddit user
They literally said they were shipping out another million minimum in April, this right after a restock you idiot. Besides, they units still get sold out within an hour at most online and in stores within half a day.
actually that is a picture from walmart
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>anyone who doesn't like a Nintendo product is a Sony fan boy
Why is this still a thing you people believe after all these years?

Really? Is my photo circulating around that shithole now?
sonyfans are just that shit
I still don't get it. Please explain?
>BotW gets 5/5 and 10/10s across the board
>I watched footage of people dying over and over
>I tried out my friend's WiiU and I hated it leading to me just making a PC for all of generation 8

>Gamestop restock day.
>They didn't get them in but several people were apparently waiting out front.
>Show up at the stripmall on the outskirts of town the next day at 7am
>Nobody was waiting out side
>3 hours later they open
>Walk in
>Guy bolts out of a car and runs in
>Both of us were after a switch
>We got turned away and were told their shipments don't come in until noon
>I figure nobody really cares too much and or read the news about the restock
>Leave to repair a house for an hour
>Come back at 11 intending to wait an hour
>"Oh, they came and we already sold out."

>Call the 2nd closest Gamestop which is at an actual mall
>They didn't get their shipment in that day or the day before and believe it will be the next day
>Apparently "several people" waited several hours on both days
>Despondent I show up at 10
>3 other people in line all waiting for a switch
>Clerk says they get shipments at 11
>1 more person show up behind me
>Hour later a guy with a dolly comes in with several boxes
>Cleck comes out
>"Sorry, it seems we only have 3 in the box so... yeah"
>Me and the guy behind me don't move.
>I researched.
>They ship them 5 per box.
>Clerk is surprised later when he actually opens the box on the counter and finds 5.
>We all got one

BotW was absolutely worth it.
Going to pick up Rime in may.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 some time this year.
Super Mario Odyssey obviously.
Squenix's "Project: Octopath Traveler".
Whatever game Suda 51 makes next year.

Waiting for the Switch Release of Smash 4, maybe a Monster Hunter XXU
also available on wii u

again just like vitafags lapping up ports as their big titles (persona 4)
There are plenty of people that don't like Nintendo. The people that vehemently shitpost nintendo threads are Sony fans, because they literally shitpost everyone else as well. Worst fanbase.
yep, I got one and I'm loving it (yes gray joycons all the way). just make sure to grab a pro controller as well
Has anyone been able to get Isaac in store yet?

Also any IPS glow?

Wow you seem pretty flustered for someone who doesn't have stock in Nintendo. Did I strike a nerve by reminding you of the glory days after the Wii U launch where there were pallets of the junk consoles everywhere and scalpers left with cars filled with Wii Us they couldn't sell weeks after launch?

are you a scalper sitting on a horde of Switches you can't pawn off on craigslist because no one wants to buy one? because I bet you are given how angry you come off. :D
>also available on wii u

It's not portable on Wii U though.
Enjoy your fucking Neo Geo ports.
Not him but your autism is showing fag-boy.

also Wii U is a dead console, no point in buying one now
Grats, you figured out the joke nintendo was pushing from the very start, you fucking retard.
Why do storecucks always lie about how many units they have?
It's a Sony one so they are on the same tier as Samsung.

you put a lot of effort into that blog post, here's a (you) and where do I subscribe to keep following with your latest updates?
who gives a shit if its portable or not, most nintendo fags wouldn't dare to bring their switch outside the dock in fear of dropping it or it getting stolen.
I am metal slug is awesome :)
If you have a Wii U, god no.
If not you'll be fine but if you don't like Zelda, Mario or Splatoon your gonna be in bad times
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Was that supposed to be me?
>moving goalposts

>not humping your Wii U and gamepad along with an automotive battery in a military-grade carryall
>who gives a shit if its portable or not

people who leave the basement?
Don't forget your fucking copy of Waku Waku 7 and King of Fighters '98 as well.
I bet you'd even get a kick out of Neo Turf Masters, cunt.
I've heard good fucking things about Shock Troopers as well. Apparently it's pretty fucking good.
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>asking a clerk about back of house shit
I do inventory and stocking at my store and I know exactly when we're putting Switches on the shelves. With that being said, I'm not going to take advantage of that because I'm practically making minimum wage and waiting for a price drop this Fall/Winter.
Shipments never happen on Saturdays in any electronics store dude, your fucking retarded.
I worked at a Canadian Target before they shutdown and it was pretty comfy, which state are you in?
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>boring gray
>buys the childish version
>Star posting

reedit that image for me to show my Wii U, 3DS, NES/SNES/GB/etc, large SNES/NES library, copy of BOTW and then you can toss in my Sony stuff too (no Microsoft, no homo).

Just take the PS+ thing off I'm not paying for that shit.

That clerk had a another buyer that they were going to upsell to. Good on you for screwing him like that; he deserved it.
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>I bet you'd even get a kick out of Neo Turf Masters, cunt.

>not being hype for ARMS and Spla2n

Actually that's Target not Wal-Mart.
>Neo Turf Masters
Best OST out of any game on the Switch
Who would buy a Switch for ARMS? I really don't see families dropping $300 plus tip on a Switch until summer and then the holidays. Odyssey should've been launch.

And yes I corroborate that lots of Switches on shelves in my city.
I've already put enough money into games for this thing, god damnit...
Got a shipment in at work Thursday night, coworker calls me yesterday and tells me we got them in if I want one but too lazy go. Finally go in to work today and there's 9 on the front counter so I buy one before work starts
>The Switch looks like a tablet therefore it needs to function as a tablet.


Seriously. No rule like that exists.

And it doesn't look like a tablet.

Tablets are thinner and usually 3:4 format.
>where are the games?
woooooowww this guy is triggered
I dunno, you tell me Bridger.
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>Mario Kart 8 1080p60fps locked

No way is this actually true? Might justify me purchasing it again.
don't worry, he's just autistic
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most nintendo fags wouldn't dare to bring their switch outside the dock
How is Human Resources Machine? I never played it but I really enjoyed World of Goo.
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I own a PS4 which I'm quite happy with - and I ain't even mad that the Switch is doing so well. Even if it takes the market by storm and sells 2x what the PS4 does, I'm still happy. Competition is good, and with more units sold, that means more games will be developed - meaning more reason to buy one eventually. And maybe it'll push Sony to improve their shit.

The only console I want to see fail is the Xbox One.

Yes, I'm still mad about 2013.

Also, I would be thrilled if anything to do with PSNow was a total fucking bomb and hit Sony hard enough in the revenue stream to make them stumble a bit this gen.
It is. WiiU 720p60fps.
On Switch 1080p60fps solo or even in 2 player splitscreen.

3 or 4 player local splitscreen is 30fps locked though
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>Tfw I'm black and I carry a Switch with me in public
says who?
>playing GOTG instead of socializing with those normies

Seems like the smart choice.
>implying the battery dont die before reaching the party
I used to use my Vita a lot, and it was similarly as expensive as a Switch. So I'm pretty used to bringing an expensive portable out with me. A lot of my BoTW game time was on the bus travelling to/from work.
says society
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I love how portable my Switch is haha btw Jake is a fucking mad ass guy
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>The Switch looks like a tablet therefore it needs to function as a tablet

While I don't agree with this mentality, I do think the Switch would be better if it had things to make it seem like a tablet, ie internet browser, social media, etc.

I want to believe that they released the Switch right now without those things so that they can add those functions before this upcoming Christmas and market those aspects well.

Fuck me thats great to hear. Getting Gold on every cup will be a pain in the ass, but at least it will be at 60fps.
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>nintenbros immediately start posting sony wojacks at people who don't like the switch
portable charger, woah
Society at large puts forth a statistics statement?
>The only console I want to see fail is the Xbox One.
There's literally no reason to own one. I can't believe anyone has one.
wow grow up
Once I masturbated after not washing my hands after cutting chilli.
Made my dick feel pretty nice.
Sure, let's have some more crying nintendo wojaks instead.
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cross buy and backwards compat, not to mention Halo 5 and Horizon 3 are the best games of their respective genres rn.
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>right hand is on the left side of his body
>left hand is just hanging to the right like a ghost hand

2 spooky
This post reeks. How much does NoA pay you?
how much does sony pay you?
>I want to believe that they released the Switch right now without those things so that they can add those functions before this upcoming Christmas

They don't need to oversell it though.

It's already selling all the systems they can produce just with the focus on games.
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There's really no defense left. Every positive about the switch has at least ten provable negatives, so they just resort to shitposting and posting wojacks as a last line of defense when they cant simply deny reality anymore.

I'm kind of glad I'm past caring about Nintendo anymore. The WiiU being a disappointment after the Wii's gimmick shitstain on gaming history truly broke me caring. If I cared I'd have to be lumped in with the degenerates as they are now.

Of course I'd love Nintendo to be good again as one of their longest fans (now former I guess) but they're clearly not coming back. They got dollar signs in their eyes and will desperately grasp at any straw that lets them try to make bank off of a cheap gimmick with low cost hardware.
Sorry you got upset someone BTFO'd your "Switch only has Zelda and Mario in 2017" meme
>Every positive about the switch has at least ten provable negatives

Haha, you kept writing after having writting this.
finally. Nintendo cutting all the bullcrap and focusing on a console that can just play games. I like it
Go away marketer, your damage control isn't working, neither are your copypasted forbes threads. I want good Nintendo back, not this gimmick shitstain.
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holy shit, shut up
Some consoles have certainly seen worse first years.

And I feel optimistic about there being cool surprises at E3.
you really misunderstood that entire post
reread it, more slowly this time
this is good Nintendo

t. guy who stopped buying after N64 left me cold
>he didn't get the neon one
no he didn't your post was stupid
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>cross buy and backwards compat

PS also has Cross Buy between PS3/PS4/Vita on certain titles. Nothing I'm interested in, but then, there's nothing Cross Buy on the Xbox that I'm interested in either. Why waste an HDMI port when I can just play on PC.

And I have a 360 already, as well as an Original Xbox - and the 360 has Xbox Original backwards compatibility and used games for it are like $5~10.

>not to mention Halo 5 and Horizon 3
Halo 5 is a massive disappointment to the Halo fanbase, and the casual market has long since moved on to CoD and now Overwatch. Halo is barely relevant anymore. Forza Horizon 3 is pretty ok, but it's on the PC where multiplayer over Xbox Live is free of charge.

Still not seeing a reason to buy an Xbox.
You mean the post was being ironic?

Because the second sentence just didn't make sense, one way or the other.
>backwards compat
I guess that's okay. Kind of lame how they do it, but alright. As for Halo aren't all the 343i ones bad? I didn't care for much of 4 from what I saw a friend play. Did they really improve with 5?
A hacked Wii U is a cheaper and better purchase than a Switch right now. You got every Wii U, Wii, Gamecube, and virtual console title at your disposal. Switch can't even do Virtual Console yet.

You must be coming from the timeline where the Switch bombed. Did Hillary win the election in that one?
the part where he said consoles can do computer stuff was a joke, since they definitely can't
okay, but those are my reasons.

>Halo 5 is a massive disappointment to the Halo fanbase
who cares Halo died when 2 decided to focus on consoleized bullshit MP. Yet here we are today with H5 being basically the only modern arena shooter (and a damn good one at that). I'm glad it's not like old halo

Forza is on PC, so now I have an amazing game I can play on both of my devices, so that's nice
have some patience my man

>buy a Wii U now
>buy a switch and rebuy Botw and rebuy and VC games you already got

nah, I'll just buy a switch now and wait
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Hawwww haawwwwww haaaawwwwhaaawwww

Boy this keeps gettin funnier.
But they also don't look like computers. So their capabilities have no relevance to the first statement.

But seeing as the Switch doesn't actually look like a tablet etiher, I think I can see where you're going with this.
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Why act like all of you won't buy the Switch before the year is over anyway?

>SM Odyssey
>Xenoblade 2
>MHXX port
>Puyo Puyo
>Runner 3

>FE Warriors almost there
>SMT V later in 2018
>Animal Crossing, Metroid and Pokémon announced by then
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The neon joy cons look bad ass,

the only people who hate them are mad because they couldn't find one to buy.

>tfw neon is sold out so you have to settle for gray
I just want a Nintendo handheld. Not a wannabe.
Waiting for the bundle, personally.
well, assuming you're
I wasn't the guy who made the post you replied to
but I'm 100% sure he was agreeing with the post he quoted in that its retarded to expect the switch to behave like a tablet, just like its retarded to expect a console to behave like a pc
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>Act like a prick
>someone calls you a prick

How could you be so stupid?
I hope there is a SMO bundle at the end of this year.

>mfw i realized how fast time is going by its already fucking april 2017
There will be and Nintendo is handling it all in a pretty smart way.
By the time Christmas is here they'll have an SM Odyssey Switch bundle as well as Zelda, Mario Kart, ARMS, Splatoon and some other games ready for people to pick up.

Will be a good purchase for many families I'd say.
If there's a bundle they probably won't lower the price on it at all, it'll just be the Switch + SMO for retail price.
Still sold out everywhere where I live. I got it on my hacked wii U in late Feb and was planning on buying a switch but the niggas sold out everywhere

So I'm so far in the Zelda game now that I don't wanna get a switch and start all over. Although maybe some day if I ever feel like redoing a zeld.
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>Working some pathetic retail job

No wonder you're so assblasted.
buy it now as an investment since Mario Kart comes out in like 3 weeks
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Just play Hard Mode on the Switch, that way you won't be "starting over" for your normal save. Keep playing your normal save on Wii U until then.
Gonna be so good on /v/ to race again, now with all dlc, new chars/items, 1080p60fps and all.

And the fucking battle arena with all the new modes and tracks
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Had a man on the inside at TRU. Got mine last week. BotW is pure kino. The Switch has a surprisingly good feel to it.
>Only one in stock

aka the one they probably refurbished and kept quiet about.
I liked the SP in 5 well enough, though I never finished it. The level design is pretty open with multiple paths to take and coop looks fun(no mm though wtf?)

But the mp is ace and there's tons of content that's been added post dlc
I use matted screen protectors for my phone to avoid glare, but that would be less of a concern for the Switch.

Should I stick with matted, or go tempered glass?
It's the retro throwback console we've all been waiting for. VC is gonna be lit, can not wait to get smw and all my other favorite snes games for this thing
You're on luck, if anything the switch is more a premium Nintendo handheld acting like a console
I just bought a Switch yesterday, got the last one at ToysRUs. I only care about Zelda and Puyo Puyo Tetris, but I got a tax refund from 2015 so it was "free" money anyway. Hope there are some better games announced for it later cos it's pretty dry right now.

Gonna wait until May to get mine. The Colored version to be exact
The amfilm tempered glass one, if you put it on properly, looks absolutely flawless
Screen is really beautiful
How hard is it to put on right? If it's done properly is there any loss to vibrancy or whatever?

The screen really is gorgeous, I hope they don't pull another ds though
Not a single good exclusive.
sell it for double while you still can
Worked at a target distribution facility. Fucking hated it.

12 hours of mindless slave labor.

I was the guy that packed those small boxes that had literally everything in your department in them and they were also an absolute mess.
Premium handhelds don't have 2 hours of uptime, nintendildo.
>implying I bought a wiiu
*also on PC
It's 2.5, with zeldo

2d and traditional handheld tablet games last much longer
>closed source

What is that supposed to mean, even?

Let's be honest, you're here to advertise Switch. It's not about buying the best console available, you're just trying to sell one to the others because that's your job.
Literally nothing else.
Wait a few years when the Switch+ comes out, along with other games
Not very, it comes with everything you need including alcohol wipes, microfiber cloth and such and it has the tabs on the side so you can align it perfectly.

it has 99.9% opacity and is very thin yet sturdy or something, you won't notice a difference.
U know what that means ;)

It'll be fun watching the overall opinion on the switch grow positive as more and more anons get their hands on one :)
If you don't like even one of those, you have some severe shit taste. No other way to put it.
Hmmm I dunno anon, I am pretty autistic...
>Nintendo console is released and it is successful in both sales and reviews.
>Sonybros have to start spamming in full force trying to make sure people don't enjoy themselves.
that's pretty funny, coming from nintendildo
Why are you so mad it's really starting to hurt my feelings
is not an excuse.
Tired of shills trying to sell a tablet with no games I guess.
Sure it is
for paid shill, maybe
nice falseflag
It already has tons of indie games in the eshop. After coming off the no cool allowed gen of ps4/xbone it kinda blows my mind I got a 15 dollar game that allows full couch coop off the single controller that came with the system
>this thing doesnt even have games
>actually, it'll have a ton of games in just 2017, here's a list
>those dont count I only play cod and fifa
>oh, ok
>false flag

For whom?
If you have absolutely no standards, there's a lot of free games you can play on your smartphone.

Try Angry Birds, it's pretty popular. Smartphone is portable too by the way.
I'm glad I got it just so I don't have to play botw on Wii u. Snake pass is fun too and I never got Mario kart on Wii u so I'm looking forward to the switch version. I wish the vita had been more like this
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>"name ONE good thing about this shitty tablet"
>someone does
>"why the hell should i listen to you, you're clearly a shill trying to sell me shit"
What do you want them to say? Nobody can be this stubborn. Are you even a real person?
Fuck you.

No smart phone can play botw, faggot
the preorders people did expired today. they are putting those up now. That's how I got mine today
oh boohoo, muh kiddie farcry

emulate it on PC, you big faggot

The Switch outputs at 1080 docked, not 720
I will, when it works in 4 years
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>Keeps moving the goalpost
Please stop, you are embarrassing yourself
>It has no games
>Just play that game on your PC thoughhhh
>multiplats don't count for other platforms
>they totally count for platform I shill tough!!!
That still doesn't change how you said there were no good games in that list and then recommended one game of that same list afterwards
Are you being paid to shitpost at least?
>It has absolutely no games
>No, those games you can play on a normal console on your handheld don't count and neither do tentpole exclusives
>Nothing counts because i'm a fat gigantic faggot who doesn't even play videogames
The only people discounting multiplats are sonybros looking for any reason to justify their snore of a console

Oh wow its a supercharged pc
....from 2010...

This was a new shipment. They got 42 units. I asked the dude, because I was curious as to how long they had been out. It sounded like they had put them out a few hours before I took that picture, and about 12 of them had been sold.

I expect that they will be sold out by tomorrow, but it is nice that they managed to get a real restock out, instead of the piddly 5-10 unit shipments that they have been getting post-launch.
oh nice, i guess the preordered ones will add to the stock soon
I wish fucking Amazon would restock as I have 100 Amazon shekels from work to blow on one.
You do own Vita and PS4 then, right?
You'll see just wait 2 weeks and everybody will be calling it the stillborn disaster we all know it is
Uh no?
it kinda already is

But there's more than a thousand games on each platform. What happened to your "multiplats and indies count now" thingie?
Did anyone time how long a full charge will last? Say I took it off charger and played botw the whole time. how long would it last?
2 hours
that sucks
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0/10 made me reply
This better not replace their dedicated handheld line. That's absolutely apalling.
Of course you can find them. Nobody buys video games in Australia.
I like my distribution center job.

I get a desk and after 4 hours of work I spend the next 4 with my laptop playing video games.
They will cannibalize Switch sales with new handheld if it will happen.
I see no problem with that.
Switch has a much better screen :)

And it's a vita and ps4 combined
>WiiU outsells Xbox One
lcd shit is not better than OLED, sweetie
It depends on what you're playing. If you restrict yourself to handheld games then it'll have 6+ hrs. From my experience Zelda lasts about 2.5 hours off full charge
Okay but it's still 720p with a better ppi

Vita doesn't even do oled anymore anyway
Aren't they all handheld games? The fuck?
I'm talking about shit like Shovel Knight vs fully 3d shit like Zelda breath of the shit
That nintendildo meant indies with pixel graphics.
uhh, you don't get to move goalposts sweetie
I didn't though
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