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/parag/ - Paragon General

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5000 hours in ms paint edition

News & Patch Notes: https://www.epicgames.com/paragon/en-US/news

Hero Related Info:
Latest Hero - Morigesh
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More Hero Build Info:

User IDs: pastebin.com/tMqksTK4

Previous Thread: >>173038106
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>Go on a disgustingly bad run
>end up in silver
>One more game before bed
>pic related
>still get salty because murdock won't group to do anything and all he does is farm poorly in his lane
>Win because Me/Aurora/Narbash get orb
>give him shit after the match
>tells me he doesn't care and wants to play his way.
This Murdock has to be one of the dumbest cunts I have ever played with. We won but I'm still salty at this retard.
>tells me he doesn't care and wants to play his way

He rekt u nigga, you are foaming here like a cuck, while he honestly does not give a flying fuck about you, nor ur nerdrage and have probably forgotten you already. In fact, he did not even bother to remember you at all, why should he remember some mad cuck anyway?
Just tell him to abort himself like the piece of trash he is
It's that simple man.
This post explains a lot.
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>in a 5 stack
>we've been winning all our games
>all of a sudden our carry informs us that we're up against a streamer and a master smurf
>he gives up hope, I'm completely motivated
>make it my goal to focus the carry/streamer
>bully him all game
>throw down my tether in a team fight, take him out and wipe the enemy team
>rush instantly win buff
>win in just around twenty minutes
Granted, his Muriel/Kwang were playing like hot garbage and the master player was just playing Morigesh when he usually plays Yin too. Either way, it was exciting, never played against a streamer or anything like that so I was pretty hyped up about it.
life as a Paragon player is suffering
Smurfing does not mean anything if your team is garbage

3 plats will beat 1 plat always
Yeah, that's why I pointed out how his team was playing bad.
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It takes way too fucking long to reach a master skin in this game.

The only people I ever see with them austically play the same hero. They also tend to suck ass considering that hero is all they know.
This. Like what the hell, I play this game since early access and don't have higher lvl than 7 on any hero just because I like to, you know, actually try different things and adapt to whatever team needs a the moment instead of autistically playing a single hero only? Reaching mastery should either take half as much time or be based on some kind of challlenges instead of character exp (I mean it even used to be called master challenge). It would also be nice if mastery skins were actually interesting instead of same burning shit for everyone which looks worse than basic skins for half of characters.
>someone dodges the draft
>get free stars

this has been happening to me too, I don't understand it but I'm not complaining
Oh boy I can see it now.

People locking in Shinbi, Kallari and Riktor in hopes of forcing a dodge and ez stars.
Jungler Belica is legit boys I wish I were home to post the game. Our entire team had wards and great vision and around the 15-20m mark I could go around clearing nearly every camp in half a second.
>jungling is all about clearing dem minyuns boiz
Why are there so many people trying to play Riktor now?

PSA: He's still shit.
There are two types of ADC that I've noticed.

The kind who auto everything until it's dead and the ones who wait for low HP to snipe the killing blow.

Which of these is doing it wrong?
By "everything" do you mean minions or other players as well? With minions, the second approach is obviously the correct one, because getting the last hit is what matters. Although helping your own minions get enemy ones to around half heatlh before waiting won't hurt and will speed things up. In case of players though, only shitters do that since you're supposed to be the main damage dealer in teamfights. How much muh kills you get ultimately does not count as long as the fucker's dead and you can farm efficiently.
I did just ended my third game vs AI.
This game is a bit boring.
>People still play this garbage after the monolith update

They should honestly just remove towers and inhibs and make the game a 5v5 brawl in the OP pit because that's what it is.
I...mean....yeah? I don't really have to mention her stun and great burst and how good it is for ganking do I? I appreciate the bump though.

>Has the best deplacement move in the game besides Fey's ult, but his is just one of his skills.
>Has a stun

In the CC meta, a good Riktor will scoop your squishies right out from under your protection and let his team anally devastate them as you stand and watch.
cuntess has a hot mouth
What makes him shit? Yeah compared to Dekker he's bad but thats not fair she's the queen. His kit is still pretty strong he just requires more work and good aim/leading
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>Star system means you get 1 single chest every 3 days instead of 1 every day
>The 'advantage' is you can level them up to Gold/Diamond
>Get a Diamond chest after sweating my ass off getting wins
>Literally full of green tier stuff and 25 coins

>Skin variations are locked behind lootcrates that, even if you were to purchase them with real money, would still give you rep boosts that are useless to people at level 50.

>Epic doesn't seem to realize 'collectors' would drop $15 on a virtual skin for a videogame character but aren't as enticed if they have to play the loot crate slots and get 5x Rep boosts.


>What is her stun
>What is her burst potential
>What is her mana sapping drone securing kills on people who use escapes with a tiny bit of life left
>What is her kill securing ult on absolutely retarded Morigesh who overextend with kill thirst.

Well no shit sherlock youre playing against stupid fucking computers

Step it up
Why won't you play against players then?

>Plays the easiest mode on games
>'Hmmph, THIS is a challenge? Ugh.'
are you upset
It feels dead even when you're playing against players too desu.
A matter of personal taste I guess. I actually felt the same when just starting, but it quickly grew on me. That was back on early legacy though, when it really felt more dead.
feeling meme today friends what meme picks should I make

how bout jungle riktor or support mori
Exp boosts
Do not play kallari
>EPIC has elected to replace owned uncommon items with Rep Boosts. So anytime you open a crate and it would land on a skin you already own, you get slapped with a reputation boost.

Don't buy crates my dudes.
>Implying I would buy them anyway instead of just saving for a specific thing I want.
Shit's just not worth it
The shit thing is that some of the good things you can't even buy are in crates. I would shell out for a Belica gunmetal recolour but it's only in the fucking crates.
And the chance of getting it is like what, 2%? Not worth your money man. Even if you got coins for free
Yeah I'm just gonna use the free crates and keys I get until they fix it.
>tfw you finally quit Paragon last month and your blood pressure and mood have stabilized
>tfw you use your freebie of the day to quit a game as soon as it starts
I did my first game vs other players.
I end up lvl 11 as my opponents, my team were lvl 6 - 8.

How is the matchmaking ?
How do you think it is?
At least most of the time
>At least most of the time
I started to play because most people at work play this game. I really hope they are decent players.

Can someone enlighten me about the strategies about this moba ?
Do you have to group to team fight? roam ? keep your lanes... ? is it okay to leave a lane and miss xp, or should you rotate with others ?
Deathball is king my man, as soon as raptors spawn, group up and help your carry take them.
It's still in beta, so viable strategies keep changing really. As for now, you can start roaming pretty early as long as you have good coordination with your team and it works pretty well. Due to lots of strong crowd control abilities team fights are largely about the numbers. Also the bonus your team gets from killing the boss is insanely overpowered right now. Just experiment and you should get hang of things pretty quickly. If you want someone to play with check out pastebin player list in the OP
Do you think we'll be getting any event skins for Easter?
>roaming in Monolith
LOL the lanes are so fucking tiny until you take the first tower that if you back when the lane is all the way pushed up you'll come back to minions attacking your tower, and if you're a support and try to roam your carry will start crying and spamming I need help even when there are wards.
>Game has mana, an arbitrary limit on how much you can use your abilities
>IN ADDITION to cooldowns.

No, fuck that. That shit is anti-fun. If you're gonna give me a mana bar to restrict my abilities, I should at least be able to cast them as many times as I want until it runs out. That or take away the mana bar and leave the cooldowns.

Either way, having both is just bad game design and makes the entire game feel clunky and boring.

One more thing,

>Pick Murdock/Twinblast/Belica
>Use past experience with TPS to land headshots
>Doesn't kill them in one hit
>Doesn't even do bonus damage at all

Shit game.
>I can clearly see an enemy, shoot at them
>Bullets disappear after 10 feet
>Throw a grenade right at their feet
>Enemy doesn't explode into gibs, only does a small sliver of damage

Yeah, garbage game.
Based fucking anon with the well crafted bait that will revive this general. I can appreciate genius when I see it homie.
>No emote where Countess turns, spreads her buttcheeks and unleashes a cloud of dark red mist from her butthole
>well crafted
Nah man, it's see through as hell, didn't even make me bother replying.
>play Kallari
>throw dagger to back of little forest fairy's neck
>it just slows her and does baby dmg
Wtf this game is so bad
why are you playing kallari, Draymond?
Is it just me or does Belica's ult actually suck since it got nerfed
>today's the day for a free Diamond chest daily reward
>router dies
Nah it's still good, I've hit for over 1000 with it recently.
There's a post on Le Reddit about dodging Mori's ult with Shadow Slip, which reminds me that I did it last night and meant to spread the word: nothing quite as satisfying, /dsg/, so remember to save it if you've been marked.
Yeah shadow slip is good for that shit, like dodging Gadget mines.
Yeah the nerfs kinda make it suck. Especially for those playing Belica in the support role who aren't really building much power.
>I literally don't know what the fuck I'm talking about
Bump before bed.
Is it ever worth it to go slap the enemy harvester?
Yeah. Prevent them from getting card points when you're ahead
There needs to be a way to mute pinfs holy fuck I hate when the wost player on the team pings the most
Elaborate, please.
The thing about muting is that if you mute player text they can't communicate w8th you. So by not muting pings you can still communicate
>First dude to pick is an Iggy
>Informs he's going safe lane
>Dares to say"I'll go solo"
>Whole team calls him a retard and dodges

what the FUCK
but nobody likes hearing good job spam
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Shut up or die
>Belica looks at your dick with her scouter
>she's excited by the challenge
>knocks you out with Seismic Assault
>you wake up her sitting on your face stroking your dick
>she drops a Void Drone that threatens to blast a hole through your kidneys if you cum
Seriously where is the porn of this game? I thought it would get better after the last few all female releases.
Damn, and I thought "private life is in ruins" part of her trivia was because of her full commitment to crime fighting.
Silly me
This is what keeps me up at night. The only good thing I found is by pewposterous and that's only the fey.

You'd think there'd be more of Countess. Or Aurora maybe.
How do we make pornsmiths interested in Paragon?
Feed artists inner jew. They will publish the porn to their blogs, paragon will get more publicity.
How long until the balance patch?
A big one? Who knows. They'll probably put some small tweaks in tuesday one.
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Pay for commissions
I'm thinking about trying this game out, but I don't know shit about MOBAs in general or the specific rules of this one. Is there some sort of tutorial or will I have to face the rage of shitters that don't want their game played by new people?

You will play a tutorial and subsequently be matched up with other people who have no clue what they are doing
Watch some full match videos on youtube and make yourself familiar with the roles (jungle, carry, support, etc) and the lanes to which a character is best suited (off, mid, safe, jungle).
Take your chosen character into some bot games to get a feel for them, then try and emulate what the youtube players were doing.
Play safe/ don't die, and learn your match-ups asap (who you can kill at a given point in a match, who can kill you).
Always keep an eye on tab to see which enemies are ahead on levels or card points: one is bad, but if they have an advantage in both, stay far away from them.
You gain xp and card points by "last-hitting" the little robots and making them burst into balls of orange light. That fills up a bar on bottom-left that gives you one cxp each time it's filled, and you can use those points to buy and upgrade cards at base that make you stronger.
Deck building is important, but you won't have a lot of options as a new player, so level up and save your post-game points to get more cards.
Try to learn as many characters as you can so you know what to expect.
Great. Those are always the best matches, no matter in what game.
Alright, thanks for the info. I'll keep that in mind.
Check out the pastebin in OP if you want to find someone to show you the ropes
I really don't know why you titled this as Clutchwss when Narbash comes to bail you out and Sparrow arrives and instead of running you decide to turn around and fight because you have zero awareness
Sparrow was always with me.
You seem to not notice me survive the Grux pull that would have killed me and I got off a dark tide so Sparrow could finish everyone off.

Why would you ever run away from a battle?
>why would you ever run away from a battle?
Are you one of those people with the "I never surrender" mindset? You guys are assholes.
Uh had he dalyed the pull by even half a second you would be dead asshole that's why you run idiot. Surviving is waaay more important. You didnt do anything "clutch" you just got lucky, and you had another player basically make the entire play. Post elo.
They said they'll be doing big balance patches like the last one every 6 weeks, next one is in May
Live, faggot!
Why can't my team kill an enemy that I have completely frozen and then rooted in place?

Why in the middle of a team fight, is our carry (the main source of damage) off farming jungle?

Why does our tank cowardly slink away when an inhib is literally at 1% only to get CC'd to hell and die on his way back to base?
>tfw you get OP and then hit the jungle for that sweet farm with no enemies alive to interfere.


Anybody got jungle tips? I've been playing jungle since Legacy but I find it harder to be effective in the jungle in Monolith.
I can clear camps just fine and get to level 3 just before river buff spawns and all but I'm having difficulty with ganking and covering all the lanes. I usually end up focusing middle lane and left lane while neglecting right lane and my ganks don't usually end up being too effective because the enemy warded or is always never pushed up.
It was a lot easier in Legacy because of the travel mode and the maps allowed me to gank without having to take a long route to the lane like Monolith. In addition to those shadow realm portals that we had.

I could tell you

But then I would have to kill you
Always start the gank on left wait for them to try to jump in the tower.doesn't matter if they see you coming cant make time to escape if they inside your left laners tower.never do it at a half way point unless your laner has a slow or a stun or he's started something in between.
Is something fucky with assists + Muriel?

I saved a whole load of ass, but my assists on the scoreboard were so low you'd think I was afk
>tfw you throw a dank ass long range dekker orb which hits a sub 5% hero
>tfw it does 0 damage
>Hit nice long-range orb on running enemy
>Kill them
>Gideon complains about kill stealing
Tell Gideon to fuck off.

Honor the Pure isn't gonna buy itself.

On that note I'm glad I almost never have to buy purity censor anymore. That's got to be down to Aurora/Steel going extinct.

Hell I see more Riktors than Steel these days.
Dekker + Howi/Gadget ult is kinda bullshit

Do you think they'll nerf it? Maybe give Dekker a new ult.
My username is in the webm jackass. You imply that it's impossible to gauge the situation. I saw them heard Grux behind me and used my shadow slip. Stay salty because you don't have my luck and need to autistically post about it.

You're probably one of those "recall after a kill and not take tower" types. You want to win the game you have to be as useful as possible even in death or near it. If grux would've lived he probably would've bought time for his team to respawn and we wouldn't have won immediately after. Some people don't want 5 hour games.
>you don't have my luck

So he admits it
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Luck is a factor I'll admit. A regular player wouldn't have thought to shadow slip im the first place.
Morigesh is still crap
Good for people who know how to use her.
>mfw Countess will never be nerfed and late game Countess will always be a thing
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