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/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

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Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 182

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We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, 23rd of June:
1860 – The United States Congress establishes the Government Printing Office.
1865 – American Civil War: At Fort Towson in the Oklahoma Territory, Confederate Brigadier General Stand Watie surrenders the last significant rebel army.
1894 – The International Olympic Committee is founded at the Sorbonne in Paris.
1913 – Second Balkan War: The Greeks defeat the Bulgarians in the Battle of Doiran.
1914 – Mexican Revolution: Pancho Villa takes Zacatecas from Victoriano Huerta.
1917 – In a game against the Washington Senators, Boston Red Sox pitcher Ernie Shore retires 26 batters in a row after replacing Babe Ruth, who had been ejected for hitting the umpire.
1919 – Estonian War of Independence: The decisive defeat of the Baltische Landeswehr in the Battle of Cēsis; this date is celebrated as Victory Day in Estonia.

# News
CK2 DD 19/06
EU4 DD 20/06

# Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

# Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.0

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

Old Thread: >>180429226
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Boy George
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La Plata
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La Paz
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Las Malvinas
>steamcordplaza still this mad
Go play HoI4, retard.
thanks for the (you)
That's not how you spell falkland islands
And do what? Can they even form Plland through decision in HPM? Should I ally Prussia, Austria, or Russia?
They can but play as a based and white tall Krakow
I would be fine with that, but R&I wouldn't agree to it, he doesn't even talk, and Steamcordplaza would just spam threads.
steamcord got mad at fertile greek playthrough?
They can form poland. Play as a tall krakow instead.
t. guy who got the 4
How would I even go about doing that?
How tall can you even play as an OPM?
Sounds like the single most boring playthough ever, anon. Plus don't they get event annexed by Austria ten years in?
>How tall can you even play as an OPM?
I've gotten some pretty big neuchatel empires.
They always meme on Vicky posts, because they solely play EU4 MP because V2 is too complicated for them.
the real mountain jew
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That actually sounds pretty fun. Are they North German primary or Swiss? Because Swiss is tainted with medbloods.
yeah 1.3 billion turkrapespawn pops are definitely very complicated to handle
What the fuck. Commie redditards stealing our mod.
Depends on what mods you have. I don't know what they are in vanilla or plain HPM.
dude where are my FUKKIN epik Ancient Greco-Romaniums that will kill all the t*rks please????
>waah why cant you post hoi4
Imagine being this retarded.
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>commie redditard
It's worse than you think
I need a bit of help here in trying to get a culture flip, I'm playing as the King of Denmark from the 867 start, obviously I created the kingdom myself, and I've converted to Catholicism while the Kingdoms of Sweden and Norway are still Germanic pagan. What I need help with is getting Danish culture to become a thing, according to the wiki Norse culture splits into various groups starting in 950 if certain conditions are met, Swedish and Norwegian have already become a thing and are spreading in their respective areas but not Danish, I've only got the Kingdom of Denmark, though I do hold enough territory in England to form the kingdom, and obviously the Pope isn't Norse so I'm wondering if I just need to keep waiting or if I'm doing something wrong.

Here's what is says on the wiki for reference:
>Norse splits into several cultures starting in 950. This is prevented if the top liege has Norse culture and hold either an empire or multiple kingdoms (it doesn't matter which ones) or if the province owner's head of religion is of Norse culture.
>identity politics
REEEEEEEE hate when fellow marxists do this shit
is anyone going to host a victoria 2 HPM mp?

t. that guy who wants to play as switzerland and become big

also am going to revive /mu/ thread for music. HPM was here a while ago, right? I checked his mod for any music files, and didn't see any... so I'm just going to go ahead. HPM you better scream if you are already working on a music mod.
>not playing tall and controlling everything from the shadows
Bad mountain jew
Being a (nat)bolshevik/stalinist myself it's disgusting seeing faggots think they are accepted in communism
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greeks have settled large parts of siberia
some areas have >70% greerk nationals
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>as a leftypol browser myself, I hate idpol
Only minor land expansions, like Innsbruck and Annecy. Otherwise you can't become a great power if you don't have more than one state.
based as fuark
>industry 2
You're fuckin me, right?
Vanilla V2 was quite a ride.
You can't conquer chinese territory that early, and even if you did you wouldn't have 0.3 bb
I'm on Laissez Faire and it's fucking me over
I've modded the start date. In reality I've been playing about 120 years
pretty epic but not as based as a billion greeks dude lol
Where do you mod possible exclave names in EU4?
>importing liquor
>some guy is posting an interesting playthrough oh no i must shitpost

would you be less autistic if he was playing portugal instead?
That's the beauty of these games, sometimes strange things happen
>everything but my railroaded Germaniac playthrough MUST be shitposted away! WAAAH WAAAH! HOW DARE THEY NOT PLAY AS I WANT THEM TO

how i finna know you're a virgin
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here's a map of the world

the Greek Internationale is nominally the strongest power bloc in the world but despite its massive population it probably couldn't stand up against every other major power bloc united against it
When I saw EU4 on sale for 75% off, I was expecting the DLC to be on sale for no more than 66% off like every recent sale, instead none of the DLC is on sale at all.

Seriously, fuck Paradox. Since I haven't even felt like playing any of their games in a long while and there just aren't any similar games by other developers, I guess I'm done here.
is that bolivian patagonia
damn thats pretty epic do u wanna give a-l to grossgermaniums or cuck franks lol
Wait, really? Damn, I knew they existed, but I never thought I'd meet a genuine commie nazi.
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The Commonwealth’s expeditionary army, loaded down with the first of the Qing Emperor’s gold, is on its way back to Britain when London receives startling word from Europe: Tsar Nicholas II, having recovered his Polish territories, has grown bold. Claiming the entire crown of Poland, Nicholas desires the territories “belonging to his kingdom” which have been occupied by the Germans, and has set out on a war to dismantle the German state in order to get them.

The move is a bald attempt to compensate for the long weakness of the Tsar’s state, and his crushing defeats to Britain and Germany prior to the Second Glorious Revolution. Just as France took advantage of Germany’s weakness when it lacked a strong ally in Britain, so too does Nicholas feel that the time is right to exact revenge, and to make a real name for Russia in the process.

Unfortunately for Nicholas, he strongly underestimates the strength of Wilhelm’s state, and of Wilhelm’s resolve for victory. The Kaiser, grudgingly, requests the Reichstag to send a request for aid to the last party which Nicholas would expect: the British.

Yet the movie is wise. Britain has supreme naval power on the high seas, a vast army of International soldiers merely awaiting the call of war in Asia, and crack soldiers which can drop into Russia from all sides, thanks to their naval superiority. Their aid, in the very unlikely event they deigned to join a capitalist conflict, would virtually ensure the war’s victory in Wilhelm’s favor.

And, to the surprise of many in Parliament, Keane does agree to join with the Kaiser. “It is not in our interests for the German state, such a ripe field for communism—for sorrowful as it is for me to admit it, they are the most industrialized state per capita in the world—to fall at the hands of an imperialist power. They must be preserved, whole and mighty, for the future. Thus, we fight the Tsar.”
>austrian congo
Never knew how much I needed this.
NazBol is just Stalinism.
fuck off commie cuck i want to read about alexander's empire
I don't know why I laughed so hard at this.
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here's just a map of the Hellenic Dominion and her various satellite states. Non-client states that are a part of the Greek Internationale such as the Austrian People's Republic of Austria or the Turkish Socialist Republic are not pictured.

Patagonia is independent, communist and a part of the GI. It was from a crisis.

it's barely visible on the map because it's white-on-white. But yeah Austria-Hungary got the event for a secondary power to get the kongo and then weeks later they turned back into normal Austria when they went commie.
>allying the literal ideological opposite of your regime
What the fuck, lad. You're RPing as commies so well.
blanco y basado
I don't know, for some reason I recall Stalin not getting on with nazis that well. There was a war about it, iirc.
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Apparently Japan and Bulgaria are such shitholes that they make other iirelevant memes like Belgium, Denmark and India look great in comparison.
Kaiserreich download?
I saw you waiting to post until the janny deleted one of the threads, you non-partisan fuck.
wtf why are these numale cucks leaving epic alexander's empire for shitholes???
Man, political comics have changed a lot. These days, the word "POLAND" would be written on the corpse, and he'd have a knife labeled "Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact" sticking out of his back. Also, Stalin and Hitler would be wearing nametags, just in case someone didn't know who they were.
bumping this
Sure thing, lads
Don't even need an account to view.
>Victoria 2 Music Mod Thread
Come in and suggest music that fits in with the base game, and the general feel. Considering the base game only has a paltry 75 minutes of music, expanding upon this catalog is a must.
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believe me the cucking of france and germany is well underway

also corsica is over 50% greek now
>being this much of a yohan-worshipping virgin

jesus fucking christ, ask him how he's doing with his range-ban lmao
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People haven't actually gotten stupider, we just started pandering to them.
whats with all the fucking tripfags AARnon is okay but the rest of you should fuck off
t. not AARnon
wrong game
I'm fairly sure they're asking for the hoi4 kaiserreich, not the DH one

Got one for that one? I'd want the updated version too.
I fucking LOVE poopmod.

I get to play Britain and Germany without feeling like a cheap cunt.
really makes you think wat would have happened if the turks didnt overrun CONSTANTINOPLE (not cuckstanbul lol) and turned to revenge the world!
I play wargames and now that /wgg/ is finally dead I have nowhere to go.

Does anyone here play Graviteam or Combat Mission?
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italy is not real rome, only athens is real rome. time tor emove fake ("rome") rome.

italy been taking greek ideas up the ass and vomiting them since 400BCE time to do it one more time. grommunism in rome NOW alexusandrus VULT
ummm i really liked ur LP but rome is ROME ok... sry unsubbed
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its ok turns out they didnt even have rome




By the time that Wilhelm actually calls for Commonwealth aid, the war appears to already be won. Nicholas II greatly overestimated the strength of his state, and German armies have consequently swept aside what few armies he had prepared for the war as if they were nothing. Reinforcements come, but slowly, with the massive Russian countryside and antiquated rail systems preventing them either from arriving in time or from being effective when they eventually do so.

Wilhelm, in the typical petulant design of an imperialist, declares that he will do to the Tsar’s state what the Tsar threatened to do to his, pulling it down around the edges and smashing Russia’s strength. Although this appeals to London more than the destruction of the German state, it is not what they are ultimately desirous of; Russia may be backwards and weak, but it is nevertheless large and capable of industrialization. It would be a fertile field indeed for communism, but its fracturing would prevent an easy and universal application of that ideology.

Thus, although Keane does accept the call to war demanded by the Kaiser and does order the Asian International states to participate, a plan forms in the back of his mind on how to respond to the situation. There are many Russian communists in London who write works against the Tsar in their exile, and it appears as if one of them would be quite suitable for his purposes: a young, internationalist-minded communist influenced by the proletarian system in the Commonwealth. Although his comrade Vladimir Lenin is much more famous, for Keane’s purposes the young man by the name of Leon Trotsky seems far better suited for what he has in mind.
Is DH one even still being developed?
nope, they moved the whole team to working on hoi4
no but since we let hoi (a wargame) be posted here you should go ahead and post whatever you want
*resubs* ok sry bro i just dont really like ppl saying romans arent italian ok?
HPM Victoria 2 MP when?
Sorry lad, perhaps you could try /gsg/ though.
Good to see ya, AARnon.
All these tripfags. imo trips should only be for AAR's and Mod developers. Otherwise piss off.
pls no bully
Based Deanchad should keep his trip and be given the title 'Defender of the Thread' imo.
>Sorry lad, perhaps you could try /gsg/ though.
>vicky2 mp
fuck off steamcord
dude based gentlebro how have you been?
I believe that they're fixing the lore discrepencies, but the DH one is mostly finished. Still being worked on officially though,

Still need that DL link though.
>encouraging shitposting
sure just dont be a right cunt
I don't know where I was going with this
? help
>not sure if I'm being baited
pretty good how're you?
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think ive reached the point where i can all the Greek Internationale at least neobyzantine in nature, considering what land it holds
His own mod. He wanted to increase pop growth in greece by a tiny amount and instead things went full Malthusian crisis.
Prepare to be bullied, nerd!
its a well established fact that steamcord sets up mp games in the thread to recruit
Isn't there a neobyzantine cringepost?
ruh roh
Oh. mb. I can't prove it, but I simply want to play V2 with other people. No recruitment shenanigans.
that's what a steamcord would say, though
>pretty good how're you?
feeling pretty based tuggin my willy readin about alexander's empire that could have beeen ...........................
u should go for cybermesopatonia and nubabylon now bro
are you a homosexual? you post like a homosexual
Anyone have the updated version of kaiserreich for hoi4? The cs rin ru archive is gonna take a while until it updates
wanna suck my willy bro? got a big grossgermaniums if u up for it
Neo-alexandrian. You need to liberate Afghanistan and Pakistan though.
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Are you the steamcord? Oh no...
pic related
>the /mbg/fag is also the guy that types like a fag
>and instead things went full Malthusian crisis.
I can't believe Malthus didn't factor in emigration though.
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Trotsky and a band of close fellows return to Russia in a Commonwealth military transport, landing in British-occupied Petrograd (the name having been changed when the war with Germany began), which is rapidly renamed once again to Trotskygrad. A provisional internationalist government is established there, which the Commonwealth immediately issues recognition to. They further state that the goal of this war is to “smash the corrupt system of Tsar Nicholas and to replace the antiquated feudal property system of Russia with a transitional communist government meant to industrialize, urbanize, and proletarianize in preparation for the coming of true communism.”

Wilhelm is furious. The war was between himself and Nicholas, and its outcome was meant merely to humiliate one or the other, not to depose Nicholas and bring communism to Russia. He immediately sets out on an attempt to engage in a separate peace with Nicholas, leaving the British forces supporting Trotsky’s marginal government flapping in the wind.
wtf lad i thought thi was based and white communism not jewish communism

dude fuck off your not event #1st in industry cuck
Back you go, laddo.
nazbol is just brocialists who are wannabe nazis
>letting jews in the international
And just like that its ruined
>being this butthurt over storyline choices and that he's not doing le mosley britain xD x5000

jesus christ this thread is total cringe sometimes
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After the Turkish Socialist Republic exited the Greek Internationale (rumers say at the behest of the Japanese government, which sought a staging ground in Europe to defend against Greece), the Hellenic Dominion immediately declared war.
Turkey was devastated. It wasn't even close.

Greece took large parts of western Anatolia alongside all of Turkey's European holdings. They also seized Palestine. Turkey was, then, politically isolated, without allies, disgraced, and near-powerless.

turkman is done.
Question. If part of the idea of Ottomanism is that all the peoples of the empire would be equal, including the non-muslim millets, then why does the decision in HPM only give you the non-turkish parts of the muslim millet as accepted cultures?
t. bolshevik blues
pls post ur boipussy
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I'm not a fucking commie you dumbass. I just want to see some interesting storyline choices. The games you play don't have to do anything with your fucking ideology. Fucking hell you're the epitome of cringe.
>socialism has to be about BBC fucking our wives
Lad, you do know it's retards like you that are stopping actual socialism, national socialism, from being achieved, right?
i do
I assume the idea was that it would happen to the entire world. The real issue with his model is there's no real evidence that food supply and population grow according to said model.
This. I'm a liberal IRL, but in game I usually go with reactionaries. (Sometimes I go for socialists instead, but only if they're pro-military.)
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The capital of the Dominion quickly moved back to Constantinople.

A flood of Greeks moved to the retaken city as well as western Anatolia where their ancestors had called home. The government didn't destroy the turks there (yet) but they were quickly dwarfed by the flood of greek immigrants and lost their political majorities.
who said anything about ideology i just want you to post your boypussay
A-aranon plz don't do it
Socialism in one country cannot exist
>I'm a liberal IRL
Die you cunt
sry bro didnt want to interrupt ur transition......... stay strong bro i would date u like a gentlesir btw...
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Requesting someone who actually bought HoI4 to upload the latest KR
YOU are disgusting jewish burgoise scum
See >>180476091
I'm Mosley pro, but the games you play don't have to be 1 1 copy of your personal ideology. Otherwise it's going to be boring as fuck to consistently play the exact same game over and over and over.
Nazbol is great! Not because of its own ideological merits of course, but because the fact that an ideology so stupid it seems like it was made up for the bad guys in a made for tv movie exists is great.
Pictured: Nazbol, probably
this is fucking based bro but when are you killing the turks? they gotta get got ok?
>I'm a liberal IRL
So you support sodomy and the destruction of the nuclear family for "progress"
Go back, you are not welcome here.
Are you spreading communism? Make France part of the natalist greek bloc.
>queer socialism
Disgusting I don't hate gays it's just stop with the identity politics
There can be no socialism in one country
>want to get into CKII
>Summer sale happens
>Paradox jacks the prices up a day or two before so it's on 'sale'
>The big DLC packs are 19.95 Canada bux now off sale
>Are you spreading communism? Make France part of the natalist greek bloc.
yes france fell awhile ago, they had a huge communist uprising (unsurprisingly mostly in the majority-greek cities - probably the most fun part about NFing communism support for sixty years and then exporting your population everywhere) during a war with me that was tangential to france in the first place. they're still a gp but very very communist.
>I'm Mosley pro
Complete the following sentences adn then I MIGHT let you off the hook.
"The power of Money, and ______ ______"
"Now shifted from the ____ __ ______ to ___ _____ ___ ____"
"It's ______ _______ to say a British government rules Britain."
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Unfortunately for Wilhelm, Nicholas has much greater respect for the ability of the British to end his state. Out of fear of a loss of face, Wilhelm had not informed Nicholas or the international community that his government and that of the Commonwealth had suddenly begun to pull in different directions in the war, and Nicholas consequently feared that Wilhelm had gone so mad with rage that he was willing to not only seek the dismantlement of Russia, but also the destruction of its government.

Thus, when German troops approach Moscow, it is to London that Nicholas turns for negotiations, not Berlin. And, to his surprise, they are willing to be “lenient”; he need only be willing to abdicate his position and his family would be permitted to leave Russia with all of their property.

Although he is embarrassed, then, Nicholas naturally takes the agreement which will preserve his family and its wealth from the ravening horde of Germans, whom he ironically sees as a far more vile threat in their extremity than the British. Tsar Nicholas abdicates on June 14, 1907, and the Union of Soviets is proclaimed in its place. True to the peace agreement with Nicholas, he and his family are permitted to peacefully leave Russia, and they set out for France the same day.

Wilhelm, meanwhile, is beyond fury. He cries that the Commonwealth tricked and betrayed him and threatens to continue the war despite of the “slip of nothing” signed with Nicholas. But with the United Fleet parked outside Bremen and armies of unknown size ready within Britain, Hardie advises the Kaiser that that would mean a full war with Britain. With his armies far from home deep in Russia and the Commonwealth posturing menacingly, Wilhelm grudgingly withdraws his men, to the fury of his people and the mockery of other states. Yet he swears that “one day I will destroy this bastard of communism and the British state both. They will feel the German boot.”
>maple syrup intellectual
read the OP
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>There can be no socialism in one country
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>tfw no Manpower
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There are very few Danes left in Denmark. The three provinces with danish pluralities all have less than 33% Danish, it's just that the rest isn't forming a majority.

The biggest "minorities" are Japanese, Greek, and Bulgarian.
you have to trade with other nations so you have to produce for exchange which is still in a capitalist mode of production technically but the USSR did implement socialism to it's furtherst extent in history desu
i heard the uninstall.exe button gives you unlimited mana and manpower
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>I don't hate gays it's just stop with the identity politics
Well you should. They're mentally damaged.
>not simply dismantling them and teaching the splinter cells to be gommie
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Greeks are also taking over Persia and Russia (note: Persia is a Greek colony, Russia is unrelated).
In most of central asia/northeast iran greeks make up at least 85% of population. Some parts of turkestan and siberia it's over 95%.
>Socialism in one country cannot exist
How are you colonizing countries that you don't even own?
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This please
Homosexuality is a mental disease, and as other mental diseases they should attempt to be treated(and make sure they don't pass on the next generation), not hated on
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make nicholas ii chairman
>the USSR did implement socialism to it's furtherst extent

The USSR didn't implement socialism in literally any way ever. It had every single defining point of capitalism.
How the fuck do you plan to enforce that CB in a joint war?
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After killing a bunch of minorities Persia is now majority greek
as it should be blob through to pakistan and make everything greek
Seriously, /u/Bolshevik-Blues, nobody cares about your tranny ramblings, seek help.
>ywn live in a imperial nazbol russia under nicky
why even live
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the same way syria is irl
immigrate the fuck out of 'em

fuckton of greeks in canada now.bulgarians too
nazbols OUT
left communists IN
>tfw bolshevik blues will never post his boipuss
Everything but Reactionaries and Fascists out.
Why is there so much leftypol here? Not really complaining, but still.
communism is a third-position ideology, 'leftist' communists like Marx are not real communists
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california giving it to meximerica
Here's your (you)
Not white or based
its one nazibol from steamcord and bolshevik blues shitposting about which communism is the best one
tfw German nationalliberal anti-bolshevist

I just like telling MLs and Trots how fucking wrong they are about the shit they claim to believe in.
>murderous liberals
Both liberals and communists need to kill themselves.
Communism comes from marxism which comes from socialism
Unless you're saying socialism isn't leftist then sure
can I play as israel or the roman empire in victoria 2?
this is a pannokeok general
You can't start as them but yeah. You can't form the roman empire though.
>not bait
>Unless you're saying socialism isn't leftist then sure
In a way, yes, but what I meant is that the marxist form of stateless communism is not what anyone should consider 'communism'
Installed under the auspices of the Worker’s Commonwealth and having been personally selected by Augustus Keane over his much more famous friend Vladimir Lenin, Trotsky is quite obviously indebted to the Commonwealth and willing to support it insofar as his state, weak from years of Tsarist mismanagement, is able. Aside from joining the International (which Trotsky promises to do at a later date, once the Soviet Union is mightier and more capable of taking on foreign foes), Keane has only one further request from the new representative of the proletariat within Russia: the cession of the Baltic states to the direct control of the International, which will provide a “port of call in the event of a reactionary rising within the Soviet Union, so as to ensure that the Commonwealth can assist in maintaining the security of the government.”

The request is reasonable, and not much of a burden on the new Soviet state; the Baltic provinces are underpopulated and only have a minority of Russian settlers within them, and indeed getting rid of them might even help to stabilize the state. Yet Trotsky is not pleased with the timing of the request, which he worries will make him appear like a dictator rather than a leader, trading land in return for being installed by a foreign power. Russia already has barely any proletariat to speak of and a strong nobility and reactionary officer corps which have begun a civil war against Trotsky’s new state, and the loss of even more favor with the people will do nothing but lose Trotsky direly-needed support.

Unfortunately, Keane sees this as nationalism over internationalism rather than a request born of politics, and demands the cession of the territory or “a more suitable replacement to yourself will be found immediately.” Trotsky furiously cedes the territory before cutting off all relations with the Commonwealth, beginning a long period of poor relations between the two states.
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>uhh all these reactionaries on /gsg/ need to educated themselves
Marx never meant a literal stateless society he meant stateless in marxist terms
You should check out Engels on Authority
>tfw de leonist and nobody else even knows what that means so i have to explain it every time
leon degrelle? yeah he was a cool guy
Then what the fuck is communism? The definition of communism is a stateless (in Marxist terms) classless (in Marxist terms) society where the means of production are owned by the workers. China and Stalin were just a planned economy / state capitalism.
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rate my Großgermaniums please thank you very much.
it wasnt a bait
found out that you can make the byzantine empire, tho
>tfw you were just shitposting but now you are unironically interested in the meme communist books
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>tfw no reactionary communism
no Daniel De Leon, one of the founders of the Workingmen's Party in the USA.

Basically he fused the ideas of anarcho-syndicalism with more 'pragmatic' democratic socialism. In short he said that the best socialist state was a state of radical unionism, in which unions are the vessels used by workers to control the economy, and that national unions coordinate together in a state-like fashion under a single political party to organize nationwide production and stability.
Each union would be militant in its own right, and would operate both like a normal trade union, a militia, and a local government. The national unions would be entirely republican in nature (similar to actual national unions that exist today) and the party would be for cooperative purposes only.
t. al-mein kampferi
In HPM you can form the Roman Republic if you start as the Papal States and either wait for the event to fire or just become republican.
Save us Yohan
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>tfw no japanese communist imperial byzantine union
Left-Comm is by far the most internally consistent and intellectually honest position on the far left and they're usually the most chill and funny people too, desu.
this is what happens when you only lurk /gif/ for months and forget about those fucking filters.
>someone saved this
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uniroincally got any sauce on the artist for that bottom middle kirino?
RIP there are like 5 deleonists lad
basedu and whitu
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A year of quiet passes wherein Hardie and his Soviet comrade Georgy Chicherin attempt to smooth the relations between their respective leaders, but Trotsky proves unwilling to come to terms with Keane without an apology for Keane’s “single-minded blundering and refusal to acknowledge political necessity,” whereas Keane refuses to apologize and demands an “immediate agreement to enter the International as required by the conditions of your establishment in Russia,” which Trotsky denies in turn, arguing that he was NOT installed--the British government merely wiped away the Tsarist one which allowed for communism to take its rightful place.

While the two continue to butt heads, however, the world, as ever, moves on its own without them, and the time draws closer when the International as a whole may become involved in a real war. With that in mind, and lacking the support of Trotsky necessary to use the Soviet Union as its true “path to the West” for its colonies, an alternate method of entering Europe must be procured for the International. As the Ottoman Empire already divides Africa from Asia, its forcible entry into the International is seen as the next logical step toward uniting all communist peoples of the globe--and if it puts fear in Trotsky seeing the International growing to his south, all the better.

War is formally declared on the 7th of July to overthrow Sultan Abdulhamid and establish a Proletarian government in the Ottoman Empire, which has, to make matters even worse for the embattled Sultan, recently gone bankrupt. It would take a miracle to defend the Sultan’s state from the righteous onslaught of the proletariat.

Although Germany and Austria-Hungary both furiously denounce the war, they again prove unwilling to unite in response, as both are worried that this is a ploy to move their forces away from the border with Soviet Russia. Once again, then, communism is allowed to make its move due to capitalist inaction.
Best DH starting nation?
he's referring to the desu
Playing France minimod how do i get rhineland and catalonia?
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i still have the original screenshot of his post
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Anyone want me to make some V2, or indeed flags for any other game for them?
I thought so is doing the tutorial good enough to get a handle on mechanics?
>this is hoi4s fanbase
So glad we took that shit out of the OP.
A republican democratic austrian-supremacist 'United States of Greater Austria'
believe it or not but this is most of paradox's fanbase, brother
Also how do you edit the DH controls?
canada if you're at least familiar with DH and how air and naval combat works.
where is the france mini mod from? some anon recently posted a commie game with it and i couldnt find it
PRFAnon here. Considering getting a new flag for my British Empire in exile to Australia playthrough that I'll be doing soon. You got anything you could provide? Maybe something to do with a crown and Union Jack or something, since this is 1860 and Australian identity hasn't really formed to incorporate their symbols.
If you're next question is "How do I make space the pause button?" the answer is you don't. Use the actual pause button like a real man.
kys with this animeshit virgin nerd, stop ruining this general
here we go again
kys, boke
You need HPM
keep pretending
thanks a lot
>literally no fun allowed
lol boers XD
Just as war is declared upon the Ottoman Empire, Egyptian reactionaries, infuriated by the communist regime of their government and the declaration of war against the Caliph, rise up to establish an Islamist government in Egypt “loyal to the Caliph and hostile to the forces of atheistic communism which have infected our society through our weakness and irreligion.” They number in the hundreds of thousands, and the local communist leader, Anwar Salem, despairs of being able to “maintain the government of the people in the face of such reaction; their numbers and arms are such that they must have been supported by outside groups.”

Although Major General Archibald Campbell had initially been tasked with seizing Jerusalem and destroying important religious monuments such as the Wailing Wall and Dome of the Rock, he is instead diverted to the much more important task of putting down reaction within Egypt. A marvelous commander, truly one of Britain’s best, Campbell arrives in Cairo to face over 200,000 violent protesters and is able to make quick--and bloody--work of them.

Section 14 of the Officer’s Handbook of the Worker’s Commonwealth deals with regulations for actions during a period of reaction. It states that “violent reaction should always be met with the maximum reasonable amount of responsive violence achievable. The bodily destruction of violent reactionaries is necessary to the maintenance of the International.” It is, in effect, a blanket permission to wantonly slaughter in the name of the preservation of communism.

As Campbell marches through Egypt, Section 14 will be used as justification frequently. Tens of thousands of bodies will line the street by the time he is finished--the price of utopia.
>communist monarchy
Was Sano Manabu /ourguy/?
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Well, I figure they'd just continue to use the Union Jack, but if you want an alternative then here's a blue ensign with the British coat of arms on, for extra Britishness.
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>Crusader kings II
>Earliest start date is 300 years before the first Crusade
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glad you're back AARnon.
why isn't Ireland released yet?
loving it so far.
The fuck is this? Communist GB?
Because the Irish are British, or at least Keane (who is himself Irish) is trying to make that the case. The Irish are still agitating for independence, however.

Yes, internationalist.
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New Goy$ KR here

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>Because the Irish are British, or at least Keane (who is himself Irish) is trying to make that the case. The Irish are still agitating for independence, however.
but lad, don't you realise? Ireland unfree shall never be at peace
Deliberately here we avow ourselves, as he avowed himself in the dock, Irishmen of one allegiance only. We of the Irish Volunteers, and you others who are associated with us in to-day's task and duty, are bound together and must stand together henceforth in brotherly union for the achievement of the freedom of Ireland. And we know only one definition of freedom: it is Tone's definition, it is Mitchel's definition, it is Rossa's definition. Let no man blaspheme the cause that the dead generations of Ireland served by giving it any other name and definition than their name and their definition.

We stand at Rossa's grave not in sadness but rather in exaltation of spirit that it has been given to us to come thus into so close a communion with that brave and splendid Gael. Splendid and holy causes are served by men who are themselves splendid and holy. O'Donovan Rossa was splendid in the proud manhood of him, splendid in the heroic grace of him, splendid in the Gaelic strength and clarity and truth of him. And all that splendour and pride and strength was compatible with a humility and a simplicity of devotion to Ireland, to all that was olden and beautiful and Gaelic in Ireland, the holiness and simplicity of patriotism of a Michael O'Clery or of an Eoghan O'Growney. The clear true eyes of this man almost alone in his day visioned Ireland as we of to-day would surely have her: not free merely, but Gaelic as well; not Gaelic merely, but free as well.
Help me ples
You should add (instrumental) national anthem to their specific countries, like Heil dir im Siegerkranz and Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser
dam what an autistic fag
I will. Forgot to add the .mod file, will repost the file so it actually fucking works when I post it.
thanks for suggestion lad.
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>he hasn't memorized the oration of his favourite historical figures
what are you, some kind of pleb?
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no all commies get a katana in the gut
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Anyone have the new KR download yet?
What the fuck is this?
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OwO whats this?
how fucking blind do you have to be >>180481505
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The Spanish Republic under Niceto Alcalá-Zamora is the only state to become involved in the conflict in favor of the Ottoman Empire, seeing the communist influence in Africa as dangerous to their colonies and desiring the capture of Gibraltar to block British traffic through the Mediterranean, which they hope will bring the collapse of the International.

The Spanish joining of the war is fortuitous, however, because it ensures that the International will grow, not shrink. The Spanish hold territories which rightly belong to Morocco, which is a weak proletarian government due to its lack of population and rural nature. The recapture of these territories will help to ensure that the Commune of Morocco has the population to begin industrialization, so critical to any proletarian government.

Although the Spanish certainly have pretensions to victory, they did not anticipate further Commonwealth armies held in reserve, and the Home Army soon disembarks at Santander, beginning its beeline for Madrid. Soon enough Alcalá-Zamora will be forced to cede the territories in Morocco which he holds, to the betterment of the disenfranchised there.
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Warsaw Pact wins Cold War mod. HoI4 is shit but I'm memeing around the Putin event trees, I'll do American Republic after, its Rumsfeld-led.
It's the archive from cs.rin, you can get pretty much every mod just put the steam workshop ID in the search
I forgot to refresh is all, thanks though.
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Oh no, I'm going to have to lose my sweet cannon flag...
Gonna keep the old ideas though, because muh guns and artillery.
fuck you
are you doing >>180479715 or will I have to do it myself
wad was id
doesnt this guy post on /owg/
I thought you were meming.
that's my account and i actually forgot i posted that.

glad you nerds hate me now lmao.
Playing France minimod how do i get rhineland and catalonia?
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All of America must be liberated.
yankee doodle dandy
I'm not, that's my current campaign (don't include anything polish tho, i kicked them out of my republic)
Oh, sorry. How many cultures do you accept?
why is a camp follower features as a soldier?
If none of this is possible (I do not in detail know the limits to the Steam platform) we will internally calculate the difference in revenue before and after the price change, double the value, and donate the money to the UNHCR.
I hope that by "kicked them out" you mean genocided
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How's this?
Austrian only, I'm in the process of germanizing everyone
I didn't want to use the normal Austrian republican flag because I'm GROSS austriums
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mom, i'm famous!
is he "our guy" ?
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The war in the Empire goes well, and Abdulhamid was forced to flee Konstantinyye ahead of the coming of communist forces at the onset of winter. With the Aegean sea blocked by the United Fleet from the start of the war, the Ottoman navy was hemmed in at Bursa from the start; after the capture of Canakkale by the British, the Sultan and his family boarded the navy in the hopes of breaking the blockade and fleeing. Carrying important relics of their house and a great deal of wealth they had planned to follow the Romanovs into exile in France.

It was a foolish plan. Much of the Ottoman navy was so outdated that even the iron-clad ships were only sailing barges with attached iron plates and makeshift engines, no match for Britain’s modern fleet of battleships. The moment the Sultan’s fleet entered into the range of the Lion of the Seas, Zachary Seaton, it was all but over. Far outside the antiquated Ottoman navy’s firing distance, the entire Ottoman fleet is sunk by the United Fleet in a hail of shells. The entire House of Osman--or at least what parts of it were legitimate, male, and potential pretenders to the throne--perishes in less than an hour.
donate the money to the UNHCR.
Top kek, you disgusting tranny. Please keep posting so I can insult you.
He is a god
I'm pretty new to Victoria 2 (played a lot of other Pdox games though) and figured I'd start an Austria campaign. You guys got any decent suggestions?

Big question; do I gun for the South German Federation or Austria-Hungary?
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enjoy ;)

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
pretty good, but could you make it have only 10 stars (to represent the 10 regions i currently have)?
post boi pussy
>Empress of India
Can you rename ships? Because that one's pretty glaring.
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What the fuck is this commie bullshit? Where's the option to send in the tanks?
please insult me so that i can pretend you're my mommy gf
do it you tranny faggot. i want to smash your balls with my foot while i force my penis so far down your throat you puke and pass out
No, unfortunately, you can't. We'll both just have to roleplay it as the communist government mocking the monarchy.
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Anon, sending in the tanks would be the Commie way of doing things...
whats the best mod for an enhanced WWI experience in DH?
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Sure, this okay?
that's hot, but i'm into girls
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Alright, /gsg/ chooses. Will it be Jeb or Rumsfeld? Not getting the fucking reptilianfag nor the cuck.
Jeb! should reunite america desu
im a transgirl;^)
your not a bigot are you?
yeah, pretty based, thanks
t. rezmar
that wasn't me, i'm unironically a stalinist.
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are you a nazibol?
sent me your feminine penis
pls be my mommy gf
You fucking prejudiced fuck, that was a woman transitioning, how fucking dare you, you just set back months of therapy.

He'll probably kill himself now, xhitlord!
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jeb retard
Yeb is the man to restore the USA
just annex it dude lmao
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Jeb it is. Also, pick my foreign minister. My Ribbentrop, if you will.
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no, I'm a plain ol' Marxist-Leninist

also, enjoy ;)
based go with bannon
just don't pick bannon
jeb would probably rather kms than pick bannon
>Obama: Hawk Faction
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With the death of the entire Ottoman royal family shocking the world, it becomes clear to the Spanish that there is no potential for resistance; with no alternative power in the Empire, communists will be enforced upon the now-defunct Sultanate. The only hope of Alcalá-Zamora now is to extricate his state from the war as rapidly as possible and with as little losses as are feasible. The urgency of this goal is hammered in by the Home Army’s artillery, which have already begun to shell Madrid.

Negotiations begin with Alcalá-Zamora entirely willing to part with the al-Rif, but Hardie suspects that he can push for more, and also demands the small Spanish enclave at Ifni, which includes less than 20,000 souls. Although Alcalá-Zamora is loath to give up a territory which is primarily Spanish, the agreement is still far better than the communist government which he knows the British could decide to attempt to install in his state at any moment; he agrees, reluctantly, to the cession of all North African possessions of Spain to the Commune of Morocco.
Lmao pick bannon
I think they gave one to Teddy too, and he wrote several essays about how much he loved war.
thank you now i know who to direct my t.
at when minekid is posted
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By this Jeb means civic nationalism, of course.

Bannon seems like the best pick stat wise. The other two give me a - on national unity and it's fucking atrocious as it is. Bannon delays war goal creation but if I get those via event it's fine.
all me
anymore flag requests lads
Kissinger is your greatest ally
I'm not the original mineposter though
will you please stop posting your shitty hoi$ meme mod thanks
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>Paradox to Roll Back Price Increase - Comment from CEO Fred Wester

Johan on suicide watch
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I don't know how construction in this shit game works, just going to spam random factories and hope for the best.
>inb4 "woo we won reddit" followed by them putting the prices back up next week
>implying I play H*I4
Germany and Poland have joint ownership of Danzig, Free City of Danzig as it is now called.

also Greater Bohemian Flag pls
I want to fuck Kirino. I mean, I can't believe someone actually spent time making this.
USA build a few civfacs and then just roll out milfacs for the rest of the game.
I think infrastructure grants a bonus to construction speed, so do that in high capacity states.
sure you dont and the original minekid poster was doxxed and promptly btfo so hard he stopped posting here so watch yourself kiddo
Is there a download link for Kaiserreich update already?
>robbie is actually a communist trans
who would've thought
Ill build that wall bigger than you ever could Donald
no no no no
get a load of it

"goy, we called steam, and they said they can't roll it back until AFTER the summer sale is over! I-i-it's not our fault that lines up with when we planned to roll back prices anyways, goy!
stop being a faggot good god.
i'm offended that you'd think I'm robbie tbhqhf
well, how can i know until you post your boipussi?
where's doxlad? we got him a new target
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>robbie is literally the first result when you google Yung Yohan
1337 skills
The day after Spain’s surrender, with no member of the House of Osman left, the Turkish government (or, more accurately, what is left of it) also surrenders. With the Sultanate’s armies annihilated, the people starving, much of the nation occupied by communists, and the apparatus of the state (which had been an absolute monarchy under Abdulhamid) effectively listless, the job of the new Turkish leader, Mustafa Suphi, is unenvious. Suphi himself is potentially not cut out for the position, as he is incredibly young--only in his mid-20s--and does not inspire much confidence in his people. They tend to call for Ali Rıza oğlu Mustafa, a moderate constitutionalist and secularist, rather than the hard-line atheist, collectivist polcieis of Suphi. Ali Rıza is consequently imprisoned and executed, and the people begin to understand what the communist regime in the Turkish Socialist Republic will be like: one of repression and authoritarianism, born of the incredible poverty and nonexistent industrialization in Turkey. There is simply no other way for Suphi to retain power.
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This good for Danzig?
did you miss the treed arc?
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here's your (You) lad, we're all still reading. please do continue.
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really makes me think

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And greater Bohemia.
See >>180486662
I'm reading. Just don't have much to add at this point. It's going well.
Thanks anons, I appreciate knowing people are watching as I go.
im reading it but i also love shitposting sorry lad
Nobody cares about your reddit game, bolshe-blue.
Which one is the Modern Day Mod?
>100 warscore
>god knows how many infamy
>only becomes your sphere
>not your puppet
What's the fucking point?
FUCK OFF this is a left communist board. pannekoek not lenin ok
any mods that make EU4 ai smart with mana management?
I couldn't puppet them since they have Bulgaria as a puppet, and I didn't want to wait 5 years in between to puppet them just to have to declare war on them again later to install communism. This way they're allied and will most likely join my wars (when stable), so International troops from Asia and Africa will be able to cross through to each other and to Europe, if need be.
come on lads suggest more flags
going to sleep lads will try to continue the CG mod if ive got time tomorrow
>EU4 ai
no amount of mods can accomplish that mate. paradox ai is just all around terrible.
Chinese flags
>CG mod
Why didn't you dismantle
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All the Commonwealth’s many wars of “benevolent proletarianization” have given plenty of opportunity for celebrations, which have, in turn, given plenty of opportunities for Scotland Yard to search for those who do not attend those celebrations. Files are beginning to stack up in the Yard full of potential wreckers of the Second Glorious Revolution, enemies of the state, and therefore of the people. Malcontents, reactionaries, labor shirkers, plotters, and generally antisocial or religious folk have had dossiers compiled on them in excruciating detail, and Scotland Yard now only awaits the Principal Secretary’s order on how to proceed.

Keane is torn. He confides in his Minister of the Interior, Philip Snowden, that he does not desire “a second purge, akin to that botched monstrosity that was the affair with our professors, which we still have not recovered from.” But he is also aware that the forces of reaction have been operating silently within Britain, twisting the Party’s words against itself and gradually increasing the power of reactionary fascism within the state. And, perhaps worst of all, he is intimately aware that he is the sole figure who must make the decision; the Principal Secretary has gradually accrued such power within the Commonwealth that he is, de facto, the singular leader of the state. Although Parliament still exists and debates, all await for Keane’s word on how to proceed.

It is thus with tremendous trepidation that Keane gives the order to Scotland Yard to coordinate with Snowden in a purge of all reactionary elements within the Worker’s Commonwealth. “And may history absolve me,” reads a note in Keane’s diary for that day, “but it is what I feel I must do.”

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i can only get so erect
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The Purge itself is undertaken with typical British rigor, and in an atypical move Keane permits newspapers to comment upon the process of the Purge--in a limited and censored fashion--directly. It is thus that the Purge is legitimated and made public, becoming a tool of state-building and defense of the revolution rather than an extrajudicial extermination of dissidents. In reality, of course, it is both, although Keane does order Scotland Yard to provide fair trials to those for whom there is “reasonable doubt as to the extent of their reactionary tendencies,” and fully 200,000 are let off.

The number exterminated is, however, still extreme; just shy of 2,000,000 men, women, and children are killed as wreckers and counter-revolutionaries. It is a far lower number than Keane had feared, but nevertheless, that 2,000,000 died in order to retain communism’s power in Britain is, frankly, a worrying development. The Principal Secretary, disgusted with his role in the affair but afraid about the course of the Commonwealth if he steps down, instead begins taking steps to restore some limited form of autonomy to Parliament--although he certainly still intends the office of Principal Secretary to retain the majority of the power within Britain.

Following the Purge, although public professions of loyalty are high, tensions are boiling beneath the surface. The middle class once again fear for their survival, and the lower classes are themselves worried about stability, safety, and peace within Britain and abroad. The problems raised by the Purge are not easily solved, but the knowledge that the state is willing to kill to maintain its control keeps people smiling in the streets and professing their loyalty. And, for the time being, why not? Goods are still cheap, work is still plentiful, and the Commonwealth is still mighty; the bad times, if there are to be any, have not yet come. And only wreckers need fear death.
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>no goy4 in op
im dm'ing johan right now!!
how come a company as jewish as paradox hasn't found a way to crackdown on pirated DLC? I am actually thinking about buying base CK2 and pirating the dlc, will it get proper patches and all?
Yes, that's what many people do.
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pls, where to edit exclave names?
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vassal kings are
Yugoslavia (croatia and serbia)

all with culture appropriate vassal kings (except trebizond and armenia, trebizond headed by an armenian and armenia headed by a turk)
[vomits profusely and at an increasing rate]
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I made you a Kaiserreich inspired UoB flag, but it looks shit in 93x64.
Make it in Vicky dimensions by reducing the bottom part. BASED AARnon should use it if he ever goes Stalinist.
That actually looks really great anon, thanks. I'm still against using the union jack in any capacity, though, even if the downsize didn't mess with its quality, so I'll stick with flagdaddy's version for now.
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I don't know what you mean by reducing the bottom part, but this is as big as I can logically make it.
I wanna buy vic2 since ive been using a pirated older version should i even buy the expansions or do they work pirated?
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Goy, I...
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This is what it would look like without the UJ, but it wouldn't be worth changing then as it would be almost identical to AFPG's.
I don't actually think it looks bad at that resolution, and if conditions do cause me to go Stalinist I'll gladly use that.
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A month after the Purge, with tensions in the Commonwealth still running incredibly high, news arrives which eases the opinions of many Commonwealth citizens: rather than merely purging dissidents, the Premier of Turkey has taken to systematically exterminating the opposition. Tens of thousands flee as religious dissidents and colonial citizens--particularly the Greeks--are slaughtered in Mustafa Suphi’s new ethno-religious state.

By mid-August the Commonwealth special forces will have infiltrated Istanbul, killed Suphi, and replaced him with Ethem Nejat, a more moderate and pliant leader. The killing of non-Sunni peoples stops, but the damage has already been done, leaving the Turkish Socialist Republic underpopulated, although with a populace which professes fierce, terrified loyalty to the state. In some ways, Suphi did his job--but at incredible cost to the people of the TSR, all of whom were necessary to actually industrialize the primarily agrarian economy. Nejat despairs of being able to right the wrongs which his predecessor’s demagogic and religiously-motivated extermination has caused, and rightly so. Hardie anticipates that the TSR will not industrialize for decades more thanks to the needless killings, entirely unsupported by the internationalist doctrine of the Commonwealth and her allies.

Thus, sorrowfully, the people of Britain pay their respects to the millions dead in the TSR. Their Purge seems but a small price to pay in comparison.

I swear I didn't manipulate this in any way, the TSR just decided to genocide religious minorities on its own. I didn't even know the AI had logic for genocides in HPM.
why have the union jack if you go Stalinist? What about this flag then?
based islamic gommunism
Is that a yes or no? I'm asking if they work with a purchased game or not.
>I didn't even know the AI had logic for genocides in HPM.
T-they.. They don't..
Could you show the TSR's pops before and after?
>t*rk gommies btfo'ing the gayreeks
Is the bullshit from the Time of Troubles worth it for the 5/5/5 ruler and new dynasty?
>Yeah 2 million died but it could be worse instead of being killed due to different thoughts we could be killed for being non-muslim haha stupid religious people
I didn't think they did. I have no idea what caused it to happen, but I swear I didn't touch anything.

I didn't notice it was happening until the modifier appeared on the provinces, so I didn't capture the prior population statistics. The only way I can even tell who it was targeting is because the Balkans are vastly depopulated compared to the rest of Turkey.

I wouldn't mandate the Union Jack, I just think that right-communism would tolerate it whereas left-communism would deplore it. I think the design looks good, though, so if I go Stalinist I have nothing against using it instead.

I don't like the design of this flag, though.

Purges sold as defending the revolution are different than systemic extermination for being who you are. It's far more inimical to a left-communist position.
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That bird and hammer looks so fucking disgusting.
Can't you just load a previous save?
>Purges sold as defending the revolution are different than systemic extermination for being who you are. It's far more inimical to a left-communist position.
HPM should let commies genocide by ideology.
Yeah, I'm sure all those Ukrainians were dirty fascists all along
No, unfortunately I don't have a save from beforehand. This is back to me generally using relatively few saves, unfortunately.

The purge event does eliminate some by ideology, but I agree that systemic extermination should be able to at least try to target based on ideology. But it should be even less accurate and more limited in scope than targeting by culture or religion.
So the steam sale started and I'm going to get HoI3 but I wanted to ask a quick question. Should I just grab the collection with all the DLC, and do you have any good tutorials for someone brand new to the game?
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In reality a communist UK flag would probably just be pic related, the dove representing peace and freedom with the hammer representing labour.
Ignore that guy, the AI can, just rarely do

Ask HPM when he shows up (assuming he answers your question)
In spring of 1909 Turati’s socialist government peacefully transitioned to a fully communist government under Benito Mussolini and his cadre of young revolutionaries. Mussolini is a national-socialist, but his position is in line with the International on critical issues, and as he promises to aid the International when called upon and to send representatives to the Worker’s Parliament in London, Keane gives the necessary support for him to take power.

In many ways it is critical that Mussolini is a national-socialist, for the vast majority of Italy actively supports fascism. Seeing communism as a foreign import forced upon them, with conditions scarcely improved from the situation under the Directors, most of the population yearns for a return to religiosity and the coming of true Italian unity, with a single nation for all Italians rather than the bastard tripartite division of the peninsula which currently reigns. To achieve that, most turn to the Italian Fascist Party; Mussolini, as a national-socialist who advocates for Italian ethnic unity, is more palatable to the people of Italy than a true internationalist would be.

Part of the conditions for Mussolini’s guaranteed support for the International includes Commonwealth support for his unifying policies within Italy, which requires the willing withdrawal of their defensive agreements from Sicily and Sardinia-Piedmon. The first nation to be subject to this secret pact is Sicily, which has Commonwealth support withdrawn in the early winter of 1909-1910. Although they remind the Commonwealth of the agreement between them that the Commonwealth would not force communism upon them, the reply they receive is simply that the Commonwealth isn’t--Italy is.

By April of the next year Sicily is finally re-integrated into Italy for the first time in 50 years, and Sardinia-Piedmont begins fortifying their border with Italy in preparation for the inevitable conflict between the two last Italic states.
Top kek, would be historically accurate if he increased the t*rks chances of firing it.
>I [CEO of Paradox Interactive] have decided to roll back all price changes made; any price changes will have to be for future products well communicated in advance. I just came off the phone with Steam and they say we can't do the roll-back before the Summer Sale is over (otherwise it would mean we have to take all Paradox products off the summer sale) but it will be done right after. For anyone who bought any of the games during this time (including during the summer sale) we will try to refund (if possible in the Steam platform) or reimburse with games of a value exceeding the difference. If none of this is possible (I do not in detail know the limits to the Steam platform) we will internally calculate the difference in revenue before and after the price change, double the value, and donate the money to the UNHCR.
Who's the Jew now?
Still them.
>i respectfully say that we have to agree to disagree
1x respectfully agree
what's that
A refugee agency
Fucking swedes
Best DH army comp? Not sure what to do
United Nations something or another. So a bottomless money pit for career politicians and big money.
>Internationale recruiting Fascists and NatSocs
NazBol WW@
Please dismantle AH, they're the ultimate symbol of absolutism, aside from the Turks but the turks oppress people who can't be proleterianized.
What the fuck does this even mean? Did they increase the prices before the sale?
>parakikes increase prices from astronomical levels to unreasonably astronomical levels
>reddit mildly criticises this but any comment actually calling them out gets downvoted by PIDF
>parakikes agree to put prices back down to astronomical levels
>redditors celebrate a victory and paradox get free "good company that listens to its fans" PR for essentially doing nothing at all
>hoi4 still costs 100 dollars
monopoly + retarded fans = this
Every Great Power is on the International's hit-list, although politics and isolation play far more a role in who gets hit when than ideological concerns. Austria-Hungary will be targeted eventually, however. My goal at this time is to end this game with no non-communist GPs.
Do your African niggers actually help in wars? If so, you should use them to liberate the parts of Africa still under colonial oppression.
That hurt to type.
>tfw the leader of the charity paradox are donating
to has the second name 'Grandi'

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>Grandi as Commissioner
made me think
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Shortly after Mussolini’s victory in Italy, a plan for naval expansion co-authored by Field Marshal Arthur Lyons and the “Lion of the Seas,” Admiral Zachary Seaton, comes before the Worker’s Parliament. In it, the two men advocate for two relatively small but incredibly powerful navies, each consisting of twenty-five super-battleships (referred to in design documents as “Dreadnaughts”) and twenty-five cruisers intended for fleet screening. Both men acknowledge that the cost of maintaining such fleets would verge on the prohibitive, but also argue that the successful construction of such a force would create two fleets which could independently take on the entire navy of almost any other power on the planet and come out victorious. In effect, it would allow Britain to utilize two fleets to take on two nations at once without any fear of defeat, an enticing proposal for an internationalist power bent upon ideological conquest.

The cost of the fleet is indeed high, almost prohibitive, but the plans pass Parliament (with Keane’s support, naturally), and the Commonwealth’s battleship navy is sold off to her International allies to gather some of the funds necessary for the massive naval construction program. The amount of material and time needed to construct a Dreadnaught is so high that most of the planners predict that the fleet will not be fully ready for another some three or four years.
What's the next step of his master plan?
To shill his mod to an army of refugees
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Unfortunately I'm bored with drawing lines so I'm not gonna bother with the war with USSR event chain. Overall, its a nice mod, but its still fucking HoI4 so the gameplay can't be fixed.
They sent about 40,000 troops by boat to besiege Aabenraa and actually managed it by the end, so I suppose they helped in a technical sense. I do intend to decolonize Africa over time anyway, though, as I win wars against the Dutch and French. I'll changeowner territory to my puppets after installing communist regimes in those nations since enforcing communism is 100% warscore and I can't enforce anything else when I use it.
>that mexican penis
>replying to hoi4 posters
Is that Greek anon still here? I wanted to ask what he set the population growth rate to so I can have similar results.
>niggers from africa raping qt danish women as the british diplomats rub their hands together gleefully at the creation of a bastardised mongrel danish-nigger half caste generation
does writing this make you hard
Portuguese Angola flags please.
I believe he said 6%.

Lad, have you been saving your text blurbs? I've missed your earlier posts.
Gonna play a Japan game in Victoria 2
2 questions

Shogun or Imperial

and is Japan allowed to annex Hawaii via decision like the US is? Would like to get the island and core on it as well as the rest of that state
If you have 4chanx installed you can follow all of my posts back to the start of the AAR, as I backlink every post to the previous ones. If not, you can go to fireden on your own and search by my trip and filter for images only, it'll pop up with my posts from every AAR I've done in reverse post order.

Alternatively you can also wait until this AAR finishes, when a kind anon has said he'll upload everything to imgur.
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>paradox is unironically donating their excess profits to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

you CANNOT make this shit up
That's it. I knew it was something with a 6. Thanks.
There literally wouldn't be more than a few dozen Danish in their African colonies lad. And

>implying 20th century communism was pro racemixing

imperial, keep capital at kyoto.
I'm not sure about the hawaii thing, but you better fucking take it anyway
And yet here you are.
>he gave his email
l33t haxxors spam him and get the vicky 2 source code.
This isn't reddit, you retarded migrant. Go back.
just follow the links you dumb cunt
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Aabenraa is in Denmark proper.
>>implying 20th century communism wasn't pro racemixing
Their entire fucking meme was muh egalitarian race is a social construct colour doesn't exist bullshit. If you want to be a Nazi be a nazi, if you want to be a lefty faggot, be a lefty faggot. But don't follow a lefty faggot ideology and pretend it isn't a lefty faggot ideology.
Unfortunately, without waiting for Keane’s orders, the very small Communist Party of Arabia took this opportunity to begin protesting the continued rule of the Saudi Emir in Riyadh. They call, as their predecessors in Persia did, for the abdication of the Emir and the institution of a proletarian government in Arabia, which has “for too long been permitted to exist as a profit-hungry economy of privilege and religiosity.”

The very idea that an atheistic policy could exist in Arabia, the heart of Islam, without being forced upon it is insanity. Had Keane had his way, he would have waited to have armies in position to engage the Arabians before beginning the conflict, which of course inevitably arises once the Emir--now Sultan--Abdulaziz ibn Saud violently massacres the protestors. But it is too late to wish, and war between Arabia and the Commonwealth is now a fact. And neither will the Commonwealth have aide from the International, for Nejat, President of Turkey, wary of a general Islamist rising in his country, refuses to aide Keane in any way, although he profusely apologizes for doing so. In short, Keane and the Commonwealth are alone.

Three armies are sent from Britain to the Red Sea, with Zachary Seaton grumbling about the timing of it all; he only has fifty cruisers to shield the transports from attack. It is more than enough to ensure their safety in Arabia, granted, but the timing of a war could not be much worse.
yes. prices more than doubled in many shitholes like Russia and Brazil.
you know where to go laddie
No one unironically plays HoI4 or EU4 here though. Kys.
based and brown
So mad about reddit for some reason

Ok, that wasn't what I said tho.
>for some reason

you should end your existence desu
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Heh, i did it again.
Why do you care so much about reddit?
The only one talking about reddit is you buthead
Or at least that was what Seaton had thought.

An urgent message arrives in London on the night of September the 12th. It is from Georgy Chicherin--Berlin has declared war on the Soviet Union. Trotsky calls for aid.

The timing is perhaps the worst it possibly could have been. Three full armies, including three of Britain’s top commanders, are presently in Arabia. Britain’s combat fleet is currently comprised of just fifty cruisers, a mighty number by any account but, unfortunately, presently roughly equivalent to the size and strength of the German force. And Britain has not undergone an army reform since long before decolonization, and still possesses only the seven armies she has maintained since--in effect, then, only four proper armies can be sent to Germany before the Arabian armies return, with all other reinforcements being simple conscripts.

“Sir, your response? Comrade Trotsky apologizes for the debacle over the Baltic Provinces, but he begs that now is the time for unity…”

Chicherin’s words rouse Keane from his reverie, and in his soft Irish accent he responds immediately, “The Commonwealth--aye, the whole of the International--will answer Comrade Trotsky’s call. We shall never abandon the International, no matter our disputes. But I cannot deny to you, Georgy, that the timing of the Kaiser’s strike is perfectly calculated. We may well lose this war, although I swear to you that the workers of the Commonwealth will fight to the bitter end for you, to the last of our men. But I simply do not see how we will prove victorious.”

The Soviet Foreign Minister bows slightly, pressing his hand to his breast as he does so. “Comrade Keane, if you do as you say, there is no chance of our defeat. I promise you this: the Russian reputation for fortitude is not ill-earned. We will hold the eye of the Germans until their lives bleed dry in our soil. The road to Berlin will be clear for you.”

>can't rollback before sale is over
the absolute state of DLC buyfags.

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>all of the northwestern united states is fucking feminist religion

>Not submitting yourself for cleansing in the name of mother gaia

I bet you're a filthy Haida
Holy crap that is going to be a bloodshed. Fucking germans starting world wars.
Rooting for Willy. God damn commies need to die.
where do i find a gf who wants to restore the byzantine empire?
become gay
in greece
I hope you dismantle Germany and reduce it to small agricultural states. Morgenthau's dream shall never perish.

>tfw posting this while living in Germany
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Comrade Chicherin’s plan was to draw the German Heer’s regular forces deep into Soviet territory and to pin them with Russia’s forces, alongside those arriving from the International in Asia, so British troops could make a landing in Hanover and establish beachheads without fearing Wilhelm’s troops descending upon them immediately.

The plan would have been sound, save that the Soviet Red Army is almost a skeleton force; between the grievous occupation of Russia effected in 1907 and its consequent war exhaustion, the loss of the Baltic provinces, and the lack of the Turkestani territories, necessitating a much more circuitous navigation to the east (which does not even have railroad infrastructure yet, the previous Trans-Siberian railway of Tsarist Russia having passed directly through Turkestan), Trotsky has been spending almost all of the Soviet Union’s minimal funds attempting to redirect and industrialize the economy. Without development aid from the International due to the conflict over the Baltic provinces, his job has only been more difficult.

The Red Army faces disaster from the moment the Heer strikes it. Wilhelm, in his rage against the British over their double-dealing and Russia’s forced communist revolution, ordered the creation of new weapons of terror for use on the battlefield. The most deadly of these is mustard gas, a toxin deadly to life, but survivable with gas masks; the German Heer is equipped with them, but the Red Army is not, nor can it be with the chaotic situation in the Soviet Union; the central government simply does not have sufficient control. From the very first battle, the horrific casualty tables tell the tale; the Red Army melts away.

“Well then,” quips General Archibald Campbell, “we shall have to make a show of saving them. We are on to Berlin, comrades!”
The reichstag better have a hammer and sickle on it soon
Are you going to at least switch political parties on the last year?
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>Still being a communist

I believed in you AARnon

Why must you let me down like this
Good to see my TV license fee being put to good use.
Everything depends on the narrative and the conditions of the game, anons. Right now there's no reason for me to switch away from communism because the people largely support it passively. If a rebellion or high militancy changes that, then I will; when Keane eventually dies, we'll get a new leader who has some different beliefs.
Shogun and no.
RP that young, virile Mosley just assassinated him.
Who should I play in vic2 I'm bored, not looking for a GP
> Right now there's no reason for me to switch away from communism

The fact that you're communist should be reason enough
When will you invent the helicopter already?
>right-wing fags can only larp as le ebin third world right-wing deathsquads despite they are never going to do it and the fact that communists killed more communists than they could ever dream of

LMAOing at your life
>LMAOing at your life
I bet you don/'t even know what that meme is from.
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Until the 200,000-man strong Commonwealth Expeditionary Force landed in Germany (under incredibly tense conditions without any naval support, it must be noted; the German fleet almost intercepted them) Wilhelm had no indication that the Commonwealth was prepared to support the Soviet Union, which the Kaiser had been led to believe had an irreparable breach of relations with the Commonwealth. The arrival of the CEF and the promise of International troops rushing to the Eastern Front is an unwelcome surprise for the Kaiser, whose generals advise him now against recalling the main body of the Heer from Russia thanks to the potential of mass International support from Asia.

Wilhelm’s Chief of the General Staff, Helmuth von Moltke the Younger, advises the Kaiser that Germany’s possession of mustard gas, and the Commonwealth’s lack of gas masks, will virtually ensure the success of even mobilized soldiers against the Commonwealth forces now occupying Hanover. He recommends the immediate dispatch of a “few dozen regiments, no more” to “break the British lines and force them back into the sea; they will not even grab a slip of territory, not with the gas in our possession. It is the weapon of the future.”

“We’ve heard from our Russian comrades,” cried Campbell at the Oldenburg beachhead, “about the gas which the Jerries will try to use on us! It is greyish-brown in color, and smells of horseradish, or the mustard plant. If you see it, or smell it, close your eyes and flee in the opposite direction as quickly as you can! If you are in the trenches, enter into a secured bunker area, close the door, and barricade it shut; these zones will have air filtration units inside. The War Office in London is preparing gas masks for general usage, but until then, we must hold out on our own. So I say boys, let’s get to digging in; they’ll be here for us soon enough!”
I bet you take pride in knowing where memes come from.

captcha: Fagout lampoon
>funny facebook picture on pinterest

Googling it doesn't count.
Betrayed his cousin and left him and his nieces to be strangled and clubbed. Not a white man.
I knew you would say that. I bet you also use words like "wife" instead of "marry". What a sad life.
Give me a guide on Sweden in EUIV. Should I take my only core Gotland, or not and just get war reps + gold?
>I bet you also use words like "wife" instead of "marry".

What the fuck does that even mean?
release and play as australia
Oh come on what the fuck
Where do I find a cute femboy bf to build liquor factories with?
Where can a brit sign up for emigration to germany?
you don't have to. Pakis get in free
Where can a brit sign up for emigration to Sweden?
XD epic dude
Homosexuality is forbidden by Allah pbuh

[muted call to prayer can be heard in the background]
Would you like to be the femboy? If so Ireland

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As soon as war with Germany broke out Zachary Seaton was recalled from Arabia, and as he made his way past the Channel the Commonwealth’s only three Dreadnaught-class super-battleships linked up with his primarily cruiser navy and set sail for the coast of Bremen, where the German fleet has been harassing the CEF’s coastal positions for several weeks, and staging night raids on the coast to keep supply lines from Britain minimal. The starving CEF forces have been reduced to scrounging in the countryside, and Seaton’s navy cannot arrive quickly enough to get supplies through; battle is joined on the 18th of December with the Kaiser’s fleet, which is apparently only commanded by a Captain. The Lion of the Sea, it is hoped, will make short shrift of this “motley collection of scrounged-up fishermen.”

Meanwhile, on land, it is not Campbell’s Oldenburg force which is attacked first, but Charles Seymour’s force at Stettin. Yet the von Moltke has delayed the attack too long; although Stettin itself has not yet fallen, Seymour’s men have been able to dig a truly elaborate trench system there, so strong and so intricate that even von Boyen’s application of mustard gas to the conflict has proven somewhat ineffective. German losses mount, and a furious Kaiser orders reinforcements to the conflict; he knows well that allowing the British to attain a beachhead will not only cause panic within Germany, but potentially allow for an impermissible extension of the conflict throughout the Reich, perhaps even threatening Berlin itself while the Heer is too far away to resist the assault.
Based motherland
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What game would you lads recommend that has a super deep trade/economy system? I was a little disappointed in the shallowness of trade Hearts of Iron IV as opposed to rest of the stuff in the game.
EU 4 looks slightly more complicated in terms of trade, though I've not played it yet.

more criteria:
any age (preferably medieval)
eco/trade not the sole purpose of the game
The deepest one that paradox has made is probably victoria 2
Would you like to fight an Irishman to see who is the Femboy though so it's a fair chance you pathetic fuck you.

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Imagine how great Germany will be when it's finally majority Muslim. The populace will finally appreciate Hitler as they should.
Me on the left
>Would you like to fight an Irishman
I could fucking batter you
>tfw there are people who unironcally think this is true

I know you are memeing but sometimes it goes too far.
You couldn't batter a fish you pasty faced little bowser. You innocent fucking fool.
Second deepest? I'm already burnt out on V2
Take as much as you can in your first war. Should be easy to beat Denmark by yourself since they park half their army in gotland, so if you build enough gallies they'll be trapped. Norway and holstein are pushovers, only their allies could give you problems.
>Germans gassing commies

Like pottery
Probably hoi3 in terms of warfare if you ignore the trade aspect you also said you wanted something medieval there's ck2 but I've never played it
Your pathetic irish bones would be crushed under my palms. Lad I would remove your fucking jaw from this plane of existence
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Krauts are out of manpower(35k). They had pushed France all the way back to Reims but they lost momentum. The Austrians had push the Italians to Milan and just outside Rome, but they didn't bring enough divisions from the Balkans to hold onto it, they have over 40 attacking me unsuccessfully. Ottomans got memed on really hard and Japan took Constantinople.

Safe to say the Central powers are going to lose. And this is with the British pulling their usual Paradox strategy of not doing anything.
Post your video call out if you're a real man.
Since there's a steam sale going on, should I buy HoI IV and Stellaris?
Me in the blue shirt
Beware kid you've just fucked up your whole life

Brits lmao
>being this jealous of our musical talent
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really activates my almonds
So you are a little poof then ya queer fuckin drink that you are.

whats the trick for exporting that many pops?
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Meanwhile, the war in Arabia is accelerated, and the commanders there given full liberty to “do whatever is necessary to ensure the rapid and complete victory of the Commonwealth in the peninsula; the war in Arabia cannot be allowed to consume any more time than it already has. Pacify, do not eliminate, the populace. Force the deposition of the Sultan and install a temporary communist dictator, but do not interfere with the religiosity of the population for the time being. Return to Britain with all speed.”

The commanders there, chief among them Field Marshal Saxe, thus proceed with a strategy of wiping out the Sultan’s armed forces while capturing Riyadh and forcing his family to flee. While they suspect that he will merely take up in the desert, without control of Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, or Sana’a--all occupied--he will have no population from which to stage a counter-revolution, and the new communist leadership will be stable enough for Commonwealth forces to pull out and return to Britain, and from there to join the intensifying fighting in Germany. “As Principal Secretary Keane commands,” Saxe tells his junior officers, “the new government need only hold. It doesn’t have to be a pretty arrangement.”

Thus, after a quick job of occupation, the dispersal of the Sultan’s armies, and the capture of Riyadh, the Commonwealth installs a third-rate dictator from the dregs of al Shiu’i with orders to keep the people calm and “not to try anything stupid” before British forces pull out, heading for home… and a seemingly hopeless war.
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>atheist Arabia
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Just checked and they now have over 3m manpower enacting Service by requirement.

The Austrian-Bulgarian forces learned after losing a few hundred thousand men only to inflict a minuscule 2.5k casualties that they were better off fighting elsewhere. Japan pushing into Thrace has given me a great opportunity to retake Greece.

To many good European men have died in this damned war.
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>loyal to the Caliph and hostile to the forces of atheistic communism which have infected our society through our weakness and irreligion
Is the flag the quran? Have we finally achieved Islamic gommunism?
After three months of constant battle, the creation of a hellish no man’s land on the outskirts of the now almost deserted city of Stade, and the influx of over 200,000 Commonwealth conscripts allowed through thanks to the Lion of the Sea’s crushing of the German fleet, the Battle of Stade is finally over. The losses on both sides have been hellish, but the Germans have well and truly had the worse of it; out of a fifth of a million men sent in to Stade, only just under 50,000 German troops limp out of the territory, whereas the British only lost that amount. It is a massive victory for the CEF. When news of the victory is received in London, the Worker’s Parliament stands to cheer the victorious soldiers, with representatives from every communist nation on the planet hailing the valor and sacrifice of the workers of the Commonwealth fighting in Germany.

To the contrary, in Germany, the defeat is met with terror. British armies have already advanced into Hanover, with more armies pressing toward the Rhineland and its critical industrial facilities. With the defeat at Stade, which was the last serious German hope for holding the Kiel canal, concerns over the navy’s survival, and over critical war imports, grip the government. Wilhelm dismisses von Moltke in a fit of rage, replacing him with the reserved but dedicated Generalfeldmarschall Paul von Hindenburg, who promises “to bring success in the matter of repelling the British, at all costs.”

In the highest circles in London, Hindenburg’s boast is received with much trepidation. The Party elite knows well that even the immense victory at Stade is nothing compared to German victories in the east, where millions of Russians have already died to mustard gas. Wilhelm and von Hindenburg both believe the war to be all but won, and the defeat at Stade to be nothing more than a horrible but manageable loss on the home front.

“We will need to disabuse them of that notion somehow,” Marshal Saxe urges Keane.
post industry and states
Will you ever let MOSLEY win?
I'm finally buying Victoria 2, should I buy HoD and AHD or do pirated version work with a paid game?
That empire of shit is doomed to fall even harder now
Those araps and balkanshits gon be mad
Russia's still in the war right?
people playing as commies but who arent really commies are based but actual commies need to go back to >>>/r/paradoxplaza
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entonces esto
es el poder
de los estados unidos de america
I couldn't fit them in even like three screenshots. It's not really anything unique anyway, just synergized factories with RGOs. Military production centers are in Wales, Eastern Counties, Lowlands and Munster.

He's still like 13.

For the time being, yes. It's stuck at +50 WS from battles because of all the soldiers that are dying over there, though.
I think he means using wife as a verb.
There are events for armenian genocide and such for turks in hpm. It probably adds that province modifier.

That or turks are so evil it even shows through a videogame.
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The solution arrived at is to send in General Archibald Campbell to capture Berlin. The loss of the German capital will not only disrupt German military efforts, it will also force Wilhelm to evacuate the capital, and allow for the establishment of a provisional communist government under Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg, prominent leftists within Germany. Although anti-war, both have agreed to join the International in return for Keane’s support of their governance in Germany, and they, in turn, have drummed up a home-grown anti-war movement intended to disrupt the home front’s support of the Kaiser’s efforts. If Berlin can be captured and their government installed in truth, even in an unofficial capacity, the damage they can do to the Kaiser’s efforts is extreme.

Nevertheless, the information reaching the Party from the front in Russia is not good. Just as Commonwealth forces under Campbell have reached Berlin, German forces are already on the outskirts of Moscow. Although the Germans are reacting to the losses with far more panic than the Russians--Trotsky and his comrades, true to Chicherin’s claims about Russian stalwartness, simply stoically pack up and move east to a new command center at Perm--the loss of Moscow will nevertheless serve to prolong the conflict as the Germans become all the more confident in eventual victory. Although Trotsky swears to Keane in the fewer and fewer telegrams that he is able to get through that his government will not surrender until the Commonwealth can deliver them, Keane is becoming increasingly concerned that the Germans will simply never give up, or will occupy so much of Russia that there is nothing left to return to Trotsky’s control.


It can be put no plainer; victory or death.
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Central powers strike decisive blow in Italy taking Rome from the Italians. Meanwhile the Germans are pushing the French back to A-L.
Jesus fucking Christ this war will never end at this rate. America please save us.
I'm wanting to try out EU IV but only have enough for the base game. Is it easy and safe to pirate the DLC's for the base game?
>Germans are raping the soviets
>you're just calmly sieging them
lad stop
i dont mind you doing based and white communism but dont do jew communism
>See this
what do
>downvoting it
Can you guys straighten things out for me. I've been getting mixed responses, is it possible to use a steam copy of EU4 with pirated dlc?
jokes on you lad, I am the poster
Should I also invade novograd?
Turk women > Greek """""women"""""""""
Whats the best Mish Map Mod version?
Is this the based cartel poster?
What frigging flag is that multicolored one?

Is that a Dutch one, but with Frisian colors in it too or something?

The world burns, the world turns.

That said, things didn't turn out as emotional as your other AARs. Just a bit surprising, that's all.
By July, the results of the Commonwealth’s efforts at total war are staggering. Since early March the occupation zone within Germany has vastly expanded, the Kiel canal has been captured, and several hundred thousand German conscripts have been killed (at heavy costs thanks to their mustard gas, it must be admitted) as they tried to rush Commonwealth positions. The constant, almost endless influx of conscripted workers ready to fight and die for the Commonwealth proves overwhelming for Germany, which not only loses the Kiel canal, but Berlin also; the Kaiser is forced to pull back to Konigsberg with his staff, and gives the order for several German armies to retreat from the Russian front in an effort to relieve the capital. Liebknecht and Luxembourg’s government has already been established in Berlin, and although a British detail is required to protect it the symbolic victory of the move is extreme.

In the eyes of Field Marshal Saxe, any actions which Wilhelm will now take are too little, too late. The International may not win this war, but it will at least force it to a white peace; Britain has now deployed gas masks to all of her forces, and the one German advantage keeping her petty conscripts in the fight against the superior British armies on the ground has now vanished. Casualty ratios, which had heretofore largely been punishingly even, swing hard against the Germans. Hundreds of thousands of “bastard Krauts” now die for every ten thousand British souls to go down, and the British occupation zone not only expands to include the northern Rhine, but also the territory surrounding Berlin, which had previously been isolated. Liebknecht’s provisional government, in the hopes of forcing the Kaiser’s hand, begins programs of wealth distribution and capitalist disenfranchisement to place further pressure on the Kaiser to recall his forces and end the war before any more terrors can become reality.
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I don't understand! All I want to do as Italy is take Yemen, but they don't relent! I can't for the life of me figure out how to navaly take them on! What am I doing wrong here?? They've taken down, like, 10 divisions, then an additional 20 in a second invasion, with only about 5-6 divisions. How are they doing this?
>threadlings beg for MP but then join and grief the fuck out of it and ruin it for the other 12+ people involved and we have to rehost=
fuck off threadlings, never again
>things didn't turn out as emotional as your other AARs. Just a bit surprising, that's all.
It's because Britain starts as a democratic system without any singular long-term ruler, and a lot of the time is reacting to events rather than taking active measures. Also, when important measures are taken, a lot of the time it was either through intermediary structures (the EIC for Lord Auckland) or it involved more discussion of the matter in Parliament than behind closed doors, as I could do in the Napoleon AAR when the Bonapartes had effectively singular control over the state.

I'm trying to make things more personal now that we've got singular extra-constitutional leaders, but just frankly I doubt it's going to be possible, since most of these posts necessarily deal with ideological matters and politicking still. Nevertheless I do hope to inject a few feels before the end.
>steamcordplaza tries to recruit redditors through mp
>surprised when they play like redditors
crockery lads
>in all of your other aars you shoehorn cuckoldry in
>aar about "liberated" niggers with diplomatic immunity pillaging europe
>no raping
why do you do this
nice job
hopefully russia doesn't auto-separate peace
What happened? Gib ip
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What now?
Those are high death tolls
I like it
be prepared to do this every 5 years
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uh, goys? I think this guy is going to attack me and I only have 6.8k troops total...

Am I just fucked? How did he get so many?
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Are you sure about that family
How does Germany still have no allies?

Can they possibly seperate peace the Soviets?
>event spawned
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Freedoms knocking Wilhelm.
Yet despite the fully mobilized status of the Commonwealth and the over 1,000,000 British men and women presently fighting in the very heart of the Reich, Wilhelm still believes it is possible to achieve a German victory. The Soviets have lost the vast majority of their population centers and have even gone entirely bankrupt; the Kaiser, advised by his new Chief of the General Staff Erich Ludendorff, believes that a treaty of surrender must necessarily follow soon. Millions within Russia are starving and most of their western territory’s products now go to the Reich; how can they possibly hold out?

In the Commonwealth, tense meetings of the Worker’s Cabinet consider the same question. The Commonwealth has given everything for this war, for Trotsky and the Soviet state; it has given wealth, blood, tears, and industry in the hopes that it, against all odds, can force peace with the Wilhelmine state. But all that will be for nothing if Chicherin’s prophesy does not prove true, and the Russian peoples’ famed fortitude does not hold long enough for the Commonwealth to batter down German resistance on the home front.

Reports from the eastern front are, frankly, abhorrent. The Baltic Provinces (also bankrupt) are in the final stages of being defeated and integrated into the Reich under local North German nobles, the Caucasus and its critical oil fields are on the verge of German occupation, International troops have been beaten back on all fronts, and rumors for the autumn campaign suggest that the Germans might try to push to the Urals, capture Perm, and simply annex western Russia on the basis of no Soviet forces to resist them.

“At all costs, this eventuality cannot be permitted,” Keane tells Saxe via telephone. “Ensure that the German state collapses before the Soviet. Any extremity is now permissible.”
w-what do I do
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Next time they come after me, I'll be taking Idaho.
There was zero cucking in the CK2 AAR or the HoI3 AAR. That was always just a shitpost.

I assume they don't have allies because France has their cores and Austria-Hungary is probably still pissed about the Brother's War for whatever reason. They could have allied the Dutch, though, and I don't know why they didn't.

But yes, they can separate peace whenever they want, as can the Soviets, so if the Soviets decide their exhaustion is too high they could white peace or even surrender despite the tide turning.
Should my first time CK2 experience be vanilla or is CK2+ necessary?
How did you manage to do this?
~ conquerall USA
How white is your Mexico?
>That was always just a shitpost.
You made Nappy's wife cuck him because you lack the ability to properly communicate a story and emotion without stooping to the lowest form of instinct, you can't talk about shitposting.
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>implying romance of the three kingdoms IV isn't true grand strategy
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How can newer grand "strategy" even compete?
On November 20th, 1911, the German Heer takes its first steps into the frozen Ural mountains. It is one year, two months since the war began. The process of their advance is heroic, even legendary, despite the weakness of the Soviet state. No other army, modern or otherwise, has ever been able to conquer so much land at such a rapid pace before. Perm itself is threatened, and Trotsky’s last allies gather in the temporary capital for a final stand.

Unfortunately for the German Heer, however, everything will be for naught; the Commonwealth has done it.

Germany’s troop numbers peaked at 2,589,000 personnel in early July; now, in November, the German state has almost collapsed, and the number of their active personnel drops by the day, with no more reinforcements to be found. German conscripts in the homeland are hunted down like dogs and slaughtered by the Commonwealth, the entire German coastline is either under British control or British blockade, the Marxist government in Berlin has lasted so long and accrued so much power that some municipalities like have actually switched allegiance, and most of the supply routes from the Rhineland (where most of Germany’s critical industry resides) to the east are all cut. There is no more food, no more men, and no more hope for victory. The Heer in Russia begins to starve as it runs out of food to fight, much less ammunition. They are now in little better state than the Red Army, which has become what is effectively a ghost force. They have stepped foot in the Urals, but they will die before they take Perm.

The Kaiser, aware that his men have failed and his state has been beaten by the Commonwealth, begins to send out peace feelers. But now the Commonwealth is not feeling quite so generous as it had.
I'm interested in the game but your sideways "screen" "shots" are pissing me right off!
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You won't find this these pop mechanics today
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>Tens of thousands of bodies will line the street by the time he is finished--the price of utopia.

It's lines like this that make things happen. Good job.

>Midwest Union missing most of the Midwest
>American South is the American republic
>Illinois being able to be their own nation when they can't balance a checkbook in reality
>cowardly Ronald Reagan

What the fuck am I watching.
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fuck off hoi4 commie faggot back to r*ddit with you
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Try luring him onto shit terrain and hire mercs.
>cowardly Ronald Reagan
What is your problem with this? He got shot lmao
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What do I invest in /gsg/?
>Both the USSR and Germany continue fighting long after losing their capitals
What a load of shit
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>And only wreckers need fear death.

This should be the new motto of Scotland Yard or something desu. Maybe could be made even more sinister? Reminds me of the Khmer Rouge.
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It's not as hard as it looks desu
t. +5 attack +4 defence general pro
A screenshotting program
or a gun to kill yourself
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Whether the Kaiser accepted a white peace or not, there would still be irreparable damage to Germany. Millions of its men have died, much of its territory has been occupied by communists for over a year, and a provisional Marxist government with broad support in Commonwealth-occupied zones currently holds Berlin. Even if the Commonwealth were to leave Germany intact, there would be no easy peace for Wilhelm; he would face a civil war regardless.

But neither Keane nor Trotsky desire to give Wilhelm such an easy time of it. Millions of Germans have bled to death either in Germany or in the frozen depths of Russia, the Heer is starving and far from home, and most of Wilhelm’s political allies have either distanced themselves from him or overtly gone over to the provisional government in Berlin, which at least has food thanks to shipments from the International. Wilhelm is despised and no longer holds any power outside of Konigsberg; Germany’s days as a Reich are done.

On the 1st of February, 1912, Trotsky exits the shelled-out rubble of Perm to give a missive to the German commander investing him: the war is over, and they are comrades now. Wilhelm has abdicated and fled to Austria-Hungary following the defection of most of the German conscripts to the provisional government, and with the German army deep in the Soviet Union there is nothing they can do. They have fought and won, but on the wrong front; their state has withered and died behind them. International communism has prevailed.

The Heer, weeping and wailing, begins their long, hungry trek home. They will arrive to Stasi forces stripping them of their weapons, with many of their commanders interred as war criminals. Men like Hans Berg will return to homes in towns like Bremen, Stade, or Hanover which have been reduced to rubble by crushing artillery bombardment. “The land we come back to,” one writes, “is hell. We never should have left it on the Kaiser’s fool errand.”
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Why not take a look at this one someone suggested on the KR forums for full Totalist Britain?
>black and red
Bit bizarre having Anarcho-socialist colours on it.
Bulgaria please stop throwing lives away like this. My men have enough blood on their hands for generations to come.

Anyone know what triggers a WW1 loss in this mod?
>This should be the new motto of Scotland Yard or something desu.
Maybe in a post-Keane Commonwealth, but not while he still rules. He's still trying to keep up at least a veneer of popular sovereignty, and Scotland Yard's actions are largely anti-counterrevolutionary under him rather than being proactively pro-Party, which would entail a lot more violence and a lot more suppression.

I like the design, but as long as Britain is even ostensibly internationalist I want to maintain the globe. I don't think anything else will fit nearly so well.
>not separate peacing with Romania first
What's the gimmick here? You gave yourself a shit ton of pops and are blobbing across the world?
>tfw want to try this so badly but the game crashes every time
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You should have kept everything underdirectrule and tried to world conquest, now you may as well uninstall.
Comfy and exotic character to play in HIP?
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But that errand was embarked on, and the German nation is now a member of the International. All the various nobles have been disenfranchised (the Saxe-Coburg-Gothas, finally without anywhere else to flee to, are forced to return to Britain as commoners), all but a few “supervisory” capitalists have been forced to work as laborers, and a new network of anti-reaction police forces have sprung up in Berlin, born of a long need to defend against Wilhelmine agents accessing the capital and attempting to disrupt the provisional government, which through the International’s sacrifice has become formal.

A tripartite treaty of permanent friendship and alliance is signed between the Commonwealth, Germany, and the Soviet Union some few weeks later, after Trotsky is able to return to the shell that is Moscow from Perm. The Soviet government barely holds together following the immense onslaught of the now-defunct Heer, but Keane is so impressed by their amazing fortitude—“never once did they waver, never once did they lose faith. Our allies in the Soviet Union bled five times as much as we did for this victory, and complained not once!” he cried before Parliament—that he simply gives Trotsky’s government £5,000,000 of gold bullion.

The two men embrace in Berlin some months later, and Keane apologizes for his heavy-handed handling of the Baltic affair. “When we needed you to desperately hold on, you never once wavered. The payment is an apology, but also a hope that the Soviet state can recover and flourish as never before. We are all members of the International, and my nation’s wealth is the same as yours.”

“Were it not for the Commonwealth,” Trotsky replies in French, “the Soviet dream would be dead now, and Wilhelm would stand over my corpse rather than weeping in Austria-Hungary. That you would beggar yourself to help rebuild us is only all the more humbling. The Soviet people are yours, now and always, Principal Secretary.”
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Well I guess the end of the war is coming. A shame too because I'm about to completely take back Greece now that the Bulgarians manpower has reached rock bottom. Hopeful I don't lose any land in the treaty, but if I do I see a rise in Fascism.

You fought well frogs.

This would be fun if it were not for Paradoxes horrible AI causing the US and UK to do next to nothing the entire war.
What is up with that colour scheme
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This AAR is fucking disgusting. I've liked your previous AARs, but now you are playing the villain and I hate you. Keep going.
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>the state of France and Austria
Is there a mod that allows me to turn non-commies into fertiliser?
Nothing is more fun, and despair inducing, than watching the hero become the villain.
Dark red Germany is apparently the color of a communist Germany in HPM.

Sure thing senpai.

Yeah, if I were in either of their shoes I would be sweating. Although to be fair, Germany started this one.

The internationalist integralist kind.
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The “Great Eight” responsible for the victory in Germany, pictured here on the day of the victory parade in London. All of those who had not previously been promoted to Field Marshal are personally granted the rank by the Principal Secretary, and Frederick Saxe, “though no longer a Duke of nobility, a Duke of the people he shall be in our hearts,” is given supreme control over the Commonwealth’s military. Although the move makes some uncomfortable, given Frederick’s proximity to the now-defunct title of King, it cannot be denied that his actions in Germany merit the confidence which Keane places in him. He has served selflessly for over a decade, and has truly adopted the position of the workers.

Other key names include Archibald Campbell, a master of battle who is easily the Commonwealth’s best commander; Arthur Lyons and Lester Haig, who share between them the reputation of the Commonwealth’s top assault specialists; and Joseph Roberts, who weathered the first German assault at Stade and gained a reputation for himself for achieving the Commonwealth’s first victory in Germany.

Although rousing cheers reign in the major cities, sweethearts long separated by war kiss tenderly, and the Party heaps rewards upon the commanders and common soldiers both, this war has taught Keane and his new Secretary of War, Clement Attlee, that the Commonwealth army is simply not prepared for real war.

In an empty room, sitting beside a small fire meant to keep out the early spring chill, Attlee first voices the concerns which he knows both he and the Principal Secretary share: “we won the war only because the Heer was preoccupied in the Union. Had they not been, they would have crushed us, with or without mustard gas. Like it or no, money or no, we must have a full military reorganization and expansion. We came far closer to defeat than any Briton must ever be aware of.”

“Yes, we must rearm” Keane responds softly, “but not yet.”
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>They will arrive to Stasi forces stripping them of their weapons, with many of their commanders interred as war criminals

My dick
Will you cheatowner an independent Poland?
Is there a mod that lets me send you back to >>>/r/paradoxplaza?
i-if you're not just larping i mean
>“Were it not for the Commonwealth,” Trotsky replies in French,
thats not french

I want all non-commies to die. They're useless.
>germany exactly the same colour as the soviets
oh shit hpm what are you doing
No reason to, in either Keane or Trotsky's view. International communism doesn't care about nationality, religion, or political borders, at least ostensibly. Anything which makes the Soviets stronger is good in Keane's view.
>all non-commies die
>nobody pays for commies' welfare
I feel the same about all non-fascists.
>Commander-in-Chief Frederick

Royalist Revolution when?
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>all that brotherhood

And I assume the Stasi are going to be like OTL's, or is Scotland Yard going to inch towards being as bad, worse than they were?

Far far too close to defeat. That said, who on Earth could stand against you now, to be honest?

You should convert this to DH.
wtf is this ironic communism
i thought the anime fags were on our side
y-yeah I'm just a commie ironically
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Even if not an inch of Commonwealth soil was ever occupied, the exhaustion of the war still eats deep into the hearts of every Briton. Everyone has a family member who died fighting; everyone knows a best mate who’s lost his only brother to the cruelty of capitalism. Although it bands the workers together even more strongly behind the Principal Secretary and the government, it also causes rage, sorrow, and anger. Factories, homes, pubs; they are all more empty than they used to be. And so, too, are pocket-books, for the long disruption to Russian and German supplies of vital materials have disrupted the entire world economy and thrown the Commonwealth into a period of protracted depression. Put simply, the Commonwealth is not in a position to fight anyone, at least not for quite some time. The International--including its newest member, Germany--must first recover from the grievous losses which it has suffered.

It is in this environment that Benito Mussolini suggests that the Commonwealth void its standing defensive pact with Sardinia-Piedmont. None would expect Britain to uphold the agreement in such a condition as it currently is, and, while it will naturally be seen as the expansion of communism which it is, it will nevertheless deflect from Keane taking all the burden of blame.

Keane is all-too-happy to agree, long weary as he has been of Italy’s protracted weakness and fascistic tendencies. His hope is that Mussolini’s capture of the Piedmont will result in a more stable and united Italy which is a more fertile field for internationalist sentiment, rather than the moralistic and hyper-reactionary state which it presently is. Every day is a struggle for Mussolini’s government to stay in power, but united the Italian dictator might be able to convince his people that communism is the best way forward.
There's no need to be ashamed, friend! Infact, there's a large and vibrant community of your peers, just waiting to honour you, why don't you join them?
Are the remaining monarchist/democratic powers in Europe allied? If not, they should be, because they ought to be scared shitless by a gommie UK, Germany, Russia, Italy, and Turkey.

Also, what's going in the US?
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Can't decide if Southwestern pops in Mexico on day 1 or instantly assimilating spics and Pueblos upon USA conquest is worse
What Culture is Oklahoma?
holy fuck this is beautiful
XD I get it reddit has some communists XD epic shadilay my dude shadilay
>not supporting the communist revolution
I think it's you who should be going to reddit lad. Communism is based and white.
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And there goes the Entente. Pretty tame treaty with only a few colonies lost and a bit of France. Expected Austria-Hungary to take back some of northern Italy.

Well I'm not sure what I should do now. Was banking on an Entente victory to snowball me an offensive war against Turkey.
shit meme
Communism is race-mixing.
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>an anime literally set in East Germany
>hurr durr why are there commies in anime

Really made my neurons exchange electrical impulses.
Spotted the steamcordplaza shitter out you go
shit meme
I need a fascist revolution in Italy yesterday
>And I assume the Stasi are going to be like OTL's, or is Scotland Yard going to inch towards being as bad, worse than they were?
The Stasi are actually going to be far better than in our timeline, since Luxembourg and Liebnecht are the ones in charge of the state and they're very classical liberal and anti-war. They will, of course, still perform anti-counterrevolutionary duties, however. I envision them more as a force for patrolling the Heer, however, than as a true secret police as they were in OTL, sort of like the Soviet political commissars.

>That said, who on Earth could stand against you now, to be honest?
The US absolutely could stand against me. They've got an absolutely huge population and virtually no communist support in the entire country. A war with them would take everything I've got, especially since I would have no allied forces to assist me.

Other than that, though, it's unlikely anyone else could. France has no allies and neither does Japan, but Austria-Hungary and the Dutch are allied. Not that that would in any way stop the comintern from being able to take them down.
its fantasy eastern germany with monsters and shit dont bother
shit meme
Oh shit, is that how it will go down?
Commies rising to the greatest of highs only for America alone to strike against them?

what mod
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If the German War is to be thanked for anything, it is showing the power of the government, and of Keane, within the Commonwealth. Although the whole of the Worker’s Parliament and Worker’s Cabinet contributed to the war effort, coordinated with the Principal Secretary, and debated the best course of action, even with the earlier reforms Keane had instituted to give Parliament more power, they always awaited his decision on how to proceed. Likewise, as the government desperately struggled to convince the men and women of the Commonwealth of the necessity of defeating “Wilhelmine capital,” it turned to images, quotes, and sayings of Keane to encourage a sense of patriotic loyalty and dire need for selfless service in the name of “fellow workers, trapped under the steel boot of the goose-stepping Prussian.” Studies from Scotland Yard suggest that propaganda which included the Principal Secretary was up to 250% more effective than propaganda which included even such well-known public figures as the Lion of the Sea or the People’s Duke.

Like it or not, the many successes of the Worker’s Commonwealth can be attributed to its strong, all-encompassing state. Whether it is a good or ill thing in the long-run does not enter into the considerations of its servants or even its members; as they see it, Keane is the only one who has the foresight and power to change the course of events. And those who disagree fear being purged if they are discovered to disagree with the Principal Secretary, the Guardian of the Revolution.

Like it or not, wish it or not, the Worker’s Commonwealth is now a totalitarian state. In name it might include more freedoms than some other communist nations, but in reality the power still all ends with a singular individual, and the benevolence of the state will only last for so long as he does.
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What happened to the link to all the games + dlc in the OP? I lost all my shit and I need to download it again.
fuck off you nonce
reminder to report early threads
Y-you too
>100 post early

This is some next level shitposting.
I haven't released it yet.
>France has no allies and neither does Japan, but Austria-Hungary and the Dutch are allied.
You ought to ally them together. At the very least, ally France and Austria-Hungary, along with maybe Spain, Portugal, and Romania.
>The Stasi are actually going to be far better than in our timeline, since Luxembourg and Liebnecht are the ones in charge of the state
Yes, because Jews are known for their benevolence towards the goyim.
Some faggots reported it.
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i want to form mexico but this little shithead wont let me
i dont wanna win or loose, I want to keep playing until the end, its barely 1922
i thought that the game ended in 1964
Your a literal child rapist
Is it still maintained offsite in a manner in which I could be subtly pointed to discovering it myself?

You son of a bitch
What is it?
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July 8th, a day which will be celebrated forever in Italian history, is the day when all the various Italian principalities are finally united under a single, strong leader in Benito Mussolini’s People’s Republic of Italy.

The war with the Piedmontese was long and arduous thanks to the poor terrain and the weakness of the People’s Republic’s artillery supplies, but eventually Turin was captured and final unity brought to the peninsula.

Although there are still millions of Italians living outside the present borders of Italy yearning for unification with their mother country, and although Mussolini must still struggle with a population which views his government as “Jew-backed, atheistic, and abhorrent,” it is at least the case that Italian nationalists must grudgingly look upon it as the only possible legitimate Italian state. Perhaps now it will be able to achieve some measure of peaceful unity, although Mussolini’s fiery demands for war with France and Austria-Hungary suggest that he shares much of the Fascists’ own ideological views.

All for tonight, and probably all for a couple days as well. I'm going to play ahead and ready posts, then probably try to play up to a major confrontation after I've done an army reform, which should let me play through to the end after that.
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America will return like a phoenix, at the darkest moment in the world. The Light drives away the darkness.


It's Schwarzesmarken, from a series called Muv Luv

The anime is actually the shit compared to the VN, but still worth a watch

When Keane dies, shit is going to hit the fan, isn't it?
Not to my knowledge
If you want to download it go read the OP picture and the OP.
>Jew backed
>implying Italian fascism gave a shit about Jews

Congrats and thanks for the playing AARnon.
ir porn
What? On a paste site?
I intend to fight America before the end, time and other conflicts allowing. It'll be a hell of a war, they almost equal my present population even with all the colonies I still own. Communism has caused so many people to emigrate to the new world, I've basically been powering them up as a final boss since 1900.

>You ought to ally them together.
Probably, but I have a feeling the AI would just remove the alliance after I had done it for "political concerns" or some such. We'll see, though. I'll at least try to make sure the Dutch and Austrian alliance sticks together, since I know they're friendly with each other on their own.

>When Keane dies, shit is going to hit the fan, isn't it?
It depends on your definition. But yes, at least in some respects.

Not everything stays the same across universes, anon. This variant of Italian fascism has to deal directly with communism in their own nation, which is constantly propagandized as a Jewish government system. And none of the people approve of it.
>even with all the colonies I still own.
Shift + f10, pls. I don't actually know ehat's under direct rule.
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The colors make it a little difficult to see, but Taiwan, Ceylon, and several treaty ports in China are under direct control, as well as Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar, South Africa, and many various islands.
Can someone give me a guide for Sweden in EUIV? I watched arumba's playthrough but I don't have the same cores as him. Also, I make a lot less money than he does, even though I take the same provinces as him.
Why is Sudafrikkkums under direct rule? I thought commies would want to free the niggers? Plus all that free infamy, anon.
Lesotho: 2
Xhosa: 4
Zulu: 6
Swaziland: 8
Transvaal: 10
Oranje: 12
Namib: 14
Botswana: 16

You could even keep the Cape as a port, or whatever, I assume it's been ANGLO'd by now.
>not creating independent shandong, guangdong, hong kong, and taiwong commune cities for muh international gommunism and free infamy
>that turkestani tumour
Take caucasus so it's straight.
No and yes.
Keane doctrine states that any territory which has significant racial mixtures are controlled directly through London to ensure equality for the local people.

Min-maxing would make it best to release them, but even if roleplaying weren't involved in it those territories still have pretty great potential for industry, so I'm going to keep them centralized.

Not a chance I'm weakening the Soviets even further, they're already a third-rate state after what the Germans did to them.
>tries to post his "sophisticated" gsg game
>too stupid to use screen capture software
What did he mean by this?
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Release Senegal as a commony but keep Gambia as a port.
Then give them turkestan
Now that's something I would contemplate since Turkestan spawns with no cores if you form it from the outside, but it's been around long enough that I don't really want to do that either, even if it would make it easier on Russia. Keane, at least, wouldn't just throw the Turkestani under the bus like that.
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>EU4 with DLC and no textures is $80
They talked of what they called 'multiculturalism', which was simply a universal mix-up: Take humanity, put it in a bag, shake it together, and heaven knows what would come out. They wanted to get rid of what existed. All the little grey people of the world who hate the beautiful diversity of human development. They always want to get rid of the natural, the noble and the beautiful. They wanted to get rid of it! They wanted to make all nature as grey as themselves. It was their deep instinct. We were always opposed to that. We said: No, it won't work, and it's undesirable that it should work! We can live in peace and friendship, side by side, in seperate nations and seperate developments! But we cannot have the mix-up of peoples and races who are widely different and divergent. It will lead to nothing but trouble! This policy of mixture, what does it really mean? It doesn't mean 'freedom'! It doesn't mean 'brotherhood', or any of the cant and humbug which is taught. That is just a mask for some of the finest forces on Earth to exploit the peoples in the future as they have done in the past.
Trying to mod in an assimilation event here. Do events require at least 2 options or something? Mine isn't showing up.
I should clarify. The event shows up when I trigger it but doesn't have any options.
based mosley
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How do I get to play this crazy beast in Kaiserreich?
so when is bolshevik blues posting his boipussy?
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>Ming has been bankrupte 4 times this run
>my merchant fleet takes all their trade away meaning they cant keep their army up
>constant revolts
>just broke for the 3rd time
Its decided, the Chinese dogs cant rule themselves so the Korean ubermensch will do it for them
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Shen is a weird name though
>tfw if you tried to do speeches like mosley, musso, and hitler now you'd be put in an institution
No it isn't
t. PRCanon
Post pictures of your sister or stop posting, lad.
pls just a graduation photo or something classy i promise i wont wank over it
I thought they were supposed to be dynasty names not a random country name.
r&is early thread was deleted, thank god
On a side note, does anyone have a hoi4 1.4 to 1.41 patcher, rezmar is away
They ARE dynastic names; if you're complaining that it's not the person's last name, that's because a dynastic name, while tied to a dynasty (Liu = Han, Zhu = Ming, etc.), the name that goes on the flag itself is a stylistic one, and often an arbitrary one. 瀋 to my knowledge refers either to a location (Shenyang) or acts as a last name, but that's hardly weird; Sui 隋2 is an archaic form of 墮 Duo4, which means "to Fall", "to Lose Glory", or "to Be Destroyed". THAT'S fucking weird for a name.
Go to the civ4x thread if you want to read a blogpost >>180512262
about her but stop wanking over people's sisters
>prc anon plays civ games
heh no wonder you kept trying to shoehorn them in the infopic
Did I ever try to put goddamn Civilization in the infopicture? Come the fuck on laddo don't outright lie.
What about all those romance of the three memers and all that shit? Both R&I and the other lad refuse to use your infopics because they're littered with 4x shit.
RotTK isn't 4X though, and it specifically says to go to /eagg/ for it. It's not as if RotTK isn't GS, it's just not for this general. Stellaris got a mention, not even in the games section, specifically because a lot of people seem to think it belongs here when it doesn't anymore.

>4x shit
Because I maintain there's no obvious difference between the two, you're even mixing NA and RotTK into the 4x genre when they're literally less 4x than EU IV.
>I maintain there's no obvious difference between the two
Back you go, and take your attention whoring with you.
dropped right there anon, anyone who doesnt want to contradict everything he does is steamcordplaza
What does King Michael's Coup do?
What's wrong with R&I?
You ever put your heads together and listened to a single set of earphones?
i-i always wanted to do that but i could never find anyone..
What game?
sighhh, Death or Dishonor, can't find any info on it.
You probably messed up when setting the option.
Back you go, lad.
Yeah, cucking the Russians early will save you lots of trouble later on. Take the states of South Karelia and Novgorod, the rest aren't as important. You should be able to ally the PLC which will make things easier.
Honestly, I think we should just out all of these games together and see what happens. If nothing else the shitposting would be never before seen levels.
What does it do though, I'm comparing The Turning Point with Death or Dishonor at the moment.
>back you go
I've most likely been here for longer than you have, but let's entertain this, once again. What's the difference between the two? Note that you've already called RotTK and NA 4x games.

Excuse me what? The only reason I dropped being the PRC guy was to justify suddenly claiming that Shen wasn't a weird dynastic name.

Don't do this.
And I'm telling you to go the fuck back to your containment site.
what is up with paradoxplaza and trannies. everytime i finish reading and screenshotted all their notable posts i find i new one. this compilation is gonna be full of a pretty diverse group of names funny thing is most of them are commie bongs
How'd this guy do it? Even if I get the support of Scotland and England, I end up with a negative budget. Arumba said to not mothball forts and to get 3 advisors(he does this and he makes a lot more money).
gasp, I'm sorry.
So basically AARnon's playthrough.
Probably removes fascism from your nation.
I know what it was, but what does it do in the game?
i was looking through a certain lesbian commie trans "girl's" post for a laugh and i found a myriad of trannies who play /gsg/
can you post them?
>tfw no trap gsg gf
New Thread
ill post the compilation when im finished. dont want them deleting their posts
and reminder to report early threads
Probably removes fascism from your nation.
Back you go, lad.
The reason for this is >>>/r/parsdoxplaza mods, mainly memeth, made it a complete cuck hole, banning anyone who wasn't aligned with his "progressive" views, so the trannies are the only ones left.
Post WIP, pls.
Top kek. Isn't he playing as a stalinist, rather than a cuck?
I meant back to >>>/civ4x/, and I was saying it facetiously. I disagree with your viewpoints on what is and isn't grand stratgy, but other than that you're a good poster.

Atleast I think you are, I bet you spam liquor memes all the time.
Who would you have played first in EvW, and why?
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I dont give a fuck about who you are, what are you doing and who are you plotting on, everything I do is not personal
If i have to, ill spy on you, shit on you, your family and your dear fucking pet, just to please my liege.
>just to please my liege.
Damn, it was going so well.
Honestly, lads, am I the onlyone who can not be fucked reading AARanon's posts?
Props to him for the effort any everything, but it's just too fucking tedious.
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>tfw you will never be a teenager again, making wild sex
now this shit made me sad
R8 my Germany.

Before I get memed on as a Prussia pro, it's an Austria game.
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i wont post it yet but ill mention two of the trannies that are in it, because they've already been found by the general. its got bolshevik blues and cargoshortssensei, if you dont see pic related i also found something about himi wont mention it yet ;^)
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Forgot pic.
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I don't post unfunny memes, if I feel like uploading an image then I start avatarfagging or posting random pictures.
I heard paradox reported the maker of the mod that reduced the age of marriage to the police.
is this real, sauce me up senpai
Someone should told them that age of consent is Islamophobe,

Not to mention
New Thread
no animeshit on the thread retard, kys
Well and truly epic.
>1 early
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>looks at URL
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this image will never not be relevant
there were three the first one was made by r&i
add distant worlds and sengoku rance back into it
because the old thread hasnt died yet?
im nobody and i dont make threads but its still a fact distant worlds and sengoku rance belong in the general unless you can prove otherwise
>no option to decapitate them all
Thread posts: 760
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