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/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

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Thread replies: 805
Thread images: 173

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Previous: >>180894128

>[Celestial Demon Tales: Onigashima Rerun]
>From 6/14 to 6/28
>Rider Kintoki welfare
>Kintoki, Raikou and Tamamo 5* rotating rateup
>Emiya, Emiya Alter, Suzuka Gozen, Emiya (Assassin) 4* rateup
6/24 to 6/28 Raikou
>Onigashima dropmaps

>English FGO
>First 2 chapters on release
>Japanese audio with subs
>No Japanese account transfer
>No censorship unless ESRB takes issue with something
>You get 42 quartz, 6000 fp, Journey CE, 10 4* exp, 5 HP/ATK Fou, Saber Lily and a 4* of your choosing if you make your account before the 31st of July

>Fate/Grand Order: Epic of Remnant Chapter 2 - Agartha no Onna to be released in late June to early July
>Addition of Extra class slot for support
>4* stat Fou in the rare prism exchange
>A new summer event has been announced in which Raikou will receive a swimsuit version
>Drake will be receiving a Noble Phantasm animation renewal


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Friendlist Spreadsheet
>[JPN SERVER] (last reset: April 26)
Add yourself https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA
>[US SERVER] (last reset: June 26)
Add yourself https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctk0n_OdMusCdkzQPQu8AHD-3Drc0kXqHOmKWJDpY-VkHVEg/viewform
View list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M8_ZNP-WinrDQvwckh6Q7DMK5Z8RSx7ZshXTLCaI4zo

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB
JETS is here
So I rolled a Heracles and a d'Eon. I don't want to reroll forever, will these things atleast keep me going for a good while?
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First for smug
Hot-dogging mama!
Stay the FUCK off of /v/ or else
You have a good damage dealer and a good tank, roll with it.
Post your best ENG rerolls nerds. I need something to help keep me rerolling
Fuck off.
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Tempted to call it quits with this one, but Saber is such a mediocre 5*. Should I just bind it and keep rerolling?
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Astolfo is cute!
Trading Altria + altera for waver + jannu. I also have limited zero ce
>17 rerolls
>no Hans
I wish they introduced FP for rare prism already so I can see these shit 5 stars.
I have a Jeanne/Martha if just Jea enough
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I'll see you there.
You should fuck off.
Ay I got an Altera+Waver account that I'm willing to trade with you for it
Which is better for Orleans, Hassan or Kojiro?
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My husband Astolfo is CUTE!
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伊吹のつ - ふぉ.jpg
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This is my wife, fuck that other guy
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That was the ideal I was going for. Sticking with this roll though.
I want to be Raikou's shota just for the sake of buttfucking her.
I have a 5* Arturia account. Martha is the only 4*
It seems to have 2 5* craft essence Heaven's Feel and Limited/Zero Over.
Looking to trade it for Jeannu account with Hercales or Tamamo cat.
There is nothing more aids then one 4* CE in a ten roll
Haha that is such a stupid fucking looking pose....still hot tho
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I love my wife(male/female)

If someone can tell me for sure. This is your chance to help me.
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Who here still rerolling?
Can any rerollers post transfer code for a half decent account?
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Uhhhh Jetfag..jpg
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I can't wait to see you get BTFO when Lancelot doesn't show up.
i have an Altria Bathory but I want Jeanne, not sure if I should just stick with day 1 account or do another day of rolling
Your "wife" has a 24cm schlong
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Nobu a CUTE.
How long do bind codes last for if unused?

Do they expire?
>tfw my waifu's dick is bigger than mine
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Reminder that FAQ, detailed servant info, and tier list can easily be found with a few clicks and FGO related keywords. Invest some time to browse Cirnopedia.
They never expire.
>Spoiler image
>Actual spoiler
Well how about that.
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>get annoyed by level 1 Mashu friend requests
>change name to something gay to try and drive them away
>get even more
Fucking go away
kill urself my man
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Fuck off.
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Every thread until you like it.
is there a point in saving friend summon pts or should I just use every time I get 2k for more stuffs
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I want to gently add you all in F_GO too!
Even Roman thinks Da vinci is gay and weird.
What kind of skills would Lord Krishna have?
Sometimes I imagine what other anime opening and endings would be like with Fate characters.
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>finally rolled Waver
>no desire to play the game
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Some help here.
Should I prioritize leveling my tamamo or would it be better to level up a 3 that is easier to get copies for enhancements?
Or should I just scrap it and reroll?(or trade if one of you guys have something of interest)
Above world level.
Fuck off Slowbro
I hope we get to kill that stupid tranny
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>go check 2chan
>some are playing the English version
>they are making fun of it
its not fair bros we cant win
I'm so glad people hate that word now. Normalfags ruin everything.
If you rolled outside of tuto gacha Reroll
reroll fag
>gets lot of Lv. 1 Mashu friends because Artoria is my ALL servant
>change name to FDrumpf
>get more requests, even from dolphins
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I hope I roll Saber Alter in my english FGO account.
LMAO nice shitpost

Let's nuke them again, just to be sure
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>accidentally did a quartz summon instead of a FP summon

Hello yes please kill me
It's not like you can undo the unrooting if it doesn't work when you try it.
All you'll lose is like 30 minutes setting it up to try it.
I'm not replying to you like this to spite you, it's just that noone else has tried it, or if they did they haven't given answers to whether it works or not.
Hopefully if you try it you'll give us the needed feedback.
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Untrue. He wants her dick just as much as everyone else in Chaldea.
I wonder if I should play on an alt account on another mobile device so I'll always have the right servants for my support...
>>they are making fun of it

>2yo account with a lot of amazing servants
>2 day old account with not so amazing servants

I'm not sure they're making fun of it as much as just making fun of the fact that they have shit luck
Are people still using that dumb joke? It wasn't even funny last year and it's currently the current year.
This is the road of the SS-chan
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Looking to trade this Arturia and some nice CE for Jeannu and Herc/Tamamo.
where is the save file in MEMU so I can put onto my phone if it's possible to roll on PC and transfer? or how do I anyways
It seems that nobody likes him in this game, when I did the same on a different mobage, my friendlist nuked me, and some mod shadowbanned me from playing PVP.
What's SS-chan?
I guess another huge note is I'm playing with 3 stars or lower servants only. So having Hans and stuff is really important.
Liz is my ALL and I still get tons of requests. It's weird as shit. I shouldn't, because I don't have Herc and I've only spent 6 quartz (got Lu Bu and Marie).
Fuck off Misora
So I managed to install the english version on memu... And it booted up in japanese. The fuck?
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This new Apocrypha fan has Astolfo in a never seen before swimsuit, Mordred in her FGO swimsuit and Jeanne in her Extella swimsuit. Maybe it's a hint of what's to come this Summer.
Well I did one after the tutorial(I think)
But, should I wait for the first "true" roll to be after I clear Fuyuki?
>my screen keep going to sleep if I didn't tap it for a period of time
Uhh is this how this game works or just my shitty phone?
Looking for Heracles friends


Have Jeanne + Waver
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>Astolfo not on a speedo
delete this, aniplex
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This is Lancelot. He's dying. Say something nice about him!
Not even 2 days.
1 day, 1 hour and 30 some minutes old account at most.
That's your phone. You can change that in its settings.
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My husband looks very cute in his swimsuit!
Should I try rerolling for a two SSR start?
Roman acts cranky and critical with the people he opens up, or rather human? Eventually, he accepts Da Vinci's eccentric ways and relies on her. Still gotta burn to switch to a hot woman and get no flattery from him.
Depend on if you want alter. Otherwise save the time you'd spend on finishing Fuyuki and reroll now.
Do you want my Tamamo?
I don't have any 5* tho.
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>has to use cheatapk
>not one on one
Has like 10 accounts so she can roll for all the servants on her alts and always have the best supports
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>tfw rolled a 5* but kept going because it's possible to roll better ones
What am I doing with my life?
Every current 5* other than Waver is worthless
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>Tfw I want to take off Jeanne's horseshoe and wear it while I have CONSENSUAL VANILLA SEX with her
Any news on redeeming free 4* Servants?
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tfw you constantly play in fear that the eng release will die long before the Japanese version
Yea, it was just a prank bro :]
I doubt they even had a editor for this release. I worked at a company that worked alongside Aniplex for many projects, with standout projects being the dub work for Fate Zero and Fate Unlimited Blade Works. All the translations for simulcast and actual dub were outsourced to whatever translators were free at the time and the project leads for both projects that looked over the translations are not very fluent in English. Only reason the simulcasts ended up okay was because the video guy who put the subs in and general video editing is extremely picky with grammar and spelling and the only reason the dub ended up okay is because the director himself is a huge perfectionist.
>take off Jeanne's horseshoe
this kills the jeanne
It's clearly marked spoiler.
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you just got pranked bro.jpg
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Being Lancelot is suffering
>playing fgo motivates me to finally get extra CCC
>go to charge my psp for the first time in a gorillion years
>battery literally bursts out of the psp

Well okay
If this were the nip launch, I'd be happy to have any of the original 5* servants, but I feel like it's not good enough now because of Waver.
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>gilkeks trying to make me look bad
>fails to see that his own screenshot isn't 1v1
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I know
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Now I understand why the daily quest is just to drop one stone, cause so far I've seen 0, what are those terrible drop rates
I just realized it will be a long time before I can max ascend my US Altera.
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We're definitely sacking Lancelot and giving his medal to someone else, right?
I miss her so much...
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nips are having a crackdown over Siegfriend NP translation.
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How the fuck are people already getting this high leveled
Is Snaxers someone from this general or just a random uberwhale?
Its a signal that you should stay away for that shitty game
What's it like?
I don't have a Siegfried.
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>fanfiction garbage
Yeah, just wait until Kekthur fails to qualify for the tournament and jets BTFOs every shitter there.
She's back
Came back yesterday
Oh, you haven't seen anything. But none of the current quests drop gems.
done, with redman and crazy cat already, this is the best I'm going to get
glad to be off the ride
Well I am 21 personally but I don't understand how he has the AP for those quests...

What the fuck?
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You know to who...
It's cause we have the original shitty material dailies.

How does Jeanne keep the thing on her head?
Something about Demon or Devil.
Virgin magic
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The force of her lewdness
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Would you go to the ends of the world, until the end of time and back, for the mere hope of seeing your waifu?
How much more quartz will we be getting before Gil? I just wasted some one a garbage second roll that I immediately regretted.
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forgot pic
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Got to Orleans and it is very very obvious a different TLer/editor worked on this than the ones on the prologue.

I'll say it: this translation of the first part of Orleans is incredible. It managed to capture the style of the original perfectly.
Tell me, is Helena any good?
I probably had enough AP to finish the current daily quests but ended up repeating EXP daily so much yesterday. They were quite generous leaving 1.0.0 EN FGO being like 1.15.0 JP FGO in terms of mechanics.
By doing 40 ap exp as soon as I could, I had to use command spells on the first try because my highest level support was 23 but now I'm comfortable in doing it since I have a level 60 support and my Tamamo Cat is level 50
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4/5 for np, and clutch saves my ass TWICE against those dragon riders.

is it worth keeping a kaleidoscope only account?
Because she is a slut
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Big talk from someone who's had Merlin's cock in his mouth.
Of course not.
What matters are Servants.
That's why he's the REGEND.
>implying there will be any western """swordsmen""" in the glorious Japanese tournament.
Are all but confirmed, the only shake up you might see is a new Japanese Servant.
I personally think so because it's top five CE
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>berserker Lancelot talks

What in blazes?
literally just got altera and imaginary around from single pulls, i'm keeping now.
Plus new servant Saber Nobbu.

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Free Jeanne.jpg
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Maybe for dailies in the current early game.
So I just rolled Carmilla + 2 Vlads
Anybody wants it?
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>They are scary...
Just hope your supports have one

If not, use Cu or Regend or something
here my man
Fuck off.
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>starting orleans
>hit them with the back of the blade
roman you dumb fuck, how you do that with a shield, mashu doesn't have her sword yet
I got a ton of Blazes of Wisdom. Should I use them all on Heracles or mai waifu Mashu? What about the Star and Sun Fou's? Is Prototype Cu better than older Cu? I'm so lost.
>one of the random mashus that added me rolled a saber alter
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I'm guessing you'll get him in 10 days. They're doing that release info on the servants 1 per day leading to doing it. Probably so the can set up the code website or whatever.
Where do I sent you the pass and code?
Or do I just post it here?
For a translation of this scope, they likely broke into teams for chunks of dialogue at a time, so that is pretty likely. Plus I imagine the SEAmonkey plebs were sent to work on the summoning lines, since it's "easier", while the native speakers dealt with the flowery ass prose Nasu likes to employ.
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This is the pic
Anyone got that pic? Havnt seen it in awhile.
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>JP FGO has files in it
>EN FGO has none
WTF is this shit?
Send it here to my email: [email protected]
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Yes boy... yes... do it here...
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>rolled waver
>finished tutorial area to roll again
>get best girl too

seems like i will be sticking around
I use her, but i wouldnt say shes good
Probably just decent
Living the dream. Ten roll or singles?
You used an OVA that has the folders permissions allowed for you to see them. Literally just use the reddit OVA to reroll efficiently.
Decent is good enough for me when it's something that cute.
I really need an 1/2 AP main quests event
>Waver, Jeanne, Martha, Cu
Are you literally me?
[email protected]
Who 90 Quartz here?!
>gilkek getting BTFO made it to japan
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>I want to be fucked by Astolfo
Hey it me.
>this is scary to the nips
Should I use all my starting friend points right away or save them like with Saint Quartz?
>get best girl too
Where's tamamo cat?
Fuck it
Claim it while you can lads

>log in
>17 friend requests
>almost all were from low level Mashus
At least change your god damn support list
should i throw cu out and put Jeanne in ?
>Heracles NPBB combo beat Lancelot and Sanson in the first move

I remember this fight used to be hard. Turns out we just sucked at the game back then.
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Finally someone who gets it.
Aside of Roman, Marie and her harem, everyone else was written by Higashide.
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I want the Gils to meet each other.
Use them to max out REGEND and fous

Once that is done you can save.
Lemme look into that dump. Thanks, anon.
>tfw you wasted 60 quartz to roll saber alter and still you didn't get it

what the hell am I doing anymore?
It couldn't be helped. XP cards were scarce back then.
Ten roll for the value


>playing easy mode in an easy game
I roll with Waver, Jeanne, Cu, REGEND and Mashu personally

If you can get a steady source of damage dealer friends (Heracles, Lancelot, even Tamamo Cat), it works well
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Eng version doesnt have REGEND.
>rolling with 60 quartz
Uh, here is right there in my party anon...
I thought the Mozart/Marie stuff was the best thing in Orleans so far. Did Higashide seriously not write that?
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What makes Vlad 5* an arts guy?

The 2 hits on arts as opposed to one on Buster? (Does that literally mean double damage?) The small NP guage so it fills up faster? Or the fact the NP is arts? Or all of that?

I just saw he has that bonus to Buster cards and I also got Limited Zero Over to make Buster cards even better
are you drunk or something?
All of that
The younger one will commit suicide seeing the older, that's all
Dont they have shitposting in nippon
what are the release 5*s?

i want to reroll to give an account to a friend


did i miss anyone? probably
It's a meme alone, but with the best Arts support in the game he's an NP machine.
whats the best way to grind for exp and ascension items for my retard cat?
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Jannu flag
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Did you miss me?
this pleases my autism
Look at that Kojiro and Leo.
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Jannu Jannu.gif
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Come back when Lancelot can do this much damage without buffs
At least save some to get to roll for any upcoming 3* Event Craft Essence.
>two L/OZ in a row from singles

There goes all my luck ;_;
nah i think thats everyone, and the only ones worth half a shit are waver, jeanne and attilla.
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Nasu did the Marie and fuccbois scenes, plus Roman as usual. He said it in an interview before Okeanus launch. It's very obvious too, when the characters Nasu writes are actually engaging.
Gareth-chan when?
At most you can farm lamps, so don't even bother with it for now past EXP.
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How angry would you become?
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Dead general, post hags.
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I know this feel anon, im so fucking tempted to just use my quarts for more AP right now.
Vlad is miles better than both jeanne and ayy lmao
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tfw you want to hoard your quartz for when Jack gets added to the English version but you also want to spend your quartz to make your life easier
nope like the rest of us you get to live on kotomines and black keys until we kill ourselves collectively.
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Quite angry sir
Normal berserkers are BBBAQ while he's BBAAQ and to top it he has and Arts NP. In JP version he carried me through the game while hitting hands like a truck until they changed how Star-Earth-Man worked. Now that they buffed his second skill he's even better.
>out of FP and blackbeard is my only rider
Reminds me of how we used to meme about XPjirou before it got displaced by REGEND.
Oh, wait I think you can't even farm them right now. So literally don't even bother.
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>40ap hands levels me up every time I run it
Stop wasting my AP you fucks.
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Someone say apples?
Amen bro
Wasted over 400 quarz for Jack, no regrets
Fuck off Emiya-chan.
Apple autism is a horrible disease.
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>Gudako is a bigger slut than Kiara
Finally a doujin that isn't OOC.
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I NEED her fat ass.
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You're just jealous I can fucking scrooge mcduck in all those apples
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help me out.png
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Which one should I keep 1-3 or should I 4 and keep rolling?
you can do it anon, I will not do a single premium roll till jalter is released
I'm still salty that event got me with 0 quartz
silvers are enough for now and the welfare servants that come later will do
Keep rolling
Thanks, I love you guys. Hopefully he's gonna be my path to a Halloween might team and I get Hessian Lobo too

>no Waver
You already know the answer.
If you don't keep 2, post that jannu code
2 seems fine, even better if you have good CEs.
>decide to try F_Go
>forget starting took years
>tutorial roll is Siegfried and Mephisto, no other servant

Welp, guess I'll try this reroll thing
I got snek and shota iskandar as my only good riders which one should I give all the EXP to?
Can i have that altera? Please?
ded game
You literally can't though, it'd be too painful and it's not enough to make a pool out of them.
mean to reply >>180904332
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this annoyes me i like grinding shit better thatn the gacha rolls
If you don't want 1 I would really appreciate having it
Say that to Heroes, kek
Do we have Septem? if so I'm pretty sure we have access to lamp. homonculi are a bust until london though
woaw we have a cuck here
Reminder if you still haven't killed shadow herc on english you're a casual and should be ashamed
apples are bigger than coins and like 500~ apples is enough to do it
Apples can be smashed and turned into juice, too
Will ENG FGO beat them when limited gachas come out or will FGO die?
So when should I just stop rerolling and pick something? Like what day? Will I be missing out on good login bonuses if I keep doing it?
Reminder that if even ONE (1) of your servants died to Shadow Herc you are a supreme casual
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poor little mage boy.jpg
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Roll until waver, spend my all hands on mashu to get lv 30.
Use 200fp supports since I'll fill up on waver-seeking friends.

Pushing through Orleans With Mashu, Waver, Support Jeans with Waver holding on for dear life as the other two kill dragons.

Haven't run into a battle that has made me grab a support Herc yet.
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I can't believe I don't have a F/SN dog
>not recognizing Meme50
anyone have a spare altera account they are willing to give to a lowly noob who rerolls for days such as I?
Maybe a kids pool with some minor depth. Still too painful, not as horrible as golden coins, though.
Fucking SUMANAI. I didn't really want to reroll but I got shat on by the gacha.
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I think I may enjoy the English version after all.
we don't know how hard or soft the apples are
Or big, for that matter
They could be fist sized, like normal apples, head sizes, because anime apples or even bigger
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Kinda wish that was a Waver and Herc, but I'll take it. Jeanne is cute.

Who would be a good edition for when we get to choose a 4*? I'm leaning on Liz. Maybe Cat for dailies.
>roll two Kaleidos
>but no 5*
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Shit dude, is this the best possible one? Or can you get 5*s on the tutorial roll? By tutorial roll I mean the very first one that you're forced to do.
newfag here at this game, i got rekt, tell me your secrets.
That's a good tutorial roll but the real test is the quartz roll you can do after the next stage
Give me a sec and also an email
If everyone's rolling Wavers, doesn't that mean that he'll always be available through support, making it pointless to have a Waver?

My brother of impeccable taste.
No 5*s in tutorial roll.
It's even missing some 4*s.
>Or can you get 5*s on the tutorial roll?
You can't.
level your servants
Jeanne + Heracles + Waver + Kaleidoscope
Ummmmmmmm, can we stop using creepy images like this now that the threads are more inclusive? Thanks honey
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Cant wait for stream tomorrow that will annihilate newfag post for a while
I have a Samsung T585 tablet (2GB RAM) and Tamamo Cat's NP drops to 5 frames per second near the end.
Is there any other NP that rapes the hardware that much?
No, you can't get a 5* on tutorial roll. That is a good roll, though. Herc, EMIYA, a decent assassin, and a tank
accounts i offer

1. martha, 2 stheno, medusa rider, caster medea, kiyohime, mata hari and 2 sasaki
2. heracles, Marie, ushi, siegfred, rider medusa, kiyohime
3. martha, emiya, Heracles, carmilla, kiyohime

will trade for martha, ushi and atalanta
For the hundredth time, double Waver.
Anyone got a good 5* account. Just getting really sick of rerolling and I'll take what I can get
Either version of Liz would work.
It's the only salvation we have
What the hell should I do if I get an error 32
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>Cuckiara looks pregnant
It's always good to have a Waver since everyone will use good Wavers meaning more friendpoints meaning more servants for you.

It's a net gain sorta thing where those with Waver get ahead just by non-Wavers selecting Weber.
What's the secret to dailies?
Get carried by a strong support.
>come back the day before yesterday

What did they mean by this?
AOE NP's and the Kaleido CE
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UMU (2).png
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Your next re-roll will give you a 5* /fgog/
I know, I'm rerolling this if I don't get a 5. If I get a Waver or Altera it's a god roll to me. I might even take Vlad/Jeanne.
Hey is Altera any good cause i just got one.
>tfw this is an edit
Many does
Those are some 10/10 tits
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>As she bashfully smiles at you
Bring Lancelot.
Saber + Herk or Vlad?
If they are supposed to be consumed, they are probably just like normal apples, if the apples are used like shards or something then the size should be quite variable and so their hardness. But I genuinely doubt that. Why would anime apples be bigger though?
she and waver seem to be getting a metric fuckton of friend uses.
shit i'm up to 30k FP and i rolled like ass just because i got her, and i only started this game a couple hours ago.
Wait are they still using the old format for ascension material dailies? What the fuck?
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how do i NP more often?
does using an artes at the start give every other attack a small np bonus or should i put it at the end so itll be more effective?

should i waste my command on a full np?

Emiya's, Raikou's, Geezer's.
>open game
>you've got 2000fp
>most used

I'm not sure
stop, I'm already halfway through orleans and the urge to reroll for her is killing me
Its an old version from before feb.
anyone want my jeanne for waver
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I am a Caster. I cast powerful spells and I am the strongest Servant. Fear me.
I know it's dangerous to leave your email on 4chan, but if any of you got a decent 5* account please send it my way :
[email protected]
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>using command spells
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I think Nero has lost her title of Owner of the cutest pair of checks in the Nasuverse. Agartha's Caster is so cute!
Throw me an email
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And of fucking course I fucking forget the fucking picture
>get a level 50 5* Saber through friend support
>it does barely any more damage than my level 12 Herc

>does using an artes at the start give every other attack a small np bonus
the new players don't check the "all" tab
>Best Liz
>Best 4*
>Delicious Brown Civilization

What are you complaining about again?
How'd I do?
You're set for life
Berserkers are the best class up till America. Nothing is hard enough to warrant the class triangles.
gg, you're done
tfw been rerolling forever and no luck

I just want Arturia or Jeanne
Not having a Kaleido for dailies, having to wait for AP to recharge and of course of myself, for being retarded enough to have given out an Altera/Herc account beforehand and grabbing this one off of one of the thread where the guy used all his quartz for singles even.
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>Verdant Sound of Destruction
>card image features Illya
>buffs buster attacks
>use it with Berserker

best pairing
Why can't this be me?
>how do i NP more often?
Use starting NP%, most fights require only one NP of a character and getting it as soon as possible is good, that's about all I can ever tell you when starting out.
If you have a waver, I'll gladly give you my artoria
All the main Sakura, Ilya, Shirou, Rin cards go with their respective servants.
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I literally just got to that part too.

Is this real life?
Is it ever established which nation Chaldeas is in?
Should I just be leveling up my favorite servant and mash or what? I dont want to fuck up and have to start over
How long must we wait until the rerolling high dies down and /fgog/ slows down a bit?
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What did she mean by this?
What about this?

Some place with snowy mountains.
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>Install the Japanese version
>Use a lvl 100 Jack support
>Quick string gives me 55 crit stars
>Makes every attack next turn 100% crit chance
She's talking about her hat, don't you see her wearing it?
>Been rerolling all day
>About to give up
>Roll and get Altera and Vlad in one roll
Not really what I want but I'm sick of rerolling should I just stick with this?
Until the quartz bonus for new accounts goes away.

watch as i fail to roll a fucking 3*
finally out of reroll hell with some good civilization
have some mediorge transfers but I don't know if anyone would even want them
double liz and kaleidscope
double sthena and kaleidiscop
double herc and limited/zero
I'll be happy to post transfer codes if anyone actually wants

>tfw when REGEND oneshots UNRIVALLED
I guess he was a European swallow after all
>Wasting an entire day re-rolling on a game that doesn't even have PvP.
>log out for 2 hours
>come back
>no friend points

guess everyone hates me ;_;
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Is she /ourgirl/?
>Marie Antoinette kisses you
>"t-thank you" option
>Matthew tells you you're smiling like an idiot

This game is thankfully a lot more relaxed and funny than I thought it would be. This just makes me want a proper TM VN more
I'll take the double liz
[email protected]
already sick of EXCALIBAAA! animation and your fucking slow punches
If anyone wants a Alteria + Carmilla account drop me an email and I'll send it to you
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Do you have any free slots?

057,519,728 please add
Do you have an OP 5* hero?
If no then you won't get many friend points.

The moment I got waver is when I started getting friend points
>This just makes me want a proper TM VN more
Just wait until Camelot or Babylon, where it's literally just a VN at that point.
[email protected]
Post your e-mail, bud.
remember 2 years or so ago when some trace code implying PVP and Raids was found in the game and everyone was like "PVP WILL COME"
Raids kind of happened, sort of, a little.
PVP never.
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Still won't be voiced and there's literally no animation on the sprites etc etc

If I can't shake the screen around and see some DFC tits bouncing around, is it even a VN?
Wait fuck I forgot to ask if it was US or JP FGO, that friendcode is for US.
What's the best mission to farm dragon fangs and saber pieces? Need them for my Arturia.
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>Leff is the bad guy
>Marie all surprised
>Starts monolouging about his EEEEEVILNESS
>Starts pulling Marie in to experience INFINITE AMOUNTS OF DEATH
>She begins to scream and beg and say that she's never been loved or amounted up to anyone and that's why she's trying so hard
>Oh, well if she's saying all that shit then I bet we save her and she comes with us on our journey

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waver or bust anon
just give it to someone else
[email protected]
She's at least my girl.
Didn't they say they gave up on pvp because the players didn't want it?
>Time travel
Never lose hope...we might find a way
That's the point, her life never amounted to anything. She died as she lived.
Seriously though what kind of last name is "Animusphere"
otaku as fuck
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waver... i need... waver
I only have Jeanne

Im US too i'll add you when I get back on in a bit
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Alright Stupid newfaf question but what kind of Craft Essences should I use with seiba kinda bee spamming EEEEEEEEEEEKKUUUSSSSSSSSSU- with Dragons meridan and waver skill.
Also how to maximize dps pretty with Quick arts and bister I keep stomping with Herc and saiba regardless for now.
She'll be back in Part 2.
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You guys gotta start posting an e-mail if you're trying to get a specific hero.
I wouldn't know, I haven't been around for a year
> Meme50

When will fue ever get around to drawing Boudica?
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everything about this game feels really fucking slow

does it get any better

>Just starting the event

How screwed am I?
It gets fun when you get Waver
It gets slower
[email protected]
Here's my trash e-mail I kept from my teenage years.
Looking for a Jannu, don't care about any of the other pulls.
Will love you forever, i've wasted an entire day on this.
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Anyone want this cute alien?
it gets better when your servants have actual skills
Fuck off.
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No Waver?

Here's a quick thing you can try

MOU IKKAI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NACc7DBRh0 JUST KEEP REROLLING
Literally every gacha game has progression like this. Sorry this game takes your FEH training wheels off.
Well...they are all cards so he's not exactly wrong.
Kyaa~ Sieg-sama kawaii~


[email protected]

if looking to give away. if trade, what are you looking for?
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At this point I have no idea what I'm doing with my life. I rerolled all yesterday, just woke up and still rerolling hoping for ANY 5* servant
I gave away 6 Waver accounts not a single fuck given. I don't care about esports and most of my favorite servants happen to be welfare. Also EN is shit and going to hopefully die soon.
so if im getting this right the 3rd member of your party is always 'support' and that means it's some other players leveled card or an NPC?
I do in fact MOU IKKAI since 2007, thank you very much
What's happening there?
How about you just stop being a lil bitch and just get good and play the game without Waver?
Ya'll act as if you need this fucking guy to play the game or something, let me tell you I haven't touched my Waver ever since he hit bond 10 on halloween and I do not miss him a bit, since I can still fast clear shit with support Wavers and never have to actually bring my own.
Do you guys think DW should rework some of the older maps/arenas? Burning Fuyuki is easily the worst offender. It looks like it's straight from pre-alpha stage of the game. They even re-used it for Honnouji. Some of the older stages like "cave" also look bad compared to something like Onigashima areas.
You can change the position of it, but you'll always need to fill the support slot.
only have 2 hours left of this, still no jannu roll
Trading Altera account for Jannu account

how do i find the code to save if i wanna use the account?
I just want my free Emiya already. Same as you though, most of the servants I want are welfare. I hope English version lives long enough so I can read through the whole story
If I have both Emiya and Herc already, who's NP should I choose to upgrade when the free 4* pick comes around?
Post your fucking e-mail when saying what you want so people can give you shit
does position matter ever?
Why do the EOPs not go to reddit?
It used to, not anymore.
Trading Waver+Atilla for Saber+herc OR emiya
I'm rerolling for Atalanta since yesterday opening.
I swear this is harder than getting a 5*
Anyone have a Vlad or Altera account they dont want?

[email protected]
One quartz fragment deposited to you account - DW
I fear for the translation of Babylon. The fucking puzzle gates will be atrocious
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No, party formation, party and then change line up at the bottom and hold on the spot and you can swap it with a right slot
>EN is shit and going to hopefully die soon.

It wont, the initial investment to bring it over is the hardest part, maintaining a mobage server is relatively cheap.

Even if the NA version only makes a small fraction of what the JP version makes, it will stay up for the foreseeable future.
Boudica after she got banned from hugging,stroking etc.
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>Few weeks to 300k downloads campaign
I'm gonna have to spend to get gil aren't I...
I'm sure it'll make a good amount of money but that won't be until they start putting out limited servants.
Seriously I hate time travel since it makes everything fucking weird, why couldn't we just time travel to before he blew up hq.
If you can wait, I have a saber account here and just wait for the 4* pick
Yes! You can also wait a whooping 6 months for his next appearance.

Look forward to it!
I'm looking forward to summoning you!

Then again you're clearly a zero star
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>back to endless account begging general
>intern-san died for this
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I got herc but no 5*
sorry wasn't talking about progression

loading seems to take a while and going from menu to menu seems to be sluggish but I guess that could be a problem with my phone

battles are the main issue, every action just feels like it takes forever to play out even when I can one shot enemies
Reminder that EN will never get unlimited golden apples from massive fuck ups.
mou ikkai
>anon reroller [AVENGER]
>its a 1 star with even lower chance than angry manjew and only appears in the tutorial roll
would you?
>only gille left
>Then it's sidequest and dailies until Septem
Not rerolling was a mistake

[email protected]

Jannu or Arthur plz, don't care about the rest of stuff
Can someone please send over a Jeanne. I've been rerolling since yesterday and no cigar

[email protected] (Yes, mail, not gmail)
What phone do you have?

I swear if your phone is shit I'm going to fucking push a lance up your ass
>nips playing NA ver
For what purpose
EN release is full of massive fuck ups.

If they give a shit about their product from all the people complaining at them then they're going to patch it, and give out apples and shit.
If you are here to ask if you should reroll...

The answer is yes.
Depends. What's his skills, stats, and NP?
Sounds like your phone is shit Anon
But arthur isnt gonna be in the game for atleast 2 years? Do you perhaps mean Altria?
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>tfw rerolling in four instances with the full game data downloaded

oohh it' so smooth
this is nothing compared to the original launch fuckups
I mean Arturia yes
The chance to start from scratch, not just account-wise but game-wise, is ~fun~ to some people.
Mou ikai it is
Did they ever explain why OG Holy Grail War Cu Chulainn was a Lancer, but F:GO Cu Chulainn is a caster?
Yes. It is. Truly we are blessed /fgog/.
It's not really slow for me. Now Phantom of the Kill is inexcusably slow.
Who? You sure you dont mean Altria?
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I don't understand anything about life anymore
Which of those lancers is better?
You don't really need them. I'm sitting on 200 of them. But I feel like I'm going to use most of them on 5 freaking events I missed because of DW fucking up emus.
the shittiest you can give
the NP is the same fate everyone that spends too much time here has, to off itself after a public shooting, so think of stars generating arash
I want a waver because I'm going to play the game with shitty waifus and need him to boost them. I don't think people are going to just hand him over

[email protected]
You're eligible to be summoned into a class by whatever deeds you did in life.

He knew some magic runes, so it smacked him into being a caster because of that. It's how he got equipped with caster stats and knowledge.
grats anon
I would have kept my atalanta account if it didn't have jack fucking shit on it
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oh you poor sweet summer child.

badcat worse than the welfare servants
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No Lancelot
I understand that much. Is it just a case of divergent history leading to a different outcome, then?

My long war is finally over. Not pleased about Stheno and D'Eon nor that I'm one day past launch yet again, but fuck it.
fuck you rerolling faggot making me jelly
F/GO AP regain is pretty slow now that I'm past leveling up and getting free refills. When are AP refill items coming out?
>no herc
>No Herc

can you give me your e-mail again it looks like you might have made a typo.
Okay, but seriously now. Why does it always happen to her?
I know everything about the meta and literally don't care, thank you very much
There are AP-restoring stones though?
note 5
Why does everyone keep shilling Herc?
not in cu case, he can just be summoned with a different class
seiba and all her variants are the "what if" cases
>Herc memers
come back when Herkek can beat Pre-nerf Nero Fest.
No, you were just told.

The servant class itself gave him knowledge and abilities he didn't in life. Kind of like how the riding skill on some of the classes let's them use cars and bikes and shit better than anyone alive despite the fact they weren't around 1500 years ago for them to learn how to use.


[email protected]

didnt realize it had capitals if that affects it!
Which one of them is purer?
servants arent limited to just one class for example if a hero went mad at any point in there life they could be summoned as berserker
Imaginary Numbers not quite satisfying though

mou ikkai
Holy fucking shit, Cu Chulainn Lancer is such a fucking buster, he keeps saving my ass
Jeanne fucks dragons and Jeanne Alter fucks Gilles, you decide.
I realize that the posts talking sbout stones that refill AP are most likely bait but it still makes me worried some poor soul is using their quartz for that.
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Both are gorgeous pure maidens
>we want the degenerate audience
>also not to make any money
>rerolling for herc
>when there is a giveaway

I can't believe anybody is stupid enough to do this
>No NP interlude
>Skills not maxed
>Not even at Bond 6
Why are you grailing her again?
honestly jealous of your apples
Just rolled Jeanne+Emiya. Will trade for Waver+Emiya or Waver+Herc
What really pisses me off is that you even got a fucking kaleidoscope
I'm pretty sure all servant can be zerker.
One of them lusts after dragon dick, the other is tsundere for (You)
>I get a piece of quartz every time I play through the story
>it clearly means I should use them to continue the story
More people than you think are wasting their quartz on AP

I got it!

much appreciated!!!
>debuff resist stapled onto an attack buff
>guts/eventually gutsx4
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Kind anon finally gave me a vlad account with a cake to boot.

Its not waver or jannu but I'll take whatever at this point desu

Time to earn Quartz and inevitably stop playing once I dont get Cutie Ripper from all those quartz I'll be hoarding

May you anons get what youre rolling for
>what is free 4* pick
Why are you herctards so fucking illiterate?
How do I claim my free 4* servant?
an easier way to reroll?

Android btw
Woops forgot email
[email protected]
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>All these Level 1 Mashus

What are the JPfags up to

>need 2 more gold Lancer skill biscuits
>200AP later
>no gold skill biscuits
>Got 5* Altera and 5* Saber Altria on like my 30th reroll
>Got Liz as the guaranteed 4*
>Decided to fuck it and go with it and start playing the game
>Completed Fuyuki and got greedy and rolled again
>Got absolutely fucking nothing
>Felt absolute shame in myself and deleted the game
>Now i felt the grief of my actions and redownloaded again
>Realized i didn't save up my data so i have to roll again
>Tell myself that i am going to roll like a fucking God this time

I think im developing a problem here
What is sarcasm you fucking autist?
>Implying too much Mashu is a bad thing
>herkekfag exposed themselves as gameplaymemer and the only thing valuable about him is gameplay alone
Great """""""""""""""""character"""""""""""""""""""""" you have there
>5* Altera and 5* Saber Altria
Basically no Waver huh, reroll.
I haven't really played JP in over a year, year and a half, friend.

I should do those, though.

Play the song for extra luck
I just finished farming the fucking boxes on both my accounts, took me around 10 apples on ech of them because i don't have the CE.
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I will be waiting for my empress forever more
Still hunting red oni, hoping heart and rider cookie drop
doing the dailies for levels and master missions.

how do you get gems from the daily? is it just an rng drop?
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I want to give Gawain a hug!
>spoke 3-5 lines in all of canon and established himself as a greater hero and man than Lancelot ever did
I wish I had your willpower my man that is impressive.
>the gang needs to find George so they can remove the curses from Siegfried
>George does this
>Doesn't do a single thing after this and sinks into the background
>Not once do they ever mention the fact that he is a dragon slayer in this order filled with dragon enemies
What the fuck
Which servant would you bring with you to Mizuryu Kei Land?

cat herc sieg kaleid
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I have been waiting since the days of unlimited maintenance works
Disgusting, I hate Japan sometimes
>Astolfo in a never seen before swimsuit
Its in Konoe recent illustration book you fucking retard
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i love mashu!
>the only thing valuable about him is gameplay alone
It's fucking HERCULES
Thanks for the double liz, will put to good use. Any chance of sending the double herc as well?
Matthew is FAT!
press the 10 roll so we can all see how much free or paid quartz
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Because the invincible dragon slayer was there
Please respond.
Remind me, did any Craft Essences-exclusive gacha happen back in 2015?
>jetcucks exposed themselves as powerlevel retards and the only thing valuable about him is powerlevel alone
Great """""""""""""""""""character"""""""""""""""""""""""" you have there
Good night fgog, see you in eight hours to keep rerolling ;_;
>rerolling when first day is already over
Enjoy your IMPERFECT streak anon
>a strength surpassed only by the power of his heart
It's all free quartz
Also I forgot if there is a confirmation prompt
It's been a long time. Give me a sec to look at another acc and check if there is a prompt.
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I just wanted Martha. We at some point get to choose a free 4* right?
Well you got Kiyohime

She is your wife now.
Who are you saving for?
Hey friends. Going to be completely f2p. How nice is this game on the saint quartz?

I did my first two pulls got a 5*. I have enough now for another 10x pull. But should I wait for a new banner with new cards?
super jelly at them 5* rolls
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everyone wants to be my friend
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>Having a heart
How completely childish

I can do whatever I want because I don't have one, watch I'll sleep with the King's wife and nothing bad will come of it!
There is only one true empress
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Never rerolled in my life. Pure rolls best rolls every time, my heart is satisfied every time no matter what/who I roll
No thank you. Anchin can stop being gay and take her.

Kaleidoscope is the only reason I think I'll keep the roll. I'm not too fussed about the Artoria.
tfw finally got waver on one account and jeanne on another my autism makes me feel kind of feel dirty for not having two wavers but whatever
about 14 hours spent rolling with one of those hours for food, now i can finally sleep and play the game tomorrow
>no one mention Lancecuck
>hurr must be Jetcuck i swear
wew,feeling insecure after exposing yourself,gameplayfag?
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Good night
>not me i swear
Nice try Jetcuck
See >>180908134 although I doubt EN will be as generous.
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Lol faggot, you're not fooling anyone posting the second day at this time
Does this game have f2p units you can get from events?
Is Saber Lily actually good or just a trophy servant?
anyone want a lmao2saint account?
Siegfried animation update when?
Atilla with L/Z is good enough just save for a long time.
No, not her
I would have rolled a long time ago if it was her
Nero is more like a 40% of a true empress
The true empress is not in the game yet
First one is Nobu
Anyone? Is there something I have to do or will we be getting them later?
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Just bought this JPN starter account because I can't bare waiting years for NA to get content. Anything good here or did I waste my money?

we will be gettting them lateer
What's my early game party setup supposed to be? Herk+Mash or Mash+Waver?
First one is Lis
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don't tell me you're still waiting for semiramis
Trophy Servant. However love your Lily as you would any other servant for they are young and need your guidance.
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none of them are limited time servant
Get out of here, Whore of Babylon.
Damn, last time I used her was Halloween 2015. I completely forgot.
What's the most efficient way to level units?
wew fuck I got a mama from my weekly ticket

what's a good CE to put on her?
Fair enough.
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>Raikou re-run
>Agartha no Caster
Is DW actually providing good waifu bait for once?
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1-3 C6
4-6 FF12
7-9 HGU
0 Animu
Can someone give me any working code?
I just want to know how this works.

Good code will be better, but I'll probably will reroll just a single more time if it's not to my liking,
>buying accounts instead of trusting in your own hard work and luck
>impatient to boot
Enjoy your trash.
UK here with a fucked up charger created the account at around 8pm and did something else before falling asleep. 100% honest roll
Finishing up Onigashima. I was lazy and used natural AP/BP to do everything.
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I sure am
Have been waiting for Semiramis since day 1 of the game actually
Wasting AP on daily missions. I've gotten everything I care about from the ladder and shop
What is this waver and jannu doing in my gamu
I just want my king
Depends if you like the servants

Ozzy is one of the best 5* Riders, Lancelot is probably one of the best single target Sabers
Enkidu is ok, he does pretty well in later game bosses with multiple HP gauges, but I am biased

CasGil would work really well with Lancelot too

Tesla and Vlad are kind of eh, Rama is pretty good, Tristan is like David but more aggressive (what with his stargen, NP up and buff cancel)

Your CEs are okay, nice to see you got the trinity of adult FSN kids and Twice

Solid, but not gamebreaking
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Just maxed out Nightingale's Buster Up, then started worrying that Agartha's Caster might need lots of ghost lanterns because she carries around on her staff.
In game when...?
With Achilles
Depends on how much you paid for that pile of trash. At most that's worth $10.
I've had my share of fun since I rolled Altera, but my other servants were evil cat and retard cat. Should I pick Herc or Emiya when we get the chance to choose one 4*? Both should be better in their class than the ones I got now.
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First 5* i've gotten
Mash is cute.

She's my waifu now.

Back off.
I've gotten Herc, Tama Cat, Proto Cu, Robin Hood, and Medusa. Keep?
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Account buyers are scum but don't talk shit about Arjuna.
It was $3 anon, calm down.

Rerolled around 15 times, got an Altera account and Waver account, what do?

On that note, I have a spare Altera + Camilla account on top of the ones I mentioned, tell me where to send it if any of you anons want
Trade you a Jeanne for it
almost there anon, apo adaptation is close
>meme Servant
No, just Raikou.
I remember when I used to think his animations were cool
Reroll, don't even bother binding it.
2 is shit give it to me

no seriously, that's pretty good. If you're not desperate for Waver, keep it.
Newfag tier taste.
No, but post the code.
I'll keep it.
farming 40 ap hands with kaleidoscopes on aoe np units
I just regret I couldn't play for a year and missed so many events
I would have way over 2000 quartz otherwise
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But if I don't, who will?
>passive aggressive
>socially retarded
Yeah good luck with that pal
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It's amazing how robbed the curries actually were. Update when?
Semicuck, please go. It's like you enjoy being BTFO by this game.
burning through everything in the last two days.

so far did roughly 130m damage, 900 boxes, 400 pages, 400 coral.
>Shit art with even shittier character
Raikou is the worst one there
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How are your gay bulges coming along?
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We meet again, old friend.
You sound lucky you'll probably get another waver. Give him to me ;_;
just want to price check, how much for

altira (100) 10/10/10
Waver (100) 10/10/10
Vlad 3
Hijikata (100)
so what will you do with all those quartz if she somehow is the welfare servant
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>cuck apologists
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Bullying Arjuna is necessary but an an Arjunafag I'm contractually obligated to oppose it.
dailies or story
Do the english peasants know the pain of ascension items required by servants not even being in the game?
When's the Argatha stream?
>just 1 copy of proto dog/5
pretty bad actually, I miss my supports and FPs
>buying an account with pre-grailed servants
Used goods
Around 2$
dust is ez tho
You better check yourself before you get BTFO harder than everyone who said Kiara will never be in F/GO. After two years more than half of the Apoc cast has been released, and they're saving the rest for their event. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Are yo supposed to save quartz? Is there some special event where you odds of pulling 5* increase?
someone give me a waver+attila/waver+seiba right fucking now
im literally starting to lose it
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Has the English game blocked adding hex codes to change the names colour?
Yes, save it for rate ups and servants you actually want.
>Waver (100)
Waste of grails, avoid like the plague
I have a Waver available for trade. I'd like an Atalanta account with interesting goodies.

God knows I find trading ridiculous so let's hope that works
>reading through Orleans
>Jeanne D'arc beat Lancelot
There are events where certain servants are introduced and become available, yes

The odds of pulling a 5* stay the same though
Wait, they blocked hex codes in the JP version then?
If you're rerolling just give me ANY of your discarded rolls.
I'm not joking!
Waver 100, or Zhuge Liang (El Melloi) 100?
>beating up your own daughter
How evil do you think he is?
I don't care if your shit Servant gets in or not, she'll still be trash.
And you'll still cry about it.
Well, any french would hold back against her.
for servants already in the game its weird to get rate up events, but new ones almost always got them, so if somebody wants a servant that isn't in the game he better start saving
We have a lot in common
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Let me hear you play the piano, anon...
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Fuck off.
Waver and Emiya or Waver and Chev? Which one should I keep?
Nice damage control. While you'll be fuming and trying to play F/GO at maximum efficiency I'll be playing with the characters I like.
Your wife is with another man anon
nah, it's my account. I just want to know how much it is if i gonna sell it

How come some heroes don't get NP even when using NP cards?
What do you call it then? cuck
Read the FAQ
So tomorrow night? Thanks.
I do play with characters I like.
They just happen to not be complete garbage like yours.
correction, waver is 90, i only used grail on merlin, hijikata and altira

waver's skill is 10/10/10 though

waver (zhuge liang)
whichever you keep, give the other to me ;_;
[email protected]
You probably have around 1-3 grails left by now and barely have any quartz. Even better accounts than yours with tons of quartz only sell for like 4-5$.
It's not in the FAQ moron
Do I level Emiya or Herc first?
I have Emiya from reroll but end up getting Herc from mana prisms ticket
Should you finish free quests ASAP or focus on story or dailies?
i have 5 left, thats 1 100 servant. Tons of quartz wont get you merlin and waver though
You can't use supports' NPs unless you friend them first. It is in the FAQ.
You're not talking about supports, are you?
Do you mean time for SEPTIC: NERO WANK EMPIRE
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Your bait is weak, and your low energy posting is pathetic. Maybe you should give it a rest for a bit, all these newfags must've done a number on you.
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Who have you grailed anon?
thanks :^)
You can buy an account with Merlin and Waver and has 800+ quartz for like 5$
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Don't know, went to do it on the English game but it auto deletes [].
I honestly believe nothing you can get out of your quartz matters at this point of the game except for Craft Essences

But Jesus are they hard to obtain
Do we even deserve a girl as perfect and pure as Mash?
Nobody. I have trouble deciding who to commit to
Your mother.
ehh waver is long term good.
That's a filthy fucking lie.
Why do I keep seeing a bulge there
She is the kouhai we need but not the one we deserve.
post mashu
I am going to Grail Mashu once they add Grails to the NA version.
I have d'Eon and I regret staying with this account.

apparently he's dogshit.
Good luck with that.
Yay, free quartz
but you did it already

mash was posted
Because you are a homosexual or your Eye of the Mind is EX-rank.
>roll more cause I kinda want Herc on my Waver account
>get Vlad
What do I need to make Waver good?
Is their a limit to how many friend requests you can get at once. I have 20 filled with practically nothing but Mash. If they bother to update supports would that update their request to show me.

I don't want to reject so many :(
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Since I have access to additional phones should I do reroll accounts to make some spare cash?
Is the banner quality proportionate to our rewards?
I've got 7 grails saved up for Ereshkigal for the off chance that she's a 4* instead of a 5*.
Where the fuck is she.
And you can't get them
I'll sell you a Waver+Jeanne+Vlad
Why do you want some random roll?
>only 10 quartz
why did i expect anything else?
>literally worse than 600 day celebration
>10 quartz
kay then
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>on first 10 get an imaginary around and a kaleidoscope
>open up the rest of the singular boxes
>get attila

god dammit

It's got a carmilla and a bathory, too. But no berzerkar.

I don't even know what the fuck I want with this.
you can get herc as a free pick later

New thread
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The Apex.
>page 2
fuck off
MHX Alter
Is it worth it investing in her?
no shes shit
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Now I need two more to get his husbando to 100 too
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How the fuck do I get this?
I'm going to do it anyway, as my only other Saber is Chev
>image for ants

You wait. It isn't up yet.
>made exactly at 750 posts
>reddit discord
Do not post in this thread, it's the /feg/ newfag
kill yourself
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My husband.
New thread when?
Page 10 you fucking idiot
I've got a Vlad account with Zero Essence to trade if you don't want it
is this real arthur?
>10 quartz
Fuck this shitty game
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Does anyone want to trade anything for my Jeanne account?
Better than 7 Quartz.
who needs cheatapk if you have 999999 attack and infinite NP
What is the 4*?
No, it's Artoria (Male)
When the 700 days celebration has the same rewards as the 600 days celebration which had worse rewards than the 500 days celebration, then there's something wrong.
One You. Here you go.
The whole "dont post in the reddit thread" thing doesn't work
It didn't work back then and it doesn't work now
I know what you mean. Kaleidoscope is the worst CE in the game.
Nobody cares about your narcissism you autistic /feg/ cock sucker. Go wank off in your own thread like you did last time.
>merlin and waver + 800 quartz for 5$
link me
No, I mean this literally. Literally 999999 attack on a servant
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I know.

New thread
Remember the 2 billion in-combat HP Ibaraki?
He's the cool EX ranked Arthur from the world where Attila the Hun is a dude. Ain't that neat?
Yeah that was around the time they started trying really hard to stop the cheatapk.
That was me by the way. I was the one taking a hit for the team and testing if I could deal 2 billion raid damage to one Ibaraki. And some angry nipturd posted the screen on twitter
Hi, SS-chan.
You forced me to buy a device specifically for F/GO that I wouldn't root.
Man it sucks having missed all those events. Fucking DW and their anti-emulator patch back then

They wouldn't have bothered if that screenshot was the only thing that stood out
I bet it was a way to stop the chinese
Yeah I'm sure it wasn't the only thing that did it but it certainly didn't help. At least this year I won't miss summer.
Anyone baking?
>it's actually you
oh shit
Oh yeah.
Memu is nice actually, I can run two instances together
Three makes it lag too much to be considered a time save

Well I didn't think some butthurt nip would lurk the thread and post the screen directly at DWs twitter
Anyone want a Waver
I'd love one.
How high level should my servants be before i try the 30/40 AP dailies?
please lads, someone, anyone, share my waifu Saber. i need to mating press her
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Are they also noticing the terrible typos? Did he do a good job teaching them English?
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2's Bretty Gud. Herc, Janne, Martha, Tamamo.
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Let's Spook Those Fuck Boys!.webm
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That reminds me, is there an FP cap?
Got Herc from my mandatory 10 roll, followed by Zhuge and Altera from my freebie roll. Is that a pretty good start?
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