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Honest thoughts on the ending of Mad Max?

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Honest thoughts on the ending of Mad Max?
I wasn't a fan. They spent the entire game trying to make the player feel sympathy for Max, then threw everything away when he kills Chumbucket
Chumbucket did NOTHING wrong


[spoilerits a MIGHTY duster[/spoiler]
>They spent the entire game trying to make the player feel sympathy for Max
Not really, most of the time he acted like a shit. Also he warned Chum to get off.
He directly caused the deaths the Hope and Glory.
>He directly caused the deaths the Hope and Glory.

This, if he didn't drive off like a coward while leaving max behind then they both would've lived longer at least.
I don't even remember lol
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>people thinking Max is a good guy
A good ending to fit in with the franchise.
Gave me feels
It fits with the canon.
I play every few months, I have yet to finish it but I just spoiled myself so I feel like doing it now
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>Max left the snow globe behind
i assume because he was just using hope and glory as a replacement to his family and didn't really care about them
Was it ever explained why he drove back to the tanker?
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The game is fun though the amount of collectibles is a bit ridiculous. Runs extremely well too.
I stopped playing midway. It's really tiresome
Just do only story missions.
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The game world felt weird to me. It was like a madlibs version of Mad Max. Where was the fucking the bikes and sports gear?
Having my first playthrough and its fun so far. In the pink eye territory right now - the place is awesome
It was like an inverted Road Warrior ending. He gets his car back but at the cost of his humanity.
Doesnt Fury road starts after the game? Or I got it backwards?
I just beat this the other day.

GOAT game imo, I liked the ending. He went from Mad Max to full on PISSED Max. That's the Max I like. Goody-goody Max isn't nearly as cool.
Yes, the game takes place before Fury Road
If it is to fit into canon at all it probably takes place before Road Warrior since he loses the car in that one.
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It's definitely not before the Road Warrior. RW is only three years after the first film.
Says the director, who also said he doesn't really give a shit and later made Max's kid a girl for no reason so I don't trust him. IMO it's been way longer than 3-5 years. Hell in Fury Road it's supposed to be 20 years later and Max is still in his early 30s.

tl;dr the timeline is more fucked than Zelda's
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Post pics

This game is beautiful
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Well, when you decide to do the fourth movie in a franchise decades after the third, you're going to run into these problems.

The girl isn't Max's kid, though. It's the kid who you fail to save in the game, who was also in the comics, which also may or may not be canon.
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Doesn't the photo of his family you see in the intro to the game show a wife and daughter?
He loses the car multiple times
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It does, which makes it more confusing. I just find it easier to treat the first three movies, the game and Fury Road as separate continuities.

Yeah but in RW it gets blown up and in Thunderdome he doesn't have it at all
Honestly Chumbucket should've just hung onto the car and crashed but still be left alive on the ground so they could use him in the future if anyone wanted. He was funny and a good character. Burning him was totally unnecessary.
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Why did Max leave behind Glory's snowglobe?
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I was confused by the post-game. I wanted to 100% it, but I had Chumbucket back for some reason and the Magnum Opus. You at least get the Road Warrior gear and shotgun to replace that tacticool shit you end up with, but I just wanted to cruise around in the Interceptor.
Max can't remember his wife and kid anymore, so he mentally fused them into one being- a little girl. This comes from Fury Road interviews
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That's a pretty cool idea, actually. Plausible, too, given how much time has passed and how much shit he's had to deal with since.
Post-game is non canon, it just rewound time to have that character back because you need his elite harpoon skills. Don't think too much about it.

I wanted to cruise in the Interceptor too but the game demanded I use harpoons to pull on things so I couldn't.
Okay I notice here the ground is pure dirt and really brown. The first time I saw this movie that's how I remember it.

Now when I go to watch it every version I've seen since then has a shit ton of green plants and grass all over the wasteland and it ruins it for me. How many version of this movie are there and which is the one that is all brown so I can buy that one?
Why would that ruin it for you? It's still the pre-nuclear outback.
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they never mention if the black on black was max's original car. it's entirely possible he just either repaired it (i forget how badly that explosion at the end of RW damaged it) or just built another. if chum can do it max certainly can

this, the level of entropy and decay in the game world implies it's a generation or so after the fall
They reference Max's loss of time in the game too. If you meet Griffa, he has a chance of saying the following
>GRIFFA: "Do you even know what year it is?"
>"How old are you? Do you even know?"
>MAX: "...I-I don't. Not anymore"
I just like the idea of an "all is lost" feel that I originally got. Having it be so lush doesn't feel right.
Chumbucket is a backstabbing cunt.
>the level of entropy and decay in the game world implies it's a generation or so after the fall

True, but then it makes even less sense. People forgot the words for sniper rifle and dog as if they grew up never knowing the pre-apocalypse world, but then there's Max who is younger than them who does remember it.

Looks better than zero " Well this is me " dawn. If the game had capture the convoy multiplayer or even a random rig generator like Shadows of mordor did for Orcs it would be GOAT OAT.
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He doesn't hold onto memories any more. If the snowglobe isn't going to keep him alive in some way, he's not gonna keep it.
>each camp makes you blow the shit out of the oil rigs
>instead of just capturing the camp and keeping the working rigs for yourself

Blowing things up is fun.
I know MMOs are a dying genre, but I think if you had a Mad Max MMO set in the Outback with the focus purely on the vehicles (no bamham combat) with an emphasis on PvP, then you'd be onto something.
i agree that it doesn't make any sense, but have you ever immersed yourself in another culture or language? you'd be surprised how quickly you lose non-essential words and concepts and adapt to the new ones. i went to china for a year and a half and it took me almost six months when i got back to stop trying to haggle with cab drivers and hocking loogies left and right around women
Convoys needed to be much bigger, with more ridiculous rigs, but I guess the game was made with console limitations in mind. And it needed more crazy driving shit, and less walking around punchy punchy shit. Beating random wastelanders to death for scrap was really out of character for him, as was killing chumbucket, even though chumbucket was really fucking annoying.
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Yep, this game was just a few tweaks away from being perfect. I think they rushed it out the door to meet the demand after the movie, just needed a little more work
>really annoying
his quasi-religious babbling regarding cars was 10/10 and i would honestly have given anything for him to have more lines
>"by camshaft and header i swear i will restore you, my angel"
Seems kinda heartless to just discard the only possession and memory of a child who just died an hour ago.
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Yeah, there's a line for Max's dickishness to people. Gauge it with his interactions with the Gyrocaptain. He goes from threatening his life in exchange for something, to pushing him around, to finally sharing a smile with him at the end. Bludgeoning random passersby for scrap metal just isn't a Max thing.
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To be fair pretty much all of them attacked him first.
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that's the point, he's a heartless asshole who pushes people that are sympathetic towards him away in order to hunt for something that doesn't exist anymore
the game really needed a third faction that you would encounter out in the world that wouldn't attack you on site. Maybe the war boys would attack them and you could help them.
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I wanted to see a bit more of the 'old world'. Maybe another former MFP like Max, or an ex-military man like Humungus.
> He directly caused the deaths the Hope and Glory.

Max directly caused the deaths of Hope and Glory when he abandoned them in hostile territory after winning them in the race. They were his property at that point and he just left them standing there to chase after a car that wasn't even his. There was no reason he couldn't have taken them along and dropped them off at Chumbucket's old place. No reason whatsoever. That ending really made Max look like a complete asshole. He's enraged at the torture and deaths of people he didn't even give enough of a shit about to take with him to reclaim the car.
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fuken straya
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Beautiful game ruined by the open world meme.

>Go here destroy this outpost
>Go here get that scrap
>Go here get these parts for our buildings
>Go here to get that and this

Either than that, it was pretty nice. The different sounds of the engine with exhausts.

I loved that part, but they sucked the fun of the Mad Max lore. There wasn't many moments in the game where I went; "Holy shit that was fucking awesome" until the end.

It was just one race to the next doing the same thing, TO THE SAME FUCKING BOSS MOVE SET.
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I thought of buying this on a sale.

Everyone said it was the most cookie cutter generic mediocre bam-ham combat open world collectible fest game ever released.

How true is this?
Cant handle the fucking meme machine in the in the back of the car all the time

Give me the interceptor

That's pretty true but if you're the type of person that loves to just drive around a vast post-apocalyptic setting to see what you can find (yes. yes, it's all on the minimap if you want it to be) then it's pretty damn fun.
Its not mad max
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Loved the game, fucking hated the end.
It made no sense. The shoehorned him by giving him everything he could ever want then forced him to throw it all away for a ending that was only worth of a M. Night Shyamalaâ„¢ movie and a rotten tomatoes score.
The ending was worse then stank gums dental plan.
good fucking game
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Old screenie from the launch days


If you get the reference you're my nigga forever
No no, Hope and Glory are real. They were his chance at redemption but he abandons them to set up his character arc for later.
Is there any way to get the Ripper car body for PC now? It's not for sale anywhere on Steam as far as I can see.

Either vigilante or rogue trip, can't remember which.
It is highly repetitive but that didn't stop me from putting 75 hours into it. For $4.99 it's great.
Vigilante 8

What's funny about is that both games have quite some similarities
>make the biggest bro companion ever
>he turns on you at the end and you kill him
The final boss despite being thematically cool was just qte garbage
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In some ways this game felt like a true fallout game.

Because its literally been the same people making our car demolition games.
It's kind of how I thought FO2 should have been if it was made 3D, given you get that car in it.
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That's pretty accurate. It has a charm to it, though.
big guy
He always goes on with his life, that's what he does all the time.
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>Honest thoughts on the ending of Mad Max?

The scene where he tells him he can cut through his leg with a hacksaw in 5 minutes if he's lucky?

Fucking great, best part of the first film.

Just watched it again the other night because it was free on Comcast. Honestly the whole movie is just one big build up to the final awesome 10 minutes.
At last an anon who gets it. Its exactly that.
They needed more convoys to fight. Have the factions take back roads. I loved taking on 5-6 cars at once. Fighting 2-3 in random spots wasn't the same.

Yeah, its definitely got a different feel to it than the other Mad Max films.

Aside from the awesome chase scene with the Nightrider at the start most of the film is a surprisingly slow burn building up Max's character. But all that pent up rage through the whole film makes the ending really satisfying.
Only thing that legit pissed me off after awhile was having to hold A/X to do literally everything. So many times I just wanted to climb the ladder and he'd drop his weapon instead.
It needed more rewards to collect.
Reminder that getting all of the Immortan joe insignias gives you nothing
Wish it didn't have Arkham combat either.
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>tfw you're out there alone in the desert contemplating life's mysteries with Chum
2015 was a good year for WB

>Mad Max
>Batman (eventually)
>tfw a woman will never compare to chum.
> How many version of this movie are there and which is the one that is all brown so I can buy that one?

There's only one version of The Road Warrior.

Some parts of it are filmed in pure sandy desert others are filmed in dirty outback. It's like real life. The only one that has a pure lifeless desert is Fury Road which is much more stylised and fantastical than the others.
The world didn't end in one cataclysmic event. Economic and Enviromental collapse had been happening for years. Mad Max 1 is obviously more civilised than later ones, but who knows what state the rest of the world is in. People get confused because Road Warrior looks post nuclear apocalyptic, but that's just what Australia looks like. Nuclear in mad max was only ever limited to minor exchanges, it's not like Fallout where the whole world got blown up. Maybe a few capital cities that lead to society collapsing.
I think I'm gonna pick it back up tomorrow, stopped after 15 hours or so a few months ago.
he had snow more room in his car
Nuclear war was serious in Mad Max. As serious as Fallouts. Fallout actually word for word rips Mad Max's premise
What was cool how was 50% of the game you're actually exploring the undersea now exposed. Never seen that before in a game.

But then where did all the water go?
In Max 1 the gangs ruled the highways and its implied all of central Australia. Max 2 is basically just set in the gang territory. Society doesn't collapse until halfway between 2 and 3.
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Yeah, really bristles my balls when people think Road Warrior is after a nuclear apocalypse. In Mad Max you can tell that the infrastructure is rapidly falling apart and the roads are basically lawless and incredibly dangerous, with bikers running rampant. Road Warrior is just set way out in the middle of nowhere with the country in a state of anarchy and civilised society being 'over'.
Didn't the montage at the start of RW so nukes going off? I think it was just added for the Murrican version.
Lol wrong society is collapsing in 1, it ended in 2 its fiction Australia has never been like any of the movies
>the merchant bankers

They knew
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No, it showed stock footage from World War II, but no nukes. Miller said he purposely avoided it being post-nuclear because he didn't want to bogged down in details regarding mutations and radiation poisoning. This preamble I'm dumping was penned by Miller himself.
Mad max 2 confirms nuclear war happened. In the game it sort of expands on it that people were fighting last ditch special operations to end the war
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