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/tfg/ - Titanfall General

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Thread replies: 757
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Traffic Jam Edition

>Lore, lewds & more

>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos, Tutorials & Mods
https://syampuuh.github.io/mods (currently outdated)

>Steam Group

PC: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/11942/
Xbox One: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/445674/
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Searching 'the fast guys' will bring it up in game for PS4; for PC, you have to join using the link, and for XBone, you need to request entry in the thread first.

>PSN Community
Search PSN community for "Titanfall General", request membership, and state you are from the thread. It helps us add you to our friends lists, and that makes stacking easier.

FNN 16: https://www.ea.com/games/titanfall/titanfall-2/news/frontier-news-network-16

>Titanfall Spinoffs/Side Projects

Doomed Thread: >>180275349
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first for reaper
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Who's a captain of a USS RUSE class cruiser here?
>used what will be one of the worst Live Fire maps as the OP instead of the map everyone has been asking for since release
I noticed the Reapers have militia spectre heads. I wonder why that is.
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Stay fast pilot
>starting using this with the Mastiff two days ago and already improving my k/d a ton
Feels good.
>3rd Weapon Slot for Pilots – You will now be able to equip a primary, secondary, and anti-titan weapon.
reapers are refurb'ed spectres confirmed?
Since everyone has had the chance to play the High TTK mode for a while, what are your thoughts on the balance? aside from delete button melee
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>3rd Weapon Slot for Pilots – You will now be able to equip a primary, secondary, and anti-titan weapon.
Jesus fucking actual Christ, this means that My teams on braindead pugs will finally have no choice but to have an anti-titan weapon ready when we're facing an entire team of titans.
Now when they're all shooting at titans with SMGs I can be even more angry
Quick refresher:
>DLC 6, "The War Games," arrives June 27
>Returning map: War Games
>New Live Fire map: Traffic
>New execution: Shadow Boxing (Holo Pilot)
>>Requires 20 kills while a holo is active
>Third weapon slot for Pilots
>Titan Brawl is now a permanent entry in the mixtape
>New featured mode: Free Agents
>Full balance patch
>More DLC on the way in July, including "the long-awaited return of a favorite mode from the original Titanfall"

Miscellaneous notes:
>20 million people have played the Titanfall franchise
>Over 1 million players are active every month
>TF2 will be supported on Xbox One X
I want Prime Warpaints first
Too little of a change to matter.
The maps Corporate and Zone 18, both of which are Spectre production facilities, have triangle-head spectres on the production lines. I've always imagined they are the newer models that got stolen by the Militia after the events of Made Men in Titanfall 1, and are now the basis for Reapers. The older models are still used by the IMC because they have millions of them stockpiled.
Good news for P2016 bros
Most everyone says the balance is much better in HTTK, even though grenadiers feel a little neutered.
don't forget respawn heavily hinting towards next month's content drop being Frontier Defense.
>More DLC on the way in July, including "the long-awaited return of a favorite mode from the original Titanfall"
>"That's right, Skirmish!"
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I am still getting triple kills with SMR
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You mean the Mozambique, right?
I really wish the P2016 had reliable hipfire, fast firing semi auto pistols are my jam.
if respawn would quit it with minor nudges in gameplay change, we'd be able to make faster progress. But for what its worth, the current HTTK is definitely a step in the right direction.
The grenadier weapon AOE change is a good idea, but it could be pulled back a bit. I like all the hitscan changes. Melee should have next to no range, like TF1, but with less windup. Frag grenades need a change, maybe damage reduction.
>has a switch to toggle between 1 and 3 shots (and no shots?)
It feels better, all they really need to do is unfuck grenadier weapons and it'd be great
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>realize that everybody will have anti-titan weapons
>this means we'll die even faster in Titans now
The EPG is perfect in HTTK. The blast radius buff should have never happened.

>(and no shots?)

>what is a safety
Don't 95% of people already have anti Titan weapons
I feel like this change only significantly benefits the small niche of players who are good enough to run around with grenadier weapons and a pistol
they ignore titans because they're stupid, like you.
wow nice anon you really got me how long did it take to come up with that insult
Frothy released a genuinely excellent video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCVj6BO8HCs

BTW, has anyone played Pacific Assult, now that it's free on Origin?
I'm pretty sure the P2016 is quite accurate from the hip.
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6 gens of holo only reporting in
haven't used it in a while though, nice to have a reason to go back to it
I'm mainly talking about how severely gimped the Cold War is in HTTK
Cold War most of it's damage through splash, so it's hurting pretty bad in httk.
Does anyone think they're going to bring back the old intro animation for War Games, or just keep it as a dropship?
I'm hoping for the former, but expecting the latter.
Personally I dislike the high ttk mode altogether. With regards to balance it's shit. Projectile weapons are utter trash while shitscan still reigns supreme.
Glitch is still a dropship despite being a sim too, doubt they'd bother honestly
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its got weird spread even with gunrunner
>FNN back on ea's site
what gives?
>sit in traffic on the way home from job
>eager to play tf2 and wreck slows
>get live fire on traffic
>alt+f4 and uninstall
It's like they hate us
>tfw my driving theory test is tomorrow
>just want to go fast on titanfall but I can't because I want to go fast irl

it hurts

I fucking hate exams

thank you for reading my blog
>shitter can't aim
>uses babby weapon with retarded aoe
>upset when it requires some semblance of skill
assuming you're talking about the written driving test, it's ez as fuck almost everywhere, if you paid attention.
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thoughts? I think this could be pretty fuckin neat
how am I doing so far

Here's a little something for you redditors

What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even go fast
What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even go fast

[Verse 1]
Hater, you, don't even go fast, bitch, you's a shitter too
Motherfuck that slow shit, that's a G, that's him
I'm about to speed up, 'specially when i’m using stim
I changed the game don't get it misunderstood
Slingshotting out the spawn, capped the flag, it’s all good
won't use an SMG, grenadiers, got that shit
Slows don’t believe it, they on my dick, these pilots sick
But when I am feeling fat
I’m scorching them slows, you best believe
But Scorch ain't better than that FAST, FAST is so much fun
Got my RE. 45, EPG gets it done
And I don't care if you judge me
I'm going so FAST, and living so lovely
So stop saying fast is wack
You know you wanna try, but speed’s what you lack


Also does anyone have the image of Viper captioned "You'll cowards don't even go fast?"
uk theory test

it's just a bunch of multiple choice questions about various scenarios. You have to score 43/50 to pass. I'm just shit at revision if its a subject I'm not interested in.
>Pilot not interested in going fast
good luck m8

are you a pc player please respond i'm so tired of playing alone
just the theory

It's boring as shit
Xbox. Sorry famalam.
did you join the pc network? you can join through the link in OP. otherwise you can add me if you wanna play sometime. mechanizedtoast on origin.
That's practically the only thing people are talking about, aside from "HOLY FUCK WAR GAMES IS BACK." Getting that third weapon slot changes the entire dynamic of the game. Now everyone can fight with at least two weapons, and everyone is equipped to handle Titans.
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Breaking news. If your game is unstable and you have an AyyMD GPU, keep your drivers updated.
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breddy gud anon
honestly i dont think its gonna be that big a change. for really good players that may have been running sniper rifles or grenadier weapons, it may make a difference. but with the low ttk and how easy it is to squash pilots as a titan this time around, i dont think itll really help the average pilot too much.
This change makes it way easier for my sniper to fight Titans; previously, all he had were satchels.
done. i'll probably try recording it tonight, but my voice is pretty white and nerdy so if someone else wants to give it a try on vocaroo that'd be neat

[Verse 2]
It's on if I feel
I'm blazing white, now my Northstar ain't stopping
I'm coming up in a song to rap
I sold my soul to Marder but bought it back from Blisk with this song
Y'all pilots ain't ballin
Until you put in work and see who really titan falling
Y'all falling off like the game’s playerbase
get out my airspace, till you win a race
And you see what speed is all about
Till then you just a little bitch with a raised snout
I gets my speed from the shit memes
It's always fun and fast in my game stack
I'm clowning, and keeping it fast
Happy hour you’re screwed, and coming in last
I'm scoring big and doing work
All the while keeping y'all haters feelings hurt

What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even go fast
What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even go fast
What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even go fast
What's up with that?
You'll cowards don't even go fast
Leaving your mech in guard mode somewhere as you try to survive while looking for a battery to bring back it's a special kind of feeling.
I will probably always forget my pistol and never use it
I don't think they look in the direction you are when setting them to guard mode anymore, which is kinda annoying.

Aye aye!

Captain of the Rusemester reporting in!
found /tfg/ official theme: https://youtu.be/cjaud-KGhJc?t=1m7s
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>on console with 1-2k new players cause of trial
>absolute hell with meleespam, aim assist r-10X, G2 everywhere
>got to the point where i actually went alternator+pulse
>Switch to holo cause of boredom
>mfw the fucking slows fall for it everytime
smart pistol as kit weapon again soon bb
I'm running holo, LSTAR, charge rifle, and Ion for maximum light show.
i love this exact loadout

what ordnance u got bithc
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I tried Titanfall 2 today and loved it.
Not enough to get it on Origin or pay the road toll for console-net though.

No chances of coming to Atari is there?
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now that's some niche meme
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unironically you are shilling for a product that does not exist and likely will not exist in the form you think it will
Its a buff for anyone using a shotgun/sniper/grenadier. dont need to make the decision between AT or pistol anymore. auto hitscan never had to make that decision because ITS TOO POWERFUL but whatever.
Usually firestar to light up the night with plasma
>tfw mastiff/mozambique won't be restricted to rodeo anymore
Atari's getting back into the console business.

i got this feelin like my veins are filled with nothin but gasoline
and witha spark, its gonna be the biggest fire they've ever seen
Holo, grav, ordnance expert, lp while using Spitfire with gun ready and tactikill.
Really fun to use in live fire so far.
Its just a nes mini Atari type of console.
Has anyone else been getting connection to server timed out errors a shit ton recently?

Like, I'll join a game and on my first death everything will just freeze in the killcam and my ping randomly spikes to over 1000 then I get kicked out. Really pisses me off because this is starting to happen every other game now.
Unfun, really hope they make a second mixtape playlist using the rules if Respawn gets autistic about the numbers they worked so hard on changing
>The Flatline kinda sucks in normal game but it still kills in 3 shots because low TTK
>It truly completely totally sucks in High TTK

The Flatline is so bad holy fuck.
High TTK = Good
Hitscan weapons doing the same damage values = BAD

It's the same shit right now, needs actual balance changes and no padding around.
>been busy all day, go on for a few matches of titanfall to relax
>try High TTK
>no one is playing it so search regular
>get into three matches
>every match is people spamming cloak and G2 from windows and roofs
>doing shit
>look on scoreboard
>literally the only person on my team with more than 10 pilot kills
>half the team has zero kills of any kind
>leave the game and just go back to driving theory

I just wanted to chill out. Just one match that wasn't a full stack, lagged to shit or otherwise plain unfun. Fuck.
To add to >>180497932 anyone who says there isn't a difference between high and low ttk is bullshitting. It might not be as drastic as it should be but it's fucking there.
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>when you max out Monarch for the first time and the enemy team struggles to stop you
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Trailer preview
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>When you join bounty hunt mid match and are down by 2k
>when a random retard steals the titan bounty
>when said retard doesn't turn in his money and you lose by 14$ bucks and they guy just quits after everyone calls him a fucking retard
Fucking slows need to die and I wish you could do team damage since like half of my chaingun was dumped into teammates who walked infront of me repeatedly while not shooting.
High TTK only shows how bad the balancing has actually been this whole time

Weapons didn't felt so bad before because everything but the smgs are suckass but at least took a few shots to kill anybody

Now that the TTK is higher the suck weapons suck more and the smgs and hitscans are the best there are
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lmao if you fags want a high ttk game play battlefield or something

Stay mad that a majority of the community and a VAST majority of the good players approve of damage nerfs
So what's so good about War Games? I've only ever heard it described as "Glitch but better."
yeah the hitscan is totally broken in this game. so easy and powerful, even when they make a "high ttk mode" its still completely dominant and barely feels different. theres no fixing it.
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>shitters can't git gud
git gud or go back to playing minecraft
Enjoy the upcoming balance changes

Go play CS with normies and third worlders
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More like
>slow anon hates the idea of not being able to delete fasts in 0.25 seconds anymore so he says everyone else needs to git gud, lest he be required to git gud himself
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>all this asspain
Why would I go and play CS? I like going fast in tf2 and deleting slows and fasts with the normal ttk.
i didn't know iniquity browsed /tfg/
>15 minute search times on High TTK
These changes better go live
>Play LiveFire
>The same guy two matches in a row is in with me
>He's Phase with Alternator and amped weapons and deletes everyone in 1/8 of a second
>30 kills all by himself

I like Titanfall 2 but some things should never be, specially Amped Weapons.
lol if these go live im uninstalling. theres a reason it has a 15 minute wait.
>high ttk leaves more room for maneuverability because high speed players don't lose to the man anchored on the ground with his shitscan
I miss amped burn cards that actually changed the weapon. DMR Sonar Scope, Kraber Explosive bullets, Spitfire being Devotion MK1 etc.

Buffing the damage is just real lazy.
>amped weapons make damage stupid instead of being a weapon mutator
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>he can't carry a game
Why are you replying?
Sadly due to the A-Wall existing only things things that alter the shot itself can come from amping
I miss exploding Kraber shots
>majority of community approves of it
You mean the shitters that will get stomped on with these changes?
How does that work?

At least the A-Wall makes you stand still. Boost could still alter the weapon properties.
HIGH TTK is a good thing, but the balance of each weapon is ASS and makes no difference if they're not tweaked accordingly
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You faggots remember the APEX patch, right? Well, I've greased a few palms, and now we're getting pic related as a foil sticker "soon". The site what it'll sell on is stickerbot9k.ml who is another /k/ merchant. That is all, I'll post again next thread, and after that, whenever news comes down.
But then there's two types of amped behavior and shit gets confusing, as well as providing a whole new layer of hell-balancing.
OG Amped Spitfire doubled up with a-wall
>gas pedal
>brake when necessary
>don't be a dick
What (((theory))) is there?
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>increase ttk
>balance all the weapons to be just as effective as with the normal ttk
What am I missing here? If they give the pilots more hp but also increase the damage of the weapons it cancels out any loss or gain
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>win a game
>guy starts crying in allchat
>tell him that it's just a game
>now i'm a literal cancer
anyone got the crying compilation images?
are you a brainlet? all hp values are the same. all that has changed is that most pilot weapons take one more shot to kill, and the splash damage weapons have reduced AOE.
what's one more r97 shot? .00001 seconds of firing? high ttk is retarded.
oh, so you are a brainlet. good to know.
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bet you think you're hot shit, kid
running on walls and gloating about using projectile weapons
this game isn't about going fast. it's about winning.
and kid, you just lost
*unsheathes r97 and aims vaguely in your direction while holding left click for 3 seconds*
nice try
the area is the same, I'm pretty sure, but the damage is significantly less. I was getting hitmarkers as expected with the cold war, but basically never a one-burst kill.
cold war still does the same max damage. what I mean is that the damage AOE has been scaled back to be more punishing of bad aim.
I can agree with that guy bitching about spawns. TF2 has the bad habit of spawning me very close to where I died, usually snagging me one of those "Quick Revenge" medals.
Either that, or usually in front of an enemy Titan.
Have they fixed the cold war not killing on direct hits yet?
The Cold War is for people that can't aim and want a crutch

Imagine the pitch that was

>Let's make an energy based weapons that shoots 3 hadokens in a row with a bigass hitbox and even bigger splash damage in bursts and also deals big damage numbers
>That's retarded
>We're already making it, mate, it's called the Cold War
>Why? that's sounds stupid
>Well we need to appease everyone, and some people can't aim I expect.
>So it's the crutch of the game?
>Exactly. And has the best special effects in the game to make up for it too!
>Oh you're into something, i bet the 4chan guys will even love it
>crutch of the game
>not shit scan
Blantant shitpost desu
I normally never have issues with spawning in a bad location its like maybe once a match where its someone spawning behind me lol.
Nah thats the softball It's okay to be a shitter
it shoots 4 shots
coldwar in base game only requires the most basic of prediction skills, the AOE is stupidly huge. way easier than any other grenadier weapon.
this has to be bait
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>high ttk
Softball aka I can't aim so let me spam grenades in your general direction to kill you
>tfw love cold war and softball just because I like going fast and high and raining hell down upon the enemy team
The actual gun that is for shitters that can't aim is the EVA-8
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As a Softball half-main, that only happens if someone is standing still. You have to predict where they're going to be and also take into account the projectile time if they're wallrunning or in the air.
Sounds like you're the shitter here.
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Well that's true and all, shit scan is literally the point and click adventure of the game
mfw I'm better with the EPG the cold war and most if not all shit scan in the game but it's a bitch being inconsistently skilled
nc scum
>absolutely love the smr, think micro rockets are cool as fuck
>its hard trying to compete with hitscan weapons
>not even reasonably sized aoe on impact or projectile hit box
>only solace and enjoyment i take is shoving a handful of amped micro missles up a legions asshole and giggling as most of his health bar disappears
i am my own worst enemy
Depends on location.
Here in Chiraq we have 10 minutes to write down 5 reasons NOT to run down any cyclists we see.
So exactly like every other grenadier weapon except you can spam shots rapidly and have a projection of the flight path? The softball is literally the easiest grenadier to use but thats not really an issue
>>180486935 or the people who want to use pistols for more than half of each game
softball projectiles have worse aoe damage and slower projectiles
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It's really not that high of a rate of fire if it gets beat out by hitscan, which it does.
The projection is near-impossible to aim with while going fast, but I doubt someone like you knows anything about that.
>But wouldn't be really overpowered if anyone stacked a team with just Cold Wars and Softballs? that would make the game a hellhole
>Lol do you really think videogame players are this smart to communicate? that will NEVER EVER EVER happen in a pub game.
>What about Ranked or a competiti-
>Son, shut up, we're never going to do ranked mode. Our balance is a mess, best we can do is to make everything overpowered so no thinking is required.
>inconsistently skilled
consistency is a skill in itself in fps aiming
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My nigga where's them rocket pods that shoot rockets that shoot more rockets?
Fak u TR
I can't aim, but fuck the fucking EVA after the nerf getting it to G2.9 for that banner was FUCKING PAIN I'd unironically rather use the Kraber
I see you are retarded, I said it can spam faster than all the other grenadiers not shitscan you absolute retard. This must be why you use it, but its still a grenadier so who cares? You seem to be mentally impaired thinking I think the gun requires no skill when all I said was that it was easier to use than the cold war because it has a forgiving round count, fast rof, one shot and a projection for aiming when all the cold war can do is blow up people on the ground since direct impacts require two bursts.
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Aw, where did the MCG touch you?
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>mfw TR wins again
NCucks and VSfags can literally never compete
If you can't kill with the EVA you're confirmed for CANNOT POINT IN THE GENERAL DIRECTION AND CLICK

Like you're playing backwards. You walk backwards towards the enemy then. You must be looking at the skybox all the time. If you can't kill with the EVA it means you have a disability somehow, maybe in your hands, brain or a godless lag, and there's nothing to be done. That's it. There's no more assist in that. You're completely forsaken to the world, and god have mercy on your soul.
I dunno, I have every other gun in the game outside of some AR class at a higher gen than the EVA. It can eat a bag of dicks, a shotgun that's only effective inside melee-teleport range is fucking useless.
Try Stim+EVA

It's what all the cool kids with high kills do.
>discordfags complaining about threadtfg
I can't stop using the RE-45, why are machine pistols so much fun.
>"Softball aka I can't aim so let me spam grenades in your general direction to kill you"
This kind of implies you think it doesn't require skill.
Also yes, it is better than the Cold War, but it does still require more skill than it to use. Cold War has double the projectile radius than the softball, along with a much faster travel time and firing four shots at once. The Cold War is simply worse because it has to charge up, but that doesn't mean it's hard to use because the gun is bad.
Best weapons ingame
>Alternator (because you alternate sexual orientation)
>Amped Gaypons

Viable because no need to aim
>Grenadier shit
>SMR not so much
>EPG is ok

Shit from this line below
>Everything else don't even bring this into a real gunfight

Special hell tier
>Flatline, it's called like that because it's your heartbeat all the time
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I wish it wouldn't put me in games mid match we had 6 titans up and lost 3 to one ronin and a teammate saved me from being executed and then got executed and I saved him it was a weird match.
it goes both ways brother
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but I already have a life???
the eva is easy though, you just run stim, extended mags, tactikill, charge rifle and run at people. it still has a pretty good TTK even outside of ohko range, and it's very simple to use.

my sides
When do ps4 kids usually play?
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PCpilots, be ready for happy hour. We gonna go fast tonight
>tfw stuck at work
Y-you t-too
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>shilling for the bad guys
wow. I guess I won't be showing up for happy hour
>never knew the LSTAR was this good

This gun is pure magic.
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>liking terrorists that have blown up 2 (two) planets, one with large civilian population so far
You're not welcome here
someone post it
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shitshitshit aw fuck.webm
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>from last night's episode
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>this meme again
If these """""civilians"""""" didn't want to die they should of joined the Militia. But becasue they didn't they were simply enemy combatants. They're loss
Reminder that the IMC ran multiple slave camps and lost to a manlet rifleman
>Use Amped Hardpoint to try out new things because it doesn't piss me off as much for whatever reason
>Decide to slap on a Kraber and P2016 onto a Cloak loadout for the first time
>End up only using the pistol
I'll figure out the kraber and cloak some other day.

Can't wait for Frontier Defense for maximum fucking around.
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>that guy who monitors the thread so he can complain about the thread
sad! many such cases
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Oh sure just join up with the people who side with pirates, slavers, and criminals.

>The Militia is a loosely governed mishmash of homesteaders, bandits, mercenaries, and pirates all rising up as 'citizen soldiers' when the need arises. Many homesteaders have taken on a "can't beat 'em, join 'em" attitude regarding working alongside different criminal groups.

>discordfags are unironically discussing raiding the thread
I never thought they'd sperg so hard :(
honestly nobody will miss you
Did threadfg ever raid discord?
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fags backpedaling now they've been caught lmao
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>we were only pretending to sperg
stop it autismo i'm warning you
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>imc runs slave camps
>imc needs to hire a mercenary core full of lunatics
>somehow the militia is worse
sasuga IMCuck
slaves are good for your soul my guy
is ARES welcome here?
no, you useless old naff
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mummy briggs.jpg
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Keeping slaves is a good way to get a ticket to hell where you belong IMCuck
no. only mummy is allowed
a lot of autism for an anonymous poster
>one off branch of imc's r&d division uses mercenaries
here's your (You)
briggs isn't mum
mommy gates a best
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dude moonshine lmao.png
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PC boys better be drinking tonight.
>implying that blowing up 2 planets that are full of civilian and/or non combatant personnel isn't a straight vip pass to hell
you can't tear me away from best girl gates
Just drink something cheeky and British like Beefeater, neat.
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for (you)s
But the r&d team was allowed to exist by the IMC therefore the IMC hired a bunch of lunatics
Killing the enemy doesn't give a pass to hell. The bible says so
>best girl
shiggy diggy
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>all these people talking about best girl
>not posting the actual best girl
he gets the title of best boy
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pilot centipede.webm
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but I want Grandpa Hitler to icily acknowledge me until I earn his approval
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how does your grapple pull you closer than his is pulling him away?
That's how physics work, son.
I was surprised Grandpa Hitler was actually in the dropship. I was expecting some sort of hologram.
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Are you sure? Something seems fucky
Pilot A (in the middle) is being pulled by F1 towards the ceiling and by F2 (of roughly equal force with F1) towards pilot B.

Pilot B is being pulled by -F2 towards pilot A.

PHYSICS. Also, probably hard coded in the engine that when grappled your immobile.
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marder a shit
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fatty bulllying.webm
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tfw you bully fatties.
>missed the stacks because of a really fucking good doujin
Go fast for me bros
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>Gee Ronin Prime, how does your pilot lets you have 2 SWORDS.
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>tfw a dead man comes back
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>he doesn't like overwatch
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can't just say that without a link anon
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no idea my man sorry
>not saving good pictures for appropriate reactions
my apologies friendos, did not know overshit was not friendly here
>that awkward quiet hour where everyone is too busy in their stacks to post
https://nhentai.net/g/161519/ I'm pissed this got pulled from sadpanda
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overwatch is way better than tf2 ever was or will be
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>Ramm never ever
>not wanting a cute tan tomboy fiance
He doesn't know how good he has it
good shit anon

I will also share one I just enjoyed earlier today with youhttp://www.tsumino.com/Book/Info/18701/1/fantasy-author-bonjiri-sensei-fakku
that's some normie tier shit
Whatever happened to her fat sidekick?
>he doesn't like vanilla
sad desu senpai. vanilla is patrician
as someone who gets off to parasites, I can safely say you're a fag
you're both disgusting
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top taste my nigga
>come to /tfg/ to talk about new patch
>instead get this
well guess I'm going to fap instead of play guys, how are yall doing?
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>consensual sex in the missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation
I think there is something wrong with you friend
This was oddly satisfying.
i'm the only sane one here
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i bet you like hand holding too dont you you degenerate
What headphones are you guys using? The right earpiece of mine just gave out after like +5 years.
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This wasn't answered in the last thread.

So what's the big deal about War Games? All I've heard about it is that it's "Glitch but better."
shitty earbuds and a desk mic
The best map from tf1
But it'll be shit in 2 because the game is designed in a different way
I've had the same desk mic for like 10. I don't think I'm ever getting rid of this thing, thank fuck.
it was a well designed map, what else is there to say. one distinct advantage over glitch is going to be that the walls of the central structure reach far higher up so there should be less braindead grapple flinging nonsense to deal with.
Sennheiser HD 558

my younger brother bought them but didnt like them so he just gave em to me.
Sorry I left but fuck you guys for ruining my night.
>have crashed two times while in a stack

Just gonna end myself now.
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you aint got no nipples.jpg
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heres your (you)
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what happened?
That's literally the one I was using up until this evening, or at least a very similar looking model. RIP.
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3d gun.png
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use this and kill yourself
Conslow drama hour
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you don't?
It looks super fucking cool
It had a unique intro
And it was great, like a mix of relic and glitch
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Is this from Summer Wars? I looks incredibly familiar and lewd.
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just fuck my briggs up.png
895KB, 800x1242px

You thought I wouldn't show up this time didn't you, cucky?
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mummy briggs.png
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fuck you
is there a model name under the band on the left?
delet this
you're late
Yeah, older model, HD429. Served me well.
But who was angry
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it takes one to know one
Who gives a shit? They're borderline redditors.
You sick fuck I like you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_TIahFGVT8
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Laughing Trucy.gif
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delet this.jpg
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ah, sounds like it was pretty funny by all the replies
there's nothing wrong with getting another set of sennheisers desu

the mainstream choice is the HD598 model. however you may need an amp/dac if your audio card is ass.
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>autismo underage fag starts going against the rules of gentlemen's civil war
>screeching that he never knew the rules while we are telling him mid match what they were
>by the end of the match he blames the stack for his autism
>continues onto another match
>starts screaming and calling us bad boy names then leaves forever
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i don get eet. why is everyone replying to >>180518531
autism amongst autism desu
see >>180519938
logitech g633
That's definitely going to be my fallback, but I wanted to poke around and try to learn a bit more about picking out good headphones. I've spent about half an hour so far poking around the /g/ wiki looking all their info/guides.
answer plz
kek. video?
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are you all sperging about that brian fellow you were sperging at last thread?
wew, what was he using? also this please >>180520218
no brians cool
>we don't need a discord
>we're just going to dump our drama and shitposting in the thread
>along with 16 reaction images that nobody has context for
Really tickles the noodle, it does.
can the conslows stop spamming the thread with reaction images please

like half of these images are from the same person.
t. brian
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Someone should update this with:
TeeTotal being gay for the millionth time
PylonxAzidd fanfiction
AJ loosing his shit when someone invites early
Klag swinging his G80 dick around
PS4 asking about stacking with no response
And Khrome laughing
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ODAC2 amp + AKG K7XX. Highly recommended.

Cheap desk mic too. Having one cord attached to my head at a time is enough.
>conslow subtly tries to force his memays into the pc mainstream

die in a fire please
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really activates my almonds
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Holy shit. After replacing all the caps in my six year old monitor's power board I was finally able to get it to turn on reliably. Back to binging on TF2 for me!
Why don't you? GIMP is a free (as in freedom) piece of software that is almost as good as photoshop.
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Brian here, thank you
notice how in that image, there's not one bit of namefaggotry?

there's a reason for that, fucktard.
GIMP is shit
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gay thinking.png
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Why are there no snowmaps?
but can you draw a circle in it?
I'd like to avoid getting an amp if I can help it, not enough space in my place, but those look very nice.
But This is tfg it's joint we can't force xbone onto it like that
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>GIMP is shit
no it's not. it just werks.
shoo shoo adobe shill
>when paint.net exists
>7 steps
>inconsistent and unreliable
What the fuck I thought it was just a meme.
you don't need an amp with those headphones, but if you're buying in that price range, you should have one. Also the headphone amp is smaller than the headphones. Mine is about 4x4 inches and it just sits under my monitor.
every single panel is made after a namefag
thats what tfg has always been
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Two Outlaws.png
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Ebin custom matches xbros.
>three gun loadout

>Scorch prime
>Ronin default
>Legion default
>Monarch default
>Ion prime
>Northstar default
>Tone default
>Monarch battery steal
>Ion default
>Northstar prime
>Ronin prime
>Tone prime
>Legion prime
>Scorch default
so what's free agents?

do we get to draft titans/loadouts or some shit?
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free for all with a gimmick
That sounds like it fucking sucks. Like FFA Kill Confirmed or something.

Guess I'll have to wait until the Frontier Defense update for something good.
I'm guessing more in the line of FFA but without the snowball if you kill people, but instead have to gather batteries around the map like in LTS
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>frontier defense
PvE is never not better than PvP
fd is the most boring shit they could have put in the game, it was terrible in 1 and it will be terrible in 2
are grenadier weapons humiliation weapons
well you may find it boring, but it was one of the most popular modes in tf1. i believe it is still playable even today, at least on PC.
its understandable that it was/is very popular; its the perfect mode for all the players that cant compete or get burnt out on the chaotic gameplay and going fast against other players
>calls the weapon he just got beaten by "humiliation weapon"
top 10 self-own
it was only popular because the game was dead when it was added, you didnt have to wait for 12 people to start a game
its a mode for shitters and casuals and id rather them all fuck off than have a mode added for them
ok lol
Just play pvp then mad boy
Don't get mad cause people want to not try as hard as you
>buy pvp game
>wah wah i want pve
stay shit
Isn't having a mode for "Shitters and casuals" technically making them fuck off to their own self-contained gamemode?
Fastest way to gain Monarch and get her to level 3?
R8 my kit
(Shorter Tactical cooldown)
Titan Hunter
Emergency Battery
Energy Thief
>that guy gets mad about getting beaten by the Cold War
>stay in the air and going fast and you wont die to it
could he really be that much of a shitter? I have by far the most hours on the cold war and even I know that it's not really that good.
Class looks cool, i'm not the biggest fan of running shorter tactical with grapple and having ordinance expert w/ satchels would be preferable to me but whatever floats your boat.

What upgrades on your Monarch?
Arc Rounds
Energy Field
Chasis Upgrade
missile racks are way better than Arc rounds imo, but its up to pref. Energy field is garbage though, go maelstrom.
Personally I like to synergize some of the upgrades so I'll go like Arc Rounds > Rearm and Reload > Chassis (Accelerator sucks) or Missile Racks > Maelstrom > Multi-Target Missiles.
>Accelerator sucks

How so?

Also Multi-Target Missiles sucks in my opinion, since it takes time to lock on and you lose your ability to "dumb-fire".
accelerator is only good with arc rounds, you really need the extra ammo for accelerator to be good.
i thought you could still dumb-fire if you just tap the button
I just feel as though you're not getting as many shots in cause of the windup and you just end up doing as much damage by aiming at weak spots w/ arc rounds

Multi-target is good solely because of the heat-seeking

Chassis is the best tier 3 upgrade by far though
acelerator puts your damage output through the roof. the extra ammo helps, but it's far from mandatory, and you can make up the difference with rearm and reload anyway.

you can, yeah.
you can dumbfire fine, just tap
accelerator really does need arc rounds, otherwise you shoot your load too quickly and the damage isn't super-threatening like an arc volley would be on your crits
the dumb fire on it is trash though, especially since you need to recharge missiles individually.

and yeah arc rounds/accelerator is good but thats about it, both on their own aren't that great. I feel like Missile Racks/Maelstrom/Chassis is best, and it all synergizes in the way of " stay alive, get my core super fast"
keep in mind that monarch is currently bugged in regards to how much smoke she gets per core, so maelstrom is not going to be as strong once they fix this apparent bug.
isn't it one smoke per core? thats still 4 smokes total over the course of the base 3 upgrades.
yeah, shes currently getting 2 smokes per core or something
Last game I played I only got 1, maelstrom still felt way better than any other lvl2 upgrade.
the fact that you can fire without waiting for the full cooldown is anything but bad, what.

that was fixed over a week ago
anon that's not the case anymore.
that was already patched
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Good shit xbone
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Good shit xbone
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Good shit
You are all wonderful people
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Moon's breeding dance.gif
2MB, 560x430px
yeeee good shit night all had so much fun in the private matches even the fucking pubs where i shat myself
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why are all the dudes at respawn so fucking ugly
i wouldn't fuck a single one of them
They're game devs lol
Why doesn't xbone just make their own edit
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Trucy Smug.gif
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>getting super depressed about my performance
>last match of the night top the leaderboards
Private matches were fun as fuck though, despite how the match was going I was eager for another.
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i was legit disappointed when the private matches stopped
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kill this thoht.jpg
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Post going to work pilot before you go to work tomorrow klag
be gentle with that meme lad I have the power to make them as well
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not him but pic related
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shinobi spectre.webm
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Oh, I didn't realize that you can fire any number of missiles once you get MTM
>needed teammate to put that fucked down before he fucked the entire team
Jesus man
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lucky collat.webm
2MB, 1066x600px
that cloaker saved us all
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Safe Space Your Life.webm
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I wonder how long they'll keep the EPG in colliseum this time?
you could spam fire them individually in tf1 but i dont think you can do that now? looks like you need full lock on
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2MB, 1280x720px
when will it finally be the kraber
kraber only
with riccochet only
Wrong again, lad, you can fire the second you get a single lock, or however many rockets locked.

I want this.
or OG wingman only with ADS disabled
>Wrong again, lad, you can fire the second you get a single lock, or however many rockets locked.
was this patched or something? i couldnt do that when monarch first launched.
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Ruse Cruise Comp.webm
3MB, 720x404px
Not that I ever noticed.
guess im just doing some shit wrong then
grand thieft semi auto is the perfect execution for holo

I wish it used whatever pistol the player had instead of a p2016 all the time

would have been neat to see someone dump a full wingman magazine or mozambique man into the back of someone's head very quickly.
would be a cool change now that everyone's actually going to carry pistols, but it would also be a lot of work that respawn's definitely not going to do
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Don't die on me.
Not yet.
You always have been able to, but it's nowhere near as effective as TF1 because you put away your primary to "draw" the rocket pods. Lowering and raising the primary takes time.
mayeb thats why it feels weird
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Wargames confirmed simpod intros

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My internet killed itself during the LTS match, I was doing so good with Scorch too
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imagine being tf2 map designer and seeing all dlcs being just titanfall 1 maps
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fucking noice respawn. Now just give glitch that same intro and i'll have nothing but utter appreciation.
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When are they bringing back Lagoon, the comfiest map
What the fuck are you suppose to be?
id prefer airbase back before lagoon. or the one with all the really high walls, what was it called?
cosmo, a speedrunner who lost so hard at the nintendo world championship he became a tranny
training ground?
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>watch Titanfall gameplay because I don't remember what it was like
>takes about a full two seconds to kill someone with the R-101
Would it be better if the TTK was this significant in 2?
I feel sorry for anything remotely related to
yeah he's not even worth being called a tranny, and I consider them to be worth as much as dirt
Something about netcode and hit detection raised the ttk in Titanfall 1. Least that is what I've been told
Titan brawl better replace bounty hunt holy shit I hate this mode why the fuck is it in HTTK
Would a few atoms of nitrogen be worth more than it?
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>cuts to poster of phase, r97, and ronin

It's like they know perfectly fucking well what boils my blood and think it's funny.
that was tragic
>Play HTTK

>Bounty Hunt
>Bounty Hunt
>Bounty Hunt
>Marked for Death
>Bounty Hunt

What would your ideal loadout be? I think I'd enjoy:
Kraber: ricochet, quick ADS, special coliseum-only iron sights
Mozambique: quick swap, rapid reload
Ticks for ordnance
Holo pilot tactical
Quick charge and hover pilot kits
I just keep getting pilots v pilots
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Soooooo is there like NO drawfriends in this General??
I don't think I've been in a general with literally ZERO drawfaggles

Makes me sad as an artist..
Dumping some inspo for fellow drawfaggles before a slep
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The booru has a bunch of artwork. Though the last drawfriend we had ended up being drivwn off by someone who hadn't had his weetabix that morning.
post it

we have a few, one consistent and few others who pop up occasionally
Does BT still hang around?
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>Gates will tuck her pilots in to comfy sim pods
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Top kek. I can guess what happened right before this.
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they have them there so people know what's being nerfed in the next patch r-right...?
>Make glitch, one of the best maps in the game if not the best
>all people want is old maps
>Colony and Angel City blow ass, Relic is okay. Only now do we get a good one.

Life is suffering.
thats because glitch is copying war games map with those curved side walks and two lanes it had.
Accelerator improves your damage per clip by over 1000 damage. Arc rounds improve your damage per clip because they get more magazine.

Accelerator also lets you two tap pilots from any range.
He did some drawings for Monarch and Ronin and maybe Tone Primes recently.
Anyone know that song that plays during Viper's boss fight? It's stuck in my head.
rules of nature
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>PylonxAzidd fanfiction
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Drawfag request that we had in the Xbone stack last night:
>first panel says "/tfg/ plays: Flashlight Tag"
>next panel shows us all running around pelting glow sticks at each other
>someone comes up and asks "why don't you use flashlights"
>last panel is eveyone sperging out going "LOL HITSCAN SHITTER" "PROJECTILES A BEST" and other such lines
I can't draw for shit, or else I'd do it myself
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The last panel should have every tfg pelting the shitscanner with glowsticks.
>Gas the shitscanners, speed war now.
fuck with these hackers in every game. when defeated i go sit on some corner and some russian finds me without wall hack ability every single time and fuck this heat seaking seeking boots all players abuse
Why "you'll" and not "ya'll"? You'll doesn't sound right used in that context.
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I hope this isn't bait.
But seriously, how do you not know the viper meme?
Honestly don't know it. Swear on me mum.
This is autistic and dumb
and cute and funny and do this please
I like big dongs in my bunghole
Stop being a cancerous fucking namefaggot and kill yourself, cunt.
PSA: Anybody who bitches about hitscan weapons are whiny little cunts.
t. gen 96 R97 shitter
They've confirmed they're bringing back the pod intro.
why does sniping niggers with laser shot never get old
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>night map never ever

Go churn out some more clickbait, frothy
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*jumps towards you*
>D.Va has a level 16-20(cant remember) ability called Mechafall
>Makes the Mech fall from the sky dealing AoE damage everytime she calls for it
From this angle I finally find the similarities with Ellen Ripley in design

I mean, Titanfall heavily borrows influence from many movies, specially Blomkamp ones like District 9
>it's another "you spawned into the middle of a losing bounty hunt game" episode
Why? Fuck, every time I play this game mode I remember why I don't anymore. The moment one team gets an advantage it's over. Every match I've played ends with one side or another having a full set of titans while the other sprints around just trying not to die. I've never seen a game that WASN'T lopsided. Have the devs ever addressed it?
What is this meme with Jack Cooper being a manlet, again?
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*michael bay noises intensify*
Wait, nevermind. He's fucking 5'8.
when will this meme end?

I wonder if there are height/weight restrictions to being a pilot, due to chassis limitations on titans, and jump kit calibrations. I mean, that's why there aren't any astronauts taller than 6'.
5'8 is a manlet my friend, 5'10 is the cut off point.
Hey wait... isn't Blisk around Cooper's height?
Sup Iniquity?
This desu
>only Americans care about muh Manlet because they're genetic midgets
toppest kekes
think again lol
>blisk is 6'4" (coincidence???) and 190lbs
>cooper is 5'8" and 185lbs
cooper is a fat fuck and a manlet lmao
Short people make the best soldiers. I mean look at the Vietnamese or Audie Murphy, that dude was 5'5" and killed a shit ton of Germans single-handed.
the vietnamese are fucking insane anyway though
And that finnish sniper was a legit dwarf
>uses Imperial to measure a person's height
And I don't think you're Liberian or from Myanmar.
in canada imperial units are often used for height and weight.
hello 5'11nigger
cutoff is anywhere between 6' and 6'4 depending on your location
Oh nevermind then, I guess it was the soldiers hoisting him up
this is incorrect
>It's a Feetsies and Fingerings measures thread

That means nothing
5'8 is not manlet territory. 5'5" or less is manlet territory
this is incorrect
/fit/ go home, you're drunk
>Have the devs ever addressed it?
no, like they haven't the OP smgs issue either
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I just realized that you can charge shield siphon just like laser shot.
you can also interrupt siphon by using a melee attack incase your target moves out of line of sight. not sure if the same applies to laser shot, i think it does. by the way, charging does not increase damage or energy use on ion, it only allows you time to aim(just incase anyone didnt know already).
Does charging shield siphon get you more shields?
nope, same as laser shot. just allows you to aim it longer. you do get more shields if you fire it at a shielded target. thats why its a good idea in monarch mirror matches to maybe let the enemy minor siphon you first
Sup TFG. Just got this game for PS4and been playing for a few days and I am fucking hooked. I wanna be a fast guy but I'm worried that I'll be too much of a shitter and fuck things up. Any advice for an aspiring pilot on how to not be a slow guy?
Blast Eurobeat.
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learn and use the movement system as much as you can. dont worry too much about going top speed "going fast" all the time; its kinda a meme but you can work on that later.
for now just get the basics down; learn the maps and learn routes to traverse them using wallruns and slides.
maybe try learning slidehopping(bunnyhopping) in one direction(you can also air strafe with it, but thats a bit harder and many find it easier to learn it one step at a time).
when you are trying different guns or different abilities/loadouts, make sure you try them for more than just a few games. it takes more time than that to get the feel for something, especially since matchmaking will be random and you may go against very strong teams, or vice versa.

otherwise just practice like anything else. if you keep playing, you will for sure get better. it can be frustrating at times, but it pays off in the end.
heres a quick tutorial on slidehopping. like i said, it may be a good idea to first practice doing this in a straight line before you try to air strafe(turn mid air). weebum related:
i just realized you said ps4, so that webm may not help much at all. check youtube guides for slidehopping. there are a bunch floating around.
Bumper Jumper or Evolved controller mappings are preferred to go fast
I feel like I managed to get a solid grasp of things pretty quickly. I know I have some bad habits that I need to kick and I've been taking my time with loadouts. I consistently get in the top three in matches but that's in almost all attrition and some part of me feels like that's a poor skill indicator. I guess I also want to make sure I'm not unconsciously crutching myself.
My main is currently grapple, r-201, mgl, grav star, ticks, and tone.
Conslow here

Everyone on PS4 (and I mean EVERYONE) is using either the r201 or Flatline. Best way to win is go around them at breakneck speeds. Practice in the gauntlet or in solo custom matches to figure out good FAST routes, and then play against regular people and figure out their camping spots.
Everyone plays the titans relatively the same, it's pretty easy to outsmart most of them.
Above all else, just remember that sometimes someone is gonna be faster than you, and that's okay. Just go faster
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>tfw lose a bounty hunt by $50 cause a guy phases right on top of the bank and fast deposits
Just stack with us, we play almost every day at happy hour. Even if it's not a full stack you can usually party up with at least 1-2 other anons on a slow day. Don't worry about holding the team back, most of us aren't tryhards and personally I like running with new players because it makes me feel fast and I get to show off and look cool which I can't do with the usual regulars. ;~;

Some general advice, kill every NPC you see when you're playing Attrition, especially if you're having a bad match and aren't having luck against players. Pilot kills are 5 points, and every NPC is worth 1 point. NPCs usually spawn in groups of 4-5, so if you quickly dispatch an entire mob it's equal to killing another player. That means that even if you're playing like a slow, you can still farm grunts and actually contribute to the team. It's always better having a team member with 0 pilot kills but 30 grunt kills on your team rather than having a guy with 3 pilot kills and nothing else at all. Even when you're playing in your titan, it's good to take pot shots at NPC mobs when you have the chance to rack up an extra 1-4 points every now and then.

People stopped using the Flatline so much after it got nerfed, it's mostly CARs and G2s in my experience.
How did that last swing execute?
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hover vs hover.webm
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>Tired of running low profile on every loadout
>Start dicking around with hover so I can northstar while outside of my northstar
>Consistently win firefights from a stable high ground instead of getting fly swatted out of the air like I thought would happen
>Can even pull some neato tricks because it preserves momentum
I'm convinced hover is sleeper meta, even the guy in the webm threw off my aim with hover because I anticipated him to fall while I hovered
Rodeos being a death sentence again kinda sucks though
>Can even pull some neato tricks because it preserves momentum
How does that work? I might need to try hover again on a few builds, it sounds like it could be OP with grenadiers.
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Basically once you stop hovering you just kinda speed back up into the direction you were going before you hovered
You can be bhoppping across the map at mach speed, hover for a sec, and you'll speed back up as you start coming back down and bhop normally
You can also start hovering as soon as you eject and either grapple out of it or let go to go flying up after a delay as well, it's pretty fun to mess with
Also hovering in buildings throws people off a lot more than you'd expect it to
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greedy ronin.webm
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>That manual eject
I'm sorry for your loss, great avenge though
>try out softball
>almost finding it funner than epg
what is this sorcery
and why am i getting more direct hits with this thing
Dropped out of sword core the exact moment he initiated melee.
old weebum, but i remember it clearly. other northstar had nuke eject on and if you didnt notice, i actually survived by the skin of my nuts. one "tick" of the nuke eject damage actually hit me before i ejected
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Pure skill on my part
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The slight delay between hit marker and them popping just makes it extra savory
women are 5'8 these days step up
Are the phase and alternator loadouts meme good or actually good? After watching gamesager using it I feel like I must hate them out of necessity. Same goes for monarch. I recognize the strength of the Titan, but it feels a little gross to use it.
doesn't add up since barker who is an ex pilot is 6'2
Best boy
alternator and R97 are just gross. CAR is kind of in that range too. amped weapons is also broken and probably shouldnt exist.
alternator is very strong with long range but it has low ammo and fairly high viewkick. and it still kills slower than r97. you need to aim well and conserve ammo if you want multi kills. It's a top tier gun but not quite as braindead as the other ones.
All told though the high single shot damage and lateral recoil means you can luck out in close range aiming at head level, but that's hardly unique to the alternator.
>what is tap firing
97 10 minute recordings to go through. gonna try to go through all of them tonight and make some new weebums; been too long.
I mean, you can do that, but you can also hold the button down screaming the national anthem and maybe get the kill via headshot anyways.
xbone stack anyone?
I forgot about the nerf, and apparently so did a lot of other people. Still seeing a bunch, they're just *slightly* less annoying now
The Flatline straight up sucks
If someone wanted to do that, they'd use the R97 which does it far better.
I've tried to get into the hemlock but I just can't seem to make burst or single shot work with my run 'n' gun.
Because the Hemlock is not a run'n'gun kind of AR. You need to stay put, stay at range, and use ADS to get mileage out of it.
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Filling the request. How'd I do?
That's what I mean. I've been getting good mileage testing it and the dmr out with cloak. But when I first tried it I couldn't get the damage I needed while still moving.
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Forgot the picture.
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Not what I imagined but still good shit senpai
where should i be aiming with the default crosshair on the softball? i cannot tell what the hell this thing is supossed to mean. if i wanna land a stick or at least land the grenade very close to the pilot, around where should the pilot be in my crosshair?
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Original requester here
Fucking excellent
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Grunt Face 4.png
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This is amazing.
the top of the crosshair is the starting point of the trajectory, and from there it angles down.
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Maybe add a few more glow sticks flying around in the second image to make it look even more hectic and ridiculous?
Other than that, it's fucking great anon
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Your artstyle makes me feel happy and squishy inside.
Start thinking of the Hemlock as a long range shotgun instead of a rifle. Use the fast ADS. Play normally and when you see someone pop up at medium range, jump into ADS and shoot them. Don't do more than 2 bursts at a time because the recoil increases for each burst, it can't be used as a sustained fire weapon. Amped helps a lot.
Give me like 30 minutes gotta eat something then I'll get on
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Who drew these ones? They're cut
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>Fok's wrong wit you traffic lights are?
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It's "aye" hard to tell I know
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What's that word before god?
[spouler]i need domme ash please drawfags
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"Oh my god"
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>fucked up the spoiler
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These aren't my pics I'll male some soon I just moved and don't have my tablet set up so I'll just make some pen/pencil doodles later

But anyways I zoomed in and I thought it was "silver god" then I zoomed in again and realized it was "oh my god" this guys writing is fucking impossible to understand
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Thank you senpai
now I can hang myself in peace
ctrl + s, CTRL + S, ANON!
If you do thank you
I'm phone posting, the app don't have the function ;-;
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>mfw I main Scorch and my buddy mains Northstar
Do not lift the Cloak's buttflap. It is important to her.
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>tfw I'm Scorch and another /tfg/ is Northstar
It's cutest pairing.
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hey buddy....jpg
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>tfw my buddy doesn't main scorch anymore but I still main northstar
He does support monarch now and although the free shields are really nice I miss tethering people in his fire traps, shit was crazy good
Do not lean on barrel of rifle, even if is only airshit. 20 clapping push-ups then we vodka.
Does this mean Legion and Ronin are the other Ogre and Stryder OTP?
I have two friends who own this game but neither plays it after they both tried like 3 rounds because "the skill wall is too high" and they "can't even walk five feet without someone in the sky going a jillion miles an hour" murdering them. I like to go fast and shoot the bad men, but I wish my friends would play with me. Maybe they'll play Frontier Defense.
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Although Legion and Ronin are the most sporty girls I don't think They'd get along.
I think Legion secretly likes Ion.
Legion is BFFs with Tone, while Ion and Ronin make fun of Monarch's loneliness.
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I should drink more often.webm
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Is it my imagination or do slower pilots come out later at night?
>[RDDT] is talking about the Art of Grapple tutorial vid again
Who fucking cares
Do you guys want to fuck reddit or something you talk about them so much
Set up a private match and give them the basics they need to know, slide hopping, good routes to look out for and whatnot
Did a basic bootcamp for everyone I introduced to the game and it worked out pretty well
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I thought that was the end goal honestly

Personal Theory from Anecdote: All the better players are NEETs without jobs, so they have plenty of time to practice, and come on during the day. At night, the wagecucks hop on, and are slower since they're tired after working all day.
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not your older brothers fps.webm
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Sounds reasonable.

I think we passive-aggressively want RDDT to notice us, because anons thrive off causing a stir. So we keep rallying ourselves up ready for when we get to actually dunk on them in game, and when they cry salty tears we naturally be more aggressive in chat.

I guess the end goal is to have /tfg/ plastered on the front page of reddit, mostly as some sort of weird schadenfreude. 4chan users are outcasts at heart, and love to be hated. So when RDDT tries to talk shit, we have a good laugh and drink their salty tears.

Well at least, that's my theory.
For War Games 24/7
I thought it was more we play one way and RDDT plays in a way where both parties fun is disrupted so we go out of our way to fuck with each other for that
Also fuck RDDT

Maybe it started it off that way, but it's since developed into what I described. When we figured out how to push their buttons, we abused that knowledge so much, it became part of /tfg/'s memetic culture. It's part of who we are to hate reddit, like how Britain and France have a hard-on for throwing shade at each other.

Plus reddit is filled with fucking morons, so there's that.
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when the OI is just right.jpg
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>flashlight fag is phase shit model
Like pottery
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help HELP.webm
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Lag is scary
Have you ever dashed when the ping is high enough? the entire cockpit around the edge of the screen fucking flys away from you and spins around, its terrifying.
Yeah, I got that my first time playing Ronin a day after buying the game.
At the time I was being molested by the Thunderbolt, so for a moment I honestly thought that's what the thing did.
God damn Monarch's final upgrade for its gun is absolutely savage.
chassis is unironically better: it gives you more health than an ogre plus immunity to crits
Guys i'm getting tired of the meatgrinder. Too often you spawn run around and die instantly to a CAR or a R201 only to repeat that for 10 mins.

Even if you do get 3 kills in a row you still are bound to die to someone from behing instantly again with flashlights. The game is fun but it's repetitive when there's no tactics involved but to kill 1 guy and die and spawn and die and spawn and die again.
Just wait until HTTK goes gamewide.
I haven't played in a while
redpill me on httk
is the cold war finally viable?
If you didn't think the Cold War was viable before, it certainly isn't viable on HTTK.
Oh so the whole games going to shit? Gonna need citation on that
Sounds like you need to go faster since you shouldn't be going 1 and 1
what the fuck
RNGesus is with you anon
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>Monarch mined
>"It'll only be for FD"
>it's not for FD

>Three weapon slots teased
>"It'll only be for FD"
>it's not for FD

>Sword tactical mined
>"It'll only be for FD"
So I got the game in that recent sale during the whole free trial week. I'm having a lot of fun dicking around in it with friends, but for whatever reason I can't find out how to disable the fucking profanity filter.

All I want to do is see people call me a faggot fuckhead without seeing **** everywhere. I've already dug through Google trying to find any sort of answer, and the closest I got was this pathetic motherfucker: http://answers.ea.com/t5/Titanfall/Profanity-filter/td-p/2466606

So can you guys help me figure this out? I know it's possible, there's screencaps here of text chat with profanity, but I can't find it anywhere in the settings.
the only time there's uncensored profanity is the in game chat
What the fuck is FD?
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when i play after a few drinks i go fast

really fast

when im sober i cant bunny hop properly or do edgy 360 wallrunning jumpshots
lurk moar/play moar newfag
(Competitive) online games after a few drinks are amazing. Even if you're just an 8/10 compared to your top rounds, you can pull off some really nice stuff.

Now, the real question is; 2 AM over here and not sure if I should drink more and play TF2 or drink more and shitpost in /tfg/ or drink more and watch YT videos.
Or just drink more and do a bit of everything.

>Now everyone can fight with at least two weapons
Ever since I started using SMR, I didn't have to change my weapon.

At first I just used it for fun, but specializing on one weapon for everything (pilots, titans, mobs) ended up being really convenient.
Profanity is censored in network chat because network chat is freely accessible on the Titanfall website.

In-game chat is uncensored.
Faggot Defense.
Fighting Dreamers
This is what it would take for me to switch to hitscan
I have to say, the guy that basically "got me into TF2" hasn't played it in months and I hope FD gets him back into playing, because I love playing online games with this asshole while voice-chatting.
He said the normal MP is too frantic for him.
Fancy Domes
Fucka Dildo
I'm not exactly sure what mode you mean with that.
Or, if you're actually talking about a specific mode at all.

Anyway, dying shortly after spawn happens extremely rarely to me.
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Imagine a EDF-mode with Titanfall 2 gameplay.

Somebody fucking kickstart it.
Who else here /slow/? Can't be arsed with going fast, play almost entirely for the Titans.
Finnish Donking
Titans are the most fun part of the game, and don't let these /tfg/ jerkoffs tell you otherwise.

Especially on console. I use wallrunning/bhopping for getting across the map but it's pretty hard to get kills while flying in the air at 40-50 so I'm usually firmly planted on the ground for most of my frags.
I have my times when I'm slow and then sometimes I'm fast.
It's ok to be slow if you're precise and PTFO, but the game is really designed to have great speed.

Titans are great, but there's so much havoc you can cause as a pilot.
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Cold War was already semi-viable normally. You probably won't win against a guy with a CAR and two brain cells to rub together, but you could stomp on slows and the unsuspecting fairly easily if you just kept yourself in high places
There's basically no reason to use it in HTTK unless you have something to prove or just want to train yourself to get perfect body shots all the time. The splash damage on it has been nerfed to a degree the your aim needs to be pretty on point in order to kill someone in one burst
Most or all of us are going to be playing Holo Pilot when the patch hits
We ARE going to run Stoic White in mass right?
I don't have any guns to gen 5
just as long as it's on your pilot
You have 4 days.
>not fast

there's no explaining it
>I run stoic white holo already
>everyone else is going to copy my style
Oh well... At least we can pull off some AESTHETIC staccs together.
fuck you, the titans are boring and turn the majority of the gamemodes into a shitshow
if you can't kill people going fast learn to fuckin aim
You're the reason live fire and pilots vs pilots are a thing
Fuck you
And fuck your taste
Then just play pilots v pilots mark
Or go back to Tribes
I didn't intend to cramp your style, but as long as everyone is going to be ruse cruising for a couple days, we may as well clonetrooper it up
How come those damn things are way easier to kill on master than in multi, i swear these fucks have like 4x hp in multi
>the titans are boring
Massive fag detected
>if you can't kill people going fast learn to fuckin aim
just kill the titans dude like they're walking barns lmao
nigga, i was showing this game to a friend of mine and he was jumping in his seat like he was watching a horror movie when I was rodeoing amd bullying a titan, stop bein a pussy and square the fuck up
Anti-titan weapons are fucking gay tbqh.
traps are more gay
Deal with it fucko, they're here to stay
GG Ghastly.
trap fucking guild pc party in 20 minutes

Frothy's dick
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>Grapple launching into enemy spawn in your Titan
>Featured mode: A Time to Kill

Did they just not rename the High TTK playlist or am I missing something?
I think they just renamed it
Giving it a real name makes it sound more official than what is ostensibly just a balance test
i hope ramm grapples pierce shields for maximum ass pain
>007 is hecking licensed to kill
did you hack a spectre who then got a kill?
REEEEEE I don't even remember ever using this
finally got rid of the 40mm though
I dunno. I've maybe hacked a grand total of 10 spectres in all my games
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>Blade Runner esque night map with rain never ever
easiest way to get rid of that is to equip the volt for a couple of minutes without killing anyone
Yeah, oddly enough I got that too.

Does anyone else get strange weapons when they eject from a titan sometimes? I swear I pop out with guns I never use and I have no clue where I'm getting them from.
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what did he mean by this?
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goddammit why can't titanfall 2 have cool maps?
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recently there's been a lot of bitching about grenadier weapons. what's up with that?
Is it the free week friends who actually bought the game?
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it's not impossible they could add it as a global addition, but if they do they better improve how the sword block's "ammo" is set up. you could eat two kraber rounds, 10 EPG shells, etc. with it right now.

vortex shielded shots from minions, probably

you accidentally picked it up from a corpse while embarking, that happens a lot and it pisses me off that they made use and equip the same button now instead of separate as they were in the first game

reddit frightened by their increasing frequency
Thank god I don't play on PC
Text chat seems awful
eh. if you're a thinskinned pussy who can't handle being called a nigger then text chat is horrible but if you like a little bit of banter it's amazing. It's also amazing how fast a faggot with [RDDT] will call you a nigger.
Though desu I'm going so fast I don't even notice the chat :^)
lol this fucking obsession with "banter" among gamers is so cringy
like if your masculinity is that tapped just go on a steroid cycle or something
@180609571 [u]
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@180609571 (You)
sperg more conslow
Holy shit I triggered these PC hardcores so bad they forgot how to tag a post
gg close
it means he's blind to their own faggotry
they don't want to lurk threads. they want to be known by a name and sit around in a place where they can jerk off with other people like them.
this is the reason why 4chan discords are literal cancer and the only people that will say otherwise are the ones that can stand to wallow in their cesspool.
just imagine WANTING to join a room full of this sites most garbage excuses for human beings. IMAGINE.
every general discord thinks they aren't as bad as all of the other discords, but they're so so terribly wrong
Do you think consoles would do much better if they had an easy and quick way to communicate thoughts to the other team?
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>some anon leaves a friendly tip about cancelling laser shots
>become untouchable as ion now
i get to use a really strong titan AND keep my hipster credentials
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workshopping some improvements to more gibs
>cancelling laser shots
This is just done by meleeing while you're in the middle of a charge right? Or is there another cancel I don't know about?

You can also do the melee cancel on Monarch's energy siphon by the way.
you're correct

He got ass blasted that we lost a game of M4D and despite doing as shit as everyone else he started calling all of us shit. I went to play something else after the match but I think he was arguing with someone in the network chat about it.
GG to the rest of those guys, I played like shit but fuck this guy; he was at the bottom of the board and he was the only one that was complaining about people being shit.
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Anyone get the feeling httk mode is going to be just that? Another mode just like attrition or ctf.
I'm just basing this on what I've perused from tf2 forums involving enough users complaining that httk is only beneficial to better players. With the idea in mind of respawn being like other devs wanting as much money as possible I can't see them catering to tfg/rddt type players who post all the time.
I'd rather it be a separate mixtape but either is fine, so long as the changes don't shit up the rest of the game
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What are all of your experiences with Amped Hardpoint?

I fucking hated the game mode at first, but it seems really fun if both teams understand that all three points are always up for grabs.
its better than BH
also good for getting them executions because people go slow
Absolutely awful in pubs. As a concept though it's more interesting than other point capture game modes in other games.
I use it to test out stuff.
Like I'm not good with Northstar, so I've been picking her up to try sniping.
at least when I'm not forced to sit at the starting hardpoint and keep it amped
Former pc fps player that moved onto consoles here. Boy do I miss the chat box. People also seem more shy Mic as well
fuck off kish

would split the playerbase and hurt the population
maybe im just baked but maybe splitting the lambs from the wolves might get more lambs to talk eachother into frivolously buying the game.
>former PC
>move to consoles
can I ask how? I couldn't give up that much movement finesse.
Game wide reblancing almost a year later seems a bit excessive eh? Well ff14 sort of pulled it off.
t. Literally Who
>tfw finally got pinup girl on main titan
9.19 on legion never felt so good.
>implying the "wolves" wouldn't just stay wherever the easiest kills were
I like to use it as practice for new guns/titans and as a general warm up, since it's a mode with a lot of downtime and close quarters combat
It works well when both teams can play the objective, and can result in some really fun, tense matches with a potential for comebacks, but what actually happens most of the time is that only 1-3 players on either team understand that this isn't team deathmatch, and the round ends 400-150
>I'm just basing this on what I've perused from tf2 forums involving enough users complaining that httk is only beneficial to better players.

The people saying this don't know shit. That doesn't even make any sense.

High TTK means that the person at a disadvantage in any firefight has more time to fight back.
And tf2 didn't I'm not opposed to changes but these are clearly wrong for this game
While that's true here's the thing tho, there's more time to jump around and do all sorts of shit that can confuse the other player, and if you're good at doing that then you can moree reliably win based on that skill alone
I liked the sidewinder's aesthetic better in TF1 but as for damage the thing melts provided you get the two-three(?) hits on target needed for the kill. Once you get the hang of leading targets w/o ADS you can be really deadly at medium-range engagement or locking down doorways. Its obviously shit at long range vs hitscan but running SMR+pistol/mozambarbeque hits the spot on complex and similar maps
That still seems like a poopy diaper baby argument
>W-what do you mean players better at the game than I am get to perform better? This is an outrage!
It's crab mentality in the raw
high ttk would also be better for console players since getting caught in aim assist is a death sentence for them
different person but devil's advocate

tf2 is a casual game and Respawn's audience is slow console children. changes that let better players beat them upsets them, as they are proud of being casual. httk changes are ill suited to keeping those retards playing the game, as it raises the skill cap significantly and in some cases it also raises the skill floor (aoe weapons damage scaling change)
HTTK was thought to help casuals but it seems to or will backfire/ed.
What this guy says >>180618265
The mode pretty much gave everyone more health making higher effort players"tryhard" harder to kill ror casuals vs the old ttk. Like really? Who is really going to benefit from the mode? Casuals who can't fast and aim at the same time or the dudes who can? just devils advocating here as I like httk since it reminds me slightly of halo 3 fight times.
Don't get me wrong this whole rumor of httk being the new balance is strange to me. Doesn't feel quite right but I'm lucky I enjoy both.
Was sick of hermiting and irl friendos on console. Living room much more comfy and lively. Also pc had no gaems.

The idea would be that the wolves would get too bored and would rather fight tougher opponents. Bigger bragging rights if devs put in a seperate G type rank onto your banner for how many merits earned in lets say "pro" mode would be enticing enough.
I guarantee you've never seen a better shot
>tfw almost have the pinup unlocked on my main Scorch
>don't even want to use it because it looks so bad
Legion's my secondary though, I need to grind for Thug Life eventually.
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>he made his webm of it before me
What's wrong with pinups??
Is there a pic of it? Seems like it would be cool
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There's always next time.
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I love webms like this
I posted this some hours ago and by some experiment, I restored the default video settings and put it into triple buffered instead of Adaptive VSYNC like i had it from some time ago. Can say that I have a better tracking of what's happening and even not so many bullshit moments in lag but may be the hour.
Most of the titans have one as their final nose art unlock, just go through all of them and see for yourself. Nothing wrong with them, I just don't like how Scorch's looks which is disappointing since I main him.
in high ttk
But I don't want to play HTTK
So what is the actual strategy for NS's abilities?

Cluster missiles are obvious but tether seems like a close range ability which doesn't really suit her and hover is just for getting above cover maybe?

How do pro NS players use tether and hover?
You just play NS so much that occasionally you get lucky and make a webm about it, ignoring all the times you get destroyed
>guy is coming after you
>throw down tether
>boost away
>guy gets caught
>hit him with a full charged shot while he can't move
>alternatively, stick them with tether and then fire a cluster rocket at them

>enemies behind some tall shit
>hover and shoot over it instead of going around it
>scorch tries to fuck you up, just hover over all his fire
>someone is trying to fuck you up in melee, just fly away from it
Yeah people get bored of getting their ads beat by people better than them when the game solely caters to high skill players and stop playing
>lel well good then XDD
Wrong. Killing off the player base would be a death sentence for support for this game
Unless of course you don't want phase shifting r-97 shitters to get patched, in which case that would be good :^)
Use tether to set up nests and fallback positions in case someone charges close. You use the momentary distraction to either reposition, or lay in the damage. If you're feeling bold, run forward in whatever sightline you've setup camp in and put a trap behind something at an intersection. If anyone tries to come to you or is turning in from the corner, you'll instantly have them pinned and can probably get an easy shot off.

Hover can be used to shoot people from unexpected angles like you said, but if you're in a peeking war with another titan, they might not expect you to shoot them from above rather than below. The trick is to peek out from cover and shoot as the hover ends, so you can instantly dash back into cover before they know what to do. Shit like that.
Use Tether and Nuclear Ejection
don't do this
NS's 3 dashes give you massive mobility and are incredibly useful
>three dashes
If you're against a Ronin maybe, but generally speaking you're the fastest titan in the game.

I run double smoke so I can fuck someone's day with trap+smoke+cluster+flight core.
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Are you playing from the moon?
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Step that shit up Future.
You ignore this shitter >>180622520
If you are in a pilot mode use enhanced payload to clear large areas of pilots. You just shoot it in a window where a guy is hiding and you most likely will get him. Viper thrusters is for not getting raped in core. Other than that just harass titans and always go for crits, scorch is a free kill and your 2 dashes is enough to get away from anything. Throw your tether down to trap people into nuke ejects or clusters or to get away. If you can aim you can rape cross map, and even ronins will melt. Hover is for getting a shot off on a titan you know is in a spot don't use it to look around of you will get your face raped off or let people know where to look.
Wanna know something funny? I gave Beri my own battery right after your massive chain of batteries. It never ended.
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Jesus christ.
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I want to like monarch because that execution is brootal as FUK but I hate the 'hide like a bitch so you can upgrade' playstyle and fighting a monarch as anything but legion makes me not want to be associated with people who do play it.
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Should I be aiming down sight with the SMR?
Most of the time yes, but if you're in CQC it's not completely necessary.
>Traffic lights
>Are you a conslow?
But monarch is best when you get in there face and keep getting shields to take no damage while killing them? at least thats how I play her lol.
Protocol 3: Protect the pilot
I hate Monarch, but there are sutible counters titan and anti-titan, I only have myself to blame so Im not really mad.

Also Melee is fine, slows gonna slow
protocol 4: succ the pilot
Pilots and Titans are not for lewd together.
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Don't lie to yourself, Pilot.
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i see you've never faced legion face to face
[brrrts internally]
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Why do you want to fuck the war machines?
Pic unrelated
Honestly if you have arc rounds up and overcore you can take a legion you will just be fucked up afterwards. Once you have arc rounds you get your upgrades so fast you can just smoke and spam into any titans face and shields and rearm and shields again then upgrade for a full shields that you can just keep going if you are smart about it. I wouldn't want to run into a legion but monarch can definitely handle them.
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Cause they get drawn so damn sexy.
>still no qt AI that materializes with you in the titan while you play and cheers you up
they don't want to distract the pilot
It would be fun while spawning with a titan tho

But Respawn needs to bring back 1st person POV in all those animations
yes, this bothers me a lot, 1st person animations in tf1 were great.
I legitimately want to FUCK that Legion.
You and me both my dude.
>have one fun match
>next 10-50 are faggots fests
dude unlimited 360 degree 75% damage reduction lmao
>LOL SP user l2aim
uses grav to even hit with memestiff
waiting for this patch is torture.

so /tfg/ oldfags, How good is the new map coming out?
it's nice
yeah, no need to worry that i'll be playing if this "balance" patch goes live
the best in tf1
itll be shit in 2 though
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