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/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 754
Thread images: 240

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>Live Letter next week!

>4.01 Patch Notes

>Simultaenous Logout Measures

>Job Guide

>4.0 Patch Notes

>Callback Campaign for Returning Players

>Resources, Guides, Free Companies and Linkshells:
jesus fuck thank god, gj OP

and gj mods for warning that retard
Tits are kinda small but I can work with this.
last thread
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>tfw see a girl so cute i waver in my resolve to play a male character and want to make an alt
Thank you, I'm a dumb and forgot to link.
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That wasn't very long a period for tumposting
stay male and give her the D
Give me your cutest birds
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fastest bird of all the land
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former knight of ishgard seeking female voidsent to beat me and call me a racist when i keep offering them a warm rock to lay on and a bucket of fresh crickets
Girls like dicks anon.
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post cute fujo art
Post pictures if you're a pure maiden
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>if you're
Name a sound effect more satisfying than Deployment Tactics.

You can't.
Can you please update this.
I bet he is. I love him.

Sure, I'll take it.
futa roulette when?
I'm gonna be sick
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>first non-slutglam since level 50
>its kinda slutty still
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Best burd

Why is my highlander still on there?
Don't post GET shit, it's against the rules.
I can but most of them aren't male anymore
Wrong image, but that one made me sick too
If anyone is missing V1/2 on Aether, let me know so we can queue together and save the pain
Whats the lewdest thing males can wear?
Cross dressing is good too
Find new males then if needed or just eliminate them. Most are literal whos anyway so it's not like this is some popularity list.
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just trying to figure out what to level next
0-1 WAR
2-3 BLM
4-5 NIN
6-7 AST
8-9 WHM
doubles DRG


Depends on the aesthetic you're going for. There are a few speedos but they look kinda goofy imo. The Flame Elite's Loincloth is very good.
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>implying it's not just someone spamming their characters, their friends, and some literal whos smattered in there for attention
>find new males
Yeah nah. Give names and I'll consider it
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Whoops dropped my pic
>literal whos
everyone on that roulette has posted here/still does
Ririten for starters, this list lacks lalabois.
Why are guys that are happily EB'd on this? Idiot.
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posting your picture once or twice doesn't make you an ebin.
About 40% of them have fanta'd to something different by now. Either update your TOTALLY NOT NAMEDROPPING AHAHA cancerposting or knock it off.
Would DRG be good if it didn't have to rev itself up to even unlock the mechanics that let it deal damage or would it still be undertuned?
But anon, they were already here, hiding in the shadows.
help me work on my shitposting stamina
why did you dye your trash can
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Too late.
You're one of my favorite posters with your ridiculous post and consistency
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>change geirsokul and nastrond to single target, increase pot
>make dragon eye stacks persist even when blood of the dragon is down, you just can't generate or spend them
If DRG could spit out Nastronds like they could spit out Geirs in 3.0 they would definitely be way better.
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That's the colour it came in.
so many uglies on this...
what if nastrond was changed to fire damage, and each nastrond put a fire resistance down on the enemies hit by 10%, that lasted 20 seconds stackable up to 3 times for 30% 20s at the end
I think I wanna marry a black mage..
Because you deserve to be cucked
whats shakin party animals
need female(male) roulette
that doesn't make them any less clumsy to play though
i am more interested in QoL changes that let me play it the way it's supposed to be played and have fun, rather than just tuning DPS number
If DRG and BLM are a pairing then what about the other classes?

Rank them based on handsomeness for us then
Please never respond to me with something like this ever again.
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You'll have to update this. I fanta'd about a week ago.
Go ahead and make it anon
Hello tummyslut.
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guys i did it
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Not the same poster.
Well done, Anon. Only a few more days left to go.
bloodbath reduces damage output while it's active right
I still want to step on this midlander.
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We already have wolf men in the game, when do we get the girls?
I am the same poster, and I don't appreciate those dirty BLMs being anywhere near me.
yeah thats true, the real issue is that DRG feels like a bitch to play on top of being below mediocre, if it was rewarding at least you'd bare with the crap (see SMN)
well... I've always thought of it this way
(DRGxAST is also a thing)

also I really like your midlander and would take lewd pictures with her
Hopefully with a shiny new pair of boots.
Pinging mado
post face
09-10, 17-18, 27-28, 43-44, 55-56 and 69-70 are all objectively best, everyone else can go home.
>(DRGxAST is also a thing)

I fervently approve___ of this.
I'm not on aether. But soon enough I am planning on moving.
i wish monk stances were more substantiative, and actually change the way your rotation works and add additional effects to your abilities instead of just being small buffs. stance dancing a lot during a fight and adapting and managing multiple different effects in a fast paced class would be a lot of fun.
>all face 1

You have garbage taste.
Too difficult for controller players, please understand.
how do effectively communicate that I want miqo'tes to sit on my face?
Say in /shout I am I huge fucking faggot please rape my face
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Put it under a chair.
Yo girl fade that booty on my mouth
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Should I go back to NIN? Just can't learn to like SAM.
>that one autist catboy who keeps asking daily for Lalas to "line up for headpats at <pos>" in /shout
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I wish fists of fire actually put my fists on fire
Reminder that no one likes sandcat and even his "friends" hate him and his disgusting ways.
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just put fox ears on a miqo'te
I'm glad you do anon, they're a match made in the heavens
okie I look forward to it friend!
But these are all girls irl...
Reminder that no one likes abe and even his "friends" hate him and his disgusting ways.
But miqo'te don't have cute bushy tails
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>getting hit by multiple Unmends in pvp
Reminder that no one likes flat and even his "friends" hate him and his disgusting ways.
give mommy's milkies
Don't worry fox girls are available.
What's the best mooncat face?
Not the poop-nose one
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>All of these bots in PvP

I'm not sure if it's just me but I also find DRGxDRK to be really cute.
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I wish all my abilities made me scream really loudly like a wannabe Bruce Lee and there was no way for party members to mute it.
suhr is cute
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So, is there some trick to Zenos? Why do my attacks not hurt him that much?
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Just ward his jungle.
He'a level 70.
So, you just whittle him down?
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I like Face 1 a lot.

He's a level 70.
You'll never be as disgusting and alone as Kaori.
Were you left in an oven?
What happened? He denied you erp on his lalafell after you found out he does it when the comfy erp leaked?
I fell asleep in one yes.
stinky after eating a lot of oreos

What helmet is that? I've never seen it before.
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My friend and I are in a debate: which classes is it appropriate to be shirtless

We already declared monk was one of them but he's saying WAR could also be shirtless
I main Bard, and I want an alt or two to play. What class do you guys recommend? Whats the most fun? I'm down for any role.
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why do people call you a girl
Post your butt
NIN if you want a melee DPS. It's really fun and you can share DEX accessories.
RDM plays somewhat similar to Bard.
MNK/NIN are interesting somewhat mechanical melee classes.
WAR is still the most fun tank even if its not the best.
WHM is the safest and most effective healer but AST gets it's own minigame to keep you occupied.
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Yeah I've seen entire fucking ALLIANCES of bots these days it's getting retarded. I'm reporting them when I notice them on my team but it's really hard to report an entire alliance of enemy bots.
Kaori or B'nhaka for general lewd activities?
why do people call you paks
He posts his cat for attention.
He posts lewd for the attention.
He is a lone piece of shit.
Can't get the smol.
Can't get the tol.
He is disgusting refuse.
>WAR is still the most fun tank even if its not the best.

I know this is true and it still makes me depressed...
how hard is it to get into end game content as a WAR?
Imagine how shit your life is when the highlight of your day is a good ERP session with another manchild.
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I don't know
Easy as hell because tank queues carry you through leveling fast as fuck, and end game content requires 2 tanks anyway so even if PLD is the guaranteed slot, you still have to fight over DRKs for off-tank and DRK isn't looking so hot right now.
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Goes back as far as dungeons and dragons, homeboy.
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9/10 PF/DF groups don't give a shit and the remaining 1/10 are probably just looking for a meta comp to carry them because they're shitters.

A static raid group is another thing, but even then your actual skill would be more important than your job and if it's just an alt job for fun it's even more irrelevant.
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MCH, how do you guys recover from fuck ups/mechanics screwing up your timings? Like once Reload and some OGCDs aren't lined up with Wildfire what do you do? Do you still use them on cooldown? Hold them to get them realigned? Hold Wildfire? Help.
this post sucks aka not a good post
i rerolled brd
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Hello Vjera.
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>find out I can punch for justice instead of cleaving and blowing people up

Is MNK worth leveling? Or do I continue on the path of DRK/RDM.
is there a way to take my shoes off or do i have to wait until im like level 70

I just wanna be a barefoot shirtless hobo monk
Yes. Monk is fun as fuck, especially compared to the snoozefest of DRK.
which one?
You should become a real mage first.
As long as you don't neglect the path of the rdm, Arya.
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Excuse you, I have a LION tail.
i cant anymore, this is the seventh time i download the 22gb update again, fuck you SE and fuck you SONY, why is playing in ps4 more complicated? moreover, how the fuck is the game twice the weight of the client in PC in ps4? this is fucking bananas.
What prompts people to go afk after boss fights to try and get the loot by having other people leave?
Any chance i can get a butt /pose in a light colored bikini?
No one likes kaori.
He's useless, hated, disgusting and putrid.
Why anyone would choose him over bnhaka is beyond me.
hmm explain your reasoning anon, I can't say I see it, but I believe any should be open to listening for a bit of reasoning! even if its a crack pairing
Does your father know what a degenerate his son is?

SAMxDRK for obvious reasons
i wish he was my bf
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>literally win frontlines just by sitting in on the enemy's main base and murdering them as they repeatedly break themselves upon us

YES . . YES ! !
bnhaka is awkward and autistic ninja scum. Kaori is normal and fun to talk to.
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You got yourself a boyfriend. Buy me a Ghido now as proof of your love for me.
Being this butthurt. Lmao kys.
>only 164k

Done, what server?
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the edge.....

anyone wanna run sirensong on aether, we have tank/dps, need healer or dps or both, will run probably about 3-4, mebe 2
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>tfw you have your own attic
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This happened to me the other day.
Was playing as DRK too pulling in their healers.

shit was fun as hell.
>So how'd you spend your day today anon?
>Uh I uh gathered a bunch of pictures of video game cat girl butts that some other guys on the internet gave me

Fucking laughable
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Probably because when someone accuses me of being a girl I go full Kamille.
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Oh well.
>tfw I'll never oob with you
>piercing talon potentially becomes a 2000 potency ranged attack against low health targets

That's actually kinda hilarious.
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Two in one, slightly different angles.
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Red is a girl 100% can confirm have talked to "her" before.
the opportunity to get the loot by having other people leave
Sorry OOB anon, can't make it tonight. :(
I'm going to skin your owlette and feed it to Zenos.
I found some more spots but couldn't figure out how to get to the water.
yea so all you do as a dragoon is play like a girl, and whenever you see someone with about 30% hp, you jump at then throw a piercing talon DURING the jump as a 3250 potency execute
Well as a DRG we have to control ourselves from being overtaken by BoTD or Nidhogg's will don't we? I think it makes it easier to find a common ground with DRKs since they also have to show restraint with drinking into their darkside!

But there's also being armored edgelords.
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I will teleport this sword into your face.
Because of you and the racoon poster gray catgirls are basically tainted forever.
why is fwha talking to himself?

If I want that loot you bet your ass i'm going to sit there waiting until you either leave or the timer runs out to roll.
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You're about a minute away from being 100% walking with a limp but never requiring a stool to sit on at a bar ever again.
Be the hypocrite loser wasting his own time calling out another user on the very thing he loathes. Sad!
The real OTP is WHM and MNK
I can't open the Dark Knight Coffer I got from the 50 quest because "I have an armor of the same type" can someone tell me whats in it so I don't discard anything I still need?
Pft... your elezen is too weak to master any kind of teleportation magic. Now bow down to me while I rid the world of your minion.
The one you responded to is the raccoon, buddy.
aka me
hi. I have lion tail, the other graycat has what appears to be fluffy?

Dayum. 7/10 would smash.
that's pretty good reasoning actually, but yea armored edgelords is always a thing too
>OTP with anything
maybe that will change with this raid tier
when the farm parties get going
just kidding, I'm being a bully for no reason
I like mnk
no you mean BLM and WHM
it's no skin off their back, but it can also just be a form of griefing. such a tactic exists in hearthstone where you just rope out your turns even though you're going to lose.
Thanks for the info lads
Where is your facepaint you dumb racoon?
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Try me catboi, I've killed you before.
Don't make me fanta back to roe kiddo.
Thank you for this. Gorgeous C@butt!
No matter how desperately you try to make me seem like the loser, only one of us has a folder of pixelated cat butts on his computer.
I also forgot to mention that it seems like it would be really cute for the two of them to show concern to one other for overdoing it in a battle! Especially if they both acted tsun to each other about it.
I got rid of it for now in place of eyeshadow. I'm still a raccoon at heart.
>>Kaori will never not be alone
For he is a huge degenerate drone.
All he likes is cumflation
With an absurd sick fixation
So his sin shall be forever known.
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I do this but only for few seconds in case I want it since some people don't give a shit for specific drops and just walk out if people do not roll immediately.
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Please anyone?
What are the rarest mounts in the game?
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Yes, I remember how good a job you did last time.
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D-delete this
all three
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The 50 quest or 60 quests?
The 60 quest is af2, the shit you buy with centurio. I spent 350 centurio on ninja gear and then caught up with my quests and felt like a retard
Says the guy who achieved so little in his pathetic life that he needs to stoop to calling out users on an image board to feel a sense of distorted superiority. Get this guy some tendies!
Nah the level 50 one.
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probably still the same, since doggos are everywhere. they busted the API for scanning lodestone though.
What server is this semen demon from?
lewd male au ra where
For his was not the kingdom of the gods to take,
The revelation of truth led him to a decision to make,
The visual of his most despised drove him to be irate,
His time on this earth, he will never procreate,

Upon this star he leaves his mark,
Of accomplishments, his lack is stark,
His passing will not be remembered with fanfare or bolero,
For his sole purpose in life; to hide under the mask of "chemo".
Do you have Ironworks or Augmented Ironworks?
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I did 100 damage with my new fishing rod on a level 70 training dummy, you're DELETED already.
Base Ironworks. If it's just Ironworks gear Is it safe to toss it? The game shits out poetics and I have no idea what to use them on.
cat or lizard for lewd? what gets more whispers? what would you rather fug?
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Nu-PvP was a mistake.
I gain nothing from these exchanges, I just feel like I have to give these pathetic excuses for men a small dose of reality every now and then, it's actually good for them to realize how they look to the outside world.

Sorry I've triggered you in your safespace anon, I'll let you get back to ERPing in your cartoon panties and spamming chat with shitty /ems. Your neckbeard harem of lalas and cat girls must be wondering where you've gone.
Boring old choices. Midlanders are the new hotness.
Shatter is fun.
Which catboy would make a cute catboyfriend?
*unmends you*
I'm not entirely sure, but it might be it. Do you have any room in your retainers inventory to deposit it?
all of them =w=
Yeah I have space will it work if I shove all my shit in?
>I patrol 4chan to redpill random people on the real world. This is my only worthwhile contribution to society at large.

Wow good job changing the world. Thank you for your service!
There must be something to make them just ever slightly more better than the others =w=;;

Catboys look kinda dumb.

Try Highlander instead.
It's technically not in your inventory if you put it on your retainer, so I'd try that. The only other type of armor it would be is Soldiery and I'm doubting that it's that.
It was a belt I had stopping it, but the gear it gave me is shit. I was hoping for job gear that looked nice but guess not.
>highlanders looking better than anyone ever

try again please
Why is Kaori hated? What did they do?
Yeah I'm surprised they gave it to DRK, they don't even have any level 50 job gear.
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>taking an anime image board this seriously
They were too nice and got more attention than some balmongoloid.
hmm yeah I can see that, it would be pretty cool mebe

The DRK embraces the full Dark Side, cleaving enemies one after another until the last is split in two. "What in the seven hells do you think you're doing? You know not to push yourself that hard!" The DRG friend barks, his voice carrying concern. The DRK shoots a glance back with a mixture of annoyance and resignation as he leans on his great sword, taking deep breaths, "I'll do what I must, I know how far I can take this power," and he continues in a mutter ".. and I need this power, to protect you."

Another swarm of enemies surges forth, the DRG alarmed by the aggressive foes, jumping in front of the recovering friend the DRG channels Life of the Dragon (because fuck Yoshi's buildup). "Hold on!" The DRK stammers, pulling the great sword from the ground, preparing to channel the dark once more before recovered. In a bashful voice, the DRG cuts back while brandishing the spear, "Just as you bear that burden to protect, so let me bear this one, while I can't shield others, I have my own way of protecting!"

As a Nastrond comes out, breaking the enemy lines, the DRK's eyes are wide with the realization of how the friend shared a plight.

fug, i'm in a rush to go to sirensong, i had more typed out but accidentally hit esc and deleted all of it once, ended it abruptly or something
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>level 27 PGL
>haven't unlocked MNK yet
>only did like, the level 20 job quest for it

God this is boring to level
Top 10 Feast S.2
Friendly facade, they'll use others via favours and kind gestures for sucking up to them or blackmailing.
Fetishes, normally the shit they like is rather tame for a website like this but he forces them all the time subconsciously.
Cumflation to around 5-10 feet, huge breasts and cocks, even inflation of those body parts, size difference, stomach and throat bulging and infinite amounts of semen.
His friends always defend him like some sort of defense force and they too force themselves upon here.
He likes lalafells but not in a cute way, he wants to fuck them.
Not to mention he will guilt people into erping with him.
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>die near start of fight because no one knows what stack icon means apparently
>both healers actually just leaves me on the ground the rest of the fight

I wasn't even doing bad, I was top dps up to that point. Why would they just leave me there? It was the longest 8 minutes of my life.
whats the basic RDM rotation, trying to figure out how i should setup my hotbars for it and learn the class.
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im anxious the other healer will swiftcast raise you at the exact moment i decide to
Who are the cutest ninja wives?
You will cast Jolt, verfire and verstone a lot.
Verthunder and Veraero will be used as instant casts with dualcast.

Your melee chain isn't used as often as the spells so set your binds accordingly.
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After a few minutes don't you think it's time to just do it anyway?
Hit Jolt > Hit Aero or Thunder > Hit Stone or Fire if it procs > Either go back to step 1 if it didn't proc or step 2 if it did proc > repeat until 80+/80+ and go for melee combo.

There's some extra stuff once you get stuff like Impact and your finishers but that's the core at 50 that never really changes and it's pretty easy once you get the flow of it.
It's called a healslut standoff, you have to let them exert their submissiveness.
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I just wanna see cute pictures
Aside from "4.01b", is there any word as to when the new crafting books are gonna be released? It seems like they'd either be thursday or when savage hits.
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the frog
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Is there any way I can help progress it along? Maybe offer a 'fun' time after the boss is down? What would it take for you to res someone?
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hows this
The fuck
just how much is this shit true?
>Roll Dark Knight to ERP
>No Roegadyn to be my personal big guy
Can you redo that picture but with a pucker face emote on?
>Join PvP
>90% of your skills are either gone or operate vastly differently

For what purpose? The combo shortening I get because they need room for pvp skills. Why do so many skills work way different (better) than in pve?
>see healer health drop to less than 10%
>tempted to give a quick heal as rdm but a healer once complained about it.

why is everything so awkward.
how's the new raid normal mode? considering resub, but i have a feeling i'll never get that binding coil of bahamut feel again.
i didn't like alex.
literally none of it
he just described paks
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It is just the typical normal mode. May wipe you a few times if people are clueless, and then you clear.
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trust me it looks bad
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Thank you, cute posting sustains me
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name a better minion
because balancing the same skills for PvE and PvP is stupid

stuff like Unmend pulling in enemies would be fun in PvE though
I need it to shoop my head in and pretend to be going in for the kiss. It'll be cute!
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fat baby vacation.png
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Post cute minion pictures. I took my fat baby on vacation.
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I like it! But I was sort of thinking that the DRG would be moodier about it, kinda like "I know you think you have to protect me all the time, but I have to take care of you too!" and "Just because you think it's going to help doesn't mean it will!"

Then cue the post-battle hugging.

Cactuar minion needs to come with it's own swedish breakdancing team
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haha now i know your plan, you can't fool me so easily
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FF14 Alphinaud Flowers.jpg
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That was the cutest.
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I cannot, because there is no better minion.

He's also my spirit animal for more reasons than one.
I'm not trying to fool you, I'm your friend! Just see it as a favor that i'll return someday!
hmm I see I see, I do like it
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ss (2017-07-10 at 07.06.33).png
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oh well when you put it that way
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How do I engage in a romantic relationship with a Lalafell without coming off as a pedo
you don't
How can I mount a tier 4 aquarium to a wall?
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holy potato.png
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What's this potato praying for?
You hid your mouth!
I'm not a pedo!!
>queue for leveling roulette as a tank
>get the aery
>ast healer whose only level 70 is a bard
>spams noct aspected helios and nothing else

how the fuck do these people even manage to function?
Swift death.
Mint chocolate elezen
The barrier prevents damage. It is useful
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Who knows but cute tater

The world may never know. I had a scholar that would do nothing but adlo
You make them approach you
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oh hell sorry that was a mistake
i hope this one is better
You might be cute if you wore actual clothing, as is you're a bit ehhhhhh
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Who would win?
That's even worse!!! But I could shoop it in difference ways... Now come back online and make the pucker pic!
Why do you like lalafells, cumflation, size difference, bulges, and all that shit?
>2 club vs 2 kat
Gonna give the win to Doolbblood, because STR>DEX
Bad bait
Nice jumprope, Stormmrotz
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Doolbblood is patiently waiting to draw his swords, or they're stuck. Meanwhile Stormmrots is already dual wielding and ready to fuck shit up. However it looks like he only has one eye which might possibly put him a depth perception disadvantage.

My money's on Stormmrots.
stormmrots has 2 katana its not fair
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Doolbblood looks like a voodoo-monkey thing
Stormmrots looks like he is from Jet force Gemini
>the elezen
>those petting eyes
Watch your back, kitty cat
i said it in game but I don't think you noticed I like your new hair!
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ok i think i got it this time
>Stormmrots looks like he is from Jet force Gemini
Well you just jumped high on my favorite tripfag list, loved that game.
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new warrior transmog - tired of playing femlander

>squadron mission failed
does this mean all my catgirls I sent out got raped
Good work, very cute.
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You are quite the tease master. I will have to do with what you've given me I guess.
>everyone saying Stormmrots because 2kat
What you dumbfucks don't realize is that Doolbblood is packing for double iaijutsu as an opener.
I meant fantasia - idk why I typed out transmog..
Just roll a catboy and go kiss girls you hetero
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>Go to RP event
>"I'll lamp around in the corner like an edgelord and just observe because I'm nervous"
>Within 5 minutes start getting hit on
>Unplug internet cord and pretend to DC

I can't be the only one right?
you're dismissing the glow on the katanas, those are 10,000 degree katanas, folded 5,000 times each
at least change your filename
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a what now?
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That's an odd thing to pick out of the entire post.
>stormmrots's katanas have already started to cool down
>doolbblood's are still in the oven at maximum temperatures
Checkmate stormmrots fags
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Oh thanks!

I loved that game and still love it now even if the 2nd half sucks
You have done the "im so timid rp" thing before

same image

same filename
call them mommy
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>tfw no Alisaie girlfriend to cuddle
Who is this adorable lalafell and do they like malezen
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glad i could be of service
I don't recall doing so and if I did it was months ago. Unless I saved the same image as another anon from the same poster. Remembering every number of a filename is commendable autism I must say.
Could you post a bikini reference picture of you?
>being this autistic about filenames
Are there any low lvl botanist item that sells well or should I just focus on getting to max lvl and selling items from that lvl?
They have the archive open, it updates in real time. They're just autistic enough to go through and search for matching image names.
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are /pets ok?

There -should- be 1 or 2 that sells decently, like silver for mining
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I don't want to roll a catboy though
Not hard, especially when you see it a few times per thread
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Focus on getting to max level. Do your job quests, grand company turn-ins, and don't forget about survival manuals that you can purchase from your grand company quartermaster. There's also an FC buff.
generally speaking flax, maybe sticky rice
>you will never part a Miqo'te's buttocks, bury your face between them and dig your tongue inside of her asshole
Why do I even bother living?
>calls others autistic
>posts the same thread personality
>posts the same image each time
pot, kettle, black.
Silver tanked recently on Balmung, Mateus is a craps shoot since people are still figuring out what to do with all the surplus mats on the mb.
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>It's the same person
Again, where's your proof?
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Do you think DRKs can use their darkside Fray manifestation to... you know...
Why can't these people who are so autistic spend their talents being programmers or military tacticiana, instead of keeping tabs on filenames on an argentinian futbol forum?
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Uh huh! I like everyone!


Hmm... I think so...
Anon, I'm not that guy, just pointing out your autism since you, or others, have done shit like this in the past.
Alright, I'll focus on getting to max lvl.

Will I need to invest money on gear or can I go from 1 to 70 just on quest reward gear?
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Is this legal?
how do i get this lala to sit in my lap?
So its literally ok when you, or others are being autistic?

Double standards.

No, it's not.
You can subsist on quest rewards if you level all gatherers together, but you won't be able to get everything. Vendors sell all gathering gear 1-50.
My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!
c'mon buddy
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like bikini bottom?
i'm not sure spongebob is here
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you'll have to get gear here and there, but as long as you're resourceful you won't be dropping much on it
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What gear is that?
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>do the same opener twice
>dps difference of 500
wow are crits and direct hits that big of a deal??
It's most likely a dude behind that cute girl character.
Take a second to think about what your doing, your complaining about filenames on a post claimed to be a coincidence and dragging on the argument.
Stop sperging out about it, retard. I'm not the awkward role play guy because I don't even role play. And trolling the archives for matching file names is fucking autistic. Re-evaluate your life.
BLM pvp set I think
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This lala needs some hugs at adamantoise.
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I want to die
That pic is actually perfect for my kissing shoop since u got your eyes closed and all.
If your lala is over 18 yes

You made the buttonnose face look really cute! Great lala

Don't let dreams be dreams, even if they are as perverted as that

Would if I was over there /hug
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Can't decide whether to just grind RDM, NIN, or DRK to 70.
My lala is over 18 yes.
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>if you level all gatherers together

Fuck that. Just lvling botanism alone is making me want to hang myself already.
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By being my friend! I'ma really good lap warmer.
>take a moment to think about what you are doing
I see the same image and same filename over again. Numbers are not hard, and when posted over and over again they are recognizable, and backed up with the archive. This is not hard, almost as much effort putting into "IM SO TIMID SEND HELP"

If you think its any more effort or more autistic, you take a step back and think about what you are doing.

>dragging on the argument
how is this an argument?

I guess my post can apply to you too, but you put way less effort into yours than his.
DRK means you'll have fun queueing, RDM means you'll have fun playing, NIN means you'll have fun making weeb screenshots.

So, flip a coin, you can't lose here.
In order of fun

In order of usefulness
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damn, i've been had
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Serve, save, slave, slay. Are you truly prepared to walk the path?
For a dark knight... justice demands nothing less.
Leves are your friend 1-50. Do the ones with the Elezen or the Miqo'te with the basket on the card for max exp.
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Posting best girl.
If you come back on we can do it in person to make it even better
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Once you get to 50+ you can get a ton of EXP via collectable items which you turn in. They are basically less EXP rewarding leves but you just gather them and turn in as you get them

I am melting right now.
Why are button-nose lala's so rare?
>Leves are your friend 1-50

Does that mean that after 50 I'll have to grind gathering stuff?
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>getting this worked up over a shitpost

Loving every laugh.
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made me spill my drink
lf gf
Collectibles after 50. The initial push to 51 is going to make you want to die, but spam those survival manuals.
>MCH, how do you guys recover from fuck ups/mechanics screwing up your timings?

>reroll brd
a QT
What was the theme that was playing during the DRK 70 quest?
My dick is still rock hard from that duty
>im such a mastermind :smilyface:
This is just sad at this point
>survival manuals

I have no idea what that is but I'll keep it in mind.
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Sup kid.
>skillspeed scaling is just awful
>instead of fixing it SE just stopped putting it on most gear

Well done.
Maker's Ruin, Ultima's theme.

I hope you didn't start with the DRK 60-70 questline, because it's only downhill from there.
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>I was only pretending to be retarded, YOU'RE THE RETARD

Stop posting now, archive autist. You're pathetic.
Just wait until they kill skillspeed entirely and everybody is locked to the same exact 2.5s GCD again. "Easier to balance"
>please stop replying to me i want the last post in the matter
this is going in a cringe thread, even have the archive to back me up.

Who wants to be in the screencap?
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i'll be back on at some point
Buy them from your grand company quartermaster, get them as quest rewards, or send your squadron out for them.
I was honestly thinking the same thing dude. They'll get rid of it and stuff like Huton and any other skill cooldown reducers will be a flat number now from 2.5s
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You're wasting energy replying to this shit, almost half an hour later.

But yeah go ahead, memorize that file name. I just changed the 5 to a 6 so you don't sperg out again.
Cutest cat.

Post butt.
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What do you like about them?


'Cus we're so cute we get stolen right up!
fuck off faggot
And no I didn't start with it, it's why it was so amazing after a series of somewhat boring ones.
>a screen cap thread of nothing but OP being a whiny faggot over nothing
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anyone on aether wanna farm ala mhigo for the mount
>actually took the time to do the math on... THE TIME
by your standards... this makes you an...

>tfw no clingy catgirl (female) gf
Your buttmad enough your going to screencap being btfo sperging out over a filename, and have the gall to claim nurotypical.Go for it, put me in the screencap.

>please stop replying to me i want the last post in the matter
You're doing it as well so.
they're so smooth and soft, I just love to squeeze them!
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Im thinking of popping a fanta just for eyes, which of these do you think is best? Middle is currently what I have, left is just plain red while right is more of an aubrun reddish/brown, less harsh.
Anon, I don't think you're doing too well. Maybe you should go lay down.
same but i'd be happy with a cute eb who i enjoy playing the game with even if there's nothing romantic desu
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You didn't have to be so rude...


I hope you don't squeeze them too hard! They deserve gentle kisses!
>call someone out
>get called a sperg
>continue to sperg out after every reply
whos the real sperg?

if this really didnt bother you at all, you woulda kept quiet long ago. but this does, its just you are now aware of it.

Could you tell me the time between our posts some more? Because it so mattered.
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Turn back now lads. You don't know the price of what you're asking for.
Middle looks fine I think. Between right and left I like right
Excuse me, why are you trying to copy santcat's lala?
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On a sale from 1 to 10 how mad are you right now? Because all I can picture is some obese neet furiously typing away with cheeto crumbs everywhere.

"Mother come quick I'm making a screencap I just completely blew these two guys the fuck out!"
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How well do these boots fit? Can't seem to really find something that I like to go with this glamour.
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Way too adorable
I am now dead
Cause I know, Never ever

I actually like middle quite a bit. Right looks cute too
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it most definitely is, but it makes me want to play dress up like an autist and put a girl in cute clothes and ogle her and get attention from people

lord stay my hand and cleanse this foul mist of thoughts from my mind
SAM, RDM, or NIN for most fun in raids?
I'M NOT EVEN THAT GUY, you just sound really wound up over something small. Chill, nigger.
>autist gets called out for being autistic about filenames
>all "sandcat must die" posts grind to a screeching halt

Gents, I believe we have found our chemo.
How do you feel about lalabois....
Nah, the sandcat must die autist is the Lala lewdbaiting like a honeypot.
>im not the guy
why did you feel the need to say this? is this literally worth wasting a repost timer on?

or are you the guy pretending to not be the guy because for some reason the other guy is not replying to me anymore.

if he fucked off, why did you fuck in?

none of this adds up
>nobody ever believes me when I say I'm a top
wtfff why
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*blocks your spawn*
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If you're dead then I can't get pets!
Lalabois are lalabros. Ironically never thought about lalaboys since they always seem to be the "im going to join you at a bar drinking as we tell jokes and get serious after for content
>this much paranoia

Take your meds and go the fuck to bed
How am I supposed to make friends in this game? Outside of my (very small) FC I have nobody to play or hang out with. I've tried inviting people to play with me, offering to help with things, and posting here seeking people to play with, but I'm just ignored. What am I doing wrong? Is Balmung's community just so insular that people don't want to try and meet someone new?
probably cause you type like a fagboi
>get caught
>call the other guy crazy
its like im in a phoenix wright game.
Come to Levi and play with me.
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Same could be said to you.
Why do you samefag yourself?
Set a place, give map coordinates, and I'll meet you there.
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>can't watch any dungeon cutscene because the boss fights always start right away, constantly confused
>switch to tank
>watch every single cutscene
>party can't do shit about it
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Goodnight anon.
yeah pst me shirou kuma
I've logged out for the night, sorry
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can't pst you from balmung retarp
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Why bully...
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sdfhuiogsrdfogq34hioq3btu8 tyu8934893btu8
maybe this is why you can't make friends.
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>shitstorm over an autist getting called out for archive autism

I don't know what I expected.
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not sure how I feel about this but ok
>archives are bad because it catches me doing stupid shit
The three times I tried finding people to play with earlier today went completely ignored so I doubt this one case is the reason why. But who knows
lord of the rings music makes this game so much better
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I'm alive! for now
People want me dead

Thanks doc
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What happens when we start getting to tiers where 270 meme accessories are suicide?
They'll go back to letting VIT add damage again, right?
Can you have another crafter overmeld for you, or does it have to be you that does it?
already being addressed in 4.05
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keep going.gif
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>he still thinks pentamelded +25STR, +76DH i320 greens won't be comparable in damage to i270 strength memes
Unless they cuck you with tenacity/skill-speed on every accessory, that is.
anyone can overmeld so long as they got the ability to
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You can have another crafter meld stuff for you
Why would they ever be suicide? Tanks have more mitigation cooldowns than they know what to do with already
Archives are important for historical documentation's sake in general, but I don't think 4chan archives are all that important or necessary considering they lead to shitstorms like this one or even further drama that people dig up. Bad people are going to continue to be bad, assholes are going to continue to be assholes, and OP will forever be a faggot, but dragging it up constantly or double-checking people's file names, post timers, or even extended drama is fucking lame considering that this is a video game general and not a middle school. Wishful thinking, I know.
Or your tanks will get half a brain cell and stop wiping the ground because they wanted 200-300 extra dps
Thank god, I need to overmeld these fucking rings, because SE decided that GSM doesn't make rings anymore; CRP does.
long and honestly disappointing night at work, if anyone had some cute pictures they've been holding on to, that would make my night a little better.....
It can be someone else. Preferable a friend so the unsuccessfuls dont become too embarrassing
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*obliterates enemy SMN*

Your lala is criminally cute
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>no prismatic heart (left)
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>when the 50/60 roulette isynced you below 56
Fuck off man, why did Unleash potency get cut in half again on top of the Blood Price nerf?

+125 Str from melds compared to +390 from i270 isn't even comparable, secondaries couldn't make that up unless DH is something insane
Put up a pf for Titan and i'll complete your heart.
>historical documents
The archive is not a smart device, it records everything. Including people doing stupid shit for attention.

Call someone out on it, they flip out and suddenly hate 'documentation'.

We need the archive for stupid people like mr timid rp.

And this, all of this, all of his freaking out for getting caught, IS LOGGED NOW FOR FUTURE USE

Not only did his lying flare all of this up, it became a 'historical document'

Thank you for proving my point.
>tfw get one
>tfw its great for a couple months until she freaks out because i know another potential female and never speaks to me again
As your left side's strength value increases, the relative gain of strength becomes smaller while the fact that no tank gear has DH in it means every 40 DH is a direct 1% damage bonus.
It really boils down to just how much strength you get from your left side alone.
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i seem to have gotten stuck
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i know how i feel about this
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wefrjiiwfoefiowe looong gf ggn black niightttt
morororning frost

im stillll here
but all is loooooooossttt
sdfklohiosdef4tu90493 3u0q9-34tu gjigfdjkdf
kill yourself sugi
The only one "freaking out" about the whole thing was you, dude. The timid RP thing is a common shitpost and saving people's files with the file names intact is relatively easy if you have a plugin set to do do.

4chan was intended to be an anonymous image board, not something to be archived on a regular basis so people could shame each other over stupid shit. The fuck is wrong with you?
Excuse me I am retarded, I meant every 160DH is a direct 1% bonus.

So it boils down to whether or not the 2.3% bonus from DH compounded with the other secondary stats amount to the 265 strength difference .
That's not a bad argument, but you can only meld tier Vs past the first slot, which you will be using on a Str VI, right? That would give you a max meld gain of +48 DH per piece.

per piece, 25 Str + 48 DH vs 78 Str and some other secondaries can't be a fair comparison
I simply called out the timid RP guy out and replied to people who replied to me.

If you want to see it as spering, freaking or tossing a fit, thats fine.

But I used the archive to find someone doing something stupid and called him on it. Simple as that.

Even this, right now, is being archived. If you dont like that you might as well stop posting. Because this will be used again when mr timid comes back and this starts all over again.
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>Hmm it seems like there aren't many tanks leveling and DPS queues are congested as ever
>I know
>We'll gut all tanks and hold their abilities back so they don't get the least bit fun until max level, that is sure to encourage everyone to level one
>Then we'll just delete their damage after we already solved the VIT/STR issue
>why is everyone using 270 accessories, respect my content, wear fending gear NOW
>why are the queues still so big
>calm down
>calm down please
You can overmeld one Materia 6, so your set up would be
Base: +25STR
1st Overmeld: +40 DH
2-5 Overmeld: +36 DH

It boils down to whether or not tanks will luck out with DET/CRT greens or not
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63 with NIN and pondering idea of leveling BRD. Seems like the ranged and even way more supportive version of NIN and now I see it's not a stand still bowmage anymore.

How does it scale on the fun level in comparison to ninja, I mean bows and songs are pretty neat
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Are you sure? Accessories only have 1 guaranteed slot.
Okay I understand what you did, but why did you do it?
is the first month subscription reward the only time you get a free fantasia?
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I upped the purp while waiting for this bardem
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i am sure.jpg
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I'm sure.
Primary stat materia can't be overmelded, but secondary stat materia 6 can be overmelded on the first advanced slot.
Because watching people squirm when caught doing something makes me feel good, almost like a chase.

You can use the archive to watch him go into full panic mode.
post discord
>green hair

yysara are you busy right now? Wanna do cute stuff on the roofs of Kugane?
Groove Crusader#6144
just deal w/ it you gay noob
and stop wearing i270
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This is a c@
pls, I'm in bardems now
greens what i like
b-boy, I sure like helping my friends get their dog mounts and watching them all get one
ha ha... I'll stay in this shed while they all ride one.... ha ha.... I'm happy for them....
>sociopathic tendencies on a Russian basket weaving BBS

It's time to stop, babushka.
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Thank you!!


Well you can't die when there's a lala that needs her pets.
go back to lizard
What is this?
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But i am lizzur
nice one stratos
omgggg it's the best lizard!!!

>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
ITT: two spergs compete to be the biggest sperg

shut up children
You forgot "im not that guy" in your post
OH I was looking at a mainstat materia which can't be overmelded, you're right

25 Str and 76 DH vs 78 Str and much fewer secondaries might actually come close, you have a point, here's hoping the crafted stuff isn't full tenacity
being indecisive is the worst
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Are you grinding that dungeon? Do you have a dps spot?
I can't see anything?
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join you pussies
>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
Being led to believe that you have something special that's going to last only to be dropped out of nowhere is worse.
>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
I'm always where the Sun don't shine
the Tears don't show
won't Hurt me now
because my Heart's been broken
I Hate myself
but it won't Show
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What server? So I may deliver then run off a flustered mess

Weaponized Echo
>mods warn/ban liora
>they dont touch that fucking smol pedophile

Don't worry, anon. I'm sure Square Enix would definitely make at least one tenacity/skill speed accessory.

Ideally, the ring will not have tenacity since at the very least a pentamelded i320 ring should beat out the i260 ring you're forced into atm.
>mods warn/ban liora
>they dont touch that fucking smol pedophile

>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
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muh trigger.jpg
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>anon gets triggered so hard he starts spamming

Like pottery.
>mods warn/ban liora
>they dont touch that fucking smol pedophile

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Hi. Don't forget me.
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ss (2017-07-11 at 12.05.56).jpg
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>the i260 ring you're forced into atm
Apparently Proto Ultima accessories are also good too
>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
Why do you post this instead of just saying it to them you fucking hypocrite
>mods warn/ban liora
>they dont touch that fucking smol pedophile

This is ultrash discord btw
Pls join
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>ultrash discord is publicly posted
>all of the anon shitposters are too scared to join
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>hair clips through armor still

shit game
you talking about the server as it is now, or the people who used to be on the server that moved to balmung?
Every time I land on something I don't like what I got and spin again....except I've landed on everything at this point. I think my brain may be broken
the latter
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>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
That's not how it works dude, you are indecisive so you let it decide. Whatever it does land on you fucking do. Don't fucking reroll.
>sociopathic tendencies
Not really, you see this shit all the time. Either that or following your logic anyone calling out an avatarfag is also a sociopath. As the war for the OP(thread, not this) rages on.

>please let me shitpost in peace
I dont know where Babushka is, but no idea what that has to do with you using the same image and filename using the same situation each time.
single mother syndrome, or parents who try to be friends.
a pentamelded 320 will be marginally better than a 270, probably less than 5 attack power
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Thank you ironic kindness anon
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yea but i have no fast queue, well actually i got sniped by two of my friends who are a healer/tank combo, but i dont think were continuing together?
Is Ironworks still the best type of gear for gathering?Both my gatherers are almost 60.
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Best Lizard
think about what you're asking
Yeah, dude. A full set should last you to 70.
You will learn lesson.
>tails clip straight through ass capes
really shit game
Okay, no bamboozle, but I unironically love the whole LESSON meme since it's so cartoonishly evil and I can't take it seriously lmao.
Trial? 35 iirc

Melded? Yes
Not melded? No, too costly

I can always pop over to say hi

How can Seto To even compete against Epperson in tanking? Seto thinks 30-40 percentiles is normal while Epperson is pulling 90s with ease.
Been the longest week ever waiting for Omega loot to refresh
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>it's a femra has a mental breakdown episode
Is Omega hard? I been fucking around with other jobs since 70 and getting 308 ilvl.

I always imagine the close nit minmaxers who fight all the time until combat music settles them down are the only ones able to do this so early on
>giving a fuck about day 1 PF primals while the i270 Str meme exists

compare people in similar statics with similar gear, then maybe you'll have a good comparison
I am seriously not looking forward to it. I really wanted SB to do something new. I really lost my shit when I saw I am once again into rolling against 7 other idiots, and even the names are the same, fucking bolts, pedals, springs and shit.

It usually takes 2-3 hours to get everything for everyone, even if you're in a premade group. FUCK.

Eureka will be another disaster.
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Whatever helps you sleep at night.
They're both shit
>2.3K as an OT
garbage, I do as much as MT
epperson is garbage. just look at his previous logs
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Holy shit I didn't even look at that. Epperson literally made the AST balance him over a dps just to parse higher. My fucking sides are in orbit right now.
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you know what they say; the harder they shitpost, the more they force themselves, ...such skill....
No. It's easy as fuck, you have like 5 hours to do it before the loot resets and you lose a week's worth of items.


>500 dps on white mage

i'd instantly kick that from the group
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>he posts an average parse in order to shit on someone
jesus christ you people are next level autistic
How exactly do I exclude myself from fflogs? I don't raid or anything and don't intend to in the near future, but is my character info up there by default?
Do not feed them or face a ban, they might evade but your ass will stay banned
say 8 people in a pug raid
1 person as fflogs on
all 8 are logged
you get no say
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Super cute, would pet.
Also this one.
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welp guess who just got fired. now more time to play this game i guess
you can make parses including your name private I think if you wanna avoid it, that said don't worry about it, unless you're gonna be shitting on others and worried they'll get you back or somethin, but don't
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I didn't ask a random PF AST to do anything lmao. Stay mad.
wtf that's gay. Can I make an account and hide my info?
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You can't. This is why people hate fflogs, anyone can upload your parse and pretty much shame you.
Sign up, claim your character, and then disallow logs to be displayed on your profile.
If somebody uploads a parse with you in the party you're listed.
yes you can hide your info if you can prove that this character is yours. it's all on the site just look it up
Yeah sure Epperson. The PF AST was just dumb enough to balance a tank instead of DPS. The fact that two of the DPS had balance less time than you is pathetic.
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I don't know either of these people, but if I had to choose one based on the parses and timelines, I'd go with the Paladin since they at least seem to be doing their fucking job properly.

I've only played with Ysera and a random Anon the other day
Is reset in 1h30min or 2h30min?
what the fuck did you do to get fired anon
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Give (you)s
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>overlaps fof and req
You're not lily..
What starting city do you usually hang out at? Limsa?

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Show tummy
That's really triggering
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only reached 80% of my companies sales quota. it irked my boss (who already hated me) because she needed all of us at 90% so she can get a bonus so she axed me over bullshit about tardiness even though i'm always the guy who signs up for overtime when she needs people and everyone else comes late and straight up skips out on showing up to the office some days
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ehh sounds like a shitty spot to be in, hopefully you'll find better work then anon, in the meantime just have a chill time
I dont think you want people to dig into your parses to find even worse mistakes than those, so shut up.
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remember to cuddle your favorite lala before you go to bed tonight
Oh holy shit, now that you mention it anon I can't believe I missed that. That's very laughable, someone tell this PLD that it isn't optimal wow.
Despite this error, I'd still pick the Paladin since it's an easy fix that I'd just bully them out of. The amusing thing is that if they fix this mistake they'd be pulling similar numbers to the DRK while not being padded and properly handling blue mark mechanic.
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What do you do when your boyfriend hates your guts with every fiber of their being?
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Does anyone know how to set up an afk bot for pvp? I'm sure it's not difficult but I have no experience when it comes to doing this stuff
>be war
>all that returned damage from ifrit + veng
>whm spamming holy like a motherfucker with cleric stance, thin air and PoM
>rdm spamming his shit
>feel alive
>come back to thread to post my black/red slutgear that dropped
>1/5th of the posts nuked
>scared to post pic
the fuck did you people do
dump him and find a new one within an hour because being a girl is living life on easy mode
I'm going out to work but have this shitty parse run for our ast where I died


I doubt any of my mistakes there are comparable to not realising fof and req don't work together
Post it anyway.
Now that I've hidden my logs on fflogs, will people still be able to bring them up if we're in the same dungeon or something? I'm not overly paranoid about it since I'm a casualfag, but you know.
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nope, people won't try to shame you that way, and even if they did they're probably pieces of shit anyways
I want to make this cute catte my waifu.
Nope, they wont be able to see it on the site. But they can still parse you in the game
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>being a girl

Lmao, dude probably got caught erping with some other dude. Not even men are faithful when they convince themselves they're girls.
Got lewds of this kitty?
hi im going to sleep now but is there anyone on balmung who would like to do stuff in the video game tomorrow? playing alone fucking sucks and the loneliness is driving me crazy please respond
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Not a girl just in a relationship with someone who despises me
goodnight ben
That is the saddest, most white trash gothic lolita I've ever seen in the background.
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sorry anon, i'm not that kind of cat
forgot to add post contact and ill hit you up tomorrow
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So what's this FFlogs thing all about anyway, maybe I'll check it ou-

>The FF Logs Uploader uses Adobe AIR.


HOLY SHIT people actually use this? Hope you have a fucking security token. And a good virus scanner.

But if you're actually installing this shit, you're probably too stupid to have either.
Do not lewd the cute kitty!

/thumbsup stay pure! Also what is that armor even for?
how do i become someone's personal onahole as a lala
dat not me it's only 2am
I am pretty bored though, just been looking at vinyl all night
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>and get attention from people
nigger this is as slippery of a slope as it gets. that perfect girl you've always wanted? the one you could only dick in your dreams? that sly brown cat or quiet little au ra or whatever? you can make her a reality. but it'd be a waste if everyone knew you were a guy, wouldn't it? that's not as cute. you might as well act like her too. actually, people seem to like that side of you and the attention is kind of nice. people who wouldn't even give you the time of day before are suddenly so much friendlier. some of the guys even seem to be crushing on you. well, that one guy's not so bad, it wouldn't hurt to throw him a bone, right? if it was you in his shoes, you'd be over the moon. a little hugging is fine, friends do that all the time. actually, it's kind of nice to receive affection like this, isn't it? it's okay if it gets a little lewd, it's just roleplay or whatever.

well good job, now you're sucking dicks on the internet, you fucking faggot. you spent all that time playing games worrying that the cute girl might actually be a dude and now look at you. do you know where it goes from here? fuck nigger i don't think you're even ready to know. turn back while you still have the chance because you better believe there's no brakes on this train and it's headed straight for the tunnel of endless dick
it's the level 70 DoH set
uh what? why are you in a relationship with them than? better yet if they despise you why are THEY in a relationship with you.
women in management were a mistake
fuck off to /g/ with this tinfoil shit
Sure, how can we meet tomorrow?
why are you such a backstabber? seto is your friend right
move on
>boohoo nobody gave me attention today that means I'm so lonely!
Neck yourself.
Can I move on with you anon
He is but he still should read his tooltips
@ >>182316262
Oh, that's cool. Do you have goldsmithing leveled up? You could craft us a pair of flawless rings if you know what I mean!
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maybe by removing yourself from the gene pool through suicide, degenerate lala-lewder
Mad respect to the gamesmaster guffity guffs. Doesn't hide behind anonimity to shittalk his friends and tells it like it is.

This is why he's the gamesmaster and u aren't.
you give your ign for starters
Weaver anon, I enjoy making clothes, but i'm leveling the other crafters slowly with gc turn-ins
I haven't really been feeling too into the game lately, leveling classes with potd isn't very fun and constantly being undercut due to being on a large server isn't enjoyable either
Dude I love fucking Guffy and to all the people who call him a backstabber stfo. He tells it to your face, not behind your back. On top of that he speaks the truth, even if that means hurting someones feelings.
I doubt they would do that

Why are you saying mean things to me I didn't say anything to you
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>lak ex
>OT can't hold second place aggro despite being babied by the nin
>the blue marker always appears on me under Chimmy Changa
sure but I don't think you have any right judging other people considering how "good" you are yourself
Yeah, I don't blame you. potd is absolutely suffering and catching up to all the endgame content is extremely easy so you just run out of stuff to do. I don't know if being on a smaller server would be better for crafting though, less demand might make it just as annoying. I could be wrong though, maybe we should plan our escape to Mateus or Siren or something small.
my name in games endrance crowe or you can discord me elk#1683

nigga outside of playing the first two hours of early access and like one dungeon run after that ive been playing solo the whole xpac so far
As a casual shitter who doesn't intend on endgame raiding, do I have to download ACT as an AST or can I wing it for normal content?
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>lak ex
>OT can't hold second place aggro despite being babied by the nin
>the blue marker never appears on me because Lucid Dreaming is busted
>somehow my foul misses, though

The game just doesn't want us to have nice things, anon.
gauntlet or genji glove?
oh hey I've seen you running around in game. What kind of stuff do you want to run? I could maybe play with you if you don't mind a catboy friend.
>elk will never fuck off
>40+% of your damage is one button

Nice job, BLMfags.

Your funeral bro.
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Being on a smaller server means higher prices usually for crafting but you can be one of the few people who supplies and helps with stuff. It can be very rewarding if you like doing that

I would

You can wing it but still take some time on a training dummy to learn your class! Don't need to be optimal but knowing the average is always good
genji glove, broken in all versions.

gauntlet sucks all the time since its only 25% damage, meanwhile genji glove is 100%x2
>be blm
>have to stand at melee range the entire fight every time because OTs can keep second place
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New dress!


Nowhere, usually! Where should I?
what the fuck how do you play ninja at 70
sam is so much easier to me
ward 2 plot 2 mist!
well ive been leveling my black mage so roulettes and stuff are good, but really we can do anything, also your race doesn't make a difference lol
What level is your black mage? I'll probably hit you up tomorrow.
>Be shitter OT running it for the first time with some old friends without knowing mechanics
>All MT told me was that I have to be second aggro at all times
>Die repeatedly to mechanics
>Just voke after I res
>Get 2nd on the aggro list
How can you not keep second on the aggro list when you have provoke? Like holy shit, just Shirk the MT on CD to give him a retarded aggro lead then voke every time you lose 2nd place
pugs are braindead
TFW Yugiri will never come back from an assassination to your home and strip out of her sweaty clothes and undergarments, and unwind by forcing your face between her scaled legs and right into her moist, dripping slit
>be WHM
>RDM is ALWAYS out of range from my AoE heals
>stop it you shits
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Neat, I'll send you a tell tomorrow and we can run dungeons or roulettes. It might be later in the afternoon or early evening because I may be busy in the morning.
Am I being rused..
>playing with elk
>talking to elk
>having any association with elk
I stopped talking to this person as fast as I knew it was elk. dropped him instantly because of all the rumors going around here
Friendly reminder that Deltascape loot rolls reset in less than an hour.

I'm gonna be queuing that shit on tank immediately and hope I get the pro NEET DPSs in my duty finders
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new city is gorgeous! too bad it looks pretty small from the map and it doesnt look like there are any other zones.
What did he do?
He hasn't done anything bad in a long time. you guys need to move on from your vendettas.
dont talk about yugiri that way plkease
Why would you want any other zones? It's kind of annoying that the other cities had to be split up rather than putting everything into one nice space.
>leveling MIN
>get to 61 with lazy GC turn ins
>start to grind
>go through three survival manuals and not even halfway through a level

I'm still upset Zeno didn't finish Yugiri off during the one fight.
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Nope. Now the question is am I being rused?

Might make an alt soon since I think it should be open at this time?

I have more manuals than I know what to do with greeding on everything in dungeons while leveling.
>start to grind

dude, collectibles, leves. What are you doing?
I never got into collectibles until endgame for scrip gear and was told the GP regeneration period wasn't worth it at lower levels for collectibles vs straight grinding. Was I rused all throughout HW?!
Ask CG, she'll tell you why you should avoid him.
Did Sandcat really just say they would use a lala as an onahole? Am I reading this reply chain correctly?
Hey you folks were right, at least the first omega fight was not too bad.
Good job, anon.
>I never got into collectibles until endgame
Holy shit that must've been tedious as fuck
Yeah, collectables are very nice side experience when the nodes pop up, what I did was grind -> collectables -> grind as things popped up or garlandbell gave notifications
He has admitted to it 4 times before. Go bait elsewhere.
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collectables made leveling gathering classes the most comfy thing ever. I'd just glance at the clock every now and then and if an unspoiled node was up I'd go for it.
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I am pic related right now and feel supremely stupid.
>tfw you were powerless to stop zenos when he was like "you are unworthy" to yugiri and started to slowly walk towards her to kill her
really bad feel not a fan
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hehe i posted it again guys do you see
this filterable person is posting bad things
I was ready to see heads roll desu. Lizards must be purged.
I was under the impression that unspoiled nodes were a fucking bitch to get anything from unless you were geared and melded to the teeth.
dont say this
Press control+U go to Rowena's stuff and check out how much each turnin gives you. Its pretty nuts. While it sucks that you did the hard way, least now you know for the future
>there are people who actually have spend their items from omega normal before savage/tome come out
Sandcat/Mado please keep your trips on when you get triggered.
on alt jobs yeah. most of us are planning on getting the crafted gear for our mains.
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It's really big!
I agree. Please purge us.
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She should have been dead. Zenos is a massive pussy. Literally sees one arrow fly at him by some peasant and he runs away like a baby.
I'm in limsa atm, if you want to meet up
i made this for you, please enjoy.
Dont even need unspoiled nodes now. Common items can be collectibles too. Getting red scrips got my miner and bot to 66
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There's even a room inside for advanced petting sessions
Please help me. The update fucked my comfortable rotation and now I'm ignoring songs because I don't know how best to use them.

What's the proper Bard skill rotation now? I was being an attentive DPS up until now and I don't want to be a useless piece of shit to my party.
>adds that note about her sweat
>doesn't mention her ass at all
How did you make this picture?
>wanting a second zone
You unironically liked the other four cities that were just one big street for each zone? Is this your first MMO? Literally any other MMO with a city is better than this garbage, Kugane is a massive improvement.
can you link an unedited version of this?
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