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/4ccg/ - Slow Edition

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 757
Thread images: 185

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Previous Thread: >>173057750

>Main Page:

>Stuff you need to read:

>Where can I watch the cup
Literally Shitbox front page, or the wiki front page


>Archived games:

>Next Cup

>2017 Spring Export/Draw Dates:
>Fetus Deadline/Preliminary Babby Export Deadline: April 21st
>Babby Deadline: May 5th
>Babby Draw: May 6th

>2017 Spring Cup Dates:
>Fetus Dates: April 28th-30th
>Babby Dates: May 12th-14th, 19th-21st, 27th-28th

>Current Invitational:

>Upcoming Invitationals:

>PES 17 Info:

>Spring Logo Proposals - Voting on the 10th
>page 9
We need 40 teams for a MegaBabby and as of right now we have 36 teams which include /tv/ if they find a manager and /lgbt/
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yfw da bearss host da /sp/erb owl
If Lear announced that we were getting a MegaBabby which he won't do and was looking to fill in four teams would we get four non-merc managers to manage some new or dead teams before the deadline? It seems unlikely that we will get autopilots again either as they all become either a free three points or if they get given good tactics we'll keep having more /cgl/ situations even if they were fun.
Five if I resign 2 hours before the export deadline.
Six if we don't count post Winter 2014 Mauled as being a manager.
>inb4 /a/ gets a repeat of summer 16
Syrian managers where you at.
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There's a severe lack of no fans porn board teams like /gif/ to throw their place this time, /s/ last Autumn did the same to kill the big Fetus, unless one of the other anime porn boards threw their place for /a/. I think the most likely condenters to throw their place would probably be /out/, /lit/ or /adv/, with all the rest of the anime boards at a push because most of them seem to have some fans or a manager who gives a shit, and if you're really pushing it teams like /po/, /p/ and /wg/ could throw either.
I'm glad that The Worst and CuriousAnon signed up. /sp/ bowl is no longer literally free for Twain
Reso's gonna win with a 2-5-3
>Art will win
/sp/erb owl Team Power Rankings

1. /F1/
2. /nfl/
3. /bundes/
4. /NCAA/
5. /trans/
6. /afl.
7. /cyc/
8. /trb/
How come /sp/ is so hard up for participants?

Did the multinational bowl have this problem?
Multinational Bowl didn't have requirements that you had to represent an existing general.
>/trans/ that high
/sp/ doesn't care for virtual memeball other than the main cup.
Lack of managers for one.

A few teams like /cric/ have already shown enough to pass proof of interest but nobody stepped up.
/trans/ is going to be shit but those three teams are really bad.
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>yfw /hoc/ is too good for this shit
Can anyone beat /F1/ in the /sp/erb owl?
Pretty much everyone once you see the export.
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/trb/. And then >Art becomes an /sp/ co manager.
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who /a/nime here?

So in /circ/ the board wants a team but nobody wants to stand up in the general to make the team and manage
>Beating /F1/
Here it is folks, the big one. Nothing that’s especially difficult from a football standpoint, so this one is just a straight up test of how good of a manager you are. Are you man enough to handle the six distinct tactics Twain has on display in this one? Probably not unless you’re fucking Torres McIlroy or somebody, since his (incredibly fluent) defensive style is one of the cleanest and most expressive you’ll find from any manager in any sport. Every time I test against /F1/ I gain a greater appreciation of just how fucking well designed it is – this is definitely not something to be approached lightly and I think anyone who really loves the game will agree that it’s something that should never be attempted by the kind of people who manage /sp/erb owl teams, elite or otherwise. More than anything this is the team that needs a real, proven manager to work on a theoretical counter strategy. And that simply won’t happen without moving to FIFA
There were a multiple posts discussing a team and a lot of roster suggestions but nobody to stand up.
literally considering signing them up

also it'll be good to create the /hoc/ league final boss before actually confirming the league itself anyways
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Now playoff relevant!.gif
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do it faget
unless you're a >PONS or >BROONSfag
Who already has the aesthetics for The Multinational bowl team done?
I can't do it senpai
absolutely fuck both of those teams
Hi Paval
Almost I learned about hockey has been from streamers and commentators at invitationals
Will DukeSilver and Paval be involved? In th /sp/erbowl
That's because /hoc/ was one win away from running this shit

That's why you never trust the >RAGS
>not being a pons fan
Rid Wangs
Overexcited dog
I'm bored.
Should i draw a representation of all winter cup matches in polandball form?
Yes. If that takes too much time or effort just do each team as a polandball.
Hell yes.
Based Terry. That guy deserved it.
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has there ever been a situation where members of both teams decide to fuck up a particular ref?
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just posy a webm
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Reminder that /wsg/ stole its logo AND home/away kits from an American soccer """"franchise""""
>Country that calls the game Soccer
>Still bill yourself as "FC"

Classic case of trying too hard. SC doesn't even sound that bad.
The logo is great, they definitely need new kits though.
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winter gruoup a.png
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Kay. I finish group A
post as fast as you fucking can
Cute! Cute!
you forgot to work /mu/ in the last one. maybe driving a glue factory truck?
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Speaking of logos, if /lgbt/ end up coming back can someone give them a new logo? Their current/old one is shit. Their icon could possibly use some work too.
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Thumbs Up.gif
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FC Dallas Home.png
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He could just steal their current ones if he wasn't too busy shitposting about /u/
When have I said anything about /u/?
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psst quickly post 2b lewds,

oh shit wrong folder
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What about a logo with like
One man leg and one woman leg coming up to meet at a butt, with a rainbow in "front" of it.
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FC Dallas Away.png
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>He doesn't know about the "Marshy's the mastermind behind every #SackTheDykes post" meme

Come on, bud. Seriously, figure out how to use these kits.
That could work.
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Such is the nature of /lgbt/ that it's not clear which leg is which.
How about you leave it to the managers and actual fans?
If /lgbt/ comes back, please make them use that Rayo Vallecano kit with the lgbt rainbow stripes.
>/lgbt/ managers and fans
>implying implications
How about you stop getting triggered because someone was having a tiny giggle?
Are you upset about your HRTits being tiny as well?
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>that last panel
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Why is Spurdo such a cheater?
i know a guy who claimed to have made the old one in an old /gbt/ thread, i could ask him if hes still interested to help in a new one
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I need ideas for group C... I've only made /d/-/toy/ until now...
/e/ and /d/ rigging the match causing a drunk dtroit to resign
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Hat pick: /tg/_
/y/ would promote
Will a 12 team fetus have a playoff for 8th spot?

Like VGL 6?
>Will a 12 team fetus have a playoff for 8th spot?
I hope it does. It gives us something to look forward to for the last game to decide who stays in the Fetus and who is the last to promote like the /vg/ vs /adv/ playoff last spring or the /t/ vs /y/ match last Autumn to an extent, as the loser of that game was out, and the winner was likely going through, with the draw favouring >/co/.
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winter group c.png
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Special thanks to TheWorst with some ideas
>/wsg/ vs. /co/
I-It's WASTED, WASTED is the Man of the Match!
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I can't wait for /y/ to display the magnificent tactics they always have. By god /y/ matches are the greatest tactical displays in the whole damn cup.
Manage /digi/
Fuck off rhs
for group D, pls remember the only player to score for /v/ was BUT FIRST
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my dick.png
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i want to fuck /d/ ball
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I'm getting sleepy, I'll continue tomorrow
polandball groupstage poster is cute! CUTE!!
>/e/ and /d/ rigging the match causing a drunk dtroit to resign

but this didn't happen, so how it is joke?
>tfw went directly at the end of it to see if there would be a mention of FIFA

This is getting stale, now

Can we make 4cc polandball a thing
Coming in 2 weeks:
4CC Handegg Spring 2017
April 22/23, a 28 team single elimination tournament(top 3 teams in winter and defending handegg champs /o/ have byes)
Played in Tecmo Super Bowl

Hosted by myself and Dtroit, with possible guest appearance by Sou
For /b/-/v/ make both of them notice each other taking a benuldy.
I want /d/ ball to go ball deep inside of me!
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Heads up, the wiki will be going read-only soon (and may be briefly unreachable) due to security maintenance (upgrading to MW 1.28.1).
>Heads up, the wiki will be going read-only soon (and may be briefly unreachable) due to security maintenance (upgrading to MW 1.28.1).

how long will that be? I'm working on aesthetics stuff and have been periodically checking the wiki for instructions when I fuck up or get stuck.
I'm just doing some backups now, I'm going to try a quicker method than usual so _hopefully_ the wiki should only go down for less than 30 seconds, it'll be stuck in read-only mode for a few minutes (10 max) after that. If something goes wrong then however long it takes to restore from backup (however long a tar -zxvf and SQL reinsert takes, half hour-ish max if it goes well).
Things seem to have gone well. Read-only mode is off and everything should be up and running just fine.
Thanks for the info.
Oh, no wait. Fuck. Hold up.
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things are working for me.
Ok so I ballsed up a thing but now it's unballsed.

I'll be tweaking some HTTP/HTTPS stuff later but this shouldn't affect much. I'll be redirecting all HTTP traffic to HTTPS.
Who would you revive: /hm/ or /lgbt/?
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did you wear a skirt
why not both

Please be a trap, the cup can't survive without more traps.
/4ccg/ I just played TF2

Do you eat with a spoon?
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girl (male).jpg
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>page 6
would pet gently then destroy /10
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blocks your path 9.jpg
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*blocks your path*
wat do?
Exportfag, show us the /afl/ export
Fuck off
It's a prelim export.
Your life is a prelim export
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*teleports behind you*
>*teleports behind you*
stop doing that
*stab my sword straight backwards in anticipation of you teleporting behind me*
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Elder Thing.jpg
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Jokes on you I have radial symmetry.
Megabeastage was this the clip of Joey Barton "taking the piss out of Zlatan Ibrahimovic and his giant fucking nose" you were talking about in the final of the No Bully Bowl?
Hello NFR
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How are you doing?
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technicolor TCC Humans 2.png
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is that Penaldo?
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Tooth Bear.jpg
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Of course.
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>Page 9
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Please Watch: Kokoro Connect

Please watch our test stream.
This but unironically.

"oh sorry master, my swirly contacts fell out"
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>page 10
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You had one job anon
what does any of that mean?
Satania should have hair like Luvia from Fate/ series.
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>having to have an entire cup just to give the dumpster fires of /y/ and /co/ a chance to play
Can't we just bullshit/autopilot two teams into living again so we can have the cup at a decent date?
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→ www.haxball.com ←
This wouldn't be a problem with haxball.
>not wanting to watch more divegrass
Why are you even here?
Holy shit the autism: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/User:Prow/Teams

OmegaCup with 512 teams?
who gives a shit about /po/ and /i/? If /sp/ is not playing, it's basically a non-contest
>no /crew/

oh nvm /crew/ is on there
Carry on lads
why do you hate fun so much?
I like /i/
Reminder that Twain will be sacked soon after losing to Boicum and >Art
imagine losing to one of these two
imagine having that loss to be enshrined in the record books for it having the fastest goal in the cup
I would end my life if that were to happen to me
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Everyone who was in that discord is thanking their lucky stars they didn't get rolled by the bot for this shit
>Alternate goalhorn are here ;)

Hopefully they'll never update it so I'm safe forever
You are not cut out to be a manager then.
Or just tell them kindly but firmly to fuck off if they try to add you?
Attention whoring: the team.
get me off this team

It ain't even attentionwhoring, since no one wanted to be on that team.

Leo just did it, because he is a horrible Frenchman.
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and finland loses again.png
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I'm getting a bit worried. Surely /f1/ won't lose this literally free cup?
this is PES. Nothing is free in except the wooden spoon match against /trash/
>playing something that isn't le tulip abomination 4-3-3
>literally free cup
The /trash/ game isn't a free win if you're /y/ or /co/.
the Fetus looks like it will be better than the Babbies this year simply because there's no /mlp/
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>The /trash/ game isn't a free win if you're /y/ or /co/.

test /y/ and /co/'s de-mindgamed fetus exports against winter's /trash/ after the fetus and see how it goes.
Does the pot you are in determine which day you play on?
>/y/'s de-mindgamed export
In 4 years, no one has figured out SDA's endgame yet
No, it's the hat.
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>page 9
Kirino belongs in the /trash/
/discord/ would be '''fine''' if it was actual memes, and not just people's names. Also thank lord I didn't get rolled into that by the bot.

A lot of the teams in 'Ideas' have played, but have no written match history in their page. I'd correct all I could but I can't really be bothered.
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It's shit
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>silly stuff from my user page made it here
good lord
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>page 9
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>page 9

>tfw I purged most of mine before it
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>page 9
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>wrasslecup teams that weren't even hosted on the wiki are there
page 6
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>that /wixoss/ roster
>expecting literally anything of doogie
I eat garbage
Hi Ved
Ved IS garbage, not an eater of garbage
Yeah, but doesn't he eat his own cum?
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cum in mouth problems.png
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Who doesn't?
>tfw proud and gay
/pol/ is /mlp/ but even more reddit
>page 10
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local team gets aborted.png
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hat pick: /i/
Why are anons putting /lgbt/ in there? Did they get a manager?
Someone in the last thread mentioned they have strarted testing, and all they really need is to go through the last steps for verification. >>173324713
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winter group d.png
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>Speed limit 43
Keep up the good work polandball anon.
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>/b/ vs /v/
Will you only do groups or also knockouts?
Will you only do Winter 17 or also other cups?
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So, /asp/ is unable to ever make it out of the quarterfinals. Are they the Dallas Cowboys?
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you are loved
Wait, if /lgbt/ is revived do they get to compete in Spring?
Yes, they get to play in the Fetus
Any team who gets revived or is a new team has to start in the Fetus now, unless a shitload of teams lose their manager to have a 32 team Babby without the need for a Fetus.
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>page 9
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>page 9
Or if a shitload of teams get managers and we have a megababby.
Did you do group A somewhere and I missed it?
Its in this exactly thread
Did you try reading the thread?
wow >me
not sure how I missed that
When are the /sp/erb owl teams going to be uploaded?
Deadline is over. /afl/ won.

/a/ beats /sp/ in /sp/'s own league
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Separate VGL babies when?
t. Metagross
/afl/ sucks LOL
if you don't think CA is going to meme his way to a win you are sorely mistaken
so tf22 can spoon the fetus
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>page 9
Pond retired
Is this the >I rate CA meme?
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Spooned to Death.png
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>it's true
Who's the worst peforming manager in non official 4CC events that could take over to keep their record up?
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AngryPowerpuff Girls.jpg
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>TTC3's final days aren't up
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no me gusta.jpg
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Is it wrong?
Don't remind me that abomination exists.
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/co/ proves it wrong
in invitationals? no, somehow, despite having to work with people like Admiral and Lazyturd
in real cups? yes, because he has to work with Mantis and DocSax

No if the meme is

>I rate CA

Then it's right that he shouldn't be rated unless PES16 is a fluke
well i do have a TTC spoon now
the thing though is i go to /tf2g/ sometimes, and i know full well the real traffic is in the /trash/ thread nowadays, probably why spoonmans rosterpoll had tripfags like Dotsy

But Mantis does well on his own in invitationals somehow despite every VGL people say /drg/ isn't going to advance for whatever reason.
The real reason he does well in invitationals are because good managers either don't take part or joke around.
>/tf2g/ has a /trash/ thread
What the fuck, is there a load of furry porn that I never knew existed with TF2 before? Or did the janny on /vg/ banish them and then the community set up on /trash/ like /sug/ did?
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I also went there to see what they set up there. This is something. >>>/trash/8558414
Give me the quick rundown, I ain't going there
exiled tripfags circlejerking like its /soc/ and posting gay furry porn
I can't describe it, I can't make sense of it. This seems to be good enough at describing it >>173470228
There's also far less furry porn than I was expecting, but that was balanced by what seems to be ERP.
Spoonmans roster sounds better than what /trash/ would produce
Last I heard Paval and NFR were considering it
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like i said thats whats always bothered me about /tf2g/, theres better memes to use as players but he clearly roster polled the trash thread instead cause it has 4 tripfag representatives, (dotsy, 26 dollar, human, tf2u (tf2 waifu) and some erp shit like :X
the /vg/ general is just a front for the trash general
by this point, yeah
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>page 9
>There's better memes
this is /tf2g/ we're talking about here
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What has that got to do with /tf2g/?
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>page 9
>he doesnt know about the tf2 comics
I know about the tf2 comics. But /tf2g/ represents the general not the franchise.
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le sperg bowl.jpg
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Some 'quality' here.
Gross. The general should represent the actual game being played. That's like letting /srg/ play again and changing all 23 players to just be trannies. Or letting the Starcraft 2 general that refuses to allow itself to be called /sc2/ play and making the roster a dozen K-Pop singers and 12 players just named "gook".
t. weeb (just list 23 waifu names) manager
>The general should represent the actual game being played

It should, but doesn't
/4ccg/ in VGL when?
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sp rosters.png
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Speaking of rosters
Do not let the posting of these rosters distract you from the fact that it was 28-3
Sometimes that's for the better
see: /nepgen/
The only good thing about /nepgen/ is the aesthetics.
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>page 9
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Isn't it the most important, in the context of virtual memegrass?

That's not /nepgen/ yet

Just got notified of this, 512 teams is confirmed. It's running from tomorrow till 2019.
>gold substitute
Also, I'm going to announce that I'm holding an event next Wednesday night around 8PM. It's excluisively teams about shit I like. So, come watch Joey Janella's Spring Sirclejerk! I can't tell you the complete card, but it'll involve teams like /vr/, /2b/, /edge/, and /mlp/. Come watch, fuckers.
2b is for lewd
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Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.
no real /d/enizen would think anything too pure to be fucked, in fact the purer it is the more appealing the corruption. Cut open new holes, fuck their mind, fuck their soul. The world goes round on fucking

youre a filthy merc
>2B is not for lewd

Explain yourself.
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2B is 2Pure. No lewding allowed.
tf2 intersects or has intersected with just about every internet culture at some point so are you really surprised that includes furies who browse /vg/?
no, that ass is 100% for breeding , how is a /d/ manager to oppose impregnation?

Bane looks high off his ass in that image.
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Excuse me for being able to recognize beauty and not immediately want to defile it without marriage first
why do you assume we would be oppose to waiting for marriage if you are into that?
What happened to twain?
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This is true.

This is not true.

You need to snort some minotaur blood and get yourself properly riled up. You call yourself a /d/eviant?
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>The general should represent the actual game being played.
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Look you fucks, I want just as much as everyone else to weld a cock onto 2B's body, have her tie me up, let her plow the fuck out of me until I'm a mindbroken slave, then eat all my meals out of her glorious android ass. But if I say that out loud, it'll seem like I'm disrespecting her. So let me pretend in peace, okay?
He's going to lost the sperg bowl to >Art
you are still lewding the 2b, consensual lewd is still lewd
thats more like it
Send Boris a Tophat.
The team should represent the general.

Ideally the general should mostly be about the game but if its not its not.
>/trans/ is just /epl/
>Le Cut Inside Man playing CMF
>gold substitute
>that out of order bench and AMF obsession
>bronze players
>that shitty bench
>that CMF obsession
>finishing 11th in the Tag Team Cup
bronze abuse is real
/bundes/ will win based on that.
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>/bundes/ page
>no Opa Pritschikowski goalhorn for >Schalke
>no Zillerthaler Hochzeitmarch goalhorn for Buyern (which was used as a actual goalhorn 8 years ago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHchwUi75PE
>no DÖP DÖP DÖP as regular goalhorn

Geh mich wek mit die Scheiße
I don't even browse /trans/ desu. I don't browse any generals (besides /4ccg/ and even then it's like once every couple days).
>Ancient anthems and goalhorns
>Techno shit
At least everything on there is updated
I really really like carvery memes
Anyone knows if PES will go on sale soon? I'd buy it now but money is too tight.
Considering it's 1 month until the end of most divegrass seasons, i'd say you're safe by pirating it.
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why the fuck would you buy it? You'll have to pirate PES anyway to get the correct version for the cup, and KONAMI doesn't deserve your money for shitting out this awful abomination of a game every year without even having proper official modding tools or licensed teams. Especially considering the few real players they have they just included without a license and are now getting sued for it. I might be writing a whole paragraph in response to just lame /4ccg/ bait, but even just the minutest chance of this being a real question makes me almost explode in rage.

>page 9
He just wanted to go on YouTube you massive autist.
but why would he want to disgrace his family?
>page 10
/sp/erb owl exports when?
Tomorrow is the last day of exports.
/afl/ is out
so, knowing Konami's growing idea to shit all over itself and kill off all its IP's to focus on pachinko, what would we do if PES17 was the last pes,

stay on it forever? go back to a """""good""""" pes?
Well Aesthetics mean that the only other option is 16.

Maybe alternate between the two PESes

Winter on 16 and Summer on 17.
muh aesthetics
fuck off I want a PES that actually plays good
They call it FIFA.
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This is going t- fuck.gif
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>no Big Match
>Group A:
/adv/ & /tv/

>Group B:
/u/ & /out/

>Group C:
/c/ & /p/

>Group D:
[r9k] & /b/

>Group E
/f/ & /soc/

>Group F:
/an/ & /w/

>Group G:
/e/ & /n/

>Group H:
mulp & It's /o/'s year baby!

/adv/ - /w/
/u/ - /o/
/c/ - /n/
[r9k] - /out/
/f/ - /soc/
/an/ - /p/
/e/ - /b/
mulp - /tv/

/adv/ - /o/
/c/ - /out/
/f/ - /an/
/e/ - mulp

/adv/ - /out/
/an/ - mulp

>Third place:
/out/ - /an/

/adv/ - mulp
>/mlp/ in finals
>now when they got heavily exposed
t. johnny horsefucker
Meh, I tried to keep the team up to date but I like the Hochzeitmarch
Stop drinking.
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>page 9
if anyone wants to settle some old grudges, i'll offer Joey Janella's Spring Sirclejerk. I got matches, but if one board wants to fight another, i'll set it up. We got some good stuff already set up, so come watch next Wednesday at 8PM.
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make a wiki page faggot
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>page 9
/mlp/ are literally the best team in Spring
/n/ is
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Dancing (You).webm
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The last time that happened and /n/ looked like one of the best teams they got the spoon.
And they got the spoon twice, so that really tells you something.
Pls if it hadn't been or that weird group end, the managers would probably have adjusted and taking us to finals.
>If we hadn't lost, we would have won
Boy, you should become an NFL commentator with that kind of biting insight.
What position do you play?

GTFO to >>>/mlp/29823551
Yes your narrative that the previous winners who barely got dropped out, are now suddenly /a/ tier. Makes so much more sense.

CB at the moment why?


Twice in less than a year, but thrice overall
>barely got dropped off
The stuff you delude yourself into believing, man.

>suddenly /a/ tier
More like /co/ tier, as this upcoming babby will show.
It existed before Tony, but Tony made it better, funnier, and more watchable than any of us could've expected back in the days of PES12. The Cup, as it exists today, cannot exist without him. You could at least concede that, but you won't because you're an ingrate nobody who has nothing to contribute but anonymous whining in a shithole general.

>yfw your invitational doesn't have animated pitches
Sure dude, lets see what happens on the field.
Just a reminder to ignore obvious false-flags and trolls.
fucking HYPE for groups
B, C, D, F, and H
>/mlp/ are literally the best team in Spring

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>It's /o/'s year baby!

you forgot the c
I'm ab/mlp/ nigga
I'd love to say /u/ are the best (pre-export day) team in Spring and they're definitely top-two imo, but even with retort properly coming back /mlp/ are still my favorite largely because a) we can't have nice things b) they're just as autistic as /u/ management if not more with the results to show for it
the goal in babbies should largely be to promote anyway, which /mlp/ and /u/ will both almost certainly do
>no big match
I guess it's memepick time now :^)
/tv/ /a/
/u/ /lit/
/c/ /g/
/b/ /po/
/soc/ /f/
/w/ /tg/
/e/ /n/
/mlp/ /ck/
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>page 9
You can ban up to five commentators, but if you remove Kregg, Cyclo, or PAVAL Hamsterling will commentate /yourteam/'s matches until the end of time. Who do you ban?
Hamsterling can't commentate /myteam/'s matches if I remove him
>who do you ban without banning the worst commentators
This isn't a fair game.
where did the 4ccball guy go, i wanted to see the remaining winter groups
who /fucksergio/ here?
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Animated pitches? What?
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Explain to me what happened to /s/.
Amis died, no one cried.
hi amis
And fucking images instead of game tips?
Looks fucking horrible.
I wouldn't say horrible, it's pretty cool that they got it working during regular gameplay, but it looks choppy and like shit in any replays.

Hopefully /aesco/ will nip that for actual cups, it's way too distracting to be pleasant for viewers.
I can't imagine a scenario a pitch like this would be good.
>knowing treasured tony secrets
Nobody but /mlp/ will ever know how to do this
It looks absolutely fucking awful and should never ever be used in a real game.
Maybe that one hypemachine of boris walking.
On an out match.
You just loop boris walking from left to right the whole match.
That or final boss/wooden spoon match shit.
It actually keeps going on in the replays without looping back , it's weird.
can't prohibit what you can't know how to do
I did a little
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reminder that /mlp/ has much better cup threads than this place
So this is how Tony desperately tries to stay relevant... while Shakes and /aesco/ are making FBMs, dozens of new stadiums from scratch, and sharing that information with anyone that's willing to learn, Tony makes a half-assed ugly GIF. And when people call it out for looking like shit, here comes the "w-well YOU couldn't do it!" TIDF posts.

I can make one hell of a shit, too, but I don't freak out here when you guys don't appreciate it enough.
I actually liked /s/
>this salt
Tony is not posting here nor dos he care about the main cup, you are arguing with mulp trolls.

It's a bit of a shame that one of the teams that needed advanced aesthetics the most, died just before said advanced aesthetics were born
Saved: http://imgur.com/a/QvULu
you don't understand. This is actually mulp troll arguing with another mulp troll in vain attempt to create an illusion that /4ccg/ cares.
I liked /s/ as well. Tempted to step up and manage them, but I know no one likes them. it also wouldn't be something I'd really enjoy, I just want to see /s/ play again for their great music.

hear, hear. at least they got tits once
As a 50/50 pro I can confirm this is true
Why haven't you installed me yet, anon?
I should leave /mybigmarketteam/ and manage /s/
If tony doesn't want to share.
Why does everyone says he shares his wife?
Great we dont want you interested in the friendship tests anyway.You keep making endless pointless memetationals.
But I thought /4ccg/ wanted more memetationals to counter dedair?
if i make a wikipage it kills the gimmick of being a fake outlaw event though ;(
>My PC can't install PES ;-;
Rip Fifz
Hey at least if you have no wiki page you can let DF play.
I'm looking forward to the fetus.
I'm also looking forward to the Fetus.
I'm looking forward to making a fetus.
I'm looking forward to the Fetus too.
I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as the Fetus, is in fact, Spring 2017 Babby Cup/Qualifiers, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, Spring 2017 Babby Cup plus Qualifiers.
No shit faggot
Alright I had myself a chuckle.
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>page 10
>posting humanized ponies
>hating my 2waifu
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I just realised that /qa/ got frozen two days ago. Now we only have to block one unlisted board from competing in the future. RIP /qa/ 2015-2017.
/qa/ is property of [s4s]
Reminder that /trash/ is on the sidebar.
You can't escape the only true anonymous board forever.
das rite
>one unlisted board
Reminder that /j/ exists too.
No, It was property of Cactuar moot before he died, then it was passed to is this our first meme man aka Mike Patton along with /qa/ tan, then Hiro took over.
I think /b/ has forced anonymous right now, but it wasn't for some periods in the past, but seeing as /trash/ has always had it they are the only true anonyous board.
Shit, forgot about that one, but almost everyone here can't even access that board. If someone wanted to manage that team they wouldn't be able to access the board anymore unless we let a merc manage them.
I don't know, I think he was the guy who used to be on the /biz/ sticky, whoever he is must be a millionaire.
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Alright my dudes.
Listen up.
No more pes but messengers football minigame
I bet the jews killed him.
>mlp's equivalent of Flash chokes a benuldy shot
>team loses
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appul match.png
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was a fun day.
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allu boy
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>page 9
There's also /test/, another mod-only board.
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If it was, then it no longer is. It was annexed by /jp/ then inundated by /mlpol/.
You have a limited imagination then. Think about the final boss match. Animated pitches would've made it possible to have choppy ocean waters, shootings stars and distant ships in space, or flashing lights and moving parts on the surface of a pinball machine. There's a ton of applications for something like this. Don't be a crab in a bucket.
I like /s/

You should revive the team. Just make sure to do a roster poll so we can update.

>roster poll for /s/
enjoy your 2 responses one of which is the manager lmfao
What on earth possesses BGP and PMB to hate invitationals and comfy?

Do they find it grating when unofficial fun shares space with official fun?
Post cropped screenshots of the progresses it chokes at and what errors and error messages you get?
>enjoy your 2 responses one of which is the manager lmfao

It would get more if you put it in a thread with content.

I thought /4ccg/ was all tsundere (another word for insecure possessive and violent) when it comes to dedair.
They literally follow the cup through Hitbox "4CC is live" emails.
They are literally the reason 4CCComfy channel exist, because host doesn't give a warning.
The answer is to make it like a leaked security or police report.

"The ringleaders of this unofficial gathering are suspected of using it as a front to traffic exotic, nieche, and illegal memes"

"Intel suggests the event will be held on [insert hixbox channnel] at [insert date and time]"

"Gangs expected to ride in to the event include [list teams]"

The public faces among the ringleaders are known as [list streamers]

As examples.

Also ask f4r and MagicalCoat how to monkey around with the fonts and background of the Outlaw Cup page to make it look like notes written on paper or some printed pages or something.
>his TTC discord isn't active even after the tournament ended
What goes wrong?

I don't hate either comfy or invitationals. I like both. Same goes for PMB, I'm pretty sure.
>tfw TTC discord has turned into weeb central
tfw /sp/ is weeb as hell
I can't burn the .iso in a DVD-R without my pc going nuclear

/a/ has won the long war, even if we're shit at football.
>he doesn't use PowerISO
/a/ will win the sperg bowl
None of the participants is /a/.
what is /afl/
A shit sport.
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>page 9
I don't think that PM "since friendship tests are not featured on the main channel, ban everything, including VGL, from it" B likes any kind of fun
>that pic
Are you real or a false flagger?
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People are just there to dump (usually shitty) images or fap

Nah, the team should stay dead. We're slowly getting rid of teams that shouldn't have been in the cup to begin with.

Why would someone false flag as me to say I don't hate comfy or memevitationals?
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RNG spring simulator.png
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Ok, so I ran a simulation of spring in RNG generation, and I did the knockout matches on CNFIFA.
yes, i got a 1-7 in CNFIFA
>Nah, the team should stay dead. We're slowly getting rid of teams that shouldn't have been in the cup to begin with.

so your whole argument is just "I think the team should be dead because I think the team should be dead".
What the hell is CNFIFA
No, but I'm sure that sounded smart in your head.
A random match generator
This is a lot of autism, my man. But thank you, it's at least better than those "Hat Picks" that purposely make 2 or 3 good groups and 5 or 6 absolute shit ones.
then please explain.
Hello NFR
Come on, don't turn the kid into a meme. I think it's literally impossible to false-flag as him, the writing style is too obvious.
I think his argument was that /s/ has no board culture, all people do there is go there for 15 minutes to wank at something and then don't go back, there's not much else to the board other than it being an image dump. Even other dump boards like /d/, /wg/ and /u/ have some sort of board culture and people do more than just wank to an image or dump images. I don't really know though as I don't browse /s/, but I assume there's not much there except people dumping images and wanking to them.
There was once a team called /s/.
They were good, sometimes, not good enough to win anything but good enough to hang around elites occasionally. but there was a problem with this team.

Almost nobody from the board gave a fuck. whatever the reason was, there simply weren't any people besides the manager who cared. whether it was due to the manager's lack of willingness to get interest or the board's unwillingness to care, nobody wanted to watch /s/.

Worse, /s/ defeated teams people actually did care about, teams like /m/, /jp/, /v/, /f/, /toy/, and /pol/. They did so without having any particular charm about them, whether it be a particularly based goalhorn, good memes (or even good waifus), or ebin aesthetics. This meant that just about nobody cared to even bandwagon them, like people do with, say, /c/ or /gd/.

When the manager of this team retired, it was universally celebrated, not only because of the teams below /s/ that it ended up saving from possible Fetus doom, teams like /toy/, /vg/, /int/, and /k/ that people wanted to watch not be awful, but also because it meant the likely permanent death of one of the most boring teams in the entire Cup.
There isn't. The quality isn't even good.
It would be pretty cool for an /x/ pitch to just have random screamers.
But that'll never happen.
RIP /x/ ;_;7
That could work if only /x/ got it so it wouldn't be overused and tiresome. If they were set so they only happened a couple of times in the match that could make it even better so people don't have to look at a constantly changing pitch.
If you're talking about /x/ the team and not the board I think they're the dark horse in Spring. Last time was their manager's first cup and were with very good /b/ and /u/ teams, they looked good against /wsg/ when a lot of people had them as favourite to get the spoon after their first two games, even if their formation did counter the /wsg/ formation. If the manager learns from that experience I think they could go far this cup.
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>not 3-7-0
>shit sport
fucking fight me
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>page 9
Few times I visited /s/ it gave me the vibe its users are the same kind of people thar post comments on porn videos as if they were talking to the actress.
What is the deal with Despair-cest on /uv/ ?
wheres 3-5-2
/ck/ are in the babbies
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>page 9
sperg bowl exports and portraits when?
when i take my dick out of your ass
Exportfag please post the /afl/ export and portraits.

What deal?
Now add 2-4-4 with a picture of a roach
thank fucking god
fight me underwater in the dark
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tqPQZ7nKAzY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDGe_XCJGRM
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Dunno what it's from.
why is /eeee/ not in the "other" category?
because fuck you fag
add it yourself
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Gold Supersub

Preset 1 is a decent 3-5-2. Preset 2 is literally my origami penis and balls.
you can do that in the Omega cup?
Dangan Ronpa, Junko and Mukuro
having a gif for a pitch would be great for flash, have a gif of the party hard guy or the "gardevoir paizuri" ren and stimpy loop, of gif/wsgif too, imaging wsg playing on a pitch with a dwayne loop
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/gbp/ on VGL when?
>dwayne loop pitch
Ok I'm sold
Does supersub even work?
>gold supersub
The tradition of Australian meme-managing continues.
when you make it happen you gigantic manfucker
sup bitches
I can think of a better gif for /f/ but I don't think even the current lax moderation on hitbox would allow that

chapel catolico
>more anime generals
yes that's exactly what we need, more teams with identical culture and shitty jokes.
We're going to assume the /gbp/ guys aren't going to be as cancerous as /llsifg/ and actually work on their stuff.
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testing background 4.gif
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you can put your favorite team or favorite 2 team's logos on the left and right sides.
>/gbp/ on VGL when?

When you do it, assuming you aren't already managing a VGL team
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thanks NFR
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Gold supersub.jpg
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What are these for?
put it at the top of pages.
Its an eyesore.
Ah okay
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>wins game without even getting a rating
Use Xkoranate next time. Thank me later.
Another identical roster like /@/, /llsifg/, /nepgen/, /vitagen/, /drg/, /gbfg/, /sog/, /fgog/, /hanny/, /mggg/, /vn/ and /feg/
I'm gonna torp you.
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page 9 anime girl on the right
Hope he comes back to Geelong.
The year he goes back to Geelong is the year he doesn't had a season-ending injury in the middle of the season.
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>tfw waiting for the rest
Comes back and wins the premiership
Can't do that when you've been sitting in the crowd since July
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dog licks licking nose 8.jpg
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Geelong will use him as a gold supersub
Sub rule doesn't exist any more lad :^)
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>the conservative socialist republic of /pol/
Just like how rucks don't exist anymore with the shit rule changes.
For now

So has /pol/ thought up who they want to win in 2020 yet?
No. They kind of went civil war over trump after the syria fun.
>civil war
I sure hope Captain America doesn't choke this one because "HURRRR THE ARGUMENT"
>Mentioning /@/ first before /llsifg/ when /@/ should be at the bottom
Fuck off.
Hi John, did you get over the fact that /uk/ will never happen yet?
Actually /uk/ was my idea and my reaction to it never happening is "not even mad"

Also I take offense to you confusing me for that kek.
>getting triggered by order of teams in a /4ccg/ shitpost
Nuke SEA
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The hell are you talking about?
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>page 9
I bet she got nudes on that phone
Are there any dead generals from last VGL getting replaced?
Wait until signups.
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>page 9
Based on fireden the following generals are confirmed for VGL - /acg/, /lzg/, /feg/, /hanny/, /skg/ and newcomers /r6g/

Possible - /digi/
i was going to make a "what is hanny" post but its apparently alicesoft/rance general. Still not one ive ever been in and i like to dip into every general to see if any hot memes are going on.
I'm actually sad that /pol/ management removed Trump from the team after that, I enjoyed his goalhorn a lot (Zero fucks about removing Pence) and I feel like it was a little knee-jerky of them to boot him so soon. I wonder who they'll put in as replacements.
The Bogdanoff brothers and HWNDU would probably be the most likely replacements. Some of the older memes like ~AWOOOOOVEMENT might get booted out for other more recent memes too. I think Rabbi said that Assad was getting promoted to a medal too.
>/pol/ management
The /pol/ roster is just Shlomo F.C., /pol/ is never asked.
/pol/ doesn't believe in democracy though.
>assad getting promoted to a medal
sounds really lame desu
The one benefit of an autistic manager. Nobody will ever need to go to /hanny/ to understand their roster.
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>page 9
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Just thought I'd drop by and remind you that Spring Fetus will have 64 teams, including but not limited to /sp/, /mlp/ and other elite teams.

actually let's test this as a trip
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>page 9
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Guess the new tag team for TTC4.
>it's been in the first rendition of TTC
Yep, you will find some of the newest of newfags on /s/ and /e/

That's the only thing I'd add to >>173560017
Props to that anon for understanding my argument perfectly.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyoyhR7xcN4 how does vgl rate /fighting/
Alluring, but not nearly enough for a full team.
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>Page 10
>He only knows FAG: the anime
Lurk more you fag.
if it's /toyu/ i will personally take a plane to whatever 3rd world shithole the /u/ manager lives in and kill him
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<klaxa>: i think i'll have to give up the archive for financial reasons: there are three ways this can play out: a) someone just takes over and pays the bills, b) y'all send me money to keep it running, c) archive ded can't find a thread, would have posted it there
f4r's basically co-running it already. Would be interesting to see the archive run alongside the wiki and IRC, but that's up to f4r and Boris.
Italy, and he wouldn't let it happen anyways.
How about uploading everything on youtube?
Plz gib sause
>f4r's basically co-running it already.
Yeah, but not co-paying it.
Expect most of the music to be muted.
How about dailymotion?
Wrong is /toym/
Frame Arms Girls

This, with the channel set to private and the link posted on the Videos section of the wiki.
Please, it's FAGirls.
He should say how much he'd need from us all to keep it running.
I wouldn't mind giving a couple bucks per month to keep the archive quick to access and ad-free.
You are a god-send anon
I mean how expensive is it, really?
nah nigga its FAGs
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I'm just dicking with you anon. /toy/ calls them FAGs so that's what I usually roll with.

Fun Fact: it says FAGS on the back of Gourai's uniform
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>page 9
They sure made her a rep quick.
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>page 9
/sp/erb owl exports when?
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Autistic Jersey.jpg
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I'm prepared to show my support for autism come the summer cup.
when you stop being a fuckheaded asspirate
Did you order that, or did you get the patches made and heat-transfer them to a template jersey yourself?
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9002 hours in gimp.png
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The server cost is 32€/mo.
thats like... what? 20 dollars US?
35 US dollars.
There we go. Set a paypal or a patreon or whatever has the lowest possible fees, and I'm pretty sure we'll manage to find 16 people who like the cup enough to give a couple bucks.
Maybe also add a thanks section with the nicknames of the contributors to the bottom of the main page as a small incentive.
The latter.
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>page 9
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i'm ending it
This anime girl is not very cute.
But you cannot say that
are not very cute
They'd be cuter if they supported a team that doesn't suck dick.
They'd be even cuter if they were from an anime that didn't suck balls.
You'd be cuter if you had taste that doesn't suck ass.
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Tfw your team isn't /a/rsenal
I don't care about what some random faggot thinks about my appearance.
What if your team is Coventry?
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Who /c/helsea here?
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>/qa/ shut down
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FAGs have been around for quite a while and are the spiritual successors to Shinkis. The anime only started airing recently so they've been getting a lot of attention but it started as a toy line.
Fucking /mlpol/ was the cause of that, Hiroshimoot couldn't handle it anymore, even if the /jp/ invasion and the board becoming /q/ 2.0 contributed to the freezing of /qa/. /mlpol/ have set up on /trash/ now.
who really cares though
reminder that /trb/ is winning the /sp/erb Owl
puu sh/veQJP/0d07f145bb.mp3
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>/mlp/ removed from rivalries
le reddit broship has arrived
You're not reviving /s/, if it even gets brought up in /merit/ I'll veto it instantly.
Probably the only board less deserving of a team than /t/.
top smulel
I really don't know why they had to do that. If /pol/ and /mlp/ have warmed up to each other, I don't see why it can't be a "friendly" rivalry.
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What a time to be alive!
They should make it a "friendly" rivalry. Most of the rivalry sections on the wiki on the team's pages are shit, /pol/ for example should include /lit/ as they've played each other a lot and would generally disagree on some concepts as boards, they even called it the book burning derby before. I know someone was doing a rivalry page though.
But I like /t/, I don't even browse the board.
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Wording this. Smugleaf you can't veto.
Where were you /4ccg/ when Lear finally decided to make a good decision?
>But I like /t/, I don't even browse the board.
Yeah, yeah that's pretty much the problem.
We have enough teams with absolutely no native fans which should be booted, there are plenty of other fun teams from boards that actually have a following (ie, a reason to exist in the cup)

It's a debatable subject for sure, why can't fun teams exist? Hell back in the day /3/ were the biggest team to bandwagon but had no actual real fans. Why's that a bad thing? Who knoes.
But no, we're in a state of 'Fuck Off We're Full' and should make little to no exceptions for allowing nofans teams to participate.
>there are plenty of other fun teams from boards that actually have a following (ie, a reason to exist in the cup)
The only team that has been denied entry to the cup with a significant number of fans over the past six months has been /co/, and that's their own fault for not getting out of a group with /t/ and /y/. There was also /vg/ back in Spring and /toy/ as a big bandwagon, none of the rest who were aborted then really have that many fans, but the Fetus has helped getting rid of some teams that nobody cares about, as nobody has bothered to revive /s/, /cm/ or /gif/, the Fetus helps that as now if you want to take over you have to actually qualify for a cup, and if you're a merc you might not want to go through the trouble of qualification, but if the team has fans you'll keep trying like the /co/ management do, or someone like SDA who I assume actually likes /y/.
>But no, we're in a state of 'Fuck Off We're Full' and should make little to no exceptions for allowing nofans teams to participate.
If the team has some following it should be allowed participate, but they now have to go through the Fetus to get in like /sci/ have to do now, but obviously if we had like what happened earlier in the thread and some merc says "I want to manage /s/" and there's absolutely no support they should be denied.
I want to manage /news/
All teams but /bundes/ and /cyc/ currently have an export. /cyc/ is supposed to have one soon(tm) anyway.
If you're not memeing you could post a story about polls and then put a 4cc poll in the OP or a later post to test what the article says about polls so the janny doesn't nuke your thread to try and gague interest for the board. There's probably none.
I was memeing.
/news/will never ever get a team
What about Ωbowl
It might be a /news/ team for that
/cyc/ export is on their page so only /bundes/ is missing
It's from last year.
What's the record for most goals in a match by a 77?
2 probably
What about a team for each teamless board in omegacup?
Yes. Just like /l/.
/l/ is a boardless team.
It is different.
I need a picture of Boris. Can anyone hook me up?
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4cc power bors vector.png
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>Mission Space
The man even has good taste in theme park rides

Almost all 4cc games that are on klaxa (except friendlies) are on the 4cc dailymotion account. Dailymotion does take down videos every so often but has no strike system so the account probably (hopefully) won't get terminated.
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>/bundes/ still not up
/sp/erb owl export power rankings WHERE
no one cares
I care...
GOAT: /F1/, /trb/
Decent: /bundes/, /NCAA/, /nfl/
Poor: /cyc/, /trans/
Australian: /afl/
Gypsy: /f1/
Murrican: /NCAA/, /nfl/, /trans/
Nazi: /bundes/, /cyc/, /trb/
Cunt: /afl/
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bundes is bad and reso should run 3-3-4 instead
/h/ are elite
/sp/erb owl groups
Group A: /F1/ /nfl/ /trb/ /cyc/
Group B: /bundes/ /trans/ /afl/ /ncaa/
Looks like someone's getting sacked
/sp/erb Owl draw concluded in IRC.

Group A: /F1/, /nfl/, /trb/, /cyc/
Group B: /bundes/, /trans/, /afl/, /ncaa/
>TWAIN with Boicum and >Art
Perfect meme magic
/nfl/ is the "Hat" Pick btw
Hat pick: /nfl/
1. /myteam/
2. /otherteams/
9001. /yourteam/
/F1/ /trb/
/ncaa/ /bundes/

/F1/ > /bundes/
/ncaa/ > /trb/

/trb/ > /bundes/
/F1/ < /ncaa/
Which team should I root for?
Group A: /f1/ and /nfl/
Group B: /bundes/ and /NCAA/

Final: /f1/ vs /bundes/
/nfl/ and /ncaa/
The good on-
The /a/ sockpuppet
Which one?
Muscular /afl/ will 9 point their group
But what about 2012 matches?
No matches, world ended.
sack the manager for a wog if this doesn't happen
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>page 9
I broke everything.
Its time to fucking go Mr Wenger.

You know, its funny
I am watching Jurassic Park right now.
I just got to the scene where they are talking about the Raptors and say they should be safe as long as they don't learn to open doors. In the next scene a raptor opens a door and attacks the kids in the kitchen

Wenger is Alan Grant in this scene.
He is looking at his team in 2004 and saying
'we should be OK and win every title as long as the other teams don't learn to use strength and tactics against us'

In the next scene, the 2004/2005 season the Mourinhoaptor uses strength against him

But unlike the kids in Jurassic Park wenger didn't escape the kitchen. Nope. Instead the entire Raptor pack, the entire Premier league moved in and gutted him with their claws. Now instead of being saved by Jeff Goldblum he is having his carcass picked away by the most brutal predators of the time, the long ball merchants.

Fuck you Wenger. You are extinct.
Wasn't the logo poll supposed to be today?
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>Wasn't the logo poll supposed to be today?

>/lgbt/ is liv
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Another merc who will go away not soon enough. Won't even do a roster poll or bother with any aesthetics I bet.
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We either assert our very gay dominance over the website, or go game to game getting reamed board by board. How can you possibly lose when you're /lgbt/?

Managering with KinseyTypeF now
>/hm/ will never ever be alive again
/legbutt/ is liv
So what, are you guys gay or something then?
feel like participating in some unofficial live rigging later this week for fun?
I guess they already jumped ship
rip /lgbt/
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Even THINKING about it.png
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He/she/it, you/we/they, male/female. It's not very complicated.

Now German tho. Pic related.
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The bread rises.webm
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Please root for /ck/. I will love you forever.
Hi Antacid
Chances are we'll both be busy. I have real life things and there's a lot to do with the team to sort out in very little time.
good luck.
Man I can't wait for the mental gymnastics Lear will make now of how Fetus matters suddenly
KinseyTypeF has shit going on and is an ausfag so he'll have trouble making it to lots of things.

I have work stuff and a weird sleep schedule. I might be able to make it though, depending on when it is.

We're trying to finish up the poll for the /lgbt/ roster and anthem. Occasionally life happens , but I don't have much of that thankfully, haha!
>another /aus/ manager
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wew, I can't wait for /lgbt/ to get STRAIGHT to abortion
Has anyone ever tried to get other imageboars into this and make "world cup"?
Fuck off Gman
/int/ has a league about that, I think.
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Hi there, and welcome to the Cup! I'm the idiot in charge of putting stadiums and other shit together for each tournament. Now, if you would like, I'll give /lgbt/ their own stadium for the upcoming Spring Fetus; there are 25 available to choose from on my user page; just let me know here, or on Discord, or whatever. And then you can help provide stadium name and pitch ideas if you like (hint: there's an existing pitch from PES 14 that this team can use).

To the /t/ management, if you would also like a team stadium for the quals, just let me know, via same methods as above.
I'll have you know that /h/ is elite
>To the /t/ management, if you would also like a team stadium for the quals, just let me know, via same methods as above.

Just let them use /co/'s pitch like they had to use /co/'s kits.

Thanks, I'll have to check that then. I would like to see a 4chan team made of the best players ofrom different boards.
What about a badly ported Konami Stadium or something similar to that for a poorly pirated version of PES? They also had pirate quality music when Lear had to stream the Fetus, a pirated stadium would also suit. I'm throwing this idea out because I have a feeling Pybro won't respond.
Why not contact Pybro on the comfy calendar?
good to know.
Germans, not even once.
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Friendly reminder
Official /sp/erb owl Power Ratings

1. /cyc/
2. /trb/
3. /afl/
4. /F1/
5. /NCAA/
6. /nfl/
7. /bundes/
8. /trans/
>r8ing Art and Boicum
I merely judge the export.
Thanks Ved.
not like it doesn't fit with their history
/fit/ vs /his/ when?
When /his/ gets good.
On what basis?

I only accept on basis of meme potential.
>Kinsey Type Fag
The three letter conspiracy continues
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Now this is what I call getting baked
Fuck off Sou.
>bump inb4 archive
Hey man something has to keep us off of >Page 9

I have nowhere else to go ;_;
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got any animated gifs to share with us Sou?
post something original on /f/
good luck
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GTFO, phoneposter!
new thread when
>new thread when

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Thread posts: 757
Thread images: 185

[Boards: 3 / a / aco / adv / an / asp / b / bant / biz / c / can / cgl / ck / cm / co / cock / d / diy / e / fa / fap / fit / fitlit / g / gd / gif / h / hc / his / hm / hr / i / ic / int / jp / k / lgbt / lit / m / mlp / mlpol / mo / mtv / mu / n / news / o / out / outsoc / p / po / pol / qa / qst / r / r9k / s / s4s / sci / soc / sp / spa / t / tg / toy / trash / trv / tv / u / v / vg / vint / vip / vp / vr / w / wg / wsg / wsr / x / y] [Search | Top | Home]

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