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League of Legends General - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 746
Thread images: 209

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Don't forget to ward edition

OT: >>173649918
eyoson a shit
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reminder that miss fortune is the lewdest and bestest
What if Azir was a female champion
she doesn't have green eyes, what kind of redhead is this take it back
How's your ladder climbing going anons? You managed to get out of Silver already, right?
do you think kindred would give you a last request if you went willingly
would lamb take a nap with you if you asked nicely
would lamb sleep with you if you asked nicely
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
you back the FUCK off my green eyed qt
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You tell me
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>strong lead
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Lunari isn't for bullying!
Image limit reached, I-I'm a dumbass.
so how come you don't talk about how bad ass soraka is? the angle her q hits at feels so fucking good
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>""""""gamer"""""" girls
Convince me rage blade on varus is bad.
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what would anons do to me if i looked exactly like janna?
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>implying you didn't send her a friend request anyways
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Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
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>implying impliable
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I'm getting closer, i'm just too fucking lazy. I'm honestly having more fun playing Earthbound, and
a couple norms than ranked

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Steal you all for myself, hug you in strong arms every night, make you wear cute clothes for me and use your hair to masturbate.
Lunari is for becoming a mommy and giving me twins.
You can act as tsundere as you want but i know you secretly want many small lunaris! i-i hope
Didn't see there was a new thread

>want to play
>friends from work added me and only play aram
>don't want to do that 24/7
wat do
why the hair? just curious
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>cropping your name but giving all nine summoners that were in the match
graw hello??!? Prepare to get hacked retard
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>introduced colleague to League
>I got fired
>we don't play anymore but I still see him in game

f-fine it's n-not like I wanted to play anyway
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>Im a rebel >:3
>stop looking at my butt :<
>wow I h8 it when they tell me not to stab some1.. makes me want to stab them xD
>dont call me cute >:(
Possibly sneak glances at you and masturbate to the fantasy of you later on because you'd be 2qt to approach
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I wanna bake a thousand cupcakes with Lulu!
Offer to become your agent for photoshoots and appearances. Then ask you for the secret
what happens if you touch her birb ears?
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>implying I didn't do that for purpose so you could play a little Sherlock Holmes minigame and check my Kha'Zix match history meanwhile

You are to stupid
Now the egirls have an ADC to pick up at least.
Where are the results?
>Launch LoL after not playing for 4-6 months
>Patch new client
>Excited to start playing
>Enter password
>Account Banned / Permanently Suspended
>Not a toxic player or have done anything negative that could have led me to a ban
>Never remember seeing an email about it
>Put in ticket to Riot Support
What a kill joy
It takes 6 auto attacks before you get the bonus that makes Rageblade really worth it.

Varus wants to be in melee range as little as possible. 3 AA for the passive stack is the dream, but its not necessary most of the time. 1 or 2 AAs before winding up a Q from a safe distance, with huge scalings from flat AD,

Most of the champions who get Rageblade have either A: an AA reset that lets them hit max stacks quicker or B: a need to apply on-hit effects rapidly Varus' 3 stack corruption cap limits how much benefit he gets out of it.
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I'm so jelly he gets to have her feet in his hands
it was funny the first 80 times this was posted
it was a boring game you don't really wanna see them
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It's soft and blonde and I want it wrapped around me.
who the fuck is going to eat them all?
i have no idea what im doing
We'll have a charity bake sale or something
Does anyone have a screencap of "UNCLE IS DEAD HYPE AS FUCK"

i am uninitiated
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Paul get some new reaction pics for fucks sake.

Consider this one a gift.
damn that is a hot Orianna
You got the one with "normals don't mean jack shit, desu"?
Whats more meme supreme?
K6 mid, Jhin mid, Quinn mid, or play the new bitch adc mid when she comes out
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i dont know what to say
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Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
Jhin support.
Not looking for meme supports, just meme mids
okay so drafts have bans by definition? I thought draft had something to do with picking the role you wanted once you understood roles
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>people have switched to stoneborn pact instead of DFT singed
>people started building rylais and knight's vow over ZZ rot and locket.
What a time to be alive and play league of shit talkers
But i dont like lulu!
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Why is Sona so big?
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im honestly not sure why i expected flex to be any different than soloqueue

>double digit deaths

every fucking time
Sivir mid
Waveclear with Q/W
Spell shield
Movespeed ult to run out of the shortest lane when you get ganked
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Right here
And I'll build tear on her for "q spamming XD"
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I am not really sure why anon
>tfw I found out she procs bandit on spirits and gets gold for killing them

Bad enough she's a complete cunt in lane but she gets an extra 45 gold for landing her E.
you forgot to edit out the "artist"'s name
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Wait no was that Lulu. I guess it was huh. But I wish it would have been you.

Now, where were we?
y'know she's still not cuter than you
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Which champion do I get to lvl 5 next?

5 decides
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>teammate calls our Udyr out for being a shitter
>agree with him
>Udyr tries to deflect by pointing out that I took Fervor on Renekton
I'm gonna reply to myself like the lonely fuck I am.

so blind is the only mode that lets you have the same champ on opposing teams, or random too I guess. Why, do people think it is boring? it is rustling me up
doesn't ferver get instantly stacked on ren?
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>>Udyr tries to deflect by pointing out that I took Fervor on Renekton
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sorry for bitching im sure it has a good lore reason, goodnight
>auto into 3hit W

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>udyr buffs mite b cool but will still make him inferior to other onhit junglers in every way
I just want my favorite jungler back
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I want to main kindred, I might buy them with real money but every time i pick kindred my team is always noooo but then we win
annie is so op
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lt's late NA, go to sleep..
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>tfw you'll never become a mom

Haha, I'll kms.
fuck you i woke up at midnight
How empty must be lissfag/lulufag's existences that they still do their thread shit posts after all these years

I haven't played this game in like a year and they're still here posting the same shit every thread
lt's becouse it's not the same person,
lulufagism has trascended individualism and evolved into a higher plane called meme
Lee Sin
>No wards

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>get support role
>dont play support

i wonder what led to your team losing
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xth for Syndra
was honestly kha flaming lux for missing point blank skills
he stopped participating in any fight, stopped taking jungle objectives, just tried to steal kills after a while
/vg/ vs /vg/ NA +3
pw is vidya
I want to pillow that behind
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Would you still fuck sona if she was a mom ?
3 for /vg/ vs /vg/, join now
>Lamb offers you a death by her arrow.
>You ask if she can shoot it while sitting on your face
l don't think anyone here would even if they say yes now
Only if I was the father~
x z e d
lt says 'a mom' not 'your mom' retard
it's x y z you fucking europoor
How the fuck are there still no new Illaoi skins
what are some painless methods of suicide?
Fuck you man! I hate Urgot.

But deal is a deal.
I can't deal with people any more I can't. The worst ones are those that make mistakes and make it your fault.
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best ashe skin?
Playing league of legends all the time
exit bag
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>that build

That's why you are in silver faggot
No one plays Illaoi so she doesn't get skins. That's just the way it goes.
Riot can't figure out how to disable things on the new client
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(you) do realize that (you) lost that game for your team right?

Stay silver, shitter.
>tomoka so bad he can't win against scripters
>no one plays Illaoi
>release ten outta ten skin for her
>people buy both the skin AND Illaoi herself because they probably don't have the IP on hand to get her right away to get the skin
Releasing good skins for unpopular champs seems like a strong way to get people to buy those strong champs.
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easiest successful report message of my fucking life
>we're not a duo
>find old video of HotshotGG streams
>remember the one room he streamed from which was a giant ass empty room with nothing in it.
Come back HotshotGG only you can save us from being retarded bored cucks.
Why is Shantae tailor made to produce boners
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You do realize that a faggot in diamond elo is abusing this, right? It's not a game anymore.
>have kogmaw
>instead of protecting him, build like a retard, and lose the game for your team
>go gg this team

No my man, (you) are the silver.
>hashinshin is a hillary shill

What did he mean by this?
Why the fuck would you ever build Mikael's when your carries should just get QSS?

For that matter when am I supposed to take cleanse?
I've seen as much fiddlesticks how many skins does he have
So when are we going to get a full female team that doesn't suck and self destruct one month after being formed?
>when are we going to get a full female team that doesn't do the thing women naturally do
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Post best shitposts

>kindred hug/fug
>lulu swim in (it grew on me)
>non-waifu shitposts
>litteral shit

Rate and H8 lolbabs
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>ywn go super saiyan while supporting Tyler1

why live
mating press is gay otherwise pretty accurate
Women are naturally egotistical and narcissistic, there will never be an all-female team, let alone a female ever in pro play. Also they suck shit at video games.
You forgot to tip your fedora, you virgin faggot.
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>tfw someone continues to carry on your legacy of lol memes
Tell them I've done something right in my life
There's no way that person isn't like 16
should i always shove in the wave and roam as malzahar since my abilities do such a good job at doing so
Yeah but Malz's ganks are way more useful against toplane than botlane.
>roaming as malz
yeah with all your amazing burst and cc....
Yeah, Malz doesn't have a 2.5s point and click suppression or anything else useful like that.
Literally Who?
Nothing I said was wrong, you pussy-whipped nigger.
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clakey was pretty good
im not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic or just retarded
>interrupted by cc
can you explain a little bit i always though bot would be easier since they have less mr
>be so frustrated about your inability to get pussy you become a literal faggot

lmaoing at ur life kiddo
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full put me in top
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>using malz ult before the support burns their CC
whats wrong with xerath right now
ok you're just retarded
>Let me NOT try to help my lanes because i will always get knocked out of my ultimate
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>Platinum three seasons in a row
>Place silver 5 in solo queue this year
>Main support/bot secondary.
>L I T E R A L L Y first pick every. Fucking. Game.

I LOVE being unable to ban problem children and being absolutely fucking countered EVERY GAME.

It's so """"""""""""""""""""""""fun.""""""""""""""""""""""
there are uncounterable supports you ingrate
Maybe you'll get some pussy one day as well, valiant knight. One of those "princesses" is bound to fuck you.
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>tfw have 2 Rioteers in friend list but they never accept invite

They probably know I am toxic shit desu
email/pass leaked, same thing happened to me, sent them proof of the leak by googling my user pass and it came up on some leak site and got unbanned
I like your reality. It's so far removed from this earth. Can I live there?
oh I get it you're a mage """support""" player and just want to target ban morgana every game
evelynn after a successful level 2 gank mid lane .gif
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original art by angel wiggums 2017
Maybe, on the meantime, you're forever doomed to ve a virgin and a literal h o m o.
we doing vg games?
No it's
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Angel Wiggums rage 4.png
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>Malz comes out after rework
>he's broken cancer
>nerf everything but the problem, then nerf the problem later with no reversions of prior nerfs
>Down the road nerf him again
>he becomes a support
>he's cancer as a support too
>nerf him again
>he's outright unplayable
>but he isn't allowed to be a jungler because reasons even though a ton of his nerfs are to address his "problematic" lane phase
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Guys Im kinda scared of the support class gameplay changes they want to do and hope it doesnt fuckup botlane entirely as much sa I hate most supports I dont see them improving this situation, ever
why dont you have a maw and lulu support anon?
>play Urgot
>win any trade
>implying passive isn't sleeper op

uhhh lolbabs?

lol what a shitter Renekton
this is why anonymous board should stay anonymous so people like Renekton don't feel embarrased
>there are still people who cry about ganks when they have access to 3 wards, a blink, a 40% MS boost, cheap boots cost and in this case a dash
I fucking wish I had 3 wards senpai.
>play urgot before shield scaled with mana
>frozen heart first item against any AD top + JG
>can 2v1 with tabi and heart
>freezy fist next

god that mana shield is the BEST
angel is such a fucking shitter
just the other night he was complaining about his silver support in a /vg/ game feeding against a diamond adc
he even ended up leaving
Why not just build Janna full AD/Crit and peel for yourself?
>2 min long queues for normal blind pick

ded gaem
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you will never have a vayne harem
I don't think so. Nothing I said suggested I was gay.
Because you could just play ashe or vayne
Wards last for only 45 seconds and you can only place two. Redditors applaud the change because vision is toxic.
What happens when two opponents both have Double-Edged Sword mastery?
a bunch of math and shit don't ask questions and just press buttons
>okay what if we made a limit per player to how many wards can be on the map?
>yeah! Now vision is everybody's job and the support can get actual support items instead of being a ward bot!
>okay now what if we took purchasable stealth wards out of the game and it was literally impossible to hit the 3 ward limit unless you have a sight stone which only the support has room to buy?
>yea-wait isn't the support just the ward bot again only there's dramatically less vision?
it was two people, look closely
Support isn't a ward bot because they can actually do other things besides ward unlike back in the real ward bot days
It's like saying jungle is just a smite bot because they run smite.
>implying jungle isn't just a smite bot
Top/mid/jung smite meta was the best meta
>theres people right now who dont run ruby sightstone on pure tank toplaners

>theres people who dont take the ap support/ward item midlane making it impossible to be ganked
Let's be real EotW is core on Velkoz

An eye for his eye.
And ADC is just IE bot, top is just a tank bot and mid is just blue steal bot
Such a nice array of useless definitions
I need to practice adc, does anybody have a group I can join?
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place bets

Crestfallen Hero
>a group I can join
what does that have to do with you practicing adc
queue up as adc
always bet on tryndamere
autists are the best
They just do 4.5% more to each other?

the effect stacks multiplicatively
That would be TOO EASY.
>tfw actually hyped for Urgot rework

I don't even play this champion. Imagine how his dedicated mains feel.
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Approximates to 4.5
No you just deal 3% more and take 1.5% more there's no way that stacks
1 person does 103% damage which is amplified to 104.545% damage after considering the other person takes 101.5% damage
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Why the fuck are there still people who """can't play support"""
Even in plat I get this shit
I just play Zyra when I get auto filled and have a 78% wintate while having no support knowledge
what keystone on jungle j4
>Enemy midlane buys a dark seal.
>Allied jungler never ganks.
>Enemy midlane snowballs harder than German porn.

Why the fuck did they remove SotO and Leviathan, but not this fucking busted-ass piece of shit?
you dealing 3% more damage to someone who takes 1.5% more damage equates to

here, let me break it down

i have 103% damage dealing 1.5% more to this target beacuse he also has double edged

1.5% of 103% is 1.545%

so in total, he takes 104.545% damage from me

which is 4.545% bonus damage
"I just can't help but steal gold" they must mean to say, and they don't know what good places for wards would be
could have just multiplied 1.03 and 1.015
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>Tfw you haven't played in a while and you're dropping the baby all over the place
Granted I was always shit at this game but holy hell it feels like I'm trying to learn to ride a bike again.
Courage of the Colossus or Grasp if you are against tanks.
Thunderlords if you just want to dunk kids

That's literally what he did
They don't want to take the backseat when it comes to big plays, plus there is a huge stigma in the low ranks because of adcs flamming the supports for their own failings. Its a bronzie mentality and even I remember feeling that way when I first started.
and still is
which is what i did. just using percents not decimals. i was just BREAKING IT DOWn for ya as well
>That's literally what he did
he literally wrote a paragraph
Just finished a four hour (Annie/Lulu) fap session -

Legal Legends
I skipped seasons 4-6 and picked it back up in 7.2.

200 or so ARAM games helped me get back into the rythym.
God damn I was actually pumped to watch LCK tonight but it's on fucking spotv. Valdes is so fucking hard to listen to
fair enough just seems like you made it more confusing the way you described it but maybe that is just me looking at it and being tired
Watch it in Korean
should i activate sew nuh or gally-o
Where's your master?
Because autism, no one who is above the age of 15 needed any explanation in the first place but since someone asked might as well write a paragraph you know.
How do I become autistic enough to decide on a role, I like soraka kindred Poppy Tristana and jinx I guess if I figure out how to build her right
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you dont have to decide on a role
just play what you want to
it's a game, if you want to get better just try to imrpove and play as much of that champ as yo want, there's no one telling you you cant switch if you get bored
>I guess if I figure out how to build her right
luckily for you you can just look at what people who've been playing for years are building on her
Post poppys
thats a good point
Not while I'm trying to play in the heat of the moment
fuck off alles
But does it stack
question mark ping
Nobody builds health on this twig no wonder Tristana was just blowing me up, but my heart really wasn't into it because next game I saw someone using jinx better. Stun Trist with the zap gun first. I can't believe that shit fucking happened I'm never playing draft again but I want a place in rank fucking christ
are you ok
you sound like you're a fresh level 10 player trying to make sense of the mystical happenings in this game
how is league fun for you guys (assuming u play jungle) and even if not, I'd say it still applies.

I can't have fun like I used to playing all kinds of different champs (vi/reksai/camille/nocturne/hecarim/zac/kindred/etc.) because the new jungle does too much damage to do ganks after and/or other champions are miles ahead in terms of strengths you can't pick them. These other champions aren't just junglers, it's all the reworked bs champions.

Vi is shit because she literally lost 15 movement speed the past 3 seasons. This effects farming times a ton. Also random attack speed nerf and shit just annoying shes shit imo.

Rek'sai constant nerfs, wrong nerfs but she's "ok" but the thing is she gets destroyed by top tier jungle champions like reksai/graves due to higher burst and cloaking from khazix and graves just doing more damage to melee distance champions along with armor. Rek'sai also functions very well with chilling smite but this season challenging smite is best a lot of the time due to the fact that all these reworked champions can 100 - 0 you in a span of 3 seconds.at lvl 3-6.

Camille... Idk why the fuck they nerfed her so much. She was more of a late game champion and they just kept nerfing her and now shes shit, probably shit in lane now as well.

Nocturne idk, I haven't played him too much but he can do "ok" I guess but meh. Need to test more.

Zac is ok in new jungle but the thing is if enemy AD jungle builds maw you can't do anything so lol gg you and your shit team you can't carry anymore.
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Hecarim is shit now. Been shit long time. Ever since trinity force change into more nerfs. He was the best when trinity gave 20% crit but everyone thinks he got stronger due to the cdr when the trade off isn't worth and it was better to take 15% cdr blues but people are brain dead. Has 0 late game potential, losses the late game now. I remember Hecarim used to be the late game champ, rip that now he's just a cheese ball gank bot champions wow clever jungling. I'm very disappointed at peoples inability to see how strong Hecarim was all those years when I played him and then people play him simply because of top lane and then the trinity force change. So stupid, don't know the champion just a bunch of idiots speaking like they know what's a buff and what isn't.

Kindred is shit because she was designed to be good vs the old jungle but now the new jungle is so cancer she needs to W 2 times to clear krugz/raptors those camps are impossible for her lol. They need to make her shoot 8 arrows and deal 100% more damage to monsters because it takes too long.

New jungle too cancer. Nerf smite heal which only hurts junglers barely making it through. Nerf spawn times which only makes less room for come backs and forces you to go up against the enemies even though you are behind, instead of being able to farm up to potentially come back ahead. No instead its linear decision making of get lvl 3 or 4 and then just gank for 1-2 minutes and then do some noobs camps and gank again meta. Instead of actually being tactical about when to farm. And if you do choose to farm, you get fucking destroyed until you finish your jungle item that you have to back and can't actually apply pressure. If you get counter jungled early and/or die you just lose the game usually due to being too behind because the only champions that can actually counter jungle fast and have high hp are the highest tier junglers.
ill stack my dick in your ass
but yes it stacks multiplicatively if you are asking about the double edged sword thing
we already gave you the numbers
Zac is always fun to play no matter your elo or rank.

If you have a decent team you can pretty much stomp early-mid game and let them do the lategame for you.

Same goes for heca.
Other junglers it's an actual risk counter jungling meanwhile these champions are full HP and have many escapes. Why the fuck do they buff gromp/krugz for no reason? There reason is "To make it more interesting. We want gromp to have the theme of "burst it to deal less damage" and krugz to be "kill the big one and the other ones do little damage" like wtf? Krugz got +20 or 30 damage to the big one and gromp got fuck ton more damage. Why was this change needed? What did it accomplish? It just made junglers with no sustain or not as many strengths are top tier junglers get destroyed more. O and also the new jungle takes too fucking long to clear. I remember back a season ago I was always a level ahead of my mid laner early and now I'm a level behind LOL.

Top 5 junglers easily lee/khazix/rengar/graves/ivern. why?

Lee/khazix/rengar can get lvl 3 easily doing easy camps and then just roam and gank lanes and because it's solo Q even though you can ping "THE ENEMY JUNGLER IS THERE, DANGER" they will over extend and die and blame no wards even though you know they are there. So they thrive in this jungle where you get power spikes and just roam around and don't actually need to jungle, avoiding the cancer design entirely. Even if these champions had to kill krugz/gromp, they can kill them pretty fucking fast. Tbh krugz are cancer they probably just avoid them. Gromp is easy for khazix/rengar/lee to kill due to their abilities.

Graves can just kill every jungle camp in a matter of seconds and stay full hp. He doesn't have to deal with gromp/krugz or any camps cancer damage and can just jungle and apply pressure throughout. Also can deal 1500 damage in a span of 3 seconds and has great item build paths for dueling.
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what are you trying to say?
I worry about you anon

I just focus on having fun with the champion im playing
if you aren't having fun in the jungle then play another role
Ivern is biggest bs champions I've seen that contradicts riots whole design with the new jungle. He clears camps in 1 second with smite whats the counter play to that? He doesn't have to deal with any bull shit the new jungle has to offer, the "challenges" as riot puts it. Just instant kills everything or puts that shit on them goes roams and ganks and goes back and gets massive experience and gold instantly. He doesn't have to do any "decision making" clearing the jungle. Why the fuck does the jungle have to have "decision making". It's just fucking kill the monsters. The champions I listed above's decision making is to out right ignore them or just do them when u are a lvl or two higher so they deal no damage to you. Graves decision making is constantly kiting the camp, no matter what it is, until it's dead. Again, what does making the camps rape junglers that don't have these things going for them? Nothing except make the game more stale in the jungle.

Just disgusting this game is just barely jungle and just gank 24/7 and walk around and get lucky because people are stupid in solo Q and think you left when a jungler playing one of these cheesy fuckers is just going to camp your lane until they get a kill. O and don't get me started with the classic die and lose huge wave, tp to lane, die to jungler again play. That shit is great it really puts me in the mood to play league ROFL.
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yep how do you play against tryndamere do i buy a fucking zz rot ..
I'm just incredibly bored of this game. They nerf everything that I did in the jungle to the point it isn't even viable anymore and all these champions the masses play are just ignored and left to dominate. Jungle takes less and less skill as the seasons go as long as you are playing the highest tier champions at the time. All I play is Shyvana because she's the only champion that can actually clear fast and stay at good hp after 1st clear and apply dragon/turret pressure as well as have ult up a lot to do ganks. Just a good champion that actually requires skill/thinking to do well, unlike other champions who have these options up at all times and don't require any planning what so ever.
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I thought there weren't gets
you group and ass fuck his team
and then if need be send 1 person back who can fight him under tower

t. tryndamere autist
I've played for three weeks now, almost to level thirty. Is it so fucking surreal there are actually new players loldedgaem?
>hecarim is shit now
A lot of high elo players don't seem to think so
Ddin't read the rest of the post
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>blog posting on a chinese rug enthusiast forum

>waah, a company is changing the game in ways I dont like

>my favorite champion isnt as strong anymore so I dropped him in favor of a less fun champion

>I came here to complain rather than uninstalling and doing something else with my life

Nice bait, kys.
go and look at any of the thousands of resources for new league players out there, coming here and asking bizarre questions is a waste of everyone's time
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what is this game dude
yeah it is
most pre-30 players are just smurfs

if you are posting here try to make your questions more coherent though
if we don't understand the question we can't help
look up champions and what they do
just go to champion.gg and build what ever it has there till you understand why those items are good
No it doesn't go higher than 4.5 I mean, it is flat. If by stack you mean add up as is than yeah
Are you pretending to be retarded or just don't understand English?
diving headfirst off a skyscraper
i haven't lost a game with a good jungler. gold promos tomorrow!
I thought jungling was impossible for kindred so I lane bullied until my mark came up and it is easy beetle usually, then target champs right before you close in and suddenly you have eight under your belt
you have to understand this game is full of people who have been playing a long time but are total shit and they post here as if they know anything
anyway, go to probuilds.net to learn the items/runes/masteries for every champion you play
go to op.gg for indepth stats on your games and account
if you want to get better fast, first off don't jump into ranked immediately, keep farming ip in normals for runes and champions and learn what every champion does
secondly, pick 1-3 champs that do not require mechanical skill (no skillshots, no intricate movement, no lcsbigplays) and then spam hundreds of games with those champs only
good luck
>15 minutes in bot lane
>support morg has only used her skills twice
>the other rest of her presence was standing doing nothing
>not even aaing
>later she gets a kill
>watch how it all went down
>all match her sole goal was to killsteal everyone
i am so unfathomably fucking mad
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I went to champion.gg and that place is just bad. It gives this trinket % about warding trinket and red trinket when blue trinket is the best....

The items aren't even close to what I buy normally either. You can really tell when it shows the number of games with normal default ward trinket that its just statistics from low elo plat players who regularly forget to upgrade trinket.
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>tfw you're playing Veigar, land your E and have your ult up
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Just hit Silver 5, what im in for !?

was expecting to skip at least 1 divison

the loses are mostly because i inted in my placements
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post canon otps
so are you asking me if it stacks or telling me it stacks additively?
No it just doesn't multiply in some absurd way, what the hell was the dellemma here
youre expecting to get a lot of flame, afking, and shit vaynes
if you thought bronze was full of cancer, think again
Riddler please
It's very much good enough for a beginner, guy probably doesn't even know how to use a blue trinket

can't skip divisions when entering a new league you'll skip divisions IV, III, or II with that high winrate.
there's nothing wrong with caring about the quality of the game you play faggot
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I'm about to play irelia JG.

Their team has a jax

What should I expect.
I'm scared.
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>say "consider suicide" to enemy who's been spamming EZ even when he had same damage as our support
>enemy says "wow rly u lose at game and wish something to people u got som problems maaaan i would put u to the ground"
>give him my address with note "ill be waiting"
>he leaves the lobby
63% win rate is pretty good
silver is fairly easy if you know how to play
easier than bronze at least

it does multiply but not in an absurd way
it multiplies to be just above 104.5% damage taken
its 104.545%
It multiplies just like every other multiplicatively stacking stat
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Also the only reason I died so much is because my teamates were legit retarded.
Master yi
There are a few lame YouTube videos that's it
It's my own fault for learning from playing and not sitting and reading about the game
I'm pretty good but I keep playing with literal kids I just want a rank so it will stop
this is a kid's game and the talkative (read:stupid) kids are even more common in ranked play
>I'm pretty good but I keep playing with literal kids I just want a rank so it will stop
that's not how this works at all
first off, the way you talk makes you sound like the typical eternal bronzie you're about to become
secondly, you already have a hidden mmr rating according to your skill level
ranked placement matches take that as a base so you playing ranked wouldn't change the level of your games at all
But that .045 is lost or can it add up to .09 in some way? If it isn't there then it isn't there nerds
It's not lost, are you retarded?
>It's my own fault for learning from playing and not sitting and reading about the game
I just mean you should read when asking questions
I learnt mostly from playing and that is the best way to learn
being articulate when asking questions is important though

are you fucking retarded?
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>korea server released
Ahri released
>na server online
Gragas released
>EU server official
Singed released
>Japan server is out

wheres my new loli champ Riot
Bad enough to fuck up in phenomenal ways, just good enough to feel cocky.

Its the third to final boss of elo hell.

the other two hurdles are silver 1, frustrated silver surfers who think that because they are in promos means they are destined for gold and will report the first to die, and then everyone else for telling him to calm his tits

final boss is diamond one, this is where the shitters REALLY get to thinking they be good when they are clearly still trash
>It's my own fault for learning from playing and not sitting and reading about the game
What an absolutely fucking retarded thing to say.
See in you in wood.
Does it expect me to guide them? I had a few games where someone tried to tell me where to go but that has ended, I wouldn't try and lead someone to doom
as someone who constantly averages under 5 cspm what can i do to get better?
feel the rythme
hit the things when they are low
use spells
I would try to kill some creeps
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>have a small spot on my chest
>its a scar from what used to be an abscess of sorts
>when its hot it swells up
>when i get angry it swells up and hurts
>im mad and hot today (get hotter when i play)
>this month of league has been only pain
>just got out of my last match and checked it
>some blood is showing up underneath
>its also very close to my heart as the abscess removal was dangerously close to affecting my heart
league will quite literally kill me if this shit gets any worse. i cannot put up with more cancer this month
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you mostly just practice it until you're good.

you can go into custom games and last hit
play practice tool with your favorite champion and practice rushing for an item as fast as possible using only auto attacks to last hit minions.
the game is to see how fast you can complete your first item. in real games it'll always be a bit slower but if you get good at getting most of your first item in 10 minutes you'll be so far ahead of what most people can do that you'll win lane just by killing minions better than the other player.
go into custom and practice
first 3 waves are 19 cs
do it until you're perfect then do it 10,000 more times for practice
First tip is stop missing last hits.
Second is to try to push the wave when you back, but try to do it so that the enemy isn't able to push it into your tower (or if they do get their in time to cs under tower if you are able) by the time you make it back to lane.
Third tip is to look at the side waves and try to not sit around mid if nothing's going on.
>be support main
>play karma
>dont buy sight stone, redemption or ardent
>kill 0 (zero) wards and place 7 (seven)
>do this every game
>be bad about a loss
>this team gg
holy fuck how can you be this retarded? i'm silver too, btw. also support main
Depending on lane and how new you are, the answer could range from learning your characters attack range and early melee damage, to learning how to freeze lane and farm without fear of being dived.
you are not anywhere near a point where you are able tell people what to do, so no
i'm assuming you still don't really understand what "teamgame" means and how you're only 1 person out of a 5man team
there's many games that you win no matter what even if you feed, and there's many games where you lose no matter what even if you were replaced by a challenger player
the games that are inbetween are the ones you can actively tilt into your favor
when thinking about league progression you have to imagine thousands of games, and not just 20
you can play those thousands in ranked or in normals, your choice
check last thread
we had a very big collective lead until kha just stopped being part of the team

we were both 7/1 just before mid game came around
So you're saying the health bar figures down to what decimal place
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aight time to pass out in practice mode
I just want to know I'm playing with people my own age
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try taking breaks?
try learning how not to be so angry?

I assume it will go like this
its going to take the percentage convert it to hp damage after defences and then round up or down
I'm not a fucking developer so I have no clue
all stats are three decimal after zero but only shows one or two depending on the stat
e.g. health is 1003.341 but shows 1003
Rounded is what I meant by lost
you can never know that
considering you think you're so above everyone cause of your age you're likely younger than most
Hard mode: No additional AD fiddle or karthus
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you this every game bud. every fucking game. your kda and winrates are horrbile. just build support style.

i do this with zyra. ss and and one def item, e.g. locket and then full ham. i have
youre going to die
my heart is already acting up sometimes. i feel it just beat wrong (and i become slight short of breath when this happens)

i wouldnt be so fuckign angry if i didnt have a feeder every match, a fed player doing nothing with their gold advantage, or afk players. mute all cant even save me from this anymore
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age doesn't matter skill level does
you are going to get placed with people who play like you whether that is shit or not
most people will be in their late teens and early 20s though

yeah it will be lost to a degree but the rounding error is different in every case
M O D S ?
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Jhin has a 46% win rate bros. Is he not good anymore?

He's been one of the best ADCs since he existed, what happened.
>playing zyra
i like to be somewhat less of a degenerate
ill get her after i get thresh

i dont like to cheese my wins with bullshit that riot cant (wont) fix

what are you, gay?
just calm down dude
it sucks but you just have to realize its a game
play the game out and move on to the next match
it literally has 0 actual effect on your life unless you let it
I'm 27 and I don't have a dad or a sister to fucking talk about in chat, but I also don't have a fucking baby I claim is hitting my keyboard either
I just want the frustration to end
More like skunk pussy
i take 6 hour (or greater) breaks when i get matches like last one

i just want this cancer to fuck off in ranked
Riot finally woke the fuck up and realized he was kalista level tiers of diaster as far as balancing goes.
Yeah I lost, fun game of league of legends.
fuck off fag. nobody wants a slut
just stop focusing on other people
you are only hurting yourself
you are literally killing yourself over what some 12 year old did in a video game because it changes your autist points on a game that won't even be around in a few years
>Buffing Hydra
>Buffing Death's Dance
>Buffing Fiora
I feel like I need people to talk about this game with live in person, that would be the best way to learn with all the stories people have
No fuck you, he was fine. Every second retard started to abuse him with lethality meme build. If you played standard crit he was still perfectly fine, you had to position well and time your shots.
They nerfed DFT and as all League players are sheep when it comes to masteries and such noone realised you can literally 4th your entire health bar back with warlords just take stormraiders
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FUKIN KIRITO WHERS MUH LIGHTSBANE KARTHUS SALE YOU SAID EARLY YOU DUMB FUCKS!!!! i'll probably get battlecast urgot today though cuz i dont see it getting on sale anytime soon
>12 year old
but no instead its some shit in their mid 20s
>No fuck you, X was fine
>t every main ever
>thinking that abusing karma is not degenerate
Nah fuck you. Champion has every thing in his kit.
>zero mobility in exchange for high range damage


Meanwhile Graves can still have knockback on jungle minions for whatever the fuck reason
I'm sorry I was bitching about being new I'm just going to play kindred and ignore everything but the hunt
is it really abusing when y
>zero mobility
>when he gets free 1000 ms for attacking
So what's up with the new galio? Is he more viable in anything other than aram now?
not sure why i stopped typing there
guess its hiro telling me to piss off
>>zero mobility

"I was only under a semi permanent movespeed buff from Whisper, with my Fast Boots and a ghostblade in my inventory, I had no mobility at all ;-;" - Jhin Main
he has a great kit but no one seems aware on how to use it

like not ulting when your ally is at 10% health, and instead the moment the engagement happens
does their age really matter?
you totally missed the point
>have 3 cloud drags
>and mobis
>and 100% crit
>and shoot shit out of combat
>run fast as fugg
>roam quickly
>shoot hard
>go fast
>get hit with nasus slow
>implying an Hiro gives a shit about the site or anyone on it
>ghostblade and swifties
>part of jhins kit

items dont change the fact jhin only has his passive as his mobility faggot

i can buy either on varus or MF
>not qss'ing the nasus slow
there was a day where any name entered into the name field, or trip, would filter to anonymous for myself regardless of what was entered.
only happened on /vg/

was very strange. was only after we realized there were multiple people with the same trip code
>champs that do not require mechanical skill (
Like fucking whom? Was fine spamming Poppy until I noticed I didn't understand roles at all, now I find soraka and kindred fun
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whoa I thought this only happened when you wrote candlejack in y
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>Xerath still isn't disabled

Nani the fuck? You literally can't defend this.
Not the jhin main, but I believe he was talking about meaningful mobility, like a dash or hop. Like something that was meaningful and meant be had all the time, and not just to ease the transition from kill to followup kill like on jinxs passive.

Saying that because jhin has access to mobility items, like any other champion I may add, makes him mobile then that would make any character you buy boots on "mobile" by your loose definition.
im gonna need more rope
>shoot shit out of combat
that is NOT how that works
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>try out Hyena Warwick to laugh like a dumbass again since rework
>after a while the laugh emote stops working for several minutes
>suddenly the laugh get's extremely high pitched and louder to the point I mute sound as quickly as possible before going deaf
>check the replay and it's normal
why would he be disabled
wow this is an old meme
When do you build tabis on adc? is it anytime you're behind or only when you're against specific adcs?

See those strings of perfect KDA sub 10 minute games with often 15+ cs per minute on those Xeraths?

Yeah that's not a string of really, really good games.

There's a bug where Xerath can literally hit the entire upper half of the map, mid,
top, and topside jungle, every Q he does if he stands in the right spot.
Whats up with that candlejack meme anyway? I never really understood w
Full length, thigh high or knee high stockings?
Where is this spot
where is the spot i need to climb out of gold
Did you win?
oh shit, i just got into a game and had someone in champ select complain about this right now
like i said
no vital skillshots like nidalee or ezreal, no special movement requirement like lee sin or yasuo, no general skill requirement like vayne or rumble
keep in mind despite what people say, "easy" champs are still really hard to master
if they weren't hard you'd be instant challenger
but playing an easier, solid champion that can be useful even if you are behind or fuck up lets you focus on learning the game properly instead of having to focus learning your champion instead
good champs are stuff like annie, amumu, malphite, caitlyn
these are just examples, there's many more
Cute girls wear knee high.
Crossdressing faggots wear thigh highs.
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>fucking amumu talking shit about how my teammates were dumb enough to get repeteadly caught over and over
>my teammates also agree on it, start talking shit, so I just mute them all
>slowly but surely start kiling the carries through mulitple fucking throw, concentrate and lead the shit team towards the win

Graves is based. And he is getting buffs. Based Riot.

Also, LAN is a horrible fucking nightmare to play on because even """""""""smurfs""""""""" have garbage actitude in the game.

Why can't people just shut up and concentrate in the game? Why do you have to dish the rage onto your teammates but not onto the enemy on yourself to improve?
One is to the right of the red Nexus, hence why you'll always see the Xeraths on red team and they'll have 30 minute times between some of their games because of dodging.
But there must be a blue side spot too because some of those games have blue Xeraths with the same ridiculous score, CS, game time,
and damage dealt.
>Full length if you are, like, 12
>Knee high if you are wearing a dress
>Thigh high if you are a buttslut
>all those people buying mr items

You sound like someone whose favorite pastime involves putting penises in his mouth.
>Gutting ADC itemization again while buffing armor pen
And you sound like a faggot, anon.
I tried alistar it was not easy, I am getting sick of seeing Caitlyn every game. Farming with Annie was hard but I should go ahead and buy the rest of the cheap ones, after kindred
apparently this was already posted yesterday on League boards and reddit

>Riot still hasn't disabled Xerath

small indie company right there
fug meant buffing armor items
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>kt not shitting the bed

Couldn't watch the first two games, are they playing well?
smeb's looking good
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>take 2 mid turrets under 15 min while my mid turret is untouched
>5/12 bot and 0/8 top cry "report ekko" because they can't place wards

Got 3 literal dense retards in team right now.
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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
We need a WW edit of this image
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The people who cry for you to ping MIA are the same people who don't listen to pings in the first place.
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
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>Vayne mains


I just want anyone of you to give me a reason for Xerath not to be disabled right now.
make the bean shut up
That wasn't fair Caitlyn is cool, she's just on rotation now. I remember the day before I was pissed at all the kindreds dying but now I'll probably be the sheriff
>Alistar sup
>Be in lane
>Play safe
>heal your adc
>headbutt people when going in for kills

who's a good adc to play when you're sad
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>25 cs/min
>3.7 kills/min
>7,200 damage to champions/min
>1,400 gold/minute

Vayne players are simply too skilled for others to understand.

This has been going on for over 13 hours what the actual fuck is riot doing
>This has been going on for over 13 hours what the actual fuck is riot doing
what is going on?
is xerath broken right now?
i guess that makes sense

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lolbabs exposed.jpg
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uhh lolkids?

give me ONE (1) good reason to not file suite against your shit company lolbabs!

go ahead... I'll wait!
y r u sad?
>Ashe goes to mid while I stomp around these minoins and knock them up to little effect
I tried once, I'll try again but soraka way better
appears to be some sort of hack much like old Fiora where someone was able to replace her auto attack with her ultimate lol

>replying to tomoka
its not too bad just feel like there's nothing to look forward to in my life desu senpai
I had a xerath on my blue team trying to do some funky shit, wow
At least we can rest easy knowing that the xerath abusers will get punished, just like the right-angles H spamming sion ult redirect abusers
>losing to fizz support

You can't make it heal it just heals on its own
is it actually a hack or a bug?
either way its pretty fucked especially since they haven't disabled him by now
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>those hips on the nip lady
go top with him and rek everyone with armor pen runes, and just buy flat ad and att s.

Love seeing malph and renketons tilting level 3 cuz they can't farm. Makes sadness go away

Or maybe Jhin, his lore's pretty depressing so i guess you could go with that. Idk
what makes kog'maw a viable late-game hypercarry and not jinx?
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Kog Hello.jpg
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Kog is cuter!

and does more damage
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Whatever it is there's three OP.GG's of people using it.


Either way it definitely seems to be Xerath related and only on his Q, and it seems to be positioning reliant because I've seen these Xeraths' fire out normal Q's (and if it wasn't why not stand in fountain for infinite mana?)
well the closest thing I've ever seen was indeed the hack I mentioned where you could replace your ult with your auto attack
(warning video has loud obnoxious music)

plus I tried going in training and testing with dummies and enemy bot and couldn't recreate it but then again I didn't try too hard
What world do u live in where a renekton doesnt skullfuck draven top from second 1 until he quits
she is all tits and no ass
I don't think her hips are actually that great in her movies also

only 3?
sounds more like a hack then
if it was a bug we would see it every game like when jax was busted

if its not in every game I would assume its a hack
jinx well played is reliable late too, did a quadra and carried fights even though i got my laning phase fucked by afk support. Just farm and every adc is fine
>tfw kinda wanna jerk off but also already in queue
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jinx late game is great but was wondering what made kog's early and mid more appealing
also didn't know he did more damage
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>tfw just discovered how fun Urgot is
>tfw we're months or even like weeks away from his rework
please kt not like this
are gays really all going to concentration camps now?
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tobias darius yassuo waffles.png
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Tobias got the bug

Honestly I could care less if she had nice tiddies or not, i have an impregnation fetish and door-jamming hips give me a bitch-breaking boner.

I wish she had a better ass though
yeah absolutely no ass at all
really disappointing with nice hips

I just started watching it when you linked it
here is a longer version
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>Lost HARD to a Fizz support

Please hug me ;_;
ever since Kog's W got buffed to have another 1% MHP on it, he's been an underrated laner. Not a bully on the likes of draven or lucian, but able to favorably trade with most others as long as his W is up.
Are you a cute girl?
>want to get champion mastery to lvl 5
>no matter how good or bad you play it's just grind for points

hehe xd good system riot!
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I guess, as long as you don't mind the penis.
ok might pick him up then
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Why do I always hope that Soraka players are cute healslut girls that would give me BJ everytime I needed it just like they heal me everytime I need it.
? Kogs lane is oppressive as fuck now that lulu is meta. Either they fuck up when u all in or prepare to get purple dog dicked on cd. Really some old bullshit to even split lane with cus he outscales all adc
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Because you're a dumbass.

I want to already merge it with Kassadin.
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Lulu captures Kog.png
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Even without Lulu, he's got a good lane. Lulu just synergizes best whenever Lulu is strong.
I don't think it told me what to do after I got my two S ranks and spent blue essence(wtf)
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harder to itemise against and more as when long ranged, meaning his dps is easier to put out. you kite a lot with jings
If you still got hard, but no just post about it
Well yeah if you're busy posting
oh yeah
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League will stop the pain if I just keep playing. I should have gotten sleep tonight though.
>Riot will never make Annie x Graves canon

adc's in their natural habitat .gif
So what is that ball with Ashe, I saw it today myself
Memeos laying it down about clownsen
Runaan's hurricane
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annie dressup.jpg
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lambposter i need your stash of lewds
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now that's a rare lamb butt
I can't believe Warwick stabbed Soraka, gotta read his shit next

What do you think of a LoL movie would it be as possible to fuck up as the WoW movie or you'll just take any old advent children
The cinematics are dang good
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I choose option D

Looking at how they make video-game movies nowdays, it would be a generic b-movie with a demacia vs noxus theme, no champions and shit.
whats your summ name ? i might be the friend from work lol
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>the way lamb stands
>the area of attack
>area of delayed healing
>moving the opposite way you fire
>a slow
Dude I love kindred
I wanna do stuff with Tharja
Does Sej ever have too much fun riding that boar
That's a big but you have over there, almost too lewd for a shinto imageboard
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Thanks I just got fired asshole.
you didnt dodge yasuo
>implying it wouldn't be Tharja doing stuff to you
>full ad team
>yasuo in team
>not dodging
honestly what did you expect
I wanna play Zed but dislike Mid so I wanna play him top. How bad is this idea?
Oh stop it you.
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> Death's Dance*
> Attack damage increased from 75 to 80
> Unique Passive - changed from 15% to 30% of damage taken is dealt as a Bleed over 3 seconds instead.

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I wanted to have faith in him, maybe this time he'd do better. ;_;
s t o p
a v a t a r f a g g i n
Fuck this stupid bitch

She's just not fun to lane against
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I think it's generally fine to post some lewd stuff, as long as it isn't showing dicks or genitalia
>mods banning based kindred lewds but not this fucking avatar faggot
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zero damage-.png
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0 (+0) damage
Kindred can also get away with bare but
>We're about to end the era of "I bought a sunfire cape against a melee champion that deals physical damage, so I win all trades"

Now they only need to fix phantom dancer doing the same, except against all champions
Watch out or you will be banned for complaining about 4chan, happened to me once./spoiler]

Kindredfag did nothing wrong (expect maybe that one webm)
I've seen people posting bare asses, male and female and furry, ever since I've been here, without getting banned

I mean have you seen yordlefags spamming every single tristana pick that shows her ass, every single thread
>one less item to build against darius

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Kog'maw taunting.png
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Some asses are already bare
are they nerfing sunfire?
what's the point of league of legends
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What about bare chest?
the burn deals less base damage (to champions) but deals triple to minions

current pbe is 11+1 per lvl damage
to have fun

12-29 down from 26-43
god damn that is brutal
pretty good for tank split pushers though
kindred can't be that cute under that mask???
can she?
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>mfw siddd(only master+ shyv player in all na/euw/korea) has finally given up on shyvana
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In the Hood.jpg
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>IE and Zeal are getting buffed
>Botlane is back to "I sure do hope my adc will land more crits than the enemy adc"
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so sad stori.png
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Keep coming, not full!
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Is Kindred actually that bad?
Jesus anon my dick can only get THIS erect.
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too bad, she only wants to go swimming WITH me, so back the HECK off, stalker!
>day 285
>they still think lulufag us one person
Thanks for reminding me that Mount Targon is not anymore Greek / Roman inspired society.

Fucking retcons...
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Maid Kog.png
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Gee anon, I don't know. What's the point of it all?
Another than Amumu, which other champions spend all of their time alone?

Nautilus? Rammus?
I'm gonna attend a figure drawing class with a nude model. what do I do if it's a cute girl?
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It's that time again lolg. We're gettin real personal this time.

Post your:

Favorite champion

And lastly, are any of these related, or influenced by each other?
Mmmm I can almost smell the acidic odor of his septic vomit.
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fuck her
50/50 its a dude or a tumblrina, hair, fat, and all

attractive women are oppressive
she is decent but since kindred mains got from gold to d1 by abusing her, they've now fallen back in gold and want buffs to climb back

In Master Tier, current Kindred is played 18 times more often than Sejuani, and nobody bitches about Sejuani being garbage, because we've learnt to accept our fate that Riot doesn't want her to be viable, at least not until the rework
it won't be
you're gay now
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Gold 5
Overnight stocker

Yes, i play mostly garen and thus get shit on by most other top lanes

i deserve gold 1 dammit
>implying it's not just warm slime
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>tired of losing to meme botlanes
>pick lux "support"
>shit on them so hard they surrender with 5 votes at the 20 minute mark
>while lee flames us because he got buttfucked all game

This buff to her ult is so fucking retarded.

I got my confidence back. I also forgot my image like the dumb slut I am.
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Making cold calls
Older women and traps
just quote your post and attach the pic you wanted and write nothing else than "forgot pic" you memelord

subscribed btw
>Making cold calls
I've attended a few of those and it's almost never fat girls
They're plain janes most of the time
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>Favorite champion
Gold 1
CVS Cashier
Skinny goth chicks. Breathe play.
this seems very efficient

>shit on them so hard they surrender
>1/1/1 twitch

seems your lanes carried themselves and you were just a little bitch that snared someone before they got buttfucked
>Tfw nautilus nerf got reverted

aww yes
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But it doesn't look as good that way.

Thanks, I'd be thankful if you gave me an upvote too.

I didn't said I was the one who shat on them, the whole team did. I killed Cait a couple of times though, but everyone did good, except lee, he was bitching all game. And twitch didn't do much but he helped us get top inhib at 14 minutes.
fucking retards
what nerf?
Diana is QT and she needs to be made a mother
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older/bigger guys
Or the old old Anivia bug where shooting your Q out of the map turned it into a Karthus ult

the bleed part of DD barely matters, it's great on her now anyway
>the maokai bug where dying with ult up with GA would crash the game
>multiple high elo streamers abused the bug to gain hundreds of elo before it finally got fixed
i jerked to this pic once when power and net was down and i was stuck with buffered frontpage of lolhentai and had 20% of battery in laptop
His E damage was lowered by a fuckton.
They lowered his base mana reg to
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Gold now, was plat, heading back, maybe even higher this season!
Social worker
d/s based on love and devotion, being obedient, trust

I don't think anything is related other than the obvious favorite+waifu.
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Maybe for support but if you're doing her mid you'll not even notice it most times
please don't spread disinfo about that buff
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Favorite champion
Bronze 1
Student and meme renderist from time to time.
Loving and caring sex, and mating press

Maybe they do.
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Gold 2
Student in Astrophysics
Muscle girls

I think my interest in the cosmos influences my fondness in the Dark Star series and Diana. I can't say for certain if my fondness to certain ladies is to do with age.
>it's great on her now anyway
It is, but it will be even greater

>the bleed part of DD barely matters
Illaoi uses especially well since she just pumps back her hp during the bleed
>waifu fags
>plat 3
>student in actuarial mathematics
>milf, big tits, some bbw
>tfw stuck in a losing game whilst wanting to jerk off badly
>Riot is so fucking incompetent they don't know HOW to disable things since switching to the new client, same reason they didn't disable ranked when they had match ruining server issues

Oh wow
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You have quite few Sona games for her to be your favorite champion
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>Starting Blue buff on blue side

>Starting Red buff on Purple Side
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It's where you call someone and offer them something without necessarily having had that person inquire about your product first. It's usually companies that are suppliers calling companies that need their product. If you've ever watched the american The Office, a lot of the characters had this job.

>Angela Ziegler is 37


I have more Sona games than any other champion though. I have more Sona games than some of my other top10 or so combined!
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>executioners increased by 200g

that's not even significant. Fucking get rid of the item or make it only do 15% healing reduction until they buy mortal reminder
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Plat 2
Economy Student/Veterinary Assistant
Impregnation/Mating Press
anon you seem to be confused
anyone with healing is the one in power, which was further enforced by this nerf
why are you complaining
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opgg shows you have only 3 games with sona this season and 100 last season in comparison with janna 300 sounds to me you don't really love sona..

l'm not a stalker l swear
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>post yfw you get greeks in team

just fucking kill me already

shouldn't they be playing in turkey anyways?
>Alistar gets a Malphite ult on a 12 second cd
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I wanna hold Lulu in my arms and keep her safe and warm!
Urgot's VGU is gonna be epic! I hope they give him a cinematic, like Warwick.
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>no S
I was ganking all lanes early and bought like 50 pink wards
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>get useless as fuck adc
>doesn't matter, starve the fuck and get fed myself

I'm liking this lux support meme. The changes to her ult are ridiculous.
They will give him mini-game.
Fizz Nerfs when?!?!
>exectioner's calling increased by 200g
Goddamnit why.
Healing in this game is so goddamn stupid on so many champions this item should only be 800g.
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Can Kalista get pregnant? What if she found someone who was trustworthy and not a betrayer?

Well, if it had data for all seasons Sona would be numbah wun. Like she is in my heart.

And if we're going by recent games only, then Malzahar would be my waifu lol.

I like Janna a lot, the character and in game, but my data for this and last season is misleading.

Zac's jump feels like some champion's ults. It does 3 really good things, some champions are lucky to do one thing per ability.
>taric gets 5 kayle ults
>tahm and reksai get a summoner spell for their ult
>kled gets an almost better sivir ult
sometimes life just isn't fair
Eh that's because you are stupid EUNE nigger with low cs ;)
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take em 2.jpg
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As a greek i feel ya, most of them are complete ass and tryhard with Zed/Yasuo and shit like that and the majority of them only play the game because its the trend for people like them. No matter their division they're pretty shit.
>pic related is them
>almost 90% of the time you get them in every damn mode
That's not even a good score or farm
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>last whisperer same price
>10% less armor penetration
>tank items are adjusted to have more armor and less health
>Team with graves didn't autowin
But /lolg/ told me it's league of graves???
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>last whisperer
>Can a ghost get pregnant

No. Not unless their name is Alma Wade.
Gutting ADC itemization again for shits and giggles
>start game
>call top
>teemo being a brat goes with me
>say if ur not mid at 430 im feeding
>ali types all caps 9X REPORT FIZZ
>430 comes
>dive tower and laugh
>then leave

im a plat smurf too so they cuckoo'd themselves
Wow I always thought it was that.
Still wow I'm actually so fucking mad how can you be this bad at balancing. How does increasing the armor in the game then lowering the armor penetration make any goddamn sense.
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Don't believe in the memes /lolg/ tells you anon. Graves is fine.

Lux's ult on the other hand, holy fuck this shit is busted.
>playing adc

who gives a shit
>playing normals

It means tank meta for all of us anon.
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stfu faggot i bet you hate adcs cuz you're jealous of our mechanics you fucking gay boy fuck u
rengar is scary! please nerf him >~<
>being a faggot and a weeb
wew lad don't you have a support to scream at for not carrying you
hell yea
weebs are the most powerful race in the world
>no t2 boots at 30min
>pd straight after warrior
>building ghostblade
retards on a champ don't mean shit. theres a minimum level of competence that is required to do well, and this guy falls far below that
>pick op lux
>who only gets buffs cus ultimate skin
kill yourself
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>Graves is fine
is that what you say while a support is busy wiping your ass because you don't know how to?
you can nerf dis dick

Rengar is fine.
Too bad the build path is a lot worse but I'll probably be spamming Jinx when this shit hits live.
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>butthurt because he doesn't have a qt partner that helps him and is alone all the time

just admit that you hate adcs because they're everything you're not fagboi
>adding shadowblade to league
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mundo shit's the bed when they buy this item first
I agree
I'm not a faggot weeb poster that is completely useless every game and is the first to flame everyone and quit
I'm not any of that and that is why I don't like adcs
I'll quit my dick into your mom's ass dude
>be bronze
>also a normie
>wtf y anime on 4chann??
>right anonymouses?
>pretend top 10% isn't good
>because i CARE about rank

>be me
>plat with steam controller
>dont care about rank
>countless smurfs
>oh look retarded teammates time to vent
>retardation permeates 4chan
>some bronze idiot tries to be kewl
>hes 15

i bet you voted trump
your dick isnt even big enough to get past a girls ass cheeks
>cries about normal games
>feeds then afks

ok_hand joy
it was busted before the last 5 buffs, the riot all jerk off to lux so much they think 30 second cd aoe high base damage and great ratio high range ult is not only in need of buffs, but 30 sec is apparently too low cd
this game a joke
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>GA has ad now
>this is riot's solution for ADCs getting one shot
>he voted shillary
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>say my uncle works in riot
>retards actually believe it
Targon was at it's best when the only champion in it was Pantheon and it was murdermountain.

All those gods have made it shit.

A Sol is ok though.
Exactly what I thought.
Shit change. Only ok into ad assassins (and less so than before because it has less armor).
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Yeah he was kind of bad.
I needed to win to feel good about myself again, sorry.
Are you going to bully me for my retarded opinions~?
Come on anon, it's so busted it's not even funny.
Yeah, on support feels extremely strong.
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>retard says his uncle works at riot
>go along with it to mess with his autism
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>graves is fine
>lux is not
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>they start asking for championship riven and rp
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>GA has AD
>Hydra buffed
>Banshees has AP
>executioner more expensive
>tanks losing health and gaining armor

>"we want to buff adcs"
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>adc is working as intended for a change
>adc babies cry about them not being the centr of attention all game
>riot buffs their early game
i hate adc mains so fucking much
>bragging about being plat
>i don't care about rank
>countless smurfs while in plat
Everything you do and type is just nonsense
>look i said he cried
you're next level retarded
remind me of this yasuo who tried super hard and told me plats a joke after i rofl stomped his team with gangel rush fizz
he begged me to 1v1 him even though i said he would just make an excuse like you are and he already did.
i caved in beat him 4-0 with morde

this is who u r bronstard
and before you say im mad or whatever parroted hive mind meme that's used now, no im not close to being mad. my feed then afk was a calculated move to ruin their experience because they ruined mine. id do iagain and i have 2dozen banned accounts. i just do other shit lmfao
you being this upset over it is icing and cherry on top.
you remind me of people who bully someone until he blows your brains out and try to pretend everyone is innocent, disguting normie incapable of true consciousness
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>Are you going to bully me for my retarded opinions~?
No I'm going to end this conversation out of sheer disgust.
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7-minute aram queue, that's a new record

oh hey the guy gave a boost
Don't forget 10% less armor penetration on last whisperer, lord dominik's, and mortal reminder
>>adc is working as intended for a change
>being instakilled and hard countered by a 1100 gold item is working as intended
fuck off mage bab
>you remind me of people who bully someone until he blows your brains out
so you're the kind of autist that would do this
the problem isnt the "bullies," it's the unstable retards who will never cope with the realities of life
>saying im plat because it's important information to the story
that's you being jealous not me bragging. i don't brag either just put idiots like you down. big difference in philosophy
>currently in plat
i haven't had a 30 in months, baby bronze like you get upset when im not a punching bag and get me banned

i didn't vote because policies is a distraction and a divider. hillary and trump are the same team
Has Lee Sin seen a bigger spike in playrate than this shitty skin release
>waah i can't 1v1 an assassin
I don't see the problem. Learn positioning, retard
>i parroted the cry bullshit
haha sure showed him
go back to facebook retard
>takes ranked more seriously
>in a game balance to sell rp
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Lulu is badass! And cute! It's the perfect combination!
You are now aware that since the adc update infinity edge has been buffed, last whisperer has been buffed, zerker's has been buffed, botrk has been buffed, last whisperer, lord dominik's, and mortal reminder have been buffed. Maybe even some other shit I forgot.
Point being you can probably see that they were actually weak at one point in time unless you're retarded.
the reality of pointless ostracising and bullying someone for being different? ad this is your reply? this is why school shooting will never stop and doesn't need to. they are purging the genepool of filth
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I knew I should've kept playing lux support.
>just out position the ghostblade'd hypermobile assassin with two gapclosers an escape and invisibility/invulnerability
>zed jungle
WHO in their right mind thinks this is a good idea?
woah there shadow, shouldn't you be fighting sonic?
you're a genius, very clear rebuttal
>Lux on the other hand can be played by me

Yeah that doesn't mean you will be good with her retard
New banshee looks fucking stupid.
>i bet you voted x
>i didn't vote x and y because x and y are the same
Retard. Why are insulting someone for voting then.
Sure, but they're still complaining and they're getting early-midgame buffs when they're supposed to be late game damage dealers. Besides, even back when they were weak they were still in every single game.
i haven't played sonic adventure or shadow in 6-7 years and can easily remember them being rivals that work together. so not only are you retarded your long term memory is garbage. the future people will herald school shooters for purging your inferior emotionally unstable genome from the pool. green with envy you are and /pol/ is where you belong
Okay well understand that outside of gold if you play against graves you almost 100% lost that game if the person actually plays jungle
I'm thinking of the full tank olaf that just runs through the entire enemy team to murder their ADC or the full tank tree that does the same thing only he is actually unpeelable not the 4 dash ahri or fishman

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So are there any good lewds of Soraka that aren't futafag shit?
because voting perpetuates a broken system designed to make you feel impactful when you aren't doing anything
stop trying to comprehend this 100iq retard, go blog about boobs butt penis your food or latest game.
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Good morning anons! had any nice janna related dreams?
Yeah there's this supercool new thing called Google m8 it gave me a few good runs.
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But I can play Lux and do decently win, and as you stated, I'm a fucking retard, on the other hand, the Graves on the other team lost, regardless of being Graves. Thus proving my point.
>outside of gold

I wouldn't know about gold man.
>Riot literally builds their entire game around their being an ADC and support bot
>"wtf they are in every game??" - (you)
>Fiora buffs
>Graves buffs
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I just learned that lux's laser is invulnerable.

what an unlucky choice for artist name
Have you not played the game in the past year. People have talked about this topic to death. Why do you think adc's are only ever considered strong when they can abuse things like lethality and for the last few patches botrk. What happens is that if you're building for late game you fall behind because of weaker itemization and you can't do anything because you're behind then you lose. Riot has talked for a while about buffing crit itemization to give more power early. Don't know why you'd be surprised.
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You have a role at least partially dedicated to protect you. If they have locket/redemption you can easily survive and if that isn't enough then either you fucked up or the enemy is beyond fed and you should avoid fighting entirely.
I said assassins because the guy i was replying to was talking about the lethality item. Olaf is hard to peel off yeah but he doesn't do as much damage as an assassin and locket/redemption fucks him really hard too. tell your support to save cc for when his ult ends, it really doesn't last that long.
I build it because people are retarded and sometimes won't buy qss or they're an apc and don't have it or cleanse. Good against tf and shit like that
>Warmogs viable on Soraka now

Bullies and insenseitivity ARE problems.
Let's not deny that.
People who think they need to "punish" other people are also a huge problem. It's genuinely stupid and self-destructive to think that way.
Revenge mentality perpetuates problems, rather than solving them.

In other words: both of you dumbasses are wrong.
Draw lines and defend yourselves if you must, but never go against others simply because you feel a need to "avenge" or "punish".

t. true enlightened asperger person
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>Spank lane
>trade life for objectives
>top damage charts

You can't shame me for playing this lovely young woman and her bird friend.
What makes you say that
it was always viable on soraka
I won't shame you because I busted a few nuts to her and now that the heartseeker is recently out...
thats stupid
reason for "bullying" or not, they were the assholes that will always exist
and instead of teaching to punch them and get over it you teach them to be victims and cry about it, until it never ends then they get the bright idea to "show them" how they feel
what lane do you play her
if you play her top I hope you get testicular cancer
I'm getting raped by kindred with a tank mastery, did they change something to her recently?
>People who think they need to "punish" other people are also a huge problem. It's genuinely stupid and self-destructive to think that way.

nonsense they punished people like me for exsisting. it retaliation which is a defense. stop trying to act justified worthless shit
you aren't magically right just the opposite end of the spectrum retard a and b inhabit
yes i know your tiny brain didn't notice multiple retards ganging up on me. your filth needs purging too
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History section
Two patches ago but that's not why she would be running you over with a tank mastery.
Regardless of what kindred builds or what mastery she'll do damage if she gets a ton of marks.

Thats why her base numbers are so shit, because her marks eat up so much of her power budget
>GA has AD

finally a perfect buy for garen

its no atmas but itll do
>Xerath still not disabled

Honestly what the fuck do we pay the for?
i just don't think they should be strong early, if adcs are really that weak they should be replaced by something else. I liked when ziggs bot was good because it was a breath of fresh air compared to the same meta that's been around since season 2. I guess this is just my opinion though, and i'm biased because i hate entitled ad shits that ruin my games. eg:

>Top is winning
>camp his lane until top inhib is exposed
>win easily
>adc cries because he didn't get to carry
>camp bot
>spoonfeed adc 3 kills
>adc now thinks he's hot shit
>either brags about carrying or throws like a retard
Only baddies build current mogs on her.
This makes me want to queue up for ranked and hover xerath just to see people dodge
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Hi all you cuties! I hope you have a wonderful day!
maybe if you ever got out of silver you'd lose that bias
Hug support
> if adcs are really that weak they should be replaced by something else
>we should just remove adcs from the game
I'm done talking ot you. It's clear for some reason you have a bias against the role but yeah this conversation is clearly pointless if you don't even think they deserve to exist.
You do realize that, for ADCs, Banshee having AP is better than Abyssal having AP, right?

crit is the problem also that the ADCs that people want to be viable are master yi tier of easy to play, you should be shamed for wanting shit like Tristana to be good
multiplicative scaling is cancer, specially when you consider that AAs are impossible to dodge or effectively deal with outside of a grand total of two champions
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>he does this
>he gets permabanned
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fug adc
So am I actually just awful at the game if I just don't want to play ADC and I prefer more laid-back roles like Jungle, Mid, and Top?
Transcend the hatred, friends. Your pains don't have to become other people's pains.
Retaliation is NOT defense.

Own your past and grow through it, learning to prevent future generations from suffering the same fate as you. Only that way can we make humanity grow healthier.
Why would your role preference have anything to do with your skill at the game
>You do realize that, for ADCs, Banshee having AP is better than Abyssal having AP, right?

I dunno man, the idea of Ahri/Kat/Ekko/Fizz roaming bot with Banshee's sounds just as terrifying as Abyssal
I want Master Yi to be viable because anything's better than another fucking dash champion.
>disappears from the map avoiding everything
>pops up right on top of his target
>less cancerous than a dash
One (1) targeted dash with predictable behavior (Time your cc for when he lands) is less cancerous than shit like Zed, ekko, lee, etc.
I don't think they should be removed, i think there should be more ways to stall effectively and reach a point in the game where they become strong. Riot doesn't like long games so i guess buffing their early game would be the way to go, but i just don't agree with that solution since it seems to me like riot is just giving in to their whining. I guess i'm the problem.
I don't mean to shit on all adc players, but from my experience this is the role with the most entitled shitheads playing it.
He really is, most of the time.

I'm sure if he became "viable" again then he'd probably be pretty awful.

ADC will always attract the worst people anyways.
Never understood what? Haven't you realised you didn't finish writing that?
>Whats up with that candlejack meme anyway?
I dunno man, it seems like the Candlejack thing is becom
if i owned my past id blow up my old school because the teachers propogateed bullying with the "its ok cus it's normal" mentality. i personally beat the shit out of bullies and stopped getting bullied in high school. doesn't mean schchool shooters aren't justified especially considering what adults do to each other. singlig out is not okay and your inferior genes deserve purging
>kog no guinsoo
>strong lead
>implying assassins aren't predictable
gonna have to disagree with you there bud. The assassin update made most assassins pretty predictable.
Abyssal is 10% extra damage on your ass if they're the kind of mage that jumps on top of you. Banshee is only more important if you're in a situation where you're going to have only one skill to peel, they should be able to kill your ass anyway in such a situation

I'd rather we cull anything that's not a skillshot and make everyone a different take on Yasuo, Lucian and Zed before making braindead shit like Yi viable. and he's actually viable right now, don't use him unless you know what you're doing if you're high elo, but below diamond you'll be able to easily reach the point where you can just kill people by rightclicking

that's why they need to nerf crit
if you make them not such a powerhouse in the late game you can afford to make them much more powerful in the earlier stages
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I guess it's an autistic kindred main or something then. He raped vi and then the rest of us with the mastery that gives you a shield if you CC people.

I was about to honor him but then he started shitalking before destroying our nexus.
>pick Garen
>Enemy team is Kennen, Zyra, Vel Koz, Ezreal, and Lee Sin
>Literally not allowed to play the game

Good fucking god, that's why nobody plays Garen I guess. I literally had to sit next to my tower like its a cuck tent and watch Kennen CS. He went AD and rushed blade of the ruined king too so he got that active slow and I couldn't strongly itemize against his mixed damage.
>not predictable
>picking garen against that shit
>not dodging
basically the artificer of your own misery
How about champions that have skillshots with weaknesses like Veigar instead of more champions with all the tools they need to never die?
How do I learn to let go lolg?

I realized a few years ago I fucked up my chance at teenage love and I'll never get it back
I got the complete animu storyline with a childhood friend i could've discovered sex with and I fucked it up

i still love her
you simply league of legends nigger
Talking mostly about his double dashing e, his ult is somewhat predictable
or fix your mistake
You could make it your goal to reform the school system then. Or to educate educators.

No one's gonna listen to violent angry ramblings of an "avenger".
But everyone values the voice of a healer.
If you need some time to heal yourself, see a doctor. They literally made it their life's purpose to help. Don't be ashamed to be honest with them either.
But please, grow past your wounds. You too can one day find a way to heal yourself and others. Maybe as a doctor, maybe not as a doctor. There's plenty of ways to do that, and you can find yours.
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>mfw that happened to me
>but we actually started a relationship
>although she had a previous bf
>but she was my first
>still the fact I wasn't hers made me jealeous as fuck
>as years passed she progressed in life
>while I kept on being a loser bc money issues
>she dumped me after 6 years
>I considered kms
>but instead I just smoke and play league to numb the pain
>I also have a friend that's kind of keeping me alive though all this

Don't date girls, it's a meme designed to ruin your life.
you know why you think no1 will listen? bcause you are either the bully or "innoent" bysander
kill yourself before i kill you worthless herd
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stop talking about real life shit in league general you fucking retards
t. bully afraid of retaliation
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try me you beta bitch
>buffing udyr's tiger stance which was already the best part of his mediocre kit
>leaving phoenix still shit tier
makes u think
lvl 1 udyr cheese coming back?
I'm not sure what this has to do with my point about ADCs or even the skillshot point
They're fine. Veigar is not used (in competitive) mostly just because his weaknesses are easily exploited by what's currently meta, same for Lux. Both aren't bad though.
>just saying this guy called me a nigger gets you a 14 days suspension
nice game lolbabs
can i appeal my ban somehow
this is actual bullshit
I was a victim. Almost a local celebrity, if you will. "That guy that never dares to fight back". For over 7 years.
Still, i've grown. I maintained my humanity. I didn't let these pains destroy my personality in the same way you allowed them to destroy you. I didn't let them win.

That whole angry, threatening talk tells a story of fear and insecurities. A destructive attitude that is mostly self-destruction.
I lived through all of these phases. And you will, too. One day you will look back and think to yourself: "Not giving up has paid off"
>just saying this guy called me a nigger gets you a 14 days suspension

how about no
maybe don't call them a nigger in a game ran in cali
its not going to work out for you
you call me beta yet you wouldn't say this with a man bigger than you. i was lucky and grew big, used my size to fend of people jumping me. the only people who think shooting is not justified are people who think name calling is bullying

do you know what it's like getting jumped during a bike ride? getting off the bus? then have teachers send you to the office for being upset large groups pick on you and call you pedophile, baseless accusations that could lead to being a sex offender? THAT's bullying. i got lucky, in HS the teachers were less retarded and my specific class ostracized bullies. most of the time the bullies stay in the majority. wat do you do when lifes so fucked you wanna kill yourself because it's a school day? the only people targeted are weak people with perceived inability to fight back, especially when nobody does shit because the administration always give both parties the same suspension or say no proof.

their lifes already over, they just want peace of mind and to show bullies to be afraid because they always justify their bullying with group mentality fallacies

you say man up and i say school shooters did. they solved the problem nobody else would
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>walk into top lane
>udyr comes out of the bush and slaps you for 300+ damage
Literally Riots most no no word. Like you could have said anything else. You're a fool for not knowing this, you reap what you sow.
you weren't bullied i can tell by your thoughts of what bullying is. you just a whiny ass normie
Look buddy, I know no one loves you, but this is the league of legends thread. Go be edgy somewhere else
You're going to get a perma if you appeal a nigger ban
You make me wanna give a bullied kid a gun. Specifically the one you bullied
haha i posted to another internet location
r9k is a board of depressed autists not vengeful autists. but the fact this is your reply further justifies the purge
You've made it abundantly clear that you've been hurt. And now you cling to threats and weapons as a shield to hide behind. It's a common defense mechanism.

But the only way to actually heal yourself is the following: DARE TO BE VULNERABLE AGAIN.

your assumption is wrong.
and now you try to make me into the villain for challenging your coping mechanism.
See your errors.
I was a miracle baby that almost died during birth I was also planned and my mother loves me very much
but your mentality is exactly why these purges are justified?myour inability to accept someoje different and use the fact they are singled out as an argument is ridivulous low iq nonsense and your genes deserve purging tp better humanity
yeah, alright buddy, but you have to post that shit elsewhere
go get a room you two
even waifuposting is more thread related than this bullshit discussion, man up you fags
I pity you. You didn't have much growing up I assume. Let go the rage in your heart. There are better ways to live life, happier ways.
Y'all can stick with the derailed bully/victim talk or just join in the new thread:

is he bugged or something?
There's new exploit that lets you stand in base and damage creeps in all 3 lanes + all enemy champions on map with single Q
my assumptions not wrong, evry normie thinks they were bullied but just were subjected to normal high school jerks making retarded jokes with their in group
have you been jumped by multiple people then suspended for beating their ass and giving chase?
no matter where it's posted you will ignore it. don't use buddy as a negative term you fake garbage
you do realize those people become serial killers if they didn't fight back or shoot you? ad they target you first
>quadrillion dollar indie company
it happens again. pretty funny actually, does it hit all jungle camps on the map too?
its an issue
I can honestly say that the last time i actually deliberately hurt another human bean was when i was 6 years old. Now i am 24, have my own place, get autismbux, and manage to actually be happy without having to delude myself.

I had situations where i was surrounded by several older/bigger people and the only thing i had to defend myself with was a keychain, or a rock, or a ruler.
Hell, i got even sent out of school into a police station and then a weekend in psychiatric surveillance for writing a "kill list" as a joke.

I've fucking had those exact same thoughts as you. But i've learned that there literally ARE better ways to cope. Ways to heal. Ways to overcome.

And i have to admit it's tough trying to talk sense with you when you keep resorting to ad hominems and denying my credibility.
Not sure about jungle creeps, probably not. It's pretty shitty that 16 hours later he is still not disabled and you gotta waste ban because of exploit.
Lux doesn't seem happy in that pic
I use those coping mechanism and was well respected by my peers in high school. im glad you got your neetbux, mine on their way. neetbux will help me buy my weed to help medicate my aspergers and tourretes.

I still think they are justified
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