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/svg/ - Shadowverse General

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Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 152

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Dead game dead general.



>The Shadowcraft follower Shadow Reaper will cost 3 instead of 2.
>The bronze Neutral amulet Test of Strength will now have the effect "Countdown (2) All followers that come into play gain Ward until this amulet leaves play." This will replace the current effect, "Leaders cannot be attacked if there is a follower that can be attacked in their area."

All cards info (so far):

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: https://pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi


Dead Thread >>181491434
Blood is balanced
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KMR has decided that the next expansion will focus on making Forest top tier.

Design a legendary that will carry the class to t0 by itself.
you will have to change it for bloodcancer soon
Like Yurius.
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I'm in love with my beautiful wife Unica!
You now need to be in vengeance for Baphomet to use his enhance effect.
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looks balanced to me
Deeperwood Anomaly
10pp 1/1 storm
If this follower attacks the enemy leader, they die in real life
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This is not ok
She's a kid, you creep.
nerf yurius pls thank you
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remember the fond days of wanting to nerf yurius
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That sounds wrong. Is it fond days or fond rememberance of those days? Please teach an ESL.
Don't make threads so early you autist.
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That's one sad dragon.
You still seem kinda boned unless you topdick Alucard, though.
He has TWO Revelation in his hand dude, are you blind?
>two revelations and a sabreur
I think he's fine
>Meanwhile, Satan Cat pulls a ZEUS from one fucking ivory dragon
>two feenas
He should only have two in his deck, assuming he already played one and evolved it for the 0pp gobu he's dumb for apparently having 3. Still hilarious
>ramping dragon slut in jabbermeme
Now that's full retard
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>surviving to turn 10 in ungaverse
It's shit
If he runs Jabber, he's gonna have three Fortes and three Genesis and maybe even some Zeuses.
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Non-Lego Neutral followers that saw play of each expanion
Healing Angel
Wind God
Goblin Mage
Goblin Princess
Goblin Leader

Just compare the strength of Standard and DE era neutrals to TotG and WLD
And now they have huge synergy among themselves
I played Revelation and went face, he played Zeus, I killed it with evolved Righteous Devil and attacked with Spawn for lethal
Ding dong was played a lot in standard too
Do they actually ban people for leaving the game or are they just trying to trick me into not leaving when shitters get lucky and start spamming emotes
>look through forest and neutral cards
>all that powercreep
So every forest deck that doesn't have neutral in it is dead,isn't it?

also post forest deck that isn't dead right now
Correct, slipped my mind somehow
Uriel is shit.
Forest only got like 1 or 2 usable cards each expansion so of course they need to use neutral now. The only thing that made the class playable in RoB were two neutrals.
You can leave, just don't close the app/game before doing so.
Uriel was used in decks to fetch specific amulets
I forgot about Urd as well
I think you listed Grimnir thrice
>expansion came out just recently
>25 minutes into the thread and only 40 posts
Dead general alright
Once for each copy included in every deck
yeah that's what i mean
obviously you can concede, if you couldn't that would be retarded
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>Forest uses Forest of Dreams to lock my Spawn down
>Drop Esmeralda
I got an image in my head, it involves Vampy sitting at a school desk taking notes while Teacher Luna is teaching from a blackboard with the words "How to be Cancer" written on it.
Yeah and those decks were shit.
>Just play this understatted do nothing follower to fetch another do nothing card
Uriel never saw play in actual meta decks.
The amulet support in this game is a fucking joke in general.
It's because if you close the app/game before you concede they have to wait out the 90 seconds.
>also post forest deck that isn't dead right now
yeah that's the goal
if they're going to BM me why shouldn't I be able to BM them
yeah forest is fucking dead
good god
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Please understand, the mtg pros working at cygames could have never foreseen people playing Emeralda to clear the way for Spawn.
Turn off enemy emotes.
Cygames learned nothing from Tempest. I'm not even going to bother waiting around for possible changes at the end of the month. Hope the rest of you enjoy this meta somehow, but I've had enough.
Pretty sure this deck would have a higher winrate than B&B decks
isra and genesis, evolve istra clear ward 2 dmg face + 10 dragon
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>73.4% / 49.8%
holy fuck
>not giving him the Zell + Bahamut dick for the good old times
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I just wanted to clear a daily in unranked, but holy shit, defend this.
You're 3 damage off
He would die from Spawn's last words then.
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>mfw some swordbab somehow makes it to turn 9 and plays Albert
What's with the rites I see a lot of burn rune teching in?

x3 seems pretty excessive
Spawn is not in ambush retard
Spawn is clearly not in ambush
Are you dumb
>2 hp on turn 5
what the fuck happened
It's not Spawn of the Abyss. Really easy to defend.
Nah, that Spawn isn't in Ambush so it wouldnt hit his face. QueBahaZell would do it just fine.
Yes, apparently. Or just triggered from seeing it being evolved immediately after dropping.
I was once down to 6hp on turn 4 against sword
How does the rites enchance 5 pp work If you reduce it cost to 1 with OZ ?

x3 for cinderella or other massively buffed neutral low cost follower
Gonna be smooth sailing until Master. Thanks, KMR.
If you have at least 5pp, it would cost 5, otherwise 1.
which sv has the tightest cunny
Isabelle. She's still a virgin as she was saving herself for marriage.
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7/6pp 4/3 rush last words:draw the highest cost follower in your deck and give it "fanfare: if at least 2 cards have been played this turn gain storm"
any siren deck
shiet right I gor confused and thought genesis dragon dealt 10 damage
you can tell I'm not a dragon player I guess
>doesn't even reduce the cost
Good luck surviving to drop whatever you fetched.
Fuck forest. Seriously. Worst fucking craft and worst fucking players. I hope it never becomes good ever again. Arisa can fucking rot in purgatory.

5pp 1/1 follower
Last words: At the start of your next turn you win the game.
>moldy cavern

I don't consider that a vagina
I miss Eachtar.
Meanwhile Sword is cancer every meta
Yeah i totally forgot that desu
Turn 5 fervor. It could work back in Tog, but not this meta.
>moldy crevice
>t. shadownigger
But it really isn't. You're just shit every meta.
Where the fuck is my WD interview? I demand explanation on not super strong Alice and Spawn.
i want to smell her pantyhose
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Rate my emblem.
MOOOM!! I raped a degenerate netdecker with the tier 0 deck and turn 6 abyss with my homebrew meme deck!! Get the fucking camera!!
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Not my goddess/10
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Let's not pretend like Neutral Royal isn't completely degenerate despite Blood being even worse.
no fairy dragon or woes/10
Its shit
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>stuck between 0 score and 1k
I knew forest was shit but never imagined that after 2 days of playing I wouldn't even get past 1k.
T-thanks for everything KMR.
>tfw can't have English Humpty and JP everything else
Life just isn't fair
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Maybe you just made a shit Forest deck
Dumb summerfag.
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Yeah, it's probably just me.
Well, at least that means when Cygames nerfs Neutral Blood at end of month, we'll finally have a ton of deck variety
Alice is cute
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I tried to play Dragon in this meta. This is the deck code I got.
is there a way i can get oz's voice actress to verbally abuse me
Can't they at least put Spawn in Maintenance mode or something until the nerfs happen? The current situation is killing the game.
>when it's just everyone running the same fucking neutral engine
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Still won, fortunately neutralshitters get overconfident
neutrals were a mistake
>playing alice in dragon
yeah you really are a bonified dragoncuck
I hope every blood deck goes back to tier 4 where it belongs.
>(Coma) Neutral Vampire
Well, this game is truly in coma now, if not already dead.
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>deck variety
half of that list is running the same neutral package
He pleased boglin dick
Blood was a mistake
They need a reason to put cards in maintenance and Spawn doesn't cause any glitch.
I think what bothers me the most about spawn is how fucking vanilla it is. Other than the art there is no reason for it to be a blood card. It could fit anywhere. It just happens to be a really good, really easy, really lazy wincon.
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Who /mindgame/ here?
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Sounds like you win the game but your enemy wins overall
Will they ever learn?
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Greatest meme even if its unreliable as fuck.
Sea queen is probably my 2nd favorite card after wizardess of oz this expansion because of the incredible meme potencials.
You know what, you guys will always find something to complain about because it's not this game that's really the problem, it's that your lives are empty and you aren't living for anything meaningful. So there.
>I beat the slowest deck in the game with the card that punishes slow deck the most
Checks out
Rapunzel is shit, i'm going back to Grimnir.
How come OTK Elf is doing so well against Spawn? I thought Forest was dead or something.
No their complaints are entirely valid, homogenized classes are one of the worst things they could have done. The longer the game goes on the more it becomes like Hearthstone (shit)
Please end your life. Thank you.
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You know this game is dying when this is the best retort shills can come up with.
Not them but
>turn 1 Goblin
>turn 2 neutral 2-drop
>turn 3 Goblin Leader
>turn 4 Alice
>spread over all 7 crafts
This used to be Shadow's niche to use Neutral and lo.
100% Roach tutor thanks to ETA
ETA can kill Spiderweb Imp if they are able to have Looking Glass in hand
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>bloodnigger intelligence
Even worse than Mid Shadow numbers. KMR does it again!
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>A nigger trying to defend the Neutral engine
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>council of rats
At least Alice is a cute cancer. Better than that whore Daria and faggot like Kektar and Catacomb.
Yes they are valid. Didn't say they weren't, But my point is that Cygames could fix that 100% and these guys would -still- find something to complain about, because it's less about them being unhappy with the game, but more because they are unhappy with their lives (don't even try to lie about it).
Not that guy, but something like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUfcIxkicUg

Except replace B&B with Ancient Elves.
Spawn of the Abyss
8PP 6-7
Whenever this follower attacks, if ambush was active for it this turn, deal 4 damage to the enemy leader.
Whenever this follower attacks, if ambush was active for it this turn, deal 5 damage to the enemy leader.

July 29 (Announcement) July 30 (Change)
August 28 (Announcement) August 29 (Change)
September 26 (Announcement) September 27 (Change)

Just 26 more days. Let's stop playing until then and see if they fix the problem.
Spawn would be somewhat balanced if it deals the 6 and 8 damage to both leaders
Then it becomes a challenge of getting your opponent low enough to who the hell am I kidding it's broken as all hell
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based KMR did it again
Which golds are a must for Spawn? I'm out of vials
Hector. Trust me, I'm Beginner 1.
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Feel bad for a poor guy, he tried to meme with grave and got rekt this hard
No one's defending it >>181514709
>bullying the people trying to chemo the blood niggers
Don't bother. His deck will be nerfed by the end of the month.
They never nerf legos, so they'll hit Tove and BKB, so they aren't as prominent as early game threats, making it more challenging to safely get out Spawn and swing with him.

He won't be top tier OP by the end of the month.
Awesome dude!!!!!!!!!!
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>tfw no Kripp version of SV for me to watch to learn Arena skill.
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Yes gaijin, just stop noticing how the balance of the game literally gets worse every expansion, the problem is your mindset, not the developers.
xnnoel but haven't watched his stream for a while so no idea if he still streams
Why cycuck want to nerf Black King Bar?
>posting satancat video screenshots
Because you refuse to learn english, ESL-kun.
tfw too poor to make memerwock deck as of now
I see a lot of people complaining about him. He's basically just Cuckgel but without an evo requirement and he can't banish, but people seem to agree he's just a liiiiiiiittle too strong.

I say Tove as well because that's a huge early game threat when coupled with Alice. He's just a better Devil of Vengeance.

They don't nerf legendaries so they'll nerf the rest of the deck.
As a Blood main, I hope it catches a nerf. I love that Blood is strong rn but it's too strong, even I can see that. I just hope it doesn't get nerfed to hell like Roach and Reaper.
>Blizzard want to nerf Black King Bar because I dont want to learn english
You're retarded
Alright guys, I just came back from trying my hand at both Elder Scrolls Legends and Eternal (in case this game goes to shit).
My conclusion is that Eternal is alot more F2P-friendly but with no popular IP backing it, its relatively small playerbase is mostly made up of people who really like the game itself. Elder Scrolls has a larger playerbase, but to me, the gameplay feels so sterile althought their singleplayer campaign is better, even compared to Shadowverse's. I wish Shadowverse's campaign was more like it. In the end, I think I'll just continue working on Eternal.
Seriously, learn english or fuck off.
Number of Grandmasters among top-100 ranked wins by class:
Forestcraft: 0
Swordcraft: 0
Runecraft: 0
Dragoncraft: 0
Shadowcraft: 0
Bloodcraft: 47
Havencraft: 5
Magic immunity is OP, BKB has gotten the most nerfs out of all the items in the game dotard.
Do you find eternal to be more fun than shadowverse?
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>Elder Scrolls has a larger playerbase
Bkb is a mix between dragon warrior and cudgel, except without the evo requirement making him great even if you are going first, and ALSO deals damage on your face which is going to help you on the long run since yu want to be in vengeance by turn 7.
>People unironically believe Bkb's damage is a drawback when it doesn't even punch you when you are already in vengeance
Watching paint dry is more fun than Shadowverse
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>if Blood was nerfed this would probably be the most diverse format
>diversity doesn't matter when each craft plays the same exact way now
Based KMR.
Yeah, he's the perfect turn 4 counter follower. Cuckgel was hyper fucking annoying when it'd just banish and knock our your board, but at least he had an evo cost tied to him.

Need a concede
Don't forget he gets full stats on evo too
You know how Shadowverse has that special impact effect when you attack the enemy leader with a follower that has 10 attack? Eternal also has that (TES:L doesn't) and is one of the factors that made me prefer it over TES:L. I'd say Eternal is like the western version of Shadowverse where Shadowverse has anime art and Eternal has comic book style art.
They're both just as fun. It all depends on what kind of gameplay you want to play today.
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Fuck it, if every expansion from now on is going to be as shit as these last 2 I might as well stop now.
Some retard at cy gives a random craft a broken as fuck aggro lego every fucking time and breaks the game until the nerfs like they want everyone to stop playing for the next month.
Have fun chasing grand master in this shitfest.
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Midrange elf before Blood dominance. I suppose I have use for my playset of dumb elves.
Why are people running Conflag again?
I appreciate these dragon posts now that they're not the dominant class
Boy I sure love this meta where my game is decided for the moment the game pics whether I go 1st or 2nd
>This guy thinks he knows how to read
Because Alice buffs every board out of 2 damage AOE range
Did ToG have broken aggro legos now? What the fuck.
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Nerf Oz.
There is something weird here but I can't quite put my finger on it.
>le balanced headless man of many zombies
>turn 7
Eachtar was midrange :^)
Haven doesn't have a 0 next to it, that's the problem, I'm sure.
what's the pixiv tag please
Thank you, Havenbro
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Dumb elves. I got a playset and don't know what to do about them.
Ranked master games should be 2 out of 3 with no dupe crafts..
2 out of 3 with side decks
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>100% of ladder is anti-spawn aegis now
>pick blood
>hope you get to go first 2 times
Please let them attempt to balance the game before doing such thing.
Im sure they dont think enough about balance, cause many LEgos are overdue to get that
How does that work? Isn't Aegis much slower than Spawn?
Aegis is anti spawn? Since when.
2 bombs wasn't enough
control control control, Heal, heal, Aegis

Blood Spawn trick is to put enemy in range so spawn own ability can fuck you. if you control teh game and keep high heal, Spawn gets busted
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>Please let them attempt to balance the game
He was streaming earlier today
god is dead, and wonderland dreams killed him
2pp 3/3 was a mistake
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There are so many mouthbreathers here like you who think cost determines whether something helps you go face or not it's not even funny. Do you think turn 9 albert isn't aggro either?
*spawn of the abypss kills him
It's not that Aegis is anti-spawn, but this Aegis deck is specifically built to counter spawn. It gets fucked by regular aggro.
You'd think they would do some play-testing on the obviously most powerful legendary of the set, but guess not.
I never thought I'd see the day where i was rooting for Aegis. And I'm a Blood main.

Albert isn't aggro, because he comes out mid/late game. Aggro is when you beasterize your opponent before turn 6. By your logic, Silent Rider from the apoc deck is aggro.
Spawn is also aggro because it's (almost) unavoidable damage to the face, so is Aegis. Their cost doesn't matter.
*Cthulhu killed him
Need a concede, pretty please
ID: 84544
There's literally no way this deck works against the neutral-aggro package or other spammy shit. Every fucking expansion some retard posts some massive roach win-streak at the start of the expansion because they beat a bunch of people running shit decks. Then of course game-ai posts it and gets suckers to actually fall for it.
They probably thought the effect was balanced by the fact you had to play him raw on t8 or at least play a 2/1 for 5 on t5
Little did they notice they also printed a retarded early tempo game on top
The only time Eachtar is aggro is when you let them have a board. Guess what can kill you at 16 without even committing to a board?
Aggro is a deck archetype. A card simply having storm doesn't make it aggro.
You're literally retarded and have 0 idea what you're talking about. Your entire "knowledge" is based on shit that you've read on 4chan and then try to parrot without actually knowing what it means.
Sit the fuck down and try to actually understand shit before you make retarded posts.
>We want fast games
>Let's give everybody bulky sticky followers and board flood
Well gee going first wins games now. Who could've thought that would happen.
Just golem shift bro
Haven has 6 ways to remove stealthed Spawn (plus Iron Maiden if you hate that fag that much) and a bunch of heal
It can also fight decently early having the only relevant 2 drop in that game that can trade with Tove + access to Scripture and generic Aria + Dogma tempo plays
Japanese salary men are ruining this game. If the next expansion isn't control focused with added counterspells, then I'm fucking done with this game and going back to HS.
>have a lurching corpse, skull beast and spartoi soldier out
>enemy is dragon on 5pp
>he urds my corpse and concedes
>in master
I can't fathom the brick he just experienced.
>10 face damage in a storm deck isn't aggro because it's turn 9 so it's '''''midrange''''
Retarded fuck.
You pose a good argument, you win this one.
probably her name?


I guess her name is Oz is Ozu but not sure, just try
>cygames has stated multiple times that they WANT the games to be shorter
>for some reason you still believe there will EVER be a control expansion
Just quit now.
Haven is good against the neutral-aggro package. Snow White is as powerful as Tove. Haven doesn't give a shit about absurd buffs because balanced Themis. Stuff in Teena to take care of all the neutral shit better than Cudgel can.

It has iron maiden, tribunal, and themis to deal with Spawn then heal up with Curate.
so was 3PP 4/4
Well that's fairly typical of Haven anyways. I always felt like they had answers for everything.
Cheap and strong followers, random destroy, heal, ward, banish, easy storm followers, +1/+1 elana boost, instant win cards, invincible followers, and easier access to apoc deck.
How much fucking shorter can they get?
Soon games will end on turn 1.
That would be Oz Rune. Haven is also a cancer.
Elana is still irrelevant, its numbers have barely improved.
Not him, but
It's not the cost that matters, it's how early you can get it out. Albert is enhance 9.
Eachtar is 7 cost minimum, and you need shadows for him to work. Neither you'll get early game.
These are late game, not aggro, because aggro is LITERALLY EARLY GAME WIN CONS ONLY.
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Seems better than "storm isn't aggro if it's not played before turn 6 xD".
There is zero indication that Cygames wants to change direction from braindead gameplay with predetermined tempo swings and autowin legendaries when that's what's made them so popular. Holding out for counterspells of all things just means you're too weak willed to quit now.
Oz Rune isn't anywhere near as good as Haven at dealing with Blood. Zero decent healing to come back from any smart blood player just evolving Spawn to get in the 8 face damage.

Only people letting spawn get turned into a Rat against Rune are shitters at this point.
>cygames has stated multiple times that they WANT the games to be shorter
What's the reasoning behind this?
I mean it is obviously retarded but what is the thought process?
>1pp Countdown Amulet
>Countdown (1)
>You win at the end of your turn
Fall of the Dark Brotherhood was a pretty control-focused expansion desu
>turn 2
its gotta be quicker!
>Aggro (short for "aggressive") decks attempt to reduce their opponents from 20 life to 0 life as quickly as possible

>rather than emphasize a long-term game plan.

>Aggro decks can quickly overwhelm unprepared opponents
Aggro doesn't stand for "I GOT FACE LUL" you cretin, Aggro stands for winning QUICKLY.
Turn 9 is not quick.
So, is there any reason to climb through Masters to Grand Masters? I have yet to fully recover from the burn out from my climb from Beginner to Masters over the months and i get a feeling this meta is going somewhere bad
>Mobile game
>Play while on trains

Gee, I wonder.
how do you pronounce forte anyway? like fort, or like dork?
>implying the game isn't over the second the turn order card pops up
Only retarded Americans don't pronounce the E.
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dork of course
it's pronounced "whore"
I personally think Fortay.
Couldn't really guess how it's actually said. Make a strawpoll?
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>cygames ruins master class with their stupid master rank bullshit
>even better, it resets every season, so the climb never ends
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>Just discovered that you can have different leaders for different decks of the same class.

For how long has this been a thing?
>the game has a goal to climb towards every season opposed to hitting master and that being the end of the road
what a crime.
ToG and WD have made me realize how great expansion DE was.
Follower cards will now gain +1/+1 for each seers globe used on them. Multiple globes can be used on the same card.
This effect is permanent across all games.
Every expansion, dude. That's 3 months.
Then why give the player 20 lifepoints and up to 10pps?
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>woodlands band
>What an interesting amulet surely they will print some sort of support for this right?
>I mean there's no way they give a class worthless filler cards 3 expansions in a row
Elana and Neutralbuffs were basically the same shit.
Getting overwhelmed by buffed opponents that you can't trade into.
>implying 20lifepoints is high
Anyway, to entice controlfags like you
why does he always have such a shit eating grin
You only play his enhance if you didn't kill him already because the other guy wards or trades you complete moron. You still play him to kill your opponent asap, just as a backup plan. You're so fucking caught up in your retarded definition of what is or isn't aggro you ignore why cards are played.
that's all just windowdressing to make the player feel like they have control
the actual game is just a coinflipping simulator
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Reminder you will never be this retarded.
because you're the one eating his shit and he finds it funny

you ever flip a coin and 100% of the time a goblin rapes an elf?
Yeah, maybe if Elana had a 58% winrate
simpler times
Like you would in Italian.
>You're so fucking caught up in your retarded definition
This isn't "my retarded definition", this is the agreed on definition by anyone that isn't a fucking newfag to card games. This has been the definition since Magic.
It's only newfags like you that have never played a TCG/CCG before SV who try to reinvent the wheel and argue about shit that doesn't need to be argued about. You're simply wrong. That is an objective fact. No matter how much more you kick and scream, you won't stop being any less wrong.
Don't bother these people genuinely believe that if an old school aggrobats deck included soul dominator it would magically become a midrange deck because aggro decks are supposed to be hardcapped at 6pp
>instant win cards
Seraph isn't an instant win it's a 2 turn combo. Aegis is annoying but it isn't instant. Grail is meme. Apocalypse is even more meme. Thus haven has trouble with dshift decks since their win conditions are late and slow.
Elana can get bonkers but it bricks because they rely on an amulet to win. Followers are cheap with storm but they are usually amulets which are slow and can be bricky. Snow white is an exception but banish and her lategame weakness is a thing because haven can't really push for game until turn 6+.
I guess for the past two expacs haven has been comfortably sitting in tier 2/1.5/anti meta as they can deal with a lot of stuff consistently.
Garuda is a far superior meme.
>Jabberwock pulls two Zeus and Genesis Dragon from two Ivory Dragons and Gobu
>Jabberwock pulls Zeus from a single Ivory Dragon
Fell for the Discard Dragon meme in RoB. Now to craft Casino Dragon in WD.
Fort pronounciation is strong.
Fortay pronounciation is musical.
I like Dorkaylmao
>hmm this guy has been storming my face from turn 1, but i managed to stave him off until turn 9 and ... oh wait he played something that dealt 10 face damage and killed me but it cost 9 so I guess I didn't go up against an aggro deck after all
This playerbase deserves all the rape spawn is giving it.
>Anyway, to entice controlfags like you
find any good lists for Jabberwock?
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what will the kronos card be like?
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It's because of retarded MtG grandpas that CCGs will never be nothing but a meme. Look at how many digital card games we have nowadays and all the developers still treat them like they are just physical games on a computer because they have to cater to nostalgiafags who refuse to "reinvent the wheel". Every expansion has to bruteforce a new meta, almost no balancing is done and formats are inevitably introduced at some point because of said lack of balancing. There's no actual advantage to the digital format.

Why bother balancing, balancing and testing is too hard, this is the way things have always been done.
One card doesn't make an aggro deck.
If you manage to stave him off until turn 9, that's a failed aggro deck. Probably because he had a turn 9 card.
You're mixing up Aggro with OTK.

Aggro aims to beat the opponent as early as possible with low cost, fast, high powered attackers and easy removal.

OTK aims to beat the opponent in one fell swoop through careful buildup into one giant all out attack.

Learn definitions before applying your own nonsense to the game first.
This. They need to break away from the retarded idea that "oh no we can't change old cards!" because of some retarded adherence to stupid paperback formats. It's a video game fomat now, and that means it should be subject to constant buffs and nerfs like every other fucking game in existence.

Problem is they are mostly keeping the paperback "style" because it turns into an extortion racket where they make money from you every three months by releasing new shit. Ensuring that you buy it because of powercreep.
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>Snow White is as powerful as Tove
Remember when Control Blood is used to be thinking man the deck?
Remember when you have to calculate ememy's potential lethal?
It's shame now it's all bout drop spawn on curve.

>but but turn 5 and 6 do nothing! you can't beat that? it's meme snake all over again!

i hate those kind of fucking bandwagoner retards
>some guy says albert turn 9 is aggro
>everyone is jumping on him saying turn 9 albert does not signify aggro and the definition is being used wrong
I could be running midrange or cannon memes and still play albert on turn 9. One card does not signify a deck is aggro and one card cannot be called aggro. Jungle warden is does the same thing as albert but I wouldn't say he is aggro or forest decks running him as aggro decks even with shit like roach.
You seem to be under the belief that game companies should care about anything but their bottom line, the folks here can cry all they want but cygames is still raking in the dosh from SV and will continue to do so for years no matter how shitty the meta gets.
spawn is not a control blood deck
any long term deck is now a meme due to Cy pushing Short game and Aggro meta

It's only turn 9 because of the enhance, you can just play it earlier if you want ffs, how dense are you?
If you really think every deck has to fall neatly into your categories then you're just another autist wasting everyone's time with outdated definitions.
More powerful actually, she's a 3/5
it's a 3/5 for 2
No one is playing control blood it's all midrange blood shit with alice-package + spawn

Basically an orgy of all all the retarded cards printed this expansion thrown into a single deck.
There's more than one Spawn deck, retard.
Turn 2 1/2 into 2/3 rush. It's value and you can get even more value if you run the turn 3 +1 ward thing. You can easily trade 2 for one like that on turn 3 going first. Or you could play grimnir run the 1/2 into something to get the 2/3 to remove a 2/2 and remove something else on turn 4. It has a lot of value early game and has allowed haven to stabilize against the faster decks.
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I forgot but it also counts as an evolve so with doggu you can get a 2/4 ward on turn 4 or 3.
Get with the time grandpa! Nobody ain't having time with your outdated DE grinder CBlood lmao
>calls me an autist
>no real retort
>"outdated definitions"
I'll count this as a victory. Stop replying to me now.

You yourself (or it was posted earlier) said, and I quote:
"I could be running midrange or cannon memes and still play albert on turn 9"

Albert played on turn 9 doesn't automatically make him and the deck aggro.
If you play aggro on turn 5, it doesn't make him nor the deck automatically aggro.

The deck is aggro, or it isn't. Stop. Talking.
>Forest is dead lol!
>another roach deck
yep, Seems dead to me
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I'm playing control blood..
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>another "i-it has a 80% winrate please believe me" jap Forest deck
>They need to break away from the retarded idea that "oh no we can't change old cards!" because of some retarded adherence to stupid paperback formats
Seriously, can you come up with a single reason why a card like Jeanne shouldn't be buffed? Equivalent fanfare to Dark Jeanne (arguably worse outside of some meme Laelia deck), same body but Jeanne is unexplicably 2pp more expensive. Even if it costed the same as Dark Jeanne it probably still wouldn't see much play.
Beta Skullfane nowadays would just be a shittier Lion. It's ridiculous.
I play control- Aggro Blood
You're right I should've said more powerful, my mistake
That wasn't even me, you have no idea what points you're even replying to. Also, the whole "stop replying" thing gives away how austitic you are.
>crash Snow White into a 2/2
>wind up with a 2/1 at the end
>crash Tove into a 2/2
>wind up with a 3/1 at the end
Outside of T2 while going first Tove feels a lot better. Especially mid-lategame when it pretty much becomes a 3/3 rush for 2PP.
What should use my seer's globe on? My head says Alice, since she's in a lot of decks, but my gut says Satan for that animated apoc deck.
Completely stuck now. I keep getting incredibly awkward shit hands against awful match-ups.

Are the solo rewards actually this good?
Are you retarded?
Cblood is the 5th most played deck on ladder, idiot.
>those legs
How can Nep even compete?
No, those are the very first missions you get when you create a new account. It's a one-time thing.
I feel bad
>open 2 packs today
>get 2nd woes and fairy dragon
I'm so happy, not even memeing
Fuyu ga kita no ne
>more stats
>can attack twice in a turn if it dies
>no restrictions whatsoever
You're wrong
>Tove dies to any 2pp deal 3 removal
>Snow white survives board clears and your own themis
>Can double trade
>Synergy with Haven's other good 2-drop, the doggo
>can be played in any Haven deck, and not just neutral shit
>isn't going to be scape-goat nerfed like Tove
I would color her white.
Same argument, and this is an anonymous board.
Or did you expect me to be able to identify you out of a selection of similar sounding retards?

Please, continue changing the topic. Backpedal harder. And read up on definitions.
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>Animated legendary
>Animation isn't even that good

so far Corpselord of Woe's animation is probably the best for leggos.
post webm
>go first
>play snow
>play angel that buffs snow
>crash into 2/2 from turn 2
>crash into 1/2 from turn 1
>2/2 and 2/2 with ward against empty board
>crashing against tove is equal trade
Also I mentioned dog synergy for 2/4 ward which is super nice on turn 3 going first. This really is a go first curve and win expac.
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>elf twin assault
>"oh shit I'm fucked"
>1 damage
>doesn't kill anything
I don't know how to record from my tablet much less make a webm, sorry.
>my decades old definitions from another game has to apply to every card game because me and my fellow autists say so, no exceptions
But yeah, keep 'counting this is your victory', maybe your handler will be impressed when you call her.
>I've decided that aggro means something totally different now because it suits me and totally needs updating!
>Yeah, aggro just doesn't really fit the bill anymore, even though literally all the principles are the same and nothing has changed

At this point, I don't even know where the original poster is, whether he's reading these and has figured out his mistake, or if you're indeed him. Regardless, just know that you can't make up your own definitions and expect them to apply and/or replace the old definitions.

You got it wrong, and got called out. Deal with it.

Catch you on the flipside
Do you practice putting as much cringe as possible into your posts or does it come naturally with your 'tsm?
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Neutral Sword is running Impartial Stryx now?
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I didn't draw a single Baphomet or Spawn the whole match. Fuck this shitty game.
Didn't mean to quote
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So here's the deal. I've never actually played this damn game. Just joined when it launched way back when and have just taken advantage of all the free shit they've given us.

Got about 1500 rupies from the logins and such when events were going on.

Any good decks I can make/build and compete?
Depends but Teena is a thing so it loses a lot of value when alice is a better play on 4 and hector is better than stryx on 5.
Guys, I heard there was some new hot OTK deck going around.
>waaaaaaaah i lose with my t0 deck
get fucked
Still no solid counter argument.
your list is pretty outdated bro
kys spawnfucker
Poor soul. No new wonderland legends? Else you should craft some new legends.

no but really I hear it can win on turn 7 guys what's going on
What the fuck is "secret witch"
It's a secret
It was posted like on the second day of the expac. Alice buffs fairies with glass along with gobu and teena and driver gives them +1 and storm.
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Yeah because they gave like 90-100x packs of the original packs out.

The expansions I think theyve only given 10-15x packs of at the most.

Based on what I have is there anything you recommend crafting?
I couldn't tell you what decks to make, since it's up to you and I won't pretend to be a huge expert on them, but the following legendaries will more than likely not see play, so feel free to liquefy them.
Again, if someone counters one of these then believe them over me.
Get rid of:
Dragonsong Flute
Beast Dominator
Fairy Princess
Sea Queen Otomeme
Queen Vampire
Aurelia, Regal Saber
Eidolon of Madness
Elf Queen
Lord of the Flies
Rose Queen
Arch Summoner Erasmus
Imperial Dragoon

The rest are either must haves, decent in their own right, or I think they could possibly see play soon.
Get a few wonderland packs and you can play the new cancer spawn deck with spawn of abyss and alice if you want tier 1 shit. But you don't have the vials I think for a whole set.
Dragon would be your best bet but you'd still need other leggos and I don't think now it's the best meta to craft dragon.
am I missing something?? cause this is hte same old same shit standard roach otk.
nothing new
>b-but muh fairies
he had enough lethal with the roaches
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If shadowcraft was Tier0 last time, as some nerds in here proclaimed, then what does this make neutral blood?
Maybe you'd have noticed them before if you didn't lose track of what you were trying to argue against instantly and just resorted to repeating shitty definitions, sperglord.
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Wow I remember the Sea Queen being talked about all the time back in the day. All of those legendaries can be liquefied safely?

Thanks, I've got 1500 in rupies just sitting around so maybe Ill spend them on Wonderland packs.

I recall that there was a good website out there that showed what was currently popular. I'll take a look
correct* definitions
still no solid counter argument
still resorting to name calling

truly pathetic.
Yeah pretty much woodland of brambles makes fairies decent early on because they ain't running any minions except for make 2 fairies or roach early on. This makes gobu draw consistent. Needs looking glass to make twin elf assault into a destroy the board card. BnB does work once you have looking glass. Pretty much looking glass and hand generation is key but that's inconsistent.
I cannot say they can be liquefied safely. Maybe note down the ones I said and see what other people think. If enough people agree, then yeah, they've more or less been outclassed and don't have much chance.

Also, post your golds, since a lot of them can be outdated and are worth a bit.
>that fucking slow pace of this thread

cthulu not only killed the game but this general as well lel
This quickly after an expansion release no less.
ill care for forest outside of my Control Forest meme once it gets a win con that is not that fucking roach
Wonderland Dreams is proof that MTG pros ARE balancing the game.

Because they made the exact same mistake as Mirrodin did. Mirrodin was all about artifacts which are pretty much the neutral craft of MTG. It produced a deck so broken (affinity ravager) it was the first set that had had a card banned in Type 2.

Those nerfs cannot come soon enough.
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I just hope they don't nerf it until I get to masters.
Honestly I'd never vial legendaries since you can make fun decks with them and it's always not worth the mesely 1k. Some like skullfane or beast dominator if they never get buffed are 100% vialsafe though.
Good luck with your packs.
Try actually finding the correct quote path and reading the posts again and you'll see arguments, I'm not obliged to repost everything for your lazy ass.
And if you don't like being called out on your autism don't write like one.
>stop replying
>my victory
>catch you on the flip side
Just end yourself.
>make a normal deck
>it doesn't win

Yeah I'm pretty much done until the next expac.
>face 4 haven in a row
What's happening? though they're free points for my shadow deck
I'd agree, but early on I feel that new players would rather the 1000 vials goes into a gold or legendary they want than a meme build.

It's what I did anyway, I focused on one deck and cut a lot of stuff for it. Beast Dominator and Skullfane for sure are due the axe though.
I'm looking forward to spawn infinite storm cats in the next expansion too.
Forest needs value evolves. All of their evolves don't affect the board to much and instead give hand fuel or more specifically roach fuel. They could've done something with that new 2/4 put a thorn burst and fairies into hand but muh neutral shit and it's cost made it worse. The main issue I guess is a lot of the play two get an effect cards are being shafted because of roach existing. For example that 2 cost count as 2 plays could've been 1pp 1/1 and worked with everything existing but because roach exists he gets fucked.
I read all the replies.
Everyone who was arguing against the points that agreed with me were simply wrong.

Again, you're not countering my points.
The thing is he has 19k vials which is quite a lot. He could make a weaker deck that only runs 2/3 from stronger decks and keep the golds and silvers he needs to make future decks. That way he is super competitive early on and can start building gold and vials for making that deck or a new deck stronger.
top deck melvie when you had 0 cards in hand was disgusting I agree
How's storm haven doing this meta?
p good.
Just don't fall for the lion meme. If you want to play lion, you play a completely different kind of deck way more neutral focused.
2/3 legends*
Blood is tier 1 and destroys them. Everything else is fair game. Tier 2. Would possibly be tier 1 with a bunch of other decks but blood exists.
That sounds like a good plan. Up to him but yeah, obviously you'd want to keep as much high potential stuff as possible and dump out the stuff that has no foreseeable use.

or just get 3x spawn AHAHAHA AM I FUNY GUYS
If evens I stick to playing Dragon/Haven this expansion

If odds i craft Neutral Abyss Blood
>What's happening?
Aegis is working as counter to Blood Spawn
Your only point boils down to 'aggro has to be only cheap cards because that's how it worked in magic'. You're ignoring differences between the games and regurgitating some definitions like a broken record.
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>It produced a deck so broken (affinity ravager) it was the first set that had had a card banned in Type 2.
Nah. Standard was already around during Urza's block (which also had some problems with artifacts).

I'm just being cheeky m8
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>sitting at 85 gold
>daily login reward is a standard pack
eat shit discord
I blew my load. Already saving for the next expansion should the game survive this one.
This meta killed my motivation to play.

>earth rite is plain boring
>shadow got decimated
>dragon is still the usual tog
>dshift still ineffective
>sword is boring, just drop storms man
>everyone is playing blood the dailies
When did I ever compare it to magic? Maybe someone else did, but not me.
If you want to make the comparison, then aggro is the same across multiple games (these two included).
Aggro is about making a deck (READ: AN ENTIRE DECK) around cards that put high pressure on your opponent from turn one with the intention of winning as fast as possible.
This is likely where the confusion comes in. Albert can certainly fit into an aggro deck, as he is a 3-5 for 5PP with storm.

However, just because Albert is in a deck, that doesn't automatically make it aggro. You put in veteran lancers and support cannon and all the weenie dispensers and Albert, and think he makes it aggro, then you're literally mistaken.

Once again, aggro is not OTK or big chunks of damage done in single turns, like your definition of aggro seems to be.

A deck is aggro, not a card. One aggro staple in a non aggro deck does not make it automatically aggro.
This game is shit desu
Looking forward to those hot new steam reviews
>>>/r/shadowverse is this way.
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>shadow got decimated
You say that like it's a bad thing.
I see you're talking about something completely different again because of that post someone else made ages ago. For the last time, find the right quote path you sad sperg, you're just wasting your own time at this point.
Is there a variation of it that can deal with blood that isn't aegis?
It seems that just running tribunal + iron maiden is enough to not be destroyed by it
Good old days of Skullclamp
>hmm this guy has been storming my face from turn 1, but i managed to stave him off until turn 9 and ... oh wait he played something that dealt 10 face damage and killed me but it cost 9 so I guess I didn't go up against an aggro deck after all
This playerbase deserves all the rape spawn is giving it.
This is the beginning of the quote path. This whole thing has absolutely been about what I've been talking about.
Do I need to type slower for you or something?
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Is this expansion really that bad? It's worst than ToG?
I wish. It wins to slow and blood wins to fast. Doesn't help that storm bursts after they hurt themselves giving them revelations range on turn 5 or 6
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Why did he attacked my Alice? I'm confused. Is a 3k Master player btw.

Concede please senpai.
It's not the beginning and you still manage to waste post after post talking about a completely different one.
What do you mean? I love playing Wonderblood Spawns.
he was going too fast and misdragged the target thing
Almost every deck has the same early game regardless of craft because of neutral synergy. When you reach mid game you just die to spawn or another wave of neutrals with one or two class cards mixed in.
Thank you!
We're not talking about that anymore. The quote path topic naturally changed as it went along. It started about turn 7 eachtar not being midrange, and then the debate about whether he was aggro or not started, and then idiots like yourself couldn't comprehend what aggro means and you tried to apply your own definitions to save face.

You either still can't counter my points or you're replying to me for no reason.
This expansion is pretty great.
At girst, I was afraid everyone would be playing the same neutral opening, but just about every class now has multiple good deck options.

And best of all, Earth Rite is finally good.
I think it introduced way more fun stuff, but it's getting oppressed by Alice and Spawn. TotG was just bland.
What was the point of this expansion? Just Cygames jewing even harder?
Yes. Almost every deck has the same opener and neutral blood already boasts better numbers than midshadow ever reached.
Only 2 classes aren't playing the same neutral opener and that's Haven and Rune. The two classes also trying to combat the Spawn shit flooding the ladder.
It's an awful way of jewing honestly.

Making only one deck tier 0 doesn't really mean someones going to go out and spend even more money since the moment they make that one deck they have literally no reason to spend any more money.
I'm definitely seeing a lot more decks and crafts than I was at the end of Tempest.
It's a shame people figured out how to blow up decks with Spawn so easily, but I guess there're nerfs coming to rectify that.

Overall, I wouldn't say it was the best expac but it's definitely better than what the game was previously. Even if you just count solo missions and the changes to private matches.
>get sword quest
>go into casual with old as dirt, standard mid sword
>get paired against nothing but strictly better alice sword
Fuck WWD
This. I would love to fight more jabberwock, dark alice apocalypse, dread queen or even carabosse decks but instead I get aggro to the face or spawn dicks in ranked and even unranked. Only because they win their games super quick and efficiently. Why play dark alice when you can play 2-3x the games in the same time.
>Earth Rite is finally good
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Too bad this classy woman, who also apparently can act like a babe, did not made a cut into the meta despite being a neutral tempo fuel.
Is there any information on when the prebuilts are coming?
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>board clearing with Levi
>Calamitous cursing away Shadowcraft infinites

Muh fucking dick
probably the worst thing they did this expansion to both forest and sword
their cards are strictly worse than neutrals (specially the commander/officer interaction), with a few exceptions
They can always count on some korean retard spending 2000 dollarydoos trying to make an all animated spawn deck.
Wish she was 4 cost. Hector is better than her if you're using neutrals.
I remember a korean streamer whaling for all animated cards
lol she's understatted, buffs ONLY one follower and draws ONLY one card at random
Total shit card in modern SV
Should be 4 cost. Worse alice.
kys neutralnigger
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We did boys. Finally Blood will be nerfed for once. Our cancerous venture is shortlived because satly fags got stockholm syndrome from the days of midrange sword and roach, but we will bid our time until Blood rightfully reclaim its glory.
Buffing up the old couple and hedgehog can be pretty wild.
>pretty great
>forest got shit cards yet again
haha xd
The quote path starts with the recent expansions' broken legos being called aggro and you're still sperging about it because you can't accept anyone not using made-up definitions the way you want them used.
The only thing you've managed to say for god knows how many posts is 'muh points'.
Go eat a tendie and calm down.
>Cygame nerfs something besides the alice curve
>Everyone just moves to the next neutral cancer deck
>4pp 3/4 draw a card and buff a minion
One more nail in the coffin
>Balanced man is still viable
I don't get it did he attack with spawn your Alice? What a cuck.
This is the shit that infuriates me the most.
The entire Alice engine is what sword was always supposed to be in the first place but has never been, except for othohime into sage back in the ancient days but it's way more late game than Alice.
And it's avaiable for everyone.
Sword is the most fucked up craft in the game. Yes, even more than forest, that at least has roach still carrying games.
blood was perfectly fine with vengeance and good ol' aggro (with or without bats)
there was literally no need to print such a bullshit card like spawn
>Calamitous Curse
>when rats exist
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Witness my true strength
"The quote path starts with the recent expansions' broken legos being called aggro"
I'm saying they aren't aggro.
That's it, that's my point. Why did it take you this long to comprehend that?

Kids these days..
Are people seriously complaining about Sword and Forest being weak?
Sword is still the second best deck and forest will always be a tournament winning deck.
>tournament winning deck
Where was forest in the last 3 months?
If you can't understand from my post that I'm pointing out that you're upset about those cards being called aggro then you're an even bigger autist than I first suspected.
>sword plays turn 3 cinderella
>follows up with a turn 4 sword follower
>i should have forseen this
is cinderella too high IQ for bungas?
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>forest will always be a tournament winning deck
Just like in tog. Those Wolfbolt wrecking havoc in tournaments were just sick bro
Urias in Shadobasu chaneru when?
sword isn't weak, it's fucked up like forest but for different reasons
Yeah he attacked My Alice with Spawn, should have killed the 5/5. Still he was a bit fucked there.
The thing is, if you play neutrals (like most people are) you are most likely not going to have any fun.

I recommend control. Fight cheese with even more cheese.
>and forest will always be a tournament winning deck.
Stop posting
Hi leddit. This was already posted leddit.
Winning tournaments?
I'm not upset, but you won't believe me.
If that's all you have, calling me autistic and pretending I'm mad, then sure. We'll just end this here.
You have nothing else to come at me with and my definitions and points still stand as being correct. You can try to derail the chain more by pretending this isn't part of the original chain, but oh well.
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Forte confirmed for cuck
>implying I play shadowverse
Stupid shadownigger.
I need some help
I currently have 12000 vials and already crafted 3 alices, but i still don't have a complete deck because i pulled literal shit on my packs
I was thinking about making a lion haven deck, but how much do i need dark alices and snow white to make it good?
Also, how well does it fare against spawn?
hi discord
Just play spawn there's no reason to play anything else.
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>how well does X fare against spawn
The best match up is an anti neutral spawn haven deck with tribunals, heals and themis
Some run the thing that makes enemy followers no attack
That one is only slightly unfavoured
Don't build decks just to counter spawn right now.
Nerfs are coming soon and I highly doubt he'll stay as huge a threat as he is right now.
Unless your deck is going to counter him but also work against other decks, don't make it.
>dark alice
Well mistakes were made
3x snow
3x lion but could get away with inconsistent 2 of each. Just craft 2 spawn or maybe 3 and all the golds.
Hi leddit
Finally got my win because someone else conceded to me before I played anything.

What a cancerous metagame.
end of the month at best
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requesting a concede

I think you're confused. You're the one who started including posts that weren't by me multiple times.
If you still can't do anything but pretend some old definitions you sperg about have to be correct and applicable to this game simply because you say so and ignore posts with counterarguments, feel free to continue wasting your time.
Woods of Recursion

4pp legendary amulet
Countdown 3: Give all followers that come into play Last Words: Summon a Fairy with all of this follower's Storm, Bane, and Ward abilities as well as all attack and defense changes.
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>he thinks there is a deck that beats this
I swear, the neutral package just makes the coin flip more absurd. The only way for the first play not to overpower the other guy is to not have Alice on turn 4 to snowball with. Fuck this meta, really.
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Welcome to ptp forest. Roach into something then loop to ptp.
Kill me
Shadow doesn't play it either, or at least has the option not to unlike others
What should I craft next? I mainly play blood, forest, haven, and sometimes rune.

thanks bloodbro
I legit refuse to play spawn
Honestly, I don't really care about which archetype i'll make, i just want something that isn't spawn and is actually good
Just craft spawn and shit on everything. I won't be playing anymore so just cancer it up.
x3 spawn is all you need
Well really you'd just need to turn 4 woods and turn 5 roach
Technically Dragon doesn't have to either since storm is still a thing.
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I've been doing pretty well with it though
I really like the art style.
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Oops, here's the pic. I have mostly everything relevant from pre-WWD. Should I just be crafting 3 Alice? 3rd B&B/3rd Snow? Should I even bother going deep enough for 3 Alice + 2 Spawn? I don't have any Rapunzel/Emerelda.
>even with neutral engine and ambush tools, Albert is still carrying sword
based IKUZO
1. That's pepe sword
2. You are playing against dragon
I want to, but won't I need
+2 Spawn?

That's like 20k vials - my pulls from this set were pretty shit.
Wicked Fairy doesn't either.
Emeralda is good, but not mandatory
really, just craft x3 (or x2 if you dont have the vials) and hit that motherfucking auto fill
enjoy free points
>3 alice
>3 rapunzel
>6 emeralda
>everything needed for spawn
>no spawn
Only reason I'm not crafting 3 spawn is because it looks digusting. That is all.
Guys, I'm just starting the game. Can anyone watch this and let me know if I made any mistakes or what I can do to improve?

I actually caught myself about to make a mistake here, I almost played Hungering Horde before evolving! But I realized if I did that, I might have given the opponent enough time to hit the concede button. I was super proud of noticing it!
t. cygames employee
People run rapunzel?
Is it really better than grimnir?
Or do you cut gobu?
You only "need" alice, but frankly you can get away with not having her as long as you manage to do 4 damage to face before dropping 16 on face turn 7.
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>beginner 0
That's just mean anon, but you're doing gods job
Drive away all the new players before they get sucked in
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Reasons to play Shadowverse:
I can see Rapunzel working if you're also running storm or ToS. But noone ever uses her, no.
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>70+ packs

N-Nice expansion guys, wish I could join...
I'm not sure which one is more disgusting, eachtar or this shit
I've been having no luck with this deck - am I just playing it wrong? I have 250 class wins with forest, and it's my main.
People run rapunzel because it doesn't get cucked by BKB.
Bearn in mind high masters is NOTHING but blood decks so yeah it's a pretty good card up there.
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You should try me.
>play sword
>use turn 7 cock and carrot to clear board
>1hp left
>angel of the ward
>ping some random 4/4
>albert motherfucker
>he disconnects
Pretty sure I got like 5 countdown disconnects in a row. I'm going to hell for this aint I.
Could I swap in Grimnirs at AA3? I was unfortunate enough to pull 0 in 60 packs.
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>nothing but blood
Not yet, but we're getting there
Balanced man needed a board to be +8 (+ the attack of each unit) face damage at best while this shit can OTK you with a simple combo and if you are in vengeance it can even go through a ward fora 20 health OTK.
>Drive away all the new players before they get sucked in
Yeah this. I convinced a friend to play SV back in DE. He left the game around at the beginning of ToG but I convinced him to come back since there was a new expansion coming and cygames promised monthly potential changes. I'm already regretting making him waste his time.
Post the Spawn of the Abyss netdeck
only if you're discord :^)
Keep in mind Rapunzel's downside can be really significant when you run out of evos while Grimnir remains relevant until the end of the game
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Anime tiddies
>Censored Anime Titties
I'm no longer sure I put an Alice in my deck. Haven't seen her in like 20 games.
You're a Japanese salaryman commuting to work
Technically doesn't matter. All versions of old decks are inferior to the neutral opener so any class is going to run that in their best decks because you can still get an easy win by going first and curving out on your opponent.

You can still play old ramp Dragon and old Midrange shadow but both classes have better neutral aggro/midrange decks you can play instead.
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Since shadow is dead and rotting in the gutter, should I play fun unlimited bat works homebrew or cancer spawn?

I'm in A rank.
Someone pass me a neutral sword deck

Mine keeps getting bodied
I take it you're not in masters then.
Put alice and the neutrals into the deck, put spawn into the deck and hit autofill
Play control shadow. I swear it's the next OP thing.
Great meta niggers
also A2 here
I see nothing but spawn and neutral sword
very rarely I see someone actually poor trying to climb with homebrew
take from that what you will

I don't like controlcuck shit, sorry.


I didn't pull any Alices.
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>tfw fell for the Neutral Sword meme
Well, according to Shadowverse lore that dragon and blood is supposed to be the strongest and other class are just a meme.
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>Emulating SV of all things
Do you not have a steam account or something?
You can also play Neutral Ledger
I don't get B&B, the card says that is immune to effects and spells but I saw people banishing it after reaching 3 defense or lower. What the fuck? I though it couldn't be affected by spell cards.
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I'm climbing with shadow right now, hunting those with neutral engines.
>I fell for the craft Alices meme

>curve out nicely
>doesn't draw her
>get board wipe
>draw her
>no card in hands
damaged or destroyed
banish is another ball game
Dragon is back to being a meme.

you can't reroll on steam without making a new account my dude
So it can get blacked or papa banished? I saw people blacked B&B though I think it is immune to evo effects.
If you're rerolling then why are you taking towards ranked?
Same here, crafted 3x Albert since I had none, but oh well at least now I can do my sword dailies faster

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Meta in Master seems to be changing.
as long as def is 3 or lower
calamitous curse too, either 2 or 5 def
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Is WD turning this general into /hsg/?

well since cygames is turning this game into hearthstone it's only fair
I have never played HS, let alone went to the general, what do you mean by that?
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>tfw need 6 Lewi, 2 Mutagenic bolts, 2 Professors and 2 Oz
Life is pain. Looks like I forced to sacrifice all dragon cards again

I think you've completely missed the point of the whole exercise.

Meanwhile in Take Two
>rank A2 playing blood that managed to get an abyss gets paired against a beginner 1
>playing runecraft
>they lose

Fukkin hue.
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This was the only general I really liked, what am I going to do? I like everyone here.
I haven't played it either. What I mean is that their general is so dead that it didn't even exist a few weeks ago.
I crafted 3d cinderella 3x alice
no regrets
juice crab and dshift
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Here's mine, a control-midrange hybrid for clearing neutrals.
The problem is getting him below 3hp if you are out of evolves and he keeps removing your shit with spells. Acolyte's light isn't conditional but teching against such a low play rate deck isn't worth it.
>This was the only general I really liked, what am I going to do? I like everyone here.
Kill yourself shadow nigger
I like you too
>Kill yourself shadow nigger
You can't say that anymore, anon!
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>trying to do 6 ranked matches mission
>face blood, lose because it's neutral blood of course
>face anything else, lose because I brick
>try multiple decks/crafts and have the same result
this expansion is fucking me off. I have no spawns to join the rest of the bloodniggers, and I've been sitting at 0 rank for days due to this terrible luck
if anyone has a decent storm/neutral haven deck, it'd be appreciated, I drew 2 lions so I've been attempting different alterations with little success
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This whore here just doesn't give up.
>fetches baphomet
>fetches Feria and becomes 3/3 on evo turns
>fetches loliquisher/maisy/lyrial
>fetches Tove
Oh I see. Well shitty metas tend to hurt the game and the general. When the expansion went live we had a lot of posters but the meta kinda settle quickly and now everyone is raging about Spawn. I guess we will continue this way until people find a counter meta deck that has decent win rates and then we are set to ToG type of shit.

I just hope cygames actually nerf the problem cards but I guess they will just use the obvious scapegoats for neutral classes and spawn blood.
A slow general is a good general

damn, I was hoping for something involving hell's unleashers / attendants and liches with neph but I'll try this out anyways
But Nep kills Spawn right?
Only if she draws out Khawy, I think, since he can take Spawn with him if Spawn has the highest attack?
what if i only have 2 cerb and 2 eachtar
>Sword in its advancement test
>Turn 9 plays Albert
>Sends 6 damage to my only thing on board, a 3/5
>Could have dropped me down to 4 when he was at 18
>Would have Themis'd the turn after either way

Please if you're netdecking read what you're supposed to do with it. Unga bunga man go face.
>get spawnfaggot to 4 hp as nep
>watchman and spawn stareoff
>he urds spawn and evos for 14 damage, completely bypassing khawy
nice 'counter'
Apparently having three 7-drops in your deck results in a 90% chance of having two of them in your opening hand...
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New kyb (kill your board) shadow. Apparently streaked 15 times. I doubt it will work well against rune though.
It's distressing that a lot of ungas aren't properly ignoring the board lately.
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Still trying and doing changes to mine
Corpselord, really?
Maybe I'm super behind, but I thought he was complete and utter meme tier. Did people figure out how to get him to work?

Not sure how Death's Ledger really helps you here.
It's favorable with storm/lion haven and neutral sword, unfavored much with dirt rune. It has a chance with spawn deck but I haven't seen them much on the ladder today to test the deck more.
Haven't given him a try myself, but from the videos i checked, you keep him evolved. It will take twice the effort to get rid of him unless it's a hagcraft.
By pulling liches maybe?
>Apparently streaked 15 times
So I'm assuming you've pulled that from twitter, mind giving a link?
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>and so lol we made this card lol that deals 8 face damage plus 8 if u dont ward and if u use emeralda or alucard its otk lololol
>that is if you even survive the neutral pressure at the beginning lol

Remember when ToG had two functional decks?

This time we have just one lol
Shitposter refugees from hsg do that.
>dracomancer rites and dragonslayers price are legit tech cards now
what a time to be alive
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Just drop shadowverse and start playing Fate Grand Order (English release came out a few days ago)
/fgog/ is one of the best generals around.
>3pp 6/6
>4pp 4/4
>if opponent doesn't remove it can get great value even if you evolve it manually rather than by its own effect
>if opponent does remove it then they spent their turn removing something that can't attack and have less resources to remove your other threats
Well, definitely report back if he does well. Still gives me meme vibes.

There's a lot of stuff that isn't lichs though in that deck is all.
FGO is garbage. Kill yourself.
I think spawn is doing badly against silver bolt forest. They just heal themself everytime until they draw their wincon. Even not, it's more risky to have t5 spawn because you get burst down easily.
>it's not okay when Blood does it
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It does't have best girl (male), therefore it's trash.
if you're going to discuss something at least read the card retard
>complaining about Memelord
I'd rather go back to mobas than "play" glorified videogame gambling
But it's a memey card :^)
>Want to get back into shadowverse with this expansion.
>Have enough vials to craft a deck.
>Can't really craft the only t0 deck because it's going to be nerfed in a few weeks/months.
Oh well, back to not playing.
The fuck is wrong with you my boy?
Khaiza or Goblin Mage in neutralcraft? Why would you consider carrotman in the first place?
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>implying people didn't cry about Dragon and Shadow
>attempting to defend the actual first tier 0 deck of the game
Kill yourself, bloodnigger.
Demon Eater ensures you to always have a card on hand so it's easy to find them. I think it's fine.

>play neutral blood
>reach grand masters in a week

So what's stopping people from reaching masters in a month?
Ledger only pulls shadowcraft followers.
>go first
>go second
fun game.
khaiza would be good for consistency
Wait, WHAT?
Since when? Fuck me then, nevermind.

I could have sworn I dismissed it before because it was just drawing out whatever fits the PP requirement.
If your deck requires you to maintain a certain ratio of neutral cards and/or a big handsize to work, carrot can be a legit choice
A lack of autism
I'm not complaining, I'm enjoying my animated Corpselord deck.
I would be running 3x khway but I understand why only 2 because blood runs two spawns at time. Reminder khway cucks spawn and baha
Not having Blood.
I don't think this deck aims to survive 3 spawns here, but rather just one.
They don't nerf legendaries. The only thing that coul hit spawncancer is a baphomet nerf, but even without it the deck would still be insane. Crafting blood is a pretty safe choice.
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So there's no way that neutral blood doesn't get nerfed right? I mean I know these cocksuckers at Cygames won't nerf him directly but they'll probably nerf his tutor Baphomet.

this deck seems very shadow hungry
Depends if we'll get a nerf like shadow did.
Why stop with blood, let's just give everyone Cudgels with fanfares.
I didn't pull Abyss and crafted 2x Lion, 2x Snow white and 3x Alice already
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I'm sure we can all agree that while neutral blood is cancer, control blood is still the patrician's deck of choice and the true thinking man's deck
and full evo stats
>Destroy a Follower with X or less health, where X equels the amount of allied officers in play
Hear here

I wasn't sure which one was right
They'll probably nerf both baphomet and goblin leader by increasing the cost of those cards.
Star all the cards of the blood deck just to be safe
It's only true that I'm thinking about dropping this shitty game
Siegfried is a thing already.
>tfw lost a match because I was pissing myself
fuck my body
Please gib cudgel fanfare. Keep his stats as 3/4 when evolved I don't care cudgel fanfare would be lovely. That's how good bkb is.
that's pretty hot anon
>can't kill at Full Health
>below curve stats
My dude I've starred every card in the WD expansion.
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>mfw no one to slap me in the face with a big meaty concede

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>game ai "tier list"
game ai is trash
>thanks to Alice there will be even more aoe removals with 3 damage at the lowest cost next exapc

This game keeps getting better.
This is the worst fucking shit I have ever played.
So Alice is pretty much a safe craft at this point?
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I'm sorry anon, but I'm an ugly neet
Nothing can beat Neutral Blood. Neutral Blood is tier 0. GameAI's tier list is accurate.
>storm haven and neutral sword
we all are
Agreed. Don't know why I keep playing it.
I haven't touch my 20k vials Gobucraft for while, look like Spwan Blood will be next on the menu.
Praying to rng let my Gobu grab roachies everytime

*angry roach's noise*
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Is Rowen back to meme tier?
What is the point of nerfs when they only come a few weeks before the next expansion and everyone is already tired of the game to death?
They should nerf things within 2 weeks or release at minimum.
for concedes is it proper etiquette to instantly concede, or to do nothing/play blood cards that kill yourself for the "play other people without conceding" as well?
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Thanks Vania!
because "it will get better"

It fucking wont, wake up call my dudes its time to switch.
Yeah she's pretty broken and can go in any deck so theres that.

Try playing hearthstone and you'll know how much a shitshow a card game can be.
Next update or nerfdate is July 29th I believe.
I'm not ugly OR a neet
Thank you
outskilled you fucking loser
What the fuck is this trash list lmao
They are going to be releasing nerfs every month this time.
I want to play this now. This man is a genius.
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Match ID 51477
Anyone want to concede? Or maybe play til the end, then concede when you realize one of us will win?

I'm trying out my Abomination D-Shift dick.
Why is it always "but muh hearthstone is worse"

does that make this game better? No. How is Hearthstone the universal standard? A band might be better than Rihanna does that make them great?
>15 2PP cards in deck
>never draw one for my second turn
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wait what the fuck I somehow pulled 3 windmills from my free packs

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Is Wyrm God of the Skies good-tier in T2? I feel like by the time I'll have her in hand it's lategame and me and my opponent are trying to topdeck each other, so I won't have anything to play with the effect next turn.

>turn 9 do nothing
prove it
Actually the HS meta has been way less cancerous than SV ever since the pirate nerf.
>2chan shitting about game ai 24/7
>it's trustworthy source for /svg/
>have an evolve centric deck
>go first
who cares left is an autopick.
like everything that is 9pp+, it comes too late
great reading comprehension my dude
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Okay here's a picture of me
just urd dude lmao
that would fucking suck
>use vials on deck
>one or two cards get nerfed
>you got fucked since you can only recover a small percentage of the vials you wasted
and then everyone would be annoyed to no end because things would change way too quickly
the meta shouldn't be broken in the first place, and if you think cygames didn't know this was going to be the result then you're just naive
Its shit
But shadowverse already is glorified videogame gambling.
>go first, win the game
>go second, lose
this is the reason I can't play anymore.
I didn't pull anything from packs so no matter what I lose a shitton of vials crafting legs that won't get nerfed.
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me you little bitch
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This might be the deck rowen use
Thank you. I really need to tweak this deck somehow.
I dont get Dark Alice
>dragon plays windmill
>plays carrot 5times in a row clearign board
what the fuck
Make it 5pp and we'll have a real sword card
>going second is so bad you might as well just concede whenever you go second

great shit cygames

games over before it even started
What's the best neutral blood iteration right now? If I can't beat these fags I may as well join them.
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x3 spawn
x3 removals
hit autofill
>Trying to talk positively about one of the worst expansions you've ever made
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HamsQuixote anti spawn/aegis deck
This man is a genius
No problem. Pretty slow if you can't dshift haven but then again rapunzel seems to be sticky.
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>starring fairy dragon
I'm pretty sure this girl isn't going to see any nerfs.
I want to like this, but I but I don't see how you survive the first 5 turns in this meta.
just ramp bro
Carrot+windmill is fucking hilarious.
What should she get to be not hot garbage? Storm?
>playing aggro.
Boy, this deck sure is mentally draining to play.

But it sure does feel satisfying to play a deck with such deep strategy.
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Not ward. Instead a cool effect like buffing fairies attack by half it's own attack.
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looking good evolved
>that would fucking suck
No, that's how every pvp online game in existence is balanced
CCGs are a meme.
OK, this man is a fucking genius. "Oh you have a +16 face damage for next turn? Guess what I have +18 STORM face damage"
You lookin real jacked baby.
Dark Alice is basically Mordecai at the cost of forcing you to play only neutral afterwards.

If you can get the setup going it's pretty interesting.

Get a Siren's Tears, turn it to Neutral with Through the Looking Glass, and you can start buffing any Neutral followers by 5 at the end of your turn. Then throw in Test of Strength and they can't do much about it.

Then throw Satan into it so it won't deck out
Hey if you are playing neutral blood you still have a good chance of winning if going second (unless you are playing against another neutral blood, then rip)
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We are reaching this combo boys
>le turn 6 spawn


bloodniggers drop spawn with so much skill

what a great card
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what if this game was fun?
>one of the worst expansions
for you
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Seems like a lot of work
>almost quit because games hard
>found a deck in YouTube
>replicate as most as can
>tfw 7 streaks now counting

Well it was used in competition, guess it was pretty good.
Are either of those legendaries even good? I never see them
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14708 Can I get a concede please?
Hero is good, but it's a CSword card. Wind God is a meme.
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Another one falls.
It is and you need to pull your removals and stuff early but it's a good fun deck, and seeing a 12/12 Unica with Ward is fucking hilarious
What the fuck did you feed that grimnir?
*Wyrm God
Haven't played MtG in ages. They're back to Urza tier gameplay with 'win by turn 4 regardless of board state' combos?
Read this in the Darkest Dungeon narrator voice
Just an evolved lich.
kys luckshutter
im over 65 packs in and only got 5 legos only 2 of which are usable
So how does that work
You copy felidar guardian and then just bounce it and its copy back all the time?
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fuck off with these shitpicks jesus christ

I can't see Siren's Tears as anything other than "condense followers into one big easy to remove body",
right doesn't look so bad, why are you whining
You copy the guardian, exile the planeswalker to recover her counters, and go infinite.
Don't feel so bad. I got an Alice in the previous packs I opened, but I already have 3 :^(
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You create endless cat tokens since board size is not a thing in magic.
If the opponet can't block literally infinite damage (for example with protection from white), he loses.
nevermind, I thought rapunzel was hot garbage because I misunderstood the card. my mistake
im over 70 packs and only got 2

I run 1 in my deck just for shits.
You see one big easy to remove body, I see one big MUST remove body.

Now imagine that for every turn you DON'T remove it it gains 5/5.

Then imagine it has Ward.
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Fuck my life.png
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This game sucks I didn't get any spawns.
>Wind God is a meme.
Seriously who thought a card this expensive that also has to die to take full effect is a good idea?
A shame really because the design is pretty good.
What could possibly power creep alice curve?
At this point I doubt it could be worse.
Gobu nerf was necessary
Skullfane is still unplayable
Wow fuck you in the ass give me shiny snow white
Oh baby give me that 1pp piercing rune for my burn dirt
How was gobu prenerf?
I think that was their intention. Dragon got their one good set, now it's back to Timmy cards and memes.
Fact: Beta Skullfam is just a shittier Lion
Cygames still felt the need to nerf him for the game's release
Average stats are 1/10 packs

There's supposedly a safety net of 20 packs for legendaries. I don't believe your stats
it'd only give you 2pp followers
Didn't stop swordbros trying to make Leo work for 3 expansions straight
Could pull only 2 drops. Forest would run 9 1 drops + Fairy Circle and only Roach as a 2 drop. They'd have guaranteed Roach pulls + good early game, so they could reliably chip you down in the first few turns and nuke you with Roach combos turn 7-8.
Couldn't pull 1-drops, which allowed Forest to keep an aggressive curve with 100% roach tutor chance. Was also starting to get used in every aggro deck since it was such good value.
It's was roach tutored so you could have triple roaches by demand.
>Seriously who thought a card this expensive that also has to die to take full effect is a good idea?
I honestly believe they flat out didn't bother to test cards this time around, this game is already very low maintenance as it is with most of its assets coming from RoB.
>turn 7-8
turn 5-7
You're being generous. I basically never saw Leonidas again after DE except for a very small period of time when Gawain came out of maintenance.
I didn't say they'd succeeded
At best you might stumble unto one in meme ranks, but who know's where that is with Grandmaster introduced
You forgot to mention that Feena made it so that next turn you could use 2 gobu to buff roach for free
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>posts decks with no animated playsets
>it's a messy pile of 1 or 2 animateds clashing with the regular cards and making the deck oversized
it takes no time to just replace those animateds when you take a screenshot of your decks, anons, make it neat and tidy. leggos are forgivable
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