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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 762
Thread images: 193

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Really cute petite Annie & Lulu

Old: >>174741389

Do it.
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comfy bfs~
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>No champ that steals hearts

What the fuck Riot come on We'll never see it coming
so if I want to climb through plat as top which are the best to play?
rumble jayce kennen and [insert tank here]?
what do you mean that steals hearts faggot?
liike literally colleting their physical hearts as some sort of trophy or what the fuck nigger?
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Darius, Kled, and Fiora are good to know as well if you're versus a tank. And don't bother playing any tanks other than Nautilus or MAYBE Poppy if the other team has a lot of dashes.
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I love Annie and Lulu!
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/vg/ vs /vg/ results

close jax 1v1 dude lol ur really good :)
> I won so I'll make sure to post results
>can't share my replays with other people better at the game than me
>not good enough to see my mistakes myself

i won the last 1 too what are you trying to say here
/vg/ vs /vg/ +2

>bullying megu wormie
but why
because he's a hardstuck diamond shitter so he needs to release his impotent rage on low elo players

also discucks are mentally ill in general
/vg/ vs /vg/ +1

he bought into the majin is boosted meme and thinks hes better than me for whatever reason

sometimes ill dust off the ol tryhard pants and put a kid back in his place
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COOLest guy
COOLest husbando
COOLest hair
LF plat5 rakan to duo with
jk ill convince euler one day
Since this faggot called imls recommends Trundle top, how's he at the moment in Silver/Gold? I never saw him nowadays.
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that's his thing though, why do you always do this
>queue up for promos
>wangchutong joined the room.

not lewd enough
Can you put me in my place? By that I mean in between your legs, sucking your big cock while looking up at you.
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>Accidently took my Swain runes/masteries on Kled top
>Still destroyed their Kayle

What the fuck is this?
Is DFT actually an okay mastery for Kled?
What is the best keystone for him?
get in line son
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> general rules to know when to dodge
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this one was posted first get over it
But ive never been diamond and hardly use discord
>your team blind picks lee sin
>your team blind picks yasuo
>your team blind picks vayne
Xayah is stupidly strong right now. You basically insta-root the enemy team when your ult is up.
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you know
now that i think about it
ever since the hextech skin system was introduced i've never heard the refund skin meme anymore
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>king fag try this hard

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>I can still carry on cancer even with wrong runes and masteries
>What is this
It was also made early, and should be deleted on principle.
Its not really acceptable to keep making thread earlier and earlier just to get a shitty character into the op.
saw it yesterday in an aram, we had a jayce that didnt know he had a ranged form but had that red evil skin and someone told him to refund
its not him
he posts his dislike of the thread in the second post
> reply to 2 posts
> say something retarded twice
Your cynicism doesn't make either statement untrue sorry.
It's Kled. Doesn't matter what you go as long as you get in there and constantly teach the enemy laner where they belong, in their fountain. But the best keystone is fervor for obvious reasons.
I mean, dft is kinda a versatile mastery.
There's no champion in the game you can not take dft
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>start thread 30 posts early just so he can get an OP picture of his centuries-old midget blue-colored 2d waifu

why are lulufags such shit-smearing backwardians?
why won't people buy executioner's calling?
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/vg/ vs /vg/ bets
>current year
>still no evil demon loli champ
>or a loli adc with a weapon twice her size

why even live
because i only play soraka
See, if it's posted first
you fucking
move there
jesus christ
now mods are gonna be all over us
>>or a loli adc with a weapon twice her size
tons of people put no thought into their purchases and mindlessly do the same build every game
This is a war that we're ready to make everyone lose.
>twice her size

did you even read
>lee jungler playing shit
>look him up after game, how did that fucker get to d2
>hes got 60-65% on all junglers that hes got more than 50 games on
>then theres lee sin, over 100 games and 46% win rate

now i actually feel bad for the guy lel
he probably has godlike game sense but cant manage lee mechanically
if it means I can play in the tournament i'll be a guy. pls I just want to support and maybe get some RP.
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yes but i beg them to vs a soraka+yi and they still refuse
I see no problem with any of those statements anon
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>Lulufag so faggot he brought up the mods.
This hasn't ended.
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Post your hours
could y'all stop roleplaying please
I'm starting to feel like sucking cock
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>your team banned Camille and Eve instead of Lee Sin and Rakan

Camille hasn't been worth a ban in at least two months, and as far as problem junglers go, Lee Sin is way more of a pain in the ass then Eve.

Also Rakan is fucking busted right now.
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>tfw my filter is so dense I have not seen his shit in months
Tomo has been shit lately.
voting for whichever team that has the 2 new champs on it.
Nobody cares faggot.
>Hiding your sn
God you must be an elolet, pathetic.
> muh filter
literally every time I see someone talk about lulufag you come up and say this
holy shit talk about spam
why is she so perfect bros?
When am I supposed to start PvPing?
Should I wait to hit level 30?
>you come up and say this holy shit talk about spam
this is the first time I've spoken about filtering in about 6-7 months anon, you have the wrong poster.
only play bots til you have 20 champs and 2 full rune pages, after that is when you need to start pvping
are you actually new to lol?
no, start at lvl 3, don't be a fucking faggot and play the actual game.

agreed, too bad the cunt crops some of it tho any with the actual word lulu goes away since I finally broke down and filtered the word

no amount of on topic posts about her are worth seeing that shit

> pokimane
literally stereotypic gamer gurl
level 18, or when you feel like bots are too easy already
It's not as bad as you think it is, you get used to it after a few games
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>trying to play Mordekaiser
>getting so frustrated at how to play as him
>shamefully play against bots
>all I had to do was use Q then W then just beat people to people and occasionally using E

So, he's just an AOE I guess?
but majin is boosted, kids a low plat kiddie at best
That's up to you.

If efficiency is your thing I'd suggest sticking with bots, though.

honestly this desu, even if match quality can be shitty
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after 18 when you get your keysonte but its not worth if you wanna lvl it up, stick to ia
my bad
fuck you
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It delays core items. With the price increase to 1000g and LDR changes coming next patch people are gonna build it even less. Also >>174769236.
>tfw next patch you will be shitstomped by triple forbidden idol item soraka + double lifesteal item draven every game while your team refuses to build healng reduction
I will need to expand my folder of pictures of soraka with a horse cock, for use after games like these.
I find Senpai to be boring, but I think his arc could be okay.
get your free champions dude

send a support ticket saying sth like "please add unchained alistar to my account"

its automated process, alistar will be given to you in minutes

and google lol free tristana and free garen and follow the steps

thats 3 easy to play champs that you wont have to buy
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>your dick will never get 2v1d by both Sona and MFs tits
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>spam like an autist
>get mad when someone provides the filter to your spam
top laugh small son
Pretty sure that'd be a 4v1
Yes, started playing 2 days ago.
>when you feel like bots are too easy already
I'm level 8, doing beginner bots and I find them "normal-easy" challenge
They're kind of dicks in early game tho as they don't let me farm freely.
>adc picks ezreal
>he does no damage in teamfights because like every ezreal player bellow challenger they think all they have to do is spam Q at people and not auto attack
you should promptly suicide if you play ezreal below masters
Do it immediately, you'll be against fellow shitters pre-30 and the bots are really, REALLY dumb
Even if you get your ass kicked it's still worth playing against real people and learning that you don't have to be afraid (and that if anyone flames, you can just mute them)
Why the fuck is she whispering the entire time?
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>Used to taking the first camp smiteless
>Let the enemy Lux E Blue away from me like a buffon
>Fall behind like crazy because while I was farming to catch up the enemy Yi cheese ganked our Trundle top as if he wasn't going to auto lose to Vlad anyway
Shit happens I guess

League of Legends
play medium bots
once you feel like they're too easy just pvp, everyone will be just as trash as you
Every time I get an Ezreal on my team, he never groups. All he does is splitpush. Bugs the shit out of me.
Also if you want someone to play with and possibly explain things and you're on NA you can add me, be warned I kinda suck

ID is glitchkun
should i get twitch or pantheon as an ad mid?
usually play adc
Because that is what ASMR is about, tickling your ear in a teehee manner.
Personally it boils my blood
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What champs give me Kanna feels?
no bully fag posters
If you have to go mid with either of them Pantheon is the safest bet.
If I was a troll, and this was the reaction I was getting, it would only motivate me to troll harder.
Why do people even bother wasting typing on getting mad at Normal games.
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No clue. I haven't even watched this anime yet.
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Ughhh. I hope the Urgot rework is dank. I love
him to death, but he just doesn't do shit.
An anon already suggested this when I posted something in a previous thread, so I got Garen and Alistar, not going to get Tristana as she looks fucking retarded.

So far I've been playing Cho'Gath and I'm following the "magic penetration" guide in terms of items.
Because some people just hate losing.

Realistically speaking, unless you're D1 or above, ranked games are about as meaningless as normal games.
>Girls think whispering into a mic is ASMR.
This needs to stop.
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Refrain from giving them attention, please.

Pantheon is excellent. You'll have more than a few unpleasant lanes, though. Syndra, Ori, Aniv, etc.
ASMR is fucking annoying.
LIke people who smack when they eat, or mumble or talk so low and pathetic.
And when you ask them to repeat they do it again.

Fucking talk like a normal person
why did bukkage int.

he could have easily dispatched a team of our caliber
What's so great about Shaco atm?

See a lot of talk but never see him.

Is he terribly boring, or is it just cause he's fucking ugly?
I don't even play this game that much but I think near-exclusively playing Normals keeps my blood pressure in check.

Even if every lane feeds and the jungler is being invaded constantly it's nice at least knowing that at the end of the day it's just a game and nothing matters.
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>Play mid week
>81-83 ms
>play weekend
>55-63 ms

>full support Nami in ARAM
>basically solo carry bitch-made teammates to victory
>more damage to champions than 3/5 members of enemy team
>88% KP
What the actual fuck do I have to do for an S
/vg/ vs/ vg/ +2
I'm on EUW
>MMOs still divided by region
We sure came far.
thanks gays
>it's nice at least knowing that at the end of the day it's just a game and nothing matters

Yeah but once again, unless you're master/challenger tier this sentiment applies to ranked games too. Below D1 the only value your ranked has is the value you assign to it.
Ward more
Get kills
last hit turrets
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Heeeeeey guuys :3 I made a cosplay~~~

Where's the attention silly virgin boys ;) can't you appreciate my effort~ ??
vg vs vg +1
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wathc it now
Those are some nice tits but I see a bulge there
I agree on some level, but EVERYONE assigns value to their level and gets stupid mad about it.

I'm not saying to go out and intentionally feed on purpose, but shit, most people aren't good at video games, why bother getting so obsessed with trying to get higher when it's unlikely you'll ever get to a rank that actually matters like Master or Challenger?
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the average male cosplay
dude looks like he had the soul sucked and beat out of him
be sure to talk on chinkchonk so chinkmoot actually does something
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fuck lulu.png
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get shit on king gay
Idea was good.
Execution was lackluster.
>implying this was anymore than an imgur download to shitpost with.
I buy his meals, that should be enough.
I got so mad I wrote about it on feedback, this era of avatarfagging and waifufagging on /vg/ needs to stop.
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why do they draw these loli thighs so thicc
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please respond
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his body is probably using all its energy to digest the massive amounts of food he eats all the time

overeating makes one feel like shit
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this doesnt make sense, I dislike lulu but you post an image that I enjoy (one of the few lulu images I dont have filtered) with text antagonizing me
How do rune sales work?
Should I start buying Tier 3 runes while they're still on sale?
the two starter sets are permanently on sale. just buy those and nothing else ever again.
>Tris not on Wukong
Easy win
I've been usually going either Warlords or Grasp.
I know he lands a fuckton of AA's, but I feel like the sustain helps him more than the bit of extra damage.

Actually, thinking about it, could he even use Colossus?
His ult and his beartrap would trigger the shield, and after you beartrap it's always AA central so you could be like Poppy and just not take damage in trades.
> rumia on anything but yi
get ready to lose
the heck happened in this thread
>teemo support on my team
>normals so I'm not judgemental
>he goes invisible immediately in bot lane and waits for the wave to make him level 2
>remake vote kicks in even though hes connected
>everyone votes yes
what in the actual fuck riot
it's a bait
those runes are permanently at that price
other runes will never be "on sale"
>gumi on adc

>the two starter sets
Translate to noob.
To be fair, league isn't an MMO, and high ping REALLY fucks over playing ability. I hope you enjoy your time I guess, and if not, don't feel bad about it!
Vi's backstory makes no sense at all.

>she robbed a mine and the mine fell in
>she dug the people out
>now she only robs criminals
her whole everything doesnt make sense nigga. In what fucking world are hulk hands a good weapon ever?
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>spend 35 dollars on new bird people bundle.
>this pulls me out of draft

Welp. What now?
Time to start over and stop being so toxic
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the fall of chimes.png
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welcome to the club
Play minecraft
fuck you and your weebait
time to reform
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someone should do that shindol "mind shattered" image but with lulu
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Is there a way to remove perma ban?

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Do you like Illaoi?
I do!
I'll do it, post the image because im too lazy to find it
How do you Rengar? I always struggle to clear and stay healthy, and I don't seem to do much at all.
>lets try blizzard's moba
>find out there are no items
>no ty, nevermind.exe
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>there are actually people out there that type THIS MUCH in chat
>these are illaoi fags
Flaming is therapeutic, anon.
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This is pretty close I think
>Tfw you will never make ponyprancer moan like a faggot while fucking him in the ass from behind
>bronze 3

can't make this shit up
Maybe for you. When a retard on my team tries to bait me or anyone else into arguing with them, I just mute the fucker.
If you bought with a debit/credit card issue a chargeback with your bank.
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im in tears.png
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I did it through paypal.
It's really shit
I've tried twice to enjoy it, I have no idea how my friend likes it
Try to get a refund with Paypal then.
like pottery
Only pick rengar when your mid and top lane have good, reliable cc on their own. Playing Rengar is just tough when nobody will start fights for you. The only thing you can do without your team is camp bushes in your jungle/enemy jungle by clearing vision or sitting on your own control ward.

Whenever you see the enemy jungle on the other side of the map immediately go into their jungle and steal all their camps, because you clear camps stupid fast once you get your jungle item.
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which image?

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More please
>two games in a row
>enemy team bans Mordekaiser

What the fuck?
I do too, but apparently Riot doesn't.

>"Durr champs like Illaoi don't get skins cause no one likes or plays them"
>This didn't stop Meowkai in the slightest
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The girl who sold the world.jpg
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you wouldnt fuck a bird now, would you anon?
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>no one liked or played Maokai
>when he basically was a top dog top during that time or at least was

I was having some trouble still just staying alive in the jungle, my sustain didn't seem to be all that great. Maybe I was doing it wrong?

As for ganking, I guess it was just a bad game. Both mid and top had CC but they just never followed when I pinged. They'd run away right as I went in, even if the enemy was definitely fucked.
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>Literally get the worst trash players when I get into my promos
>Jungler who literally ended the game 0/0/0 with 130 cs because all he did was cut and run the entire game when anyone came near him.
Worst part was every lane was winning until their jungle diana hit 6 and started hard ganking while he just farmed
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mind break?
mind break.
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this is shindol?

also editing the second frame is far beyond my abilities

getting fucked by birds seems more likely

league of legends
Why are ranked games 100% stomps every fucking time?

It's really fucking annoying with the "never surrender in ranked!" attitude some people have.

I try my hardest to snowball my lanes as jungle, but whichever one I end up snowballing is the only one that does ANY fucking damage lategame.

My ADC is always, 100%, a literal retard(usually a lucian) who does 0 damage and dies every single teamfight.
She got really hot when she grew her hair out. or wore a wig

please tell me she's a genetic female
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>Play Shyvana
>Build literally anything other than Titanic Hydra after jungle item
It doesn't matter what that item is, BotRK, Frozen Mallet, fucking Ohmwrecker, anything. I don't fucking understand how people play without Titanic Hydra.
Titanic Hydra and Frozen Mallet is my way to go, actually thinking of adding Black Cleaver since Shyvana could use that movement speed.
it is a wig

and yes she is
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lewdlu time I gather
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new bara champ when
I don't know what to tell you without seeing a replay. go watch high mmr korean or pro rengar players and just copy exactly what they do early game. that might sound silly, but truly just copy what they do and you'll understand how to improvise much faster. i think it was hotshotgg or someone who said they just copy top tier korean players to go from diamond->master.

you can't grow hair that fast, so it's a wig.
pretty sure she's genetically girl(female) with a feminine vagina.
This pleases the dong.
/vg/ vs /vg/ +3
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Results: Goodnight /lolg/ edition

>mfw Soraka will never be as broken as she was at her season 4 rework (when i played her)
>Rumia forgot to bring their pet to the game
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she's - - - - gay - - - - senpai
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Why would you ever pick her?
/vg/ vs /vg/ +1
i feel so conflicted playing Xayah
Sivir is literally badSivir right now
> b-but i'm a good player guys I swear!
This is why no one likes rumia
yawn week old memes are so blase
when you wanna go fast

Gay girls dont exist IRL
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lovely lulu.png
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it's not a meme
>gets dicked by vi
>rages at team
Like clockwork
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>wards win games

That's actually really cool and helps. I just need to watch a few pros do it to see how they do their initial clear. I usually just go with my botside buff for the easy clear, but I see a lot of pros going raptors.
this one is a thicc sivir
shut up rumia
but i never said that this game

also this is you right? >>174772704
how pathetic do you have to be to post on different devices to bypass the timer and make it look like you're two people?
she can 1v2 any lane with good spell shield usage because her wave clear is so good.

she has an incredible team fight if you have two other hypercarries so damage is not necessary and all your team needs is to go super fast.

her ultimate is actually one of the best in the game.
/vg/ vs /vg +1
Rumia why can't you be a nice person?
> rumia's tears
makes my day each time
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How do you double dummies even play Shyvanna? The few times I tried my team wouldn't nonstop bitching at my lack of ganks.
>blind normals

eat shit and die.
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you tried.png
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>how pathetic do you have to be to post on different devices to bypass the timer and make it look like you're two people?
>Concocting a grand conspiracy because there's no way anybody could dislike me!

shyvana's AOE is absolute cancer to Yi and Kha.
rumia we have a poll confirming everyone thinks youre an annoying cunt
/v/g vs /vg/ +1
fuck off discucks

/vg/ hasn't been good since majin hardstukkake took over
each time I join you guys make me play with rumia
never again
>toxic and shit
Good riddance you dumb cunt.
discucks are dead

i didnt take over i revived the community and barely ever play anymore at that
the spot isnt on his team

/vg/ vs /vg/ +1
I'd play but I'm a mid gold shutter that hasn't climbed out after placements yet
My favorite color is spring.

You have to actually pay attention to what's going on and try to actually pressure lanes by showing up and counter ganking. Also take Exhaust instead of Flash. You'd be amazed at how well you can cheese gank early, counter gank, or fuck up would-be invaders. She clears super quickly and is fast as shit so you can be all over the place provided you don't dawdle.
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can you guys stop bullying me and join this game of /vg/ vs /vg/

i will go easy don't worry
who cares +1 be the hero of the lobby

vg vs vg +(you)
dumb phoneposter
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Hmm. Alright then.
doesn't matter I've played in these and I'm bronze

I do feed pretty consistently
>that fucking soul patch

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>first time Lucian with first time Naut
>we shit all over Jhin and Malph
>get gross fed
>only major threat is similarly fed Wukong and later Malph when he goes full AP
>add Naut to friends after we win
Be careful rumia will yell at you if you do too bad.
when will you fucking inner circlejerk shitters realise NOBODY wants to fucking play with you anymore

/vg/ is dead and you killed it
You don't, you power farm and then kill everything in game.
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you must be more persistent
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/vg/ vs /vg/ bets

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fuck them up Welding
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cute posting is okay
Who is jungle in bottom team??????????
fizz is too strong
graves is too strong
lucian is too strong
khazix is too strong
rengar is too strong
syndra is too strong
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what about both
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that was a good thread
everybody type in chat kheltari is a stupid nigger
besides lucian theyre all garbage UNLESS they get first blood
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>decide to play some league
>end up listening to music for hours instead
league kinda sux tbqh senpai
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>be jungler
>cant play graves at any decent level
>must always ban graves
>dodge when he gets picked
>"hey jungle Im FP you want graves?"
>point and laugh at me as I say no I cant play him
>other junglers bully me
>adcs look at me in disgust
>cant even smoke anymore without feeling pain

life truly is suffering as a jungler
Literally every single one of those champions sans the first two are fine. And somehow you don't mention Ivern or the Renekton/Fiora/Rumble triumvirate that's ruining toplane right now?
>google rumia annoying cunt poll
>laugh historically
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it was a redo!!!

/vg/ vs /vg/ bets

ok just ask if u want the longer hair one and the 2 flower filter pics
>Destroys you in lane
>AoE Locket + Sivir ult in teamfights

Great champion
just play yi and afk farm til 20 mins and start getting pentas after your team dies
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>when u play the sion support
>when u gotta support xayah
>and u make her go 14/6

good shit.
>April 7th

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best game ever.png
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Ah why can't you be my Sion support.
> 7 lp (+25)
how much did you dodge
but when you lose lane/game its all their fault right

Na, I aint a bitch.
>these winrates/total games played
>one welfare diamond 5 and the other is too scared to add more ranked games to make his d5 0lp as look more pathetic

man i wish i could be there to flex on these kids
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>getting destroyed in lane by karma
yeah because you're totally gonna get fed by yourself adcuck
you can't even 1vs1 the fucking top laner.
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>pick Illaoi
>stomp my lane
>highest farm and level in game
>rotate mid after taking top tower
>teamfight breaks out
>land 4 man ult but get chain CC'd by Cho/Amumu/Xayah, get entire enemy team below 35% HP
>doesn't matter because our Lux is 1/10 and our Ashe is 1/6 and our team literally has no damage besides me
>they have a double ADC comp so can kite me super hard
I should've bought a QSS and RG huh?
>their karma
>uses mantra shields in teamfights
>mantra q and root for gank assassistance
>hits every q dodges every skillshot with her speed boost shield
>peels for carries

Your Karma:
>goes full ap
>misses every skillshot
>minute 25 SS
>less wards than your toplaner
>doesnt know you can mantra abilities other than Q
>never heard of a "redemption"
tobias feed is right, its always bot lane
destroy more turrets
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>mfw play Karma mid
>mantra W
>infinite sustain as their Zed facerolls his keyboard

Truly best girl
post yfw you are jungling, you go to take second buff and you hear It's cold out there
It's quite a pain before you get used to it even more so if your hair isn't good and it starts growing upward instead of turning into long strands on your back, but it's pretty cool to see the results after it gets big.

Probably die less
fucking love karma mid on my team
but supports are hit or miss usually
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please nunu, let me at least take the small raptors
Do I spend 20€ to buy Jinx and Star Guardian skin for her?
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>play max CDR tank karma top
>spam Mantra W while baiting enemy team
truly patrician tier
That means what?
She sticks cold phallic things in her rather than warm phallic things?

Women's natural state is to be bi-sexual. She pops lady boners for men all the time and would fuck one gladly given the right circumstances.

Probably a few shots and a set of washboards abs would do it.
All I want to do is have fun, goddamn it

It's easily her best skin. Slayer Jinx is great too.
Are you on EUNE? This Gnar was in my game as a Thresh I think.
No. NA.
It wasn't even really bot Lane. Nami was like 2/3/15 only Ashe fed Lucian. And then Lux fed shitpicky Xayah mid 10 kills.

And it's like, I tried REALLY hard. I hit full build before anyone else in the game, fewest deaths, most towers, landed the majority of my Es, most farm, first to level 18, only one who bought control wards, only non-support to upgrade trinket, avoided getting kited and landed several multi-man ults with good engages. I jus genuinely felt like that game was unwinnable.
How am I supposed to beat a draven blitz lane?

Looking for real advice beyond dodge hooks when draven damage and blitz very presence puts you on the backfoot not to mention draven will push lanes faster than you because of his Q damage and shove you in.

Eventually blitz will either flash e you into a q or you or your support will slip and get hooked
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Give me tips on top lane.
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absolute waveclear beast

good lategame

amazing ultimate in coordinated teamplay. Her+Hecarim are damn near auto wins
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alt+f4 on that shit or alternatively run it down whatever lane I think that didn't ward
some games are just unwinnable regardless of how you do, and even though this is known it still tilts the shit out of me to watch people who lack basic fundamental ability ruin my games.

not saying I don't fuck up myself, but theres fucking up and then just feeding 10 fucking kills in a small time span because you are completely clueless
Manage your wave
>tfw playing against Thresh God with smite/exhaust who successfully does the Q>smite hit through minions multiple times
>lands almost all of his hooks and steals our blue when smite is off CD

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>play tank Karma
>lategame comes and they get MortalReminder/Void or Morellos

fug :^D


what if Sivir ult also gave attack speed?
what is this even cosplaying?
A ward you retarded fuck
All melee champs should just innately have 20% tenacity and slow resistance.
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>what if Sivir ult also gave attack speed?

He doesn't know...
>what if Sivir ult also gave attack speed?
She already gets it herself from W, but I think it would be pretty broken if it gave everyone else AS too
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>It's an episode where we get an advantage but the team chases 1 person into their base and throw the game
well so it is, I'd been running the snowman for long I'd forgetten
>retarded fuck
Fangs away small son, no need to angry.
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>be me
>log on to Lego Leigons
>play 3 games to warm up
>lose them all but who gives a shit because lolnormals
>queue up for ranked and start a game
>absolutely stomping enemy team
>14 kills to 1 at only 12 minutes
>all of a sudden, power surge
>entire neighborhood loses electricity
>I disconnect and lose the game
>the last fucking game of my gold promos
>all because my local electric company couldn't keep their shit together

There is no god.

I will be a silver surfer forever.
to her ALLIEs dumbass

so that Sivir isnt outclassed by Karma Mantra E or that ascension orb thingy supports build
I don't know no Senna boy
>talisman of ascension
>pointrunner passive's bonus movespeed increased from 20% to 200%
Rito the fuck you doing?
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I saw that rekt webm, that was sad, that man genuinely looked like a friendly grandpa

the guy who did it got raped and killed by police later though so I guess its kinda ok

legal legends
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ult change.png
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Like I fucking said, you didn't know.

Taking objectives with this thing was pretty fun, especially baron. Mountain drake and this would
be extra stupid.
How long until double ip ends?
5 years use google or these simple questions you retarded fuck
>the guy who did it got raped and killed by police later though so I guess its kinda ok
no he didnt

he commited suicide while in hiding

alright how about this

>Sivir and allies gain AS while within X range of an enemy CHAMPION
khazix is literally only dangerous to solo players
if he doesn't get isolation he dies
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>Darius and (moreso) his rework
>Zyra to some extent
>Graves rework
>Mordekaiser rework
Why is this guy still on the staff? Literally every single one of his ideas that has made it to live has been fucking catastrophic to the game. The only reason Warwick turned out okay is because he had a tight leash around his neck, I can only imagine what stupid bullshit he had in mind.
>Khazix gets 4 duskblade procs back to back in a skirmish in addition to his passive
Fuck this.
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What are some funny Vel'Koz meme builds?
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you have 5 seconds to name a PURPLE champion thats not and has never been cancer.
>X range of an enemy CHAMPION

Now that is a change that i would like to see in action.

>tfw Darius is swinging at necks like he's Paul Bunyan
Skarner and Vel'Koz
ali star
>earned an S- on Teemo
>lost the game
Am I cancer?
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>Evelynn being member of cancer jungle trio multiple season
>Alistar jungle season 2
>Alistar toplane season 4
>not cancer

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>t.anon that started playing this year

Also Cho isn't purple. He's more like...a magenta color.
>cho not turbocancer with his massive cc and tankyness+free harass
>juggernaut rework skarner wasnt cancer

really oils the things that can be oiled.
he made Yasuo

Yasuo is one of Leagues era defining champion and by far amongst the most popular character generating Riot a ton of $$

hes red

pretty sure Vel was Cancer upon initial release
>literally could play everysingle role at one point


are you joking?

she got a rework.that proves she was cancer. also PERMASTEAL XD
Rework Crystal spire Skarner was pure cancer until he got gutted not to mention skarner got reworked like 5 times for being too hard to balance
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>none posted within 5 seconds

good job losers
>not cancer
He's one of the most unfun champions to play against, with, and as. If Riot deleted him from the game, the few who would notice wouldn't care.
Xayah does nodamage, why do people keep picking her
the light here is harsh

I miss the void
>Also Cho isn't purple. He's more like...a magenta color.
Check your pigmentation privilege you shitlord, chogath identifies as purple

>hes red
>t.colour blind anon
>my tentacles hurt
>nobody here even ganks
>I wish I was at home researching odd creatures of blood and flesh
>no damage
she hurts but she is too set-up heave
also Rakan fucking sucks
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This is Lulu.
cancerfree games and cuddly animals will come to you but only if you reply with:

"thank Lulu :3"
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/vg/ vs /vg/ results
What are the two rune pages that everyone uses?
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you have 35 seconds to name a FEMALE champion that's not and has never been wife material.
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Thank Lulu :3
Do not fist android girls.
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Muh Runes.png
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>two pages
I only use one page desu

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Probably some others that haven't sprung to mind.
can i get a (You) lads, im feeling kinda down
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Annie,vi and Rek'Sai

>le 80% dodge chance man of FREE HP for building damage
>not cancer


This stupid game is like crack and for all the worst reasons.
But I can't, everyone has had their chance on the spotlight
Has Draven ever been considered "overpowered meta cancer"? I mean he has always been strong but that is just how his kit works
Azir :^)
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of course my friend
On release
AD and AP
>my presence causes them...distress
I need Vel'Koz wojak and void bringer Illaoi Stacie
>Has Draven ever been considered "overpowered meta cancer"?
urgod has been meta many times, in mid, bot and top lane positions

teemo was busted for awhile when they changed his poison and it he was metz
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Can eve still function with a hybrid build?
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I'm really trying to find a good way to capture these as gifs, but I'm not sure it's possible without just recording the desktop


he used to have bleed
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this list is awful
>mid eve
adolf hitler
j..jackie chan?
jacky chan
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muh hats.jpg
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DOOM guy
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thank lulu
Teemo is the most cancerous champion in the game. No other champ is universally hated.
>Angel Bukkage keeps inviting me to /vg/s
>He hasn't taken the hint
we need to go lewder
>get my first S chest ever
>it's a skin for fucking Cho who I utterly despise
This is poetry.
I can't wait for Riot to release Cosmic Reaver Mordekaiser
What champion let's me take back Jerusalem, kill heathens and spam DEUS VULT in all chat?
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Which one is it? Why do you hate Cho?

Some of them are attractive. But all of them are at best, only good for abuse. I'd go full Taimanin Asagi on Vi and Caitlyn and take part in a massive gang rape of them but I want nothing else to do with them beyond that.
No Matter How I Look at It, It’s You Guys’ Fault I’m Not Popular!
Garen is closest i think.

>tfw still no crusading champ
Gentleman which is Reddit enough as it is
He's boring to play, boring to play with,
and boring to play against, as well as terrible aesthetically
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How busted would Nami be with this kit?
it's good against melees i think. take thunderlords decree and it's easy to proc it with Q. i try to abuse the invis passive as much as possible by walking out of vision and not showing until i have to last hit.
>but muh Lucian

Real knigh paladin fucking when. Someone who is not Leona, real emotionless unstopabble knight in giant armor, devoit his life to protecting his creed.

Or give us at least Dark Crusader Mordekaiser for fuck's sake.
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Ah shit yeah that's his worst skin. Awful really. As for Cho himself that's unfortunate. He's one of my favorites even if Riot seems to hate him. But to each his own.
>Garen calls down divine judgement and justice
>is wholly devoted to his country
He's literally that.
Fuck now I will play Garen, which skin makes him look even crusader?
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>$20 for literally a 300x100 picture on a loading screen
Why man?

>ever getting a new skin

His default is most paladin like. Bulky plate with a golden sword.
I don't get the Fiora meme

Why are people getting rekt by her?

I just checked her win-ratio and it seems atypical and normal for most balanced, in-the middle toplaners, her only outstanding statistic is that she sees very high play-rate (2nd on all toplaners)

She's easily punishable, is squishy, can be put behind, doesn't have the greatest late-game, her damage is solely single-target, has no CC (except extremely situational CC), her only survival tool is W, can be (and must be) kited out & has shitty teamfighting (hence bad late game) and has a skill ceiling.

Why do people have a problem on this, but they don't with Riven, who has everything that Fiora has on addition to low-cooldown multiple dashes (Fiora will have a long CD on her dash if she doesn't hit a target with it, Riven has 3 dashes and a 4th dash with an AD scaling shield on two abilities). On top of this, she has two CC abilities and both of them are AoE, good teamfighting, and almost all her damage save for auto attacks are AoE. Riven is disgustingly overloaded and broken, but people tunnel on a very shitty version of Riven; Fiora.

Well, can someone explain this to me with a well-thought response on why we aren't lynching Riven instead of Fiora?
Yeah but the colors are kinda off, Dread Knight will do, why can't we get Garen skin with a helmet.
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>dread knight
>literally death knight: the skin
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>doesn't have the greatest late-game
She can get lots of armor, MR while her passive deals tons of true damage.

Proc vital - Ult - Proc 4 vitals is 50% or more of someone's health in TRUE damage. Nobody can itemize against her. Health usually counters true damage because it's usually flat true damage. Nothing defensive works against Fiora, because it's %health true damage.

She has one of the best late-game 1v1 potential. Her teamfighting isn't amazing, but her split push is the best. It requires multiple people to stop her spilt push so her team should force objectives elsewhere.
riven is more cancer in general but fiora has a more suffocating lane
god i fucking hate playing adc
I like playing an adc but being so team reliant sucks
supports that hug tower and basically afk leaving you to 1v2
top which always feeds so youre going to be irrelevant anyway
fed zed onshotting you and no peel even though youre the most fed
Yes she's a great splitpusher, many champions are (most toplaners essentially) but she's really dreadful in that matter, but I think it's a worthwhile tradeoff for her shitty teamfighting (It's season 7, tanks with all their HP and resistances stacked in late game will get popped if they get focused, that goes for Fiora, who is extremely situational and half-useless in late game teamfights unless she gets a lucky mid-teamfight flank, using flash most of the time, into the backline, and doesn't get peeled). This is better for me on the enemy team than something like Riven flashing in and stunning/knocking up everyone, dashing around, getting an AD scaling shield and distributing AoE nukes. Most bruiser/damagey toplaners have shitty late games, that doesn't go for Riven (and somewhat, Renekton, that guy is a real fucking asshole too)
>Xayah: "Ugh, I hate everyone today."
>Rakan: "I know what'll make you feel better... "
>Xayah and Rakan: "Murdering everyone!"
Someone got PAID to come up with this line. And TWO people got PAID to give their VOICES for this LINE.
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Add one to league
and send one back
I thought Rakan would be good then I realised he does nothing in lane
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They're Gearbox characters
send over yasuo so those shitters can have two feeding samurais

import Cho'Gall :^)
I disagree desu. Riven is the cancerous one (and gets huge kill potential powerspike at level 6 unlike Fiora, who you can run away from, because she has no CC and you can kite your vitals away from her and bodyblock her damage). Fiora is a tolerable lane for me, she's supposed to be a lane bully in this general but I can't compare her to lane bullies. Yeah I can't run around the lane as I wish so I don't get killed, and her level 1 is pretty good, but I can effectively play safe against her if I picked osmething that's shit against her, because she can't towerdive me unlike Pantheon or Renekton or Darius.
>3 out of 5 people want to surrender
>clear majority
>vote fails
explain this, lol baboons
its not really a vote if a majority rule doesnt apply does it?
>have a complete shit teamcomp
>consider dodging
>for some reason dont
>top quinn feed 3 kills to enemy yasuo in 5 minutes
>aatrox ganks only to die
>support afk at tower while the fucking wave is pushed
>mid feeding
>ask to open mid since its already lost at minute 7
>"no we can win"

fucking everytime
why do I even play on the fucking weekends
He's fucking annoying to play against.
He forces passive playstyle. It's support kalista.
His Q needs some tweaks to not be so useless
>pretty sure Vel was Cancer upon initial release
you don't
like seraph says, NA soloQ is a fucking joke, its literally the same as normal games and don't let anybody try to convince you otherwise.

the only reason you'd ever play ranked ladder games over normals is because: 1) you want the victorious skin, or 2) you want to be challenger because you want to be a professional player

thats literally it
>literally 1 week of release, maybe less
>already edging on 50% winrates

I can't wait for these niggers to get nerfed. I can't fucking wait for the inevitable olafing of Rakan and leaving him in a trash bin for 1-2 seasons until he gets reworked.
Hello /lolg/!
>xayah has a higher winrate than Rakan
>actually shits damage with burst
>disgustingly misleading feather hitboxes

How? Rakan seems so insanely strong? Do people still need to adapt?

normals are even more of a fuckfest
took me 4 games of teams with dia players vs silver to see that it doesnt work whatsoever
Fiora is incredibly mobile. 60% cdr on lunge for hitting an enemy means not many champions can actually just run away from her.

One example of teamfighting that favors Fiora is where she stays with the other carries, ult the tank or other diver, do 50+% of their health in true damage no matter how tanky that person is and then her whole team will heal up when that diver dies.

The thing about Riven is that champions can get enough armor to survive against Riven for quite a while. There is no tank nor defensive item that can deal with Fiora.
Better matchmaking, without a doubt

If I play normals, I get paired with diamond players consistently. I'm not diamond elo.
give us leoric or auriel
take lulu please
never played hots
He's not even strong. He is simply infuriating to play against.
Q is useless. But W+E combo gives him so much fucking mobility that's it impossible to kill him early.
how is rakan not good?
If you play with any ADC that can go aggressive early, and you land your knock up its basically lane won
where can i find a rakan husbando?
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>dude broken lmao pls nerf pls ban
me but im only for legitimate female rakan players sorry
outdated, check current winrates birdfucker.
how is alistar not good?
If you play with any ADC that can go aggressive early, and you land your knock up its basically lane won
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>tfw no headpats
Hi I'm drunk plz help, I want to change my summoner name and I can't figure out how. Paying is ok. Pls help.
Alistar goes in and that's it
Alistar has a situational heal
Alistar is fucking melee and get's mega shit-on by current meta ranged supports such as lulu and Karma

Stop defending your fucking husbando, fag.
well youre not wrong
his only massive downside is that if he goes in, he cant go out.
Rakan can.
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Why is he considered shit?
Will I be flamed for using him to TOP in PvP?
kek, these bronze faggots.

I wish it was that simple for melee diver supports.
>huge true damage nuke that scales with health
>gets free health from ult
in league you'll get flamed by the 0/13/5 adc and bot duo while you're 9/0/18
play whatever you find fun

>kits you til the end of the day

pss nothing personal tankko
He's slow, a mage who's melee, two easy to dodge skillshots, no mobility, no actual tank stats besides the limitless Health from ult, etc.

If you're the newbie who's been bumming around here lately, you shouldn't have any problem playing him Top lane from your teammates.

He has a pretty vulnerable and weak early game, and is incredibly immobile.
Is Xerath supposed to be a hard-counter to Orianna, or did I just have the worst Ori in NA on my team last game?
John Cena
Earlier today I had a 1/9 vayne with 35 cs at something 15-minutesish who was flaming everyone, including his support.

Did my best to carry, but oh well. Atleast Irelia wasn't flaming while she was feeding.
why does NOBODY play donger
>Morde finally gets a VGU
>his model and animations are suddenly not dogshit
>he gets a Cosmic Reaver skin that makes him look like Thanos with a giant mace
>all of his spells have sick star/constellation vfx

I can dream, anon. I can dream.
what does he do?

exactly, nothing
please tell me you didnt just imply chogath w is easy to dodge

if youre in range, you gonna get hit, its instant and has wide cone
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>whole team hover xayah
>ban her
SouthSideHitmen DoDo: tops picking for me
SouthSideHitmen DoDo: wtf
genmichi UDOGS: wtf!!!!!
SouthSideHitmen DoDo: jg what the dick
genmichi UDOGS: buh bye
>he dodge

>wanting another drain tank or a manaless healer
absolutely disgusting anon
The CTRL-2 nerf gutted him + his turrets can get popped by AoE damage during teamfights (even his ulted turret is somewhat squishy), I hope he gets buffed so I can collect more freelo harvesting melee toplaner tears, nothing personal tanks, I just get hard boners for dicking edgelords like riven and shitsuo.
Because out of all zoning mages, he has the lowest dps.
gunblade spirit visage rumble

you heard it here first folks
except you nee 2 levels to do a combo

rakan only needs one level
Use less passiive past the first level

Riot has bad foresight

Heim is good but damn... his passive is useless rn

Turrents should either gain some shield or health, right now a lux e can clear it by accident
This is hot bullshit, he has one of the highest DPS with his turrets you retard. He just needs time and items and penetration to make it worthwhile, though.

His biggest issue is that most of his damage is just tankable. A tank can dive in and your turrets will focus him, and a tank in your way means you can't hit W (and E, since the range is short). He's still not as shit as people claim him to be.

>tfw no more ancient will on rumble
>go in level 1
wow that worked out well
>T. bronzkan has a final shot at defending his dream husband from inevitable hotfixes followed by eventual olafing
she has super strong late game and very few champions can beat her 1v1 late
maybe like, tryndamere and jax?
a 5 damage item Irelia if you can kill fiora in a 2 second stun?
she sticks to you like glue, has innate abilities that ignore anything you build while building armour shred and cleaver
>a 5 damage item Irelia if you can kill fiora in a 2 second stun?
the fuck are you saying
>he shits out damage with turrets
>just kill them or walk away from them
>now he has nothing

Not to mention that he doesn't have burst like Oriana or Syndra.
stop replying to him

if he's in an elo where can can get away with using his W level 1 and not die he's not worth talking to
>duelist champ has great 1v1

You don't fucking say. She's supposed to do that, but she still can't do it optimally in late game teamfights because she has no AoE, is squishy, cc'able, and can only clean up teamfights with a flank.
Riot nerfed him until he does nothing well! His passive sucks in laning. His grenade and rockets actually require practice. He has the lowest base health so lots of champions can simply kill him if he makes one mistake. His ultimate requires decision making so you have to be an intellectual to play heimerdinger. Most players like dumb champions to match their dumbness, but heimerdinger is a champion only smart people can play.

Spell vamp has long been debated on Rumble. It's not worth it because of 33% effectiveness of spell vamp on AOE abilities. Magic pen is just all around better on Rumble, because
how the fuck do people win games with kalista?

her passive just feels wonky as fuck
my fav meme build is gunblade nashors

just overheat and drill everyone
how is it hard to understand?
potentially a full damage Irelia could kill the fiora, if she can kill her within equilibrium strikes stun.
really not sure how you're struggling with that.
>You don't fucking say. She's supposed to do that
yes, I'm aware. I never said she wasn't?
can you people read?
the original question was asking how she's strong and how people lose to her.
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>Frost armour no longer broken by minions and small monster
>Frost armour no longer broken by minions and small monster
>Frost armour no longer broken by minions and small monster
>Frost armour no longer broken by minions and small monster
Lulu nerfs when
Probably post mid-season
because she's an ad assassin
The posibility exists that an Irelia possessing 5(five) items is able to beat Fiora in a 1(one)v1(one) under the circumstance that she is able to inflict a 2(two) second stun on her.

You learn how to abuse the hop.
Meddler said they will look how will she do after tank update and if she's too strong she will get nerfs.
It's because that's not a fucking sentence
>a 5 damage item irelia if you can etc
A 5 damage item irelia can what? There is no verb.
Are you ESL or a caveman?

>walls if green
>play top
>play against Fiora
>if you build HP she breaks you easily
>if you build damage you are useless late because your team has no tank
>fight fiora
>she qs viteal and runs away
>does this 10 times in row
>trade with her
>she heals with viteal procs and scepter back to full hp
>she hits lvl 6
>just completely destroys you under your tower and runs away because she got aoe heal
>jungler comes to gank her
>she just Qs three times back under her tower

Fun champ with fair gameplay
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Jesus christ learn to read.
>Tryndamere, Jax? A 5 damage item Irelia if she(/you) can kill the fiora in a 2 second stun?
Do you read every sentence as a new topic with no relevance to the previous one? Is your brain incapable of forming such links?
How does one even play Fiora? I don't own her, but that shit with the circles looks ridiculously difficult.
When you press th
e enter key it usu
ally signifi
a new

watch out the waters are deep
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good afternoon leader
>Doesn't play safe
>Gets solokilled in lane

no, you just auto or q that side of the champion and do massive damage and heal
t. diamond V 0 LP Riot Game analyst active on /r/summonersschool
What's Draft Pick and should I go into it?
- You

Now shut the fuck up and go learn how to read.
each team gets to ban 3 champs
>enemy team pick fiora/vlad/zac/lulu/lucian
>my team goes rakan mid soraka adc blitz supp lee ign top

>t. has vietnam flashbacks to a certain matchup and projects them on 4chan
Just how important is getting that last hit on a minion?
Do I still get the exp if I'm close to the minions killing each other?
Same thing as blind pick except each team can ban 3 champions and there's a pick order you have to follow. Also you can choose what roles you want to play.

You could, it's probably a bit more serious than blind pick and would get you used to the format when you play ranked
You also get to see what champs your enemies pick
i dont plan on ever playin rankeed
Are you ADC?

last hit whenever possible but if you miss some every so often don't worry about it
your success as a player rides primarily on your ability to last hit
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Sejauni has a nice design it's pretty classic I like it.
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so, is she broken as jungler and top now !?
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Regarding the full damage Irelia v full damage Fiora scenario
After multiple testing on target dummies, Irelia can do 3000 - 4000 damage in the 2 second window of Equilibrium Strike.
This is not including AD from any Infernals or Baron buff.
This is with building
>Ravenous Hydra
>Death's Dance
>Red pot
So if you want to take a late game fight with fiora 1v1, you can win it with Irelia provided you land your E and have ult/botrk ready.
lost vikangz
i need your jotaro edit
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>Ravenous Hydra
>Death's Dance
>Red pot
>on Irelia
>Ghost pick Xayah because I want to practice
>Support fucking bans her
>Whatever, get in game
>Support is bad and is never in lane, usually dicking around in river with Gragas
>Gets caught by Thresh multiple times and Jinx gets fed
>Evelynn gets fed
>Nobody wants to surrender
>Have to sit through this shit for 35 minutes

Why did I reinstall?
Do you guys think Sejuani's Mamoswine is life orb or choice band?
I mean when you want to kill people fast or win a 1v1 against a 6 item fiora thats what you do

How else would you build full damage Irelia?
choice band, the only thing bristle actually does is the charge, the rest is all Sej
>Ban Xayah when my team hovers her
>Troll my ADC the rest of the game
I have more fun doing this than climbing.
>matchmaking puts you with 4 shitters and expects you to carry against a team of same elo but with 4 better players

Is it time to just remake the MMR system? It was invented to be used for 1v1 chess, not 5v5 teamgames.
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Good posts
>it's blind pick episode
>their xayah and rakan completely destroy your xayah and rakan
>their xayah runs botrk
>yours runs essence reaver
>their rakan has coin
>their has spellthief


There are people out there RIGHT NOW that buy a Champion and take them into ranked without ever playing them.

Dumbest thing I've ever heard of, you should be required to have mastery 4 on someone.
but how did their rakan buy two support items? cheats?
bork is actually shit on her
they were probably just better players
I've meant to say their has spellthief and our has a coin. I am pretty sure you are smart enough to realize it based on previous info
But I like dumpstering first time Xayahs in ranked
I am definitely smart enough to recognize a simple typo. Nevertheless, I appreciate the effortless (You)
this would fuck over smurf.
Less people smurfing means less money for riot, since smurfs generally buy champions and runepages with RP
>Spellthiefs Rakan

Gonna go ahead and say this is an awful idea

Everytime Riot make "Odd" changes it's because of new champ interactions. Remember Garen's villain system change just before Kindred release? The coin changes are because they noticed he doesn't fit any of the current items and don't want him to be left out. Rakan, because he spikes with levels, benefits from the extra skill point. He also benefits from having something to do in lane.

That's why coin.

People who are playing her in ranked in Diamond and lower have brain damage, she's not that good and nobody has played her enough to be on par with Lucian or Twitch mains.
The coin changes are still on PBE sooooooooo......
also because it adds a minigame to support, the least played role.
the most popular supports ar bard and thresh, and both have that minigame.
I know its not just the minigame that makes people play them, but their overall kits. riot however thinks the minigame has a significant part in it.
ori has no way to fight an equally skilled xerath as the xerath will never be within ball range.
he just has a loud minority of mains
I noticed this a lot and it kinda makes me think that Riot are lazy retards.

>Kalista release
>ult is knockup
>Sion release came right after Kalista
>ult is knockup

>Yorick release
>ult is "summon a pet"
>Ivern release came right after Yorick
>ult is "summon a pet"
>it kinda makes me think that Riot are lazy retards
This has been evident to everyone but you for a long time.
>Riot are lazy retards.

They've been like that since season 4 desu
>They've been like that since season 4 desu
Season 0 dumbass
>Garen rework release
>mark an enemy
>Kindred after Garen rework release
>mark an enemy

early game he kinda has to for his passive and waveclearing, but ori would probably still lose out because of range advantage like you said

no hes actually insanely popular to play for a support. Not thresh level, but a decent second although his playrates have declined the last few months possibly because he isnt asgood anymore
>Kled is released
>When he takes enough damage to make Skaarl flee, he becomes temporarily invulnerable
>Camille is released
>she becomes temporarily invulnerable when she ults
>Xayah is released
>she becomes temporarily invulnerable when she uls
they always do this

>talong get scaling walls ability
>camille release

they recycle or use unused mechanics they created

Riot Games are hacks

Olaf and Trundle are really surreal, like from different game.
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i play this game 28 hours a day I dont forget champions anymore desu


Trundle, Allistar, Yorick
a good percentage of my free time is spent on league. i would be ashamed to forget anything about the game, let alone champions.
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>enemy team is Garen and the free rotation
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you have 3.14 seconds to post a cute female(girl) champion
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Bard was rarely, if ever, top 5 playrate for support. If you think he's top 2, you're delusional.

Thresh, Janna, Soraka, Karma and Blitzcrank have been higher pickrates for multiple patches in a row now.
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why is she making that silly face?

she looks like she's trying really hard to hold a sneeze in
She is taking dick from Thresh up the ass and squirting while it.
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Consider the following:
Add pic related as an item in Summoners Rift

How would this affect the game would it be good?
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he said cute
basically becomes a must by on bruisers, divers and situational on assassins. the tenaicity is really good (although it has diminishing returns with mercs)
stats are great too.
only ap tho
How do you quit League of Legends.
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I'm better than you
>(although it has diminishing returns with mercs)

Tenacity is a unique passive, so bruisers would just have Tabi and the Tenacity passive
I once managed to quit for 15 months. Missed all of S4. Then I came back like a little bitch and I've been here ever since.
from her girltinkler?

7 days from now
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cutest of them all, get that disgusting corpse back in the ground
I only keep coming back because of my friends.

Except they all hate me because I'm not as good as them.

So I'm not having fun without League and I'm not having fun with League.

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Who do you guys think will win today Cloud 9 or TSM?

Top lane is boring as usual. Mid is a tossup. Bot lane is in favor of C9 which could determine who gets ahead.
tobias fate permaban when


are boards users actually retarded?
just get good then

>unironically hating tyler
Rakan feels like a squishy piece of shit and his range is garbage without the other bitch
I'm mentally incapable of doing so.

And frankly I don't even like League that much so I don't want to play it all the time to attempt to get good.

But Overwatch lasted like a month in my friend group and now it's just back to League agian.
7 days until what?
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I asked this in the hots general but no one knew.

> The gauntlet has been thrown. We’ve equipped some top-tier Twitch streamers with a coach and challenged them with a simple goal: become the best Heroes of the Storm player they can possibly be, while earning donations for Make-A-Wish® in the process. It’s time to Tryhard – For Good!

who's going to be highest ranked when this is done?
Voyboy has the most experience in hots, but Scarra might take this seriously enough to grind.
Dyrus will get stuck somewhere mid-elo and will suffer all the way through.
>oh looks like im in some trouble cause im a retard support that cant position
>let me just dash to a friendly champ 10k units away haha
>oh whoops i keep shitting the bed on positioning but its ok i constantly have a get out of jail free card
>It’s time to Tryhard – For Good!
>in hots

is blizzard this delusional
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Is two shoting en enemy adc by jhin a legit story? Managed to take 50% by 1 shot(not fourth) with that build:ie, rf, gb, dominik, bloodthirter. What should i change in it?
3 infernals, baron, red pot
I need a 1350 or less champ to buy, throw ideas out there. I don't have anyone really tanky yet, or any jgl aside from Yi.
Is Warwick fun and/or good?

As fun as fucking Kalista and as good as her tight spectral pussy
But not like super hard though, right? He's gonna pop my jungling cherry.
He's easy he's like Sion level good rework, easy to play and fun as fuck. Great sustain, good to carry. Learn to hit ultimates and you are good to go.
>that shitty ass "animation" on the client
>the joke is "ezreal is dangerous when fed"
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how am I supposed to git gud when I've dropped from gold 3 to bronze 2 because 75% of my games are like this
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Just picked fiora vs malph in rank, this is a free win...r-right?
>5 minutes in queue for blind pick
he's going to rock you
link? I don't see any
dont play support in low elo (below plat). you can't trust your teammates to carry you, they're not good enough normally. if you belong in a higher elo, you'll get there a lot faster by playing a carry role than you would playing support.

t. played support from silver 3 to plat 5, and it was a fucking struggle until i got competent adc's who could do something with the lead i gave them
>Gnar on my team named "I am 0000005"
>Gnar on enemy team named "I am 0000006"
dubs decide my summoner name.
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whats for lunch /lolg/?
Rice and chicken legs here
the only thing I know how to make for work
scrambled egg sandwich

post opgg

D̷̦̲͓͖̓̿̇ͪͤ̌ ͇̰͔̘O̡̟̮͙͔͓͗̈̅̇̈́̚ ̺̪͙̻̦̽N̢̻̖͇̯ͫ̇ ̮̫͕͓̯̲̩͋̈͂Ť̲͈͖̌͐̂̀̒͒ ͙̞̙̮̯̱F̣͓ͯ̎ͤͪ̀ͯ̐ ̭̘͉Ŏ͎̗̙̈͑ͮ ͉̮̎ͅR̩͛̄̅͐͊ ̲͎̣̘̽̃̍̀G̮̦̳̼̀̂̾͆́ ͔̤̠̼͔͈ͧ͘E̲͓̒͊̒ͦͮͅ ̷̯͓̪͎͉̂ͪͅT̤̱͔̮̗̍͂ͦ͊ͣ̇ ̍̄ͣͤY̖̫̪͈͖̩͖̐̾͗̚ ̶̈́͒O̡͙̾̇̓̍ͪͩ ̰̟̥̞̝͉U̬̲̜̜̅̇̃̀ͅ ̦̾͗ͨͪ́ͩ'̨̟̬̊ ̙̠̭̰̟̺̈́̒ͅR̵̟̤͕͔̈͛͗ ̟͛̍̓ͦ̋̐Ȩ̞̺̃ͦ̀ͣ̂ ̸̯̖̩̭͙̳Ḥ͚̜̠̬̜̯̌ ̟̥̘͍̳̲̗͋̐Ë̸̞̤̳̽̊ ̗̪̋͆ͪ̏ͯR͕̯ͬͪ͑̍̆͒ ͖͚̲̣ͤͪȄ̠̟ ̤̩̲͙̫͇̲ͦ̌ͯ̉ͬF̼̪̗̘̤̲ͪ̿̿ͫ̆ͮ̚ ͇̻̠̤̈̒̏O͖̅͌̇̒͘ ̑͗ͪ̂̀R͆ͫ̈̈́ ͖̲̟̱̩ͪͪ̒̎͂̃Ę͕̖͖̫̮͈ͨ̉ͯ͊ ̘̺̃ͤ͒̽͋̇̚V̙͈͓͌̆̿̆ ̙͎̙̝͎̯͒̍ͧ̒̈͌͝E̼͇̒ ͓̻̖́́Rͭ͋̅̒
4/1 at min 9, she's pretty fun
1 or 2 decides my summoner name.
1 or 2 decided
g4y n1gg3r
Give me fat benis

No rerolls allowed.
Add me 4 ERP

>making up rules on the spot
off yourself you gay nigger
Mike Hunt
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>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3

This name is too boring.
My top laner is first pick and he instalocked Riven. I'm in for a good time aren't I.
I detect the presence of scum.
how about Hugh Mungus?
How about Biggus Dickus?
I can't CS for shit though

Are these supposed to be "humorous"...?
>1 and 2 decide my name
>1 and 2 post names
>these names are too boring/ no rerolls
Why even ask for it you huge fag?
Go choke on a nigger's cock, you waste of oxygen.
fuck off phoneposter
Are you supposed to be "straight"...?
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>being this mad over nothing
did we really need another fag who post some dumbshit ever threat?

I'm mad you're a phoneposter
I don't know why people respond to these posts. I don't think I've ever seen proof that anyone changed their name to what was suggested.

Also you've already proven what a massive faggot you are, so why should I believe you intend to change your name?
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/lolg/ time to settle this, who is the most balanced and the most unbalanced champion (excluding Xayah and Rakan because Riot champion release balance syndrome) in the game right now.
I did. Someone suggested me EtwahlExpert and I changed :3
Someone, please tell me a good akali build for top.
Lets buff nunu guys.

New E passive added: Every snowball he hits applies a stack of cold. At 2 stacks it roots a target for 0.3/1 second scaling with champion level
>anna eubetterth
pretty cute senpai
then play jungle, or mid where you waveclear for 20minutes till its time to teamfight.
>most balanced
I'd say Jax or Hecarim

Graves and Twisted Fate
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How come I never see any corki in my games? is he in a bad spot right now?
Isnt it cruel that we commit minions genocide everygame?
And dont give me that theyre animated objects bullshit, the can be charmed and feared, they clearly have emotions, possibly even families.
Little minion jr has to wake up tomorrow without a dad.
>most balanced
Thresh, Sion, Warwick

>most unbalanced
Graves, Fiora
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Guess the champ
Close. I've been playing a lot of Warwick lately, and I've been playing this guy when Warwick is banned
How the fuck is Rakan supposed to be played

You do in, you die because the dash range is shit without Xayah
>You go in

No you don't, if you're initiating fights as Rakan you're a fucking idiot
Ring a ding, baby. Trundle jungle is fun as fuck. Lee Sin tries to invade me and I fucking bonk his ass.
thats bullshit ive seen rakans engage pretty well
just depends on thesituation
So in lane you sit back and wait for the enemy?
>lose 4v5 cause team wants to farm kills instead of end with a nasus on enemy team
ASAP mate. Outsmarting bots is quite different to Outsmarting people, people will use skills for things you've never seen before. So getting used to that is essential.
clips twitch tv/BoringStrongEmuHeyGuys

weaponised autism at its finest
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get outta here you shill.
Whomever designed Rakan's kit, need a summary bullet to the head.
It's like "what if we took Lee Sin,but made him into a support"! He's completely braindead, yet super destruptive in teamfights.
t. "support isn't allowed to be strong"
he's also squishy and melee with low range
I wouldn't mind if all roles were reworked into carry roles.
he also has zero presence in lane and long cooldowns
Can you please shoot yourself in the head?
go play hots then
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tfw im playing a heavy cc support like naut or tahm and hard cc rakan's ass when he dives in.
>anyone being relevant
0 damage as well since he has to build tanky
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>No Tahm or Olaf
He wouldn't have any damage even if he did build damage, his ratios are garbage
>friend wants some help to improve and he's bronze 2 and losing a lot
>queue up a game with him on my silver smurf
>top and bot run down their lanes and feed 25 kills between them without anyone even talking to them
really is a fucking mess in bronze
I didn't say he's strong.
He's just the incarnation of mobility cancer in support form. The fact he isn't garbage while having a mere 3 dashes, pseudo ranged attack and a movement speed/hard CC ult that is one of the few CC skills that can get the entire enemy team even if they spread out a bit is fully worthy if scorn.

He really isn't THAT squishy considering he can also make his escape if he has any allies nearby.
Also he's almost as melee as Tresh is.
I do agree he's ass in lane tho, but that does not make him any less aggravating
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>you pick Rakan
>Enemy picks cait
>Literally cant do anything
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this is the face cait players will make
>you pick literally anything except janna
>enemy picks cait
>you can't do anything, and in the case where you're picking janna, the only "anything" you can do is stay at max range behind your adc and shield it

hehe healthy champion design
just don't walk on the 4 traps that are completely blocking you from moving outside your turret (by the way one of these traps is actually invisible since it's behind the turret hehe) or else you'll lose half your hp
t bronze
>Cait is a lane bully
>has a mediocre mid-game
>she's almost a hyper-carry late-game

It just doesn't make any sense.
nothing he said was wrong
>Dom does nothing but farm the entire game
>Enemy team tilt themselves and start arguing in all chat

Pure entertainment
I'm actually master and I don't really care if you don't believe it
Nobody likes laning against cait, from bronze to challenger.
she has clear weaknesses.
if you cant lane vs a cait youre probably doing it wrong. especially after 1st back or with a decent support.
>it has weaknesses to it's not cancer to play against

well I guess release nasus, who could deal 100% of your max hp as magic damage PER SECOND with 100 AP (and more if he had more AP) had the clear weakness to need to get in melee range to deal that damage

So it's absolutely fine hehe
I doesn't matter whether someone can or can't lane against cait it doesn't make it any less fucking grinding and awful
how does kled do so much damage?
playing jax.
dodged his Q.
I went in to trade, he Es away.
he now has 2 of 3 spells on cooldown.
continue the trade, he gets dismounted I just go from 50% to dead.
why can he even keep up with me in damage when he's used 2 of his abilities and dealt 0 damage???
you deserve it for playing Jax
>if you cant lane vs a cait youre probably doing it wrong

This sentence right here is how I know you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Cait is a lanebully. She's not supposed to be easy to lane against, and she isn't.
good reply
If you have an easy time laning again'st Cait, than I guarantee that Cait was autofilled, or just generally shit at the game. Any Cait with half a brain should know how to abuse her lane opponent.

Last (you) you're getting from me, silver surfer.
yeah, but she has a clear weakness in all ins.
You can even cancel her only escape which is great if youre packing cc.
And after first back, if she didnt win hard, most ADCs outscale her. After 6 only more so.
Shes one of the milder lane bullies imo, but probably the most dominant one of the ADCs
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Starting items can be longsword, shield, boots, cloth, or seal, depending on other picks. You pretty much always rush gunblade, it's ok to get seekers/negatron first for lane but it slows you down a lot. Afterwards you have to choose either AP or AD Bruiser.

AP generally goes zhonyas/abbyssal into void, or the other way around. You'll also want a lich bane, and then just get voidcap. Rylais is ok, as is liandries. If you have an AD mid, go sorcs, if not don't

AD goes either triforce and then sfire/sv, or one of sfire/sv and then triforce. Then you need more damage, from stuff like bork and titanic

feel free to add me Wizardhat on NA
What adcs do you consider to be better lane bullies than her?

Only one I can think of off the top of my head is maybe Draven,
DFT or TDL on Kassadin?

Also, scaling CDR runes?

Lichbane second or third after Zhonya?

When do I buy GLP, or is that a meme?
MF has that bouncy shot poke thingy
>have been gone from League for so long that you don't understand item abbreviations anymore

it's a good feel
I'm not him

That was a sincere "good reply" because it was, in fact, a good reply
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>mfw you buy ur BF on the first back and land a last hit Q on the enemy champ
anyone else here only kill either Xayah or Rakan when ganking them to pretend the other lives along alone in misery possibly gaining a crippling depression after what you did purposely did to them or is it just me
Epic contrarion man

Nobody likes playing vs cait because she's ACKSHUALLY busted, in every single ELO.
Off you go now
What's the best website to buy accounts from?
get the fuck out
stop posting immediately

10% in easy lanes, otherwise flat MR

Depends, Lichbane if you won't die

If you're super ahead and want to snowball
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>old duskblade q bounce literal 1shots
>inb4 reddit

Anyone else see this? Ledditors are absolutely assmad some people had the sheer audacity to vote for someone other than Hauntzer as MVP. Truly shocking.
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what do you think of my OC
who gives a shit
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do love a good viper maymay
clearly not you

but since you value your opinion so highly apparently you needed to confirm to the rest of us that you, in fact, do not care. You couldn't think of a better way to waste your post timer?
>fifteen fucking posts early

don't take the piss mate
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>Jax into Kled
Dodge his Q
Go in with E
Get out with Q

Come on anon, Kled relies on autos for damage, this is a no brainer. I've literally never lost to Kled as Jax.
Is running a single crit mark worth it?
>Next thread posted early
>it's lulu fag

Like fucking clockwork. Ban evaders like you should be nailed to crosses and left to bake in the sun.

>how does kled do so much damage?
It's not that, it's that some retards like C9 (and in this case P1) fucked up the process likely on purpose.
I don't mind Rivington being retarded and voting for fucking Huhi, but if you're going to blatantly troll the votes use the Decline to vote option instead of behaving like a monkey in your votes

fucking idiot why waste a mark? now a glyph on the other hand, those are expendable
holy fucking shit this game is fucking garbage today
>Not killing everything in sight
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why is /lolg/ so triggered today?
is it because its sunday and a new week is starting tomorrow?

fuck lulufag
I'm having so much difficulties to carry while playing top, any tips ? Usually Jayce, Camille, Renekton
Do you have some evidence of lolg being triggered today? Any posts in particular.
Better than actually getting to play
>game with 2 junglers on my team, open mid at 10
>game where my jungler gets tripple 2 minutes in, 10 minute enemy open
>game where my team donates 2 kills level 1 to the enemy mid lane, 8 minute open
>still early
I'm going to report you anyway, as any decent poster should.
>still early

here's the real one:

>what is bronze
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thanks for talking to me lolg
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Except that no one buys control wards in bronze
Been playing nau sup in rankeds lately,any other tanky supports with cc to get?
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The only one that matters
Taric. His ult can shut down Vlad's and Zed's
>wake up tomorrow
you mean spawn?
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