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/twg/ - Total War General

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Thread replies: 789
Thread images: 182

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ASSur Edition

Norsca First Gameplay Glance:

Norsca Roster:

Norsca Racepack CGI trailer:

Mini-campaigns are gone, 4 LL packs instead

Dark Elves Roster Reveal:

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Dark Elves In-Engine Trailer

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 - High Elves Let's Play

Total War Saga Announcement Blog

New Race Pack for TWWH1, New DLC for past historical game and other stuff:

Lizardmen In-Engine Trailer:

Lizardmen Roster Reveal:

High Elf Roster Reveal:

Total War: WARHAMMER 2 – Announcement Cinematic Trailer:

>FAQs and General Info


Last thread >>183768241

Screenshot sharing and campaign posting encouraged!
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SFO is utter shit.
No OC units SFO mod when?
What is it about the General culture that always has the first posts in a thread being shitposts?
You know what we really need to talk about? Compressed map size of the combined map.

What exactly are we gonna talk about? It's going to be compressed, that's all we know
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some anon DO ITT

Sure the ocean maybe but the devs explicitly said that the whole old world was being preserved along with every settlement/minor faction. The only thing being cut is the southwest of lustria.
>Hey, is it really fair of you to steal ideas and mods and make money off it on patreon?
So Warhammer is a fantasy setting clearly inspired/copied from bastardized real world cultures and geography- but GW completely removed Africa and dindus.

What did they mean by this?
That's what we call compression yes. It'll also fuck over lizards as they won't have anywhere near as much land to unite, thus getting reduced income etc.
>Every settlement
Enjoy that hour long load time, and the additional 30 minutes turn waiting
No, there are dindus and no-africa, see the pygmies
They dont have any special units
Spearmen and rock throwers. Thats it really
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But Warhammer does have its Africa?
greenskins/beastmen are arguably the dindus
They're mezitos though. And there is african cultures in the southlands. Hell, there's even a vampire branch with voodo/african animalism faiths
Then what are ogres? American anglos?
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It is now July, a chill wind blows in Naggaroth but the sea of malice is beginning to thaw. From Ghrond, a messenger comes bearing word of an ancient prophecy involving the lands of north Lustria. The Hag Queens offer many sacrifices to Khaine, while their underlings train relentlessy. Meanwhile the Druchii of Clar Karond whip their slaves ceaselessly in preparation for the Witch-Kings coming campaign.
A great fleet is being assembled and the armies of the Druchii arm themselves for total war, domination by a best elf soon!

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Mongols. They even have Asian faces
Mongols aren't fat, dumb and ugly always-hungries though, and they sure as hell didn't just decide to stay in one place because it was nicer than the great maw
>literally found all over the world
>staying in once place

They're so boring even a fantasy setting can't spice them up.
nah the hobgoblins are the mongols, they even have khangs
Ahhhhhhhh /twg/, the eternal general...
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They're a footnote in the lore mentioned in places, but they do exist.
I found pic related in a big folder of concept art some anon shared a while back.
>African mythos
They make nord mythology seem like uncreative MRRG written trash. Try /his/ sometimes.
Pretty sure the horseriding khans of the northern wastelands are mongols..
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We've been close to death a few times.
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Point, I did forget about them
hey /twg/ whatcha thinkin bout
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Alright, so I've been playing for a while now and just ended my Wood Elf campaign because I couldn't deal with King Chaos and his league of special snowflakes. Now I'm looking to start a new campaign with all I've learned, and I just don't know which one I should choose.
I tried the Empire, which played exactly like Total War: Empire and I was pretty good at that, and the Vampires, which were a little too rough to learn with. Are there any factions that are easy enough to get the ropes of battle? I suck at it if it's not the Empire where I can just artillery everything and let my muskets sing.

My biggest problem is deciding if I should auto-resolve battles which seem to have been lost or to risk it and try to win with my own, horrible commanding abilities.
thingken of fantasy ;_;
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Can't wait to make Throgg cry with some fire


Dwarfs are pretty easy in vanilla, try them
Aren't they like the slowest faction in the game? How am I supposed to learn flanking maneuvers and micromanagement when I can just spam walls of slow-moving, armoured manchildren?
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Alright Skarsnik, slowly back away from the dwarves and nobody gets hurt. Don't even try to get closer, I have lightning strike.

Sorry, didn't read your post throughly. Bretonnia might be better for learning flanking and micro, your peasants are utterly expendable, so you can focus on your knights and hammering the anvil.
Theyre losing less than 5 roughly settlements, i wouldnt call that really fucking them over. And Warhammer is one of the best optimized total war games to date, probably since they planned the combined map when they started work on it, I actually think it wont be as long load times as everyone says. But hey maybe im the optimistic fool here, but im giving them the benefit of the doubt after how well warhammer ran compared to the fucking mess Atilla still is.

As far as confederation and place to expand, wont every faction be able to push out now and capture everything?
Also the word 'expendable'. Does this mean that you can spam these as your front-line always or does it mean that they are shit as fuck and will do nothing against anything and are basically just fodder?
This is a confusingly valid answer.
Why can only WoC recruit armoured trolls? Slapping some crude armour on a troll shouldn't be beyond the orcs. Is it that way in TT?
Ogres are smarter than greenskins and mastered gunpowder, they fulfill role of mongols by being nomad people who wander east.
Because orcs cant make armor im guessing, they just use the stuff they find
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You can technically make as many of them as you want, though this impact your Peasant economy the more you do it. There's a limit where it will start having a negative economy effect, although the game won't hardcap them. And they are shit as fuck, with the exception of Squires and Battle Pilgrims.
Also, when it comes to unit-types, should I focus on having Lords recruit less unit-types to specialize (IE. a Lord with nothing but cavalry or a Lord that has mostly anti-armor etc.) or should I have a wide as possible array of different troops to counter anything that I run into?
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So wait, how hammer of sigmar end up in space/sky so it could fall down on Mordheim? Is it this same weapon Karl Franz now wield? Emperors before this accident didn't wield Ghal Maraz? Was it lost up until this point?
Armoured Trolls don't exist in the tabletop at all.

Literally Radious-tier.

I personally try to have a very diverse army, although I am playing with an AI recruitment mod
Bretonnia doesn't exactly have a lot of unit types, I wouldn't worry about it
>Mongols aren't fat, dumb and ugly always-hungries though
they kind of are. real life mongols are really stocky and oiled barra wrestling is part of their cultures. ogres are just giant version of them
Is there a recommended magic overhaul mod
>mastered gunpowder

Not really, they buy all their weapons from the Chaos Dwarfs. All they do is reload and fire their guns, which they aren't really that good at.
It's figurative
No, it is just an allegory or whatever.

A comet signaled the birth of Sigmar. A comet "signaled" the destruction of Mordheim way later.
Orcs and goblins are too dumb to do even that.
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>Ogres aren't mongols, they are just fat slinty eyed oriental blobs
Ah, okay
How powerful is The Green Knight in combat?
>Ogre armies are monstrous units only
It's sad how lacking your understanding of culture is.
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Not particularly. He's tough to take down though, on account of him being a spooky ghost and all.
>Eat all the time.
>Obsessed with guns.
>Ruthless capitalists.
>Leader is a retarded rich guy.
>Constantly gets involved in other peoples conflicts.
>"""Native""" lands were conquered from another race, once mighty, but now reduced to a few inbred alchoholics.
>What little culture they have is based entirely around shitty food, as a result they immitate and appropriate other peoples culture.
>Reliant on the mass labor of a lesser race to do all the shitty jobs they don't want to do.
>Is constantly kept in check by a race of large-nosed, darkhaired, hatwearing, greedy imperialists.

Literally americans.
Does this change the different Lores so they're actually different?
So are ethereal units invincible cheese vs AI? Does CA just not care?
Is it at all possible to have the green knight as a LL
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What's that, big guy?
So what's this fuss about SFO? Should I get it for my third playthrough or no?
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mod it yourself

t. steel*faith
I've never seem him be overly killy, but leave him out and about and unless the enemy has magic damage he'll just stand there forever taking hits to the face without worry.
It's a good overhaul mod plagued with shitty units, unlike Radious which is a shitty overhaul mod plagued with shitty units.
Are you just being a useless shitposting cunt or can you mod new LL or make lords LLs?
Greenskins are chavs and soccer hooligans though.

Post proofs of that vampire branch.
Give it a try, the only person you can trust is yourself.

Its been awhile since I last played but I do remember it making the lore of metal pretty great
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Your first mistake.
you can definitely make new LL's

in an overpowered way? I don't want a magic buff, I want more interesting magic
All shitposting is useless, while not all shitposting is useless, this much is obvious to anyone. More useless things to say?
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Post proof of negrovamps or getout
Danke buddy, pack file manager will still do me for anything I need right?
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I can't wait for TW:W2 so we can implement rogue armies to TW:W1 map as well.
Wandering bands of
>Witch Hunters with Fanatics, Flagellants and Warrior Priests.
>Sisters of Sigmar
>Fimir only armies
>Troll only armies
>Forest goblins
So many opportunities for new enemies. If only map of the Old World was bigger...
PFM can do everything
Just grab a mod that adds LLs, open it up, see how it's done, then do it yourself
It should, but how you would actually do it is beyond me

I would look at the faction overhauls for normally unplayable factions to see how they did their LL's
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you are like a little babby

watch this
Cheers buddy, not my first time fucking around with mods so should be a breeze, thanks for clearing that up for me my man

Yeah I've always downloaded a base and just reversed engineered like a chink
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>the best he can do is kick around shit-tier Bret infantry
Fucking pathetic.
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First sighting of Skinkwolfs in action
>when your voter base gets so enthusiastic you have to gentle shoo them away

What can you expect from cowardly Trolls? They run away as soon as they lose a little health ingame?
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Imagine being able to pick things up with your nose
Those swords sticking out of his back look stupid
Poor mammoth will have the stink of peasant on him. Will take weeks to wash off.
Female skinwolves... oh yes!
I don't like mammoth animations so far. In this trailer they seemed to be unsatisfactory.
Not trying to shitpost here but for real. What would you have liked to see differently when it came to the animations?
Body slam and a 360 sweep with their tusks
Nothing will surpass Minotaur animations at this pace
That does sound awesome. I agree wholeheartedly. They should throw some of that mass around and really obliterate the battlelines.
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What are we going to see in Krell's skill tree when Norsca arrives? Permanent summon?
I will body slam you weak ass if u dont shut the fuck up CA LITERALLY IS DOING ITS BEST with the mammoths faget get rekt kys
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What's the best campaign custom battle map compilation?
Sounds well balanced and not at all annoying
I can't imagine mammoths being smart enough or trainable enough to do tusk sweeps vs human-sized units.
CA should just forget about balance when it comes to Chaos.
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They should just fucking jump on the dudes like they are ants
Not pick them one at a time with their trunk
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What if they mocapped a baby elephant
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I don't care about it in singleplayer, I want fun.

elephants are cute
>mfw cavalry will just stagger a bit when they get it by the mammoths
They should get armor on their sides and just fall sideways on people, wouldn't be stupid at all.
Mammoths should have minotaur animations.

>Cataphact Mammoth (Helstorm + Greatcannon)

All empire has to do and the world is theirs
I don't want the AI to bring a deathstack of mammoths that tear apart anything I can actually afford in my campaigns because some faggot like you thinks stupidly powerful shit makes the campaign more fun
AI already has piss poor recruiting, if they started recruiting autist fidget spinning mammoths that annihilate units of infantry is seconds then it's fucking retarded, no matter if you think it's cool or not fucktard
You sound like a little bitch
You sound like a stupid dribbling cunt
wew lad calm down a little
>AI to bring a deathstack of mammoths that tear apart anything I can actually afford
Sounds like good fun.
If mammoths were an overpowered military powerhouse the Empire factions would have bred or imported them.
>colourful mammoths with cannons

Might have been cool.
It sounds shit, it's the difference between having high power challenging monsters in a consistent army, and retarded buffed AI shitting out OP
360 spinning beyblades
Replacing chariots with them would be awful
Mammoths should be tanky to screen the marauders, not some army smashing beast
Every monster should fuck shit up
Why do you hate fun
Why do you think having big flashy animals makes things fun?

Do you enjoy Surtha Eks Chariot spam too?
The end of tree skill will probably be the black axe giving him sort of activatable ability and magic attacks.

Being a fan of high elves is like admitting to be a cuck. Only worse. Even a real cuck is more successful than high elves.
Because they change up the gameplay and allow for different tactics? Just a thought.
im a fan of high elf females
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t.man with no hammer

Now to see Throgg kick manlet over on his ass, Id watch that on a loop
They're another hand in rock paper scissors, nothing wrong at all with that, but making them hilariously OP because it's cool to you is still fucking retarded, it's dogshit, you're dogshit
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Just finished KEMMLER legendary campaign. Probably the hardest campaign I've ever done in any total war game. The late game was surprisingly harder than the early game. I colonized Kislev and, as a result, was the first to receive the full might of the Chaos invasion. I went up against the Everchosen and the Everwatcher with KEMMLER and Manlet, both having full army stacks of elite wights and monsters and the reinforcements from the Praag garrison. It was still an incredibly hard fight. The main infantry line of triple gold chevron Chosen with great axes chewed through 12 units of Grave Guard (Great Weapons) even with the draining effect of the Mortis Engine and several rear charges from Hex Wraiths. I pushed through and knocked out the Hellcannons with Terrorgheist and Vargheist goon squads. I broke their armies, but they were soon at my door again with Kholek and Sigvald. I brought up Helman Ghorst and the Red Duke's armies and was finally able to break Chaos' spine. The fleeing chaos warbands were mopped up by vampiric corruption or my armies. All life must perish.
You know what would be really epic? Having SS machine gunners as a dwarven unit and maybe himmler as an ll! With gas chambers for orcs and skavens! Obviously they must be op to show of the might of the good guys.

Maybe then TW would become as respected as the paradox games

Read the reply you're replying to:

>AI to bring a deathstack of mammoths that tear apart anything I can actually afford

You like the idea of a stack that you can't counter?
mammoth tusks weren't really ideal for attack, and like most pachyderms if it hits something hard it'll really hurt.

Making them OP is totally fine as long as they're expensive enough. Especially if a couple of halberds or spearmen can kill them.

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/gsg/ sure is on an invasion roll lately
Everything can be countered. Saying otherwise only shows your lack of true understanding.
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>not urks

whoever made this must be a manling
>not being hungry for elf pussy

t. wulfrik
Kemmler's still technically living right?
>making them OP is fine
>as long as they're not OP and can easily be countered

You do know that OP means over powered right?

>Everything can be countered.

Doesn't mean it's a good addition or make it fun.
How is the cycle here anyway? I just drop by every time something new nears so I can't tell other than more shitposting than usual.
>Oh look, 60 stack of norscans with chariots and mammoths
>Oh boy, can't wait to send my hordes of spearmen I have lying around everywhere
Nigger are you a fucking mongoloid, if you could reasonably deal with them then they're not overpowered are they? What I'm saying though is that the AI cheats a fucking tonne, so if they had a bunch of huge monsters they can recruit with all their AI bucks that can annihilate your armies of regular guys with ease, and they're capable of spamming them (as the AI usually is) then it's gonna be horse shit
Mammoths should be screening for marauders, not a huge army destroying beast
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These will likely be extinct in our lifetimes.

t. Throggtard

Daily reminder that Wulfrik is first on the roster and will be the first LL pick.
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I blame the niggers and their (((enablers))) in the ivory trade
I think so... He's "Lichemaster" in name only. He is, in truth, no Lich. He is really fucking old. Is there an actual date on the Imperial Calendar for Kemmler's first (Terror of the Lichemaster) and last (End Times) appearance?
>not playing throgg first
>not bullying sigvald
Potential third LL for norsca?

No one is going to read your blogpost you weird little autist
I want Throgg to impregnate my wife and cum on her face.
A Fimir Matriarch, with voice lines based on Thatcher speeches


Heinrich Kemmler is not my lichemaster, he is living and probably chaos worshipper as well.
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I sometimes wonder how many we killed in ancient warfare, and how many more we killed in the ivory trade. Such a noble creature. It's bond with humanity as close as the Horse or Dog, yet so much more thanks to it's amazing intelligence. I really love Elephants.
You're one asshurt nigger, kys my man
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Why would you need pussy when you can have all the gorl from the mines in your coffer.
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>always hung up in past TW games on the fact that the graphics and numbers are representative of human suffering
>Warhammer comes along and I can go to town, exterminating indisputably fiendish vamps and savage greenskins
feels good
But your entire dream is to farm goats.

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>elf "pussy" (male)
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Wrong. Are you a gobbo ? Gold>Beards>Beer>Goat
I cried watching Man on Fire around the warehouse party scene because of all the excessive suffering and violence
Literally never used to kill captives
It's all I do now, vampire fucking shits get BTFO
No you
pain is weakness leaving the body
Stop diminishing your wife in importance, Nohammer.
I feel bad killing dryads and treekin and treemen
Does anyone have any proof that the SFO modder is a trumpcuck?
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can some kind lorefag expalin to me why there is no chaos elves?

and i dont mean cult of pleasure druchii fags there just LARPing, im talking why is their no full on spiky armoured chosen tier chaos elves?

also while im at it why are malekith and morathi the only two elves that are immortal?
>everyone right of me is a trump supporter
With the exception of Nehekhara and Zlatlan the Southlands is pretty much not a factor in Warhammer. Same with lands east of the Mountains of Mourn.
Woah, hold the phone, just realised something.

Why does Malekith summon a fire-breathing Hydra even though he is scared shitless by fire.?
>people who post on r/the_donald aren't trumpcucks.
He literally has added citations from Mein Kampf to new unit descriptions.
His latest content patch literally added Mecha-Goebbels to the Empire roster
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REMOVE URK remove urk
you are worst urk. you are the urk idiot you are the urk smell. return to blak crag.. to our angrund cousins you may come our ankor. you may live in the mines….ahahahaha ,ASRAI we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole urk stink grobi grudge grudge..urk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead urk..ahahahahahASRAI WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget war of beard .caledor we kill the king , caledor return to your precious ulthuan….hahahahaha idiot urk and grobi smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE GROBI FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. thorgrim+ungirm++grombrindal=kill urks…you will wob/ gotrek alive in silver road, gotrek making album of silver road . fast rap gotrek silver road. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of gotrek… you are ppoor stink urk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

gotrek alive numbr one #1 in silver road ….fuck the grobi ,..FUCKk ashol urks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur war-boss and gobbo. gotrek aliv and real strong wizard kill all the urk farm aminal with rap magic now we the dawi rule .ape of the zoo presidant thorgrim grudgebearer fukc the great tzeentch and lay egg this egg hatch and grobi wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. karaz ankor greattst countrey
>t. cuck
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Literally what does this have to do with anything? Does your frustration with President Trump have to be brought into everything?
Mostly because there just has never happened to be a big faction of elves that started venerating chaos. You have the high elves, who are among chaos' worst enemies, the dark elves, who are bitter and buttblasted and edgy as fuck but still would rarely consider chaos as a good thing (except for said cults of pleasure and the very rare occasions where they have allied themselves to some particular chaos champion who coincided with their objectives, like in the mmo) and the wood elves, who are basically high elves that decided they were done with everyone and retreated to their forest.
screen shots?
I've always wondered how this would sound spoken
Sounds more like he's a worshiper of Assad
wtf i love steel faith now
How does one spell that battle cry the dwarfs do when you start a battle. To me it sounds like "KAZARAK KAHZAK KUL" but i know that's wrong.
>being against ZOG is worshipping foreign leaders

There were Chaos Elves (Slaaneshi Dark Elves) but it was retconned by GW to differentiate them. But now you could argue that since Slaanesh wants to consume all the Elven souls they have nothing to gain from assisting Chaos.
>3 years ago
>tfw that's from my town
Okay McCain, well go start a war in Syria now
Could someone post the warhammer rollchart, please
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I forgot this pasta was a thing
Wish my town had elephants
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Should I research the tech to confederate Artois or Lyonesse first?
How fucking dumb are you if you use your private account for your mod?

The Cult of Pleasure was only retconned to not be Slaaneshi in The End Times, in 8th edition they were still Chaos worshipers.

This game is based off of 8th edition and doesn't acknowledge TET
Thank you lad, I'll play this campaign in your honor
10000BC called, it told you to fuck off
roll before Norsca

What was the original? Turkish?
While long ago, and that it's unlikely he's had a change of opinion, who do these morons use their "official" names when saying political shit that's sure to cause controversy among fans?

Also ironic talking about jews, when he's a thief who sells others work for thousands a month.
really anon
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REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab
you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..turk genocide best day of my life. take a bath of dead turk..ahahahahahBOSNIA WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget ww2 .albiania we kill the king , albania return to your precious mongolia….hahahahaha idiot turk and bosnian smell so bad..wow i can smell it. REMOVE KEBAB FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. russia+usa+croatia+slovak=kill bosnia…you will ww2/ tupac alive in serbia, tupac making album of serbia . fast rap tupac serbia. we are rich and have gold now hahahaha ha because of tupac… you are ppoor stink turk… you live in a hovel hahahaha, you live in a yurt

tupac alive numbr one #1 in serbia ….fuck the croatia ,..FUCKk ashol turks no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic now we the serba rule .ape of the zoo presidant georg bush fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and bosnia wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. serbia greattst countrey
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last stand
He's a born again fundamentalist in the religious right. That should give you a clue.
We need mods. Purge the thread.
I agree actually
But anon, we got great mods already, like radious and SFO :^)
here we go
neck yourself shitposter
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muh Vow
No joke, this thread is cancer
How do the Undead deal with Chaos? Grave Guard seem... less than ideal.
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> 2pac aliv and real strong wizard kill all the turk farm aminal with rap magic
can you link the video you found that on? I wanna see it for myself
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based Steel*Faith adding in these good units

Thanks for the mod br*ther
It's pretty much just one anon who's gone off the deep end and can't stop making awful posts

Crypt horrors

Or just spam OP magic bullshit like WoD
Its fake
Jesus people really fall for this shit so easy
Can only hire them if you capture Couronne in campaign. I don't think I've ever captured Couronne as VC.
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damn, you found me out

time to go shitpost somewhere else
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Is Total War: Westeros doomed to happen at some point?
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hmmm didn't know I could love this guy MORE
that's why I'm asking, dingus
Total War: Harry Potterverse first
me on the right

Hopefully not. TW can't do politics and GoT barely has any fantasy units to differentiate it from a historical game.
Nah, the final season is here and they're too busy with warhammer. If they wanted a practically free million purchases they'd make one in the early days.
The unfinished M2 mod that's existed longer than TWW?
Hopeful after my death
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This is an amusing post.
Thankfully not
Is it really the final season already?
Because they have other gods to sell their souls too when they go off the deep end, then there's the fact that almost the entirety of the elven race exists south of the chaos wastes which is heavily populated by humans, on top of all that there probably are elves who fall to chaos and outright worship the dark gods, but they're so few in number that they don't rate their own army or nation, for comparison there have been humans within the empire that have taken up chaos worship as well, but outside of a short story where they get blammed by a witch hunter or a foot note within an army book they don't rate their own models or even their own army either.
>all of these GoT cucks and LOTR pussies
>no one mentions Redwall: Total War

how does it feel to have shit taste?
wow nice, I didn't see that in the video
But that's the thing tho. It's a low fantasy setting, a middle ground between history and warhammer. I feel if they built on the peoplestuff from Attila and implemented bannermen in a proper manner it could be bretty gud

that's why i said "at some point".
Do you think they spent all their charlemagnes into animating the Mammoths?

Something's familiar...

That and the CGI trailer.

They probably did. Wulfrik seems to be barely animated while sitting on the mammoth
also, aren't elves more resistant to chaos than humans naturally? On top of being incredibly rare in their existence, it is also rare that they turn to the dark gods.

I get it, but if they're going to do a fantasy game I'd prefer they do something with magic and monsters. If I want something more realistic I'd rather just play historical.
Don't worry, they saved extra one charlemagne, when they copy paste empire general animation to elves

What the fuck is a Charlemagne I keep seeing here
The equivalent of jabberslythe
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its a meme you dip
A french dude
iirc CA once compared the resources/work of animating a beastmen jabberslythe to x amount of Charlemagne work, or something. Now everything is measured in Charlemagnes.
TWWII will cost 100 charlemange


1.A frankish king from the dark ages famous for creating an important european empire
2.Measure unit for total war games used to calculate how much animating a unit would cost, One Charlemagne=One Jabberslythe
too true

When Beastmen where released there was a negative reaction to the fact that the price was so high and yet the roster was incomplete. CA responded by saying that adding a Jabberslythe, one of the missing units, would have cost as much as the concept art for Age of Charlemagne

And so a meme was born
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t. Charlemagne.jpg
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A very expensive commodity
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A new currency.
rolls for the roll god
rolling on the edge
Wrong, 8ed mentioned them as cult of Atharti instead of Slaanesh.
Going to have to, /pol/ has infested the place.
why did I read this in Sir Attenborough's voice
i want to fuck it
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what the fuck.jpg
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Maybe Chaos Undivided is a bit... much.

Archaon hasn't even invaded.
Last warning bud
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rolling the fast way to life
thos bean;s

It's time.
I fucking hate marauder horsemen
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here we gooo
Morathi is immortal because she bathes in the true Cauldron of Blood and Malekith is immortal because he is too angry to die
also because he is the chosen of Asuryan and the true king of all elfkind
How do I stop feeling guilty using 19 Hawk Riders in battle
Do you guys think that the necrosphynx will get dragonogre animations?
WTF i love skaven now
furry fag get out
were is it states that Malekith is scared by fire?
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I wonder why i suck so hard and how to git gud.
I wonder when Bannerlord is released
Has Morathi ever done anything nice?
A true hero>>183811316
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>Attenborough will never read you the Radious shitpost copypasta

Why even live?
She tends to Malekith's urges
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What rhymes with semen? Daemon!
Try to catch enemies alone
Always move together
At most have one guy out looking for Wyrdstone
Upgrade your stronger units and consider your cheaper ones expendable
Remember some injuries can provide bonuses, a lost arm can for example provides a bonus to dodging.
mocky, kys
She cared for Malekith when he was wounded one time
noun: the smallest detectable sensation
Fuck it
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You're in the Kharak and this gnollengrom strols up to your shapely kvinn and scratches her dongliz.

What do you do?
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>tfw too intelligent to play greenskins
Alith Anar is also immortal from time of Sundering.
Cus you're bed?
So I am gonna finally play dwarves. BUT I am afraid that I will not have any fun. You see I love cavalry and micromanaging forces. What do I do with myself when all you do as dwarves is sit in one spot :(
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Throw the book at him
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someday it'll be real and then i'll be happy again.
I don't want to play as THE GRIM
Be aggressive dorfs.
Fucking nothing, dwarves are boring
dwarf late game armies are bretty fun desu. early game is shit
Manually control an artillery piece!
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I actually find this very fun and entertaining
It is. And rest of the dwarf army doesn't even need your control in that time. They just stay in their boxes and do their shit.

Use this and prepare yourself

Who made that shit map? Jesus Christ.
the same shit tard that thinks GoT is good
I did! what the hell is you're problem?
how do you guide hellcanon shots? i press insert and can shoot manually but i cant seem to guide it mid air.
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What's the matter, too deep for you son?
That map is wrong.
>sunset found her squatting on the map

Dark Elves 8th editon army book:

"The central bastion of this tower belongs to Malekith alone, and none save the Black Guard of Naggarond are granted entrance without the Witch King's permission. Neither torches nor lanterns are permitted within; though he would never admit it, the Witch King has long been discomfited by wholesome flame."
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>/twg/ is slowly turning into /gsg/
I feared this day would come. That or we just had a sudden influx of /gsg/ shitposters
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>ywn invade Westeros as Karl Franz

If you did, you're an idiot. What kind of retard just puts down layer overlay of various generic textures and calls it a day? They don't match, they're too fucking big, you're suppose to scale them down some if you really want to use them. Fucking horrible.


A map is "too deep"?
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>The Lands of Always Winter
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>doing one of Orions quests
>a bunch of Chaos Spawn enter the battle
>they're all in a static pose even when they're dead or in combat

How many Charlemagnes do you think they saved here?

I don't play Grand Strategy, what's wrong with /gsg/?
Sorry anon. I did not take a good look at that map before posting it.
how the fuck do i find the time to do the gal'maraz quest?
he's just being stupid, general threads have always been shit no matter what game they're about

t. someone who remembers the generals on /v/ before /vg/
It's not that shit tbphimho

t. same as you
That is objectively wrong
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>find greenskins
>slaughter them
>then claim ghal maraz and kick shit around

its ez like ure mom
Just download the instant quest battle mod
Every turn must be suffering.
Well, say what you want but tht area is certainly is full of snow and ice.
Use units that demand micromanagement, silly.
download the instant quest battles mod
but skarsnik has the best campaign

rolling hard
>a 'Crater of the Dead' in place of Ethiopia because of the 1984/85 Sahel famine

top lel, GW just couldn't stop themselves from white manning it up
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>You see I love cavalry
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>not liking cavalry
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That's this kind of reasoning who birthed the End of Times.
wew lad
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Ibben must be such a comfy palce
Ibben :DDDDD
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For 50 turns it is.
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imperial fists.webm
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Humor me this, pick 1 out of each line that you prefer;

Massive numbers / Small elite / Average
Tight formation / Lose formation / Average
Melee / Ranged / Hybrid
Physical / Magic / Hybrid
Primitive / Advanced / Average
Tanks / Glass cannons / Average / Hybrid

Now state your favorite faction(s) (W2 included if you want) but spoiler it so we can guess, faction choice doesn't have to relate to your choices at all, just whichever you enjoy the most playing.

>Mass, tight, ranged, physical, advanced, tanks
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right lads, I haven't played as Skarsnik yet. Any tips?
Thanks, but i think i have to restart anyway. I fucked up too much already
>quickly get the Vaults as Angrund
>set off with a full stack towards karak eight peaks
>in the meantime two greenskin stacks get past the border pussies and begin taking my turf
>barely get in time to eight peaks before my home region is down
>fight bloody battle against 3k urks and 100 dawi are left standing
>last home region gets taken
>now only own eight peaks, surrounded by all sides by fellow dwarves

what the hell do I do now, do I have to start kinslaying
disband the spider
>orthodoxy is the same as evangelical protestantism
stab gits

Bully secessionists, recruit nasty skulkers.

Feed things to spider.
As the Wood Elves on hard I finally got confederation unlocked and I've found that even though I'm allied with all the Wood Elf factions except Durthu they're all eager to accept confederation. Do Wood Elves not have the same modifiers to likelihood to confederate as other factions do?

Lyonesse because those assholes are difficult to confederate
Use slayers as cavalry.
We already know one or two of them are in this thread right now, shitposting. They've been here for years.
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Lets see if ronaldo favors me
Like us they can never leave

Some say the world will end when Pontus gets paid a single Charlemagne to go conquer Rome.
that explains the shills
omg that's so mean
Level up your Lord's red line for massive gobbo attack bonus.
Right click on enemy.

The world is your oyster. Remember to embrace your inner G O B B O and be an absolute dick on the campaign map.
Not if he's in Florida or the south west.
From where it is?
so how do I chase down fleeing units with dwarves, with rangers?
the battle difficulty's on hard so the battles last long and a lot of enemies die but I've had battles where half of the enemy army runs away and like half of my army died
Forcing a dog like this to live in those climatic conditions is just abuse though. Next people will raise seals into the desert because they're "so cute".

Do people even glance at the OP?
with artillery
They will adapt or die. That's the way nature works.
Why would they?
that's like claiming it's not abuse to free niggers from slavery and expect them to do well for themselves
There's nothing "natural" about this though.

Nature gives animals fur in the cold climate. Men move them into swamps because we're stupid and selfish.
/gsg/ is the worst general

just dudes hating half the games in the series and telling people to commit suicide

So they don't make redundant posts
Halflings to the left of me
Ogres to the right
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you
Here I am
Stuck in the middle with you
>just dudes hating half the games in the series and telling people to commit suicide
But we do that?
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>find out you can run the game in borderless window mode
>never saves so I always have to re-enable it when I start the game
This is natural. Humans being stupid and selfish is natural aswell.
Did anyone actually expect that?
ebin /pol/ XD
All posts is redundant. Deal with it.

Not really.
What's not natural then?
That's the truth. Everything is redundant.
the powers of darth plagueis the wise
This place is paradise in comparison.
Who's stonger between Darth Plagueis and Nagash?
Nothing. Everything is natural, because everything is a part of nature.
Nagash was WEAK

Fug that's deep mang
a gender that isnt male or female
>All this crying over SFO units
>They're not even OP
No it's not. But it doesn't change anything.
>tfw any faction other than dwarves is uninteresting as fuck to me
stop it you nihilistic edgelord
What the HELL is wrong with you?
>SFO adds a handful of units with loose at worst connections to the lore
>this is somehow radious tier
HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF the high elves
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The sound like fops.
Calm down, there is nothing edgy about the truth.

warhammer doesn't sit well with me I'm not used to tanks and gryphons in total war
You are a fucking retard
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pointing kiryu.png
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Great taste senpai
>being rude

>6 in a squad


Grail guardians in SFO are fucking trash because of this
Tell me more.

That's stupid, we haven't even had a chance to play them yet

Chaos Warriors and Dorfs I guess.

what OC units? Aren't all units in the overhaul supported by lore?
my brother from another hold!
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Chaos Dwarves WIP III.jpg
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Any mod to slow down the fucking combat??

and no i don't want SFO. Just regular vanilla game but with slower combat, not routing the same moment you topuch your enemy
What minor faction in Warhammer should I play?

pls decide for me
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>play napoopan as Sicily
>start in anti French coalition
>conquer the islands in the Mediterranean sea
>conquer ROME
>Sardinia declares war on me
>Austria follows a bit later
>UK follows too after a while
>Prussia too
>Russia too

Why is diplomacy so fucking retarded
How does vigour loss affect ranged units? Lower fire rate?

Kraka Drak
>Being retarded

Best elves
yes and halves their armor
you became the france

Try this

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wew lads
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Can you guys name some super important techs as Empire? Like the type of techs you should research ASAP you have access to them or try to get access to so you can research them. I always seem to be taking the same stuff.
you will be fine, after all you are already cheating with SFO
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SFO did this with Poison Dogs too, turning them into a low combatant count unit with a new name - The Houndz Of Peztilenz. They're a fair bit more expensive now. Card shows stats compared to regular dogs.
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"Mods are cheats" anon! Haven't seen you for a few days. Was worried you'd retired.
lmfao, is this guy serious or just shitposting? I can't even tell anymore.
if it werent true, you wouldnt care
>tfw install a map recolor mod
>playthrough doesnt count anymore because now im a cheater
The greatsword change was good 2bh.

>tfw buffing my Greatsword unit with Gelt and see them tear up a empire general.

I also debuffed the enemy lord too. That rust spell.

Is SFO a radious meme or is it worth a try?
i added one point of extra weapon strength to karl franz
you better believe i don't give a h*ck
It's worth a try bro. Not even close to radious tier. The dude added a few new units that fit in with some older lore. That was enough to get the autists all pissy in their panties. Norsca dlc is more lore breaking than SFO.
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Just according to keikaku.
Looks like he increased their mass at least. I'm okay with trying to differentiate the poison dogs from just being a better regular doggos.

My problem with grail guardians in SFO is that they're just bad. They don't have the mass to do shit, and are obscenely expensive

This tbqh
Why is jabber so damn expensive
I really don't like how he's trying to give every single faction an amazing heavy infantry option, but god it was so good before then... it would be great if he added a version that didn't have the extra units

god that new Empire General is so pointless

Even so, he'd have to start fucking things up a lot more than he is now to dip into Radious territory
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All that damage is basically the outriders with the help from the buff.
It's his thing, anon. Been doing it for ages. Otherwise how would he create a recognisable identity?
Would it kill for that faggot to separate the additional units on a different submod?

Jesus modders are egotistical fucks
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beggar BTFO
Have you guys even asked him? Or is he supposed to read your minds?
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>caw caw make me campaign playable CA you dogs
ok now I've never understood why people say lyonesse is hard to confederate because they joined me first thing as soon as I could confederate them, while on the other hand, artois wouldn't join me until I had confederated all of bretonnia
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By posting comfy stuff :3
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eight peaks are MINE
how's it like having severe autism?
Is Mordenheim any good?
I roll every thread and never play who I get, can you guys handle what a badass I am?
End this torment
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caw caw you piece of shit
Anyone want to play some 2V2 with me on warhammer?
See, you did it, SFOcheater
>Caw Caw

China Total War will never happen
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>tfw i'll never get to enjoy this Mousillon mod with undead Bretonnian unit roster
>cant reload my saves after i exit the game, game crashes every now and then

; ;
Something ain't right with that crow.
I'd play 2V2 with you and your gf
Are the skaven in this image named characters, or just randos?
The what in that image?
I wanna say yes
The fuck are those units you damn cheater
Are there any functional Mousilon mods left alive? Seems every one of them has fallen to the depths
Can I install SFO over a German game installation or do I have to change the language first? Or will the installation still work but half my game will be English and the other German like with most mods. Does SFO work with the mods that adds all those maps? I'm quite fond of it.

Why are you such an attention whore?
What if Archaon's horns were BIGGER
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>beat beggar nohammer
>about to take karak izor
>big daddy thorgrim confederates with beggar
>declare war on them and take karak izor anyway
Only recruit Night Gobbo Lords and Gobbo Shamans, gotta role play
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Some are named, others are unnamed members of the Council of Thirteen. I think that's Skrittar at third right of the chair.
I really don't know how you could do it and make it interesting, or appropriate for that matter. Despite being named Total War, the games usually involve a series of wars interspersed with periods of detante. As you can see from the show, wars in westeros are more of a knock down drag out shitstorm that doesn't end until everybody's dead.
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She doesn't like total war tho
I don't entirely understand the Skaven motivations
Do they just want to make big underground cities and collect green rocks?
>the mammoth mount
Those who fight France must be carefull, for they might become France themselve
I love it when you speak French to me
Whisper some more sweet French phrases in my ear~
I doubt there will be a more Pimp ride in game. >Maybe Mazdamundis Stegadon.
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They want to take over the world and put man-things, dwarf-things, elf-things and whatever else under their iron paw

So far they haven't managed to.
>just a static guy sitting on a mammoth
Uhh okay i guess
The majority really don't have one beyound themselves.
It's darkest dungeon but less interesting and even more based on RNG. I personally don't enjoy winning or losing purely on roll dice so no, shit game.
It's fine we can play something else if you catch my drift

like the sims
Omelette du fromage.

Yeah but they dont have unique quests or special faction units, its basically playing as a reskinned Vampire Counts in Bretonnia. Thats why i like the idea of being able being able to field Undead Bretonnian units, it would make sense since Mousillon is part of the Bretonnian Kingdom
>worrying about the guy when theres a giant fucking mammoth

what are you gay?
That what the Horned rat want. Really every skaven is just a selfish bastard who who only dream is to drawn himself into greenrock after backstabing every other entity in the world. They are only keep in check by their fear of the Horned rat, or their devotion for the fanatic one.
>>183823363 go play a beastmen camp
it's "détente" though
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Forest goblin faction when.
Daemons of Chaos eventually
Make your own, anon
Will there be munging there?
He could cheer his mammoth on or something instead of just sitting there like a fatass
He ran it through some shitty photoshop filters

are you actually impressed?
stop saying that it's omelette au fromage
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photoshop filters, it's piss easy
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dumb newfags dont know about fotosketcher
It looks sexy so yes.
is this not why we came here for?
Alright, let's do this.
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Autistic or brave? You decide.
This one look pretty good
Pardon, monsieur.

Isn't it omelette avec fromage?
Technically it's correct, but everyone would rather say "au".

She has dozens of spearmen behind her, so autistic
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Are Savags orcs better than regular ones?
thanks anon, you just made sure I'm going to waste an entire evening.
Not the same anon but no, a "Omellete avec du fromage" would be a Omellete with cheese next to it, a "Omellete AU fromage" would be a Omellette with cheese in it's composition.
Question about waaagh armies: do they ever reinforce lost units? Can I get a new army from the same stack once the previous waaags died off?
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>they're allied with the mutinous gits

These elf skulls contain a lot of material.
They dummer than regular orcs, that's for sure

If that even possible
Since they're better at chopping stunties, that's inherently a "yes".
>in the mood for call of warhammer
>sexy musicians and banners in my halberdier regiments
>can't get to turn 10 without crashing
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The biggest problem is not the war, it's that I'm missing out on shekels because no trade.
Same here good brother.

share your art anons
someone make this into a painting
I'd almost pity the elfs but then I remembered they aren't even human.
They're a long way from their comfy woods
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I'm starting to think with Honest Steel just using halberdiers for the frontline might be worth more than using greatswords at all.
there are tribes of savage orcs who communicate exclusively in "WAAAAAGHS"
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Guys why does my game look so shitty? I turned everything on max and checked unlimited memory
does anyone else here play a 100 turns of a campaign and feel like they haven't really played at all because there were no worthwhile battles?
spice me up
perhaps a different colour filter?
this looks incredibly washed out

That's how it's supposed to look.
Wood Elf forest biome shaders look kinda crummy
Run a custom battle on Altdorf Outskirts and see how it looks there
Ideally you get the dawn time of day, that looks best
Do the bonuses from buildings apply to all settlements in a province for Rome 2?
So I tested out the Chaos Spawn's anti-infantry tag and if it actually means something. Turns out it does quite well and above expectation. I put 20 stacks of CS against different mixes of infantry from all other factions (no ranged, only melee). Humans are weakest and almost did nothing, elf killed a bit more but still died pretty fast, orks held for longer but retreated eventually, dwarfs held the longest but seemed like they lack in damage. The beast herd did the most damage and was the closest fight ever, but the results are a bit compromised since I put some minotaurs and a giant in the mix for fun.

>When the girl in your guild is about to get ganked.
So if I have a gold mine I should probably have mines in every settlement to take advantage of the bonus
What can stop these madmen? I haven't found out yet. The beast variation of the chaos spawn is superiour, those hooves out the back seal the deal.

Arrows and bolts.
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Remove skaven
Lightning bolts?
any ranged unit
any anti-large unit
Does uber Empire work with SFO?

I'm thinking a chaos playthrough and I want to buff up Empire. Going to use the 10 slots for each capital, looking for other stuff.
Like most Warhammer titles this could have been a lot better than it was.
>Dwarf Treasure hunters when?
>Orc Warband when?
Still playable tho
Pre-order from cd-keys or steam?

I want Norsca when it comes out, so waiting till end of September for a key is gonna be shit.
>no elf waifus
>wanting shitty autistic pointy eared cunts
>not wanting shitty autistic pointy eared cunts
Sorry, I actually have taste.
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Dumb furfag jumped down and killed himself
They still defeated me and stole my better weapons. I'm getting raped whatever i do and it drives me mad.
I would play Total War to relax but no matter which title i start my computer crashes. And i beat campaign as every race except for Greenskins, which i try to play as recently. And i suck at playing Greenskins too.

What's their strong side anyway. They don't have as fun and strong monsters as VC, are weak in melee in comparsion to dorfs, suck at ranged in comparsion to everyone and have two units of artillery. They even seem to have shittier morale than the Empire and shitty cavalary. I can't git good with them.
u'z must b worshippin Mork den

Gork iz stronga
buddy system is key.
By that I mean to never let a non impressive henchmen get caught alone, and make sure they have their rape whistles.
How do you think CA will simulate the Skaven Under-Empire?
Hordes and/or the teleporting "underground passage / beast paths / whatever they called it for elves"
Well, considering that most stuff already shown of game two is pretty neat so far, I'd say pretty well.
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What I'm really hoping for is a way for you to build and upgrade settlements concurrently with another race's settlement like pic related. Maybe make the Skaven cities invisible to everyone except other Skaven. I don't know how this would work out considering invasions and sieges, but I'll be really disappointed if Skaven just visibly 'conquer' cities like everyone else.
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I started scattered around the map while they not. Before i even managed to regroup i was already engaged with my shitter troops. Similiar to this one, but here i just started and some vampire and zombie already attacked my archer before i even had my first move with anyone.

What's so hard about making underground map. A lot of 4x strategy games have tons of campaign maps and can even generate them randomly. Why would it be too hard for CA to make another map?
I wish you could see how many friendly fire kills your units got
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Place bets
Warhammer sieges will never not disappoint me
That's a lot of Eternal Guard, are you sure you can do it?
If the load times weren't so fuckign bad then havign to start over wouldn't be such a chore.
Also git gud faget. no armor and a starting bow for your marksman?
Why wouldn't I? They're eternal
>Why would it be too hard for CA to make another map?
I love CA, but they are not very competent.
Regardless, they probably don't want to make it because only a few factions would be able to use it.
*Total War
Try and think of a balanced solution for the under empire.
Name one more competent video game developer

>What's so hard about making underground map.

Because they dont really need to do it

Warhammer already has a really watered down campaign map and alot of people consider it the best Total War in the series. So in CA's mind im if they just continue with what they're currently doing and not take any big risks(like make an underground map) people will still love them for it
Crusade back to the Vaults. Recapture territory in the west until you can confederate.
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Total War singleplayer sieges will never not disappoint me. Every single one i ever played was anti-climatic. Though some of which i played with my friends in Rome 2 i remember fondly.
>git gud
I'm trying too, and some day i will! Now, this archer is already dead so i think i will try to retreat somewhere where i have more of my troops.
>starting bow for your marksman?
I had some rifle but Skaven stole it from me.
Everyone who's not Paradox.
There are cumulative bonuses for starting over.
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>get a knack for medieval 2
>boot it up
>kicking the shit out of rebels as france
>marry my heir to the daughter of the king of the HRE
>fuck yeah doing great
>form a triple alliance with HRE and milan
>very friendly on the eastern front
>middle of war with england because those little shits keep trying to sack paris
>seiging their town, pope is getting pissed at me for defending but is fine with endland attacking cause fuck the pope
>also literally only person on crusade for him
>tfw HRE betrays me
>spy near their capital shows their capital is literally under attack
>they are losing their best city but declared war on me, married into their family with a long term alliance, for no reason other than wanting a small castle
Now I remember why I don't play this one as often
"Everyone who's not Paradox" isn't a name of a company
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grail knights.png
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Fuck Grail Knights
What a funny way of writing "lack"
m2tw is notorious for having shit diplomacy, just go all war or nothing
I can't wait to be covered in skulls
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I wish there were a way to single out specific units of mooks, give them names or something.
those are grail guardians, not grail knights
But you can rename individual units.
you can.
Those grail guardian did pretty good considering they get swarmed by spears.
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88.2% probably porn.gif
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>you can
Should I complete all the side objectives? It says I'm suppose to build a level 3 baracks before I occupy two towns which would take like 15 turns.

So not only we have people flooding the thread with shitty warhammer lore now we also have to take non TW warhammer game too?




The dude calls himself lichemaster because he thinks he's better than them.
there's a bug in the original game where every time you take a city the game tells all your allies you razed it to the ground. It's because they reused some code from Rome and commented out sections of it but left the one line in there so no matter what you do, even occupy it, everyone thinks you just slaughtered thousands of people, usually christians

So eventually no matter what happens your allies will always turn on you
Here's an idea: the ability to build a limited number of buildings in any major settlement, with heavy Public Order bonuses and limited recruitment options as well as a chance for the enemy garrison to discover your presence, if it's large enough, at the end of every 5 or so turns.

They could give also give Skaven a Beastpath equivalent that also puts them in ambush mode - I forget if Beastpath makes Beastmen armies invisible or not.

It'd be tricky to pull off a properly co-ordinated attack because it should be if you're a filthy rat bitch, but maybe your generals could upgrade in such a way that it becomes easier to execute that strategy.
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Agreed, time for a schism
My thought is that skaven will have rat-path movement and they will be able to teleport between their cities. Anything more complicated than that will alienate their target audience.
Why do you insist on double spacing your posts, anon?
Agreed. Historical twg would be slow but at least it would contain tw games. Not heaps of warhammer lore with occasional battle screenshot.
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should I be all friendly like wit' dese gits or should I leave em be
What if they reworked underpaths so that there are entrance/exit points connecting a highway enabling greater campaign movement speed but less freedom and more defendable against.

Beastpaths allow access through impassible forest terrain and campaign movement speed in/near woods

Elf paths like beasties

Would also help make Athel Loren an actual campaign mechanic on the map rather than another region Tileans and Estallians keep walking all over for no reason.

No more flavorless and nonsensical teleportation.
Maybe if you nerds posted shit instead of the occasional small bursts of ineffective whining, you'd feel more at home and wouldn't be tempted to make a doomed, lifeless husk of a general separate from this one.
>What if they reworked underpaths so that there are entrance/exit points connecting a highway

Before I first played Warhammer, I thought that's what the Underway was going to be like

imagine my disappointment
*imagines your disappointment*
any good mods for total war attila? Balancing, more units, etc

You mean you guys expected the railroad from Shogun 2?

Steel Faith Overhaul
It's hard to talk about anything other than wh because 80% of people here nowadays are newbies who came after wh and don't play other titles. They also care about lore so much that they talk about it even more than about the game itself. Just look at this thread. Most of the posts are discussion about wh lore.
Who would win?

Karl Franz and Deathclaw and his army vs Daenarys Stormborn and her army and Dragons?

Don't listen to the nerds in here shitting on it they're just bitter Darthmod retired and Radious is modding king
Not really. Almost the only bad thing about Attila. No good mods(yet). I just use some fixes.

If you want easy mode maybe.
>fantasy HRE with guns and wizards vs medieval shitskins and a disinherited bitch on an angry lizard
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t. Turkroach.

>Historical twg would be slow

It would fucking die with less than 50 posts, like last time. And don't for a second think that it wouldn't be 90% Osprey dumps and wanking over Rome.
Just fuck off. Even if you're joking.
Will I get more senators if I turn my generals who have high gravitas into statesmen? Does it make a difference?
Epic split thread wars my fellow /gsg/er
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Holy shit treemen are fucking invincible. He started the fight at half health.
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I remember back in my day SFO was a good mod with no intentions on adding stupid units outside ginving Beasties feral manticores, which was fine.

Those were the days, now we got 4 flavors of gors, x-bow men at arms, foot knights, and pistol foot empire generals with no option for the good ol shield.
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Underway stance being reworked is more justified simply because the underway only exists in the world's edge mountain, not all over the map
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>ywn ship gooks cross-country at lightspeed in a TW campaign again

Tree master race stronk
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4 flavors of bestigors is okay though. That was something they had in 6th edition which they never should've lost.

All the other stuff can go fuck itself.
I don't even mind people talking about Warhammer altough I don't like it. But I hate people discussing only lore and memes like this shit >>183832771
>anon tells you to post your fucking campaign instead of whining
>continue to whine

So you're not actually playing total war rome or shogun or anything right now huh?
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Such beautiful carnage, such low texture settings
Knights Panthers can stay. They have a chapter house in vanilla.

Which might mean they will be added by CA
Go back to plebbit or whatever shithole you came.
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Forest needs feeding.
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Also removing marks from beastmen was a mistake.
Skaven will have tunneling stance that lets them jump over seas and harsh terrain n sheeit

Skaven will have "plague" which is a form of corruption that weakens your garrison and lowers public order until a rebel army of skaven forms which then attacks and destroys your city

Skaven will be able to resettle ruins more cheaply than other races

Boom, there's your under-empire
Maybe I did before. Maybe it got lost in warhammer meme shitspam. Maybe I don't care about what some anon commands me to do.
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Modders have been terrible at implementing Marked units (just look at Chaos Divided)) SFO isn't any better, take the mark and what it does, apply it to the unit, make it more expensive.

No one implements the marks without just fucking shit up at random to make them side-grades when they are supposed to be a strict upgrade.
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>walled settlement is attacked
>"The battle will take place outside the settlement."

>ecamped army attacked
>zero fortifications
>refuses to talk about history
>gets mad when no one is talking about history

So you're just here to complain. Why not do something more productive like actually playing a videogame?
>bar is initially in enemy's favor
>eastern and central parts of the battlefield set up in a stalemate, focus on collapsing the west using ranged units so that my western guys can flank and overwhelm central, and they can in turn flood east
>enemy general has fled with like 1 hp (he was on a horse)
>cavalry cleaning up ranged units
>enemy west blob is a cushion for arrows and bullets; my units are winning pretty hard, and my central guys are looking a little shaky, so leave them alone for a minute and fire at central
>a few central enemies take off
>west collapses
>central collapses
>units are freed to attack east; east collapses
>Well executed! That's a mass route if I've ever seen one!
>except not
>enemies keep coming back from routing
>returning enemies keep fucking my guys up
>eventually, they FINALLY mass route
>pyrrhic victory

Lesson: This game requires you to keep fucking up enemies even after they've routed.
Will I get more senators if I turn my generals who have high gravitas into statesmen? Does it make a difference at all?

Don't worry about the total war general, worry about your shitty fantasy general instead, we'll take care of ours.
>This game requires you to keep fucking up enemies even after they've routed.
This is the role that (light) cavalry occupies both historically and in these games.
Still waiting for Chaos Dwarfs.
You know, going back to the 50 or so posts before your own, there's maybe 7 of them that aren't talking about TW.

I get the impression you're just looking for something to complain about.

Yes, you've shown as much.

I honestly have no idea
>That one fucking pistolier/hellcanon unit that refuses to break. Keeping everything else from routing permanently.
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Okay, I checked again and minor settlements don't actually have walls.

The camp thing is still off.
You need to keep harrying them as they flee.

I kind of wish there was a softer cap on stack sizes, just so I could include a couple of units of wolf riders/warhounds for that job without thinking I'm wasting a slot.
In my very hard gelt game, I want to use Outriders a lot, but my question...do the horses allow then to shoot over the heads of my own men, or will I be blowing my men's brains out from behind?

TWW has basically next to no friendly fire, just shoot into your units
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You can build walls on minor settlements.

Also get mods.

Get mods to get boring and OP medieval 2 sieges
Unbreakable artillery was a mistake. I know they're unbreakable in the tabletop, but that's not really the same.
There should be a building for minor settlements that at first adds to your garrison and then an upgrade for it that gives it walls.
you won't ff, at worst you will just be obstructed. Outriders are best used for bullying chaos/vamps as well as autoresolve
Hope you remembered to bring the Marauder Mulcher
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cd projekt red
I would agree with you, but I've watched one of my spearmen get his head blown clean off from stray handgunner fire. It concerns me.
It has friendly fire. Skirmish units are just bit smarter.
most of those have actual lore reasons to be on there, and a little variety that isn't radious-level wouldn't hurt. I don't see the problem here
Hows Imperial Splendor for Empire? I've gotten tired of Darthmeme
Better than darthshit if it wasn't for the "epic" lightning filter thing.
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>what kind of battle you want, git?
>just scheme my shit up, gobbo
With all the people whining over Steel Faith adding in some new units for factions, why don't people complain about Call of Warhammer? All the stuff in SFO is already in that mod, so why do I never hear people complain?
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>Greatest Ally Karl Franz fails to get his shit together and confederate the Empire, spoiling my campaign
Hah, couldn't crack Belegar's armour could ya
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Battle of Dyrrhachium (1081).jpg
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Is 2-3 stacks the ideal battle size?

pic unrelated
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>twf the Chaos invasion is all over, Norsca is razed and your allied neighbors starts to look real tempting

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>Skeleton crossbowmen
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That's what you get, grobi fucking cunt
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Because they aren't really mad, and there are probably only 3 people shitposting. I doubt many people actually give a single fuck.
Belegar spent the whole time killing my general, the hammeres and longbeards never broke and fucked my shit up (even after charging them in the back with cav and other infantry)

Feels bad man
Because no one cares about CoW.

SFO was a decent overhaul mod that suddenly decided it had to add all kinds of retarded shit.
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>Dwarfs won the badlandsbowl
>Post chaos invasion war against the dwarfs
>Have to take and raze their mountain holds

Kill me
>my opponent alt+f4s in qb
>i get the warning about dropping battles

bravo CA
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Who would win in a battle of razing and conquest? Genghis Khan, Attila, or Khazrak. They each have 3 years to sack as many cities and crush as many armies as they can. Who is would be the ultimate despoiler. >History and Fantasy in harmony.
Yeah I'm pretty sure you're right. That one shitposter always speaks in the same manner so I can pretty much see him doing all the drama. That and the 'mods are cheats' guy.
Jesus I'm so fucking bad at Warhammer. Really struggling with beastmen. I can't even manage to afford a 20 stack, so how am I supposed to siege settlements?
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Feels good, man.
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no it has been toned down a lot, this was stated directly by CA
Khazrak and Attila, even working together, are still small time compared to Genghis.
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40 unitvs 40 unit is the ideal battle size. You may not like it but this is what peak warfare looks like.
>17k troops in one battle

Shoulda saved that for the reveal billy boy
Run around and sack smaller ones first. Use your "hidden encampment" stance to hide when you got too much heat.
Don't worry pal, I suck at them too. Warriors of Chaos felt like a breeze once you get chosen but Beastmen felt meh. I think the trick is to just get a shit ton of minotaurs and gorebulls.
How did real life battles keep their framerates up?

False, the truth is we don't know the numbers of Attila's invasion and what they did on their way to europe, but considring the mass migrations of millions of germans it was something of an unprecedented scale, keep in mind at the time of Attila europe was much more populated compare to genghis
They used a lot of ram my dude. At least 8 sticks of ram. Enough ram to alter time itself.

This game is way less forgiving than Shogun 2 in this regard, though. Enemies returning from routing was the exception, not the norm.

Also, my one cavalry unit (can't make more yet) was pretty busy, as I described. I didn't mention the part where the last straw that sent those units in central running was my cavalry slamming into their backs.
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>using sticks of ram when you can just download more

the people itt I swear to g*d
Elephants a shit
why have chaos not invaded at turn 100+ i had the archeron and birdman stacks at turn ~40
mods, boyo
I'm having the opposite case, as Karl Franz Thorgrim just refuses to form an actual alliance, and even though he started strong now he's losing ground to Grimgor.
I don't know what's up but I can't bring myself to fight the battles anymore. I just manage and autoresolve all fights.
>fighting guy in qb
>kicking his ass
>all the sudden wh crashes
>doesn't even come up w/ the "TWW has stopped working"


You have the itch for some grand strategy and/or management game, I think
Sometimes I've been using AI general and just commanding my Lord and Hero around, it's fun if you aren't afraid of some losses.
>tfw karl franz with lightning strike and two empire captains with assault army and witch hunter with assassinate lord takes out four full stack warherd of chaos armies in one round
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I love the tears of the SFOfags to be honest
Definitely. Been looking into Endless Space 2 and Stellaris cause I want to do this in space. Never tried a grand strategy game though aside from Crusader Kings 2 and I didn't like focusing on characters over nations/organizations. Also bought Sins of a Solar Empire on sale yesterday but it's not exactly what I'm looking for I think. Gotta give it more time
that's because unless you've decided to try out a certain army composition and strategy, fight #238189 with the roughly same army composition doing the exact same tactic for the 2498389th time stops being fun

i'm trying out some things like 3x steam tanks, 6x greatswords, 6x handgunners and 4x demigryphs, i'm also going to do some playthroughs where i don't let any heroes take up army slots and i focus heavily on ranged infantry and artillery.
It's a shame they didn't make every trailer in every language like for the announcement trailer.
The German one gives me chills
>there are Larianfags right now on /twg/
This truly is the best general, isn't it?
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Elephants usually get 400-600 kills in most battles I do. I just misused them that battle.
stay away
Did somebody bully your favorite mod
The english one is still the best, but I am jealous of the way German sounds when they roll their tongue
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Endless Space 2 looks interesting, and it has THIQUE Ayys
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>stay away
Haha, no.
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kislev you fuck
Is the game still totally reliant on player roleplay to be fun and interesting?
That's a damn good point. I usually do the standard heavy infantry and cavalry hammer and anvil. Works well and all but damn, it can be boring. Especially in these games where a little too much research, experience, and a shitty AI make for nothing but a sigh when I know I'll spend the next few minutes just watching my men tear through theirs. All while struggling with pathfinding.

I did a ranged playthrough with Parthia but it was a lot of heroic victories out on the dunes where phalanxes can't catch you and autoresolved city takeovers with 1 unit of spearmen to hold the siege equipment.

Said I was looking into it. So far it isn't very appealing.

I like the wildly different races and I'm used to turn based style. Supposedly it has a better balance between management and fighting than Stellaris which is insane management.
What a scheme.
New thread

Yeah the game is still dead boring
no but I need something to do until norsca/tww2

micro manage the enemy army instead.

use only miners with explosives and crossbows and charge resist aura lords, you can get rangers to 40+ movement speed with an engi,

once you learn how to manipulate the AI to get them into one big blob, then use your miners to aoe all at once, then focus fire with crossbow stack to rout / finish off units, enemy army will usually mass rout with massive damage shock / allies routing etc.
>playing belegar
>turn 5 everything is going well
>have two holds captured
>by turn 20 skarsnik has like 7 armies
>three of them full stacks
>get war declared on me by tilea for some reason
>they sack and raze the shit out of my hold
>try to fend them off but theres too many greenskins and humies
>lose last hold

Welp I'm going to start a WE campaign and the first thing im going to do is genocide tilea.
Why is there such a huge difference in actual battles and auto resolve?

I manually fought a battle with the God-Emperor KF where I had full stacks and a full yellow bar against some norsca scum and ended up with a Pyrrhic victory and they made out with like half their army. When I did the same fight (reloaded the game) with auto resolve I had like 10 casualties and completely obliterated the norsca army.
I once had Kislev conquering everything from Kislev to Altdorf
for tzeentch
>Italian mob in space
>you're shit
>CA messed up the auto-resolve system
Pick both, probably.
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belegar is OP, just use the ghost dudes
My Clan Angrund playthrough ended up with Greenskins completely being eliminated completely, and me taking over Eight Peaks just in time for Chaos to destroy the northern half of the map. Now it's one big showdown of everyone vs. Chaos.
share your favorite cheatcodes with me, this one's mine.

massive numbers
my fav factions have to be bretonnia and the empire
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>using cheats
>taking over Eight Peaks just in time for Chaos to destroy the northern half of the map
Fucking hell, lad, what were you doing?
Snickering to myself as the dumb Umgi were getting slaughtered, because I am at last the true king of Karak Eight Peaks again

I forgot to mention, Crooked Moon got BTFO early on my Clan Whatshisface they were supposed to take over, so it really does feel like a cakewalk.

And the Border Princes are bigger than the remnants of the Empire now, occupying many of the southern empire provinces.

This playthrough is just utter insanity all around
Holy fuck, Bretonnia is annoying. Cantankerous ass Wood Elves, orcs, beastmen, Marienburg. Have to confederate stupid ass Bretonnian splinter factions. Shitty infantry, weak ass cavalry and crap economy that wouldn't let you build a big army even if you could (cuz you can't with the peasant economy).
Who needs a working economy when you're wicked chivalrous?
All those problems have solutions, you're not the smartest guy, are you?
>playing that stupid first dwarf battle mission
>defeat the faggot enemies
>copters finally come to back me up when I've got all my guys beating down the last enemy unit standing
>bomb drops right on the enemy and vaporizes about 30 of my own guys
>"haha no friendly fire"

This was on low unit count so maybe that had an impact but it still feels dangerous
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Now I see the light.
No, I'm literally the smartest guy. Fucking idiot. Never said there aren't solutions. Problem is they come at once and it's not the most fun campaign.
I wonder if the Chaos Invasion will be scaled up for the combined map

The post-Chaos wars will be a lot more exciting I tell ya hwat
I'm hoping there is at least some converging conflict that ties them together when the 3rd game is complete.
>more populated compared to Genghis

Southern Europe maybe but Northern Europe still hadn't undergone the demographic explosion that occurred after 700 AD when the Franks perfected their farming techniques to better till the dark, rich soil of Northern France which spread throughout Northern Europe and helped rapidly speed along the trends that were already occurring in Europe with European courts moving northwards to avoid Arab and Berber pirates raiding the coasts
Why did they decide to put the Red Duke as Mousillon's leader and not Mallobaude? The Red Duke is basically a nobody
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Because Mallobaude is not mentioned in the 6th edition army book, only "a knight in black armor". This means that Mallobaude is basically End Times stuff, and CA is staying away from the End Times (which means we probably won't have Nagash doing anything so hopefully Settra steps up to the plate instead)
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