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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 756
Thread images: 187

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Best girl edition

OT: >>173764076
Wrong. Lulu is a shit insane loli.

What needs to be done to Mikael's to make it actually worth buying?
xth for Syndra
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Which one anon?
How to Karthus, /lolg/?
die in the enemy team and press r
As far as I remember, when it was first introduced it used to heal the target for x% max hp when used, aside removing CC.
It would probably be bought more if it had that effect back.
>cottontail fizz doesnt have just 1 big carrot but a shitty ass trident carrots

would buy desu but it looks garbage like this
left is taken, right is everyone's
I choose neither
stop replying to the lulufag thread, newfags.
Help me, I'm becoming a Pantheon abuser and I find it fun. I just love chunking people with my Q. It's so much fun but I feel bad doing it
Reminder this faggot is being a faggot with Xerath scripts/bugs and streaming it
people say its a bug with that corner of fountain but I'm pretty sure I saw his Q hit cross-map while he was at wolf camp
>situational item that isn't even built in the situation it's designed for because the generalist items are just that good

Mikael's is the Thornmail of support items.
>calls others newfags
>still gives a shit about the OP
off yourself my man
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>find decent servers without subhumans
>ping is too high

Literally unplayable
it doesn't matter where he stands
it's a script, not really a bug
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>1127 ap
>still cant carry because of range
>without subhumans
Hold on that clashes with all of the information I'd been given previously. As far as I knew the bug was Xerath's Q hitting the whole map if you aimed it in a super specific way in a specific spot, and the script was to do so reliably.
I think as its happened with yasuo and anivia at particular corners of fountain they say its a bug
he does always stand in the same corner and says its an exploit but idk what purpose it serves if the script does it
E the enemy tank twice, Q him, oneshot the entire backline due to splash
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Why do you waifuposters waifu post?

What is the purpose?

I adore my favourite champ, but I don't spam obnoxious X IS DA BEST and use up posts.

Please help me understand.
that japanese font is slick as fuck desu
he ported to the wraiths and still hit people
but idk, I'm not an expert on this
rito should just disable him for now
>e something twice
if the enemy is in range for my e to hit twice they are either afk or hyperbronze
everyone who gets hit by E will back the fukk of son
>I am gaijin
Are you really this autistic or what
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Friendly reminder.
x zed bby
where are you playing from?
I wonder what my ping would be from australia to the moon on NBN
he's playing vs bots, why not shitpost in chat
there would not be a /general/ without the circlejerkers
this is 4chan you moog
were there aram changes? meddler replied to a quote claiming so but i'm not seeing anything in the pbe patch notes
No, not really, since you're aiming at the frontline tank not at a carry. I'm not sure if you're in masters or something, but it has been working for me in the few times I have actually picked Ryze in low diamond.
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It was a prank

thornmail is kinda ok (but it's supposed to be excellent) in the situation where you're against a real fucking autoattack-heavy team AND you've already built previous armor items

but yeah it's terrible in 98% of situations
and god knows low elo people still build it so fucking often.
>tfw no comfy bf to play Ranked with
>tfw you will never get past promos and hit gold
>old Shen
>get Sunfire, Randuin's and Thornmail
>get a triple kill as Zed, Rengar and their AD carry try to kill you
how did you get an account on the jap client?
just go to the lol jap website and make one?
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xayah cant even compare. dumb fake doesn't deserve to sit next to her in a png. ahri 110%
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>im a rebel
>killing stuff is so much fun haha i hate everything
>stop calling me edgy silly boys XD
>omg shoes
>rawr >:3
Yeah just go to jap website, make an account and in client switch to Japanese server.

Let me know what ping did you have.
>play support because im a little bitch
>botlane tower goes down
>adc tells me to go mid
>midlaner tells me to go bot

welp guess i should go kill myself then.
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Post Janna
Why is this allowed?
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Cuck Rakan and fuck Xayah in front of him; while making out with Ahri.
EUW shitter here.

Gonna play Ranked, need to climb with someone. I'm still in my promos, but I wanna go Gold.
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reddit gurl xayah skin when?
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>pick rumble
>feed this guy some kills
>he builds bullshit
>takes kills from his team
>nowhere to be found during objectives
>toss my ulti in a teamfight
>delete enemy team with meme build
>all while taking turrets
>enemy garen loses his shit
>earns himself a 2 week

You kids are too easy.
Are you a cute gril?
Just be a good little support and obey your strong ADC. You'll be happier!
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>When the autism of the enemy Singed works and you get this deep desire to kill yourself
What AP carries are good at killing tanks? Brand and Velkoz only?
I'm a female(male), if that's what you mean.
Support main here, over 60% winrate with Sons, my lane never loses and if I lose the game it's only because the other 3 guys fed a bottomless pit of hunger.
the voidstaff mahe
Remind people that Mikael's grants 2 seconds of slow immunity on top of the cleanse and 40% MS.

Make it purge stat reductions and DoTs
if you are looking at shredding tanks go Attack speed with BotrK and mask for maximum effect

the voidstaff mahe
I can't use Teemo mid, but thanks.
I wanna get out my promos and see where I hit, climb from there.

Someone wanna duo with me? I'm EUW, alright in all roles, but I do prefer being a healslut/support for a strong adc.
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you posted already but you haven't posted your IGN
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Fuck off, paedophile.
not getting it Sir
Diamond 2 here
Looking to boost or coach people in europe servers cuz I need some RP
Im pretty cheap and friendly :3
hit me up
I get 150 ping to the jap servers from OCE.
i reckon I could play some shit like maokai on 150 ping
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best ass in the game.gif
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Keep coming, not full!
I wanna see who's interested first.

But it's Homicidal Lolita, no I'm not a waifufagposter.
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Brand is my favorite champion.
>needing a boost in EU
oh im laffin
what's that supposed to mean
but im not a scripter
eu drools na rules
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It's an exploit, what the script does is that it shows you where you should be standing, doesn't matter where you aim
That's to receive damage to avoid leaverbuster
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you literally have less people than eune stop shitposting
shit server
the voidstaff mahe

I doubt there's any difference tho
I wanna get out my promos and see where I hit, climb from there.

Someone wanna duo with me? I'm EUW, alright in all roles, but I do prefer being a healslut/support for a strong adc.

IGN: Homicidal Lolita
>weeaboo name
fuck off
No we don't
>please give me attention: the post
fuck off
There's something wrong with where I'm from?
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i'd like to duo with you but i'm way too skilled to play with the likes of you


I am just a shitter wanting to be better.
>still no Illaoi, Sol, Kled or Tali skins
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VR league of legends when
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w-what are you gonna do if/when she gets a skin?
what if she gets one, just it's really really bad
get out of my town
>Utter shit
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>literally an item to fuck Swain
n-no homo
I seriously hope you dont do this /lolg/
>Ao Shin
>Xersai Rider
>blade queen

no i mean the voidstaff mahe
>implying Cass isn't going to suffer the most from Adaptive Helmet's inclusion
All that mana wasted for nothing.
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>not Karthus who literally only has 2 forms of damage basically
>not Ryze
>not A-Sol
>knowing what reddit looks like

Rakan is too good for Xayah
why does ahri look so tired and old?
Adaptive helm looks like just a retarded item that fucks specific champions entirely too hard
Shes basically like a millinea old anon.

part of the reason she wants to be human is legit because shes tired of outliving everyone(especially those that she loved)
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ironstylus intentonally fucked up her splash update. ahri still looks infinitely younger than xayah anyways, from outfit alone.
Can adaptive helm only block one ability or effect at a time?

Like, if I hit someone with a Q, and then I hit them with W during the timeframe they take reduced damage from Q, do they immediately start taking normal damage from Q again and only take reduced damage from W now? Or can I take reduced damage from every damage source that's hit me in the last 5 seconds?
Is this yet another bullshit retcon?
Adaptive Helm is going to reduce both Syndra's Q (since Dark Sphere is always under 4 seconds cooldown) and ult's damage, she's gonna be hurt pretty badly by that item too.
Those lips and teenage attitude do things to me.
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are you retarded?
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Lulu is for lewding
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>in the Vastayan lore update a pig-merchant shap shifter mentions that Ahri has been alive for literal generations


>"you wanna be mortal? you are mu-takl "(race traitor basically)

put two and two together anon
>ulting a tank with Syndra

Taliyah too.
If it could only reduce one effect at a time it'd be useless. Take DFT build Liandry's now none of your spells will be reduced by it anymore.
>build adaptive helmet on ad carry

>flash into enemy team just to suicide and ult the carry
there are situations in which you have to get rid of a tank
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>tfw Azir is shit
>tfw he is gonna be even worse when this item comes out
>ahri is so in love with human cock, she would shed her immortality for it
The best.
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Why the fuck do they feel this need to needlessly retcon shit that wasn't wrong or outdated?

What the fuck happened to "we're gonna try not to change the champions themselves because we know you people love them"?
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I thought she was for cute
this is they gayest thing I've ever seen.
ahrifag here. they've hardly changed anything about her. yet. they just gave a name for her "species" or whatever, so they can make an ahri copy to sell 2x the skins. but i have no boubt she will see another lore change in a month or so.
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>enemy Illaloliloloopdeyloop keeps spamming abilities
>"MOVE!" "MOVE!" "MOVE!"
>She keeps making stupid, and desparate plays trying to hit you, when all you are doing is following directions.
he's just trying to make the vr experience more life-like for his bro, what's wrong with you faggot never had bros?
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I wanna hold Lulu in my arms!
and NEVER let go!
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I'd rather fuck Xayah honestly.

Ahri's sorta cute but I like the whole "hooded" thing better, even if she just a massive bitch to people.
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
"Hardly anything? She just went from at most under a decade old to several hundred years old. And this also means she was never a fox that absorbed human essence until she acquired a conscience, just a vastaya humanboo. This means she just did a fucking 180 turn in character.
what are some good champs to keep on permaban?
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azirfag dropped.
are you?
Yasuo, so your team doesn't pick him.
azirfag is already a known roleplayer and circlejerker
thank you so much
no, but i might be autistic
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You should have seen the original incarnation of Imaginarymary. Borderline nightmare fuel.

At the moment? Graves.

For memes? Yasuo

Who are you?
>at most under a decade old
lol, you really just know nothing about ahri, huh?

yeah, good point
>2800 item that gives you 0 damage
You're right, but that's going to be built only as last item.

In such situations you stay back dealing damage to the tank with QWE (unless you're 1v1ing the tank for some reason). don't waste your ult like that
>it's another "gay premade when I play solo" episode
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>not arcade mf adc and arcade ez jungle
terrible combo u got this
If you mean "lulz mythical immortal foxes", that was also a more recent retcon. At first Ahri was just a normal ionian fox.
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>someone saved my webm


except I dont think they ever explicitly stated how long Ahri was living in the last incarnation of her lore.

Wizards are supposed to live for a long time anyways right?
is there a lolg discord?
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anyone else having this problem?
And the tank won't get any damage because of Adaptive Helm, that's what I meant, since Dark Sphere cooldown is always lower than Adaptive Helm 4 seconds passive.
850k points Syndra autist here, I know how she works.
if you actually weren't referring the the recent one that was active for like a year and a half, you should've specified.
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comfy bfs~

what is this bub?
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>complaining about his team
why not
Didn't they nerf it to 3s? By the way, W's true damage is going to work wonders now if someone builds that item to counter you
>when the enemy team picks fiddlesticks as their support
>you pick soraka
>win game with 2/0/19

Why don't people play actual support champs in support?
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>tfw everytime I get to promo I get on a loss streak
end the pain
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duo with me pls
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Fixed from last night.

Rate, hate, berate.
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>gets fixed hours later as soon as i post
>utter shit
t. faggot
Why is Ahri killing that object?
Liss goes in AScended Tier
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>tfw it affects Jax W and R too
>tfw The Champ gets even more fucked by Riot
: (
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Ahri is immortal. Try again.
Maokai is literally just a very angry tree who's very angry at dead people
I wouldn't put him that high
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Why do people enjoy doing thing like this ?
Good, fuck you bird loving faggot shitting up top lane you fucking nigger
pretty sure every voidspawn isnt an elite of their faction
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I can think of at least every mage being hit hard by that item, anyone who can do DPS just got fucked over.

Like the only thing I'm certain won't be affected is Vel'koz thanks to his True Damage and the fact that he requires 4 different spells to go off.

Who's ready for Vel'koz meta? Good thing I've picked him up recently.
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I wanna knit oversized sweaters for Lulu!
Rek'Sai is literally xersai queen
>ancient being of immense power
>Implying weebs won't love the "old wise flirting kitsune/Korean equivalent" trope
Though I don't think female champions (or most champions in general) are allowed to be stupid. At most insane. Rek'Sai doesn't count.
They reverted it back to 4 seconds, and yeah W true damage helps, but it's less than 100 true damage with 500 ap. You gonna need to hit a lot of Ws in a row to make it meaningful.
Sorry I don't duo with losers
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Champs we can say goodbye to, once Adaptive Helm goes live?

Every mage that isn't burst or only has 2 damage sources


also come to mind. Fuck this item.
Anon we keep telling you, Riot literally doesn't know how to disable things on the new client. Same reason they didn't disable ranked when everyone was getting forcibly DC'd and games had 7+ AFK players in them a few weeks ago.
>le ethnically challenged basketball-american man of dual hi-point gats will never be balanced
Ivern is really old at least and can communicate with the entire living (and non-Void non-dragon) world. What else he can do I don't know.
I really don't know if Bard is that powerful. He only goes around dimensions taking dangerous toys away, which he has no will to use.

makes the true damage half of her q nonexistant
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Janna is a fucking sea goddess and Kled is a fucking Legend put them higher on the list
riot """devs""" everybody

they should keep working on spaghetti code since that seems to be their greatest strength
She's ancient as fuck though and she has immense power. Within the tier she's at she'd be lower on the list but she's still above the rest.
Neither are Yordles, she falls into the same power grouping as the rest of the elites.
No a lot of information of Void spawn are given, but with the information given by Rek'Sai's lore we can infer that there are many other beings of the same species as of void spawns like Cho, and Kog and etc, and that these void spawns of those times are so powerful that we know and fear them they much of elites of said species.

Mundo has gained extreme power at the cost of his humanity.
He'd be at the bottom of the spectrum of ascended but he is still one and braum is not.
True damage can't be mitigated idiot.
Not surprised at all
>Implying Veigar cares about what tanks buy
Killing tanks is the job of the adc. And only his Q gets boned by the item.
>true damage
u dumb boi
Only thing is her ult and W will be worse, but she won't be as affected as these guys >>173796841
Fuck veigar tho
I'm a great support. Not a nice support. But y
Fuck I didn't to move Janna to ascended. I knew I forgot something.
Braum is iceborn though.
So? is there?
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... and nothing of value has been lost.
can you move katarina to best girl status above all of them? thanks
Braum can't be completely human, he's too old and basically punched a mountain into pieces.
Really old doesn't equal immortal. And Xayah is going around about their people being oppresed so they can't be that powerful.
>t. tankbab
Literally the most braindead role in the game
Kayle, Morgana and Malphite should belong in the outlier tier (or you should make another tier for those cases), their lores haven't been updated since well before the Great Retcon. Actually, a fuckload of champion should be set aside to later review since we just don't have current lore to talk about others like Zyra either.

Use the new Galio Icon. I'm not sure he belongs as Ancient Being of Immense Power when you have the Constructs on a separate category..

Kindred might belong in the category above.

You misspelled "Tier" 2 times.
xayah literally calls her immortal in game. fuck outta here
Riot is making tanks have unreliable rather than reliable damage during the tank update.

Imagine every tank is as useless as Sion.
>tfw AD
>tfw I have 3 damage sources
>tfw I'm just growing even stronger

Yes yes...nerf all of those champions.
All she did was die and come back to life...
Basing power on age is retarded. Ascended tier has lots of immortals who are as powerful as liss, being older doesn't make her higher tier. If it does you better move kayle and morg up a tier, they're canonically older than time itself.
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post fun pics
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I love Lissandra!
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Anyone playing Normals or ARAMs?
It's going to reduce your multi-shadow shurikens moron.
bandle wishes her butt was that small
>Use the new Galio Icon
I will when riot updates his icon on their site.
I guess I see your point about moving him to constructs though.
I don't want you to copy my build but

There was this kid in my class who was a challenger player and one of the top 10 adc EUW. He stopped visiting classes and started boosting Accounts for money.

Apparently he's now running a famous LoL-Boosting Service and makes a lot of money.
Should be god tier
Should be immense power
Poverty negro that invented time travel Definitely elite tier
Being of immense power
He's basically a demon that kills whatever/whomever he wants and no one can stop him. They let him in the league so they can keep an eye on him
been trying out forg1vens ADC page
so far I dont like it, you get outtraded in staight up AAs which leaves you lower, meaning you can get zoned from the wave to lifesteal it back up.
However it does give a much better late and midgame
>doing damage
Tanks are not supposed to do damage. They peel and provide cc/support. If a fucking Maokai is doing triple Kog'maw's damage, then something obviously needs to change
Xayah is not reliable narrator and is up her own ass with her """"race"""". Not to mention old doesn't equal powerful and even the undead can be killed in LoL.
>If you don't stop skipping classes we'll FORCE you to skip classes

never got this desu
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>Tanks are not supposed to do damage.
You're giving a bad name to the school
You lower overall averages
Public/primary school is a different ball game, but when you're paying thousands to an institution, you have to play by their rules
Ranked is for nerds
>full quantified
>to be find
Back to grade school you mongoloid.
I guess so

t. public school third worlder problem student
Well what is it?
Either you get tanks doing moderate damage or you get Leona and permastuns.
Yes but she is a global revenge Legion now.
okay. i just just said she's immortal. which is true. it's gonna be alright, man... nobody even asked you to move her lol
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Why is gagong's Xerath so good lads?
>a fucking Maokai is doing triple Kog'maw's damage, then something obviously needs to change
If a Maokai gets so insanely fed he's doing triple of Kog'maw's damage then he fucking deserves it because a Maokai that builds tank outdamaging the highest dps adc in the game is pretty much impossible.
Kindred should be above everyone IMO. You can't "beat" death, and IIRC Aurelion's lore talks about how even beings like him can die (since he killed some because he's an enslaved moron).
AD marks (some variations run between 1-3 AS red)

Flat health yellows (im thinking of changing this to 4 scaling health, and 5 armour)

Full AS blues

2x AS quints
1 Lifesteal quint

He rumns almost no defensive tools, and assumes he can lifesteal it back up, mid lategame he has more AS than ADCs who run a traditional page. also the lifesteal is nice.

Obviously youre not going to run this page on twitch or vayne.
But stuff that can have lane presence
>80 kills in 8 minutes
The madman is a legend, don't know how he does it desu
> If a fucking Maokai is doing triple Kog'maw's damage
This is literally impossible unless the match was just jokingly one sided or one of them was trash / a god.
With THE TANKENING coming closer, and bf+zeal itemization appearing to be more favorable, do yall think we'll be going into an AD heavy, hypercarry meta? If not, what do you predict will happen to the metagame, and what champs will be the new hot shit in competitive/soloq?
why are adc streamers always the most watched?
The only one of those I will concede is Ekko.
Having the intelligence create what he did certainly puts him on genius level along with people like Heimer, Ziggs, and Viktor.
So I can turn in papers and have people spell check them for me, like you? ;^)
>You can't beat death
Tell that to the shadow isles.
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you have no fucking idea what is under that helmet. nobody does
in na because NA has better ADCs than other roles.

Rest of the world its mostly midlaners that get all the views, jungle usually 2/3rd

if youre a tiddymonster you could afk in base and people would watch
> is there an item that can see evelynn

Is it Morello?
cuz we adc mains are superior master race pro mlg most skillful demanding job
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By that logic Fiora, Vayne, and Vel'koz are literally going to be "The Meta" even with the new Randuins. True damage is the answer to heavy resistances, health is (usually) the answer to true damage.

I can't imagine how in the hell this'll all play out but I have a feeling they'll take back the randuins/thornmail merge because merging those two items was the most powerful thing they could have done for an armor item.
What's his mastery page? Does he take the lifesteal mastery? He does like running 18/0/12 on champions like lucian even?
I take 1 lifesteal, then I take 4 points in natural talent and 3 as marks on my page because I like the extra attack speed, and you lose .1% lifesteal while getting more ad after level 3 I think it is.
no like pretty much any ADC he puts one point into vampirism, the rest into natural talent.

Usually 18/12/0 or 18/0/12 depending on the adc/teams
I believe most just go 18/12/0 in lucian, not sure about forg1ven.

Taking extra AS is greedy b ut it really pays of later into the game, if you can get away with it its the best choice for most ADCs
I feel like the Randuins/Thornmail merge was done specifically because of the Zeal+IE buffs. Riot's probably thinking "oh shit ad's like cait are gonna spike earlier and hit harder". It's an incredibly powerful item now, so I don't think they'd make it as is without having reason to. realistically they're going to tweak randuins next pbe, or ignore it completely without realizing what they've made

>Wants to make an armor item that isn't too powerful
>makes the literal perfect armor item
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New black champ when?
New loli girl champ when?
New bandle girl when?
New monster/demon void creature champ when?

wtf is riot doing
inb4 the next champ is a regular sjw cunt hooman again
>Lucian exists in his current state and isn't disabled
lolg, post your
>Second in command
>Pizza topping
>Mode of transportation
>Wants to make an armor item that isn't too powerful
did they really say that? Riot is dumb as fuck but I doubt they'd look at new Randuins and say "yeah we don't want this to be TOO powerful". They should know exactly what their experimental shit is capable of, hence "EXPERIMENTAL"
A little floppy.
it's going to sound like a meme question but seriously
how do you deal with aatrox
he just pushes in your tower, damages it as much as he wants because he can chunk you under it and fly the fuck away and heal back to full on the next wave and you can't get close because his healing is obnoxious

unless you are a really strong laner or are ranged how the fuck do you stop him from taking towers, harassing you and zoning you off of cs and so on

assuming my jungler is a fucking retard who will gank once, kill him then grab my lane that's close to my turret and push it as hard as he can towards the enemy's so I'm zone off of my shit for a few waves, if he even ever comes top
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>Pick Illaoi
>Enemy picks Singed

Holy fuck can you think of a more annoying match up for her? I rather deal with a million Quinns/Pantheons or just about any other top lane match than deal with this autistic faggot as Ilaoi ever again.
I don't take flat health is a good idea. I've thought about it only because ap supports can be such a pain in the ass sometimes but stats like armor and magic resist is more efficient the less yo have.
For example 50 armor 34% damage reduction while 100 armor is 50% reduction and 25 armor is 20% reduction.
So it should be better to take armor yellows because it's more efficient than gold yellows if you're not building armor for tanking damage.
Flat health yellows just sounds stupid and will make you take a stupid amount of physical damage.
I honestly dunno. I don't think Kindred can lose a fight. But they'll probably never ever fight so it doesn't matter. It's confusing why they even are a character, it's like making gravity a champion.
Pineapple and Ham
I have many as my second in command
Darius fucking destroys her
Singed rework when?
No we don't
pepperoni and extra cheese
1978 Chevy Nova and it doesn't like to work
>Just fly the fuck away

Only his escape is trash because you can interrupt it and the start up on it is so long its easy to do once you now he's gonna leave. Aatrox used to have a really solid 1v1 early on but after his rework he's more of a scaling champion you really shouldn't be scared of him at all just bully the shit out of him early. I recommend playing a lane bully against him because he becomes super useless if he can't farm or anything because his build is pretty expensive. Try stuff like Darius/Jayce/Pantehon into him and just make him useless.
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> been playing for years
> just learn about attack-move and self cast binds
*sweats violently* everyone has one thing right? I'm not an lost cause shitter right guys?
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>Second in command
Tristana, Darius, Aurelion Sol
Quinn or Vi
>Pizza topping
Cheese with Extra Cheese
>Mode of transportation
2016 Chevy Silverado

Darius and Tryndamere give me a hard time when I play Illaoi
I don't think you are
I use locked camera unless I'm looking somewhere else on purpose
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>had to play against deaths dance, ravenous hydra, spirit visage warwick on the pbe
>he was fucking unkillable unless we 5 manned him
>adc didnt buy an executioners
what the fuck
>*actions* when the pic already shows said action
You're a lost cause alright.
heh you've fallen into my trap

i've been gathering information on lolg posters for WEEKS with my simple surveys

i'll know who you are yet
At least he's slow as shit so landing E's on him isn't hard. Its a rough match up but I can usually deal with it. Singed is probably one of the most one sided matches ups I've ever dealt with as her you literally cannot do anything to him.
lolg here, what the fuck is this general and why is this shitposting bullshit allowed to exist
self cast binds??
Impossible to say for now, we need to get to 7.9 PBE to see the complete list of changes to really guess. But since it's safe to assume that people will play more tanks, stuff like Vayne and Vel'koz or anything else that has good tankbusting will be better
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>tfw no more vlad content
I can't believe there's no way to block people on curse. I've had one guy calling me 10 times in a row every time he gets on spread out over the course of about three hours for the last few months and there's no way to block this guy.
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Version 3.

After taking your critiques I believe I have them all in the right spots now.

Later I will start the process of ranking those who are the most powerful in their tiers to the least powerful.
Why does this kinda looks like Vayne on that ball from her lore?
>deaths dance on WW when 3/4ths of his damage is magic

>kindred not in god tier

Riot lore creators themselves said shes above pretty much anything
Already just looking at it I can tell its fucked.

Aurelion Sol and Bard are the strongest beings in the league universe. If kindred is the physical embodiedment of death everywhere and not just valoran, she'd be up there too.
> Jax that low
Why did you drop A Sol?
Bard shouldn't be in literal god tier too if A Sol and Kindred aren't there
to add to that you include anivia in rank 2, but not lissandra?
Sh functions a lot like tahm, who is in there.
Theres a guy on reddit who did an extremely detailed lore ranking list and he got all of them right, wit justifications included.

You have a lot of them wrong even ater 2 previous tries, are you just trolling or do you actually care for the lore
Still don't think ivern should be that high and I won't be saving the image or upvoting it because of this
>30% damage reduction that gets dealt as a dot over 2 seconds
>bad on a champion with shitloads of sustain
really activates those bronze almonds
>smiley face every sentence
>is german

suddenly it all makes sense

whats the deal with germs and smiley faces ^^
so I guess I should stop picking shit like Morde or Nasus if I'm second or first pick

thank you, what are top laners that are safe to blindpick as first/second/third pick?
>If kindred is the physical embodiedment of death everywhere and not just valoran
Link me to where that's said and I will concede and put her on par with Bard.

As far as A. Sol goes, if he can be imprisoned and die, he's not really god status
which ball?
>Tahm is literally satan
>A.Sol can create fucking galaxies
>Kindred is the grim reaper

>only Bard in god tier

Fuck this list
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Overcompensating for their destructive nature.
>because he deals magic damage that means he can't build ad

what? magic damage can scale off your ad. he has ad scalings on his abilities
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they do it to distract you from ww2

>link me to
Youre the one creating the list, you can google this shit yourself
We need Void version of Cthulhu who would rival Bard
>braum above vladimir, velkoz, or shivana
hes just a guy with a door
>tfw abusing Xerath with a script for the bug on a smurf while using a VPN
>tfw people raging at me and whenever I get banned I just use a new throwaway account
>tfw only do it in ranked to ruin peoples good times
>tfw a fag tries to say "U kno this a federal crime in the US right kid lol"?
>tell him to suck my cock as I kill his entire team with a single Q in fountain again
my fucking sides

based riot not disabling xerath :)
german is a soulless language so they need to say what emotion they're feeling, kind of like the big alien dudes from mass effect

unless they're angry, you can tell when that's happening by how fast they speak
What does /lolg/ think of Dong Huap?
>people get mad at the symptom and not the cause
this is why this dogshit company gets away with so much bullshit
I said IF, she might not be.

Do we know if Sol can be killed? He himself says he always returns. But he and bard are the only people who are cosmic in nature, you cant put sol on the same tier as those on the ancient beings tier, because he could blow up the entire fucking planet of valoran with a supernova and bye bye those ancient beings.
>2 glass cannon full AD lifesteal items with no other sources of relevant AD or crit to back them up
>on a melee character

yeah try that shit on anywhere but bronze and PBE and get ripped a new one.

kek this shit is hilarious.

That Xerath guy that's scripting with global Q's is livestreaming.

by this logic you shouldnt build deaths dance on illaoi either
building those 2 items on ww doesnt mean you cant buy tank items either, and visage got mentioned specifically in the original post, ya dumb child
He did build some health and WW has his insane E damage reduction though
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we get it, you're an asshole. now stop shilling your fucking channel.
not him but i think the fact that he has the gall to livestream this bullshit is pretty funny.
you dont have to post about it 3 times in 3 hours though

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Lolis a best
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Spinach and mushrooms
2011 toyota prius (they made fun of my car, i made fun of their gas mileage)

Didn't morg lose a lot of her power?
Isn't zyra just a plant spirit inhabiting a body?
What is braum's magic to be even with xerath/etc?
What is elite about kled or irelia?
Jhin is very magical and powerful. So is annie. and lux.
>youre wrong
>okay, can you show me im wrong
>no, google it and find out how wrong you are, wrong faggot
you know not being able to produce evidence of your own claim when asked just makes you look like youre talking out of your ass.
>le funny chat banter while hacking
the very definition of a degenerate retard
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>just realized that 2 ban slots are going to be wasted on the new champions when released
>meaning cancer champions will slip through the cracks even more now
>Xayah doesn't look bad, bird Ahri in a hood
>Has an incredibly annoying angsty riding on emo texting teen personality
Why? Doesn't feel like it even fits the guy as a match.
Both kled and irelia have been confirmed to 1v9 literal armies
>2 bans.

Xayah is dog shit. the only one you need to ban is rakan

>Darius: dont report him lol
>Darius: free elo

Who is the least cancerous and most fair champion?
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No poppy
Corn and bacon
I have a fetish of playing Sona or Janna and being called a healslut by my team. If I ask them to call me a healslut, can I get banned by Riot or is it okay?
You know assholes are going to waste a ban on her anyways just because shes new.
get fucked
ayy he got the ban
I never really understood this logic.
Like in rankeds, okay I get it.
but even in normals they ban the new champs.
you got to learn to play against them right?
and if they ar op then ok start banning them, but day 1 you cant really know this yet.
lol retard
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Cause not everyone who plays normals intends to play ranked and would rather wait until they're more enjoyable to play against in the game
Riot should just do what Overwatch started doing and ban new heroes from ranked for a week after launch but nah the company refuses to do that.
Metaslaves are extremely bad at the game and want to keep meta as long as autisticly possible so they don't have to actually think.
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Why is kog so free right now
I had a friend who did this at u of Toronto. I hope he got over it. I study in the states now. I haven't heard from him in a while.
This happened to me. I got put on academic probation because I didn't give a fuck about school.
wait why does xayah hate ivern? or is it just purely for her edgy atitude?

Why does it feel worse to win when I got hard carried then it does to do super well and lose? I don't mind being carried I just hate leaving a game with 0/x/x. I feel like I contributed nothing and didn't deserve the win at all.
normals are full of tryhard shitters
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>being a normal game only fag

>storm kog

how's silver 4?
giff mastery and runes

Janna is not a healslut she's a shieldslut at best
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>that SJW voice and coldsteel-tier dialogue

how did riot manage to fucking up SO FUCKING BADLY with xayah's voiceover

god damn
Good point anon where is the coldsteel edit?
Welcome to the rice fields, motherfucker
Kill "Secure"
always make a comment in allchat after you Kill "Secure". Literally just "." is all it takes to tilt the enemy.
go full-Bronze in team fights and just walk straight into the enemy team with your E on, spamming Q
When not playing League, play Osu! to practice your Q spam

Whenever you feel like you're inescapably fucked, just turn and spam Q to see what happens. Karthus' single target damage catches people off-guard and you'll get in more damage after you die so you'll win or go even way more often than you expect. I once out-dueled a Rengar who was about as fed as I was because he missed one of his skillshots and I landed every single one of mine.
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>forg1ven going to TL hints on twitter

Happy to see forg1ven play again, sad to see its for TL
Stormraiders is pretty common on Kog you shitter. He does enough damage so he really doesn't need Fervor all that much and the utility of being able to get a speed boost is way to good on a champ like Kog.
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yeah, it's pretty bad. her interactions with rakan are alright though.
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It's actually not a bad mastery on him. What else are you going to take, fervor? By the time it's ramped up, your target will likely already be dead. Thunderlord's is okay I guess but you don't really build a lot of AP or even AD, just on-hit. Stormraiders lets you run away from engages, or chase super well after you get a few hits in.
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What is it that makes Lulu so perfect?
The fact that her stomach bulges every time i thrust
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her small size grants her the ability to be punted long distances
This better be bait

>he does enough damage so you don't need more damage

yeah you're still silver

post rank
>The Pube Prison Break
"Disappointment" not strong enough of a word
>xayah has small tits with a small bubble butt and okay thighs
>draw her as thicc as possible
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what if twitch e could crit
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It's anything but her horrible model.

VU when?
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Riot refuses to nerf bullshit champions if they don't have a 100% playrate
hey, one of our boys drew that. i think it's based. birb all upset casue she's not as thicc as a delicious fox.
>as thicc as possible
But the thicc is Ahri in Xayah's getup.
thats exactly how shes drawn. the "thicc" bitch in front is ahri
really just b/c she's edgy.
but she's supposed to be "for nature" too so in Ivern's lore when he was a man he fucked up Ionia and killed some of her race trying to save frejlord. but he's not who he used to be so her bitterness is kind of stupid

>when i'm done with ionia i'll come for demacia xdd
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>lee basically pick ban for years
>barely any nerfs ever
riot has a hardon for gutting Kog though. once he sees LCS play he's done again
lolg has a hard-on for sion
shes still 100% thiccer than in the splash though
Redpill me on toplane.
>squishy as fuck immobile adc
literally jump on him and kill him in 3 seconds
dont forget morde
It's shit
Why isn't Riot disabling Xerath?
>poro king is next game mode
honorable 1v1 island with the occasional trophy hunter
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Is koggy a meme tier always fun champ win or lose kinda like nunu? If he is I might pick him up.
>giving in to terrorists
no, if you're behind and your team doesn't support you you'll just helplessly get blown up nonstop
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Not even Riot can shut it down.

too slow
blood, shit and cancer

t. top laner
high damage mage
absolutely busted adc if you any peel

This is quality entertainment, desu.

dude. 100 years. for each tail.
>misses Q
>misses E
I mean the champion is complete fucking bullshit when he has good build paths so yeah.
>twisted fate's japanese VO is the same as Dio from JoJo


are there any more famous VAs in japan?
>black market brawlers never ever
>instead we get nexus siege,ascension and aram with a big hairy pile of shit in the middle every fucking week
I'm not the same anon I'm just calling you out for saying someone is low elo for running Stormraider on Kog'Maw when if you look at what most high elo players run on him you'll see its Stormraiders. You just look like a fucking idiot and you're probably hardstuck Silver yourself.
>split-pushing is SHIT for soloQ because your team will always group up and fight 4v5 before you can get any objectives
>meme fighters are tank food
>tanks have the easiest time laning but can't carry braindead teammates
>gangplank is the most busted top laner, alongside fiora
>ranged top laners are not as busted as /lolg/ likes to think, mostly because of the existence of lane bushes
>wave control wins lanes
>constantly pushing and looking for plays around the jungle is the best way to carry in shitter elos
and the most important
>most top-lane players are clinically retarded and will tilt off the face of the planet once they die, eventually feeding and losing their team the game. if you have a good mindset and if you can avoid dying, even in the hardest lanes, you're already better than over half the soloQ top laners, and you will eventually climb
Here's a thought
Absolute cancer Y/N?
Hardest lane. Most frustrating lane. Most f u n lane. Lane requiring the most game knowledge.

It used to be my secondary but over the course of 7 seasons it became my primary role.
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not really a meme. maybe with his 5.0 AS he was but now he's an actual viable ADC. He's actually really strong too.

Kog'maw will always be the highest damage ADC in the game. No matter how much lolg hates vayne and thinks she does too much damage, kog'maw will do more overall. He just needs a decent team with him.
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I think we can all agree that Kog needs another full rework.

The shitty death passive has to go, it's unsuited for an adc. Q and E also need to be changed. It feels like W and R are his only real spells.
you're in my lane bro
>top lane
delusional at best
is building him as a bork into ie ruunans a big mistake?
never liked the rageblade build but i like the hero itself
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/lolg/ thinks this goblin is cute or that it can even rival Ahri as biggest slut lmao
The only problem with Kennen is his ult. He can go 0/10 in lane and still singlehandedly win a teamfight with that broken garbage.
Ahri got Holo's voice actor from spice and wolf. She literally says ara ara~ And skin spotlights had to remove it cause of lewd, lmao.

>you're just le silver

my rank is irrelevant

i was calling him silver, which he is
The Demacia line really triggers me. It's purely edgy with no reason behind it. An anon suggested is because of Demacia's new anti magic theme, but they're accepting of Yordles so that's clearly not the case.
>have a top lane honorfag on my team
>"lmao it's takes 2 of you to kill me"
>"nice camp, need a tent"
>he's playing darius, pushed up with no wards
>goes 0/6/0
>"wtf your champ is so op you can just dive me"
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>wake up
>xayahs VO is still real

kill me
Please fucking nerf katarina thank you
>Kog'maw will always be the highest damage ADC in the game.
twitch and vayne are better hyper carries who will do more damage no matter how much you want to meme.

kogs % health damage is still ap and can be lessened with MR.
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>still really new to game
>oh hey there's a spartan champion
>ten minuites into the game he's 7-0
>he kills Fiora again
>all: you're in my lane bro

I love top. And Pantheon.

>nose ring
>my chemical romance levels of eyeliner
>disgusting sjw voice

truly the worst waifu
I like it. Honestly, Rakan's is worse.
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the fact reddit loves/accepts it makes it so. so. much worse
>win lane lose game: the champ
>it's literally 2017 and SYNDRA STILL oneshots ADs on cooldown

lolbabbs will defend this?
>Big fun ears and lips
>Then everything else
tfw i just want normal summoners rift games with no mana costs on anyone
play jayce bro, he wins early and can actually carry
>its a lolg thinks it can do balance episode.

Kog is fine.

Stop being rework happy fuckunts.
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whats your excuse for not having announcers yet?

>My rank is irrelevant
>Tells Kog poster to post his rank
>Calls him Silver

Its only irrelevant now that you got put on blast about not knowing what the fuck you're talking about and look like a dumbass.
>get caught out of position against a burst mage
Oh wow, who would have thought?
yeah riot bends over for reddit, I tried posting constructive critique on the reveal but I just got downboated to infinity

your taste is shit
Riot is incompetent.

Also we have no Pyrion Flax equivalent.
>Friend plays Pantheon
>Gank him for ez kills
>Gets me fed
>I'm able to help bot and/or mid snowball

I like Pantheons in my games tbqh.

but stormraiders surge on kog is fucking shit, fervor or TLD are both better depending on what you build

still waiting on his rank
dont post that garbage dead game ever again
well, kinda. You can go bork, but go runaan's after then IE if you're gonna build crit.

On kog'maw, because he's such a late game champion and crit is dog shit it's better to go on hit because it's scales well, is cheap, and also multiplies upon itself and his W damage. The problem with crit is that it's rng and if you don't have your W up you're pretty much in 500 range of people without any AD steroids or any supplements to you damage. but with on hit you maximize your window of power with W while having good damage without it
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Why did riot let Showtime make a set of Champions? I mean the target audience of this game isn't teen girls or MTV.
As a game, League of Legends is not actually built for 1v1s with actual depth (as are all games in this genre), especially in the early game when champions don't have their full kits. There is only depth when multiple players are involved and top lane is the least relevant lane on the map so the least likely to involve other players.

This means jungle intervention is the biggest deciding factor on top lane but also the biggest trap for the team because it means your team is giving up pressure somewhere else.

Smart top laners know their best possible course of action is to taunt the enemy jungler top lane and then not lose too hard, actually winning lane is the second best outcome. Stupid top laners think that top is the 1v1 honorabru duel rane except when they lose and then it's their jungler's fault for not helping.

Top laners focused on winning have top lane as their second because they know they would influence the game more from literally any other position. Top laners that have top lane as their primary do it because they feel more comfortable in a lane that has to think about fewer variables and decisions.

The other class of top laners are mains who's main is only viable top lane which is an understandable decision.
>get caught out of position

are we trying to forget that she has a cross screen stun
Why won't Riot take literally any of the good concepts fans have written up and/or posted on their forums?

Because Rito's shit but the game is addictive because waifus and that glorious feeling when you're stomping a cheap fuck.
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Kog is cute!
the critbuild might be better midseason since the ie/zeal combo gets 300 gold cheaper + adaptive helm lowers the onhit damage of kog
>panth is a bad champion
easiest way to spot a sub diamond nigger
well to be fair, they do listen sometimes

Kalista was pretty much copy pasted from a popular ADC suggestion.

Many things like it, im too lazy to look them up but im sure its on the wiki
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I wanna pull Ahri's tails!
What's with platinum players and their habit to do the exact opposite of what you tell them to
oh yeah probably. The other problem that crit kog'maw has is that his damage is mixed so he doesn't have good synergy with void staff or LDR/MR and MR stacking kinda sucks so a wits end + his W passive was more than enough to shred everyone since even squishies got melted
>wins early game
>dies every time he has to go in mid/lategame since his range is dogshit and isnt tanky at all
he meant you were out of the base
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this would be extremely painful for the ahri
And her coming fucked up lore and especially messed with my man Hecarim. Hecarim did nothing wrong, Kalista was just being a traitorous bitch.
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I know whats under her helmet

>when if you look at what most high elo players run on him you'll see its Stormraiders

Not the guy you're arguing with but you're a fucking idiot

Fervor is the most popular by some distance (74%) whilst warlords falls in second (20%) in plat and above.

just qss the stun
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She's a big fox.
I don't play adc. I just went to probuilds and found two pros using storm raiders on kog in yoloqueue. It was gosu and some chink. It appears the other guy has some merit.

I can see the value in it.

However there's 0 value in tld on kog. You're trollin.
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for you
Okay guys redpill me on [toplaner] mid.
>what is a pick
>what is a split push
That's what I was originally warned about the fellow.

Eventually found it worked out best to take the early item/gold advantage and apply it to other lanes. Ult bot, take their turret, dragon then go and invade the enemy jungler.

Yeah, it definitely happens. Have to either make picks or find that perfect little window to hop in. Or just chill back and peel for the carries.

Still learning. It has been fun.
its not like you wont be shitting out damage with crit + an lw item, the onhit damage just acts like a very strong steroid even then
atleast in my opinion

[STILL waiting on rank]

top lane is also THE lane for cheesy shit since it's less relevant than the other positions, splitpushing being the most common example.
plat 3 is pretty nice tyvm

this shit never gets old.
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>splitpushing is cheese

What is a pick?
Xayah and Rakan stories are out

except you're not plat 3

post op.gg
>qss cooldown is 90 seconds
>level 3 ult cooldown is 80 seconds before cdr

really makes me think
That's not the logic behind going stormraiders. Originally they went stormraiders or the added mobility and kiting potential along with kog scripters using it to dodge more skillshots.

Certain kog'maw players also still go stormraiders from time to time when they see they need it, but they go fervor now too since it got buffed
>duo with jungle friend
>he camps me top as illaoi
>get ahead
>enemy jg ganks
>enemy top leaves game

pretty good
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>Thunderlords over Stormraiders

If your already going down the tree Stormraider is better. The damage from Thunderlords isn't going to matter much once Kog'Maw hits his spike and the utility from Stormraider allows him to kite back/chase people down really well. People underestimate how dumb of a keystone Stormraiders is.

Fervors alright too but the utility you get from Stormraiders is pretty strong on a immobile champion like Kog'Maw. Damage doesn;t mean shit if you get killed and SRS makes it harder to catch him.
>Lover big sexy braids
>but she had gross bird feet
my dick is so conflicted right now.
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tfw no ahri gf
>wins early game
>snowballs his lane
>snowballs other lanes with his ult
fixed that for you
I don't care about your meme debate but people in plat can be terrible.

I once witnessed a D5 ezreal OTP that built Gauntlet AND Triforce every single game - and that was after the nerfs to gauntlet.
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here you go
who cares, just give ahri her new vastaya story, and let me be at peace already
well, yeah but when your w is on CD since you don't really have any steroid behind you smol dick crits (relative to other adcs).

on hit will be better as long as it makes his window of power strong enough to where he only needs it once to kill everyone

crit isn't bad, it's just suboptimal.

stormraiders on kog accounts for less than 2% of total kog games, with fervor 74% warlords 20% smite 3% and deathfire 1% for whatever reason

if it was really that good more people would use it. it might be viable but it's still shit compared to fervor.
>adc influencing the game more than top
>support influencing the game more than top

I get that you're meme-ing but cmon now. There's a reason rank 1 in solo queue is almost always a top laner. Sometimes a jg. Never anything else.
no doubt about onhit being better currently, just saying that crit build is pretty good now that the ass tier rework has been reverted, or atleast i remember it being good, havent really played him all that much since the rework
A huge chunk of that statistic taken from plat games.

this just isn't true

top laners haven't been relevant since the juggernaut patch

ADCs are good for objectives
Junglers are good for obvious reasons
Top lane is a literal fucking island that hasn't been relevant since TP got nerfed
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>playing Yorick
>splitpushing hard during late game
>at inhib turret
>my team suddenly engages 4v5
>they all die
At what elo does this shit stop?
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riot considered it as such at some point around seasons 5 and 6 and tried to kill it with their turret and minion changes :^)
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Playing Soraka in solo queue ranked Silver hell be like...

which is still higher than 90% of people here

just because some silver shitter had success with a meme keystone that doesn't make it good
>no MR underleveled ADs still cry about muh burst
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>tfwno gf
>girl actually shows interest in me
>not complete ugly either
>scared of commitment and timewasting already
>will find a way to fuckit up anyhow

this is the life I chose

it doesnt
>we're gonna make it harder to splitpush
>meanwhile towers still fall like paper planes lategame when all you need is one tank to dive a tower (and eat 8 shots without it breaking their shield), kill the enemy team, then the tower falls in two seconds afterwards
>not even counting mountain drakes
>not even counting baron buff
I thought it was usually jungle with this season being the exception of it with top laners.

But yeah because of the nature of top lane it's whoever plays the more OP top laner wins and snowballs the game because of how those champions work.

the rework was ass tier because it halved all of his AD damage. It was even stronger with on hit because you were applying 5 different on hits per a second with every other second applying 10 onhits because of guinsoo

was absolutely busted
>tfw gf but she's not here
girls arent worth it senpai, live every second for yourself alone, be happy
love is an artificial emotion
your hand>a wet hole with various stds
Except what I said IS true. It's always true. Revenge had his fiora. Ray stomping on whatever he wants.

Rank 1 is almost always a top laner. What I say is objective fact.

What you say would be impossible to coexist with my statement.

If your statement can't coexist with my statement and my statement is fact it means you're wrong. I don't even need to get in to the nitty gritty of WHY you're wrong.
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I miss when Karma was black. Now she's Filipino or something. Kinda cool but also kinda whack.
She's always worth it anon.
dear oldfags why is season 3 considered the best?

t. season 5 babby
When do the new champs come out?
This skin looks like hot garbage to me tbqh.

Not just that
> splitpushing is cheese
> the enemy just leaves the lane open and taking advantage of that is somehow bad on your part
>0/10 personality
>0/10 hair
What the fuck does Rakan see in her?
That better not be the official splash
But she was never African Black, she's Indian Black.
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>“I have friends in the south,” he says. “The Kinkou must be informed.”

>“Humans broke the pact.” I feel my blood rising. “How can you not see this as a grievous trespass? To them, magic is power. To us, it is life. They will never respect our boundaries.”
>“Humans are a splintered race, Xayah. Only Zed and his shadows broke the pact. They do not speak for all men.”
>“You are naïve. Your friends in the south will betray you. Then, they will turn on us all.”
>“The Kinkou are honorable. They will believe me. I trust them.”
>“So you’re not naïve, you’re an idiot.” Akunir is shocked that I dare speak to him like this. I reject the notion of being diplomatic. Diplomacy will not restore life to the dead.
Coll stands up. Her face is a mask of grief and anger. “I will go back north, Akunir. I will tell them what was done to us.”

>Humans and Xayans had actually lived in relative peace with one another until this incident
>they had some sort of pact to keep to themselves but Zed broke it by attacking/capturing some Vastayans with shadow magic or some shit

Xth for Zed and Xayah starting a civil war between humans and Vastayans because they're radical retards.

oh boy. I love it when mass innocents lose their lives because people cant talk it out! Characters that are hot heads are so endearing and interesting and definitely not completely annoying rage fuel!
>Draven keeps pushing up even though I tell him he shouldn't as they have a Vayne/Blitz rape train
>He keeps pushing and we get ganked by a Graves
>No matter what I do I can't save Draven and die trying
>Top lane is a RIBBEN MAYNE that feeds
>Jungler is a Xin who is so retarded he thinks going in on a 4 man team alone because one of them is low HP is a good idea, also falls for recall baits

I'm never gonna place in Silver II at this rate.
Did Karma not just get a skin 4 months ago for Snowdown?
and dem negro birbs be runnin n sheeeeit
If bot lane snowballs the game is over. Bot tower falls, dragon falls, mid falls, jungler is starved of their bot jungle. Both the adc and the support have the power to make that happen (if support is good and plays something like Zyra then the adc just has to play some braindead shit like Ashe or Cait and throw out some autos to nab assists; if adc is good and plays something like Lucian or Jhin then the support just needs to play some braindead shit like lulu or janna and spam shields so the adc can 1v2)

If top lane snowballs then top falls and you get some pressure on mid. It's an advantage but hardly game-breaking.

Just look at what top laners most complain about from their games, "Wow I smashed top lane but my bot lane was inting so there was nothing I could do." Bot laners rarely complain about their top inting because top literally can't int hard enough to stop their winning bot lane from destroying the nexus.

NA is top
EUW is supp
EUNE is jungle
BR is top
KR is jungle
TR is mid
RUS is adc
LAN is jungle
OCE is mid
JP is jungle

>the only rank 1 tops are NA and BR

fucking kek, take your meme role and fuck off retard

if you expand it took look at top 3 instead it's obvious how much more influential jungle is
Yeah Xayah is an ethnonationalist. She's a SJW /pol/tard. Either of those is bad enough on its own.
zed was right, gas the furries
>Bot laners rarely complain about their top inting because top literally can't int hard enough to stop their winning bot lane from destroying the nexus.

I would like to disagree.
I manage to lose more games as ADC when my top laner ints because no one can stop him from split pushing otherwise my top will try and 1v1 him and die again or will try and team fight on tryndamere and suicide making the game 4v5

i lose more games because of shitter tops than i do any other role
>"SJWs and /pol/fags are equally bad! xD"
Lol, no. They're both annoying, but one is FAR FAR worse. You know which one that is, and why.
Anyone got templates of the charts n shit?
>Rank 1 is almost always a top laner. What I say is objective fact.
Rank 1 is about maintaining a positive winrate at the highest tier of play, not about having an inordinate amount of influence on the game.

51% winrate is all you need, and when you're in the irrelevant lane that is easily possible because winning the lane is better than not and if you are better you will win.

But in terms of influence within a single game, top is still the worst.
It doesn't.

>guys I'm hitting their inhib just delay, don't engage
>an ally has been slain
>enemy double-kill
>get pinged 50 times
>ugly male
>wish I was a female
>truly dislike myself
I'm feeling really down /vg/. I'm a typical ugly hairy male that plays video games. Before you say anything, no I'm not a neet. I work. And I work hard. I resupply, gauge, and maintain fuel for navy ships. It's a dirty job. At the end of the day I'm always covered in chemicals I don't even know the names of. I truly wish I was a girl. Everyday I think about it. I refuse to be useless though. I work hard, and my help contributes to getting our men out to sea. But at the end of the day....im just not happy. How can league of legends help me be girly? I know it's not real....but just an escape from reality to pretend to be what I dream of..its all I'm asking for. What's a decent champion roster regardless of role that most females tend to play? And what are some girly account name suggestions? I know this is a bit off topic and I'm sorry. I just want some suggestions please.
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How is this not SSS tier belly and hips?
>zed was right, gas the furries

he wasn't trying to ethnic cleanse them because they're furries

he was literally sapping their power to fuel shadow magics or some shit.

Zed went from a misunderstood/mistreated pupil gone bad to a total asshole who only cares about MUH POWAH.

Zed went from Tai Lung to Shredder. Fucking lame
>RUS is adc
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take mine, and select/delete with the square selector in paint to white it all out. i have a "draw the last champion you played" and a life/interests type template as well. those are clean
I never said they were the same. It's the sjw that's worse, right?
>top lane is split pushing
>doesn't see that the enemy have the perfect 5 man flash engages
>goes and split
>"wtf guys look at this pressure ZOMG stop dying to amumu flash ult into mf ult"

kill all autistic top laners
How do I farm past lane phase? I can get almost 10 cs per minute up until that point, but after the ~20 minute mark, everyone in the game just kinda fiddle fucks around skirmishing here and there, and no one gets any good cs. Low elo btw.
t. xayah
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>Zed starts a war that will lead to the total eradication of all the furry filth in Ionia
The reply chain is saying top is the least influential role. Your post only confirms that my argument (it's not the least influential role) is correct.


What you're saying has nothing to do with adc or support tho. It has to do with jungle.

Yes if a jungle snowballs the weakest turret and most important early objective (drag) he will have a good time. No, adcs don't have much of a role in this.

In terms of what roles most easily influence the game it's

Jg > mid > top > adc > support.
obviously. i'm not delusional
Buttblasted adcbab detected.
dog I fucking lover her eyeliner and sidecut but god damn she's a big bowl of garbage
>turrets target the lowest HP person in their range
I fixed tower diving.
Farm side lanes. Fuck your team trying to aram mid. If there is nothing going on go farm bot/top
Why is thornmail bad?
Also would you build Mikael's on supports if it got its heal back and cleansed suppression?

>Rank 1 is almost always a top laner. What I say is objective fact.
>when only 20% of the #1s are top mains, behind 40% jungle

I thought you were being serious for a moment but now that you've said top>adc and support last in terms of influence I know you're retarded and most likely low elo
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>war with thousand year old race of hyper-magic sensitive animal warriors
>humans winning


I bet your the kind of faggot that thinks we could repel a War of the Worlds level alien invasion if one ever happened too huh?

Old Zed was fueld by jealousy,rage of betrayal and actually was onto the idea that tradition holds you back. He was literally misunderstood but completely right.

NuZed is just a asshole who fuels his powers with souls or someshit now and runs a cult.
>every turret expect tier 1 has that damage reducing laser that got removed from t3/4
i fixed towers
some keep you as a reserve or want friendship under false premise with no real attention of going any further which can waste a lot of your time/investment
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Post champs just casually hanging out.
jungle matters more than adc or support but it's actually
jg > mid > supp > adc > top

it sounds weird putting supp above adc because supp players are on average worse than other players at the same elo, but supps still have more influence on the game by setting up fights in bot lane and controlling vision while roaming. really good supps are able to snowball bot and mid almost simultaneously.
fuck off xayah, power is worth more than your shitty race
adolf zedler is right
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>No, adcs don't have much of a role in this.

Are you saying that ADCs, the best role at taking objecitves and following up on ganks/engages from the jg/supp have no influence?

jg > mid > adc > supp/top

top literally has 1 job and that's to not feed. No one gives a fuck if top gets fed, that's just a bonus. but if they both just afk farm and let everyone else do the work then that's fine to. top can pressure the map and bait the enemy team away unless they're playing a peel/engage tank but regardless top is almost always worthless

The reason why most people lose games is because of top's "le ebin outplay i HAVE to get fed and win" mentality that loses the game making a 4v6
You're retarded.

A lane with the least amount of influence should have the hardest time maintaining positive win rates because of their low impact on the game. Count up each role in top 10 of each region and you'll see its

Jg mid top adc support.

She will always be worth it, anon.
If your top lane is pushing and you have no vision on the enemy team then back the fuck up. When you see people showing up top that's when you push the lane.

Unless of course you have vision then you can handle it better and start pushing the moment the enemy team starts to peel away.

Splitting isn't rocket science and it fails because no one knows what to do besides team deathmatch past 20 minutes.
Someone at Riot was watching too much of James Cameron's Avatar.

Not surprised, faggots get "inspired" from literally anything these days.
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L̴̺̿͗ͦ̅̐̒̏Ū͇͈̗̭̻̮̳ͅL̡͇̙̥̱̼̞̭͒̈͐̎ͧͯ͢Ṳ̹̱͖̪͔̄͑͗ ̶̻̗̃̍ͯ͌ͤ̽̓̿ ̡̧̗̥͚̬̼̳̙ͯ̈́ͮͭͪ̓͢Ȋ̘͈͕͛͋͊̆͆͞͝S̵̮͉̙̒ͣ̂̀̄̐̾̾̚͟͝ ̦̏̑͗̓ͨḤ̸͕̱̲͗̐͗̈́͒̈́͘Ê̘̞͕͉̫̹ͭR̢̨̼̥͐̐̑ͅĖ̩̳̝͇̣ͨ͊͗ͧ̀ͅͅ
probably the least sexualized poolparty art
IGN: Homicidial Lolita

I want to support a strong adc that wants to get to gold!
So what does that make Akali now?
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How do we make riot put yasuo into the gutter?
He makes the game unfun to play for everyone involved.
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>it's another "lolg's silver surfers argue among themselves about game balance" episode

>A lane with the least amount of influence should have the hardest time maintaining positive win rates because of their low impact on the game.
Positive winrates are easy, just sandbag the lane with a waveclear champion that scales and ward more often than other players at your elo and you'll hit 50.5% winrate up until probably plat I elo.
HIGH positive winrates are hard. To get to 60% winrate you need to actually be killing your lane opponent and taking the tower. To hit 70% you need to be making ganks and winning other lanes for your teammates.
What's better on Jhin Warlords or DFT
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I miss those stories
they wont, his fanbase plays him a lot and buys all his skins so he makes riot moneys
They wont. He's their secret poster child now.

He hasn't been nerfed hand since release, only a light slap here and there, then re-buffed.

He'll always be OP because Tencent are like 'yeah we like this guy, don't you dare touch him in a bad way or we'll cut your funding'
What happened to the


I miss them.
gee, I wonder what rank this poster could be
thought that was lee sin
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>furries used to live all across Ionia
>humans pushed them out of their lands and claimed them for their own
>now can only live in the forest

Funny how you forgot to mention that part.
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kalista became worthless. those memes will return when she does
>go to honor a player
>accidentally send them a friend request because I already reported them and the option to honor them is grayed out

But Yasuo is shit? I don't play him but I play his two lanes and he's never banned or picked in Plat 2. Haven't seen him in a ranked game at all this year.

it was forced by one guy probably you

d5 actually

so higher than 99% of lolg
the two champions it was primarily used on were nerfed into the dirt
and nothing of value was lost
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you do realize d5 is dogshit right
Kalista (the original "a foul stench enters the room" meme) got nerfed into irrelevance, now she's kinda ok
Azir and Vlad both got gutted too

bascially every "shits self" champion got fucked
shes cancerous ever since bork got buffed
fuck off
Nah m8 he's in nearly every normal and ranked game I've been in.

He's so cancerous he's deadpool levels of untouchable.
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>yasuo is shit
get the fuck out.

d5 might as well basically be p
higher than 99% of lolg is what i said
>humans pushed them out

nah. not consciously atleast

people just stopped using magic so it became uninhabitable for them
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>stormraiders on kog accounts for less than 2% of total kog games, with fervor 74% warlords 20% smite 3% and deathfire 1% for whatever reason

From where did you even got these statistics?
It's almost as though percentage based damage is bullshit.

See also Vayne (except without the safety net of triple the range.)
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and what you said is wrong
good, magic is an abomination
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I can't wait to tear Xayah to pieces. I'm excited just thinking about it.

please provide a link instead of an image

for stats see >>173804343
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I drew a kat trying to copy this
Vlad is back to being a pain in the ass. Kalista is sort of coming back, and you can adapt the meme to anyone.
expecting a god emperor image any second now, at this rate
>tfw it REALLY is your teammates fault

how am i supposed to carry 4 inting retards every game
>zed killing the furry filth
your saying it like its a bad thing

>it's another bronzie crying about muh team episode

epic truly epic, upvote for you good sir :)
>tobias having a mental breakdown on stream because people are asking him to play GP


Plenty people in NA and EuW run stormraiders on kog'maw with good results, just because your favourite gook players don't use it, it doesn't mean it's bad you silver surfer
damn, actually not bad. even for a trace. good job!

>go and fap to furries and yordles after saying this
Help me I'm silver and I can't farm
most boring and least relevant.

The jungle desides what happens.

The only good part is you're usually the second or third most useful person in a teamfight after laning is done.
>people who don't take stormraider's on kog
How's being retarded treating you?
The anon you're replying to used a screenshot from NA. Probably a little more topical considering where we're posting.

>implying NA or EU are relevant in the slightest

come back when one of them wins worlds

if the best players don't use it then be proxy it's shit

If the answer to any of these is yes, then you have your reason.

also deatfire grasp.
R.I.P. best item
Never again the days of playing ahri and dfg into eq for a one shot.
>people just stopped using magic so it became uninhabitable for them
Based humans. Even just by existing they send furries to hell.
Just make him need more crit items to get 100% 2 is fucking retarded and they don't even need to be the full item either
not actually a trace, drew all the lines freehand for practice

learning to draw is one of the things I try every year then play league every day instead
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>Their pro teams are better so all players plat+ there are better

Love this meme.
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40k was a mistake.

I fucking hate any potential for interesting conversation about alien of foreign races instantly becomes LELE DIE ZENO FILTH XDDD LE EMPERUH posting

its not funny and its forced as fuck. like do you chuckle to yourself as you type it out and post your shitty angry marine macro image?

Its basically just shitposting at this point and its obnoxious as fuck.

epic post bruh

furries are so fucking lame am I right! Kill em all I say XD!

PROTIP: stop trying so hard
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>if i don't like it it's a meme

there's a reason every other region copies korean trends
t. xeno loving faggot
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NA was the first to do ranged sups when all every region picked was melee supports and now ranged supports are meta.
40k posting is better than you and most likely older.
yeah, the first few times i saw it, i actually giggled. now it's just like. every time. without fail: "HERESY, PURGE, FILTH"
h-haha... yeah. we get it.

season 3 was the best because THE BALANCE OF POWER

t.beta elderfag and quite possibly the oldest poster here
>worshopping on a corpse on a chair
Yeah like how Na and eu are totally always going fervor on kog to copy the superior Korean players.
>he doesn't pick bruisers into melee assassins mid
What is the best way to play malphite top? Ap or tank? Also what runes and masteries should i use?
How does Rakan look as being a support? Is he shit, decent, good, too much?
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>worshipping warpy shit

dont do this
fervor triforce into tank, maybe build wits end
i like roa>abyssal> full tank
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I want to look EXACTLY like diana!

Is Xerath disabled yet? I can't ban him on blinds and I've had two games with that shit on them.
oh, you just eyeballed it? that's even more impressive. drawibng is an aswome alternative to vidya. and actually productive, keep it up man! i draw a lot myself, but not humans or animals. i'd like to learn those eventually. i admire the people who can, like you
>ban Xerath
>"You have been returned to the matchmaking queue"
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>Chrono-Displasia granted him immortality, but detached his consciousness from its anchor in the present time.

Pretty sure that makes Zilean ascended, no? Also you misspelled unparalleled.
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What was the Xerath exploit?
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>Support main
>When Xayah releases everyone will be using her.
>Forced to either buy her anoying slave or be insulted all game.
Just end me already.
you're lying
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you're right
my friendship with the chaos gods has ended
tarzyn is my friend now
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The popular vote has decided that yasuo is cancer
He's good but his kit will make shitters go GG THIS TEAM. So very team dependent to be good.
Shoulda played Jungle
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don't you need the fucking script to make it work anyways? so you can see where you have to stand?

he stands in a certain place by the wall at his fountain, and his q covers the entire map, hitting all enemies. he just does that all game
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>people risking a permaban
Why, though?

Apparently it's still around.

His Q hitting every enemy minion and most of the champions when fired from a particular place within his base. Like, a few inches outside the fountain.
>thornmail changes got reverted
why live?
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>I dont like Skub
>"t.anti-skub lover XDDD"

witty and orginal response. no really. never seen that one before

40k posting was only a response to furfag threads. After furryshit became verboten on all boards except /b/ and /trash/ theres literally no reason to continue the tradition outside of appropriate threads

Talking about the new champions who happen to have animalistic qualities is not the same as J.Naylor dumping and you know it you little faggot.

i think people who do it should get 1 day bans. its off-topic, half assed and it never actually leads to interesting conversations

its just unfunny forced "board culture".
if he stands in a certain spot in his base his Q will hit everything on the map including all champions, minions, and jungle camps.
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anyone else think bard's mask thing looks like a face
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>come back when one of them wins worlds
Now you're just proving how retarted you are if you think that this even matters in the slightest bit. You are probably playing on NA jerking off to Faker's stream thinking if you copy exactly what he is doing you will get out of your silver III promos instead of looking at it like someone with more than 2 fucking brain cells that just jumps on the gook hype train and plays Ashe with stoneborn pact saying it's super busted and how much freelo you got.

>if the best players don't use it then be proxy it's shit
You think that the statistics show what pros use? Do you even know that sites like op.gg or champion.gg use data from ALL ranked games from plat+? The site doesn't give a fuck about your precious pros that play in a totally different environment than a low elo scrub. If you want to go and copy your precious pros and the shit that they do which is basically abusing anything that is meta without playing what they actually enjoy like the game is supposed to be then go ahead copy them form probuils and then come back to shitpost how impossible it is to climb because 'muh teammates'.
Wait what why?

Thornmail is a fucking shit item and that would be such an easy fix.
Friend that introduced me to the game told me to always go Supp with him adc to be "safe".
Later found out he just wanted someone to support for him. Now its the only role im decent at.
>being this assmad that your shit opinion doesnt matter
did warhammer murder your family or something faggot
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What are the two roles who hate each other the most?
I vote top and adc
Imagine being this retarded.
hopefully it comes back next week when the actual midseason testing begins, i actually liked the randuins thornmail mix
mid and jungle
I usually hate my jungler when i play top
And I usually hate my top when i'm jungling
if my top isn't feeding then its probably my mid

Top and Jungle
Top and Mid
Top and Support
solo adc and solo support

otherwise this:>>173808608
What are some league streamers/youtubers that aren't garbage? The podcasts I listen to haven't updated yet, and I'd like something to listen to while boosting a friend to g5
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>Teleports behind your galaxy

Adc supp
Top jungle
Everyone vs feeding midlane

The roles most reliant on another usually hate the players of the other role
solo adc and solo support
top and jungle
mid and jungle
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Pro players. Only. Like qtpie, dyrus, dom, voyboy, sneaky is alright sometimes, doublelift is boring as fuck but okay. Anybody else, like redmercy, pantsaredragon, bricky, brofresco etc, are GARBAGE. Not worth a second of your time, and are reddit panderers with obnoxious underage followings.
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what would you do to Miss Fortune?
Call her a degenerate whore

Yes anon, new Cosmic Blade Master Yi.

(Looks alot like Cosmic Reaver, just like the Leaker said :^) )
this is the skin the non shitter mf players use
pp or arcade = shit

secret agent: you know shes going to rape you with a 12 inch strap on the entire game
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What about SoloRenektonOnly
>Morg who throw out 50+ bindings in a game and hit all of 3 of them and didn't put a single point into black shield until level 3 complains that the ADC is underfarmed and does no damage when we couldn't trade because she couldn't hit her shit.

Sorry that our Jhin morg lane was already weak to an ashe sona lane because they had sustain and poke but you made it worse by not knowing how to play your god damn champion.

Tune in next week, same shitty hour, same shitty day for more "Ununastonishing Tales from Silver!"
>most brain dead role in any game
Fixed it for you
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It actually is. Secret Agent and Captain Fortunes are guaranteed to fuck your whole team.

this is bait

kr>na/eu this is an established fact
>Got Bewitched Morgana skin from a box
Should I go ahead and learn to play her?
Singed420 always makes me chuckle. Only plays Singed, but is pretty good at it and manages to keep it interesting.
*until level 13
here is your (you)
morgana mid is so boring, you'll want to blow your brains out

if you play support I suggest kysing urself
he's honestly alright. not as good in terms of skill as pros, but definitely close. and has a mature fanbase for the most part.

>i have no retort so i'll just use le epic you meme

thanks i guess
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>Have a PROJECT: Yi Shard
>Don't even play Yi
>Cosmic Blade Yi actually looks pretty dope
I don't even know
Why are there 0 good popular toplane streamers?
>inb4 dyrus
I love the guy but just no
Singed420 is funny to watch but he's not actually a good player. All he does is int while his team takes free objectives.
Just stop replying. He's just some kid that wants attention.
The fact that it works makes me realize its not that he's good, everyone else just sucks.
>he doesn't understand the value of (you)s
Gonna be shit for you when they're worth sonething
Personally I love Dekar

listening to him go ham on his chat is fucking hilarious

I got to sit through this gem (21hr stream) today


I was fucking ROLLING at this hour long argument/rant with one of his mods
Tobias is pretty popular, no?

I've been occasionally tuning in to Keegun and Quas.
wtf I main yi now
He's a GP god but all he can do is feed on literally any other champ
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Would Illaoi try and tempt Trynd into cheating on Ashe for some of her milk chocolate?
His TF and Karthus are decent enough.
>Rakan Champion Bio
>tl;dr Greatest Battle-Dancer in history, he's a Travelling Vastaya that fell for Xayah since didn't immediately fall for him like everyone else, after spending some time with her decided to follow her crusade to reclaim the power of vastaya
>happy, spontaneous, a bit cocky/narcissist

>Short Story
>rakan is about as adhd as it gets, pays as much attention to the person he's talking as to the background sound of leaves falling
>infiltrates an ionian fortress
>steals the golden amulet he uses for his melee auto, zero fucks that he's literally stealing something that's not his
>ends up distracting literally everyone in the fortress while xayah actually does whatever she's supposed to do there
>ionians have guns, basic soldiers seem to have them
>these ionians also capture vastayans because ???
>one of the captured vastayans die in the escape from the fortress
>wife of leader of the captured vastayans decides to come back to their tribe and alert everyone of what these ionians are doing, then prepare for war
>said leader decides to go away to the south
rakan is literally the worst narrator/pov ever

i mean i appreciate the you don't get me wrong, i'm just surprised he conceded that storm kog is shit
Why has everyone ditched building lethality on graves? Why jhin only gets YG now if any lethality at all? I don't remember it being nerfed hard.
That's what I've just. Just saying that he seems to be one of the more popular top laners, if you can call him that.

what are bonus stats? are those referring to your rune set up or your base stats? i'm wondering how the new sterak scales
btork got buffed and so hoppy chick of spears and doubleshot nigger became meta again
MF still gets it
Bonus stats are stats from runes, masteries, and items.
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>Not Braum
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>when you accidentally upgrade Elementalist Lux to Mystic form
Yeah I know about botlane metashift but I don't understand why suddenly majority of graves games have him going bc->pd->situational instead of yg->eon oneshot rapemachine.
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you have to fuck the first waifu or husbando posted below you, how fucked are you lolg
I just ban them so my team doesn't pick them and feed
>Hearthstone and GTA having more viewers than LoL on twitch

What the fuck is happening?

Is this game finally dying?
What Jungler can melt tanks?
also, the best part of the short story is how much emphasis is given on the fact that he doesn't really pay that much attention to things that aren't Xayah (and even to her not that much attention)
Xayah's story is the same fact but it's very different even in scenes they're together because he's so fucking adhd

It wasn't really nerfed on Graves, some still build it and if you're looking for burst it's what you should build
"Tanky" Graves however is much more consistent and forgiving of mistakes so it's probably what you should be building on him in most cases

Have you tried that build? You're literally unkillable and Graves autos that already hurt like hell are even stronger.
desu i dunno why graves doesnt stack lethality too, never noticed him much
Hearthstone has a big tournament happening right now, not sure what's going on with GTA.
He would have wanted this
No one will waifupost now, because no waifuposter will willingly let someone else fuck their waifu, unless they're ahricuck.

Is this some next-level post designed to rid /lolg/ of waifufags?
Literally so, in the best position, amazon style
i'd figure
>1 vs 1
>when almost every game the first gank is on top lane after junglers get their skills lvled up
Master yi
No one waifuposts because no one is here right now. And no one guides by rules or statements made by some random anon.

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Probably really fucked.
Kinda but she lacks movement
CC'd to death and only in late and even then he can get oneshoted
>jax has AP scalings on ALL abilities

literally why is he always built AD?
Because he's auto attack focused.
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That's the point, genious.

Also requesting pic related but with bard for kirby.
because he has to auto to deal damage and the ap scalings aren't that great
>not a .gif
Man that's a waste
get good, and alpha all the cc for pentakills
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>when janny deletes your image that's been around in previous 80 threads
Jax isn't built AD or AP he's built on hit because he has arguably the game's best AS steroid and a shit ton of innate on-hit damage. He can't commit a ton of item slots or gold to AP items, he'd explode instantly if he built AP. A diving melee has to build tanky to survive.
>accidentally upgrade to the best form
>>zed killing the furry filth

Meanwhile one of his fellow comrades in his old Kinkou order life was a magical furry.

Chances are that they're pulling a Viktor and Zed is sapping lifeforce magic out of Vastaya in an effort to stop a bigger threat.

not in a million years

INB4 no-skill/noobchamp

Xin. You get the bloodrazor, bc and botrk. With the razor alone, tanks can't hang out with you forever and you outsustain them with w, even without maxing it. With bc and your passive, it's like he has an armor pen item, only that because it's reduction and not penetration, everyone gets these 45% including your ad top laner and your adc. If you can play it somehow, itd be better if you instead picked vi and built the same but I haven't made it work. Downsides in non-tank-melting situations were too big.
>being canon as a member of Kinkou

We don't know what they will play with Kennen since everyone thinks Yordles do not exist and shit, even when that doesn't explain shit like Heimerdinger and Corki in Piltover.

Maybe Zed is sapping the lifeforce to keep the shadow alive.
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Master Yi is now literally a Protoss High Templar
>these ionians also capture vastayans because ???

Xayah's short story refers to them as shadow acolytes and mentions the Order of Shadows, also mentions they use souls/life essence for weapons.

vastayans are naturally magic so maybe their souls are better for this
You can build AP if you really want to, works fine in pubs, but you need to get ahead to one shot people with jump-stun-w-3rd otherwise it's worse in every aspect. It's kinda cheesy build but it works if you aren't playing ranked with people who know what they're doing.
The result: Xerath Q has an AoE large enough to hit everything on the map, including all enemy champions and minions.

it seems to require a hack/script to do (or at least to do it consistently)
it involves standing in an exact position in the base, they use a script to select the exact coordinates
it also may involve fucking with your settings in a weird way
i suspect there is some kind memory overflow issue that overwrites the size of xerath's q to some absurdly huge value
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mods are asleep post skarner
Garen is literally just a regular Demacian foot soldier...
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