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How will the shills damage control this?
2/5 What's the Metacritics score now?
Good I hope the franchise gets shitcanned like Deus EX Mankind Divided
Where did this meme come from? That Logan trailer with the Johnny Cash cover of NiN?
reddit normies learned about the song via their signature show rick and morty and have been spamming that shitty meme ever since
Fuck off newfag
>like Deus EX Mankind Divided
Fuck you mankind divided isn't even bad, and deserves another game
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*BUURRRRP* "God's not real Morty"
>the redditor begins to chuckle
"L-life is pointless Morty, your *URP* parents are fucking idiots"
>the redditor laughs out loud, spewing Cheetoh crumbs all over his desk
"W-wake up fucking sheeple, everybody is an idiot but me"
>the redditor can hardly contain his full bellied laughter as chortles begin to fill the room
>The redditor starts convulsing on the floor, gasping for air between spasms of laughter
"mmmm get schwifty"
>the redditor's heart explodes and he dies
>That Logan trailer
>the Johnny Cash cover of NiN?
Pick one
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I've wanted Bioware to burn ever since ME3.
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Quick /v/ strike a pose.
Hasn't been updated on Metacritic or Opencritic yet.
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>your studio's history dates back more than twenty year
>you are backed by one of the biggest publishers in video games
>you are tasked with reviving one of the most beloved franchises of the last generation
>you are given tens of millions of dollars
>you have five fucking years (development started when people were afraid of the mayan apocalypse)

>this is what you make
B-but we hired a diverse staff, how could this have happened?
To be fair no one from the real Bioware is involved with this.
When Brad doesn't like your game, the man who can be entertained by shiny objects, you fucked up.
The bioware of today isn't the bioware that made Baldur's Gate.
What happened with the rest of Bioware then, what happened with the old ME team, did they all get laid off or something or get put on some super secret new Dragon Age project.
They fucking left, a bunch are actually on the Overwatch team now.
3 more days. april 4th is big patch anouncement day
There is still a legacy there and weight to the fact that it says "Bioware" on the door.

Also they didn't purge the entire studio and replace everyone at once
Ship of Theseus
its worth it just to see the selfies of the happy diverse staff :3
Congratulations, you're a prime example of marketing at work.
In this specific case it's people and not an object

If you have 100 people and replace one them every year, the 1 in the 99 is going to be influenced by what is there and after 100 years you still have some form of identity, of course it's different but I would argue that they somehow carried on the legacy and whatnot

But who fucking knows fact of the matter is they made a giant piece of shit and that's that, shut it down
Andromeda is still selling pretty well. Probably not what EA was hoping for, but still well enough to keep the series going. Mankind Dividend was a huge flop in terms of sales. It also probably cost more money to make than Andromeda.
I'd argue that the spirit and ethics of the company come from the top, and trickle down. The founders are long gone, we know that, the lead writer for the ME series left a long time ago as well, and a bunch of other senior staff have been credited on other games over the years (meaning they left/fired/etc).

I would agree that there is some old staff there, but to argue that they have any real impact from their cubicles is a bit asinine I think. Like cutting off the head of a chicken really, the thing will still writhe around but it ain't what it used to be.
It sold well because it says Mass Effect, but the next game will suffer from this even if it's good
Asscred 3 to Black Flag thing

Also they fucked it up twice now, there are as many good as bad games in the Mass Effect series so I'm wondering how many times they can keep fucking up

They already went full "t-this is stand alone" on this one though so I'm sure they will try again, question is just how long they'll wait
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But muh patriarchy.
are you retarded? The song is famous as hell, especially since the Johnny Cash cover
April 4th is supposed to be the intersection of cosmic leylines that result in the ultimate destruction of whitey.
LAWL you're so random anon haha
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this mocking meme with text describing the person's actions is the fucking worst.

thanks niggers and your stupid fucking lip smacking bullshit.
Nihon games:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Nintendo - Official Score 96 / 93% Recommend
>Nier Automata - Square Enix - Official Score 89 / 91% Recommend
>Nioh - Koei Tecmo - Official Score 88 / 95% Recommend
>Resident Evil 7 - Capcom - Official Score 87 / 90% Recommend
>Yakuza 0 - SEGA - Official Score 86 / 93% Recommend
>Tales of Berseria - Bandai Namco - Official Score 80 / 72% Recommend
>Gravity Rush - Sony - Official Score 80 / 69% Recommend

Western Games:
>Halo Wars 2 - Microsoft - Official Score 78 / 60% Recommend
>For Honor - Ubisoft - Official Score 77 / 56% Recommend
>Mass Effect Andromeda - EA - Official Score 74 / 43% Recommend
>Ghost Recon Wildlands - Ubisoft - Official Score 72 / 41% Recommend
This looks like a french art-house indie film. If only it were in black&white.
>Halo Wars 2 - Microsoft - Official Score 78 / 60% Recommend

How is that game by the way? Average as fuck like Halo Wars 1?
Bioware Edmonton consulted was consulted for it.
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upon watching gameplay for it, I actually think it looks pretty good. 1 was my favorite for how it felt like a space soap opera, and I despised 2 for turning it into hurr durr bullshit action garbage. I didn't even bother with 3. If this game is as exploration focused as 1 then I'm definitely interested in it. Fuck all these reviewers saying "ITS NOT AS GOOD AS THE SERIES USED TO BE" when their view of the series highlight is 2.
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buy it, do it.

it's a good use of your mom's money
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To be fair the real Bioware has been dead from some time now
>>Halo Wars 2 - Microsoft - Official Score 78 / 60% Recommend
That came out?
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But I'm also chicken and waffles

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So the real Bioware was behind Cisquisition?
And that people can do a better Mass Effect?
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it's like a leg in one hand, and a BRERB in the other
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little caprice
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Bioware thought that the "progressive" game market exists, when in reality it exists only to piss people off, even the "SJWs" that it so panders to.

>EA took one look at this abomination and didn't even bother to pay off game journalist shills because they knew how shit it was
>SJWs scramble and claim that it was bad because it wasn't progressive enough
>what little fun there was, is bugged beyond belief to a point where it is unplayable (going out of bounds, npc pop-ins that block your path)
>the human interaction (which was the soul core of the mass effect franchise) is actually worse than fucking Two Worlds

They thought that it being a progressive game was enough, and everything else was secondary.
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>you are backed by one of the biggest publishers in video games
Being under EA's thumb is not a positive.
glib facsimile
So you see, the Mayan Apocalypse did come it was just late.
Watched the first season of that shitty show with a friend and most of the time I had to force myself to laugh

The fact that it's so popular is enough proof that most millenials are retarded and should be gassed
>when your game is so shitty your launch trailer has a song apologizing for the game
>a bunch are actually on the Overwatch team now
That explains a lot
That raindrop shader on the character skin and armor is pretty nice teeebeeehaytch tho.
i keep trying to play through it but everything feels so flat and uninspired and like im wasting my time.

some of the characters i like though, jaal cora and vetra are alright. that's it. even the tempest feels like a chore to walk around. five fucking years.
>How will the shills damage control this?

>I had little to no issues with the game. Thought it was on par with ME3, ME3 had the better highs and way lower lows, Andromeda was a more steady, on par experience. 4/5 is what I ended up giving it in my book.

>I've ended up enjoying this game quite a bit. Doesn't hold up to ME2 but I'd put it before one or three. Never got hit with any weird bugs.

>Playing this on xbone has been a joy, great game. Sad Brad didn't have the same fun with it.

>Maybe it's because I've played on PC but youse guys have been WAAYYYY too hard on this game in a way that feel malicious and gleeful. I've put in maybe 30 hours and have had a great time, it's still providing a Star Trek experience no other game series is and I enjoy the characters alot. It's unfair to shit on them because in one game they're not as cool as Garrus, Talia, Wrex and Joker who I spent 3 games, 9 or so DLC packs, and 6 or 7 years with.

That's how. Just pretending all the people having issues are weird outliers, with a healthy helping of vintage Bioware "why are you guys bullying us, this is just evil goober gators shitting on the Greatest Company Ever"
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>tfw glorious nipon has finally surpassed the west once again but both industries are so shitty right now that it doesn't even matter
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when will these idiots learn gamers don't want their games to be massive gay orgy simulators in space
sjws don't buy games as they are to busy paying for truvada and sex change operations so your ONLY option is to market it to gamers in general, some are right wing, some are left wing, so you have to be very tact about it, so shoving shit like pic related into a game people is a good way of losing cash hurr we are going to make the pseudo fascist raptors gay because sjws demand it
Let's not forget the genofag, the mountains of fags ON A COLONY MISSION WHERE THE NUMBER ONE GOAL IS TO KNOCK UP BITCHES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE and other cringe worthy leftist dribble
Add to this the nail in the coffin that is the fact the game sucks enough dick to be mistaken for a gay porno and you have something 50% of the population wouldn't touch with a god damn 10ft pole
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>Asari pronouns in the game
>This actually fucking happens
Is it even possible for these people to not act in such a predictable way that confirms perfectly how /pol/ stereotypes them?

If you had told me this happens in the game I wouldn't believe you.

/pol/ was right again...
would you kindly kill yourself
>Game has a pseudo-fascist gay raptor
>No option to fuck it
Bioware always finds new ways to disappoint me
I don't understand why people pretend that Mankind Divided was a bad game. It was a good game.

It just had a plot that really didn't go far which made it feel like it ended at what you would expect to be the half-way mark.
The best/worst part about this is that this is going to bite bioware in the ass down the line, some company will make an rpg that doesn't pander on politics, either by ignoring it or by providing fair options for both sides, that readds lost aspects of rpg games such as the ability to be either a dick or flat out evil, and it will have half way descent gameplay

This game will be like rain in a desert for RPG gamers such as myself and people will flock to that company begging for more games that don't blow, and Biowhore will lose cash, and die.

I think on some level this was a part of EA's decision to make bioware a game that shits out sjw crap I mean didn't they try and kick up a controversy about that?

No they are gay for eachother anon, and as we all know gays are totally know for their loyalty to eachother, it's not like homosexuals don't have the highest infidelity rate or anything

also here is something else that will disappoint you
They had a bird fucking scene but because biowhore made the bird bi you lost the scene (rip bird tits)
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damn wrong image thought it was this
I don't even care that they have trans this and gay whatever in there, that sort of stuff is just a part of the natural variety of societies. What pisses me off is how it always feels rammed in there for its own sake instead of any of the traits being just a single facet of character building.

In that specific example, why the hell would that even be relevant for the one paragraph report? Why not just leave it as that he wanted someone he was close with to succeed him as a criterion for joining up, instead of this weird salacious gossip shit about WAS HE A HOMO OH HO HO HOOOOO?
>They removed the M/F sex scene because they were too lazy to make a F/F sex scene and they didn't want to piss off the dykes
Oh my fucking God, whoever thought that was a good idea ought to be shot
what the fucking fuck

though on the bright side I suppose that what with almost all the characters being abysmally written we're not likely to be missing much
Regarding the pic. If you treat the codex like a wikipedia article it kind of makes sense. It usually mentions relationships/children etc.

>Early life

But it's a video game, so yeah why the fuck is it even mentioned.
>How will the shills damage control this?
Out of what?
Out of the best selling game of this year?

The fact some autists bitch about it and it gets less than 90% metascore wont stop it from selling millions.
Reviews never matter, fallout 4 was worst reviewed bethesda game and sold fucking 12 million copies in 24 hours, next game of theirs might reach best selling cods numbers even if its score 70.
A picture for ants?
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because if they did it naturally we would only see like 2 gays and then you get sjw fucks that are angry because they aren't 50% of the fucking games population.
So we have to add rumors, and make half of the squadmates gay, and have to make the transgender person tell us flat out they used to have a cock

At least that person is now out of a job and the company they are a part of will soon die

Like I said they did is so they could add more gay characters because if they don't have enough sjws that don't buy the game will bitch

sorry shits fucking me over, download the wrong pic, then the small version here you go the right pic
You can tell the person who wrote this watched one specific episode and thought the whole show was like that. Now tell me to go back because I like things you don't.
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Mass Effect 3, with its insufferable amount of auto dialogue and butchered dialogue system that took out neutral responses features more choices to make than Andromeda.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Instead of choosing between two binary but radically different responses with radically different outcomes, you get to choose from four responses that are all pretty much the same. How Mass Effect 3 remains more of an RPG than Andromeda is fucking inconceivable but Bioware managed to fuck it up even more.

It probably isn't the end of this company quite yet, but you can see it from here.
I won't buy another Deus Ex game unless they promise to finish it this time.
I'd actually be fine with the whole damn squad being bi for romance mechanics reasons and I could deal with the frequency of NPCs being [whatever], so long as they stopped doing it in such a ham-fisted, self-satisfied way.

>you get to choose from four responses that are all pretty much the same
Were these morons sharing notes with Bethesda?
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>they keep trying to trick me into buying Mankind Divided by making it 14 bucks
>quickly do my research and reveal that the season pass is still 25 shekels

hehe... not this time jews




It would never not be ham fisted, you cannot add gay people into a game by force and not make it seem like it was on purpose flat out, the best you can do is have tact and make as many lgbtetc people as there are in greater society aka less than 5% that way you avoid the total forcing aspect and the right wing people that would care would be some what satisfied it isn't being shoved in their faces
>How is that game by the way? Average as fuck like Halo Wars 1?
they got the hacks from CA to make it so yes
NiN hurt > JC hurt
He is right though. Or are you pretending that johny cash's version is the original?
You know, In a military, strictly professional setting, how often is a character's sexuality a factor? I mean, what do I care if an alien likes it in the butthole? It's supposed to be work, sexuality and other personal traits should only come up if you decide to have conversations with people.
/pol/ does something that the other side doesn't... The keenly observe, report upon and analyze their enemies. They're right because they're the ones that make an effort to understand what the other side is up to... And the SJWs are everything that they say they are because the SJWs wear that shit on their sleeve.
who the fuck is buying this? and where are your statistics that show this is selling well?

muh four yoghurts.
the problem comes into play when it's the first thing they say about themselves
"tell me alittle bit more about yourself"
"I take it up the ass, alot"
(next two options are either tell me more or good for you)
Number 1 in sells for like 2 weeks and running. So someone is buying the game. No real offical numbers, but it had topped the charts 2 weeks in a row.

Most people bought it one the name alone.

It will be the next game that shows the repercussions.
Absolutely. I don't understand how bioware still doesn't understand this. It's probably related to the fact that voice over costs money, so every character has to have as few lines as possible, but everyone in these games just walks up to you and says "Hey, I'd like some dick now, please". It's just so badly done that it would be much better if they didn't even try to add any romance.

I mean, the guys at obsidian seem to get it. Realistic romance takes a lot of writing, so they just save all that money and don't even bother.
yeah shame there aren't more games like kotor 2
I mean some how that games version of carth ended up being deeper then half your fucking team
It depends entirely on the personality of the individual. I know a lot of guys that served primarily in combat arms that are all switched on dudes that wouldn't regale you with stories of sexual conquests and are pretty self aware dudes.

I know lots of childish idiots from the Navy, Air Force and non-combat MOS that are fucking loser idiots just like any other civilian.

The military isn't just a single homogeneous workplace. It's dozens of industries, so to speak, that work towards supporting a security oriented mission.

You have trigger pullers, you have LEOs, accountants, fighter pilots, transport pilots, mechanics and plumbers and doctors and nurses... It's basically a cross section of civilian life in terms of the occupations available, with the addition of a few that are combat specific... So, ask yourself, are there people in the civilian world that make a big deal of their sexuality? Well, they exist in the military too.
Go back.
It has gays and trannies though, pls no bully, you disgusting white supremacist neo nazi bigot.

>huge johnny cash fan
>one of his most stunning carrier performances right before his own death is now a meme

fucks sake
>but it had topped the charts 2 weeks in a row.
This is proof of nothing faggot. Alot of games that do well in charts end up not selling well. You sound like a nu-male that gobbles up w/e fotm bs is being shoveled onto your plate so you're forgiven for being a little cunt.
blini is mine, faggot
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