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/emugen/ - Emulation General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 97

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Read the General problems FAQ before asking questions. If you still need help, post your specs (Speccy screenshot), operating system, emulator version number and details of what's wrong.

Please contribute to the wiki if you discover any inaccuracies or have relevant information to append.

>Where do I get games
>What is the best emulator for...

Check out the wiki for the emulator you're using if you run into trouble, there may be a solution there too, often including recommendations for optimal game settings.

Remember to submit bug reports or shit won't get fixed.
cemu is shit. botw won't even run on my expensive 2007 laptop.
Has anyone tested the new WASAPI driver in RA?
yeah. it's fucking great. it causes ra to hang.
I don't think it works for Realtek HD Audio right now.
Aaaaaaaaaaaand they already paid the bounty so the guy who made it fucked off right?
No, he's still around. I think he pushed another change on his fork today.

Those are nice bumps
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I can't believe you fags pay for this shit
Your gif is broken.
Thanks shitman
anyone know how to get the game to play? I'm stuck at the top and nothing works. I think it might be emulation related.
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
i rastarted a million times. i get to the top and the guns don't do shit. i think it's just a bad emulator. i played it once in the 90's and i didn't have the problem
It would help if you specified which game you were talking about, along with which emulator you are using.
mednafen in ubuntu
You rode the short bus in primary school, didn't you.
fuck you.
if you can't help me, then just don't make a post. simple. Go back to playing with bandcamp on your macintosh.
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Simple crt shader.png
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Working on a simple crt shader, using tv-outs as a basis. The advantage is that it's quite fast and works on my low end system.

Suggestions? THis is my first time messing with crt shader settings.
looks like shit
you'll need to redownload the rom. you're probably playing a bad dump.
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Tell me about Citra

what do you think about it and its developers?

How bout now? I increased sharpness.

Please offer actual ideas.
No, the "scanlines" look horrible. Look at some of the well known CRT shaders for comparison.
Even worse.
What is the best way to cut down some of the clutter in Retroarch/Lakka? I don't mind configuring stuff but for family its just too much stuff that can go wrong.
Never ask for opinions on CRT shaders. The only people who bother responding are people who play on CRTs and want to justify it.
like me

I want something that can:

1. Run on my system.
2. round the pixels
3. produce subtle lines.

I don't like those THICK BLACK LINES that many shaders produce.
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What the fuck is this?
You're banned.
From the isozone, which I've never even been on until now.
I'm getting it, too. Probably a bug or something.
What version of OpenGL does Beetle HW need? It crashes constantly if I try to change anything.
Same here
Why do you have to plug the controller in before you start Dolphin? PPSSPP doesn't make you do that.
because the devs are too lazy to add code to recognize the controller being connected while it's running
i am having a shitty problem with android emulators to run duel links, the load time are on the roof and in general is laggy as fuck, any ideas?
it worked fine for some time before.
What emu?
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What's the best way to map a Mouse to an Analog stick in Dolphin?
This is what I have right now, only problem is slow mouse movements aren't picked up at all. Even if I keep it constant, it's as if Dolphin it self has a deadzone.
Anyone know if you can fix this?
Can confirm, I've never posted there in my life.
I like it. Scanlines are nice and subtle. No ideas here but you seem to be on the right track.
>map a Mouse to an Analog stick
I know it won't be perfect, but having this issue be fixed would at least make it good enough.
Can anyone tell me exactly how OpenEmu works?

I use macOS with a somewhat cheap monitor. RetroArch works mighty fine in terms of performance, but OpenEmu stutters like dick and I believe it's because RA has this dynamic rate control feature that solves the problem. Am I getting close to the problem or is OpenEmu really lacking optimization?
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The wiki says this randomly crashes. Is that still true?
No one knows because no one wants to play it.
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Well considering they spent months getting this dogshit to work.
Is there any way I can hook standalone PPSSPP to RetroArch so I can run shaders?
Of course. Download the standalone's source code and then modify it to use the libretro API.
That doesn't mean anyone here is actually going to play it to find out if it really works.
Just wait till SP finish Nier, Zelda and few other new games.
If you don't contribute to Daniel de Mettis' monthly hash fund, you are a literal thief.
Not that, I mean, wasn't there a core like the Imageviewer or ffmpeg cores, that hooked d3d or something? I can't find it but I was under the impression I read that.
so i was thinking to do a casual excalibur 2 run in FFIX on mednafen but then i remembered about the cutscene skipping..

would it work if i replaced the cutscene files with dummy files?
Unless there's a huge Patreon money involved, both are in shit state atm.
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So it turns out even if you disable dualcore in Dolphin, you still have to go into each individual games properties and disable it there as well.

Fucking brilliant.
Same here my man. I'm looking for something similar.
That's not how it works at all. A square means it will just do whatever you set in the settings, and I'm pretty sure there are no default game configs that have dualcore on. If a game needs dualcore off, then it will probably be in the default config anyway.

If it does work like that, then it's a bug and you should report it.
Where's a glsl version of crt-geom-flat

Curvature toggle on crt-geom does precisely dick.
how well does netplay work with Retroarch and ps1 beetle core?
What is the difference between snes and snes_faust Mednafen modules?
PAL games and special cart chips are not supported, and the only input devices currently emulated are the standard SNES gamepad and multitap. Timing is approximate, so some games may exhibit timing-related issues.

A unique feature to this module(at the current time) is optional 1-frame speculative execution, disabled by default, controlled by the snes_faust.spex setting. Enabling it will reduce input(controller)->output(video) latency by 1 video frame(~16.7ms), with no deleterious effects on most games tested(though it will increase CPU usage a bit). Combine it with the setting changes recommended here for a better netplay experience.
open it up in a text editor and comment out line 259
>#define CURVATURE
Damn I'm retarded. Many thanks
bizhawk is fucking great. is this what retroarch wants to be?

Bizhawk is hot fucking garbage.

RetroArch is centuries ahead of that trash.
>hot garbage
the menubar has all the settings visible and organized proprerly. i guess that's not good.
>centuries ahead.
so, i suppose that in the future we want a convoluted distopian clusterfuck of a ui that doesn't allow us to play games via:: File>Open ROM.
fuck the future.
Dear god pcsx2 why do you suck so hard.
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Newfag emulator here, playing BotW on Cemu 1.7.4d. Everything is working great, used the 19k shader cache, cemuhook for cutscenes, nvidia controls for the cemu.exe, etc...

One question though, if I only have a 1080p monitor, is there any point in using a graphics pack higher than the 1080p one? I have the hardware to run it, but if it's only noticeable if I have a better resolution/output, there's no point, right?
Open source, No quality control, hacks, contempt for end users.
>listing open source as a reason

Do you actually believe that closing the source code would magically make it better?
it's not magic. look at cemu.
Are you fucking retarded? Cemu's progress has zero relevance with being closed source.
I think it would have stopped a bunch of gibbering chimps from adding broken code that made PCSX2 unfixable.
last time I tried DS emulation was with No$GBA, is DeSmuME a lot better?
I just want new super mario bros for my dad but I'm not sure how good/bad his laptop is.
Can you elaborate on which code is broken and unfixable?

I feel like this is just a meme and that the real reason is that that there's no one who truly understands the PS2 hardware on its lowest level.
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>can't see the correlation.
sorry buddy. all the best emulators for games we play are closed source.
no$gba is only good to use for its debugger. It has lots of emulation bugs and audio static. Use DeSmuME, turn on the JIT and set the block size to ~12.
You can downsample for extra AA, the difference between 1440p and 1080p on a 1080p monitor is noticeable. Also the heatwave bug seems to happen less if you're integer scaled (ie. 1440p, 4K).
what is JIT?
Works on my machine
Is there a single good CRT shader
Correlation is Not Causation.
>used the 19k shader cache
CEMU is shit
Just disappears here on FF and the 404 message appears on the top of the page. It also doesn't display properly in irfanview.
Use XNView or XNViewMP
There's multiple decent CRT shaders and a couple of really good ones that emulate CRTs to high degrees of accuracy on very high resolution displays.
It's labeled 'dynamic recompiler' in Config -> Emulation Settings.
pcsx2 patreon when???
Get the TV shaders, use the one in curved > slotmask sharp > composite

Is emulating the virtual console through Dolphin still better than actual N64 emulation?
Depending on the game, yes

That thing isn't a unique shader, but instead several shaders mixed together with certain settings. It's not useful for me, since it uses both CRT Lottes, and Maister NTSC at the same time, making it too demanding for my simple laptop to handle.

Tvout is also better to use a sa base over maister NTSC, since it takes almost nothing to run.
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>it's spreading

I had a very funny feeling it was something retarded like that my man. I use it because on my LCD TV it looks fantastic, a lot like my 17" tv from the late 90s.
Not the Anon you're answering to but you never specified the game you're trying to emulate, retard.
Obscure ass question here. I got my Xbox 360 controller working in Citra, mapped it through the file in appdata, but I want to map the Screen Swap to my controller as well, however, it doesn't seem to work.

Do I have to write it in differently to how I did in the controls?
AFAIK hotkeys can only be mapped to keyboard keys, so you'll need to use a program like autohotkey/xmapper/joy2key.
Well alrighty then, thanks friend.
/emugen/ where do you buy your gamecube controllers?
I want to get a new emulatan controller that I can also take to my boy's dorm for smash

Use a dual shock 3/4 like a normal person.
thanks for playing.
If I get a Rasberry Pi and install RetroPie on it, can I only run MAME as a Libretro core?

I am asking because I saw that RetroPie uses EmulationStation and I use that on Windows already, but on Windows I let the frontend launch regular MAME as I was unhappy with the libretro core I tried through RetroArch.

Is there a similar way to do this on a Rasberry Pi? Is there a stand-alone version of MAME I could run and even integrate into a RetroPie setup?

Dolphin's mouse input is crappy, but it works okay for the people who matter. Likely something to do with mice DPI or something.

Fark off. Using a mouse for emulated FPS games is fine.
No it's fucking not. It's not like you magically get mouse look, it's still emulating a joystick.
Why? MAME-2003 works good already and it's stable because it's locked at 0.78. The mainline MAME core is less stable because it's subject to change each time it updates.
Truth be told I have only used the mainline one so far and I'm absolutely new to RetroArch.

It's not that it wasn't stable. I was just immediately put off by the fact that the tab menu was super blurry low res looking.
>No it's fucking not.
Yes it fucking is.
>it's still emulating a joystick.
Which isn't a problem for non-autists.
In PCSX2 what could be causing low fps/input lag in a specific game when it's running at 100% 60fps (in the titlebar) and other games work fine?

I made a new PCSX2 folder to reset settings and it works fine there, I don't understand.

>game is Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando
>i5 4670k + gtx 770
>lowered graphics to native, didn't make a difference
turn on "boot to OSD" in the core options. I think that's what you want.
I'll try that tomorrow. Thanks
>In PCSX2 what could be causing low fps/input lag in a specific game when it's running at 100% 60fps (in the titlebar) and other games work fine?

Different games have different CPU loads. DIsgaea is a glorified PS1 game and is very light. Shadow of the Colossus is more demanding than Wii games.
>In PCSX2 what could be causing low fps/input lag in a specific game when it's running at 100% 60fps (in the titlebar)
VU Cycle Stealing.
that's because PCSX2 is crap, the emulator is never gonna be optimized
How do you fix the oversaturated colors on mGBA?
You use a better emulator.
but the wiki says it's the best GBA emulator and all that, was that a meme?
He's memeing on you.
Is there a shader just for less saturated colors? I see it comes with some filters that make it look like pure cancer trying to mimic the screen
Handheld -> gba-color.cgp or nds-color.cgp
For standalone, open the .fs file and change all the array lines to have 1.0, 1.0, 1.0.
Using the libretro port will give you many more options though.
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Now why does mGBA look so pixelated fullscreen compared to VBA-M?

mGBA is the bottom one
Because it doesn't apply a smoothing filter. It's straight nearest-neighbor.

You're using retroarch, so you can force bilinear filtering in the Video options.
nah I'm on standalone mGBA, just did this >>174024362
to get desaturation without the faux-screen effect
Try 'Resample video'
RetroArch's menu design is such a total mess. Why are shaders only in the Quick menu? So many weird problems.

The XMB is the only thing saving them right now.

They need to bring in someone else in who knows how to organize GUI and follow them.

I can tell you have never used a PS4 UI before or any other modern game console.

It's literally the same thing.

You're just a pathetic autist used to homebrew hobbyist amateur designed PC UIs. Your barometer of a 'good UI' is probably garbage truck trash like Steam (LOL).

Babby needs his spoon already.
>I can tell you have never used a PS4 UI before or any other modern game console.
>It's literally the same thing.

WAY better organized. Retroarch is just thrown together with no rhyme or reason. It would be EVEN way worse without the XMB theme. Without that, it'd be even more of a clusterfuck.

And RA has to switch cores, stopping your game entirely to open up screen shots. Steam doesn't stop the game when I want to look at screenshots. So yeah, Steam is better ot use.
didn't prevent the pixelation thing, also I just noticed using shift as the L key seems to not work well in mGBA, I can't shoot diagonally with that setup, numpad 1, the B button just resets the aiming position for some reason

Shouldn't you be asking why VBA-M looks like a blurry mess instead?
Kill youself Daniel.
a little smoothing looks better than all those edges
Babby needs a WIMP GUI more like.
bilerp filtering on the render texture. should be configurable iirc. been a while since i touched the codebase.
>Why are shaders only in the Quick menu?

Because they only apply in-game.
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>tfw checking hashes
>I don't understand the reasons
>therefore there were no reasons

Excellent reasoning skills.
You're really trying to force this meme, aren't you?

I'm not making these threads. Merely noting it.


For the record, what palette does virtual nes use?
Not emulating per se but do any of you got any tips for playing them older games on a fresh 4k tv? It looks like shit and I cant seem to scale it down either.
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When ripping a game, does it matter if the disc is damaged? Like if it's scratched or something?
TVout Tweaks is for use on a real CRT. Use lottes or geom or something instead.
me too, is that isozone?
>i am having a shitty problem with android emulators
I'm not surprised
>is DeSmuME a lot better?
There are several
Input lag in pcsx2 is caused by the lack of exclusive fullscreen, windows aero, and vsync.
Shaders in retro arch.
Get a crt or use shaders.
Typically ripping software will catch small errors, and reread the scratched section at a lower speed to correct it. It's not perfect, so if you know you're dumping a damaged disc it's best to do so at a low speed.
Thanks. I've got a bunch of original Xbox games I was thinking about dumping. Is there anything else I should know?
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oh, did they fix the texture bug in the ratchet & clank games in PCSX2?
If you wanna go full autist mode:
and you can check hashes here:
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where can I download botw iso for cemu?
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poywret bae
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Trying to play SRW J on android, but everytime I quit the game the save files just gone, althou state save work just fine
I'm using My Boy! for Android, other games work normally including saving with default setting, only have problem with SRWJ
Break the conditioning. then you can see it in front of you.
This isn't emulation.
Go back to /v/.
Try actually reading the thread.
Try staying in your containment board.
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Is this news?
What about the performance of Ryzen 5 in emulators? Any info on it?
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Been out of the loop for a bit
Is there any fix for BotW on the 1.7.4d for it eating all 16gb of ram, even on optimal settings?
The wiki didn't helped me on this one : Can i use amiibo with Cemu ? If yes, how ? Thank you guys.
why are you so fucking weird? You don't know what bilinear filtering is and you're using a keyboard to play gba games, please stop any time.
Small shader cache.
Running a 9k one and still sitting at 15.7GB usage in gameplay, should I run an even smaller one? 6k?
>Disk IO
That, swap file, or wait for fix.
Are Atom processors good for pax/dreamcast emulation? I'm thinking of buying an inexpensive netbook so I'm just wondering if it's any good.
What kind of controllers do you guys use?

I was thinking of just grabbing a xbox controller, but if there's one that's good for all systems(NES, Playstation, ect), I'd like to hear it. TRhanks.
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>still waiting for Play when there's hps2x64
How much better is it than Play! ?
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>upvoting the shitposts
>mudbutt lord
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There's nothing wrong with keyboard to play gba games, I don't need analog sticks for this shit. There's no reason the emulator shouldn't allow me to use any key I want to map controls, it's a retarded limitation.
But why not just do it properly and use a controller?
because the keyboard is better than the 360 pad I have for this kind of thing, and I don't have any problems playing 2D style games on the keyboard, it's precise, what's your problem with playing a console with like 4 buttons and a dpad on the keyboard? it's easy as fuck
Is she /ourgirl/?

That's a man, right
That teeth sucking for every single fucking sentence. Dress like a woman if you want but don't suck your teeth.
Which is better, Zone of the Enders HD Collection MGS2 and MGS3 on PS3 or emulating them?
PS3 versions unless you've got a powerful emulation PC.
Use the 6k one
>There are several
Name several (7)
saving thread
saving throw
That retard jpd002 is actually writing a dx9 renderer in 2017. He really is stuck in 2006.
>That retard jpd002 is actually writing a dx9 renderer in 2017.
Play only has an OGL renderer, and the the dev has only shown interest in Vulkan as an alternative.
Isn't Play! going for an HLE approach which makes it an useless deadend?
Can you run pcx2 or dolphin on an htpc?
You're a useless deadend.
>t. jpd002
How can I enable rumble on Project 64? It's not detecting my Xbox 360 controller for rumble, but everything else works
>HLE approach
>useless deadend

N64 emulation
use mudlord's xinput plugin.
Sup /emugen/

What's getting better support with the tough shit to emulate like PS2/Wii/Wii U? Vulkan or DX12? I'm just wondering if I'll have to be forced to update to W10 at some point in time.
Where I can find it?
nvm found it

You're just notice that? It's been around for years.

It's some site that copies 4chan threads for some reason. Why I'm at a loss.
You guys are literally le eddit. You should be ashamed
Hey I got a joke

N64 emulation
and what is wrong with that I might ask?
it certainly would be an improvement over this shithole
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What the fuck I thought I filtered you.
It's an ad revenue scam, it copies posts from here to simulate traffic.
Fuck off
t. useless faggot
>falling for !5rt8Lm5iIs
I blame HLE
A mudlord by any other trip is just as much of a faggot.
But Dolphin is one of the best emulators ever made and it's HLE.
Does Dolphin reads wbfs?
Hey guys what are the latest dramas?
SP is busy with Persona 5, so no dramas.
I see. Now I understand why 4chan API rules says "dont just siphon our data and put ads around it".
Okay, every time I press run CDRom using ePSXe, I get an error message saying "*cdrom not found". I have the bios I need, and the game I'm trying to play is a CD. Looking in the wiki and general Googling shows no results that fixed the issue. Anyone have a fix?
Playing from an actual CD is retarded and you should feel bad for doing it.
clearly not according to the latest commits
mudlord is busy with CSGO and Bulletstorm, so no dramas.
so he likes shit games? especially the latter, that game is overhyped garbage
So what's mudlord rank on CS? I bet he is a fucking silver
Ask him to upload new screenshots on steam. Newest are from December.
>Dolphin is one of the best emulators ever made
nice joke m8. So good with all that shader stuttering..
>an emulator's worth is measured by how well it runs on my particular shitbox pc

Why don't you go be poor somewhere else?
>pretending the issue doesn't affect every user
nice trolling
Messing with the Radius option and the in-game sensitivity made it good enough for me, wish Dolphin didn't drop slower inputs though.
I never expected it to. I just needed something that was good enough.
I know I'm Late to the party but can nier and drakengard3 be emulated yet?
It's going to be a long time yet before the average PS3/360 game is playable. Pic related is how far Nier goes (note the FPS), and D3 doesn't work at all AFAIK.
>someone uploaded a browse-able archive of byuu's original board
>still no SSNES subforum archive

Well, fug. I guess it's gone forever...

Thanks for not shitposting me anon. Guess I'll set up ye old ps3
Did PCSX2 ever fix the ratchet & clank games (well, up your arsenal was the only one I tried but it was pretty fucked and assuming the others would be as bad)? Or am I better off just playing the PS3 remaster or something if I want to play them now?
They're more or less fixed, not perfect, but at least playable. If you have the remaster already, or a CFW PS3, then go with the remaster. Otherwise, grab a PCSX2 dev build, use OpenGL, and turn on mipmapping.
>on very high resolution displays

That's the thing.
Did he have a SSNES subforum? I don't remember one, and I've been regularly visiting his board for years now.

Also, is this you?
Yes there was, back in 2011. After 2012/2013 byuu closed it and it was deleted.
What's with emudevs and becoming trans?
MadWorld looks like absolute shit on Dolphin
Fix it now
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>last cxbx reloaded update was two days ago

Well that was fun for the brief time it lasted. Think they'll "revive" the project again in another 5 years?
literally wtf are you on about, it's been one of the most active emulators for the past few months
It's gotten to the point where I don't even keep track of the issues anymore.
Not that it matters, since there aren't any Xbox ISOs on the internet anyway.
virtue signalling

some emudevs clearly are special snowflakes types, so this shit is just going the extra mile to get some spotlight time
Shouldn't be a big deal, it's pretty easy to rip Xbox games and it's not like there's that many games worth dumping anyways.
I don't get the hype for CRT-Royale-Kurozumi, do I need 4K for the scanlines to not make my eyes bleed or what
Nothing wrong with liking shit games if people are not then trashing up IRC channels and Reddit forums.
What happened to NSBM Wii on Dolphin? Got way slower recently, even Mario Galaxy 2 is running faster
are 3ds emulators good yet? i'd like to play dragon quest 7 on 3ds
Retry with latest build maybe? The past week they've been breaking CPU emulation to try and get x86_64 Android working. I think the latest build has all the weird CPU bugs fixed. If it's not that then idk.
Not really, games play but the hardware requirements are crazy.
>dragon quest 7
That'll probably run fine if you have a good PC.
I'm on 5.0 revision 3328, the latest, I was before on 2700 and something and the game was also slower on it too, strange how that game got slower when it's a 2D game
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It's emulating a BVM, that's how the scanlines are supposed to look
>I'm on 5.0 revision 3328, the latest
You mean the release with major CPU bugs?

>>174125371 I meant 3378, got shit mixed up, which version has CPU bugs, exactly?
Ah, maybe your PC is just shit then, that game is super lightweight.
What CPU do you have?
>which version has CPU bugs, exactly?
Not sure, just knew it was in the past week since some of my games have been crashing to desktop, 3378 seems fine to me though.
it's a phenom 960T

However I can run Mario Galaxy 2 fullspeed, doesn't make sense how NSMB is like 30-40 FPS in the levels.
Have you tried underclocking the emulated CPU? It doesn't work for all games but it might for that one.
doesn't seem to be working, but it's okay, I nearly beat the game already, just missing some coins, it's more about how it doesn't make sense for Galaxy to run so well when it was one of the most demanding games and NSMB that always ran fine for me suddenly running like this
Ye, that's weird. Did your graphics drivers change? I can't really think of a reason it'd run like shit.
yeah I got a 970 and I'm on 378.66, might be worth checking out newer drivers
topkek, that combo
Also, I hope you're using Vulkan.
I was using DX11, Vulkan is much faster ingame, it's still like 47-55FPS instead of fullspeed, weird shit
I thought byuu was straight. Is mudlord a trans too?
Maybe it's something related to the brain not being made to handle the total absence of social interactions.
byuu has been known to be gay for a long time.
Not into dev drama
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There's still some topics in the higan subforum related to the early development of SSNES

obvious trolls are obvious
1/10 because it was posted on reddit first
It was designed by amateur devs, what dod you expect? If you want them to hire UI experts, they have a patreon you know...

Any professional ergonomist would tell you that look != design. It's part of it only, the way everything is organized and made accessible is actually more important to end users.
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>mfw I add "TV Out Tweaks" to shader pipeline and it fixes colors/transparency/gradients

how did I ever emulate without this
I haven't followed the emu scene for about a year.
Is there anything notable that I've missed regarding 6th gen consoles and older?
Nothing besides the usual behind the scenes autism
How could, if not already, an emulator fix screen tearing (on original hardware)?
Are there any examples of this already being done?

It should go without saying a PC's additional resource overhead would help, but what about accuracy?
Is there a guide for setting up XCX on Cemu? Everything I have found requires a slew of different mod packages or settings and it all seems contradictory.
What games had screen tearing on original hardware?
A lot of PS3 games come to mind.
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How come PSP was called a king of emulation back in the days?
It's trash, everything besides PS1 emulates with either slowdowns or sound issues.
Compared to what else "back in the days"?
Which emulator and plugins should I use if I want the most accurate N64 emulation?
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Which Neo Geo BIOS should I use?
Hey guys, I'm trying to play Dark Cloud 2 on the latest revision of PCSX2. However, the camera seems to constantly scroll to the right slowly. I've tried turning my controller off and on again. and I tried turning my controller off before the game loads to see if it was the controller. I checked to see if it was some weird game bug but no let's plays I've seen seem to have the problem.

Any idea on how I can fix this? Unfortunately PCSX2 doesn't seem to have a deadzone option to mess with.
>get new laptop to replace my ageing machine with keys missing
>download PCSX2
>full speed emulation of the entire PS2 library
Even though it's not particularly visually impressive i'm awestruck.
What the fuck did I just read? So not only is being trans a disease its also trans-mittable?
Use the latest for the region your game is from, or just use Universe.

I don't think it really even matters that much.
Just fyi for others, I solved it by rebinding the entire controller. I don't know why it worked but it did.
Why contain it?
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bump again
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I've had a Fate/grand Order account for 2 years but I've stopped playing it because I played for a whole year without getting a single fucking 5-star servant. Now I want to play it again because the US release announcement got me hyped, but apparently I can't use VMWare to play it like I used it.

I want to follow this guide:

So I need to disable Secure Boot.
But the options in pic related don't show up. The only thing that appears after I Shift+Click the restart button is the "Turn off your PC" option.

Does anyone know how can I get the other options to appear (especially the Troubleshoot one)?
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PC stronk
close this thread, the best place to talk about emulation is r/emulation
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>Trying to get SCP to work with DS4
>Instructions tell me to select DS4 from drop-down
>Keeps showing two controllers, despite there being only one
Which one am I supposed to pick here?
Use ishiiruka then. It can't possibly be helped, Gamecube GPU operates differently from typical computers.
DX11 also works, again use mipmapping and use a recent dev build
Shadows are broken on DX11, are they not?
Not according to the PCSX2 game wiki, which (in theory) would list it as a problem if they were. In other words idfk
Why is SNES-tan's thighs so big?
is it because she's disguising herself as an American?
any tips for emulating ps2 guitar hero games? like to reduce any possible audio or input lag?
Hi, SP here, i suck copious amounts of cocks every day.
Tell us something we don't know already
today is easter. can anyone tell us why emugen should care?
Well the PCSX2 game wiki is wrong, unsurprisingly.
How do you know? It might've been fixed recently. Have you tested it?
>Have you tested it?
punes btfo

One of us should really add that to the wiki then, shouldn't we...
Well don't look at me, I don't give a single fuck.
So, what are the cores you guys use emulating NES, SNES, N64, GBA and Genesis?

I was just using whatever, but I don't know if there is any major difference between them besides color and stuff.
Nestopia, Snes9x, Mupen64Plus, mGBA, Genesis Plus GX.
I will later, it makes me feel good to know I'm contributing to things I care about.

only use accurate emulators or else, ditch and burn the other cores.
Which-tan is that supposed to be anyway?
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who here B L A S T P R O C E S S I N G
What devices other than your computer do you guys use to emulate? I sometimes use my phone but I've been thinking of getting something to play games on the living room TV.
Just my phone, for playing picross during breaks.
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So how do I get a DS4 to work on PCSX2? I connected it to DS4windows, and a video I watched told me to use Pokoporn xinput. Should I use Lilypad instead?
Is mupen64plus standalone? I refuse to use Retroarch.
>Should I use Lilypad instead?
>Is mupen64plus standalone?
Yes. Its Windows port is pretty shit though in terms of UX.
What's wrong with the UX? Anything to know about before setting it up?
>I refuse to use the superior solution
Have a vintage mooch thread


Fuck you.

I know i'm a retard but this hit me hard.

>tfw too normal to write an emulator
Retroarch is horrible
Your opinion is horrible
but that's a fact
the frontends are a disaster but what's under them is great
Yes, if I can't use the fucking thing then it's useless to me. Retroarch has the worst UX I've ever tried to use, ever.
Yeah...but I got used to it after wrestling a lot

it helps that it's less fussy nowdays
Are you retarded? It's got its issues but it's nowhere near "the worst UX".
Trying to get Bayo 2 to work on CEMU but the game keeps sinking down to 2 the moment I get to the first fight. I read on the support reddit that the solution to this was "just play so that it'll build up the cache" but I did, and nothing changed. It stayed shit after an hour. This computer can run Witcher 3 at 60FPS so I highly doubt it's the computer itself. Anyone else had a similar issue?
If I want to emulate Revelations: Persona should I use PCSX-Reloaded or Mednafen?
I'd use mednafen
Seems hard to use but I'm also pretty retarded, I think I'll figure it out eventually
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>alcohol in MY nintendo game?!

Fucking NoA.
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Swap them and this is spot on
Can Cemu load Amiibo bins?
They kinda work, in BotW if you use any of the Link amiibos you'll get fish and a chest, but it wont contain any exclusive stuff - like it can tell it's a Link amiibo but it's not sure which one, so you get a generic fallback drop.
If you want any of the armor or weapons you have to save edit.
dont know where to post the question:

there are two programs to run a ps3 controller on a pc. one was motionjoy. but what was the name of the other one?
thanks anon.
simias was completely normal
As long as you don't interact with any of the other emulator devs, you can be normal and still be a dev.
Honestly i would play more smw romhacks but fuck having to use zsnes
awful sound and for some reason has retarded stuttering/screan tearing on my pc
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can anyone identify which shader is in use here?
da 1 dat makes it look lik a old tv xD
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Are there any worthwhile guis for Mednafen because I really don't like retroarch. The damn thing doesn't even have mouse support.
noone likes retroarch dude. you just gotta deal with it.
what do you need the gui for?
I set is up earlier to play Persona 1


This guide really helped
what's the best setup to run Crystal Chronicles with multiplayer?

I can just barely get it to run with Dolphin and VBA-M, but is there a method that doesn't need a stronk PC?
Editing controls on the fly, changing settings in a way I'm less likely to fuck things up (drop down menus), save state swapping and multilple controller profiles. Then again perhaps I can live without those QoL enhancements.

Thanks I'll check it out.
Dolphin's with N64 emulator or Project64 for Zelda Ocarina?
By emulator I mean that Master Quest disk
Does anyone know the cause of the text spacing issue in Persona 3? I'm not sure what I pressed to make it happen but it was fine yesterday.
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How long until Cemu fixes the sound and lighting issues in Bayonetta 2?

CRT lottes.
How's dreamcast emulation these days? Is it still worth turning on that goddamn thing and finding 99 minute CDs so I can burn games or is it actually playable
I kinda wanna build a PC just for emulation. How dumb does this sound, and what console should i stop at?
>How dumb does this sound
Kinda dumb but hey at-least you'll have a very decent PC for regular PC games too.

>and what console should i stop at?
6th gen, no way to clearly predict what sort of PC you'll need beyond outside of CEMU and even then BotW shows that you will still run into issues.

Your baseline should be
>7600k for CPU
7350k is too limiting for some things and the price difference doesn't justify anything else, 7700k is only useful in very select cases and not really worth the 100 bucks markup, if you really hate intel the R5 1600x/1500x are a decent choice too you're not gonna be very limited outside of a few cases

>a Z series chipset mobo
No real reason to get a k CPU without getting a mobo that allows for OC, not applicable if you're going AMD sicne you can OC on everything would still go x370 for the build quality but that's not mandatory.

>a decent heatsink
Same as above no reason to get a k CPU if you don't get an heatsink that actually handles it well, also applies if you go AMD

>An Nvidia GPU above 1050 performance level
AMD has too much issues to really recommend it over Nvidia for emulation, intel IGP is even worse.

RAM doesn't matter much 8GB is good, 16 is enough for regular use.
Screen is up to you, Gsync / freesync isn't a silver bullet so don't bother unless tyou have money to burn.
PSU shouldn't be over 600w you're just paying for no real benefits past that.

If you're gonna go secondhand try finding an Haswell CPU at the very least those are very good compared to the previous gens.
just wait for PC version
Youre pretty much describing a new PC for modern games senpai. That's overkill for emulating most games isn't it?
>That's overkill for emulating most games isn't it?
If you don't care about 6th gen emulation at all you can deal with much less sure.
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Somebody tell me why the fuck PSX2PSP insists that my .bin files don't exist and refuses to work.
I was thinking more, when I upgrade my current PC to Ryzen, I'll just frankenstein the old parts into its own emulation machine.
Have you tried pointing it towards the .cue file instead?
That was my first thought, but you can't, it's not in the list of supported files.

If anybody else has had this problem I'd appreciate some input, I can't find anything that helps.
>when I upgrade my current PC to Ryzen
As long as you have a decent Nvidia GPU with that you should be good for the most part.
I currently use a GTX 1070, but I have an FX 8320E That's overclocked to 4GHz

and I know that the cpu is gonna hold be back for newer games.

but I have history with the cpu, and I want to build a new machine for it.

Standalone Mednafen is trailer trash.

No GL, no Vulkan, no internal resolution upscaling, it's total trash.

Beetle PSX makes it relevant and even halfway approachable of competing with ePSXe.

No PGXP too, no resolution dithering options, forced bullshit interlacing out the ass, no PBP support.

Trailer trash made by a trailer trash tranny.
wew lad.
Yeah it's missing extras but it still has the quality emulation. The libretro fork is great but it's missing some later minor changes that have fixed a game or two.
Anyone? I'm new at emulators
It's Daniel. Why don't you suck his dick like you do on IRC?
Daniel here, if you disagree you should kill yourself.
No new paragraph, no Daniel 'OCD' de Matteis.
LOL, I'm not writing a paragraph just for you
How do I git gud at RetroArch?
help SP steal money.
>For whatever reason, whenever I criticize something I don't like, even when I clearly express it's my personal opinion and people are welcome to their own opinions, it causes people to just decide to attach vendettas to me, and follow me around anywhere else I go, to stir up shit.

>It happened with mudlord when I took a stance favoring accuracy over performance. It happened with I.S.T. when I took a stance on favoring game folders to separate file paths. With squarepusher because I said I don't like it when emulator forks reuse their parent project's name, plus a "better than" suffix, as he did. With Mooglyguy when I stated that I didn't care for notch's DCPU-16 design. And now we have Sverker because I don't like "bad hacks." I don't even know what in the holy fuck I did to kddlb (he won't tell anyone), but now he's openly cheering on Twitter and IRC about my loss of $10,000 worth of games.

>I just seem to be a master at attracting people who harbor long-term grudges over relatively unimportant personal opinions.

>It boggles my mind, because I've never done this to someone else. If I don't like your opinion, I state it in the relevant thread, and leave it there. The end. These people just take it to psychotic levels of obsession that are truly terrifying.

>What is it about the way I say things that makes it so that I can't hold any kind of a strong opinion on anything? If there's some "manner of speaking" I can change, yet still express honestly how I feel about things, I'm all ears. I'd be happy to change and avoid this sort of mess in the future.
le patreon meme
Is there a non-meme answer?
i just recently gave it a try and it looks like everything has already been done for you

just pick a core, load a rom and configure your shader/render settings and you're done
>Beetle PSX makes it relevant and even halfway approachable of competing with ePSXe.

Eh? Does that mean ePSXe is still relevant? Because that's what I've been using for ages and if it's still good I'd rather just stick with it. The only reason I was considering changing was because the Wikia said it wasn't recommended.
Thank you.
still shilling i see SP
Bayonetta 2 isn't coming to PC. It was almost entirely funded by Nintendo and contains too much Nintendo-related content to allow for a port.
And if by some miracle it does get a PC port, it'll be in 5-10 years.
Does that make you salty?
>someone asks about software
>someone else links to guides we maintain
>someone else calls them a shill

Who are you quoting?
nice try SP
SP here, ur a faget
nice try SP
What he said is true. Most emudevs are over sensitive fairy's about tiny shit that don't fucking matter. byuu included.
Reddit upvotes your own posts by default, so that means garou666 made that screencap.
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Hows that Vita emulation coming along?
It's not worth the effort, honestly. Takes hours to *really* get it working nicely, and even then it's never as smooth of an experience as standalones.
>Takes hours to *really* get it working nicely, and even then it's never as smooth of an experience as standalones.

I get it up and running in 10 minutes or less. No standalone that doesn't implement dynamic rate control can be as smooth.
if you're a linux user, it's probably better than using standalones...but then again, you're in linux so you know what you're doing.
windows users might want to just grab the standalone unless they want to tweak shaders and shit.
It's worth the effort if you want easy CRT output or reduced latency, or any of the other things it does like netplay or shaders.

Also, I don't see how it could take hours unless you were hand writing seperate configs for every core or game. In which case, you should just use overrides for specific things and maintain a single global config...
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so what? Who fucking cares what sp buys with the patreon $? The team has fucking delivered.
nobody has any legitimacy complaining...but keep whining- he earned it and your tears are delicious
I hope he spends it on coke and whores and wipe his ass with the rest. Idiots love to throw away their money to dumb shit pareons and kickstarters. Sure beats working for a living.

That TV was running RA on its own, he was showing that he got it running there. He also made a autoconfig profile for the remote so it would mapped out of the box to control the menu.
if you want CRT output just use a fucking Wii instead of trying to make a modern PC interface with one by the force of sheer autism
If you're using Linux for video games you deserve whatever suffering is dropped upon you.
Getting it running =/= actually having everything tweaked to your liking. The default Retroarch settings are hot shit if you ask me.
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You just aggro every Linux cock sucker in thread.
Date on TV: 10 March. SP commits on github between 8-18 March: 12 commits. Later commits numbers are far fewer than before 'buying' that TV.
Conclusion: patreon bucks instead of encouraging SP to do more work allowed him to buy console, TV, new games and spending more times procrastinating. What a manchild.
Does it somehow surprise you
What jealousy you have there. How dare he take a break from 3+ years of commiting code to Github (for free even) on a near constant basis without your permission.

If anything, he needed to slow down or he was going to burn out. A manchild like you wouldn't know what burn out is like because you never worked on anything in your life.

Stay mad and keep spamming our wiki with your salt.
How many commits have you done? may i ask. It is open source. No excuse.
>www ell i amm nottt gettinn paid fffffor it
>Go's to vandlize the emugen wiki some more
Nice try Pajeet. Fuck off and cry somewhere else.
Wii is a shitty, underpowered console that can only run older, speedhacked emulators fullspeed.
It's not hard to make a PC that outputs 15KHz RGB with Radeon cards. And every PC can output to 31KHz CRTs with no extra hardware provided there is still DVI-I output on the video card, just needs to have custom resolutions set up.
Do any of you guys know a controller with clicky buttons? I really liked the buttons on the psvita I played recently, so I was hoping there was a similar usb controller on the market.
Only one I know is the xbone controller
>Getting it running =/= actually having everything tweaked to your liking. The default Retroarch settings are hot shit if you ask me.

Most of the default settings are fine, save for a few things like SRAM Autosave Interval, and the default audio latency.
Is MAME still terrible on RetroArch?
pretty much. fba works great though.
I was afraid of that, thanks though senpai.
>and the default audio latency.

What value should I be set to? I always left it on the default value.
32ms is what I normally use. XAudio can go as low as 20ms without causing audio breakage in many cases.

When the WASAPI driver becomes useable, then going 4ms or lower can be possible with exclusive mode.
Are we really going to be stuck with PCSX2 forever? Is there such suffering?
I'm just hoping we'll get good ps2 emulation before my ps2 stops working. It's still being a champ even at 16 years old, but it won't last forever.
>all these reddit shitters mad because they think they're entitled to botw-only fixes
lmao desu

Works fine. Not sure what people are talking about. Maybe elaborate why it is 'terrible' in your opinion.

Square's like 10years too late. FF12 FINALLY getting a PC port.

PCSX2 was built at first as a FFX and FFXII playing machine by nerds.
I'm quite out of the loop, but how playable is breath of the wild now? Can you finish the game with it's story from start to finish or is it just walking simulator with nothing else?
Wait for hps2x64
is RA iOS usable again? hasn't been since maister left
Is there any good way to hook up a laptop to a CRT TV? I have a Dell D620 running XP, but I want to play emulators on my TV. Is it enough to just buy a VGA-to-RCA cable and plug it into the TV ports?
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What's a good place to grab a cracked version of DraStic, the DS emulator.
Should I watch this anime?
The wiki, the official /emugen/ wikipedia
>watching mainstream anime made past 1998
And it still runs emulators better than PCs from the same era. Shows how shit the PC emulator scene is more than anything else.

maister had nothing to do with the ios port.
after you dole in for the latest patreon build, you can beat the game all you want, just dungeons and water are a little beta right now, just make sure you throw in for the patreon and everything will work itself out, either now, or eventually sometime down the road. I was running the latest patreon build after donating and after the easy download and setup, i was playing within minutes, using my legally ripped copy of breath of the wild. it works, and remember that the more generous you are the faster and better quality of updates are released, so makes sure you check them out and donate to the patreon.
should i donate to the patreon though?
Is it common to love emulators, love the technology behind it, to love the games, but absolutely despise the "community" that surrounds the emu scene?

Its either SJW trannies, the pokemon kids, or just obnoxious cunts complaining about shaders.
every community is like that

nowadays every 10 year old kid can use mommy's ipad to participate so you can't have real "communities" anymore
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Is this game just stubborn about running perfectly?
After upscaling juuust right, and getting it to seemingly run well. There is always something off with every cutscene.
Anybody? I can't find shit on my problem.
it is still unusable, may be coincidental but it's just trash now.
Does anyone have Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean undubbed?
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I'm trying to emulate Spectrobes Origins on Dolphin. The game runs fine, but swing detection is driving me insane.
Anyone know how to get it working?

Button mapping is easy enough: the nunchuck is mapped to the left half of the controller (Stick for Stick, Shoulder for c, Trigger for Z), the D-Pad is the D-Pad, a and b are mapped to left and right clicks, 1 and 2 are my mouse's side buttons, - and + are Select and Start, the IR is mapped to the mouse's movement.

Now for the wacky swings and tilts: those are mapped to the mouse when a certain button on the controller is pressed. For example, moving the mouse while pressing A on the controller swings the wiimote up, down and to the sides. I have also tried mapping it to the right stick instead for finer control and mapping shaking to the same input, but I still haven't managed to get the game to recognise the gesture.
So it seems he REALLY lives in his mom's basement?

Pot plants are probably in the corner.
Just buy a wii remote
I can sort of get the point of adding the scanlines on the basis that the art was supposedly designed around them anyway, but is the curve really necessary? Are you going to argue that nice straight lines in menus like that are not what the developers intend and everything needs to get all bloated and fisheyed for it to look right?
I don't have the means to connect mine to my pc. Any solution to the input problem?
Just buy one for a dollar on aliexpress or something.
Can someone post PS1 games with 3D point bilinear texture filtering?

>Symphony of the Night
>Metal Gear Solid

Just wondering what they look like. It crashes on my end when I try that.

>what if PS1 games looked like N64 games?
Try simple filename, like ARMORED.BIN
Didn't work.
Just tried with the same game and had no issue
So I'm gonna guess either your output folder or working folders aren't to Windows tastes or your download of PSX2PSP is borked.
I honestly don't know what the problem is, I've tried it on my other drive with various bin files and PSX2PSP from different sources, and no dice.

I haven't converted anything in a while but I've never had this problem before, it's quite odd.
Have you tried doing it on a secondary drive entirely?
Tried it on my secondary drive, tried it on an external drive, nothing works. I have no clue why this isn't working.
Why don't you do it yourself?
there's 0% chance of me getting a stable framerate in BOTW with an i5 4670k and a GTX 1070, right? I know it's mostly CPU
CRT Lottes is the only CRT shader that I can find that "plays nice" with GBA games.
There's weirdos in every nerd community. I suggest you just go full normie and find enjoyment in something that only attracts alpha males.
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Which looks better?
Not that Anon, but if this is about the minmapping, you can download a dev build for that. I tried R&C last week and it looked flawless.

What is 'trash' about it?

Also, stop using an iDevice for emulators. Just get an Android device. Apple's boycotting of emulators and their continuous breakage of past apps makes it not worth it.

look at the idiot and laugh
Is mudlord going to release his Win32 libretro frontend?
He said it's going to have DRM if he ever does. Personally I'd like to try cracking it, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.

Mudman says lots of things. Other than telling trannies to neck themselves, he's not of much use.
>Nvidia on cemu shaders:This is tracked as a bug internally and being worked on.

But he is working on a libretro frontend:


What palette does byuu use in higan for NES?
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So I've been playing Ratchet and Clank, I played through all of the first game with no problems, but now in 2 I have this weird input lag that makes the game unplayable. Basically every few seconds it will think I'm pressing a button for a second longer than I actually am while blocking all other input, so if I'm running in a straight line it will lock all my controls and keep running for a second before unlocking. It happened once before and I don't know if I fixed it or it stopped happening by itself, I got to planet Joba which is halfway through the game and now it's happening again. Anyone have any ideas?
what are you even talking about? 2007 was a great year for computers.
That's nice, hopefully something comes of it.
>Intel uses twice as much RAM
>if their iGPUs even worked right on cemu you'd need 64GB to run BotW
Probably a shitty one he made himself
so retroarch is ded?
No. He was making his own Win32 libretro loader...
How is BOTW running on CEMU atm ? I got an alright computer.
16gb ram and a I7 skylake something something.
I got a hacked wii u, but i'd rather play it on my comfy computer.
Runs like shit. Don't bother investigating for yourself.
Just plug your WiiU to your computer screen.
how am i supposed to run cemu if my wii is plugged in to my monitor?
your dumb dude
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I-i can't
You have a screen with no DVI-D or HDMI inputs?
You can run it, but you won't be hitting full speed outside of cutscenes without top of the line specs.
Plus there's a problem with the way Cemu caches shaders on Nvidia GPUs, leading to ridiculously high RAM usage on BotW.

DisplayPort is vastly superior. If you have a GPU that supports DisplayPort, there is 0 reason to have an HDMI monitor.
Emuparadise has undubs mostly on their forums. All the good shit is on their forums insted of the main page. The real problem though is some of thier users make it a bitch to download stuff(Fucking Jdownloader).
>DisplayPort is vastly superior
Outside of specific use, not really.

>If you have a GPU that supports DisplayPort, there is 0 reason to have an HDMI monitor.
Not having to deal with shitty TV screens for non computer devices is enough treason to have at-least something that isn't a DP on your screen.
>he uses consoles
>he doesn't have a 4k monitor
>he deals with shitty HDMI transfer rates
4k user here.
DisplayPort is a fucking meme and more trouble than it's worth. The fact that monitor off = display disconnected has cause me so much grief when things aren't working right. Linux was broken for me in that if the monitor turned off it meant I lost video until I rebooted. A recent kernel fixed that but It still gives me shit every now and then. As for Widows? Just fuck my window and icon placement up senpai.
>>he uses consoles
If you dislike consoles so much what are you doing in an emulation thread?

>>he doesn't have a 4k monitor
>shitty panels
>shitty aspect ratio
>shitty refresh rate
>price gouging
Off-course I don't, call me back when there's a 2400p screen that doesn't suck dick.

>>he deals with shitty HDMI transfer rates
It's a non factor at regular resolutions and I don't deal with that anyways since my main monitor is on a DVI-D output.
>he's in an emulation thread
>he uses consoles

Something's not adding up.
PS3/x360/XBOX/WiiU emulation is meme-tier so obviously you have to deal with the real thing.
>can't crosslink
Guess I'll stick around then.
Stop trying to kill the thread.
Is 3DS emulation still completely unusable? Can I play Etrian Odyssey or one of the SMT games on Citra?
>Is 3DS emulation still completely unusable?
You may be able to play them, slowly and with occasional (and possibly non-occasional) bugs, but I think whether something works on Citra that isn't a Pokemon game is still a tossup at this point.
citra isn't going anywhere any time soon
just get a cheap 2ds and hack it
I wonder if Chromium is his favorite browser
>Nothing I like is awful or illegal

Doesn't byuu like fucking little boys?
>Some people like being submissive.

Something tells me that he enjoys pretending to be the little boy who gets fucked. It explains his avatar choices.
yah. but only the ugly ones so he gets a pass.
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>It explains his avatar choices.

Boy in this avatar is young enough to trigger you?
But radius doesn't have a history of using little anime boy avatars 100% of the time like byuu does.
>moving goalpost
Nothing keeps emugen alive more than emudev sexual fetish discussions.
why the fuck is disc changing and memory card such a hassle in RA+mednafen? i can't deal with this shit..
Use .m3u.
Maybe so, but I'm still glad I have them filtered.
Use m3u files. It will use the same memory card for all discs that are loaded in that file.

Append disc copies the memory card to each new disc.
i already set up my .m3u file and even got my mcr file to co-operate with it but i still can't figure out how to actually get past that "change disc" screen in FFVIII
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Even if anon figures out how to work it, why make it so that he needs to figure it out? Isn't automating bullshit no one wants to do, or should have to do, kind of the original point of programming?
>Isn't automating bullshit no one wants to do, or should have to do
Figuring out how to automate disc change is complex enough that no one is ever gonna bother doing it
i tried fiddling with all the related menus and it simply didn't work like that, dunno what i fucked up

but whatever, i cheated by removing a finished disc from the .m3u file so it forced me to boot the correct disc and i got use the shared mem card feature so now it works
May need to run it while ejected for a second or two for it to register the disc change. The game probably can't detect it if the disc tray is only ejected while paused in the menu, since that would technically be happening 'instantly'. Either that or disable pausing the game while menu is open.
So I'm on a S7 and I'm trying to decide if i should get PPSSPP or a GBA emulator for Birth by Sleep/Persona 3/peacewalker/ final fantasy tactics or for mainly final fantasy tactics respectively. Anyone have any experience with the ppsspp I'm busy afraid of framedrops or it just being a shitty port for the psp. But mainly the frames
how about not asking a double question, and instead two specific questions
Does mudlord have a mudplay and quicksands fetish?
I don't know much about anything Final Fantasy, but PPSSPP ought to be able to take on Persona 3 fairly well, at least. The app's free, so you can test and see.
But no goalpost was moved. "Avatar choices" was plural, meaning more than one.
>free and open source software
I should say this instead
Should i get a ppsspp emu on my Galaxy S7 so i can play P3 and birth by sleep or should i Just get a gba emu instead.
well a gba emulator won't provide you with P3P/BBS
No reason to not get both, it's not like one locks you out of the other.
Even a PC from 2005 would still be lightyears ahead of the Wii in processing power.
>get both
can he do that?
whoa, stop with the crazy talk

Set it to use the same mem card. This makes it easier. All PS1 games will share two memcards from now on.
is there a torrent for RA+cores anywhere?

trying to download on a really shit connection and HTTP download (just for RA itself) keeps dying.
Hows libretro dolphin coming along?
I got a cheap chinkshit SNES controller to use with some emulated games.

Works just fine on the PC but i can't get it to work on my phone properly.

While the phone and emulators recognize it as a generic gamepad, the X, Y, L and R buttons all appear to have the same key value of 0 and of course that just won't work for obvious reasons.

Is there a way to give the keys their correct values or should i use one of my other controllers on my phone and give up on this?
>load core
>open game in full screen
>RA CPU use shoots to 30% but nothing displays
>kill task
>set RA to windowed
>load core
>load game
>immediately loops me back to the quick menu
what the fuck is wrong with this thing and why haven't the UI designers been shot at dawn for creating the least intuitive emulator interface known to man?
retroarch is the biggest meme in the history of emulation and you fell for it
I love your lack of information on what the fuck you're trying to run. How the fuck you do expect anyone to fix your problem when you give zero information?
>Daniel The Entrepreneur talks with Big Business

18:24 <@Twinaphex> and let me tell you - these subsidiaries that work for these big massive publishers
18:24 <@Twinaphex> are slimy as fuck
18:24 <@Twinaphex> I have dealt with two of them so far
18:25 <@Twinaphex> at this point
18:25 <@Twinaphex> I am ready to just call off any further talks with these guys
18:25 <@Twinaphex> and just make retroarch-branded hardware ourselves
18:25 <@Twinaphex> because fuck it trying to align with these big publishers
18:25 <@Twinaphex> it’s better to just be independent
18:25 <@Twinaphex> vs. dealing with these slimy as fuck subsidiaries
18:25 <@Twinaphex> ran by shady bullshit entrepreneurs
18:26 <@Twinaphex> I have no doubts though that a lesser guy like byuu would have already sold himself out for a trifling $5K
18:26 <@Twinaphex> not me though - fuck these guys and their co-opting of what is a hobbyist scene
>load core
>open game in full screen
>it works

...OK? Who cares?
It's a rant, not a request for help. "What the fuck is wrong with this thing" is a rhetorical question.

(Though if you really care, Super Mario Land using Gambatte.)
>literally "works on my machine xD"
>creating the least intuitive emulator interface known to man?

There are poeple who actually believe this? Try using MAME sometime for anything non-arcade.
"Black screen" usually means your GPU choked on a shader or doesn't like fullscreen mode or something. The devs can't psychic every possible scenario with video driver behavior. Try enabling verbose logging and see if there are any errors.
I just fixed it, what was happening was that the file was failing to load, possibly because the .gb file was within a .zip. some kind of indicator other than nothing happening would've been nice.
Oh that. If if fails to load a game or core, it usually falls back to the menu and prints "Failed to Load Content" to the OSD. Enabling the verbose log and looking at the command window output will usually show more specific information from the core itself.
Anyone know the name of the No-Intro like collection but for romhacks and improvements?
so, i guess i can stop filling out this survey then
But what if it's real and you're about to be the first person ever to get a switch emulator?
Still working on it from time to time. Need to perfect the timing more than anything else, since people might moan if DRC is not 100% perfect.
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Should i bother trying to run DEmul on my laptop or should i just stick to my comfy ePSxe/and below emulators
Two stupid bizhawk questions:
1.) I want to play Mega Man X2 and X3 again, but I downloaded the c4 chip file and put it in the firmware folder, and now neither game even starts up. It's just a blank screen. What do I do?
2.) How do I enable rewind, I can't seem to get the setting to work, it's always disabled.
come on that's goku not a deviant
dude probably just likes dragon ball
Anyone know how far the emulation can really go on a Pi3?

Not sure if Gen5 and PSP may be pushing it to get. If it can't I can fall back on a steamlink to stream to TV. Can't think of anything in gen5 that is Battletoads demanding for latency.
How good Okami looks in PCSX2?
I love that game and almost buy a ps3 just for the hd version
This should have been an automatic process. Like, the emulator detects the moment the game asks for disc swap by peeking the memory for the waiting process and then auto-changing it.
There's no way to do that without a mess of per-game hacks.
Special chip roms can come split or as one bin, and bizhawk probably wants a specific filename.
I don't see the problem with this kind of solution.
I believe it could behave like the per-game achievements.
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Does anyone have CPS2 roms that work with the latest version of MAME?
A shitty Smartphone to play some GBA Games (So far Tales of Phantasia and Final Fantasy 1 [DoS], definitely will jump to FFII once I'm done with it).

Reminder that getting to run X game at Y quality and Z framerate isn't comparable at all to emulating a videogame.

With that being said, are you sure you're using the latest version of Cemu and that the issue isn't happening to everyone else or at least to most of the people?
I mean, the issue could just be an actual limitation of Cemu that will get fixed at some point during the development, just saying.
Didn't tried Cemu personally yet so those are the most logical answers I can think of.

As long as it works for you, that's the only thing that matters. Changing it just because X page or person says so would be fucking retarded.

RPCS3 plans to add support for Vita at some point and Nekotekina made a few things for v0.0.2 if I recall correctly, but that's it.

So it is already confirmed that it's coming to Steam officially? Nice, have a source?
It was obvious that it would come at some point considering that 11 out of the 15 mainline games are already available on PC plus some SpinOffs, but having it confirmed surely feels good.

>>"It crashes on my end when I try that"
>Why don't you do it yourself?
Reading Comprehension 101.

"etrian odyssey citra" and/or "shin megami tensei citra" in Youtube, filtered by Upload Date, you're welcome.

Not really the answer, but I think that you can solve that by playing your multi disc game as an EBOOT.pbp for the PSP/PPSSPP, or something.
Does anyone know how to use .ps2 memory cards
on a CFW PS3? I tried renaming .ps2 to .vm2 but that didn't work.
Half-assed N64 is probably as good as it'll get
I'm not sure how to judge that honestly. N64 is kinda crap on anything. I was thinking since PSP does okay on phones and Pi basically uses a phone processor it may be possible.
I think you'd have to look pretty hard to find a smartphone with as weak hardware as the RPi, it's not even close.
I've not looked at its specs in awhile since I was using it as a print server for a long time. I do have an Odroid, which would shame an iphone pretty well. That has been sitting in a drawer though since support for Odroid on a lot of things is a bit rubbish (used it as a streaming device for a bit).
Finally figured it out. Posting for those who might need it.
Open your pcsx2 .ps2 memory card with mymc and extract the save file you want as .psu.
Copy the .VM2 memory card from the PS3 to PC and rename it to .ps2.
Open the renamed file with mymc and import the previous .psu save file then exit.
Rename .ps2 to .VM2 and put it back in the PS3 (replacing the original).
Important : on the XMB memory card management menu of the PS3 rename the card or change the color so the PS3 refreshes and sees it.
Now it all works. Managed to import my 80 hour Persona 4 savegame.
Hope it proves useful to someone.
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alright I'm having a hard time figuring out how to up a game's internal resolution in mednafen's PS1 emulator and the tutorials don't say jack about what I should be doing to increase it, just "oh you might find these bugs. how you get to this point is your problem, fucko"
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Standard mednafen can't up the rez.

Beetle-libretro in retroarch can.

I recommend using PGXP though. It's a more complete, if incredibly messy package.
cheers anon. king's field at 1080p oughta be interesting
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Mednafen's HW and PGXP implimentation isn't complete.

PGXP-PCSXR is a total mess, but it does work. Also, if you're playing King's Field, I highly recommend using CPU overclock to get much higher FPS. Those games are slow as hell already before the low frame rate on top of that.

dude, it crashes on my laptop. Might not have a card that is up to date enough with Opengl.
Prodigal son, Squarepusher, returned to reddit.

>PCSX2 has a new hack
>it actually fixes things
>while not breaking anything else afaict
Neat, I can finally play Onimusha Warlords without having to choose between fucked up UI or fucked up shadows/effects.
If you GPU is Nvidia you need a driver that is more recent 376.33
AMD should also work with up to date drivers, only Intlel IGP are shit enough to not work
How do I get Vib-Ribbon to work properly on epsx? It loads fine but says to use the vib-ribbon disc
I got mGBA on wii u but thing is, when i set the clock in pokemon games, it stays at the set time and sometimes saves disappear, what do?

> pic
> I assume this is not a man, right?
> Seems /emugen is progressing when they finally have a hotter babe to look at than a man pretending to be a girl who likes to cosplay as Yukiko from Persona 4
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That guy is legitimately autistic
My PS2 slim's laser is busted. I'm setting up PCSX2 on my PC. I've got a 2.0Ghz dual core i5 from 2013 and a 750 Ti. I only want to play games at native res. Will that be good to play the following games in HW mode:
Chu Lip
Dark Cloud 1 & 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Katamari Damacy
We Love Katamari
The 750ti is alright even for above native but the CPU might be a limiting factor
Even if I stick strictly to the hardware renderer?
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NTSC Color Emulation. y/n?
>2.0Ghz dual core i5 from 2013

Well you can try. Those games aren't THAT demanding so it could work.
I'm screaming now, and my face hurts.
Even if you stick to the HW renderer, the OGL plugin is actually quite heavy on the CPU and I'm almost certain one of those games has something broken unless you use OGL
>bsnes v0.035

Why are you posting a 2008 version of bsnes?

Oh, that was to go with another post I was going to make, sorry. I just like how it looks
Upboated ;)
Oh shit, I meant to type 3.0Ghz. My bad.
Pretty much every game has something broken unless you use OGL, and even then. And OGL or not, PCSX2 can still make your CPU work for it. Plus OGL is only really CPU murder if you have the misfortune of using an AMD GPU due to their unoptimized drivers, I think blending unit accuracy hack is also hard on the CPU at some levels but you don't HAVE to turn that on unless you really need it.
>Oh shit, I meant to type 3.0Ghz. My bad.
Oh yeah you should be just fine then.

> I think blending unit accuracy hack is also hard on the CPU at some levels
Just setting it on could have been enough to go from just playable to under full speed on slower CPUs

Then there's depth emulation which goes from nearly no impact to murdering a 7700k depending on the game
And if you're disabling both you might as well be using D3D.
How good is Dolphin with out wii controllers?
do you think is worth to buy them just for the emu?
games that 100% require motion controls are not playable at all, so yeah
At least get Dolphin for non-Wiimote games, such as GC stuff.
Are there actual games you cannot play at all without a real Wiimote that are worth playing at all?
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Dude it's so good, you don't even have to just play boring old Golf or Bowling, there's these modes like Driving Range or Accuracy test. The best is the bowling mode where after each roll, there's another line of pins added behind the last, up to 100
honestly a Wii is dirt cheap and easy as fuck to hack and add games to a USB stick or SD card
PS2 slim with Free McBoot (probably about $50) and DVD-Rs or just load PCSX2 onto my PC?
Get a fat PS2, a chink network adapter with a SATA port, and a decent sized hard drive.
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>fat PS2
enjoy your failing laser and massive amount of wasted space
>needing a laser when you're running everything from a hard drive
Why would you care about the laser when you're not using discs?
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What's the easiest way to soft mod an original Xbox so I can rip game ISOs to my PC?
man I forgot how ugly the original PS2 was. the PS2 slim and the "PSone" are the only decent looking pieces of hardware they ever put out

I wonder how accurate the emulation will be
What's the best site to download PS1 isos? Preferable clean isos.
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>wasted space

That's a terrible image to use with that argument.
With the stands, both models take up near the same amount of shelf space.
No one's stopping you from buying the inferior machine and spending money on blank discs. We're just telling you about a better option.

By all means, buy the slim and fuck with disc burning in 2017.
Why would you use a stand for those? Wouldn't it be better to have them horizontally?
Standing them vertically helps with cooling, and in my opinion looks better that horizontal, but I'm also not the one who used the image to showcase an argument about saving space.
They will steal the code of existing open-source SNES emulators.
It was one of the clearest images that popped up, autism aside it clearly illustrates the size difference. I emulate the PS2 anyway I'm just pointing out how massive it is. I already have a """slim""" PS3 that takes up more space than my fucking PC, I personally can't imagine having another Sony behemoth to deal with.
Ah, I see. Horizontally, there's a lot more difference in size, at least, but cooling is pretty important.
OPL or HDD loading in general is far from flawless

I don't think they really need to.
>I wonder how accurate the emulation will be

Commercial emus are made to work and that's it. They don't have time to dick around forever with emulators like turbo nerds can. They don't care if it can't play some obscure title that sold 5 copies. They only care about getting the games they sold to work.
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meh. I've seen men who are hotter
Is this another attempt at claiming you found pictures of Ryphecha? Give it up, she's smart enough to not post pictures of herself on the Internet where horny nerds like yourselves could find it.
>They only care about getting the games they sold to work.
Yeah except when they don't which is quite often actually, especially if you're unfortunate enough to get those release Day 1.

> she
> is a man/tranny
Pokemon games don't work on Citra, you need to transfer that font file and geometry shaders lacking makes many visual effects messy, not only all attack animations but some pokemon look wrong due to the GS problem.

I think Sun/Moon have attack animations despite the GS problems, not sure why
Are you an epic troll or genuine retard? Somethings fucked on your end, it works on my machine.
How about some proof for that claim? I'm willing to entertain the possiblity of a cisgendered female emudev because I'm not a sexist moron.
Why are you talking to him like he knows what you're talking about? He's retarded, you're autistic, I hate this place.
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>81 °C
It works alright for some battle playbacks, if the poketuber videos are right.
Shit nigga that's nothing I've seen people reaching fucking boiling
>He said it's going to have DRM if he ever does.
I just hope he said this ironically. if not lol.
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Diaper Adventure!.png
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I decided to go against my principles and try out the closed source garbage emulator that is Cemu. I must say that I am really impressed at how well it runs games on my ancient(8 year old) hardware. Getting full speed on all the games I've tried(Mario 3D World, Captain Toad, and Zelda TP).
>massive amount of wasted space
oh no, things taking up space!

I'm just glad my ps3 superslim is literally the same size.
Never tried it, but I wonder what an i5 4460 with a 280x could do.
Dolphin bar works great for me.
I was against x but x really convinced me how great it was! totallynotashill.jpeg
Is this where mudlord and byuu's feud started?

Watch his blog for answer.
Do you ever sit back and think of all the thousands of wasted hours harassing and stalking byuu that you could've spent doing something productive?
Asking once again
depends on the game, I remember playing Shenmue 1 on nullDC and it was great, I heard there's another emulator that is better for it now, so I assume it got better, but I think it's still not good for obscure titles
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>too intelligent for blue skies
So I've tried this Cemu meme and can't get more than 15 fps on BoTW, Bayo2 works better aside from the sound shit.

Got a 4790k + 970
higan doesn't use a hardcoded palette, it uses Bisqwit's palette generation algorithm since v84.

You guys think I would get 60 fps in pcsx2
Ryzen 1700x oc'd to 3.8-4.0ghz
1080ti @ 1080p144hz
16gb ddr4 3200mhz

Anyways how is progress on vita emulation, still rough around the edges I figure.
in options, disable vsync and set gpu buffer cache accuracy to low
then make a gameprofile for botw and put this in it:

emulateSinglePrecision = true

disableGPUFence = true
>Is emulating the virtual console through Dolphin still better than actual N64 emulation?
No. GLideN64 makes VC look like a joke.
There anything besides Cemu that doesn't play nice with Ryzen, since I see some talk of it going on.

I'mma build a new pc soon and pretty much anything is better than the ancient quad core I'm using right now, so knowing a little bit beforehand might help.
If I wanna play around with CRT shaders, but still want to actually be able to play the games.
stand alones or retroarch?
linux: retroarch
windows: standalones unless you just want one 16/8bit system
How can I play the oldest Deus Ex (2000) on my homebrew 3DS?
Where the hell do you download retroarch from?
I think the better question is why you'd want to download it
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you people keep posting CRT shaders, I wanna play around with it
Depends on what core you are using.
hows libretro dolphin shaping up?
Worse, it's literally nonexistent.
>Mednafen PSX core fails to load games every time even though i've got the BIOS files in the system directory.
RA is the only emulation tool i've encountered that doesn't just werk, and I'm including PearPC in that. It honestly astounds me. I mean, I don't doubt that if you set it up properly it's probably great, but it astounds me that it doesn't really work *at all* out of the box.

When it comes to setting shit up for other people, I really wish they'd just port OpenEmu to Windows so I can throw something "good enough" their way. Shame about the retarded file-fuckery required for disc-swap games in OE.
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Was there ever a working fix to XCX's sound issues on cemu?
That's just how Mednafen PSX works, has nothing to do with RA. OpenEmu would have the same requirements since it uses Mednafen PSX as well.

The BIOS files must be named correctly and have the correct MD5 hash. The cue file that you load must be correct as well, with no hard paths to BINs and correct case.

Bios and cuesheets are always the problem with mednafen.

Anyone have a mirror for Bravely Default's uncensored version? The original links are dead and the author doesn't care about reuploading, it seems.
Can't you just play the Japanese FTS version? It has an English language option.
Does it? I didn't know.

I'll try to find a link for that, then.
is there any good way to use mouse and keyboard to substitute the wiimote and nunchuk?
Now I do, I feel like an absolute ass, since only recently I have been programming things which I should have programmed years ago.

Such a wasted opportunity to instead of dwelling on what byuu said and I said, and instead do something productive.

Sorta like when certain gamedevs can and cannot handle criticism, and file lawsuits against people, OR take the criticism fairly and make something decent, even if its not someones taste.
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Any 144hz master race users here? What settings do you usually have in retroarch and dolphin?
I also have hotkeys to instantly change from 60, 120, or 144.
It's not about accuracy. Some people just like the bulbous tube look. I have a 14'' TV here that is p. much like that.
which shader is this? Looks nice for playstation.
Is Tokyo Mirage Sessions playable on Cemu?
Best CRT shader for use at 1080p?
>using a retro console with lcd

Is citra ok? Do I need to run it on my desktop instead of my laptop? I really just want to lie in bed when I take shrooms and play SMT.
Citra works fine on some games and really badly on others. I recently played through Rune Factory 4 all the way from start to finish, well over 100 hours of play time -- it worked fine. The only issue is that it didn't render lakes inside dungeons.
So for the longest time, the commonly knowledge was that emulation wasn't worth it past the fifth generation. Have we surpassed that finally with PCSX2's current state? Ignoring handhelds.
>So for the longest time, the commonly knowledge was that emulation wasn't worth it past the fifth generation.
this hasn't been true for 10 years
anyone know where this is from and if its true?
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im gay and retarded

this is the image
Depends on the game I guess. Heard Ocarina of Time works perfect. I've tried Soul Hackers and it ran like shit while playing FMV and while exploring.
Hey thanks.
>up to 7 frames of input lag
>on higan
haha no
Oh that sucks, would've been neat to atleast have a few games playable

What's happened with PCSX2?

It's finally time to dig the ps2 library?

I wish ps2 had a emulator like mednafen with a retroarch core
Can I emulate PS4 yet?
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100% emulation always feels good af
No. Not for many years at the least.
According to your logic, Dolphin is a shittiest emulator in the existence of everything ever.
>tfw you try to fix what you think is an emulation bug only to find out it happens on real hardware too
Not completely emulation related, but I figured you guys would know best. What's the best way to get a dualshock 3 working on windows? ScpToolkit?
The old SCP driver pack for Win7 or older and fireshock for the newer ones (made by the same guy as SCP toolkit)
I'm liking CRT Lottes the most right now.
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I've got

>i5 6600k
>16GB DDR4
>ASUS Z170-A
>GTX 660Ti

Would that be able to run Zelda at 1080 60fps?
I got Valkyria Chronicles 2 and PPSSPP 1.4. Visually the game runs fine (60fps at max scaling), but it seems that no setting I change can fix the almost constant audio stuttering. What am I missing/doing wrong/whatever the problem is?
Ah dangit.
I know it's a GQ cover pic, but please tell me that chick gets gangbanged.
The only difference I got between the original (abandoned) SCP Driver and the newer ScpToolKit is that with the later one the controller would connect more quickly when turned on. Besides that, the functionality is identical. ScpToolKit has a bit more of customization though (you can't disable rumble and edit LED lights, for example), but also a lot of shit to turn off and disable after installing. The author thought it was a great idea to add an annoying tray app with conenct and disconnect sound alarms, and an auto updater on your system's scheduled tasks that shows a "NO NEW UPDATES LOL" message every other day.

Also, the version I'm stuck using is ScpToolkit v1.6.238.16010
He's now up to the ScpToolkit v1.7.277.16103-BETA version, which isn't compatible with older ones so mine won't autoupdate anymore, but even though it has a nicer interface I started having driver issues with it, my bluetooth would suddenly stop working and needed to reinstalled... so I went back to the version that worked.

The Fireshock driver works as a charm, but your controller will stay recognized as a PLAYSTATION 3(TM) controller. I would suggest the ScpDriver instead as a general solution because it's the standard for most PC games now and you won't have to fiddle as much in the long run.

Bottom line, if you wanna mess as little as possible, go with the original ScpDriver. If for some reason it isn't enough for you, try the ScpToolKit, but beware it was completely rewritten for version 1.7 onwards and it may not work as well as the previous version on your particular hardware.
SP is back shitposting under RealLibretro again

So? Go vandalize the wiki again because of your autistic obsession pajeet.
His new posts are very tame so far.
He also made a browser-based palette file generator from that code.

We all know how it will end.
Is this the birth of a new meme?
>It can't possibly be helped, Gamecube GPU operates differently from typical computers.
Yet even Cemu has done a better job handling it.. I do use ishiiruka though.
Does any emulator for any system allow replacing its Fonts?

To replace pixel fonts by more readable vector fonts or just high-resolution fonts?

PPSSPP seems to allow something like that (with a fontfix to restore native fonts)

I know about hooking text out with cheat engine but it doesn't work so well outside of visual novels.
What emulators let you use these CRT shaders?
She gets gangbanged daily
Sigh, they always look worse IRL. Even CameraD is better than true 3D, it seems.
these are weird looking people.
for some reason in Gran Turismo 4 my car's horsepower keeps showing up way lower than it should be in the replay screen (Pontiac Sunfire, should be about 280, showing 255)
anyone know if this a game feature or an emulator glitch?
Bump limit reached, page 10 reached. Time for a new thread!
New Thread:
Game feature, I think replays only take into account the very baseline power without accounting for the oil modifier.
alright, thanks
still bugs the hell out of me but at least it's not a glitch
Also if you're new to GT4 on PCSX2 under no circumstance should you ever savestate and/or load state during an endurance race or any race that is long enough to fill the replay buffer, bad things happen if you do.
not using savestates anyways, that's extremely cheaty in a racing game
Well I thought nothing bad would happen if I did that to resume one of the 24hr race later, turns out I was very wrong.
I keep seeing all these idiots say that those handheld GPD's with fucking atoms chips can run Dolphin at full speed.

Is it that optimized now?

What about a 3rd gen i5 (laptop) with HD4000?
Would I be able to get 60 fps w/ native resolution on the popular games like wind waker, tales of symphonia etc?
I like the look of crt-lottes a lot. You can disable the curvature in the settings.
Anything with a libretro core
DOSBOX svn Daum
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