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/dadg/ - Darkest Dungeon General

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Thread replies: 763
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UNNATURAL!!! edition

Previous Dungeon: >>183723039

Artist's Deviant Art:


Fanfiction Masterlist:



Kickstarter heroes & trinkets

Official website:

Dev Posts & Patch Notes:

Catalogue Page:


Steam Page:

Less grind mod with some /vg/ skins:

More /vg/ skins & classes + Musketeer:

Bonus PS4 Trinkets:

Anon-approved newbie guide:

/dadg/'s own champion boss guide

/dadg/'s annotated CC maps:

Darkest Dungeon maps and guide

Darkest Dungeon font (Dwarven Axe BB)
First for mods with shitty art that break the balance and inmersion of the game
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>implying there any other kinds
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Are there any croccos in the Viscount dungeon? I've cleared just about all of it but haven't found a single one yet.
I have hopes one day someone will make a class mod which art and abilities are on par with DD vanilla classes
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When I was doing the baron run yesterday I was a little miffed that the OP maps didn't include reptilian niggers hiding behind other things, like locked doors.
nice. the barbed sword reminds me of the looking glass knight.
Where in the files does one find the default names for the heroes? Like Reynauld, Dismas, Junia, Barristan etc.

Not sure about set names, but the general pool of randomized names can be found here


It's in your localization folder.
the originals did, guess they forgot to add it after making the changes
Man, Flag+Occ makes killer croc such a trivial fight.
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>TFW your entire party becomes afflicted after one person gives in and starts a domino
You know the existence of the Flagellant makes blood 'magic' a possibility now.
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That one's actually ok-ish but the emulation of the official artstyle and aberrant size of the character is pretty cringey.
While it's probably the best fully fanmade classmod, the art is still a bit off and contrasts too much with other characters. Still use it anyway and I enjoy it a lot.
>aberrant size
that was fixed already
Check your updates.
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Nigger was responsible for 75-80% of the total party stress taken over the entire run.
>Combat pivot camera
People actually use this? I turned that garbage off after the very first battle during EA.
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Did my game just bug out?
These fuckers are gobbling 8 food every hunger check! No negative quirks whatsoever
Make sure you don't have diseases that make them eat more food, that you're not using any mods that might change that and that you don't have any trinkets that change that.
What about trinkets or diseases?
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No diseases. No trinkets affecting hunger.
>want to make a mod that rebalances trinkets to have rarity affect the impact of the trinket, not how viable it is
>realise that it still doesn't solve how stun trinkets and accuracy trinkets are almost required for consistent champion victory
>want to make a skill/enemy overhaul mod that increases the accuracy of abilities that debuff dodge, and buff/rework a bunch of shit abilities to lower either stun resistance, speed or accuracy; just changes that make champion less min/max but still just as hard tactically
>this is way too much fuckin effort for an indie game i won't be playing in a year unless there's DLC

what do bros
rework champion missions, that's the most retarded part of the game.
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arb/BH/occ/hellion sounds ok for DD3, no?

I'd have liked to bring a PD for the stuns, but since snortman can do everything in pos3 I'll put Mr. Meme in pos2 for that job.
main benefit of the PD is she can stun the fat ass and the cell
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True, stunwise I'm hardly bringing an optimized composition but I'm hoping the mark synergy will make up for it. Maybe put a stun trinket on snortman since his grenade both hits all positions and got move component?
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Replace the hellion with a houndmaster.
Go full mark party.
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shit nigga calm down
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arb/occ/HM/BH then?

I've practically never played without a Hellion...
>muh hitting all positions4maximum dmg frontliner
main thing is never allowing the cell to take a second turn

if he does he has to move someone to the front and he loses the ability to pull the cell with the OCC for extra damage or the BH cant stun it from rank 1

hellion is fine since she can use swan
>BH cant stun it from rank 1
Bounty hunter has uppercut. HM can go in rank 3. OCC can pull from rank 2
Should I enable Court on my first run or is that shit too much to handle?
Probably too much to handle. Most of the real difficulty in handling the game is in managing your Hamlet, and CC adds several new layers of fucking with your heirloom/gold distribution and roster issues.
Enable districts and flagman straight away, and start enabling the CC when you have one or two capable veteran crews.
he cant uppercut the cell in the back which is the main threat

you can pick and choose, court kinda forces you to do it eventually since the infection makes your life more difficult so id say enable the districts and flagellant until you are used to the game

you can wait to enable the court later, but keep in mind the first mission is lvl 1, second is 3 and the ones after that are 5 so you will need heroes that can go in there
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>not bringing Junia's and a PD for stalling
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Wait with enabling it until you're playing comfortably on veteran difficulty dungeons.
How good is the BH trinket set?
Frontline Vestal is my jam so much. It's surprisingly good enough to work outside the ruins.
I like how the Viscount's feelers on his face make it look like he has a fancy little Poirot mustache.
Do you guys counter stress inducing trinkets with book of stress or other similar trinkets? Or do you go all in not giving a shit about stress
They can't stress you if they're dead.

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...this is on apprentice/veteran, I assume?
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+stress is a total non-issue

damage output and crits will take care of whatever jimmies-rustling niggers can come up with
Yes I'm still a shiter with champion. Only been succsefull with 4/9 runs and 2 of them had less than 3 battles

I love DD but I hate when games focused on experimentation an making builds/teams gets hard in a way the amount of viable strategies is drastically reduced by the end of the game. A shame thay after so many different combinations everyone will have more or less the same endgame strategy and build.
In the SS I was running pos 2 vestal on champion with no stuns in the entire party (GR/Occ/Vestal/Leper), she was mostly to support/make up for the potentially shit heals of the occultist, and the always shit accuracy of the leper. Worked pretty well but I really need to get some accuracy quirks locked in on her, or maybe just swap the atonement beads for a sun ring
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Champion's not that a big deal really, but it IS so much more restrictive than the earlier difficulties.

With PD/occ in the backlines you pretty much work with whatever damage dealing frontlines you have.

Cove is actually the easiest champ dungeon, as long as you have that PD.
its ok
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Easily the most fun, running an Occ/BH/HM/Hellion group in basically everything possible, the BH either doubles up on the occultists utility or takes over for him when he's busy doling out heals. And then when the time is right you dole out a Collect Bounty on a marked, stunned and bleeding target for 79 and snort your way to the bank.
>wanted to do champion runs
>no PD spawned for 7 weeks

I finally got 2 but boy was it annoying to deal with shit. Wish there were more classes with blight. I have one planned but I doubt I'll be able to work on it till second half of august or september
>tfw caregiver's convention
>locking fated
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>16 consecutive unclearable captchas
chinkmoot must really hate posting
what file should I edit for money? to increase how much I have.

Also why is this general so god damn comfy? Everyone is chill as fuck, lotsa discudsions about several thing, few waifu posters and the few around aren't annoying and everyone always helps with anything if they can.
It's funny when you think a game so much focused on suffering and loss created such a nice communitty.
Also the OC is fucking top tier.
Use legacy captcha, silly tumblrposter
I don't know if you can change the amount of money you currently have by simply editing, it's more of a cheat engine thing.
If you really want to give yourself a shit load of money you can always change the quest gold reward, it's in campaign - quest and quest.generation.
Or you could just build the bank
>he's not using
>Nomad Wagon Redone and it's compatibility patch
>The Falconer
>Musketeer Reworked
Why? Considering getting Deadlier Quirks too.
>He hasn't modded his own version of the Musketeer
Casual away
why don't you give us yours then
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>not using his mod of Musketeer that squirts vaginal fluid using the Abomination's vomit projectile fx
Hand it over. or at least tell us about it
Should I make HWM melee or gun oriented?
Melee is generally better.
Reaaally quick question.
Skills like Point Blank Shot that have a "50%" DMG mod, that's PLUS 50% right?
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She's smaller. She gets a bit bigger when you get highlighted
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I just had a run where almost every corridor had a mosquito battle. there were 2 rooms that had 2 mosquito fights in them. They killed a plague doctor, graverobber and an occultist. Decided to cut my losses and run. Had to fight shrieker afterwards to get my things back. I had no love for those characters but I was so close to finishing that dungeon. Just one more battle room but my pd went down on the 2nd death's door check. My occultist got a meme heal on her then a chevaliar and a fatsquito stunned the 3 remaining pt members and killed the occultist and GR.
update to change "y use per battle" to "x rounds cooldown" when?
August 22, when console gets updated with the dlc.
>"y use per battle" to "x rounds cooldown"
>August 22
where did you hear that?
How do I go about farming dosh with aunty? Vest - auntie - auntie - Crusader?
Can I get a source
Can someone explain me, why is Grave Robber set is such a pile of shit? The knife on its own is good, but the second part + set bonus is worse than a common trinket.
You consume double food per food check if you're holding up while clicking the feed button

I don't know how either but it just happened to me
The character is Diana from League of Legends, if that helps. no idea about the specific pic
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>fighting flesh
>morphs into 3 anuses and a head
>anuses all attack my occultist
>blighted and stunned
>next round
>flesh attacks first
>anuses all attack my occultist again
>blight stunned death's door
>deathblow from blight

>Occ on flesh
>Not double PD at the back spamming blight
>Not double HM at the front guarding to prevent this exact thing from happening
>Get killed by a shart
Just imagine his last moments
I was running 2 hellions, occultist, and houndmaster. The plan was to keep stacking bleed with hellions and hm, and occ could mark targets for hm or heal.

It worked great too except the flesh decided to focus the healer.
Focus on melee but keep pistol shot for back line sniping. If building for range, give him PBS, pistol shot, duelists advance and one other of your choice depending on what the rest of your party brings and trinket out to offset the ranged damage penalties. Really wish tracking shot left a mark.
How do I Collector?
Just lost my second best team to him literally after a perfect camp
>Grave Robber

I need tactics, because stunning him, taking out the highwaymen and proccing Blight didn't seem to work
What levels are you on?
You just got Collected m8, move along.
Full level 5, all maxed out. First PT, on mid difficulty because I am not a bitch, and wanted to actually know what I was doing before Stygian

I can't risk not knowing. If I lose Dismas I'm ending my save full stop. Reynauld wasn.t supposed to die and I don't like getting teamwiped on an optimal boss killing team
Just wiped on the Countess fight. Do I have to start the dungeon over again?
Why are Dismas and Reynauld held in such high regard? Reynauld in particular is annoying as fuck with his retarded kleptomania quirk and I often dismiss him on my second week when I get another front rower. Dismas tends to disappear along the way through dismissal when he locks some shitty quirk or death, I often don't even notice it was him.

What is special about them?
They are the only people with canon names.
>That moment when you don't remind yourself and lose one of your best heroes on some regular champion quest in the ruins.
Why are you such a faggot?
Because they're with you from the very beginning, literally getting you to the Hamlet. Reynauld's kleptomania shouldn't even affect you beyond the second full outing (or whenever sanitarium opens) because he should be spending time at home until you can throw him in and cure it. Curing low level non-locked negative quirks isn't that hard. Of course if you're playing with the time limits of Stygian/blood moon, then yeah, you gotta prioritize how best to spend your limited money

How many crocs are there in the baron mission.. i am huntin' them for trinkets and because I WANT THEM EXTINCT!
What's your "go-to" way of farming good quirks?
I would imagine scumming the positive quirk curios. Don't know which area has the most though
desu he probably loved it
Oh god I just tried my first champion level dungeon
Which one was it?
Warrens, got dicked hard, mostly by bloodsuckers, fuck those
did you get CRIPPLED?
I bailed after 4 rooms, had to use 2 campfires and everybody still go almost killed and afflicted.
Poor fag here:

How do i install the Musketeer and will it mess up my game?
Hold on dont Worry

Yes. Also, remember to delete your localization folder after copy pasting the files.
Warrens is more or less rapeville on champ.
Its so satisfying when your occultist who healed for 0 5 times in a row then bled to death dies to the enemy, revenge is sweet
workshop mod
redpill me on deadlier quirks, someone from here made it. is it any good/
Journal page 1 where?

I've found them all but that first one
Boss class when?
Red Hook has some sick line of thinking that the GR has a viable blight build.
Why are enemies allowed to focusfire one of your characters randomly? I'm in a short dungeon at the second room right now and my plague doctor is already afflicted
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casuals out
Nevermind she was focusfired again and died
Post your class ideas.
The absinthe really shouldn't reduce HP. Remove that and buff her darts, and it might at least be worth considering.
Are reward trinkets truly random? I'm week 60 and yesterday at my first champion run i finally got my very first Sun Ring. Am I just unlucky or are they THAT rare?
>losing Reynauld

A vast portion of the set trinkets are terrible.

In some cases one trinket will completely contradict the position/role the other trinket is designed to strengthen, making the set bonus redundant because you are unable to capitalise on the strengths that either trinket provides,.

The Abomination, Grave Robber, the Jester, the Occultist, the Plague Doctor all have absolutely terrible trinket sets which don't combine together in any tangible way. You can't spread your hero's abilities as thin as the trinkets want you to, they are always going to have a specific, fixed role in your party and trinkets picked to do that role.

I think the only sets that are good are MAA and Highwayman. Antiquarian and Crusader are also pretty good, if only because they very one-dimensional but at least they actually stick to being good at one singular role, and not a bunch at once.

That's not to say the whole crop is bad, as stuff like Occultist's Vial of Sand is a way better Debuffing Incense, a Selacious Diary is a good replacement to Sacred Scroll, and so on. Plague Doctor's Scalpal does combo with Bloody Herb if you want to have fun with a gimmicky build - same with Vestal, who's set trinkets are meh together but with Atonement Beads, you can now combine with Profane Scroll and have a really great Rank 2 set-up.

I do wish Red Hook would sort out their trinket balance because anything being good is by dumb luck and not by them knowing what people actually want.
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You need luck like this in order to get through him.

Well now she's not afflicted anymore.
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Uh I kind of have a problem, sometimes when I loot stuff the animation plays out but its as if I didnt loot anything, I dont even get the option to pick up stuff, and I think it just botched up my quest for the blood, what do ?
Any reason to use Uppercut over Flashbang ? Why does the bh have two stuns anyway ?
Use both and stun everyone

Cove has both a positive quirk curio and a negative quirk purging one
You know those loots of a free map scouting, right?
Usually it bugs itself in the Crimson Court

You shouldn't have any big technical problems with it though, may just lose a scout, is all.
>>183903986 this
and Uppercut has the bonus of shuffling, so you can stun a heavy and bring their squishy backrow into striking range.
keep doing dungeons, it's a random drop
uppercut deals damage and moves enemies in a predictable manner

flashbang can hit rank 4
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>he uses stress healers instead of relying on big fat crits
Been watching these as they come out. Some of what he says is completely right, like the MaA video and spreading the knowledge of Bellow > Bolster, but other videos spread misinformation. For instance the PD video states the PD is useless in the Warrens, Weald, and Courtyard because those enemies are blight resistant. I've seen this mentioned many times in these threads too and I ask: have you people ever heard of trinkets before? Just give her the Blasphemous Vial and, preferably, Hag's Ladle and the only enemy in the game that occasionally will resist your blight are the Large Corpse Eaters and they're pussies otherwise so it's no big deal.
Teach me /dadg/, how I do I rake in the dosh? I can never seem to hold on to more than ~35k at most and my usual balance ends up hovering around 10k.
Build the bank, do about 3 or 4 antiquarian missions until you reach 100k, at that point the bank will become self sustaining.
spam short dungeons with antiquarian

make sure shes the one who opens all the curios

3 crusaders + antiquarian + ruins = free gold

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What a fucking amazing map

fuck you
Last room is going to have a battle in it. Enjoy.
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That's a fine map, though. No backtracking, nothing to complain about.
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>Me: I killed the final boss and cleansed the source of corruption.
>Ancestor: No one cares lmao kys

I get that it's Lovecraftian, but jeez
>>Me: I killed the final boss and cleansed the source of corruption.
but anon, you are the corruption
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& never get to scrounge for trinkets?
A damage dealer / secondary healer that
manipulates the torch light level to use certain abilities. Like the Flag needing to be under 50% HP to use Exsanguinate/Redeem, this class would need the light levels to be at certain numbers to be able to use their skills; some above a certain amount, some below.

Skills that require, say 50+ Light, would reduce the torch when used and skills that required 49 or light Light would increase the light levels, so that both the light level and skill availability is constantly fluctuating.
>scrounge for trinkets
what are you? poor?

This is a western game bro. You can't "kill" God. He'll be back. You just put him to sleep at the moment.
Any draw anons around?

I need some help with weapon icons.
>falconer mod
holy shit how can onnabushi anon compete
Don't bully yourself.
>Went to kill VVulf
>Didn't bring any shovels
>Vvulf quest
>Going in blind
>First "Darkest" quest
>No shovels
>Already rapidly going downhill
>CRU has a heart attack mid battle
>Have to retreat
>Stress causes him to have another heart attack and die
>Also have to sacrifice another party member to get out
>OCC gets left behind
>Everything went worse than expected.
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fuck i just posted this in the pbd discord and got embarrassed because it's originally from there and they've all seen it...... i'm gonna kill myself now..........
neat, would be cool if they could also rarely spawn as enemies
All bandits that defect are falconers and women?

Something is off here
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Haha yeah remember when Cove was about Eldritch enemies?

Me neither, it's filled with 2/3 bloodshitters how amazingly done, good job devs, totally not breaking the uniqueness of each dungeons.
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>poor enough to HAVE to run auntie
>too bad to take even a medium run
>fuck i just posted this in the pbd discord and got embarrassed because it's originally from there and they've all seen it...... i'm gonna kill myself now..........

You should kill yourself regardless for being in shit tier discord and openly admitting that you use it here.
Yeah it's pretty fucking shitty

They look so out of place with the whole game

Flagellant rocks though
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And done.

Fuck garbage crimson curse and bloodsuckers being the majority of each dungeon completely ruining the gameplay of the original game.
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All my guys are becoming level 6 pretty quickly. I guess I'll just have to use them until they die because I'm running out of room for new recruits. I hate the idea of having them die though because it's really easy to avoid if you just retreat before it's too late.

I still have Veteran bosses to fight but it's hard finding a team to do it because there's so many high-leveled heroes who I can't use for it, but can't send them away because I've invested time and money into them all, and it seems stupid to squander them.

What should I do?
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>Buys Crimson Court
>turns on Crimson Court in options
>complains about Crimson Court
Grind through your champions.
I've heard of "Shambler hunting" but I've never done it. Is there a way to reliably track those altars down?
>Tossing Reynauld due to klepto.
>Not sending him to the cave and abusing Eldritch Altars and Corals.
When you say enabling, do you mean before you start the game or doing the first CC mission?
Start doing DD runs with them.
Once you beat a DD floor the survivors no longer take up roster space.
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redpill me on THIS
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What do you mean?

I've been pretty prepared for the bosses I've fought, so I've never came that close to losing a Hero recently. I've never done a Long Champion dungeon before though, but if I'm in danger of losing someone, it seems dumb to not retreat so I can escape with loot. I don't know how they're going to die unless I do something pretty stupid and intentional.
Equip moon rings, go pitch black in veteran or apprentice dungeons, have an abomination in rank 2.
Just hope that you'll get some altars
No. Also, don't do it with a large party. do it with the lvl 1-3's, bring those capable of riposte, a healer, and someone capable of shuffle.
I killed it using Arbalist, Vestal, Highwayman, and MaA.
Kept on railing it from 3-4, and Riposting the shit out of it. Doesn't survive long, you'll likely gain afflictions doing this, but you have not much reason to continuously hunt it when you do this once you get the map.
Just do dark runs, spawn rate is higher in champion dungeons and you'll get money and heirlooms in the meantime.
nobushi for life
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>Lady of the sea, happy as can be, wonder if she would be happier with me
jokes aside I got the mission to put a cork in her throat to shut her up, ever since the hag ive been on edge over monster girls
Any tips I should know before tackling the siren?
Thank you for all the help and advice.
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>all that bullshit
>only a level 1 skill
What class? Is it from scorpiovaeden?
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Siren is cute
kintoki's witcher class
Debuff resist breaks her hard, and make sure to have a stun for heroes that go to her. Outside of her gimmick conversion attack she can't do much.

Holy water makes her joke. Doubly so if you have a PD around.
bitch'n I got tons of stun and a good mark set, and money to spare for holy
no lie there, i'm surprised something so cute made it into this game, strangely it makes her all that more creepy since shes so out of place
Countess is cute too.
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>80 hours played
>Find out that you can snuff out the torch in battle
Ugh, why fuck up Finale's strength and give it a limit? Goddamn you don't need both! Now Jester is kinda shit in boss battles. He gets one Finale, it does ok, then if he gets shuffled to the front he has trouble getting back to use his music. Solo and Battle Ballad are still fantastic but sometimes you wanna deal some damage, and with no Finale he has no reliable way to get back after using Solo.

Wouldn't it be enough to just leave in the Debuff against it for a few turns on top of its nerf?


Don't be. The main artist for DD does softcore pron
i expected them to be mixed in with normal enemies like mosquitoes replacing shamans or supplicants replacing cultists/groupers/thralls

hell it would be amazing if they infected the base monsters making them more dangerous

after beating the countess they could make the infected versions spawn rarely and increase the chance they spawn for every infected guy on your team or roster

maybe a super slow infection permanently happens after the countess and you can reset it by killing the statue/burning hives or whatever in the court

would probably be too tedious to keep doing constantly while trying to finish up districs unless they let you send heroes out on some sort of autonomous expedition like the FF tactics advance ones, but this seems too different to the base game

Just fucking edit the info.darkest file and remove the limit then.
i love that whens she uses charm you can hear her singing on the background for a bit

Check his old Deviant Art pieces. I'm surprised there arent enough topless chicks here. The crimson court cutscenes are proof enough that the guy knows how to draw tits
keep a rotating crew of 4 low levels, farm the champ cove

how many bosses? not all require a specific team comp

DD1 is pretty easy if you aren't susceptible to shuffling
when is it worth doing this
>doing the first Darkest Dungeon mission
>oh it's just a hallway, probably a miniboss fight at the end or something
>get to room
>branching paths

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Impressed by everything about the Falconer except her abilities. She seems okay to dodge tank for an Antiquarian after killing the backline, but otherwise might as well just use an Arbalest
I had a layout like this in my 16 brigand punder kill mission. Had to eat every fight in a champion weald map (with all those FUCKING VIRAGOS). It's actually amazing how I even got to the fight almost unscathed and stressless (thank god I brought a houndmaster).

I lost my hellion and abomination in the fight tho ;_;
Guys, when you equip a trinket with +20 stress or -5 Acc, etc, do you use the second trinket slot to mitigate that effect?
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Going to fight the Brigand 16 Pounder. Is this enough?
Mine was just some generic tip, but if I had seen that I probably would've assumed it was referring to the fact that you have to go in three times total.
its the loading screen for the third mission
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Damn it is annoying as fuck just how many there are, and it ruins how effect my Plague Waifu is... So many of them are annoyingly immune to blight and stun!
So I always run the mod for bigger Hero Barracks, but with about a third of them becoming infected they're burning through blood pretty damn fast... Should I stop using the mod? I love having a stable of 5 Occultist and Vestals, with about three of everything else.
are all the bosses just more tanky versions of previous ones? i fought necromancer apprentice and when i fought basic necromancer it was almost the same
Witcher Mod? You know it didn't seem that bad till I got to riposte. Also knocking back 3 seems a bit much, the maker doesn't understand this game very well.
That's way overkill.
That comp is also not gonna work.

She's a woman.
I remember when I first started people would tell noobs to try snuffing the torch on the first mission..
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Just had Dismas attack max to 36... it was nice
https://twitter.com/trudicastle ?????
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>MRW people say the game is bad because of how hard it is and how they've lost so many of their high lvl heroes

Just use the mod that lowers the infection rate. Either that or simply kick out infect heroes. It isnt that hard to powerlevel anyway
Supplies were free that run. :^)

Also the comp is fine. Plague Doctor is running stun trinkets and has backrow blight if needed, Vestal has heals, all rank damage, and a backup stun, Grave Robber can hit all ranks, and Hellion can also hit all ranks.
Awww shit wait, I have been wrong the whole time.
who? isn't chris bourassa the head artist?
What happens with wasting heroes when I am in a dungeon and have no blood?
Do they die eventually?
Do they die if I retreat?
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How bullshit is Bloodmoon?
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>When the Shambler appears in my dungeon but I have 2 abominations
>first champion mission
>shit, I better go prepared
>gotta make up a good comp
>o shit I know lets make it a bleeds comp
>Occultist / HWM / Hellion / Fag
>bleeds out the ass I got this
>it's a ruins mission
easier than stygian
You either hope to find blood before they croak or just run if you don't want to risk it.
Trying to compensate can work for acc, but for stress it's a lost cause. Generally, compensation isn't a hill you want to die on.
He is.
It's pretty much the same until champion dungeons, that's the point where the enemy stat increases start to feel noticeable. The final boss is also a fair bit harder to beat. Most people are able to complete it in a little over half the allotted time, and you shouldn't have any problems with the hero death limit if you got gud by beating the game the first time around.
It's literally the same thing just renamed for the DLC.
more weeks and higher death limit
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When is he going to finish this picture set?
holy fuck
You have to beat all the CC content on it too.
no you dont

Trudi and Chris collaborate on the art. Come on, people, use your heads.

sun ring and X slayer ring or a stun trinket on 90% of my heroes
Sure, I just don't think anyone here has ever heard of trudi
There's another, unfinished, one with the Antiquarian, PD, and Occultist but I can't seem to find it.
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>mfw I knew about Chris Bourassa when he was doing art for some of my other favorite games: the Iron Realms text games

It shows his range of talent.

Also if my name-drop has gotten you interested, don't fucking play any Iron Realms games. Save yourself from the horrors of the IRL darkest dungeon.
>tfw no fully explorable 3D Hamlet to run around in
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You only want to visit the brothel Anon
These seem to be based on the class specific District buildings. That means the others would be Crus/Vestal/Flag, MaA/HM/Arb, Abom/Hellion/Leper, and Jester.

>Flag just dumps the Blood all over himself
PD a qt
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>Brit concept artist in Canada! Works on @darkestdungeon


seems like she mostly does concept art and the comics, chris does mention her every time a comic is posted

seems like she is might be added to the team section of their website along with two others so we might know more about what she does

looks like she has a lip ring, which is odd since her affliction sprite doesn't show one

Alright, thank you.
I'm still a noob and I wanted a tip on what more experienced players do with trinkets like those. Thanks.
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Once she got hooked on 'The Blood' she started hanging out with the wrong crowd.
You killed the shield didn't you?
acc, dmg and speed are the most important ones so you actually kill things

stun is good since its the next best thing

stress+ taken wont matter if you kill them quickly and have a stress healer
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>killing the shield

You cannot learn a thing you think you know.
at least you retreated, enjoy the double exp

what was your team anyway? i went in with a flagellant bh occultist and a GR, fucking BH got moved to the 4th row every fucking time and only managed to hit the damn thing once
Wow, you got lots of loot from that! Congrats!
>double exp
I thought they only got that if they complete the mission? I've never failed a DD mission so I guess I never noticed.


Screenshots like those are always a good opportunity for "guess the dead heroes"
Thanks. This is pretty helpful for someone who started a few days ago.
stress is removed if you complete a DD mission, exp is doubled if you fail

don't worry too much about ACC+ early, its mostly for champion areas

sun ring is the best trinket in the game, berserk charm is great for GR and jester or anyone you need to go first

human slayer ring is nice since it works in the warrens and weald
It was Vestal, Occultist, Hellion, and PD. I wasn't sure what to expect and am committed to doing this shit blind so I tried to stack heals and brought both a blighter and a bleeder for adaptability.

I actually only lost one person to actual damage; the other two losses came from stress. Might bring a Jester next time and try to stick bleeds.
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>give healbot Vestal Junia's Head + Ancestor's Scroll
>golly gee, that's a lot of +stress
>lock in Photomania
I wish there was some incentive to fighting the Shambler after you've gotten all of its trinkets.
What the fuck did you do? I beat the thing today and it was pretty easy.
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See? I have second screenshot with victory screen as well.
>What the fuck did you do?
I think my problem was trying to go with a jack-of-all-trades approach.
for what i can see he took a very DOT heavy team whit not much DAM, and unless you are deliveratly staling, figths on DD have to end fast or stress piles up real fast
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After I build the bank should I build the puppet theater or the cartographer's camp next?
what did you wipe on? normal enemies or the Shuffling Horror?

try to make the most of your camp, also looks like your only real damage dealer was the hellion so i assume the fights took a little too long and the stress piled up too high

you cant be ambushed inside the DD
>so i assume the fights took a little too long and the stress piled up too high
That's exactly what it was. Though we did make it to the shuffly boy
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Suck my dick know no thing idiot.
puppet theater makes stress activities less necessary while the camp gives you more loot and safer battles

>2 deaths doors

The Camp, since it increases loot.

Puppet Theatres is pointless desu, i'd leave it til last.
>The Training Ring affects the Falconer

wtf how can she be this intergrated
Yes, first one was before the boss (tree branch smackdown crit did over 50 damage), second one was front brigand crit followed by musket crit. It was easy boss fight otherwise.
it makes heroes heal 15 stress instead of 5 each week, its pretty good
its in a secret room on the way to the final boss. just hold up as you walk on the way to him
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Nigger that's easy as shit to do. Just add that id to a hero's .info file; change the name accordingly and bam.
Sanguine Vintners. If you're going to the courtyard then this district can make it so you can consistently feed your heroes the blood.
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what do?
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Why's Abrams got a riposte line in his code
if you have a man at arms to smash his head in

if you don't send in a lvl 0 pleb and retreat

By adding stuff like this on the info.darkest files for a hero

>tag: .id "outsiders_bonfire"

You can find the ids on the dlc folder.

It's no doubt useful, but there are better things to spend your heirlooms on.

Typically a character will have all their stress relieved in one activity, or you just get rid of them.

So it's only really useful for those heroes with 40-50 stress, except they can still be put in cheap activities, or in some cases you can just take them to missions slightly stressed and it doesn't really matter.

Bank and Camp are priorities, Vintners if you have CC enabled, the Granary is next, then classes you use alot of, then stuff like Puppet Theatre
Testing purposes. The Bounty Hunter actually has the code in his file by default, leads me to believe he was intended to have a riposte ability at one point.
edit the roster size
no guilt if you already fully upgraded it
Speaking of the district bonuses, the flagellant brought in a lot of interesting new scripts to play with.

This in particular has got me interested when making future classes.

>death_reaction: .target_allies true .target_enemies false .effects "Flag Last Gift"
>death_reaction: .target_allies false .target_enemies true .effects "Flag Last Insult"

Imagine a class who goes allahu akbar when he dies.
in battle? or are you talking about adding light in battle
if you wanna play risky with no extra debuff resist than be sure to have speed or your stolen bro will attack you twice instead of once
I didn't know you could swap party members by slot from any slot and thought you had to move forward by row each time
no, you need far more damage than that
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>first encounter gargoyles in Veteran missions
>they're sporting cool blue eyes
>Champions missions
>now they have generic red eyes
if you find them in app by stalling they have green
Didn't even know they could spawn in Apprentice. Now I gotta see this.
only through stall penalties in ruins. leave 1 rabble alive and just chill
Every veteran/champion monsters have an apprentice version, there's an apprentice virago but it can't spawn
I just had a Helping Hand town even too. That would've been a great time to test that.
Anyone seen all the spambots in the official DD forums? Kind of gives the impression the devs don't care about the community.
Is a MaA really that necessary? I just got the event too.
I knew about Big Slimes in apprentice due to the nature of slime ai but the others I've never seen personally.
How you can trigger the different colours enemies?. Its the difficulity?
Yes. Vvulf's bombs hit super fucking hard, bringing a hero to death's door in just one hit and there's a good chance his brigand friends will kill that guy afterwards.

Given their almost non existent feedback regarding balancing issues, I'm gonna take guess, that yeah they dont
That's bad. I never found a team comp I like with MaA, so I don't have one at all.
I just failed a champion run against the brigand pounder, using almost the same team I used for the veteran one. Arbalest/GR/Abom/Abom. It works great unless the matchman is in the back rank.

Both Arbalest and GR hit the matchman for 9-20 damage (he has 16 health). The cannon summoned a bloodletter in front and my abom failed to stun it. GR missed, arby hit for 9 damage, and my whole team got BTFO. I had to retreat immediately because I knew the bloodletter would deathblow everyone once he could.

How can I tweak this team so this doesn't happen again?
MaA fits into any group.
>Veteran Cove
>M@A eats three crits in the row and dies
>Ambushed at camp, shuffled with that fucking Crab
>Arab at front row eats crit + bleed and dies
>Dogeman can't hit for shit
>Helli pulls through by a dozen cycles of Arterial Pinch -> Bleed to Death's Door -> Adrenaline Rush
>Haul home all Trinkes and 50+ Heirlooms
Best Girl

Or you can do what I did, brought a bleed out team with Hellion, Jester and Flag, with a support Occ to reduce Vvulf's bombs to measly 17-20 damage. I actually had far more trouble with the last remaining brigand who kept dodging my shit.
add a hellion in rank 1

OCC can yank the guy forward so it gets hit by the abom aoe
Hellion in the front to hit any spot and trade GR for vestal to heal/stun and just rake away
>Not enjoying the symphony of cleansed voices, lifting up, back to a purity forgot
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I guess I've found other heroes more preferable. I'm probably not accustomed to using his guard and utility abilities, they seem powerful. I usually just stick with straightforward, tanky heroes like the Leper and Crusader instead.
Leper's abysmal Acc, no way to hit beyond rank 2 and inability to do shit when shuffled make him even less versatile.
anon, do you think the community is in the forums on there site or on steam? your cute bot has only been running for a few days, they'll clean it out soon enough.
MaA is more of a traditional tank compared to them, what with having Guard and all. Otherwise he's faster, more shuffle friendly with 2/2 movement, works in shuffle parties, has more dodge, better accuracy, can stun better than the Crusader, can buff/debuff better than both Crus/Leper, has better reach, has a Mark+Riposte, and of course Guard is invaluable.
Thanks dudes
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Bring a HM, you fool.
Always bring a HM
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I feel like this would be half decent if not for these cartoon eyes.
Granny sharing her fumes with BH when?
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For what purpose?
all you need now is to use it
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Is it normal for the brigant 12 pounder to do the boooom! attack even if it was not lighted?
Only the Fuseman can fire the cannon.
So how exactly does upgrading the Flag's armor work? Does he just walk in the Blacksmith's shop, drop a sack of gold on the counter, whip himself, and leave?

Obv the smith just slips reinforced metal into his open wounds
>use occultist
>heals absolute shit most of the time and his high end heals are slightly better or the same as vestal heals with her healing trinkets

I've been fucking memed this whole time

I got a 50 heal crit, get out of town
smith probably outlines where the new scars should be
At the same level he's usually good for twice the healing when you're lucky.
But never when you actually need that big heal.
His crits heals are lovely and you can't roll your precious Vestal with an Abomination so there.
>auntie crit heals for 10
>she healed more in one turn than my occultist did in two

occultist was because less targets to ehal since auntie force guard
Divine Comfort is better than Wyrd anyway.

Oh well.
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At last, adding side missions to the courtyard is possible.
Anyone know how to add the mission description ?
>crit heal for almost double your total health
wow that was very helpful
localization files maybe?
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Bring plenty of food - no hunger checks
Next quest bring less food - 3 hunger checks in 3 rooms
You can't explain that
Oh yeah thanks anon
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All those clutch "turn Virtuous at the right moment" and "last man standing" moments have been Hellions for me.

Definitely Best Girl
>You have to beat all the CC content on it too.
>no you dont

You have to defeat all CC bosses to finish Bloodmoon in 100 weeks.
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>easier than stygian
>How bullshit is Bloodmoon?

How can it be easier if CC bosses are harder than vanilla bosses (Croc alone is pretty bullshitty) and local enemies like Esquires and Chevaliers can shit all over you unlike any vanilla enemies?
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3 Jesters and a healer is pretty fun. For that true sideshow feel, use an occultist.
>vanilla enemies can't shit over you
multicrit Howl begs to differ
>multicrit Howl
Food is cheap and you can always gobble up the surplus in one go when you need some space for loot. I see no reason to not take 12 food for short and 20 for medium runs (maybe less for warrens where you can expect cats and dining tables)
yo i bought the game yesterday in the humble bundle store discount

am i supposed to have two or more 'main parties' that i cycle in and out every turn?

can you only pass time through doing quests?
Naw, Occ has pulled my ass out of the fire plenty of times. This game, you just gotta roll the dice sometimes. Its all about prep-time, strategy, and luck. That last one can fuck you over, but if you're smart the odds are still 2 to 1 in your favor.

Also I always have a Occ or Vestal for healing, but plenty of times I use them as back row artillery or other uses, plenty of reasons to roll with em.
It's not even remotely as bad as 1-2 Esquires can destroy your whole party with crits.
>>am i supposed to have two or more 'main parties' that i cycle in and out every turn?
you need a minimum of 16 heroes to finish the game

>can you only pass time through doing quests?
Am I the only person who prioritizes removal of Curious, Compulsive and all kinds of manias over other negative quirks? I can live with some extra stress intakes or stat nerfs here and there, but I can't stand my guys messing with bookshelves and potentially useful curios. I know there is a small timeframe to click on the right item, but still it's pretty vexing to see the occultist stealing that sweet 30% moonshine damage buff from your hellion or leper.
You're gonna have a lot more than two parties. And yes every time you go to a dungeon and returns, a week passes.

Heres a quick tip: You're hero's are expendable.
First thing you wanna do is upgrade the Coach to the point where you get 4 new ones every week. Then it doesn't matter if they all die, you'll always have more. In face if you're doing pretty crappy, just grab four random smucks, send them on a dark run(no torches, higher danger, higher loot) and when they get back just kick out anyone too fucked up to continue.
its pretty important to remove them early on heroes you plan on keeping
>You're hero's are expendable

but fuck dude, I always fall in love with a few

get me a graverobber that crits a bunch of times and i want to put a ring on it
Hardest part of the game... You know, after the crushing difficulty and miserable RNG.
After getting ambushed in the weald I'm considering doing torchless runs just for the music. Any other places have better music in the dark?
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>Cripple Them! twice in a row
>back 3 heroes on death's door
>MaA asks, "Are you alright?"
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Good times
>Rank 1 nobushi goes first
>Flight reversal
>repeat with second nobushi

>Rank 2 nobushi goes first
>Repeat with second nobushi
>Add Hound's Harry

Nobushi anon I love your mod but fuck me if this party was broken af. This was a long veteran run
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this should be a thing in Stygian/Bloodmoon honestly
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Best class does it again
I actually lost my hellion and my abomination in the Brigand 16-Pounder fight because he wouldn't heal for shit, so fuck him
Put that bitch on mute, M@A and shaggy tag teamed and stunned her left and right, while Arba marked and shot her down
R.I.P. in reeses pieces Grave Robber you will be missed
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Stoke the bonfire and tie the noose, justice is nigh!
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I replayed the original game 3 times and finished it 3 times but I have no will whatsoever to replay DLC because of how extremely annoying it is.

*Yawn* again fucking bloodsuckers in a normal dungeon
Is that even safe to go in DD2 with crimson curse on MaA?

I feel like this stupid son of a bitch can just act on his own and NOT use fucking guard on Templars and ruin the whole fucking run.
>The prospect of death does not frighten me!
>Not me! I am a learned scholar!
On top of the "kill the statue" quest, what type of missions would you like there to be once you beat the Countess ?
Take granny, she can have herself Guarded even if MaA slacks off
Yeah, stress is a huge problem in the first two dungeons so keep it in mind.
I'm pretty sure that Howl cannot crit, seeing as it deals no damage... Much like the Madman's Doomsay
>>I'm pretty sure that Howl cannot crit
>Let me share with you the terrible wonders I have come to know...
Uneducated savage.
vvulf turned up and i decided to give it a go. managed to kill him with everyone at deaths door

what a ride
it used to do both, but iirc it was changed to never crit and deal no damage at some point
Howl used to do direct damage and could crit.
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>Madman's Doomsay
the bane of my existence
I liked that fight
>long ruins mission
>plague doctor gets focus-fired and hits death's door early
>heal her
>multiple battles later
>hits death's door again
>heal her
>narrator chimes in

never heard that line before. kinda spooky.
Just took on the Shrieker for the first time, that thing was nasty... I wouldn't have even tried since I don't have anyone over 3, but the wiki said it was just a race to survive till round 4 to get back my 8 stolen Trinkets.

That thing is nasty! One of my guys got a crazy quirk that buffs his dodge by 6 though, thats pretty neat.

But question... So I had Tyrants' Fingerbone, but I lost it a few weeks before when my jester and another character were munched by the Croc, and I had to retreat... But it showed up when I survived the Shrieker... Is that strange?

I mean its awesome, it seems like a great trinket, but thats weird right?
oh shit nice, are you releasing this?
No. You can get trinkets you lost from death's by surviving the Shrieker.
it's definitely the highlight of the game so far
Trinkets you lose upon death come back as a reward from the shrieker fight. Also you might wanna lock in that quirk you got since you can only get them from the shrieker fight itself.
Nice, locking in Corvid's Curiosity right now.
So I've heard some of the new set trinkets suck, are there ones that are amazing? I've got one of the Crusader and Houndmaster so far.
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>Losing two champion heroes in what should have been an easy run
Just fucking kill me senpai
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It was the very first fight of the dungeon I hadn't even done anything to be overconfident yet
Why does the game constantly punish you for focusing down a bosses accessories and/or minions?

I thought this would add some tactical merit to fights, deciding on whether to attack their supports or the boss directly based on your parties strengths and weaknesses. Instead it's just always a terrible idea, I wish they designed boss fights better.
The limit is to beat DD4, once you best the heart the time limit is gone.
Yes, they're pretty much the same, sometimes there's slight mechanic changes like pounder and necro having a chance to summon stronger enemies on higher difficulties, but for the most part it's just more hp and damage.
Does walking through mist with no torch do anything?
Try it and tell us what happens.
It depends on the boss.

It's necessary to focus down adds on the Pounder and Crew fights, and helpful to do so on the Necromancer, Siren, and Fanatic. The Prophet is easier to beat by focusing him down, but you get a better monetary reward for killing his pews. On Hag and Swine, the pot and Wilbur are red herrings and it's actively harmful to kill them.
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>The limit is to beat DD4, once you best the heart the time limit is gone.
What's the damn point to make it 100 weeks then?

Even without the bank it's easy to beat DD1-4 in ~60-70 weeks.
It clears the mist but teleports you to another location on the map.
>tfw get full stacks of everything every run because I literally can't lose money.
>assuming it was going to be an easy run
sure sounds overconfident to me
Really? I did it and it dropped me off in the room directly behind it. I guess I just got lucky... Damn would have been handy though, I was in a dungeon shaped like a giant U starting in the middle. All the backtracking is a pain in the ass, being teleported to one end or the other would have been nice.
Because I've just spoiled your cute, faggy, weeb ass and the game is meant to be played blind.
> I hadn't even done anything to be overconfident yet

>"It was the very first fight of the dungeon"

Found your overconfidence.
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>Devs put horror in the game
>Don't bother adding resistance to it for a single character
Wow! Fucking epic!
Resolve Level.
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I did it.

Now for CC..
all i need is to nut up and nut on the countess, and get a cc fag to kill another fag
>They don't have the old road achievement for the Vita
A damn shame, still didn't stop me from doing it though.
Is it wrong to use the Flagellant mainly as a stress healer/secondary health healer? Really not a fan of having to deal with a Jester's shifting around or spamming Houndmasters to stress heal
Ok anons, whats you're top three least used classes? Which ones do you hate and never use, or just never get around to adding them to the line up. Anti doesn't count for this list. I know she's not really hated, but shes one of the least used characters save when people want to make some money.

For me its the
Arbalest. Not bad, in fact I should probably use her more, but I'm just so ingrained in the idea of damage dealers being front row, and sticking a Vestal or Occ back there that I forget about her.
Leper. Do I have to explain? I know some people love him, but he's just not worth the fucking trouble. Ugh, every time you think a Leper is doing good he starts whiffing like its going out of style, or gets launched into row 4.
Jester. But lately I've been changing that around. I like to put up a team of Vestal/Jester/HWM/GR and watch them dance around slashing and shooting folks. But unless I have a HWM and a GR around he just sits there, whereas I feel comfy adding the other two to other line ups. He just can't sit still and it fucks up my teams!
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First time, going blind.
Saw Vvulf event and thought that would backfire if left unanswered so I prepared and went with some legends: Arbalest/Plague Doctor/Flagellant/Man at Arms.
Steam friend sees me playing, I tell him I'm going to fight Vvulf and he tells me to get bandages shovels and that there are sick ancestral items.
>get to vvulf and beat him with medium effort
>greed HARD for the last ancestral item and lose everyone but Flagellant
I think it was kinda worth, I only lost the heroes and not their items... I would have never thought about being like this. I've done horrible things...
Yes. He's not a good stress healer and he can only heal other people when he himself is under 50% HP. His 1 hp per turn is really not useful unless you are fighting something with a ton of damage and you want to keep them off deaths door when they have bleed because his heal triggers before any bleed
Jester, Leper, and Occultist.
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>>I would have never thought about being like this. I've done horrible things...
>Start the game off caring for each hero
>Imagining their personalities
>Putting them into cute little teams with their friends
>Sending them to stress reduction or the medical ward for every minor booboo
>Now you send them into the meat grinder without mercy and dismiss them immediately if they fuck up even once
His stress heal is stronger than Inspiring Cry, and the downside is minimal since stress is arguably beneficial on Flagellants, and it's easily cleared with Lash's Solace anyway. Reclaim starts off awful but scales fairly well as you upgrade it, being slightly better than Vestal's base healing at level 5.
How do you never one of the two healers in the game? Have you been to the cove yet? Do you know how much ass the Occ kicks there!? Eldritch terrors flee before the sacrificial blade!!
What makes him not a good stress healer, or at least comparable to the Jester? Endure is stronger single target than Inspiring Tune. Granted it shuffles stress on to him, but Lash's Solace takes off 50 stress for only a 2 time cost, and it's not as bad if he becomes Afflicted compared to others characters.

As it is I do ignore Reclaim (the 1 hp / bleed heal) and go Punish, Rain of Sorrows, Redeem, Endure
MAA, Jester, PD

I can't use MAAs for shit, and I just don't get very many jesters/PDs
Leper, Crusader and Arbalest.
No. If there is anything on screen you can bleed, you should. Use Suffer to keep damage off squishier allys, then Ensanguinate the fools.

I don't think he does as well in the Ruins with all the skellies, but he can still do crazy damage to both bosses there.
You guys are strange.
I can't imagine a flag using anything other than punish, exsanguinate, redeem, and suffer.
Am I retarded for doing the road to the Hamlet and the tutorial dungeon torchless on a new run? I don't see any downsides to it.
[shambling intensifies]

It's unlikely, but there's still a chance.

You can get a key and get 2 trinkets from the trapped bandit chest.

Great headstart.
MAA seems tricky to use because he feels more defensive in a game that seems to be all offense all the time. But he has some of the best buff/debuffs in the game. Try playing with his skills some, watch as you slow all you're enemies to a crawl, and buff you're own stuff to crazy levels.

And wow just missing out on Plague Waifu. She's amazing. She's probably the second best DoT'r in the game. And only then because we have the Flag, and all the fucking bug bastards cut her usefullness down... At least until you get some good trinkets! Equip her right, and she jumps back up to being absolutely amazing at just raining down the plague on your foes. Or stunning the back row in one turn, thats crazy useful.
Muh blood brother! I'll use Rain of Sorrows at certain times, after you level it up some its better for the Flesh for example.

Houndmaster can do 4 bleeds on flesh. Punish can do 5 at level 3, but Rain can do 6.
Is there anyway to get this mod to work with build 20239? It keeps crashing the game when I load a map. Unless there are some other unit-changing mods?

What to build first?
>Cartographer Camp
>Puppet Theater
>Training Ring
>Outsiders Bonfire
Cartog is gud, outsiders is strong for boss missions
Cartographer camp is excellent.

The Bank.
My strategy for a normal encounter is usually to eliminate the backline ASAP since they usually deal stress damage or just higher damage in general and leave the front 2/1 alive for as long as possible to heal and stress heal. I can see how Suffer would be good for something to do on early turns instead of Rain of Sorrows so I might switch out if I have enough backline damage already, but I really don't see much point in exsanguinate since it only hits the front two rows.
Generally Cartographer if you can stretch for it
Bank if you got an antiquarian in the first couple weeks and have focused on just rolling dosh
Then the house of the +crit, though that's personal preference, then puppet
There's a Steam achievement for sending them on the final DD quest. So people try hard to keep them alive for the duration of the campaign. I got that cheev on my very first Darkest campaign. U jelly, lads?
I use him as my main healer all the time. You just have to make sure he takes plenty of damage.

The stress heal is stronger than jester's and flagellant can deal with having extra stress.

The DoT heal is fairly weak until level 5 due to it not benefiting from +healing skills trinkets, but it keeps people off death's door and benefits from +healing recieved. At level 5, it gives +5 per turn for 15 on someone with a recovery charm, for example.
The self bleed also helps you do more redeems/exanguinations, although the bleed gets resisted sometimes.

Suffer is nice but I hate the +PROT buff.

Arbalest, hellion and Jester. Arbalest is just kind of boring, Jester got nerfed to hell, and I never have space for a hellion.
>+PROT buff
Hound/Aunt(GUARD ME)/Aunt (GUARD ME)/Flag
never die again and git shit loads of money
Quick question: do ripostes count as melee attacks? I got the +3% melee crit quirk on a MAA and I'm wondering if I should lock it in.
neat, thanks.
>Recruit a pair of Crusaders together
>name them and deploy them together
>they back row Holy Lanced all three iterations of the Necromancer, Prophet, Hag, X Canon Pounder and drowned crew
>go to ruins
>get into a fight with champion bugs in a long dugneon
>miss 8x in a row
>stun stun stun
>one of them dies
>the surviving one goes on a personal quest of pain and suffering

qq I cry everytime
Nigga I always make room for a couple hellions! She's hands down my favorite first row. Her first attack and the one that hits the back row are amazing. Then can hit the first three, or bleed the mid, or heal/buff herself. Love the damn hellins.

I was just yesterday wondering about a team built around flag/anti, that sounds like fun, gonna have to try it out when I get two of them.
Warrens worthy?
I just always want to take a leper instead
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Huh, never expected someone to use two of the same classes.

Anyway, I added a single class restriction to at least prevent this. I'm not so sure about nerfing it any further as it already has one of the lowest hps out of all the classes, and its raw damage is quite subpar even compared to the likes of the Flagellant.
Huh, well thats ok. I'll just stick with my wild amazon woman that does just as much damage, while being accurate without a turn for buffs, or devoted trinkets. And that can hit the back rows, and is able to climb back to the front row without assistance.

Using two of the same class has been a common tactic for a while, depends on the class. Used to be pretty normal to see dual jesters, and dual Occ make fights against the Prophet laughably easy.

I tried it once with a double bounty hunter and it was so strong that I never used it again. So long in fact that I never accounted that people would use the onnabushi twice and see exploits.
Some people see an exploit, and they go "woah, thats waaaay too OP, lol" then never do it again because it takes the fun out. And some people just exploit it.

I love BH so much. The guy has crazy crits, has two stuns, can shuffle enemies, can mark and debuff, can bleed and is useful from every row except the 4th. I think the guy even has a hidden stat that bypasses protection because I've seen him hit higher even against tank enemies.
Yeah, personally I don't normally run two of the same class unless it is the start of the game and the pickings are slim. I just find varied classes more fun.
I demand art. Art of the countess!
>that does just as much damage

She's disgusting.
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>and dual Occ make fights against the Prophet laughably easy
Dual plague doctor is ridiculously OP

>-40% damage

Seriously, this guy is crazy. Two hits of curse made vampire gator a chew toy to my flagman and hwm.
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God I hate the Warrens
This is some hilarious shit, yeah I think them restricting double Flags was a good idea, and honestly it should be implemented across the board.

No, not even 4 camping Aunties!
I'm going to eat that pig
Three was an anon earlier who said he doesn't use the Occ! The fool!!

I think before the Flag the two most OP classes were Occ and Plague doc.

So what, does he do negative damage or just zero?
Really? I find it the easiest location. Tell us your troubles anon, maybe we can help.
Flagellant makes the Warrens a joke
bleed in general does.

Also the Weald & Warrens are entirely defenseless against an old MaA yelling and bolstering every other turn

Get crippled son.
Woah, got a Crescendo box from a random mob in a Apprentice medium run in the Warren!
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pic related


Hell no. Put it in as an option, but it's a single player game and removing hero stacking would kill some fun.
Madman has a 4% chance to drop any of the boxes, regardless of difficulty. Crescendo is probably the best one so congrats
Anything about this mod? >>183958338
Favorite CC trinket, now that the dust has settled?
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Not erasing the fucking Gather the Blood dungeons from existence would be a good start.
Generic missions like every other dungeon. 90% of rooms, all room battles, activate the things, all that shit.
having the croc as random encounters would be nice too

Wait, you mean the courtyard cannot be revisited after you beat the countess?
It can, but there's only one mission you can do that just keeps resetting.
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So I'm working on a Pariah class that has skills that can summon cosmic horrors at the expense of inflicting stress and horror on herself.

The last skill I'm working on was supposed to be about a 1 time use skill where she calls Nyarlathotep for massive damage, but instantly gives her a heart attack and snuffs out the torch. But I figured that would be too over the top so I'm settling with a party buff instead.

So the question is, what are some useful buffs but are currently not widely utilized in the meta at the moment?
bounty hunter set is best full set

vengeful kill list and crime lords' molars are both tied for best individual trinket regardless of set bonus
>best individual trinket regardless of set bonus
*laughs in Eldritch*
>vengeful kill list
>not wanting guaranteed pulls on any virago, squiffy, skiver or dootdoot every single time
I was considering saying that but since it's just a fairly better Cursed Incense it didn't really sell me

I do consider it to be the best trink for Occ, coupled with ancestor's pistol
Getting ready to finally start on DD1

I understand the enemies there are original. Are they as much of a bitch as Champion-tier enemies in regards to dodging and end-of-turn abilities?
Nothing like that, no. Just bring a lot of provisions (except laudanum obviously, horror wasn't added until after the DD was finished). So long as you pay attention to the name of the boss when putting your party together the first mission is pretty simply to do blind.
>Shambling Horror
So you're saying I should kill it with laudanum
Adding on to the provisions part - there's no obstacles or chests in any darkest dungeon mission, so you don't need to bring shovels or keys either.
Stacking Dodge trinkets is useless in no-light, right?

Also, is there a way for me to reliably get Shrieker trinkets?

Also, most enemies there are beast/eldritch

Dodge is useless in Champion, period
Most enemies in DD1 are human, actually. Aside from the Priests, you don't start seeing the Eldritch/Beasts until DD2 and DD3.
A small protection buff to the party could be nice, something like 5-10%
>Using a party specifically designed to stack ungodly amounts of dodge as an argument against using items that provide nnowhere near that amount

Yeah dude you know what go for it, go ahead and take those dodge trinkets.
Houndmaster's Guard Dog can literally make half your party invulnerable becauase of how much dodge that fucker has.
On that topic, does ANYONE find themselves using laudanum? I've never taken a single one. The fact it doesn't drop at all or have curio interactions seems like an act of mercy from the devs.
That fight wouldn't have been the same without the +15 Dodge the Camo Cloak gives to the MaA and the +12 whatever name that Talisman the GR has.
Since I've hit Infinite Bank Works I've been taking 4 with me for an offkilter jig or howl, hasn't made the difference between getting/not getting afflicted yet but its nice to feel like you're countering something. Working on a More Curios mod that includes laudanum as a usable provision for some, including existing ones. For instance using it on the alchemy table in the ruins bolsters the tonic and heals the interacting hero for 30 stress. Stuff like that.
This seems downright broken. How do you lose with 120+ dodge?
>Tfw doing a no retreats run
>Misclick and bring my auntie gold farming team to the veteran Hag quest
Can nervous stab take her down? Can't wait to find out.
Are you using PBD Assets? PBD has some neat item interactions including new ones like knives (A cheaper substitute for Shovel curio interactions) and a Caustic Solution (Use on various curios to make potions). I've been thinking of porting it myself but I'm lazy as fuck. There's The Hell Mod but I don't like its design philosophy, how the Hamlet just has a bunch of overpowered potions lying around for sale just seems stupid.
enemies will always have at least 10% chance. And to get there he had to use camp buffs.
Occasionally on courtyard runs and for Fanatic hunting. After getting the bank in full gear I just started bringing it everywhere since I could.
So? Getting hit 1 out of a every 10 times when you survive at least 1 hit with 100% certainty, and statistically survive upwards of 4 consecutive fatal blows is nothing to scoff at.
Well he had tons of preparation on that one. Including grinding those trinkets. I mean it'll only be really useful on boss fights since more or less it could get wasted on a hallway battle with weak enemies if you just use it in normal dungeons

Yeah true but doesn't make it not impressive DESU.
DD1 is human, with a few beast/eldritch
DD2 is a mix of human, beast and eldritch
DD3 is purely beast/eldritch.
DD4 is human/eldritch (but mostly eldritch)
Dodge builds can still work fairly well on champion as long as you're playing on full light.
And though this kind of strat wouldn't be as effective on bosses who only move once a turn and I laugh if you try this on the shambler. A good chunk of the damage done there was from Riposte Counters.
Generally, if you don't stack the FUCK out of dodge (repeated HM dodges or GR shadow fades) then it doesn't beat the enemy accuracy of like 130 in champion pitch black dungeons.
How does self marking work? How does it attract aggro? Does it only work on spiders/mushroommen/cultists/whatever?
Eldritch is so fucking common in this game. Yet another reason occultist is extremely effective.
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It would be pretty great if Mr. Meme cucked monsters to heal your party. :^)
Why pitch black? Does that decrease enemy accuracy?
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There's also no ambushes while resting.
Based ISIS man is one of my favorite classes to use. Plus he goes well with pretty much any party.
>Ascended Brawler (Human)
>Ascended Witch (Human)
>Rapturous Cultist (Human, Unholy)
>Cultist Priest (Eldritch, Beast)
>Growth (Eldritch)
>Horror (Eldritch)
The only part-beast enemies here are the priests, you're better only bringing vs. human/eldritch stuff.

>Rapturous Cultist (Human, Unholy)
>Cultist Priests (Eldritch, Beast)
>Growths (Eldritch)
>Templars (Eldritch, Beast)
>Hounds & Polyps (Eldritch, Beast)
The only human enemies here can't even attack you, you're better off only bringing vs. eldritch/beast stuff. Bringing vs. human here is as useful is bringing vs. unholy to any darkest dungeon mission.
Pussies take Vestal, true men of Allah take ISIS man of explosive heals
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Patrician taste.
Human/Beast is extremely consistent in the warrens. Almost everything is both human and beast and everything else is one of the two. Makes HM, BH and human/beast slaying rings really useful. The weald is kind of inconsistent with a vague mix of everything. Ruins is the only place where unholy is consistently around.

I think they should really give the bloodsucker enemies extra types. The sycophants should also be beasts, the HL2 headcrab guys should be unholy, and the rest should also be human

Enemies get extra ACC in the dark, and heroes get extra dodge in high light

To be fair, the priests are very common
Silvio (The guy behind PBD and works sometimes for Red Hook) said that marking is now supposed to attract enemy aggro. Not to the point that they'll only attack marked enemies but they have a higher chance to attack marked ones.
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How the fucking mosquitos aren't also beasts is beyond my comprehension.
is that just for the PBD mod or was that in an update?
Because insects aren't beasts, duh.
it's supposed to work that way in Vanilla. It's also the same in PBD too but Mark Tanking is too risky there in PBD. A PBD Squidward hitting a Marked Target deals up to 9-13 Damage on Apprentice when he regularly just deals 5-6
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>Dismas died due to bad planning against Vvulf
>Pressed on hoping for the revival event
>Event happens 16 weeks later
>Dismas isn't a choice

Its my first ever loss and two other Highwaymen

Guess I'm going for the Resolve 5 one although Dismas was Resolve 6

Well I can hope I will get this event again eventually.

Does a revived Dismas count for the endgame achievement anyway
The same reason esquires and courtesans aren't Bloodsucker/Human.
I only get the "Buzzing shit" event.
Every single week.
It counts. It'd probably be faster to just pick the achievement up when you complete your Bloodmoon save instead of waiting for the town event to appear again, though.

The town event will go away when you complete your courtyard quest.
So basically https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8qcccZy03s
>pic related is human
But I don't want to fight bloodsuckers in every single mission for the rest of the game.
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everytime I see this it takes me a minute to figure out what the fuck I'm looking at on the left

>pic related is human

>not knowing the true nature of things
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for the shadows one
he used to be the third fastest class
Speaking of enemy types, how is the Prophet just "Unholy"? What happened to him that made him a big green man that isn't even Human?
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blood in the mud
Anyone know how speed works with multi-action enemies? Croc managed to APEX me before my 21 speed buffed Vestal could act
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>C R O C K E D
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Would you reject the gods together with her, Anon?
can't find shit on this senpai.

I can only assume they programmed it to auto-proc at the start of the turn if he's lurking
go put on some panties you fucking slut
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I don't know shit about how it does work, but one nasty possibility could be 1D8+SPD as normal, and +1D8 on top of that for every extra action...
That's possible.

9+8+8= 25 > 22 as long as you rolled low it'd make sense.
how the fuck did you get a 21 speed vestal?

could be they rolled before you buffed
Jester had nothing better to do than spam Battle Ballad while croc dicked about in rank 4
Say that my face not online and see what happens
You'll cry?
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I-Is that the ancestor?? He's a DD boss? JUST SPOIL MY SHIT UP SENPAI
the planet is an egg, humanity is a disease
Do you expect to walk into a game's general that's been long sine finished and not be spoiled? Really?
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>want to do an Athenaeum heroes only run, PDs, Occultists, Antiquarians
>want their fun CC trinkets
>imagining doing fucking Crimson Court with only PDs, Occultists and Antiquarians
Is death's door too forgiving? With a high speed vestal and a PD to remove DoT, your team could potentially never die.
I've been wanting to do an occultist-only run.
Even without all that you could "potentially" never die by just succeeding the 67% resist check every single time for your entire playthrough. Speed is RNG-based and DD checks happen all the time.
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Or you could die at every check like me.
Sry for being "lurk moar guy" what meme is that from?
Do high/low light trinkets work in the Courtyard? Or are they all useless?
Bloodlight counts as 75+, so Sun it up senpai
me too thanks
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>skiver appears
>daemon's pull him to pos 1
>beat him in the face
>goring flight
>daemon's pull him to pos 1
>beat him to death

is /dadg/ shitters?
Educated gentleman!
>95% to succeed with vial of sand

remind yourself that underconfidence is a fast and quick way to die like a bitch
Now, like me, you'll see things for what they truly are.
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>watching a reupload of totalbiscuit's crimson court stream
>he manages to kill the croc and is two tiles away from the last thronging hive
>literally nothing stopping him but two heroes are low health and bleeding
>he abandons
That's what happens when you go in blind and don't want to lose anyone?

Not even that, but sometimes they'll resist it anyway. The only percentage where it's a sure debuff is above 140%.
not everyone looked up the maps before going in

he did what most forget, he reminded himself
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>90% chance to hit
>not having a backline bounty hunter as a backup pull
77.5% to hit
90% chance to move
Over 30% chance for the pull to fail.
>he doesn't use ancestor's pistol + vial of sand
90% to hit
95% to move
Less than a 15% to fail the pull

You do realize it counts as a debuff and you still have to take the monster's one move resist into consideration right? It's chance to yank him off is far lower than you think. This game doesn't use standard RPG math.
That and the following attack also has to connect.
>You do realize it counts as a debuff and you still have to take the monster's one move resist into consideration right

What're you even saying? That enemy debuff resist affects their move resist as well? Because I fully understand how the actual move resist stat affects the move chance of a skill. Daemon's Pull with Vial of Sand makes it a 165% chance baseline, subtracting the Skiver's 70% move resist makes it 95%.
You can get the same thing by just having a really low speed vestal, who'd just heal at the end of the turn instead of the start of it.

>it counts as a debuff
No? It's a move skill. No debuff check to be had.
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>go make a Weald run
>try to get two nobushi
>"two blades cannot met"
>check /dadg/
>Nobushi anon limited it to 1 per team.

Fuck, I should've kept my mouth shut
does anyone have the occ i bet my ancestor did this?
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>decide to kill mosquito first because fuck Thirst spam
>elusive exit
Killed my first shambler and got the ancestor's locket heart. +25% HP for 10% extra stress sounds like an excellent trade off, no?
If you can afford the increased food consumption then yeah it's pretty solid, especially with an occultist (who obviously wouldnt be the one equipping it) or flagellant who can top up big health pools
I am REALLY trying /dadg/

>Leper at the back

I'm so sorry, anon
how did your leper get there 34 turns into a fight with no enemy movement skills
vestal moved, then leper moved, then leper moved again
>34 turns

I believe in you.
there's no hope
>34 turns
>then leper moved again
Sounds like a movie title

Naisu, anon. I'm surprised you managed to last that long without undead dismas offing at least one hero.
Vestal survived 3 bleeding death's door, I don't know if I should keep going I'm only missing one.
>I need to build a party around, and waste turns, pulling so my winmore leper can make big numbers appear on the screen
>A wise general cuts losses, and regroups.
Remind me, every quest item is called that in the map and not "curio" right?

If so I know where exactly my last quest item is.

I came too far to not see this through
yes they are specifically marked as "quest item"
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someone wanted CC sweating hero a while ago
This man understands that adversity and existance are one and the same.
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whoops wrong one
>>I came too far to not see this through
>The sin is not in being outmatched, but in failing to recognize it.

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Gotta hand it to GR, the only reason we made it out alive is because of her.

I know getting attached is silly but she's my top gal.
>lunge forward
>no way to damage enemies anymore
>no way to move backwards effectively
what the fuck are you doing, anon?
I put her in Position 4, then crusader at position 2.
She shuffled forward two and Crusader then holy lance'd forward
It carried me well all the way till collector
>Using a shuffle party with Leper in tow
You fucked up. Optimal way to use a Leper is Quickdraw Charm+Sun Ring. Buffs his speed for one round enough to have him kill a frontliner (Or both) in one hit and actually manage to hit them (Dismas' Head can work too but no Acc Buff. Tonsa damage though). The rest are just there to placate the backliners.
Just give her pick to the face and shadowfade, thank me later.
Well yeah you see the problem there is because after she lunges again from Position 3 (Unless you really think that you'll just stick with thrown daggers from there on) that would put the Leper at Position 2 and Crusader at 3 only has his Holy Lance so either move back the Crusader so your Leper can move in front and waste a turn not attacking or Holy Lance forward and pretty much eat a buffed up Open Vein from Dismas there. I would have placed like a MaA or a Bounty Hunter, or a Highwayman there instead.
I can't understand what's going on in this picture.

The perspective is all wot
>Unless you really think that you'll just stick with thrown daggers from there on
That's what I did yeah, Leper took care of the first row and GR and Crusader took care of the back.
I killed wine and bayonet skellies no problem.
Like I said, all well up until head honcho there decided to ruin my fun

seems he has a few extra limbs
Gatekeeper died to while using elusive exit... i don't know how to feel about this
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So what do you guys think of this?
She has massive blight resist right?

Do you have a riposting character Guard Me! would work with?

MaA/Auntie is adorable pair
the eyes are a problem
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prety good
These things really aren't that hard.

I find their attacks manageable and they are in reality very squishy

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the siren has eyes
>taking the Swine Prince for the first time.
>all of them in good shape, practically no stress
>one room from the boss
>still got my Firewood to use
>most of the dungeon unexplored
Is it worth to explore for loot or should I go directly for the boss?
Go for the boss. You can explore afterwards if you want.
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Silly anon, fish people have their eyes visible let me just google some pics of the sire-
Is there a character or enemy that at any given moment has visible eyes ingame?
>You can explore afterwards if you want.
I'm a newfag (kinda obvious) and didn't know this.
I like how in some of these comics Reynauld is portrayed as the most rational and level-headed character. Yet, in the game, he's a god-fearing kleptomaniacal paladin.
Make sure to kill Wilbur first. It will drastically weaken the Swine prince and make the fight easier overall.
Yeah fish people and most of the bullshit inside the darkest dungeon.
Oh, and the prophet i guess since he's holding them in his hand.
>Make sure to kill Wilbur first
I'm a newfag but I already know that joke tip anon :3c
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You are not a man if you can't kill an angry Swine Prince.
Also a lot of the Crimson court enemies have weird bug eyes visible.
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someone post the leper with rabies
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>mfw just realized HM gets dog treats when in the team
>I'm 40h into the game
>He's lvl 5, had him since lvl 1

What kind of retard am I
And done, that was better than I expected.
>Virtuous Chalice and Dodge Stone
What kind of bullshit reward for a boss is this?
Nobody ever remembers to use the scooby snax
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Thank you
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>He doesn't use it to feed the giant oysters in the cove.
>Lunge without pick or fade
>Flashing daggers and toxin trickery
Trickery can work situationally but flashing daggers is just trash. Get pick + fade or at least give her pick if you don't mind her getting minced in position 2 or if you pair her with a crusader. That way she can hit rank 1 and pick is usually better than knife throw on rank 3 anyway because higher acc and sharpened letter opener
Flashing daggers was more or less there just to finish off whatever leper/crusader left alive on second row with 1 HP
>34 turns
>he's barely half health
Holy fucking shit
He kept summoning his heads and getting protected+healed.
If it wasn't for lucky crits on powerful GR I would have probably gone for another 20 rounds then died
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>go to the warrens
>realize that I tough I was going to the weald and that my team party is shit
>I forgot to buy torches
>"well I guess I'll finish this fight and go home"
>pic related
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That's just Reynauld though. The comic didn't have to be about him specifically, he could just happen to have left his family for the same reason Many people have given up their social life to Deus vult. I mean, just look at /pol/.
You can do this with pick with higher accuracy.
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Yeah but I also damage another dude with flashing daggers
It's a waste.
Get Fade Back for the extra stun, since stuns are more important late battle and can help you reorganize your party back into place without wasting turns and adding turns to your own party with stuns.
It worked and I got everyone out
I know you guys like optimizing but there was no need really.
I'll know how I build my party
ur a fagt
>89+ turns for a Collector battle
>it worked
Ayyyyy fuck you champion necromancer
is leper just a worse crusader? I see no reason to pick him.
Crusaders comic fucked me up the most. I wonder if he and the MAA would ever spat about war. One gave up a happy home that was healthy and ready to lovingly receive him again just to go back to war, while the other was in the thick of it and realized how pointless it is for men to die just for a shitty tattered flag.
Not even, Crusaders have shuffle protection and are a tanky stress healer who can also dish out decent damage.

Lepers are just slow fats.
>The guaranteed Vestal and PD you get on your stagecoach when first arriving to the hamlet are not named Junia and Paracelsus

Justify this
Have you considered bringing damage to the fight? Also, activate your windows, you cheapo.
those aren't her eyes
2bh her absinthe should increase her dart damage
well he didn't die
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I considered bringing the best motherfuckers of Hamlet.
Fuck yeah Necro got that shit coming.
Why are you allowed to focusfire one of the enemies at will? Besides it is not so random, they tend to favor focusing low hp/high stress heroes
Name one non-meme reason why discord is bad
Now that the Blood gather quests are a thing getting the crimson curse is actually a good thing
+25% dmg and +4spd for FREE
>2 vestals
>arab with mark that no hero in the party can use
>crus that can only attack first ranks
>arab has no pull skill
I bet you also picked healing skill for reynauld. And this >>184000518 (2 heroes with loads of stress and one with affliction) is an end you don't deserve.
Discord isn't bad per se, that anon only said pbd discord is bad which may or may not be true i don't use that mod.

Also, on an unrelated note, discord is bad for /vg/ generals because it's basically making everyone a tripfag. Whenever a general gets a discord server, it devolves into shitposting and drama and the thread itself becomes full of autistic tripfags and goes to shit. Just look at /lolg/ and stop asking for a /dadg/ server.
Most likely. Occ and one Vest got virtuous and pretty much carried.
What the FUCK
what kind of dungeon should I do with a 4x auntie party trying to farm mad dosh with?
That's easily one of the worst lineups i've ever seen
>No pull on arbalest when your fucking party can't hit anything that is not right in front of them
>Mark when no one there benefits from it
Is that for craving or bloodlust?

Once you get the vitner and after you take out the baron the blood and invites just pile up.
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Crusader had +35% vs unholy with trinkets
Rank 2 Vestal had +20% DMG melee skills and +33% healing
Rank 4 Vestal had +33% healing
Occ also had healing.
I didn't realiz I had the mark ability on Occ

Basically my party was unkillable so it was more about how much I could deal with stress rather than anything else.
I'm on my first save and about to start champion dungeons. I remember someone ranking champion dungeons from easiest to hardest since they have notifiable differences in difficulty. Can someone refer to me the dungeons from easiest to hardest so i can start slow?
Bloodlust. Craving has penalties.
Additionaly you can give more blood to bloodlusted heroes and they will receive even greater bonuses (at the cost of like 50 stress however)
I have ~two groups of level 3-4 heroes and I want to level 2-4 more heroes to that level.
I've killed Veteran Necromancer so and Pig Prince so far.

Should I actually go and slap these mosquitoes? The town even begins to piss me off, but had I already seen enough of the game to shove shitton of bloodsuckers into every single dungeon?
Wait have you gotten the town quest yet where they reduce your stress activities?
Large Corpse Eaters.
95% of the time, fights don't last that long, and if they do, GR just uses throwing daggers instead. Fights rarely need more than two lunges
>muh healing
One vestal would be enough.
>muh unholy damage
It matters shit if you can't eradicate the source (necro).
>melee skills on vestal
Even with profane scroll the are of dubious utility.
>it was more about how much I could deal with stress
In the ruins? With mcskellingtons running around and a necromancer who stays in position 4 and has AoE stress attack?

You're lucky you didn't get your party wiped.
I'm in the week 76 right now and never had done a DD before. I have both Reynauld and Dismas as champions. To get their achievement they have to do all the 3 DD?
Is still possible get the "In such haste" since I still have 20 more weeks in my hand?
>melee skills on vestal
>Even with profane scroll the are of dubious utility.
Not him but Mace Bash hits hard with Profane Scroll + Atonement Beads. It's definitely viable.
It's pretty okay. It only does like -25% damage or something; it can often oneshot something, like when you encounter a group of spiders or maggots or whatever.

If anything, I'd replace the toxin trickery or whatever with the stun or even the blight. I don't see the point of the pick when the throwing dagger is the same but better in nearly every way.
The massive DMG of Crusader and Vestal destroyed front line so fast by round 2 the backline was in the front. Rank 4 vestal stunned stress dealers and Occ pulled some DMG here and there.

Not a perfect strategy, but it worked well through all the dungeon. Got to the boss with full health and <30 stress to each hero.
If you're playing with the strict settings, a hero can't return to the DD after succeeding in a mission there, so you have to save them until the DD4 mission
A hero that has completed a DD quest will not go there again. So you have to take them to the final quest only.
Now here's the real question about the final mission for those who've completed it:
Did you sacrifice Reynauld, Dismas, both, or neither?
Actual game spoiler, read at your own risk: They only have to enter the 4th DD, they don't have to survive anything. You can't send them in if you've done earlier DD's with them.
The damage is crazy and his hew alone can oneshot many enemies. He's the best character for dealing damage to bosses like the brigand pounder or stone guardian (he can stack revenge while the shield is up for massive damage.)

He's also pretty good in the crimson court, where enemies shuffle around a lot and are quite evenly distributed around so there's not as much of an issue with the short range. His purge/taunt skills are pretty worthless and revenge is only good on certain bosses, though.

He also has cool voicelines.
Went in with the very four who started on the first mission. Was super impressed about CuyM and sacrificed Junia first. Then when it came up again read Reynauld's sacrifice quote and decided it was his time. Dismas would go on to continue his redemption, Reynauld found his dragging that thing back to hell.

Junia and Badu did not deserve that fate.
Yes, and I'm being reminded about it every single week
Neither. The Leper and Flagellant I brought were more than happy to meet their end.

Leper came back from the grave a few weeks later. I guess he hadn't had enough.
Guys, the Fanatic showed up again. I've already beaten him twice (Before and after beating Baron) and I haven't even started the Viscount quest. Why is he there, I'm seriously confused
he shows up once per infestation cycle so a total of 3 times

he no longer appears after that
Now here's the real question about the final mission for those who've completed it:
Did you sacrifice Reynauld, Dismas, both, or neither?
Its annoying, but yeah once you smash that the bugs go everywhere and it's courtyard time.
What are the official names for each hero? Besides Dismas and Reynauld.
>Name one non-meme reason why discord is bad

No anonymity as it reveals your IP.
Retarded bot-spammers.
Lots of underage faggots.
Muh ranks, karma and levels, muh rules (depends on how retarded the server owners is, you can get banned from calling someone retarded to posting "illegal material" on youtube).
No proper discussion can be held there because of various reasons like lots of people posting their shit interrupting each other, no one can even think about proper responds there as we do on forums like 4chan.
Retarded circle-jerking is almost everywhere, can quickly degrade into absolutely degenerate ERP as well.

Discord is only good for coop games with ~5 people max.
Isn't Barristan's Head a bit shitty compared to the other heads?
It's only a +13% Prot for +20 stress, there are other items that give +10% Prot and more.
>Now that the Blood gather quests are a thing getting the crimson curse is actually a good thing
>+25% dmg and +4spd for FREE
Crimson Curse is never a good thing for me because of how heroes acting on their own and wasting turns.

For instance - I want my Hellion to stun the enemy so I can heal with my Vestal next turn and / or remove stress with the Jester after that. Instead Hellion acts on her own and kills the enemy.
Imagine the fight against 2 Templars with MaA not using the guard and exposes the hero without torch that would be quickly destroyed by revelations. This shit is stupid.
>he's only in public servers or in dead servers that only get used gaming
Retards are everywhere, Anon. Not just on discord, if you go on public servers anywhere you'll encounter retards.
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>13% Prot
You might want to update your game. Regardless, it's still quite a bit weaker than the other heads. Basically Junia >>> Dismas >>>>>>>>>>>> Barristan

As fas as I know, each turn your speed +1-8 is used to calculate turn order. I guess each action has a different roll for bosses.

I'm not keen on numbers, but is 20% prot any good at Champion dungeons?
It's not that it's bad, just that there's better options for every class.
Why do they keep nerfing Sacred Scroll into the ground?
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What classes could they add that aren't already taken, that still fits the theme?

I was thinking of some kind of witch/druid lady, called a Wiccan or a Beldam or something, like a vestal but with a focus on DoT healing and maybe blight. She'd probably be like a mix of the PD, Vestal and Occultist, depending. Lots a healing/stun/blight/debuff kinds of stuff.

I had the idea for a DoT based healer from before flag came out, and was a little disappointed that the flag's dot heal is a bit weak

Can anyone think of some unique mechanics for it?

Vestal is Junia
Occ is Alhazared
PD is Badu
Houndmaster is Shaggy n' Scoob
Hellion is boudicca
MAA is Barristan
Leper is Baldwin
Jester is Jingles
Graverobber is Audrey
Flag is Damien
BH is Tardiff
Arb is missandei
Auntie is Katharine
dunno about abom

When did they nerf it?
>dunno about abom
>When did they nerf it?
They nerfed it again with the release of the CC. This time I believe it was the -33% damage they slapped on it. It already had huge penalties in the form of -speed and -stun chance.
A healer focused on HoTs would need to function a bit differently from the Flag's HoT. For example the HoT would have to break upon entering Death's Door for balance purposes.
>vestal got shuffled to position 1
>really need that heal
>move her back to 2
>she gets stunned
This game is a real bastard sometimes
I didn't mind the speed so much as she could just heal at the end of a round, after the team has soaked up a bunch of damage.

>For example the HoT would have to break upon entering Death's Door for balance purposes.
Why? The flag's HoT doesn't.
>Transformed Abom gets tentacle'd back to rank 3 after his turn passed
>next round
>Slam forward
>tentacle'd back to Rank 4

>Houndmaster is Shaggy n' Scoob

The fuck

It's actually Shag N Scoob

also isn't PD's default name Paracelsus?
>Why? The flag's HoT doesn't.
Because it would be overpowered as fuck. Reclaim is a mediocre ability but the Flag isn't a dedicated healer like the proposed HoT class. The problem with it is that a hero with a HoT on them is literally invincible to DoTs.
They're still not invincible to just being killed by normal attacks.
It still shouldn't make them immune to death by any means.
The only exception, in my opinion is if the HoT amount exceeds the DoT amount when they both tick. Like there shouldn't be a Death Blow check if the hero has a HoT of 10 on them and a DoT of 9, and after they tick the hero is brought to 1 hp. Even then a HoT of 10 is strong as fuck.
Isn't that the entire point of healing?

It would also take them until their turn to be taken off death's door; they would still be vulnerable to regular attacks, where they wouldn't had they been healed normally.

You can get a HoT of 5 per round with a champion flag if you have a recovery stone. Unfortunately, they don't benefit from +healing skills trinkets, so itemisations would be weird. If there was a way to make them benefit from that, the heals could be crazy.
Wait, so, after defeating the Countess, the infestation will stay zero? No need to go and defeat the statue to get rid of those pests?
Nope. The statue is purely there if you want to keep farming trinkets.
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you can find this inside one of the files
>all those serios names
>shag and scoob

also is bigby a reference to something

And why the fuck am I getting dismas' head when hes still alive
Just transform back and barf all over them
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