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/svg/ - Shadowverse General

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Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 204

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https://twitter.com/shadowversegame/status/875666885588639744 (embed)


All cards info (so far):

Official Website:

Tool for deckbuilding and card checking

Useful Links: https://pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi

Old Thread >>180812723
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I need more free packs.
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Enjoy Shadowverse.
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Sleepover with Fighter-kun!
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After some tinkering, I found that tempo forest actually got some usable cards, namely
>Woods of Brambles
>Magical Fairy Lilac
>Fairy Dragon (0/4 spiderweb imp lmao)
Among them surprisingly the fucking amulet has the most potential. Fairy dragon would be auto include if only it has 1 more hp. Fairy driver is useless because it usually is just 4PP 3/3 ward.
>all three Eachtars are at the bottom of my deck
holy fuck why am I so unlucky.
haven't been keeping up with the news, when's the expansion?
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> They say home is where the soul is.
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_ _ _ _?
That's a cute boy
you got the boy who cried wolf though
Scheduled to launch on the 28th at 11pm EST
>3 am
Guess I'll miss the big pack opening
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You called?
I want to fuck that dog
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And no, Im not gonna use cancer roach
Corruption is bad and you should feel bad.
>opening your packs on day 1 with lower drop rates
Don't underestimate the power of jewery
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you will never look like this.jpg
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>Im not gonna win
literally only hagfags and bloodfags complain about roach at this point
>shadowverse portal updated
Okay guys I'll be back in 5 minutes with the next T0 deck
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tough choices.png
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You just weren't skilled enough was all.
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Are we ever gonna get new game modes other than take two? Like some weekly brawl or something.
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who uncute, you uncute
who is that
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roach is cancer cause its the only viable/ consistent win con for forest

you see it more in Forest than Oracle in Dragon
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Dork Dragoon.
>you see it more in Forest than Oracle in Dragon
no you fucking don't all these dragoncucks have oracle on turn 2 FUCK OFF
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Concede at 78767 please.
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no tail, no animal ears, fat
why would one want to look like that anyway
even rabbit healer is better
roach is soo cancerous they changed a whole card fetch ability just cause of it
t-thanks kmr, i see you're practicing vampire again
Roach. Is. Balance
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This is your hand for tonight.
Anime of Dorothy's dimensional adventures fucking when Cygames?
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open your goddamn packs
Why would you run 3x fairy driver and 2x fairy dragon with 3x wood of brambles with having like more fairy generation? You only have fairy circles, sylvan justice, flower princess and epm evo. You are relying too much on fairies while not being able to generate nearly enough.
Can Jabberwock pull himself?
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Not until the expansion hits and I get to open 80 + 10 bonus WD packs, 70 standard, 10 DE and 10 RoB all in the same day.
and still pull absolutely fucking nothing
hentai of Dorothy getting railed by oglers while Clarke watches when
why not craig
clarke's more good looking
Wood of Brambles generates 2 fairies too.
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>opening 180 packs
You better stream this
>and still pull absolutely fucking nothing
Except for enough vials to craft whatever the fuck you want.
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Fuck you.
Nofunallowedmut didnt save you this time from the memes.
Doing nothing and hoping that fag saves you is not a good idea.
of course, it'll be a nice short card party with good music
Good point. I'm hoping for animated legendaries from the standard packs though
>of course, it'll be a nice short card party with good music
Looking forward to it!
reminder to open 1 pack at a time so you don't lose 10 packs to a bad seed
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need concede please

>garuda leader
>x3 themis
>x2 aegis
You're bad and you should feel bad
Godspeed, anon. I hope you get your animated legos, I don't think I'll ever have the patience for stocking up that many packs.
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>implying the seed wasn't chosen for you the moment you created your account
Enjoy your account with eternally bad pulls.
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My game closed on me. New room: 49707
Read the card.
>Go all in on Anomaly in TT draft for fun
>Get Anomaly on board in first two games. Dies to Lily one game, dies to Olivia a second game
>In third game opponent DCs when I put Anomaly on board
aaaaaa I don't care if I go 1-4 I just want to win with Anomaly
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>forest in T2
>anomaly in T2
How do I have Soul Conversion in my opening hand every damn game.
I actually can't wait to drop this trash card.
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I still need to battle some people in room matches for the achievement. If anyone else has to this as well or needs a win for daily join my room, i´ll just pass turns. I will keep it open for the next 30 to 40 mins or so.
ID: 69777
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It's even better when you do it in constructed. All you need it is 3 Wolf, 2-3 Anomaly, 2-3 AFD, 3 AE, 1-2 Tias, 1 Elf Queen and bunch of other golds for this extremely inconsistent meme deck. I only crafted 3 AFDs, no regrets.
It's dogshit
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Are you ready for new OtK
>no Sybil
>i can't wait to drop shadow's best card draw for a shitty 2pp 1/2
mess the RNG for pulling the stoms ones Can change 1 gil and 1 zeus for 2 sibyl tho
>draconic fervor
>waiting for response
>Jabberwocky into 2 Jabberwocky into concede
You will literally never have a board to play Jabberwock on. Using the cannot be attacked followers like Trinity Dragon could help, but at that point normal face dragon is probably just better
>play aggro blood
>go second

>play kys blood
>go first
I think i hate bloodcraft
It dont have to be 7PP- 8PP tho.
save the ivory and sand storm dragons then ramp, when you get to 9PP/ 10PP you can play in combo.
do people still run Brick of Vengeance? Saw someone drop flowerbed bloodpact devil today with no activator to follow up
Bet these fuckers are running only belphs and the devil
He conceded when I filled the board T5 with Daria
>do people still run Brick of Vengeance? Saw someone drop flowerbed bloodpact devil today with no activator to follow up
it's their fault playing the belph only deck, that one is so bad
this card is banned, face it
oh right i didnt watch the stream, what did i miss?
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it's never going to happen, anon
>Devil of Vengeance with only Belph
that can't be a deck. That's retarded.
Arisa's VA being a shrill attention desperate whore.

even moreso now that forest is 5% playrate
It's only bad if you also run Brick of Vengeance, I'd rather see that version than retards running Laura
I only use him with Laura on t6
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>even moreso now that forest is 5% playrate
Gee, I wonder why
it's outdated you dolt
sure, what is the new Forest "meta" deck?? please tell me PtP is back ;^D
like pottery
>still losing to roach
jesus some good cards
I'll play whatever the fuck I want, I don't care about your shitty opinion.
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this is nice
post more of it
How do I into forest? I've been bashing my head at the keyboard trying to finish a daily with this shit that I spruced up with what I had
Am I doing something wrong or just bad luck with matchups? People are eating me alive
all forest archetypes are shit in this meta m8, just try to farm shitters on unranked till you get it done
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March of the Minies.png
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Roach or memes. I will suggest memes, at least you will have fun and brush it off when you loose
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forgot pic
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This is the artist's Pixiv. I'm still waiting for fallen Eris.
What is your forest deck? Forest only really has one playable deck with roach, and that is bad currently. Forest has a problem with having so many low quality cards that you really don't have any deck options.

Neutral forest will probably be their only chance in the next expansion, if that doesn't work out they will be shit again for another 3 months.
1 more guidance, 1 more roach, remove Bolt, change grimmir for ancient Elf if have em
don't have more roaches or any soccer moms
>don't have more roaches
are you willingly to vial it??
Yay or Nay
Poly Roar + Jabber Combo
I have 300 vials so I'm fucked either way
make a shitty neutral deck and try to highroll.
go neutral then and compare winrates
>tfw i technically main forest without moms/roachs
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>isabelle get short haircut
it must be tough
Thanks anon, have some canonical corruption
Grimnir is probably better than mom anyway if you are playing tempo since you don't want to destroy your board.
Midshadow is kind of sad without drawing Death's breath or Eachtar.
Thank god they don't have a tutor for it.
Yeah it's a tier 4 deck for sure
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you should learn to love suffering
that's a retardely looking bow
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Learn to love Tangling Vines, guys.
How many minutes until maintenance?
By turn 7 you've probably drawn it anyway
why are you not playng FGO yet? it's fun as hell
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Why do people play neph again? It loses to
>All forest decks
>All rune decks
>A fucking frog deck (unless you're using tribunal ledger)
>Aggro shadow
>Vengeance and aggro blood
You can literally only win against ramp dragon, and MAYBE midrange shadow. It's literally the worst control I've ever seen.
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Need a concede: 47791
Old phone with low storage capacity. Playing mobage on PC is stupid.
>literally the worst control
I mean control deck.
same reason people played Roost, Support Cannon, and ToG Forestcraft.
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I wonder who is behind this post?
how were the games with roost when it wasn't in maintenance? as broken as I think it'd be?
It's awful right now but it was the only deck that could actually counter prenerf Dragon
Now that its gotten practically no support from WD it's going to be even worse
It looks like one of the Magick bows from Dragon's Dogma.
>wahaaa boohoo buff shadow wtf
>neph deck
>no kawi
What in the actual fuck?
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Thank You Vampy-Chan!
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tfw princess snowwhite is "it"

> Last Words: Summon a Princess Snow White and evolve it.
And by the "only" deck I mean outside of midrange Shadow which isn't a deck and is a monstrosity
No, you're retarded.
No, it was literally 5PP kys and only salvageable if your opponent didn't play around the incoming Baha next turn.
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i face some nep decks today with my midrange shadow, all won, easy wins, balance horseman is too good
How the fuck do I climb with Blood? I can't win any fucking matches man
I don't play shadow, I beat neph everytime and I just wonder why people play that shit deck.
what dick? aggro, bats, vengeance? post dick so we can help
>the only deck that could actually counter prenerf Dragon
>Enhance (10): Banish all enemy followers and amulets
need concede: 97046
This is what #1 on leaderboard is using
Did you never play the matchup or something? Most of the time Nep is fine with Lightning blast being thrown out as it means Dragon has no board and they have free reign to drop another Mordecai. It was rare to face Dragon players who would draw all three in a single match whereas Mordecai can easily be played three times whether getting pulled or being drawn
I don't concede to pedophiles.
>wind god
>x1 lancer
>that everything
>implying top players don't post that kind of shit to troll retards
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Thank you stranger
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are you a tsundere loli?
any atomeme support on WD?
how did you live Zell+Ouro after that though?
Why do people play anomaly again? It loses to
>All forest decks
>All rune decks
>A fucking frog deck (unless you're using tribunal ledger)
>Aggro shadow
>Vengeance and aggro blood
You can literally only win against nothing, and MAYBE D0. It's literally the worst control I've ever seen.
>Implying people use Anomeme
Shadow whining when they have 60% winrate, not even surprise.
Please concede at 15918, need gold for muh Wonderland packs
Which card are you most hyped for now that WD releases tomorrow
>7PP free refill board + rush and bonus +2 damage

Shadowbabs will defend this
Haunted House is the most obvious one
8 damage storm isn't a big deal in the matchup as you heal off of ANY large body he drops by playing Nep. If you don't have Nep in hand dropping a Khawy cucks him because he wants to save LB for a board with Mordecai on it. Deathbrands removes larger bodies like Bahamut and Genesis Dragon if you don't have either of those in hand. In short Nep had the ability to answer almost everything Dragon did in addition to running the game late enough to have Mordecai being effective
Cute cat(male)
snow white
>implying that the Demon would disagree with what you want, you you would disagree with what it got.
>doesn't gain Ward if you opponent has no board
>doesn't gain +2/+0 if your opponent has a board
c y g a m e s
probably the dumbest post i've read in a while, impressive
right so it "countered" if you drew more than 1 Nep.
with no Tutor.
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she secretely loves you. humph
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wtf I hate cygames now
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Are you a fucking retard? I just listed THREE tools that the deck used against Dragon decks, and only one of them was Nephthys. Do you want me to list out every single card in the deck and how it's used against the Dragon matchup or something?
I played the matchup a fuckload, I got to top 10k last month with vblood and nephthys. The games against Dragon went really, really late and it wasn't uncommon to play 2 or 3 Nephthys, but the third is usually redundant and useless because you've drawn your other Khawy/Mordecai at that point. Not to mention the ACT of playing Nephthys even once thins your deck, rendering you more likely to draw another one as the game goes on.
She's tsun, it's even in the flavour text
>play Elana
>encounter nothing but burn decks
>12 game winning streak
Got tired of losing to topdeck demonic strike and double razory claw as storm haven.
>wasn't uncommon to play 2 or 3 Nephthys
lucky cunt. no wonder you did well with vblood too.
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What's the point of this awful card? Why would anyone use it over conjure golem?
It's not luck, like I said, the games against Dragon would go on back and forth for like 15-20 turns as you each exhaust all your answers. Nephthys thinning your deck by 4 cards when you first play her is not insignificant at all and raises the chances of getting another one significantly. I nearly decked out a lot of games and I think I actually lost one by decking out
Pack filler. It could conceivably be better than Golem if you go first, so you can draw into another spellboost card and then trade. The reality is that it'll just be removed before your next turn.
Doesn't get discarded by the new spell discarding cards.
Urd value
Not a spell so it doesn't pollute library tutor pool
Can be tutored with gobu

It's different, it's shit, but there can be reason for that you want to play this over golem
For example a rune deck that tries to pull a specific spell using the magic library amulet, but still spellboost followers or said spells
>7pp neutral spell
>Destroy 1 of your opponents followers and deal dmg to both players equal to its atk

But then you'd discard any spells you'd want to spellboost.
>drop Bahamut
>attack with Bahamut
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Can I get a concede?
>wanting to spellboost spells
Thank you, Woodland Urias!
Keep crying, shadownigger.
Yay or nay?

I want to ___be her
mate every other game I play with Nep I don't get a single one because I've only drawn 11 cards and she never shows up to be played on curve.
thinning four cards is nothing when you still have over half the deck left. Drawing your second to be played after Dragon wipes your first is the clearest definition of luck.
>Dragon didn't beat you while you were still at 6PP
Also lucky.

Nep was far from a counter. It was a highrolling deck that countered every slower deck if it pulled off it's gimmick.
The reason Nep is a shit deck and will stay shit as long as a tutor doesn't exist is because a lack of consistency.
Of course luck makes that issue nonexistent.
me too
Dragon traded like an idiot on t5
I'm not arguing that it's a weak deck, I fully agree with that sentiment
The games with dragon just went on super, super long and I did so well against pre-nerf Dragon that I didn't mind at all when I saw them on ladder. Even without Nep there were so many stall tactics that help you get to 8pp like DB, Deathbrand for large bodies, Zombie party to threaten board, etc
you beat a terrible player with perfect topdecks and double Levi.
>this is the average Dragon player
Low Masters?
>Win because deck is good
>Win because draw is good
>Skills matters but not always, probably only matters when both side's luck are even
Why do I play card game again?
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What does running bahamut have to do with anything?
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Well, okay then
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>you've only drawn 11 cards
Run more draw power then
1.2k masters. I was testing obs recording so yeah.
what did you use to convert to webm? quality is much better than what I get with webm for retards
>Death Breath and ZP weren't immediately slammed by The Mad Cyclone
you wanna know how I know the only reason you did well was your luck?

I played hundreds of Nephthys games in Masters last month, I don't think my performance against Dragon can be solely attributed to luck with that kind of sample size
reminder to liquefy your Zell/Lightning Blast/Catacombs before maintenance
That webm is 40mb
Thanks cuckest. I think Igot some from the free packs.
see, you say that but even today if I play DB on curve, and Dragon has at least two Grimnir to follow up.
Though most of the time I have to play DB to try to block Baha, since I'm going second.
>not a replay
Do you stream?
Thank you for the reminder.
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>kys blood versus storm haven
>he starts with turn 2 aria turn 3 divine birb
>I run 3 dealer 3 Belph
>don't draw a single one the entire game
>have to rely on him putting me in vengeance so I can play my balanced 1pp 4 damage removals and cucked his storm shit with a couple Masks
>win with 3pp 4/4s and running him out of cards.

Didn't draw 3 Belph, 3 Dealer, and only drew 1 airship the entire game. Ended with 25 cards left in deck. What the fuck is the chance of that even happening? Has to be less than 1%.

I always have the worst draws with this fucking deck.
What did he do wrong? The salamander on goblin and fervor on full board?
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Are y'all gonna check out the SHADOWVERSE booth at AX?
>waiting for response
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>Haha yeah I do really well with KYS Blood.
>What? You didn't get an activator on turn 4? Wow, I don't even run Dealer, lol.
>Oh cool. Just got Belph on curve.
I'm never playing Shadowverse with my friends again. Fuck luckfags.
fuck off animeclub brats
>using mask
I'm not sure if I could go streaming because it was already laggy when I tried recording that single match.
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Just play dragon, mothafuckan broken shit!
physical cards aren't worth having a tranny try to talk to me
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Shouldn't have put his Sibyl at 3HP knowing his opponent has Crimson Sorc in hand, shouldn't have played the Grimnir on T9. Would've won anyway if not for the topdeck DoD on Baha. Playing the Fervor was fine since he had a follow-up turn and aggro dirt couldn't really threaten lethal from that position.
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winstreak kysblood.jpg
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>mask is bad
Hearthstone player?
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its not fair bros.jpg
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>Blood level 73
bandwagoners get off my class reeeeeee
He didn't reply to my greeting. It was disheartening.
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wait will they be there!!!? If so ill be there!
I avoid rl contact with anime fans if at all possible. I made the mistake of letting one of them know I was into anime once and he started outright stalking me.
Need a concede:
Yeah. I'm weeb enough but I can't stand other weebs either. This shit is hobbies for my free time, I don't get people that make it part of their identity.
Sauce me.
Salamder on goblin was fine. The trade on Sybil into 3 hp was bad and maybe killing the dwarf alche instead of mage since I usually don't evo it. I probably made a mistake too since I dropped the earth sigil instead of using crimson sorc since I was expecting him to clear out one of the followers then drop a melvie though I was not expecting to draw her on the next turn.
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Go on the weekend if you want to meet some actual girls.
But the idols are this Friday!
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>Sibyl, Grimnir and Eachtar will NEVER get nerfed
>playing spellboosts on physical cards

What did they mean by this?
>Otohime was never nerfed
>PtP was never nerfed
>Daria was never nerfed
Ancient Elf never got nerfed but we're fine now. Have hope.
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Puffy eyelids.
cute pupper
Otohime is probably the most nerfed card in this game, yet at the same time not nerfed at all.
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Level 89 now

Maybe if Vampy wasn't so shit at Arena she'd be level 100
>Look mom I don't care as much about my hobby as others do. I'm superior!
But can /svg/ beat those master rank streamers?
somebody post a burn rune deck or else I will run Dshift for my daily
There was a guy here who posted pictures of soulcucks reaction after he beat him.
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>kys against pepe
>ready to lose on turn 5
>don't draw activators on 4
>realize I don't have to worry about a 3/4 when I'm healthy with Imps
>Yurius and vanilla Righteous Devil slowly whittle him down
>he gives up trying to race and suicides both frogs in to a 4/7 devil
>left a frozen Devil of Vengeance on the board
>draw Belph next turn
Why are they pushing so much those two abominations. Is the Western SV fanbase this degenerate?
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envy should really get a better haircut -_-

also dem asian girls trying to make their eyes look as wide as possible...
That's not nice. Nips are human too.
Kill yourself
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16 Levels already?
assuming you win every game that's 300xp a game.
You need about three wins for every level.
That's 48 Wins to go up 16 levels.
Where did you have time for over 40 wins in less than 20 minutes?
lying ass buffoon.
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Dirt based or blademage based?
>tfw stupid animated cards fuck with the deck fitting on 1 screen
They just hate whito piggu and shit on western fanbase.
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>no followers
>forced to use mutagenic
simply epic
i'll use either one thanks anon
why did you post an angry lazy face
The same way they play tested Catacombs with physical cards and decided that once you played it, it really isn't as super strong as you would think.
stop posting this image every fucking thread you fucking underage.
Nah, they're investing too much effort for this to be true.
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It's funny how sword always gets a couple of ambush support cards every expansion
Thank you my ninja loving friend on the card design team
>tfw rouge's creed doesn't work with pepe

I fucked my T2 match with that shit.
>being dumdum
you need to play RC before pepe
Pepe ain't a real ninja
Other way around, it's why they don't really work, since you will usually want to play the amulets before the followers
I remember playing with someone who just passes for five turns then drops Hulking Giant for 14 ATK. I lost because no hard removals.
Screenshot is not from today you dumb dumb. Its' the same deck though.
I dropped RC first before pepe. It just happened.
Seems like going first will be even stronger in WD.
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I have cutie pettite gf, so no need. actually im a neet an shes paying for my trip there aswell

>feels good mang
If you think that, then you're fucking retarded. Half of the new cards are buffed based on how many cards you have in your hand.
and over half the cards are fucking worthless
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>evolved Scyther and went face
Forte smart!
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TOP 1,000 - 20,833pts
TOP 10,000 - 6,700pts



Dragon doenst give a fuck how buff you are, because LMAO RAMP+GRIMNIR/BAHAMAUT
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And then you got forte/urd next turn for the loss
He's already won you moron
he has lethal m8
He has lethal, you dumb fucking Dragon.
What's the play here?
aggrobats, the thinking man's deck
Claw Face
Evolve Bat hit face
Play Fortress
Trade 1 bat in
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>Forte players
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I was merely pretending to be retarded. Thanks for the yous
Help me out with a concede guys!

exact lethal?
>not stalling when against aggro

What did he mean by this?
Thanks skellybro!
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>tfw trying to replicate that psycho rowen look in higher res to no avail
At least I made two new meme rowens
First off, punished Rowen
Have fun going second against turn 3 Cinderella or Kiss of the Princess.

Also a lot of the WD Storm/Lion Haven lists I've seen today on twitter are cutting Cudgel.
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Jolly Rowen
This is too good.
haha upvoted
Help. I'm dumb.
>two bats that go face 14 to 10
>Claw 10 to 7
>trade in bat and drop fortress
>Brings bats on the field to 3, 3 damage twice
>7 to 1
Can you make his eyes glow?

Second fortress resolves after first, for four damage.
nah I'm only using FaceApp on an emulator and paint
Maybe someone with photoshop can add lens flares or something
The first amulet disappears and another bat is spawned, then that amulet disappears, when the second amulet disappears there's 4 bats
3 + 4 = 7
>1 year later people still don't understand how vampiric fortress works
won't the first fortress disappear freeing up space for the 4th bat
>realize I have all the necessary tools to make PtP snowman
>haha time for meme decks that costs me zero vials
>go to try it out in unranked
>first 4 games give me double PtP in opening hand
I think this game doesn't want me to meme
>Brings bats on the field to 3, 3 damage twice
Its 3 into 4 damage from fortress.
3 from claw to face, 1 from one bat to face, 3 from another (evolved) bat to face, 3 from the first fortress, 4 from the second fortress (it will use the bat that the first fortress generated too)

you should make them have space by sacrificing one bat though
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>newfriends learning thanks to my Forte post
>still trying to play it off 20 minutes later
Shadow cost is too expensive though
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closest I got
I ment the original post making fun of bad Forte players, not the other doofus
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>otohime into sage isn't allowed
>eachtar is

explain yourselves shadowbabs
just like memesquasher rite?
Nerf Rahab?
More like I shouldn't have added so brick fortresses.
Having tried to meme with can't be attacked followers, you really don't. Everyone has cheap removal for days on top of fanfare/evo effect and board destruction for days
Anyone have that dirt burn deck?
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>expansions is fixing bugs related to Support Cannon and a random Medusa's Gaze interaction nobody cares about
>No Athena
>No Liza
No. The board must never die.
With ramp as good as it is right now, this card is beyond broken.
This card will never be brought back in its current form. Some of the shit you could pull off with it was absurd.
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Do hag players not want to win or something? I'm confused
>5pp do nothing, lose to turn 5 Eachtar
you're retarded.
It helps give you consistent 2pp spellboost that contests.
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Bricking is the norm for me. No matter what I play.
>he doesn't want combo dragon to be a thing
It'd be a crime to release sea queen and windmills and then not unban roost
>reviving the saha baha zell combo
I hope
And you're roostless :~)
That has literally never been a problem for rune
How's your frogbat mileage?
>has 11 damage in hand
>still complains
Actually you know what, I take it back, this deck is kind of hilarious.
I hand blocked an opposing D-shift rune by playing double sammy while he had 7 cards in his hand.
Nice fates hand NEEEEEEEEEERD
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>give Dragon a bunch of meme cards this expansion
>deny it the greatest meme card of all

>give your opponent a free turn to kill you
>not a meme card
But you probably won.
You're fairly easily going to flood the board by turn 4-5 and forest has literally no board clear.
I hope this one looks smoother than the first one.
Wtf the vampiric fortress shit isn't how other stacks work in this game
For example support cannon both trigger at the same time instead of after one another
>go second in mirror
Nice game
>I am retarded
post dick
Effects are left to right dumdum.You have to play vagabond frog first. This way, at the end of your turn he re-enters ambush, then in the follower slot(s) rogue's creed checks for and buffs ambush followers. If RC is first then vagabond frog is still out of ambush when it checks for buffs.

As a result of doing dickall board control for 4 turns, you lose the game. Creed is for going wide and contesting and chipping with shadowed assassin into arriet lethal.

Then you didn't attack with it and he was still in ambush
powercreep happened.
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>turn 1 Sacred Plea
>turn 2 Godsteel Wings
>turn 3 Princess Snow White
>turn 4 sacred plea pops, trade in Snow white for free evolve, play heavenly hound, evolve heavenly hound, Godsteel pops, play demonic simulacrum
>turn 4 2/3(rush), 4/6(taunt, rush), 3/5(rush), 4/5 (taunt)
>thats 13/19 worth of stats plus 10 damage (9 from rush, 1 from unevolved snow white)

Are you prepared for your new tier 0 craft, /svg/?
It's really hard to get 12 shadows.
Yeah useful post
>1 day
Nice meme
rngstone refugee leave
the very same powercreep that made soul dealer unusable :^)
>dies to themis
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Can you post your dick as reference? Looks fun
nobody plays soul dealer
t. D0
>Jack off for 2 turns
>Woodland band
>Water fairy/may/fairy champion, Water fairy/may/fairy champion, fairy, sukuna
>18/18 turn 4
Are you prepared for your new tier 0 craft, /svg/?
>pop princess with 2 drop then destroy evolved one with cheap removal
Nice simulacrum.
t. Beginner
anyone have the "2 personalities- nicest person you've ever met and twisted psychopath"?
face is the place, right?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure It's on Reddit :)
10 damage earthshock ogres, 12 damage grimnir's, and 5 damage ouroboros is the tits
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What the fuck is forest turning into? budget daria?
It's the deck that this anon shared >>180863838
Inconsistent or I just don't know how to play it. Fun when it works.
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A forest daria that can't stop, wont stop it's time to rock on this cock
wtf i love forest now
Loses to Aggro shadow, ramp dragon, most forms of haven, arguably perfect curve aggro sword, some forms of rune, KYS blood
You really think you can just sit there and do nothing for 3 turns?
Even with turn 2 justice
that's literally a worse version of aggrobats than the one that existed in DE
Dunno, depends on the match up. You actually need High IQ to play this game.
>playing 5pp worth of cards on turn 4
>expecting a 1/1 to last on the field from turn 1-2

Woodland Band is yet another forest amulet that is one pp too high to ever be viable.
>everything is reddit
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this is your average pepe player
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>shitty 1/2
Fuck you. The ZR doesn't lie.
>don't get 4 unique followers
>don't draw woodland band
>concede turn 3
You know there is going to be some autist complaining about that deck non stop too because they lost to it once when it draws perfectly and he bricks.
Fairy bringer. Even if you don't nut, you can play the combo with bringer instead to still have a stronger than floral play or you can take a turn longer to play it raw on turn 5 or with a 0 cost, you can include liza

It's Elana tier RNG for sure but it's not hard to run fetch, draw and low cost followers to burn 2-3 band's a game to not give a fuck
No, thats literally KYS blood on the most perfect of curves
There's really not a whole lot that any craft can do against that.
>What is haunted house
What are you going to run to fetch the amulet? The only way to really run fetch for the followers is to play gobu and that is turn 3, by that time you can only put out shitty low drop forest followers so you will lose if you can't do it early. It's worst than elana for sure
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What do you even do with a fairy? lick it?
I want to mate press her!
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So when is satan getting buffed? He was shit 6 months ago and now it's just embarassing.
We need more cards like him and dark alice that manipulate the contents of your deck
They won't fi cards, they they might powercreep the idea behind satan
Uriel for the additional bands

Never, he's in the dumpster so deep haven got a powercreeped satan

You bounce it up and down for +12 damage then you roach for lethal
Put them in your ass
He just gets powercreeped just like most of the standard legendaries.
Wait for Cocytus Satan.
damn i almost said hi to a shadownigger, never again
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I'm ready
Teach them how to take human men
>Forest will be dumb unga bunga in WD

concede pls
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Enjoy bungaverse
Honestly playing Actress feria is probably easier.
>t1 gobu
>t2 unica
>t3 goblin leader (gain goblin at end of turn)
>t4 merman (+1 to something) + another 1 drop if you have space on the field + Actress Felia

Potentially 3/3, 3/3, 2/3, 2/2, 4/4 (15/15) on turn 4
Even if turn 1/2 drops are destroyed you could potentially have 2/3, 3/3, 2/2, 2/3 (assuming you had a secondary 1pp on turn 4). 4/4 (13/15 turn 4)

Annnnnd if you consider a Valkyrie drop on turn 2 the damage potentially gets much higher.
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I need you WD
Something that synergizes better with SC.
Satan was powercreeped by grail
I for one can't wait to play goblincraft
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I'm at 9150 do you think I'll be safe spurdposter
You're right on the edge.
>Count haven vs mid shadow
>Going first
>Drop 3 devour of heavens
>Drop and evo Eidolon
>Keep dropping featherwings going forward
>Kill luna after activating FIVE holywing dragons
>they didn't print any usable cards for dragon
Is it too late to jump onto the storm haven bandwagon?
No. It goes up a couple thousand as people panic. There's also more of compaction in the breakpoint ranks so it'll jump fast
>Missed a day for the birthday bonus
>Won't get the last reward

Why doesn't the game reset in the mornings anymore? It literally just reset for me when I rebooted my computer, when it used to do it at like 3 am EST every day.
how can Daria even compete?
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Christ, I've had enough of ladder already
What killed all his creatures?
last 2 days are during WD too so climb now if you're a dumb netdecker
Play seacraft

Devourer has last words: 1 damage to enemy followers, summon a holywing dragon and I had 3 of them.

considering there are 10 rewards and 14 days to get them....
I used to be a big Magic Duels player, but with that game getting the axe I am looking for a new card game to fill my time. I just played the tutorial and a bit of the story, and I am really enjoying Shadowverse. I have some beginner shitpost questions

>Are buying pre-built decks worth it?
>Are leaders just avatars, or do they change things in-game? Will I be seen as a scrub if I only have the default leaders?
>Which packs should I be focusing on buying?

Thank you, sorry for the shitpost!
I missed a few days. I forgot there was even an event. Shit happens, yeah? Still, I wish it would reset in the mornings again. I would get that last reward if it did, but it's been resetting halfway through the day for some reason for a while now.
they killed Magic Duels?
>legitimate question about the game
>sorry for the shitpost
Prebuilt decks have guaranteed quality legendaries in them so if you're spending money they're not a bad option, you get the cool alternate art too.
Leaders are entirely cosmetic, no one cares if you have default leader.
You'll always get default packs from T2 so you're better off playing T2 if you want default packs (if you can be bothered), other than that I'd say ToG > RoB > DE (there's a new expansion coming tomorrow also)
>Not really, no. Maybe the Shadow one.
>They only change your appearance and emotes.
>Depends on your chosen class, but generally the newest expac has the cards you want the most.
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Fuck, got my waifu on the free roll. Guess will have to start playing FGO regularly too.
Unfortunately yes.


>Amonkhet will be the last set on Magic Duels, no more updates, but the servers will remain up.
>Magic Digital Next (which will replace Duels) will have more news in September.
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Play a little. Wait for WD. Then decide what deck you need (highroll T1 deck if you want Master rank). Then reroll until you get core legendaries for deck
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If you're gonna whale, kind of? Getting a specific playable lego is better than the fucking gacha which dicks you over. I wouldn't whale immediately cause WD will probably obsolete even more of them on top of being the third in a row of an extremely toxic cancer meta. The game's circling the drain unless you're playing with friends.

They're just cosmetic. You wont be and you shouldn't care what fucking autists think anyway

Maybe? WD > TotG > RoB > DE > arena tickets. The goal is approximately 40-60 packs from each non-standard expansion to get most of the silvers which are fairly strong but too expensive to craft considering their rarity. After that, you'll grind arena and get missions for standard packs and vials from extras to craft what you want. Early on you need to spend vials carefully.
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Just buy Garuda and you're set for life
>>Are buying pre-built decks worth it?
Shadow's and Forest's still have a lot of vial (and will probably always have), but it depends on the meta. Haven's is complete shit, and Sword's animated legendary (that you can't vial) has been powercreeped. Blood's is for Control Blood, but, even if CBlood turns out to become viable again, it won't be because of any of the legendaries in the pre-built. Rune's is for DShift and DShift only. Dragon's is for Forte and Forte only.
>>Are leaders just avatars, or do they change things in-game?
Visuals only.
>>Will I be seen as a scrub if I only have the default leaders?
You'll be seen as someone who wasn't retarded enough to waste 5 packs on useless aesthetic shit.
>>Which packs should I be focusing on buying?
Wait for the expansion in 3 days.
damn I would be pretty mad if I had put any money in. Don't know how they expect people to buy into their next one
Woah. I hope they will FINALLY made proper digital MTG.
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How many hours until WD?

concede please
>Shadow's and Forest's still have a lot of vial
>Oldfags able to make anything good in a new medium that is actively fucking them compared to their cardboard extortion
Need a win too wait a sec
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It's funny because when Duels was being released two years ago, they said in interviews that the game would still be a thing even after five years.
reminder that the non sample of this is 12megabyte
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>only 1 win as Shadow
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>actually went 1-4 with Shadow, it wasn't even on purpose

is there such a thing as too much ass

cuz that might be it
when are they updating levi so you can also get a sigil on evolve?

Thank you for the warm replies.

Is the game actually circling the drain like you are saying, or are you exaggerating? Is now a bad time to get into Shadowverse? Are there any other better card game vidyas you would recommend?
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Cygames bought the back cover of this week's Jump.
Duels of the Planeswalkers series is very good. It's only lacks deck builder and cards. I have no idea how they able to create shitfest such as Duels.
Those doomsayers are just the retards who have never seen an oppressive tier 1 meta in their lives. The game is in a better state the vast majority of other online CCGs.
I have a picture somewhere that's 24mb of pantyhose clad ass
>tfw I spent 1k gold on forte and vampy when I just started out in the beginning on Rob
no regrets
share that shit my nigga
wait how much free shit are we getting this expac? i missed the memo.
10 packs like always
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50.5 hrs
Alice is CUTE
10 packs and a fuck you to the face
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>Is the game actually circling the drain
No, it's still growing in china and the western player base is around 10k just on steam.
Cygames' director also said he's looking forward to expanding the competitive scene outside japan.
The general is a bit slow now because it's nearing the release of an expansion and meta is a bit stale, other than that the game is pretty alive. You won't have any problems finding matches and it probably won't die any time soonat least in the eastern markert
How did you know he was?
The game has been completely unfun to play competitively for 2 expansions now. That's because games are mostly decided by matchup, who goes first, and whether they bricked. Meaningful decisions are few and far between.
And Cygames lets broken decks run rampant for 2 months before giving them a slap on the wrist
3 free Corpselords
Look at the image. You can see that he won the fifth match, but he only got 15 gold, which means he lost all others.
Mobage money strong
only 15 gold and the last orb as a win so he lost the other 4
>2 expansions
Post nerf RoB was the most balanced meta we've ever had, and pre-nerf wasn't even that bad.
You retards just like to whine about everything.
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>""""""""competitive"""""""" scene
Sorry I meant that how did you knew he was playing shadow. Sorry for the typo I am phoneposting.
You can see Luna's dog thing in the background.
I'm not exaggerating. Unless you like playing one of on average 3 brokenly OP decks against the same average 3 brokenly OP decks. They've powercreeped a handful of decks out of control for 2 meta's now, refused to address the key issues with those decks with only slap on the wrist nerfs that left the dominating decks still dominating after beating the meta retarded for 2 whole months of a 3 month release cycle. The average card power has creeped so high that even nut draws of off-meta decks aren't enough on top of archetype killer's like Aegis, dimension shift, and bahamut. You can't even play memes in unranked cause the fucking shitters linked it to missions without making a non-mission unranked. Because the meta is so dogshit, it takes 1-3 hours just to do dailies you absolutely cannot miss as a f2p especially now that there's 2 legos per craft per expansion while you're still only getting approximately 13 lego copies out of 48 non-duplicate legos for a full set as f2p. Deck costs are skyrocketing as every list is becoming a solid brick of gold an legendary cards. SV is honestly a part-time job that sucks ass. Buying packs has the same rate so whaling is basically just setting your money on fire with a lighter cause most of us are taking over 20 packs to get a lego if you average out our pulls over our whole play time. Even the half off 1 pack daily deal means it takes literal months to open them all which grinds you down. I'm on twenty fucking seven packs without a lego in my whale packs which is about to be 3 less than what I should have and only 7 golds which is also under rate. Everybody knows that kikegames is skewing the pull rates but nobody does anything and you get the same bullshit canned response from support.

The only good thing I have to say about sv is that it's cheaper to play and less shit than other ccg's which isn't really saying much when they're all turds.

Choke on a dick and die.
did you even play pre-nerf? You literally let your opponent (Daria player) flip a coin and decide whether you lost or not. And OTK roach with pre-nerf gobu was absolutely retarded
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You can see the bitch's face in the background
i wanna dress like her!
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> Is now a bad time to get into Shadowverse?
It's fine to start now, there is an expansion releasing tomorrow, which will also include some free packs and more missions to get your daily gold. You missed the anniversary packs unfortunately.
>Are there any other better card game vidyas you would recommend?
Gwent is okay if you are looking for a slower paced ccg, but it's completely different from shadowverse and hearthstone, so it might not be to your liking.
The Elders Scrolls: Legends is complete trash, don't touch it.
I wanna be her.
Watch the WD meta not even make it 5 days like TotG did until it's clear it's cancer town just like when people caught on to how broken eachtar midshadow was
>And Cygames lets broken decks run rampant for 2 months before giving them a slap on the wrist
That's faster than most other card games. Also, the "slap on the wrist" only happened this time and only to Shadow. The Dragon nerfs were significant, the Roach nerfs were significant, the PtP nerfs were significant and the Daria nerfs were significant.
>b-b-but Dragon is still tier 1!!!
Oh, I see, you are one of those retards that will never be satisfied unless they completely kill a deck instead of weakening it. Pre-nerf Dragon was near unbeatable, and it has many bad match ups now, even if it is still one of the best decks.
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>Dragon nerfs were significant
Not an argument.
Not him, but no zell and enhanced LB removed most of the bullshit from Dragon toolbox.
They were only significant in the sense that it was heads and shoulders above everything else
Those were great time.
>can still hit 10pp while you're at 5
>can just heal every damage you manage to push through their bullshit removal
>card draw up the ass
>2 or even 3 of these things all bundled in a single card
As long as ramping is a thing Dragon will always be cancer
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Don't ever say that again.
>As long as ramping is a thing Dragon will always be cancer
Yeah, that's why Dragon was tier 0 unbeatable before ToG, right?
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Help, I'm getting addicted to Blade Shift
I miss zell
>tfw you will never smack someone for 13 damage face over a ward on turn 6 again
Post dick?
Kill yourself, it's the only solution.
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You can always play burn dirt when you want to take a break from it but still be cancer.
>Dragon has 30-40 hp on average
>Hits 10pp when you're at 6 spamming win con class cards all the way while you struggle with dinky crapass cards

Fucking kill yourself. They had inconsistent ramp, they couldn't effectively contest while ramping before sibyl, their board clear didn't face too, and they didn't have the healing and ward to completely turn around an aggro deck.
Roost is fucking broken that it's the first card got banned
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>As long as ramping is a thing Dragon will always be cancer
This was Dragon before TotG, newfag.

>card draw up the ass
They literally have only 1 card that draws.
>inb4 eggs
Meh, considered them both actually. I'm more worried about transforms/banishes then damage clears. Too bad the only way to do that is lol Forest Dragon.
Becoming a corrupted slut who lives for demon cock sounds hot.
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Tilt into dread queen. You will, oh you will. You'll OTK in fact
roach ban when
Concede please

>still losing to roach
wow anon you sure do suck
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>wanting to kill an already dead craft
I don't know what to tell you.
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Left or right?
Forest is dead exactly because Cygames keeps avoiding giving them good cards thanks to Roach.
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>people still trying to run Double D's
Are we in RoB?
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Left always.
>this meme again
All other crafts can get broken cards while keeping their good stuff, but forest for some reason can't?
Left for sure
I want to pillage Arisa's tight elf pussy
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Erika a best
why Daria
Nice strawman. I never said they can't. I said Cygames avoids it. They clearly fear Roach, what's obvious from the way they design combo cards from Forest.
Thanks erika!
>selling your humanity to be a whore for eternity

how the fuck do you win with this shit
My wife and her friends
You play DShift, then Daria. It's that simple. Daria is also another card form of getting to your DShifts if you don't draw any, but she also Spellboosts them 5 times.
>left or left
hmm hard choice
Did we get any commandercraft support on WD? Will Gawain finally be viable?
does Cinderella count
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Just got back from School + Work. Gonna stream the top 4 in like 45-an hour. In the meantime, I'm gonna post this strawpoll. Vote for whoever you think is gonna win:

She's versatile. Playing 0 cost Daria after 0 cost D-Shift is strong as shit, especially if you refill into Blade Mages. Also helps accelerate your hand if you brick.

You stall and remove things as long as possible. Sometimes you have to sacrifice followers for trades. Taking damage in inevitable, the important thing is that they die before you do.
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Fuck you Luna.jpg
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I had the deck to win 5 round, I had 1 bahamut, 2 belphegors, 1 snek and some good cards. but in the last game I had to lose to Luna the worst hero 'cause my deck decided to fuck me up and put the good cards in the bottom of the deck, after some great shit I did in the 4 first game, it was going to be my first 5-0.
Ramp my shit up.
>Playing count
>Why's this shadownigger letting me just build my amulets
>t5 it hits me it's nep
>Only have 3 BLACKED
Are you new? That's Dimension Shift Rune, anon, it's a combo deck. You kill them turn 7-8 by buffing dropping multiple Blade Mages, buffing them, and gaining extra turns with DShift to attack more times.
>neutalsword is out
How did that happen
Didn't the nips say that deck is going to be the next top dog?
Just cinderella which is clunky but strong.
dark alice
5 stars
GameAI is just as consistently wrong with predictions as /svg/.

They dropped it from 5 stars a while ago.
I once had to go 1-4 as shadow because all the game gave me was ledgers, nep and minthe
They turned the one card that could've been decent with Gawain into an Officer.
Ramp Dragon was able to stabilize from neutral sword's early game aggro and Neutral Forest won solely off of Beauty and the Beast outvaluing anything that the Neutral Sword player would drop. Do note that Midrange Shadow also didn't make it, so this definitely doesn't mean that Neutral Sword is a bad deck.
Does Trail of Light draws if its banished by Daria?
Banish is not a discard
No. Banishing from hand is not discarding.
>a mobage has bad gameplay
>Playing tyrant against storm haven
>Don't draw tyrant's
>Hit 33 shadows before I can play one
>He played mememut the turn before, blowing out my pluto
>Tyrant and desperation necroassassin agaisnt a bakamut and popped aria
>Miss lethaling him by 2
>Misses of course
Why do people actually play DShift? It doesn't even have a decent winrate
Griefing through wasting people's time
A salt that will never heal
Only rune deck they have for dailies?
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Some people actually know how to play the deck.
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>tfw decked myself out even though I had lethal because I was roping so hard with D-Shift
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>some people actually know how to play the deck so they can have a barely positive winrate being offset by awful matchups and bricking
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Will someone please tell me if Mask of Death will cockblock Demon Key. Help
I want to rub my dick across that forehead.
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>at 7 health to shadowcuck
>hes got 4 damage on board
>plays spectre
>here wego.jpg
>put my white wolf into spectre
>he top decks shadowbeast
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It's fun when it works. And there are those still working on perfecting it.
It shouldn't block it. It's the proc, not the damage itself.
Anyone can make a dirt burn deck.
0 is a damage for the purposes of bane so it probably works.
>plays spectre
Why are you gloating.
>brick destroyer
Cause he's stupid
>so they can have a barely positive winrate
>positive winrate
you take 0 damage so it still works with demon key
This makes sense, thanks.
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1 more day before shadownigger banished from T1 slot.
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Nerf Yurius
>1 more day
isnt it 2 more days mom?
pls do not post my wife without permission thanks
Which is auto-lose to dragon and haven thanks to heals
Also isn't great against aggro shadow
Kinda bad against blood, depending on the deck. Could get lucky with a KYS killing himself.
Not great against D-shift, and certain forest decks can kill you before you kill it, especially ones that run Aerin.

The only near guaranteed win with burn dirt is sword.
Murica is not the only cuntry on earth anon.
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>mirror blood
>both get down to vengeance
>he summons sneks, leaving him at 5hp via yurius
sure but its still over 48 hours until
>fatty that can control the board
>not wanting to hit that reaper/pepe
>still the most optimized spellboost followers
>wanting to play turn 2 loo instead of spellboosting
Just what the nip said
>didn't use gay symbols to censor Shit.
>new filenames
>>>>>being an avatarfag imposter
48hrs and 13 minutes
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but the release is japan time not your country time anon
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That's the full picture.
If we count on 24 hours nipsnigger time 28/07/2017 is less than 18 hours left.
1x isn't hitting dickall kidderino. Even with that much cycle
>playing Walfrid sword
>blood drops yurius turn 2
>spider imp turn 3
>double yurius turn 4
>kill myself turn 6 using Otohime

Flame shield cannot come soon enough
I bet my cute asshole they will extend maintenance time.
Maintenance happens on nightime

It works for me for dailies. 3pp to kill off an unevolved Sybil is good too.
They've been good about being on time for the past few updates, but if they're late that only means one thing FREE PACKS
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please help me with my private match daily
Ca-can I pound it?

>6月29日 00:00~12:00

>We are planning to undergo maintenance during the following period.
>8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m., Jun 28 (PT).
I used to think that 1x is just dumb, but then there are numerous grinders with only 1 copy of Howl. Heart or cards thing, I suppose.
>Get flies out
>They just concede
Fuck you too dickass. At least let me have this.
Sure anon, are you cute boipucci? Make sure bring lubs because my cute asshole been dry for a while.
Thats 11PM 27/6/2017 my time they start maintenance, so less than 24 hours!
thats not luna
she stole the lipstick from her mom - cerberus!
Its 12:00 27th in japan right now
so its 36hours + 12hours maintenance
>being so neet you forgot about DST
>for literal months
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are there any good prediction decks? game-ai, gamepress and gamewith have shit
I feel this in my very soul
>9/10 on turn 6
Shadow Nexus just said that Snow White is insane
craft x3 day one?
whatever you do, don't craft 3 spawn of the abyss day 1
Never forget ol' Snekums ;_;7
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r8 my Blood OTK
I really want to meme a 20 to face
>turn 2 goblin
What do you even combo laura with in that, seems like a brick
demon key out, grimnir in
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>nightmare and teena will never be meta
What went wrong?
Dominating unranked with my Eachtar deck. Where is the challenge?
the challenge is to not shitpost
you already lost
Where you stop running brokenly OP cards
T7 Bander
T8 Spawn evo trade 8 to face, Urd, Laura 6+6 to face. Assuming vengeance, evo at T8, and blood pact gets me the right cards.
I think Baph at T2 and Demon Key T3 could be great. 2 procs of damage T4 sets up a possible T6 Spawn. I'm not really aiming for a T10 enhance grimnir in the deck
Dshit will just outright win some matches, ToG dirt is just consistently bad.
What is this Jeanne's deal?
Just got 2 moon bunnies
Is there any deck for them
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come here so I can shot you
Storm Haven.
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>not urd and then evolve and laura for 6+8+8
What did you smoke, kid?
Well I guess if they dont have a ward at T8
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she's my wife
never fails to get a chuckle out of me. wish there were others for the other leaders.
Demon Key is good even without Self Harm.
It is essentially 3PP Countdown 5: Summon Spawn
which is fucking strong.
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Will we break 20k with this expansion?
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>2 eachtar in t2
simply epig
>Turn 2 Baph
True. A Demon Key without self harm would put Spawn at T8 after Baph. The earlier the better though
That's what Baph is for.
>turn 2 do nothing followed by turn 3 do nothing
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Your waifu whores out to other games
If only blood had swing cards
just bkb, bro
followed by Turn 4 BKB to catch up EZ.
gunna need sum sauce for dis, sempai
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she whores out to anything period
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did someone say jeanne
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>2 Eachtar and Rise of the Dead
>do nothing for turns
>got to vengeance just in time for Airjammer
Gee, that was hard.
You are better than this, friend.

Age of Ishtaria
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Imo, the deck's weakest point is the T6-T7, where's theres nothing to play in terms of heavy hitters. I don't think T3 Demon Key is that bad with vengeance plays
uh why is that cudgel not bald???
What are your Hopes and Dreams for WLD? What are your Despair and Nightmares?
>Hopes and Dreams
All Haven legos
Animated Alice
>Despair and Nightmares
Corpselord of Evanescence
It can play a baphomet abyss on t6 then arriet t7 for lethal or it can fetch and 0 cost an abyss while clearing with a crash bandicooter
>what i will get
officer timmy, spartoi lord and fairy dragon
Probably least hyped to open either Corpselord or Dark Alice. The former is just real trash that makes skullfam looks good while the latter really needs a deck to build around her and I have yet to find one.
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but he has last words :^)
I'll take any legendaries besides Corpselord and Jabberwock. That said I'll probably get 3 of each the first day.
All of the dragons legos the others can die in a hole
make the shitty Sword dude a Commander
give the lord Last Words without an evolve

there, all the classes have two somewhat usable legos.
>4/4 Ward Can't Attack
>4/4 No Ward Can Attack
>Last Words
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May I have a concede
>Hopes and dreams
Carbosse icon
>4PP 4/4 Ward
stop it
fuck that ed was catchy.
Lion, abomination, oz, spawn, alice and sea queen
I'm going for full collection, but I'll still be upset about opening the skeleton man
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>Hopes and Dreams
Both forest leggos for the emblem and to play neutral forest and tempo fairy dragon.
>Despair and Nightmares
If I open a single dead skelly I will be really sad.
thanks elf
So I guess from this we can assume that corpselord will be the strongest card of the expansion
What are people's plans for neutral Sword?
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man, i just love getting triple D-shifted!
Yep, just like Anomaly.
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I can't really see it with all the higher damage budget removal everyone is getting. He luckily sneaks past a lot of the conditional 5 atk effects sans headpat mode but you need some kind of split threat more dangerous than him to allow you to drop him and shadow has no mana cheat that's going to help that

Just body them to death
Fuck off
what kind of bootleg trash is this
>advertising your stream on 4chan
Kill yourself you cancerous piece of shit.
explains the reddit spacing in his post
>reddit spacing
god dammit, i hate this meme.
vote up so this fag can spend 3k Crystals on Standard Packs
For the love of christ don't buy standard are you insane?
meme boys.
And yet it turns out to be spot on all the time.
I have to imagine it was started by people who have never used the internet before this year.
call it what you will but its true
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>when that fucking owl kept beating you down since turn 3
Man, I'd be salty too.
>animated commence experiment
>super cute grill that gets banished into a sigil
who cares, nightmare is still the best emblem hands down
what's it, genderbent yurius?
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Summertime Nightmare when?
that's the prof of taboo, he tried to resurrect his daughter and accidentally made himself into a loli

at least it's my theory

alternatively it's how the daughter of his died, but it's boring and grim
Maybe it was his plan
He couldn't resurrect his daughter, so he became his daughter
nightmare it's literally her name
Pulling leggos that will allow me to make new, viable decks
I will pull shit as always and be stuck with the same DE and RoB era decks for another 3 months.
ah so the zombies are the experiments to resurrect her daughter, never thought about it lmao I'm dumb
>tfw he'll never get her daughter back and only zombies
Is it really so hard to accept it's your turn to get the meme legends after getting consistently playable ones; aside from Pluto who got the best combo gold out of it?
Haven will be Tier 1 alongside Shadow.
Blood and Dragon will be Tier 2.
All other crafts are meme tier.
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I will straight up murder someone if the first deck I run into post release is Mid-Shadow.
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>finally motivated enough to grind last 2k of rank points for 12k
>storm in city is making my connection unstable
depends on how good is the high resolution art
you really think that people are willing to change decks if everyone is testing out the new cards instead of getting free wins?
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ded thread
ded moroz
ded game
I just out memed a sword ambush cuck with a Dshift-Daria deck.
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how will sword and forest survive for the next 3 months
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Defend this dubcucks.
>outmeme a sword ambush
>with a Dshift-Daria
It appears that words you're using don't mean what you think it does.
4665 rupees
30030 vials
9 arena tickets (but not enough motivation to grind them)
I'm prepared enough I think.
Who runs Daria with Dshift? Is really hard to not fucked it up but when it works, shit is so fucking cash, even more than regular dshift.
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So many 4-1 t2....
What is the strongest deck you could make using only bronze and silver cards?
some aggro blood prob
So I've been taking a break from the game (only came back just to catch the tail end of double rewards and log in for free packs) and I just read the notes about the upcoming patch:
>Buy Items added to the Shop
You can now exchange your vials for items. To buy items, go to Customize in the Shop and select Buy Items.
Isn't this kind of a big deal? I'm surprised nobody seems to be talking about it.
Most likely emblems and card sleeves.
le back to back Hector
Nobody knows what they are going to sell.
I hope it'll be something more substantial than that. I have almost 100k vials and nothing I really want to spend it on. At least let us buy Seer Orbs.
The only thing that is worth a damn is a Seer's Globe, but I doubt they will make it purchaseable
>play dshift
>aggro sword, blood, storm haven
>play dirt rune
>aegis, ramp dragon, dshift
Guess I'm waiting till tomorrow to replace this shitty win 1 daily
so, I havent played since before bahumet came out. I played ptp forest at the time. I had enough vials to make midrange shadow, and this deck is a blast!
>wait tomorrow instead of clearing for a new daily tomorrow
Just keep playing a deck in unranked.
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>Play aggro Dragon against Haven
>nearly all of my followers have 3 or less health even when evolved
>all those banishes targeting 3 or less health

I am swiftly starting to hate Judge of Retribution so so much, at least Priest needs an evo.
Needs Vampy and Fortress to not be shit though
>play followers and buff
You worshipped the turtle, right?
>aggro Dragon
You mean aggro shadow, you shadownigger. Only you fuckers complain about chemocraft
aggro sword or aggro blood
Fuck off you utter retard.
>forest and sword dead in WoD
Whoever made that image is going to look like a complete retard next week.
Fucking hang yourself and take your shitty forced meme with you
the entire general is going to look like complete retards. even i'll be dead wrong with some of the predictions that i have made so far.
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Thanks for the /FREEWIN/ shadownigger
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Was a fun stream. Brb vialing my animated Lathan and my Skullfane
>Just draw perfectly so you can magical beast guy bro!
>Just don't get matched against Haven, Dragon, Rune, or Forest since they can nullify it.
>Or Shadow and Blood since they'll be T0
Dude, if you don't start grinding now, you'll miss out on the free packs.
>he thinks Forest will be viable
>he thinks BaB on turn 6 will be consistent enough to make Forest playable
Neutral Forest is unplayable without BaB and Elf Twins. You can sure try though.
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Soul Dominator.webm
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Soul Dominator is starting to become my favorite card this expansion.
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sorry to break it to you but there's a new lady to satisfy now.
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Soul Dominator (evo).webm
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I would love having emblem and sleeves of her.
Sword seems okay, but forest is looking like shit
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condescending frog.jpg
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>Ginger into AoE boardclear

Every time.
>play meme and expect others to do the same
>Erika with a Bahamut

Are we back in RoB?
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I want it, it's like gold to me!
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How do I choose my emblem? There are so many of them.
Concede please
>play tier 0
>it's good
Who would've thought?
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Would this work or should I just go full neutral tempo with few amulets?
That can't attack. It's nothing special, Imprisoned Dragon is 3pp 4/3 like that, and doesn't get played in favor of Grimnir so you can't just say it doesn't matter that it can't attack.
>3 hours to complete win 4 as rune
that's it. I'm roping someone on unranked 4 times
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Just go full neutral synergy for tempo lion, He doesnt really fit into storm because the ideal play for storm is
turn 1 bird
2 aria
3 bird
4 bird keeper
5 tin soldier

And you also need dogma for storm esp with the new tin soldier amulet
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that one which you like the most

or if you are in doubt - pick vampy
I think you are betting tooo much into having Lion and Hare on hand at the same time to pull the combo

lion works better on Neutral Tempo IMO. and have some big players like Dual Flames, or Devourer
>and doesn't get played in favor of Grimnir
Grimmir is only played cause late game board clear + face
Isra emblem is the best.
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looking at the cards of the next expansion, it feels like using all my rupees on them might be a waste
Forest and Blood will be the best.
just open the 10 free packs and the ones you get for as rewards and wait a couple of days until the meta and its direction is set in stone and which cards are garbage and which have potential. If there are no good cards on the expansion just open ToG for emblems.
>only played cause late game board clear + face

3 pp 4/3 ward cant attack vs 3 pp ward 2/3 can attack enhance 10 pp win game ????

2 attack is enough to stall aggro and kill most 1-2 pp and sometimes 3 pp drop also reaching 10 pp as dragon is easy
>3 pp 4/3 ward cant attack vs 3 pp ward 2/3 can attack enhance 10 pp win game ????
thats the point, stats wise, Imprrisoned is better to stall but lacks late game. Grimmir is used more cause even if it has lesser the 10E makes up for it
>stats wise, Imprrisoned is better to stall

the only case where imprison is better is for killing Jeno
>20 min into the game against a dragoncuck
>hes not quitting
what do?? honestly am about to give up this stupid daily
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>now i have to choose betwee alucard, soul dominator and this
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