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/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

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Thread replies: 856
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Previous: >>184199270

>Fate/Grand Order Fes. 2017 ~2nd Anniversary~
>There will be a quest named "Memorial Quest" in Chaldea Gate, clearing it will reward the players with their choice of "Heroic Spirit Formal Dress" Craft Essence from the 47 choices.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.

>English FGO has its own general for now, search /fgoalter/ in the catalog
>There are now costume options, Mashu is the only one available now
>Skill interludes for Astolfo and Arjuna, NP interlude for Geronimo, quartz interludes for Cu Alter, Jeanne Alter, David, Billy the Kid and Li Shuwen.


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: June 29)
Add yourself https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB
Is Medjed a cyclops, now?
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Which CE did you pick?
Has DW forgotten her?
Does swimsuit Nito mean she'll finally got a true history "drown all those fucking assholes" NP instead of the Lovecraft stuff
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Swimsuit Sakura soon
>Dark nipples
Disgusting desu.
None, I'm still making my mind

I know right ? I mean Ana is nice but she's not sexy SNEK
No, she'll be the pseudo-Servant Houdini.
I'm still confused between Jannu, Artoria lancer, or Euryale.
I had five fucking picks for a CE and not a single one of them made it in, I don't care anymore, pick for me /fgog/, any cute girl will do.
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When will Old Stormalong be added?
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I dont know which one to pick
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They are suckable and produce chocolate milk
When in doubt, chose a Lancer.
Loli snake
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Characters for mizugi event.
>Moriarty: "Don't you have something called mercy?!"
>Holmes: "Hahahaha. Only against you, I have none. I will continue to try to swipe your leg without mercy."
Poor old man.
Ana because no Medusa/Gorgon CE

Would have gone for Tamamo or Medea as well actually
Ana's art is pretty meh, I just want a Medusa that doesn't need any more Grails.
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Guan Yu 5* when lads?
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10.0 thread.
She lived in Egypt, anon.
>not grailing all Medusas anyway
Egyptians were pure Indo-Aryans that were whiter than Karna.
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Mafia is fucking disgusting.

Him being a headliner personality is a fucking stain to the game stream. His persona is abrasive as fuck, he's a funny-noise guy which would be fine if he actually good at it, and his whole deal is being loud, inflammatory, and saying awful things. He's not even fucking smart when he says outrageous offensive shit; it's dumb lowest-common-denominator crap.

I'm fine if you like that sort of shit; there is a place for that for that audience. But you don't give a dipshit like that a fucking OFFICIAL platform at the official stream. It's goddamn unprofessional the things that comes out of that man's mouth.

I'm sitting there at FGO stream and this retard is there in an official capacity with zero improve skills and professional conduct. At absolutely no time were you convinced his schtick was an act; he is actually that horrible and for some fucking reason people love him for it. Sex jokes and racism - his repertoire is pathetic.
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Sita when?
Cao Cao is more deserving of a slot.
He's the guy you love to hate.
Seiba why would you even bring a broom to the beach
Kill yourself tumblr
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You did pick Mordred, right anon?
I want that Nobu so much
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God tier skills at eyeliner and mascara
Karna did nothing wrong.
I really have trouble choosing between the two
I guess I'll just let 4chan choose this for me
1-5 Jannu
6-0 Medb
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The fattest one
She works in the seaside maid cafe.
>picking mordred
>when her necktie is similar to Jekyll, implying that she's Jekyll's bitch
Nice try, cuck.
>wake up
>summer Nobu and Nito are confirmed

Holy fuck
You mean a Costume ?
>t. howaito piggu-kin
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Miko~n! :3
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We need all Hassans to get this alternate outfit
/a/ is filled with filthy secondaries so this is pretty much the only place to ask.

Is any creature with vampiric powers (So the power to drain life/blood) considered a Dead Apostle Ancestor even if they're not a Dead Apostle? Additionally, are the Dead Apostle Ancestors numbered in terms of power, i.e. number 1 is the strongest and 27 is the weakest?
Truly a perfect pharaoh.
Why is he so handsome lads? i-it makes me feel weird.
>the man, being anyones bitch
Kill yourself faggot
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Is Shuten a loli?
This place is filled with more secondaries than /a/, anon.
Most people in this thread haven't read Tsukihime/F/SN.
Are mosquitos dead apostles?
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What did she mean by this?
>Is any creature with vampiric powers (So the power to drain life/blood) considered a Dead Apostle Ancestor
She's not fat, just well endowed!

I wouldn't mind a Gorgon costume at all.
this looks retarded
its as if she forgot to wear a shirt
I don't even care about what happens in GO.
I just play it to collect pictures of girls.
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I'll like to thank my lord and savior Billy the Kid for saving me from redoing the battle against Altera.
What's with the gun?
>i swear to the gods if that bitch opens her mouth one more time i'll kill everybody in this villa
Holy shit guys, you for like 7 threads last night, what did I miss?
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The art style looks very familiar. I think this was drawn by Hanamura Mai who's known for making art for otome games. So if Nasu were to make an otome game for Seiba, this is probably what you'll get.
>Swimsuit Nobu
>Nobu was a welfare
>had her NP shown early
This means she's a welfare again right!
What genre is the new Arcade game?
Fixed that for you.
Fucking disgusting.
>Boudica didn't invite her buddy Spartacus
Stheno, Euryale and Medusa drank blood and they were goddesses
Considering how popular Altera is I wouldn't be surprised if half the people here started with Extella.
Yeah no
Saggy breasts are preferable
this looks very cool honestly
Let's hope.
No. There's a vampire in Labyrinth that's explicitly not a dead apostle. Plus Vlad. They're not strictly numbered by power either though the high ranking ones are usually considerably beyond the lower ranking ones.
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Then maybe you should make an effort to care since you're investing time and effort into a waifu/husbando collector.
Can't wait for the day we finally get all the RT Knights
>Come back Boudica - Caesar
Medusa stopped being a goddess when she started drinking blood
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The cutest.
>Seiba Lancer Alter Otome game
I want to protect Lancelot's smile.
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Altera was here before Extella
Look at those good romans, inviting rebels and the destroyer of the empire to the party.
/fit/ Caesar when?
No she stopped being a goddess when she became a monster
And drinking blood was the direct and explicit cause for her becoming a monster
No. Things that have vampiric abilities are just called blood suckers(this is a generic word in Japanese) and Medusa would be counted among those. Then you can have vampires that aren't dead apostles like Lamia who are a phantasmal species or True Ancestors who are Elementals(like fairies).

Dead Apostles Ancestors are just a group of people who originally were all the original Dead Apostles(read: normal human turned into DAs by magic or TAs). Overtime some of them got replaced by being that weren't even DAs in the listing, like ORT who is an alien or PM.
I want to marry a snake.
>Seiba Lancer Alter
Thats Lion king you heathen.
>why is cum so bitter, they lied to me and told me it was delicious and addicting
>Considering how popular Altera is
Unpopular as fuck?
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I really wanted to pick her.
>no Gil swimsuit
>only have to whale for Anniversary CE now
Thank you DW
I don't have Waver
Nor a "good" buster gorilla
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>Has DW forgotten her?

Jokes on you. We are still getting her swimsuit version in 1.5 weeks. I wonder what class will she be this time.
Too much.
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>Holmes: "Well then, Moriarty."
>Moriarty: "Yes, what is it, the hated Holmes-kun who stole the important position of Mr. Exposition from me?"
>Holmes: "...that's the part that you hate? Form a plan. You are more skilled than me in making those kind of sinister plans, aren't you? While breaking those plans is my speciality, I don't believe I can surpass you in creating those plans."
>Moriarty: I see, if so then share some information with me. I mean, everything about the enemy. Including the outside business or deals, I'll link up everything."
>Holmes: "Here, documents."
>Moriarty flipped through the stack of documents that Holmes handed over to him.
>Moriarty: "Hou, hou, Hmm, I see... Hmm, this should be like this. If it's like this... but... Anyway, what is important is... sex appeal..."
>Ritsuka: "Oi, I think I heard something strange."
>Moriarty: "Hm? Oh, it's just your imagination! My plan is perfect!"
Here we go.
More like
>Hello my fellow Rom-
>Oh, there's the Great Founder
>And my great nephew, good grief, she's as noisy as ever
>I better just go stand over near the buffet- oh, it's the barbarian queen-
>is that another barbarian over there?
>Jupiter, C-Cleo, help me
Dagonet had better be a wacky meme girl
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Sekai de Ichiban getting so much love recently there might just be hopes for Extella 2
>You are more skilled than me in making those kind of sinister plans, aren't you? While breaking those plans is my speciality, I don't believe I can surpass you in creating those plans.
Nice contrast between the two.
So the archive.is shitposter finally win?
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>these two people wear similar looking ties
>clearly they're fucking and I'm being cuckolded
>despite not being in a relationship with anyone
>despite that not being how waifu's work
Jesus christ, this fucking place. You're the reason we're not allowed to have actual characters and only shallow cutouts forced to love the self-insert non-character. I hope you die painfully
Whatever you say, cucklord.
5* Rider would be nice.
>cuck in denial
Pathetic. Just accept that your waifu is for werewolf dick.
How do you endure being threatened by fiction? Wouldn't you rather not feel this way, it sounds like a mental illness to me.
>You're the reason we're not allowed to have actual characters and only shallow cutouts forced to love the self-insert non-character
That's the nips fault

And Mordred is clearly in a relationship with someone
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Yeah it is. Do it, Nasu. I want to make Gorilla happy
I may be mentally ill, but I'm not stupid to like a character who's literally getting fucked by someone else.
If you have the same attitude as otaku purityfags, you're an otaku purityfag, whether your Japanese or not.
He'd probably be pretty cool, if a bit similar to UNCONQUERABLE.

>tfw wish your favorite servant would show up but he's too boring and simple to be in a musou.
But I already grailed her to 5*
So what other servants will be announced tomorrow?
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I wish I was a Medb.
1-2 Ana
3-4 Kiyo
5-6 Wu
7-8 Pent
9-0 At
We've had a few too many Berserkers and Assassins already this year for me to really get excited for, but I'd like to see her in those classes.
Maybe even Caster.
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Best Lancer thread?
Everyone but your waifu or husbando
>I may be mentally ill
Hi braindamage
But that doesn't matter, because the opinions of anyone in the west, purityfag or not, don't affect how waifus are written
Would Kay be actually a part of Artoria's harem?
T. That seanigger MC from that american anime convention that everyone hated
I don't see any nipples.
Braindamage is a literal cuck though
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That bed looks even uncomfier in 3D. Why does our room suck so much?
Only because she drank too much. Stheno and Euryale did it too and they were fine.
Nice. I really wish I was able to choose more than one, I ended up with Wu and still want more
I can't believe DW never capitalized on room customization
The husbandos will at the very least get CE like last year summer guaranteed.
By the looks of things, Ana will have the swimsuit version instead.
>I may be mentally ill,
Literal cuck, how will he EVER recover?
A boy shouldn't have such wide hips
Most people want more, anon.
I resort to RNG because I can't pick.
Please understand Type moon and DW would be out of business if they gave us a comfortable bed
That doesn't change what I said though
Because it has to be as bland as possible. If it had any unique traits, that'd mean the MC had tastes and tastes mean they're their own character.

To be a self insert, they must have no personality, not even in their room design.
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Where's the best for these currently. 40AP, or an event node?
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How do people even think this looks the same as Jekyll's tie? It's about as logical as saying that Jeanne is cucking Penth from you because they both wear black dresses.
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>cuck in denial
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You're right it's actually Marie
Event node.
I am still waiting for that otome to finally be made, there's more than enough people who wanted the Saber to make one, though one has to wonder how good ends are gonna work, since you can't make a game with all bad ends
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>no Sumanai formal wear CE
Those are some feminine boots
So 14 hours until the stream right?
Doesn't she has a figure announced or something?
Aoko when
>he thinks Pent isn't getting the BJC
Is it going to include ALL of the knights? I don't think we've even seen Fate representations of Percival or Bors, much less other main figures like Guinevere or Uther.
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Stop dragging him into this shit, guys.

>Mordred is clearly in a relationship with someone
Explain. I wanna know because no one bothers translating London Chapter
End of EoR in early 2018
He's full of shit. Mordred and Jekyll are friends and she's protective of him because he's weak, that's all.
For being memorable enough to spawn a meme and saving your ass, it's weird that Vlad and Deon got in over him.
Gudao walks in on Jekyll about to nut and go Hyde inside Mordreds tight transpussi
>watched the live stage stream
As someone who's never watched a stage play before, I have to admit, it was entertaining as fuck. I'm getting the BDs.
>Choices of the CEs also depend on the "Clear" status for each Singularity.
Does that just mean you can only get CEs for the SIngularities you've cleared?
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> I wonder what class will she be this time.
5* waifu
It looks uniquely not comfy. The pillows suck. The bed sheet also sucks. There's no nightlight. Does the bed even have a mattress?
She fell in love with her master from F/A. Jekyll just understands her, like a brother.
Guinevere still not having an official design is so weird
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The arcade promo art is really nice
I think Hearse Nurse is about to tear Mode a new one.
Mordred is literally Jekylls protector because he's such a weak bitch
So Gil now the official helper for Babylon I guess
>She fell in love with her master from F/A
Now THATS bullshit, they have a mentor/student relationship

And not a creepy one like Scat and Cu
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What would the gameplay be like ?
Which one?
>10 characters in the promo art
>4 of them have the same face
>saber their for no reason
It's expected but still stupid
Grand Saber will be key to part 2
Who the fuck is the mentor in that relationship?
What's the full name of Da Vinci's actress.
That's honestly better then I expected
The one with multiple caster enemy or boss.
As he should be.
Saber should be everywhere
>big twist
>Guinevere is also genderbent
>Lancelot is just a homosexual
>Arthur had to banish him not because he cheated with the King's spouse, but because homosexuality is unacceptable in a good christian nation
>The king is above this, of course
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>inb4 it's kancolle arcade again
I will fucking murder if that happens
Swimsuit servant. Still agree this design is dumb as shit. Good thing I only roll for vanilla sabers.
Kancolle arcade is fun though.
>tfw Morgan has a design
>it's hideous
Better to have no design than a shitty one
You mean like better than the original?
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Da Vinci.
Shitty manga don't count
>She fell in love with her master from F/A
They couldn't make their relationship more father and daughter
If you mean that butch as hell one from that manga, it's unlikely it will be used again.
I wanna cum in her ears
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I'm cool with it.
Quick Caster.
From the PV looks very dissidiaish
Reminder to put your CEs in your support list.
Why would Caster enemy drop assassin skill stones?
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Laughing Owl.png
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I want to be Semi's plaything!
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I'm being bombarded with fucking Casters last days.
>***,130 (**2,735 pt) 2017/07/26 Touken Ranbu
>***,276 (---,--- pt) 2017/12/27 Fate/Apocrypha
>***,313 (**1,714 pt) 2017/09/27 Symphogear AXZ
>***,359 (***,315 pt) 2017/10/25 Made In Abyss

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I'm assuming the characters that were featured here are by singularity. But why is Seiba there? Shouldn't it be Lion King instead?
Which servants do shave their mons pubis?
Same reason GO got as big as it has despite how fucking terrible it is.

Fate name.
Don't you have to pay for drops in addition to pay to play? At least you can trade cards since it's physical right?
You really don't know why Saber's there?
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It'd be silly if they only had three new entries for a fanservice event (especially when last year had eight), what will the rest be
It's good
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Would you let your daughter dress like this?
Imagine if they gave free shit for FGO with it
There's Bedi for that, Anon.
>Memorial quest Saber Alter coded to target Casters first.

Well my Waver and support Merlin sure died quick. I'm actually pleasantly surprised that this was the first challenge quest in a long time that I didn't rely on the Broken Bros to carry me through.

Ended up clearing with Jeanne/Archuria/Mashu in ~40 turns. Post-buff Jeanne is really starting to shine in challenge quests nowadays and surprisingly I'm starting to find Waver's defensive abilities lacking in comparison to Mashu's.
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I wish. We could go around stealing codes from people on youtube again.
What part of its expected is hard to understand?
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>Summer Nobu's NP

Well shit there goes all my quartz
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Now with special insurance in case of passenger randomly turning into a dragon and flying into the sunset with the engine
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Newfag here, is Tamamo Cat + Jeanne worth keeping? I know what the pastebin says but I thought it might be outdated with the current event banner...
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Would you play a game with this character roster?
The fuck is that class supposed to be?
>What part of its expected is hard to understand?
The "its".
Whats the skill order for Kerry? 1>2>3?
Did Arthur show up at the wrong venue?
>Mordred Energy
Whats the skill order for Kerry? 1>2>3?
Actually yes
I would actually, yeah
Remove Tamamo and it will be ok.
why fgo isn't in eu?
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>do you do children's parties?
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Who /Nito/ here
Wrong thread

>Nobu not being a welfare

Yes, but balance would require at least one male and female of each class.
>No Musashi
>No Alcides
>No Scathach
>No Merlin, Solomon, Gil Caster
>No Cu Alter
Shitty powerlevel list
Why does Sherlock look like he's going down with the Titanic?
>Saber that prioritizes Casters
>Scheherazade still isn't useful
me, dude
Holy shit, now I understand why Arthur is wearing those clothes and carrying balloons. He's trying to lure children into his rape dungeon.
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What did he meaned by this?
Yes, 100 times yes.
PenPen doesn't look good on the fes 2017 CE
What is he referring to?
>showing the welfare so soon

It's going to be a Servant we haven't seen yet
Yes, seems pretty good. I'd prefer is Lime was Sanzou, Helena or Babbage
It is technically F/GO's birthday, so the balloons are perfectly appropriate.
Wtf I'm a gawain fag now.
Thanks Foxtail.
>Of a sort, yes.
I hate dark nipples, disgusting.
Because he'll have to start fighting again when he becomes rollable tomorrow.
That it doesn't sell on shops like Apoc, Fragments SF etc. it's a doujin
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>tfw my favorite won't get a swimsuit
Where are you on the scale /fgog/?
Where is the Drake CE?
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I'm looking forward for C92.
Sure, if you first get rid of Artoria, Redman, Gil, Cu, Karna, Medusa, Iskandar, Lime, and Heracles. Switch them out for some other chumps.
She'd still be shit even without that. Her King overcharge effect doesn't make up for her shit attack and no class advantadge.

The good thing about Alter attacking Casters was that my Vlad finished the fight withput ever taking damage.
Time to see who is the most picked among /fgog/
I'm convincing myself that my favourite Round Table will never get something so that I won't be as disappointed when he doesn't, or I'll be pleasantly surprised when he does
Eh don't really care.
I was able to get Kiyo though I failed to get Archuria this year.
Banana can wait next year.
That's a novel right?
Stage 5
My favourite is Shuten
I'm fine actually, I don't want to give more fap material of my wife to people.
To burn him for prism.
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Somebody stop him!
Who picked Jannu here?
She and Rin were the best looking in the rooster.
>all my favorites besides the men got swimsuits
I'm in stage 4 that my favourite will come out at all
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All I wanted was malice incarnate in a sunhat looking irate and gradually more sunburnt with each ascension
>Can't even spell Wu Zetian
Was the chink leaker right about the announced swimsuits?
Gentlemen, it has been a privilege playing with you tonight.
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>APEX is a lolicon
Assuming we have 8 in total, he could be
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>Rolled the summer gacha for the fetish duo
>Got everyone but them
>Happy but sad

>Not even 5 minutes ago
>Decide to try my luck with my 7 tickets
>This fucking happens

I just wanted Anne and Mary, man.
>Believe on chink.
I picked her. Not a fan of her pose, but I like her dress.
Nasu's not done with Camelot just yet I bet, why else would random bitches like Diarmuid's, or Sumanai's pal have designs but not her
5, at least I can safely roll for Holmes now.
He could still be
Could have picked Marie instead.
The other leak matches up with his, so yes
It's no use.
Me last year
Only that I didn't get Kiyohime, I got 4 Mordred
Fuck you

I got NP2 pirate sluts rolling for Tamamo
APEX has patrician taste
>Mashu 0 votes
I actually have some respect for this general for once
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Who /lastminutefarming/ here?
>No Kiyohime
>people rolling for a rerun when summer 2017 and anniversary gacha is right around the corner
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>What would the gameplay be like ?
Like Dissidia.

I hope it's flashy like Dissidia. I imagine that Cu's moveset would be similar to Kain's
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The king and queens of /fgog/
Not me, I finished everything like 4 days ago
Farming eardrum right now. Probably won't have the time to do the boar challenge.
Any advice to get it done at the first try ?
>no one picked Lancelot
feels bad man
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Only a rapist can stop another rapist
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>tfw no Jekyll CE
Fran it is, then.
Post team used to beat Saber Alter
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Snek brothers unite
>DIssidia is adding the villains at a slow as fuck rate.
>Still no Jecht
If Arthur was the perfect heartthrob king who cooks, cleans, and even snarks at you then how the fuck did the cuckening episode happen?
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Too bad only 2/3 of Scotland Yard got a CE.
He can't get it up
>picking the wrong snek CE
Guinevere couldn't keep up with him. Arthur was perfect, but she wasn't. So she chose the inferior man.

AoE Buster, Merlin, Waver.
You can also try ST buster instead.
Replace Waver with Mashu if you don't have him.
His Excalibur is tiny
>under 16
i bet you hate unshaved women too
He wouldn't put out and Guin got sick of waiting.
Arthur is fucking boring. Bland, dull, uninteresting.

He's a cardboard cut out of le perfect man
AOE Buster servant + 2Merlin/Merlin+Waver
I mean at least you clear it for 4* fou.
I'd pirate it.
That's what boring gary stu deserve
Guinevere wasn't perfect, so she settled with Lancelot instead, who wasn't perfect.
how much until the event ends? How much until the special memorial quests end?
I can do Gorgon + Waver + support Merlin. What CE should I use ?
AoE Buster Servant/Merlin/Merlin or Waver


Merlin or Tamamo/Mashu/Arts Damager.
>You will drink this and you will like.
Is it really cuckening if he never loved Guinevere in the first place?
Dude. British cuisine. Fifth century British cuisine.
It wasn't Arthur himself, it was the Camelot homelife.
>crazy son with a room full of pictures of his daddy
>husband would rather be in France with Roman rapists than in bed with you
>there's another woman in his sword
>stupid sexy Gawain
Most of the success run I've seen use black grail on buster servant, and Illya CE for merlin.
>how much until the event ends?
5 hours I think
> over a 1 week
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Stage 4, pic related
Still no Jecht? The fuck? Wasn't dissidia arcade already almost 2 years?
1 hour and 25mins left
I used Shuten/Eggplant/Support Merlin and did okay
Goddamit, I am stuck fighting Saber alter. I am not gonna make it.
Guin was jealous of Merlin.
If nobu is there, okita will surely be there too r-right lads?
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Acceptance.At least Raiko got a swimsuit.
It took them a while to add sephiroth too.
>tfw still no Ultimecia and Tifa
Well I suppose they'll be all complete when the ps4 port gets released on 2018.
Is Saber Alter quest harder than the Gawain one? What should I be prepared for?
Too perfect. To the point of blandness.
Women like emo boys like Lancelot.
It doesn't matter if the event runs out if you are in the fight. It's only a problem if you fuck up and lose, they won't kick you out part way through.
The memorial quest ends on August 8th, the summer event ends in a couple of hours.
I hope not. I don't have anymore quartz to spend ;_;
I just used two swimsuit altria with cycling NP debuffing to have enough turns for Tristans/David party dodge cooldown.
3 million hp over 2 breaks, NP charge after every break and defense down per attack.
Saber Alter with three health bars that can charge her NP, always uses Mana Burst an each hit reduces your defense.
Yeah, I mean I am stuck in another fight. And it will last long. I am at round 32 and I am not even halfway through.
Yeah I won't be able to farm summer.
The candidates for Artoria's game would be the following
>secret route Gil
Reminder to use CS on Saber Alter fight like in canon.
I don't have those nor do I have appropriate supports. I am using Iri/Kuro/Supp. Merlin. We're making it work somehow.
>not Mordred and even secret-er Guinevere
You can just run from Saber Alter and do it another day, unless you need the ticket for the summer servants
>using CS
>no Shirou
>Arondight looks more and more like the cursed ver as it gets close to lancelot
How is it so that Summer Nito is less lewd than her normal version
>if I maxed Archer Arturia's heal I could have cleared the boars in under 49 turns instead of 58 and not have her die.
feels wrong.
We haven't seen her ascensions yet
That's still on her normal form.
Is an NP3 lv90 EMIYA good enough for the Boar quest in a Mashu Merlin set up? My other AoE Buster are Altera, Arjuna, Karna, Siegfried and the free ones
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Since when was Sumanai part of the round table?
Good luck with that. 40ap node is about a 30% for 1 per run, mostly due to lack of gold enemies.
A bronze Phantom at the end doesn't help much either.
Reminder to write that down for reworks if DW decides to dish out another survey.
Wednesday's in the game now?
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They've made a comedic drama CD which has Saber as the heroine. Deermud, DUDE and Gil are part of her harem.


His romance and story with Artoria is already done. There's no need to make a route for him.
That's Emiya
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Are you're quartz ready for tomorrow?
I'm guessing they will make a joke about how she's more covered up in a swimsuit than in her regular attire.
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Wait for ascension
Don't be dumb. These would clearly be the routes:
>Guinivere route where you come to fall in love with eachother properly upon meeting, with a neutral end where you stay a woman (the canon timeline) and a good end where you get FUTA'd again by Merlin and have lots of kids.
>Lancelot route where you fall for eachother and have a discreet romance on the side, with Guinivere as your secretkeeper. You produce an heir and claim Guinivere birthed it.
>Morgan route where you seduce her and rule the kingdom together, but Mordred never comes to exist. Gawain is named your heir.
>Agravain route that branches off Morgan's where the both of you kill her and fully secure the kingdom, before sharing a secret romance. Lancelot and Guinivere are your secret keepers, and you pass off your and Agravain's child as Guinivere's.
>Secret Merlin route where you both say fuck it and elope after naming Gawain the next king.
IIRC If I remember there was a PSP Otome VN that went with a female King Arthur way back.
>White fluffy hair with black tips
It's gotta be Sumanai man.
How can she be so cute
Lewd art already?
What are the odds of Nobu being the welfare?
Based on what we know of him that's probably Palamedes actually.
Elvis when?
Just cos he's brown?
>Akkun partaking in carnal relations with the the fairer sex
Females get out.
I sure hope thats actually the case if anything

Though, I am a bit worried, if Nobu is featured..does that mean Okita is too?
how high are the chances of a new mystic code for anniversary?
That's Galahd. Watch the OAV.
>Morgan route where you seduce her and rule the kingdom together, but Mordred never comes to exist. Gawain is named your heir.
>Secret Merlin route where you both say fuck it and elope after naming Gawain the next king.
>King Gawain
Best routes
Because Emiya and him are meant to look alike
Guinevere always loved Saber though, the problem is Saber being a massive autist never realized it, and trapped her into a loveless marriage, rather than the one of her dreams
Yes? The guy was a saracen
Is Redman the most disliked person in Chaldea considering even fucking Karna dislikes him?
Saracens were pure indoaryans.
Huh? How does Karna dislike him?

>Guinevere always loved Saber though

She loved Saber when she thought she was a man.

After that they were just best friends.

Guin wasn't gay,i guess
If he was most disliked, he would not be viewed as the 'naggy mother hen' of Chaldea
>Armor matches up
So Galahad is going to be Siegface?
I love him.
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Everyone in Chaldea think of him and Bouddica as their mothers
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I am pretty sure he get along pretty well with Boudica
To be fair, a good number of people dislike "nags".
Lancer, how long has it been since you were in the gacha?
Saracens were turkroaches
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Mystic code : "Surely the best according to DW"
Skill 1 : increase debuff resistance [10%]
Skill 2 : Charm Roma [10%]
Skill 3 : Taunt on a random ally [1 turn]
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I thought he was the most hated due to his anti social and strange behaviors?
Yes, so brown
Garden of Avalon confirmed that while her being a girl was a surprise, she could roll with it, it's the fact that it was just a political marriage that hurt her
for >>184217392
Still can't decide between Nightingale and Boudica
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>everyone in Chaldea thinks of EMIYA and Boudica as their mothers
>Boudica is my wife
>therefore everyone in Chaldea is my child
1 hour left for event
If people hated him, it would be mainly because of his amazingly 'dishonorable' methods

Otherwise, he's hardly the example of being anti-social and strange, there's still all the obviously evil or insane servants
Pick one and buy the other
Can't say I remember hearing about that.
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>Gawain as heir
How does that work when he's of an age, or a bit younger than her at most?
Karna can't hate people, but he can dislike them. In EMIYA's case, he gives him a fairly harsh chastisement of how he's trying to show mercy to enemies that he needs to defeat in order to achieve his goal, and tells him to stop pussyfooting around with justice if he can't bring himself to be ruthless enough when it counts.
I remember Gawain mentioned about him being very hard to converse with and overall he felt very turned off, since Gawain is a paragon of charisma usually. I think it was during the Fate/Extra CCC event was this mention.
Yeah, I made a mistake in my clicking
>Karna literally telling Emiya to go full seigi and become Emiya Alter
That's Galahad you dumb triple nigger
I remember one of the "leaks" listed Nobu and Alter getting swimsuit. They are low hanging fruits so they aren't that hard to predict/guess. Did they also say Nitocris?
>use the 7 tickets from the challenges
Get fucked.
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cutest autist
Since Artoria had the whole succession problem and was positive toward Guinevere and Lancelot's romance, why didn't she just encourage the couple to produce a child that Artoria could then claim was her own?
what happens if I destroy all the buildings in the Summer event? Will I get the materials back? Thinking of doing this in order to clean the shop
Drown in your shitty gameplay memes.
So which sex scene would be the best?
>Artoria and Guinivere exploring eachother's bodies uncertainly as girls
>Guinivere mounting Artoria's futacock and riding her relentlessly while playing with her tiny tits
>Lancelot and Artoria making love under the moonlit sky after a hard day's riding across the countryside, both drenched in sweat and in need of the comfort of eachother's bodies - before basking in the afterglow by a nearby river to cool off
>Lancelot domming Artoria in her royal quarters, fucking her into a senseless, sloppy mess as he pours gallons of his seed into her
>Morgan and Artoria having passionate sex in a dungeon, with light bdsm and lots of disbelief that they're actually doing it from both sides
>Morgan and Artoria in their royal quarters having passionate, playful sex with various toys - ending with a mutual declaration of love
>Agravain and Artoria secretly banging in the armoury, with her slowly riding every drop of cum out of his balls up against the wall
>Agravain fucking her pussy raw, manhandling her tiny body as he does so, to celebrate their defeat of his whore of a mother
>Merlin giving Artoria a futadick and having her play top to his powerbottom just to try it out when they're both drunk
>Merlin and Artoria making love in his chambers with only candlelight and incense to keep them company
Are you ready for Ear Cancer?
It's less that, and more Karna pointing out that they're not going to be able to beat BB if EMIYA's going soft on all their enemies.
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What will the anniversary gacha roster be?
Is there even going to be one?
Karna needs to look in a mirror.
when is it?
>want a cutie with swimsuit and heels
what the fuck anon
Ahich Setrvant is smost downwsynbromr?
I'd like to think Merlin seriously hates his guts. Like, he's the jolliest person you could find but when he sees Emiya he does the Excalibur face from Soul Eater.

Imagine being trapped in Prison for all eternity. It gets better because you waifu/daughteru is coming over but out of nowhere, she suddenly falls for this random foreigner due to space time shenanigans ll she suddenly wants to do is watch this random jap kill muslims or some shit.

In the few moments she's not eternally dreaming, all she could talk about is this fucking nigger.

Then she has the fucking gall to ask you if she could bring her new boytoy over. She literally asks you to help in the process of cucking yourself. You tell her its impossible but she could try. Then she fucking does it.

So you decide, fuck that noise and go to Chaldea to help out Solomon or some shit.

Then guess who you meet there? The fucking nigger. He's there with that goddamn smirk on his face.

Tl;dr. Fuck Emiya.
They will rerun old gacha shit like last Anniversary
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>Saber: Then King of Heroes, what club are you participating in?
>Gil: Pleasure research club
>Gil: We go to that dank basement of the church. Kirei and I drink wine together and question the true meaning of pleasure while imagining these situations and laugh 'Fuhahahaha' evilly. Okay Saber, I approve you of joining!
>Gil: In a different book, you're portrayed as a strong character that laughs while exterminating witches. Good! Time to go with that character and charge! Charge and become my source of pleasure! In fact, join my Pleasure club!
>Saber: Are you taunting me, Archer?!
>Deermud: King Arthur is Arthurian legend is called the king who didn't do anything. When he knew about Lancelot and Guinevere's love affair, all he did was become depressed over his lost love. And after drinking and eating at banquets he took naps and lazed around. And since Lancelot’s legend was more famous, King Arthur = NTR man was a popular interpretation.'

This shit right here is the reason why I wouldn't mind another harem game with Saber as the heroine. Gil's route in Fate/Tiger is also hilarious as fuck

>First comiket since F/GO ended and big name artist started playing it (Winter was right after it ended so it doesn't count as nothing could be submitted by then)
>No Boudica rape doujins

She survived somehow
Karna didn't dedicate himself to being a seigi no mikata, he dedicated himself to never dishonoring his Father's name. He's basically telling EMIYA that being a seigi sucks and he's not cut out for it.
i'm guessing sherlock

if there was trading ill trade you this idiot with a water gun asap
tomorrow got 1 hour maintenance for update
But Emiya is a Shirou who DIDN'T get Saber to want his dick
I want to pee inside KIYOHIME.
Bryn, Ozy and Arthur Rate Up to celebrate the Prototype anime announcement.
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That illust book is cute
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Why can't i do the last one? Is it because i haven't finished Argatha?
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>not cute
Even CA Hassan know Gil is traitor
「黄金のサーヴァント……!? 魔術師殿、あやつは良くない。すぐに裏切る不埒者故、すぐに契約を切るべきですぞ!」(ギルガメッシュ 所持)
Merlin is a backstabbing turbocunt though
When does it start?
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>>Agravain and Artoria secretly banging in the armoury, with her slowly riding every drop of cum out of his balls up against the wall
Anon, she is everyone's mom.
I doubt anyone would do that, considering the fact she could have/was raped in the past.

Roman is a cunt
you have to finish all the others, so it will unlock
Pretty much but I'm sure Shirou looked like Emiya by the time he reached the end.

Emiya only went full edgy after all the killings broke him but I'm sure some Shirou was still in there at the start.
learn to read you silly EOP
you gotta beat the previous ones before doing the last one

her art is just offputting
cant tell if its the pose, or the retarded outfit, or both
Sure, I would personally take out Medusa and Iskander but I would like it regardless.
pls respond
It's the fact she has no ass.
>Artoria and Guinivere exploring eachother's bodies uncertainly as girls
>Guinivere mounting Artoria's futacock and riding her relentlessly while playing with her tiny tits
These two.
Columbus would be worse.
Use the superior jacket one
Story rate-up and paid gacha, that's it.
Probably Da Vinci rate-up, maybe if we're lucky there will be Sherlock rate-up.
>Will I get the materials back?
No. But you can build other buildings to get Mana prism!!!!
is she a good servant, may whale for her
everyone who has invested any kind of money into Fate GO, since its thanks to the success that is this mobile game that we are seeing such an increase in Fate related projects, like the just recently anounced Arcade game, the VR game, Extella, the Apocrypha anime, the Extra anime, the FGO OVA (which if im not wrong is getting a continuation), among other stuff like artbooks, the riyo comics etc.
And yes im sure that even if FGO didnt exist some of this projects may have happened regardless, but i think its pretty obvious that its thanks to the success of Grand Order that we are getting such an increase of Fate related projects.
So to anyone who invested money in this game i just wanna say thank you, and i hope the gacha gave you what you wanted.
Emiya still wants to fuck her and Chaldea Arturia also blushes when she's talking about him so yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if they appear in some event or something
I always wonder if any servant has some kind of crush in Emiya, other than Arturia and Melt. Kuro probably teases Arturia about her liking her onii-chan
Will the Fate craze ever end?
I just woke up, can you explain me what's going on? Okay, I saw the CE list, what's with them? They also grant a costume or are useless shits like the ones in the Extella event?
Would anyone even like Merlin in Chaldea?

The ones closest to him would be the RotK, who probably only know him professionally) and the various Sabers who doesn't really have an outstanding relationship with the guy and would probably prefer to hang with other people.
I bought the entirety of Prototype so that we can have more Arthur in the future.
You're welcome.
May the dickroll bless you too, Kind Anon.
>Arcade game, the VR game, Extella, the FGO OVA
None of these are a positive though.
What does your wife or girlfriend think about FGO?
FGO's pretty much completely exceeded it's existence as a mobage by now so not any time soon
Not much of a traitor then Lancelot.
Yes if DW keeps being this lazy
Hope you roll all the things you want too anon
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>wife or girlfriend
what is a positive then
when nasu and takeuchi died
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I need this fucking Nobu
Nobody will ever develop feelings for him because all female servants either have another love interest or are meant to be open to the player potebtially.

Realistically speaking though I imagine that the usual sluts (Bryn, Medb, Kiara) would all fuck him and that at the very least his charm and good looks mean a few others would at least consider him attractive.
My boyfriend thinks it's cute.
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End yourself.
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>wife or girlfriend
My boyfriend told me to chose between him and Arthur.
I told him to fuck off.
Tried to get my boyfriend into it but it just wasn't his thing.

Almost managed it without CS, thanks for the advices.
But she wasn't raped,her children was.She was just forced to watch.
My girlfriend plays it.

She wishes it pandered to women more.
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A new episode in 40 minutes and it's gonna be good.
trust me my dad works at A1
Fate is like heroin, because you will never your waifu.
To all the people who invested in FGO I just wanna say fuck you
If people weren't whaling so much maybe they would reduce the quartz cost
She's tried the NA version but she think it's god awfully boring and is honestly surprised I can invest so much time into it.
Were there any announcements after the Arcade thing yesterday
Prototype anime is going to be announced soon.

Don't care either way but yesterday somewhat confirmed it as Arthur had decent presence at FateFes. Same thing happened with Apoc as Mordred starting showing up at Wonfes along with Astfolo.

Would not surprised if confirmed in stream tonight but if it is not it is definitely now in development.

You dumb fuck Kiara is only interested in you just to corrupt you she's not interested in anyone else and she promised not to fuck anyone else either keep your headcanon to yourself.
Please someone explain me the anniversary. What about it? What are we getting other than some CEs?
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My boyfriend became gay for Gilgamesh
What abou Ishtar? Would she want him in her harem?
I honestly don't know how someone thats not already into Fate can make it through the prologue without skipping it
Both me and my girlfriend are playing it, she was also the one who made me stop being a secondary
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Sure thing Kiaracuck

Show some fucking respect to the elites of FGO, you free to play leech.
The anime adaptations even if they end up being mediocre are nice for the occasional eyecandy at least, some orders are quite good, and some few of the new servants add interesting things.
The question is will it be popular
My wife's son enjoys the game very much
Why would she? Any influence she gets from Rin will be looking for old men and money, and Emiya doesn't work for either
I think, if it's gonna happen, "soon" is probably an overly optimistic estimate of when that'll be.
We are getting Extra anime right after Apo
I think they will slot Proto anime after Extra ends so we have Fate anime every season for this and next year
>wife or girlfriend
>Use natural AP to play event
>Set alarm so I have 3 hours to finish grinding the event
>Alarm doesn't go off, now I only have 40 minutes
Sup Reddit
>Arthur, Arash, Ozzy
Already doing better than Apo
>kiaracucks this assblasted that their slut waifu is a slut
Well, Emiya at least got mob amazons to rush him in that one interlude so maybe Pent?

Though if you were a normal staffer in Chaldea, there are easier and handsomer picks out there to get a fling with like Fionne, David, or any of the Irish.
Shouldn't you just say your son?
someone in one of the old threads said she did JAV under the name Ririka Sawaki but I can't vouch for that being legit
Hopefully we'll get Prototype early next year. I just hope they can get the complete F/GO cast for it.

As long as they have Sakurai, yes, yes it will.
>no argument

That's right keep your mouth shut.
They reduced the quartz cost from 40 to 30 what more lower cost you want you fucking poorfag?
Is not the fault of people wjo spend money is your shitty luck
It's not my son
>I don't even know what I'm talking about so I'll just insult this character without knowing anything about her

End yourself
As long as the art style isn't as shitty as Apo's
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Since when Siegfried get naked in the Apo OP/ED?
Kiara is the biggest slut in existence and is actively hoping for a chance to skirt around her vow in canon.

You really think she'd care if it was Emiya to ravish her instead of you? She's still not responsible for it and thus keeping her word, and sex is still sex.
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I wonder if the Prototype anime (if there ever is one) will flash back and forth between Fragments and Nasu's Proto, or whether they'll just have a series for each.
The cost of buying quartz with real money
I have the money I'm willing to spend but only if what I get for it is worth it
Current rates are a fucking ripoff
>you just want to cook for your cute waifu and your master
>you need to deal with some whores trying to rape you every day
>and a stupid wizard trying to kill you for stealing his waifu
>and some weirdo without legs being a dangerous tsundere
Being Emiya is suffering
Nice fanfiction, where can I read more?
>flash back and forth between Fragments and Nasu's Proto
That would make it messy and confusing though
Consult >>184219292

She wants to have sex without breaking her vow and to have you fall to your lust for her.

Nothing says that she only wants the former to happen as a result of the latter, she's in all likelihood fine with anyone fucking her that way.
if it's not ruined by a shit studio
We are getting it summer of next year the earliest.
>Arthur, Arash, Ozzy , Serenity and J&H
>also not having it's plot hijacked by a shitty Homunculus
Just get an actual good studio like Bones or Madhouse
>promises to not gather anymore followers
>claims that she'll go for EMIYA

At best she'd just insult him and trigger him that she broke him and what not.
Dubmass even if they would sell 140 quartz for 1 dollar the shitty rates are still there
Emiya's (probably) pure in Chaldea, at least. If he works with Bootyca in the kitchen all day and doesn't tap that, there's no way he'd fall for a slut.

I can gurantee someone like Fergus has drilled that Hole a bigger circumference though.
>tfw if Proto gets adapted people who haven't read it will stop calling it shit

Please God let the studio not butcher it like Apo
will be new gacha tomorrow?
Apo 05 soon?
Fragments and Prototype are two different wars though
But you could get 80 times more rolls
>all servants in chaldea want nothing to do with her
>he thinks one of them wants to fuck her

You should keep your cuck fantasies to yourself
27 minutes.
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True, there's no way he'd actually do it.

Learn to read, anon. I'm not saying she'll go for him, I'm saying she'd not stop him if he tried to go for her
The story is always interesting, it's just the gameplay that gets to people. Just thinking of 1X speed Mashu gameplay tutorial and the Golem dummy is bad enough to make most people to quit, I can't imagine the average person rerolling.
>fergus caring about Kiara
>when he has Shez and Medb on his dick

Shitty rate for 1 roll.
With 80 dollars currently we get 46 rolls. That's 37% chance of getting a 5*.
With 80 dollars considering 140 quartz is 1 dollar, we would get over 3700 rolls. That's a > 99.99999% chance of getting a 5*
>Did both challenges in about 1 hour and half
Should I do the Gae Bolg quests too?
I have a NP5 Scat since last year already
I think that the flashbacks are essential to the viewer seeing Ayaka's War as being more just "dude what if King Arthur was a dude, Cu was younger and Gilgamesh actually knew how to use a bow"
>Still no RotK reactions to Emiya boning their king
Merlin knows it.

That's Demiya. Dunnow what route he went though probably Sakura or Rin. Or Ilya
See >>184219631
Are all Kiaracucks illiterate or something?

>Fergus passing up on a woman as stacked as Kiara
Yeah, no.
/fgog/ it's time again

Apoc airs in less than 30 minutes, what kind of trainwreck episode do we expect?
For the last FUCKING time Schez is not fucking Fergus
burn in hell with your shitty memes
Using EMIYA as an example that he'd actively would go out of his way to fuck Kiara is just your cuck headcanon fantasies anti-kiarafag
>The cost of buying quartz with real money
>I have the money I'm willing to spend but only if what I get for it is worth it
>Current rates are a fucking ripoff
Same here.

I wish we could at least purchase the first copy of a servant. Whales could go whaling to get NP5, and non-whale could spend what they can to at least get their favourite servant.
Just make two different anime like Zero and FSN.
Is it time for Fiore fight or will it be next episode?
Damn you really ARE illiterate
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>That's 37% chance of getting a 5*.
Unfortunately, that's not how it works you little shit.
Until it's shown that Fergus wants to bone her that's all heascanon for not anti-kiarafag like I said keep your cuck headcanon to yourself
Well, some people found the amount of shilling for Arthur during event suspicious.
>"dude what if King Arthur was a dude,
It's surprisingly dull, or maybe we just need more details to what his Camelot was like, though I doubt the drama would be as delicious
I want to see Sieg eaten by Fafnir
Damn you really are a fucking hater with nothing else to do. Get a life instead of creating false fantasies
It is
Do you even math?
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Mephisto was a To Love-ru all along
That's exactly how it works though.
Will Parvati be into Emiya or (You) who will be the reincarnation of Shiva for her?

I don't even recall much of a time where Archer and Sakura have interacted or at least thought of the other. Maybe in the side games?
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>yfw they reduce the quartz cost by 50% for anniversary
>Fergus canonically likes thicc and dangerous women but there's no way he'd have any interest in this thicc, dangerous woman
>get a summon ticket from memorial mission
>absent-mindedly skip the summoning process since I didnt think it was anything good judging from the lag time and the lack of gold orbs and stuff
>Suddenly Archuria

Ouch, I guess I really am lucky this Summer rerun, I got Tamamo Lancer and Archer Arturia without whaling

Time to wait for the 2017 event then

I couldnt get the pic because I accidentally skipped it in my surprise
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Math Motherfucker do you speak it
Something something bankrupt, please understand
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72 Fous or 5-9 events left till perfection.
That would be ideal, and Strange Fake might just be finished by the time they're done.
But will they show a PV for second order by Ufotable?
Can you farm Memorial missions for bond points?
Reminder that Kiaracucks are such secondaries they can't even read the translations since they're illiterate

Has anyone ever been this BTFO before?
>not shown that he wants to bone Kiara
>claims he'll go for it anyways

I guess all women in Chaldea belong to him too now according to you
First you have to kill yourself fag
Think about it this way, at least each quest didn't give a gold fou this time
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>Apo threads on /a/ are dead as fuck and there's people who unironically defend Sieg
I'd prefer gold fous desu
>shown he is a massive horndog for kiara's type and in general is a huge manslut
>claims its unreasonable to suggest he'd be interested in fucking her

Damn you're dumb
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Haha that's funny coming from you anti-kiarafag that uses headcanon to try to prove your stupid claim. Reminder you even said yourself your a shitposter so fuck off already
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Is Re:Creators actually shit or did I just happen to run into this one shitty filler episode?
>I prefer a 50 damage up than a summon ticket

Wrong thread retard
There's no way Kiara wants to fuck him. Read her myroom lines, she isn't in this for pleasure, she's in Chaldea to tempt you.
>b-but she's a slut
She's also a capricious woman. She's willing to give up sluttery to be your Mara. Nothing suggests that she'd suddenly just fuck Fergus.
What does it feel like?
Isn't it 20
But I'm just waiting for Apo episode and this is ongoing right now
13 minutes of swimsuit farming left
He always was
Threads in /a/ usually picks up pace when their torrent clients pick up the subs
>if you recognize the fact that Kiara is a slut you must hate her
>everyone who points this out must be one guy
She's actually my second favourite Fate villain and I'm glad she's a servant too. I just recognise her true nature, unlike you.

You Kiaracucks are almost as bad as Melvin with his Gilfag delusions by now.

Its shit.
There hasn't been anything worth summoning since babylon
>no evidence to support his claim
>goes on and on about Fergus's preferences

Like I said then all women in Chaldea belong to him by what your saying. Unless said otherwise in an event pr in his interlude you have nothing but words that no meaning other then hating on a character because you don't like her.

If this is the case I'm somewhat amused. Maybe Nasu and Takeuchi just decided to animate everything before FGO's popularity goes downhill.
As you said, she's capriscious. She's telling you exactly what you want to hear like the gullible virgin you are.

Not even Gudao believes her yet you do. How pathetic.
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>dat Mozart CE
I always though he's one of the ugliest motherfucker in the game but now i don't know anymore.
He cleans up nicely.
Yeah 20 I was thinking of the regular ones

Very few characters are ruined for my by their shitposters, but this guy is the biggest shitposter to exist in this franchise. If he's ever included in anything it always turns into nothing but weeks of shitposting here. And that's followed by months of shitposting.
Marie is so cute
>FGO popularity goes downhill
Not gonna happen anytime soon
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Almost everyone looks better on the CEs. It's a shame those aren't costumes.
If you really like Kiara you would know that she's not interested in anyone else but you as it is said in her FGO profile and bond lines. It turns her on being unable to fuck and just focusing on corrupting you or being purified by you. Her fucking Fergus means breaking her promise to you and it means that she no longer gets turned on by not fucking anyone. So fuck off with your headcanon already
But the difference is that her wanted to tempt you is her clearly stated canonical goal.
Your claim that she really meant that she's going to fuck Fergus the moment you're not looking is not supported by canon. It's fanfiction.
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He have weird hair but he is an alright guy.
>recreators live

Damn, aoki really became a mess
He and Mephisto are both looking way hotter than usual.
I'm not saying she wants to fuck him there. I'm saying he'd want to fuck her.

And you need to go back over her lines if you think she's no longer lustful. She's sworn off her old behaviour to fulfill that role for (You) but she didn't suddenly become asexual when she did so.
Except for the Shima Drill who aren't Cuzilla. Lancelot's face wasn't good before, but it's somehow worse now. Julius' face was okay, but now it's bad. I don't know why this guy even bothers.
This cuck delusion is better than any NTR doujin in the last month or so.

Just imagining Fergus plowing Kiara as anon reasons from far away that she isn't gets me diamonds.
Servers go down in 5 minutes?
Yes, permanently.
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>who aren't Cuzilla

He looks weird too
He is Nasu fuckbuddy that played TRPG with him,thats why he get to draw 3(THREE) casual outfit
What part in not interested in anyone but you do you not understand? Just because Fergus is interested in fucking someone doesn't mean that servant is gotta fuck with him. And you forget that Fergus is a bro if a female servant is your women he fucks off.
>Live action P3
Didn't know that was a thing
I used my level 80 redman with Mashu and Merlin and it was pretty easy.
Thank god
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Finally, free.
Stream link please
>b-but you have to hate her
Nope. See this >>184220560

And, once again, stop putting words in my mouth. Saying she's a slut who wants to skirt her vow and that Fergus would want to bone her if they met is in no way the same as saying every woman in Chaldea belongs to him. One is a statement of facts, the other is your cuck delusion.

Anon, please. Its not her fucking Fergus I suggested - its Fergus fucking her. Or rather Emiya, since I'm not the one who brought him up.
Yeah, I cleared it too 20 minutes ago
Is it the shark teeth?
part 2 is when the story will end do you think people will give a shit about fate when this ends they wont
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so people noticed that the CEs locked behind an Okeanos clear are in beachwear
and the Babylon ones are in Japanese style clothing

did anyone point how the Camelot CEs are in military style clothing?
>Grancuck add
Wrong thread retard
>your woman
It's canon that (male) only likes Mashu and (female) only likes the strongest Servants which are Merlin, Gil, or Dantes.
>Its not her fucking Fergus I suggested - its Fergus fucking her.
So you just want to see Fergus rape Kiara?
Yes. Every singularity has a theme.
> Machine gun maid is probably archer
I don't need another archer DW. Give me something else
>What part in not interested in anyone but you do you not understand?
The part where that's not a thing.
>And you forget that Fergus is a bro if a female servant is your women he fucks off.
This has never been stated anywhere actually, if you're thinking of the Agartha spoiler with d'Eon it was part of the fake Megaros spoilers.

And Kiara isn't your woman anyway since you have no interest in her canonically.
He's a poor mans Kamiya
But they didn't say anything about part 2 you're just talking out of your ass
its him
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Event ends in?
5 seconds
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>granbluecucks have to copy our summer even trailer
> Fafnir's voice is hot

Nice. Alter Siegfried when?
Your continued illiteracy is saddening me
>Episode starts with fucking sieg


Why is Jeanne so thirsty this early?
This OP is shit
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So, I somehow rolled Archuria....honestly I cant believe I managed to roll her at all

Is she basically better than Redman, Gilgamesh and loli Redman?
Seemed hand drawn
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King of Kings Ozymandias >>>>> Memegamesh
>It's canon that (male) only likes Mashu and (female) only likes Mashu
Not to worry friend, I saw you made a slight error and corrected it.
It is.
She's the best Archer alongside Gil
This OP is godtier
Back to /a/
Fafnir's pretty cute, better than Sieg and Siegfried
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>Took the entire event to clear it while Memegamesh did it day one
Is anniversary gatcha going to be good?
fucking stupid mordred poster, everyone figured it out
>Nobu is a welfare once again
Guess I won't even bother with this summer event unless she's top tier
It makes me feel comfy, but it annoys me how the PV said that this isn't the Servant's story, but the OP says it's the story of Heroic Spirits.

>F/Z dub
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>all these anti-kiarafags out of their way with headcanon

Gotta just leave this here. You all are pathetic
>not showing turns
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Was this posted at any point?


Takanobu Terada (main producer of the Super Robot Wars franchise) interviews the Magical Mushroom
>dub add

u wout
>english dub
What happened?
why is dub on jap tv?
>not watching the trainwreck of the season with /fgog/
yeah p much
Put her along with Tamamo/Weaver and you'll see it by yourself
Welfare in FGO are pretty good.
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>do a ticket roll because I still don't have Columbus
>get this
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I know we're shitposting about Apo right now but what time was news about the anniversary supposed to be coming this weekend?
Well it is also all about going to India, but not quite in the same way and not quite for the same reason
Jannu's voice is sexy
12 hours from now
congrats on your mediocre monk
I still like using her though
10 hours it I could recall.
Tesla, Edison and Babbage confirmed for SRW X-Omega
blah blah blah
Start fighting already
Enjoy your cuckbait
Even fate/zero was full on dialogues too
so no jannu and vlad talk about god?
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Gudako temporarily became a futa, and impregnated every single girl in this picture! Which of their children will be the cutest? Which will be the strongest? Which of the mothers will be the best mom and which will be the worst?
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>Gilgamemeneeds to do it at the beginning of the event to abuse trial and error
>Triple H does it when the event is about to end so it's an all or nothing win
No wonder Ozzy can handle 5 high tiers while Gilgatrash dies to humans
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Delete this.
But they had something to say
There is. About 5-10 seconds.
>Not SRX, Granteed and Godzilla confirmed for F/GO
Grand Berserker fucking when?
12h or so.
Wrong general
Fuck off Minase.
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Avicebron is such a manlet
Evil cat in evil lair
Why is Gawain the Camelot memorial boss instead of Lion King?
Wrong fucking thread
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Is Godzilla Grand Berserker or Grand Beast?
Go to Cirnothread, wrong thread anon
>karafags are so illiterate they post irrelevant screencaps too
It was obvious from the situation they weren't going to fight there.
>Seiba no shinzou
>Seiba no shinzou
>Seiba no shinzou
>Seiba no shinzou
>Seiba no shinzou
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It's more fun.
This is the most boring episode so far
Where your True Name Discernment Jeanne?
Fate talking episodes can be good.
This is just bad
>eating cookies with Jannu
Ya'll thought his name was Seig all this time

Really its Jig
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>The CE you chose is the key to unlocking an alternate costume of the same Servant

Did you make the right choice /fgog/
How to you go from S in Siegfried to J
fucking nips
Skills and NPs don't actually exist anymore, they were adapted out. Please understand.
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>the absolute state of this shit game in a post merlin world

well i guess gameplayfags are finally eternally btfo since there's no reason to care about the game ever being difficult to complete again
Its Jiku
I would legit rejoice if that happened to be true
I don't even have Medb fuck
Sieg even sounds similar to seigi how did they mess this up
She's the best archer.
run Tamamo and Merlin/Waver for maximum performance.
Is it time for Dr. Octopus(Female) yet?
Like Jigufreedo
Is she retarded?
Is it Mo-chan got rekt time?
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I don't use memeplay servants and skip every hard mission which is only possible to beat with them.
spooky jackie
>no faces
>lancer alter
not bad.
But I really wnated Jeanne, Marie and a lot more.
>fate/prototype advertisment

I can't pick between fluffy and Herc-kun
>Proto Hype
well how else do you expect them to be able to put him in EOR3 and have him fight Manaka and Nero
Beast Manaka when?
>implying a single Drama CD would get this much advertising
>when the Dantes drama CD was just slipped into Chaldea Ace
If anything it proves that Prototype is the next big thing.
>What I wanted to find out at the Atlas Institute was, should the Human Order be completely restored---- what are the possibilities of another singularity happening?
>Yes, the odds are not low indeed. In fact, they are quite high.
>Theoretically, should the status of the Human Order move from incineration to restoration...
>A vast failure will occur from the distorted histories; this is what TRI-HERMES warned.
>To describe this failure, yes... The various forces that would massacre proper history and shake the world.
>These would normally be prevented by the Counter Force or something else before they occur, but...
>While moving back to a restored state, these forces will temporarily revive. They will resurrect, from the gaps of history----
>You could compare it to a quarantined computer virus once more becoming active upon the computer rebooting.

Wonder if this shit will tie into FGO2 at all.
>more fate/prototype shilling during break

Budget's tight please understand
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Choosing Karna wasn't a mistake
>Manaka will be animated
which timeline is this?
What anime studio would make a good Fragments adaptation?
Please no Proto anime. It's irredeemable shit.
They just talked about the Drama CD retards
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>swimsuit servants are boring
>anniversary gacha will probably be sherlock
happy for those who like them but on my part i'm fairly disappointed. hopefully the other parts of the anniversary are good
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>chose a CE of a Servant that has eluded me this past 2 years
They really did sacrifice screentime for more Jannu/sieg
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This is what Jeanne perceives when she looks at Astolfo's profile.
this desu, at least I get to save quartz and tickets
I'd rather have F/HA anime desu
>Budget's tight
>when FGO can fund a high budget anime in a week
>5 second spot
>big anything
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>this episode
>A bunch of information in a language she can't speak, on top of not being able to read in the first place.
What a dumb skill
Get ready for Spidergirl.
Jannu has huge knockers
Astolfo can't even speak french.
They blew all their budget on that 5 minutes battle last week, please understand
Spidergirl next episode
>5 minutes battle
If only
You mean one high budget adaptation per week? Damn fgo printing money
Unironically DEEN.
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She lied
At least she can read his bullshit.
I actually think KyoAni could do it if they put Haruhi's director on it

They're the only studio I trust to do achronological storytelling well, and with the amount of flashforwards/backs and perspective shifts in Fragments that is vital to adapting it.
>let rush all the fight and make this goddamn Jeanne's lecture and Sieg dumb face the longest shit you ever heard and see

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And it's over
Gordes, Gordes had a hard life.
He's an Anglo who spent the most illustrious part of his career life surrounded by a bunch of Germans. French might not come naturally to him.
fucking nothing
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>the state of Jannucucks
Tell me about the dragondick.
Why does Jeanne want it so badly?
Average 12 episodes anime has a budget of about 2M$
FGO makes 1M a day with no event
>post credits scene

1 - Jannu
2 - Mashu
3 - Medb
4 - Fran
5 - Mordred
6 - Ishtar
Because Higashide is a bad writer and poorly implemented the ideas Nasu gave him.
I'm pretty sure than the no faces part was totally intentional so Reika and Jack look creepy.
what the fuck where do you guys watch it
Too bad. They rushed everything else so this is all there'll be for a while now.
Move whenever.
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Fucking turncoat. Fastwheels will never go out of style.
So next week is mode red getting btfo by seiba?
>tfw your servant sumanai'd and everyone blames you
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Wonder where the money went
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>ywn give jack headpats
>Cute Dress
>F L U F F Y
>Cute maid
>Cute suit. Borrowed this accessory from Jekyll because it matches
>Cute Kimono
If Desir is Jannu song,why Sumanai is even on the album cover
>guys I swear it's Rider's fault
>c'mon Gordes not even he can be that retarded
I want to give headpats to her master.
How many cripples we have in Fate?
Fast Wheels
Anyone else?
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Euryale best snek.
Who will be hosting tommorow FGO stream?
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Agreed here. At least I got swimsuit Euryale in a CE, but looks like no Ereshkigal from the anniversary and no swimsuit servant I actually want from this year's event. Good for other people, I guess, but nothing here for me.
What went wrong with this shot?
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>hoarded quartz for nero even though I wanted bikini tamamo and arturia
>no bikini nero
>wanted both summer tamamo and nero
>got tamamo but used every ticket/quartz I had
>bikini nero could be released any time
but first 3 summer servants have already been announced and the rest will probably be guys anyway
Somehow...that seems plausable

Also, lets not forget that they did promise Summer Raikou among others though
Fat Summer Cow was never promised, that was just wishful thinking from fans of the ugly whore
>No summer mama
I hate this
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