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/ndg/ - Nier/Drakengard General #XLV

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Thread replies: 770
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Least Wrong Edition

If you have any suggestions or links you think would be useful, then respond with it to the OP and help build up the archives.

>[Official NieR:Automata page]

>[DRAKENGARD/NIER COLLECTION ARCHIVE] - World Guides, Novellas, Lore, etc.

>[PC Troubleshooting]
http://pastebin.com/qEZD3VLJ (embed) (embed)
>[NieR:Automata Unit Data & Fishing Encyclopedia] - Untranslated, use Chrome

>[/ndg/ Downloads Pastebin] - Ripped OST, Lewds, Steam Reskin
http://pastebin.com/YWG8irCu (embed) (embed)

>[NieR: Automata Mining and Moddin Steam Group]

>Nier Automata Lossless OST + Bonus HACKING TRACKS Disc


>English track list
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First for low quality memes
Anyone wants to become as gods?
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>same edition as the last one
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>94% unit data
>All the ones left are rare spawns
The only thing I give a shit about is playing as A2 the entire game. Everything else can just fuck off already.
So does ending E only follow after ending D? Or can it come after C as well?
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>no mention of falling on swords
missed opportunity
Waiting warmly for DLC's.

Not really. I want to stop being a wageslave and start being a neet though. But it's impossible since there's no neetbux here.
Whichever ending you do last.
So both C or D.
In my case I got it after C.
AeiToo is CUTE, I love her banter with the Pod.

Also C. It probably makes more sense to follow after C since D can remove 9S from the equation.
>it's impossible since there's no neetbux here.
Thank Trump, you probably voted for him anyway so it's your own stupid ass fault.

Well that explains it.
I'm the idiot that almost always charged my pod abilities.
I'm stupid, mystery solved.
No one asked your shit opinion.
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Did I miss something? When the fuck do you play with long hair A2?!?!
I didn't ask anyone's permission for a reason faggot.
Wait, don't the pods say that they can only progress with the total data wipe after all YoRHa black box signals are dead? If so, doesn't that mean it has to come after D, because 9S survives C.

As an aside, which do we think is more likely: 9S choosing to go on the Ark or stay?
Fug, I completely forgot that happened for some reason.
Then stop replying to me, queer.
Fuck I fucked up with the image.......... *.*
You get the accessory for it after beating Route C.
you don't

Maybe theres like an equipable skin for it but otherwise its just short haired A2
Oh, the accessory...I'm dumb
I found it annoying that every time you switch characters, your pod resets.

I used grimoire weiss for all of A and B but when character swapping became a regular occurrence I just stopped because it was a hassle to equip it every single time I switch.
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>Want to play NieR
>Not downloadable on PSN Market
>Have to order physical copy from Amazon that costs 45 dollars and won't be in til Saturday
>Feels bad my dudes
>Not downloadable on PSN Market

Do you WANT to be spoiled you fool?
Why not just leave your shithouse and go outside and buying a copy like a normal person would do when they can't download something?
He's obviously talking about the first NieR
Well if he doesnt' know the spoilers, he should still leave.
The first NieR. Not Automata.
I've finished Automata so I know a lot about the original NieR. I'm just playing it to get more Yoko Taro experience.
Well considering I'll be at classes all tomorrow and work all Saturday, it'd be better to just have it shipped on Saturday
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People here have mentioned they played it. What Stonebite upgrades do you want in Darksiders 2? Just bear Argul in the Crucible and am getting ready to close the book on this playthrough.
>because 9S survives C.
He's not the only YoRHa that survives but they all die.

For all we know ending E happens a few/dozen years after once all black boxes crap out without maintenance or Android Lluminati hunts them down.
I assumed that his blackbox died but his consciousness was uploaded to the rocket.
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>DLC announcement soon
>Persona 5 arriving soon
>Zelda DLC coming out
How can I handle this.
>What Stonebite upgrades do you want in Darksiders 2?
I don't understand the question.
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>was hyped for Ringed City
>now suffering from post Automata depression
I just want to play Automata again tbqh senpai
>DLC announcement soon
I thought Taro said they really didn't have the budget or man power to do dlc well story dlc
Yea he did.
They don't have budget to do meaningful DLC.
Doesn't mean they can't make DLC.
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Okay. Throughout that game you find these little crystals on walls throughout the world/dungeon. You can trade in 3 of them in a combination to upgrade your stats. With all of them obtained you can selectively pump to meet your build. Usually the common recommendation is to just pump up critical hit damage as high as it will possibly go. But some people will recommend Defense or Resistance or other random stats.

It's the one way outside of gear to pump your stats up.
It's coming soon
well the game's already retardedly easy if one chooses to abuse possessed weapons, so pick whatever's fun instead of whatever's optimal
Same rules apply, Einstein.
Yoko wants entire fucking expansions for DLC because he thinks like players do.

Squeenix ain't havin that shit. We're getting skins and challenge rooms.
Eh, it's pretty easy and straightforward, though I've had a real issue with getting surrounded. Or elemental damage.
>Well considering I'll be at classes all tomorrow and work all Saturday, it'd be better to just have it shipped on Saturday
Then you aren't committed enough to be here anyway. That's the problem with you millennials: Can't commit. All you faggots can commit to, is suicide.
Jesus christ dude. I'm sorry I committed a horrible sin by ordering a game on Amazon. I'm sorry I'm apparently a leech on the planet for wanting to play the first NieR.
You really did not have be such a fucking prick
Darksiders 2 is so goddamn easy that you should never increase anything but defense unless you need to. It ruins all combo potential in a game with a combat system built for long, stylish, and fun combos.
Like seriously. "Not committed enough to be here?"
I'm sorry, what? I 100%d Automata, got platinum trophy and then Ending E'd my save data and am now on my second run of the game.
But I'm sorry that having a job and going to classes because I want to be able to support myself, resulting in less free time during the school week makes me apparently not committed enough to talk about video games on a video game thread.
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>get a strange call from Pascal at his village
>100% of machine sub-quests complete
god fucking dammit
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LOL what the fuck was that dude?
this is the only game i can think of where literally everyone dies
This is a general where people unironically recommend playing DoD1, so let's not act surprised that somebody is recommending suicide because another person ordered a game online.
Not really. Resistance is still there. /ourguys/ are still there. Pascal is still there.
None of them are alive so none of them die. If you want to count artificial consciousness as "alive" then the pods survive, the machines launched in the ark survive, 9S can go with them and survive.

There's no ending where everyone dies.
Well, at least you apologized. Just don't do it again.
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I know, it's so fucking rude but hilarious at the same time....
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>I committed a horrible sin
is there anyway to downgrade my pods? all these explosions are annoying
ending E urself my man
you're always in really fast anon.

How do you do it?
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Seems like this is the "being rude" hour...Can we at least treat each other nicely? Is not so hard you know....
>This is a general where people unironically recommend playing DoD1
Those people should actually kill themselves.
What explosions? When enemies die?
Pod A and C when upgraded launch bombs everywhere when charged up, it's pretty lit
Must be a hard life being a thin skinned little bitch all the time?
That anon was rude but, what's wrong with Drakengard 1? I really like it
>Tells someone who's trying to get everyone to be nice that they're a bitch
You are literally in the wrong
What do you gain in being angry and shitting on meaningless things? Someone told he wanted to play NieR and he got shit because of it.....
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Not necessarily. He got shit because he wants to be lazy or not committed enough to go out and buy the game. To top it all off he posts the shit here like it's his personal blog.
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Please stop, you're embarrassing yourself
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I was waiting for art like that.
Idk man you are putting too much thought in something trivial. Said he wanted to try NieR but no digital was available.Thats it. Where do you find the NieR anyway? I don't think they sell it on stores anymore.
Dude, just leave him. He'll carry on for ages if we don't
Is she going to spank Nines?
Is that 6O's voice in the towers?
Is Drakengard 3 worth getting?
I had fun with it, but I got burned out after two endings. I will start it up again, but keep in mind that the combat will get stale.
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I went to GameStop today and asked if they had a copy of Nier lying around. Predictably they did not but the guy went on to check and then tell me that no other store in the state had one either, nor did their interstate warehouse.

fug I hope those rumours of a remaster turn out to be true
Yes, maybe. Did you played the previous ones?
Maybe or maybe she already did.

Don't think so. Initially, I suspected it was Emil.
I want to, but don't wanna emulate. I also wanna play the original Nier but its not on PSN
>98% tutorials

send help
Dude same I dunno what's up with that
>None of them are alive

You shut the fuck up.
Those androids have more soul than you do.
Equip a taunt chip
Man I really hate speedrun challenges, even Nier can't solve my hate for them
When I went to pick up Automata I know the guy working at gamestop pretty well and he gave me a free copy of Nier with Automata because they don't give a shit about last gen anymore.
Well, if you really want to try them, then try them. There is no much to say apart from that. Try amazon. Why not emulate?
They have literally no soul.

Treating machines as living things is a mental disorder.
I'm glad I picked mine up when I did. Was around 13$ used like 5-ish years ago?

Not even sure what compelled me to buy it
How do I even know you're real? You're just text on a screen to me. Fucking piece of garbage.
>Machine lifeforms
>Living Machines
>YoRHa black boxes made from machine lifeform cores
>"not living things"
Being a heartless prick is a mental disorder.
Literally described as being surprisingly plant like (machine core)
>living machines
yeah nah

are you the dingus from the last thread who thought the machines were "biomachines"
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>queers in the thread beg me to be nice
>proceed to shit on and treat each other like they are less than trash
Keep it up kids and I'll singlehandedly rape each and every one of you with rude words.
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Not the original guy, but I did that and I'm still at 98%.
Why are there two taunts in the game (mash L3 and hold square), and what's the difference?
plants don't have souls
I"m just quoting the game.
A2 vs everyone.

Mash is worse because it's cone is smaller and it's just more cumbersome
How do you know, have you ever talked to a plant?
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>None of them are alive so none of them die.
Say that to my face, I will slap your ass.
>Dragon is in the game's name
>Dragons are pretty much irrelevant to story except for that one time they murder everyone in the world for giggles

Taro is a hack, you could literally tell exact same story without dragons.
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One is A2's special, the other is some jank substitute for 2B and 9S.
I don't think I've ever gotten the L3 one to work. Do I need to shine the flashlight directly onto the enemy?
>stray cat
You have to do it as 2B or 9S and play for a bit, if that isn't it maybe die if you haven't already, or ride an animal maybe? Those can be missed I guess
there's a special place in hell for equivocators

achewood told me so
Has achewood ever talked to a plant.
Check that mate.
Just because you can talk to something doesn't mean it has a soul.
See also: machines, androids.
Yup, enemy has to be in the beam
Operator 6O was to pure for this world
>Just because you can talk to something doesn't mean it has a soul.
Yes, but has a plant talked back?
Do the charge attack with bracers and after the rocket punch hits, press heavy attack again
Thank you.
What the fuck that's where they're hiding?
But you don't have to have self-awareness or consciousness to be alive. Plants have life but they don't have souls.
The machine lifeforms may not have souls or consciousness due to the network but they are lifeforms after all. And since YoRHa androids are made from the cores of machine lifeforms the same rules apply to them
Gonna buy a big ol' bottle of whiskey for route C.

Good thing I don't have a firearm licence.
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I might have figured it out, after a bit of googling it seems that there's a tutorial for dying while NOT connected to the network. I'll try it and see.
This might help at the very least. Compare with your tutorial list in archives
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>firearm license
Yes! 6O is a miracle of the nierverse. She doesn't deserve her fate.
At what level did yall attempt Emil's first boss fight?

I was doing pretty well around level 60, got him half down then slipped and got one shotted
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Thanks. Turns out I am missing the "die with network off" tutorial, but I can't do that right now since I'm on C.
Not him but, sorry Texas, I have a firearms license.
>State of Commie Illinois

I fucked that nigger that with pod. I was very disappointed.
I did at level 99 and it was a joke, next time I do it I will try to be between 90 and 95
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>finally 100%
Swordfish machine took a long time to find, and the coelacanth too. Guess I'll repeat end E to finish it off properly. I'll pick stay this time for D since I didn't the first time.
he pushed my shit in
First tried around 70 and got fucked, tried again in the 80's and did it
>didn't pick stay the first time
What is wrong with ouy?
He's machine loving sicko.
I wish I had the patience for fishing

even in the original nier i didn't bother with that shit
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>A2 will never slap your ass and tell you to shut up
Give me one good reason to not Become a God
I just got ending E.
So, when I heard that the game was about the nature of existence, I got pretty excited. I'm a philosophy student, I've read and really enjoy Parfit, and even just today in philosophy of mind we were talking about Searle and whether machines have the ability to think. Especially when the main cast are androids, it would be really easy to analyze a lot of Parfit's questions of personal identity *because* androids can transfer consciousness, exist in multiple places at once, delete memories or have memories added to their consciousness, have the same sets of memories in two bodies have divergent experiences, and so on. Instead, I got a story about what purpose life has, and based on all the existentialist references I think Yoko Taro is pretty clear that he thinks the answer is 'existence precedes essence'. That's a story that could be pretty easily told without androids, and I get that this was always YT's intention, but I'm still a little disappointed with the direction it went in.

Additionally, I felt that the actual script was a lot weaker than the first Nier. I really, really cared about everyone in Nier-- Weiss, Kaine, Emil, Papa Nier, Yonah, Devola and Popola... I was absolutely bawling when Kaine was petrified, or when Emil was saying how scared of dying he was while he was dying, and I really really felt for Papa Nier trying to rescue Yonah with all of his being. In Automata, I didn't get that really at all. I was just sort of along for the ride, and when emotional things happened I went 'oh, that's an interesting development.'

That said, Automata is much more ambitious with its storytelling and use of the medium than the original Nier was, and that game already used the medium of games pretty well. This is definitely the most important game YT has made, even if it's not his best. It's not quite MGS2, but I think people may start to put its name up there when talking about games that advanced the medium.
that's the good end
>This is definitely the most important game YT has made

Nier will be the crown jewel he carries to his grave. Automata is better at actually having entertaining combat, but that's it.
I ran out of characters, but I think Nier is definitely the BETTER game. Automata is the more IMPORTANT game because of what it does with the medium, but it is definitely not even close to as well-written.
>. In Automata, I didn't get that really at all.

That was the whole point, since everything they did was meaningless.

>not DoD 3
>Nier will be the crown jewel he carries to his grave
That's not Time Crisis 2.
I can agree with that. But I will say I enjoyed Automata's story most because of its focus on its characters and how it affected me
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Feels bad.
I don't have any, let's end it together
anybody know where giant eggs spawn? I already finished the treasure hunt at the castle quest and somehow only have 1 egg left...
Giant eggs?
I didn't have any feelings upon completing every ending except y and E. [I've not completed E and Y yet] Could it be that I don't buy into the anime expressionism? (That is, over the top feelings/expression/acting/over-reacting/etc??)
You all seem like dainty flowers that can't handle anything.
That was sort of the problem I had. The characters (especially 2B, the emotional rock that she was) didn't really resonate with me at all. It's this whole story that's supposed to be really emotional and personal, and all I really ended up doing was watching it unfold as a neutral party. Compare that to the original Nier where I was crying my eyes out even just during some sidequests, let alone the important plot beats.
yes. giant eggs

just need 2 more to max out my missile pod
I don't know but I think that the problem must be you. A lack of empathy I guess.
This anon's weird. Let's kill him!
Well I mean, I can understand it being like that. If you don't connect with characters it's hard to care about the story. But we're all different in how we react to a story
It's a pretty hollow story compared to Nier 1, but how the fuck was Taro ever gonna top that?

The "lol so depressing" thing is just leftover momentum for DoD1 and Nier 1 that people meme to fit in.
There IS fun in letting yourself get sucked into the world of the game, you know.
I disagree, I think the story was well done. I mean it shows that it made people feel emotions about it. And that's one of, if not the most important part of a story
Depends on the person. I really cared and connected with the characters and I found Automata to be overall better than the original, but I can understand your point.
And people cried when the last episode of Friends aired. The bar for making people feel things is remarkably low. I don't care whether it made people feel emotions about it, I care whether it made me feel emotions about it.

It didn't.
Well then that's your thing and that's just how it is.
I like Automata, yeah it definitely didn't reach Nier level of memorable story wise but it was still great, and in every other category (except for OST imo), they got better.

If there's ever a 3rd Nier, I'm sure I'll be just as hooked as I was for the previous 2 games
Well he did top NieR considering Automata is more polished/better and was so much better received by critics.
Those meme quizzes say I am a sociopath. Still, I do not believe it.

You may try.

I "FOLLOWED" the story but was never sucked in. It always seemed like that happened to advance the plot/story/quest.

I subscribed to this model up until the first ending (A). Once I realized that everything that I understood COULD NOT BE what I understood/////related too; My suspension of disbelief was further suspended.
Whatever fag.
I'd argue the climate for reviewers are a lot different now than it was when Nier came out, but they did definitely fix up a lot of the more annoying stuff
I'm starting a new playthrough after ending E, which side quests should I look out for in route A?
I only made a statement about the quality of the story so if you're referring to Automata as being "polished/better' in any other respect then it's completely irrelevant to what I said and are you seriously appealing to critical reception as though it's something I should give a fuck about?
Can androids get pregnant ?
Not him, but it's clearly obvious why you don't feel emotions. Getting angry because someone doesn't validate your opinion is clearly a sign. It's hard to believe someone like you felt something with NieR
Dude, don't respond to him, just let him be angsty in his own space
The quality of the story is subjective.
Only Jackass cause she's cuhrazy
Another thing:
I think one of the reasons I couldn't get into Automata is because it was really, really hard not to compare it to Nier as I was playing. And every step of the way I went 'oh, this isn't as good as Nier' and it sucked most of the feeling I had out of a given scene. It was like I was waiting for the game to be better than what is my actual favorite game narrative and it never did, so I couldn't ever get invested.

I almost feel like I ruined my own enjoyment of the game and as such I've deprived myself of something that would have been really, really good and I can't stop beating myself up about it.
Thanks for the really weak armchair psychoanalysis but his original reply to me was as much an expression of frustration that someone didn't share his opinion as what you're accusing me of. Likewise, his second reply to me was a blatant case of having nothing to say but needing the last word, hence the petty barb I sent him in response.

Now he's replying to you because he needs further validation by having someone else agree to end the conversation.
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I know but It's getting annoying
So I remember people asking about how many satellite bases there were and not knowing anything.
I got my world guide today and just started reading it and what do you know the answer was right there at the beginning.

"There are a total of 13 military facilities deployed as orbital satellites. They consist of 4 high power laser satellites and 9 military bases. The Bunker was designed as a military base exclusively for YoRHa units. Furthermore, it would serve as a communication relay server for the Council of Humanity on the moon.
Construction completed on September, 11938.
Entered operational service on November, 11940."

There you have it.
>critics like it and it's better in metrics that you weren't discussing
"wow those sure are some weak arguments"
>oh yeah well it's just ur opinion
how android get pragnent ?
He'll get bored and do something he actually enjoys with his time soon enough
Well... huh
You know... that thing adults do, "sexu"
>Emil finally gets to join Kaine and Nier in the afterlife

At least, one of his clones anyhow.
they must do way stain commander who kill their android who can't frigth back
Interesting. So at the beginning I thought there were multiple Bunkers, as the intro statement about a network of bases implied (or at least I thought). But this means there aren't multiple Bunkers?
That means there are 8 other bases floating in space.
But they aren't like the Bunker or affiliated with YoRHa?
So Emil, Vivec, and Kain walk into a bar.
That wasn't a clone. The real original Emil dies there. If the weapon story stays true then maybe the clones still continue to exist afterwards.
Read the description of the Emil boss fight in the unit data, the bike Emil was the true one.
Correct. There is only one Bunker and only YoRHa personnel are on it.
However there are 8 other bases as well.
They could be a full staff of non-YoRHa personnel or maybe a mix but it's not specified.
I'm willing to bet they're non-YoRHa completely though.
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I tried to find the entire thing online and wanted to appropriate it for the rest, but couldn't.
Laughed nontheless
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>Least Wrong Edition
The same as last one......OP pls
>The real original Emil dies there.

Emil didn't die. He just dimension-shifted to our Earth and made a game developer go mildly insane.
Automata is easily his least insane game yet.
Any other cool stuff from the world book? Sucks it will never be offically translated.
I'm reading through it just now.
If I read anything interesting before I go to sleep I'll post about it.
Anyone have a link to the trainer? I've been fighting Master Servo for fucking 45 minutes. He's level 50 and I'm level 19 and this is getting my nowhere at all.
Well, by traveling to our Earth he caused everything to go insanely insane, so the mildness of Taro's insanity only seems less insane.

Our dimension has entered the Taroverse and established a paradox. We're doooooomed.
Just come back for him later. You can do it during route B and it's stupid easy.
Thank you, anon.
Can you not just switch to easy? I really don't give a shit about using trainers but this doesn't seem like a trainer worthy situation. Just come back later.
Yes the problem here is I don't want to die or spend hours killing him since I've already wasted this much time.

Its not difficulty its how much goddamn health he has and how little damage I do with the level difference. I can easily kill him if I spend a couple more hours just picking away.
How much goddamn health he has and how much damage you do seem like they are things that are probably altered by the difficulty setting, and in that regard it has quite a lot to do with difficulty, but perhaps I'm mistaken.
There's a lot of shit in this game that feels unfinished or not fully thought out. What's up with the Resistance in the later stages of the game? Their camp gets wrecked but then everyone's fine when you go back. After that they don't even give a shit about the massive tower thirty seconds away from their camp entrance.

What was the deal with A2 in the Forest Kingdom? Did she just sneak around following you the whole time so she could killsteal the baby? A2 in general felt like she needed more time. Why did Taro recycle that ball machine like fifty fucking times? Why does upgrading pods take farming so disproportionate to everything else? I only upgraded a single pod once by the time I finished the game but I had like twenty weapons maxed out.

The difficulty in the game makes no sense. In normal a boss is going to hit you for about a tenth of your health while in hard you're getting one shot without defensive chips or items. Not that any damage short of death matters when you can instantly heal to full health with cheap as fuck items from a pause menu. Then there's all this shit with 9S and his hacking that disrupts the flow of combat to let you trivially execute almost any enemy in the game. It's a shame that he gets so much time when his playstyle's so boring. All the shooter sections are mindlessly easy except for the literal end of the game, which also hands you a win button.

Back to the story, none of the twists seemed that surprising or crazy. Most of them were previous knowledge if you played Nier or readily apparent before they were revealed. Game was still fun though.
Well tried it and made practically no difference.
I just watched the play along with reading the translation here:


It was a wee bit hard to follow since the translation shifted from having line by line dialogue and just giving broad summaries of the scenes, so some of this stuff is a little hazy to me. One thing that stood out however was this Seed character. She gets introduced as someone whom A2 cared for because she cheered her on during her training. Then there's a scene where the Commander catches Seed talking to A2 about the humans on the moon (keeping with the lie) and the Commander pointing out it's useless for A2 to be talking to an older model like Seed, who then suggests A2 should meet her again some time which annoys the Commander. Then we find out shortly before the Pearl Harbor descent A2 was informed of Seed's death, who died in an experiment where the Commander was basically blasting EMP at her until she died because "we have to collect data."

And this kind of confuses me. This Seed person claims to have fought alongside humans and having gone to Earth three times, so I'm willing to conclude the claim to have fought with humans is bogus because we know they never escaped Earth. Which would also mean that Seed is actually maintaining the front of humanity being alive, so I don't know why the Commander would suddenly snap and try to murder her in that experiment.

Do we know more about her? Did I miss some parts of the play that make it more clear or is the translation in that regard busted/incomplete?

Side note: The play also mentions the Androids being built with fake memories just like in Blade Runner. Is that also stated/implied in the game somewhere? I don't remember there being something like that.
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Does Taro retire now? Apart from SINoALICE, I don't think he will make another console game...
Can't you just accept that Taro is a hack
Summarizes my feelings fairly accurately, yup.
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>9S playstyle is boring

This is my way to spot someone who is not good at video games!
So the wiki's fishing page mentions certain fish being found in an "Underground Lake" in the City Ruins. Is it referring to the spot at the bottom of the caverns that lead to Emil's house?
9S playstyle *is* boring though. Hacking is far and away the strongest thing you can do to an enemy, and it's trivially easy. In exchange, they took away a button for melee combat and made his only actual attack button really floaty and unfun.
I agree with him, 9S fighting style is poor as fuck. You can't do the thousand combos you can with A2 or TB
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You do know that you can heavy attack as him, right?
His movesets are fucking god-tier and damage output is great as well, hacking is something you do if you're desperate or lazy.
Seed could be so old that she fought alongside replicants.
>9S is easier than 2B
>If you don't like him you're bad at videogames

This quote again, deja vu!
You mean equip a heavy weapon right?
You got cucked by Taro. Taking away 2B and her fun playstyle was his plan all along.
Now that I think about it, she could be so old she fought against Legion. DevPop has been around that long.
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t. people who don't use spears or bracers on my boy Nines
Those weapon sets are some of the most fun things to play with in the game.

Dash + attack, my dude
What's wrong with that?
It ensures that legal gun owners know how to safely operate them.
It's not like it's a hassle to get one, afaik all you have to do is go to the police and answer a few questions about gun safety.
The real problem is restrictions on the guns you can own. I don't think you can own anything bigger than a hand gun unless it is manual loading.
Nope! It's a combination of dash + attack button thing.

It sure must've felt dreary to just spam one button-combo all this time, eh? Try to experiment a bit more next time!
He has light and heavy combos for all weapons. Dodge then attack, or Attack, Delay, Attack again for heavy combo.
Not him, but yes. 2B is more fun. What I did was not use hacking. At all. Unless it was mandatory.
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Guys, I just got Ending B and I'm already crying. How fucked am I?
They literally mash square and triangle respectively and think that is more fun. They are missing out on 9S.....
Extremely if you continue to read this why the fuck would you read this

2B dies. The credits are the last boss.
Those also are my weapons of choices though.
But what I'm saying is that by removing the heavy attack by hack they took off many and many crazy combo you can do such as all the mid air combos.
Also nines doesn't wear the gloves, it's killing it for me
But you DO have heavy attack as nines, you know?
I almost wish I were as emotional as you.
Get the hell out of here before you get spoiled.
She could, but then it seems like a waste to kill her. The scene makes it pretty clear that the Commander intentionally goes beyond what she could bear.
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>Muh manly non-pc response
>Reaction image of a pretty sjw guy
That's like 3 or 5 levels of irony my man.
His attacks are boring, slow, and just waves it around in the air. Double bracers as 2B/A2 is where it's at.
I do yes but doesn't that still make one button less compared to the other?
It seems more like getting rid of a loose end. There's no data she has that the rest of them wouldn't know, she's outdated, and she's telling secrets. There's no reason to keep her around.
>Double bracers as 2B/A2 is where it's at.
My fucking nigga
So here's another thin I learned from the world guide. There's a line that implies that hacking isn't unique to S models but some consequences of it are the reason why only S models use it.

"Through a Scanner type's hacking function, one can access a machine lifeform, control it and destroy it. Using a remote controlled machine lifeform as an intermediary it is possible to hack another. During hacking there is a high probability of meeting resistance. In the case of failure there is a danger of the user's artificial body malfunctioning. Because there is a danger of logic virus contamination only S models are allowed the use of this function."

So that would explain why A2 could hack in the library. The restriction was lifted by Pod 042.
But I assume all the cool features like subjugation, detonation, and remote control would still be impossible for her.
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Scanners are not made to fight. He still does a pretty good job.
I played the beginningng of the game with bare fists in both slots on 2B and holy shit it was fun.
I forgot to read the unit data for Bike Emil, but I remember the Emil Heads said that the original Emil disappeared a long time ago. Can I get a text dump for the unit data?
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Goodnight /ndg/ !
Good night
Haha, I didn't do double slot nor much of the game with bare fists, but boy did I enjoy it. 2B's barefisted animations are great.

Goodnight. I'll be turning in shortly, too.
>just got ending E

I'm absolutely drained. Normally, this is the part where post-game depression kicks in for something that was so damn good but Persona 5 is right around the corner. For the first time in a few years, I actually don't have enough time for all these vidya gems.
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>but I remember the Emil Heads said that the original Emil disappeared a long time ago
Did you read it wrong? Its specifically talking about what happens in the sidequest and battle in the game. The vehicle Emil is the true Emil.
Level 2 of the Emil Heads weapon:
>[10/15/12422] "I was spawned about a week ago, so I don't have clear recollections of anything before that. Say, I wonder where the Original disappeared to all those millennia ago..."

It could also be likely that this "true" Emil is possibly the most complete clone left.
>TheDarkId started his last LP, automata.
Good man, looking forward to what his theories on stuff are.
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I cannot get Emil to change his inventory no matter where I stop him.

>I stopped him outside the Desert Camp.
>I stopped him at the City Ruins: Near Factory save.
>I stopped him at the entrance to the Resistance Camp.

No matter where I stop him, he just sells chips. I have chapter select unlocked and I'm trying in Chapter 13. Is this a bug, am I doing something wrong, or is it completely random?
That entry is 500 years after the end of the game. The clones don't remember who the original is. The true Emil didn't realize he was it either. He passed away after remembering Kaine and what he was fighting for. There wouldnt be any point to calling him the True Emil in the intel record if he wasnt the original. This sidequest conclusion is basically letting the original Emil be put to rest after 8000 years of being alone.
Here's another nice tidbit. Gives a specific date for an event in automata.

"Human Heritage Preservation Record:

On July 7th, 11945 during local hostilities a section of the city collapsed. An underground cavern which had always been there resonated and collapsed due to the explosion of a Goliath class machine lifeform. Plans for rebuilding and a budget have already been completed. However because of the need for an underground survey the schedule has been postponed."
It's also equally likely that Bike Emil regained memories that are shared between all Emils, thus leading him to believe he's the true one. Plus, the fact that the original Emil disappeared thousands of years before the game even takes place makes it unlikekly that any one Emil is the true one.

Not that it matters much, considering none of them will have a rocking skellington body.
Oops I meant April 7th.
He's fast!!!
Did you try talking to him twice? I ran into this problem too and after clearing out some chips (cuz my inventory was full) and talking to him twice, he changed his inventory
I'll try that right now.
It's also dumb luck, I had the same shitty chip loadout like four times in a row before he brought out the good stuff.
Notable events in WW2 on April 7th 1945:

The only flight of the German ramming unit known as the Sonderkommando Elbe takes place, resulting in the loss of some 24 B-17s and B-24s of the United States Eighth Air Force.
The Japanese battleship Yamato is sunk 200 miles (320 km) north of Okinawa while en route on a suicide mission.
Kantarō Suzuki becomes Prime Minister of Japan.
Talk to him once just in case, I doubt that's a factor but might as well, then save at the resistance camp and reload until he spawns on the route infront of the camp and goes super fast with very sped up music. It can take a while, but that's really all it is, dumb luck.
>game froze during Eve fight
God fucking damn it now I have to fight the giant testicle again.
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>Pascal is still there.

Maybe for others.
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are the artbook scans out yet?
Doesn't the ending imply that the network of machines have left Earth in the Ark? Does that mean that all the machines have either been deactivated or de-linked from the network like Pascal?
>thus leading him to believe he's the true one
He never says anything like that though. Only the intel tells the player that. There's no way for the clones to know if the original disappeared or is among them because of how many clones there are, even the original would probably doubt himself.

Anyways, read the short bits of translated material of his encounters with the aliens if you haven't yet:

It started with a silly story. From the first encounter he made 430 clones and forgot to merge back in to one. Then by 100 year after fighting the aliens he had already made 85,943,258 copies.
Yes, the earth is machine-free after endings C&D.
Emil Heads say that the network rebuilds some time in the future
Do you guys remember the Stamp collecting quest? There's one machine sexually attracted to them and he fucks them in front of you.
Who are /ourguys/
It's network free. The machines that are still there are still there; they're just not networked

But in about 500 years they're gonna manage to reform a new network, or the Ark is gonna return.
N2 destroyed itself and the consciousness of Adam&Eve left with the ark, but there is still shitloads of machines everywhere. It's really only a matter of time before a new network forms and everything starts all over again to be honest
There's no way of knowing what dimension accord pulled those out of though, so it's inconclusive as regards endings C and D.
Yeah I did it a few hours ago, that quest was hilarious
Not either of those guys but you're just a dickhead. It was clear you were a dickhead since you claimed that all the people who were moved by Automata are just conforming memesters. You're a prick.
Now he gets the the good will to make a shmup
then he flies back to his home planet
They are going to make a new network
After how well Nier: Automata did, he probably has a lot of goodwill in SE to do whatever he wants. Not like he wasn't doing that before, but I can foresee them giving him a bigger budget or putting him at the helm of their next AAA title.
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>all these autistic 1v1 fox only final destination combo vids
>90% of the combat in the game is against groups of mixed enemies with bullets flying all over the place
>It's another retard who was spoonfed how deep Nier was by Loremasters and will 180 his opinion in a year or two when Loremasters spoonfeed him again

Reminder the canon ending of Nier is a magic super computer going off the rails and being defeated by Kaine and Emil, and Kaine somehow pulling a new Nier fucktoy out of it and that the Shadowlord, Kaine, and Emil all met before the original Nier and Kaine just so happened to name her dog Shiro.
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>Well he did top NieR considering Automata is more polished/better and was so much better received by critics.
>Shadowlord, Kaine, and Emil all met before the original Nier
Not that surprising desu considering Emil and Kaine were both valuable military projects and Nier only runs into Kaine in passing because he lives in the same city.
What are commander's bwh measurements?
Man, I felt really good about myself when everyone was congratulating me.

People LIKED me, I SAVED everyone.

We were gonna go save the WORLD THIS IS THE BEST NEW GAME+ EVER!

Most enemies die too fast to kill them with fancy combos, and most players don't play like that anyways and just go for whatever is easy or more efficient. Kind of wish enemies had double or triple the hp in higher difficulties. Maybe only playing with level 1 weapons would be better, and avoid leveling too much. There should have been a chip or debug menu option to stay at level 1, but the game has bad scaling and your attacks will only deal 0 or 1 damage if level difference is too high.
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Man bullets are the purest bullshit on hard
>and use of the medium than the original Nier
I'm not sure I agree with that. Most of it was just retreading ground that Nier did better. None of the areas have the unique flavor of Resident Evil Mansion or Text Adventure Forest, and nothing is as bold as forcing the player to read a 30-minute long novel section about the childhood of a supporting character at the start of route B.

Not to mention laying the guilt of murdering the game's enemies at the player's feet, and reframing basically everything you've done in the process. "2B was actually sad" is peanuts in comparison.

The [E]nding of Automata is a masterstroke that will probably end up being Taro's legacy, but I don't think it's enough to call the game's use of the medium more ambitious. More seamless, maybe, but I don't play Taro's games for the polish.

I feel the same way, but the responsibility doesn't really fall on us. The game recycles powerful, evocative music tracks from the first game and plasters them on cheap thrills that blatantly imitate scenes from the first game. The game constantly sabotages your attempts to take the game on its own merits.

Eh, the first one was probably more novel, but Automata does its genre shifting so much smoother, and makes them fit better.

For reference though, I felt like the original fell flat a lot of the time. I appreciate it for its dedication to novelty, but a lot of its aspects, gameplay and narrative, felt contrived to me.
Like seriously. I think it might be worth it just to farm for ranged defence +8, but it looks like no one has any idea where to find the damn stuff
While I agree with some of your points, I also feel that Automata has its own unique merits and I feel one of its greatest strengths is in how compelling the antagonists are in Automata. Route B of Nier certainly does a lot to make you emphasize with the Shade bosses, but the Shades as a whole lacked the overall cohesion and theme of the machines. Most of them were just tragic people in tragic situations, and while that's sad and it's neat to be able to empathize with them, they lack compelling motivations beyond "we're monsters but not really, but everyone thinks we're monsters."

Automata does the "oh you feel bad for the machines now don't you," in route B as well, but it actually subverts the expectations of people coming in from the first Nier because emphasizing with the machines was never the point, and in fact a lot of the things you learn about the machines in route B serve to further detach both the player and the player surrogate (9S) from the behavior of the machines, and goes on to instead explore the nature of the machines and androids instead of focusing on "oh we're gonna make you sad now for killing these enemies."

N2, despite being a pile of Drakengard references, is probably the most well-developed and subtly characterized antagonist of any of Taro's works.
What 30min long novel

I feel like Nier 1 was just trying to be sad, and structured its story around that, while Automata took the time to introduce more interesting ideas, and the story developed from that. I guess neither is better than the other, but Automata certainly felt far less openly manipulative.
Fliers in the Forest. They are so rare you will kill yourself.
Why did the network send ten trillion robots just to end Pascal again?
Wanted to see how Pascal would react.

His voice was annoying.
Any descent nier 1 longplay with sidequests and shit?
Have to agree with this, Nier purposely went out of its way to be as depressing as possible, but it worked. Automata is more about the idea of the soul and existentialism in a trans/post-human post-apocalypse and is structured around that concept accordingly. It had more of a concrete theme rather than "Man ruins everything for his daughter / sister!"
Mmh. I think i'll be done with hard mode then, unless they introduce DLC with level scaling, enemies that need in depth combo to defeat and proper ways to farm chips.

Scrap Dragon at the end of A/B and bullet spam bipeds at the start of C suck all my motivation away, especially since hard is just a self imposed challenge.
Pascal's existence itself and everything that happened to him was just one of the countless experiments N2 had going. At the end they wanted to see what would happen if they forced him to betray his own beliefs and use violence
>The game constantly sabotages your attempts to take the game on its own merits.
Maybe it's a mistake with trying to make it more accessible for people who has not played Nier.
Which worked for me because I never really felt that I should know about something. Except the library. That was really obvious for some reason.
I hope you played the English version, because not liking Aoi Yuuki is just wrong, period.
>not liking Aoi Yuuki is just wrong, period.
Right, it makes sense thanks
Replayed some earlier parts of the game today. The on-screen text while hacking was unreadable. Noticed the 1.06 patch, the other day. Is this perhaps an April Fool's joke?
Which genre shifts did you feel were contrived or unfitting in the original?

No argument that Automata has its own unique merits. I would give it an 8/10 at the bare minimum overall. I was just agreeing with the other anon that it -felt- like a worse game than it actually was because it kept inviting unfavorable comparisons to Nier.

The idea that the antagonists in Automata are all non-characters that are meant to represent facets of a more complex character, N2, is something that I'm warming up to, but I don't know if that excuses how weak those facets are individually.

The Shades' motivations in Nier was to live. It's a simple motivation, but a powerful one. It's easier to imagine even literally who Hanzel and Gretel living day to day than Beauvoir or Whalebot who seem to just exist as boss fights.

Nothing in Nier was as openly manipulative and laughably "ARE YOU SAD YET" as the mass child suicide because the living embodiment of tragedy-bait TAUGHT THEM TO FEARRRR.

I think people oversell the level of SAAAD in Nier because of how striking some of the setpieces and the route B twist were. Nier was full of shenanigans and jokes and positivity.

Nier's theme was "why do good people do bad things".
I am genuinely jealous. I would have probably been blown the fuck away by Automata if I hadn't played Nier.
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>The game recycles powerful, evocative music tracks from the first game and plasters them on cheap thrills that blatantly imitate scenes from the first game.
So you're saying that the things in automata are just a pale imitation of a game that had genuine soul?
I was. But now I really want to play Nier, but I'd have to drop something like $150 for a used PS3 and a copy of Nier.
Maybe rpcs3 in a year or so.
Considering how much of the first Nier Automata does spoil you are way better off playing them as god intended
>It's easier to imagine even literally who Hanzel and Gretel living day to day than Beauvoir or Whalebot who seem to just exist as boss fights.
Actually I have no idea what Hansel and Gretel were even doing there in the first place. My guess is that they were stationed there as guards to keep any literal who replicant from running off with Weiss, but that begs the question of why Popola and Devola would even send Nier to the shrine to kill two of the humans the androids are programmed to love. It felt really videogamey, which isn't a good thing when you're trying to humanize these gatekeeper bosses.

It's actually really easy to imagine how Beauvoir lives her day to day life. She practices her singing in the opera house. She's hunting down fellow machines and androids and decorating herself even further. Like all machines, she repeats the same actions over and over despite never meeting success, and it's only by stripping away the layers upon layers of her false understanding of beauty that the inherent contradictions of her actions and existence dawn on her.
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>I am genuinely jealous. I would have probably been blown the fuck away by Automata if I hadn't played Nier.
I have never pre-ordered a full-price digital game until this one comes along, and I'm usually too tired/jaded for games.
Its amazing how Automata BTFO every single thing I've expected, it felt like experiencing fresh oxygen in polluted China mainland.
This has to be something from the english dub, because there was nothing overblown about the delivery in japanese.

Just got the Engine Blade. This is probably the best Easter egg in the game.
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>got Automata ending E 5 minutes ago
I want my emotions to end
Are you me?

I felt like I just watched Evangelion for the first time again, I wish I was 14 again to get full kick outta this ride.

>Nothing in Nier was as openly manipulative and laughably "ARE YOU SAD YET" as the mass child suicide because the living embodiment of tragedy-bait TAUGHT THEM TO FEARRRR.

Nah, plenty in Nier was equally melodramatic. Shit like Frya or the merchant brother's deaths are pretty dumb. The difference is Automata's melodrama also serves a far more interesting theme. There are only so many ways you can contrive a situation where good intentions lead someone astray, whereas exploring the nature of simulated consciousness gives far more opportunities for interesting scenarios. So yeah, the children's suicide felt somewhat emotionally manipulative, but it was an interesting development that added something new to the games overall theme.
>Emile goofy shop song has the same lyrics than Emil's Sacrifice
>Emil sacrifice has the same lyrics as Emil Despair
Ehh. In my case taro was barking up the wrong tree trying to make me feel bad with dead robot kids. I just didn't care.

They're not actually kids they're just mentally handicapped robots pretending to be something they're not like a tranny or fursuit faggot.

I don't think you were really supposed to feel bad for them as much as you were supposed to feel bad for Pascal.
>M-muh XV Engine Blade
How is a simple weapon cameo the "best easter egg in the game"?
There is nothing special or interesting about it, it's just a reference to a kinda crappy game (that by the way did way worse than Automata despite having quite literally a hundred times the budget) the team was forced to put in by Square Enix.
>human hildren are actually just mentally handicapped midgets
>a kinda crappy game
No no don't worry anon they're gonna patch in a decent story any day now its all good.
Anon you weren't supposed to feel bad for the children, the sad part was the breaking of Pascal. The climactic part of that story was when he followed you out of the door stating in a very matter of fact manner that he would smash them to pieces and kill every single one.
here's your (you)
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I unironically bought that game because 2B's ass though.
Regardless, at least I know I can experience something great for the first time again, and I know you can too. You just gotta believe.
Hansel and Gretel were in charge of guarding Weiss, but they came to make their station their home. They made friends with the other shades living there, and managed to find peace and satisfaction in their eternal vigil.
DevPop did it because they needed the book. Their priority numero uno was the Gestalt Project.

Further, shades are not actually humans. They are one half of a human. Without Weiss, there could be no unifcation, and without unifcation, there could be no humans.

It's not the delivery of the line. The entire situation just begs to have that screamed into the camera as the character shakes their fist at the cruelty of life.

This basically boils down to Nier having characters and Automata having a collection of individually named thematic devices. I guess it comes down to which you place more importance in.

Also, what was dumb about the merchant brother's death? It's been awhile, but iirc, he died because they were scavenging parts from an incredibly dangerous environment.

Fyra's death was sudden and shocking, but we later learn that it wasn't as sudden or random as we thought. I'm not sure what was dumb about it.
Unique moveset, changes your dodge, and changes your interface. It's pretty involved for a throwaway reference.
this, during that fight i was legit screaming STOP PASCAL STOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
They already had that Chapter 13 patch. It was barely anything at all.

But don't worry, here, have an hour long shoddy Dark Souls rip off as DLC!
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>thought it was over
>he hijacks a fucking Engels
pvp dlc when
i want to kick the shit out of you faggots
If only Taro could have let that moment stand on its own two feet instead of throwing a room of dead kids at us to get those tragedy points.
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How do you get so high? Im lvl 66 right now and lvling takes time.
>It's not the delivery of the line. The entire situation just begs to have that screamed into the camera as the character shakes their fist at the cruelty of life.
Eh, I guess that specific part of the scene didn't bother me too much because suicide was enough of a deviation from my expectations. I was assuming that they would be getting eaten by virused machines, and the explanation seemed logical enough.
I didn't feel bad for pascal because he's annoying and the game would have been better if anything related to the robot village was replaced with something more fitting IMO.

It wasn't thought provoking or clever it was cliche and stupid. Even when he snapped
I don't think the dead kids detracted from it in anyway as the game seemed to suggest that they killed themselves out of fear of Pascal rather than the machines which seemed like a really good place to end the tragedy. What ruined it was Pascal's sob story about teaching them fear but implying it was of the machines and not him.
Anon those kids were dead as soon as "child robots" were introduced as a concept in this game. And I think that helps with the idea of Pascal giving up pacifism being for nothing in the end.
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Not him or you but that's exactly how I felt when I beat this, I've been such a jaded prick lately and thought nothing would ever match the impact NGE had on me so having it happen all over again is such a wonderful feeling.

>Also, what was dumb about the merchant brother's death? It's been awhile, but iirc, he died because they were scavenging parts from an incredibly dangerous environment.

Its not the death itself, its that he happened to see the robot and thus the whole revenge shit started up. Its super contrived. Fyra's death has similar issues of happening just so a character can want revenge. None of these are necessarily bad in isolation, but the number of times they happen is the problem, especially when they all mirror the main story.

Having said all that, claiming Automata has no real characters is bullshit.
>Further, shades are not actually humans. They are one half of a human. Without Weiss, there could be no unifcation, and without unifcation, there could be no humans.

Yeah but it was clear that Hansel and Gretel were keeping Yonah prisoner to lure Nier to the shrine so he could pact with Weiss. Why would Hansel and Gretel come to life then and try to stop him from leaving with Weiss once he had? Later on there's a decent explanation for hunting Shade bosses because Weiss needed to absorb Shade maso to recover his abilities, but Hansel and Gretel had no reason to attack Nier when he's just doing exactly what they planned for him to do.
>Trying to platinum the game legit
>Need a Powerup Part S
>Apparently those don't show up if you got their sidequest done

Fuck me.

I thought the implication was they feared getting eaten by other machines and chose a less painful way to die.
Yeah it was and I think that was bullshit. They should have been afraid of Pascal after however long he spent lecturing them on the virtues of pacifism and how evil violence is. To see their teacher, village chief and surrogate father then commit such acts should have destroyed their tiny mechanical minds and Pascal would have ironically killed them through trying to save them.
Was laying down trying to sleep when I remembered this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpaRouocBes
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Is it possible to mind-rape Pascal as 9S and make him kill the children himself?
>"child robots" were introduced as a concept in this game

The whole robot children thing was dumb as shit and reduced my enjoyment of the game. At first, in the boss pit when they're rocking the cradles and just saying "child, child, child" it was sort-of effective, very memorable, creepy and weird.

But then he blew it with the robot village where they're basically just a bunch of larpers being retarded on purpose, for no purpose.
The point was that Pascal had an extremely well-developed personality in comparison to the other machines, but he still failed to grasp everything on the emotional spectrum and by teaching fear to children who knew little else but that and a lifetime of fun and peace, they completely lacked the ability to cope with stress and a change of environment. They were an evolutionary dead-end, and while they seemed like the most human group of machines to us, they were pretty much just toasters, and total pacifism is an idealization that could never really persist in the harshness of the real world.
>Anon those kids were dead as soon as "child robots" were introduced as a concept in this game.
That's part of what makes it so bad. It was just Taro going through the motions.

I don't really buy that interpretation. Pascal hulking out was surely shocking to them, but not as shocking as seeing their friends and family get eaten alive as their village was burned to the ground. The whole situation was traumatic as fuck, and pinning it on Pascal seems like yet another unnecessary layer of "ARE YOU SAAAAAD".

Leaving it at Pascal sacrificing everything he ever stood for would have been much more challenging. I would have relished all of the retards coming in asking why Pascal was upset about being such a badass.

Because all machines can do is imitate humans. Pascal basically taught them what children were, so they acted like children. Same with everything in the village. They pick some aspect of humanity to immitate and run with it. They're far too simple to have a reason for doing so.
After the ending of tge game We learn that all of them was just another network experiment at imitating humans not much different from those copulating robots in the desert and it all loses meaning and character
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Do women really find man ass/legs attractive? Or do they merely mimic our passion?
I don't see what point you're trying to make. Are you agreeing the entire robot village arc was a pointless waste of resources that would have been better spent on literally -anything- else?

They could have had just pascal and that philosopher guy and the game would have been better for it.
I've heard multiple women express attraction to bubble butts. Probably a physical fitness thing.
>That's part of what makes it so bad. It was just Taro going through the motions.
But I think that's sort of the point. I think that one of the major themes of this game is the pointlessness of everything everyone goes through, and once you understand what N2 has been doing this whole scene serves to strengthen that theme. Teaching the children fear is dramatic irony, but more importantly teaching them fear in order to keep them safe was pointless. And on another level, all of Pascals emotions and deleting his memories were also pointless. That entire segment is pointless because anyone with half a brain could realize what was going to happen. Even if it wasn't intended, it fits with the themes of the game.
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Kek and I bought because somebody told me
>Hey you like kuudere
>Check this one out
>Oh and its Platinum
When I preordered the game I expected Vanquish may Cry: Revengeance with Ayanami Rei as MC.

None of my expectations were correct, but it only made everything in the game a pleasant surprise
Strongly disagree. A village shows the extent to which the machines are attempting to copy humanity, so its thematically important. How many resources do you think it took to plop a bunch of robots in a circle anyway?
>that by the way did way worse than Automata
Final Fantasy XV sold six million copies, anon.
>The thing about Emil dying 500 years in the future
Oh lord. Taro's been drinking with Michael Kirkbride.
Talking about critical acclaim. It outdid XV pretty much everywhere, by a pretty big margin too
I think you're just a bit daft. The point of the machine village is that it's easy to humanize things that resemble you. 2B, 9S, and A2 all become attached to the village and its inhabitants because out of any of the machines they encounter, they're the closest in imitating human roles, relationships, and motivations, even though there's nothing separating them from the other machines. They're set up as the most successful of the machine societies, even having friendly ties with android settlements and individuals. Shit, even some of the Bunker androids are receptive to the idea of making peace with these friendly machines.

It's meant to show that people and androids will find fond what they find familiar. We see that their society is like ours, and so players and characters alike start treating these machines as basically human beings, and we feel human emotions to their human predicaments. Then that rug is pulled out from under us with the revelation that these guys are no different from the retards bumping their featureless groins into each other and it makes you question at what point you consider their behavior human.

good thing I lift
It's still only imitation and 2b/9s know that. They're not actually mothers and fathers or children they're just role playing. Instead of calling out this madness the androids actually go insane themselves and start role playing along with them it's out of character and dumb to entertain robot delusions (and they ARE delusions) when their own survival is at stake.

You're just trying to rationalize something that's stupid and poorly thought out because you're a fan.
>[09/02/12422] I confirmed that the machine lifeforms released by the aliens have reconstructed their network. I've started to see units with gravity-controlling capabilities again as well.
sequel confirmed
That's before the game starts.
The flaw in this argument is that Nier did the whole "everything is pointless" thing without just tediously going through the motions. Everything that happens in Nier has multiple layers of meaninglessness, yet it never feels like things are happening just to serve that theme.

>it's SUPPOSED to be pointless!
is not a valid excuse for writing one of the most contrived scenarios in the series and capping it off with one of the most comically manipulative scenes in the series.

This is why I think it's kind of funny that people criticize Nier of being less subtle than Automata. The games share a lot of the same themes, but those people don't realize this because Nier doesn't rub your face in it the way Automata does.
The theme of Nier isn't that everything is pointless though. Everything that you do in Nier is EXTREMELY important, to the point where this game set 10,000 years in the future is dealing with the consequences of what you do in that game. No clue what you're saying there.

And yes, that is a valid excuse. Thematic ties are literally the ONLY excuse for contrivances.
The game is set in 11XXX IIRC, so no. It's after.
Farming the golden machine "statue" at the Amusement Park by hacking it with 9S makes your level incredibly fast.
Get enough XP+ chips to hit the maximum XP bonus you can get, then you just need to remote control one of those big machines with a gun around the square, then get rid of all the machines and then hack into the statue.If everything goes well, you'll kill it in one or two hacking, and you'll get like 3 levels at once, even at level 90 you'll still get at least one level. Then you only need to save/reload and redo it over and over.

Thanks to that I leveled from 70 to 99 in maybe an hour.
They're playing along to gather data, did you not pay attention to anything in this game? The whole point of their interactions with the machine village is to try to understand why the machines are suddenly acting passively.
Can a 5 year old desktop handle the Steam Nier 2?
Mine is 2500k +380X (4gb)
It handles the game at roughly 50 fps with all on high and x2 msaa
The entire Gestalt Project spanning thousands of years was pointless.
Gestalt Nier's thousands of years of suffering was pointless as a result.
Replicant Nier's whole adventure to save his daughter was pointless because she just got the Black Scrawl and died anyway.
Replicant Nier's sacrifice was pointless too, because Kaine ended up dying from Black Scrawl anyway too.
Replicant Nier's sacrifice was DOUBLE pointless, because he ended up being rezzed by the treeputer.
And as a result of these things, everything else that happens is pointless too. There was no reason for the Aerie to be obliterated, or for the King to sacrifice himself, or Devola and Popola to die.

Nothing mattered. The whole thing was pointless from the moment that humanity threw in its lot with the Gestalt Project.
What chapter i can do this? When there zombies it's impossible to do.
It sounds like you just have a problem with empathy. It's easy to see why the androids come to grow fond of the village. After all, the androids themselves practice an imitation of human society, and emulate human emotions and thought.

I mean, shit, take a look at films and shows that feature animals as characters. People are able to more easily empathize with non-human characters when they display human speech and relationships. We empathize with animals when they display emotions we understand such as fear, affection, and sadness. We empathize with animals displaying maternal protectiveness, even though we don't consider animals to be capable of conscious thought and some even claim they don't have souls.

The point is that humans will always seek to unserstand themselves and others around them, and the androids are no different. Our minds are hardwired to seek likeness in others, and finding it and understanding it releases feelings of joy and accomplishment. That's why we seek to see a human side to inhuman things, and how the androids react to the peaceful machines is no different.
No it's not, I farmed him when they were zombies, it makes no difference at all.
2600k with GTX580

The difference is that you cause all of those things to happen. Nier's actions matter, even if his intentions don't. That the conclusion ends up causing the death of everyone he tries to save is dramatic irony, not some meditation on how everything is pointless.

In contrast, nothing that the androids do means anything: humanity is dead and the war with the machines is one that they could win at any time. They can't affect the future in any meaningful way/
There no big machines with belt around their belt and zombies can not be controlled.
That's only the pretext, not what actually happens. They never get any closer to figuring out why and they don't even try.

It sounds more like you have a problem with anyone justly criticizing things that you're a fan of.

Empathy doesn't even come into it. If you can empathize with a 12 foot tall killing machine that pretends to be a helpless weakling to the point of getting itself killed then maybe you have a problem.

Some parts of the game were brilliant.some, like the robot village, weren't. Not everything is 2deep4u.
>They never get any closer to figuring out why and they don't even try.
That's not their job. They regularly send the data to the bunker.
The Ark might provide meaning in the future.
The androids have nothing to do with that.
Getting -useful- data is part of data gathering, which IS their job Asking questions, probing etc. Gathering only useless data is negligent and out of character.
How do you figure any of that was useless data? The commander literally asks them to get data on machine behavior. Everything they do encourages new behaviors to get data on.

It really sounds like you have a personal problem with the machine village for some reason and are trying desperately to convince us it's objectively bad despite no one agreeing with you.
They're not pretending to anything. Being a helpless weakling was their function and they literally knew nothing else after losing their core directive. You refuse to empathize with them because they're not real or family or anything, but then why care about videogame characters at all? They're just a bunch of pixels with programmed responses to everything and absolutely no relation to anything else, but we still connect to and empathize with good characters because of their behavior and relationships make them human to us.

It's not even really about the game, I'm talking about why we as humans tend to ascribe human things to clearly inhuman things
Deal X amount of damage to the statue to activate it, then hack during the fight or kill it. That's how you do it in route C.
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So I'm trying to collect all weapons in Automata. I have everything except the YoRHa Issue Blade, which is a reward from a quest from route A. I'm now part-way through route C. I've heard it's possible to go back and re-do certain missions - so if I do this, can I get the sword and keep it in my inventory permanently, or am I fucked?
Forest Kingdom, and to a lesser extent, the Amusement Park don't really jive with this.

2B and 9S were all set to murder the baby king before A2 beat them to the punch.

Whether Nier's adventure took place or not, Yonah dies from the Black Scrawl. His actions didn't matter.
And Gestalt Yonah reveals that the unification doesn't actually work properly - she can feel Replicant Yonah inside of her crying out in sadness and fear.
Humanity was fucked and always was going to be fucked. Nothing that anyone did mattered in the grand scheme of things.

>If you can empathize with a 12 foot tall killing machine that pretends to be a helpless weakling to the point of getting itself killed then maybe you have a problem.
Finish route C and you'll get a chapter select so you can finish the quest.
You'll be fine. You'll know it when you see it.
>And Gestalt Yonah reveals that the unification doesn't actually work properly - she can feel Replicant Yonah inside of her crying out in sadness and fear.
This does NOT mean that the entire project was fucked, if everything else worked correctly they could have created new replicants. They have to reincarnate anything and nothing says that the replicant personalities come back through reincarnation.

>His actions didn't matter.
Yes they did, they just didn't matter to him.
>They have to reincarnate anything
Cool thanks, I guess all I can do is keep going.
>The commander literally asks them to get data on machine behavior.

And yet nobody asks WHY they're acting the way they do. Ok so they're pacifists and want to live in peace, that doesn't explain the fake families or where they're getting their information. How did they develop the ability to speak? Why do they act the way they do? Why role play? These are obvious need-to-knows that the "investigators" don't particularly care about. The story is too busy trying (and failing imo) to generate sympathy but it's just clumsy and annoying when the game beats you over the head with it.
Do you seriously not remember what happened in this game? The entire game is them investigating different machine colonies and dealing with emergencies that pop up. What would they do differently to investigate those questions?
We don't even know what 2B and 9S would have done with the baby. They were doing recon and they were never really on a mission to kill the King, they only had to fight because the machines were attacking all intruders on sight. For all we know once they confirmed that the Babu was the Forest King they might have just left the dude in the crib.

And the amusement park doesn't have any hostiles except for the machines that serve as glorified rail shooter obstacles. The player is discouraged from attacking friendly machines because they gift you things.
>if everything else worked correctly they could have created new replicants. They have to reincarnate anything and nothing says that the replicant personalities come back through reincarnation.
Explain further.
Anons who didn't get philosophy behind Automata think what their posting on anonim imageboard has meaning. The irony.
The replicant program involved creating new replicants to replace those that were lost during the wait for maso cleanup. If all of the gestalts hadn't relapsed they would have been able to create more.
They're just a reconnaissance team. The machines there especially are considered anomalies that are irrelevant to the current war because as far as they know they're disconnected from the network. There are several other things going on that take larger precedence like Adam and Eve.
They didn't investigate anything. They only observed, despite all the unprecedented developments occurring.

I'm not sure they asked a single relevant question beyond establishing that the village exists because the machines living there don't want to fight.

They didn't investigate that either. This is the ultimate "lol I don't know, fanwank something" game nobody asks any relevant questions or learns anything outside the bare minimum needed to drive the story.
You answered to you own question anon. Any chapter where zombies aren't around and where you play 9S. So play 9S after discovering the park and before the Grun bossfight.
Getting Unit Data to 100% was annoying.
Fucking Enhanced Reverse-Joint Goliath didn't want to spawn.
Only thing left is fishing (~70%) and i'm done.
You mean like when they literally asked Pascal why he decided to be a pacifist and he explained that he was taken off of the network? Did you expect them to ask him how he can think? Do you think that that's a logical question that has an intelligible answer?
pacifism isn't that abnormal, literally the first machines you encounter on earth are pacifists, until you attack them anyway.

A more relevant question is "why the fuck can machines talk all of a sudden?" "why are you imitating humans? etc" "what the fuck are adam and eve"
the first ones after the prologue derp
>literally the first machines you encounter on earth are pacifists
No, they're spacing out. They aren't intelligent enough to actually be pacifists.

And Adam and Eve gave answers to those questions:The machine network evolved and became interested in humans. Pascal wouldn't have any better answers than that.
They don't exhibit any empathy for the machines that are clearly living in an organized society that Pascal even tells them ahead of time is a separate colony similar to his own.

I think it's safe to assume they would have killed the babby, although they might have shown some hesitation.

As for the Amusement Park, you still have mook enemies that aren't proper NPCs, and your partner will gleefully make the first strike if you set them to aggressive or their AI is feeling whimsical.

There doesn't seem to be any reason to believe that the Replicants' consciousnesses would suddenly stop existing when it was time to gattai.

The Replicants developing free will was a problem. If the solution was as simple as reprinting the body, then things would have been a lot easier.
>If the solution was as simple as reprinting the body, then things would have been a lot easier.
They never got a chance to try. The only example we have of Yonah's problem is Yonalh herself.
>No, they're spacing out. They aren't intelligent enough to actually be pacifists

Ok what about the amusement park ones then? They're pacifists and nobody raised an eyebrow. The abnormal behavior in the village isn't the pacifism.
No they aren't, they're just focused on enjoying themselves. They will fight back if you hit them.
Methinks you're just splitting hairs at this point because the bottom fell out of your argument.
Methinks you don't know what pacifism is and never had much of an argument in the first place.
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Pacifist machines are just a creation of the network attempting to simulate human behavior to figure out what makes humans special.

Will age and amusement machines are just a failed experiment from the network and arent truly sentient beings because even the network isnt.

Thats why I lost all empathy to them by the end of the game.
Fuck I almost stopped acting about androids too, they dont have their own purpose and their old purpose is dead.

Well maybe if theres a sequel androids will find their own reason to live and that could be one hell of a compelling story but as it is right now the end of Automata told us that nothing that happened really matters except that sexy butt survived.

Butt then she would survive just as well if she just ran away to the woods to hang out with A2 and Emil.
Did you make that, anon?
Hard to empathize with things that attack you on sight dude. It's not like theyeven tried to negotiate. And why would they kill the baby? It would serve no purpose. If anything it made it clear to them that the Forest Kingdom wasn't a threat since they're only interested in protecting a tin-can baby with no interest in conquering the neighboring areas.
This place is still surprisingly one of the better ones to discuss Automata in.

You still have people who take things a bit too literally or want things to make sense that weren't made to make sense beyond their service to the narrative, but overall this place has been absolutely great.

It's a fleeting thing before people move on and this general dies a slow death but let's enjoy the ride for now.
Almost as ironic as your own post.
I love this man.
Jesus fuck. Why would you need anything besides a manual gun if you're going to use it for "self defence"?

Hunting, I can understand wanting larger guns but if you're not hunting then you really don't need anything more than a hand gun. Even that is too much.
You don't need a vehicle that exceeds 55mph or a vehicle at all. Go hate freedom somewhere else plz
It's totally cool man. I think it's a very subjective thing how one ranks the two NieR games. I also think NieR had a party which left a stronger impression. However as complete games I can't put up one over the other.

Initially I was disappointed that NieR:A didn't have as an interesting party with all the Banter that NieR had. However by the end I was far too emotionally involved to even think about that.
Not that anon, but what gets me is that the Amnesia sidequest gives us a glimpse of what Automata could have looked like with Nier-tier banter and charisma. The banter is frequent and substantial, with tons of personality, and it gets even better on a replay.

Like, if there was any doubt that Automata as a whole lacked in that aspect, that sidequest made the problem crystal clear. There's no excuses like "well it wouldn't make sense for this game", because the game literally does it and it's perfect.
It's not like we humans have a higher calling or purpose. We exist just to procreate and develop our societies, with no grand objective as a whole, but we have no choice but to keep on keeping on as long as we're alive, and we seek interests and relationships to give meaning to our individual lives.
I just want to put this out there, but from your formulation of NieR being manipulative implies that it's a bad thing. I really want to state that although I agree that it is manipulative that isn't necessarily a bad thing and it really strengthened the game.

By being mainpulative I think it did some really interesting things with it's narrative, that I have never seen before then.
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We do what we chose to do.
Go to space? Why? Theres nothing good out there. We still go for the fuck of it.

And in the same time androids are compelled only by the idea of serving humanity that doesnt even exist anymore.
It really is like one big fat Neitzshce reference.

I really wand Automata 2 to be about androids funding out that humans arent real and theres total fuck all chaos decadence and collapse and the story is about funding or making up your own purpose or just laying down to die if failed to do so.
That would complete the existential plot of tge story.
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do I really need all weapons at Lv to unlock emil fight in the desert?
Don't kill him when he's autodestructing
am at 92% where do I get emil heads and the iron pipe?
But i am self-conscious and fully embrace absurd of it.
Iron Pipe is in the sewers between the city and the Amusement Park. You'll need fish for it.
>It's an anon pretends to be unable to empathize with anything that isn't a flesh-and-blood human to derail conversations on 4chan episode
>Go to space? Why? Theres nothing good out there. We still go for the fuck of it.
First you say that what machines don't have meaning, then you say going to space has no meaning and don't see any contradiction.
>It really is like one big fat Neitzshce reference.
First: you don't know a thing about Nietzsche. Second: it's Camus reference, all Automata reference to Nietzsche is saying that he wrong.
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So I just finished C/D/E. Is that it for 'real' endings?

Also weren't there Server type units? Did they ever get mentioned again?

Was thinking all those empty containers being sent to the moon were for the final enemy.
>Its super contrived.
I dont believe so. The guys brother died because of his own mistake and he flipped, leading him to be delusional and belive a robot killed his brother instead. The trauma after he teared off his brothers arm when he was trying to save her made him go emo on his left arm and had to get a mechanical arm later because he went too far.

What is contrived about this? It just sounds like your normal everyday plotline of a side character.

>Fyra's death has similar issues of happening just so a character can want revenge.
Did you play playtrough B dude? The wolves attack because the people of the facade have been killing off wolve packs + removing their habitat and turning it into a desert. The wolf leader eventually decided coexistence is not possible with the people of the facade and went out on a last all out attack. The wolf was a gestalt and more intelligent so it just knew that fyra was very important, and wanted to specifically hurt the king like the king did when his minions killed off a large pack of his friends.


This scene literally happens before the wolf sets out to kill.
>First you say that what machines don't have meaning, then you say going to space has no meaning and don't see any contradiction.
People are doing shit they want to do because they can.
Machines are doing shit the network made them do to see what happens.
And the network does it just parroting humans.
I really find the theme of "The god is dead and we have killed him. How are We gonna live with this?" pretty close to the plot of the game.
And Neitzhe was all about fighting out a new set of morals and valued in an industrialized society where religion is collapsing.
Empty containers are just so they are sending something to the moon. If they only send up enough to supply the skeleton crew, then naturally androids will get suspicious when 1 shipment is sent up a year to supply "hundreds of thousands" of humans
Shit I butchered the same again.
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I got spoiled for red dress characters, just knowing they existed. but started to see them during route B. So until the reveal later I thought they may have been units from the moon/observers .

Is there a list or something somewhere that shows all the times the Red Dress 'ghost' shows up in cutscenes? I specifically remember after the Eve/Adam fight as 9S, and in the Hanger after 9s respawns.
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>you finish the game and delete your save
>now you literally cannot continue, there's no such option in the menu
Humans are the only ones deserving of such consideration and even then there are those walking around that aren't worth it.
>How are We gonna live with this?
Become as Gods?
Nietzsche is pretty positive: "God is dead, man is new god".
>People are doing shit they want to do because they can.
I lol'd: people can do shit therefore they want it.
And no, unless you believe in soul that can ignore material world and have free will by the act of God, human behavior grounded in biological needs.
Machines AI is black boxes(meaning that inner structure is too complex to know as seen in "Fire of Prometeus" and android "free will") and they can't change behavior outside mind rape (like Pascal mindwipe), so their behavior "grounded in mechanical needs".
>Is there a list or something somewhere that shows all the times the Red Dress 'ghost' shows up in cutscenes? I specifically remember after the Eve/Adam fight as 9S, and in the Hanger after 9s respawns.
not a List but I only do remember 1 glimpse after teh alien ship fight and when 2B is riding 9S at the end of Route B
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>tfw didn't save before soul box boss
>tfw bad at hacking
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what does it say
>all those literal nobodies
No wonder Automata's japanese cast sounds like D-list central

It's a shame that Taro never gets good JP VAs in his games, but I guess they just can't afford actual talent.
aside from 9S, Pascal and N2, the rest are B tier at best

Good VA is really expensive tho. so I guess its a sacrifice worth when SE gives you pocket change budget
No, just stole it.
It's just strange when you compare it to Yakuza games, for example. Budget there is also low, but voice work is one of the best I've heard in vidya, japanese or western.
The Yakuza games don't have a low budget in Japan.
It is a visual indicator of your thrusting power level.
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Any word on if this game was a financial success? I really want it to succeed
desu, I was trying not to laugh when I realized the kids committed suicide. Not exactly because it was funny, but that they ended up dead in a way that I didn't expect.

Thinking back, what did Pascal even do to help A2 outside before "I've got an idea!". Did he sit and do nothing like during the battle with that whale machine?
He should've stayed with the children in an attempt to ease their minds. inb4 the kids got so scared, they maimed or murdered him in the chaos.

I never got that impression and don't want to believe that.
I'm now wondering how possible it is that we humans are part of some original experiment, if that's the case.

>Not including Symphogear's Hibiki for Pascal

>bad at hacking
Did you know you can lock onto enemies during the hacking minigames (or are you playing on Hard mode)?

See I thought I was crazy when I got "new" data but it was the same.
It's a huge success, dude.
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Can those of you who played Nier describe how you felt when you completed "Emil's Determination"? I just finished it, and I felt a little sad, but never having played Nier, there's a lot of context I don't understand.
You didn't see him lazor the fuck out of the machines while screaming that he's gonna kill them all?
Is this an april fool's thing? I typed t-b-h
testing: desu
>but I guess they just can't afford actual talent

He knows English VAs are better anyway.

In Japan you have to hire a company and they assign their staff which is why 99% of Japanese VA is the same 12 people doing the same voice. Even Troy Baker gets to flex his range occasionally

It's pretty sad but Emil is all about suffering. Visiting his "home" had a bigger impact, the fight was mostly compounding on that.
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Good to hear
Now i shall wait for more despair
If I did, I don't remember. Was busy reading subs and making sure I didn't take too much damage.
I swear too much is going on during battles in this game.
Yes. Scientifically speaking the whole region from the kneecaps to the top of your core is a big area for arousal for them. It being physically fit is a big deal as it indicates everything from physical fitness to stamina.
Ex: "The V" is one of the most highly scored physical features a man can have outside penile size or facial features. Its the V shape thats formed when your external obliques are pretty ripped and you have an insanely low percentage of body fat. Its a fairly good indicator of overal health, stamina, and decent genes though those that scored it didn't know this and went purely on aesthetics.

Shit like this is also why men rate hips based on aesthetics as well despite the subconscious cues we don't know we pick up on.
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This is the ideal female body
Take em all. More Commander body types for me.
So how did you get your Simple Gadgets, /ndg/?
I beat Emil cart in his house but I only got the head as a mask. wasnt I supposed to get the fist weapons too>?
Just fighting and collecting all the collectible things I saw.
I don't pay much attention to my inventory.
Used my macro controller to keep the scanner pegged while i played ontop of several sidequests. Basic play and my 100% completion 'tism meant i either did the quests they were a reward for or i walked past the farm routes enough that i had a surplus when all was said and done.
Yes, he's supposed to give you Emil Heads after you beat him. You can't complete "Emil's Determination" without it.
so, do I have to re-do the fight?
Did it do well, though? Financially.
It did well financially the real question is did it do well financially by SE's standards?
After you beat him outside his house, he drops the Emil Heads.


If he really didn't drop them, then yes, you have to roll back your save and do it over again.
They'd have to be fucking morons to not realize they're onto something potentially highly profitable with 2b and 9s.

I've never seen this kind of enthusiasm towards characters before.
It did better than the past Taro games which was enough to let him continue to make them. So yes.
Well we know it didn't have that high of a budget (and practically no marketting) so it probably already paid for itself just in sales

I mean I hope you guys are right. It's just that I want to see sales numbers. All I've seen is that it has sold around 0.25 million in Japan.
At least 200k people bought it on steam.

> (and practically no marketting)

no shit I'd never heard of it until someone posted a webm somewhere.
Taro will probably make games until he dies as suffering and despair is his source of power and booze. SE however has absurd standards for what it considers a "success". Just because it turned a profit doesn't mean it turned enough of a profit to sate SE's money addiction.
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>All I've seen is that it has sold around 0.25 million in Japan.
Only physical copies and only in Japan.
Its also 0.17 on Steam and an unknown number EVERYWHERE ELSE IN THE WORLD
And it keeps selling, the shit is still hot

You think thats bad?
I think worldwide sales are over the million already.
I'm not saying it's bad. I just want it to be successfull financially in the sense that it does not only return the investment but adds quite a bit on top.
>They'd have to be fucking morons
It's SE. They're less egregious than Capcom or EA but still make tons of bad decisions.

>Tomb Raider reboot sells 3.4m copies
>SE publicly states they're disappointed
>Finally go around and decide on a sequel
>It's a timed exclusive
>Human Revolution does well
>SE goes on about how it's going to be one of their new flagships
>Mankind Divided releases to lukewarm sales and reviews
>Dumpster it and set the devs to work the next TR while TR devs work on an Avengers game
>FFXIV becomes a huge hit after its revamp
>Stifle budget and resources going into it to maximise profits for minimal cost

Automata sold well, but we don't know its budget and we don't know what's going on in SE's execs' heads.
I think its sales are on par with MGR while the budget appears to be much smaller than that of MGR.
You can tell the budget was fairly small. The map is tiny and empty, there aren't many assets, enemy types or boss types, the quests are really shitty and the graphics aren't that great. 2B is doing most of the heavy lifting here she's the hottest character design in years and might be the best mechanical girl ever.
I really feel they're like those idiots that run small businesses without guidance and just roll decisions they should have made before over to the next.
Oh no we lost 4.8% on tomatoes last quarter?! Better fucking short lemons this quarter hu dur!
Yoko Taro directed three flops, and they still allowed him to make Nier Automata. Something tells me they're not going to start saying no to him now.
Come on man, name one other studio willing to fund Taro.

In a time where no one wants to invest money in interesting ideas and we keep getting the same boring shit, Square is one of the few studios who are willing to publish different games.
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>0.17 on Steam
>Yoko Taro directed three flops
low tier bait is on /v/
I'm not saying it wasn't a good idea just that SE is known for making iffy decisions and setting bars at weird places on shit thats obvious to everyone else. Maybe some asshat at the top said if Automata doesn't make them a 457.39877% return then its sequel is scrapped or some bullshit.
A. Bait.
B. It only happened because they almost lost a key player on their team. Dude threatened to quit unless they let Taro make automata.
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5000 hours in MS Paint
Well its still selling every day, tomorrow its gonna be even more.
I get that, I just think Square should be hailed for funding the Nier franchise in the first place.
Drakengard 3 was most definitely a flop. Drakengard 1 and Nier both sold something like 600k, which may be decent depending on the budget, but still isn't all that great.
I doubt they funded this because of taro I think their dicks funded it after seeing the character designs. Somebody has stumbled onto the secret that blindfolds are sexy, fused it with the best butt ever conceived and the rest is history.
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>route C

>y-you should be grateful the corporation even funds this produce t-they don't have to

Because Square Enix would do so well if they kept cranking out mediocre Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Hitman games.

Square is desperate to diversify its product line with quality IPs. So desperate they keep guys like Taro around and tolerate his behavior of acting like something other than a soulless corporate salary drone.
>Drakengard 3 was most definitely a flop
it sold out nigger
Not the same Anon, but while I'm infinitely grateful for SE for greenlighting this, just like I think it's impressive that they sank resources into reviving FFXIV, I've also seen them make bipolar decisions, so I'm keeping my own expectations in check.

Automata doesn't absolve of them of their past, just like their mistakes don't render their good deeds irrelevant.
But they really shouldn't be. They did it under duress while kicking and screaming.
One of their keystones made a very real threat to quit unless they let Taro make Automata so they did.
It wasn't a weighted or thought out decision on their part nor was it done with consideration for Taro's merits. They even initially told him no because the shit he made didn't follow the usual formula which meant he didn't tick off all the Tropes boxes which would cost them buyers who only play games for superficial shit like shallow stories or hamfisted shit. They even had a fight about that which stopped development because Taro was going off the well worn trail with the character designs and the only reason we even got 2B's ass or her being above the age of 5 was because Taro refused to back down.
SE only funded Automata because Yosuke Saito who is very high up at SE and responsible for a lot of DQ things is a good friend of Taro and he pressured them to.
There's a good reason Taro doesn't really like SE, if it went the way of their board Automata never would have been made. Hopefully after seeing Automata's success and how at least in terms of critical acclaim is their best game in lord knows how many years they changed their stance a bit
There's nothing wrong with range shooting as a hobby.
Automatics just make it more fun.

Guns aren't really necesary for self defence where I am anyway. Most armed criminals tend to stick with bank robbery or drug trade.
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>Not Spec Ops: The Nine
Apply yourself.
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>gun-grabbing faggots in my /ndg/ trying to bait me into a rant

Not today.


>and the only reason we even got 2B's ass or her being above the age of 5 was because Taro refused to back down.

Just like Square Enix to oppose something like 2B when they spent 6 fucking years trying to pimp out Lightning.
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>wake up
>have to go to work
I just want to sleep, stay comfy at home, masturbate, play vidya, and eat.....maybe watch some show too
Can you give source for all that info? Genuinely curious, I'd like to read more about Automata's development process.
>Just like Square Enix to oppose something like 2B

Did this actually happen? I mean c'mon. They're japs and 2b is 2b.
Reminder that Raitoningu is a fucking stick with no meat on her, now I like my sticks but Taro fought the good fight and won.
Luna's got a pretty phat ass though.
>Generally, I just do what I’m told to really. So if Square Enix say you’re doing a NieR sequel, I say: “Oh yes okay, I’m doing a NieR sequel”. But when I’m not told, I’m quite free to experiment and try things out. For example, for the main character, no-one said you can’t give her a blindfold so I went and gave her a blindfold. Things like that! People come back afterwards and say ‘I don’t like that!’, and I say ‘Well you didn’t tell me not to do it!’ So if you give me a list of bullet points at the start, I’ll do exactly what you tell me. I’ll do anything you want.”
>not YoRHa: the nine
I'd have to find it again but its a legit interview and it came out that there was a fight over 2B cause Taro wanted an Oppai Onee-san archetype and the devs wanted a hyper loli.
shit actually stopped production to the point they came to an agreement she'd be an oneesan with a nice ass but petite upper body portions so long as she ALWAYS wore high heels then Taro told the 3D team to deliver him the best ass they could.
So it was approved on the basis of being a nier sequel before the character designs were even done? That's surprising.
It was approved on the basis of Saito telling the rest of the company to go fuck themselves if they didn't let Taro make a new game
They approved it since having an unhappy Saito would be pretty fucking bad for them but gave them a shoestring budget
Do I have to upgrade the engine blade to make it play differently?
So far it just feels like a regular small sword.
Its one of his more favorably viewed games and was recent enough that fans can still actively recall it.
If he said it was a directly leap from DoD1 they'd shitcan it on kneejerk reaction alone.
It's the lv4 skill. Don't expect much though, it really doesn't play any differently
It IS a regular small sword. It just makes nice sounds and changes the damage value colors.
Aren't they all play same way by types? Like all fist weapons have same move sets?
Also is you 2B or A2 there some combination, were you can kick your fist weapon flying with your big weapons.
The fist weapons were a huge disappointment. The whole point of using fists is so you have a clean look without the goofy weapons hanging off her back but when you try to upgrade her fists they do it anyway fuuu
Holy crap, that explains why she's dressed in gothic lolita without being a loli.
Large sword+fist means a combo where you swing your sword like a bat and hit the fist. Its 33% success rate RNG if it lands its mark by design though and if the combo ends on a light attack you throw your sword instead.
Now i want gothic lolita in several ways if you know what i mean.
Yeah. They seemed to have collabed well beyond that point but i think it was just Taro being his usual self towards an already established and polished team.
You also don't need nice clothes, a nice car, a house with more than the absolute basic necessities to support your life, or food that is enjoyable to eat. Not to mention the whole part of it being a right guaranteed in the founding documents of all the good and worthwhile countries.
Well congrats cause its a big enough fetish that theres an entire industry to cater towards that over in nip-land. Cafes, cosplays, entire series, games, h-games, diners, bars, a few streets known for it, etc.
Are the songs in this game supposed to be in any sort of language, invented or otherwise? Or is it just gibberish.
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Funny because all girls named Luna have big asses.
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English translation flopped real hard in this game.

In Japanese, 2B has stern personality, yet she shows bits of kind-heartedness here and there throughout the story.

In English, she sounds like a fucking ungrateful 30 years old woman.

Same goes for 9S. You'd be surprised how polite he sounds and rarely says things like friggin, damn, etc in Japanese version.
Interpretation of languages in a post apocalyptic future
I love it desu
Have you just compared the basic needs of a person to a tool used solely for murder? You so fucked in your head that unbelievable.

Nier: Automata file size 45 gb

Jesus fucking christ. I just bought it thinking I'd be able to play it, but apparently not.

Also, the download is only 10gb, is this the power of compression or will there be more downloads after that?
Nah m8's.
Its Angelic. Literally the language of the universe.
Why does it incorporate known languages in a mishmash? The Tower of Babel.
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It's not angelic
It's the language Emi Evans made up pls stop spreading fake info

I-It's localization, not translation! They had to do it because of different audiences and expectations! Some things don't translate well! etc etc
Thats the new "playable by this %" thing games do now.
>tool used solely for murder?
Bait/10 nobody is this dumb, fuck off.

My japanese is terrible and even I noticed big differences between the subs and jap audio. I thought english 2b was cute but jap 2b woowee
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Another comic of 2B and 9S having sex after Ending B. Guess it was really blunt in the Japanese version. You have to click on the images to see.

Aw shit. I can play it today then. Hype. I'll see you negros later them, I don't wanna be spoiled
>Bait/10 nobody is this dumb, fuck off.
Oh sorry i forgot you can open bear can with it!
>self defense isn't a necessity for life
Wew lad
Why is the vocalist for the Japanese version of the ending song so awful? She tries to put emotion into her voice but it ends up sounding terrible.
I'm not a nigger.
This is a bad post and you should feel bad. More bad than you normally would from playing automata.
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Because she was crying.

Cute. Wish I can read moon.
- t. autist
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Only if you leave in apocalyptic anarchy world with niggers around. Otherwise there police.
Statistics says guns kill more of their users and ones they care than save.
I didn't think she was too bad, and I usually hate the sound of gookspeak. Or maybe I just wasn't listening.
Police don't protect people from shit, they usually just scrape your corpse off the curb five or ten minutes after the criminal is already gone.
Don't take the bait people.
So what is the best place to farm pristine Screws, need those shit to finally lvl 4 all weapons and get to emile
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Maslow says i need my Funs(guns for those of liberal standing) for self actualization as a form or survival.
I shoot therefore i am and i self-reflect everytime i pull the trigger. The gun range is my mecca and my drive down to it in my pickup is my religious journey setting the correct mindset.
I need the esteem they provide me from my peers to achieve self-actualization because of this.
I achieve love/belonging via Fun-Talk with like minded individuals, friends, and range buddies as well as sharing in each others good times.
We've already ticked off safety.
And physiologically speaking the adrenaline rush and endorphins provided from shooting my Funs keeps me even keeled.
You could very well say i need my high powered, 80,000 round, belt fed, amor piercing, tracer tipped, 8000RPM, shoulder thing that goes up'd, black coated, tactical, automatic or singlen fire selector only, always chambered, never orange tipped, civilian owned, higher than military standard, armored truck mounted Fun for my survival.
They're dropped by goliath bipeds in the desert and forest kingdom, and you can buy them from Emil during route C.
To summarize this whole thing so you don't have to click on it:
>Yoko Taro: Very cute! I believe she’ll sell well!!
>and you can buy them from Emil during route C.
please dont tell me is near the Camp emile,
It is
I mean, that's where I caught him to buy them, not sure about other locations. I got him at camp several time.
What are the chances it will get localized?

also, 2 tracks from teh game


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of courshe
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They need to get married!
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2B nendoroid when?? dont you want my money Square!!!! RREEEEEEE
You aint getting shit. It's a crappy play arts kai or nothing. Thanks SE
I think I'm retarded, no matter which option combination at the end of the game I pick I can't seem to get ending E, it just keeps giving me ending D and the credits option saying "Credits failed to load, returning to title screen" or something
dont you need all 3 pods to unlock ending E?
Oh, that would be it then, I hate fishing minigames.
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Would rather an A2 anything desu, but I know that's not going to happen.
>Would rather an A2 anything desu, but I know that's not going to happen.
you will have her DLC, be happy
Well somebody should have told her to shut up and do her job instead of whining into the microphone. The English version sounds much, much better.
This can continue.

Cute CUTE!
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He deserved better after all that suffering and effort
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>ywn beat up Taro for what he did to Pascal
Pascal sucks
>village imitates traditional human families
>be male I guess
>use a girly voice because, uh, I dunno just because???

Shit character/10
What the fuck does ywn even mean
nek that's gay as fuck
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Are you for real?
negative, thyself
nek is "not even kidding" if you are an uncultured swine LOL
dycjmu acronyms like that
Pisseth off!
ocmnlf, the more acronyms the better. efficiency is key
My problem with ending E is that it kinda came outta nowhere

Like the game suddenly going full meta was completely umprompted, and the things that said to you didn't really have anything to do with what had happened in the game up until that point
it's cute. You try to beat it on your own but unless you're some ultra 2hu veteran you realise you're just one girl, you can't carry all that weight and you need help more than ever right now.
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Yeah I get it but like, what does that have to do with the rest of the game? And the ''delete your save'' thing also felt kinda shoehorned. It made sense in Nier 1 because that was the price you were paying to save Kaine, but here it's kinda just because?

I dunno, it really feels like meta for meta's sake
and that's bad how? Metal gear solid series was worshipped for its meta
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Why are intoners considered human but androids, replicants and gestalts aren't
If, for any reason, you haven't bought the game or know someone that wants to, Automata is 25% off on GMG right now.

Can't post a link because it's considered spam.
MGS was a commentary on the stuff that had happened on the game itself, or the previous one. It had a base and a foundation for the most part

This ending with the credits and the data deletion feels completely disconnected from the rest of the experience
Playing the same story through a second time from another POV wasn't meta?
What does that have to do with the themes suddenly brought up in ending E?
The whole overall theme of the game is that you can find meaning in a meaningless existence by developing a bond and a relationship with other people, anon.
cause intoners are human with power/ gifts

in nierverse Humans are only when a replicant and its Gestalt are together.
after route b it should be fairly obvious that this isn't a normally structured game.
Can both of you faggots go suck cock in a private room, thanks
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Does Emil even stop near the camp during Route A?

Is it possible to get the fists and dress on A?
Does his route depend on anything at all or is it random?
Intoners are animated corpses

if anything, disciples could be considered magical androids
2B evading and swatting the camera are pretty meta too.
Yes he can, yes it's possible, yes it's completely random.
Stop asking and do more save scumming at the camp.
Okay, again, what does that have to do with what I'm asking? Just because it was meta before doesn't explain what prompts the ending suddenly bringing it up to close the whole thing as if that were the entire point

It feels tacked on and awkward. Like don't get me wrong I liked it, but it left me pondering why was at the end of Nier: Automata
>how to spread misinfo 101
>Intoners are animated corpses

That's not much different between a gestalt or post-self aware replicant
>please explain taros thought process to me

There are things mortals can and cannot do
Replicants don't have souls and can't reproduce
Dev & Pop literally told replicants "You're pregnant!" to women, brought them somewhere and put them to sleep and give them a new child
How long do the credits for ending E go on for? I died after about 4-5 mibnutes when big company names started showing up. I suck at SHMUPS so even this is fairly challenging for me
I think is about 15 minutes till you get the help cause is virtually impossible to go solo after SQUARE ENIX. LTD shows up
Keep dying, you'll understand.
The idea of a soul is retardedly vague, there's no difference between a completely sentient/sapient lifeform and a gestalt.

You're just giving it value based on an arbitrary name
Yeah, just after that is where I died. I just alt F4'd because I assumed it was ogre. I should have stuck around I guess.

Literally don't use weapon damage + chips and you'll be able to combo shit to death on -normal- let alone hard. If you play sidequests you'll overlevel yourself and actually end up 3-4 hitting things without weapon damage+.
I made it to SOUND after online marketing. I thought for sure I was near the end but it goes on much longer.

Just accept the help unless you're a 2hu junkie, you're just one girl.
It ain't over 'til you are back at the main menu.
Correct. At some point androids and machines will reach Human levels of sapience and conciousness but according to the universes rules they will never have Gestalt(soul). The real question is this: does reaching that level of sapience/conciliatory instantly spawn you a soul or is that the realm of a now angry god who's very keen on humanities death?
I don't know what you're trying to demonstrate but a soul =/= consciousness

Replicants don't have a soul, but they do have a consciousness of their own and that's what caused the gestalts to relapse

Gestalts are a physical form of souls
Some are still sane and some aren't (this is because of Nier, the original gestalt)

This is all in-game btw, so please play the game before talking bullshit
It gives you unlimited attempts.
If you get sick of it you canget help - use someone else's deleted save to get through the ending.

Some people just bust their asses for hours and do it solo.

Attempts are unlimited.
"soul" is never defined so it's meaningless. We see the literal representation of the soul, gestalts and they're no better or worse than other lifeforms.
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How the fuck do I pet my pod in PC?
afaik you can't do it with the pad you have to do circles with the mouse.

not as satisfying as I thought it would be btw
Swipe your mouse from side to side a bunch.
Its that thing made of black smoke and gold letters and is actively provable provided you have a ritual and human handy. Thats more definable than what actual life has going for its shit.
Just like magic is a real demonstratable thing in Nier-verse but again actual life is failing there too.
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You're talking about this shit on a series of games where dragons, magic, god, aliens, interdimensional portals and time-travelling androids exist. Please fuck off.

What does that have to do with anything?
It works. Thanks
It has to do with the fact that in the Nier-Verse souls are a very real very demonstrable thing and not "undefined".
IF I killed Emil rather than let it explode, that means I cant trigger ending Y??
That's right
Why does Nines give 2B E-drug at the end?
It's some GHB for rape isn't it
Yes, you will not be able to get that ending anymore and have to buy the all endings trophy from the shop if you care about that.
If you are a completionist you have to let ending E delete your save for the final title screen anyways, so might as well do that now and start over
You're being persistent on one of the few things in NieR that are confirmed real 100%

If you wanna talk about the nature of souls and whether they exist or not you've got the wrong board buddy, /phi/ is two boards down
>finally doing ending E
>die a bunch at the super hard SQUARE ENIX and further shmup section
>finally accept help
>choir joins in with the song as ships fly to your aid

literally gotay
fuck it, will do it after knowing what the DLC is
You made me check
Just because some intel pick up said it's a soul doesn't mean it actually is or why that's important or why calling a soul has any value. For all we know a gestalt is some completely different creature created by killing a human.

At best we have the shades/gestalt having a memory of being human (or a dog in the case of Roc) which again doesn't really mean anything since memories as easily manipulated and transferable and I doubt Taro isn't at least somewhat familiar with Zhuangzi.

Not sure why you're upset that someone is speculating on something when Taro has done nothing but show that nothing is ever completely confirmed or exactly what it seems not to mention his recurring themes of memory being unreliable and arbitrary distinctions.
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Im hitting him with everything. Nothing happens.
You literally need to hit him for several minutes before he reacts, I wouldn't advise trying to fight him properly either, just hack him 3 times and kill it.
possess a robot and then hack from that robot
Read the supplementary material he made as well.
Its a legit human soul. Dogs have them too. This is canon not a "but that one thing merely implies" type of deal which is extraordinarily rare given Taro's way of things.
Theres a confirmed God to as well as a minor pantheon before you go down that route and shit like Pact's also require souls.
You're going to be swinging at him for at least 10 minutes. Just hack a robot then hack him from said robot.
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>For all we know a gestalt is some completely different creature created by killing a human.
Holy shit you must be baiting me
Have you even played NieR?
There are documents upon documents about project gestalt and automata even confirms us that some gestalts did rejoin their replicant somewhere in the world.
The material outside of the games is also pretty consistent and a necessary read.
Grimoire Nier, Drama CD, the short stories etc...
How weak were you at level 66 to say 10 minutes? With a single 50% damage increase it takes like 2 minutes

I hate the point where the story is now where it's incredibly unclear how Taro thinks multiple dimensions work. Like Eve has the symbol of the watchers, the red girls are basically watchers I guess? Are the gods in the Nier timeline the same as in the Drakengard timeline? Or are they alternate versions of them?
inb4 all the Watcher Cult references are just the machines imitating humans but they end up actually summoning them anyway
Can't really say. I was using a crit build and cypress stick. Maybe RNGesus just really frowned on me that day?
Thanks worked, just put some more time and apped my attack to 100% and some critical%.

Well we don't really know anything about the aliens right? Other than

>there was at least 1 alien craft/base under the city meaning it was likely there before the city was built pre-Nier 1
>some time after Nier 1 aliens invaded earth where Emil fought them off
>the aliens created the machine lifeforms
>eve has a tattoo that's the symbol of the watchers
>the red girls are similar to the watchers

I imagine the next thing would expand on the aliens
How are the machines in NieR related to the machines in Automata?
As far as we know God/Pantheon are "outside" our "Time". If the multiverse works like a ring and you move "left" or "right" to hit another universe god/pantheon exist in the "up" direction from all of them like some cthulian monster.
As for the watcher symbol, wasn't that shit supposed to actually represent One and her brother? Hence the splitting face? Makes some sense that an almost exact "split" caused it to appear again.
No idea about the rest and we can only hope shit released later will clear it up as per the usual.
>ordered it new off amazon week or two ago
>haven't checked when it's supposed to be in
>can't remember if I accidentally ordered the one that ships from south korea
I mean I'm still stuck on the final boss of drakengard3 but kinda disappointed I still don't have it
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They were probably from Mars because at the end of Half-wit Inventor when his rocket accidentally lands on Mars instead he starts selling the alien head as a mask.

There's also pic related, though the game itself says that's an unproven rumour.
Drakengard 3 is fucking bad
Same factories that turned those machines out turned out the machine lifeforms. The aliens merely hijacked them for production.
Automata's factory is Nier's junk heap.
It appears Emil also used them to outfit his clones with machine bodies as well.
>Same factories that turned those machines out turned out the machine lifeforms. The aliens merely hijacked them for production.
So the Aliens didn't actually "create" the machine race, they just found them when they got here and hijacked them as an army?
I dunno about that. I honestly took the mars bit and their shape to be a sort of nod to War of the Worlds where the Martians looked exactly like the aliens from automata did.
Drakengard 3's framerate is fucking unreliable
No. They hijacked the factories to MAKE the machine lifeforms. Why spend time and effort making complex infrastructure when you can use ready made shit.
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Hello my fellow YoRHa members, i just wanted 9S to enjoy a masterpiece of art before the inevitable end.

So please help me by buying the Skyrim Remastered pod program
>summon mikhail
>powerpoint presentation 3000: the game
inb4 the aliens from space are just as much of a lie as the humans on the moon are
Even at a solid 60fps it would be bad. The story alternates between immature and edgy, the accord shit is pretty cool but that's all it has going for it. Obviously the combat is shit but that's taro standard until Automata so I won't dump on it too hard for that. There's basically only 1 or 2 enemy types outside of boss battles, and all the boss battles are shit too. Music is pretty good but not as good as in Taro's other titles.

Drakengard 3 is only marginally better than Drakengard 2.
*takes a shit*

I've played every taro game except for SinAlice, whatever the fuck that is, and Drakengard 2, and DOD3 was by far the worst
I found a lot of cut-scenes and dialogue to be funny or amusing, albeit in a very immature way. I think it's an entertaining game story-wise.

Gameplay is pretty shit, can't argue with that.
he was clearly taking a piss
The world needs more catboy 9S.
Well we know they're real just not their origins. Could be shit like dragons, watchers, or flowers where they're just "outers" from gods neck of the woods and just one of his many tools for humanities destruction.
The abandoned factory mentions they were making the machines there and seems to imply project gestalt was happening there as well.

They also mention the human workers were being worked like slaves and every meal was some kind of potato dish.

So in my mind there's a few possible theories here

1. the abandoned factory was just some mega industrial facility run by the government and shit fucking sucked like North Korea before the calamity

2. the aliens are illuminati and were running all these weird secret projects that seem way beyond human technology (gestalt project, androids, living weapon project)

3. the aliens showed up either between 2003 and 3465 and enslaved the remaining humans to do all these weird goofy project shit
It's definitely entertaining, I won't disagree with that. But overall for Taro I think it's his worst game from a story and characters perspective. For the record I don't really think of DOD2 as a Taro game, as I know that Squeenix really reduced the amount of control he had with that one.

I know he was taking a piss
But he was FIGURATIVELY taking a shit all over the game
It was neither.
Those don't really mutually exclude each other, though. I'm not trying to say it's definite either, but the guy's rocket does land on Mars and he starts selling its "spoils", one of which is the alien head.
he's clearly well hydrated
Unrelated question: so if the human were dead when the aliens attacked, was there a period in between the death of the last human/replicant and the alien attack where all the androids were just super depressed, killing themselves, lying around doing nothing without a god? And then when the aliens attacked the android illuminati was like "oh cool this is our chance to start over, wipe everyone's memories of humans being dead and tell them they fled to the moon to avoid aliens"

I think the factory was most likely used originally to pump out androids, or at least defense machinery of some kind, to fight Legion.

I don't think 2 and 3 are right, because according to Adam and Eve, despite their technological superiority, the aliens are actually pretty dull and stupid.
Number 1.
Scientists did gestalt and the other things once they figured out Angelic and Maso's possibilities. Shit like Angelus' corpse popping into existence would have been like giving nobunaga an M16 as his first gun. It wouldn't have just been warfare he changed.
>the more I read through the lore the less I understand shit
Pee shouldn't be white even if he was hydrated.
Can dragons get UTI's or yeast infections?
>literally an opening scene of him SWIMMING in a lake of shit
Only now do we see the messages Taro leaves us.
1 is the most likely but I wish there was more to it than "oh we totally had super cool androids in 2003" since Drakengard ending E is supposed to be 2003 in a mirror of our universe.
Nothing dictates that a dragon's piss should be the same color as a human's.
Welcome to Taro's wild and crazy ride. I hope you brought enough food and water for a lifetime because no one is getting off except him. And maybe zero.
Its 2026 and shit "ends" in 2049. The second we figured out what exactly Angelic was and how Maso worked we were making shit that previously couldn't have physically been made. Androids are very much technomancy or magitech depending on your vocabulary and shit like the factories popped out machinery and androids of all stripes to combat Legion.
I guess, it just seems like too incredible of a leap considering Taro has no issue jumping almost 10,000 years into the future
Nothing dictates it shouldn't be.
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We know fuck all about androids of YoRHa and their origin.

In fact as far as the story goes aliens mostly fought Emil, who was the actual force to be reckoned with. To me it seems like YoRHa was created way late and merely claimed Emil's achievements as their own. They're a bunch of fakers.
It really is a case of "magic, I ain't gotta explain shit!" Type of thing.
Who knows though. Maybe without humans innovation ground almost to a halt cause thats just not androids shtick or maybe them cleaning up Maso effected available ambient magic so now its all just piggybacking on Angelic so previous wonders aren't possible.
We shouldn't be surprised, this is how Taro rolls.
Why is Emil just wandering around as a shop now, I know he lost a lot of his memory but surely he's still the most powerful being on the planet? Or did he just give up after he didn't win the first time with all his clones
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Maybe he's demented enough to have forgotten about the fight at all and just got lost inside a machine?
Aimless. Dudes been living in hell the past few millennia and all his memories went straight towards fighting off the aliens so now that they're gone he needed a new focus to stay sane and keep trudging so why not open a shop? Keep track of all the numbers and inventory and he doesn't even have to keep track of customers faces if he doesn't want to.
The D&P thing went over my head

Were the D&P units that made the other androids exile them the same as from Nier 1? Or did that happen before Nier 1?

What exactly did happen? The D&P units just went crazy except for 2 and started killing replicants?

Why are there so many goddamn androids that don't seem to serve any purpose but formed their own societies anyway?
He fought a war of attrition for thousands of years iirc. At this point his very existence and memories are so fragmented and jumbled up that he's simply incapable of any coherent activity. I'd imagine his powers deteriorated a great deal as well. Also I'm pretty sure that we never meet the original Emil in Automata. Weapon story would imply as much.
DevPop in automata are merely the same type of model but they aren't the same units from nier.
They were scapegoated for Project Gestalts failure and programmed to feel guilt over it.
So the other ones didn't actually fuck up, they were just blamed for it and a witch hunt ensued.
Yes, the text story made this abundantly clear.
Archives say biker Emil is OG Emil.
Enemy data seem to imply that wagon Emil was the original. Also he's still powerful enough to literally glass the entire planet as seen in ending Y.
Trying to get the "Not that I mind" achievement on Steam.

Tried blowing my pants off with self-destruct and waiting an hour - nothing.
Tried using the Dress Module and waiting an hour - nothing.
Tried blowing my pants off with self-destruct while NFCS is down and waiting an hour - nothing.

What am I missing?
When I read it I thought one other pair actually did commit a crime
Yep. Automata DevPop is all thats left.
PLEASE at least read a summary of the previous game
Is there a mod to remove their moles? It looks disgusting.
What am I missing?
Yes. It's called shittaste.exe. There's another one called kys.exe too.
I dunno, it didn't work for me either and I gave up and bought the achievement. It's not a particularly challenging one so whatever.
How dare you
That was the only the second thing I saw of DOD3 and it still didn't discourage me from wanting to play it.

I like the occasional trashy, immature story. I think the only toilet humour I actively dislike is farts.

Ironically, the one thing that makes me wary of trying DOD3 is unstable framerate.
Kek. I will never get enough of Todd's edits.
When someone asked about Drakengard 1 on here, they advised one version over the other, but I don't remember which one it was. Is there a marked difference between NTSC and PAL?
Unit data entry called Emil Clones confirm 100% that the emil you meet in Automata IS the original. Why do people still argue about this?
the same reason people think devola and popla are the same from nier 1
they're dumb and don't read
PAL is shit because framerate is linked to aiming and so it's harder
If you haven't played nier 1 at the very least watch mr clemps' recap or read a summary, but what you really should do is play it if you have the hardware or watch a full LP if you don't
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At least I have an ass to look at while I fish for this dumb horseshoe crab
That's not ironic
>he needs the crab
Nigga count yourself lucky. After work I get to try for the swordfish, shark, and shark machine. I'll see you next fucking week.
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What specifically did I miss? I played Nier around when it came out

Stop being a cagey fuck
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>i've never even found those
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That is the result of over 20h of fishing
Jesus christ Anon I'm so sorry.
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That's some nice graphics
I just use the dress module and played around until it came up
There is no point of no return, you unlock Chapter Select and the save deletion shit doesn't happen unless you explicitely confirm it after tons of endings etc.
They are, with memory partially wiped
Why does everyone dislike fishing so much? The very first thing I did when I landed was park myself outside the Resistance camp, listen to the ambient music and fish. It's not really engaging but I really liked it because it just felt nice.

You're not even close to the end until you unlock chapter select
Damn son
They aren't you fucking dumbasses. Nier DevPop literally explode.
Automata DevPop are just the same models not the same units. Its why their punishment and treatment is so shitty.
So what was that system protecting the tower? The voice kinda sounds like emil's voice
Gib thread
Not him but, the actions of D&P from the first Nier game sped up the failure of Project Gestalt (guiding Replicant Nier and Weiss, etc). Whoever was in charge above the D&P models decided not to scrap the units that were stationed at other towns, and modified them to always feel guilt. Rumors spread of that one pair of D&P models dooming humanity and the other androids started to hate all D&Ps because they look the same. The D&P in Automata are just another pair that has been trying to avoid persecution and atone for the one bad pair.
>Its why their punishment and treatment is so shitty.
It would be shitty even if they were same DevPop from Nier1. Because they literally did nothing wrong.
just got around to finally buying automata and i'm downloading it now, I've heard that if you play the half-way download start of the game you're unable to save or something? was that fixed
Super advanced text to speech made by the network
I don't dislike it. I'd dislike sitting there for a long time in one sitting pulling the same fish. I understand that Anon's pain.
Ok thanks
Wow this is just like real life
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>it's another everything goes to shit and the consequences will never be the same episode
N-new thread?
I made the last one and i'm heading out to lunch.
Someone else must take on this burdensome yoke.
**** pls go
I tried
Am i going or am i coming out to lunch?
Who made the decision a type of meal should HAVE to happen around noon?
Who made these arbitrary labels that i'm expected to follow?
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