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/dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls General

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What ended up being your favourite and least favourite boss across the games /dsg/?
Red pill me on prisoner's chain. ls it really worth it? The +5 vig gets nullified by the -4% resistance so it's +10 levels instead of +15. Other rings like steel and protection +3 or life ring +3 seems better overall
Favourite: Midir
Least: The Ornsy and Smuff Show
>least favourite
Royal Rat Vanguard
Abyss Watchers

Favourite: Ludwig
Least: Bed of chaos
Stop shilling your shit video.
Did you like the game or not? Becouse that's the only thing that matters. l don't want to sound like a redditor but fuck what the others think. lf you liked the game more than the other souls good for you. l personally did.
>DS2 is so bad guys really

>All lords are shit
>O+S, Golem, Priscilla, Tauros, Quellag, Gargoyles, are the only fights that aren't broken or undertuned

>Every boss fight actually works and is balanced

Really makes you think
>>Every boss fight actually works and is balanced

Oh look, it's copypasted big guy in a suit of armor #36
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Least favourite: Capra Demon
Favourite: Twink Princes
steel ring is only for pve

prisoner's chain is only 3% more damage and you can stack it with rof+3
nice meme
Reminder that dark souls 3 pvp comes down to whoever attacks first loses.
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>tfw finally beat Gael
His high magic resistance made the fight take way longer than I hoped it would. But I git gud. Atleast gud enough to beat him with a moderately suboptimal weapon.

Really fun fight though. Fantastic boss.
>steel ring is only for pve

ls there a defense cap in pvp? l personally use it with armor and get close to 50% slash reduction
I don't think DS2 is a bad game, but you're reaching hard here.

Objectively awful DS2 bosses
>Dragonrider 1 and 2
>Skeleton lords
>Covetous Demon
>both rat bosses
>prowling magus
>both dragons
>throne watcher + defender
>gank trio
>all 3 cats
yeah but who is he
It's effect is reduced and is dogshit as a result. Same with the clutch rings.
Apparently you can't do R1 > Spin sweep > R1 combos anymore?
How do you use that weapon art now?

Sure they weren't hard but they are nowhere near 'awful' territory.
I liked Chariots gimmick.
They sleep in one bed, anon...
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favorite probably princes or gael

least favorites are bed of chaos, ancient wyvern, and over half the bosses of das2
horrible bait, you're not even trying anymore
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He's manly man. Much better than your shit old god from rotten fanfics
Favorite: probably Gael
Least favorite: torn between centipede demon and royal rat authority
Ludwig, or SoC if he doesn't count.
>Least favorite
Bed of Bullshit
Yeah me too, it's one of the lightest offenders on the list.

Mytha was generic as fuck though. I felt like I'd fought the exact same boss several dozen times throughout my life. See that's my problem with DS2 bosses in general. They're far more generic than Souls bosses have any right to be.

>giant rat
>giant suit of armour guy
>giant spider
>grim reaper
>giant demon with big horns
>woman who was once beautiful but now has a fucked up body
royal rat authority was fine, chariot was a great idea executed poorly, throne watcher/def was fine
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Least favorite: Bed of Chaos
Favourite: Either Looking Glass Knight or Darkeater Midir
I had more fun with Mytha and Freja than anything DaS1 except Quelagg.
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Post phantoms being forced to watch their host be idiots
>switch from +4 cleric's chime to +9 yorshka at 56 faith
>this is going to send my damage through the roof
>10% increase
A mystic wizard
It's just shameless, right? I can't tell you how many times a Dark Souls boss threw their own severed head at me.
Then you have shit taste and/or are incredibly bad at these games.
i love ds2 but royal rat authority is a less interesting sif with poison mobs added. it is not good.

vanguard was better and it was pretty shit too.
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Wow, really? Care to elaborate?

I have to say I probably enjoyed das2 more than 3. I realize it's objectively bad and so on, but at least it tried new things. It also felt like it's own game.
3 just jerked off 1's embered cock until it turned into ash - and don't give me that "it's a sequel" bullcrap. Plenty of sequels do fine with continuing the series, *without* self-fellating.
To be honest I can't wait until they're done with Dark Souls. I want a new game universe. It seems like FROM is at their best when creating new worlds overall (e.g. das1 and BB being the best games they've made)
The head was kinda fun but the appearance in general is what bothers me. Oh look, it's Medusa except according to her name it isn't actually Medusa. Now in which hundred other media sources have I seen Medusa before?
Is there any way to cheese sister friede
summon gael and use bleed

stack frost defense armor too
Midir, Ludwig, Gael, Pontiff, Orphan, Gehrman, Kalameet, Manus. And Gwyn because of ost
Raid boss Friede. I hate everything about her. Even her lore and dialogues.
>Same with the clutch rings.
But do clutch rings still give the damage bonus in PVP? Or are they completely useless?
On that topic - which rings exactly should you NOT use in PVP (I mean the ones that have different hidden stats in PVE/PVP)
Is Vordt hammer + offhand heavy longsword nice ? Or should i replace the longsword with a small shield and meme with the hornet ring ?
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interesting that you say that, because mytha is not only a stereotypical medusa, but she is also a clone of an enemy from king's field 2.

in her concept art, she even has the exact same hairstyle.
You think Taurus Demon, Capra Demon, Sanctuary Guardian, Quelagg, Gargoyles aren't generic?
Even Artorias is lifted straight out of Berserk.
>die 40 times to Friede
>finish game and kill Gael
>realise I can't summon Gael anymore
Centipede Demon
>Least favorite
>The Rotten
Does someone have a good friede scythe build? ls int worth getting?
Explain your reasoning? This is just such a bizarre choice to me.
>grim reaper
>that violent spasm into Yamcha slouch
Overall? Either Ludwig or Gael depending on my mood. Gael is an over all tougher fight, or at least the way I fought him (ricard's on NG+7).Took me 3 days to down him, now it only takes a few attempts. But Ludwig is spectacle with his moonlight sword, and is damn near one of the best super big bosses From has made in the series, I was hoping Yhorm would put what they learned from Ludwig to good use but then we got a shitty retread of the Storm King fight.
My build is 40DEX/30INT, does well enough damage.
bleed infused bandit knife then. 2hand it and poke her while dodging like a maniac
Is it because the rotten arm doesn't fight back once you cut it ?
Every boss should stagger after a few good hits with larger weapons.
>Care to elaborate?

It's a fun, risky, and well-designed fight. Midir himself is awesome to looks at, extremely well-animated with cool attacks. Great music.
And to top it all off, it's one of the only fights in the entire series that isn't over 20 seconds after it starts regardless of your soul/weapon level. I'm not sure what there is not to like, to be honest.
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Post more like this. I want to see more similarities between the souls games and KF

Are the KF games worth playing these days? Or have they aged like milk?

Kalameet is cool. The worst boss is either Leechmonger or Dirty Colossus.
who /preparedtodine/ here
Holy shit i dont know if ive become retarded or this character is shit but ive been trying to get to the depths of the painting for 2 hours now and keep dying. I had no trouble on my other characters. Fuck this game
didn't think about nashandra because she was mentioned in a different part of the post but yeah, true
can't how chariot is supposed to look like the grim reaper though
Best build to invade and stealth fuck phantoms/host one by one?
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>finally get to lothric
>farm up lothric knight gs
>equip it
>looks weathered as fuck so I don't want to use it on my paladin as the "big" weapon alongside mace

time to go get great mace afterall
I wish we got more NPC fuckery.

Thomas and Maldron were awesome. Bradley too.
Fav: Ludwig/CHAMP

Least fav: Centipede/both Rat fights in 2
Least favorite is Loran Darkbeast, Oceiros, or Bed of Chaos.
Loran Darkbeast is the worst boss im Bloodborne because it is close to impossible to reliable dodge most his attacks just due to how much he fucks the camera up thanks to his sheer size. Oceiros is just tedious and annoying to fight with how well he can keep distance between you and him in phase 1 and phase 2 has that dash attack with no telegraph animation at all that he spams to the point where it's hard to tell if it's ever safe to attack him.
you can't
they've aged poorly, but if you like souls exploration/lore they are still worth a go.

even though they were on a console notorious for loading times, they managed to pull off an interconnected souls-like world without a single loading screen between areas. even while warping.
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gonna get shit for this one, but i liked the royal rat vanguard in the grave of saints. Could have been a lot better had they improved the moveset of the rats and changed the arena, but a gang of rats with a boss rat rocking a mohawk is just too good. If they were to remake that fight for a new souls game i think it would be much better.

>least favorite

really anything with a bloated health pool and/or tremendous run back to the boss room, something like the shitty 2cats from ivory dlc.
I hate when I'm free the ENTIRE FUCKING DAY and I waste all my time on for example this board. I could've been playing vidya ffs.
Meanwhile the days that I am busy and have to do other things, I rush home to play souls for like an hour and then have to go to sleep.
It's like it's impossible for me to play video games unless it's night time.
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Are they on Steam or do i have to emulate them?

Also, post more if you have it, this is my kind of thing
it won't have anything to do with fromsoft, don't get your hopes up unless you're into god eater or something
I really liked Maria and ludwig. Orphan as well, but only if I'm solo

Fuck ancient wyvern, literally pointless
I'm honestly baffled why they took such a step back in 3 with the NPCs
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>They sleep in one bed, anon...

I'd like to sleep in one bed with Lothric...
Or Lorian.
>it won't have anything to do with fromsoft
thank god desu
You have addiction to internet communication. I have it too.
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we're just a couple of no goods
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you have to emulate them, but they all emulate well.
darkmoon ring
magic clutch ring
bellowing dragon ring
free ring slot (prisoner/young/sage/slumbering/scholar)
court sorc/sage's crystal staff
sholar's candlestick
crown of dusk

crystal sour spear/soul stream
hidden body
white branches

60 int
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Rate this Friede's Scythe build
>internet communication.
Never heard of that, but now that you say it I probably do have it. I very rarely talk to people in real life too, so maybe I substitute the internet for real people.
How do you deal with your addiction?
The fact that mai husbando is a cripple and I would probably have to do everything for him really isn't doing anything to stop my weird ageplay fetish.
not sure why but this was my first thought
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>>farm up lothric knight gs

but you can just buy it
How's the story?
Why's he laughing?
Does Snap Freeze scale with int?
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>you can just buy it

atleast it only took like 10 kills

what's with the 20 attunement? isn't it 18 and 24 for the slots? could take one out and get another fatty point in vigor.
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might have something to do with what you can cast at full FP,
garbage, you don't need 40 int, leave it at 30.
Why 20 ATN? The WA combo doesn't consume FP and you ain't gonna be casting spells with only 40 int.
Even if you have good friends IRL you can't talk with them about your favorite things, about anything 24/7 like in internet. And it's hard to find interesting people IRL especially if you already big boy.
>How do you deal with your addiction?
Turn off internet. Don't pay for it.
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Why 30 and not 40? Does int cap at 30 or smth?
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>my weird ageplay fetish.
Hm, that sounds like your devaluing the lord of cinder. I think that's heresy and the hollow angels will fuck you up for that.
FP was a mistake
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I really should start sending him out, I always skip sending him out because I prefer to hold him close
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the story is told in mostly the same way as souls, through item descriptions and NPC dialogue. however some of it is more well hidden than souls because you need the fortune teller in KF2 and points into the wisdom stat in KF3 to see item descriptions.

1-3 are a trilogy, though 1 doesn't really have a story, 4 is separate and non-canon

guyra is laughing because he just nudged someone off the ledge of his arena, kalameet is laughing because someone is trying to cut his tail solo
Why is the PVE so fucking boring?

>make new character
>mule all the shit
>literally cannot be bothered to run through the game for estus shards and other stuff

I get to Undead Settlement and I delete it.
it's kinda like comunism
My heart...
Claymore vs black knight sword. Whats better in ds3 on a quality build?
How about an Ashtus only run?
Did it with my faith chara, pretty fun
Silly anon, why would the angels fuck me up for wanting to take care of their Holy King? Would the angels be willing to carry him to the bathroom? I thought not.
But then I can't get new games, porn and shows
Pick up gardening instead
Download everything you need for months ahead
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>could have had this
>instead it's a shitty robe
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>invade player
>he's shielded by 2 sunbros
>kill both sunbros
>host disconnects
>you will never love anyone the way Gael loves the Painter
>this is a man

Is there a limit to how many times Miyazaki can bamboozle me?
2-Nameless (KotS included)

>Least Favorite
1-Bed of Chaos
2-*insert most of chalice dungeon bosses here*
3-Ancient Dragon
>tfw always go to 130 instead of 120

Is there any reason to actually stay at 120 if you're aiming to invade/be summoned/duel 120~ people?
>invade player
>host and phantom
>kill phantom
>another darkmoon
>kill two darkmoons
>host use "collapse" gesture and then kill himself
Is DS2 still active on the PS4? I want to play the game and try to get platinum but i'm a bad player and will need the help of phantoms
because getting invaded is fun
>tfw always go to 140 instead of 130

Is there any reason to actually stay at 130 if you're aiming to invade/be summoned/duel 130~ people?

>tfw always go to 150 instead of 140

Is there any reason to actually stay at 140 if you're aiming to invade/be summoned/duel 140~ people?

>tfw always go to 387 instead of 140

Is there any reason to actually stay at 340 if you're aiming to invade/be summoned/duel 340~ people?

"This spot marks our bed. You may rest here too, if you like."
Do ashes go through NG?
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Someone convince me not to go full retard 70 dex please. The 60-70 gains for sharp are surprisingly high but surely it's not worth it right?
>objectively awful bosses
>includes fine bosses that he subjectively disliked
>off-brand Vaati voice
>forced, unfunny jokes
Fuck off.
You got less and less advantages at high levels tho. I don't think there is big difference between 120SL 66STR and 140SL 66STR builds. And more important that most of time you already fighting against 150SL phantoms.
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Just soloed Friede
does the third phase have literally 2 attack windows for slow weapons?
what good is HA if no Poise?
at least that's the only problem I see
>GS without poise
Just stop. This is your problem
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>curse got completely nerfed in comparison to DS1
>still no weapon or spell with curse effect

>Joseph Anderson's analysis, but with bad jokes and a hateboner for MM

Help mee
>implying freide doesn't get random hyper armor
poise wont help when she's still gonna combo you for 80% without getting stunned
Does his boss model have a face?
Against lighter weapons that poise is enough. Against ultra weapons just quickstep into backstabs.
>I probably enjoyed das2 more than 3. I realize it's objectively bad and so on
cut out /v/ my man
I did the same. There's quite a few actually. She's open at the end of almost every combo.
I think not. I like it that way. He looks nightmarish.
Post your most fun low level build.
>l don't want to sound like a redditor but fuck what the others think.

reddit detected
I wouldnt say nightmarish but he sure does look imposing
Also what is up with the gaping hole ? What caused it? I'm seeing a little round thing inside, is it his heart?
Don't know about phase 3, but in phase 1 and 2 only one attack has HA and it's not random.
It has a similar startup to any other attack but the swing noise is completely different to anything else she does.
>still says ririrsu

also i think you mean nobody will ever love YOU the way gael painter etc
The Demon Ruins is by far the worst area in this game.
It's the Darksign that undead bear, except fucking huge because he drank too much dark soul juice.
That's most likely his darksign that eroded his body after living for so goddamn long/after consuming the Dark Soul
>not blighttown
>I'm seeing a little round thing inside, is it his heart?

It's his thing, his fine dark soul to you.
Underrated for invasions. Rarely anyone summon 3 phantoms here

Favourite: Artorias
Least Favourite: Ancient Dragon
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What's the worse sin

A.I cheated in my first runthrough of Dark Souls


B. To this day I have never cared to save Solaire and have yet to finish his questline
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> get to dlc area
> oh shit better take cover from the angel
> kill 2 enemies
> ok save zone
> suddenly everythings glowing
> "oh that's nice better take a screenshot"
> mfw
Neither is a sin desu.
You're not even supposed to save Solaire. The method to save him feels like an afterthought because "praise le sun" fanboys would complain otherwise.
>Use SSS+DMB in arena along with lightning arrow and projected heal
>just some disconnects but no hatemail

Is it time to make a LMAO2UGS invasion build?
Twin Princes or Gael

Bed of Chaos will forever be garbage
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Well. Cheating felt the worst to me. I vowed not to play future games until I beat it legit but it still spoiled me and ruined my game experience.

Currently I started over and I'm going through the DLC for the first time ever and I would rather be dying an enemy boss I know nothing about than cheat at any point
I cheated with DS3. Felt fucking bad man. Going into the DLCs blind was mindblowing in comparison though.
It's probably this
Do you think it hurts? I often whimper during the fight
He had a hard life
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>Liking a boss that literally shit talks you when you lose


The only thing I did in DAS3 was extend how many rebirths I had and that was after I had beaten the core game. I don't feel AS bad doing that since it is working a game mechanic and tweaking it. But sometimes I feel tempted to beat the game without rebirthing at all
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That's surprisingly bushido.
>Do you think it hurts?
I don't think having a gaping hole in your chest is a good thing anon.
A by far. What the fuck is wrong with you?
>I don't think having a gaping hole in your chest is a good thing anon.

i wouldn't say no to dank soul powers / being a big guy
>cut out /v/ my man
Sorry, I don't go to /v/. Could you explain what you mean?
>being a big guy
For you
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>Giving up after people died to protect you
>Not giving it your all, accepting defeat, or at the very least running away
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What's the deal with the dark sign anyway? Gwyn created the darksign/undead curse for whatever reason (to keep the pygmies/humans under control?), and it seems to just empty them of their humanity/sliver of the dark soul. Is that how it works?
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Give me a reason why these weapons exist:

>tailbone shortsword
>parrying dagger
>broken straight sword
>cleric's candlestick
>bastard sword
>painting guardian sword
>storm curved sword
>crescent moon sword
>carthus curved greatsword
>ricard's rapier
>any axe that isnt dragonslayer axe, millwood, or twinaxes
>great machete
>demon greataxe
>blacksmith hammer
>gargoyle hammer
>"great" wooden hammer
>winged spear
>arstor's spear
>winged knight halberd
>great scythe
>non-witch's locks whips
>every bow

Why are over half of the weapons in this game pointless downgrades, worse in every way, most of them with not even a unique r2 or weapon art?
Worse than DaS2
DAS was my first game

I was super casual and had died hundreds of times before even getting to Anor Londo

It was the worst thing to do and I hate myself for it.

Ironically I still died plenty of times while cheating
because the sword costs 15 dollarydoos to use
Because you made the mistake of not using a hyper armor weapon
>not liking a boss that talks shit when you die
I want a boss actively roasting me for choices in weapons and armor, even for ways used to deal with enemies in the playthrough
>fallen knight armor and dark sword? Are you TRYING to be a casual stereotype
>did you really have to kite each of those lothric knights at leash range?
>you leveled luck? What the blazes is wrong with you?
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I want to fuck Seath and Oceiros
I didn't even know the first two existed.
A without a question. I cannot fathom why you would ruin your experience like that.
You're pretty bad if you can't make well over half of those weapons work.
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>talking shit about great wooden hammer
>seath will never turn you into a girl and force you to spend the rest of your days giving birth to his crossbreed children
Why live?
Anyone have any guides on an early game faith build, considering you're going to suck until much later in the game? Like weapons to go for etc?
how come when ledo hits me it's for 70% of my fucking hp
>bleed version of an existing weapon but with less dmg
>unique weapon to match the enemy or just boss weapon
>low req weapon

I know you're the typical 40/40 SL120 metaknight, but unironically listing a halberd? kek
When I challenged the Crestfallen Warrior in 1 and lost he goes

"Now, that's just embarrassing.
How'd you let me do that to you?"

I felt like I had been literally raped
You're char is a big guy
Why would I use them? They're trash. No one uses them for good reasons.. They have nothing to make them unique and just perform extremely poorly.
Raw Estoc
>Anyone have any guides on an early game faith build, considering you're going to suck until much later in the game? Like weapons to go for etc?

just use the mace
feeling bad about liking a game because some faggots claim it's "objectively bad" sounded like an extremely /v/ thing to do
It's like you don't take pleasure in humiliating people by beating them with garbage
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It makes you wonder what Seath was planning to do to you when he captures you and puts you in jail. I figure he wanted to force breed you with those snake sisters also held in captivity

He wanted to experiment with you and I would have stayed to find out how
How are brigand daggers after the patch? Worth using?
Get the Dark Hand and beat the shit out of Dancer so you can get stuff from Lothric Castle.
I see. You misunderstood then, I was just saying that "even though people think this game is bad, I like it". I don't feel sorry for it.
>They have nothing to make them unique
I'm not going to comb over your list to pick out the ones that have unique skills or moveset differences, but you're wrong.
I wish there were more differences among weapons too, but half of that list is absolutely fine.
You're also not taking into account stat requirements. Almost any build can use a Bastard Sword with minimum investment, for example.
This better than RAW ASS?

I was planning on beating her earlier, but the Dark Hand? Why?
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>but the Dark Hand? Why?
Tons of base dark damage, which Dancer is weak to, and a fast attack speed.
She's weak to dark
>taking less than 200 damage from ledo's
So this is what it takes to make the wooden hammer "great"
She's weak to groping
Dark hand can't be upgraded so it has a very high base AR with no stat requirements. It's great damage with 0 investment at low levels, although it obviously sucks for PvP
>tailbone shortsword
fun WA
>parrying dagger
look at the first part of the name dumbass
>broken straight sword
>cleric's candlestick
good and fun spellsword weapon
>bastard sword
STR builds
good weapon for bleed builds
good weapon for pure dex builds
>storm curved sword
same as above
this one too
getting past shields
>carthus curved greatsword
good weapon for bleed builds
good buffable STR weapon
>demon greataxe
good STR/pyro weapon
kinda okay weapon for bleed builds
>gargoyle hammer
okay weapon for STR builds that need to deal fire damage at the moment because of enemies like the pus of man or ariandel tree bitches
also fun WA
>every bow
shooting arrows

Get Wolnir's Sword as soon as you can.

Also has anyone noticed the Splitleaf Greatsword has a four-hit stunlocking combo? Do From just not check that their weapons actually work properly? Do From not actually understand that weapons with considerable range aren't actually meant to be a guaranteed kill on most players? Do From not realise that netcode makes this worse? Do From not understand how to make video games?
>proud of winning against an unupgraded weapon
>although it obviously sucks for PvP
>tfw someone got me with the health succ
>I saw it charging and I still attacked
I'll never live it down. At least he didn't point down. Probably figured I'd suffered enough embarrassment.
>murder host
>immediately get blueberry summon just a few minutes later
>it's the same host
Shit, never even thought about using DH as a weapon
I scratch my head at this comparison because not only do they not resemble one another too much but also that's the prototype of Kalameet's model and does not reflect his actual appearance.
>least favorite
Bed of Chaos
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You don't know the fucking half of it.
How in the actual fuck are you supposed to drop Darkeater Midir off of the bridge? His AoE is crazy and he has so much HP.
>No reason to exist

Consider suicide
>>any axe that isnt dragonslayer axe, millwood, or twinaxes
Thrall Axe says hello, that shit is TIGHT
>he has so much HP.
>on the bridge
Oh boy
>gets staggered on first hit
>gets staggered vs spin sweep
That one R1 and rolling attack would surely delete 1.4k hp if he "upgraded" his weapon, right?
Gundyr's appearance also differs in many ways from Old King Doran's, but he's still an obvious and intentional reference to him.
Bait his fire breath and hit his claws
>bait fire breath
>go back and hide
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>worse than LKS in every way but weight and reqs
>exact same moveset as LKS
What's the best then?
How are people so bad at phase one Friede? It only gets harder.
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Hit him in the dick
anon but the R2s are different
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h e h
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What program is used in these webms?
I want to try it too.
Wrong, Zweihander has a unique 2hr2 and a thrust 1hr2
It's also a 10 weight ultra that reaches 600 AR and costs the least stamina
would you let seath ride you cowgirl style
>SL120 qualityfaggotry is the only thing that matters
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oh wow the r2s are copied from this other weapon instead from that one, that makes this weapon not shit and meaningless!
>he doesn't know that Cathedral Knight GS can combo and Black Knight GS combo got removed
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people have no idea how to play against it
i roll catch people with the two-handed R2 90% of the time
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Holy shit
Give me one weapon on this list that is used in low level pvp/pve that can't be replaced by one of the better ones with literally 2 extra points in STR
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>Gwyn created the darksign/undead curse for whatever reason

Don't listen to feastfags so much. Gwyn is a cool guy

Yuria says the undead are the true face of mankind. so that might be true undead and darksigns are the normal state of humans descended from pygmies. Perhaps regular dying humies are the anomaly.

Counter to this I saw a video from some youtuber that made the claim that darksigns are created by the way of white, put on people after their death. without consent!! darksign rape!

who knows, shit's convoluted yo.
He aint got no dick
>people using the Church Guardian Shiv
Tell me why, i want to know
You do realize
>Cathedral Knight GS combo
>Black Knight GS combo
Are very different things, right?
The CKGS "combo" means 2 R1R1s, which literally every UGS except maybe fume can do
The BKGS combo deserved that nerf, but it still has a much better R1-R1 simply because AR
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Murakumo outclasses every other curved greatsword with a sharp infusion and pure dex build
it also weighs less and requires less STR to use than harald and exile
Hits like a kukri and has tracking
CKGS can combo R1 into R2 you fucking bamboon.
Ain't even got a dick
CKGS can combo 2hr1 into 2hr2
They also fixed Yhorm's not comboing two 2hr1s
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>morning star, incredibly dependable strike weapon from early to mid game in every KF, will always carry you until your first unique weapon
>cucked in every game since DeS
>its a BLEED weapon now (what did miyazaki mean by this?)
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Seath has such pretty wings

you can scum it out with great arrows
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if i go to NG+ do i keep the five levels i got from yoel?
>less damage than a throwing knife
>hits like a kukri
u wot
shit I gotta update that, the list wasn't touched since before the patch that fucked up the infusions
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>Dark souls 2/3 parody by Plague of Gripes never
If you think the Zweihander is shit and meaningless but don't think the same about the Astora GS, then you're a dummy.

You'd be a dummy anyway though for thinking either was shit.
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>only 40AR behind on a optimal build with less stat investment
>can be buffed
>has a true combo
just delet yourself from the premises faggot
Astora GS is the only UGS with a charge attack and an unique rolling attack, that at least makes it special
The zwei is literally a dumbed down LKGS
>tfw Bradley will never let you join the Old Guard
60fth here with Crucifix.

What rings should i be using? Does mornes and suns first born ring actually make a difference? I use lightning arrow too
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>dex builds
Get real
You do realize the BKGS is a quality weapon?
You sorry fool! It's more of a sarcastic applause moment anyway...
How should I build around the Dragonslayer Spear? I'd like to have a few miracles to cast as well.
The DS1 parody wasn't that great, not gonna lose sleep over it.
Fucking Knight's
It's not a pure faith weapon, it's STR/FAI
I bet you don't even have 27 STR
Yes that's why I included two pictures. Stats on the top are 60/10 for CKGS and the bottom is 40/40 for BKGS, which is clearly visible by the way. Sorry about your blindness man.
What are the best paired weapons for PVP that aren't necessarily those babby mode UGS from the dlc?
It's a quality weapon that got recently nerfed. If you want a faith spear you can use saint's bident.
what's the best level for DOG INVASIONS
Nope, Fume is already the best in that category in every way that actually matters.
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just as a reference
Still bretty gud in Pve at least, in pvp it's basically useless and there's way, way better.
Why no one parry in PVP right now? I don't remember parry/caestus nerfs
because the meta is ultra weapon wombo combos
Parrying is phasing out of style, now it's all about 〖Auto Combos〗
You can't parry lmao2pugs
caestus got nerfed and is now the same as small shields, also if you fail a parry it counts as a counter damage hit
On the meme 66/16 it gets 32 AR more than CKGS while being a lot heavier, lacking the combo and barely more range. FUGS is dead my friend.
Haven't played since 3 or 4 weeks ago
I read they nerfed 2ugs? How shit is it now?
Favorite: Champion gundyr
Least favorite: Darkeater Midir
Fuck that spastic sword-sponge discount kalameet
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Hey. Would anyone on ps4 mind helping me transfer some souls between characters really quick? I can return the favor too just tell me what you need.
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Care to share? I'm only using it for fashion souls, but it does feel rather weak. Saints Bident is good? I never really heard anything about it before.
Why do people like the first DaS, again? It's such steaming dogshit.
because you're wrong
Disable phantom range, then I'll help
So many good ones but my fav is probably Artorias.

Least is a tie between BoC and Ancient Wyvern.
it's not the third one
Honestly they aren't that good in pvp on account of all the hyper armor everywhere.
If you can actually get matches against people using ordinary non-fuckhueg weapons, winged knight twinaxes are quite good.
They have massive forward momentum on their L1s now, better than a mace.

Sellsword twinblades with a buff will generally oneshot phantoms with its R1 L2 R2 combo.
Drang twin hammers can oneshot phantoms with the same WITHOUT a buff. It also had an infinite L2 L2 L2 L2 combo, but I don't know if that got patched with the mon scim.
Drang twin spears are a one-trick pony. They roll L1 good. That's basically it. Never start with the first L1, it has awful range. Also, expect people to parry fish the fuck out of you.
Gotthard twinswords are now only good for the obscene range of the R1, they're the longest straight swords. The spinny combos do surprisingly poor damage.
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords, well, I dont think you need a description. You just delay your third L1 a tiny bit, and the 3 L1 shit oneshots people. It's bad at trading against heavy ultras. Weak poise. Better in chaotic invasions than in 1v1s.

With all of these, you should offhand an Old Wolf Curved Sword and use Pontiff Eye rings. They stack.
You'll be healing yourself every time you get your combo off. The last patch made it so that the first effect activates with only two hits. It's insane.
This, except the opinions are also shit.
No, I didn't like it because it's slow and clunky.
I wish I could do that. ;_;
haven't been here in a while. how many people thought the dlc was a underwhelming? why is there literally nothing but one ringed knight between halflight and gael? where is the good dlc that was in dark souls 1, 2 and bloodborne?
if that's how they decided to end the series, then fuck fromsoft and bandai namco for shitting over this game even more
At min str/dex and 60fth Saint Bident gets 500+ AR when infused with lightning. You can also infuse it with heavy to get like 350AR and buff it with lightning blade/darkmoon blade (+235 lightning/magic damage when casted using yorshka's chime) to get better results. It is also one of the longest spears in the game, only behind Gargoyle Flame Spear.
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all you need
Wow ok, knew about the length but I wasn't aware of the AR. Looked pretty abysmal on the wiki. Thanks.
Man the phantom range on the DUGS/RKPGS is disgusting just about any time or place I see them.
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Alright, thanks mate.
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>lightning arrow
>tears of denial
>projected heal
All soulsborne games are trash.
I say this because I am the true fan, not like you impostors.
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Please? We can coop later too.
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How do i make this more fashiony?
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>Gael will never help you decorate the Christmas tree
why live
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>tfw faster pace of ds3 renders my favourite ds1 weapon (scythe aka glaive) poop and gotta bum it out with longsword spam
It was buffed a lot in recent patches, it's a really good spear now. I guess wikis didn't get updated that much yet.
Is this bait?
>tfw only play at 79 or 140
feels good man
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>tfw you save all the hollows at the beginning of Undead Settlement from the meanie dogs
I am a hero
if you cheated or summoned on your first playthrough for anything other than coop bosses (o&s/lmao2cat) you should leave
fucking hell i laughed way more than i should have
>other than

yeah someone should leave alright
Why wasn't the Champion Gravetender the PvP boss?
Highwall, pass is dsg
Can you wait 15 minutes please? I just made dinner.
Winged Knight Twinaxes are really good after TRC patch. You can easily hit people for at least 900 damage with two L1.
then you rested at the bonfire and they all died anyway

dumb frogposter
Get a job Neets
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r8 my fashion
I didn't do it but it's acceptable because the boss fights are clearly designed for it
>there are people who don't summon
>there are people who think it's better to wait half an hour between each opening than summon and give the boss a slight health buff
I do things faster without summons.
I'm not a neet though, fuck off
>There are people who dont solo all the bosses on their first playthrough.
>wait half an hour between each opening
I'd prefer to play the game than to turn on easy mode which allows you to basically play a completely different game

friend summoned an npc for pontiff & it solotanked the boss until it was 30% hp while my friend just spammed r1 into the boss's ass
M8 today is a holiday here.

Painted World was a lot better than I expected. Ringed City was like a slightly longer challenge mode dungeon until you realize Haralds and Ring Knights have super forgiving patterns and a greatest hits featurette(Midir zzzz.)

Gael and Friede were magnificent fights, Demon Princes was pretty good, exploring painted world for the first time was the bomb and getting past the Giants in Ringed City was tense and exciting. Ringed City itself ended up super dull but you can't really be surprised the like seventh time it happens that From designed a GORGEOUS INTERESTING HUGE CITY and you just explore a swamp/the fucking gutters while cutting through it as quickly as possible.
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maybe, but those were badly timed rolls. rolling behind him would have been a better course of action
>he thinks manus is the furtive pygmy
falling for the "contributing to society" meme
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>invade someone in Crucifixion Woods
>they're AFK
>get this really evil idea to push them down into the area where a massive crab lives
>push them down using kicks
>watch as they're helplessly slaughtered by the crab
I feel like a scumbag.

But it's OK, I still got my Vertebrae Shekel.
>Peeve just now realised the best way to get normies playing through the game instead of meta cancer duelists is overleveling
I did it in DaS2. It was glorious being able to insta invade any area in the game and go all gorillia.
Except I dont give a fuck about society. I work to make big bucks and buy stuff.
Gandalf's retarded cousin/10
>invasions are shit
>arena is shit
>being a summon is boring
i enjoy your miracle pvp webms
Either put on more flowing robey stuff or put on more lightweight and agile fightery stuff.

Also don't use the piss-pants unless you're trying to look like a hobo or ironically cosplaying the Fallen Meme stereotype.
>But it's OK, I still got my Vertebrae Shekel.

ironic because you are a spineless faget
For casting should I be leveling Dex or Att for casting speed?
So I just started my first play through of Demon's Souls completely blind. I'm thinking I'd like doing a str/fai sort of build. Just finished murdering the Dragon God.

Any must get gear for a faith/miracle user?
I'm curious, does Lightning deal extra damage to transformed characters?

Might be useful next time I face one of these dudes.
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falling for the big bucks buy stuff meme
Is that extra penalty for being naked STILL a thing?
Why does from hate muscle wizards?

Dex affects Casting Speed but please just get a dang old Sage's Ring my friend. Unless you're going Dex/Int I guess.
>falling for the anime posting is acceptable meme

also isn't that girl a slut lmao
if im level 50 and want to do pvp, would it be wise to level my main weapon up to +5 from +4, or will that make me lose out on a lot of summons and shit?
I just bought a house, but okay
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>he fell for the life meme
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falling for the homeowner meme

falling for the "hating anime is cool" meme
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>He fell for the _____ meme
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>falling for the meme meme
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>he fell for the meme meme
Dragon transformation does indeed give a penalty to lightning absorption, it's like -15% with both head and body equipped.
I've seen this image a thousand times and I've just noticed this
Fuck you and fuck your shit
>"b-but muh house isn't a meme...i-is it guys?"
holy shit you're pathetic
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flash sweat.jpg
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Alright, can you drop your sign now?
I hate your modern degenerated memes
Your generation is trash
I hate you all
anyone else looking at Absolver? wouldnt call it a "soulslike" per-say but it seems to have a pretty good combat system (souls + for honor?) and involves a similar spontanious co-op/pvp online system as souls


will probably miss fighting large nightmare creatures but it looks like a decent game to play while waiting on whatever miyazaki is going to put out next
>falling for the falling meme
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>it's a "oh, you don't have hyperarmor? well, too bad! you die!" episode
Att and Clear Bluestone Ring in DaS2
Dex and Sage's Ring in DaS3
fell for the meme meme mind meme
>T-thanks I had fun holding these items for you

Is there some weird bug in DaS3 with the Old Demon King and the fog gate never becoming enterable as a phantom? Happens a lot to me.

And sometimes I get sent back to my world, because the host doesn't realize they need to challenge the boss first.
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Huh. That's pretty neat.
Stocking up on Gold Resins might be handy then.
Want me to post a classic Doge meme then, grandad?

Poise/Hyperarmour was a mistake
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Anybody feel like helping a brother out at friede? PC, pass dsg
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>buying a house
>after seeing what happens to homeowners in 2008
Can someone explain the point of shields that block less than 100% damage?
I used to turtle a lot in DS1 and as soon as I had 100% shield I didn't even consider ones that don't. And if you are looking for magic/elemental defense there may be stronger ones that don't block full damage but even then if boss swings at you with fire sword I'd rather have 100% damage reduced and then fire reduction
>this is the 4TH TIME i've died to midir's flailing laser
Everything is a meme. A house is just a stronger meme, my meme loving friend.
+6 and put on aldrich cov
these fucking summons at oceiros are instant which is weird, I guess people actually stand there waiting for phantoms LMAO
But it literally says on the ringed set description that the Gods created the "seal" (darksign).

I always thought the Darksign was meant to represent dark obscuring light. Instead it represents light obscuring dark. It's like pottery.
Some shields that block less damage typically tend to be lighter, be more useful for parrying or tend to have higher resistance to other elements.

It's all up to the player to choose whether they want to sacrifice 100% Phys reduction over lighter shields.
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It has the clunkiest gameplay/combat system in the trilogy, not to mention half the game feels like it was never finished.

I know DaS1 fags like to believe it can do no wrong, but it's easily the weakest entry in the series.
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>he fell for the ">he fell for the _____ meme" meme
You become exceedingly efficient at it
Just pretend he's a Bloodborne boss and dodge the everloving fuck out of him.
That's literally how DS3 is meant to be played.
how did you die?
I mean that's why it's the best right? both dark souls 2&3 aren't anywhere near as good and they're probable closer to M's vision than the first one
>50 hours into Dark Souls 3 and Dark Hand is still my strongest weapon
Regen memes with simple or blessed infusion
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>240SL PS4 online
Holy shit
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Favorite: Old Ivory King
Least Favorite: Curse Rotten Greatwood. Just the first one that comes to mind because I had so many stupid deaths to it and the fight felt really boring to me.

They're not worth it unless they have a special effect like stamina regen. While they're usually lighter than 100% block shields, equipment load is not a precious resource in DaS3 like it was in 1.
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pls respond
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>he fell for the ">he fell for the ">he fell for the ____ meme" meme" meme
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>Rollcatch a host with Crystal Soul Spear
There is no greater feeling
Weight. Not every build has enough spare equip load for 100% phys reduction.
Also, aesthetics. Wooden Shield is my shieldfu.
>that fucking entrance when he comes out of the gates of hell
Having the most negative qualities makes it the best?
>lag the lag lag

Regen is comfy as fuck in DeS. Stack all regen equipment you can find.
What is the point of the East West Shield?

It's a straight downgrade.
Midir plays nothing like a BB boss what the fuck are you smoking
It looks nice.
I never said it's skill at all, it's just satisfying to fuck someone who rolls all your magic
Favorite: Gael, previously Ludwig
Least favorite: There aren't any that I find particularly offensive, but Royal Rat Authority comes to mind.
Made me remember the good times with a blessed guillotine axe, wish i still had my PS3.
Tranquil Walk of Peace should've been in DS3.
killing blues is starting to feel like beating up a mentally challenged child now
Thank you kindly!
>can't get that badass battleaxe
>that beautiful bardice
>or the bigass warhammer
Isn't it? It's in 1 and 2
I'll consider it.

Will I end up finding any offensive miracles? Or is it pretty much all support and utility in DeS?
It wasn't.
Prolly because it would've """""ruined""""" the gameplay.
Imagine the salt from both sides of the playing field
Imagine the salt from all the rollfags in general.

There's WoG, but other than that faith is not offensive.
How the fuck did you manage to riposte that
Every time I get a guardbreak that isn't a super close range parry they roll out by the time I run up to them
>laugh all the way down
>can't read TRC edition yet
Force, Emit Force and WoG are very offensive.
which UGS should i go for
im torn between FUGS and BKGS, might try the others too
what is your favourite UGS?
>put summon sign down in consumed kings garden
>equip aldrich covenant
>invade the garden
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>Royal Rat Vanguard
Okay, good to know.

I guess I won't really need anything offensive as I don't imagine I'm going to have to worry much about being invaded.

Playing for the first time now makes me wish I had picked it up when it had originally launched. I wasn't even aware the game existed at the time.
I'll see if I can get some covenant pvp webm
the build sucks for invasions
>imagine is ds3
>had the same amount of weapons as it is now
>each weapon has their own unique crafted moveset, each R1. R2, L1 and L2 different
>from a purely gameplay / fight mechanics stance
best: champion gundyr
beats the fuck out of scrubs with flashy combos and grabs that really drive home how hard you just fucked up. high pressure boss thats short and to the point.

anything that involves you calmly moving to avoid attacks while being a massive punching bag, covetous demon, vordt, greatwood, midir, many DeS bosses. low pressure fights that instead of making you feel accomplished, just make you feel relieved that it's over and can be forgotten about forever
there's only so many ways to swing a sword and I don't want more anime movesets
that's wierd. I make ripostes like that all the time with no problem
Reminder that DaS2 is utter garbage and no kind of meming will ever change that
I didn't play AoA. people were shitting so much on it that I decided not to buy it, but since ringed city is the last of it all I decided why not.
I know Gael is related to the AoA, and since I didn't play it I was a bit lost (not that I care too much about the game's story, but still). Demon Prince was pretty fun, Spear of the Church is old monk 2.0 and Gael is artorias meets logarius, even his intro is literally the same as artorias'. I really like the fight, but it was just too uninspired.
pretty disappointed overall, but at least the suffering is over. I guess I'll just get scholar now to play the dlcs
yeah imagine if the game had more shit

unique idea faggot
Move to the side as fast as you can, then run directly towards him
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>not wanting a UGS moveset where you use the sword as a pogo stick to kill your enemies
this desu
even though I would hate going up against a guy who just runs away with a bow all day, they're fun to watch
That's most of the reason I love this fight. It's atmospheric as fuck especially going in with all four knights. I love the Kings moveset too. Just seems like a bad ass to me.
Ur dumb if you listen to trolls who meme that dlc1 wasn't good
>that Monster Hunter segment in the TRC part
Fucking excellent.
I have yet to see a DaS3 PvP webm or a video compilation that would amaze me like those of DaS1.
that moveset belongs to pikes by right ugsnigger
Anyone else only really started to enjoy the game with the release of TRC and the recent patches?
I already thought it was a lost cause, but random invasions haven't been this fun in a long fucking time
Ive yet to see any DaS1 or 3 videos that 'amaze' me.

What does that even mean? How does one not be a "rollfag" in a game about dodging attacks with rolling?
>make DEX character for the first time
>grab claymore at the high wall so i have an easier time in the early game until i can get my weebsticks
>kill tree, get to halfway fortress, fighting off invaders
>kill sage, transpose soul for the rapier for item find, notice the Hollowslayer
>just an average greatsword, right? basically the same as my claymore, right? i don't even need to transpose this, right?

Holy fucking christ this MOVESET. HOW DO I HAVE SEVERAL HUNDRED HOURS IN THE GAME AND NOT KNOW ABOUT HOW GOOD THIS IS. FUCK. I am slaying bodies up and down the entire Cathedral. I'm at forty two tongues and counting because nobody can touch me. Is this the best greatsword in the game?
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why are all the beards in DaS3's character creator such utter shit
i can't have Beowulf have some peach fuzz on his face
doesnt make me less right nigger
desu I was gonna get the season pass, but I was like 5 dollars short and I didn't want to buy a psn card just for that (I'm not american so I can't use my credit card directly on the ps store), so I ended up just getting TRC
Yeah, I also liked that DaS1 webm where the guy chain backstabbed the other
People who spam rolls over and over again with reckless abandon.
Used to be, but black knight sword and gaels gs are better.
I'm the opposite. I really can't stand the game now.
If you have 10 Int and a catalyst, Magic Shield can turn any shield into a 100% physical block shield (combine with Lingering Dragoncrest for 84 seconds total up-time). If you have a shield with high elemental resistance but not complete physical, Magic Shield will cover up that gap and simultaneously boost the elemental defense, giving you the best of both worlds for up to 84 seconds.

For example, Pontiff K***ht Shield is one of the lighter medium shields and has really good elemental defenses, but shit physical block and very low stability. Put Magic Shield on it, and you cover up that physical gap while boosting those elemental defenses up to 90%+, and give it the stability to rival a greatshield, all on a 3.5 weight shield.

There's also shields like Ancient Dragon and Grass Crest which give HP regen and/or stamina recovery. The above applies to them as well.

But all of that is generally meaningless anyways, since this is Roll Souls 3 where blocking will never be as good as dodging.

There's plenty of highspeed DaS1 footage.
Pretty much, yeah. 2h r1s start ha frames faster with each subsequent swing iirc
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shit son, you missed out on the best times
>hollowslayer gs had much, much higher attack speed than it has now
>plus hyperarmor on almost every frame
>in a time when almost nothing had good HA
That weapon was absurdly good back then, still is pretty good now tho
yeah what if the game was perfectly balanced and had all the weapons and armor and characters and maps of the previous games
Better than DaS2 beards
Or that one where a guy used toggle escape to chainstab the other guy.
>be pyro named "Swamp Witch <name>"
>invade Farron swamp as a mad dark spirit, untrue dark ring equipped
>find that little rock behind the Wolf of Farron tower with the cauldron
>drop an ember at the cauldron
>sit down in Sleep gesture
>wait for host to find me
So far three hosts have died to the dangers of the swamp, two have left the swamp area(I black crystal'd out), and one actually did find me. He picked up the ember, cheered, dropped me a Siegbräu and we sat down for a toast before he went on his way.

Who says you can't roleplay NPCs in Dark Souls?
I have no idea why that desu is there
Why though? Finally there is a bunch of variety for viable PvP weapons/spells
It's a word filter for the abbreviation for "to be honest".
hello newfriend
And how many attacked you on sight without caring ?
that's actually pretty good
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Best ways to be annoying fuck? Not for frags. Just to make host and phantoms kill themselves
Is DS3 still active on PS4? I'd like to do another playthrough.
You won't see this in DaS3.

Congrats on realising most people don't give a shit about meta
yeah it's really been a while since I last visited

why don't you go "roll" another "toon" pappy
So far, none. Only the one guy actually found me.
Last time I did this I got killed damn near constantly though
And thank god for that.
Nah, DaS3 is dead on PS4.
People actually watch Souls pvp videos?
>in a fightclub
>opponent approaches, slowly
>immediately legion etiquettes
ruh roh raggie
>he has 3 katanas
>1 WP
>1 O&U
>it's a bloodring episode
>it's a milkring episode
>he proceeds to spam roll around me, like a shark circling its prey
>truly terrifying

2 hits from bort's and he's KO
bort's is quite possibly the best weapon in duels rn, probably applies to invasions too for the sweet sweet HA

Is it actually? That was a legitimate question, not a random meme.
Use VoS so Hosts can't sit back behind their disgustingly cowardly mages and pyros.
Fuck you too
You won't see this in DaS3 either.

You can't really block well in 3. TWoP would just force the affected guy to spam HA trades whenever someone moved closer until it ran out so he'd not die or he'd get poked to death from distance
Are you shitting me, he actually beckons you if he misses a heal.
>tfw no care went into npc phantoms in dksIII like this and all of them have the same murder everything AI
He is meming you. PS4 is still the most active platform of all
Why does your character have a massive orgasm when they die?
Mankind are supposed to be eternal, yes. The darksign, not so much, that's somebody else's doing because it's made of fire, which Humanity is inherently anathemic to.

Way I figure, the Everlasting Dragons were the previous wielders of the Dark Soul, presiding over the Darkness before the Furtive Pygmy. Humanity are the inheritors of eternity, but while the Flame is still lit and is keeping the dark at bay, they cannot claim that birthright.
You won't have intense duels like this one in DaS3.

>two slots
>35 mana
>30 fth
>12 sec
This fuckin game
Did they stealthbuff the Knight Slayer ring or was it always that good? Guardbreaking turtlefags left and right with my greatweapons.
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Post ONLY cute characters
The word "toon" makes me want to kill myself.
What do you do after they found you though
Are you serious right now? Also that music is fucking garbage
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You sure are.webm
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Extremely Asian/10

I like to think my character is kinda cute in a weird way.

Too bad going hollow makes you look like a melting wax figurine of Winston Churchill.
Why don't you start?
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>ds1 pvp
>anything but shit
I get instant invasions and summons on ps4
It's kind of annoying when Vilhelm keeps using it during his encounter and you're actually playing a caster build.
Then explain no fcs on ps4

The hornet ring animation makes me wet every time.
>none of the other souls games have anything like the bloodletter in BB or the CotMK in DaS3
I love absurd halberd/warhammer type weapons but there aren't enough of them.
cast and swap to a normal weapon, that way he won't cast VoS
>kill a few guys
>character turns black
fuck me, hyper armor is the new meme magic in PVP
literally no counter
what the fuck hoping to get from this
no more skill, no more footwork, no more spacing, just out-poise your opponent and swing
cannot wait for this piece of shit game to die
>tfw a person got me from behind with a CSS in the exact same set and ran up to my corpse to proper bow right after I'd finished fighting the great wolf in the snowfield
Fuck you if that was you. I'd have done the exact same thing
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>1 million parry frames

Thank god I didn't pvp in that game.
Yes. PS4 users here are minority. /bbg/ old FC is nothing but 90% US players and same 10 EU people every week.
what the FUCK did you just say about ds1 pvp, kid..?
*unsheathes lightning murakumo+5*
*walks to your side*
*backstabs you with hornet ring*
heh, let this be a lesson to you...

It's for those who keep crying about infinite bs chains.
gib sliders
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>Thousand Yard Stare
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>Faster moveset
>Least STR required
>Lowest weight
>Good scaling
>Doesn't look retarded
>Weapon art a guaranteed knockdown in both PVE and PVP
Most people on /dsg/ are PCfags, that's no secret you dumb shit
Drop Hello carvings, generally act friendly. If they attack, well, I'll probably die, I'm shit at pvp but I'll give it a go
If they go on their way, I'll wave and black crystal out when they're out of sight.
Disable blood in your settings. I couldn't stand my character becoming pitch black, especially their face when they had a helmet on.
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haven't played this char. in while but props to that guy
Why can't it be an additional PvP boss?
kinda looks like Isabelle Valentine
Looks like a drug addict
god damn, vordt's greathammer fucking destroys people at low levels
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>being bad at Pee Vee Pee
It's OK, anon.
I'm shit as well. Mainly because I suck at fighting anything with hyperarmour
What is the point of this?

Why not just drop a white sign and co-op? Or invade as a purple and co-op?
It destroys people at high levels, too.
It's just a great weapon in general now.

I can see.
it destroys people at every level anon
because hyper armor is broken
if you have HA you are a confirmed win
as long as your HA is better than your opponents
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Which legs my dudes?
alternatively, recommend other good options for plate + cloth/leather legs

Tried to make a non weeb waifu
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Use Quickstep
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>PvPing with CotMK
>mad roll catching with standard 2h R1
>L2 and rolling R2 catches people every single time
>tfw you hit someone with the baseball bat charge R2

What other weapons are this fun?
Right one imo
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just stay human
Silver Knight Leggings work well with steel armours.
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I don't want full plate ones
If they die from mobs/environment, I get shackles. If they find me, I get to be a fun little random encounter or an easy kill, let's be realistic.
If they don't find me, well, I'm reading a book and listening to music while waiting for someone to find me, so it's not like my time is wasted.
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try chain
Then go with Namless K***ht Leggings instead.
They fit the best.
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holy shit have they fixed name filters
I also saw some guy with the uncensored word "Undead" in his name yesterday
Pontiff Knight Leggings
Try them out, trust me
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If you insist

This bait is getting stale.
Drakeblood and Elite Knight are cloth/plate, I think.
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>He doesn't make his character look like a grandma
Nah, that's what made pvp fun.
Watashi wa totemo kawaii desu or some such shit, I don't actually know Japanese
Notes and Tips

Statistically the most difficult piece of armor to get based on 500 Pontiff Knight kills

good thing I have Collector's Edition, I'll try it out soon

elite knight (nameless knight) is left in the pic

will try too thanks
I have nothing to prove it besides this screenshot but I swear I'm not fucking baiting, this is real
Looks like a drug addicted Isabelle Valentine
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caestus baestus
Elite and Nameless are two different sets. Elite is Anri's Armor, nameless is found in Farron Keep.
10/10 if you tone the eyeliner down
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>not fighting with Demon's Fists or Claws
Chin looks too long, other than that it's okay.
>release fanservice: the dlc
>give ornstein his plume, which people have been asking for since DaS
>dont put in an unruined balder set with cape, or even a balder set in general

fucking from
Elite used to look so baller in das1
>doing a farron flashsword only playthrough
>get to aldrich
>hits do 40 damage even though i sacrificed 4 ring slots and 40 levels for int
>using a dagger that I dont have the stats for does 11

why does fromsoft hate fun
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>Chin looks too long
>implying that's a bad thing
You need Cleric's Candlestick and Dusk Crown fagboi
Aldrich has pretty high magic absorb, my dude.
>give Orny armor its plume
>but don't fix its pauldrons
from pls
Is Man-Grub's Staff decent? Why is it the reward for fingers, seems random as hell.
Aquamarine Dagger is literally Farron Flashsword as a weapon but better
Its still a shit weapon though
Sorry From hates magic anon
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>Smough's armour doesn't increase your height so you're at least bigger than anyone who wears Ornstein's armour
From I am disappointed.
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Is this good? P-please be gentle.

I probably need to turn the nose tip down some more.
Sir Alonne
Dirty Colossus
Gluttonous Demon
Chalice bosses, Celestial Emissary if we only count main game
Deacons of the Deep
Reminder Rosaria is mindbroken Gwynere
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No, it scales with Luck only.
Luck mage build is absolutely garbage.

Shame because it looks rad.
Is that a girl (male)?
>scales with Luck
>need base requirements for spell as well as the 18 to wield the thing properly

I can't imagine the kind of build that would be.
Rosaria is Ornstein, fegget
Playing pure Sorc in DS3 involves getting INT to 60 as soon as possible.
Differences between 40 and 60 are massive, it's nothing like physical builds where 40 is acceptable in many cases.
>making a woman face on a male body

Anri Sword Mage.
Friede is a shitty slut
no gwynevere is one of the dead giants near the smouldering lake ballista
rosaria is anastacia of astora
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It's so appealing though
Rosaria is actually Smough, you uncultured swine.

my autism prevents me from going past SL60 tho so that won't happen. Also doing a no-heal run at the same time.

time to smash my face into the boss at 40 damage a hit for a couple hours till he/she dies

Yeah I'm looking into it now. Seems pretty interesting.

this has already been established
Does it have to be flashsword? because chaos infusion and GFCO exist

40 int can work depending on your staff. A lot of the low end staves and combination weapon/catalysts drop off magic adjust scaling after 40. Aldrich just has hella high mdef. You might need to raw up a sword.
It's okay but the mouth needs to be wider, or the eyes smaller and closer together, the current proportioning is anime in a bad way.
>no wolnir
shit poll
>because it's made of fire, which Humanity is inherently anathemic to.
not necessarily, it's still a soul born of fire, just a special soul made infinite by the dark.
even humanity is portrayed as dark trimmed with light.
>do a flashsword only run
>I'll just not use flashsword for this instance
>regret it for the rest of my life
So I don't know shit about DS3 builds but have dusted off my first run of the main game with matching str/dex with Refined weapons, decent HP and Endurance. I want to respec going into NG+ and try out some items that also use faith. Is Faith a stat a pump alone or is a melee faith user meant to include more spells/mana and shit? I never even used a spell in the time I've been in DS3.
It's okay up until late game. I think 45 luck earns you a spell buff of a Sorc/Court Sorc in the low 50s.
Don't use CMW with it though, and you should still get at least 18 INT, at most 32.
you did mention a dagger
Are there any good strategies for tackling Sister Friede at low SL? Been getting my shit kicked in and my +2 axe isn't cutting it. Was thinking of getting Gnawing for the bleed damage.
You always have Dank Edge and Soul Greatsword.
Can someone give me ideas for a pyromancer character. Specifically, a historical figure associated with fire.
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>"Gosh it's so chilly all of a sudden! Aren't you cold? Oh no it's okay I don't need your jacket. Just let me hold onto your arm for a while. There, I can steal your body heat now, mwahahaha! Hey Anon, I just wanted to say thank you. Well for these past couple of weeks. I'm really glad I met you, and I've really enjoyed this time we've spent together. I know you're a private person, but I feel like I'm getting to know someone I am going to care about for a long long time. Sorry if that sounds weird or something, it's just I'm not sure if I make it obvious enough how much I like you."

[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se6-q57xJCg ]
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>Guy in full Havel's and Claymore
>All he does is obvious R1 and running/rolling attacks
>Alt+F4s when killed
Can't make this shit up 2bh
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How many of you figured the show your humanity puzzle by yourselves?
aldrich is a shit boss and completely counters your build, make an exception for this fight my dude
neither of those are the flashsword and they both deal damage types that aldrich is resistant to
Thích Quảng Đức
>Beat someone in a duel that he summoned me for after he healed multiple times
>He summons phantoms and resummons me

Do people actually get this salty at dark souls pvp
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I think i figured out why i enjoy DaS1 early game more than DaS3
>Kill Capra Demon
>Get the ember
>Kill Sealer
>Get the ember
>Upgrade to +15
>Steamroll early game doing HUEG DAMAGE
So much fun
what are the lore implications
is this poster gwynevere
Is this a girl (male)?
gnaw kills Lloyd pretty fast, but it's kinda hard to hit her in the 3rd stage
I'm not even entirely sure that's possible
Either way what you just described is twinking so no
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Post underrated/Underused weaponfus
Do you farm Darkwraiths for this?
yeah youre probably right aldrich is indeed a shitty boss
>he wasn't on /dsg/ right after the release of the first AoA trailer
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Brigand Twindaggers is a close second
>kill dancer after Vordt
>grab souls, shards and chunks from Castle/Garden/Graves
>level like a mad man
>go into CotD at SL60, +8 Zweihander
>laugh at cathedral knights
I got invaded there, too. That was kinda weird.
>he hasn't found the secret double bossfight against Lloyd and Velka
>Do people actually get this salty at dark souls pvp
That fat spic yukas points down every time he goes against the door greatshields or DUGS. He uses Gael's Greatsword to combo people. The salt was the highest in DaS, though. There would be feuds between streamers on Twitch.
>ywn go back to the days when D_invader out played those soulbrandt tards and they had him banned from Twitch

Father Ariandel is actually Allfather Lloyd. You heard it here first. Both have 'father' in their titles. It's SO obvious.
You find almost enough as guaranteed drops, you just need 2-4 to drop. Can't remember

>I'm not even entirely sure that's possible
In DaS3? Obviously, that was my point.
>"Either way what you just described is twinking so no"
>Twinking PVE is a bad thing on your 10th playthrough
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What's a feisty Faith build? Something that isn't Crucifix; it offends my fashion sense too much.
ringed knight straightsword
it seems to be the least popular ringed knight weapon but I definitely find it the most fun
its WA should've been included in the base game for the firelink greatsword though
I did the same on my last character but I only went to +13. Darkwraiths drop chunks like candy, and they're ridiculously easy to backstab.
Back to /mu/ with you.

You sound like a goddamn brigand.
Sucks because the Bastard Sword is my favorite weapon in DeS and it has never been the same since. Even the design is ruined for me.
what's your fav armor set
No, because i avoided the internet like the plague because i like to not be spoiled
>and completely counters your build
>tfw kill aldrich in like 6 gcfo

what were they thinking
making a character named Lothric Antifa

whats the most dickish playstyle I can use when invading people?
lothric UGS
lightning infused lothric banner (you can technically use this weapon on any build but my autism makes me feel it doesn't fit anything besides fth)
Make sure to wear the Reversal ring and throw firebombs
Saint Bident
Lightning Buff
Vow of Silence
Way of White Corona

Nameless Knight
Not in DaS3. They're more like cunts if anything. Just holes for the host and his buttbuddies to plunge their thick swords into over and over, in and out.

is this the new meme group
I'm copying this
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I considered the Lothric UGS but I'm not sure I'm into using another Ultra weapon again. Damage seems hysterical though, so I might try it out if only to slap my friends around in PvP.

>Saint Bident
Looks cool. I'll try it out.
Flamberge is very good because you can do charged R2-R2 after every backstab in phase 1 and charged R2 in phase 2 and it's easy to stagger Ariandel with it. Storyteller's, Toxin and bleed work well on Father Ariandel. you can iflict Toxin on Friede at the start of phase 3 if you use Toxic mist and Dung Pies as she gets up and it'll add up for good damage and make tracking her very easy

What's his favourite Souls game?
What. Antifa have been around being assholes forever
regen tank + force/project force/dragonbone dagger spear

invade literally anywhere with lethal falls or falls that remove 4-5 minutes of progress
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Step up fampai
Tomás de Torquemada. Grand inquisitor of the Spanish Inquisition. Can't go wrong with deacon/archdeacon robes and a soldering/branding iron to punish the heretics and spread the purifying flames.
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>high elemental scaling
>fast moveset
>good reach
>weirdly low stamina consumption
>still a scythe so it sucks
i didn't say new group i said new meme group

Poison on low levels.
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you have my permission, "comrade"

hers what im doing so far:

>Reinforced club (its a bat with nails in it)
>shadow set mask
>rest of my outfit is black leather or assassin
>hollow ring so they can see what i look like, also for sneaking without red glow

its gonna be loads of fun, either they kill antifa or I get a win
is gael the last boss of the dlc? is that it, no cut scene or anything? Great boss though.
Faith is pretty versatile.

If you want a melee build.
>Sacred Oath, Tears and the more efficient healing spells can be cast with 28 Faith
>30 Faith lets you use Darkmoon Blade and Lightning Blade
If you're limiting your level, I probably would stop at 30, 40 at the most. Priests/Clerics chime are the best around this level.
Buffs and healing cost a fair amount of FP, so I'd go to 18+ ATN even if you're not going to use all the slots.

If you want to be a pure faith caster
>60/65 FTH
>30 ATN, at least 24
>Regular Talisman for close range Lightning Spears and AOE attacks
>Yorshka's Chime for Lightning Arrow and healing
Dorhy's Gnawing is insanely good for inflicting bleed too, 200 buildup per hit.
He is, yeah. If you haven't killed Midir yet you can still summon for him.

Gael IS a great fucking bossfight though. I never felt like any of his moves were bullshit, and I really had to git gud to defeat him with my suboptimal build. Very satisfying.
>either they kill antifa or I get a win
Christ you sound like a smug cunt.
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>people at SL120 with minmaxed builds on NG Regular saying that the DLC isnt hard
why is this allowed?

try capping yourself under 60 on NG+2 or up
>not being a smug cunt when you kill someone and potentially make them lose an hours worth of progress
>200 buildup per hit
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>Firelink Greatsword could've been everything Gael's broken straightsword is
>it's not
>it's just a shitty greatsword with standard attacks and an awful WA that's only good for meming in invasions
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Life is suffering
What weapons would you run for a 60 FTH build? Lightning infused Saint Bident? SSS?
Things in PVE are easy to hit.
>try capping yourself under 60

i actually like to have a build

no thanks

Yeah he's one of my favorite bosses ever, his look,voice and movement. Everything. He's not the actual guy that makes you touch the painting for the other dlc is he? or just someone of the same race etc.

I fought midir or a lookalike on the bridge but he wasn't a boss. How do I fight him as a boss?
Firelink Greatsword shouldve had Ringed knight Sword's WA, its even called Ember
Lorian's sword shouldve had Firelink's Wa, but with further reach and white holy light, its his strongest move

>not playing exclusively in ng+7
>He's not the actual guy that makes you touch the painting for the other dlc is he? or just someone of the same race etc.

how the fuck can you understand so little about what's going on
>not exclusively playing in NG+20
>he can't make a build at SL60
>faggot phantom using greatbow
>hits you when his character model is aiming 90 degrees opposite of you
Use the elevator passage. Then hit a illusory wall. In case you didn't see it, Shira also tells you about it.
>decide to revist my lothric build and change it a bit
>tfw crystal chime sucks
>tfw his sword sucks

>do everything
sure thing m8
>Lightning infused Saint Bident
I was actually thinking of going that route for a dex/faith character. Dex and faith, two of the shittiest stats, what can go wrong?
Because I only play games when I'm drinking. He did mention about wanting my soul for ariel or whatever her names painting. So I thought it might be him.
You honestly don't need any once your reach 60, so long as you're not a retard when it comes to FP management.
Smashing things at close range with Sunlight Spear or Lightning Stake with your Talisman will do insane damage.

If you really want something, SSS with a buff, or a Lightning Longsword are fine.

>Tfw no FF dragoon spear with tons of leaping attacks.
Ok thanks
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Post your controller-fu
I've had mine since the initial release of the PS3, and even had to repair it on the inside. It's quite possibly my favorite controller ever
I was hoping for melee faith with scaling swords. Not knowing a thing about spells, faith spells are generally for heals and buffs? Should I avoid dex to help boost ATN and FP?
Is that actually Demon's Souls? Those sliders are impossible to work with.

The DS3 was good but god the DS4 is a fucking masterpiece of controller design
I agree completely
I just don't own my own currently
>tfw using a Steam Controller
Camera control is good enough, but the big thing is binding Run/Dodge to the left paddle. Means I can control the camera while sprinting, and I can still use my thumb to press B to roll.
Is it worth getting 30 str to powerstance murakumos in 2? My str is only 20 right now but it looks fun
Is anyone here willing to help a sl 19 herald kill the dancer? I wanna bennyhill until I can get the sunlight straight sword

>just died twice to NG Vordt
Feeling good about this one lads
>joysticks awkwardly close together. the thumb equivalent of a knock kneed faggot

babyhanded manlets, pls
PS is a better console but Xbox has the better controller
even just maxing one casting stat and some attunement takes more than that faggot

If your thumbs hit each other while using a DS4 you're a fucking ogre anon.

ummm that's fucking wrong dumbo
They changed vordt to be tougher I think. No one really mentions it though. His has different patterns now.
>tfw she suddenly does a no startup insta-rush attack
I thought only Consumed King had those
>intentionally keep yourself leveled well below what you would be by the end of NG with the provided souls

gee why is game harder

also the DLCs are easy as fuck. the game is about hitting things without getting hit. if you're good at the game then all your stats go into damage anyway since youre not getting hit, removing the tedious process that is not quickly killing bosses. intentionally underleveling so you can hit things without getting hit for much longer is just boring - try a fist-only run or something if you prefer this type of gameplay
60 is easily enough for a playstyle. 100+ is for realized builds. Capping yourself at 60 isn't for maxing.
Give a summon code and anyone can help, my dude
they don't hit each other they're just awkwardly close together

fine thumbsticks, you pedantic faggot

It's not about the size of hands, but how you hold it. Xbox controllers are gripped, DS3 is held.
how do i hold my controller without gripping the grips

please i must unlock the true nature of the ds3 controller
I'm using an unofficial DS3. I was using an official one for a year but the joystick must be broken from the inside and I'm too lazy to fix it. I also don't know how to fix it
Funny you should say that. He did a couple of attacks I've never seen before, but I had to actually be careful this time around because mad hollow build, rather than just beating his ass senseless with an OP weapon.
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Anyone made a INT/FAITH build? No Pyro just using magic and lightning

what stats do you level up first? Also how do you get through the early game without problems

DS4. The usb cable is so flimsy though.

Don't hold it like a steering wheel.
you can do 24att 40fth or Int at SL60. maybe 25/25 for pyros
60 faith and enough int for the spells you want use. Wield golden ritual spear and a talisman.
Is there any chance someone can drop me a Lothric War Banner on PC please? There's something I wanna test but it's gonna be a while before I can get my hands on one.
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Not sure which chime to use at all. Any pointers?

look at this pretentious cunt.
You've been on this board too long, thinking that's an astute distinction to make.
"DaS2 was merely produced. DaS was....created."
I really can't consider it a build if even a 'pure' build doesn't even excel at one thing.
>oh no this high tier spell takes the majority of my points
Uh isn't that the entire point of a build?
Ah shit, just dsg as usual
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>tfw want to do a new build but don't want to run through the game again
I have a SL 55 who was made for invasions in Irithyll but I never use her, so I already have a character halfway to do a new build but even then I don't want to finish the game once again.
End me.
Murky hand scythe and Crucifix of the mad king.
>tfw trying pvp during american hours
>every invasion is a gank squad

jesus christ america is cancer
how long would i take for a corvian knife to drop if i went there with no extra discovery
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>Have been using an Xbox 360 controller for years
>The bumpers are pretty much shot
>The Xbone controller feels smaller and cheap as fuck
>DS4's are made for tiny manlet baby hands and have that stupid center pad gimmick
Is there a decent third party controller out there? I've been thinking of the 710, but I've seen mixed opinions on it, and it's a bit expensive considering the only game I use a controller for is DSIII. It seems like everything on the market right now is trash.
anyone up for ariandel and friede?
pc, pass dsg.
Just speedrun the whole thing if you're on console.
What do the lines mean beside the names of the area?
can't you just get a new 360 one?
and that's why the meta is always rising, reddit
Same. I really, really, really hate running through the beginning levels, grabbing all the shit I need AGAIN. Mind numbing..
>can't you just get a new 360 one?

really makes him think
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Faith spells do anything, healing, buffs and damage.
Here's the basics for a faith SSS build, just add whatever rings and shield you want, Darkmoon Ring and Sacred Oath require covenant items so decide yourself if you can be bothered with that.
All those spells are usable at 30 Faith if you want to move around some stats.
are you the same guy from earlier?
If yes, sorry but I had to go.
different anon.
I just set on a podcast or some music when I have to make a new build. It's gone all the way round from boring and dull to theraputic at this point. Kind of like knitting or something.
Fuck, I'm retarded. I thought Microsoft discontinued them. Last time I tried to get one, Canuckistan Amazon was sold out.
Cheers. I'd probably lean into Str a little more for the weapons I'm hoping to try
I use the Afterglow 360 controllers.
Pretty cheap, quality is alright, they last long enough for me atleast and I'm a hardcore user.

They are transparent which is cool and have MLGprogamur LEDs
I'm not on console. And no, I don't want to use CE.

I could just transfer shit from a character to another, but I have the autism of wanting to do at least one full playthrough, grabbing everything, with each character. The build I'm thinking about is 60/60 FTH/INT, I don't want to grab all spells, miracles and pyro.
I don't have the heart to do it after 1600 hours.
I'm a noob to souls games. Currently in Laeticia Palace. Any suggestion?
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>invade autistic fight club
>attack host
>other cuck red invader tries helping them and attacking me
>hosts kill him anyway
You what?
>I don't want to use CE
Why not?

>Aldrich fight
>another boss trivialized by hitting his ass
I wish they'd stop doing this
cheers. ez. off to trc.
>golden ritual spear
With my luck I'll get banned, even if I do everything offline.
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>3 men in loin cloths (and Sword master, I guess) beating the shit out of Vordt with clubs and a torch
More fun that it had any right to be.
>D_invader out played those soulbrandt tards and they had him banned from Twitch

D_invader was a DMB washing pole tryhard before tryhards were mainstream. Also munched DBs any time he lost or someone outwaited his buff.
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That would have hit me harder in the feels if she never cried, realizing Gael wasn't coming home, and simply asked the Ashen One to bring Gael back, in the same way she asked for Gael to bring her paint.

That would have killed me.
It achieved what it was meant to.

You die to him a few times, get annoyed at his shit talk, so when he tells you that "you remain among the accursed", you're too busy telling him to go fuck himself to listen.

But he was right. We are but Ash.
Is sorcery viable?
do a chess review
Is Midir breaking you?

Just remember the words of your old friend, he knows all too well.

"The dragons shall never be forgotten. We knights fought valiantly, but for every one of them, we lost three score of our own. Exhilaration, pride, hatred, rage ... the dragons teased out our dearest emotions. Thou will understand, one day.

At thy twilight, old thoughts return, in great waves of nostalgia!"
>invading at lothric yaoi bros
>hosts always either have 2 goons and charge me into the purple knights near the fog for a brawl or if they are alone try to run past me to summon at the fog
>tfw using big spinny anime weapons to gabk spank
>tfw got a triple kill with a Pontiff curved sword WA on a host and his phantoms
holy shit guys you need to do this.

the salt is fucking tremendous
Fellas. i've been thinking of counter-invading some twinks with a twink of my own.
Thoughts on this build? Lvl 35
Idiot. You'll just become the twink and kill innocents as collateral damage.
What you want to do is finger your world and let them come to you.
Interesting! Even if I blue sentinel i do guess i'll kill newfriends just starting to invade. Fingering seems to be the way to go!
>that file name
how dead is DS2 these days
im fairly new to the series and just started Scholar on Saturday

will i have to wait till i get to 3 to be a friendly sun man?
It's dead compared to 3 but there still plenty of people playing. I just finished a play through and had plenty of coop for almost every boss. Didn't get invaded much outside the belfries though but I blame that on there not being a proper red eye orb
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