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/tfg/ - Titanfall General

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Thread replies: 758
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>Lore, lewds & more

>/tfg/-created Helpful Videos, Tutorials & Mods

>Steam Group
PC: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/pc/11942/
Xbox One: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/xbox/445674/
PS4: http://www.titanfall.com/en_us/networks/playstation/63/
Searching 'the fast guys' will bring it up in game for PS4; for PC, you have to join using the link, and for XBone, you need to request entry in the thread first.

FNN 11: https://www.titanfall.com/en_us/news/frontier-news-network-11/
FNN 12: https://www.ea.com/games/titanfall/titanfall-2/news/frontier-news-network-12
Full Colony patch notes including the quiet stuff: http://i.imgur.com/1OeySzy.png

>Doomed Thread: >>173096621
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Reminder that Yan-Ion wants your pilot dick NOW
>eject from titan
>ION shoots off your jump jets so you cant maneuver mid air away from her
>she strikes a spread eagle pose to make sure you land within her cockpit and not slam into the ground a puddle of love
>you choke back a sob as your operator mistakenly says that your titan is ready.
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I don't like this lore and it needs to stop.
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Stop it reeeeeeeeee. I like the original Holopilot ' you've made a friend!' Comic though.
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Reminder of tacticals.

>comfy fur coat pilots only

>Titan Cowboys. The fastest.

>Speed in a can, for shitter use only

>safe space, for shitter use only

>RDDT tier for slow use only

>master of vanilla walljumps, true tacital patrician
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>favourite tactical isnt even listed

Kek I actually forgot.

Pulse Blade
>tactical ninja, close 3rd for supreme tactical.
pulse blade
>team players who also couldn't quit their bad habit of screen-looking when playing split-screen as a kid. hopefully detecting enemies for you and your teammates will win you over new friends and satisfy your desire to be omniscient at the same time. maybe.
Will you shut the fuck up? Thanks.
I wasnt aware people had taste this bad in here?
Guess this general really has gone to shit

>guaranteed Phasebots
I'm going to rape you with phase and the r97 and you can't stop me faggot
git fucking good
How autistic would cosplaying as a Titan be?
ROFL you said stim was for shitters, you are an autistic faggot who needs to git gud.

>I use a OSOK gun and can read phase trails.

Listen up niggers, this whining about meta or whatever needs to end, or at least admit you're bootyblasted. The way I see it, if you aren't at the top of the scoreboard then that's on you. Git gud.

How is it not just free speed? It's straight up free health and free speed for people who get in situations to need both. Shitter Tactical, gitgud.
can you stop with the autism speak and use english instead
you're not cool

Autism speaks everyone. Hey little buddy show us on the doll where the bad stim man touched you.
charge rifle
stats or gtfo you sub 80% winrate niggers
go back 2 reddit
The smart one ;)

One Shot One Kill. Its basic vidya speak.


Stim can't touch me, I'm too quick for off the counter speed meds.


Noice, 5 (you's). I have a 82% winrate though and often play solo so there's that.


P2016 Supp treated me right always but I'm really enjoying the REEEE-45 Supp in conjunction with the Kraber right now, its a pocket CAR and I'm quite happy with it. Smart Pistol is super aesthetic and feels cool but I'm not prepared to part with my Battery for it.
Daily reminder the SMR is the hardest grenadier to use
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>including me for my silly story about friendless pulse blade pilots

Wow I didn't even think it was that funny. I can't believe I got a (you) out of this. Thanks Anon!
Wingman or Wingman Elite. The raw power is really nice and revolvers are just cool (even if it is the lame removable-cylinder kind)
>guys my winrate is high trust me
>everyone says Volt is a useless piece of shit now
>Decide to try it
>No problems killing people whatsoever
>Feel bad and go back to gitting gudder with the Mastiff
I'm scared for the world if I ever decide to try the R97/phase meta loadout
you're not as good as you think you are
thats pretty cringe
Best Ronin kit?
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>it's finally here
They are not up for sale yet, but should be by tomorrow or Sunday. The store is Merlin in this pastebin: https://pastebin com/cXZTGafD
I'll drop by again as soon as they're buyable

At work famalam. :^)

I'll remember later today and post, then you get to shut your dirty face. Use Stim to fuck off real quick why don't cha?

Thunderstorm + Turbo if you like manoeuvres and skill.

Highlander + Overcore if you like beating stick.

Phase Reflex + Nuke if you like being a nuisance.
they all are viable
not only are you a whiny shitter who thinks too highly of himself you're also a terrible liar
good work
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ogres a best
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Its actually 1:22am. Even if you use Stim you cant catch BritPilot! :^)

Hey look its my back office!

And I don't think too highly of myself at all, its been widely justified.
>there are no night shifts
>there are no other time zones
This is some low effort shit posting.
you're security? Is it hard to land a job like that? Do you get to watch monitors most of the time or is there a lot of bullshit to deal with?
Mozambique is Mozambest!
>Drinks shit monster
>Smokes cheap shit niggarettes
>Works as some pleb mall/parking garage security while making Reddit tier blog posts

Opinion discarded.
I want Northstar to watch my every move and keep me safe
Any good newbie guides?

Kek, its the least involved bit of my job. I'm a nighttime Hotel Manager. I didn't snap the left which is my desk because there's infinite amounts of paperwork and payment info.


Monster is semi-shitty, but the shop across the way didn't have the one I like best. Cigarettes are expensive as fuck here and they're the only menthols I can get right now thanks to muh gubberments. Inb4 >menthols

And as above I explained my job. Its the equiv of $35k/yr so its ok I guess, I don't have to do much some nights so I get to irritate children like you with my posts whilst I wish to go home and get on the stacks.
Play the campaign, take a look at the Bhop guide and grapple guide. After that you're mostly good
I see the grapple guide in the pastebin. Any bhop guide in particular?

Just search YT for one, they're all the same. I think shiggys grapple guide has a little tut on maintaining speed from a grapple with bhop.
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>Militia and Legion connected on my crossword

What does it mean TFG!?
Cosplaying is already autistic, so just go for it
Is the Tifa2 artbook worth it? Or would I ejaculate my body weight out every day and die?
scans are on tfgeneral
>grapple the fastest
you mean for pilots that cant gain speed in any other way?
>Playing LTS
>3 stack hardcore shitters
>All have no network and have the ronin sword patch
>They are salty as fuck
>Last smidge of health while doomed
>2 Enemy tones sits there tbagging me
>Misses all their shots, eats my entire core

>Next round
>Same fuckers
>all run overcored grand cannon ions
>They talk shit entire match and aftr they win

>Next match
>Wreck therm with 2 other tfg and some rando drunk off ass
>It wass a 2-0 come back for us
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>Shitscan B3 Wingman has a comfy wood grip
>The Elite doesn't
viper a shit.

Any pilot with enough wallrunning skill can get to high speeds but it takes grapple to reach ludicrous speeds. Plus you have the vertical speed that other pilots can't get.
ur shit
but less shit than viper

Tacticool tho.


Fuck off you rascal.
No, more like 2000x more shit than Viper
I will not go. viper a shit.

Viper a fast, pls go

therefore viper a shit.

Viper spec Northstars would make multiplayer trivial. I want it.
I have every pilot camo barring 3. But I want to run factory issue because every detail is more defined and authentic. Am I autistic?
Grapple is literally the only way you can reach and maintain 40+ MPH as a pilot.
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Viper perfectly cooks frag grenades to instagib any a-wall shitters
Is anyone using the new low mouse sensitivity option?

I'm grateful that Respawn added this feature, but I noticed some issues. When the sens is set below 1.0, it gradually changes every time I leave the menu. Say I set it to 0.6, and the next time I look it's become 5.79234 - why?

The new low sens works fine in Ion, but in Northstar the sens went back to 1. It didn't go back to 1 in the menu, but the tracking was twice as fast. Made it pretty much impossible to snipe.

Also, you can't have your ADS sens any lower than your main sens if the main is 1 or less. Because the minimum multiplier for ADS is still 1.
Airstrafing and chaining fast wallruns lets you maintain 40mph.
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In the gauntlet where the terrain is specifically laid out to offer a clear linear path of walljumps, sure, but there is no practical space to pull that off in an actual gameplay, let alone in a fight.
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>tfw miss happy hour two days in a row
11 people circlejerking in one channel instead of going into different channels for stacks.
For $20 it was certainly worth it for me, I enjoy looking at the pretty art from time to time. There's more material on stuff like the Titans and Pilots (and even the weapons) compared to the last one (which had more landscape art than I would've liked, if I recall correctly). I also like having references handy for drawfagging though, so your use case may vary.
Just hop onto another network senpai

Eh I ordered it anyway. I like nerd books.

>he doesn't have a private personal network

Laugh at him.
Its not about the extra merits, its about the happy hour stacks. Playing with tfg is more fun than playing alone, and getting a full stack rolling at any other time is pretty hit and miss.

True, but why not get both? There's usually 2-3 pilots available at many hours.
nobody can ever really get more than 2 or 3 people into a stack outside of happy hour
anyone wanna group up? Just got PTSD from a scorch getting 4k points in LTS.
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This is the face of the new tfg, will you look away?


PC I guess?
I don't know who any of these people are, but now I know not to play with them. Thanks.
Why is a music bot in a stack chat? That's the stupidity's reason right there.
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Why do you hate fun?
>Speed in a can, for shitter use only
>for shitter use only

Whats your in game name? I need to know so that the next time I shower my team with enemy batteries thanks to stim, I wont be giving you any.

>implying I need your batteries.

I pack extra thanks. Plus I don't play with slow shitters.
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great cinematography here
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how does a game like overwatch become an esport and a game like titanfall doesn't. legitimately makes me angry.
do you really want thousands of people watching us in the world finals while we spout our memes full of lolicon, fagotry and racism
Because higher skill ceiling means nothing in the face of one of the biggest devs in the business and a large marketing campaign that focuses in part on the esport angle. Titanfall had neither of those things. It's a better game by far, both mechanically and aesthetically. It's even more fun to watch just because of the crazy plays that happen every single match. But Blizzard's first new ip in over a decade automatically wins due to broad appeal and a much much stronger marketing campaign, even if the game is actually shit, which it is.
i want thousands of people watching people going fast and fragging hard instead of running around like chicken with their heads cut off playing an ""fps""moba or sitting in one spot holding an angle and crawling through molasses like cs:slow

honestly i don't even care about esports i just miss dirty bomb and no game has been able to scratch that same itch for me, titanfall is the closest and it's really well done and well-supported by respawn so it sucks that it doesn't get any recognition.

i hate that in order to become a popular/lucrative sport the game has to be dumbed down. that is just totally backwards but without a nearly non-existent entry barrier like overwatch and hearthstone it will never happen. it's a miracle to me that dota ever got as big as it did considering how non-noob friendly it is and lack of casual modes, i'm happy for them that it did though.
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>there's a lapisfag in the discord
I feel all the more validated for avoiding these shitholes
what am i looking at
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This is some sorcery. This smells like Emacs bullshit.
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Post Ruse Cruise.
My feelings as well.
man as someone who only use Holo pilot
I wis the Holo Nova boost is cheaper
at least make it like 25% or even 30%
>trick someone like 3 times in a round

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Fun matches boys. Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
Bunch of who's that I've never seen on the network or in game
Man, those ion's were cunts, I'm sure they all ran overcore with grand cannon like bunch faggots they were.

I usually only use Holo on Live Fire but I'm going to try adapting to it over Grapple in a regular game today and see how it goes.

Popping both decoys AND Nova on Live Fire when it's just you left and taking the win feels great. I'd have Nova be 50% or more but have multiple charges.

>these RDDTs

I like bamboozled but ruse cruisin' is superior.


Bish and Chips.


>fuck rddt
Well yeah.

>fuck that guy on Live Fire
Explain, tell me a story

>fuck 5 stack Ions
Use Big Scorcho

>Fuck R-97 and Phase
Stay away and use a hard damage gun or follow the trails. But it doesn't need 2 charges, like for real.
Do anyone even use Male Holo?
he feel so thicc so I always use Female Holo
>Amped flatline ARC Phast Shift 20-4
>I used scorch but ended up getting shoopdawooped from 4 different angles lol.
>Thats not how you spell COLD WAR.
I only use Male Holo when I feel like executing Order 66

Other than that, Fem Holo a major cute 100% of the time
for what it's worth, I've seen at least 2 of those people playing.
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how to deal with the camping snipers on meadow

your mileage may vary
I just holo one or two while going through the bush
throw some gravity star and then funballs away
I use male holo cus im not a fag
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When you see yourself in a /tfg/ screenshot

Nifty. Although I normally AM the back line anchor.


His EOD style collar looks pretty cool but girl is a cute.


>he wants 2 male asses on his screen at once
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>about to throw pulse blade
>enemy pilot swoops down and melees me
>pulse blade drops down and falls on his toe, killing him
why are northshitters always the most arrogant cunts you ever see?
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t. Ronin main
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>About to throw a pulse blade out a window
>Ally pilot steps in front of my view
>Pulse blade thunks off the back of their head and falls to the ground, illuminating the room I'm already in
Who hurt you, rddt?
Ok how do you deal with Ion when you are Legion?
specially in LTS?
Overwatch was pushed megafucking hard and almost fell flat on its face until blizzard started to just bribe the fuck out of people to stream the shit out of it on top of a massive marketing campaign and relentless and constant online shilling with waifubait

When overwatch was first announced, nobody gave a flying fuck
>muh teamfortress 2 clone

overwatch, much like cs:go, are successful not because they're good games, but because they got massive enough media and marketing exposure to become self-sustaining.

The secret of modern videogames is that you don't actually need to make a good game, just a good marketing campaign.
I don't care for Overwatch either, but you're spouting more bullshit than truth son
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Ronin's a great titan that is fucked over by small balance/bug issues.

He'd be a much bigger threat if:

Ion's laser shot wasn't so good
He could block northstar's railgun
Ejections took an extra half second to a second before dealing damage
Titan punches had reduced range and less pushback
nah, ronin is for fags scorch for lyfe
some random faggot was all high and mighty and shit talking in LTS and then went they lost last round which was 4vs5
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Scorch is always the best Titan

And he has the nose art to prove it

Don't shoot until he's Red shield, or has double lasered. Then open season.
If he is kiting like a bitch and spamming laser shot your best bet is to fuck off.

If he's trying to bait you into shooting at him, literally just wait it out. He's burning energy to hold shield up and when it's done he has no damage and is easy prey.
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>first time after 11 hours of play time getting top1 with most kill
feelsgoodman, I think I'm finally getting the hang of the game
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>next update is "Glitch in the Frontier"
>something special and new for featured queue
>talked about special modifier queues in the past

Calling it now, its going to be the mutation update, floor is lava, low gravity, big head mode, ect.

I'd settle for a map thats Colony but it flips between old/new versions like the single player mission.
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>they spent money making Live Fire to draw in that nonexistent esports community
>the mode just takes everything bad about TF and mashes it together

stop trying to make every competitive multiplayer shooter into Counter Strike you fucking kikes
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>swoop over enhanced tone from behind
>did a 180 and shot me midair
autism speaks
>trying to get B3 Wingman to G2
this is much much harder than I though
I love LF its an excuse to shit on tryhards with my CW.
are you saying you're not shitting on them 24/7?
Currently I'm trying to gen every weapon so I have my true love the cold war put away but in LF its just too good an opportunity to get salt for using it. Cold War is just too good.
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ebin :DDD
2nd highest is archer g7.17
how many hours do you have
if enough people play a game, they'll find a way to make it competitive. just look at dota shit.
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I only use Stim, Phase, and Pulse for tacticals. I only use Northstar and Legion for Titans. I only use EVA-8, Alternator, Mozambique, and Charge Rifle.

Fight me.
but mommy told me not to bully retards
For the record, dota was played professionally even when it was still just a wc3 mod
And that's exactly the reason why Valve chose to bank on it
I've always found the idea of "pro" DotA/Mobashit to be kind of ironic, since it's a genre that exists for people who suck at RTS.
youre probably alright at the game
it requires a different skillset entirely though

the only people who say that are rts fans butthurt that dota clones put the nail in the coffin of their burgeoning, stale genre.
Funny you think that since they're barely even comparable beyond one genre being derived from the other. As a disclaimer, I speak solely for Dota since everything else is trash.
1 player controlling every unit and 5 players controlling 5 separate super units are wildly different environments and require different sets of skills.
If you're the best RTS player in the world, then that's it. You did it.
You could be the best dota player in the world, but if you don't play as a team you're bound to lose.
And that's why it's so popular. The combos, the upsets, the highs and lows of camaraderie, the wacky horseshit you can try out that sometimes works. While it may require less technical skill, the game is only as difficult as the enemy team makes it,
You want a game that gets the best of both worlds? Watch some SupCom FAF matches. That shit gets wild
funny how we're separate dotards and functionally had the same counterargument, really makes me think friendo
>dota shit takes skill

hell of a meme
>communication and teamwork aren't skills

I'm sorry your immense autism prevents you from interacting with human beings in a way that isn't negative, confrontational, and antagonistic, anon.
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Dotards please go to your general instead of shitting up this one
Takes more thinking power than TF2 for sure.
That's even the reason I play TF2. I quit Dota a year or some ago because I just became mentally exhausted. It feels good to bound through a map and frag without a care again.
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Reminder that /d2g/ runs this shit
also it's dead hours, who cares
no need to get passive aggressive roastie. but dota shit is indeed shit.
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>we can never go back to the good old days when our boy peter dager dumpstered euros and chinese left and right
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>it requires a different skillset entirely though
Meaning one (RTS) takes skill, the other does not.

>the only people who say that are rts fans butthurt that dota clones put the nail in the coffin of their burgeoning, stale genre
Nah. I say that as someone who can't stand RTS. I suck at it. Not my thing. Comes down to APM and the ability to multitask, and I get tunnel vision like a motherfucker. If I want strategy I'll play something turn based like Final Fantasy Tactics, Tactics Ogre, XCOM, or chess.

Moba is literally a zero skill genre, it's all about team work. Take LoL for example, 90% of your ability to climb the ladder comes down to teamwork (premade) or just not be a cunt (solo) to know how and when to lead or follow. Very little technical skill or execution required.

> I speak solely for Dota since everything else is trash
Literally "my turd is shinier than the rest."

But hey, as long as you're having fun.

I'll stick to fighting games. Highest skill ceiling of any genre, best community by far, and I hate relying on others.

I can't stress that last one enough. See pic related? I don't know what that feels like, and I don't ever want to.
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An opinion formed of zero experience isn't a very reliable opinion, friend.
Neither is a blatantly biased one.
>played WC3 to completion and online (without much success, admittedly) in the days of yore
>Get to Diamond consistently in LoL just by not being a faggot
>Have earned money playing fightan
I'd say I'm pretty experienced.
league is a casual game anon
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But I'm clearly not biased. I didn't even speak ill of RTS. I even referred to the best RTS ever made.

>>played WC3 to completion and online (without much success, admittedly) in the days of yore
>>Get to Diamond consistently in LoL just by not being a faggot
Okay? Those have no real connection to Dota at all. Who led you to believe that LoL is even close to the same thing as Dota?
My opinion regarded Dota and you clearly have no experience with Dota.
Regardless of the level of skill involved, I think we all need to remember that mobas (yes, even dota) are for fags.
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>My opinion regarded Dota and you clearly have no experience with Dota
I played a dozen or so games before realizing it just wasn't for me.

This was kind of my main point. Yes, RTS basically died out because of Moba, but not because Moba is good, but because it caters to the lowest common denominator. CoD had a similar effect on the FPS genre, although I doubt anyone would argue it's effects have been positive. For the genre or the industry.

Imagine this then.
Titanfall = Dota
CoD BO3 = LoL
Titanfall 2 = Dota 2
That's merely anecdotal though. LoL is leagues worse than its big brother. I've been told it was considered a good game at some point in time, but Riot has flushed away any and all potential the game had since.
>Riot has flushed away any and all potential the game had
Riot gives zero fucks about creating the best game they can, all they care about is pandering to identity politics and their "community."

They're in it to make a constant profit by making people happy. I'm not sure how much longer their one game can sustain that kind of business strategy/design philosophy.
Ok now has the dust has settle
Which Faction do you use?
Mama Gates
Mommy Gates
blisk, anything else is reddit tier
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How long are they going to keep re-releasing old maps?

"free dlc" is nice and all, but i'd much rather have paid DLC if they keep this up.
see >>173345390
If they started charging for maps it wouldn't mean we would suddenly get more/better dlc, all it would do is split the already small community.
Why is Six Four so boring?
did she forget to shake her medicine?
>not liking gates as a milfy Brit mum
We need more art of her damn it!
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>a-wall has giant velcro straps with bits of cloth on his boots
A-wall 2 fat 2 tie shoes
futuristic spats
Big boy's gotta have big boots

I dunno why but this has me crying with laughter. I'm in fits.
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wow really showed him faggot


Are all you Stim shitters just perpetually angry?
>game of attrition
>pretty even until about 200 points
>doing decently well
>fall behind, start getting shit on
>game ends, only one other person left on my team
The people who play this game are fucking faggots.
meh, if I stumble upon a team of total faggots who run the r97 and phase at the same time, I just quit because I'm wasting my time, its not fun to play against thoose.
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Looks like some kind of soft armor strapped over his boots imo
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Smart Pistol is fun and I won't apologize for it, nor do I think I should.

Fight me. After I wake up, it's bedtime.
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I switch between OI, DRINK, FOCUS and Grandpa Marder. I've never tried 6-4, and I fucking hate the piss-drinker
barker is best
>After I wake up, it's bedtime.
Have you also not slept since you woke up?
>Doesn't take himself too seriously
>Accuses you of collaborating with the enemy
>Staggers around and damn near falls out of the dropship
>Has a bottle of moonshine waiting for you

The anon that suggested the Barney Gumble burp when your Titan drops while rolling with Barker was dead on.
Barker is the only one with a sense of humor. He seems to be the only "down to earth" faction leader in the game.

Dumb starter bitch is always chambering rounds.
Blisk does the stupid spiel about who's bettah.
Vinson robot is a robot.
6-4 is too gungho
Marder is a fucking cunt.
You know, this game and thread seriously lacks in the c@ girl department.

I demand more c@s.
go back to the discord for your furshit
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Seems relevant even if old.
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I want Barker to not remember a thing about Typon because he was drunk off his ass.

He just kinda laughs and says he remembers, but then the rumors get more and more extravagant and untrue, but he keeps saying they are because he literally doesn't remember, so at the end the battle of Typon becomes this legendary battle where all this crazy anime shit happened, and Sarah can't say it didn't because she saw a pilot run through ground zero of a world ending device to get to a ship mid-air, and the IMC can't say shit because most of them are dead, with the only survivors probably being those that left when Ash used her robo-katana to fight BT, and everyone just sees a giant robot sword battle.
tfg in skirts please
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>that new Marder intro where he wordlessly opens the door and doesn't look back
Marder is the only faction leader that treats you like a professional.
marder inst militia you knuckle head
but the player is.
What is the cutest titan couple and why is it Scorch and Northstar?
Legion and Ronin. Legion dominates ronin's boipucci
It's actually Me and Ronin
Ion main here, I can easily just turn the shield on when I need it. Taking one or two bullets if I'm to slow is no big deal.

My advice is to wait until they start to use laser core. If you can avoid getting hit, they will be absolutely helpless to avoid your DPS, which is so insanely high that you can beat a grand cannon to the face with your main weapon if you have enough health left.

One good strategy is to unload most of your bullets into his shield, then dash behind cover once they have absorbed your shots so they can't be thrown back. The Ion won't want to hold his shield out and waste energy since he's almost out, you have about 4 seconds to fart your DPS on him before he gets another laser shot.

Of course he can just throw half a clip back and eat some bullets, but I think you have the advantage there because of larger health.
ill never learn how to go fast with a grapple
see >>173370647
>stale genre
He's not even paying attention. Probably never heard of Planetary Annihilation or the new expansion.
>pro scene
what? is there one?
Is Legion prime worth getting?
It doesnt look all that different and is a shitty banana yellow, I havent seen the execute though
It's true
if you pick marder as your faction you aren't militia what are you on about
wheres the snow map
Ronin goes in for the execution while legion tears through the enemy

Scorch is also a good combo since bodyblocking and arc waves into a flame trap is fucking amazing
>based blisk
The more I play the more Titan v Titan combat is getting frustrating. Answer a few questions for me please, veterans.

Why do my wire traps as Northstar never seem to work? Enemy Ronins just pass right by them, without phase walk, and nothing happens.

What is the point of Ion mines if people can just destroy them in 0.1 second?

What is the point of Scorch or Legion?
I keep trying to make Legion in particular work but I feel like my damage output is laughable compared to Ion or Northstar, and I just get rushed by a Ronin, or a Tone catches me out of position. Actually, as Legion anywhere feels like I'm out of position, I never feel safe or like I can take any sort of advantage. Meanwhile as Ion or Northstar I feel like I can butcher the entire enemy team pretty much anytime.
It's "ehh"

The upside is that it makes Legion look sleeker
The downside is that it looks like it has a diaper, regardless of the camo you put on it

The execution is okay, you bitch slap them twice with your gun, then hit them with a p-p-p-powershot

Overall, not as good as the other Prime titans
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>Tether people into spicy fists
>Fly over the fire to shoot niggas for style points

I always flank with my scorchpals in my northstar, it's great
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i was so disappointed the original wasnt actually a guy
>Execution is okay
I thought it was pretty mediocre at first too, but it's the details that make it brutal
The second bitch slap takes off their titans leg, and their titan is reaching for it and struggling to put it back on as they look up and stare straight down your barrels
I don't main legion but I like, it's a bit more subtle instead of over the top goofiness
wire traps won't activate instantly upon placing, you need to have them placed ahead of time.

ion mines have a silly blast radius, they're great for killing hiding pilots.

legion can tank assloads of damage with bulwark and has a retarded amount of damage with power shot. get hidden compartment, it's broken.
Tether traps take a little while to "prime"
Odds are you're trying to use them as a panic move which doesn't work; they're called traps for a reason

Ion mines have a significantly larger detection and blast radius; they're actually really good against pilots in tight spaces

Scorch's entire thing is area denial and CQC. Your primary weapon should be your flame shield; if you're running the perk that boosts its damage you can doom ANY titan with it and they can't do shit against it. Use your thermite canisters to cut off any escape from your spicy fists. Open spaces are your mortal enemy. Learn to flank.

Legion is interesting, because it's incredible at close and long range but kind of mediocre at medium. Ronins shouldn't even be an issue if you run hidden compartment; not only will it nearly insta-doom them but it shoves them comfortably away from you. As for Tone, Put up your shield and close the gap. They can't lock onto you by hitting your shield, it can tank almost an entire salvo core, and if you get past their particle wall they're fucking done for.
I didn't know Power Shot actually made you do more damage, I thought it was just knock-back and piercing. I rarely have a need for those so I just never use it. No wonder Legion didn't seem good to me. Thanks for the info.

I had no idea the flame shield was that good. I almost never see Scorch's use it offensively. Guess I'll try it out.

As for the traps, yeah I pretty much use them in response to Ronins closing in on me, I don't put them down beforehand. I really don't see the value there since I tend to be mobile as Northstar and I think any good Northstar would be. But I can't really complain since she seems borderline OP even without them.
>I really don't see the value there since I tend to be mobile as Northstar
Even if you're mobile you have no reason to not be laying down traps
Sending out a breadcrumb trail of traps as you move has 2 important purposes
It gives you a trapped out fallback route if you accidentally turn a corner into several titans, they'll never even get close because they'll be getting tethered every step of the way after you
And it covers your ass if any goobers try to sneak up on you, there's an audio cue you'll always hear no matter how far you are so you'll know if somebody set one off behind you

Basically if your trap isn't on cooldown, slap it down again, you're only hurting yourself if you don't
Legion's normal machine gun puts out almost as much damage as laser core. You probably aren't hitting anything if you aren't hurting your opponents.
How long do traps last once placed?
>Ronins shouldn't even be an issue if you run hidden compartment; not only will it nearly insta-doom them but it shoves them comfortably away from you.
Can confirm, a well-placed power shot can ruin a ronin's day. I've learned to phase dash as soon as I see that barrel glowing.
Quite a while, I never really bothered to measure because they last long enough for you to go over the cap anyway if you keep putting them down
You can have a max of 5 down at a time, the next one after that will delete your oldest, and I always keep putting down fresh ones anyway so I don't ever really hit the time limit for them
Nothing wrong with it, still takes more skill than other shitscans

if you couldn't spam the first locked on shot with it, it would take more skill than a shitscan

but for now it's a shitscan you you just don't have to aim to use.
Trying to level the P2016 as fast as I can for that sweet stoic orange. Been using Pulse Blade and SMR for titans. Running quick reload and tactikill. Anything else I should consider?
Yeah and other shitscans have lower ttk and bigger mags

same as other scummy hitscan things, using arc nades make mobile players stop dead, so use them at your leisure

they're also too strong against titans and make for easy escapes.
I use Gravstar and Holo with my SMR/P2016 build. Quick Reload and Tactickill are the best options on it, since your reload is less than half a second, and it's fairly accurate from the hip when it needs to be.
is the discord just for PC players?
i think we have 3 console players you are better off stacking with the thread boys
Thanks. I run Gravity star as well. Normally I run a grenadier, usually EPG or CW, with P2016 as a secondary because it reminds me of the Soldier load out from Tribes, and since I want to match all my camos and almost never use my secondary I'm now trying to level that only. At least it's 5 kills per level instead of ten.
Reminder that using hitscan is fine just don't use it all the time anons
Those were good games, friend. Nothing better than annihilating toneshitters
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but im all hitscan all the time
Why is the mastiff so shit?
To clarify, why does it have a lower ammo count and slower reload compared to the other shotgun that both fires faster and is hitscan?
I want to like it because it's satisfying when it works, but I get better result using just about anything else.
I wonder what this post is
there was a semi pro scene in 1 a long long time ago
It's so weirdly balanced compared to eva8. Unreliable, weird damage profile, it's a big mystery.
>ask Shampoo to notice me
>he doesn't
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i wasn't paying much attention to the chat till the time came for bants
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Those tfg with the devotion and alternators need to delet themselves.
what's wrong with the alternator
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>what's wrong with the strongest gun in the game

Looks like a close game to me. Why are you acting as if you did that phenomenal?
Because Pylon is the Discord vs Thread whipping boy and is always around when Discord stacks wipe thread stacks.
but I thought the r97 and CAR were better than the alternator
no matter what you use even if its a pistol
ur a faggit
does this game have ranked yet
it never will
>TFW no real rebuttal on my new love for the Smart Pistol

Well then.

Holo is best aesthetic pilot. Boba pls.
price drop
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Tone looks a little retro-chic and thats why I like her.
proof of ded
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Can we make TRUCK the official banner of tfg? We had a full stack of T R U C K S last night and the top 3 screen looked fucking incredible.
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>dirty bomb died
>titanfall died
>quake champions sucks
>cs:slow is the only living modern fps
i just wanna go fast and shoot dudes

Shit banner. I told you once.

Cooper/BT creation of a pilot is supreme.
>everyone has the cowboy hat icon
>and everyone is using grapple
I approve
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Good shit AJ, that was tighter than a mare in heat
we are the cuck trucks after all
I like her because of her voice.
I get pissed off when other people play her though, so I don't play her.
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>The discord
>The majority of whom used hitscan
>Vs thread
>The majority of whom used grenadiers or the Mastiff
>The ones without communication or superior weapons beat the people who told them that team compositionis important
Yeah I dunno why it's a big deal either
any sick frag vids to watch while i wait 10 years for my origin to update

Daily highlight clips of fast gameplay and nice frags

But pilot, her systems are yours, paint as many targets as possible with the Forty Milimeter.
Why does Ion sound like a smartass?

Smug because she's OP.
until it reaches 2.0, I get to keep having fun
you over estimate how much the discord actually communicates
Have you thanked your pocket ronins today tfg?

>Grenadiers and mastiff are meta for Amped HP on Forward base Kodai
>Implying most discord players use communication
>Pylon, AJ, and siampuuh are all high-level players
>Still couldn't completely shutdown... whoever most of what the other team is.

Mastiff and grenadier weapons are meta for clearing out B point and C point. As well as defending them. The only name I recognize on the other team is Vex and they still put up a good fight, a 30-point difference is nothing impressive.


>only 7 kills
>literallynothing for hardpoint score
>"report me for hacking"

I'm not even in the tfg network but holy fuck why are you trying to start shit here over such close game? I'm getting second-hand embarrassment and it drove me to make a post.
Your post is embarrassing itself. Is this literally the first /tfg/ vs /tfg/ screencap you've seen?
Nobody needs this kind of defense from banter.
Fuckin relax kid

>Ronin fan
>demands praise for doing nothing
>probably steals kills
>tiny child body

So help me Jesus is this a TeePost?

>"hahaha my team is good and the other team is shit"
>gets told no one cares
>"It's j-just b-banter"

Get your shit-tier "banter" out of the thread then? No one gives a shit. You're not "thread tfg" and no one gives a shit about you. Same goes for any discord faggots who try to bring up this shit out of their containment server.
post (boi)pussy
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>gets told to relax
>gets more riled up
Who hurt you boy?
why tone gotta be so ugly
why is there hecka noobs in this game still? it's dead enough i would think only the people who are pretty good still play, i just played my first few games in a few months and wrecked everyone
because I'm bad
Is there no one on for a xbox stack?

Tone is aesthetic as fuck.

Ogres are ugly, except maybe Scorch Standard, I like the domed hatch.
>see a guy
>send out ruse child
>he falls for it but ducks in a building before I can finish him
>hide in corner
>he runs outside again
>its a ruse child
>I fell for it
>send my second ruse child past the doorway
>he comes outside and melees it
>gets stabbed in the face

Kek. I appreciate the hustle Holopilot.
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>Pylon, AJ, and siampuuh are all high-level players
>high-level player
ah jeez, you're gonna make me blush

I told you don't be in here, cause we in here.
Who dis.
holy fuck i just got fucked in CTF. this games is making me depressed
lunacy spectre, I'm with one other person.
CTF is the most unbalanced game mode IMO, it just doesn't have the same defensive options as something like Tribes
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Why is it so fucking good looking? And sounding?

This is my gun-fu.
Fuck off and prepare for XBONE stack then
the opposing team got five flags while my team got none. idk if my team sucks or if im just too slow :(

At work boipucci. Next Thursday.
>my team sucks
CTF blueberries are always complete shit I never play that mode alone.
Because Siampuuh got removed from the discord after getting caught botting. :^)
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I already embarrassed Derka earlier by getting a 200+ attrition after waiting for a connection for 2 minutes, and he's better than you. :^)
im gonna lay off CTF for a while i guess
CTF sucks cause lol 3 hit shitscan kills
any pc tryna queue
what could be unbalanced other than placement of the flags? I mean if no one on your team can be assed to cap OR defend, that's their problem.
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live fire is kinda fun
Honestly I've been awful recently, pilot game is on point but like my titan game has been off recently. I just started putting on autochip and giving batteries to people instead
Feels bad
you vastly overestimate the number of people who use grenadiers in thread. I try to queue with different people every night in HH and it's mostly hitscan.
go volt or go home

Play a real Titan fuccboi
I wonder if fasts could have a real advantage in lts by using enhanced auto titans, and getting a numerical and surprise advantage.

Auto titans are so stupid though.
probably not. you could leave the titan behind to keep it out of harm, but now that A-walls can be destroyed pilots have little chance of surviving head-on confrontations with multiple titans. You can out-speed 1 but 2+ at once and you are going to have to get very lucky
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No. I'm a way better Titan than I am a Pilot, and I'm a fucking good pilot.
maybe if enhanced auto titans were smart enough to be decent at fighting. as is, they're easy prey.
Bought the game today.

Is this one of those games that has a 'best' gun for each class?

I really like running about, and hate aiming down sites. SMGs seem good for this sort of thing-- what's the 'best' one (if there is?)
things are decently balanced. just use what is the most fun for you
I've just been having bad luck, I'm a better titan than pilot as well but like I'm hyper aggressive so I get rewarded really well
Things are mostly balanced. SMGs outclass most other guns, the R97 currently topping that. But they're also much less fun, and actively turn you homosexual during use. So you're better off with something else.
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Wingman Elite with ricochet.

Ehhh, start with SMGs, get good at wall running and flowing through the map, the CAR is solid for run and gun, it has good hipfire and it isn't really TOO strong, its a solid all rounder. After you can manoeuvre about well try the EPG or the Cold War. Id ignore the autists trying to get you to use the current darling weapon, but id also avoid using meta shit like the G2 or the R97 too.
>AJ is a high-level player
You're making me blush. My k/d is 1.1
what is the best k:d in thread for pc? consolers need not apply
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>ur a fag if u use a good gun lol
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not-late edition
attrition is so much better without all the spectres and reapers flooding the map, should just keep it grunts like at the start
>attrition is better without the ability to mindfuck yourself a robot army

For a better answer, keep in mind that there are a ridiculous amount of slows in the game. Being able to break ai lets them contribute more. And a fast player with a grenadier can take advantage of this in an almost obscene way to rack up free points.
>tfw lost track of time and now can't stack

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reapers are cunts

stalkers are even worse cunts
Post goose!
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>tfw slow

Wow. That was painful to look at.
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>last northstar standing

remove this mode from the game RIGHT NOW
were you scorth
what the fuck is up with the video game today

everyone is super new


1.) Its the weekend
2.) Last weekend was a free weekend
3.) Its been on sale
4.) Kids are off school
thank the Lord RNGsus for free exp
they were so bad, there were times I actually couldn't find anyone to fight
stop fucking posting
one day, anon
>going 8:1
>desync from server
t-thanks respawn
you just need to go faster, that's how I was at the top of the scoreboard :^)

super bizarre though. it was like fighting grunts with somewhat better aim.
>just go faster

normally flanking is a good idea
that's why you ditch the ion buckaroo
guess ill play ronin
what dpi/sens do you sick trackers play on?
was thinking of the Attrition match we played not LTS.

I was still able to eject from my titan and get top titan dmg in a round with just archer and SMR spam though. very sad.
any pc wanna queue a couple games
sure i'll be on soon to check

Fucking make me slowkid. :^)
Why can't zoom sens go below 1.0?
I bet you have a low win rate
Sorry I missed the stack lads, but it looks like you went FAST without me earlier today

80.4% and I solo. I earned the right to be a self-righteous prick thanks.


I can post what I want, you'll never catch me.
tfg requires a win rate of 85 or higher, sorry git gud
>muh winrate
now post your top weapons
>All these goobs jumping to northstar
>She's been my waifu since almost the beginning
It hurts

CAR, then probably Double Take, Kraber, Cold War and the P2016.


Indulge me with a hastily edited stat screen then bud. What do you think I'm gonna do cry? I get 80% having fun and playing for keks. If I wanted to be competitive I would.
not even that guy but that's perhaps one of the most ezmode weapons you can use

Its up there and I won't deny it but its been 'not quite' meta ever since the game came out. Its my warm up game weapon or what I use when I have to drag 5 children to victory. I solo, its tough sometimes.
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why are you not as good as gamesager /tfg/?
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>27k alternator kills
I causes me pain to see everyone flocking to Ion and NS and just being total shit at them. Go play tone you faggots.
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>You will not see a classic scrub throw his opponent five times in a row. But why not? What if doing so is strategically the sequence of moves that optimizes his chances of winning? Here we’ve encountered our first clash: the scrub is only willing to play to win within his own made-up mental set of rules. These rules can be staggeringly arbitrary. If you beat a scrub by throwing projectile attacks at him, keeping your distance and preventing him from getting near you—that’s cheap. If you throw him repeatedly, that’s cheap, too. We’ve covered that one. If you block for fifty seconds doing no moves, that’s cheap. Nearly anything you do that ends up making you win is a prime candidate for being called cheap. Street Fighter was just one example; I could have picked any competitive game at all.
>Doing one move or sequence over and over and over is a tactic close to my heart that often elicits the call of the scrub. This goes right to the heart of the matter: why can the scrub not defeat something so obvious and telegraphed as a single move done over and over? Is he such a poor player that he can’t counter that move? And if the move is, for whatever reason, extremely difficult to counter, then wouldn’t I be a fool for not using that move? The first step in becoming a top player is the realization that playing to win means doing whatever most increases your chances of winning. That is true by definition of playing to win. The game knows no rules of “honor” or of “cheapness.” The game only knows winning and losing.
>A common call of the scrub is to cry that the kind of play in which one tries to win at all costs is “boring” or “not fun.” Who knows what objective the scrub has, but we know his objective is not truly to win. Yours is. Your objective is good and right and true, and let no one tell you otherwise. You have the power to dispatch those who would tell you otherwise, anyway. Simply beat them.

literally git gud
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Fuck bounty hunt.
>muh play to win at all costs

yeah yeah, real fun
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>Kills as Pilots
>83,397 pilots
>nearly a third of those is Alternator

>Kills as Titan

How do pvpfags live with themselves

>PvP scrub.

Bahaha. Step up to the real mans world pusspilot.
>Let’s consider two groups of players: a group of good players and a group of scrubs. The scrubs will play “for fun” and not explore the extremities of the game. They won’t find the most effective tactics and abuse them mercilessly. The good players will. The good players will find incredibly overpowering tactics and patterns. As they play the game more, they’ll be forced to find counters to those tactics. The vast majority of tactics that at first appear unbeatable end up having counters, though they are often quite subtle and difficult to discover. Knowing the counter tactic prevents the other player from using his tactic, but he can then use a counter to your counter. You are now afraid to use your counter and the opponent can go back to sneaking in the original overpowering tactic. This concept will be covered in much more detail later.

>The good players are reaching higher and higher levels of play. They found the “cheap stuff” and abused it. They know how to stop the cheap stuff. They know how to stop the other guy from stopping it so they can keep doing it. And as is quite common in competitive games, many new tactics will later be discovered that make the original cheap tactic look wholesome and fair. Often in fighting games, one character will have something so good it’s unfair. Fine, let him have that. As time goes on, it will be discovered that other characters have even more powerful and unfair tactics. Each player will attempt to steer the game in the direction of his own advantages, much how grandmaster chess players attempt to steer opponents into situations in which their opponents are weak.
Who are you quoting and why do you think they matter
>Let’s return to the group of scrubs. They don’t know the first thing about all the depth I’ve been talking about. Their argument is basically that ignorantly mashing buttons with little regard to actual strategy is more “fun.” Superficially, their argument does at least look valid, since often their games will be more “wet and wild” than games between the experts, which are usually more controlled and refined. But any close examination will reveal that the experts are having a great deal of this “fun” on a higher level than the scrub can even imagine. Throwing together some circus act of a win isn’t nearly as satisfying as reading your opponent’s mind to such a degree that you can counter his every move, even his every counter.

>Can you imagine what will happen when the two groups of players meet? The experts will absolutely destroy the scrubs with any number of tactics they’ve either never seen or never been truly forced to counter. This is because the scrubs have not been playing the same game. The experts were playing the actual game while the scrubs were playing their own homemade variant with restricting, unwritten rules.

>The scrub has still more crutches. He talks a great deal about “skill” and how he has skill whereas other players—very much including the ones who beat him flat out—do not have skill. The confusion here is what “skill” actually is.

I thought I was the only insomniac in here

t. "The tryhards ARE having more fun"

And then there's me, shitting on meta must wins with my Kraber. The problem with crutches is when they're kicked out from under you you're gonna look like the rest of the ground dwelling cripples.
there is no ranked matchmaking or competitive modes period, you are not playing in an environment where you can even begin to gloat about having any sort of skill. bragging about pubstomping is masturbatory garbage with no merit. it's the equivalent of bragging about winning quickplay in overwatch or a casual fighting game match with nothing on the line
>Playing to Win

>Becoming the Champion

>by David Sirlin

>Playing to Win has been the competitive gamer's bible since the year 2000. It's been linked on far too many gaming sites to count. Ultimately, it's about continuous self-improvement and getting rid of hangups that get in the way of you winning.

>Also, it's not advice for everyone; it's only for those interested in winning.


>I have to win or I'm not having fun
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>The whole thing mainly regards fighting games
>the guy's major accomplishments include remaking a street fighter game and makinga card game for kongregate
>now working on a gimmicky "accessible" fighting game

You don't need a justification to be a shitter anon. Just do it

use whatever the fuck you want, just don't act like you're somehow better for using it or that it means you're having more fun than someone else who isn't going full meta because fun is subjective
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>there is no ranked matchmaking or competitive modes period, you are not playing in an environment where you can even begin to gloat about having any sort of skill
Then why do you care so much about winning?

We're all playing together. A good winrate is a good winrate, particularly if you drag actual babbling down the mic children to a win by carrying their share of the burden, I'm top or thereabouts in TFG stacks too.

You need to stop posting this 'Play to Win' nonsense because it sounds like the shitters guide to Crutchville. Guess what? I play to win, but I play to have fun foremost. Winning is fun, winning with style is supreme. Losing isn't fun at all but losing when you're trying to clown on someone is understandable and still makes me laugh. You sound like the kind of guy who deploys the shortest cheese you can find, gets beaten once and has to take a weeks break soul-searching for the next pro-strats while you cough Mountain Dew mist into your inhaler.
do you have fun losing? are you happy with failure? if you really don't care why play a multiplayer game where winning is the sole objective?
the fact that you still think using the strongest tools makes someone a "shitter" proves you are a literal, textbook scrub
that point goes both ways, and from all the whining I see day in and day out in this thread from people who supposedly pride themselves on being skilled players reeks disgustingly of hypocrisy
you can do whatever you want, but the minute you criticize anyone for not actively gimping themselves is where you cross a line
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I just absolutely adore your kinds of people. It's literally unfathomable for you to comprehend losing and fun being used in the same sentence.
Keep replying to him, I want to hear more.
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If I can beat meta shitter stacks with my Kraber doesn't that make them the gimp?

Iunno. Have fun, you're gonna get wrecked either way.
you can use your meta and be a nofun piece of shit, just dont join my stack. gamersager has the decency to quarantine himself in PvP.
If there was a ranked mode, maybe I'd give a shit about winning as much as you seem to. At the end of the day I'm playing a video game and I primarily play video games to have fun. I have fun just playing the fucking game regardless if I win or lose. Sorry if that doesn't fall in line with your "absolutely must win all the time" hyper competitive attitude, bud
So yeah, to answer your question, I do have fun losing, and I am happy with failure, because at least I'm doing whatever the fuck I want to do, win or lose.

>if you really don't care why play a multiplayer game where winning is the sole objective?
By that logic, why do anything where you even have a chance of losing if your only objective is to win?

Have fun in the Titanfall 2 esports scene
Oh wait
I want to add: although there isn't a ranked or competitive mode, which you could use for the argument of not trying to win all the time, the fact that there isn't means there's no dedicated casual mode either so criticizing someone for being a "tryhard" is ridiculous
again I'm not criticizing people who use worse gear to challenge themselves and have fun that way, I'm criticizing those people who do that AND shit on people who don't adhere to their made up standards of what's "acceptable," of which there seems to be a disturbingly large number of around here
are you new here, friend? bantz are tradition when a match is tfg on tfg, lighten up.

i don't actually remember if i've ever been in the discord
Yeah nah. Players using the most blatantly overpowered getup for no other purpose than using them exactly because they're overpowered are nothing less than scum. Simple as that.
It'll help you win, sure, but it shows you have no dignity. If you're fine with that alright, but don't be surprised when you get called out for it
>they are nothing less than scum
>it shows you have no dignity
did you not actually read anything I posted
you are a scrub, you're upset because people aren't following your made up rules and "honor"
And you're upset that someone isn't following your rules, on top of being a worse player. What does that make you?
>did you not actually read anything I posted
>If you're fine with that alright, but don't be surprised when you get called out for it
Practice what you preach, sunny jim
>again I'm not criticizing people who use worse gear to challenge themselves and have fun that way, I'm criticizing those people who do that AND shit on people who don't adhere to their made up standards of what's "acceptable," of which there seems to be a disturbingly large number of around here
you still aren't reading what I've written at all
my skill has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm arguing, and bringing it up (along with presuming it's less than yours, a typical scrub mindset) when I haven't at all to try and justify your hypocrisy is dumbfounding
my point is that the people "calling [someone] out for it" are whiny, hypocritical babies who sorely need some self reflection
the lack of understanding here is ridiculous, unless you're doing it on purpose for (you)s which wouldn't surprise me
this is a lot of mental gymnastics to justify being a meta humping shitstain without taking any criticism for it
>my skill has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm arguing
It does, actually, your need to compensate for being a worse player than others is the driving force behind this drivel you're trying to push to justify it, regardless of whether or not you want to admit that. Everyone can see that.
>meta humping shitstain
you are too deeply rooted in the scrub mindset, no more (you)s since you clearly can't be convinced anything but your flawed way of thinking is right

using the strongest tools available allows you to fully utilize your own skill without having to fight against objectively inferior equipment in the game, the fact you see it as having to "compensate for being a worse player" shows how much of an insecure scrub you really are
I bet every time you're killed by something like hitscan you pass it off as luck or the abuse of broken equipment, the thought that someone legitimately outplayed you or caught you off guard never crossing your mind even once. THAT is what holds you back and makes you a scrub
sorry, you're not getting any more (you)s either for your willful ignorance

in the words of sanford kelly:
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So I FINALLY got to reading the last patch notes and this confused me:

>Fixed a bug where Fire Wall and Flame Core were still being extinguished by Electric Smoke

I thought it was a feature ? You have to make a strategic choice, use up your smoke to protect yourself or burn but instead that was a bug ? How do you even have something like that in the game as a bug, the smoke overrides the flame in the same spot at the map or something ?
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Except that video is illustrating exactly my point? Are you retarded?
He's saying just pick your shit and don't give a fuck what people think of it because you're in to win.
You however, are here throwing a bitchfit about not getting respect for being a bitch to the meta.
And again you keep bringing up fighting games and the mentalities associated with that as if it has any actual bearing at all on a multiplayer FPS where your performance is only a cut of what the victory is made out of. There's so many different circumstances at work you might as well be hitting me with food analogies.
Thanks for the @ though, we take those too.
i wish it had proscreen
do we play the same game?
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>again I'm not criticizing people who use worse gear to challenge themselves and have fun that way, I'm criticizing those people who do that AND shit on people who don't adhere to their made up standards of what's "acceptable," of which there seems to be a disturbingly large number of around here
for the last time it has nothing to me
the hypocritical whining in this general has gone too far, it's worse than reddit at this point
>the hypocritical whining in this general has gone too far, it's worse than reddit at this point
then maybe you should go back there if you can't handle some shittalk
give me your username and I'll upvote your posts for your troubles
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>for the last time it has nothing to me
that's why you've been arguing about it for two hours, right
I used the R-97 tonight because I haven't used it since the days of Volts, and I have to say it's really easy, about as much as I expected.

The number of kills I get probably doubled though, although it doesn't really feel earned. It seems almost too accurate, and I don't get the usual problems I have with my cold war or softball which is "fuck enemies in the air" and "how do I shoot onto a floor above me", I can just murder everyone I see.

I haven't felt this powerful since I used the devotion once before the nerf hit and carried entire matches, this game has massive balancing issues.
fyi the devotion nerfs haven't done a thing, so feel free to grab it and go ham again
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Anyone ever see anything weird happen during a server desync, managed to get a shot of my own railgun round one time.
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not quite the same, but my gravity star flung my own cold war shots at me and almost killed me once.
>do you have fun losing? are you happy with failure? if you really don't care why play a multiplayer game where winning is the sole objective?
not everyone think the way you do you know. regardless of what the objective of the game is, thats all it is, a video game. theyre meant to be fun to play and some people have fun with "weaker" weapons like grenadiers or pistols, even if it means they die more. it feels good to get kills with your favorite gun.
thats why you go with funball
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still getting that fucking apphang error
reinstalled origin and titfail
newest drivers etc
fiddled with grafix settings
no OC on cpu/gpu
I thought oh a new guy that's fine only 2 hours with the r201
How do you have a whole day of play time with that low amount of kills

This Scorch 4v1 do anything for ya?
PvP is harder to have a good k/d in than titan modes

Pilots versus pilots, the mode that Gamesager plays, is harder to maintain a good kill death ratio in than modes with titans, which the post referred to as real modes.
PvP is literally just finding a good spot to hang around and knowing where the enemy is coming from.
Conveniently enough, the minimap tells you exactly where they'll probably be. And conveniently enough for gamesager, the Alternator is the perfect weapon for this, which I expect is amped.
The only way to make PvP any fun is rushing toward the orange circle and getting splattered across the side of a building
It's the only mode that [tfg] stacks consistently lose in because it's just that fucking boring. Even livefire is more fun.
This whole "scrubs vs tryhards" thing is pretty funny, because Titanfall really does reward you for just playing the game, instead of winning. You get just as many merits for evacs as you do winning the game, whereas Siege or Overwatch give you a pittance of their currency for a loss. Titanfall rewards you for "good performance" which will usually happen in a longer, close game, but in other games the optimal way to get unlocks is to stomp or be stomped for the "game complete" reward, which really hints to me that Respawn didn't even consider that their game would be "competitive"

But thats simply not true. You have one sole objective, kill and don't be killed. Its the reason Attrition et all are more exciting because there's more threats.
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>That faggot hair
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the only thing easier to kill than a slow is a consoleslow
why would i want to be better than him when there is a tfg whos faster
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>you can literally kill people with your eyes closed thanks to aim assist and most players moving at the speed of a wet fart
>tfg console players actually think their padded stats matter
totally worth the larger playerbase though
>not saying conslow

Come on anon, you can be better
yeah nah, fuck this shit.
guess i'll play something else then
>Try to go fast
>4000 ping
>Literally can't move
Real sick of this bull shit. Why are weekends always shit?
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Got floating EPG bolts once.
Because while I want to take dick up my ass and suck someone off at the same time, even I am not as much of a colossal faggot as he is
i changed my mind i might be able to learn how to fast with a grapple thanks whoever posted that video
What's a fun weapon to use while taking the enemy for a ruse cruise?
SMR and P2016 is the OG Ruse Cruise loadout
Have you tried switching between windowed boarderless and full screen?
I wish they showed your deaths on the ingame scoreboard. I hate this meme of modern day FPS obfuscating all your stats and hiding your deaths and kills and shit so that people don't feel bad when they hit tab. Titanfall doesn't strike me as the kind of game to do that so it always seemed weird to me, I don't understand why they hide the deaths, there is plenty of room on the scoreboard for it.
Depends on the game mode senpai
what video
it makes sense in games like Red Orchestra or game modes where the enemy team doesn't make points off of your death, but it should be in attrition
The spinny chamber on the EPG stops as well. Neat.
No u
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Guys I've been having some big fucking problems with this game since its very release
I can't play more than 3-4 games a day because after a while I get booted out of the multiplayer menu back to the title screen saying that I got disconnected, while my network is fine
Any further attempt to reconnect to the multiplayer will have a "Attempting connection : 1/9" prompt, and an endless black screen loading once the 9th connection attempt is done
I did everything I could find on the internet, repairing, uninstalling, changing the network settings, opening the router ports, deactivating the unused network cards, literally everything, and nothing worked
Anybody ever had the same problem and found a solution?
Nope. Go to Respawn's site and get help there. The game devs will be able to tell you more than 4chan can, usually.
>tfw Titan Sentry has had enough of your shit

Seriously what the fuck happened here

gfycat: ForkedBossyBoilweevil
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So good I dont even have to use it to get kills with it.
>what is rounding down
gimme some ronin tips i never played him before
>typical console players.webm
Here's a webm of a typical PC player.
tfw countless deaths from capturing all the flags
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Forgot my file, damn
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you forgot to post the webm
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what more can i doooooooo
get on the mic and help the new players out
Divic my man I cant carry this hard okay.
i was thinking the exact same thing
>tfw no aim assist
>that guy with 3k
>kill titan bounty solo
>have enough time to go all the way across the map and kill the other one solo too

whats so hard to understand about this mode
if they aren't in titans, it barely makes sense to attack the titan bounties if the enemy has titans up
>straight up 90 degree flick shot
>shadowplay isnt on.
1) if you aren't taking the kits that give you double arc wave or make phase dash come off cooldown faster you're doing it wrong
2) sword block will stop almost every single attack in the game except for Nstar railgun, legion power shot and flame core. Use phase dash to dodge those, otherwise, ALWAYS have sword block up if someone is looking at you. It blocks 360°
3) do not be tricked into thinking you're a frontline titan. You aren't. Let your teammates engage other titans first, then zip in and finish them off. Between arc wave, shotgun and a cheeky melee you can put out an absolutely absurd amount of damage in a small amount of time
4) sword core = dash core. You can't use gun, but your melee is top tier and arcs do more damage + infinite dash. Use it to cross maps or if you get trapped for speed. Otherwise just save it
5) legion is your worst enemy as arc wave no longer oneshots gunshield and their power shots punch straight through sword block. Just avoid them unless they're low
6) phase dash breaks tone locks and is a good time to reload shotgun. Also arc wave shits on tone p-wall
7) first to fall ronin on complex will get you 15+ kills if you aren't a shitter
8) never stay in one spot for more than 5-10 seconds. Always be moving
9) smoke is actually a fairly decent ability against titans and will shroud you unless tone. Use it when you get into titan battles that aren't decisively in your favor
10) if you phase dash into a titan or reaper you'll instantly die so don't do that
11) scorch is easy prey. bait him to drop canisters away from you, then phase dash + normal dash and shotgun him to death

12 and most important tip) every titan engagement should go like this; sword block until you get to them if they're looking at you, arc wave (two if they're full or have shield), dump shotgun, melee, phase dash and reload, dump shotgun and dash until they're dead. Do not be that guy who spams melee

use melee if both of you have to reload, or if they get too close to push them back, or to execute obviously

some other tips that aren't necessary but help

sword core block stops an absolutely absurd amount of damage
take battery, ronin can use every bit of health possible.
nuke eject got nerfed but it will never not be funny to kill people with it - phase dash, arc wave, eject (in tight spaces) for maximum lels.
Ronin versus northstar is usually decided by who sees who first. if they see you first, try to get a feeling for their railgun timing and dodge just as they shoot. Theyre still dangerous up close, so save your phase dash, use arc wave, watch out for tether. If they core you just sword block and wait for them to come back down
tone is probably your strongest matchup in your favor. Sword block will stop salvo core and their missile Q in its tracks, and the 40mm has absolutely no chance of out damaging you, arc wave wrecks p-wall, etc. enjoy taking your revenge for the countless times you've been goosed or Skill Core'd
>It blocks 360°
are you fucking serious?
all they have to do is steal the last shot. I cucked someone out of a bounty with my charge rifle from across the map yesterday.

Using execution can protect you from this.
>not using the Archer for 60 bucks a shot from anywhere on the map
Any Mastiff veterans wanna tell me how to make this shit more reliable?

I'm really tired of dying because a well-aimed, nearly point-blank shot somehow only does half the enemy's health.
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That's pretty much the Mastiff, sometimes it just works and other times it just fucking doesn't. Upside is that you can take people out at longer ranges fairly reliably if they've been nicked.
get close, aim good, pray
yeah, it's retarded as fuck

ronin is top 3 titan once you get good with it

:D thanks for the support!
no that would be this
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that was painful to watch
>casually multikilling on colony
>TheDankestMemers: hacking fuck
>game crashes as I step on him in my titan
well alright I guess
Anyone good with the Kraber wanna give some tips?
By "good" I mean like, consistently getting 3:1 (or more) kdr against pilots who are actually good. As in, against players who go fast and are airborne most of the time.

Since Kraber is projectile I don't see how it can be consistently possible to land hits on good, mobile players from long range. Assuming you aim and lead your shot perfectly, any change in their direction is gonna result in a miss, and good players will be changing airborne direction pretty much constantly.

I can do great with it if I get up close to people, but then why am I using a sniper rifle? The idea of a projectile, very-long-range weapon in a game with high speed and easily variable movement seems to clash pretty hard.
Go for headshots and quickscoping with ADS helps since it tightens the spread of the shot.
download and overlay so you have a dot on your screen

always use hipfire
but click in with the scope the same time you fire so you have 100% accuracy

if you do it right you don't even look down the sights at all, you just have 100% accurate hipfire
This is typical of the people who like to fuck with the advanced controller options while having no fucking idea what they're doing.

That isn't even console v PC or whatever. No human being with fucking hands should be that bad. Jesus Christ.
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>Using the Softball for the first time
It should be illegal how fun this weapon is

Iunno I look at people doing this kind of thing in multiplayer, just being clueless. I had my own teammate chase my holopilot today, just chase it to see where it was going.
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After bringing EPG up to gen 7 I've finally come back to my nigga Softball and yeah it's still fucking fun
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It's wholesome family fun and don't let any weenies tell you otherwise

Pretty much spot on.


>still haven't got Nose Arts. Convinced now they're linked to beating the game on Master and collecting the helmets.
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>implying using the easiest gun in the game at the range it's intended for with amped weapons when noone is moving is difficult with or without aim assist

I mean fucking seriously.
>easiest gun in the game
>r101 video

>starter gun
>low recoil
>full auto
>large magazine
>low ttk
>close to medium/long range
>amped very early into the game

G2's, devotions and alternators might all have faster ttk's but they aren't as braindead easy to use as the r201 or r101

well maybe the g2 is easier if you've already used to shooting semi auto quickly.
>what is auto titan
R97, Devotion, Alternator, and G2 blow the 101/201 clean out of the water. They're all far easier and quicker to get a kill with. The R97 even has a higher fire rate/magazine cap while also doing more damage.

>low ttk
That's literally every gun in the game. If you're going to shitpost at least put some effort into it.
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>The R97 even has a higher fire rate/magazine cap while also doing more damage.
This shit needs to be fucking destroyed
This thread is pretty salty to be honest.

Let's all cheer ourselves up with some aesthetic Titans. What paint schemes we running guys?

>can't choose between Blacksite Scorch/Red Stripe or Kane's warpaint/Pyromaniac.
>can't choose between normal Scorch with better aesthetic or Prime with better termination

>implying a tenth of a second difference in ttk matters when your target is standing still, often not even shooting at you

it's not impressive, is my point. he gets maybe 1 or 2 kills he wouldn't have otherwise due to aim assist.

it's pretty obvious that movement is the most important part of this game, because the insane ttk and the titan's non-existant ttk effectively makes fast, unpredictable movement your only way to survive.

this game would be much more enjoyable if they pulled more of the principles from tf1 instead of making up new shit
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>TFW haven't changed in forever
I don't even think it's particularly /aesthetic/, I just like how silly it looks
Like an increasingly uncomfortable cyclops cheetah, uncertain of it's place in the world as it preys upon the unfortunate slows because it's told to
im pretty fond of black widow ion
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I can never figure out what hair style Legion has

I'm rather disappointed by NSPrimes Nose Art. I'd have preferred them to be smaller rather than clipped. The mouth one here isn't even level.

>No black Splitter to match even though you have it

At least use Haze Red. But good form, similar to the Black/Red Scorch I have.
memeing on pilots? vs titans they always just see where i was shooting from
Who is Qenzley?
>The mouth one here isn't even level.
The fact that it's messed up makes me like it even more tbqh
But yeah they should atleast put some form of quality control on the nose arts to prime titans, especially considering it's like the only DLC you actually pay for in this game
idk the black doesnt look right to me

Try a Red. Better still try Stoic White.

Eh, if you like the derp mouth so be it.

I like Respawn a lot for their dlc packages but yeah, some quality control or variation in the new nose art pack would have been nice. I mean they knocked it out the park for the new Warpaints, I think all 6 have good characteristics, Ronin's is a little less cool and Northstars looks good, but requires a specific taste.
you were right about the red

Looks on point.

This game is like the Souls Series, Fashion is King.
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>catch rocket salvo
>kill half doomed ronin
>shouting match between salty ronin and tone ensues in allchat
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>use stuff like mastiff, eva, volt, cold war and get super tilted and not have any fun
>switch to l-star and instantly start doing well and having fun again

L-STAR is the best thing, I swear.

*stifled laughter*

Stop making me want to use Ion. It feels dirty, even if you can pull some shenanigans.
It's happy hour on xbone, anyone jumping on for a stack?

>Day 5 of 8 at work
>slow night so staving off craving with artbook that came today

No can do. Go tell Emacs to get off of Destiny.
>inside she has every device known to civilization to satisfy your physical needs even the ones you didn't know you had
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>Ion perpetuated this Tone is a braindead slut meme to hide her own carnal instincts

Can we go back to having Ion deleted from the lineup please?
She is a brain dead slut, she'll be good to any pilot
Ion is good only to her pilot, can't have someone mistaking the differences anon
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You guys can keep your sluts, I'm sticking with Ronin
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The sword is yours pilot...n-now stick in in a-already, baka
ronin doesnt look like that
ronin a shit
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>Not weeb shoulder pad edition
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>ronin tries to walk at me with his sword block up
>double powershot and mag dump on him
>activate smart core
>phase dashes through me and uses arc wave
>still shooting him the whole time, he's down to doomed health
>he entirely gives up and drops swordblock to try and get out of line of sight faster
>powershot him in the ass before he can round the corner
>shadowplay video is corrupted so all I have is this coldwar webm
It's a bit ridiculous that ronin can become the tankiest motherfucker in the game by just holding down a button, it needs a cooldown/energy meter attached to it. Make him immune to punch knockback to compensate for the nerf.

Well yeah but he can't DO much. Sword Block on advance is a dumb thing to do, its better to Block and escape then come back after a distraction.
dat thigh gap
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PCpilots bettah be on for Happy Hour
Being able to absorb three powershots, a full mag, and a smart core isn't something ronin should be capable of.
Fuck off titan balance is fine aside from certain kits being useless
Instead of whining like a baby about it, pick when to use your abilities instead of wasting them like a retard.

Just melee him. A Ronin shouldn't be beating a competent Legion up close.

You ARE competent right senpai?
Nothing to do with them beating me, I guess i'm just impatient and don't like the idea of having to wait for him to try some shit before I can deal any significant amount of damage to him. Don't have that problem with ion, because you can just wait out the shield, but swordblock never runs out.
don't play legion if youre impatient / need constant firefighting to be interested. legion is slow and boring and just sprays bullets. if you wanna move quick and be interesting, learn ronin.

I see your point, I've had Ronin's the last few days block walk at me and pay for it because it isn't a full reduction, you want him to see that and make a run for it or break tank mode and try something. Legion has the shield to compensate damage, barring Arc Wave aka shield delete, but either way you'll 100-0 him before he does you if you have good tracking and can keep him centred.

Try a mindgame with him next time? Do a crouch dance and bait him, there is a human pilot inside after all.
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>game starts in windowed mode
>can't alt enter until main menu
>extreme irritation for 10-15 seconds

You poor blossoms.

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Anyone else think FrothyOmen is a huge faggot? Played with him couple of times and the guy is a literal cuntbag. Shittalks anyone who doesn't uses his loadouts and thinks hes the best player.
would rather face him then halohat and co.
We do, because he is. He unironically believes the game would be better with loot crate bullshit because that's what people like. That titanfall is failing BECAUSE the dlc is free. That faggot needs to kill himself, and soon.
>played with him couple of times and the guy is a literal cuntbag.
Only when hes drunk. I was in a game where he and some other dude got into mic-spam argument over the Hemlok nerf. We lost by a 300 point margin on attrition cause of that shit. All in all Frothy is a reasonable guy and i do find his videos informative and helpful but he does get all bipolar sometimes which kinda is disturbing.
> He unironically believes the game would be better with loot crate bullshit because that's what people like.
gtfo he said that shit? What I hate about him is how he think EVA auto is the best gun in the game but talks shit about Mastiff.

Never played with or against him, watched a few videos and he seems reasonable. Apart from the DLC loot video, that was true nonsense, its one of the reasons I love Titanfall, you have to work for what you want like the old days....
He's reasonable in his videos. In stream and game he's pure cancer. Relatively reasonable guy with shit opinions when a script is in front of him. Pure cancer unscripted.

Yes. I believe the video was called dangling the carrot, or something similar. RDDTfags generally agreed with him, because he is god to them. He also thinks that every single tactical ability is actively killing the game, which he mentions every "meta" video.
Hes mediocre at best. All he does is slidehop fast across maps and looks for stationary krabers and a-wallers. Theres a video where he was sucking his own dick over how slide-hopping is "essential" and that anyone who doesnt do it is a newb. Its so unfortunate there isn't any sociopath hacker out there who hasn't swatted or ruined this guy.

I'm confident I could wreck him, and I think that'd extend to at least 50% of TFG.
>EVA auto is the best OP gun
>Mastiff suck cause duckbill spread pattern
Just how fucking cringy and faggy is that asshole?
If the shoulder pad isn't on Ronin Prime I'm not buyin
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Don't forgot about his boyfriend, Iniquity.

Frothy is a Respawn shill right? He'll defend anything they do cause hes paid to promote the game and provoke anyone who disagrees with him.
He actively calls tacticals the worst idea ever and now gets on Respawn for not going loot crate paid dlc model because apparently in his fucked up head that would have gotten more players. So I don't think so.

There's a lot of potential for Ronin Prime to be the coolest shit. I want it to be full weeb.
frothy IS a huge faggot, everyone knows that
I'm 99% sure that he says something is low tier because he dies to it, i.e. SMR and Mastiff

He's also not even that good at that game
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I'd like the option to preview my titan's/pilot's camo under whatever filters the enemy sees us through their viewpoints. I tend to shy away from the "hot" colours like red or yellow since I imagine the g2 yellow camo must pop out way more under that specific colour blind setting or red camos popping etc.
Anyone got a screen of Nitro Scorch? What do you get? A warpaint? A nose art? Both? I might grab a key off EBay.

I choose depending on Faction, and have my pilot to match.

MCOR - Dark Greens/Yellow
Apex - Reds/Oranges/Greys
Vinson - White/Black/Lime Green
6-4 - Blues/digital patterns/greys
ACES - Browns
ARES - Black/Red
Nitro scorch has a sexy red warpaint and a silver bars nose art. However the nose art is missing, gone. For whatever reason, it just up and fucking vanished when prime scorch was released. Until they fix this, I'd hold off on buying Nitro.
There is literally nothing wrong with frothy. You're just mad cuz bad.
it literally doesn't matter dude. the outlines make everyone super easy to spot. use camo because you think it looks cool, there is no mythical advantage to be had. especially when you play on a system with built in aimbot.
Would cloak be too powerful if it were on a meter system but drained more quickly?
As is it's only really good for getting one free kill
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It was gold, not silver. My bad. I haven't actually been able to use it in so long that I forgot.
Have you even listened to what that cuntbag says about the game? Hes a fucking failed COD player trashing tfg to harbor backlash and division. If that faggot did this in R6 or even CSGo he'd been swatted or killed by now.
today I had someone complaining on pc about a controller user and how the aim assist is an unfair advantage. He replied, 'noob, everyone who has good aim uses controller. mouses are for people with fat shaky fingers.'

the world is a strange place.
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I'm surprised these people can even operate a computer
Hey guys Frothy here. Just to let you guys know I'm the greatest TF2 player in the world. EVA auto and Alternator are the best skill-based gun in the game. If you don't mirin' my move you a N00B yay!

So the Warpaint still exists? Does the Nose Art not even pop up on Prime?
I don't undertstand why he dickrides the eva auto so much that gun has a really fucked up projectile and is a nearly a melee weapon. Not even the BF1 shotgun isn't as fucked up as the eva.
the eva is hitscan anon
also got called aimbot for charge rifle memeing

"no one can aim it that precisely, it's pixel perfect"
The warpaint exists but the nose art is just gone. Prime, regular. Nitro nose art is gone.
eva isn't even a projectile weapon, its hitscan based. If you fire that gun at an enemy outside of the intended range, not even one pellet will hit him. try it out yourself, fire the eva at a wall at close range and then back up a few meters and fire again, the pellets won't appear.

tr;dr Eva is a melee weapon.
did they cut down the reach on ion's laser?
a couple times in LTS I've seen a laser from across the map stop just short of me
bug? weird collision shit?
They cut in down by a few inches.

Womp womp. Well I grabbed a code for a buck so fuck it, I like collecting fashion options. I'll get on to Respawns twitter and have a rage.
You know what I really wished? If we could win prime titans and other payable cosmetics from coliseum matches. I really wished the prime titans were free but I guess Respawn needs to make money right?

Eh, they're only cosmetic at the end of the day but I like collecting it, I just happen to have the money to spend. Honestly Respawns system is so genuine and honest Id treat it like a tip jar even if I didn't have collectomania.
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>defending B alone on AH
>defeat 3 pilots that all should have killed me
>back into a corner and laugh nervously
Here's your (You) now go and stay go
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Nu ;~;
just waiting to be installed in a new titan body
Now that ive risen (you) from the dead go forth and kill rddt
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post webm
I agree with this. Or prime titans can be unlocked for reaching +10 regeneration by playing the titans. Hate to say it but winning callsigns and little patches are not so rewarding.
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where the fuck am i supposed to put this now?
i mean its pretty nice for 35 bucks but the only way to pose it without it falling down is gun-up
also it took a shitton of force to get the gun into his hand and i had to cut open coop's hand to get him to hold on
Pose it holding the gun normally and prop it with something.
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rollout triple.webm
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I did that already with my gouf custom and that looks kinda like ass

Couldn't fit it in my shelves anyways so i'm just putting it gun-up on my gunpla desk
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when will they learn.png
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I kinda want the bt figure but everyone I see that gets it complains about the mediocre quality. Kinda disappointing. Guess I'll just get Barbatos Lupus instead.
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relay race.webm
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BT's gun looks jank as fuck. :/
mcfarlane figures look damn good but their stuff is basically just cheap statues with shitty bases

i'm waiting on an ms leo myself
post barbatos if you do get him
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It'll probably be awhile before I can. Money's tight right now.
If you can take it apart put some floor polish or glue or something on the joint surfaces to build them up a bit, and put it back together. Will make the joints nice and stiff.

Just don't be a retard and let it dry before actually putting it back together, and if it ends up too tight you can always sand it back down with a file or actual sandpaper if you have any.

>Gunpla Tips

I jest mfers, we all like big old mechs here.

>now where the fuck is my JP voice pack for Xbone?
>eva isn't even a projectile weapon
I seriously don't understand why Respawn fucked up the shotguns like this.
Hes basically like any other gamer channels.

>Claims one's opinion are better then others
>Anyone who disagrees is a pleb
>Tries to persuade developers to change the game based on their preferences.
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Respawn should allow us tocustomize our own nose arts for titans. But I know they will never do this cause all the edgelords will start adding swastikas and pepes.
I'd add deep /d/ tier shit, personally.

>I'll be unlocking Cerebus when I get home
>I remember before it was mutilated

Eh, at least Pyromaniac looks sweet.

Yeah, I'd have a big old STOP sign on Scorch given the chance.
whats that?
Anything that /d/ allows, but kind of shakes it's collective head at. and then faps anyway


Bitch wants his Yandion covered in Tentacles.
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>deep /d/
You'll have to try a little harder than that

A prolapsed asshole over Ions laser eye would be pretty kek but you're still a degenerate.

I'll take an ahegao lewd pin-up please.
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They will never allow this considering this will piss off the graphic arts who already made those shitty nose arts. Respawn should've added the customization option a long time ago or at least asked the public opinion about it before development. I have no problem with the game what so ever but i really wished Reswpan would've listened to its player base more.
Realistically I'd probably go with ahegao too. Provided they ever allow a system like that (they won't), outright explicit things would likely get you banned. So an ahegao is the best compromise.
What's wrong with Iniquity? He doesn't seem to be anywhere near the "I am the authority of the entire metagame" shitting like Frothy does
Theres already an emblem customization for BF1 and no one is complaining. There are some swastikas and occasional "inappropriate" emblems but they either get reported or they hardly appear. Having to customize own nose arts or even skins in TF2 would be a great addition and certainly attract more new players and increase its fanbase.
make it so you have to get the titan to gen 10 for custom nose arts then
Iniquity is more streamer-based and he is less of a prick then Frothy but hes still an asshole who spreads cancerous ideals to the game.
>tfw /tfg/ generate better ideas then Respawn.
Don't go over the lines guys, Respawn will be pissed and will do the opposite. Remember Frontier Defense?
>certainly attract more new players and increase its fanbase.
are there really people that that level of customization would sell the game to them?
>still an asshole who spreads cancerous ideals to the game.
Iniquity is a moron who knows nothing and Frothy is a faggot with an ego. The guy who really spreads the cancer is probably Tony Mo, that prick actually write mails to Respawn trying to convince them of anything autistic.
People love customizations. It gives them a sense of unique identity and somewhat of a boosted ego that compels them to play. One of the reasons as to why the series (from COD4-Advanced Warfare) did well on sells was the game's multiple choices in character, loadout, weapon, and aesthetic customizations. R6seige didn't do so well at first and was average at best but grew to be a formidable community due to patches and updates AS WELL as options to customize characters and weapons. Everyone whats to be different from one another, they want to feel like they are their own player. Customization right now in TF2 in my opinion is a bit lacking with the only option to put up skins that were already made. If Respawn allowed us do something more with our loadouts and allowing us to add our own "character" into our titans it would certainly attract more and more players and loyalties.
>Remember Frontier Defense?
What about it? They said they will add it somewhere in the future. Also I know Respawn isn't like other developers but they do listen to their players and take constructive criticisms seriously. We gotta remember Respawn is a small company and they certainly don't have the full manpower to cater to every single demands.
Well shit. Aside from Vaughny is there anyone fun and decent to watch?
Yea, its called your own webms and sharing them. Seriously don't imitate and dick-worship those channels that just manipulates viewers for a cult-following. Cocksuckers like Frothy and Tony Mo are egocentric attention-whores who believe their own opinions are factual inputs that somehow will affect in the future of the game. They do nothing for the community other then spreading cancerous lies and trashing the metas in an attempt to gain attention from the developers for sponsorship contracts. Best thing that we can do is harass their networks and spit on their faces to tell them we are not brainless idiots who will shill for them.
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All this hate....on an innocent naive gamer. I hate him too but cmon guys hes just a youtuber.
t. frothys reddit force
He's a YouTuber who is actively polluting this game by spreading utterly ridiculous ideas and """information""".
Dude, I hate RDDT. All I'm saying is why are we wasting time talking about Frothy? If we hate him so much don't give him the attention.

I totally agree. His video about weapon tiers was extremely cringy and what he said about loot creates was terrible but aren't we all entitled to our own opinions? Besides his channels have low views and its not like we can do anything about it.
If you believe Frothy is a """decent""" guy here's what he have to say about weapons.
Don't ban me mods, I'm just trying to expose the truth.

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Stopped watching after 2 minutes. I truly don't understand how he could actually believe there is a tier system for all the guns and titans. Does he not know each weapon is intended to be used to suit the needs and play-styles of different players? Does he actually believe certain weapons are superior to others? This kid really need to be doxxed and butchered. Shit, not even Jackfrags is this cringy.
He's entitled to his opinions just as I'm entitled to my opinion that he's an idiot.
>Gets rekt by Mastiff
>"Hey guys don't use Mastiff, its bad"
>"I'm so good player but you guys suck cause you're not me!"
>"Respawn should hire me as CEO, I know everything!"
Can we raid F3 already?
Thats literally every gamer YouTuber out there.
Just to be clear: Being able to add or replace the noseart in the game does not mean everyone will be able to see it. If you add furfuxck.png to your game and edit the files to let you select it, nobody else will see wtf you have unless they've also got that file somehow.

The ACTUAL reason Respawn won't let you do this is because they are selling cosmetics like nosearts as DLC. Allowing you to add whatever you want goes against their bottom line. This is why all the textures and models are locked down more than any other part of the game. They're not worried about people cheating - there's virtually nothing preventing that, but don't you dare fucking add textures to the game when they're selling cosmetic textures.

Just sell us an editor then, even for faction specific logos that we can drag and drop. I liked my Armored Core 'spend 12 hours plus putting weathering on my mecha' shit because I'm a mecha autist.
Thats bullshit. So the comestics are just something you can see but other may not see?

>They're not worried about people cheating -
We already knew that, the game has such a small player base anything to keep the game afloat.
He legitimately believes the Mastiff is the single worst gun in the game and is rendered obsolete by the mere existence of the EVA-8, Mozam and all the SMGs.

To be fair, the Mastiff is hard as shit to use efficiently.
>Thats bullshit. So the comestics are just something you can see but other may not see?
No, any cosmetics you add work that way.

The cosmetics that Respawn have added are already in everyone's game. When you download the game, you get those models and textures. Including the DLC. Yes, that's right - the DLC content is literally on your computer, except it's locked down so you can't actually use it until you pay money. This content HAS to be on your computer for you to see it (unless it is streamed).

So when you change or add files on YOUR computer, nobody else you play with has these edited files, so they don't see what you see.

DLC is the cancer killing modding.
37 Titan Kills. I usually dont even aim for them unless I'm amped, and I used die roll.
It's like I'm watching ground peasants getting farmed by a skyknight in planetside
Who here killed FrothyFaggots with a "low Tier" weapon during his stream and checked his archive to see him get butthurt about how shit it is?
Thinking about picking this game up since I saw it for $30USD

Shit's basically multiplayer only isn't it? Is it active?
the way clientside modding works is common fucking knowledge, or at least it should be.
it's shitty that respawn doesn't allow much room for modding but that's their choice. doesn't mean you have to act like a tinfoil hat faggot about it
I once played a game with him on my team. Was using Cold War (which he passionately hates) and placed first. He started shit talking me about how I was 'possibly' hacking. I called him out for using phase shift and alternator and the guy left mid-game. Hes an SJW at heart.
It has a singleplayer campaign like every other fps on the market

I honestly think they should've developed the singleplayer as a multiplayer co-op mode from the outset. Would've had more lasting appeal especially for the scrubs who get dunked all the time.

Same deal with the gauntlet stuff. Multiplayer PVP has a really high skill floor, so all the noobs get frustrated and quit. Game needs co-operative stuff that matches them with friends AND strangers and lets them either compete in a less frustrating way (gauntlet speedruns) or co-operatively (halo's firefight, frontier defense, whatever)

desu titanfall 2 feels like a game designed around gameplay principles from 2005.
There's nothing tinfoil about any of that, it's reality.
The playerbase is quite small and the skill ceiling is quite high. First few months is extremely frustrating and takes real patience to improve. The game is fun itself and unlocking stuff can be rewarding at first but once you reach regeneration (similar to COD prestige rank) it get repetitive. If you're up this then buy it its worth the price.
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try this
I've never luckily had him on my team but I've had massive amounts of salt from him when I was memeing on him with the Mastiff and Suppd p2016 and several other matches with other fun loadouts. I honestly don't understand how he has a following on youtube since he's such a mediocre hitscan player, like half the general if not more if they just switched to the meta would literally rape far harder than he ever could using it.
It's like a little treat to play against him since you know how triggered he is every time you kill him with a fun gun. When RDDT has more honor than you its almost sad.
>hating on future eqivilent of a SPAS with dragons breath rounds with the actual range of a shotgun

It has a single player campaign. no horde mode or anything with HUGE replayability, but the SP campaign is very detailed and fun, and very original, if somewhat predictable story-wise.

They're hinted at a endless wave mode in the content they're adding via patches and it might end up being online co-op AND single player.
You explained it way more dramatically than it needed to be, and is if poor uneducated peoples were clueless to the way DLC works.
Like I said, it's a little shitty but by no means a dealbreaker. It's all cosmetic so why give a shit.
Actually it's because they completely rewrote the renderer and required a new materials system beyond what Source is normally capable of to support it, and improved packaging to keep those files better accessible and swappable.
Case in point, the purchaseables can still be forced by model swapping or script editing.
But hey, no, companies are always evil, right.
I really wished I streamed that game and posted here and on youtube. It could've ruined his rep and people would've seen the truth behind that asshole. I know so many other players from different Networks who has the same story. But somehow there isn't any vid or clips of it. He also twitches R6S and the story is the same; some kid playing an operator he hates pwns him and he rages on and makes a video on 'meta changes'.
You're making the assumption that protecting your bottom line is evil.
Wait he has vids on Siege oh man I actually want to see one and get cancer. TF2 and Siege are like the 2 best games for shitting on terrible Ecelebs.
No, actually, I'm calling you out for being unreasonably paranoid and spreading silly theory as if it were fact to propagate further paranoia. Using a sarcastic statement.
Read this >>173581032 Frothy has no aiming skills and relies on opportunistic points and fast movement. Reason why he loves the EVA (and worships it) is because of its hitscan instead of projectile based weapons. As well he unironically believes that slide-hopping is the only viable solution to the game play and criticizes anyone who doesn't do it.
So hes one of those fags who stays in buildings hiding from EPG's.
Fucking hate hitscan fags who dont dare step out of their holes.
But he spends so much of his time running on the ground instead of flying. Is he retarded? Most of the times I've played against him I just fly above him with the cold war and destroy him since he's literally a ground slow most of the time.
He hates and shit-talks on grenadiers on most of his videos so yes.

Funny how you mention that because one of his latest videos he rants on about he was being cussed at by players because he was too good and one of arguments was he spends too much time moving around in air while everyone else is standing still on the ground.
Well I mean any air time is more than a shitter will be in the air. He hates the CW because he is always on the ground or a wall since if you are getting direct impacted twice by a cold war in mid air you suck. You can't have a hatred of projectile guns if you are flying in the air lol. I can't believe he was using that as an argument since all he does is literally slide hop cross the map. I watched his aids grapple video after a friend linked it and the nigga just slide hops everywhere with an occasional swing. He also calls using the grapple hook in a non retarded way "abusing" it.
Fucking savage. Looking forward to seeing all the victory scenes whenever they bring epg back seriously fuck current coli
He is an incredible dickhead. Half of videos are contradictions and lies. His titan guides are even more cancerous cause he has no idea how titans work and assumes everyone has to uses one type of kits to win. Only thing hes right about is the uselessness of assault chips on LTS.

>Vander still has both my fave patch AND emblem on


I've changed to the winged skull one recently. That banner is GOAT tier though.
Next time keep an eye out and record it. Hes always on between happy hour during his own networks usually Fridays. One thing I notice about Frothy is he acts extremely calm and sober when hes playing with his followers or RDDT members but when hes alone with other networks he just gets autistically drunk and cringy. Probably why most of his idiot followers are ignorant.
You should stream one with you playing Frothy and piss the fuck outta him using grenadier and mastiff. I'd pay to see him spurge and cry.

I think you misclicked there friend, unless someone's recorded me playing frothy and I don't remember it.

Vander's a consolefag, brobro
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>see A Wall G2 fag on enemy team
>go out of my way to style on him hard with the Mastiff
>teabag him every time, he never gets me
>wreck their team entirely, triple A wall-fag's score
>he messages "why u t baggin"
>"suck it A wall G2 scrub"
>"lol if I was a scrub I would've gotten last place
>check scoreboard
>he was 2nd to last
I guess as long as you do better than literally one other person out of 11, nobody can call you a scrub
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>LSTAR is now my most used

feels right
Probably going to be asleep by the time the next thread needs put up. Whoever does it make sure you cut FNN 11 out of the OP. Everything else is fine. Goodnight /tfg/
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It doesn't matter that he got one kill since it was CTF apparently. The mind of a shitter is confusing.
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ninja shit.webm
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after much procrastination, i'm finally putting together a video of all the currently implemented tactical upgrades for Frontier Defense 2 with stats and facts and shit
i realized i never posted any video of Level 3 Phase Shift, so here you go

i want to spread this man's legend far and wide
Jesus. What the hell does it even do?
it explodes
looks like it blows up when you finish phase
go in and out at will with no cooldown on either end, permanent stim in phase, and you can charge it on the way out to explode
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guts grinning 2016.png
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Imagine this in multiplayer
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Ronin Go Home.webm
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Every time I have run into him it has been quality.
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even with infinite safespace, master is hard
does the mastiff usually have that much ammo?
nah, while i'm goofing around with singleplayer files i also fiddled with the mastiff for funsies, giving it more ammo and bouncing penetrating shots
Go to repair my game and apparently 10 gigs were fucked up. Does anyone have a link to the VPK editor so I can redo all my changes since they are gone?
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Scorch is Best Boy.

Northstar is Best Girl.
No matter how much you spit and sputter, the fact is nobody will ever be able to modify textures and models while Respawn has money to be made off DLC textures and models.

Should some enterprising modder manage to start editing these things, we'll see it quickly hotfixed.
>Mastiff is the single worst gun in the game
But that's true, even if you don't think it's dogshit
Bitch you aint ever seen someone clothesline you from 75M away.
ssssssshhhhhhhh don't let him in on the secret that its just inconsistent but still is a rape machine.
>put 300+ hours into TF1
>buy TF2 at launch
>hardly play it because it's like a completely different game
>boot it up again today to see if anything's gotten better
>games are literally nothing but stacked clanfags
So who is the most skilled youtuber/streamer out there? I saw Benchy's stream earlier and he seems to constantly get a kdr of at least 10 every match.
Xcal if he still played, the most based chinaman.
Think again about what he said. Just by it's nature it's far more unreliable than any other weapon
Here's an easier way to put it. Name a primary slot worse than the mastiff
What titan chassis best fits the quad rocket?
I'd honestly take the mastiff over the Volt.
Well so would I, but this isn't about preference.
The Volt is still a hitscan laser even if it does require one more shot to kill.
Getting justly nerfed and being one-upped by the R-97 in the same patch doesn't make it a bad weapon.
I can't extract my VPK to edit the text anymore. Did they patch that or something?
There's a single-player-exclusive Brute chassis that uses the quad-rockets, and that's attached to a Stryder chassis.
When are we getting a Random option for every loadout slot?
I want some fucking spice in my life
Isn't it just Northstar?
No, the Brute is something different.
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Sure it has a new gun and all but it seems pretty clear. Unless you mean a datamined titan
Brute uses the same model but it's got a different ability set.

It's like calling a PRG/CM/Smoke Stryder the same thing as a QR/MTMS/Vortex Stryder in TF|1. Just because the chassis looks the same doesn't make it the same Titan.
i feel that your argument would hold more weight if we were talking about tf1
See, I'm replying to a guy saying there was a single player Brute chassis when it's just a placeholder for all intents and purposes.
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daily reminder to always bully slows
If Ronin had the same model as Northstar, would he be Northstar? No.

Same goes for all of the others. It's the ability set that makes them, not the visual model.
ronin and northstar have visully different models though
Wingman with silencer and gunrunner
Wingman Elite
>new gun
But yeah, you're right. The Brute's are just Northstars with Quad Rockets. Its weird to me that they're called Brutes considering the air of precision, accuracy, and elegance that the Northstar chassis has.
It literally is a Northstar chassis. And I'm pretty sure I've seen them hover in game.
Even if that's not the case, a Ronin that can't phase dash holding a Chain Gun is still a Ronin, albeit a shittier one. If it had a unique chassis based off of Stryder then we could start talking about it being a new/different Titan.
The Wingman Elite is just too stylish to ignore. Its satisfying to use and the sites really help on console. Just look at this thing! I love the way it looks, love the way it sounds, and appreciate that its projectile. Helps me work on my aim and is all the more satisfying when you land a kill with it.

Also, I've been enjoying fucking around with the Smart Pistol. They really rebalanced the thing (at least that's how it plays on console) and it is great for farming grunts in Bounty Hunt for that first fall.

Is right. Its a good looking gun that looks freaking cool when you hold it.
But you can modify the models right now. And tools to further modify them and the textures are on the way. Grow up.
New player here, having a lot of fun with the game. But how has it changed since launch, and even prior to that (alpha/beta?) Just interested in these kinda things, because I (vaguely) remember people not being too happy when they first got their hands on it, in a alpha/beta test (?)
I'm pulling you out
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