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/srg/ - Slime Rancher General

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Thread replies: 113
Thread images: 15

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Haven't broswed /vg/ for a couple years now but this game is really awesome and it deserves a thread

Share what you are buildin, ranchin, decorating
Where's the real /srg/?
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Squid's struggle.jpg
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Dead in a ditch
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ded serg.webm
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cute game, is it early access?
Why did you post?
That's not a real srg. Giff real srg!
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What speedboi are we watching rite now, serg?
liquid x squid
not grind x m0nkey
nuke it glenn
don't let die again again
quit being so fucking pathetic and move on already
Move on to what?
getting a life
someone give me the rundown on this twin galaxies speed drama. normally /srg/ informs me but since it took a vacation for awhile I have been out of the loop.
Twin Galaxies is an old arcade who began to present itself as THE authority on gaming records to attract customers and get free advertisements from mainstream media making stories about the Donkey Kong or Pac-Man highscore for example. To build an initial scorebase the owner Walter Day scrambled together records from wherever he could find them, newsletters, phone calls from friends, etc. One of the big oldbois was Todd Rogers who was friends with the people running TG and could enter his scores without any scrutiny. He has thousands of records on TG that he entered himself. Among those is a time for Dragster of 5.51 which has never since been matched or beaten, so it is the oldest speedrunning record that still stands. But dozens of Todd Roger's records have been proven to be not even theoretically possible, so nobody outside the TG elite believes anything he claims to begin with. This got more steam when Omnigamer did a disassembly of the game and made a model of the game with which he proved that 5.57 is the lowest possible time. TG's new owner doesn't think this is sufficent proof to remove the record from their database.
The hottest new development on the case is that TG's owner now says he hired programmers to investigate the claim that 5.51 is impossible and there will be a live event, where the results will be published and Todd Rogers will do live attempts of 5.51, but there is no date for that event.
That is the most informative and interesting thing I've read on serg in a while

Why did you delete?
did pie ever do the lifeline speedruns he was supposed to do for all the money he made from momam? he already stopped doing the weekly paper mario runs after a couple weeks
>tune into bounceyboys stream
>he's saying something so mindblowingly retarded that i have to stop wtaching
every time
>tune into squid's stream
>he's doing movement so mindblowingly retarded that i have to stop wtaching
every time
no one cares
You cared enough to reply, bboy fanboy.
no one cares
It was released from early acess a couple months ago Anon.
i thought we agreed to stop posting about squid now that we bullied him out of running sm64
>he thinks squid still reads /srg/
>he thinks he has any effect on actual runners outside of /srg/
No, we stopped talking about sm64, because Squid dropped it. Squid has been the main topic of this general for 3 years now.
>m-me not being affected... m-me above it all!!! ooh ooh ah ah ah!
what are you even doing lmao, just move on
move on to what?
turn off your devices and go outside for once
I went outside once and it was very uneventful.
>Practice in 2017? This game is at least 3 months old, the time for practice is over, it is time for change
who is we?
why did you spoiler?
thanks for the late responses!
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good another srg thread was created for lyfey and flippy to be autistic in
why didn't you sage?
Pie's a legend, stfu
thanks for the late response!
c-c-combo breaker!
why did you delete?
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The grindmonkess even looks uglier, what is wrong with you my dude?
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our boi puncay BTFOing the monkey scum
The only reason puncay doesn't get shunned is cause SM64 has autistic enough audience to care. GDQ audiences and other kind of speedgames people follow always reward run spamming than practice in form of viewers/donations

Face it, speedrunning is dead
Literally what is the point of this general?

There is absolutely no discussion of video games in any way, shape, or form. Every single poster in this general is a shitposter that still hasn't been banned despite shitting up /vg/ and 4chan as a whole. Even if the general itself remained on-topic, it would

1. Not have enough discussion to even warrant it's existence
2. Have no justification to exist because speedruns are NOT vidya
3. Would quickly fall off the 10th page and die because there is literally nothing to talk about.

Speedrunning is shit in general. The entire speedrun community revolves some stream whore exploiting a game in ways that it was never intended to be played. It promotes unhealthy practices regarding vidya; specifically the practice of beating games as quickly as possible instead of enjoying the games thoroughly. By encouraging speedrunning, you are literally encouraging the big corporations to make shorter and shorter games for a higher price, thus dumbing down all of vidya in the process. You are literally all goyim to the happy merchant.

Speedrunning is the cancer that is ruining gaming.
All good points. We value your contribution.
Speedrunning is the patrician way to play vidya. The goal to strive for perfection, the fastest possible completion is in itself unachievable for any individual therefore wit comes into play at all stages of the game, to at least get closer to the idea of perfection. Many will hate this arguing video games should be "fun", but the answer to that is speedrunning IS fun except you can no longer be lazy about the way you play video games. It's literally that simple, if you're a slacker or a stoner not interested in high level gameplay, you will hate speedrunning, but if your wish is to experience playing video games as something more than just empty entertainment, you're gonna want to try speedrunning.
speedrunning was a thing before streaming existed as it does today
so this is about the same as if someone decided to dispute an sda run as being fake? no one but the parties involved really care? is this a publicity stunt by Omnigamer to make sda relevant again or something? wasn't the run verified by Activision? shouldn't their final word be enough than some nerd trying to stir shit up because he's bored/jealous? i knew the sda vs tg war was going to happen soon since both pretty much are dead, but i figured it would be over something a little more relevant.
Decent bait. Here's your (You) as a reward.
>so this is about the same as if someone decided to dispute an sda run as being fake?
With SDA you at least have a video to go off.
>no one but the parties involved really care?
It is ~the longest standing speedrunning wr~.
>wasn't the run verified by Activision? shouldn't their final word be enough than some nerd trying to stir shit up because he's bored/jealous?
An Activision employee looking at a polaroid he got sent in the mail should not be proof that an impossible time actually happened.
>the sda vs tg war
more like TG vs the rest of the speedrun community
The God Gamer Stigma
The Impossible Time Stigma
The Page 10 Stigma
>assuming the time is impossible because poorly informed TAS guy assumed so
todd said dragster's cap depends on the gear shift pattern and the tas autist only checked a few at best

this is why only experienced players should TAS, you shouldn't allow clueless noobs to pass judgment like that
you can't speedrun jrpgs

I thought that Todd guy did a live event where he performed the record in front of Activision and TG judges. They are now asking him to do another marathon event to disprove this TAS autist wrong once again. They should just tell Omnigamer to fuck off and get good.
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I thought Todd ascended into heaven. Is he coming back down to Earth just for the event? Fucking Omnigamer, literally the devil.

Todd is the guy on the left in the interview. holy shit these people look like video game con artists/mobsters. the speedrun autists better be careful. i bet these guys don't play around.
it is pretty sad to see twin galaxies out live speeddemosarchive. although i guess that's because sda isn't a "record site" or anything special. sda people bashed on twin galaxies all the time, but at least they are still around and have some sort of legitimacy about them.
Billy Mitchell is a greasy faggot whose entire fame is based on being good at piss easy meme games nobody cares about. How did this clown get so big?
>entire fame is based on being good at piss easy meme games
this guy is the arthurblues of arcade games
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comfy is just a code word for boring desu
why do you keep posting these logs here
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has esa turned into a money grab? 100 bucks to attend and shiet
>has [everything speedrunning related] turned into a money grab?

lol yeah welcome to 2014 my man
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It's unfortunate that slime rancher has the same initials as speed running. It's a pretty good game, excellent art style, fun gameplay. Maybe change it to /slrg/? Otherwise, it'd be probably better off in /indie/.
It's for security now that we've turned Earth into Planet of the Apes
toast and lyfey make /srg/ shit
Thanks for the late response!
this is what /srg/ was always meant to be
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Anyone here have the scoop on santzo and how he became the Finnish DSP? Always blaming the game for his own fuck ups and banning people in chat because he cannot handle the bants.

Was it ela overtaking his popularity?
The God Gamer Stigma
who here is speedrunning the new mario rabbid game? so far i've only seen that you can jump gaps and stuff with a hammer that causes bounce. haven't really been looking for any other skips/glitches. any of you find some?
The Stage Ten Pigma
Your first mistake is thinking anyone in this thread speedruns, reflects speedrunning or is anyone who is directly involved in speedrunning. It's literally an autism rant/drama thread to obsess and spam stale pictures and memes that only the very few who still frequent this general anymore think is funny. The actual runners who used to be here have long ago moved on to another place to actually discuss speedrunning. Even many of them admit they dont associate with this shithole anymore. What you see before you now is nothing more than an empty shell of what it was once before
this basically
>Even many of them admit they dont associate with this shithole anymore.
And they couldn't possibly be full of shit.
>piss easy meme games nobody cares about
>world's first perfect game of Pac-man
>single-handedly developed optimal strategies for Centipede
>got world record in Donkey Kong on a whim, and it stood for almost two decades
Absolutely hilarious that some /srg/ nobody thinks they are above a true god gamer like Mitchell
Those are all shitty, piss easy meme games.
Have you ever played a perfect game of Pac-man? Do you have the world record in Centipede or Donkey Kong? Do you have any speedrunning records? Yeah, that's what I thought.
god damn those sda boys really chimped out in that twin galaxies thread when they got btfo by twin galaxy boys. funny enough the twin galaxy boys are in the right too. now omnigamer, pj, zallard, etc are all crying because big bad twin galaxies shut them down with actual critical thinking and didn't take their word for granted because they are gdq/sda boys.
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calm down, jace

>Do you have the world record in Centipede or Donkey Kong? Do you have any speedrunning records?
neither does Billy
Classic jealous /srg/ baby. Every time someone with an accomplishment gets bought up.
>records in meme arcade games
its actually really funny. i think the galaxy guy is purposely stalling to piss omnigamer off since omni is waiting on this to resolve for his book. so now omni and the sda old boys are mad and trying to stir shit up to get their way.

its like watching a cripple fight at this point. who the fuck cares about a 35+ year old atari record by some ron jeremy looking mother fucker.
>let the fake record stand forever
absolute cuck
>lets take the word of a known gdq goon who refuses to present his source of data to disrupt the history of a video game
This game has a fucking general?
Fuck, I wish I didn't run it into the ground within a week of getting it. Shit was so fun. Would've been better if I didn't binge it.
100 bucks is insane. Who is stupid enough to fall for this
it doesn't
you'll be better off at indie
i miss cosmo
But he won't miss you.
stfu fucktard
Dragster is the hottest new (old) speedgame. Look forward to Dragster randomizer races on the Speedgaming channel.
Thread posts: 113
Thread images: 15

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