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Leak has been confirmed by inside sources at e3.

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Sony won.
>MH5 ultimate

>kh3 trailer

Finally a release date
>Knack 2
Oh shit can't beat that.

Also Deep Down? I thought that game had been canned since they said something about their original idea having issues and then not mentioning it for years.
>skipping regular 5 straight to making 5 Ultimate
Hmmmm no. Pretty sure that's not how it works.
not a single good game.
>mh5 ultimate
>when there isn't even a mh5

>no Death Stranding
Holy fuck Deep Down? Seriously? I'm hype as fuck if this is real.
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>Monster Hunter 5 Ultimate
>when there's no MH5
>Mon hun 5
>On anything other than a Nintendo hand held.
Not blurry or skewed enough 4/10
That actually doesn't look too farfetched. Sort of tame predictions desu.
Fuck yes! Those were some dank motherfucking ps3 games
name 1 (one) good game to show at e3
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>Knack 2
bruh, if they bring back that online coop I'm going to lose my shit.
something something April Fools
>No MH5

>On a non portable console

why dont you fuck off back to neogaf?
>and U before the main version for that matter
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This. Only game I want to learn more about.

Probably good

>Ass Creed
Probably too easy

Probably great

No fucking idea.

>new ass creed
Boy oh boy, I can't wait for the ubisoft conference!!!
This looks like the person that made it TRIED to be as believable as possible. Fake
>shit we already know about
>nothing good
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How many times are you gonna change the fucking names of the games on this list. First it was Cod Modern Warfare 4, then Vietnam, now agents?

Why do mods allow this shit thread
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>Devil May Cry 5 nowhere to be found
losing hope bros
>Resistance 4

Aw fuck sign me the fuck up. Fingers crossed for R2 style 8 person co-op online.
Deep Down hasn't released yet? I remember seeing live gameplay back in 2013 god damn.
>Project Core
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Oh look its this bullshit thread again.
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Nothing I'm interested in, and the only one that wasn't already known or seems to be a coup for the platform is MH5U.

Unless they completely rework God of War into something good, but I'm sure they're in far too deep to change course now - and "muh cinematic experience" fags are a huge demographic now thanks to Uncharted/TLoU.

Sony should be careful. Their motion picture division is tanking hard. Why would they want to turn their game division into Sony Picture Studios 2.0?
These are always fake you idiots.
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>Knack 2 for 10 minutes
>MH5U with no MH5
>Rockstar being at E3 ever
>monster hunter 5 ultimate
>announcing a title in the west first
>capcbro skipping straight to a g rank title
>Knack 2
>Also on PC
>MH5U before even MH5 comes out

Happy April fools:)
>retard who wasn't around for MH4
Yeah no stop making these dumbass lists. Why would they ever just make a nice little list of the titles of all their games on the presentation? There is no reason for it and nothing to be done with the list.
Mario Odyssey
Vanquish 2
>MH5U with no MH5
This is the biggest red flag. Only normies who have never played MonHun could fall for this.
My inside sources have confirmed that one is fake. Seems sony is sending out fake leaks to discredit the real leak..
Why do you keep posting this shit?
I know this is fake bait but the next CoD is called WWII not Agents.

Unless theres a joke thats going over my head.
You're a fucking idiot. MH4 was still a game before 4G/4U came out.
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> no halo 6

>hey guys this is leak of Sony's E3 conference, it's real, I sware on me mum m8
>no The Last of Us 2
>no Death Stranding
You're not fooling anyone, Anon. No way Sony would not show of their 2 golden gooses.

What does the colors mean?
I don't see DMC 5 on this list OP

>5 Ultimate
>When there hasn't been a 5 yet.

Delete post and try again.
>Spider-Man is spelled wrong

Nice try.
MH4 came out in Japan
MH4G is what came over to the states as MH4U

You are a retard.
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Sorry. Geeses.
Imagine acting elitist and arrogant over something you know nothing about like this. Fucking embarrassing.
>no kindom heats 3
>no FFVII remake
It's gake guys
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>Deep Down

that's gooder
x is gen 5
x is 10 you losser idiot
please dear god my hands are cramping from the 3ds
Would be nice if this was true. Sony's e3 tend to be great right out of the gate and then end with something super lame. If they end with RDR2, people would leave still feeling hyped.
Hitman season 2 would make it a bit more believable.
Agents is a subtle reference to the chemical agents used by the us army to win the vietnam war. Next cod is set in vietnam, the ww2 leak is a ruse.
>Games that already exist + Monhun 5G right out the gate
this is so fake
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>live "gameplay" trailer

I am ready for more movies and bullet shot.
wtf is this real?
>monster hunter 5 ultimate before the regular version

ya blew it
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>3-4 switch
You were doing well but fucked up slipped there.
>haha nintenbabbies always fall for fake leaks
resistance 3 was really good, so I'm kind of excited
Nice projecting. Why do Nintenbabies always think Sony is the enemy when Microsoft fans are the only ones who shit on Nintendo fans
>10 mins of Knack 2
Oh god I'm already bored
thats not true though.

the leak was proven legit. youre actually retarded
They'll change the name but it will probably get a date and more footage.
Especially now that there's a hole in that market with the last DS3 DLC releasing.
>Monster Hunter

fake as fuck
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>showing off MH5U before MH5 is even announced or released

""""""""""Inside sources""""""""""

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>A complete new Monster hunter Game
>Announced first on western media event
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>Dreams VR
>we haven't seen it in years
>only 1 Minute long trailer
wasn't there supposed to be a beta last year, this can't be good
eternal buttmad nintenbro hahahaha
x is "cross" in japan idiot.
Remember TLG?
Expect Dreams PS5 exclusive, and downgraded.
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>Paper Mario x Looney Tunes
Not gonna lie, I'd play the shit out of this game as long as it was old Paper Mario gameplay.
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>no DMC5

Not mention it's the Ultimate version, which is like the third game in Pokemon where it comes out after the original has already been out for a couple years.
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When did Capcom release the original MH5?

>Deep Down
Who has hope left for this game? It's been how many years now?
>5 Ultimate
>when Cross has just come out.
>No regular 5 anywhere.
>suddenly ultimate.

Fake and gay son.
I liked the one with Bloodborne 2 better.

>Project Core
>From Software

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>little big planet 3 sold poorly
>teraway sold poorly
>Dreams in development hell and probably selling poorly
Well I guess i guess thats it for media molocule
>this delusion
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>No 5
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>monster hunter 5 ultimate
>MHXX literally came out two weeks ago
>Capcom releasing a G-rank edition before regular game
>Capcom releasing a Monster Hunter game with an English title before it has been out for a year in Japan
do not fall for this siit
>on a sony console
Obviously fake.
>Resistance 4
If this actually happens I'll cry

>10 mins for Knack 2
Industry insiders have confirmed that OP sucks cocks on daily basis.
Why do people always think there will be nothing but game shit? They're gonna talk about vue for sure given the push they have been doing with it. Also sports games now that PlayStation is the dudebro console
wtf i love industry insiders
Dudebros don't watch E3 for the most part. They might show fifa but thats it.
>Literally no sources have reported this
>It's far more popular on handhelds and Switch fills both the home console and handheld needs for audiences.

Yeah OK OP, next you'll tell me they forgot to mention SMTV
2k has been at the last two sony events and if they show fifa they're gonna show madden too

Literally whos games for babies.. I pass
Not to mention the MH team refuses to work with Sony anymore.
Btw if MH5 is on vita, it'll never come to the west because sony ceased the production of the vita for anybody but the asian market.
>Knack 2
Oh shit yeah.
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Official leak

all other leaks ITT are fake
>Ultimate version without a regular one

Have you ever played a single MH game?
I honestly couldn't see them opening with Deep Down.
Unless it has shifted, it is still too much of a niche to open up on.
On the PSP they were doing Portable 3rd. They wanted to branch out into the western audience because they saw potential for growth in it, but the online service they wanted to use for the game was only available in Japan for some reason. They asked Sony to localize it for them, but Sony said no because they didn't want to waste the resources. The MH team tried to remind them that they were the PSP's biggest source of income and that they're wanting to make even more money in the west. Sony told them they'll work with what they're given. The MH team, feeling like they were unappreciated and not given the respect they deserved said they'd never work with Sony again, and they never have since. Their next game was Monster Hunter Tri on the Wii.
>knack 2
>10 mins
This is surprisingly believable. Damn is e3 really that close?
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>CoD: Agents
>When it's already been confirmed that next CoD is WWII titled/themed

Nice try, but people will of course fall for this.

I fugging love E3 leak threads, even the fake ones
>Recolor the old fake leak
>call it real

lol April fools xd

>Red dead 2

hnng pls be real
2 months left
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>MH5U coming before an actual MH5 comes out

This is why sonyfags don't deserve Monster Hunter. Make better leaks.
>New Resistance
>it's called Resistance 4 rather than THE RESISTANCE
This is how you fucked up. Sony isn't going to slap a 4 on a series that was meh last generation.
It's fake. Is imposible to have MH5U without a regular MH5 coming first
MHP3rd had no online retard what the fuck are you on about?
Yes, exactly.
So which part of your post are you even trying?
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Resistance 4??? omg omg omg
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Can't wait for the "predowngrade fake gameplay gamer girl on the stage and pretends she is playing a recording" presentations.
This post >>15298
>but the online service they wanted to use for the game was only available in Japan for some reason
MHP3rd had no online
>Call of Duty: Agents

>a second Battlefront
MHP3rd HD, the PS3 port, did. That's what they were trying to bring over, that guy is a fucking retard.
Fake or not what are the chances of Red Dead 2 gameplay?
The game that was released in Japan 2 weeks before MH3G and MH4 were announced for 3DS?
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>No Devil May Cry 5
Exactly. They didn't bother programming it in if it wasn't going to be used for all regions.
So MHP3rd having no online is Sony's fault? What about MH3G having no online as well? Whose fault was that?
>thinking From will ever go back to AC after figuring out that Soulsborne prints money
And why is that?
>MH5 Ultimate

You almost got me
Fromsoft is owned by Kadokawa. They have to listen to what Kadokawa asks them to do
Yes it was.

And MH3G had online on the Wii U, which could be played with the 3DS if they were nearby. As far as the 3DS version not having online on its own, it was probably either Nintendo's or Capcom's decision to get more people to buy the Wii U version. What's your point?
uh oh
did someone say knaaaaaaaack
MHP3rd had online on the PS3 for free with AHP.
A year later.
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>Devil May Cry 5
>Pokemon nom and ekop
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I'm getting too old for video games aren't I?
>3-4 Switch Live gameplay - 17 minutes

Oh god how horrifying.
At launch actually. I played MHP3rd online at launch. AHP is also in other regions of PSN.
>no Detroit:Become Human
fake shit
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>mh5 ultimate
>when there's no mh5
No, I mean the PS3 version was available a year after the release of the 3DS game.
>CoD Agents

Kek. Last time this spreadsheet had CoD: Chemical Warfare and three different colors. Nice try though.
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so ........this is the po-power ....of the PLAY STATION 4
But you don't need the PS3 version to play online. You only need AHP which is free. Also MHP3rd HD came out 2 weeks before MH3G was announced. September 2011.
Aren't we still waiting on nearly everything they showed last year?
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>Destiny 2: 6 minutes
>Knack 2: 10 minutes

Tbqh wowie

I thought that franchise was dead.
It's not real, senpai.

Anyway, Insomniac have already said a couple of times that 95% of their staff base are working on Spidey.

It's just another trailer. Not even a gameplay trailer.
>10 minutes of Knack 2
I hope this is real.
>now in development
>kingdom hearts 3 trailer
>no gameplay

Fire Numora anytime you want square
Why would there even be MH5U?

MHXX came out not long ago right?

How could you milk that shit so hard?
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>3-4 switch 17 minutes live gameplay
Fucking retards
Calling it now, in order too
>God of War gameplay and release date Q4 2017 or Q1 2018
>Sucker Punch game reveal
>Bloodborne 2 reveal
>Days Gone Gameplay and release date Q1 2018
>Detroit Become Human gameplay and release date Q3 2017
>Uncharted The Lost Legacy trailer and release date like a month after e3
>Horizon Zero Dawn DLC
>Dreams shown off in PSVR, still no release date
>PSVR segment
>Destiny 2 and it's PS Exclusive content
>Call of Duty gameplay
>Shenmue 3 update
>Star Wars Battlefront 2 trailer
>Red Dead Redemption 2 gameplay and PS4 bundle
>Spiderman gameplay and name reveal
>The Last of Us part 2 trailer with just 2018 at the end
this is legit my dad works at e3 and says its real

>>15213 is right. After all they skipped MH3 and went straight to Monster Hunter Tri.
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>He thought it would be there.
>release date for release date announcement
FF VII Remate Ep1

Guess is shit then
It's gonna be shit

Is everyone just being ironic or are we forgetting today is April 1st?
We all know.
>first edition of 5
>10 minutes of Knack 2

>Dreams VR
Didn't they have this a while back?
It doesn't even look like a game.
I thought it was released a while ago.
>knack 2
It's been mysteriously absent at Sony's last few appearances at trade shows. Most people are thinking that it's been pushed back in order to integrate VR support.
>t. MH4U bandwagoner
>Resistance 4
There is no way this list is fake on April Fools day
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random neogaf prediction
>Kirby is fucking pissed
>Reggie Jacks Off

i would buy this
Seems pretty legi-

>Resistance 4

Even if that lineup was real it looks weak as fuck to me. Hell, with all the amazing new releases in the last 2 months that shit feels underwhelming as fuck.
I don't save wojak often, but when I do, it's Nintendo-related.
Wht is this? just sony conference? post full picture if its entire e3
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I don't know where you fags are getting your info but my wife's son works as a cashier at the Wendy's that Reggie eats at everyday and he sent me this.
>all these japanese games
>Sony E3

Sony is the home to CALL OF DUTY at E3, they ignore the rest
>3-4 Switch
>Live Gameplay for 17 minutes
The worst part about this is that this is honestly something I could see Nintendo doing during their E3 presentation.
>Insomniac juggling both Spiderman and Resistance
LOL righto mate, if anything they'd get Ready at Dawn to work on Resistance 4 if it were real. Which it is not.
This is a shit list
Only interested in Spider-Man
I want to get into monster hunter but everyone itt is saying that's fake so guess I have to get it for the switch
Confirmed fake ages ago, but it's good to see that Xcucks are so threatened they're setting expectations high.
I was laughing because of how bullshit it was not because I actually thought its real.
>uncharted lost legacy
>no last of us
sure op

>CoD agents
chemical warfare wasnt unbeliveble enough?


mh alwasy gets anounced in japan first.
Funny thing is even though it's a fake, it's still shit.
Retards this is a neogaf list some user made up as a prediction
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>Monster Hunter
>Announced at E3
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