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/dadg/ Darkest Dungeon General

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Thread replies: 820
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Glorious Crusade edition

Previous Dungeon:>>182965959

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Kickstarter heroes & trinkets

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Dev Posts & Patch Notes:

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Less grind mod with some /vg/ skins:

More /vg/ skins:

Musketeer (Latest):

Independent Musketeer:

Clean Steam dump of Musketeer:

/dadg/'s very own Anon-made fem-Abom

Bonus PS4 Trinkets:

Bucket Crusader (also dolphin porn):

Anon-approved newbie guide:
/dadg/'s own champion boss guide, written by Anon:

Anon's updated annotated CC maps:
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thank you vestal
cannoneer, pit fighter and trap maker are apparently good

an anon was making a class called onabushi or something iirc which seemed ok

someone else was also trying to mod the jester
Alright /dadg/, how would you buff the final boss to make him actually threatening ?
He got shit hp, average damage, average stress damage, shit resistances.
The only "hard" gimmick he has is the come unto your maker skill
boss gains buffs/skills depending on who it eats
if you watched the gdc conference, it was intentionally made that way

they kind of hold your hand through the actual combat so you don't lose people before you meat your maker
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seems familiar
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>and of course nobody reads tutorials
>this is what it looks like in practice
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Turn it into a donkey
Does /dadg/ have a discord?
It's not really ours but: https://discord.gg/mEHm3
is Auntie OP

apprentice dungeon from this, almost 25k gold

also got Dismas head and Junias head from a secret room
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Auntie is good for low level medium-long dungeons

Short dungeons she can't use her camping skills which are really important cause of their value, and auntie isn't good in harder dungeons because enemy accuracy increases and Dodge becomes more and more useless
>not using blindfire on your arb and sacrificial stab on your occ
>no bleeds in the weald with tank armored fungi
Do you think they'll add more districts?
I got a lot of extra blueprints and I haven't even begun the CC yet...
Districts make quite an impact in lategame since most of the buffs negate the need to use certain trinkets, allowing you to maximize damage, status effects and heals. Then again I'm floating in blueprints with no more buildings left to build.
it was nice to know that the guy came back, i had seen the clip but didn't know the full story
with the reaction he had its probably his streaming gimmick

he streams DD often enough i guess since i saw it during the CC rush
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Personally I went with Vestal, Jester, Leper, and Man at Arms. The vestal for obvious reasons, just to hold the fort down with healing and the occasional judgement. Jester for some bleed but primarily stress healing. I took a Leper because they can heal their stress and HP along with a lot of HP so I didn't have to give him a torch. Man at Arms for guarding.

For trinkets I had Junia's head and the torch for the vestal, berserk charm and torch for the jester, sun ring and Dismas head on the leper, and rampart shield and the torch on the man at arms. There was a very helpful quirk on my leper as well, eldritch slayer so he got another +10 accuracy from that.
>killed baron
>curse lifted
>made a bunch of runs
>infestation begins again

What a turn off.
Seriously this curse is nothing but annoying shit.
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Reposting for the new thread for anyone interested, crusader skin is finally done


I'm having trouble uploading it to workshop so that'll take a little longer.

that url number was dumb luck
Looks good anon but i prefer my knights with a helmet
yeah it doesn't really add anything to the game, I don't know why some people are so eager to defend it as a game mechanic
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Are there any more swag bags in other rooms? Do I keep going /dadg/, or should I remind myself and leave with the pen?
Wiki says the ancestor journals are really rare as drop, but they dropped like candy for me and i already got them all...
Wiki is extremely outdated. Journal droprates got upped ages ago.
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>vs baron
>houndmaster died earlier in the fight due to double crit from baron's lash and bleeds out before i can heal him
>fight progresses, i take it as slowly as i can
>entire team is at death's door, martyr seal on my houndmaster, baron at 4 HP
>hound's rush misses
>baron goes, uses the AOE attack
>deathblows all 3 of my characters
>this had a ( .33 * .33 * .18) = 1% chance of happening
>i lost 4 crimson court trinkets that were in my inventory
is using two houndmasters cheating?
Absolutely not, HM isn't broken or anything just a good class.
how do you mean? there's no restriction to stacking any class.
is locking quirks cheating?
Is bloodlust cheating?
I mean spamming guards and making the entire team untouchable seems pretty cheesey desu
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>Get back from harrowing blind DD2 run
>Return to this.
That strat starts to get worse the tougher the dungeons get because enemy accuracy is much higher than player accuracy. Can't count the number of times my 93 dodge grave robber got crit.
Dodge can be very unreliable trust me. It's better to dodge spam with Auntie or MAA anyways. Not a bad move though.
if you want to make the entire team untouchable just run 4 maas with bolster

houndmaster's guard still gets screwed by aoes/stuns
You can still open the chest you just won't get as much loot.
On the bright side, your entire roster is stress-healed for it and DD2 parties tend to work really well against Vvulf. His encounter is also easy as fuck now on Radiant/Darkest after the nerf.
So we're all in agreement that rank 1 occultist is the big brain play, right?
Rank 2*

Rank 1 is ideal for comps that play an Abom cause he can use all his human skills at rank 2
>after the nerf
Nani ?
True, it depends on what you wanna do. Rarely do I do it, but I like rank 2 Occ so I can use his pull still.
It depends on the rest of your party. Rank 1 Occultist works great with double Abom for instance, but it's sub-optimal if you brought a Leper or Hellion along.
So at what point should I start upgrading my characters and their equipment through the blacksmith?
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Idea to make self buff skills (like Leper's Revenge viable:
>Using self buff skill grant one extra action for the next turn, usable once per battle only
Insult me, i'm ready
they reduced his hp from something like 230 to 160, might have made some other stuff easier too

i lost three heroes to vvulf pre-patch so i was pretty miffed
Raiders don't appear in normal encounters anymore, you can only see them in the Vvulf fight now.
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post hauls
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You were right about the DD2 team being good for Vvulf. I recall him being harder than this, but then again I didn't bring a MaA last time.
I try to keep each hero's armor/weapon level the same as that hero's resolve level. So ideally all of my level 1 heroes would have level 1 upgrades on weapons/armor, all my lvl 2s would have that level of upgrade, and so on. For skills, though, I just pick the one or two skills which a given hero is most likely to use, and upgrade those as a priority. I wouldn't spend much gold early game on upgrading skills which aren't bread and butter.
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you wanna stockpile some blood before you build the blood district that brews 2 vials a week so yeah, ditch the trinket in your inventory. common trinkets are basically just 750 gold that doesn't stack so it's more worth to pick up gems/gold/blood/heirlooms etc
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Here's a class idea I've been working on all day and night for awhile, haven't gotten the art quite down yet but I wanted to hear some opinions on it.

Big Rock, a tough tank or potent backliner for when things get rough and people get insane. It applies unique buffs to itself and the party in both exploration and combat. Due to the immense strain of carrying, pulling, or pushing such a large rock, the party suffers a -20 SPD debuff whenever entering combat, and every tile traveled now costs 10 torch. To compensate for this, the benefits from the rock are in his insurmountable move resistance, amazing bligh/bleed resistance, and his skills in combat are hopefully a suitable tradeoff as well:

>AOE Guard on entire team usable from the first rank only, buff self PROT by 40% and debuff the accuracy of allies by 20%

>first rank only, buff self PROT by 100% and activate riposte with a -100% DMG modifier on self

>passive self buff usable in 4th rank only, buff self PROT by 100%, prevents retreating

Gather Moss
>move self forward by 4, deal 100 DMG base and stun on enemy rows 1 and 2, put self on Death's Door

Camping Skills:

>Inspiring Stand
>all allies healed for 20% stress

>produce 2 random gold items, cost 50% of HP

>Rock Bottom
>instant death, heal alll allies for 100% stress and remove mortality debuffs

>increase chance of party surprised by 100%

Thank you, thank you for reading.
Looks solid.
I would download this mod.
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Put a torch in it.

For the leper it would be way to easy to abuse

>revenge yourself
>herb the debuff
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I always wanted to use heroes that can go twice even if it's broken.
>Leper chops a pig in half and hews a row of wretches
>BH uppercuts, collect and snorts
is that the rock?
Yeah, more enemies would have to have riposte or something for it not to be broken.
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>likes to explore warrens
>is afraid of warrens
I think that this situation is similar to all your guys dodging blanket fire. The attack roll from planket fire is not rolled per character, just one time. So if it rolls low enough, all your guys will dodge it. The chance of this happening if aoe attacks were rolled per target would be extremely low. Likewise, deathblow chance is rolled a single time for that attack (which in your case happens to be Crowd Pleaser), so it only has 3 possibilities: everyone dies, everyone except the HM with martyr's seal dies, or nobody dies.
He'd have to have a terrible speed too.
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Get off my lawn.
Any tips for Wolves at the Door?

Not a bad idea, thanks anon

From now on I shall take every vial I get
>"This sprawling estate, a Mecca of madness and morbidity. Your work begins..."
What the fuck? Mecca? Why wouldn't they just say oasis? Does Mecca exist in the game world?

Because alliteration is the better alternative, anon
Because beautiful bounties are but a breath away, but brings bad blood to your bed
man-at-arms and bounty hunter make it trivial

everything besides a few dogs are human so mankind hater rings are useful
MMA and spam Bolster + Guard. Male him beefy in the back with the shield trinket. Helps if he has naturally high speed.

That's what worked for me just now.
A mecca is just a term for any center of culture anon, it doesn't just refer to the city.
i refuse to throw away keys just because of that
they can still appear in random encounters
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Forgot pic.
>The sin is not in being outmatched, but in failing to recognize it.
Thanks anon i was waiting for this.
Could you possibly do a white or red recolor so i could use this alongside the bucket helm crusader and not have them wear the same please?
>see woodlady with 43 dodge
>try to mark her to bring that down
>dodges the mark
I want to like this game, i really do, but every time i try to play something stupid like this happens and i have to alt f4 before i get an aneurysm.
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>"I go with a clear conscience. I've given my all."
fuckin hell I didn't order these feels
once you land it she will resist the debuff


leper goes "Spare the others, I am ready."
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>He's not bringing Riposte Groups at Multi-Turn Bosses
Literally no reason not to. They'll wittle the bosses' health down faster than Nuke Parties because they'll also be dealing damage during their down time and if you use a little underrated skill called Emboldening Vapors. You'll be dealing tonsa damage
it's interesting how courageousness of final barks are inversely proportional to how much you probably want to keep that hero around for

leper especially
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Bringing a leeper was a mistake.
Bringing a leper anywhere is a mistake.
Why bring a leper when you can just bring a flagellant and 3 houndmasters?
Hey, just came back to this game after a pretty long break and bought the dlc. Why the fuck does the flagellent have a camp ability that GIVES him 40 stress? like why the fuck would you use that?

Unlike every other class Flag has his very own affliction and will only get that when he resolves checks

Rapturous comes with massive buffs but makes him unpredictable
Flagellant doesn't have virtue or afflictions, once he reaches 100 stress he goes apeshit and gets a buff but can stress out teammates or attack them

You want to raise or lower stress to take advantage of this in key fights
Ok, so im gonna do DD1. Whats a good party comp.
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Okay I don't understand how most skin mods work.
Do they replace all instances of the character with that skin? Does it just add a new possible skin that you could get from the coach?
His rapturous? I tried the courtyard with him and everyone got super stressed. Luckily he's the only one that had a heat attack and hes pretty much unkillable it seems. What does it do exactly?
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I forgot to upgrade my grave robber skills and gear god dammnit
I'm interested in some tips too. Should I avoid bringing trinkets with stress debuffs?
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Completely new skins. Way it works is that every skin has a slot ranging from A to Z. Like pic related

Every class can have a maximum of 26 skins
My experience has been different.

In high level dungeons she still pairs up well with houndmaster, highwayman and man-at-arms. Not all necessarily on the same team, but if you have at least one of those, she's still possibly a viable choice.
With houndmaster's guard buff and her dodge buff his dodge chance goes up above 100% very quickly.
Her + MaA dodge buff can quickly make your entire team untouchable and extremely fast, especially if you're already using any dodge trinkets. There is a lot of difference between 90% enemy chance to hit and 20% enemy chance to hit.
Protect Me is also very good with highwayman, as everyone keeps saying.

My favourite comp for champ wealds, even and especially long ones, is auntie - occultist - houndmaster - highwayman. Handles everything in there safely and with minimal stress, even viragos, but giants take a while to kill.

Parroting what other anons are saying here: Bring MaA and guard whoever gets the bomb. Stacking guard just twice makes the bomb damage negligible. Use retribution whenever you aren't guarding: Vvulf will eat a riposte each time the bomb goes off.

Everything else is up to you: BH and Vestal are good choices, due to BH bonus damage against human enemies and the Vestal's reliable healing.
grave lunger and duelistsadvanceman are both great

maa with rampart and retribution also does work
>Bringing a leeper was a mistake.
this is always the case
>Does it just add a new possible skin that you could get from the coach?

you can change the characters colors by clicking the art icon on the bottom left corner

most skins are just added as another palette
In order to get my lost trinkets what do you all recommend for the shrieker

if you say man at arms i'm going to fucking lose it because this game is very stingy with giving me them
Trouble yourself not over the cost of this crusade. Its noble end affords you broad tolerance in your choice of means.
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I go in game to see it for myself and THE GAME FUCKING KNOWS
Man at Arms.
>can freely edit and add to the backer trinkets file
>cannot do the same for the backer heroes file
hmm yes very interesting move red hook, i see your game
no i actually dont why the fuck cant i edit these shitty heroes
if you don't care about destroying the nest, i'd say leper. very tanky, and there's always the chance of him getting corvid's eye, which is amazing. vestal with double healing trinkets, arbalest, and doggo man are also good.
It's always been self-aware.
My party was Arbalest, Occultist, Hound Master, Man at Arms.

Had Crescendo Box and Moon Ring on the Arbalest. Focus Ring and Demon's Cauldron for the Occultist. Berserk Charm and Moon Ring for the Hound Master. Lastly a Tough Ring and Moon Cloak for the Man at Arms.

I tried to land the debuff for the mark and reduce the dodge. Buffed the accuracy of everyone with the Man at Arms, then guarded anyone who was getting to low HP and targeted him down.
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y-yeah... i did. 6 pt a round bleed is BULLSHITE
>6 pt a round bleed is BULLSHITE
You ain't seen nothing yet.
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Arterial pinch
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Also man-at-arms
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This is s-sort of like corvid's eye right


sigh lost my OTHER vestal to this fucking bird
well shit. what happened?
She went from like 80-0 from peck, got bleed, died on her turn. Not that complicated.
did you use holy water on everyone?
in any case, i've failed you anon, i'm sorry. you didn't even get a good quirk out of it.
At least I got my trinkets back. I appreciate the help regardless.

I think it says something though with how necessary Man-At-Arms is in this game.
yeah, he's basically mandatory in a lot of boss fights, and is useful in any party composition. i'm actually avoiding using him now, just to get some more challenge out of the game after beating it so many times. at least i can use flagellant, he is even more op
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What should I know for the Hag fight? Ignore the pot but what else? How would this team be:
>affliction check against skellimans
You're gonna have a bad time. She sits in the 4th rank the whole time. Bring a Helion or two.

Dodge spam with Auntie or MAA is above average here as well 'cause she has low ACC.
>tfw you got twisted in the first few weeks when you first started playing because you were so shit you didn't understand how to stop stress
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>Arterial Pinch
>PD has her turn next
She is rank 3 and 4. Bounty Hunter can hit her with Finish Him.
>steam says 0% of players have the achievement for having entire roster with crimson curse
Well at the rate it spreads I'm surprised it isn't more
>only 77% have even reached the estate
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Yeah, but that's not very helpful. She's got pretty good stun resist and no one else in your party can stun there. You're better off just using someone else imho.
You know Finish Him does damage even if the target isn't stunned.
Good ol' steam, buy the games you want and never play them.

Duh, it'll probably work it's just not as effective as someone else. Especially when only the HM is benefiting from extra mark damage.

She's like the easiest boss in the game if you nuke her so why wouldn't you want someone else that's more useful?
Hey, assuming the numbers on steam spy are right, and the average cost per copy is $25 (factoring in some sales and them some from silver key sites) that means Red Hook got $8229181.50 minus steam's share from literally nothing
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According to a report by eurogamer in a lawsuit(?) steam takes a 30% cut from all sales so they actually got $5,760,427.05
>She's like the easiest boss in the game
Then let him use the Bounty Hunter.
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any recommendations on how to abuse the helping hand event?
Count the hexes of the corridors my bet is left
Long or medium mission with Auntie and some high levels just to wreck it and get tons of dosh.
Be sure to quote spongebob for its sacrifice quote:
> It's a rock.
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>making custom class
>finally get camping skills to work
>notice only he and the Flag still have camping skills, everyone else lost theirs
>fix it
>now custom class has no camping skills
He can play the game how he wants, bro. I was just suggesting it's not the optimal hero, and if it was me I'd plan it so the odds are more in my favor.

Maybe I'm just too blazed.
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That's because the majority of people who got annoyed by the curse immediately just installed mods to completely remove it or lessen the infection rate.

There's a reason the DLC wasnt very warmly received by everyone, and no, it's just because of a very particular crocodile.

From my experience, bosses are always found on the right side of the map, usually at the top right corner.
Get more scouting.
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>in the warrens
They do spawn in hallway encounters though.
Could someone explain GR to me?
It seems that even if you set a team of jugglers for her to lunge non-stop the damage doesn't seem different from a HWM's wicked slice.
Bone Rabble can spawn in the four default dungeons.

My suggestion is to make all his camping skills unique to him, even those that are tagged as shared like first aid or hobby.

Also, remember to make his camping_skills.json file seperate from the base file anon.
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>one (1) bone rabble
>two (2) drowned thralls
Even the 3 shared skills? Otherwise the other 4 they're different.
has a stun and can whack the backline with her melee attack

doesn't lose damage on her ranged attack like the HWM

self buffs ACC

only thing HWM has over her is riposte
Never mind, missed a bit of what you said. I'll try that.
is Absinthe the worst trinket in the game?

Well, that's what I did at least. The only way I could get the shared camping skills to work was to make them unique to the class, because otherwise it would only show the four custom camping skills.

That said, you may have to experiment the class.info file because that's what dictates how many class specific camping skills you have and how many are shared.
Lunge does a lot more damage than wicked slice. Though you can juggle her a lot of ways. It's so easy even your Crusader can do it.
I feel like the problem with champion being unfun is enemies with high stun resist, high dodge, or both. They deny most backline-killing strategies by being unreliable, making you have to either get lucky or kill everything else instead. And everything else is unreliable to stun, and you can't waste turns on them being resisted, so you have to equip stun trinkets, which hemorrhages either your damage output, making combat last longer, or your chances of bleeds, debuffs, etc. Heroes get separated into "can stun" or "can't stun", "damage" or "too busy stunning", and the strategy behind building a team, which for me is half the fun, gets cut in half.

My experience with Cove champion so far wasnt so bad. In fact the only reason I got out with three guys on deaths door was because I ran into three fucking Chevaliers , but otherwise, the regular Cove mobs were pretty manageable.
What I'd recommend to improve this is to A. add abilities that debuff stun resist (i.e., buff abilities to have that quality), so that you don't necessarily need trinkets to deny a skiver from plunging your anus, and B. drastically increasing the accuracy of abilities that lower dodge, so that the "lul i dodged the dodge reducing ability, nice counterplay :^)" meme can finally die.
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> "lul i dodged the dodge reducing ability, nice counterplay :^)"
After doing that everyone had their skills but opening up the character sheet in-game for my class just crashed the game. Adding the custom class's name to the 3 shared skills in the default.camping.skills file fixed this; at least I think that's what fixed it. Now he has the 3 shared skills + his 4.

Although one of his skills doesn't even have its effect. Anyone know how to add +Virtue chance on a camp skill? Is that even possible?
lunge does (140%)(7-16), wicked slice does (115%)(9-16) at max level, so wicked slice actually does better at the bottom of their ranges, but lunge does more at the top

lunge is crucially better because it hits rank 3, which is usually much higher priority than rank 1-2, and the high crit chance means that you sometimes straight up delete the chump there and get easy stress relief

not to mention grave robber has 3 higher SPD than HWM, so you're often getting the jump on speedy backliners like bone courtiers before they can take any actions
So I've built the Vintners and the Bank so far. What are next for districts?
cartographers camp is pretty good, helps you get more heirlooms to build more districts faster
Cartographers seems really good if you like to have high torchlight.
>Although one of his skills doesn't even have its effect

If it has more than 1 effect, remember to replace the second effect with "code": "b" instead of "code": "a", so that it will recognize the skill as having two effects.

Oh and by the way, anon. Remember to run the localization.bat everytime you change camping skills.
Only one effect and every time I alter something I run the .bat. It's just there's no camping skill that increases one's virtue chance so I had no base to work off of.

Yeah there isn't. I personally want a skill that increases deathblow resistance, but there isn't any either. I wish camping skills could have custom strings like skill effects.
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How the fuck do I beat the Shrieker? This makes me dummy mad.

High accuracy and dodge makes a difference.
Killing the shrieker does nothing except end the fight a little sooner, which means nothing if you can't kill the nest as well in that time. Most reliable method is to build a team of MaA and Vestals, to get shitloads of dodge and healing, where Crush is enough to kill the nest in 4 rounds.
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Hit it very hard.
Arbalest, Occultist, Hound Master, and Man at Arms. Focus on having the Man at Arms buff the parties accuracy and guarding in case of a nasty peck and the Occultist with some accuracy trinkets like a focus ring along with possibly a debuff trinket as well to make sure a mark and dodge debuff hits the shrieker. The Arbalest and Hound Master are for damage.

What happens if you kill the nest?
Gems, loads of gems.
You get 1-5 Puzzling Trapezohedrons, depending on the difficulty. Shrieker drops nothing and killing him prevents you from killing the nest (unless you somehow manage to pop both with a single breakthrough or grapeshot blast), but in exchange you save yourself the stress bomb at the end.
It's not the optimized hero for him since collect is the only one that benefits from human enemies and finish him is optimal if the enemy is stunned. It's not a bad choice but if you don't want your shit pushed in, it might be better to use another DPS that's reliable in weald and her fight; like Hellion's bleed attack would do a better job compared to finish him or add flagellant and make use of her two turns with heavier bleed.
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That was underwhelming...
Good battle music at least.
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I think I found something that'll help us both: I remembered someone's custom class, the Scourge, had a camp skill that gave +deathblow resist and -virtue chance, so I looked at his file and found these.

It lasts until next camp, though. Still trying to figure out how to change that to 4 Combats.
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Do it without torchlight now.
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>brought 2 damage reducers and a guard to vvulf
>complained it was easy even though he still got triple afflicted
They were all at 60+ stress at the start of the mission actually.
And I didn't use curse of weakness on my Occ.
>be prepared
>somehow that's a bad thing
>being illiterate

Is it available on nexus?

Nice find anon.
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Debuff his dodge you can kill him in two turns
No, just the Steam Workshop. Download it there and go to

SteamLibrary > steamapps > workshop > content > 262060 > 947715735
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>Death's Door and bleed
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>all that gear for a one room mission

I see. I'll try that when I get home.

Also, one more thing. Did he include a special script file for the custom camping skill effects? I want to know where he included that deathblow resist
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Best part? It was my last high level Occ

I was very piss off when the fucking bird stole my trinkets just when I got all the trinkets in the game from the final Stone Guardian fight.

I didnt give a shit about my heroes, I wanted my trinkets back

I was angry and I clicked everywhere
These were in the Darkest Dungeon folder

shared > buffs > base.buffs


Oh thanks a lot anon. This changes a lot.
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>testing custom class
>see this

Firekeeper Class when?
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>Death is patient; it will wait.
Speaking of custom classes, I want Ancestor dude to be playable, complete with matching voiced banter
>BH refuses to eat
>'Hah! You've always thought I was weak!"
Eat your pea, Bounty Hunter.
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Wish me luck anons
Minor question, is there any way to just need a single enemy? Just wanted to turn down the damage of spitters for my friend to not get instaganked.
How tough are the CC quests? Like DD level difficulty?
>How tough are the CC quests?
Depends on whether you want to look at online resources, such as maps. Like with the DD missions, knowledge of the map can mitigate much of the difficulty. Like with the DD missions, going in blind can be quite the gamble.
I wish I knew literally the first thing about programming/modding or was any good at drawing. All day long I think of things that would add unique encounters to easily one of my favorite games.

We need Wilbur to randomly spawn if you kill any swine god without killing him. He'd bring a horde of pigs a la pounder/Vulf and/or his new bodyguard.
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The Fanatic rest within one of these two hallways.

Is he worth fighting?
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>tfw this is me too

I've tried so many times to try and learn programming, but it quickly devolves into me getting lost and not knowing wtf is going on because I need literally every aspect explained to me and any tutorials often skip over little details which make it difficult to proceed with learning a language when you're desperately trying to fit in the small gaps they leave in.
you can learn to do either but you won't because you're content with sighing and posting on 4chan
Earn your achievement, anon.
We've used our last log. So that is the state of things.
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I can draw but not well enough to mimic a unique style, im better with oils and impressionism. Guess I could give programming a go but I always see nothing but hostility when people ask where to start. So whats step 0 anon?

Anyway I just want more content. Every other mod is sexy female hero, skin from unrelated game or OP and/or different style.
>oh no a sudden boss fight, better look up the perfect strat

Red hook designed this whole game around playing it blindly, cheating isn't preparation
New player here, how do I use antiquarian?
>being illiterate
Spam Protect Me and Invigorating Vapors in combat. Use her to loot curios. That's it.
Guarding one of the two riposte characters, spamming dodge buff, emergency heals, finishing off enemies with stab or stacking blight with PD/Abom in the cove.

Or just take a 3 stack(4 if youve got balls) with an ambush prevention class to a long dungeon and spam their trinket camping skill until you get some music boxes
Does Vvulf return after you kill him?
If you have 4 vampires then the fights themselves aren't hugely difficult, but if you're playing blindly (as you should) and can't follow the map then sudden crocs can fuck you, so a M@A could be mandatory. A Vestal/Jester/Whatever/MaA team is extremely long-lasting and will let you clear through a shitload of the map if you play it out properly, even in the Countess map. It's all about how long you can last and knowing when to leave (which is usually just whenever you kill a croc), without map-knowledge but good play you can expect to clear each map with about 3-5 embarks.
>I was angry and I clicked everywhere
I can see that.
>the bottle
I'm so sorry.
What does the M@A do for you? Just lots of buffs or what? Also, what is a good third option? Flaggelant seems fairly strong because everything seems week to bleed, and they can keep going forever, but their lack of stuns and whatnot seems like it might make them less ideal than a houndmaster or something.
Its gotta drop at some point. At least there are no ancestor duplicates.
Spamming Rampart on the crocodile makes the entire fight a joke, reducing him to two abilities, only one of which deals damage. Just make sure you have something that can hit the backline because that's where he'll be staying. Flagellant is great for the bloodsucker fights, but if you want the crocodile fights to go a lot faster/smoother I'd bring a highwayman.
Learning programming is hard to start because what language you should learn is always a big debate.

Lots of games today are made with Unity and it's really compatible with C#, but a lot of people suggest a language like C++ because tried and true language of the programming world, but it's a pretty difficult language to learn, especially if you're new to programming (And just so happens to be the language that was used to make Darkest Dungeons engine).

If I had to suggest a language I would say C# just because Unity is becoming more and more popular and it's pretty accessible to newbies and Indie devs, if making game is your long-term goal. If you REALLY dedicate yourself to learning a language and don't give up on it, C++ is the better option in the long run, although if you get into programming and actually enjoy it you can always try and learn it another time in the future.

If you really are a turbo gay-baby then learn Python, it's probably the easiest language.
His stun can break the croc fights single handedly(wouldnt be surprised to see the apex predator get a move or even stun resistance buff) and all his skills except maybe command are potent there. Ripostes are OP right now, guard is always good, bellow can kill low hp targets and set you up for kill confirms with the best debuff on the roster either that round or the next and Bolster is like bellow but for survivability.
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Stukely (HighwayMan) carried these chumps however they were two heavy so he dropped two.
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Just do it anon.

Modding this game is a lot of fun once you understand how it works.
I appreciate the advice and probably give learning one of the two a try. I want to do more reading on elements of game design too because ive tried my hand at creating tabletop before.

Will skip python based on your comment and the fact that I figured it would have such as reputation years ago when I took an robotics class for non majors as an arbitrary computer science requirement for my worthless BA
I would suggest looking up a video called "C# Tutorial for Beginners: Learn C# from Scratch" on Youtube, it's one of the few tutorials I have seen that doesn't take a lot of shortcuts and really takes the time to explain things to you.

Once you have the fundamentals down it should give you some momentum to push forward. Best of luck to you my dude.
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Right after a fight with the Shrieker stressed out my team.
>//Morphine NOW LAUDANUM
Clutch events are underrated. I wish there was a bit more vatiety maybe even upping the frequency to after every mission and remove the frequency option. Its an element that could be quite expanded.

A bar fight that do something like make certain characters enter missions with slightly less health and not with their recent opponent. An Amish style building event that gives you a free upgrade at the cost of random heroes being unavailable for the week. A random, unskippable encounter with 4 random idle heroes with a unique boss that youll see at least once during every vanilla boss set.

More flavor, more variety, less comfort in the hamlet.
Is the room 2 doors east of the start at the Viscount where the blue key goes? I'm doing these blind and don't want to check a map. It looks blue but also purple and I wouldn't put it past them to add more colored locks and keys
Did the Onnabushi mod release or are you the creator

It's not out yet anon. I'll probably release it tomorrow.
Yeah it is. Not really worth unlocking since chances are you took the long way around it anyway.
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What did Red Hook mean by this?
Looks like something is missing, bud.
what the fuck mods are you installing anon, the Dumbest Dungeon overhaul?
>[Darkest Dungeon ALPHA]

Does it share the basic spritework or base with the Hellion? I had a nobushi skin in the works for hellion that I'm wondering about putting it for either class
Pretty much, if only just so. Chevaliers man... Everyone's alive but have had all they can take. Should I open it or it there another way to ditch the key?

Ancestor's ring and mustache cream dropped which is great but makes me shudder to think what he was doing with them here.

Frame wise yes, I modeled it using the Hellion as a base as it is the model that favors robed characters and not to mention that it has fewer parts, but other skeletons for attack animations are taken from other heroes
People say keys show up in provisions next time you start the quest, so I'd guess you can just not take it with you then? It's not too hard to get to the door, you can always just not enter it after you unlock it in case there's combat there.
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Thanks. Taking a break to level some scrubs as I should really remind myself more and not take on as many important and/or high level missions drunk. Need to level some Occultists who I've been cocky with this whole campaign.
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That was a really fun long run. Duelist's Advance + Holy Lance absolutely decimated the back rows.

>literally impossible to lower stress
jesus fucking christ
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So how do I use a Jester now after the nerf? I wanna try him and Abom again. I didn't like them when I first started the game.
With everyone stealing shit, an incompetent employer and even fellow peers cutting each other up and shouting rude and disturbing things when theyre in bad mood who could be anything but paranoid? I mean did you see the guy miss the giant fucking mount of pig flesh with his busted up greatsword? How can you trust any of these useless idiots around you to come through and kill anything let alone properly dress your wounds from the skewers and hooks and 10 pound iron balls to the face you take? I dont trust any of them
>sit in pos 3
>spam harvest
>slice off the straggler
>spam inspiring tune while your non-jester faggots clean up the mess

you are now a master entertainer
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Am I playing this game correctly?
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>Hit the buff tune if someone else is set up to do big damage because it sure as shit aint you
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>stresses everybody the fuck out
>constantly hitting allies and refusing commands
>constantly stalling out the trek but barking whenever I try to use anything

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you're doing well anon
same as before, use bad lunge then stress heal

at least you can dirk stab now
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Been working on a custom class for a few days now, the Rat Keeper, and my first attempt at modding the game. Here's all of his skills, camp abilities, and base stats at max level. The only thing I'm not satisfied with is the skill Flesh from Bone. My original idea was to for it to eat a corpse for a decent/big buff but I simply can't find a way for the skill to require the use of a corpse to activate so until then I've nerfed it to be a smaller buff with a (single) corpse clear.

Also I can't into art so he's just the Houndmaster right now.
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Sounds cool actually. Guess I'm not taking him to the Ruins though.
Only if you reverted the old holy lance nerf
Its on current patch

scatter shuffles all allies? how does rat armor work?
Wow, Mischief makes me wet. I want a mark team with that.
It's basically Confusion Spores on your own party that gives a move/stun resist and speed buff. Originally it worked against the enemies but it felt way to powerful by totally fucking their composition. I changed it to act as a counter to being surprised/group shuffled with a buff and the opportunity to set up for skills like lunge and whatnot. Obviously it's random so your results may vary.

>how does rat armor work?
You toss rats on your ally and when said ally gets attacked the rats retaliate. Mechanically it's just Riposte that you can give an ally. It also has a chance to blight your ally though like the Occultist heal.
base stats are a bit high

any simple draw request?
heroes giving you their requests for drawings
That link shows base stats at level 0, not 6. For example, the the Leper has 530 points if you add up the stun/bleed/blight/move/debuff resistance stats, whereas my class has 500.
>stun/bleed/blight/move/debuff resistance stats
And disease, forgot that one.
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too many paper
whats your estate name?
I've just cleared a path to the viscount and it was a breeze.
However I haven't killed the second fanatic, is it worth it to fight him for loot?
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He died before I could retire him. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
the riposte uses the allies damage right?

do you plan on having someone else do the art?
I like the skill synergy over turns plus high speed. However, if it was up to me I'd make Rat Armor blight to be 3, 5 seems too much for 3 rounds. amd maybe make it +10% PROT rats can't give that much armor. I'd also give Contagion maybe a 1 or 2 damage blight for 3 rounds, but change the DMG mod to -90%. Maybe nerf the crit chance of Lucky Rat to +5%.

Also, really good job on Mischief that's my favorite skill so far. Uses per Battle being at 1 is perfect to balance the double debuff + full team mark.

This type of class is really cool, as well as my type of style, though I'd love to use him/her in game at some point. I hope you find an artist.

>You toss rats on your ally and when said ally gets attacked the rats retaliate.
That's badass.
Fucking kek
A party of heroes taking off necromancer's hood and revealing the Ancestor, all drawn in the style of scooby doo.
Loving the idea, but I feel like the first 2 abilities are a bit overpowered, unless the base damage of the class is fairly low.

>Also I can't art
Gladiator anon here. I'll gladly do art for you if you give me some time till I finish the gladiator BH skin and get my hands on Spine.
I copied that code from the MaA and HWM, the only two who can riposte without crashing the game, and gave it to everyone. MaA's Riposte says it deals 90% damage on retaliation and the HWM's says 85%. I left it at 90%. That's before the -30% damage. I need to test it more though.

Thanks. I'm still tweaking numbers here and there, running him through dungeons to get a feel for his overall strength to see if anything is too strong or weak.

As of now he's got the 3rd lowest base damage (6 - 14) out of all the classes, only above the Antiquarian (5 - 9) and Flag (5 - 11) and sort of between them and the PD/Occ/HM/Jester (all 7 - 13). But yeah, still testing him.

That'd be amazing, thank you for the offer. I still have plenty left to do, like trinkets, barks, fine tuning, and whatnot so feel free to take as much time as you need. That BH skin was looking great, can't wait to see it finished.
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>Thanks. I'm still tweaking numbers here and there, running him through dungeons to get a feel for his overall strength to see if anything is too strong or weak.
Yeah, you've got more experience testing him than I do. I just made a conclusion based off similar moves within the game and how those work for the other classes while keeping in mind the nature/goals/synergy of this class.

Literally just my 2 cents, take it with a grain of salt. Still really like the idea of a rat catcher.
What are some good waifu skins for the various classes?

I tried a cleavage one for the graverobber, and a raven abomination so far.
Agreed with >>183152136
that Lucky Rat's Crit chance bonus should probably be lower. 25% is low, but that's still a decent chance to give a really crazy amount to at least one or two units. Also agreeing with >>183153154 that Gnaw and Thousand Bites might need a bit of tweaking. I'd either bring the damage mod down some more or make the DOT ticks lower by one each. I'm aware in most dungeons its unlikely to have both proc at once, but with some set up you could definitely do it and that would not only have you doing 24 damage over 3 turns, but also giving you a an easy+60% damage mod on Thousand Bites. I love having them both, but the setup might be a bit too easy currently. Personally I also think Groom would be more fair as a 2 point cost skill and Rat Armor could do with an adjustment, but I like the idea of poisoning the class to give him some reactionary offense.
Overall it seems both interesting and fun to use, and I hope you see it through to completion m8. Would definitely love to see it in the workshop for future use.
Those are nice and so is the Arbalest, Crusader, Plague Doc, and Helion with exposed midriff are great.Vestal with her hair down is cute too.
Quad Highwaymen. All doing Duelist Advance on the Nest. That fucking Bird won't know what it hit.
What do you guys think of a mod that adds more Darkest Dungeon missions to before the Heart of Darkness? It felt like a fairly short experience for me, and I'd like the "never again" debuff to have more of an impact. I was thinking around 3 more missions, perhaps one of them being a boss-rush style thing where you can't bring the perfect comp for each fight.
>25% is low, but that's still a decent chance to give a really crazy amount to at least one or two units.
My thoughts exactly.

>Personally I also think Groom would be more fair as a 2 point cost skill
>Overall it seems both interesting and fun to use, and I hope you see it through to completion m8. Would definitely love to see it in the workshop for future use.
This as well.
What happened to the Anon who was making that Samurai Hellion Class?
Rats in the Wall should most definitely have a time cost of 4 instead of 3. Every other prevent ambush camping skill does besides Occultist's but his stresses everyone out.

Here lurking. The class is done. Will release it tomorrow.

Trying to make Countess into a class at the moment because Im bored.
This, plus Dirk Stab shuffle with a GR, HWM or MAA.
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>Think of an additional passive/ buff gimmick for a custom class idea i've had, a gimmick which I really like
>Don't know whether to make it a camping skill, a trinket set/ trinket buff, or part of one of his skills
This balls-deep hellion build of Lioness Warpaint + Martyr's Seal hasn't been very effective for me. Do I need to bring an antiquarian? She spends the entire mission taking hits without getting healed and by the end of a medium ruins she's barely on half health, every attack gets thrown onto shit like my bounty hunter instead.
>Invite expired
Newfag here. From all the tips I've read, there's only one thing I don't understand.
Almost all people seem to agree that upgrading the guild is one of the most important things to do first, but whenever I check the skill upgrades they seem greatly underpowered? Why are they so worth it?
you need +accuracy if you don't want to ragequit the game

every level of almost every skill adds another 5%

also at champion every number counts, you don't want to leave enemies at 1 hp and let them take another turn
also resistances, your stun/bleed/blight/debuff/move skills need to be levelled if you ever want them to work against stronger enemies, at champion you'll even want trinkets to make them remotely reliable
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Guild & Blacksmith

Blacksmith upgrades your base HP, Dodge, Speed and Damage
Guild increases your chances to succeed with abilities as well as the multipliers on those abilities.

i.e. Leper's accuracy with his moves goes up by 5 per level
The crit chance may increase
The bleed or blight damage per turn may increase

The buff %'s might seem small until you consider that they stack up to three(or their duration) times.
And nothing stops you from bringing 3 Plague Doctors to drop a buff on a transformed Abomination every turn.
They nerfed the houndmasters bleeds? Thats annoying.
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>finally finish killing the brigand 16 pounder
>tfw lose highwayman that pretty much carried the party to last 2 brigands
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>make class mod from scratch
>no dev tools to force spawn to check on stuff

god damn it.
>you can't go back to the courtyard after killing the countess
what the fuck, I could have easily continued but wanted to drop off the numerous CC trinkets to have more free space, I didn't even see whats beyond the green and the blue gates, what the fucking shit is this, I bet there were more CC trinkets there
Yeah there were, and yeah it's not very intuitive, but the countess map beyond the countess is intended to be a sort of "bonus round" of how well you managed to survive the fight. There are a few CC trinkets in it for you but you'll probably have to deal with a crocodile unless you cheat with a map. It's pretty easy to farm the garden guardian though so don't worry about it too much.
A Level 0 Abomination has a base damage of 6~11 and a speed of 7
Transformed he gains a 10% damage bonus and +1 speed.
10% damage means he only gets a bonus damage if his initial strike does 10 or more damage.

With 3 Plague Doctors spamming Emboldening Vapours on him he gains +75% a round, capping at 225% on round 3. A total of 235% damage boost.
This makes his damage range between 20 ~ 36, rounding down every time.
He is also guaranteed to go first as his speed is now 27 + 7 + 1 or 35.

A Champion Abomination has a base damage of 11~20 and a speed of 9.
Transformed he gains a 25% damage bonus and +5 Speed.
25% damage means he's getting anywhere between 2~5 damage bonus depending on his roll.

With 3 Plague Doctors spamming Emboldening Vapours on him he gains +99% a round, capping out at 297% on round 3. A total of 322% damage boost.
This make his damage range between 46~84.
His speed is also now insane: 9 base + 5 transformation + 63 vapours = 77 speed.

A Leper undergoing similar treatment while also buffing himself 3x with Berserk. Ends up with 402% damage increase.
This makes his damage range between 65~130.

Of course there are always trinkets, quirks and rabies to bump it up another 40% or so.
Intermingling some +crit in there might give you riskier but better results- if the RNG loves you anyway.

Not even to mention spamming Rake 3x for an extra 75% bonus
or Highwayman 3x Tracking Shot + Point Blank Shot
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Protip, tired of your HWM's getting stressed too much? Put on the CC set, I fucking guarantee they will never be targeted by a stress attack for the rest of their lives.
Seems very OP desu. I mean 8 damage per round from blight and bleed and still only -75% damage?
Or a mass mark + debuff. I think you've got a lot balancing to do here. Sounds interesting though.
I'm getting extremely annoyed by the curse and bloodsucker type enemies as well. Might mod it out myself.
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Wanted to try putting snort's helmet on HM dunno which one looks better. Full helm is what I was going for but the hair over top works even if it looks a little goofy and makes it mask-esque
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won my 1st croc battle today
my anus was clenched the whole time
that bastard kept going after my vestal
I downloaded the latest version of the bucket helm crusader and female crusader but they still look fucked up in combat stance why the fuck does it still happen.
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You made sure to overwrite the files right?

Bucket should look like pic related in his folder. If he isn't then you didn't overwrite the old sprites
if you ever want to make them a joke go Vestal-Arbalest-HWM-MaA, give the MaA a rampart shield and spam it on him while the rangeds shit on him from afar with marks and ripostes
>ignore a secret room even with a key because im saving them for chests that may have crests in them
>walk by eerie coral even with medicinal herbs because everyone only has "will not go to this stress relief place" quirks

lategame is weird
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Finally done with the basic idle and walking sprite work.

Any ideas on what her skills would be?
probaby a mix of the flagellant and the abomination
yes i did but they still both look fucked up ingame
I was wondering, are there some cases where i wouldn't want to heal rabies?
dick suc
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How indecent.
>Sway With Me
Just like the Countess' ability, always wanted to see Stumble on an enemy
>Midnight Minuet
Just like the Courtesan's ability
>Damsel in Distress
Just like the Courtesan again
Minor damage, -PROT debuff and stun chance
>The Thirst
Moderate damage + moderate bleed, forward 3, moderate self-heal, transform to Mosquito form for a few rounds and stress everyone out. One use per battle.

While in mosquito form, can't use Sway With Me/Midnight Minuet/Damsel in Distress (still can use The Thirst), gains stress per turn, access to following abilities:

>Indecent Proposal
Just like the Countess' ability, but lower numbers than the boss' obviously
>Love Letter
Basically Rain of Sorrows (application affected by bleed resist), but with a nuke at the end.

After the rounds of mosquito ends, moves back 3, -3 SPD for 3 rounds, and a minor self-heal

So an abomination with buffs, bleeds and a whole bunch of memes tacked on.
Don't forget the permanent, incurable Crimson Curse. Maybe bringing her should have a chance to spawn Fanatics, even without infestation, as a balancing act.
Vampiric self-heal and debuffs. Permanent Crimson Curse too.

Yeah that would neat. She could provide a passive buff to cursed heroes. Not sure how to trigger increased spawn rate for Fanatic though.

>Basically Rain of Sorrows (application affected by bleed resist), but with a nuke at the end.

What do you mean by nuke?
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tfw comfy first hallway secret room and collector

What skin is that on the arbalest anon? Looks neat.
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Speaking of the Countess, why the heck did the Ancestor decide it was a good idea to give her blood as beverage?

I think he hated the nobles so much he made them drink somebody's blood just to spite them

He's a noble himself though
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Interior crocodile alligator fucking kill myself
Why the heck did he decide it was a good idea to excavate the ruins of primordial Evil? Guy was mildly insane even in his younger days.
In time you will know the tragic extent of his failings

Funny thing is he got the idea to do that after drinking the countess' blood

it gave him visions of something beneath his estate
So what would a Flagellant say if he had the regular afflictions?

-Fight harder or the flail will be your
-I bleed for you all and disappointment is your offering?
-More blood has been spilled on our side than theirs!
-A waste of blood and flesh is what you are!
-Go! Bleed for your true masters!


-All these scars...all these lashes...all for nothing?
-I gave myself to the lash and yet I still suffer.
-The blood, the itching, it won't go away...
-The esctasy of the pain is not enough to free from the hopeless days ahead.
-I have given every pound of flesh I have already! Why won't you listen to me god!

I wouldnt say tragic considering he had it all coming.

That part felt really tacked on. How the fuck does mosquito vampirism help you perceive cosmic horrors? Considering there arent even any hints of eldritch things in the Courtyard.
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Tips for the Alluring Siren? I was going to bring:
>Auntie so she gets charmed

We're probably gonna find out in the next DLC or something that the Countess was a humanized fragment of the heart of darkness or something looking to influence humans into unearthing it

and to be fair a curse that turns people into literal bloodthirsty insects with no clear source besides a single strange woman is kind of eldritch
Stuns are useful.
Just keep in mind the siren will not always pick the same target for charming regardless of resistances.

I want the next dlc to be related to the sea/ocean or maybe an island near the hamlet.

Settings like that are always comfy, as show by the Cove.
Look in the monster's folder. Change the values for spitter to something else.

Spoilers abound.
Can you smell what he's cooking!
What is roughly a good team comp for the Ruins?
Crusader is decent since he has the +Dmg against unholy

Vestal / Plague Doctor / Graverobber / Crusader
I believe there's a total of 3 top-tier loot spots, one after the boss and the other two at opposite ends of the map. You'll need shovels. If you've btfo vvulf, why not keep going?
fuck you
Plague Doctor / Grave Robber / Vestal Profane Scroll mandatory / Crusader
Make her a generic vampire instead of the countess.
I brought Occ, Hound, Hound, Hellion stacked nothing but dodge for my first try. Out dodged her calls by turn 5 she bleed to death.
I'd either hope for this or a Rats themed one
Does the crimson curse disappear once the dlc's last boss killed ?

Not a fan of the Crusader, too slow.

My favorite ruins team is this


pulling the backrow enemies, good blight, stuns and debuffs with marks.
>inb4 "Rats in a maze" DLC
Do it
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I like it
It's all banter desu
Stupid question: do the trinkets that say "crimson court" only work in the crimson court?
They work everywhere senpai

The CC shit means they can only be found there
>increases party surprise chance by 100%

My fucking sides
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>Being this sensitive
Is it worth taking crusader anywhere but ruins? whats best party makeup for him? Best abilities? Been ages since I played

I love crusader
Hes ok but sub optimal in the cove. Youll get the most mileage from the crew fight.

Outside of his bonus damage to unholy crusader is just a fairly well-rounded class with nothing special

He can tank, but other classes are more specialized for it. He can deal fairly decent damage, but again other characters are specialized for high damage. Same deal with his stress/health healing skills
I think taking him as a stress healer is a good deal, the jester is too weak now and the HM's heal is not too reliable.
Then mix that up with all that free light he gives and you can even save money in early game by not buying torches.
Puppet Theatre or Cartographer's Camp first?
I'm already at champion dungeons.
He's only good for (stress) healing and stunning, those can be brought anywhere your heart desires.
Bank first.
I already have the bank, I didn't even bring it up.
Cartographer's in that case, then. I assumed you had no buildings at all.
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oh boi he bout to do it
Cartographers camp
>6 rooms
>longest and most gruelling
I dun get it
So what the hell is Blight, anyways? Heroes mention it in their veins, but it works against skeletons. It's applied through various means that could make it a toxin, or an acid.
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>R E M I N D E D
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You will be missed
I've always gone by the assumption that blight is some sort of rot. So blighted characters are literally rotting away or something? I dunno, that makes sense to me.
Do the Sun/Light Trinks work in the last DD?
The length their talking about is the dick that's going to rape your ass
Yes: Bloodlight is equivalent to 75 light
Thanks team
Did this mission yesterday: I swear I saw 80% of the rooms in the fucking place.
>Using a map.
>make my healer stress neutral with a new trinket
>immediately her Necrophilia or whatever triggers and she digs up a Grave
>+30% STRESS
>implying I used a map
I drew my own map and still found the exit in less than 9 rooms
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Is the granary shit ?
>comfy camp
>torch is lit
>snuff out the torch
>this is a no-torch run

It's only good to save you a little money for early game and pack extra food for long missions. Other than that, it's shit. It could use a buff like extra healing every time you eat food or give you a 50% discount on other provisions.
I was not ready for the crocodile. Jesus Christ bringing Dismas and my vestal from half health to deaths door in one blow. How do you kill that motherfucker? Why is that a level 1 quest.
post meems
From what I've heard, you need to download overpowered class mods on the nexus, expand your inventory to crazy sizes, and use like, six trinkets per character.

It should negate negative food quirks
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Did that anon ever post a third picture?
>From what I've heard
Go back to where you heard that from.
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Does that hidden room with the hostage even exist?
I actually got scouting over there and nothing showed up.
So if you equip this on a Wasting hero in town, after a quest does this mean a vial is saved?
Consider me impressed then: The one time I got teleported apparently fucked my sense of direction. Still not as harrowing as DD2 though.
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The DEUS VULT! estate, of course.
>he didn't witness the drama last week
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Delivering the "Flagellant as fist of the north star" drawing.

Hope you like it.
It's there a point to taking Antiquarians on a medium or long Dungeon run? I always seem to fill up my inventory before I even camp, so the extra loot you get seems to be wasted.
>is there a reason to have 2500 gold stacks and loot that stacks to 20
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It's beautiful.
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oh shit.gif
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>those transparency issues

Fuck. I don't want to fix it now.
wait Antiquarians up your stack sizes? I didn't realize this.
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Requester here, that's fucking amazing, I absolutely love it. Good work.
>50% Virtue Chance from items alone
But my memes come with a price... you must shitpost a lot with them! ahahahaha!

No please don't do it this general is incredibly comfy, I can't even believe how little shitpost there is.

Fucking neato anon.
>not You're already bled.
Wasted opportunity
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>stack Virtue on the hero that always procs Virtue
>get into an absolutely shit fight against a Shambler
>healer is 1000% worthless as usual and panics
>expect him to go virtue and redeem the situation slightly
>he doesn't
It's like, what the fuck is the point of even planning? Might as well slap whatever random garbage I can into the party and use random attacks to get to the same end result.
Blood sacrifice has ties to the eldritch itself (cultist brawlers, how the game ends early in Stygian because of the bloodshed). I think it's believable that the bloodsucker is a variation of eldritch mutation.

As to why it's not classified as eldritch, probably 1) the game has enough eldritch enemies as it is and 2) eldritch classification is a bit weird (swines are eldritch summoned into pig vessels, but are not of type eldritch, meanwhile mushroom enemies are eldritch, but unclean giant isn't).
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For whoever was asking for the skin the other day, i've just uploaded it on the workshop/nexus.
Let me know if shit like flickering white lines show up, i haven't been able to check all the sprites in-game yet.
Isn't this game finished?
For the rat guy, loving your idea, know a couple artists I'll ask them if they're interested
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>Marty's seal nipples
Virtue chance trinkets are absolutely worthless, sell that shit and get some speed/dodge trinkets instead.
>Gather moss
Shouldn't it be "Gather no moss"
>Darkest Dungeon on the Vita
That sounds fun, actually.
I thought about that, but it was either keep seal nipples or modify all the other sprites. It's virtue anyways noone will ever see it.
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Help a nigga out.
Isn't Virtue like a 30% chance?

Curse him.
Wow I'm retarded. Forgot to ask whether I should go left or right.
All your heroes get cured, and you can now treat it like a regular disease
Ok I've reached the Viscount and I'm a scared faggot who would like to know how to minimize my losses against him.
I've lost too many heroes already
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Virtue chance is 25% base (unless flagellant). Caps out at 95%.
Both rooms are at equal distance from the entrance. You've got 50/50
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You need riposte and DoT's as he takes so many actions per turn, marks are useless since he takes so many actions

Highwayman, MaA, Flagellant, and Occultist are what I beat him with because they just riposte'd and debuffed his damage

The hard part is not getting your party already nuts by the time they're dead and his 4 actions mean 4 chances for crits

You can Alt+F$ instantly on a deathblow to cheat death but that's no fun
>75% chance to Virtue
Spoiling myself is the most I do to cheat. I don't altF4 or use mods.
Thanks anon.
help i'm addicted to backer trinkets
the cure is death anon
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What quirks should I seek to lock in on a stunbot/stress healslut crusader?
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quick reflexes, early riser, on guard/quickdraw
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This is what I'm looking for on all my PDs.
>not running slugger, precise striker and warrior of light with dissection kit and bloodied herb
>not nymphomania and deviant taste
what the fuck is this hsut? Antiques > Gold > Everything else. ditch gems for Gold.
The only gems you ditch are jades and citrines, maybe onyx. Every other gem can stack up to be worth equal or more than a stack of gold with a single auntie

There's one problem anon

>A rolling stone gathers no moss
Any modder here can explain what this line means?

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I have no trouble dealing with Crimson Court enemies.
Except for the Chevaliers.
FUCK Chevaliers.

How good is the Cannoneer?
Am I crazy for giving Bloddy Herb and Dissection Kit to a PD and use her incision as a damage dealer against bosses?
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>hiring godless degenerates
He can get +300% dmg buff for 3 turns, which stacks up to 900%. ActionJack made an attempt to balance this by making Cannoneer unable to perform the default Move action.
If they get an atttack buff from another mob and attack, it is ogre. Hope you enjoy eating 40 crits/bleed on 2 party members.

So you either cheese the place and bring lots of stunners to keep everyone stunned or you roll a dice to die everytime your stun fails against him

Nope, is great alongside a battle vestal
I'm at my second playthro and i wanted to change things up, would the 3 trinkets mod make the game too easy?
also how balanced is the conqueror class mod
you get a lot more Gold instead of gems. in the lon rung Gold is a better choice.
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>Auntie Shekels
Why are religious team members such shit? Meanwhile heathens are shreking every position with high damage and racking up loot.

Doesn't the damage buff come with an accuracy debuff?
I had no idea BH was into that sort of thing.
It's marginal and offset by almost any +acc trinket or skill
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Crusader is a great stress healer and jack of all trades tank with amazing camping skills, Vestal is the best source of reliable healing, Leper shits out damage with a few acc trinkets and quirks, and Flagellant is flat out OP.
Reconsider your life, heretic.
I really like the abomination but its really rare that I want a party comp that is completely devoid of religious characters. I hope the religion rework makes aboms less restrictive. They aren't nearly OP enough to justify how restrictive they are.
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My first blind Darkest Dungeon run ended with success. RIP my best Hellion. Also Arbalest was a dead weight in boss battle because SHUFFLING Horror (I should've guessed).
Degeneracy indulges gorging itself on petty excess. Consider that all your extra damage and loot could have been prayers in service to the most high.
I think the word shuffling is incidental to be fair, it just describes the way something moves while scraping its apendages across the floor.
>Why are religious team members such shit?
They came first and their kits seem a lot more basic because of that, except for flagman.
Flagellant is fucking great.
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>First blind Darkest Dungeon run ended with success.
>RIP my best Hellion.
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>kill trash
>get ancestor trinket
what in the fuck?
are there any good gameplay mods out there?
Yeah I know. Sneaky bastard.
>trouble yourself not with the cost of this crusade

Also, this is only the beginning right? Enemies in the first dungeon already almost ripped me a new one.
It's very rare but possible.
So basically it's broken af?
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I feel like this comp is risky as hell against the prophet but I'll try it anyway.
I also forgot to bring extra torches to deal with the Occ's stun reducing the light level, woops!

Wish me luck!
Well he's a bit weak without the buff and has less ACC than other classes, +if he gets stunned or unable to act you lose the buff quickly.

I dunno if you could say he's balanced but he's not that strong either.
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I think the mod might be broke anon, either that or my game is

The weird thing about him is that he's kind of designed to be played defensively with his ripostes. You've really got to set him up to deal consistent damage
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Rip my favorite GR.

Have you tried running localization.bat?
Why would you even bring a HM to prophet.
yes sir
Marking, guarding an ally if they have shit dodge like my Occ and attacking when marked of course.

What about the camping upgrades and weapon grades? Are they not displaying too?
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Camping skills work, blacksmith crashes the game

Wait, let me check again.

Oh and what difficulty are you on and are you using the Steam version or GOG?
Radiant, Steam version
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For this achievement, do they just have to be alive for when you enter the 4th Darkest Dungeon or do they have to be in it?
They have to enter the mission themselves. They don't, however, have to survive.

That's odd. It's not crashing for me. Are you perhaps using any mods that change or rebalance upgrades?

I'll trying checking the upgrades.json to see what went wrong.
I was using the Steam workshop version, downloaded it from nexus and drag and dropped and it's working now.
So the Blood you collect from quests are her blood? It does kinda make sense why the members of the court who were banished are begging you for it.
Question on this, do you have to complete the dungeon (even if they die) or do they just have to go in there once and even if you lose you get the achievement
Just enter the mission and you get the achievement.
Nice. I'll just keep them off to the side until then so they don't accidentally die

Please tell me or post on the nexus if you find any problems anon.
go into the stagecoach files and edit the starting classes
holy shit it's here
Go into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\_windowsnosteam

Click darkest_command_line

type "-size 1366 768 -norestore -alltrinkets"
mask looks better, but whats it for?

you can also get them from giving blood to the fancy beggars in the courtyard

Wrong post
sadly no

you need a critical scout, crit scouting chance is half your normal scouting chance
no, they still drink a vial if its available
Alright, how would you make self buff abilities like Leper's Revenge (and to an extent Emboldening Vapours but this one is alright) viable ?
I feel like the majority of self buff are way too situational to use regularly and just aren't worth "wasting" a turn while you could do damage/stun instead.
What do ?
Leper's self buff: Doesn't use up the turn (Like Abom's transform), and add -33% Max Hp Debuff.
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>wanna fuck vestal but can't because of her chastity belt and horrifyingly arousing psychological baggage
>wanna fuck plague doctor but can't because she always wants to use drugs and has weird science-y dirty talk
>wanna fuck hellion but can't because she'd obliterate your pelvis/lower spine and would musk you afterwards
>wanna fuck grave robber but she'd only be in it to steal your wallet and rob your house as you slept
>wanna fuck arbalest but she'd start calling you daddy and burst into tears, plus she can't wrap it if it's in rank 4
>wanna fuck antiquarian but she'd burn that weird screaming incense of hers and use your spooge to fuel her magics
>wanna fuck musketeer but she'd constantly try to one-up you and has that god damn inferior/superior complex
>wanna fuck cultist witch but she always wants the tentacles to join and that stresses you out
>wanna fuck siren but she looks awful without makeup and smells kinda fishy
>wanna fuck hag but she always wants you to 'lick the spoon' and insists that her cooking pot watches
>wanna fuck crone but she always brings the fucking clickers and doesn't lock the door even with 4 doggos
>wanna fuck virago but she's super awkward and shy all the time, has halitosis and talks to her mushroom garden
>wanna fuck courtesan but she always talks shit about your crew, plus her nose always pokes when it's time for smoochy
>wanna fuck countess but she has a ton of kids, drinks all the time and gets livid if you squeeze her butt
>want to make a death's door flagellant with martyrs seal and shit
>know its a terrible idea

Talk me out of it. Talk me out of hurting myself.
Different person here who is making skins and some other stuff. That doesn't work for me. I need to test my stuff on a vanilla build, and I'd also have to edit skills so I could force affliction checks. Right now I can barely test my skins since I have to hope I get the needed character in the stagecoach.

I can test idle and walking animations pretty easily but if I want to test battle animations it's impossible since a lot of the characters have more than four animations and I can't switch skills mid-battle. Camping sprite is a pain as well.

Testing Virtue/Affliction involves taking only a single character into a higher level dungeon and hoping there isn't a battle in the first corridor. Then, I walk back and forth until the character reaches 100 stress. After that, I retreat. Then I have to stress heal the character in the bar or something while I run a party through a quest. Repeat until I get both virtue/affliction.

If I could, I would just copy over the Jester's stress heal twice and make one version give +100 stress and the other remove 200 stress. Maybe add whatever allows the Abomination to transform without using a turn as well. I would still have to find a battle and stall for that to work but it would allow me multiple shots at trying.
>hurting yourself

way to stick to theme
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It's nice to crit, isn't it?
>Doesn't use up the turn (Like Abom's transform)
Holy shit, finaly an answer to my problem
Thanks anon

If you're testing on radiant, remember to change the stagecoach.json also in the modes folder.
>Go into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\_windowsnosteam
>Click darkest_command_line
>type "-size 1366 768 -norestore -alltrinkets"
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>she always wants to use drugs and has weird science-y dirty talk
What's the problem.
>Different person here
>I need to test my stuff on a vanilla build
>clutch aunty stabs with an inventory full of dosh
I love her /dadg/
It is vanilla you fucking retard
okay, what fucking triggers hunger? It's been 4 rooms, and 27 hallway tiles, and these fucks have already consumed 12 portions of food.
>change the stagecoach file

You fuckers didn't even read my post before vomiting out useless garbage. I'm not the one changing the stagecoach and I'm also running a Steam version. There's no way I'm putting unknown commands into the command line on a version I don't have.
its an invisible tile
IIRC unless you're playing radiant hunger checks are generated randomly.
Is playing Radiant mode a Sin?
It's literally packaged with the steam version. It's for modding purposes.
Not in the CC though?
You can use the one in C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DarkestDungeon\_windows if it triggers your autism too much.

All the commands I gave do is start up a default estate with one of each hero and all trinkets. It doesn't effect your save game at all.
They're planning another DLC?
Is there a release date or any info?
If it's not your first play through then yeah it is
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iirc premade maps have set # of tiles

probably, no real information outside of the claims of strangers on the internet
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>giant frogs
Fake leaks, the real deal is JAWESOME!
I did it for the achievement. Not a sin.
>Crusader in heavy armor: 0% prot
>Man-at-arms with a big fucking shield and some bulky armor: 0% prot
>Some faggot brigand wearing a heavy leather vest: 25% prot
>greetings from CHINA!
>that pic
those shards look pretty cute
>skeleton wearing a single shoulderpad
>25% prot
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didn't know they commissioned the trinket art then modified it themselves
Dummy here, why do all the good trinkets give me -speed or +stress?
I'm too big a pussy to go for the tradeoff
Maybe it's a girl skeleton.

they wanted every trinket to have some trade-off

the stronger ones give you extra stress which wont directly fuck up your combat stats

+Stress isn't a big deal at max level.
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>do a short champion quest with a bunch of people using rank 4 equipment and skills
>meet the collector
35 turns for this
I'm not sure if it was worth it.
Annihilating shit in one hit with Dismas' Head won't increase any stress damage taken.
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The originals kinda suck ass
>Fury of the Weald
Fucking cool. Pyromaniac class to counter it when?
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>Try out a riposte party
>Poor fucking brigand gunner gets banished from reality by 60 damage counter attack
why is this allowed?
Cool, thanks.
He knew the consequences.
Because he deserved it.
I've beaten all the champion level bosses and I'm about to start on the DD. Should I download crimson curse and finish that first, or wait until after I've beaten the core game fully ? I do want to play crimson curse but I don't think I'm going to do another playtrhough . Can I complete crimson curse using my same file after I've beaten the darkest dungeon ?
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Replace the skull with a normal human head and bam, new class.
Honestly why has no one made a pyromancer class yet? That would be absolutely dope as fuck
If I was more versed in DD balance I would try my hand at it. Could possibly add a new dot called burning to the game or something
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I actually think it's best to get the first 3 DD dungeons over with before you start the CC. That way you'll only have the last easy stretch left, and won't get fucked over by blood/curses/mosquito niggers (while leveling up new DD recruits).
I didn't practice what I preached though, when I discovered you had to enable the dlc to get hold of the districts. But the dlc will fuck you over regarding town events.
That's a big plague doctor
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Bring holy waters and an Arbalest. Her charm works on your debuff resist and Rallying Flare ups your debuff resist so you can get her to waste a turn here and there hopefully.
A pyromancer class would be the shit.
Adding it to my list of future projects It's never getting done.
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Why his mask is shaped like like this ? How can he even see with the weird frog eyes
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>never getting done
why do you think he keeps missing
Why do you think his accuracy is so low, Anon?
rule of cool
>"crusader, hold my beer. Imma show you guys how that Wang guy spoke like!"
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To hide as much of the area surrounding his eyes as possible

Only thing that's ever bothered me about the Leper is his mouthpiece being open, but much like the eye thing it's because it looks
>How can he even see
He can't, with or without the mask; just look at his accuracy.
Why do people hate the leper?
Outside of shuffling bosses he's a great pick to any comp.
I like him but if he could stop bleeding on every attack that would be great.
Seriously he got a fuckhuge armor covering his entire body but he still bleed out when he get a papercut
I believe the correct approach is build a party around a Leper rather than put the Leper in your party since he's going to either be a huge source of damage or a constant missing machine

I think an also unsaid reason is he's going to be taking a whole lot of DoT and impacts so a strong single target healer like the occultist is almost necessary and people are divided on his ability to heal

I would also say his damage isn't always insurmountable because I've almost always needed to put ACC trinkets on him for him to hit anything so i can't max out his damage, he's still my favorite class
>>great pick to any comp
>can only attack in 1-2
>can only attack 1-2
>poor speed
>poor accuracy

on the other hand
>good damage
>good hp
cant hit the backrow

i would rather have a hellion who can kill the backrow, double stun and have good damage

man at arms can hit up to rank 3, stuns and can save allies

a BH can pull the backrow and stun

leper doesn't bring anything unique
The Leper practically doesn't require a dedicated healer with solemnity and withstand on top of gaining decent status effects resistance with the former, on top of the massive health pool he gets.
too fragile
>Can't stun
>Can't heal other people
>Can't stress heal other people
>Only intimidate can hit ranks 3 and 4 and that is very low damage at best
>Can't hit ranks 1 and 2 due to accuracy
>No blights or bleeds
>No party buffs
>Can't guard anyone with his big HP pool
He is good if you take him to a boss run that isn't the Hag and you are planning to be a meat grinder or want him to be self-sufficient so you can tend to your other members. His utility is limited.
Maybe you're too reckless. Hellion is a much better front liner due to having bleed, being able to hit all four ranks, and is able to stun rank 1 and 2 at once. She is just straight up better, though still gets screw in a shuffle if she is in rank 4.
Nah she's fairly fragile, BH even moreso.
Then obviously if you don't want someone that you claim as fragile up in front then then Man at Arms is straight up better due to Retribution, his buffs, is actually able to guard characters, and his mace bash can hit rank three and has a stun.
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Well, 16-pounder went down way too easily. Shall I?
Never let a Shambler live.
Yeah but his damage is too low.
I only bring him to certain bosse, the Weald and riposte teams.
I like him. He's near indestructable and deals decent damage, not to mention he can lower protection.
His damage is good enough, especially since you can stack damage trinkets on him.
>not one shotting the final boss and avoiding sacrificing anyone with leper.

It is like you are a meta faggot
I hope you have Holy Lance on that crusader
i'd switch out holy lance if you have it
Do you need scouting trinkets for the courtyard?
That's a bit of a waste when you could just stack more defense trinkets and debuff/stun ones to capitalize on his good utility.
Good point
Sometimes a tree is just a tree.
You know how a vampire hero will occasionally attack their ally? Can anybody tell me what animation the Abomination does when he strikes his ally? Both in human and beast form. Like if he's in human form does he shift and attack then shift back or does he have an animation for human form and one for beast form?
This is a sad joke.
It's the same for both, he just shifts into beast mode while human.
How is it possible to fail at the Swine Prince with an Arb/Musketeer?
An ambush before the swine prince stressed the shit out of my Hellion and Vestal and they were pretty much out of the battle before it started
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r u ok my man?
looks like it's a modded musketeer, because she has riposte on. so she might not have rallying flare
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Okay, thank you. Looking at his art file showed him only having an animation for Raking an ally but I wasn't exactly sure since I rarely use him.
>the entire game is basically just a DPS rush
Early game is, end game is all about control.
go ahead and try to out-dps the brigand pounder/vvulf/prophet anon
>Antiquarian in the Swine King
>Musketeer with no Clear Mark
>Willbur is damaged
>Windows is unactivated
>Willbur is damaged
Probably due to afflicted character targeting Wilbur on their own.
Or that riposte.

>End This One
>Enraged Destruction
fuck, rng saved me today
DD 2, had HM to guard my Vestal ... forgot to equip it for one fight, she was only targeted twice but had to camp 2 times to recover from this.
i just looked at countess stats at the wiki. How are you supposed to beat that? She is practically immune to everything minus bleed and then have 400 fucking hp and 4 turns in bloodlust mode
I can still see their angry faces as they stormed the manor. But I was dead before they found me. And the letter was on it's way.
She sleeps 90% of the fight.


He got several death doors on the first few turns then only won because of luck
I-I like the staking dodge buff.

>Musketeer with no Clear Mark
But she did have it.

Apparently riposte on Wilbur does not trigger enraged destruction.
When I fought her she didn't go into her Bloodlust form under under 100 hp.
Fan the flames. Mold the metal.
We are raising an army.
Just finished all bosses. Time for DD3, any tips on what party to take or how to prepare?
PD and Vestal are good.
occultist+arbalest, you'll realise why when you start
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ITT: The worst negative quirk spread you currently have.
Can I stack two of the same trinket on one hero?
Stunbot PD and Helion with Iron Swan: You'll know why pretty early. HM is also worth taking.

Take all of the food and Holy Water.
Nah, they nerfed that ages ago.
Any tips for DD1?
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>Outside of shuffling bosses he's a great pick to any comp
A man in a robe, claiming communion with the divine
>4 virtues
I don't have a Hellion lvl 6 unfortunatelly.
Would PD, Vestal, Highwayman and Leper work?
>4 virtue
No: You could in early builds of the game, but several setups were pretty game-breaking and the devs limited it to one of a single trinket to a hero.
>4 virtues
>probably pre-nerf Finale
Or maybe arbalest, occultist, doggo, bh?
>Would PD, Vest, Highwayman...
>...and Leper work?
No. For exactly the same reason you don't want to bring him to DD1 + Lack of reach
No. Some of the enemies are already hard to hit, you don't need that much dead weight.

Personally I went Plague Doctor for stuns, Occultist for decent heals but also the fact that he is good against eldritch, Hound Master since he can hit all four ranks, and Hellion since she can hit all four ranks and stun.
>When you gotta virtue cheese to win
Am I a filthy casual for using prenerf finale because I don't own CC?
Finale's still pretty shit even if you have the district.
He said before the nerf.
And I'm saying it doesn't matter if he has CC or not since it's bad either way. The nerf is in both versions of the game.
how are they going to hurt her when when they are dead or stunned?
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Finished the leper for my crimson curse skins. These are surprisingly easy to churn out. Shamelessly stole the baron's mandible for a few of these so I won't take credit there.

I'm just sort of making these for myself since it's fun to add a little more depth to heroes that wind up cursed, but if anyone has any suggestions for who to do next I'll take it.
you need the district for finale to be good
the 30% dmg and speed buff is what made it good
Should I take Uppercut or Come Hither on a Bounty Hunter? I'm thinking Come Hither is better if you have someone like a Crusader who mostly only hits the front two rows, but Uppercut is otherwise generally superior.
Yes. Having confidence in your team is a quick and easy path to success.
Depends where the Bounty Hunter is. Uppercut is better though since you can shift guys around. Flash bang is great though.
Looking good anon, what heroes have you made so far ?
Could you make a skin where the leper mask cover his mouth ?
>Ancestor keeps trash-talking the Brigand Bloodletters
>bug eye
Want. I think the limbs should look mutated to add in effect.
I'd take Flashbang over Uppercut anyway since it hits all positions and will give you the desired move effect half the time.
Why does the Leper T-pose when he gets hit? Did they just not make an animation for him?
Never bothered with Come Hither since Daemon's Pull is better. Uppercut is a decent stun in case your houndmaster isn't available. It also pushes enemies to the back while the weaker ones move forward so that's already better than CH.
He takes the hits like a fuckin champ
He's tanking the hit and it's sorta like a prayer pose for his religion.
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You can't get music boxes from antiquarian camping, right? Were ancestral and unique trinkets available from it at some point, and then the skill was nerfed?
does this auto apply to cursed heroes or do you have to manually select the cursed skin?

collect, finish, bomb/uppercut, come hither

take bomb unless he is in the front since it can move the back row guys forward

he has a deathwish
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Anyone know anything about this FilthyRobot guy?

From what I've seen I think I disagree with almost everything i've heard him say.
boxes are only from madmen, all the quest reward ancestor trinkets can drop from anything at champ level

goblet only drops from bone royalty
Like what?
all i know is he said the leper was horrible so he can suck my intimidating ass
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So. I have no idea how long big this thing is, am I in a clear to rest? I mean is it at least 1/4th of the thing?
>dodge is a bad stat

He is bad
If you had to pick 2 more iconic characters besides Crusader (Reynauld) and Highwayman (Dismas) who would it be? Trying to do some art but I can't think of who else to add.
Basically making a campfire wallpaper
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he makes a lot of good points regarding speed and general strategy

i can't agree with his disdain for move skills or dodge though, i think leper shines with setup (pull backliner into chop) and he kind of disregards that strategy
Vestal and PD
that the leper is the worst character in the game
or that speed is the most important stat you can have
or that dodge is useless compared to health
or that you shouldn't let your flagellant take damage or stress to take advantage of redeem/exanguinate
or that crusader should exclusively be used for stuns and stress healing

I find speed to be very very overrated and pretty much meaningless after the first round. There's no real difference between your leper going at the end of round 1 or the start of round 2.

Plague Doctor and Vestal are the two other default characters you get after the first mission, so them.
Going before your enemies is always beneficial.
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I'll go with them then

>image related
PD and Leper
>I find speed to be very very overrated
>no real difference between your leper going at the end of round 1 or the start of round 2
I mean, that's 'cause it depends on the class. Speed is one of the most useless stats on a Leper. However, I'd argue speed is still important in regards to going before the enemy mitigating stress and damage to your team. Saves you a lot of headache.
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I'm going the right way though, r-right?
>byzantium is an a-tier civ

he was always wrong
"Having learned all I could from my visiting guests, I murdered them as they slept"
Exactly why. The Occultist sometimes seems like a divisive class in usage and that he uses the abyss to fight back.
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It's good for round one, but after that, it doesn't help much.

As I said, theres no difference between the end of round 1 and the start of round 2.

try left
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I was initially going to post that one but I couldn't find it anywhere. My favorite one that I never ever remember to save
You don't know shit, m8. Speed is without a doubt the strongest stat in the game.
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>better give the anchorman move immunity so he won't get cheesed
>whoops forgot you can just pull an entire manned ship by carrying around a sheet of paper, jamming nails in your helmet and throwing a small grappling hook at it

Now I want to make a mod that makes bosses more complex than bringing the special hero that denies their entire gimmick.
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Leper can't be the worst when post-nerf Jester currently exists.
Speed is really important since the optimal strategy is to kill enemies before they ever get a turn to wreck your shit.
Dodge is currently busted as fuck in my opinion.
Flagman is made to be abused.
My crusaders are all unholy slaying machines and that's how I like it.
>Captcha related
>lose my only hellion because she decides to kill herself and refuse to be healed after being critted 3 times in a row by shambler

Well i guess it was just fate telling me she was useless. At least i got a sweet ancestor map out of him
For the first round, sure.

It doesn't mean much for the rest of a fight.
Rest whenever you need to: You'll only need to use all 4 camps if you traverse the entire level, and most people don't end up doing that. In case you didn't know, you cannot be ambushed during camp in the Darkest Dungeon: Make the most of those camping buffs.
>but after that, it doesn't help much.
Care to explain why?

>enemy goes before you 'cause they have high speed and you don't
>take more damage and stress when you could've taken your turn before them to finish them off or stunned

I'm just not getting it.
Again, you don't know shit.
How is going at the end of one round any different from going at the start of the next?
There are many options that you have that do much better in the front two ranks than the Leper due to their utility compared to the Leper. Not that you should never use a Leper but you have much better options.
>or that speed is the most important stat you can have
It really is. There is no reason to not instantly lock in Quick Reflexes, Early Riser/Night Owl, and On Guard. That allows you to reduce damage and stress by a lot by either killing enemies or incapacitating them with stuns or rending them weaker (like moving an archer to rank 1). Nothing is worse than starting the first round of a fight with full HP no stressed people and then having one guy on death's door with 100 stress before any of your guys even act. That could have been prevented with killing certain enemies or stunning them.
>or that you shouldn't let your flagellant take damage or stress to take advantage of redeem/exanguinate
He doesn't say that, he says don't leave them low health for damage buffs because most of his damage is through bleeding and to instantly cash in on the low HP Flagellant by using exanguinate or redeem.
>or that crusader should exclusively be used for stuns and stress healing
Crusader is good, but chances are you will be using his stress healing more than doling out damage with him, but I wouldn't discount his Holy Lance like that guy did.
I think you have it wrong, the longer the fight goes the more speed matters outside of lower tier dungeons for me because you can never outtank the enemies on higher difficulties, you can only hope to DPS race them or dodge like hell which is really dodgy, speed matters more than the others in the DPS race
If you act before your enemies then you can kill them before they get to take an action. It's seriously that fucking simple.
Because it's not guaranteed? You know how speed is calculated, right?

Base speed + the roll of a 1d8. It's a dice toss of who goes first the next round which is why it's important (to those that want to avoid less trouble) to level the playing field by having a higher base speed.
I forgot to mention this is PER round.
Exhibit A; featuring fast bounty hunter versus sword fishman
>mark pelagic pepe
>pepe slashes him
>next round
>collect bounty for 64, stress heal for 5, snorts
>health remaining, 23 out of 38

Exhibit B; slow bounty hunter versus sword fishman
>pepe slashes him
>mark pepe
>next round
>pepe slashes him
>collect bounty kill
>health remaining, 7 out of 38

The entirety of strategy in champion difficulty is based on denying the enemy as many turns as possible, through stuns, pulls, burst kills, debuffs, etc.; and all of that is vastly improved by being able to do it before each of their actions.
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>stupid fucking trash mob howls
That's it. I am dismissing this Vestal. I don't care that she's high rank, she is literally fucking cursed and will never be a usable unit, ever.
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I said after the first round. I understand that it's useful for the first round.

Again, what is the difference between the end of a round and the start of the next?
You get the same number of turns per round give or take one for the first round.
Maybe you should have waited for that Hellion :)
God you're dense.
Goddamn, you're stupid
First round is for the beat down, second round is clean up and control.
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Should I just sell this item or does it have some real meme potential
>Again, what is the difference between the end of a round and the start of the next?
Okay, lemme put it this way. You got a Madman at 1hp and literally any class that can finish him off and neither have taken their turn. It's turn fuckin' 100 'cause it doesn't matter what turn it is.

Who do you want to go first your guy or the Madman? Like it's this simple, dude. The little things matter especially over time.
free gold
The guy that would go first would have gone at the end of the previous round instead.
goddamn was I sweating. No fucking way am I gonna let my plaguewaifu and healingpedro die
>not using mask berserk charm leper to nude fools off the map
If I was a Leper I'd have a nude move to kill enemies with.
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Just Grave Robber and Leper are finished. The only two of mine with the curse so I did them first. I tried to do plague doctor but she already looks like a mosquito so I'm drawing a blank for that one.

And sorry but maybe ask someone else. I have a habit of never finishing things I don't personally set out to do. Thanks though.

I wanted to keep it a little more subtle. More of a visual addition to the curse instead of a full fledged mutant monster. I want to give MaA an insect peg leg if I can, though.

I wish. They're just separate skins you can apply. Anything beyond coloring in the lines is way beyond me.
>3 Holy Altars in total before a boss fight
Man, this is great
+30% damage on everyone but my healer.
I lost my dude with ancestor's pen and crescendo box. How do I get these back?
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>that highwayman

he looks like a fuckin demonic snowman, i love it
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>kike noses
>small feminine fangs for graverobber and big chevalier fangs for leper
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fuck you got a chuckle out of me
right but i'd much rather my leper go before enemies and blow them up before they get their 1 goblet off and possibly crit a squishy or something, filthy is definitely right there

it's why i think grave waifu is top tier, she can instantly burst the rank 3 guy reliably before they can do anything

and while i do think he rags a bit hard on leper i do think leper sits at the bottom tier, he's really only good when mobs have priority targets in rank 2

thinking about it a little more he really undervalues surprising enemies and instead prioritizes scouting (probably because enemy surprise chance in pitch black is negligible, but the party can't get surprised if enemies are scouted beforehand.) leper really benefits from surprising foes because of his abysmal speed, so there's another unsaid reason
Eventually they'll be stolen by a giant raven monster, which you can fight in the weald as a special boss to get them back

For some reason, just surviving the boss for 4 rounds will make it fly away and you get all your trinkets back by default.
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Ok... Where the hell do I go?
>80% damage for 34-35 Hound's Rush on Houndmaster
I need to remind myself to use Dog Treats more often.
lose 6 more trinkets then survive 4 rounds against the bird

maybe make her mask look like part of her face or her nose is poking through the mask's beak
plenty of empty rooms to try out anon
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>that hint of hamlet music in town in chaos
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try somewhere around there

it's in the middle of the area overall
tfw you literaly went around it
yo don't spoil the penultimate and second most difficult thing in the entire game for him, most of this game is only fun done blind
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>tfw Dismas stabs Reynauld in the back because of the blood curse and it kills him

Yeah, I've had the Shreiker appear once before. But I can trigger it again, then?
Is this the way to go cause I can just slap some garbage on a band of fresh 0's and do this in a minute.
In the old road, we found betrayal.
I think it triggers after you lose 8 trinkets, but it might just be RNG
>More dust, more ashes, more disappointment.

is gr a bit hairier than usual
Most will end up here, covered in the poisoned earth, awaiting merciful oblivion.
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>crusader kills arbalest during bloodlust in the middle of fanatic fight and throws the fight

you're correct. the shrieker is my best friend because he gives me free money and recovers the trinkets from the fuckups I do
Monstrous size has no intrinsic merit, unless inordinate exsanguination be considered a virtue
So does this dungeon not allow you to get any scouts?
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>not stacking them up to 90% on a single person
I have a mod for prenerf finale
I wonder who's behind this post..
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>bh at +90% damage from kegs before swine god
>occ marks
>bh opens with a crit 80
I made you guys OC
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>bought all the provisions
>only have 6 left
>STILL haven't rested even once
>that map
Jesus Christ, it'd better be in that next room
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Imagine that + BHS et Trinkets + a bleeding/stunned/marked target
RIP Occultist.
youre a funny one anon
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>Again, what is the difference between the end of a round and the start of the next?
>You get the same number of turns per round give or take one for the first round.
Are you fucking for real? You start every round beating a guy before he gets a chance to beat you. If you can 1-2 round enemies in every encounter, you persevere your strength until you finish your objectives. This leads to having a party mostly alive and well by the end of the quest. Delicious bait.
>Well, you can tell by the way I use my whip
>I'm a flagellant: no time to talk
just remember there aren't camp ambushes in the DD, so you can triple-camp for stress relief eating 2 food each
>tfw Reynauld smites a PD to death because of the curse
>Reynaldo fucks off during stress recovery for two weeks
So how viable is a Death Door Flagellant with a Martyr Seal and whatever else you can put on him to boost damage?
Give it a whirl.
book of rage or no balls
as viable as your luck. 87% DB resist is still 13% chance to die, or a 1/8 chance
you die on the first death's door check
I get that it's useful at round one, but the longer a fight is the less it helps.
Might be interesting with a HWM GR frontline so you can buff their dodge to obscene levels while they do the shuffle dance
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>it actually was in the next room
And nobody even died
I use it on my Quickdraw/On Guard MAA who spams dodge and guard depending on the team and the fight.
Oh good now I need to come up with a better mosquito nose that doesn't just look hilarious.

Yeah all the bloodsucker types have gross bug hairs everywhere. I decided against it since it doesn't really add anything and just looks kind of silly.
I'm gonna leave the last mission for tomorrow, but I've got a question - does the game end there? As in should I upgrade all my buildings before going there if I want the achievements, or will I still be able to do it after completing DD4?
Round one counts the most in the battle because it's the first round where everyone starts fresh until most of the severe shitkicking starts at the very first round. If you can do all that before your enemies can act, it's effectively eliminating the need to keep your soldiers alive before the quest ends. In long battles, the person who does the most damage wins by pressing that advantage of being top on the DPS to prevent the fight to become a stalemate. If you loss a lot after one battle, the rest of the dungeon becomes impossible.
You kept the disheveled hair, though, right?

You can keep playing after the final mission
You can keep playing after the final boss.
>dealt with 3 templars and an occ heart attack

congrats anon, you're a champ

the diminishing returns of speed based on the length factor of a fight is far far too minor to consider speed to be useless past the first round, especially when factoring in enemy crits or other huge attacks that you need to avoid at all costs

speed is very good, doesn't matter how many rounds its been or how many Cripple Them's the skiver has cast already, you still don't fucking want him to cast it again
The Crusader refers to the Occultist as a Saracen, so yeah, probably.
Alright, thanks.
>I decided against it
B-but it looked amazing.
I wouldn't gamble with Deaths Door checks like this: It's not worth the minimum 13% chance that you lose your hero. His base damage is low enough to mitigate the actual benefits of damage boosts. Boosting Flag's bleed skill chance and ensuring that he gets to use his more powerful heals/bleeds is the most effective way to use him.
Nice work anon: Have fun with DD4.
>consider speed to be useless past the first round
but it is

as I've said, end of round 1 vs start of round 2.

You have your turn, then they have their turn. A -> B -> A -> B.
Speed is just the difference between A-B-A-B and B-A-B-A.
This one has become vestigial; useless.
A-B-A prevents the second B from happening
B-A-B means you get hit more than you could have if you had more speed

A-B-A-B-A still prevents another B and that's important no matter how long the fight is
Anyone know where I can find the bleed icon and the healing done like in this image in the game files?
I know. I was just saying that speed doesn't effect the rest of the fight, just the first round.
Healingg should be under Vestal fx. Bleed is under overlays.
literally hopeless

You wanna get hit twice in 2nd round or kill them (hit them and potentially kill the ones pending their action) before they get the 2nd hit in?
Speed matters even in consecutive rounds, use your head and think for a moment
Would it be a bad idea to take an entire team of cursed heroes at once to the courtyard? Just to keep that shit from spreading?
Someone told me i shouldn't waste a lot of gold to reduce stress in the beginning of game, how do i reduce stress of my characters then? Just leave them while i do quest with others and they'll be good?
I think they are saying to dismiss the characters.
No, that's what you should be doing if you're trying to limit the spread of the curse. The Fanatic doesn't appear in the Courtyard, either.
you'll find that the enemies in the court are pretty weak when the fear of the curse is gone, that's how i did it

literally never encountered a fanatic for the entire court just because i went full quarantine on people that got vamped, anyone that got that bad mosquito succ became a permanent courtyard hero until the boss died; never brought more than 1 vamp to a regular zone
They would say to dismiss the characters. I'd only do this if you're -really- fucking strapped for cash, as it makes the game far longer than it has to be for a fairly minor amount of gold.

I wouldn't bother.
If you do medium and long missions you can camp. Heroes have a separate set of skills they can use while camping, and a good amount of them involve stress relief. Combined with the extra loot you get from them, it's almost always a good idea to do longer missions instead of short ones.

Jester, Houndmaster, and Crusader have stress-relief skills they can use during combat, too.
Also flagellant, to a certain extent. He can deal with having stress, though.

Medium missions are great for that, many heros have amazing stress reducing skills. I tend to avoiud long missions because you end up leaving too much loot and heirlooms behind, they're worth it if you want the xp and the reward is good.

Also a high speed high crit party will almost never be stressed, from my experience.
inb4 fails first death's door check
Antiquarian long runs are legit though
What backline hero has the best damage to position 3 and 4 enemies?
I've avoided going into the warrens ever since my first try which ended up with my only arbalest and a good Occ being crippled to death and now I'm willing to give it another try after killing every boss outside of it and the DD.

Honestly once you get the bank rolling, money becomes such a non-issue I don't even know why i bother picking up loot that's note worth 1k+
>Corpse has 2 dodge
Excuse me? Corpses moving on their own is PRETTY ABSURD; I can't say I've ever seen that before in this game.
gr and dog
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