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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1544

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 208

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>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Sky Compass Guide (now includes air dates)

>Schedule for May:
4/30 - 5/9 - Alchemist Astray
5/10 - 5/15 - All Four Celestials
5/17 - 5/24 - Guild War (Light)
5/25 - 5/30 - Xeno Ifrit Showdown
5/25 - 5/30 - Hero's Return (Naoise event rerun)
5/31 - ?/?? - New Scenario Event

5/6 - 5/15 - Free Memerolls
5/1 - 5/15 - Golden Week Special (Free Rolls, Magnafest, 1/2 Off Coop/Specials, etc.)

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread
anyone can share that comic srip about gran breaking niyon harp?
>that fucking pic
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Please don't stop posting Korwa, I want more.
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did you see the grids in them, they were horribad, as in so bad I don't even know if I want to farm xeno ifrit bad

I've upgraded my grids in the past few days so I don't know how it is now. Should I put in the nigredo spear in light seeing as it's mlb? I don't have the mats for it now though, too busy upgrading my grids

Also should I focus on making my dagger water and placing it there?
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Do I use the tales fist as a fodder? If we ever get a rerun I can just farm it again

I really need fodder to get the GW dagger to SL10
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When is the next suptix?
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me too thanks
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Today, I will remind them
I want a Korwa with hair armpits!
You are not getting a rerun. Thanks be to god for that.
You again?
Just start namedropping so I can filler you.
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>Guild leader accidentally calls you mommy while erping.
Good boy..
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How do I login on bluestacks? I click the ID button and it doesn't seem to take me to any sort of login page.
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What guild? Is it a /gbfg/ guild?
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I died like a bitch, but thanks anyway anon
Fuck off back to the dying thread or /c/ if you want to dump
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No need fanart for her fappin material
If you really need an unknown fist get the longdong one
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This is the strongest character in the game. Please say something nice that is completely nonsexual or she'll never show up in your future draws.
Thank you.
I officially give up on getting more chev swords.
Christ its faggot homo time in /gbfg/ again
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The high school outfit is a miracle of the universe.
0980C8D4 JK
She has cute feet
rude. Trust gbfg to be helpful only on occasion
Korwa can be used in all six element. Zoi can only be used in 3 or 4 elements. Korwa is therefore stronger than Zoi.

She isn't the strongest. She allows other people to be stronger. Strongest support in the game.
>only waifus posted
>faggot homo


see you in an hour
The color of cum contrasts, yet complements well with her skin color.
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That event triggered a new wave of Korwa fanart and I loved it.
I don't usually whale for cosmetic but if they sell this shit I would buy it instantly.
>MVP'd my own Athena after long battle
>fucking flawless prism in the red chest
Why the fuck is this allowed? What's the fucking point of MVP?
If Korwa is stronger than Zoi then there's nothing wrong with Zoi.
This is true.
H-Her damage is very good. I want to explore her emnity.
Do I fix my water pool with daggers or dark pool with axes/claws?
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Korwa herself isn't strong either.
Drop some damn feathers you whore.
Korwa isn't.
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She's a fucking whore, she shaves clean. You don't actually expect feathers from a shaved whore right?
>picking her pubes
He said nonsexual!
Post ID
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Korwa is actually the weakest character in the game.
>no damage
>no ougi
Wind bias much? Buff when?
How the fuck do I link my account on Android so I can buy coins? I've tried every option after clicking ID and it just sends me to the tutorial.
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She desperately needs 5*.
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If you're asking for it
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You have 44 hours to complete your Cog summon.
anyone down to Corow coop farm?
Nah, I'm actually done, if I ever start caring again I'll just drop the game.
It's not worth it.
You're the reason why people like bratposter exist
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Just do it with google play. Click buy ticket, accept, choose 3090 yen option, input your credit/debit card data with US address (this is important, if you live elsewhere, use fake US address) and proceed. It's actually quite easy. You have to do it on android or through bluestacks.
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24 days until she's mine
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24 days till I meme pull her
what is this?
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This is a wood elf, say something nice about her
you do not belong here
She's super cute!
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Does this image count as straight or gay?
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How many angel halo would it take me to level this?
SSR when?
Mordecai should've been a playable SSR instead of knife ear.
I already reduced all of them. Good quartz desu.
How do you guys cope with hell AH grind?
She fucks the best insects.
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Her BM game was too strong so they nerfed her voice.
>at least i'm not farming chev swords
Luna still has the best BM
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we don't
Yep, this outfit is top tier, even more than the original.
I love her "EHHHH" sound, every time before I drop my roach combos.
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Did you know that Korwa is also really lewd?
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Skins never.
>finally put guild/crew leader in filter

bit less of a shithole now
I am surprised you used that instead of boat selfies.
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Korwa is way too beautiful for this world man. Most the art on pixiv are so shit.
I'm one axe way from having a complete 3* grid and celeste flipped at most 20 selfies.
I hear she has to get almost naked to put on her dress.
What a slut.
I think it's cute.
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Give me (You)s and you will be granted an SSR from today's free memeroll.
I'll be happy with my golem, thanks though
y-y-y-y- you
I love Orchid!
What does a good dark grid look like?
4 axes / 2 claws?
I got Zoi and D. Jannu for reference.
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>I've literally gotten 14 (fourteen) Tiamat selfies since Friday
What in the actual fuck, I'm only level 56 I need guns not this shit.
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For you!
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Thank you based Orchid
>implying I believe in bullshit
here you go
Dude whatever, it's not like I'm desperate for someone else in my wind team. I'll just go the casino mines.
Every thread, every fucking thread with this fucking shitty question.
Use the fucking archive.
Orchid is a slut who canonically wears no underwear.
I already have everything I want anyway!
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you sound pretty tired anon, you need some rest?
6 claws. The only reason axes are used at all is because claws are a pain to farm. /gbfg/ is the only place in the Internet which doesn't know this.
2 axes 4 claws is the most efficient assuming you buy 2 claws every month.
dolls don't need pantsu
6 claws
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So somebody gave me this account, because they want me to play GBF with them. I have no idea what I should be doing at my rank, which is 41. I've been doing Celeste Raids, because I want the stuff to uncap characters.

Should I keep doing what I am doing, because I am super lost.
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Have a cute Kurwa.
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Dork Angel D468D5C2
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I do.
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Make you think doesn't it?
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>3 crits, dark atk, and enmity EMP
Holy shit, why does everyone hailing albert as lord of crits while this guy is unheard of?

Is it because Albert is more handsome?
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But we are goddessposting!
She doesn't look like a man. Unlike a certain Eternals archer.
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This would be like the best threesome possible.
>diablo flips
>it's the bow
4/2 is fine

But 6 axes or 6 claws depending on what team you run later on.

4/2 ends up being better than 6 axes at 85% hp IIRC but only for units at that health
who cares? she's a slut that canonically fucked a pig
Don't tempt me.
We've never seen Vas's face so he could be more handsome
Play fire for now.
Because Albert has 4 crits you monkey.
>Farming Celeste
Yes, keep doing that.
>Using that grid
Don't keep doing that. If you press the skill button, it'll show you the skills of your weapons. They are multipliers for your damage. Multipliers are usually better than flat increase. Do not trust the calculator, it's trying to include the damage of your non-dark team members as well.
There you go, girl.
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Take your lies and slanders elsewhere, heretic.
Is this the best time to reroll?
in 10 minutes
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You should be focusing on dark or fire, that much is for sure.Start leeching celestes and colossus, and angel halo grind daily.
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Would you?
Make a bunch of accounts now to abuse anime freebies but actually roll during legfest which will be on May 31st.
five days ago it was.
I need to do all my coop missions is it fine for you guys to carry me all the way from normal to Extra?
you have a pretty good fire team, but you really only have djannu and d zeta (somewhat) for dark.
Your grid is nonexistent, at least from what you're showing here. It's a combination of all the SSR chara weps you have, so post your SSR wep list to see what you have.

It's currently magnafes aka all magna raids are on low, so you want to focus mostly on getting the anima from hard magna raids every day, and spending the renown you get from it in shop

This is a LOT of information and I don't expect you to take it in so here's the gist:
fight the magna hard raids daily
-when you're done with that, do story quests
-farm the event for pots and berries with whatever time you have remaining

magnafes is a fucking drag, even if I significantly improved my grids in a few days' time
Reduce them, but keep an five if you haven't uncapped one. Always have one 3* magna summon and a spare incase of 4* but reduce the rest as you get them, it'll be a pain reducing pages and pages one at a time.
Oh yeah legfest, oh well, I'll just wait for May 31st then.
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Your 30 ranks too early to take my MVP
post the pic of niyon losing to fat old man cock please
no >:C
Why would she wear pantsu, there's nothing down there.
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Jesus yes, this is the stuff I was talking about earlier.
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It's time, boys. Time to guess.

Or should I wait?
D98A4092 Bahamut
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What did they mean by this.jpg
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It's stupid and pointless, but I'm desperate
You started with over 100K lead. It was 9K in the end. I was just eating sandwich and autoing.

if it's HL i'm shooting you
She's still a huge slut.
An easy access slut with nothing down there is still an easy access slut.
If you post someone will help, maybe.
Oh my god why did I join this
autoing is how you catch up crazy fast. It's the best dps.
whatever, i'll do it if only for juliet, jeanne(dark), or yoda
Oh yeah fuck im stupid 6EE70
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Wait all you like, it won't change the outcome.
New player here. What's the etiquette for co-op rooms, should only the room creator be picking quests or is it a free for all?
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Fuck (You)
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Holy shit, I wanted to ticket her too.
She's actually good now, so he'd be happy to get her instead of fucking Clarisse.
One month ago, you opened a room and someone came to help you right away. Now you have 30 pages of empty rooms. What happened?
please give me jannu

do it
Use it. Character pool is fixed.
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The room creator picks the quests. It's their privilege because they offered their AP to do so. If you can talk to others you can change it up, but the norm is the host picks.
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what would you even do down there if you had access to it?
wow anon, calm down
double check the level before joining next time

grats. Hope you like snek selfies
Kill my balance nigger. (Zoi)
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Me on the left.
Why would someone make this?
Quick, think of what EMP support skill they'll give each GW char!
I dont know I just wanna finish all my coop please help 6EE70 is the room
>havent gotten a SSR weap from magna in the past 43 tries
It hurts to live sometimes.
Me on the right
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So before I start up a Co-op for coral farming, I'd like to know if anybody else is interested.
Sarasa will get 100% crit chance on rage and save earth and her 5*
interested. just have to finish some errands.
Just hit HL.

How hard is twin elements? Can I pub this shit?
Okto already has that
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Keep trying my man. Also MVP your own magna.
Try to steal vice mvp during your ST, it helps a lot.
Fuck it Ill do it some other time fucking shit
Where do I farm high orbs?
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>No buncles
>No health
N-Not that I believe in your bullshit or anything, baka.
I-If you post cute girls then everyone is interested.
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Big damage.
Anon, I'm in your own situation. I'm stuck at the first level of pandemonium and nobody helps me. And, funny thing, when nipps joins and see that i load pandemonium, they leave.
What's the problem? It's better than Gravity and her nuke skill is outright great.
The elemental trials.
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>double flips from primarch raid
first time I hate the sound of it
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You joke, but it actually works.

Here's the room number: D55F2
What would be another Water SSR to ticket?

I have Altair, Charlotta and Silva.
Can you have sex with your stands? For example, does the bull give magisa some good dicking when she needs it?
>using that art for Altair
Get the fuck out of here
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Thanks anons. My friend said I can unlock the Summer Zooey so I should do that if I want dark, and Summer Beatrix if I want fire.
No one, your team works. But if you insist get Romeo.
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yeah whats worse is when your guild doesnt help it makes me sad
Yngwie for 5* Silva fun.
Ticket Romeo if you want to farm xeno ifrit.
>does the bull give magisa some good dicking when she needs it
No, Magisa gives Moo-chan the cock every night.
Moomoo is a girl.
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>Really want to get the Qilin harp
>Qilins are only posted on the raid finder like twice an hour
>Probably impossible to get into
Her summon is female, you imbecile.
Yoda, or a dickpick of your choice, after getting Altair, ticketable water units decrease in value mostly.
Flip a horn, I'm leeching.
I actually wanted to know if trains are still a thing since I have a seal.
is it gransexual?
It's unlikely that you'll find that many people that still have one to host now, but celestials is coming up soon so there should be more trains then.
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I hope so, I need that harp too.
Probably Magisa would be jelly.
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>116 sec paralyze on chev HL
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We can start the train.
>silva's yatta when you level up her zeniths
>no HS
Already, the idea is yours. You start hosting.
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>don't get a red chest
Halle would be happy.
Phalanx is for losers.
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>Silva 5* starred Song
>Naru 5* is going to guest star Okto
Mithra has got to be the dumbest boss fight to ever be implemented. Fucking rng fight where I have to pray my debuffs hit because I'm not strong enough to assblass him and have shit chars. Got him after 10 tries
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Take my (you)

Come on Lord of Crits.
Doesn't this describe every fight? Just improve your grid.
Mithra is easy tho
Do you buy pots or cp with your silver/bronze moons.
thanks for horn
Pots with Bronze.
With silver, pots if I need them, otherwise save them for CP.
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Not a horn but I'll take it.
How can I make Zoi less laggy?
>submit to jew gacha on light because this gay fox and gran are the only ones there
>get SR Ferry and De La Fille
Well, guess you got me good. You're not getting a single cent from now if that's what you give me when I provide you with shekels
Are the homoknights canonicaly homo?
Thank you for the horn!
Play the game in JP.
No. Fujo and homosexuals just love them and thus make them gay because they like it.
Grand series limiteds will need mithra HL mats.
Good luck!
Percy is DJsexual
Play on standard resolution.
High sucks for Zoi and HL Tiamat
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List your top 5 characters for each race.
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he ignores her for the entire fate episode and never acknowledges she's there
>when he does, he doesn't remember who she is
I should get a Diablo for my dark support summon, shouldn't I? The only dark summons I have are Lowain, Cag, Olivia and Dark Flame Master Bahamut.
Why don't primal grids like Varuna use baha weapons? Isn't the 15% bonus hp/atk very good?
Diablo being char attack up means outside of complete beginners he's not going to be useful as a support summon. Even a 40% ele would be better.
Because in Varuna pool the Varuna weapons give more.
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Make me
Human - Apollonia
Cow - Anila
Erune - Six
Harvin - Arulumaya
Unknown - Amira
Primal - Cerberus
Someone host a slimeroom.
>Love Song's ougi
>Lags me to hell every time she uses it

sorry mama but I'm gonna have to refresh it now.
So, you ougi in Baha HL at 50% with Song?
Ok gimme a sec
So I can just use Dark Flame Master. Thanks.
disable hardware acceleration in your browser settings, that's usually the cause for gbf lagging
Sarasa, Forte,Sturm, Vaseraga, Okto

Kat, Sig, Silva, Percy, Siegman

Arulumaya, Yoda, burn the rest in a fire

Yuel, Korwa, Esser, Cloe, Nemonemo


JK, Fenrir, cerb, Mika, Zoi
how to see players contribution during a raid ?
>tfw not even a light player
>tfw still host and MVP my chevs everyday for the last 2 months
>not a single sword
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Thanks papa snek!
Human - Sara
Cow - Sarasa
Erune - Yakuza
Potato - Fujopotato
Unknown - DJ
Primal - JK
Come, boy
I did

It fixed lag when fighting zoi and some other fights but certain ougi's and gabbu fight still lags me.
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Human - Jamil, Farrah, Feena, Silva, Kukuru

Erun - Yuel, La Coiffe, Sen, Socie, Catherine

Draph - Kumuyu, Aliza, Vaseraga, Razia, Forte

Harvin - Zahlamelina, Bridgette, Ludmila, Melissabelle, Leonara

Primal/Unknown - JK, Amira, Cerberus, Medusa, Minigobu
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anyone using zooey bot?
what the fuck do I do with 30 horns?
>still can't connect to granblue

why did comcast block my addiction. how can i get around this i still need more lev daggers for xeno ifrit rerun
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>6 flips
>6 selfies
Fuck off boat.

Buy a cosmos stick atk.
as long as you have you six base and skill them to 10 you'll be fine
>auto bots roll out
As if zooey niggers couldn't get any worse.
Get a vpn I guess
>paid bot
banwave soon, hopefully more retards get hit than last time with posters
It's been around for MONTHS with the pokerbot. cygames can't do shit unless the retard using it misses captcha
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My wife is CUTE!
Is it easier to get urns in Prometheus HL compared to flam=glass HL?
The posters ban was a different thing.
Give them to me please.
>release unfinished zeniths but make a limit to the amount you can get
>release even better ones later so you have to grind shit to replace them later
Why not just play an autoclicker at this point?

Zoiniggers are hot garbage
Going to mail this to cygames and collect my free spark
But the new passives are shit
>free spark
lmao, you'll get 2 half pots
>getting called a baka by the ultimate baka

I would hang myself
theres still more new shit to come
If nothing else, a postive to Cerb's almost entirely garbage zeniths is that I can just farm enough to max out her new passive and save up for the new hopefully better shit.
Magisa's can't be saved really, so just maxing out her skill cap and 1 star in each defense works for me.
Not all of them.

I can't they didn't even bother to translate the passives though.
Human: Cucouroux
Draph: Cows are disgusting and need to be removed from the game
Erune: Yuisis
Harvin: Yoda
Unknown: Rosetta
How do you ask a nip what his weapon grid looks like?
what are gacha weapons to keep ? like Murgleis.
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>(You) will crack this but not release it and become the #1 /gbfg/ guild
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The Jew Ten Shoes: Suits edition
ALL the limited character weapons.

Most of the 4* capable non limited character weapons like Coco and Mimi.
We didn't even get the ones that boost the already existing skills.
>using a bot to become #1

no honor in that
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Thank you castle-chan. You're much nicer than boatslut.
Nah she is shit.
thanks! I needed stones and didn't know what to reduce.
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Does Cygames really reward you for linking them botting stuff?
>tfw was gonna buy scamgacha
>gonna buy zoi bot to try it out instead
Got 50 crystals for reporting a botting guildmate

that's evil even for you Satan
>tfw reduced io chang's staff

You have no honor.
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angry pepe.jpg
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so it was you who did me in
Time to bot on my alts then report them via my main.
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>MFW all those people who reduced grand character weapons
Honor is for the gentiles
He was close to a spark too. Cygames took it away from him
Human: Rosamia, Farrah, Anna, Ayer, Walder
Doraf: Vaseraga, Danua, Forte, Almeida, Izmir
Erune: Eustace, Catherine, Heles, Sen, Ferry
Harvin: Charlotta, Arulumaya, Melissabelle, Mahira, Nio
Unknown: Fenrir, Zooey, Rosetta, Cerberus, Vampy
>doing it for 50 (fifty) crystals
>almost reduced Orchid's dagger for class champion days ago

Wtf I'm trembling now.
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>You can just reduce Rosetta dagger, it's an inferior version of GW haha

oh i'm laughing
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>these guys with the same IP as me are botting
>gib crystals
More like (You). But it was worth it just for the 50 crystals.

And his tears.
>Can finally MVP Colo now
>It takes so fucking long that I'd rather just go kaguya and auto battle with backup
Why is Colo such a pain to fight
No, but he has 50 crystals!
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I just got smarter reading this post.
post a screenshot of the crystals in your crate
there's no way you didn't save it if it actually happened
I just go in with bersk, ssr kat, yoda and silva and 3 turn him to 50% then call backup
B-but it was my brother.
B-but I have 50 brothers.
He doesn't break until the last ten percent of his HP and he shits out barriers until the 50% mark. Fuck Colossus. 12 minutes per average solo blows.
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best human
summer version when
remove the hag
Where did tl anon go anyway?
Would legit whale for her summer version
for (You)
>tfw 1800 brothers, all of them are botting
Thanks for the spark mom and dad.
Room for one more. A rabbit would be nice.
df + sochie to delay and reach overdrive to avoid his shield
backup call at 50%
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I would be less salty about not getting the new story limiteds if they still gave out SR versions for them
Magisa isn't even popular. When is Vampy and Jeanne getting seasonals.
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This magnafest i've gotten:
2 selfies
2 axes
4 guns
Magisa is the only actual person that isn't Lyria that is gransexual

All the other whores are only gransexual in seasonal events. Meanwhile Magisa is all over him in all of her fates.
>2 Selfies
Fucking give me.
>12 minutes per average solo blows.
How the hell? It shouldn't take so long if you are decently strong. Meanwhile if you are weak instead, you should die earlier.
>what is anthuria (korwa)
Those tumors are disgusting.
How many crystals does the main quest give?
Anthuria is also gransexual you dingus
That's what makes her boring.
>Forgetting Anthuria
>Forgetting Dorothy
are you actually trying to say that it would be stronger for someone to have one mlb io chang's staff than whale grids like these?
My team is HS, SSR Lily, Katalina, Lancelot, then whatever water SRs I feel like bringing (Erin, Rin, Sig, Ejaeli, etc). My summons are Bonito, Fenrir, Ca Ong, MLB Waterbuncle, MLB firebuncle. I'm unfucking killable.
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Literally whos
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I like that water boys have more group picture together than water girls.

Really makes you think.
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That is the first time you are lucky to live overseas. Consider youself mentally killed.
>T-Those guys are literally who's so they don't count. Magisa is queen...!

Can you be anymore of a faggot?
I don't live overseas unless you're a seanigger who enjoys whores
Magisa cosplaying as Beatrice and vice versa when?
Seacats collab when?
So how does zoey bot work?

Will it let me farm angel halo?

>I can't they didn't even bother to translate the passives though.
Mate, every single fucking character having (skybound) as their title should have clued you in on how many fucks they give in regards to translation.
>No Vane
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Why would you want a disgusting hag who has to use magic to hide her wrinkles and pruny saggy tits when you can have a young cute maid like Dorothy.
Yesterday I said I'd come back and host more Chevs so here you go. That said, I won't be doing shit until <50 because I don't actually know how the fight works because all I have from light is best boi and DLF

That's a different matter that doesn't do shit for the gameplay
is there picture like this for the other elements?
>Massive attack up + small extra skill at lv150
They'd drop the lion claws/odin spear no questions asked
B-But I don't have.
Magisa is ugly.
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I have siegman and the kids.
They don't care nigga.
read on wiki, it's really easy
GUYS! Whats the difference between the sr and ssr primarch passive? Not counting the majesty
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does this also mean I should do this?
When we see what its 4* can do anon.
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Me on the center.png
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Does this count?
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here Wind only 3 boys its ridiculous
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Are you guys ready to cap pendants out again?
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oh for fucks' sake why the fuck do I randomly reduce shit I'm not touching any of the gatcha weps ever again until I know what they fucking do STURM'S WEP STAYS LOCKED INSIDE SO DOES BK'S WEP
This is why you buy a stash and put your gacha weapons in it.
I'm glad I'll have something to do.
>tfw no magipokan collab ever
>Casino SSR fire sword gets a broken 4*
How mad would you be?
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>tfw it's already been a week
boat hl
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>Tokage-chan eating a burger and not an apple
>not leaving them in your crate
I already bought everything
>Free stuff
>Ever going to get broken upgrades
Call me when they decided to somehow 4* Anat and give her 120% boost.
let them have it

If anyone has any other elements that they want me to run, just ask. My crew didn't want to anything today.
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fried rice.png
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wtf is up with Yaia's second art?!
It's not about whether you brought the swords or not. It's about whether you reduced them for the class champion weapon.
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Oh, that explains it, truly high tier survivability. Ticket Silva anon. This is with four not fully SL'd daggers and some random trash.
She dropped her fried rice!

Pls no calcium lord
The T2s
Gimme a sec, I dunno if I can. If I can, I will
She sucks at cooking and dropped the food.

She is still learning
you know what she needs

you know what she craves
>ca ong
Best summon I ever rolled. Motherfucker was the MVP on GW and will be the MVP on xeno ifrit
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She's training Jin.
4A0F86B0 half dead zoi
Why is dirt the worst element, and why are there people who defend it?
The fuck is that? I'm still in low level shit son.
She's been a dirty girl. And she knows what happens to dirty girls.
>Don't even have any dirt SSR
>only have 1 of yugu's sword
Might as well not exist for me. Making water an element with no weakness. Water is overpowered.
14 more slots if you still need your pendants
what's a good agnis f2p pool?

3 spears, 1 athena sword, and what else?
I'm @ 5 selfies 1 sword 3 harp 2 gun 7 axe
>Getting MVP with Vaseraga and Forte
That was fun.

I ticketed Forte already, just so Vaseraga would have a post-ougi nuke button friend.
Can't sorry. I'll work on it for next time.
It doubles.
>want to farm AH
>hell keeps popping
>mvp your own chev
>mvp crew mates
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Dirt has cute boys, pretty boys, great girls, SOIYA, incest, cock, and the cutest magna.
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>Not being a good crew mate and helping them the best you can to ensure they get mvp
Thanks for the slime.
How many colo sticks do you run on magna builds now with the primarch weapon?
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Thanks for slime also.
With primarch 5, without 5 too.
always 5.
Is Ancient cloth the worst mat out of the GW list?
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>Clicked the Ten Roll Button
>Rainbow Crystal showed up
>Got excited
>And then I woke up
>Realized that I unironically had a dream where I rolled an SSR with a single ten roll and I didn't even get to see what the SSR was before waking up
Water has cute boys, pretty boys and oneesans.
Fire has lamb meat and the most wild women.
Wind has chimps and cosplayers.
Light has elegance.
Dark is alright when it comes to their women.
I agree with the Ygu part though.
>Ancient Cloth
Oh hon..
It was Bahamut. Unchained.
Time to start uncapping staves then, thanks.
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>100% safe
>Says Wind has chimps and cosplayers
>Forgets to mention how nearly all Dark characters are fucked in the head
I legitimately dreamed about GBF 3 nights in a roll last week. First that I rolled S.Zoi and then twice that I got chev swords.
None of my dreams came true.
>Wind has chimps and cosplayers
But none of them has incest
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Serious question. What is the most efficient way to get 150+ feathers and scrolls?
crack when
>3 nights in a roll
Damn, anon.
Jessica, Katalina, Lecia, Silva,Tanya

Don't care about other races. They are inferior shits.
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Has alchemy gone too far?
>expecting two chev swords to become reality
That's such a ridiculous thing to happen that I smirked a little.
scrolls = buy them with cerulean
feathers = spam ch1 R mission
Cog wore it better
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My light team is Seruel and DLF, how bad is DLF and the next time a suptix appears, should I grab anyone? The only other element I might tix is a someone to add to Aoidos/Rackam/Yuel or Cerberus/Zeta/Cog for Fire and Dark.
reading the guide for sure
Scrolls: Cerulean Stones. Otherwise extreme light trial - > angel halo - > weekly scroll quest.
Feathers: Chapter 1 Free Quest: Scattered Cargo
You can buy 2 scrolls with 1 cerulean stone.
What are some good main hands for poverty earth? GW harp and dagger?
Light trial.
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And there's a lottery event where I can get a Shiva for logging in. Doesn't actually mean that's going to happen.
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You won't, but I most definitely will.
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Is this real
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How can swords be real if your chevs aren't real
They're just chuuni.

Korwa cosplays as a good erune.
Lecia cosplays as Sheryl from Macross Frontier.
Neza cosplays as a turkey.
Christina cosplays as a pirate.
Gawain cosplays as Char in a crimson Zaku suit.
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>only 500 berries left

should i even bother trying to get swords or save it for celestials, GW and Xeno?
I don't think Vira and Naru are chuuni.
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Why stop there though?
Tell me about Gawain.
Siete Cosplay as Archer right
Should've been a dragon knight
if i take off the mask, will he die?
Birdman cosplay as a bird eh?
>Zoey switched to a 2H greatsword
She better have the poise for that shit. Either that or her weight is low enough for some fast dodges
>6 red boxes

Its char.

No, as a turkey. Not a canadian bird.
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Snek loves you anons!
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Because I got those two for real, anon
should have been the last dragon knight also cute tsundere
>not just being a giantdad and having both.
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Wish me luck.png
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What's the worst I could get?
ty for gold paper
DLF Light or Saru Light or Dark
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thanks for baka.png
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THANKS I can finally get my freaking gw dagger upgraded
>Wind has chimps
A fine one indeed.
Host Zoi.
Korbo is the cutest
Thanks for the gold certs, korbo.
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Last one. Any other element you want? I should be able to host any non HL omega. Probably the summon raids too, but I'd have to check.
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Agielba, De La Fille
Dark Sarunan. Gold Moon
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>the only way Sandalphon can be playable is by Lucifer pumping his angelic semen inside Djeeta and Sandy being born as nephilim

Do you like it?
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Thank you.
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How do I make rupees in this game? After a few reductions and a 5 star, I can't even afford rupee gacha anymore.
How does he bathe if his armor can't be taken off?!
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At least I dodged the Sarunan bullet.
Why are otomefags so disgusting?
You can't delete your shame, anon!
Don't lie to me
Leech Co-Op
very nice
but DJ is not canon meaning Lucifer has to pump and dump into Gran
Co-op. It's a pretty great time to do that. Just dump in max bounty maybe an attack boost to go through battles faster. The pot drops from the fights will ensure you don't bone your supply. In fact you could probably walk out positive for it thanks to golden week.
Sochie is CUTE!
Also that's the water version, not the fire version.
but she's sarunan tier also, i'm so sorry
I can just sell the coins from co-op, right?
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first gw dagger.png
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kay gbf, which element GW dagger do I make first?
I'm >>176125948

I'm thinking water for the xeno ifrit event, or possibly dark or fire. Can I do well with my current dark or fire teams in xeno ifrit?
P-Please ?
Go earth.
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I just wanted anima.

tfw these aren't cortanas
someone post the phalanx hawkeye picture thanks
You're going to reduce it to make 5* Quatre either way
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what the fuck bro
Do people even use these things?
hey, y'ure missing 2 people in you r team!
And here anon goes full fujo.
What's a Djeeta?
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help 2.04.01 PM.png
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Scam gatcha fucked me over and added Veight to my list instead of a light SSR. I was planning on ticketing Ferry since I have Lucifer too and hopefully having a decent light party.

I'm currently working on Wind but was going to build Light on the side. Do I abandon that now and ticket Altair to build water too, or do I stick with building light on the side and get Ferry anyway?
If they ever get lb4's they'll have something like 30%~ dirt attack.
Just be yourself.
The Whore of Phantagrande.
Aron can't have children
Which of the xenos is going to get turned into a loli again?
I ticketed Ferry too early and kindda regret it, should've pick Juliet instead first, without a good grid to auto, Ferry is meh.
I swear no one in here is interested in helping anyone else out, at least around this time
How good does my grid have to be to auto EX ifrit without dying?
Why do people say Djeeta is not canon? If anything, it's the anime that's not canon.
thx man, you just convinced me to ticket the lord of crits
its not possible. give up. you'll never be that strong without primal
>autoing anything
Xeno corow
>it's the anime that's not canon
Sure is great being retarded, huh?
thats some dumb logic

its all that fucking golems fault

I can just write a script and get yoda to ougi the ifrit but depends on the summon when I auto I always blow them on that stupid fucking golem
>geeta fags getting this desperate
lol, retard
The game is called GRANblue Fantasy, not Djeetablue Fantasy.
If DJ is canon how come it's Gran who got CGs in the tutorial, the very thing that is supposed to introduce you to the game? Checkmate djfags.
>literally made up and added some random guy no one has ever heard of before
It's obvious the anime is not following the same canon as the game.
I mean, should I go with light or play it safe with water, I guess is the question.

I'll probably end up ticketing another light SSR before I end up with a grid if I go that route, desu
It's called Granblue fanTADJEE.
>anime takes priority over the game
Mate, her name's in the title too if you want to go that route.
Which one of you faggots is responsible for this?
Check out my crew in #granbluefantasy! Brought to you by the person who drew the suicidal hawkeye gran meme :thinking: join us so I can carry less and draw more memes We're shifting from a semi-casual to a semi-competitive focus, and are looking for Rank 90s and above to join our crusade for those shiny rainbow crystals. >Semi-competitive We're a bunch of wageslaves or students, so we won't ask to check your grids or GW dagger count, but we just need you to contribute to GW during prelims and finals (Yes there's quota given) >Requirements Minmum Rank Near to low HL and above Preferred dark grid for this gw but as long as you can do damage or help out you're welcome >Strike Time 1 - 2PM JST & 10 - 11PM JST Strike Time during GW 9 - 11 PM JST or 10 - 12 JST >Crew Buffs 2 Green potions Lv3 Drop rate 30% Charge gauge >Benefits We're the sister crew of FMNL, so we share discord and LINE channels; that means double the crew raids and magnas to leech from!! We host Kirin/HL trains too Shitpost on FMNL's MW
my eyes
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Impregnate this girl and take her away from her kingdom.
Please give Magisa to me, an earth attacker that's good or a wind attacker.
Her eyebrows need a shave.
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what the fuck
My wife
Right away.
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>semi casual to semi competitive

every fucking time
You don't need to ask for that. Already did.
>stop leeching magnas to play the event
Is Clarisse actually retarded or am I misunderstanding her genius?
It's paint.
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You're misunderstanding a retard.
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Ferry still doesn't know that Drang is her grandnephew right?
ha ha ha... you wish it was the worst.. you wish.. it's perhaps the EASIEST mat to obtain
>not impregnating her and becoming her king
Sure is homo in here.
which is the worst then, aside orbs and scrolls etc.
>drang and ferry

fuck off, drang belongs to sturm
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What do you do with all of these Omega SRs if you don't need anymore to uncap?

>Abandoning your mission to meet your dad in some bumfuck island

Anon please
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What's going on in this image?
Recruiting the freshest players
Hello there, we are the crew you were always looking for and are currently looking for 10 players to join us.
We aren't the most ambitious of all crews but we have a super-solid core of around 20 players to rely on.
Our average rank is 130 and we strongly believe that Cagliostro has a bigger dick than KMR.
Needless to say we have flexible strike times and all ships, buffs, stuffs etc etc etc

Why should you join us?
- The better crew you wanted to join doesn't want you
- My waifu is better than yours
- I am the best player in my house
- We are extremely experienced
- You're lonely sometimes
- You're tired of mandatory GW requirements

For GW it'll be mandatory to cover 4m honor on prelim day. For fighting days we are very flexible.
Also joining our Discord is mandatory.

Apply to us if you meet the following requirements:
- You're cute
- Honestly we don't care as long as you can do your part in GW

Send me a PM if you want more details. Our Crew-Name is up for vote right now since we can't decide.
If you apply early enough you might even get a say in it.
>if you don't need anymore to uncap
Have you completed a grid for every element?
It's me looking at you, the meat.
That's still his mission? I thought it was to collect a harem at this point. If he does meet up with his dad, it'll be to compare harems.

5 minutes before Futa GAO DJ x fuccboi bunny Gran commences
A doggo in heat
She used rage in Celeste and now I'm abusing her.
DJ Eeta is having a rave. Or rabies.
>implying your dad is still alive
>implying estalucia exists
Gran is as delusional as the idiots who are following him on a fool's errand.
blue sky crystals, silver merits, gold bars if you're an oldfag like me
>Implying Grandad isn't actually Daryl
>Can't get into any Gabus and only have two animas for my stick
I should have taken care of this before Xeno Ifrit got to come back.
>implying that means you stop running a crew
Just make a list of all the shit Gran got caught up in and ultimately resolved. His crew is way too important in the history books. At this point it's their duty to be cataclysm-stoppers.
>blue sky crystals
Someone's not doing their daily coop!
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>you will never smell his musk
what does it smell like? a gentle spring breeze?
More like summer, he loves limited summer eau de parfum.
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>tfw Durray is the actual Grancypher town bicycle
you get sick of it once you're at 5 gw chars
>no io
Shit harem.
Does the option to reduce not appear until a certain rank or something?
>handsome as fuck
>living out his dream
>has a harem
Durray is a lucky guy
>no Myon
they're rackamsexual too?
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But Pengy should be mine. That's it I'm promoting the niggercats, they get to pilot the grancypher. Rackam is now to suck Aoidos dry every day all day
The only one that's correct is Noa
This really got me thinking

Are there any chocolate dDorafs in Granblue? Playable
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Only takes some minutes with an alt
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Pengy compliments Rackam's mechanical abilities in her fate iirc and Aoidos tells him he should be part of his band and I forget what else he says that Rackam starts blushing.
i am ready to get memed
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Why is boat so generous?
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please hurry up
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How do I get people to join my co-op rooms for Extra missions? When I was going Normal and Hard people would join instantly but now that I'm doing Extra, people never join

why is herja such a slut
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He gives Rackam a new name.
Korwafriends guild when?
Another one gets the DU. Can any on stop this guy?
post rooms here
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best buffer
I want her just because of her voice
E727E24E Bahamut
Is Mahira the biggest cluckbait in the game?
>all these 101

can i retreat yet?
>almost fell for it again
>tfw you'll never get her
Why live?
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very nice
This already failed
Do you hate yourself?
>he didn't go for a spark on the day she was released and got her halfway through
Ejaeli yes, Gawain no
Ejaeli SSR/Event fucking when? She is so cute and her voice is utterly adorable
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So did they actually say rooster would see another release soon, or is that just the delusions of some poster here?
delusions and speculation based on last year
>No loli Erun
this meme is getting stale
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>can't kiss ejaeli without her dying
Hold me before I end it.
Anything can happen with KMR
Where do i sign for a qilin trains?
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That was much less painful than I feared. Thank you guys.
How is it a meme?
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Please warn next time
Free Kapows!
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B-but Siete that's your daughter!
Go flirt Song you dummy, she's already being a mom.
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Wait, this means I finally get smugman?
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>seven-star sword
You still got a bunch of steps to go.
Maybe Siete is a degenerate
>He didn't luckshit her with a single free 10-roll
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>this guy joins your raid
what do?
I should have known. Anyway, I will hold on to that little glimmer of hope in my eye.
Retreat from the RQ
Do the Drew.
Let him finish. There is no hope for mvp.
Assume he brought his pendant farming team and just get MVP, hopefully.
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Dokkan baka is the next 5*, right?
Don't shit talk him. You can see he's been wanpaning raids when you were still suckling on your mom's teats.
fuck, just tell me, Altair or Ferry/Juliet?
do you have a gold bar anon?
Hopefully. I want new ways to DOKKAN
>rank 180 joins to steal my MVP with Bounty Hunter IV nuke
Jokes on him I already MVPed my Chev.
She better be
Altair if you wanna not go insane from grinding for Chev Swords.
Only pick Juliet/Ferry if you're prepared to kill Lumienera Omega daily for 6 months and only have 2 out of 42 swords you need to show for it.
this guys gets it.... and i got my only two sword drops in the past week. 6+ months of nothing...
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So I'm botting with zooey bot but the skill lua doesn't work
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2, so far. I have been saving.
**2 out of 24, I can't into math.
cute dad
As a newshitter, is the JK dagger a good placeholder for mh while I wait for the gw one?
thats pretty cute
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Don't be ridiculous, Siete is a respectable young man who doesn't court monsters.
What's going on? I got a sword just now, I'm
And I got another sword yesterday. Before that the previous was early december. Are we being liberated? Can I live in society again?
Which Doraf would give best paizuri?
Post magfest desktop setups.
Why is Chaos even a skill? Literally, what good is this skill for?
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Is there any particular order that Altair, Lancelot, Silva, and Charlotta should be in?
Daetta. That said she is a furry which downgrades her a lot
Altair/Lancelot/Silva with turtle fist
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40 minutes left to cap your renown and prestige.
You can do it, but don't think to slack off!
Humans are the true monsters.
I love the mech noises Lloyd makes.
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Fag do not push me
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Well, anons? Have you capped yet?
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I... was scammed?
I only got full HL contribution once and still capped, you have no excuse.
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>didn't cap prestige
Don't you want your cortanas?
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I fucking hate 6 man leechers
0-4 get lucha
5-9 get nighthound
If you ticketed either of those characters or got them in paid rolls(includes crystal rolls) then yes cuck.
>you will never give Aliza a little sibling

Why even live?
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Can't be assed
Considering that people usually get just one gold moon, I'm not sure if this is better, worse, or both.
Un cap the ones you already got.
get both B)

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congrats, have a rare lucha
Yes please
Good luck with your single role, anon!
no fuck you it was blue I blame you
ehh wrong thing to complain about on that boss, it his anima that the issue
Human - katalina, Christina, Lyria, Lady Grey NO ONEEEEE

Erun - Karteira, Sutera, elmnot , nememe, krugh

Draph - galadar, ladiva, imzir, vanzzaa, daetta

Harvin - yoda, charlotta, leonora,

Primal/Unknown - Erin, alisa, noa, , JK
Thread posts: 757
Thread images: 208

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