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>Pacifist run Edition

>Patch notes for March 30'th https://www.playbattlegrounds.com/news/65.pu

PUBG is a battle royale style game. The lead designer is the modder that made ARMA BR mod and worked on h1z1. The game is currently in Early Access.

Game site

New player guide

FPS guide

Dev's twitter

Man, I gotta wonder why do these games have to always look like shit?
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Dacia Spawns
More than in the image floating around online, because I added some!
> 2017
> main game 8.9 GB
>patch 4.2 GB
really hope that there wont be location maps like these in the future and spawns will be random
All vehicles map exists?
it doesn't if you have anything above a potato
>unoptimized garbage
>having a good pc will make a difference
Either way, they always do.
It's almost like it's a PR move
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>gtx 660 i5 3750k is now considered a potato and lags like shit on this game

I'm running the game using launch options for FPS. Even with a 4690k the game is still nearly at 100% CPU.
2012 was 10 years ago
>game unoptimized
>only way to play with only periodic frame drops is with every graphical option set to very low
>playing on very low also gives you an advantage in the game

This is why. It looks pretty good with things on ultra but then you'd be dropping frames every 5 seconds
Join the discord server if you're looking for people to play with. Don't forget to mention if you play on EU or NA servers.

No reddit motherfuckers,no.
It doesn't though (pic related). The interiors are also surprisingly detailed on ultra. It's just that everybody runs the game on the lowest possible settings (including some launch options that remove even more detail) to get the highest framerate. When you look towards specific parts of the maps, mostly towns / cities, your framerate can absolutely tank, otherwise it runs pretty okay.

My CPU is the oldest part of my rig and it really shows in this game. I once turned the settings all the way up to ultra expecting to get like 10 fps, but surprisingly my performance was only about ~25% worse (I'd estimate) than when I had everything set to the lowest possible option. The only reason I don't use it is because I want my framerate in the worst optimized areas to be as high as possible. It doesn't matter much if I get about 60-70 fps in most areas if I suddenly have to fight a guy when I'm looking in an area that literally goes down to about 27 fps for me. I really hope those LOD optimizations pay off because it's not like the average performance is that bad for me, just that it's really uneven at times
Even with a cherrypicked sunset wannabe screenshot, it looks terrible, god dam.

Gonna check and see after patch if i can run things higher, would love for the game to not look like shit but for the first 15 min of the match the game gets unbearable on higher quality.
These kind of games aren't supposed to look good; Battlefield 1 is literally like IRL and no ones gives a shit.
Counter-strike look like a giant shit dumped from 2002 and yet I find it more enjoyable. (but yea that's me)
>you either play the super boring defensive style where you jump in the middle of nowhere, gear up then slowly work your way through the ranks
>or you jump immediately and pray to god your first building has a gun

When does this get fun again?
Bf1 price is 3 times higher, and u can't run it on potato. That's why cs crap is so popular.
>he thinks being dropped from a plane with 99 other dude who wants him dead gets fun at some point
It's not about the fun factor, it's about getting that indescribable orgasm when YOU are the last man standing finally.
Is there any benefit of paying the higher prices for the cases or should I just wait until it resets on Mondays (or whenever) and buy the like 4 you can get for the price of 1 after the reset?
You shillers will be wiped too on monday.
I'm on the 4800 pack (or somewhere around there) and I don't have enough rubles yet. I was more just curious if higher priced ones have nicer looking things
For now just higher prices, I believe.
what is the origin of the CHINA NUMBA WAN meme?
It's true, not a some dank memes.
what is the origin of this meme?
Is H1Z1 still alive?

I feel it might be more my style.
Not anymore, there are left only poor chinies and russian hackers.
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some play with me, i'm not the worst person you'll ever play with i promise.
"3 times higher"
"cannot run on a potato"
It also is unoptimized as shit compared too right?
>has no idea that greentexting is meant for quoting and actually uses double quotes
okay this thread actually needs to die
>not knowing when to greentext
summer is almost here
any ones game still fucking crashing randomly
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20 h+ on potato pc still zero crashing .
Did they fucking break footsteps? I literally don't even hear people running right in front of me anymore.
that's how it's always been
sound in this game is retarded
If u familiar with un4 engine, u can do some tweaks by cfg.
It used to not be like this, I could hear steps now I literally hear no footsteps I've had people sprinting right by me with no sound.

I am unfamiliar unfortunately, this is too much of an important element in these games. It is killing it for me.
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As someone who play with speakers I'm glad that happened.
Not played since the alpha but I'm still experiencing the same bug. Whenever I launch the game it will be the wrong resolution resulting in me having to manually change it every time. This isn't a big deal but can be annoying. Any way i can fix this?
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>the year of our lord 2017
>playing shooters with speakers
You can literally cheese the entire game using 3rd person.
I still use them for CounterStrike, occasionally.
how else do you hear sound?
Headphones obviously.
how are headphones better than speakers?

they get hot and uncomfortable, they blast sound directly in your ear and allow no freedom of movement, they only exist for situations where you can't have speakers, which is not the case on your desktop
Directional sound obviously. Even shoddy virtual surround works to some degree, and good surround from expensive headphones with a good sound card is amazing. Only way to compete is setting up a surround system where your PC is, if there's space for it.
i never heard a difference between speakers and headphone in surround, if it's a matter of buying expensive headphones then why wouldn't expensive speakers do it too?
Speakers, as in only two (discounting any bass speaker), don't provide sufficient information channels for pinpointing fast. If you're talking about a properly set up surround system (that gets good sound data), then that's just as good or better than headphones, but you call that a surround system and not speakers.
not him but:
"Binaural recordings are reproductions of sound the way human ears hear it. In fact, the word “binaural” literally just means “using both ears.” When you listen to a binaural recording through headphones, you perceive distinct and genuine 360° sound."

In short: you don't need expensive headphones for good surround sound.
made it to top 10 for the first time, thank god for increase fps tutorial on steam
Which server is more populated

EU or NA

How many players on average per day are there on EU?
You don't need expensive (actually quality, since price doesn't reflect quality perfectly) for getting surround sound (adequate) at all, but you do in fact need it for good surround.
When i say expensive i mean 150,- and up. You really don't need to spend 300+ on a pair of headphones to get "good" surround sound. I do agree however that cheap headphones (30 or less) won't get the job done.
but arent speakers binaural too?
do we have some kind of steam group?

i could use some people to play with, if you can avoid screaming memes
Don't think so since sound from the right speaker also enters your left ear.

well shit i just blew 400 on two big speakers
Still good to listen to music and play games; just not OPTIMAL..
I mean you could try taping them to the sides of your head, might work.
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+ An external mic
Max Compy
>gets covered in sweat and natural wax after an hour
>slips out uncontrollably

also i just looted my 12th virgin house and i still have only a pistol and shotgun
how would we know
jesus christ wtf is wrong with your ears
I have well-maintained, full functional ear canals that naturally try to reject any exterior item.
sounds like you have swollen orifices oozing a gloopy mixture of warm wax and sweat constantly
find a doctor
Question: Will this game beat H1Z1 and be the new hot shit until it's remade again or will people switch back to H1Z1 at some point?
Also why is there no BR game with restricted ego perspective. Seeing over a rock when you're prone behind it seems to be kinda overpowered?
>Will this game beat H1Z1 and be the new hot shit until it's remade again or will people switch back to H1Z1 at some point?
Who knows and who cares? Play it if you like it, don't if you don't. Stop being a faggot.
>Wow how dare he think in foresight, just yolo dude
t. millennial
Foresight? It's a fucking video game you mongoloid. There's no "foresight" involved.
>Also why is there no BR game with restricted ego perspective. Seeing over a rock when you're prone behind it seems to be kinda overpowered?
first person only servers will be here at some point, not sure if that is intended for early access or full release
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>Dr Disrespect literally gets the luckiest kill on me when I'm stream sniping him

>stream sniping

you are the most pathetic sniveling blonde banged punk ever
And stream sniping is fair?
>stream sniping
It wouldn't even be undeserved if your chair hydraulics exploded up your asshole.
t. stream bootlicker
It is, I'm just using it to find out what general area he is in to beat him because he talks so big on his stream. It's not like I'm ghosting or anything.
Stream sniping is always deserved.
>stream snipe
>unfairly know exactly where a person is
>die to him anyway

uninstall, ask for a refund
>I'm just using it to find out what general area he is in to beat him because he talks so big on his stream.
It's a persona m8. Do you think he's ironically wearing that wig but unironically acting as if he's a "video game superstar" or whatever it is he calls himself?

>It's not like I'm ghosting or anything.
The fact that you say this proves you are.

>Stream sniping is always deserved.
Only if you're a bitch-made faggot that has to essentially cheat to win.

Wait, you're stream sniping and LOSING? How fucking pathetic are you?
Why are you defending streamers? I'm going to be queuing with a friend and teaming up with him in solo to take down Dr Disrespect.

He was so lucky that he shotgunned me out of nowhere, I lost a fucking AKM for god's sake.
You have to be just shitposting at this point, this probably never even happened.
why do you think streamers are being defended? We're just amazed that you are so shit that you can't kill someone with a full advantage over him
Calling you a faggot =/= defending streamers
Lmao i saw that, i just started watching him this morning i feel like stream sniping him as well

Pic unrelated
Players should be dropped randomly around the world and they should have to scavenge for a map/compass.
Also circles should be a bit slower endgame and they should be filled solid with color on the map view just for kicks.
There should be 3-4 planes that travel across the map in different directions. The end-game circles either need to move slower or they need to do less damage. Once the circle has stopped moving, it then incrementally ticks harder so you can't just afk in the gas but you can still step out into it to flank.
How do I git gud?
play more
>drop as far away from other people as possible
>scavenge as much equipment as you can
>move from cover to cover, if moving in the open with a huge line of sight on you from any position use free look (alt)
>always listen for footsteps, don't play aggressively
>if approachign safe zone, there might be people behind you so be wary
>semi auto on rifles, hipfire in cqc
>full auto if you're fighting in a house closeby
>most of all, play passively, you're in it to win it not get kills, this isn't call of duty. PTFO (play the fucking objective - which is to win by attrition)
t. sub 5 kills if he wins a game
So basically, play like a bitch right?
drop into the closest city, grab a S686 and go to town with its close range precision
>play passively
This is wrong. You should aggressively eliminate opposition, but only after consideration has been taken on whether they might eliminate or reveal someone else for you and of your position in case anyone hears the shots. Letting someone live that might become a threat later is a mistake though.
I don't get these games. theres billions of these fucking BR and survival games on steam, they all stay early access forever and eventually development stagnates and theres a new hotness which is equally unfinished.

What is it about this genre that attracts abandonware early access shit?
Ded game Ded thread?
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No Yes
>btfo by h1z1
it isn't only this genre, pretty much everything is plagued by early access deaths and even AAA titles are shipping in states that would even be considered betas 15 years ago.
*would not

>stalking some guy wile he kills 2 people
>figuring out what he loots to know which guns he has
>finding him and following, striking just when he's most vulnerable
>take his helmet as a trophy (also it was better than mine)
I feel like fucking predator
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>Incredibly fun in teams
>Absolute trash as solo
>None of your gayming buddies come online for the whole day
The struggle is real
>Have 4790K and 1070 GTX
>Game sits at 50% CPU, 60% GPU
>Drops below 60 FPS consistently unless I drop everything to very low besides textures.
>Find 8x scope in early game
>Top 10 spot guaranteed
Shocking, ranged accuracy is good in a shooter.

Be glad you have people to play with. My friends play nothing but WoW, DOTA, and LoL.
Anyone else have a favorite spot they drop on whenever possible (noob horde too close makes it impossible of course)?
Not sure why i bother with windows, i always seem to hit the boarders or bars despite the sight having clear shot. Would kill for ARMA 3 elevation control.
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>watch various streamers play open beta
>wait a week to get home from holiday
>purchase game
>game won't work because battleye won't launch

>its another battle royale game, but get this
>the servers will be complete shit and lag out until there are 4 people left, having more performance issues than h1z1 which launches games with twice as many players
Got my first kill with my hands right now. The other dude had a sickle and yet managed to only hit me once.
Everything lags like shit
Streamers with 10k setups play this on low
I wish we could play this game on high settings once performance issues are sorted out.
Currently playing on very low gives a HUGE advantage.
>no grass
>can see clearly through water
>no shadows, bright as day everywhere
>player models higher resolution than terrain so they pop out
>identify loot from a mile away

>forced to play with graphical settings which look like the game was made in 2004
i have a 7700k and it runs fine except for the bigger cities
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There are two ways to get better at this game.
1. Study tactics and maneuvers.
2. Improve your mechanical skill; e.g. mouse precision, tracking moving targets, distance estimation and shot leading
tl;dr just like operate operationally
mylta is usually pretty comfy
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Everyone gathers round for audiobook pre-game, feels good mang.

Game is still 8.9 GB, though they might just push new files instead of "delta patching", as the game files are in .pak files, making it hard to change the necessary files that need to get changed.

"On patching, please remember it is not quite as easy as just using rsync or "delta patching".
If you simply have a few files, or a single exe you need to update, these methods are stellar.
When you start trying to do a delta of a signed, compressed, encrypted PAK file, with 1000s of files inside it becomes a bit more complicated. Normal diffing programs can not see inside the PAKs to determine what changed, they simply see that the 1 file (the PAK file) changed, so they force a download. (Even that is an oversimplification, its actually more complicated than even that)

Again, not impossible to solve, and we are working on several ways of changing which files are put in PAKs and how they are arranged inside of PAKs. Some of these changes require changes to the game engine, which are not as quick as simply changing how the build server asset job builds PAKs."

Star Citizen had/has a similar issue, the dev explains it better than me.
So good playing with military trained group of friends.
>Clearing houses
>Covering fire
>Attack and retreat formations
I think the 8x kinda sucks dick tbqhfamlamp
That's the same as every competitive fps ever.

People used to play quake on low and everything looked like an impressionest painting, people still do that on Counter-strike.

Depends how much of a tryhard you want to be instead of just having fun and playing in good faith.
>a fun looking new game
>no friends to play with
>Want that preorder trench coat cosmetic
>Check steam market
>Its over $80

I should have preordered holy fuck those costumes literally pay the game off twice
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>tfw 3 of your kills are because you ran up on someone hip firing while jumping like a retard
>land in same town as another guy
>he runs inside a house and finds a pistol
>reloads and tries shooting me
>i punch him to death
Very satisfying indeed.
The patch fix something about optimization?
>someone hip firing while jumping like a retard
thank kek for h1z1 bots
jumping shotguns are pretty cancerous
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>parachuting down towards a lone house
>some guy making a beeline for that same house
>hit the ground, prepare for a duel to death of fisticuffs
>he just sprints to the house
>run after him
>this idiot actually doesnt realize i was parachuting maybe 20 feet behind him and landed right next to him
>he goes into the house and picks up a smoke grenade and a backpack
>punch him to death, all he did was throw the grenade in a panic
>mfw that house had an m16 and scope
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Wait a second, was that me? I did the same thing a couple games ago, but I managed to run to another house and I think the same guy chased me to hit me one more time and killed me.

Nah, it was a single tiny house, with a shack on the outside. He ran out then quickly back in and cornered himself.
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Ive played this game way too much recently
when are they going to add proper HRTF to this game
literally a crapshoot whether or not you can find out where you're being fired on in time
did something somewhat similar just now, early kills are so satisfying
ignore the shadowplay freezing in the middle I can't figure out what's causing that
I haven't noticed an improvement, at least the servers I've been in have still been laggy as fuck
A lot of you have given feedback on our positional sounds, and today Marek will explain in a little more detail how sounds work in the game.

Gunshot Sound
Each gunshot sound you hear in game has propagation delay based on distance between source and the listener
The propagation velocity is 340m/s so if a pistol is shot 340m away from the listener, he will see the muzzle flash first and hear the gunshot after 1 second
If gunshot is fired from indoor or there is no direct or approximate line of sight (obstructed), the reverb effect and LPF are applied to the sound effect

Bullet Crack/Whizz Effect
Bullet crack effect (or bullet bow shockwave) is generated when a supersonic projectile passes in close proximity to the listener. The effect can be heard in a closest point on bullet trajectory line. Basically, the sound source is always perpendicular to the trajectory line, so if you hear a bullet crack just in your left headphone, you know that the shooter is either directly in front of you, or behind you
Most of our weapons are supersonic. This means that you will hear the crack/whizz before you hear the actual gunshot
In a scenario where you see a shooter 1000m away, using AWM (>900m/s muzzle velocity) the events will occur in such order:

1. You see the muzzle flash
2. After ~1 sec you hear the crack/whizz (assuming no air drag)
3. After ~3 sec you hear the gunshot

Bullets passing close to the player will generate a crack sound, the ones passing further away will only generate whizz effect
We blend between different sound samples based on distance (the maximum distance and attenuation characteristic is also affected by suppressor attachment). The close gunshot sounds louder and more clear than the distant one

In the current public build, all bullets generate a sound crack effect. We've changed this mechanic by adding a velocity check, so bullets travelling slower than speed of sound will not generate the crack effect but just whizz.
I've read this and it looks nice, unfortunately it doesn't seem to always work in game.
I saw the diagram about what dictates the differences in shot sounds and it's well done, but the directional sound in the game is garbage, I love the game but there's no denying the positional audio needs a serious rework
Anyone want to duo?

I just got the game.

US East Coast
Some faggot streamer said "Taiwan number one" once and it made Chiniggers go crazy so now they reversed it
>halfway through the gaming, start lagging around
>takes 5 seconds after you push the button for the game to open a door
My second crate had a camo puffy jacket, sold that for $7.20 US

There are a lot of serious fucking chumps invested in this game
That's what my first crate had in it. I'm keeping it.
Absolute madman
Does it really only have one map?
>drop immediately
>find a 1911 why is .45 so fucking weak in this game, literally two headshots to kill with no armour and nothing else
>someone else in the same span of time found armour, a helmet, a SCAR and attachments

I feel like the zone moves a tad too quick. I feel like half of the game is spent just moving your ass to the safe zone, and getting potshotted by people who are already there.
Games would go for a really, really long time if it was any slower though

Yeah I thought about that too. Maybe I just need to git gud.
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>Have the drop on the last guy
>perfect shot at his head from 30 feet away
>standing completely still
>doesn't know where I am a still
>shoot again


I'm so fucking sad. My heart is beating so damn fast.
>btfo by a game thats been out forever and has a big fanbase
Well shiver me timbers
should i get this game?

1) never played battle royale game before
2) have no friends who play videogames
wait first patch to see the performance improvement. 14th april I think. Solo is fun
literally made them slower this patch. Watched my friend run the same speed as the blue zone.

Of all the battle royale games, this is the best one. Unless you have a top-tier rig, you'll have to compromise your graphics and even then you may still have performance issues. Game is very fun even alone.
>3rd game ever
>kill like 5 people and control the final are for ages
>gets down to a 1v1
>guy is just camping behind a tree with a sniper and oneshots me

It's not csgo all over again is it where the one who has a sniper will always win a 1v1 unless they miss r..right anon?

Made my heart beat like crazy though, was fun

If you find a scope and a SKS you are practically guaranteed a top 10 spot.
does mashing W while freefalling at the start actually make you descend faster than just holding it
230-234 is max speed, just watch it.
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>kill 5 people and don't even finish top 20
Not playing like a pacifist has its draw backs
you make more money for kills as opposed to ranking anyways
nice to know
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>Get 4 kills early in shipping yard so am pretty well off
>Good on items but only have a Scar with a 4x and red dot that I swap out
>Circle is within the shipyard so I decide to stay
>Mid game comes around
>See two fagaronis bullying this beta-bitch
>Mind you this is SOLOS
>I lay down covering fire for the friendly because fuck duofags
>injure them both greatly but don't kill them
>They see that I'm on top of one of the crane/shipping containers and start shooting at me
>I scramble down and go between the boxes
>Stealthily make my way up to another one to try and pick tweedle-dumb and tweedle-dumber off
> I see them
> I line them up
> Just as I'm about to fire
> Solo guy that I helped saved was standing over me with an SK12
> Instantly kills me
> MRW he dies not 3 seconds after me from a headshot by the two fags I was trying to save him from
That's what you get dumb fuck.
I like the ruins between Georgopol and Rozhok myself. Decent loot that's fast to get, easy to keep a lookout for other players and not too popular. I like killing other people that land there and declaring myself king of the ruins, and I've only gotten killed there once.
What did he mean by this?
>spawn in
>3 other people fucking drop near me in the middle of nowhere
>go into 3 houses
>not even a single gun or melee weapon
>some retard runs me down with a pistol and there's nothing I can do

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>Whenever someone near me shoots, my gun ejects a casing.
This must be the work of an enemy stand.
Pay attention to other people in the air heading the same direction when you drop. Don't land too close to them if you don't want to fight someone, you can in fact chose another spot instead.
Find a place you like and stick with it, regardless of where the plane's going.
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Everyone report in
What GPU and CPU are you using for Pubg?

I'm curious on the general hardware people are running this on
OC'd i5 4679K and 780Ti. Doesn't cut it for more than low, and I need very low on some things to get "steady" 60.
i5 3570k + gtx 1060 6gb @1440p
Game runs like complete ass.
415 MB patch

supposedly this is the server lag patch?
> 415 MB patch
They just add new hat for crates.
i7 6700k R9 390. 140 fps when I am wandering but drops to 15 fps when I am in a fight.
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post dem stats
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>barely survive getting out of shipping yard with a kar98k and a scar
>racked up 4 kills trying to get to the one buggy on the road
>armor is shot and already used my medkit
>get to pochinki outskirts and take fire from a crappy player who's missing every shot
>go prone and find where he is
>get 4 headshots on him with the kar and he doesn't go down
>he gets one headshot on me with an AKM and it kills through my level 2 helmet
>he had a beanie on
i5 4670k + Gtx 970 + 16gb ddr 3 all setting on very low with high fps config.
Butter smooth +144fps everywhere except for larger cities where it drops down to ~60fps.
Why are the cosmetic rewards in this game worth so much on steam market??

I got 20% of my money back already wtf
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this just in: PC Gamer is still beyond retarded
So is this actually any good or is it a 13-year-old-enticing piece of shit like DayZ or H1Z1? Does it have a future or will it just flop like those two did?
>people still don't understand how the positional audio works in this game

lmao dude holy shit I've never had any problem pinpointing someone after 1 shot
>The trench coat actively sells for ~$100
Anyone wearing it is an idiot, and should sell it now.
fuck me
I was in last 3 and I shot this guy in the fucking head with a kar 98 and he just turns around and sprays me like fuck with a scar, I shot him AGAIN with the 98 and swapped to my shotgun shooting him FOUR times running out of ammo and he just fucking tanked it
> future
What kind of future u wanna?Its fun, core gameplay is good, optimization is bad for now, population is more than decent, alot of stuff coming in the future.
servers are hosted on a cumsoaked log of shit in a peruvian's asshole so I mean take from that what you will.
>have to turn in the direction of the sound of the firing to be able to tell where it's coming from unless you see the bullet hit
man I sure do love huge openworld games using 1998tier stereo audio
except you don't need to do that at all, tard.
>if you're not facing the shooter the direction is literally just
>cant tell if they're above or below you
>cant tell which degree they're firing from
ever consider trading in your fucking rusty piece of shit you call a computer?
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>its another early access battle royale game on steam

>get guns
>keep going to the center
>never shoot anybody
>top 10 everytime
How long until we get ESP's and shit
>it's not the game
>it's your computer despite the abundance of people citing the same issues all over the game forums
even CSGO which has notoriously shit audio has better HRTF than battlegrounds

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I fucking did it.
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I am friendly nigro. Why all darn snowyies always run away from me?
>playing on minimum
>playing as a nignog
kys tryhard
Does this game have Oceania/Aus servers yet?
I get them if they got it for free. I'm using a 50$ skin in another game because it's fun to show off and it's not like I have other use for the steam bucks.
Not sure if I am of any use but holy kek I like this game.

>be on and off jaded and older video gamer
>left the neet life and went into outside jobbo's for over a year now, also lots of sports
>occasionally still play vidya if time allows it

and I think I know the reason why this game is so gret and sold so fast. It bridged the gap between very different needs of various different people with different previous genre's

>tactical play
in squads
>somewhat short duration of the game if you choose so
>somewhat sandboxy
>dont have to spend a shitton of time to maintain friends and schedules to play, can just get into a random match with strangers (a little bit worse but still)
>no server hopping like in dayz
>still enough randonimity like in dayz if you chose so, with other players

and I am not sure how one could improve upon this formula now.
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>posts gay shit
>posts gay shitpost
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Brah, you type like a fag.
>assault rifles common enough that literally everyone will have a scar in the second half of the game
>uncommon enough to search through 10 houses and not find even a shitty one

when will battle royal games stop doing this dumb shit? it's not skill, it's just annoying and bad design.
Just kill someone for theirs, it's fun to not get everything on a silver platter. Letting other people loot and then killing them is far more efficient than looting all you need by yourself.
thanks for your epic blogpost. me personally, i loved it, already liked and subscribed and dropped 5$ in your cumtip jar ;^)
Solid posts anons, good job.
it's pretty lame how some people spawn in and just camp aiming at a doorway for 20 minutes with 0 punishment or need to do anything else
jesus what do you expect of me, I am just saying that its a pretty good game in my view. 11 million in sales is pretty gud, it gives me young adult heart a bit of a good jolt to think that some innovation still was made somewhere.
Their own lack of actually playing the game is punishment enough.
>get enough guns/ammo/supplies
>sit in house waiting for a retard that didn't to show up
You seem to think everyone should be running through open field #1154942. Check your corners, fag.
CSGO has absolute garbage tier HRTF. I don't know anyone who likes it and i know more than dozen GE ranked players
me personally, i expect you to not talk about yourself or your life, no one wants to hear your backstory. There are other places where you can unload, here it will only earn you ridicule and scorn.
>50% GPU usage
>99% CPU usage

>get out of car while it's not standing still but going SLIGHTLY forward
>take 80% of my HP as damage

that's a problem
Sounds like a personal problem. I've jumped from a car moving at 60mph and only took half my health.
I can't hear anything but fucking gun noises

I have to turn my volume up by 30% to hear anything but gun noises, and when I do that they're so fucking loud it hurts my head

I can't hear other people's footsteps or anything at all
>all the missing trees/bushes
holy shit don't tell me this is day z all over again KEK
Potatoes gonna potato. At least they have issues with pop-in.
my computer is extra shit and I'm on the lowest settings and I still see trees and the bushes that look like people
People edit the .ini for that shit. The downside is that they can drive into shit they can't see, and I don't believe the game renders people that are behind invisible stuff (at least it shouldn't if they were sensible).
is that a fucking 10m drawing distance? That tree popped up out of nowhere, wtf
> that execution when he realizes he's cornered

I should get Shadowplay up and running in case something cool happens, but I absolutely loathe the fact you have to fucking login to use GeForce Experience now, fucking silicon valley jews
I was honestly feeling kind of ripped off for buying this shit but then I realized if I just sell all my crate stuff to dress-up fags I'll make back the purchase price in like 2 weeks max
it's still a bad game but at least I got it for free now
> those settings

How the fuck is that even possible, holy shit. How can you even play the game when anything outside a five meter radius doesn't render?
fuck, i noticed shells hiting the floor sound but didnt know it was work of ZA AMMO

The first time I had this happen, I freaked the fuck out. It still makes me nervous but I've learned to somewhat get used to it.
I think I'm done with this game. It's exciting for the first few games until you realize that the only way to actually play and win is to find a relatively empty spot and do nothing but loot for 20 minutes till you end up in the death circle.

Yes, I'm aware a few of you have had high kill games where you won. However, that's just a fluke, not a statistic. The best play is still to avoid all fights until you're forced to take them.
>this has been mentionned around 10 times already
Just move on, this is getting old, bye.
after geting 2nd place for the first time, i think it's time to learn smth about PUBG.

What the fuk is boost and how i into?
It's painkillers/energy drinks I believe
yeah, but how it works exactly?
If you take enough you also get a speed boost effect
>The best play is still to avoid all fights until you're forced to take them.
Yeah, everytime my buddies and I take shots at a group in the distance that didn't see us we'd almost always end up dead and it was always from another group running by and that gets even worse when the circle closes in.

Still a fun game though, I just wish the rounds were longer but at the same time I'm glad they're short because spending god knows how long until you're down to 15 guys and dying with 0 kills is fucking gay.

I like the way the game is now but I'm looking forward to custom servers to allow for different variations with how the circle closes. I wouldn't mind playing some longer matches if I had the option between the two.
>take shots at a group in the distance
See, this is what you don't do unless you have silencers. Don't fire until you're certain of a fast kill, or if you think the distraction will help you in some other way (i.e. instigate a fight between two people/groups close together, while you move away).
xeon e3-1231 v3 (almost identical to I7-4790), gtx 970.
fps between 80-120 and dips to 30 in the lag city using potato settings
optimizations when
When are they going to add all the clothing to the crates? Where the fuck are the matrix jackets, beanie, black pants, etc.
>430mb downloaded
What did they change just now?

The official patch list is absolutely unintelligible, a 5 y/o can do better text structuring
>I am illiterate
thanks for sharing
what is this crate thing you're talking about

i haven't seen a single cosmetic thing
how do i get out of underwater? if I aim the camera upward and press w, my character just goes flat and never emerges
Are you sure you're still underwater? It's possible to have surfaced with the camera still being underwater, so you need to look down from above again. That said the water controls are definitely clunky.
Why is everyone french in this fucking game. I've yet to meet anyone with a mic that didn't ask me "you speak french?"
Because you're a moron.
Because they are muslims using gibs to practice for their next terrorist attack on your cities.
well my character is doing the horizontal swimming pose
just an inch under surface

doesnt actually matter i never go underwater
Anyone else having an issue with the loading screen taking ages to go away when you join a game? Before the patch I'd load in at or around when the countdown timer started, now my loading screen won't go away until the plane picks us up for some reason.
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Anyone watch Lirik? Do you guys think he can make it to the top 10?
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>sitting on the radio tower mountain thing by the military base
>guy comes up with a buggy loud as fuck, goes to burst through the front door
>light him up 3 shots with the AKM
>he fucking runs in, goes upstairs on the balcony doesn't give a fuck
>he jumped down the back, saw him and watched him try to find me
>he's about 30ft infront of me
>get up from crouch and light him up
>concrete foundation of the fucking tower has my gun held up, can't shoot
>"heh, nobody shoots at me and gets away with it BITCH" >*sheathes M4 and his trench coat whips in the wind as he turns back to his buggy*


Gonna drop $50 on him to make him feel better. c:
Reminder not to reply to the streamer-shitposter.
im not donating to but i subbed to him tho
not even him, but you do know that the popularity of this game is mostly because of said streamers right?
why would you give people on the internet that you do not personally know money?
Because it's their money and they can do whatever the fuck they want with it :^)
Who gives a fuck about streamers making the game popular? If you know what battle royale games you already knew about this game regardless of some screaming faggot says on twitch.
i started battle royale on h1z1 and i never knew about it if it werent for twitch
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Who /swag/ here?
i5-4690k 1050.

Play on all low settings and the game runs okay.
because you're a cuck who watches people play games instead of using the search function on steam
the doc is now online, boys.

> 2017
> still care about twitch retards
he is /pubgg/'s only twitch approved streamer newfag
and it still works better than battlegrounds
t. 12yo
Does fullscreen give better fps than fullscreen windowed?
it improved my fps barely
>Join my first squad game
>"Hey buddy you got a mic"
>Other three guys woot
>"Hell yeah finally, hope you're good mate"
>Realize they're all friends playing together
>We decide to start at flooded town
>Land on a roof, grab a trench and breakaway shotgun
>Run to door and it opens in my face with a person there
>"Hell yeah, new guy with first blood!"
>Find a scar but give it to one of my teammates to have them like me more
>Decide to run across the street and grab the car from the garage, run over and pick everyone up
>"Dude this guy is on the ball he knows what's up"
>Whip around and start hauling ass towards the circle, and we start getting shot at ohgodohgod
>Make a highspeed turn around the corner of this building, and somehow I fall out of the car for no reason and drive over myself
>The guys start laughing and shitting on me immediately
The shame still burns
>join squad game
>"anyone got a mic?"
>no answers
>one guy is afk
>other 2 go for the most crowded area possible to start the game
fuck it
For some reason my cursor disappears when I switch from fullscreen windowed to fullscreen, so I have never been able to find out.
They were just treating you like they'd treat one of the group. Teasing when you fuck up comes with the territory.
I found an item called "Player Unknown's Coat" and another "Player Unknown's bandana"
doens't matter when there's no way to make friend after the game is over
keep up the good work
why is combat always so shit in these games.
user error
>Find a scar but give it to one of my teammates to have them like me more
Thats not how it works, you get their respect by using that gun and killing other ppl with it. Otherwise you're little more than a dog fetching the stick. Fucking own it next time, dont be a bitch
>defias bandit mask is a preorder exclusive unless I want to spend more money on one than I did on the game itself
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it's good it just lags like fuck
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Didn't know so LIRIK had so many fans.
this makes me cringe hard and i never heard of this man before
you groove you loose

Why? He's just a subhuman furry.
he even said CSGO has bad audio when he posted that video (what the fuck is HRTF by the way) but battlegrounds is even worse
I legit cant ever tell where I'm getting shot from and it's not my computer or my 598s because I've got no issue figuring it out when I play arma and stalker
what's wrong with having an account, not like they make you pay to use it
>that micro-freakout when he lagged through the door
>join squad game
>free wall hacks on 3 guys
ez kills

Holy shit
>start round heading towards those 6 multi story buildings right near the center of the map
>another guy lands on the same roof as me
>I landed basically on a 1911
>tfw mozambique'd him before he even knew what happened
that doedsn't even look enjoyable to play
make sure to clean the pubes out of your mouth when you finish sucking twitch cancer off
What's considered a "high" kill count for solo/duo games if you win?

You can watch streams without subbing, without donating, and without otherwise being involved you know? Then again, you have the emotional and intellectual maturity of a 12 year old so I guess you don't know that.
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This. So much this.
while donating/subbing is fucking pathetic, the core problem is that you watched a streamer

don't give the clowning morons attention, that's like watching youtube """""""""""""personalities""""""""""""""
I bet you sperg out in public when someone you're talking to says they watch TV still don't you
Stop trying to be an edgy teenager that goes against the grain for the sole purpose of being "different". Here's a tip, you're not. You're no different than the millions of people just like you. Get the stick out of your ass and stop being a faggot.
whose your fav streamers /pubg/?

cant decide on who to use my amazon prime on

lirik, summit1g or dr disrespect?
>Supporting lazy drivel gayming content
There good humble streamers. Watching someone making >$300k a year by spouting memes is trash and you should be ashamed.
disrepect's easily the most entertaining
summit is good at the game but he's so boring, literally no personality
don't watch lirik
oh boy it's another
>land 20 miles away from everyone else so you can maybe get some good gear and never see anyone until 40 mins later
>land with everyone and pray that you walk to the house with the best AR in the game with it or you die instantly with zero chance to fight back


lol why do you retards eat this garbage up
>i have no friends

what is better?
>I level up all day but then end game sucks
>my friend played an hour without me, i'll never catch up
>shoot people, get shot, reset

Why are you here?
>you're probably some laggy shitskin in a third world country

looks like you hit a little close to home
Reminder that BR games are all fucking garbage
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>tfw got too preoccupied with a sniper battle that I forgot about the playzone closing
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>need to shit badly
>roommate taking show
>decide to do a quick match before I go to bathroom
>webm happens
nearly needed to change after that
What games do you play, friend? Enlighten us on your superior tastes.
Better than me the time when I forgot to stop once inside the circle, and didn't use cover that I could have used to win.
the dr is easily the best free non-porn entertainment available on the entire internet
Happened to me while playing duo a few days ago. Landed at military base for shits and giggles and decided to touch down at the hangars. Seems no one lands over there and there can be pretty good loot, but when I stepped out of one there was some dude with a pump shotgun clipped me and I basically screamed as I fired back and killed him. Good thing I was using push to talk or my partner would've had his ears bleeding.
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>watching others play games is better entertainment then actually playing games yourself
You're on the wrong site.
>didn't check your corners
usually when you land on those roofs you have a good minute or so before you need to worry about anybody else being in that building with you
>I'm shit at the game - the post
>crates literally double in price with every one
fucking disgusting
playing games isn't free entertainment though. up your reading comprehension levels
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>tfw you purposely land on apartment rooftops just to see if you can gun down someone else who did
>tfw you down some kid with a double barrel from another rooftop 20 seconds into the game
"Usually" being the key word here. Check those corners, some people are sneaky.
Perhaps you're retarded because free games exist, but then again, watching that twitch faggot isn't free unless your mommy and daddy pays for whatever device you're using and your internet connection. Do your parents still treat you like a child, anon?
>he actually plays free to play games

oh wow you're one of those people
Didn't say I do. Did you get btfo so hard you had to make up some bullshit? You're the cuck watching others play the same game you could be playing. Don't reply to me again unless you can prove you win solo games with 5+ kills.
You haven't really said anything else worth replying to, you're the person who brought up ftp games, if you don't want someone replying to something you said, don't say it. Being angry on the internet for no reason like you are is just too easy, try a little harder.
>still having problems with not having money to buy games and not the problem of finding fun games to play
Fuck off with your twitch shitposting and quit changing your typing styles to pretend you aren't samefagging.
How am I changing my "typing style"? I haven't pretended to be anyone by myself. Are you ok?
>zone is getting tiny, drive up to a house in my UAZ inside the zone
>theres a buggy outside the door but the door is closed
>someones trying to be sneaky!
>unsling my shotgun, go through carefully
>open up the door to the roof
>hes sitting right there starring me down with a SCAR
>blast him once, hes prone so not enough of my shells hit him
>cocking the shotgun takes 5ever so he ventilates me
>tfw rank 15 with 4 kills

If whoever that was is here, well played.
Yes those are both me, seeing as this is a conversation in which I reply to posts that replied to me. what exactly is the issue you have?
Fuck off back to your twitch chat, shitter.
which one? I am currently in 10 twitch streams
I typically do this shit in the houses with the little undoored closet in the room on the back left side of the house. If you walk in the front door and take a left there is a room right there with a door, a room all the way at the end of the hall and a door on the right side at the end of that hall. The closet is right across from the door and most of the windows are boarded over making it a very good ambush/camper spot.
Also, it's best to already be geared and to find a house with already pretty good loot in them. I died from one guy camping inside a house and he used a scar and the ammo on the floor as bait for me to run over and grab it right away so he could pop out and shotgun me.
About 4 times in a dozen squad games, a minute or two after landing, one of my squadmates just runs up to me and flat out murders me.

What is that? Am I doing something wrong? I just follow the squad and loot the houses for weapons. Why am I getting killed by my own squadmate and so early in the game? Are they just complete idiots or am I?
they're scrubs who are desperate for an easy kill and minor loot
So they get points for killing a squadmate?
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close dem doors.webm
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comin in with the obvious PSA that if you're gonna take the time to close the entrance to the house you're searching take the time to close every door you open
I wouldn't have known to look for this guy if I didn't see that inner door wide open

I've been thinking of doing this and setting traps for people. Right now I'm practicing my rifle skills. I find a car and drive to the insidish of the zone, and pick a nice building and face to the outside of the zone, and pick off stragglers that are trying to make it to safety. It's a horribly inefficient way of getting kills unless I get a lucky headshot but it's really fun.
Silencers are so incredibly overpowered.
>want to use closed doors as an alarm system
>when another player opens a door, it doesn't always make noise
I hate doors sometimes

The few times I have found a silencer, I have never been able to find its corresponding weapon. If I find an SMG silencer, I can't find an SMG. If I find a rifle silencer, I can't find a rifle.
>red zone pinning me in the same house three times in a row
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>second place three times in a row
>tfw always find sniper silencers but never find a kar and my dick is too small to try to get an airdrop
I got one for ya, anon
>stuck in same no-name village for two consecutive bombing runs
>server starts lagging really hard
>in the red zone a fucking third time
>try to open door
>nothing happens
>try it again
>walk forward
>pulled back outside, door closes in my face
>repeat several times before I can actually get the fuck into the building
>bomb explodes right outside the window next to that door
>red zone ends
>head outside
>red zone begins in the same area instantly
I want to call you a complete idiot for playing squad without friends, but I'll assume you're doing it to make friends to play squad with a solid group. You're free to post here to find people to play with.

>not running straight through the red zone

In my first match when I didn't know what the fuck I was doing, I ran through two red zones. If you believe hard enough, they won't hit you.
I was driving a buggy through one and got hit
First red zone appeared directly on me and I wasn't sure how they acted. Didn't know if buildings would protect from them or if they just auto killed you. I wasn't paying attention so not sure how long it was there so I ran from the building I was in to try and get out and I just exploded as soon as it started.
>stop playing
>instantly want to play more

>shoot some faggot twice with double barrel while inside a house
>doesnt die
>manage to reload, shoot him again
>shot 3 times with UMP, ded
>first time that the game actually peeved me
>decide to take a break
>come back not even 10 minutes later

The game is oddly addicting.
>Fly as far as possible away from plane's path
>Land on north shore of military base
>Sweep beach houses, lv3 backpack, camel coat, beanie, glasses and three gas cans but only a sickle and pistol
>Edge of new circle covers nearly the whole river so I just chill on the beach for a while
>Wait... is that a boat? Holy shit it's a boat
>Swim out, hop in, tab over and load up Vice City soundtrack before before scooting my way down the coast and around the powerplant
>Feeling comfy as shit
>Circle closes in south of Lipoyka
>Plow boat up on the shore and chill on the rocks as circle gets smaller and closer
>Down to me and one other guy
>Peek up over the rocks and see him laying down behind a tree 10 feet away, looking towards the center of the circle
>Casually stroll over and sickle him in the back of the head
First #1 ever. Comfy as shit. Pacifist is the way to go.
Is your name Squid? Because I just owned you my dude

Are gas cans useful for anything other than for filling cars if they were ever empty? I imagine they'll be more useful once custom servers start putting out all kinds of game modes and cars end up getting used a lot more than they do now.
Gas cans are useless at the moment.
>new player
>ALMOST first top ten
>domed from behind, place 12th
Feels batman
You need gas cans if you plan on using a boat, it chews through gas. I used two of those cans and almost had to use the third and barely traveled 1/8th of the total coast
Silenced sniper rifles are p meh
Sure the guy youre shooting at wont know where you are, but everyone else can still pinpoint the muffled source
Damn, got caught in a 6-way firefight just now. It was exciting as fuck, but I had no way of surviving.
>you ran over yourself with a vehicle
it's fun watching people do this to themselves

Gas all you twitch watchers.
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>team mate dies near end
>6 people left
>circle small as fuck
>killed the guy that killed her
>take his m249 for shits and giggles and cause i never used it in an actual match before
>when the circle starts moving in just 4 left
>sitting behind tree looking with my kar98 with 8x scope
>dude behind tree next to me in clear sight and didnt see me
>dome him through his gayboi level 1 helmet
>last 2 are a duo
>see one guy run across the field to try and get to some bushes
>sniping him and use 5 shots to down him and damage him because 8x scope is garbage at short range
>he bleeds out instantly
>his team mate charges me thinking i don't have shit besides the rifle
>whip out my huge dick and spray that faggot down with 100 rounds of asspain
>they added a refresh button to the menu ui
>it still doesnt fucking load
you are upset
>Someone else is landing right where you are
>Race into a building as they do the same
>Yours doesn't even have a melted weapon
>They come over with an automatic rifle

Every fucking time
>end up in fist fight
>lag makes every punch a fucking dice roll
>die and he teleports five feet away
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>some nog with afro and a double barrel
>run over with no weapons to distract him from killing team mate
>all my punches don't register even though he is standing still
>die after he finally hits me after missing three times at point blank range
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>me and two others parachuting down to a big building with 3 sheds
>we each land in our own shed
>my shed has jack shit
>run over to the one across from me, the other guy hasnt had any luck either
>engage in wrastling
>other guy comes and wastes us both, his shed had a SCAR with sights and everything
>not just following them and giving them the old left-right combo while they bend over to pick up the gun
if hes any good he'll pick it up while moving by dragging it in the menu
This is why i always grab the double barrel, instead of the pump.
Anything worth shooting is worth shooting twice in quick succession
98% of the users in this game have potato brains so it's ok
>make it to top 10 for the first time
>main weapon was UMP
>only killed two guys
>half the time I spent swimming and running from circles
>>landed up north and circle ended on military base, didn't have a vehicle the entire game
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>land on the school roof
>m16 right next to me
>blast some parachuting cuck out of the fucking sky
Im sorry but there can only be one
>not relishing in every earlygame kill
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Are the bullets hit scan or do they have travel time?
They're projectiles with next to not drop.
kek that necro samefagging
git gud or play singleplayer. i dont care
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Aight thanks senpai I couldnt tell whether I had to lead my shots or what
>open door
>stand in doorway
>dont look inside immediately
you lucked out there bud
does our pige play this?
>buy crate
>failed to open crate

wtf i hate crates now
how do I stop playing like a scared bitch?
can you go in squad with 3 only or will it give you a pug member too

You don't. If you didn't, this would be just another deathmatch game. I play the game with survival in mind and oper8 as much as I can, and I still end up with atleast one kill for every game, and being able to get 3 or 4 when I'm doing well. It's fun.
yes, the only time it will add randoms is if you select that option
Uncheck auto match and it won't give you a random.
>Played 4-5 rounds now
>I've only killed 1 person this entire time
>Highest placing was 4th.
>Only got that 1 kill by being in the centre and outstrafing a guy around a rock and blasting him with the shotgun

How do I get less garbage?
do most people go in with 4 players?
how would I know
Drop with a ton of other people and practice killing.
Is it worth queuing for randoms or should I just stick to solo
Is there a spot people tend to drop? If I wait to see a lot of people drop I'll be the last to land and will probably get popped mid air if I'm unlucky
the shipping yard at georgopol if they plane flies close, rozhok gets a lot of people to the SE with the complex of 6 buildings in the EL square
mylta gets a good amount if the plane allows, and the military base island will always get a ton of players

Any large town, and also the small cluster of houses near towns. There's a commie block in the middle of nowhere too that's a popular spot. I find that whenever the plane flies over the military base, its a crap shoot. Sometimes everyone drops there, sometimes like only 2 people drop there.

Tl;dr drop on any town, you're guaranteed to find some scrubcakes to cqc.

Also I should add that it's pretty rare to actually get sniped out of the air. Most people who play this game are braindead and don't even check for anyone else who may be dropping along with them, let alone checking above them to see if there's anyone else coming down.
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Circle is a neat idea but it needs to be softened and slowed the fuck down. It feels like im fighting against the circle instead of other players half the time.
Lower the damage, make it proceed slower in the final stages, and allow short exposures within it to enable out-of-circle flanking/repositioning.
>going out of circle
How about no. I'd sooner see the circle slowed to a crawl and be instant kill then the damage reduced even more.

Wait for custom servers/mods. I generally agree with you that the majority of the game feels like just running against the circle/hoping you happen to drop close to the center but if you slowed the game down any more, it'd become a fucking drag and take far too long. I think it could maybe do with a bit shorter increments of how much the circle decreases, rather than slowing down the rate. As in, add another one or maybe two stages of the circle. If you land outside the circle, find a car. Never try to just run your way through because you're going to end up exposing yourself and some faggot who got lucky with a M16 and scope spawn is going to glass you.
Its purpose is to condense action to a certain area on the map.
Turning it into an arbitrary kill wall is fucking retarded. Slow it down and lower its damage and the game will be more positional/tactics based rather than RNG + car shenanigans based.
>Its purpose is to condense action to a certain area on the map.
The purpose is also to punish passive players, why would you want to help them survive longer? The only thing that needs to be tuned is the amount of time between circle movement, not the damage it does or speed it moves at.
it benefits passive players that get lucky, and turns normally aggressive players passive when they realize their enemies will be coming to them
your suggestions won't change that
No shit because aggressive players won't have anywhere else to run off to. Honestly, if you have trouble with the circle then you need to get your shit together.
Lag when switching weapons is the most cancer thing about this game.
Ability to cross circle definitely will increases possible angles of approach for final firefights. Camping on the one side of the rock in the safe zone knowing that only enemy left could approach only from one side would be much less rewarded. And passive camping would not profit from crossing circle. Because you know you need to move to cross circle it is not a passive action.
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Everyone plays passive at endgame because the circle doubles as a rear guard. They know targets can only approach from certain angles. Soften the barrier and the risk increases for these individuals, while giving more options to aggressive/tactical players.
What if the barrier dealt exponentially more damage the deeper in it you were, so short flanks dealt only minor damage?
Just make it impossible to heal inside barrier late game. That means that everyone who left out would be dead in the certain and reasonable amount of time. Oh and make visual clues which mark change of the barrier, like reddish colours/marks or something similar.

>Lag when switching weapons is the most cancer thing about this game.

You have no fucking idea.

>drop in a set of houses with some other dude
>barge in one of the houses quick trying to find a weapon
>find a pump shottie, great!
>pick up ammo, go to load it
>loading animation glitches and I get stuck loading the gun with infinite shells but nothing is actually getting loaded
>have to holster my gun and pull it back out to start the loading animation again for it to work

If the guy I dropped with was more aggressive and came after me, I would have been fucked.
how do you even stream snipe? aren't the servers you join random anyway

so if you randomly join a server how are you even supposed to know that they're in your game besides either:

1. their character model
or 2. the kill messages in the bottom left of the game

>try to sync when you hit play along with streamer
>look at their screen to see where they are in the pregame, check to see if their movements match up to confirm its them, plus check char model
>if all else fails, look at kill messages
>first top 3 finish
>6 kills
Fucking rush man
>tfw hard of hearing
>have to turn sound up so loud that firing guns hurts my ears just to be able to hear footsteps
>try to sync when you hit play along with streamer
>twitch has a minimum of 5 seconds of delay from broadcaster to viewer
GTX 1070
servers don't fill up instantly
Just ran into a duo team in solo. Shit pisses me off.
record and report
Imagine the butthurt when they add the tripmine from arma 3 br
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>open reward box
>no new items
>land in small ass area with one other guy
>check 3 houses in the time it takes one tard to check a single one
>no guns, armor, medkits, anything
>his house has a scar, backpack, helmet, and vest

only retards think these games are entertaining, there's literally no skill involved in them

people with any kind of fps skill prefer playing actual fps games like r6s and csgo
servers down?
>i had bad rng
>someone has good rng
>what a SHIT game im gonna post on 4chan
play on us servers
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I'm having a blast on this game and a game being entertaining or not doesn't revolve around skill involved or not.
Stop trying too hard to be /v/ denying the fun of others and stop posting.
I'm kind of new to these sorts of games.

It seems like most other players have telescopic vision. Holding alt and spinning my camera around I still usually can't see shit, even if I'm about to get shot. It's starting to get frustrating spending 20 minutes seeing nobody then being headshot from some unknown location in the 4th circle.

Is there any way to improve my awareness?
some people really enjoy smearing their shit all over their faces and running around naked, too.

I'm glad you're a simpleton.
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Holy shit you must be that one guy everyone wants at their parties anon.
>inb4 i don't go to parties i'm not a normie kek lel put me in the screencap dad anunimous

Friendly reminder that life has no goal so let people have their fun with stuff they enjoy, cuck.
what is this image even trying to portray, why do you have something so retarded saved to your pc
it's a pillow crying with laughter while taking a shower
how do you not get it
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so this is the kind of dude calling other
I'm disapointed.

Alright, time to go back to your own entertaining game (probably staring at your desktop and questioning some real deep stuff), we got it you don't like PUBG and it's a shit skillless game anyways.
I'm just saying it literally adds nothing to the picture to have it in a shower, but you're retarded so i guess if you think you add something to a picture it's suddenly better no matter what

kind of like how you literally add nothing to the thread by shitposting, but you're retarded so I guess if you think you belong here you suddenly do no matter what

I dunno, you're shitposting far more than I am.

It's almost boring how easy it is to bait retards that play shit games.
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Anon I'm starting to feel bad now, it's saturday and you have nothing else to do than questioning and having an argument about someone adding pictures to his post on the board of a game you don't even care and find shit anyways..
Are you okay?
>everyone works a 9-5 monday to friday schedule

laffing at you, guess how I know you're still living with mommy
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>I'm out of arguments so I'll throw random stuff that can't be proven wrong!!! I NEED TO KEEP POSTING!!

Well you're the one living with mommy! How about that?!

EU servers down?
no, just u
Yes, EU matchmaking has been down for a few hours now.
Queue in US the lag isn't THAT bad.

They may actually have telescopic vision because there are 4x and 8x scopes you can pick up for rifles. Try to not get too angry, lad, it does take a while to get used to if you aren't used to games like this.

Use third person (press V by default), it will give your camera a little height, and is extremely useful when combined with proning. When you have to move your ass from village to village and have to go between forests, you're bound to expose yourself so there's always a chance that you're going to get plinked by someone who happened to see you. Move from cover to cover, use foliage to your advantage (though some tryhards disable foliage in their graphics), and always check your surroundings before moving large distances, especially across a valley where someone may have a height advantage if they see you. If you happen to drop far outside the circle, your first priority should be to find a vehicle. Try to not find yourself constantly just sprinting to the inner circle because you're going to expose yourself and end up gettng popped.

That's a few tips I can give you that I've used to git gud, and I've gone from getting slaughtered constantly to averaging 2 kills a game, and usually ending up in atleast top 30. Also, use common sense. Don't run down a fucking road like I see retards doing all the time. I've splattered like 5 people just sprinting down roads, and abuse the fuck out of prone. Use headphones if you have them, and hit the deck as soon as you hear a vehicle approaching.

Oh, and last thing. Don't be worried about early game kills. Getting a kill in early game is great but it usually only boils down to who happened to find a decent weapon and who found only a shitty pistol.
they're up, just need to wait
Anyone else feel like the circles should go much faster in 2v2 or 4v4?

I feel like you have so much time to just fuck around in 2v2 that you're not forced to move anywhere and like 50% of players die in the first few minutes but then you never run into anyone because there's just so few players actually out in the world, and compared to solo there's just so little area being taken up by the players out of 100 you end up not seeing people for SO long. I've played countless games of 2v2 where at the start I kill people who spawn near me but then I see NOBODY until the last few minutes where like 30-40 people suddenly show up and it's fucking crazy. In solo it's like a gradual trickling number of deaths and I see people every few minutes.

I just feel like the first circle should happen way faster but have a much bigger area, then continue zoning in way quicker to force everyone a lot closer, so if you get a bad spawn you're not fucked but if you spawn on the middle or edges you'll still see people moving towards you within the first 15 minutes, I don't want it to be crazy fast paced but it sure would be nice to have some action between the 3rd and 20th minute rather than just waiting for the fence to finally do it's job and force people close enough for interaction
oh I get it he's called playerunknown because literally no one has ever heard of him
This game is legit more fun to watch than to play.
>tfw cant be arsed tryharding so I give people free wins sometimes by bum rushing them
*knock knock*

>who's there?

>It's me your neighbour. I found an AKM.
Ok, thanks.
Why do I have to use a social media account for a now always-online program to use a feature on my graphics card that was always available previously?
my friend told me to buy this game to play with him, but this looks like early access garbage

is that a correct assessment?
>Buy it
>play for around 2 hours
>refund if you don't like it
You're welcome.
that is correct
personally, I have more fun with this game in a group instead of solo

still fun solo
Starting to feel like I'm the only one with the bug when you switch weapon nothing comes out and you're stuck with a gun in your hands and you can only punch.
Everyone just runs around and swap constantly, at this point I'm afraid to toss a grenade because then that might take me 10 to 20 secs to retake my primary into hands.
how do i make friends
>dealt pocket aces
>go all-in
>some fish calls me with KQ
>haha yes my superior skills have won the day!
>flop 9, 10, J
>I lose all my money

wtf poker is a fucking terrible game
Buggy and laggy, yet insanely fun with one or a small group of friends.
I have been very happy with my purchase.
It's early access so you can get a refund at any point.
Well you're on 4chan so you've already proven yourself incapable. Go wallow with
If you aren't top 10 every game then you're garbage and need to keep practicing.
Nah. That was my initial assessment of it too, but I've already dropped 30 some odd hours into it after my friend convinced me to grab it anyway. Turns out the game is a lot of fun. The pacing for this game is pretty spot on. It's got some bugs, and the optimization is ass, but it seems like the main guy behind this game actually really cares about it and plans to not be forever early access abandonware like DayZ and whatever else.
>tfw consistently top 10 or close to it but always end up making some mistake at the end that in hindsight was really fucking stupid
The self-loathing of throwing away a potential victory is real. At this point, I should have more than 3 wins.
if everyone on 4chan should wallow on /r9k/ then why are there other boards on 4chan?

your logic is flawed
yo who wants to stream snipe duos with me
IS THERE a guide to where shit can sometimes spawn. I know its random but there has to be a higher likelyhood of finding snipers in certain areas
Today I actually ran out of fuel and guess what it happened right after I decided not to stop at the gas station because I saw another car there

just scrapped by with my trusty shotty but fuck me I always knew it would happen at the worst possible time

gas cans still useless tho
You Groove You Lose


I subbed him Summit several times on different accounts just to hear this sound.
this is the gayest post i've seen in my entire life

is it sarcasm?
>land behind another guy
>follow him into a house
>he's trying to get in the bathroom
>start throwin hands
>he doesn't even understand what's happening
>he dies
>open the door
>fucking auto shotty on the ground
>land behind guy
>punch him anywhere between 300 and 900 times
>he slips away
>he finds a micro smg and kill me
What's the DBNQ statistic?
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What's the highest amount of points you can get? I've won a game with 7 kills but only got 950 points. What decides the amount except for kills?
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Looks like it's always 810 points for #1 position, then 20 points per kill and bonus for damages dealt.
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>play enough games to open crate
>"crate failed to open"
>don't get any items
>dont get refund
>next crate is 1400 credits
has this bullshit happened to anyone else?
The current items are shit anyways, unless you want some stupid t-shirts or pants; look at the Steam Market place and start saving right now for when they release actual good stuff.
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well thats... pretty disappointing
exact same thing happened to me

opened the new 1400 crate and i think i got like 1 extra item or something

but like >>172756902 says, the current items are awful
I'd rather have them actually working on fixes/optimization than adding stupid/funny looking costumes and cosmetics to be honest.
Playerunknown has been through the shitshow that was Rust early-days, DayZ Standalone and H1Z1; I'm pretty faithful. You can't even buy crates with real money anymore, that's already a win in my book.
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I'm only new to the game since its been on steam so i guess i wasnt there for that
you make a good point
How do people move without making any sound at all?

I noticed most of them aren't even croching, just walking straight up.
stop playing these shitty Twitch-audience-craving meme games
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You must be fun at parties, anon
There's a walk button senpai, "Ctrl" by default.
a nice reddit poster quote
stop posting in these shitty Twitch-audience-craving meme games generals
shitpost somewhere else faggot
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Does the shotgun have insane damage drop off?
People seem to one shot me with it but when i use it its like its firing confettii
ok i actually bought the game on steam and after 2 hours i can say it's more fun than i thought it would be, but it also seems to be exactly like the unoptimized janky mess that i thought it would be so i refunded the game

i guess see you guys in a couple of years when the game comes out for real? (or when i spend 600 dollars upgrading to play a game that looks like battlefield 2)
hey brother i lost

that's catchy af i understand why you sub just to hear that
if only there was a mode to practice in
gotta get that choke brother
i like this game
You must be fun at parties
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what made this win especially satisfying is that this was in squad matchmaking, it was just 2 of us against the world

we never had a 3rd and 4th person
Could you join squad MM as a solo and disable randoms, becoming Rambo?
Yeah just turn off auto matching
Pros and cons on this game?
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>bought the game
>runs like garbage
>players rubberbanding everywhere
>haven't gotten a single kill in 3 games
>he fell for the twitch game
-We got into Novo
-SKS + 8x scope
-Circle ended up finishing at the airbase
-3 armour and 3 helm
-Circle stayed relatively close

-For whatever reason, no 5.56 ammo at novo so we ended up having to share with 60 rounds each
-Was 4 people team with us at Novo, crazy hard fight had to use meds as they knew what they were doing/coordinating. We used shotguns in the crates
-Was against several people with silences towards the end
-There was only like 4 stims total so had to share 2 each
-Had to stay sneaky due to lack of ammo and pick off some that fought eachother
>get out of the car whilst its going at 5 miles an hour
>it spawns me inside the hood and kills me instantly
really close to that refund button boys
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> closer than ever to airdrop
> see freefrag
> no, freefrag you
And this shit always happens to me when I am trying to loot this airdrop motherfucker.

why are so many people playing with foliage turned off? don't you have to edit game files or some shit for that? seems kinda cheesy
>trying to watch streamers play this
>even watch summit who averages 40k playing this game
>cant keep my attention to it

Is the gameplay boring as it is to watch? So close to buying brehs
some people are absolute shitters and we just have to accept that, even in games with 3rd person perspective

Summit's play style is really boring, of course it won't hold your attention. I have no idea why or how he gets so many viewers.
I have never had an airdrop land near me besides on the second day of the steam release when one dropped literally right above me.
I think it's because he wins a lot. Check the duo stats and you can see he wins almost 50% of his duo games.
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>join match
>inna plane
>throw parachute
>instant frame drop to a steady 1fp30s (frames per 30 seconds)
>only have to wait 100 seconds until I can play again
Seeing the entire island does this to you? Perhaps staring up into the sky would help.
I have a fucking i3 and that isn't an issue, stop playing on a potato
I play on a gaming laptop and win a lot in solo :^)
Let me know when they introduce first person only, third person abuse gets stale fast.
>a gaming laptop
which can range from a high end i7 and a 1080 to a potato, what's your point?
The point is that everyone I kill dies to someone using a trackpad and I average 5 kills a game.
play on low or very low until they optimize the game. its an alpha test for fucks sake
airdrop is a deathtrap
And nobody knows you're a dog
How do I optimize where I drop /pubg/?
find a car
> foliage turned off
My potato can't handle it on default ultra low settings, so that why.
>hiding in bitchboy shack at edge of the circle because partner died to randomly falling from our buggy while driving
>see two guys coming in from outside the circle
>toward my shack
>can tell they're gonna split up and each go around a side of the shack
>now is my fucking chance
>pop out the door and start lighting one up
>suddenly my fucking sights are on the dirt by my feet when I was aiming center mass
>die because of it when I had the drop on him and he only had partial health
Fucking niggers. It's not the first time I've had that happen either. Anyone know what causes you to just drop your aim to the ground?
I haven't had that issue and haven't seen anyone mention it before. No other game does this for you?
Nope just this one. I've seen it happen once on a stream, and the caster was all, "what the fuck" about it too 'cause he got rekt from it as well. Probably just some random bug, but I wanted to be sure there wasn't some hyper-specific condition that triggered it.
Happens to me when im hit with a shotgun
I have no clue and haven't seen it mentioned yet on the steam forums. Should mention it to them somewhere so they can figure it out and solve it.

I have experienced randomly jumping out of cars while I'm driving, but only twice in over 50+ matches.
Hmm. I can't remember what the guy had, but that could be it I guess.
>hit with a shotgun
I've had that happened once, but my sights flew straight up and I died at the same time so I didn't pay any mind to it. Were you hit by a shotgun when it happened >>172787565 ?
Then you shouldn't be playing the game, what the fuck

Devs should remove the ability to turn off foliage and ban anyone who abuses it
>my computer is garbage so i should be able to disable hiding places and cheat to play
Kill yourself.
Might sound dumb but were you leaning up against something? The tacticool realism circlejerk has you pulling your weapon up/down if you're up against a wall or something, its aids when you're trying to shoot some guy through a window

I also had something today when I shot a guy and killed him one shot, and my fucking gun gets put on my back like I was switching my weapon, went to kill his buddy and couldn't. I raged.
It's not even that hard to run the game on legit ultralow. A $500 PC from the last two years can do it. Overclocked i3, RX 470, 8GB of RAM runs fine for me. And this is before the game is optimized.
Nope. Both times it's happened have been out in the open with no walls to get in the way.
>blast a guy three times in the face with the Saiga from close range
>he kills me
Is Saiga shit or did I just get memed on by rubber banding
I think it's fucked up because that has happened to me far too many times now. Might be the level 2 vest really negates it so try and aim around the neck area.
>top 3 in an UMP main game with 9 kills (7 UMP, 2 SCAR)
There's a point where the memes should stop and we've clearly passed it

but let's keep going and see what happens
>tfw uzi, supressor, and extended mag
who /comfy/ cqc here
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Kind of sucks that gameplay shifts towards "playing the circels" in lategame
You are like little baby
>UMP, red dot, extended quick mag, supressor, front grip
poorfag here can anyone spare me a key or buy me the game
>1 VAC ban on record
Why would we give free shit to hackers?
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>last online 77 days ago
>VAC ban
your post went directly to my heart, I remember when I was in a tough spot and had to suck strangers' cocks to get by. Little gestures of kindness helped me trhu this tough time, I hope this small act does the same to you
sent ;-)
What's the best gun?
currently m16

Which variant?
>20 alive in 4's
>engaging a team in a bunker building
>go to flank
>behind hill cover
>hear shots from behind
>turn around and nothing
>turn back to the bunker building and the guy in the second floor can actually see me
cant help it, my mom beats me if i dont
where else would a shitpost fit in better than this dumb game?
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>4 rounds in a row where all I can find are shotguns

normally I would kill myself, but all these fags with SCARs and KAR98s are doing that job for me from a mile away


i think the AKM and M16A4 are quite strong

>drop in some house, can only find shotgun
>fuck off to see if I can find something better somewhere else
>jeep drives by, hit the deck
>watch him pass, chase after him
>he stops by a house
>follow him in, and waste him
>take his jeep and his SCAR
tfw sks but no scope
Convince me to buy this game

growing out of cs addiction
h1z1 not cutting it
dayz is wack
mmos arent the same
its $30

ive been playing LoL basically only for last 6 years

this game has got me hooked
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is there anything more thrilling than sneaking up behind some decked out queer and beating him to death with your fists, watching him blind fire in panic as he swivels around getting KO'd in the process

and then taking his KAR98 + x8 and sniping fags from a mountain

it's basically dayz but you're forced to fight and it's the hot new garbage that everyone is playing

it's not necessarily amazing or anything but all the people flooding to it makes it kind of fun
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Shoutout to Angus, get on skype you cunt
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5th round in a row

can't find anything but shotguns

killed yet again from a mile away from rifle fire

I guess I'm mc'fuckin done for the night
Your h1z1 twitch memes aren't funny my dude.
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>guy flips his car in the middle of a fucking field
>smoke his shit
"[country] number one" and "angus get on skype" are the only things I ever hear in the lobby other than gunshots and blowing into the mic
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>running to a complex of buildings
>as I run up to the door to one of the buildings I hear a car pulling up
>position myself at one of two doors
>car stops at my building
>guy gets out and goes through the door I camped at
>pic related happens
I actually felt bad for camping like that and wished him a warm apology over the mic but its kill or be killed man.

do people talk on the mic? or you talking to yourself?

would think everyone left ctrl + t on
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>play on ultra low quality
>accidentally lose my way while driving
>gets near ployna
Just kill me to get over the lag. I usually quit the match when this happens as I drop in. been killed too many times when this happens
People talk on the mic and you can hear other people.
You should actually put texture quality and anti aliasing as high as you can, moves them off the CPU to the GPU, and this is an obnoxiously CPU intensive game as it is
AK is shit, M16A4 is best at range and M416 is best up close (with full mods ofc)
>tfw my poor overclocked i3 is getting it's fucking workout
Is there absolutely no feedback on punching at all? I have no fucking idea whether I was hitting this dude or not but I guess he pummeled me to death. No idea if I even landed a single hit.
>these poor tactics
>10 9mm shots doesn't kill an unarmored target
The only feedback is their little spasms which are completely impossible to see in a real fisfight. Pretty sure the devs have already said they're going to give more feedback on melee hits and generally improve the currently fucked system... eventually.
Gonna try this out right now
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The SKS is fucking trash consider yourself lucky, just get an AKM if you can't get a Kar98k senpai
You heard the cracking of the shots going by you.
tfw 8x scope on a Saiga

No shit, this is another unrealistic HP-bar fag game.
>covered his ingame name
What a fag.
This actually improved FPS quite a bit, thanks for the tip m8
Remember to not switch weapons when you're using a first aid kit.
>tfw died in the force field because me and another guy refused to move from our rocks out of fear of being shot in the back by the other
ded game ded thred
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>anti aliasing: ultra
>textures: medium
>60+ fps everywhere
>get sks
>get silencer
>all I can find is a red dot



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>Dead game
Nah, pretty much all the top H1Z1 streamers switched over and according to Steamspy it's already got over 500k players since release.

If this game keeps making improvements it might be the nail in H1Z1's coffin.
game offline for nayone else?
Swear to god the AWM fires high relative to the scope, even just ranged for 100M. Was using a 4x and had to aim about two cm below their head for a headshot at 100 - 200M.

Hey Guys, i made a Video for summit (when his stream end's)

hope its good
BibleThump we can pretend BibleThump
>wow this early loot is really good maybe I should tryhard instead of meeting this game
PlayerUnknown punishes your impure thoughts
God damn, I just made an insane double headshot (he had a lvl 2 helmet) from ~600 M with a fucking SCAR.

And then missed some easy guy a little later like a dozen times and died
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>it actually works
>playing 4's
>eject immediately for max hektic action
>group of memespewing "china numba 1!!!" retards kill me and two of my buddies right off the bat
>girl laughs
>me: "Woah, is that a real tranny?"
>audible gasps
>they stay ontop of my body and start talking even more shit
>meanwhile last guy on our team is on his way
>he jumps them, they freak the fuck out
>kills all 3 CQC
>none of them knew how to aim

I always wondered if the retards screaming twitch memes on spawn island knew how to play and ever made it to the end, and now I know
its your fault for taking out your pistol trying to be tacticool you dumb idiot, this webm would've been 10 seconds shorter if you had just killed him with your M16

Why pull out your pistol when you had a m16 ready to go? Nigga u gay.
welcome to faggy battle royale clone #9845927359239053, where if you don't find an assault rifle within the first 15 seconds you're going to die
>wasting ammo on someone who doesnt even have the decency to be smart with their approach
If you shout out a well known streamer name with no context, other people would unironically do it too.

People shout twitch memes and personalities on the plane before ejecting it's so surreal that so much cancer is congregated in one place.
Why isn't your voice enable off
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>no friends to do quads/doubles with because they're all addicted to moba shit
>random teammates either kill me for my loot or refuse to group up
>Faggy battle royale clone
The guy who invented the genre is the lead on this game. It's hardly a clone.
Tfw waiting for the next twitch battle royale meme
that's not how you spell quake creator
Are there hackers?
Not as many as memerwatch
Fug dat. Russian and chinese hackers were bad in DayZ and i heard this game was a better DayZ

Fug. dat.

I'm seeing people fucking SKYROCKET from the plane to the ground in 3 seconds while it takes me a good 20. Also a good chance shitters are aimbotting.
had a guy shoot my entire team through the walls of a house from 300 meters away

You realize certain rifles are able to penetrate walls right?
shooting the entire 4 man squad in the center of a building one after the other
Devs say there's a bug that causes walls not to appear lol
Your teammates can just do that? I haven't played the game but what's the incentive to trust your randomly match-made teammate if they can pop you at any moment, how many times does this happen?
Your ranking is as a team so you'll probably rank lower if you pop your """""friend""""
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>when shitters keep walking into your shotgun deathtrap because they see dead corpses littering the floor

not a single one paused or hesitated when they see the bodies, just, "OH! FREE LOOT," and run in

there's a bug that causes whole buildings to not load in for people
>still no way to report players in game
wall penetration is not coded into this game yet
Will people with the game on extreme low settings see me across the map in prone position? Seeing as how there will be no grass or shadows
I'm going to say no just because having so little definition at those ranges actually makes it really fucking hard to see people, especially without a good resolution and maybe AA. You definitely want to put your vegetation setting to lowest though.
i sure as shit cant see anyone no matter what settings
>watch streamers
>95% of the time is them running around looting and driving
>look away from monitor and game is already over

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>8 headshots at point blank range with scar on enemy
>they shoot me twice with m1911
truly god's chosen gun
.45 is irritatingly weak in this game. Literally two unarmoured headshots to kill, try it on AFKs.

Also, skirts for girls when
fuck skirts
dress uniforms when
I need muh mordian rep
yep, this game is for autists
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>main menu wont load
>even after a restart
Hopefully soon. Hope playerunkown ain't a huge gay
>when you have a great position as the final circles are closing in but then one of the very last ones forces you out of it into a completely featureless crest of a hill

So, ump or shotgun?

I have won games lategame once the circle forces everyone close, off the back of the double barrel with a choke
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>top 20
>circle closes in on military base
>im across the bridge
>run the entire length of the bridge in the blue popping medkits and bandages
>about to walk into the safe zone
>guy snipes me
Are there snipers that one shot head shot kill?
I have a very tough time choosing between the over-under and the pump
I went with over under, because in solo if you haven't got him after 2 shots, you're probably fucked, shots 3-5 wouldn't make a difference.

in duo/squad I'd go pump or semi-auto because then you will need the mag capacity
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I was in that game and I actually took first place playing defensively :^)
>hiding nickname
do you think we will hunt you and find you, anon?
kar is a 1shot headshot on anything but a level 3 helmet
You can just straight up turn off any foliage? Hot fucking damn, that is cheap. I hope they at least implement some level of protection against assholes like you
AWM (from crates) will oneshot anything with a headshot
Dont be jealous of my potato powa.
>good computer, around 100fps everywhere except Yasmaya Polyana and Pochinki
>solid Internet too
>land in a little hangar with a dude
>we both find weapon
>i grab mine with the ammo
>nothing appears in my hands and it's not in my inventory either
>decide to rush out the hangar while it "appears" (??)
>see the other dude already done reloading his weapon and chasing me
>i hide behind a rock, crouch
>he shot, I die, my corpse isn't even NEARLY close that rock I crouched behind on my screen yet

So lag fix patch when? Early game combat is literally unplayable for some people but some others seem to have no problems whatsoever.
They're working on it, start of a round with ~100 people is a shitfest every time. I think it might partly be Unreal, it doesn't deal well with such huge player counts
Shooting out of windows is fucking cancer, either you hit the frame or bars despite having a clear shot or your gun withdraws like a cock in cold and you can't even fire.
Would love to see the stance adjust from ArmA 3 be introduced
Would def be good for first person only

Just don't press up against the window as much, or shoot it out first. I agree that hitting the bars is annoying though

crack thump not in game currently.
>prone position?
You should never stand still or go prone, unless you need to go below cover or buff you long range accuracy against unsuspecting target. Always move. If you need to "stand" then jerk strafe. This will reduce hit probability like by 3 times. Standing/lying still is asking for one shot kills from headshots.
>implying there's any skill to solo beyond how much the circle favors you

I regret buying this now, I have no desire to grab a couple friends and set up a mic to play a game.
I mean, the circle can fuck you pretty god damn hard, especially at the end if it hugely favors the last guy or two and leaves you without cover. That said, you're almost always still partly to blame if it does.
It's not even my most major complaint, actually, just a random comment I threw in. I could go into how boring every match is in solo, since the most effective play is to still find a quiet couple of spots to loot and hide until the end. I could go into how bad the sound is with the artificial white noise. I could go into how bland the guns feel. I could go into how fucking retarded it is that the most effective play is to do stupid retarded strafe shit.

I regret buying it because I'm not an autist that finds it fun. Here's hoping they introduce actually interest game modes beyond what they already have.
Why can you jump safely from 3 story buildings?
I am getting my fucking ass handed to me in this game

I used to be pretty fucking good at dayz but i never knew BR stuff was this hard.
Fuck me.
are the firefights in this game realistic?
>most firefights the victim is only dimly aware of being shot at at best
>usually last <5 seconds

Pretty realistic
Not really.

Modern firefights are about sitting behind a wall hoping you get lucky with your spray as opposed to the other guy getting lucky with his. And if he does get lucky, you pray your armor keeps you from getting fucked.

This game still has arcade-like firefights, you basically sit behind a tree and strafe jerk while trying to make sure the other guy dies first. Though to be fair, at least people are damage sponges and you don't get an indicator of where you're getting shot from.
how long does a match usually go for?
Is looting, driving to the middle and then driving/running to the next building in the circle the best tactic?
anons pls help, my hud vanished and I dont know how to put it back
reformat pc
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>post up in a house near the edge of the zone, know the others havent been looted so its bait
>someone pulls up in their buggy
>wait it out until they enter my house
>pop them just as the zone is receding and hop in their buggy, manage to flip it
>die to zone
That was really stupid of me
>more like cheater grounds
Depends on when you die. Winning take about 30 minutes.
>third time i've gotten executed because the door in the house didn't make a fuckign noise when someone opened it

What the fuck
Sounds are bugged at the moment and they are working on it. You'll have to rely on your eyes for now like you're supposed to with third person view.
Are you the dude I blasted with a shotgun from the side while you were crouched down checking something?
You were that guy checking the loot crate that was right outside the door werent you
The latency issues that have been "fixed" over and over and over again never do get fixed. I just gave up on a playsession again because of absolutely inane rubberbanding.
>lucky as hell game, full gear 3, got a pimped out SCAR and the doublebarrel shotgun
>30 players left, decide to hide in a small house in the middle of nowhere
>after a while, some guy drives by, turns around and leaves his car, approaches the tiny house
>the moment he opens the door i blast him with two meatshots
>to my surprise he doesn't die (when the first shot would have 99% of the time), so i spam 2 to switch to SCAR
>5 seconds later, still haven't equipped my SCAR, the guy has taken no damage at all but also hasn't noticed me, literally shoved his back up against my face
>the second i finally get hands on my SCAR, the guy turns around and immediately kills me with one pistol bullet, through a level 3 helmet
When I experience it I'll usually hide in a house and it'll pass in a few minutes. Alternatively I'll just teleport across a field if I need to get inside the circle.
Sound in this game is broken as fuck, which sucks because it's so hugely fucking important to these kinds of games.
Ah. I almost felt sorry for the dude, he was barely kitted up and I didn't even know he was there. Then I blasted him in the dome with the auto shotgun.
Is there ever a time where the airdrop is safe
nobody even goes for them anymore because there's nothing in there that's worth the risk
I got a tommygun out of one completely uncontested, and then proceeded to never get a chance to fire it and ultimately die to a guy lag-teleporting on top of me with a shotgun
>buy early access game
>complains about teething problems
File a bug report
I've grabbed a few by driving there and nabbing it just as it lands. How safe that is obviously depends on where it lands.
>close door behind me upon entering building
>2 seconds later shot in back picking up loot
>door is wide open without making a sound

I mean, how the fuck am I supposed to be prepared for shit if nothing makes sounds except gunshots. God I am assmad.
I like how all the viral marketers in this thread completely ignore how fucking full of scummy cheaters this game is.
it's okay because it's just a bedda lol they'll batch it :DDDDD
Closer to the end of the game when less people care, but they don't always drop in the circle if it gets too small. If one drops near me I try for it, but I sit there and camp it out a bit before going for it just for possible easy kills and not being an easy kill myself.
Why would viral marketers sit in a single thread talking about the game amungst themselves? You sound retarded as fuck.
You explain it to me.
>another early access game that looks interesting
>it's unoptimized shit

Why is this always the case? Has there ever been a well optimized early access game?
Why would I explain anything to a retard that doesn't even play the game? Come back when you know the game has battle eye and understand how it works. Also here's an extra (you) for acting like all games don't have cheaters.
I mean a level 3 vest and an m16 seems pretty worthwhile
>Come back when you know the game has battle eye
Wow, viral marketing shill confirmed.
Battleeye does jackshit you retard
>sometimes haters say battleeye does nothing
>other times they say it is too intrusive

can't you guys settle on one lie?
>he thinks battle eye is worth anything


Dude, there's tons of cheats for the game already.
But you probably know that because you are a marketer and paid to damage control how cheat infested the game is.
You only hit him 2-3 times
I don't think you get the point of early access. You're far from alone in that though.
>confirmed not knowing how it works
Fuck off now, retard.
Yeah, I market the game by sitting in this thread talking to other people who already bought and are playing the game. Fuck off now, retard.
How is the optimization guys? Is it any better now?
For 02/04/2017
Battle eye is known for being wonky and not detecting private hacks.
What trip are you on and how much are you getting paid?
The problem I have is that every early access game I've played started out unoptimized, and then never got fixed. The "it's only beta" excuse doesn't work if the game never leaves beta, or is still unoptimized after beta.
Battle eye is a broken piece of shit just as wonky as the arma games.
H1Z1 also uses battle eye and that is infested with cheaters as well.
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Is optimization really that bad?
I'm running a mix of high/low and get like 80FPS, with drops to 60 in cities.
Not sure why you copy pasted the date, but apparently if you max out texture and AA you'll get better fps. Haven't been home to try it myself. See >>172802924
Comes with the territory when a lot of (inexperienced) devs using it are in over their heads without realizing it. Early Access is just as much of a risky investment as it's buying a game.
what anti cheat is known for detecting private hacks? I'll hang up and wait for an answer.
I'm not sure it is an early access only problem desu. We still have huge money games like BF1 and Forza Horizon which have been out for 6+ months and are still unoptimized. Even experienced devs seem to have problems coding for dx10/11/12 (or they just don't care to improve at it since they make their money anyway)
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Streamers fucking suck at this game
>reads donations doesn't pay attention to game at all
>guy sneaks up and headshots
Playing this game since release on Steam, won a few games already and never been unexplicably shot down or anything.. Playing on EU.
You don't play the game so why do you care exactly? I have 40 hours in and haven't seen a single hacker.
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>find an SKS + x4 scope in first minute
>client crashes

With huge money games I think it's a corporate decision to stop development on a game when it would be profitable to do so. There's a science to the mass production of shitty huge budget games.

With early access, it's probably just spaghetti code and inexperienced devs.
Okay, and how about servers? Still laggy as fuck?
they are laggier now than they were in closed beta
>stating a fact
Fuck off shill. I like the game a ton already.
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Spoken like a true marketer.
So how is this game's engine?
Is it as bad as h1z1's?
Where if you don't have a gimped out I7 you're not gonna have any frames?
Also how is h1z1's engine right now? Is it still horrible?
Does anybody play Just Survive anymore?
And it just survive still shit or is it good/fun again?
Damn it... Hope they will fix it ASAP, this game has got so much potential, as H1Z1 was a completely garbage for me that this one is really good looking one
For me that mostly depends on how many people are nearby. I've never been disconnected from a server, but if I land with a lot of people around it'll take a while to pick shit up and open doors for a few minutes until my game loads everything in and syncs up. By the time anything worthwhile happens I don't experience lag unless it's a retarded BR trying to play NA servers.

Game just released on steam so not sure what you're expecting differently. Big optimization patch supposed to happen in April.
Its unreal 4 but performs a lot like the arma 3 engine in this game.
I have no idea how they managed to fuck that up but the rubberbanding is insane.
Yes, optimization is "that" bad that you're getting 60 fps in the worst areas in the game for fps.

The game LITERALLY exited closed beta like 2ish weeks ago. It will get better.
Okay? You still don't play the game and haven't provided any proof that so many people are hacking. If that was true then I'd never win a game and I win at least one match daily. Not giving you anymore (you)s until you step it up some from cropped image of a screenshot someone posted on /v/.
lmao they've already given up trying and are now focusing on adding new clothing options before everything dies
--------> [you are here]
Man you are losing your spagetthis fast you butthurt shill.
>literally gets linked videos of people using cheats
Calm your tits you sperglord.
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Are you literally mentally insane or why do you think you can decide who owns the game and who doesn't?
It's passive agressive fanboys like you that make people paranoid about viral marketing, because at this rate why shouldnt they?
Sure thing.

>spawn in water city
>one other person
>immediately find level 3 armor, level 2 helmet and AR
>other guy who spawned with me tries to rush me with the first shotgun he found and no armor
>he bursts through the door and sees me
>it was at that moment he knew, he fucked up
>later find another AR, two AR silencers and a pistol silencer
>die anyways during midgame because I'm bad at positioning
Why is the red dot so good while holographic is shit? Holographic covers up so much shit it's actually worse than iron sights.
>that one streamer who plays the game with his asian mail order bride
She's surprisingly good at the game.
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Don't reply to the samefagging shitposted anymore who is desperate for attention and will just call you a marketer for posting in a general about the game.
Why the fuck are there so many people who hate the game and don't play it here? Did the game touch you inappropriately? What the fuck nigger if you don't like it leave.

Based on your shitposting so far you 100% deserved that ban and I hope you get banned here too
>"we are updating daily"

they always say this, yet there has been no improvements. How long will you chose to believe?
I disagree. Holo sight is my favorite to use as a default sight, because I find it most useful for a wide variety of ranges.
They fixed a graphical artifacting glitch on AMD cards two days ago. No improvements my ass.

Source: AMD card, was having glitch, am no longer having glitch
You're trying really, really, REALLY hard my dude.
>he's an early access customer
>also uses AMD

wow it's true what they say
You're really, really, REALLY upset
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>people enjoy the game, want to discuss it
>autistimos come in and tell them to stop enjoying the game
If you haven't bought the game why the fuck are you here other than shitposting
I'm trying to save you.
oh yes our lord and saviour, please take a code of trip so we can always hear your enlightened wisdom
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Yes, I'm very upset about a game that I play 1-2 hours a day.

I don't get retarded faggots like you. You spend your time "trolling" instead of doing literally anything else with your time. Is your life seriously so pathetic that the only way you can have fun is in attempting to troll people?
Next you'll be telling us about Jehova I expect.
How about you take your self righteous bullshit and fuck yourself with it?

You rubes and shills sure are easily triggered. Truth is that hurtful?
>played 4 matches in a row
>last one I got "winner winner chicken dinner"
>drops me in the main menu
>lose all desire to play the game
I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer so far.
why do people never remember to not respond to shitposters
shills don't understand 4chan culture, of course. They only do what they are paid to do.
>get a godsend of loot
>except no backpack
>none at all
>floor littered with ammo, guns and health
>I can't pick anything up
also new thread when
new thread
Holy shit just won a round with my friends, 3/4 made i to the end. The last firefight in a small circle in the forest was so epic.
>i should be banned
For what exactly? These posts?
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