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/arena/ - Arena FPS General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 750
Thread images: 145

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Dead Again Edition

A place to discuss all of your favorite oldschool and modern arena shooters such as Quake Live, Quake Champions, Unreal Tournament, Reflex, etc.

Play Quakeworld for free: http://nquake.com/
Play Quake 2 for free: http://q2s.tastyspleen.net/
Play Unreal Tournament 4 for free: https://www.epicgames.com/unrealtournament/
Play Warsow for free: https://www.warsow.net/
CPMA DEZ Installer (comes with maps and doesn't require base Quake 3, make sure to save configs as my.cfg and not autoexec.cfg): https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0wfFzzjvCheTVVzSmdnQ1BLUms
Xonotic: http://www.xonotic.org/
Link to Quake 2 Starter with Quake 2 and its expansions: https://mega.nz/#!EAxAlSwa!9v0PQ7QgN60mXDptMqWXvdAC2srSCnb7pGPqZojG2QI

Quake Champions closed beta signup: https://quake.bethesda.net/en/signup
QC beta is now 24/7. The beta is no longer under NDA.
UT4 Patch Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNE1XN6E1Cc
Quake Champions interview with Zero4 and Tim Willits: twitch dot tv/videos/144807974
twitch dot tv/videos/144852481

Duel Tutorials and Tips:

Slipgate to the previous thread: >>180065409
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also friendly reminder quake 2 next saturday
sorlag in vore tournament when
reflex maps are boring and forgettable compared to classics like aerowalk, use and abuse, phrantic, ztndm3
its not a unique enough game to pretend cpma maps dont work on it
Why did the last thread get archived?
because nobody posted for over an hour
What do you do when you want to circle jump into a direction you're already running towards? Do two "half" strafes - one left and one right? Or just flick your mouse away and circle jump back in?
I do a shitty flick
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Anyone else getting some strange sort of Stockholm syndrome with the new duel? I feel like the more I watch it the more appealing it gets but I know it's objectively shit compared to what Quake dueling really is.
Opinions on UT2004?
how the f*ck do you set up a zoom key in reflex?
I think it's a lot better than UT99 in terms of gameplay and balance and the extra movement options compared to 99 made it a lot of fun.
I've got a problem with QC. Initially, I played with a custom resolution of 1440x900@125Hz. However, later on I made another modeline of 1280x800@140Hz. Now QC has somehow mixed these two and runs 1280x800 at 125Hz instead of 140Hz, essentially forcing the monitor into a new modeline. Any CRT users experienced such an issue?
why is rocket splash so weak in reflex?
if you've played TF2, that might be it
i played cpma right before though
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My Nyx waifu is so cute. CUTE!
https://www.twitch dot tv/suddendeathtv
quakeworld 1v1 going on right now for dreamhack
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>her stomach when she snaps her fingers
Nyx is so boring, she's just a boring sci fi lady, probably the most boring design in game.
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Still cute.
Why are koreans so fucking bad at FPS that they need OW to be relevant?
nyx is a geneic mary sue
Explain this claim when we have barely any story content to go off of
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>Nyx is so boring, she's just a boring sci fi lady, probably the most boring design in game.
>nyx is a geneic mary sue
You are boring.

But yeah I stopped playing Nyx when they added based Blasko.
> generic scifi look
> generic lady character
> animu grade glowy hair
> totes leet super stealth spec ops
> boring 'serious all the time' attitude
> invulnerability on demand is fun to fight against
> totally not trying to be symbolic vanity item
just the worst

nyx is the one you would fuck like a whore but not take out for a date
or spend any time with at all
>Not wanting to make OP phase babies with her

because Korweebs sucks in any game, besides memey ones which they can live at the same home in full pederasty mode anon
I'd take Nyx any time over punk garbage like Slash.
how do i not get LG'd through walls?
how do i not get spawn fragged?
i quit
literally the moment i spawn, a rocket lands at my feet, sending my 12 feet in the air and i get shot by MG bullet and die
didn't even have time to take one fucking step
Official Quakefuu tier list:
cant even tell which game you're talking about but git gud
Probably QC its very hard for a losing team to get back into the game.
sorlag vore art when?
i call her big booty cause she got a big booty

Just play skyrim with sex mods or google lusty argonian maid, Sorlag is Genuine one

>even someone played with beth and id on twitter about that once and they liked
it's not THE SAME
fuck off
> dual LG
> crosshair on character
> 2 hits at most
> get hit by an invisible rocket fired by a player who wasn't rendered on your screen until they already left

bad game by bad developers

>not wanting to be fucked by sorlag dressed as a lusty argonian maid, as she as asks if she may tender your meat loaf

you disappoint me anon
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>ranger not at the top
>Not Scalebearer
All quakes were garbage at launch.

This one is not even released but beta.
lets pretend you accidentally mixed nyx's and sorlag's spots and no-one has to get hurt
all of those belong in the garbage bin
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Do you think this game would have crowd funding like Dota?
no gays allowed
waifufags are closet sissy homos
explain your reasoning

t. someone who knows nothing about competitive gaming
seriously, this feels like everyone else is a full second in the future
> shoot rocket where they are moving
> precognition kicks in and they are moving in the opposite direction as i click
> turn corner
> already there's a rocket flying at me before i even see one pixel of someone else
1. Ranger, Visor, Scalebearer, Clutch, Anarki, BJ
But anon, I want to be the meat loaf.

Eat my balls bro
eyy how can i duel a friend? It says unavailable and only tdm and sacrafice are available. He says he got all champs unlocked.
Custom game, you can't select the actual mode form the menu
champ's personality has nothing to do with the kind of people who play him
I'd still get wasted with 'narki
i'd rather play vidya with q3a anarki
i tried duel
other guy was nyx
just hides until cooldown, then bail until win

turns out having someone be invulnerable in a game about killing people is fucking bullshit and whoever came up with this idea needs to be fucking fired
Argonian maid skin for Sorlag when?
i alwasy thought he said 'i am leet' or 'anarchy'
Why are afps players so often junkies? Is it the genre or just coincidence?
"You think you own the sidewalk"

-Anarki 1998
>leave UT4 for 1 year
>check updates
>biomeme was replaced with a worse meme
What the fuck is Epic doing. Even bringing Ripper back was a better idea than making a fucking grenade launcher.
raff tier list:
1. visor
2. razor
3. grunt
4. biker
5. doom
6. keel
choking on a rice bowl - xaero
They got rid of the biorifle? What the actual fuck.
Is overheating and no impact hammer in FFA still a thing?
Wait what the fuck? Overheating?
You're giving me reasons to not download it again and I'm halfway there
>removing the Green Exploding Shit rigle

epic isn't even shooting themselves in the foot anymore, they're walking into their own shock combo
>not including lucy's HAHA YEAH
>not including hunter's unbelievably cute giggle
you make your own girl raff list
1. hunter
2. slash
3. lucy
4. major
5. no one gives a fuck about the rest (and crash doesn't have a laugh)
they added overheating to the link gun a while ago
fun game i spent a lot of my childhood playing

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ID don't care about game balance
They added an OP ability in order to promote/sell another video game
they don't care about you

so long as its not multiplayer its fine
quake champions is shit, boring and its dead on arrival
next champion should be doom anyways
> active is four powerups rolled into one
> only passive that lets you get more verticailty than anyone without weapons
> passive make building up speed faster and easier
> only one with an active icon that is straight up the character themself
nyx is a narcissist character for narcissist people

also fuck this netcode
this is not 25 ping
this is something between 20 and 150
and changes every fucking half second

inconsistency across the board and bad spawn points: the game
second time i drop this game what the fuck is wrong with the devs
Thanks BJ for allowing a noob like me to shred people in duels

I almost feel bad since he is obviously broken and i win way more than i should with my noob skills
I think it was more business than 'they don't care about Quake'. Releasing BJ then and there helped push another one of their IPs and I assume they will pump out more marketing in the next few months.
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Some of these duels in the 125fps cup have actually been fun to watch.
Do they still have their servers in debug mode for developing the game? Apparently that's the reason for much of the shit netcode ( according to syncError ). Don't know how much of a lie that is or not.
d44m expansion won't happen because Hayden sent doomguy to the arena eternal
since we're being degenerate I would still like sorlag to be male

although her current voice is great
Sorlag exerting dominance through devouring an Argonian maid when?
Good news, someone on FA just submitted more male Sorlag porn yesterday.

fucking plebs
does nobody remember fritzkrieg?
wolfenstein is not new to quake
>tfw you're awful at fpses but still topfragging every game
is this what the QC team was going for?
Google didn't help.

How do I change QC's install directory in the launcher?
I could have sworn I did this the first time I installed but I can't figure it out now.
> all sorlag lewds is either with dicks or boobs, never properly lizardy
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it should ask you for the directory when you try to install it, doesn't it?
i'm glad youre enjoying the game anon. Maybe BJ will allow more new players to compete as well.

kill me
i guess nobody told the devs that noob-friendly means powerful, which in turn means utter decimation when used by a pro
QC feels more and more like the Devs have no clue what they are doing.
Nope, not this time at least. Maybe it's not considering it as completely uninstalled since it says it's "updating" rather than "installing", though it's the entire 11GB. Oh well.
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>enemy team has more BJs
>enemy team also wins
If I had more BlowJobs in my life I would probably win more too. :^)
how the fuck am i always the target of everyone in DM
doesn't matter if someone is on lower health, has a better weapon, has a powerup, or is a certain character
every bigger fight always focuses me down first
most people in multiplayer games have t-rex vision
just stop moving
they will shoot the guy that is jumping around the most
if in a 3 man brawl, back away and stand still
how the fuck is the explosion of my rockets the size and power of a fart but everyone else is launching ICBMs at me
how fucking accurate does this game demand me too be beyond 'dude is mostly inside explosion'
also the MG is either diarrhea spread or LG v2.0: aim harder
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>just stop moving
why does LG stun
why do rockets that miss kill me in one hit
why do my rockets that hit do 4 damage tops
why do player pop into existance out of nowhere and promptly vanish the same way
why does this game exist in this state
why don't i ever see any of this happening to anyone else

i just want one match that's not 1v7 TDM where i don't have twice the deaths of the guy with second most deaths
why is blazko such a fucking boring character
he doesn't fit in at all
put him back in wolfenstein where he belongs

because the game is bad
go play quake live
that game is bad too
go play warsow
> go feed quakedads easy newbie kills
yeah no
become your inner quakedad
quakedads are still playing quake 1-3
lots of newbies in QL
how's champion balance in quake atm?
I'm noticing I'm dying a lot to snorlag/blakowitz/that guy with the charge
bj's ability is busted, sorlag has too much hp for a character with bhop, it's way too easy to escape with anarki

the rest of them are pretty much equal
they have the most damaging and immediate active abilities
so no wonder
and when someone uses theirs, you can't even react to it until it's too late
that's why we need some kind of windup animations for them
sorlag and bj both have broken abilities
sorlag has the health of a god as well as sonic movement
sorlag's DoT does 50, direct hits with her spit does 40
bj does 2x dmg
choochoo trainman has shit mobility so he isnt too bad
the rest are balanced enough

welcome to QC
is it possible to have a duel in QC without fucking nyx or blazkowicz
How do I make this game stop fucking stuttering every 10 seconds? I can't play like this.
set texture quality to low
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>game starts
>get logged out
>can't log in
warsow or xonotic
which is better and why?
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Tried vsync on with my 60hz monitor (60fps) in QC.
For some reason it makes mouse movements completely unbearable.
Didn't notice the same issue in other games.
vsync does this in any game
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Hello fellow Quaker! I think I might be able to help you with your problem! I've heard that having a copy of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on your hard drive makes the Bethesda.net Launcher run much more smoothly. Hope this helps!
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Huh? Fellow Quaker I'm not the famous Todd Howard. I'm just relaying my own experiences. Having The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on your hard drive will cause the Bethesda.net Launcher to run more smoothly.
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We're planning on having another Quake/arena shooter night this next Sunday at 5PM PDT as usual and I figured we should have a poll to see which game has the most people interested. Vote for whichever ones you want to play (and actually plan on showing up for).
how was this posted 3 minutes ago and already has 15 votes?
multiple votes allowed per person
>IP Duplication Checking
bruh you can still vote for multiple options with one IP
the average quake champions player everyone
don't bully QC players are what keep these nights alive
what a masterful post

captcha salt client
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This is probably the greatest piece of OC to come outta Quake Champions so far.
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>no bitterman
there better be an option for different announcer voices in the future

>I stopped playing Nyx when they added based Blasko.

Blazko is the true waifu.
>ywn discuss philosophy with Blasko
Why even fucking live?
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did i do good anons
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can i be a quake daddy now
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how about now
this general better not die again overnight

I think I should probably kill myself for understanding that obscure filename reference.
what is it from
That better be a fucking outfit in Odyssey
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No other post I have seen encapsulates QC as well as this
Last bump from me. Stay alive until morning
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I'll do my best Anon
I like watching Corrupted Keep. Should I duel in QC? It looks incredibly frustrating given the champion abuse ( BJ I'm looking at you ). But after watching duel it makes me wanna play it. I used to be an above average QL dueler but I played a more map control centric game, I was not an aimlord ( especially with the rail ). Feel like given how aim heavy this is I'll get my shit pushed in.
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>mfw Quake-Dad who just killed me spawn kills me
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>mfw adadarki tells me to eat his balls after dodging every fucking round I shoot at him
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Goodnight /arena/ tis my bedtime someone else Bump every so often please
the best thing the introduction of bj to me is that it decreased the amount of aniggers by like 10x

t. anarki main, by far the most annoying to kill if theyre actually decent
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How about Lawbreakers?

Or is this /Quake/.
you can discuss lawbreakers here all you want
As long as its an Arena Shooter:
>fast paced combat
>item weapon pickups
>some form of advanced movement
>gotta go fast

As long as it satisifies these conditions its k. However I dunno how many Anons will join in the conversation
>item weapon pickups
None of that in lawbreakers.
Yeah I've been lurking for a bit and nobody mentions it all. Just curious what everybody thought of it so far.
still waiting to see an actual difficult jump. 1/10
your first mistake is your graphical settings. quake is supposed to look like shit anon.
Does qc fucking working yet? Or is it still a bloated piece of shit
not yet senpai
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Could someone give me tips on positioning and item control in duel? I remember the timings most of the time but I can't set up a good ambush because of my shit aim and end up giving the item away.
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play more
Probably this one and the next one.


Might as well watch the whole playlist.
hello i'm new to this genre which game has the most playerbase unreal tournament ?
I feel the same way except I think with some tweaks QC duel can be quite the mode
probably ut99 or ut4
I tried it back in alpha. Performance issues killed it for me. But overall it seems ok. The price tag puts it far down in priority though.
Sure thing anon.
Old version of the game but it's still current.
Also this presents the map from a point of you knowing nothing and then runs hypothetical scenarios at 10 minutes in.
Why does finding a match take 500 years?
either shit matchmaking or nobody on at this hour
Why do you guys keep saying HUH? It sounds more like HUP to me. I also like UARGH.
play quakeworld or quake 2
The fact that so many Quake players still name Rapha as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" Quake pro ever only tells you how far Quake still is from becoming a serious e-sport. Counter-Strike players have long recognized that the greatest CS players of all times are GeT_RiGhT and f0rest, who were not the most famous or richest or most successful of their times, let alone of all times. League of Legends players rank the highly controversial Faker over League players who were highly popular in LANs around Korea. Quake players are still blinded by tournament success. Rapha won more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore he must have been the greatest. CS players grow up watching a lot of CS matches of the past, MOBA players grow up watching a lot of MOBA matches of the past. Quake players are often totally ignorant of the Quake pros of the past, they barely know Fatal1ty. No wonder they will think that Rapha did anything worthy of being praised.
literal whos
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yeah, watching sunday cup solidified my opinion i can live with new duel

the way i think of it : it is like mortal kombat 1v1 with 3 fighters per round

i think it's a nice change since i didnt liked 10 min duel in quake live at all - 15 tl was where it ws all at for me

watch some classic games, anon



The rockets move slower in QC than they do in q3/live. Maybe if we could increase the stack limit to 75 instead of 50, but buff the rocket speed to normal, that would help with the game's current problems.
The lighter characters can't stack as well as the big characters, which make them weaker in team modes, and makes the lightning gun and rail too powerful. If someone like anarchi could stack just 50 more health/armor, he would be in line with the heavyweights.

However, if the lighter characters are too strong, the increased rocket speed will help combat them. thoughts?

qc weapon switch/rocket speed are similar to quake2 and im fine with it
not at all

I support instant weapon switching.

Because I have a functioning brain that can process things quickly and desire a game that matches my brain power, instead of a slowed-down babbymode with enough time between switching weapons to go make yourself a bowl of oatmeal and be back in your computer chair before the animation has finished.

you dont get the idea behind slow weapon switch

it is not because devs are worried your pcb's will start overheating, it is to pennalize the weapon switch and reduce the advantage of it (especially any combination of switching between lg, rg, and rl)
read: i want to pull out my panic rg/lg/rl without delay because i can't deal
you play nyx too don't you
because you can't deal with actually running away, but instantly running away with the press of a button

anon i have news for you
you are the babby

No I fully understand, it is to limit strategic options and thus slow down the game.

but the opponent can also pull out their "panic" rg/lg/rl without delay
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>beeing this much of win hungry cunt to abuse it before bj's instakill F gets nerfed

i hope you'll get many server crashes
>it is to limit strategic options

no you still dont understand

insta weapon switch is basically a babysit mode with endless rg/lg switching for cunts and is one of the main reasons cpma didnt lasted as long as vq3/vql
having every weapon out at the same time is literally less strategic
because latency advantages need to be even greater
What's the matter, kiddo? Can't handle the nazi-slayer Blasko? Just sit in invisibility like a little girl when the real MEN are fighting.
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eat shit cunt, dude is overpowered for a sole reason of hyping up bethedrone wolfenstein and has nothing to do with legacy id games

also : id still own you using clutch anyway
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>wolfenstein is not a legacy id game
>trying to sell nu-wolfenstein as anything related to rtcw/wolf3d
>trying to sell rtcw as anything related to wolf3d
try to tell me there's anything wrong with rtcw and ill find you, chop down your head and shit down your throat
its not like wolf3d in the slightest or is it an id game
fucking christ how fucking stupid are you

i said nu-wolf isnt any good compared to id renditions of the series and you are trying to compare game that can be run on a calculator with quake3 engine version
you said nu-wolfenstein isn't anything related to rtcw or wolf3d which is true in terms of gameplay but that's true between rtcw and wolf3d as well
nice goalpost moving kiddo
the only thing i talk about is general game quality and trying to sell new games under old and trusted franchise which is shit move

you must be inbred or something
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>insecure low test beta cuck to use STRONG characters

Hah, look at that pathetic faggot.
You probably even try to delude yourself with "I'm a f-fair p-player to use some OP c-characters" while in reality you are just scared to show that you'll be the same low skilled shit with Blasko or without him.
>i said nu-wolf isnt any good compared to id renditions of the series and you are trying to compare game that can be run on a calculator with quake3 engine version

Except it's the best Wolfenstein games.
lmao dude

i dont use bj because i am literal god of hellfire and thunder, bow down and lick these shoes
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nice try
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guys please
I just wanted to know if buffing the rocket speed was a good idea

its not

just play more the fucking game, stupid pharah kid
the quake 3 leaked test was better than this shit
aero when?
i tried playing clutch for 3 games
died constantly
i played blazko 3 games
everyone else died because double damage when you want wins fights almost no matter what
regen is super fucking powerful

> 26 health
> regen to 50
> dude spawns infront of you
> lol double LG use active to win

blazko is balanced for a single player game and got thrown into a multiplayer game and is bullshit OP
you never mentioned game quality in your post
nice goalpost moving kiddo
> increased rocket speed
since when and how much?
It wasn't.
Also it relied on 3d acceleration while no one at that point used Riva TNT
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>enemy team has 4 anarchies
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>mfw we have the BJ debate for the 40th time but it's getting increasingly heated
because abilities this powerful and easy to use is exactly what people were afraid would happen
> double damage
> invulnerability
> full heal
> double tap to telefrag
galena is honestly the only reasonable one, since the projectile doesn't do anything until it lands and can't hit players, and you just need to shoot it with any thing to get rid of it
a bit annoying when the whole map turns into a minefield
her passive is on that sweet spot of not being a big deal to worry about when fighting her, but still useful enough to keep note of when playing her
also being a medium further cements her spot as most balanced
It was.
And it ran just fine 3d accelerated in opengl.
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>all these retards saying BJ is op

two lightning guns doesn't mean anything to clutch. learn to teamwork.
>simplified movement, no air control from qw, no doublejumps from q2.
>simplified armor system
>shitty map pool at launch
>bad net code

q3 was a mistake
you forgot it had jack shit for gamemodes on launch
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>galena is the only reasonable one
>not my nigga Visor
but i don't wanna
i just want a 6 player match of DM of equally skilled players to have good games with

can cofnirm tho, against blazko you just get a free 'the rock' award
which says a fucking lot since that's a fuckload of dmg from just the spawn MG
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Cool story, nigger.

Look at FPS of TNT2 and Voodoo 3 - GPUs that were available at the release of Q3.
I remember installing a pirated copy of q3a just to find out I needed a gpu with 3d acceleration
So I decided to stick to q2
the wallhack can be a bit too cheap
also 125 hp
passive is good tho
so is ranger's and scale's
anarki's is too, but his movement is weird and fucks hit detection sideways
everyone else has either broken (not good) or broken (ez mode op) passives
>a bit too cheap
activating it during a 1v1 encounter doesn't do jack shit for you
it's literally the most balanced ability available
Hit detection in general has been fucked sideways
Anarki is by far the most broken character and only low skill players think otherwise.
What his ability gives you is a few seconds of control. Your enemy can't be moving about freely without assuming they will take a rail (if you're good) or two (if you're bad) more than they would normally. It lets you do thinks like locking someone OOC out of big armor room on ztn completely so you can grab big armor safely.

Why you're playing one of the worst duel afps in duel is beyond me.

You wouldn't 1v1 in OW, Mario cart or Dota and call it a good game when there's Quake games, forza and starcraft.
It's not a duel game.

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I'm fed up with waiting for the next patch.
So have a fucking OC.
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bretty good
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The memes keep me alive Anon, they give me hope that Tim Willit's will get his shit together.
For all the shit I give it, I want to see QC improve
who said anything about duel
> fight someone who can heal themselves if they stop shooting for 2 seconds
> fight someone who can become invulnerable and run away consequence free
> and if you don't start moving unpredictably, you die

i'd rather take that 80% obnoxius over 100% boredom
1v1 OW mode was the most fun I had with that game, but more importantly, you better not be suggesting 1v1 mario kart is anything short of serious business
there is a really good game here, buried somewhere under a mountain of balance issues and inconsistent bugs
Anarki's hitbox is abysmal, he can easily run away from you and get more armor / heals on the map.
But mostly because it's nearly impossible to hit Anarki with the rail and LG if your ping is ~50+
Everything was great except this. What is Epic doing? Don't even get me started with the Rocket launcher.
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So what are the vanity items refering to?

For example the Visor tentacles are an obvious predator reference aren't they?
So what are nyx's vanity items for example since they don't seem to have any indication of what they are.
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Is everyone here really so bad that they can't deal with BJ?
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After 55 levels I'm a little bored to play QC.
ranger still has the absolute best vanity item

love the shambler head ye
What happened to the CPMA guy that got fired from Reflex?

Valkyrie obviously.
Don't burn yourself out my dude
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>servers not indefinitely open

the wings ye. what about that pack with the weird sticks on it. for some reason I believe i have seen it somewhere before can't remember though
have an improved тodd нoщдяd
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fuck I'm an idiot
Blows mine out of the water. Thanks
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Yall should've recieived survey's for QC.

you know what to do
What's the difference between CPM, PQM, and CQ3?
>>tfw av3k is in jail and can't pound in QC
he's too busy getting pounded in prison
Reflex is like CPMA but not fun
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>srs.av3kk accepts prisoner's shaft
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>the enemy pick X so I pick Y
>the enemy used X ability so you counter with Y

fuck that
keep that shit in overwatch

I just want to play quake

I just want to get in there and kill dudes because I can aim and move better than my opponents

abilities were a mistake
Who is him and why is he in jail?
why the fuck is every game a 4v2 all of a sudden

is the game dying already
quake pro who won quakecon while being 16 or so
Later down the line started doing and then selling drugs, got busted and jailed
Galena is best
abilities need to be toned down for sure
they try to be too big and flashy, which ends up breaking the balance because someone's does more than someone elses
maybe if they were like the equipment in doom 4
you throw a grenade, and then it's on cooldown
it's simple, it does one thing, and it does it well

the game has some seriously questionable design philosophy
>spin nyx model around
>see her thiccness

doom 4 wasn't very well designed either
French Maid customization for Sorlag when?
>There isn't a lewd of her yet.
delet this she's pure
Galena has delicious side boob
that's nice and all but i modified the config for max fps. another reason qc is dogshit.
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Match making is terrible and doesn't match tryhard TDM stacks with each other on 4 different servers selected.
Playerbase is terribly small as well.
New players who get smashed to the ground in TDM now are most likely not coming back.

honestly i'm done playing qc until it is "fully released"

i have a ridiculous computer and it still takes up to 2-3 minutes for the game to load, then a deathmatch is a 2-3 minute queue, tdm is about the same or longer, and sacrifice is 4-5 at least (which is understandable since it's trash).

right now i'm only playing it with friends so it's doubly annoying since we have to wait for everyone to go through that shit, and then they won't even let lobbies queue for deathmatch, only tdm or sacrifice

literally no point in playing this when we all have quake live and reflex already and starting a game takes 15-30 seconds.
I try to keep myself out of the fighting once I realize the enemy team is down to 2. Sadly not everybody has that mindset, too many kids playing I guess.
oh fuck I think this was before I joined the threads, hadnt seen it before
its been namedropped a few times in the past but most people here are just interested in quake and quake-likes so it doesnt generate a lot of discussion
Well what else is there to talk about?
UTbabs stick to their dead /vr/ general and circlejerk UT99, Doombabs don't duel, Painkillerbabs don't exist anymore, and Tribesbabs are all dead.
I wasn't complaining just kinda stating it as fact. I don't really care about most afps either

hopefully midair will do well i caved and bought into the alpha, it's pretty tight, just hope it gets attention

i played the shit out of every version of UT up until 2k4 and would absolutely love it if the new UT is good, but I've been purposefully avoiding anything to do with it because i can't handle the potential heartache

quake champions has potential, but there's definitely some warning signs that it may suck shit in the end
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>I don't really care about most afps either

i'll never understand you brand loyalty queers
no u
I'm new to quake, I've watched some quake over the years but never took the dive into it since I know I'm really late to the party. decided fuck it, I'll give quake champions a shot, and I love it so far. admittedly i'm still garbage, and know its merely putting time in to get good, but I was wondering is it normal to be mismatched? like very often I'm in matches where one or two players, presumably quake vets, just stomp with an absurd kdr
matchmaking is broken right now you should try quake live or quake 2
also maybe reflex but its kinda ded
scalebearer is a crutch for baddies
>write "BUTT" in Quake Champions chat to see if that word is censored ("her" and "spawn" is censored)
>get banned 5 minutes after

So do I create a new Bethesda Account or what?
aren't those even worse with just the quakedads around? no matchmaking there at all either
well the only way I can improve is to play, stomps aren't ideal but I'm sure I'll find something to take and learn from the matches. is quake live or 2 better in terms of queue times? my queue times are at least 5 mins it seems on champions

people don't want to invest in a year long beta phase. I stopped playing aswell because I don't want to unlock all shaders and then have to start all over again when the game is released
We hands down have some of the best OC creators in VG maybe all of this Zimbabwean image board
Did anyone see a slot for BlowJob in the Survey? I don't recall mine having one.

this looked pretty violent from fazz's pov
saw him in each category, maybe you clicked on an older survey email?
Nah I probably missed it, although my survey had all the champs listed and then the ones I played specifically listed again. Might've been a glitch.
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>mfw thread starts to near page 10
>me when I get smashed by a trap
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Good night arena

>tfw when no Quakefuu to do pic related with
want a boigirl
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reminder that this is every sac/tdm game
>mfw I'm usually the choo choo
what's even more sad is that the 0/14's in tdms quit the game and uninstall it because after playing overwatch they expect to be good and getting kills in their first match of the game
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there are no queue times in either of those games you just connect to a server and play with a decent amount of newbies for both
but what do you do if you spawn infront of a dude with a stack and LG?
You complain to ID about their spawn algorithm.
i have been
and the fix is really fucking simple too
spawn furthest from other players
now you have some space to work with
makes spawn camping literally impossible
and if there doen's happen to be a
'safe' spot to spawn, spawn around where the last guy spawned so you don't have to fight someone with 150-150 with nothing but your starter, nor do you get to cleanup big fights and get all the credit for it

seriously the kill stealing is ridiculous
i fight someone
someone else kills me and the guy i was fighting
i fight someone and i kill them
not a second later blazko walks at me with double starting MGs
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even his texture maps look smug
>running around aimlessly doing absolutely nothing for 10 minutes is the product of a mature mindset
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Good morning, /arena/
How will you be going fast today?
with excessive circle jumps
but that adds several ms
just waited 15 minutes for my first game ever and got matched with obvious quake vets 40 levels higher than me and went 6-20 lads
also will they add offline modes so i can practice on bots a bit before getting raped. i'd like to just get a handle on things before player godlike players
no but they have videos about armor
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keep it up bud
i shall. any general advice for noobs?
you can set up a custom game on any of the dm maps and hop around with any class just to get the hang of it and find out where all the items are

after you do that, just try to collect all the armors you can and try to get to weapons that you're the most comfortable with
vq3 defrag?
It's not over yet
w-woah I don't know Anon
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tfw Quake Champions is dead on arrival. In a market where shooters like Overwatch allow new players to instantly feel good at the game by hitting the Q key, QC cannot succeed. New players will get raped and just quit and you will be left with the same player base as QuakeLive currently has. Sad but true.

How about I flip you like a table you little bitch.
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It really seems like that is what is destined to happen unless they get proper matchmaking. >>180274976
Look at this poor Anon this pretty often the case when it comes to someone's first time in QC.
what would be the ultimate weapon and how do we roll LG/RG/RL all into one?
Hitscan RL with a rate of fire equivilant to the LG
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reminder to vote
Can we stop this meme where we say only casual games are successful? Counter strike requires a couple hundred hours just to perform decently, as does dota 2. Both are games that are unforgiving to new players, and require patience to learn.

I don't know how QC will turn out, but they did dedicate $1 million to the prize pool for quakecon this year. I think that demonstrates that they're serious about this game, even if you think it will be unsuccessful
Why people say that QC was programmed by Russians?

Is Sabre interactive or whatever they called Russian company?
Anyway people are so quick to forget that genuine American ID software games ran like shit on arrival.
what is up with this random rocket damage?
i hit next to someone's feet and it does 100
i hit a direct and it does 60
wow visor really is the best holy shit
the perfect balance of speed and tankiness
no bullshit EZ-mode passive or instagib active
can't we just retool everyone to be a medium?
Yes they're Russians and it's well known that id has been occupied with other projects for the majority of this games development.
>ran like shit
Yes. But these games have problems on all fronts. And id never had a record of bad netcode. It's quite OK even by today's standards if you look at the older games.
But QC is far behind all of that.
Directs do 100. If you got a direct and it didn't it's probably a netcode issue (the rocket hit somewhere else on the server).
Maybe play QL if that's what you want?
how do i unlock the LG stun upgrade, the RL blast radius and projectile speed upgrades, and the MG and RG hitbox increase upgrades?
Those are team games where you can shift blame on everyone else and never have to face how shit you are.

In 1on1 games you get directly confronted with your own shittiness.
They hide the fact that you suck way better and you can still have gratifying moments because you get carried or beat other shitters.
You dont have that in Quake

You do need like 2k hours to get actually decent in dota, but the game hides the fact that you suck very well from you.
Give Todd Howard the S U C C
You get those for winning at quakecon. 5 points per won game and LG stun costs 100
where do i pirate the aimbot that every is using?
you know, the one that lets you shoot through walls
But quake Champions have those things too. Scalebearer can accidentally get kills by moving. He has an ability that does 100 damage to anyone in his path. Sorlag has an ability with 90 direct damage potential and 50 damage to anyone it touches. And your opponents can most often not afford to play around it.

This is a very silly DM game.
>wait 3 minutes to finally get into a TDM game
>it's an already-ongoing game where I'm filling in on the losing team
>next game is exactly the same except they had TWO leavers, and I have 130 ping

Back to Titanfall 2 I guess.
That's a good game anon. Good choice. But do consider other games in the afps genre if you like QC superficially
i give
i fucking give
it has gotten to the point where even when i get a direct rocket in the face, it does about 20 damage

One Anon explained the Rocket issue in one of the previous threads don't remember exactly which one or what he said. You can go find it if you want.
so why does the game pile up the highest level players on one team and the low levels on the other

just had a TDM where the other team got replaced almost twice over entirely over the course of the game
Why do some players run with the glove out?
CAN somebody form a team with me plz
What game?
because the gauntlet has the most consistent hit detection and gives you an award for each kill with it
Maybe later
QC competetive mod or w/e
because it doesn't make any noise and is the best if you suddenly bump into each other
Give me thirty minutes
Is this the QC team to surpass Plebbit?
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I really doubt it. It's been a few weeks since I've last played
/arena/ would lose because all the afps communities are on rebbit or discord now
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I have faith in you Anon
/arena/ has 1 or 2 quakedads max
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Some people already invited me in tryhard stacks after a bunch of TDM matches in match making.
this is fantastic and I agree with this guy >>180252990
/v/ beat them in tribes though, no one had faith in /v/ then either
And one of them was a furfag even!
competitive ascend was a joke though
equipment in doom 4 was highly questionable. for one, the personal teleporter instantly lets you change your position within about two seconds which is basically cheating in modes like clan arena and freeze tag where positioning are very important. I think these sorts of games should come down to moving, aiming, and shooting, and let the brain play take care of the rest, equipment and abilities are BS
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>mfw pic related is what happens to rebbit
someone shot you in the back, the game
my point was more about abilities doing many things at once
the personal teleprter still just telports you
it doesn't give you a speed boost, invisibility or explode when you teleport
it would justify them to be less powerful
i'm looking at you blazko you boring piece of shit character go back to your own game where i can appreciate you as a character
For a second I thought I was in /rs2g/
spawns continue to be terrible
sky continues to be blue
What? People never catch you off guard in this. How can you be caught when people stomp around like mad and you can easily put your back against a wall in so many situations.
Exception is nyx.
>Those are team games where you can shift blame on everyone else and never have to face how shit you are.

well, QC's main mode is 4v4. You can have good games where one of your teammates is way better than the other players, and still feel useful by using abilities.
People can feel useful by using clutch and getting "the rock" medals while your quakedad playing BJ kills everything
>fight anyone
>get shot in the back
>off guard
have you tried turning around
if you play this for duel i feel sry for u
because the sightlines are ridiculous and everyone focuses the railgun
because people constantly respawn behind you when you just started fighting someone else

> look away from the guy you are fighting
great advice son
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>turn around
>get shot from behind
has anyone played aerowalk in doom 2?
Oh no you don't
with BJ in QC, is there a way I can fire both railguns or shotguns at the same time? It's retarded that you can only fire one at a time, pretty much makes the ability worthless.
>He thinks he's playing CS
>he doesn't have max fov
>he can't flick back check his surroundings constantly while strafing
>he isnt ready to flick rail at any moment
eternal t2
>doubled rate of fire is worthless

Nice try Orbb, but no matter how much you complain they arent going putting you in yet
98% of the people who play this game are dogshit. are all of you waifushitters? what brings you here?
Genre is dead anon. 98% of people who play the game don't go here.
On top of that the 2% of the people you counted don't go here either.
This is just waifufaggotry.
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>the glory days
Why did /vg/ make games shit?
/v/ turned into neo /b/

When we beat Reddit can we still have Galo sengen as our victory theme?
literally this
see >>180314329
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Most pros have low fov
Watched 125fps tournament - pretty good stuff actually, Cypher is a god.
not really
only one that comes to mind is cooller
Most have 90-100 fov.
im a counter strike player so my mouse sensitivity is very low. are there any guides for quake re: mouse sensitivity? i feel like it should be higher to help me move faster but then i cant flick and aim quickly
Wise fwom yo gwave
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mfw when I missed being on the team by one entry.
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is this an arena shooter
reminder that artificial movement such as CPM and reflex are haram
never played em
what's the differences?
Thats HalfLife DM or DM source? I think its considered a psuedo AFPS. Personally never played it
can't sidestrafe like quakeworld
Sven mod I think
What the fuck? LAN tournaments are the most viable way to check out power levels. The only other way would be to have continuous LAN leagues.
cheers lad
>replying to low effort copypasta
whats more important.. good aim or good movement skills?
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>only played pqlca pubs in ql
>check qlranks
>apparently I was 2,300 elo in VQLffa

What does this mean /arena/?
movement if you want to have fun
Ill never understand what the FUCK dm source was.

But hl1dm adrenaline gamer (its cpm) ties xonotic for maximum powerlevel skill cieling.

Its only played by third worlders with brain damage tho. Check out the editing here.

Knowing your enemy>position>timing>movement=aim
What anon means here is that rail and lg accuracy are 90% of winning.
That's not true, even for the new dumbed down frag centric Quake. The problem for 90% of players is that they just don't think ahead.
So much this. To win a RL/RG duel you absolutely have to predict where your opponent is going to be next. Unless its adadarki who can fake a jump in one direction to get you to whiff or just spam adad when you try to LG him. Which us brings us to this >>180341432 knowing your opponent nowadays is very important.
Are you NA?
well I just started lurking /arena/. how many dads in the house. I've been playing since quake was on shareware 1996.
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Is this why rapha keeps winning?
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Lord have mercy, supposedly just 2 or 3. None of us have played together all that much so we haven't been able to figure out power-levels overall. Welcome to the General, we bullshit about QC then reminisce about old afps.
reminder about quake 2 tastyspleen event this saturday and /arena/ warsow night this sunday at 5PM PDT
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anybody got a good meme to quake up?
has anyone made a BJ version of the 2 wieners image yet
technically I'm a quakedad, but I'm nowhere near as good as I was 10 years ago, aim's been rusty as fuck and I can't seem to make it improve anymore
I was trying to come up with a "quake-dad.png" but couldn't figure out an old man to use. I thought maybe Master Roshi from DBZ, but thought that didn't fit. Maybe Ranger with an old man beard?
they did, but it was pretty shit
I'll try working on it when i get home
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Jesus guides his Cross-hair
I've been fortunate my aim had stayed consistent. I have always been middle ground with my aim, 25% lg, 45% rail. But I've always been more concerned with good movement and item control to make up for average aim.
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How do we fix pic related?

Those lips hnng
How did you get consistent? Not a Quake-Dad, but I've played since Q2 and have never managed to be consistent. I'll go off one game and hit everything then the next be totally crap.
the only thing that needs fixing is these lips not being wrapped around my shaft
Yeah. I think the QLranks system for elo is a bit skewered if you get into the top 3 all the time.

Me and all my QL friends we're 2k+ elo and we didn't give a shit about the mode at all. I think FFA just has a lot of casual players or something.
I take it you're in the quake kitchen discord?
I've always used low graphical settings. As low as they can go, and very low sensitivity. In QC it's 0.65 at 800 dpi. No mouse accel
Nope, though I always have wanted to do QL pugs its a bit late. I think most of the users here that were active on /v/ during QL also were 2k+ ffa elo even though they were like 1400 dual elo.
Most of the active pqlers are on the quake kitchen discord. Ask mccool for an invite.
Is uh, xckd or whatever his name was there?
It's a mix of RuN and tBA* regulars.
do you group up for qc tdm
We mainly duel each other since our pub queues can be rather brutal for the other side.
shame, I'm too shit to duel
oh well
daily reminder that if you use bj in duel you shouldn't be alive
the other guy sure won't be for long ;]
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>next patch notes roll in
>choo choo dmg increased
>Nyx hitbox smaller ability, duration increased
>200% more "eat my balls bro"
>Blowjob now regens 2 blocks instead of 1
>Hunter is added in
>implying it wouldn't all be worth it
I just uninstalled the game because of him. Dumpstered my opponent completely, have whole map under lock then he just casually comes around from an inferior position and frags me in under a second with LG. Guess I'll be waiting for Diabotical instead.
you seem upset
Sounds like maybe you didn't have as much control as you thought.
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>tfw the released game will not have offline v bots modes
Yes, I did.
The situation ain't that fubar my dude
fix the fundementals of the game first
increase hitbox sizes to be more on the level of mediums
remove invulnerability on demand
>not using it for long range 1v1 rails while your oponent has the option to hide behind a wall or a pillar so you can just place a crosshair on his head and pull the trigger as soon as he goes out for a shot

you don't know the true fun, anon
at this point using bj is basically a must because you are going to loose pronto if your oponent picks him and you dont

sorry but Blizzard is losing more and more players in OW lately, Only Koreans are playing it because of the Loot boxes and shit that they like
I only lose to him if someone is significantly better than me. maybe 1 out of 15 games I lose to a player that picked bj.
I meant when you're already fighting face to face
you can't just make an asspull and win by pressing one button
have you got anything to back that up my man
it's all in the numbers
number one: that's terror
number two: that's terror

in last sunday cup (first one for qc btw) literally everyone used bj because at high level having him makes a fucking huge difference

but i feel you anon, i dont pick him in public games, i was talking more about the situation when you play a matching oponent
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not lose pronto because you can still outplay bj players a lot of the time but the moment when you're in an open area it's "LMAO I PRES BUTON MAKE U DEID"
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I am so sick of this. Want to hear Ranger say "put your back into it sarge always said." literally got DCed 2 times and said "fuck it". why does the game hate me /arena/ ;~;
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Ranger wears a Shambler's head.jpg
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Still best vanity item.
>takes screenshot with phone
It's what cool people do anon.
So which game do you play /arena/ ?
Quake 2
Only upset that I wasted time playing this dead on arrival game lmao.
>Sounds like you should have picked BJ instead of even bothering with map control.
Fixed that for you. Ofc there's no satisfaction with playing a character that is effectively a cheat.
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Fresh OC
Did they nerf bj yet? I want to play but having that guy in the game lowers the skill ceiling to knee height.

I dont like getting killed by the undeserving, ignorant masses of unwashed bj picking newbs
Reflex, dirty bomb, Starcraft BW and random indie platformers. Most recently dead cells.
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Visor to rail.png
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Some Fresh OC
The most important parts of memes is that they ironically capture everybodies inner will die and suffer. You can't spam unironic memes.
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earl the chef.gif
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>mfw the meme makers hit us with that OC
I'm open to suggestion
same here post something or come with an idea.
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Fellow quake dads.jpg
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Quake dad edit?
relic or carnage in this would be perfect
I wanna launch qc and frag but then I remember I'd have to sit and do absolutely nothing for 2-3 minutes while waiting for the game to load, then sti for 5+ minutes waiting for a game, and then probably quit when I get 3 retards on my team
got any pic on relic?
So I start reflex where I can get good duels and I just have to relax and play race or spectate duels while I wait.
Goahuds follow killer spectate feature is great.
reflex is ded and ghey
cpma is where its at
>playing ugly reflex because of muh overbounces that are literally never used in pvp
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I can change the caption if you come up with something better
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Das da spot.jpg
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If we can't beat plebbit in Quake we can certainly out meme them.
How do i find him
> how do you do, fellow reasonanle hitboxes
why would you play PQL over CPMA or the other better quakelikes
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Fellow Quakers.png
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Shit just late but made it with Carnage
>not dead like xonotic/warsow
>graphics don't rape eyes
>50 damage rail makes theatre of pain playable.
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OC coming in hot
lol, before he looked like eminem, now he looks like a literal dad
>no Lost Soul on the skateboard
Haha, wouldn't it be funny if visor accidentally rubbed his armpit against you in a match?
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bj guns.jpg
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don't stop me now
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lil tomoko Nyx edit

She won't see me cumming
Someone make a chat log edit where nyx uses the line 'I ghost you scum all day long'.
[16:15] -pq-Mynx- Hi duster. Last game started 42d 53mins 53secs ago.
[16:16] <duster> im looking for a dude by the name of mccool
>Tomoko will never be my GF
>now you see it
>now you dont
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i love losing connection and being sent to some retarded login screen that doesnt even fucking work
Thanks m8
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>from 2x to 1.25x damage
>Ping will no longer correlate with FPS, which will now display the true ping value
that's neat, now fix the fucking upload bandwidth
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>BJ nerfed to hell
>can't pull out a free frag out of their ass anymore
blazkbabs on suicide watch
>this BJ nerf
Too hard. 2x is good. Gives the character flavor.
maybe flavor of cum from all the dicks you've been sucking
watch it motherfucker some of us tribesbabs survived. If you're talking about arial assault and not that cancer that was ascension
i played a lot of T2 when it was still popular
died a little inside when i started it up this year and nobody was playing it
Wait did they just nerf him? how so?
4 posts above
reduced DPS from 200% to 150% with slower guns and 125% with faster guns
so blazko is going to get more out rail and rocket than lightning
>Slow firing weapons (RL, RG, SG, TB) now at 1.5x
>Reduced rate of fire to 1.25x for high rate of fire weapons (Gauntlet, Machinegun, Nailgun, Heavy Machinegun, Super Nailgun, and Lightning Gun)
So will we get a grenade launcher or is the Tri-bolt the new grenade launcher?
why anyone would want to play overwatch or csgo over this baffles me
i'm not a big GO fan but counter strike was a lot of fun back in the day
i don't know what is with Visor's jumping animation
but i like it
gun held in one hand pointing up
Keep trucking
will the sale tomorrow save reflex?
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delete this
How do we save afps?
wow what are the chances that everyone is playing clutch
You can play cs/ow with your shit friends and carry them.
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keep playing them
no u

Nothing can save Reflex.
i dont think diabotical will be any better

Quake Champions will also fail. Dead genre.
Well fuck what do we do?

We just keep playing.
Just like the guys on the Titanic
its easier to get people to play normiequake with me than cpma or any other arena pooper
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quake arena.png
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oh hey I see where the realms for maps in QC come from now
have you not played quake
We were all new once
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Are enough people playing Q2 to get clanwar style 4vs4 matches going?

I'm kinda interested in playing again after a 10 year hiatus, but I don't really like 1vs1.
i see people playing rocket arena sometimes
most people play ffa, action quake 2, or mainly duel on openTDM but i also see some 2v2s on openTDM as well
also see >>180082813
>also see >>180082813

Where's the server located? I'm from Germany and back in the days I got like 200+ ping on US servers.
tastyspleen servers are amerifat
you're in luck though the openTDM servers are a lot more popular in yurop
>diabotical beta this summer
>mantreads in tf2 will give +200% air control

this is a great summer
What if at Quakecon they dump a massive QC update on us? Those models in the leaks looked pretty far along
Neat. Gonna reinstall then.

I still might check that tastyspleen event out just for shits and giggles. Would be cool if they were running the 64 players ffa mod with the gigantic maps.


Is this a new Battleground/Tourney style mod?
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Where they fix the netcode and add in Hunter?

Wishes never come true Anon
Metroid Prime 4's existence proves that statement wrong
I suppose we can hope Willits gets his shit together, he around 2 months to do so. Nintendo heard us whining since "The Other M" gave me cancer.
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Sale? Where?
But doesn't air strafing with soldier already give you stupid high air control?
Steam summer sale
Already? I was hoping for the free weekend to happen before the summer sale. They won't get enough attention.
Wasn't planned very well unfortunately, or perhaps they never intended to?
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Galena edit?

>Its Holy Light I ain't gotta explain shit
>mfw my team is full of noobs who have given up and the enemy is stacked with Quake-Dads

TF2 already has very high air control, all Source engine games have it by default due to physics carryover from GoldSrc which in turn comes from the original Quake engine.
>the enemy is stacked with Quake-Dads

nice, gotta remember this one ;^)
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What do ya think.
More like had his game stolen from him by the other 2 devs.
He is back "working" on CPMA.
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Just right slipgate.png
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The Anons of /Arena/ never fail. Saved.
Goodnight /arena/
Goodnight sweet prince
Any of you fags use lightboost?
I prefer to just use my default 144hz.
>QC update
>open forum thread
>"you aren't nerfing nyx?????"

when will overwatch bebies learn?
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played one unsatisfying game after 5 mins searching then :: error message 107 :: cannot connect blah blah blah servers down

well thats it for tonight then, how can this game have such a rocky beta when its based of 20 years of FPS experience , its not like jumping around shooting rockets is groundbreaking gameplay requiring new technology to work.
they nerfed bj but I still hate the ability
nobody should ever do more damage than any other champ.

dead game
dead genre
dead thread
is this the bitch frmo edd and and eddy
literally nobody in that show had purple hair
what are you smoking
and who the fuck has purple hair in QC
sale when
same hairstyle
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on what? It's free.
Reflex? Who knows. I hope they manage to get one of those special featured sales. That'd be great.
I like it much more than QC.
I liked her. She was the best character in the show.
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Why are afps players so hot?
warrior genes
how was it his game
so when will the game be playable?
Which game?
From a certain point of view it's playable right now
But my bet is that Diabolical will be playable before QC.
Sale is on boys. Quake live for $2.50 and Reflex for $5.00
I keep forgetting that's p2p.
It's such a waste. Get Q3 or reflex instead.
If you want to play vq3 there's no reason to play anything other than QL
The issue is porting it to a new engine, but your right id shouldn't be having this much trouble.
It has more content and better lan support.
except any quake 3 map runs in quake live and anyone playing vq3 will be on QL because it has much better netcode and balance
Modes? Mods?
Hah no.
Very subjective
If you think vq3 netcode or 100dmg rail is any better you're a fucking retard and i'm not going to argue over this. Nobody plays vq3 anymore you either play CPMA or QL.

I post these out of nostalgia
Av3k was pretty ugly, so was that guy with the three letter name who was a pro rugby player.
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>Av3k was pretty ugly

that's a neanderthal, and yes, it's considered ugly

>only 4 people die in the fragmovie, the only people who play xonotic
in what universe is half a second delay when firing weapons better netcode and 8 damage per dick LG and 100 damage railgun a subjective thing?
i swear you niggers dont even play if you unironically believe this
Not the best picture.
Face means a lot. He needs a better expression.
let's just say he looked much better when he was younger
now he's just a rectangular slab of ugly
What is a good map to practice strafe jumping on, also how do these guys control their momentum so well?
it's much easier to keep your speed while turning in all the non-vanilla quake 3 mods
Should i buy the quack pack on the sale?
strafe pads are great for practice
Well that's experience.
But what you're mainly impressed by is a compilation of the best attempts of many.
i used it in csgo a while ago. i like how it looks, it's just that it makes certain parts of the map too dark.
1-3 dont have cd key checks anymore for online
C'mon, we're almost to the next thread
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looks blue to me, senpai
Nyx's hair is blue too.
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Nice, Nyx kinda looks like Motoko from GiTS
Why is The Major so perfect?
Art of EE&E as Ranger, Visor, and Scalebearer where?
thing is edd doesn't fit any of them
Help me out boi-oz

I'm buying the Quake collection live and doom collection

What else should I get?
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It's not your time to die, yet
reflex, its dead tho
hexen, unreal and maybe Shadow Warrior(original) .
Reminder Warsow this sunday at 5PM PDT
>maybe Shadow Warrior
Not maybe but definitely.
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Quake Live duel statistics with >100k recorded duels.
What's Hexen and Unreal like?
Unreal dead?
I downloaded a few De-frag maps and a practice map or two, where do I put the .pk3 files in QL to play the maps? Or do I need to download Q3 to use them?
i recommend downloading defrag mod itself because there are mechanics like overbounce that were patched out of quake live and cpma that some maps require
i have a link somewhere but it has my config and name in it by default
found it just change your name and settings to whatever you want
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>first frag wins 87% of the time

so essentially nothing would be lost by simply having sudden death, first to 1 frag is the winner

cool "competitive" game mode you got there
did you not read it? that's only when theres an extremely substantial elo difference

in a normal game you'd get in "matchmaking" or whatever it would be 61-65% which is just about what you'd expect
It's a very good game though
Saw 10 new players today. All having fun in MM instagib so they don't get it yet but level 1-4's are nice.
So basically
>quake live is snowbally as ever
>QLs ELO system works remarkably well
>score diff
>average lead changes <2
>average time he last lead change occurs 3:5X
Basically my suggestion (as seen in thread) about making a frag lead of 2 (or map specific) required to win with a round timer of 5 and an OT timer of 5 is a great idea.
Cuts down the stomps duration drastically and keeps close games going for a while.

Could even make it drop to 1 lead difference after OT2 or something.
It's nice to see when stats back you up.
Where did you get this?
Do you guys think Reflex arena will drop in price? I have 6 friends who wanna play it, we all like QC but the netcode is kinda nasty. I heard Reflex is like anarki with more life and great netcode. So is it worth it at current price?
Do you think it will drop?
I was having a discussion with Zoot on his stream about potential changes to QC's duel (besides the meme bring back 10m) and asked Sponge to give some data for us to use.
Cool. Feel free to steal my idea if you want.
bruh its five bucks right now
I think I'm buying a 4pack though. These sales tend to have prices vary you know. Someone on /v/ said it doesn't now but who knows.
The 4 pack is 15 bucks
I guess that's really cheap enough. I'm just a scrooge.
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Dreams of a good future.png
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>Be new to quake
>Try quake c
>quake c is the best FPS I've played in years.
>21:9 support sucks
>beg quake gods to add 21:9
>they add it perfectly, instead of assfucking us like overwatch and paladins
>Suck but still keep trying
>Starting to gitgood
>Frag fatal1ty a few times
>falling in love with nyx
>stop playing every other game

Guys.. this game is a dream come true.
How do I make sure this game never dies?

I've waited so long for a replacement that I loved as much as ut2003.
Literally waited 10 years for this.

I can't imagine not having quake C anymore.
How do I make this game successful?
I need this.
I dont want to go back overwatch.
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Why do CPMA fags hate Reflex?
There doesn't seem to be any flame in the other direction.
ask ZTK yourself he's in the /arena/ discord
>talking without anonymity
you're still anonymous with a throwaway account sweetie
People with identity are mean though. I don't care enough to put myself through that.
don't be a pussy fag anon
just close your eyes if they write mean things
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I'm going to take quake con this year
hopefully some aim god stretches his bumhole real good
+backward faggotry should never be enabled
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JC Denton champion when?
CZM is a Mathematician.
Welcome to being an arena FPS fan. Your torment starts here
But he's just playing the strategic game. Quake forces you to move towards items unless you can actually outrun your opponent for the remainder of the game after getting a lead. I've never seen that happen for more than a few minutes at worst.
Has QC fixed its rocket lag/netcode issues yet?
you get a group of friends to play with so the playerbase numbers dont matter
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If you join the discord people do CTF games sometimes.
what fucking discord
why is there a discord in a dead general
the reflex discord dumbass
cyka blyat
i am 99% sure cooller is drunk
It is the slavic way
He does his people proud
I remember seeing a video where the guy had translucent weapons but they were light blue. How would I go about doing this?
forgot to mention Quake Live
Thread nearly at bump limit
Hexen is a more advanced more medieval Doom.
Unreal (not Tournament just Unreal) was Quake but all weapons are projectiles.
Would he be big into books?
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Active: augments his vision.
passive: augmented bulge all female combatants stare at his bulge.
For whoever makes the next OP, 0ut (Warsow night this sunday at 5PM PDT) in the OP next to the warsow link
>Passive: Nerves of Steel: All ability related damage is reduced by half
>"Does that mean I don't get the quad?"
Hunter first.
I'm afraid of what voice they're gonna give her. But who knows, maybe we'll get another bullseye like Sorlag
I love Nyx, Slash, Sorlag, and Galena's voice. So far they're hitting the mark with the female voice cast.

I just want more ladies to play in this game.
Dunno but as long as it's similar in tone to Q3A we are good
Anon next champ is Dragon born to coincide with the ultra 4k hd edition of Skyrim. Then every champ gets Skyrim related shaders and vanity items. Finally the next six maps will all be Skyrim related.

The only mods available for QC will be mods related to Skyrim
Eh...I feel like that voice is too soft for a Aztec/Mayan warrior lady. But we'll see I guess. I hope.
Fuck off immediately, Todd
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Skyrim is the only Bethesda game there is Anon, just wait for D44M's Skyrim DLC.
just got quake live on the sale and i cant even play. need to forward port or some shit
yo it's your boy bisk here just coming to tell all you shit fucks that cpma is the only way to cpm, reflex aint got shit on this get fucked big money and i'm out
woah shit i fucked up and posted the wrong picture. here you go. suck on my ding dong you fucking tramps and i'm OUT (_(_)=====D~~~~~
Bump, not dead yet and all the anons who can make a new thread are asleep.
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We just need a few more hours of life.
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Goodnight Anons
Shamble to the finish line
Bit more
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s-still alive!
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>See THIS champion against you

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>9k matches completed
disregard the fotm op babby and frag away because he only does 25% more damage now
bet his top champs are sorlag/nyx/adadarki

Yes, keep picking this reptile, the easiest enemy to hit after Clutch.
Even SB is harder to hit.
did you miss the 200 hp and 80 damage ranged DoT
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I'm keeping that bitch away from me
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>tfw too stupid for bridge to rail
just keep practicing
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just 3 more posts
Why does Reflex netcode feel so amazing? Imagine if we had that in QC.
Only problem is it has issues with clipping at high speeds and cant support mobing brushes.
The engine (and I imagine the netcode too) was built from scratch = no restrictions of having to use previous technology
The devs wanted the game to work the best possible for comp play, so stuff like good netcode was probably a very big priority in all of that.
New thread when?
I'll make it
I would but I have no pics really relevant to /arena/ that probably haven't been used in OPs already
new thread
Thread posts: 750
Thread images: 145

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