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/lozg/ - The Legend of Zelda General

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Thread replies: 830
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Can you see the big picture?


This is a general about all Zelda games, mainline and spin-offs like Hyrule Warriors, and all discussions related to the LoZ series.
All Breath of the Wild discussions are welcome.

>Link Compilation<

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Infobin<
http://pastebin.com/CtRd9Ajk (Amiibo drops)
http://pastebin.com/bWfAreV0 (Cooking guide)

>Sheikah Lore<
http://pastebin.com/Cvc3Ziwp (Appearances)
http://pastebin.com/KRTD4Rbt (Sheikah Symbol & Eye Symbols)
http://pastebin.com/AQ2qbbjV (Theories/History)

>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Video Playlist<

DLC Expansion Pass announced:

>Zelda comics and Manga<

>Art Collection

>I never played a Zelda game, where should I start from?
Otherwise, ask for recommendations in this thread.

Previous: >>172357263
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So, any SFM porn of the BOTW girls yet?
The Tetraforce you shan't forget:
▲ ▲
▲ ▲
What does Link do with Paya's birthmark?
The Tetraforce's 3 musketeers? Nah. The Tetraforce's 4 sword adventurers? Better.
Go find a place to fuck off and dont let anyone know where you are going
Kinda early in the thread to get this butt-exploded, no famalam?
DLC details when?
Well, it was stupid until BotW happened. This game's plot supports the premise of the downfall line. one point of many that the downfall line is meant to act as the base of BotW, convergence or not
>can you hear it yet...hero?
Fuck you. I'm the hero of time, stop doubting me
Uhm, no. You might be the hero of the wild though.
If you're the hero of time, then why can't you go back and save your fish wife?

No fuck you. Hero of Time sounds better
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What's this?
I don't think it's the Mirror because if you give him pictures of all the shards so he can translate it, it just says like "both of you stand on the buttons and the shrine opens ;)"
Then how about you walk back in time to fix that mess you left there?


All it takes is to fix the bullshit aiming. I don't want motion control forced down my throat. Make both options consistent with each other. So no, don't alter my aim move with the horse's auto movement. That's literally worse than OoT.
why didn't OOT link just go back to when ganon was born and kill him
Fuck mounted archery.
use bullet time for the last set of targets

saves a ton of time that can be used on the rest of the course
Is it really easier with motion control?
He didn't know how to time travel with the ocarina during OoT. After the game, things were resolved already. Well, from his perspective.

Retardedly easy. If you have them, ancient bow and bomb arrows. Maybe a practice run with normal arrows to get used to it. If you need it, disable sounds. For me it helped with focus.
The analog stick aiming uses your camera sensitivity, which means if you have it turned up (which you probably do since the camera is painfully slow otherwise) then it's fucking impossible to aim precisely without gyro controls.
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Why is the Yiga clan such a joke and why are they one of the best things about this game?

>meet random merchant along path to Lost Woods
>selling 99 bananas only
>try to back out
>"WHAT?! Yo-you don't... What's wrong with bananas!?"
>"Listen I sell you buy, that's how this goes."
>say no again
>"That's it! For the banana-- Er For the boss!"
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>Yigas have at least 99 bananas on them
>Only drops one on death
Actually, after a second thought, you might consider flipping the perspective around.

LoZ(THF), AoL and ALttP were released before OoT. The sealing war and its outcome was already established. A failing hero wasn't mentioned, but that's a detail that could easily be forgotten over time. We knew that Ganondorf had to succeed to some extend.

With that knowledge, the other timelines and OoT itself are what-ifs. It's kind of infuriating, but (You) were meant to die.

In my opinion, that's not the main issue. The sensitivity can be changed for the archery section. Since most targets are in front, a simple z-focus can quickly pull you back into a neutral position, even with a slow camera. What makes it impossible is the autopathing of the horse that overrides your aiming.
Thanks! I got it. It's really shit that its not really doable with normal controls.
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Laughs at it while Paya cries and masturbates in a corner while he and Zelda fuck in her bed
DLC should add weapon shops
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Paya isn't Cia. She's already accepted their relationship before he even rescues her. She might have a bit of a cry but then she'll be fine
>already have to keep dropping weapons to pick new ones
>implying weapon shops need to exist

I just wish it was easier to know where certain stuff spawns

Wouldn't it be nicer to sell it rather than dropping it
id much rather have blacksmithing and shit to temper weapons for more damage/durability or make makeshift weapons. a metal plate to a boku club or adding screws to it sounds fun
Not necessary at all when you can use one sword to mine ore deposits and sell those for a profit

>pick up boko club
>need to add in dragon parts to make it slightly better
This remibds me. Dragonbone gear should have been 20 or so points higher. At least, it should have been better than royal gear. Royal stuff is made by the army of Hyrule, seems mostly ornamental
. Dragonbone implies it contains fucking dragon bones. This also would make late game skeleton enemies actually fun to fight, since they would drop actually useful things.
Royal stuff is both good looking and good

Royal guard stuff is great looking and more powerful but more fragile

Knight and Soldier stuff is just early game stuff

Dragonbone stuff is just a name, I don't think it means actual dragon parts at all
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Where were you when any% died?
>BotW makes a point to reference SS and Fi
>Zelda thinks she's incapable because she can't hear the Master Sword talking
>BotW Link is proven to be perfectly capable as he can cast spells and receive telepathic messages
>it's actually the sword not talking since it's clearly about to malfunction
>At the end of SS Fi told us in her charming explicity that Demise's "residual consciousness" is absorbed into the Master Sword and therefore "sealed away"
Uhm, I think we might have a little problem in the future
Oh quiet this isn't even a good run and the route has a number of parts that are being actively optimized still. If anything any% is dead because runners are doing all dungeons.
Does someone have the Hylian to English key?
The next game better have Souls-esque weapon mechanics because while the breaking shit is bearable it could be much better.

I guess their idea is to force the player to use diverse weapons, but there's no point if you end up liking something and then it's going to break anyways.

If they think upgrading and shit would be too far then at least give us the ability to repair weapons in the next title.
If you overlay the original Zelda map with BotW are there any corresponding secrets like hidden bombable walls?
There's no lv9 in spectacle rock
They don't overlay properly, even if you rotate and flip the maps. Major issues are Lake Hylia is HUGE and in the middle of the map, and the forests are in opposing corners in Zelda 1.
Will the DLC have Darknuts?
>admits to have done a shit plateau
>drops twice from horse during field
>chokes at zelda's study roof

>action figure cheat
yeah, amazing run

it'll have iron knuckles
Fi did talk to Zelda though, when normally she should only be able to talk to the hero. Zelda thinks she's incapable because she can't use magic despite doing all the Goddess ritual shit. Demise is like a little bug compared to Fi and if he hasn't been obliterated by this point then he's still fucked since he can't really do much while trapped in a sword with a spirit much more powerful than him.
Snappity snap ! ~ ~
>action figure cheat
Are BotW speedrunners seriously allowing amiibo in normal categories? If you got a good bow/bomb arrows or some guardian shit then you could rush Hyrule Castle ezpz maybe looting a few extra things on the way up.
Where's the best website I can get Amiibo files to put on my NFC stickers to spoof them?
I like how there's a little spiel about her looking like a child and then she's just like "yes" and never actually explains it.

Wish there were more rune upgrades, too. Totally should've been Magnesis upgrades for range and auto-pickup of crafting mats/monster drops. Cryosis could have gotten more/larger pillars, the ability to make stone blocks on magma after you get some shit from Death Mountain, or Sand Sceptre functionality after getting some shit from a Molduga.

It kinda bothers me how this game is so amazing and yet still has so much room for improvement.
>I like how there's a little spiel about her looking like a child and then she's just like "yes" and never actually explains it.
Did you not read her diary?
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>and never actually explains it
I'm next to some Stalnox bones how do I get to fight them?

I waited till night time and still no action
That's what they already do. The amiibos used are Smash Link for Epona and Toon Link for mighty fish to make an attack boosting elixir.
Epona allows for a much easier run to the castle without having to fight your own horse to stay on track, or have bad RNG and get a shit stat horse

Some amiibos will drop, in addition to weapons and arrows, food that can be cooked for extra speed or extra damage effectively helping in making the run faster, assuming RNG god smiles on the run.

And before you say anything, I believe runs with amiibo should have their own tab/category to separate them instead of being just a flag that people can filter them by. The current leaderboards will eventually just cause more drama and problems when people start arguing over which if the 1st or 2nd best times are the actual WR because of amiibo usage.
Whats the best/fastest way to farm some good shields?
these things drop star fragments? never got them
buy a hylian shield or repair the daybreaker
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Only Downfall is a What If. The two traditional timelines can only be called a split because it's a time paradox. If Link goes back and stops Ganondorf before he gets the Triforce then Link can't go back in the first place. They MUST exist simultaneously or else neither can exist.

A What If is a "theoretical" timeline, one that wasn't created through time travel shenanigans. These always exist alongside each other and reflect every possible outcome. So not only is there a timeline where Link fails, there's a timeline where Link has a draw with Ganon, there's a timeline where Ganon bangs Link's twink ass, there's a timeline where Link is right-handed and wears purple clothes, and so on and so on. The timelines cannot effect each other through time travel, only through traveling between dimensions, whereas with two simultaneous timelines you could travel back in time and change the future of the other, or resolve the time paradox thus merging the two timelines back together.

This is why the Downfall timeline is an absolutely retarded idea, because all you need to say is it's an alternate timeline from the Child one, one where ALTTP happens INSTEAD of TP.

This is why you don't mix time paradoxes with alt universes. They're two entirely separate concepts.

t. comicbook fan
Go away until the game resets the area he's in so the game spawns him "alive"

You don't even have to go that far anyways
move away, come back.
Or save reload. They don't seem to wake up when you are next to them.
Yeah it's pretty ridiculous. I am not against Zelda having amiibo treats. But using that crap in speedruns is the equivalent of using money/level-ups DLC or whatever.
There is a reason you have to go into the options and enable amiibos before you can even use them.
>when normally she should only be able to talk to the hero
How did you come to this opinion? I can't remember for sure, but from my memory, Fi was a physical part of the SS game. Why should her voice or telepathic connection be restricted to the hero? Any Hylian capable of receiving messages should be fine.

I give you that in that cutscene Zelda was more being snarky and it was directed at Link for not being capable of hearing it despite him being supposed to. The fact, the unusual silence, remains.

>Demise is like a little bug compared to Fi and if he hasn't been obliterated by this point then he's still fucked since he can't really do much while trapped in a sword with a spirit much more powerful than him.
Are you a Fi-fag? I don't mean any harm, it's just that you're really odd here.
I was really surprised when I got to Goron City and realized weapon smithing wasn't in the game, because you find all kinds of "enhanced" weapons and ones with various buffs and bonuses attached.

I understand why they don't want you to be able to repair weapons, but applying buffs to ones you've picked up definitely should be in the game.
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>mfw BotW TAS runs

Toy Assisted Runs
>Fi was created by the goddess
>>"Fi should only be able to communicate with the hero and not her creator"

I hope speedruns eventually just turn into a series of stasis launches on top of amiibo treasure chests
>I hope speedruns eventually just turn into a series of stasis launches on top of amiibo treasure chests

As it stands right now AMQ runs seem to be shaping up to have a shitload of tree stasis launches
kill silver lynels and take their shield and have the hylian shield with the tarry town sidequest completed so you can buy another when it breaks and you'll be set.
>reading a little girl's diary after she asks you not to
what the fuck is wrong with you? If I were her I'd delete all your runes or something...
Is there any way to get the shots i made with the camera as a file?
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Paya asks you not to her diary.

Zelda is in no position to say anything.

Riju gives 0 shits even if you do it right in front of her
My point is that despite popular opinion, from a perspective that emphasizes the chronological order of game releases, it's the other way around. OoT is a game made from the premise that, alternatively to established facts that are the first 3 games, there could be a version of Hyrule that doesn't feature Ganondorf winning, even though we know he was intended to.

Therefore, OoT is the "theoretical" timeline, the What If to the established world that had Ganondorf win.
>little girl
>top tier waifus like purah and paya don't want people reading their private thoughts that they put in a diary instead of public circulation for a reason
>sluts from the culture that is completely fixated on getting laid ASAP and wear almost nothing at the age of 13 practically shove their diaries in your face
Anyone have a 3/5/1 horse or strictly better? I still think there's a chance one exists and we have the best Zelda horse community on the Internet.
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Is there a link to the full BotW ost anywhere? And I mean the full rip, not the terrible sound selection cd. It's all on youtube, so I figure it's gotta be out there.
I read it before I met her. Protip: don't leave your door unlocked if you care about privacy.
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the only thing Riju is concerned about is being considered childish or a poor leader
Joke's on her that's my fetish
If you can't find it just use cloudfile.co and save as mp3.
Depends on what you call better.
No stats that are lower. Stamina is pretty insignificant because of the glitch, so 3/5/1 is a candidate for the best horse and would be one of the few horses that is worth having in a stable.
While Riju should be a couple of years older. Seeing all the children of Gerudo town run around and band up, playing, adventuring, and doing all kinds of projects on and off together while having a real sense of community where they play and support each other. Made me kind of sad whenever I saw Riju playing by herself in her room since she can't play with the other kids since she has to be a strong and mature leader.

Also. Gerudo Town has got to be the most fleshed out area in the entire game.
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>no arms
>no socks
>no multiple promts with "press A"
Paya is only shy because she's so lewd
I consider >>172445175 better, since apparently the glitch is not 100% reliable. The more often you have to perform it, the higher the chance you mess it up. On the other side, why would you ever need strength on a horse?
I'm just concerned about files losing quality if I rip from youtube (which would already have been worse quality than the source), but that's a last resort I guess.
It's very noticeable when a horse has low strength. They're pretty much made of paper, while high strength horses can tank guardian beams all day.
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previous Gerudo were sluts or at least very carnivorous but the current batch are much more timid and shy around men they're attracted to although their fierce warrior aspects makes them go for it and end up spilling spaghetti due to heir lack of experience


There should've been some kids her age but let's face it Gerudo is the only area with 2 models for children based on age
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You failed to protect this smile
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>Hyrule Encylopedia
>Termina is the product of the Skull Kid's delusional mind as a form of escapism

I get End of Eva was released during that time and was hot shit in Japan but it doesn't make sense

Are you telling me that Ikana's history, the Anju and Kafei relationship and their relationships with their families, Cremia's unrequited love, ALL of it is the product of the mind of an autistic psychopathic child?
DLC where you go back in time to stop her from being slain.
if my autistic childhood friend could write that shit, then so could he
I find the glitch to be pretty easy to do. It doesn't work going downhill so maybe that's what you're messing up. Like the other Anon said, high strength horses are more durable and deal more damage I believe they're even capable of damaging enemies that weaker horses can't.

Already have 2/5/3 thanks to you if that's your horse. Looking for 3/5/X or STRICTLY better.

good Zelda has a far cuter smile
Get a series. Create an edgy fan fiction out of it. That's literally what he did. He took Hyrule, went to fan fiction. net and created his edgy OC donut steel called Termina where he kills everyone because nobody was nice to him.
Would the champions have died if they didn't get in the fucking robots?
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To be fair, the smile looks like it can protect itself.
The Mask probably gives +10 INT WIS CHA desu senpai
Hyrule Encyclopedia is about as canon as Mario Kart 8
>although their fierce warrior aspects makes them go for it and end up spilling spaghetti due to heir lack of experience
All that gap moe. The gerudo are the cutest.
I think they made a disclaimer that they took liberties with canon. So whether you accept the Encyclopedia is up to you.

I think it would make more sense if it was based on Link's memories or something. A lot of that world seemed unwittingly designed to explore him dealing with loss (of Navi) and some of his own baggage (Tingle representing his identity crisis with the Kokiri).
Fanart shark-toothed Mipha > Game Mipha
Yes that's how I see it.

Majora makes his edgy fanfiction real in a way that people can end up getting lost into it and dying (Link and Happy Mask Salesman). It's like giving nuclear power to an edgy 13 year old. The whole game is inside the mind of a deeply disturbed kid
My main confusion with this idea is that Skull Kid didn't have the mask yet when he first entered Termina. So, he had the power to create Termina without the Majora's power? I don't buy it.
Considering other zora like her brother she definitely has pointy teeth in canon.
Sidon is a shark. But isn't Mipha dolphin?
And in before them being siblings. Their father is a whale.
>End of Eva

The Loop Theory is how i explain the Zelda's timeline in my headcanon
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Sometimes it's one of those annoying days
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Paya is the only acceptable replacement!
Mipha is a nurse shark apparently. Explains the healing aspect

Paya for cheat
Zelda for girlfriend
Riju for wife
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I protected this one, though
The End of Eva is extremely easy to understand if you understand Gnosticism. There's not supposed go be a loop. It's basically everyone entering Nirvana at the end. There could also be a loop in addition to all that, now that tge material realm has been cleansed, but Eva has never been subtle with its Gnostic motifs or what it's going for.
lmao, nice "hermetic" syncretism
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Link can't resist the BBC (big browed cutey)
>I'm too dumb to understand when someone is using widely-understood terms like "nirvana" in lieu of esoteric jargon that only serves to make the point less accessible
Is Link short compared to Paya?
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yes the only females he's taller than are old ladies or kids
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Most of the Zora seem to have some fish traits and some cetacean traits.
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>You'll never have a girl love you so much she awakens her magic powers to save you

Why live
all of the botw zora are based on sharks and related species ie rays/skates

mipha is also very sharklike, she has a shark tail on the back of her head
It's a dolphin tail. It's horizontal. She's a dolphin or whale
n i c e
s y n c r e t i s m
>Not post-game evil wizard revives them so you get a sweet miniboss battle along with freeing them
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Do i need a strong shield against thunderblight ganon? In the last phase he keep knocking me back even with a wood shield so I can't attack, and he's too fast to time the dodge.

What do. Should I go hunt for a better shield or just git gud and dodge it.
Corrupted champ spirits should have been a third form after the blights imo.
Git gud and press Y earlier
IS this some shitty /lit/ meme you're having a giggle over? It's heaven but I didn't want to say "heaven" because it's different from what people in the western world think when they hear heaven, while their image of "nirvana" is more abstract and closer to the actual Gnostic heaven that Eva is going for.
Crackpot theory: Breath of the Wild takes place thousands of years into the successful hero OoT timeline. Ganon continues to appear generationally and eventually the Sheikah begin to compile Hyrule's history and realize the cyclical nature of Demise's curse.

As such, they start to develop technology designed to distill the process of sealing Ganon when he appears into a formula, perhaps as a jab at how the Zelda series is so formulaic. Eventually this formula fails (either because of the same "Ganon taking over the beasts" or the hero not living up to his name) and the technology is lost as they go back to the good old fashioned quest for the triforce for a while until 100 years before BotW when they try the old technique again without understanding why it failed.

The Zora did not evolve from the Rito. The Zora went extinct since they are amphibious freshwater dwellers. The Rito migrated to Hyrule at some point in both of the post-OoT success timelines and in TWW their history was lost and they were eventually believed to be descendants of the Zora.
They would have regular died instead of becoming bound to their beasts probably. Mipha might have survived because the others would have forced her to run.
Isn't the Encyclopedia not Aonuma-approved and Majora was hinted to be some kind of wrathful god from another world in-game?
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they might have been worse off since I theorise that Zelda's seal combined with the Champions spirits kept the Beasts in check for the last 100 years and Zelda weakening is why they've suddenly become more of a threat
According to HH 1 the manga about Majora is canon.
What's your theory on the resurgence of worship of Hylia in botw?
>see my first divine beast
>sand seal battle over in like 5 bomb arrow shots
>now annoyed as fuck from the puzzle inside
>getting pissed trying to get the last one
>just start throwing a tantrum and spinning everywhich way
>letting shit move
>metal chest comes out of no where and kills me
sounds like you're a retard
What is the best track and why is it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwyhYmGzKLU
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How long did it take you for the puzzle it took me 3 to 4 hours. It took me 1 hour to realize I could spin the body with the map kek.

I think I'm bad a puzzles but I did finish it.
7.8/10 "Too much puzzle" - The Jimquisition
Didn't he give botw a 7?
>gods create world
>leave three turds of power on the surface that let mortals fuck everything up
>create hero to stop evil in an endless cycle
>one day decide to just stop creating heroes
>surprised when evil takes over the land
>decide "fuck it" and flood all the land and genocide everyone, good and bad, except for two dozen survivors
Why are the gods of Hyrule so evil /lozg/?
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So what have you guys been doing once you've gotten bored of the game? I've been trying to do the ganon boss rush using only a cucco as a weapon after seeing
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ot53M4UCWG8 supposedly the chicken remains during the cutscene, but haven't gotten a cucco close enough to try it out without losing it
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>>gods create world
>>leave three turds of power on the surface that let mortals fuck everything up
>>create hero to stop evil in an endless cycle
No, the Hero was just a dude with a lot of power with whom hylia fell in love and made them reincarnate through time, Demise fucked their shit up by cursing this
>>one day decide to just stop creating heroes
Uh, Zelda fucked up and sent the Hero back in time to a different timeline, effectively deleting him from this one
>>surprised when evil takes over the land
Well yeah, Zelda fucked up. Seems like Hylia wasn't awake at the moment I guess, or after using their powers to fuck Ganon the princesses lose their powers as seen in botw?
>>decide "fuck it" and flood all the land and genocide everyone, good and bad, except for two dozen survivors
every time i have a hot fart I check my pants and normally releaved their is nothing thare
It was the Three Golden Goddesses who flooded Hyrule
Didn't the gods basically give Hylia the responsibility of look after the world they created and look after the Triforce and then they fucked off to the heavens?
Because it captures the "Breath of the Wild" theme the best.

The main theme of the game feels more like "The mysteries of the techno Sheikah".

>the successful hero OoT timeline
How does this differ from others? Is it supposed to be a new one?

I was also looking for reasons to devolve in technology. It's a pretty big step from sci-fi laser weapons to fantasy sword and horse fight. I recently started watching Doctor Who. Apparently the brits too can imagine a ridiculously advanced society to simply forget how things work and therefore lose access to knowledge and techology, while focussing their culture on traditions and ceremonies. What I'm trying to say is that the decline might not even require a catastrophe to happen. We only see a glimpse of stupid shit the Hylians and the Sheikah do.

With the shrine system existing next to guardians, towers and divine beasts, your idea isn't crazy at all. It's pretty clear that the Sheikah were researching and found out how to distill the process of hero creation. They even figured out exactly what made the heroes of the cycle strong. They developed a safety net in case Ganon escapes the controlled environment.

Oh well

The triforce's creation was initially incidental to begin with but the part about Hylia is partially true. The three goddesses just kind of fucked off after making the world. Also the triforce was out of the sacred realm after SS and caused a bunch of wars until around OoT where the royal family hid it back into the realm.
they interfered and created ww link though
The god(desse)s put him through every imaginable test, even finding his own triforce and putting it together.
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I think the Triforce is just sort of a by product of creation given that it turns out to be the glue that holds reality together.
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How big is BotW? Does anyone have real metrics?
Threadly reminder that the Golden Goddesses love all of creation. There is no good and evil in front of them. Just be courageous, wise and strong!

Also, >>172452737 is right. Additionally, it's never stated that the Goddesses of Creation flooded Hyrule. There's a selection of lesser gods who are actually confirmed to have interacted with mortals, who are likely candidates to do this kind of stuff. I'm talking about sea gods.

We have no one who could confirm this claim. Hylia/Zelda decided to take upon herself a moral obligation towards her people. There's no one to confirm that she has a divine mission from above to do so. For all we know, whoever managed to take hold of the Triforce is in the right, spoken from a divine perspective.

You reminded me to mention that Hylia actually cheated. As a goddess she was forbidden to touch the Triforce. It was clearly not meant for her. Demise however was free to obtain it. Her renouncing her divinity made her eligible for receiving the golden force. Looking back on what she and her family did with it, hogging it for millenias, it's clearly not proper use.

I wonder about that. Maybe the Lorulians altered their world in a grand scale, like reshaping, and this turned out to bite them in the ass one day?
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this is the furthest I can glide without bomb arrow shenanigans, thought I'd get further. There may be a lower elevation area south of hebra (tanagar canyon) where you could get further.
I'm surprise she's not reacting to fact that Link is riding on a bear.
Yea I should've said 6.8 to make the joke work better. I realized my mistake after I hit send.
Their problem was obliterating the triforce completely instead of just breaking one into a bunch of pieces that you hide in dungeons and entrusting another to an old man that has the power to summon a shadow doppelganger of people.

But it's the truth.
What can you do with bomb arrows?
Create a source of heat that invents updrafts to get a boost in speed.
With just one bomb arrow and no trees?
>find a bear out in the gerudo highlands
>think its an enemy
>love meat
>sneak in
>sneak attack
>it runs the fuck off
>ambushed by 3 ice lizards
>see bear in distance
>Mipha was in love with Link
>even creates special zora armor for him as a proposal for marriage

....how would a relationship like that even work? He would age much faster than her and I don't think they could have any children together. Can they even do it? Zoras pretty much walk around naked so she doesn't even have nipples. I've been questioning this since OoT when Ruto said she was Link's fiance.
Through the power of love he'll live longer.
>I don't think they could have any children together.
He's certainly going to try.
The technology was dropped when the Sheikah learned Ganon could control it, so they reverted back to methods he couldn't touch. 100 years ago the Hylians picked it back up without knowing why it was dropped.
>just finished the gerudo area
>dunno where to go
>realize I have a shit ton of these forest folk turds in my inventory
>cant remember the forest the maraca guy said he was going
If Zelda can stay alive in the castle because of her love for Link then I'm pretty sure he can live for sharktits

Also something something nurse shark blowjobs
People can have a relationship without having kids, and hero powers may allow him to live longer.
The korok forest where the korok are to trade in your korok seeds for korok prizes. Korok
being with someone for 50 years is a long time without a buffer like children

cant imagine being in a childless relationship for over 100 years with a wishy washy fish girl
They could always adopt or start a school or something if they really got that lonely.
It's all a plot to abdicate in an elegant fashion. Zora-Hyrule relation would be damaged if the proposed marriage is rejected by the Zora king. At least that's the bet the princesses make.

But all of it? I don't disagree. It's just that I can't see the military advantage of gaining access to Zelda's Sheikah Galaxy S8 Edge and controlling its photo app. Also, there are no housings. Where are the skyscrapers? The roads? Even the older stuff from the pseudo-greek era and even the OoT era lasted longer. Did the Sheikah build crap if it didn't involve shrines and towers?

Wait, that could be the case. The Japanese are known for tall buildings made from materials barely better than cardboard. Maybe they thought that's the norm in developed societies?
Did he lose all his gear at the end? he entered the eventide shrine quest, but the mini game pulled him back out with giving all his gear back, it looks like.
did you finish watching? it pulls him back to the island again lol, I'd be concerned for my stuff if I hadn't done the island part yet.
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The fact that zora/hylian pairings come up so often is actually a good indication that they can reproduce. Loli's parents only complained that he was too young.
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Post more fish
They probably can reproduce.
Ganon hacks into shiekah slate to commit credit card fraud and steal Zelda's nudes
Look again though. He's naked and not wearing the gerudo clothes he had on. Unless I'm wrong and it doesn't put them back on link after the quest is over.
>create hero to stop evil in an endless cycle
>one day decide to just stop creating heroes
>surprised when evil takes over the land
>decide "fuck it" and flood all the land and genocide everyone, good and bad, except for two dozen survivors

Cycle started because of the curse of Demise. The Golden Goddesses literally just fucked off forever after creating Hyrule, the Light World, and the Triforce. Hylia is more like a demigod compared to the big 3, and she must have died or left at some point since we only see relics of her existence.
Opps shit, I somehow assumed there was nothing more to see in the last 10 seconds. Welp, never mind.
Dolphin or nurse sharks are definitely doable so no matter which one you pick as her inspiration Link can fug it. That they have vestigial breasts in the first place indicates mammalian connections.
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>have hundreds of monster materials
>dozens of common ore
>plenty of gathered materials
>scared as fuck to sell them
>cant afford clothing since most ruepies going to arrows
It's okay, past Link buried a secret stash containing his live savings in the ocean and Kass can help you find it.
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Daruk's protection is so annoying how it looks

First ability I disabled
What do you need clothing for?

well I recently found the cold resist gear with the bird people and I did cut my gerudo highland exploration short because of..

oh god i am a hoarder.

fuck this shit. ganna sell horns/parts/food until down to stacks of 30
But think of how cool it would be as a replacement for Zelda's Nayru's Love.
Add a few iframes to the startup so it can work as both a reflector and a counter.
Ganon became so powerful because of how quickly he was being suppressed by the technology that he has charged up and become the embodiment of malice. He's more like a force of nature at this point than an actual figure, and likely could just hack into any Sheikah shit he wanted since he took over the Divine Beasts with a snap of his cloven hooves.

We don't know how far Sheikah society advanced before it got fucked over by super hacker Ganon, either. Likely they had a Zeal-esque magitech society rather than a sci-fi world since even the most intact structures of their legacy (shrines) have parts which seem pretty inelegant and inefficiently made.

The reason why their society has so few ruins is because Calamity Ganon fucked them up so hard. Shrines and towers are probably protected by some weird magic that prevents them from being easily destroyed, and they all start out deactivated so that nobody could hack into them without manually turning them on with a slate first.
There's a million elf and human romance stories that answer this question. As long as you're okay with her remarrying later down the line it's not a problem. Human couples often have one partner outlive the spouse by a couple of decades anyway so it's not like having your partner die not much long after you changes anything.
sell all ore except diamonds and glowstone or whatever it's called
stop buying bomb arrows from the gerudo lady and instead routinely raid camps that have them when blood moons hit

and sell your monster mats, you only need so many for clothes upgrades and mon
It's probably all underground
the advanced society ended thousands of years before current calamity ganon

did you even play the game?
Did anyone besides Link interact with Fi during Skyward Sword? If not, I would assume it's because she can only talk to her user.

And no, I think I just went overkill with the prose there. Link fucked up Demise pretty hard and if all that's left is some tattered scraps of his consciousness then I don't see how he could possibly regain his abilities when he's trapped inside "The Sword of Sealing Darkness" with a spirit that embodies said sword.
There was that refurbished ancient robot that had a crush on her.
Yes, my current theorycrafting is that a previous Ganon fucked up Sheikah society possibly thousands of years ago doing the same hacking strat he did 100 years before BotW. It's just that when BotW Hyrule started digging up the Sheikah artifacts, they didn't know why they had fallen into disuse and so mistakenly believed they could use them to beat Ganon.
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I think that if you could save the champions and they lived it would detract from their characters, that said it's bullshit the zora royal family never get to see Mipha again
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On that note...

They actually didn't say this the first time I spoke with them, but I went back just now and got this.
man if it was not for the whole baby legs thing I would jump right on in with all you fishfuckers but I am reminded of that one American Dad episode where Stan had babylegs for like 5 minutes
That's probably why the triforce isn't in the plot either.
If convergence truly happened, there might be either 1 or 3 Triforces. Not 3 pieces, 3 Triforces. Zelda is confirmed to have one. Are there two more?

I think he tried to say that Ganon reappeared between 10000 years ago and 100 years ago. With the knowledge he gained from previous iterations, he outsmarted the already declining Sheikah and Hylians, wrecked their stuff and forced them to abandon the war technology they didn't properly hide or protect. The towers and shrines are deactivated and hidden. The guardians are buried. That's a big difference in conservation strategies.

That's what I tried to bring across. I think there was someone.

Demise reemerges after the Master Sword breaks down. To everyone's surprise, he now has a big crush on Fi and does his best to rebuild her in a tsun fashion.

The tragic is that no one remembers how the Triforce works. The royal family uses it as a sealing device because they forgot that it grants wishes.
Can a kind anon give me a hint on where the last memory after all the other memories is? I'm autistically stumped
I don't think there is enough characterization of them to detract from anything but it'd still be fucking dumb if the giant turnips had special powers or some shit.
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I just headcanon that some Zora with OoT designs and/or proportions are still around. Mipha is really the only one where it's a problem since the older Zora have more tolerable legs. Midna has gorilla arms tho so it's not like that would stop me.
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Shit senpai I got it,
>after the elephant you can talk to Sidon and tell him Mipha misses him
>he then moves to the cliff that Ruta's on to keep her company and says hello

Blam, fixed
It's in the general area east of where the dual peaks stable is
...if you need more than that, it's semi surrounded by water
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Thank you friendo
In a battlefield from a hundred years ago, the champion of Hyrule fell. People remembered where and payed their respect, despite the danger. They left their mark in a field of swords
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It wouldn't work at all

t. Link's only true love
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Well it is still in there technically when Zelda activates her dormant power the triforce of wisdom appears on her hand. Just wish they could have tied in the triforce of courage to the memory locations, just so when you get the final memory, your hand glows with the triforce similarly to Zeldas once Link remembers how much he cared about her just to make it feel more awesome once you've collected all of them https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDH2OAMW5to
*t. Link's second love

He's used goods before even taking account all the fairies that raped him.
Okay, since I'm on fire now and the other anon's theory wasn't exactly crazy, let me try one.

Zelda sealed away Ganon after the last battle. If you watch the animation, you see a glow of light surrounding Ganon, the Triforce appears, and both are sucked up.

Zelda didn't know what she did and unknowingly banished Ganon to the Sacred Realm. Sadly, that's the same place where the Triforce is physically stored. After millenias, Zelda unknowingly reunited Ganon and the Triforce, since she misunderstood the purpose. At the end she pointed out how she seems to be losing her power. That's Ganon severing her link with the Triforce.
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Link's last stand isn't even honoured what makes you think the Champion's would be especially they'd have also have had no witnesses as they were overwhelmed by Guardians and fell

That being said seeing Revalli shooting Guardians in the eye, Urbosa shield parry attacks back into them, Daruk slashing of limbs and Mipha ... would be cool
Link can see fairies and koroks, he is a confirmed virgin for Zelda
Dude, rewatch the scene. That's not just one piece.
we know for a fact that ganon did not reappear for the 10,000 years between the sealing where the mechs were successful and now, though
>tfw hard mode will be Link had sex before dying so you can't upgrade shit
>Not honored
Why the fuck do you think all those swords are in the ground?
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That was my point somewhere above. Hyrule does not necessarily need Ganon to decline. They could so perfectly on their own.

You have to be blind to not see the connection.
I'm willing to trade worse feet for a less stupid head
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>tfw you accidentally skipped the dialog where he was looking at mipha's statue and says something about her
>dialog never reappears again
What did he say?
He doubts himself wonders if mipha is dead or just stuck in the elephant unable to communicate and he asks what she would do iirc
Actually, I'm not sure you read my post correctly. I meant that random people found out where Link died and left their swords there.
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Holy fuck, BotW really is Metal Gear
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Ungrateful whore who got her people genocided.

Reminder that her "100 years fighting ganon" were an allegory for purgatory.
Man, whenever i see the cover of the game i wish there was more to the master sword.
Like a questline for reforging/resharpening it. I mean, come on. It looks like a piece of shit on the cover and in that one flashback.
Those aren't some minor nicks. it's missing big chunks of metal and looks rusty as fuck. But somehow it restored itself after 100 years because magic.
I wonder if they had some plans like that but had to drop them.
I think it happened after the king asks Link if she's really dead though
>and looks rusty as fuck
That's just dirt, Zelda and Link are covered in it too
I gotchu senpai. I take a lot of screenshots, so this is copied directly from them. You'll have to believe me. There may be lines missing, though, that I didn't capture.
>I wish you were here to guide me...
>I miss you terribly...
>You...heard all that, eh? I'm afraid you caught me in a moment of vulnerability.
And if you talk again.
>Ah, Link... I am sorry you had to see me in such a moment of weakness.
You know what I'm sick of?
>B-b-but all this could've been avoided if the king...
All this could've been avoided if Zelda spoke up and didn't just keep her clamp shut and only whine about everything to Link.
>Dad my powers aren't activating
>Fuck, uh maybe there's something in those nerd books you've been studying
>Oh hey it says we probably shouldn't activate these ancient machines
>Oh well I guess we'll stop then
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>thinking aging speed differences can get in the way of love
not so fast motherfuckers
t rhoam

she tries talking to him, read both their diaries and rewatch the memory outside Zelda's room
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Civilization
I'm going to marry Purah!
I'm going to have consensual sex in the missionary position with Purah!
I'm going to cum inside Purah!
I'm going to impregnate Purah!
I'm going to raise three beautiful children with Purah!
>DLC when?
I hope the DLC adds like 10 hours to the game, but I know it will most likely be a few quick lame quests.
You're all wrong. Link was clearly Urbosa's boytoy. How can fish and eyebrows even compete?
I want to grate my tongue on her abs
Urbosa was exclusively after the Zelda pussy.
She probably only would've used Link as a sperm bank to continue her bloodline.
I should draw something? Ideas?
Well he was going to try it her way after she had officially finished trying it his way.
He just didn't have any way to know that the world was going to end the exact same day.
>I should draw something?
This is not how you word a question.

Also draw Riju
>although their small mouths limit the size of prey items, the sharks have large throat cavities which are used as a sort of bellows valve. In this way nurse sharks are able to suck in their prey with a short, violent influx of water.

How can any other race compete with succ queen
By having kegels that can crush rocks
I wish I had that picture that one artist made where Zelda's scolding Link for not being careful because he's covered in shark bites
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>you will never get snu snu'd by Gerudo
>I guess their idea is to force the player to use diverse weapons
Their idea is to balance freedom of exploration and in-world loot by making it so that running to the royal guard sword at the start of the game doesn't make everything else the game has to offer irrelevant from then on.
I'm not sure why decided to go with a totally different theme for Kakariko but it's great
They could fix that with a weapon upgrade system instead of having weapons on a stat scale.
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That feeling when Sasan reminded me that Finley was like twice his own age.
She looked like such a little squib that I had forgotten that was a very real possibility.
Repairing would be fine as long as

>different mats needed for different weapons
>other methods of circumventing breaking are gimmicky, limited, and situational

As long as it's not blacksmith repair as that reduces durability to wasting rupees. A way to craft arrows would be nice too.
Anon I'm gonna need you to find that image for reasons
>when you realize Link had three older women after his shota cock
>two are loli milfs/Christmas cakes
I started out really disliking Zelda. But somewhere after about half the memories I grew to love her.
Would sex still count as stationary rape?
>Zora are now a very long lived, spiritual people
>Gerudo are now giants
>Rito are now just birds entirely
>Gorons are exactly the same
Mipha is a dolphin or something though. She isn't a shark at the very least.
I don't know what you're talking about, Gorons are cooler than ever BROTHERRRRR
Wouldn't Bro be a better localization for the way Aniki is used.
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But Mipha is a nurse shark just like Sidon is a Hammerhead and the king is a shame shark
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Fuck me, the king is a whale shark
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The king is unquestionably a whale.
And nurse sharks still have vertical tail fins. Mipha does not. And neither does dolphins.
But yes. Sidon is a shark.
>all those people who couldn't figure out Lost Woods

Miss us yet?
>going north following a river from Kakariko Village
>find some Zora chick playing in the water
>tells me to go to a tower
>find shrine covered in thorns instead
>its rain/thundering
>fire arrows
>bomb arrows
>swinging with sharp weapon
>thorns do not relent
is it because of the rain or do I glide into this shrine?
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not at all
I am still not entirely sure how to navigate lost woods.
I followed the torch lights for as far as they were placed. But after that I kind of just wandered aimlessly a couple of times, failing. But then I found a deer that took off and I ran after it and it took me safely through to the centre and the deku tree.

Of course. I later learned how to judge the mist itself and check what works and what doesn't while backing off when going down wrong paths.
But I am still assuming there was an actual system to get through.
It's the rain, but you can probably glide in there if you don't want to wait for the rain to end.
It's the rain
Can someone post the pic with all talus and hinox?

I need 3 more talus and 14 more hinox to beat
I miss you even less than before after playing BotW. Especially Fi, SS is basically unplayable now in comparison because of her.
how do you recharge the divine beast gift attacks?
>Are you telling me that Ikana's history, the Anju and Kafei relationship and their relationships with their families, Cremia's unrequited love, ALL of it is the product of the mind of an autistic psychopathic child?
Once they run out, they start recharging. Mipha's resurrection takes the longest at about 30 mins
It's 24 minutes
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i gave it a try
Okay guys I bought a PS4 pro 1TB from a mate for cheap a few months ago, I've played Bloodborne, Gravity Rush 1 and 2, and The Last Guardian.

Long story short I can't see any reason to keep it, but I would like to keep the controller, all games except Gravity Rush 1 are digital so how much should I sell it for?

And finally if I sell it should I get a switch immediately or wait a few months until used prices go down?
Wait until Splatoon 2 comes out.
Watch the way the wind blows.
>a few months until used prices go down?
The price won't go down in quite some time.
For one the launch was a huge success, so there will be no desperate price cuts. Secondly. While the launch was successful, it really looks like they're truly aiming towards the holiday season alongside Mario Odyssey. Making the actual launch something more of a soft launch.

But basically. That means that there is essentially no chance whatsoever of any price drop in 2017.
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>in water
>shoots lava

Fire Lizalfos don't fuck around.
Crafting in general needs to be expanded upon and made more convenient than cooking, which takes way too long if you have a shitload of ingredients you want to process.
Is there any chance whatsoever of Breath of the Wild receiving its own "Majora's Mask"?
As in a new game re-using the same engine and lots of assets, as well as being developed in less time.

I'd love that. But then again, I am thinking there is no chance of that since they're likely doing the DLC instead. Said DLC could be great though so it might not be that bad.
it's hot water.
Did shieldboarding anon ever complete his quest? So far I think the Shield of the Mind's Eye is the fastest.
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pretty good try

could've worked a seal pun in there somewhere
I hope so, but I feel like over the years Nintendo has really made Zelda into something that has to be completely fresh and different every time.

A game on the BotW engine with improved mechanics would be perfectly fine. The DLC is supposed to add one new dungeon and some other new content, so that's something to look forward to in the meantime until we figure out what the fuck they're going to do after seeing how much BotW has blown previous 3D Zeldas out of the water in terms of critical reception.
this fucking game
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>only gives you a silver rupee for gliding 7 fucking kilometers
wow, what a cheapskate
I had 130 something seeds when I first found the guy.
And boy did I become happy. Such a huge upgrade.

I had long since suspected that there'd be an upgrade like that somewhere in the game. And at last I found it.
In retrospect, perhaps visiting Kakariko village after the plateau may not be the worst idea. Still. That sense of wandering in whatever direction you felt like sure was exciting.
>that game over edit
my sides have ascended beyond what they were a moment before
Where can I find this shrine?
Do the 3 Lynels that stay red/blue/white always have the same weapons?
does anyone have the korok seed page from the guide saved? the one that color codes what each seed puzzle is, i have a few left and theyre driving me crazy
I couldn't think of one. Anyone else I should try drawing?
So obviously BotW is a fucking masterpiece no matter how you spin it, but what are your guys' biggest gripes with or things you think are lacking from the game that could be improved to make it better?

For me it'd be:
>only one enemy actually has you climb on it to beat it
>only one enemy has breakable limbs
>the final boss would have been perfect to require both of these and doesn't do it
>FoE variety is limited
>no enemies have tail cuts
>no jewelry slots, the necklaces/crowns are just inferior and more expensive versions of their normal set equivalents unless you rush gerudo valley
Robbie attempting to wear link sized ancient armor.
Urbosa ships Link x Zelda m8, so does the Deku tree and Kass
>your face when the dlc adds the dark world / lorule / past / twilight realm / something
What do Horns and Teeth do in elixirs, exactly?
what is FoE
crits + effect length, but it's not as potent as the horns.
Lack of enemy diversity. Moblins, Lizalfos, and Bokoblins are nice, and are full of personality, but get tiring after a while.
Early game durability issues. At least early on, you're going to be breaking weapons faster than you can get them.
Lack of a way to keep a favorite weapon viable. I'd like to be able to either repair or reinforce a weapon, and ideally have some way to make a weapon you realllly like indestructible.
Inability to turn certain hud elements on and off. I'd like to be able to toggle everything individually
Land speed. Fast travel is nice, but I'd like to be able to travel cross country at a dizzying speed in some other fashion.
What's the best stat spread a horse can have for the obstacle course?
field-on enemy, term from etrian odyssey to describe randomly appearing/placed minibosses
I got it with a speed 4 endurance 2 horse
How do I get a fucking blood moon?

Is it impossible to get one just by passing time?

I've been at this for an hour.
>Lack of enemy diversity. Moblins, Lizalfos, and Bokoblins are nice, and are full of personality, but get tiring after a while.
I hate this. I can't believe they didn't at least add in Like Likes, come on they were MADE for this game. I appreciate them trying to flesh out the enemies and make them all versatile but there's nothing wrong with having enemies who only do one thing
>Early game durability issues. At least early on, you're going to be breaking weapons faster than you can get them.
I didn't have a problem with this, and i didn't even rush to the castle or anything
>Lack of a way to keep a favorite weapon viable. I'd like to be able to either repair or reinforce a weapon, and ideally have some way to make a weapon you realllly like indestructible.
I wouldn't necessarily say this is a problem but a repair option would have been nice
>Inability to turn certain hud elements on and off. I'd like to be able to toggle everything individually
2nd biggest issue I have. All I want is to turn off the stupid d-pad icon that tells you jack shit without turning off the map, champion blessings, and temp and noise as well
Speaking of horses, why are the horse controls in this game so shitty? They're annoying as fuck to move around and you can go faster with a speed elixir, not to mention the ground has to be perfectly flat or the horse starts sperging out.
dlc is gonna be about our good boy Kass' mentor or bust
>you can go faster with a speed elixir,
You can, especially if you combine it with clothes that also give a speed up
>why are the horse controls in this game so shitty? They're annoying as fuck to move around
literally get gud
if you are still on the plateau you wont ever get one
>Merge certain shrines together so that there's more to chew through after finding one.
>Reduce Yiga spawn rates
>the ability to purchase compendium pictures of stuff you already got if you want to replace shitty pictures of gear/enemies
>make food cooked with shop ingredients give more of a payout/nerf single ingredient recipes
>some form of weapon crafting, similar to cooking? No need to repair but being able to spend resources to get a type of weapon you like without going back to farm one/two spots.
>make blood moon an all night thing.
>have monsters be more active in the overworld, have towns and stables get attacked occasionally and/or have region specific 'blobs' of enemies patrolling with a boss that you can find once you get close enough.
you're the rider, not the horse
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Why didn't Burger King do this?

triforce grants 3 wishes:
>"demise's curse will be ended forever"
>"the triforce will leave the world forever and never again trouble mortals"
>"flood this bitch"
enemy variety
weapon repair
armour balance (and fashion variety)
finish making the goron and rito quests
bigger dungeons with more meaningful loot
at least one more type of exploration reward because shrines and korok seeds stop feeling meaningful pretty fast

we've had this discussion like three times a day since the game came out, these are all of mine and most of them seem to form the consensus.
I've been talking to the guy at the dueling peaks stable that tells you about tonight's moon, and blood moons in general.

He says nothing of value and I fast forward time, rinse and repeat.

I'm trying to get that shrine done.
>>make food cooked with shop ingredients give more of a payout/nerf single ingredient recipes
All they need to nerf is foods that increase max hearts/stamina. There's no reason they need to be free full heals. Just make overheals work in such away that they only have the potential to take you over max if whatever normal amount of hearts they heal would take you past your maximum.
The most optimal recipes for effects already use diverse ingredients. (as would the most optimal healing recipes if hearty ingredients didn't exist)
>All of the dungeons except for Hyrule Castle are incredibly weak, probably the worst of all of the 3D games.
>Just about everything about the main plot is underdeveloped (characters, plots, questlines).
>Enemy variety is lacking, not helped by the prevalence of recolours or minor variations (there are eight different varieties of Lizalfos, for example, which is ridiculous).
>Too many of the shrines are either blessings or tests of strength, and several of the ones that aren't either of those just aren't very good.
>American VAs badly faking English accents makes me angery.
Honestly the dungeons alone instantly stopped BotW from dethroning MM as my favourite Zelda, which probably would have happened otherwise.
Severe lacking of content or just variation of content. the open world was done near perfectly. I know the shrines were supposed to be the cave systems but I would have liked some actual caves to explore. also for gods sake they really dropped the ball on the enemies and dungeons. even zelda NES had more enemies. Plus a lack of music or at least a choice of music.

enemies they could have included:
deku babas, skulltulas, darknuts, likelikes, dodongos, redeads, tektites, deku scrubs that sell you things, etc

Dungeons with interesting themes for instance:
Shadow, grass, water, fire, lightning, sky, ground, time, etc

They also didn't do anything specifically new besides hyrule being expansive. the open world has heart. but the real ZELDA part is lacking. I'm still playing the damn thing so i guess they did SOMETHING right.
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>tfw got frustrated and finally got 23 targets by using a x5 Lynel bow and using bomb arrows to shoot the ballons to compensate for my shitty aim
Pick one.
Doesn't know about the curse.
Land of the goddesses, the Triforce can't fuck off or else the whole place, islands included goes to shit. Refer to Lorule.
it can just go way up in the sky or behind the moon or something where nobody could ever reach it

it doesn't need to be destroyed
Holy shit guys, I was going around looking for the OST and the playlist that was initially like 4 hours long has been added so much other compositions that is over 9 hour long now. That's a new record for the franchise, I don't even remember the last game that had such a big OST.

It is incredible how much effort was put into this game.If only I could play it any time soon I would be really fucking happy.
email this to reggie
Not a good solution, Ganondorf has magic and it might just come back when the next set of Link and Zelda pop up. So you either blow it up (not a good idea) or you deal.
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>weapon repair
>Resting (Normal Bed)
>Resting (Soft Bed)
Detail is certainly something the game doesn't lacks.
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So I know this is just gossip but to me it still suggests Link is an exception to the rule and the Thunderhelm was previously held only by the Chief. In short Urbossa was a chief and there's an 83% probability she is related to Riju
Get the data for Toon Zelda and savescum a Hero's Shield
The lack of Midna bothers me
Also i just realized most of them are interracial relationship, never noticed this was a thing in so many games
Not so simple. You cannot wish for random things. If you don't have it in your heart, your wish will not be fulfilled properly. From past usage, the Triforce is a reverse monkey paw. It does what you actually want.

So for problem one, Burger King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule didn't know about Demise's curse, at all. He didn't know about the connection between the heroes.
Problem two, even though he's pretty fatalistic about Hyrule, he probably wouldn't wish for an "end" of the Triforce. But it's probably his second wish that dispersed the Triforce there. It's not limited to one or three wishes.
He actually wished for the third part. That's why there's no escape for himself. He wished for kingdom and its relics to drown in the bottom of the sea. That included both him and Ganondorf. Latter one understood and that's what drove him mad there. It's a death sentence. Ganondorf knew he was going to die there, one way or another.
Good finding. I take it. It made sense anyway. It just lacked backing in the game itself. Yours is as good as any reference.
don't all their decendants help them?

sidon for mipha
no clue for revali
that kid for the rock
and riju for urbosa
sidon is mipha's brother actually
Is there any way I can force a blood moon?

How did you guys do the blood moon shrine?

This is my last Shrine before Ganon so I have nothing left to do, I've just been passing time but it absolutely refuses to appear after over an hour of doing just this and I'm starting to lose my patience.
Sidon is Mipha's brother (so not a descendant, just a relative), Riju may or may not be a descendant of Urbosa, and I don't recall Teba having any connection to Revali whatsoever. I think the only one who's actually outright stated to be related to their race's champion is Yunobo.
The one where you have to be naked? Pay attention for when embers start appearing and teleport nearby as soon as you know its a blood moon.

Teba is no relation to Revali
Yunobo is Daruk's grandson
Sidon is Mipha's little brother

Also only Yunobo seems to have inherited abilities from his ancestor/previous Champion
Yeah, that one.

So there's no way to force one by skipping time at a fireplace?

I just have to bullshit around for one to appear still at random?

This is almost not worth getting.
How the fuck do I elixir?
>website says take x element bug x animal part
>take lightning lizard tail and bobolin horn
>1 heart censored food
the fuck
>In short Urbossa was a chief and there's an 83% probability she is related to Riju
Riju is 100% related to Urbosa. Urbosa is like Riju's grandmother.
I think there's an NPC in either Kakariko or Hateno who tells you the moon phase. I don't see why sleeping til night and waiting for midnight wouldn't work eventually though.
nah dude elixirs are monster parts (shit that drops from monsters like horns or tails) as well as something that says it's meant to be used in elixirs for the effect, like a frog or lizard
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The image is just covering OoT, but yeah the tragedy is that Link is stuck with Zelda forever. Is LoZ secretly anti-racemixing?
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I was doing a Fi impression I reckon it's 100% relation and a good chance she's her grandmother or great grandmother
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>all the champions are bound to spirit existence to serve Link
So is he going to jump off a cliff and end it once his work with ganon is done?
It makes sense that he'd want to be with fishwife rather than fucking around until death trying to rebuild everything
damn, so what are lizard tails for?
>lightning lizard tail
>element bug

And for that matter, it doesn't need to be a bug, just needs to be a critter.
I'm getting time spam down to a science.
The way I see it, that guy is fucking useless to me.
Rain at that stable cucks me into wasting 20 rupies and a flint.
So I went to Gerudo town, lit a pot, save before I fast forward time, because if you go past a blood moon by time forwarding, it still does the cutscene for it regardless. I know this for a fact because I've done it before. The cutscene still play part that is. So if it goes off, I just load the previous save.
This is the most efficent way i can think of.
elixirs, they just don't impart any special effect
You have to kill a certain amount of enemies. Just play the game.
There's no telling after any of the games if Link and Zelda actually get together. He's just her bodyguard basically, there's no implications that they have an arranged marriage and could easily just friendzone each other and go their own ways after they beat Ganon.
overthought this then, thanks
Just go there every night that's going to be a full moon. Chances are it will be a blood moon.

So if you see a moon that's almost a full moon. Make sure to go to the washing buff or whatever the place was called the next night. And if the moon is red go for it. If not return the next full moon.

Alternatively you can go and talk with >>172476353 a bunch but that's something of a bother.
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He's settling for Zelda now. I think even Mipha would prefer that over a despair suicide.
Is this proven?
Where can I farm the most enemies in one spot?
try the thing

yiga hideout
offering statues
offer apples instead of bananas

post results
They can make an elixir heal a few hearts, just like most meaty monster parts.
Elixirs, the problem is that you were just mixing different monster parts with no small animals (bugs, frogs, lizards) to give the elixir an effect so you got dubious food. You do the same if you try cooking bugs or lizards with no monster parts. Gotta have both halves.

There's a few ingredients that can be put into both food and elixirs. The ones I can remember are fairies (increase hearts greatly, you don't actually cook them they just bless the pot) and dragon parts (greatly increase quality in various ways). I think monster extract works too (randomises duration and strength of special effects) but it might just be for food (though that wouldn't make sense), I've never actually tried it in an elixir.
The thing is Zelda is unsubtly hinted or stated to have feelings for Link. Link could definitely friendzone her on paper though, especially since the royal family is technically dissolved.
What do you mean? Do what at the hideout? I'm confused by your statement.

their spirits are in the mechs. they literally just gave him their powers and the way he uses them when initially given them and testing them out is how they actually are. The in game version with them telling you it's ready and their spirits popping up when you use it is not the actual thing

the beasts will shut down and the champions will pass on as it's already implied by the ending with their spirits fading
I think it has more to do with the amount of 'groups' you eliminate. Camps of common enemies, or single minibosses, etc. Just farm lynels like you do normally and you'll have a blood moon in no time.
Anything can go into an elixir (except maybe meat? idk). As long as the recipe contains a critter and a monster part, the result will be an elixir regardless of the rest.
You know how you can place apples in front of certain statues to get Korok Seeds? The ones in the Yiga Hideout use bananas instead, but somebody said that if you offer apples at those particular statues then it'll guarantee a Blood Moon the next night.
It sounds like "that kid" bullshit to me but with this game you never know, it might actually be legit.

Lizard tails are for upgrading your equipment, especially the three colored tails

Using them as monster parts for your elixirs is silly until you're done with that
Fuck it, why not, I've got nothing else to lose. Will respond in a few minutes.

Do I have to put apples at all of them or just a few?
just literally do what it says

offering statues at yiga hideout feature bananas. fill up with bananas for a korok. INSTEAD, you will replace the offerings with apples and fill up the empty ones too. all apples.
if the rumor is correct, next night will be a blood moon 100%. you will confirm for us. dont kill monsters. do science.
I didnt know, I thought a colored lizard tail was used for the corresponding element resist.

But got this shit figured out now and shitting out elixirs now
Lets assume for a second you are a faggot ass wizard dancing around with a lightning rod and I had fire ice and lightning arrows and plenty of bomb arrows, which one would kill you in one shot?
How did he stop 50+ guardians from reaching Hateno village just with the sword?
no ohko for lightning
parry the beams with the sword

IMO Master Sword should've been 60 normal and 120 glowing
>One memory has him walking over a pile of corpses, many of them being Lynels

Cutscene Link is a badass
That would have been fucking broken, 70 DMG weapons are already overpowered as shit. You'd 2 hit all the guardians in Hyrule Castle.
No themed dungeons, not-aztec and lost temple areas were clearly meant to be at some point normal Zelda dungeons, most likely the same with fountain shrines
The OST for the overworld and normal activities is lacking, while the OST for Divine beasts is fantastic, just go listen to anything related to the beasts
Not enough enemy variety, and considering this is the Zelda franchise and there's so much from where to pull inspiration from it's baffling how little representation there is
Bosses don't scale with your progress, meaning you can just take a shit on them after some playtime while normal enemies do scale and can shit on you if unprepared, also have pretty bad AI, they need to be much more aggressive but somehow not entirely cheesable with flurry rush or whatever
Final bossfight is a lot cooler if you don't do the divine beasts
Final stage of the last boss is the most cinematically amazing disappointment I've had in so long, almost impossible to take damage unless you're braindead
There's literally no "big guy in armour" enemies or bosses
Like come the fuck on, people loved Koloktos from SS and Darknuts in TP
Last boss was only 2 stages
2nd stage, before Beast Ganon, could have been a fight against a more humanoid, albeit still lovecraftian, version of Ganon
The green tunic for the game sucks
Should have been a green version of the champions tunic with a green hat (similar in length to TP/OoT sets) and some Hylian-ish pants
There's no Yiga armour that can be used
Upgrading amiibo armour is stupidly "expensive"
Riju doesn't have enough voiced lines
Riju doesn't have enough screentime

There's probably more I can come up with, but yeah you get the idea. Don't get me wrong though, I've spent 200+ hours into the game and I love it, but there's so much that can be improved. It's simply amazing how much potential the Zelda games have
>cant find 4 of the memories

do you get anything good for finding them all?
Nah senpai it should get stronger depending on how many memories you have capping at 60
>No themed dungeons, not-aztec and lost temple areas were clearly meant to be at some point normal Zelda dungeons, most likely the same with fountain shrines
I feel like they could have at least given shrines different themes based on the area. Hollow trees for forests (as a LoZ throwback), sandstone blocks for desert, etc.
>The green tunic for the game sucks

theres a green tunic?
There's multiple "green tunics" that resemble the outfits of Links of various games, as well as a unique one for Breath of the Wild

the Wild set in particular has a high armor count when fully upgraded, on par with the Soldier's set and the Ancient Armor
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>BOTW enemy types minus variants and bosses = 11
>NES ZELDA enemy types minus variants and bosses = 24
>BOTW has half the enemy diversity of NES ZELDA

not even kidding, fucking count them.
I am using these more lately. Money and arrow parts are plentiful and Ganon is an easy fight. No reason to hoard them
>no themed dungeons
I feel ya
>no ost for the world
I like the subdued music but it might've been too little
>cheesable with flurry rush
that can't be considered a cheese, it's the optimal way to beat them and you only get the hang of it after quite some time into the game, cheesing is like, dropping bombs from a ledge or sneakstriking, stopping time, and repeating when they turn around to look for you
>green version of tunic
They said it didn't look great so they kept the default blue, which is fine by me, but they should let you dye it
>green hat
Overrated, I'm fine without it, and they give you the option to have one with other sets, though mostly amiibo
>no yiga armor
well, makes sense, but it'd be cool yeah

Make it's damage fixed so unaffected by attack up.

As for brokenness the Master Sword is currently just a mining and woodcutting tool and a way to conserve ancient and guardian weapons if you don't have very many of them when facing guardians
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Buliara is essentially the Gerudo equivalent of Link, isn't she?
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>They said it didn't look great so they kept the default blue

The wild hat is too short and thus looks dumb as hell

Hero, Twilight and Time set hats are the perfect length

This is how the green tunic should have been done. Also dyeing the champions tunic wouldn't work because the only available green isn't quite there
Maybe 50 and 80 would be balanced, but it would have to have slightly less durability in its unactivated form. Like with the Hero's Clothes, I'm assuming they intentionally made it shit against non-Ganon foes because otherwise everyone would just dress up as generic Link and use the Master Sword.
I think it should've just been a straight 30 power weapon that doesn't break.
To be fair, the damage and durability of the awakened master sword really is amazing.
That said, it's also clear that Link used the sword for way more than the sword is comfortable with. Hence the ruined and totally busted master sword that had to heal in the forest for up to 100 years before being useful again.
If she were, then she would have been wearing the thunder helm and subduing Vah Naboris well before Link even got there

Why? Because the Gerudo equivalent of Link was Urbosa
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What monster would you have as a world boss? As much as people like Darknuts, I think Lynel fills their niche. I'd much rather have a flying world boss or something that makes use of your horse more (maybe dodongos and their rolling?)
Doesn't work.
Wherever there was a banana I put an apple. Nothing.

Chuu Chuu

They should have added Redead, Helmasaurs, Like Likes, and Darknuts.
Huge versions of Guardians you have to climb on/break parts of and Giant Armos you have to climb on.
Anyone have the picture with all world "bosses" like moldugas and lynels?

Make them even bigger than their OOT incarnation. Conspicious looking weird trees that turn into giant flying chainsaws that summon smaller flying chainsaw minions to suicide you.
how do you get them?
shrines im guessing
You are correct about enemy variety being a problem but NES enemies are 90% just moving hazards with simple AI and there's a lot more going on with enemies like bokoblins in BotW. A more fair comparison is SS which still blows BotW out of the water in enemy variety but it's also a more recent game that used better enemy AI than the series' standards up to that point. It's actually a big reason I hope they keep the same artstyle and assets for the sequel so they can build upon the bestiary instead of starting almost from scratch again.
Whats the difference between retardation and overthinking things?

>just arrived at zora city
>shrine there
>watch the ball drop naturally
>put up ice blocks that would alter the path
>fail a few times
>let it fall naturally again
>realize I can statis the bitch at the last second
>one whap with a bat
>trial over
I feel so retarded after something like this
Dark Nuts could work if they bring back weapon moves you have to unlock. Remember how you had to collect knight crests for the hurricane spin? What if there were something like that for every weapon subtype? So a boomerang wielding Dark Nut would drop scrolls you can trade in for boomerang manuevers.
Wild set- You get a quest after clearing all 120 shrines

All the others- Amiibos, there's a picture in this very thread that shows you which ones, as well as a guide in the OP
>Whats the difference between retardation and overthinking things?
Higher cognitive function?
>armoured Lynels
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I wish the Mirror Shield were available as a Gerudo Shield but was locked behind a stupidly hard Shrine or Quest and required dragon parts as well as diamonds to be recrafted

Strongest parry power in the game and good durability
I did it in 1 try without stasis and have a 145 IQ
A Leviathan, something you can't actually kill but can only damage to the point where it retreats
Just buy ancient shields and when they break just do major strength tests to farm cores
Garos. Give me a ninja enemy that's played 100% serious and is boss level strong.

it's less about what it does and more about it being a classic shield and one version of it being associated with the Gerudo. I expected Urbosa to use the Mirror Shield before I knew of the Daybreaker
>no option to use master sword to absorb lightning and use it in a skyward strike
wasted opportunity desu, especially considering all the hijinks you can already do with lightning
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Wand of Gamelon isn't can-
I think you have weapon durability to thank for this. Most enemies in the game have to drop some kind of weapon to make it worthwhile to fight them.
There's a reason most of the enemies that don't drop weapons of any kind can almost always be beaten in one attack.
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Link's allegiance is to Zelda and Hyrule though. With Hyrule fucked and Zelda trapped under Ganon. It makes sense for Link to do everything in his power to make everything right.
Meanwhile Buliara's allegiance is to Riju and Gerudo Town. And with Riju safe by her side she stays by her side.

Link is Zelda's appointed knight. Buliara is Riju's.
even guardians, the only high-hp enemy that doesn't drop weapons, have an effective method of defeating them that doesn't require weapons (laser parries). No coincidence at all.
No big, "real" Zelda dungeon
>you can parry the lazers
wish i knew that weeks ago
You didn't even try?
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>More monster body parts that can be used as weapons
>Tentacles of varying degrees of lethality that you can use as whips
>Bone spears and clubs
>Slimes, Like Likes and such drop stomach acid that can be thrown at enemies and have a certain amount of charges
>River Zoras drop their fire-generating organ
>Peahats drop their bladed leaves that can be used as swords and greatswords

Problem solved

Increase Enemy Variety (Darknuts as minibosses in dungeons, Like Likes, Helmasaurs, and Gibdos/Redead)
Increase Durability and make durability visible. It's not that weapons shouldn't break but with how Quickly they break you don't want to use good weapons on trash like keese and Chuus and wolves and most Bokos. They either don't drop a weapon or they drop such trash that it's not worth the wasted weapons you used.
More Dungeons and larger dungeons at that. Not to be mistaken for shrines, dungeons are larger, more involved and have a mix of traps, puzzles and combat, and give tools. It's one of the hallmark features of a Zelda game, and it's missing from this one.
Darknuts be fine if they were indoors. I agree about Lynels but Lynels don't really make much sense indoors unless we're talking really special interiors.

But there are lots of creatures they could use. Picture related.
>mfw I use Royal shit on ores

I always have like 4 of those greatswords anyways
Wait, you can wear the thunder helm yourself?
>. It's one of the hallmark features of a Zelda game, and it's missing from this one.
Not that I necesarily disagree that that's something that should come back, but can we please not use 'it's what was done before' as an argument? Thinking like this would have given us OoT clones for the rest of eternity.
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Ulria Grotto. Seems like there is a lot more going on there then just the shrine. I see a bunch of magnesis-able boulders in circles and a bunch of iron hammers just lying around. I've messed around a bit but there doesn't seem to be anything to it other then the standard korok's under small boulders and the shrine. Anyone know if this is part of some larger quest or something?
>not even 3 lines for weapons
>mfw I keep having to drop shit with all but 1 upgrade

Dungeons are one of the most enjoyable aspects of Zelda games and are a key part of the Zelda formula that has worked for 30 years.

People *LIKE* Dungeons, and it's usually their favorite part of any Zelda game.

I've got more slots now
2:28:45 All dungeons



Wake me for the all koroks blindfolded
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I want these fucks in the game so I can capture them and use them as improvised weapons on my enemies

Bonus points if humanoids scream when they see this lovable face charging straight for them
When you defeat all Moldugas, does the medal just appear in your inventory, or does someone give it to you? I thought I got them all.
>It's one of the hallmark features of a Zelda game, and it's missing from this one.
I wouldn't mind more. But I'd just like to point out that the Camel and Hyrule Castle are my two favourite areas in the entire game. And it'd still be my favourite game even with both areas excluded. They're great.
>those pants

how? where?
Those look like the desert voe pants with a dye job
You speak to Kilton
Black dyed vow pants

The whole outfit looks best in black
More dungeons like Hyrule castle would be great
Puzzle dungeons are cool but give me a couple dungeons where I have to navigate a giant, complex area and the challenge comes from combat
Even better if healing items are limited so you have to not suck and conserve resources if you want to make it through
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where do you even get voe pants?
i only see chick stuff in the shop


I'm just saying big dungeons in this game would be awesome. I think that Stasis+ and bomb+ should have been dungeon looted rather than just paying a little girl for them, and there should be a Magnesis+ that enables magnesis to pull YOU to magnetic surfaces that cannot be moved, like a hookshot. Not sure what Cryonis+ could do but they could think of something.
either in Tarrey Town if you complete that or in the shop with the password in Gerudo Town
Go to the bar

Go behind the bar

Get the code

Look for a door behind the shop

Give in password
>tarrey town
>password shop

ive missed so much. i thought i was almost done with the game too
Is ancient springs/gear for upgrading equips? I already upgrade my runes +. Or is it useless now.
wait did purah not want me to read her diary?
The diary iirc says not to read it and if you do anyway she interrogates you about it and pretends to wipe your sheikah slate's runes as punishment (but then reveals she's just fucking with you).
If I just follow the path in hyrule castle without doing any climbing will I visit all of the areas available? minus the top of course
Go to Akkala like Purah told you to
i dont think its possible to follow the path?

it has those corruption walls with the eyes on the other side
I just talked to him and he didn't say anything about it. I thought there were only 4 Moldugas. I killed them all in sequence just now so I couldn't have miscounted.
I absolutely love the game.
That said. I really hoped that each region would have had a Yiga clan level quest, as well as a thunder helmet appropriate reward.

Ending up in Gerudo Town as my first contact with civilization and intelligent life, kind of heightened my expectations in ways that I kind of feel like the game never really matched again.
I still really like the other towns, but I dare say Gerudo is the best region in the game by a notable margin.
>not shooting the eyes
are you thinking about the basements because I saw those too the prison area and the dock with the shrine am i missing anything else?
You have to talk to him about monsters and then ask about modugas specifically. Some people say the option doesn't come up if you tell him you hate monsters when you first meet him, not sure if that's true because I'm not a fucking faggot so I told him I love monsters.
You only get the option to speak to kilton about monsters after you've defeated Ganon

Progress is saved though, so once you do you'll get your medal right away when you talk about the sand beasts
ah, I see, thanks

getting ancient cores is kind of a pain in the ass. The drop rate on stalkers seems to be pretty low and skywalkers are harder to deal with, I don't seem to lock onto them very well cause they're usually up too high so I reflect the beam nowhere and just wreck my shields.
Just use ancient arrows on the sky ones.
As long as you got rupees, you'll make the materials back up from the one you killed.
I think this is the one shrine quest in Rito where you need to cook a salmon manure shit. Then you go to Warbler's Nest and blow air into the 5 holes near a pedestal in the order that the Rito chicks sing
>I don't seem to lock onto them very well cause they're usually up too high so I reflect the beam nowhere and just wreck my shields.
Locking on doesn't aim the beams you reflect by the way. Parrying automatically reflects them right back to their source regardless (and blocking them regularly bounces them randomly regardless and also shreds your shields), but the flying ones move around a lot so the reflected beam is unlikely to hit their eye. Just ancient arrow their eyes, or bomb arrow their propellers if you can't afford ancients.
Reminder this is the best dub for the game


Teba is so fucking unenthusiastic in german fuck
And Revali doesn't even sounds like half of an asshole

Watching the record for all dungeons right now, playing in german due to time save
It's not just time anon, you need to necessitate a blood moon.

I'm awful at aiming with thumbsticks, especially when I feel pressured by them about to shoot a laser at my face, especially when I have to try and calculate arrow drop into it as well.
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>there is a 5th armor page devoted to ONE item

kek, so this is my punishment for spoofing the unreleased amiibos. alternate dye sets here I come.
>he doesn't have the switch shirt
Just jump off a cliff near them then. If you can't hit them during mid-air slow motion, there is a problem
Ah shit. you right. maybe that will "push" FD link over so it takes fewer inputs to equip.

Maybe I don't want the switch shirt.
climb up somewhere first. glide down a bit so shooting arrows causes bullet time slowmo
>aiming with sticks
You don't even aim with sticks

All you do is predict where something will be and adjust with the left stick, the right stick is just sort of a guide I guess
Yea, and what types of weapons did you have to fight them with?
Sword, bow, shield, bomb.

Now we have so many varieties of weapons that it never gets boring because the situation will always be a little different on how YOU approach it.
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>you don't even aim with sticks
>you just aim with sticks
When I upgraded the snow boots, the fairy gave me her spiel "do you know about set bonuses??" I always thought that only happened when you upgraded something that has a set bonus, but it doesn't seem to work with anything at 2 stars. Maybe it's just randomly chosen text.
She says it whenever you upgrade something for the first time
Best place to get Dinraal and Naydra drops? I know Farosh is in Floria Bridge but my current routes for Naydra and Dinraal take so long and involve so much running there has to be good spots for them too.
Naydra- Near the East Lanayru Gate, if you encounter a Lynel, you're at the perfect spot. Set your campfire to morning.

Dinraal- The Eldin Leviathan Skeleton. Set your campfire to night.
sweet, thanks
For Dinraal, I think it's easier to be on the bridge going into the Tabantha region, the one with a bridge. Dinraal goes below that bridge, so he's easier to hit.
>Near the East Lanayru Gate
This always takes me a couple of minutes to hike to from the waterfall shrine, is there a better route?
>The Eldin Leviathan Skeleton
I prefer tabantha bridge, but it does require about a minute of waiting after the nighttime campfire.

Also, what do you guys do when the dragons stop spawning? Warping far away and then back sometimes works, but not always.
>weapons been hanging on house wall for about a week
>2 of them kept their bonuses

The heck?
Figured out the timeline.
>actually replaces OoT in the timeline (this is why the ruins of Lon Lon Ranch are there)
>still has the 3 way split: adult is what happens in the game, downfall is if Link dies when protecting Zelda, "child" is if Zelda's power awakens early and Ganon is destroyed upon reviving
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If Link was in Smash Bros, what bow do you think he'd pair up with the Master Sword and Hylian Shield?
Ideally a broken as fuck Lynel Bow, but he'd likely end up with a Bow of Light or a generic bow
Wild Link won't use either. Instead he'll use a bunch of weapons that break.
Light bow is his only canon bow in botw. I'd imagine his ranged attack would be bomb rune though.

Though god tier would be if he had something like villager's tree where he pulled a boulder out with magnesis and then stasised it
>after you've defeated Ganon

what else changes after you kill his ass?
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>Traveler's Saddle and Bridle drop at the same time when you get them from an amiibo
>Armor sets are rare drops that you have to get
>on a 24 hour cooldown or requires you to fuck with your console's clock
a 32x5 Lynel bow
you get a star
He'll get the champion weapons
>spoofing amiibos

im going to scroll up and see if theres a guide but ill ask anyway

is there a guide?
>Ruto and Nabooru mentioned
>Aonuma said it's after OoT

Back to the drawing board.
tfw no 7 stars like MMBN2

also, RIP megaman
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There are a few different approaches, but you will always have to spend a little money.

When I say "spoofing," I mean that someone smarter than I am has datamined botw to create fake amiibo data for FD link and SS link (unreleased). It works beautifully on both consoles.
Just follow this post >>172440629
I did it cause the fucking scream it´s so loud and sometimes even scary if you´re not expencting it (spic version), also yes the effect everytime you pull your shield is annoying
Yeah, it's interesting that they decided to map three functions to one button. At least Urbosa's has an easy cancel when you're done spinning&winning.
Fi has arms, they're just hidden inside those big fabric flaps.
This is wrong.
On the top of Hateno Research Lab is a tower which has two rooms. The top most room is Purah's.

I suggest you read it.
I would even take giant enemy crab, or just reuse the old bosses and add a horse rider boss, the world is so big and some spots are just waiting to be used, they could add caves and islands
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Bottom left.
I stand corrected.
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>Fi using her legs to carry Link like a bird
Did the song from the story trailer ever get released officially?
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Why is that giving me a boner?
We could have gone full Banjo Kazooie. I feel ripped off desu.
I'm starting to think the game takes place in the Adult Timeline, but the murals in the Temple of Time as seen in Twilight Princess HD, showing events and tribes of every Timeline has led to stories of each Timeline being passed on into hegemony throughout the 10,000+ years
but the Mirror of Twilight still exists and the Sages only in the Adult Timeline are what the Beasts are named after
otherwise it's convergence that we'll learn about in another 20 years, because Nintendo wants us to argue over Timeline placement like they wanted us to argue over the Timeline theories before it was confirmed

or just fucking maybe, Aonuma is throwing every piece of shit he can find at the wall and seeing what fits
I want Ganondorf to stop being a clone first and pig Ganon based on LttP added in before we get another Link.
that's not the damn mirror of twilight
what does the shield guard value even do? Hits before guard break? I always seem to be able to block 100% of damage from physical combat.
Now that Fujibayashi is in charge he prolly gives less shits about continuity than any other director that came before him.
>Master, please do not tilt your head back so far, it is pressing against me and makes it difficult to fly.
>Master, if you continue to grip my thighs so strongly, there is a 78% chance you will tear my stockings.
as far as we know the sages could've been named after the beasts, not the other way around

just forget about the timeline
It is though
so its basically
>buy nfc thing
>put data on it

sounds easy enough. especially since the nfc things are like a dollar
So I've heard people say the Arbiter's Grounds was in. Where?
>but the Mirror of Twilight still exists

I'm going to fucking murder you by pushing your own eyeballs so far into your ass your internal organs fail

Fuck off
>but the Mirror of Twilight still exists and the Sages only in the Adult Timeline are what the Beasts are named after
The thing about that is, the mirror of twilight would logically exist in every timeline. Since child Link went back in time and stopped the Hylian royal family from trusting Ganon, they sentenced him to be executed but banished him instead since they couldn't kill him.

So, that flashback of his failed execution takes place not long after Ocarina of time. Apparently the Mirror of Twilight was just something they had lying around even before the events of Ocarina, so it isn't a very good indication of any specific timeline, since it existed before the split.
It's just a bunch of ruined pillars in the bottom left of the desert.
Where in relation to the fairy fountain and skeleton?
>you can't sell weapons to merchant

Come the fuck on. Also is their a death counter? I want to know how much time I died.
Southern Gerudo desert, east of the Great Fairy Fountain

When I went there I encountered a sandstorm and my map turned into static, I wasn't aware the game could and would do that

Have fun
IIRC it's in between the fairy fountain and the oasis, but slightly further south. You can see the pillars from the oasis, I think.
Is there a tier list for monster parts

I'm wondering what's the most potent out of colored Lizalfos tails/Hinox parts/Lynel parts/molduga parts
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>tfw the entire zelda timeline circlejerk is based on included fanservice and vague callbacks, some obvious, some not, and one of these references gets a "shake of the head" from a few people, so therefore it's not real

HH was an extremely smart cash grab, I at least like the artwork.
they stopped with the death counter after MM, but you really just stop dying at a certain point because you have so many tools available to stay alive
I'm diamonds.
check the cooking guide in the OP, it covers all of this.
I would like this
TP Link and Wild Link that uses Lynel Bows and other overpowered bullshit, but then they break after three swipes

more evidence points to it being the mirror of twilight than it not, deal with that

this is very true and if Nintendo want to do something about it much later they'll pull everything they can out of their asses

Urbosa states that the Beast was named after the sage and that the Calamity was once a Gerudo

>the Mirror of Twilight was just something they had lying around
I just have my doubts about this, because it would ruin the impact of the ending of TP, since they're never seeing each other again
what if Zelda just said
>lmao Midna we can just get another fucking mirror!
Is there actually evidence of it just being a mirror that was lying around?
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I need more Fi in my life
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>you will never tease Fi so much that she humps your face with her soaking crotch the second you land
>all the while trying to play off desperately smothering her "master" with the usual clinical analysis
Parry/shield bash power
Smash link will be able to grab his oponent weapons
Ah, the Champions. Hope DLC would make you play as Zelda and revive the Champions... A good idea for a new story, right?
>more evidence points to it being the mirror of twilight than it not, deal with that

Nothing, literally nothing other than the fact that it's round
>Is there actually evidence of it just being a mirror that was lying around?
I'm not saying that it was just a regular mirror, I only meant that it would logically exist in all three timlines, since it existed prior to and during Ocarina of Time, Link just didn't interact with it at that time.
>TP comes after OOT but before LTTP combining the 2 timelines, Link didn't die in Ocarina.
>There's a random horse deity that can bring horses back from the dead like it's no big deal
>But all your friends who gave their lives for you and spent 100 years trapped by evil spirits waiting for your are dead for good.
>lol too bad
Everyone thought this before the Downfall timeline attacked.
Did they fucking patch out amiibo save scumming or something? I've gotten the EXACT same Royal Shield with Durability Up like 8 fucking times in a row.
Maybe the deity is in charge of the horse underworld. Fishes and sexy brown amazons don't go there when they die.
One possible hint: Zelda is the real Hero, and Triforce in hand? Plus Mipha's Grace
yeah, I realised what you meant afterwards and I was saying that too, but it was destroyed at the end of Twilight Princess which crosses out the Child Timeline, whereas the Ocarina of Time sages are only in the adult and downfall timelines and not in the child timeline, which is why they had the Ancient Sages seal Ganondorf away

why can't you resurrect Link's horse from 100 years ago?
I would have preferred Epona was not amiibo locked and that it was Link's horse 100 years ago, but you needed to summon the horse god to resurrect her
It's based on the global RNG seed m8. The seed is restored to its previous value when you load your save obviously.

btw, anyone know which song on the ost has the chanting? i can't remember where i heard it but it was sort of short high chanting. i wanna say it was in a shrine, but the shrine music i heard wasn't it.

It wasn't like that before. Are you saying they patched that in?
I just save scummed a fierce diety piece a couple of hours ago friend, you just have shitty luck
What happens when you reload a save state in an N64 zelda game and kill a monster over and over? He always drops the same item, because the random seed is the same. You need to switch something up, wait a little bit, or teleport somewhere else. We don't know what the seed is, but we do know that beating 1 divine beast drastically increases your chances of getting the good stuff.

t. guy who save scummed all 24 amiibo pieces sans the weapons (it took several hours to get everything)
Maybe resurrection has a time limit.
>I would have preferred Epona was not amiibo locked and that it was Link's horse 100 years ago, but you needed to summon the horse god to resurrect her
Holy shit, that's such a good idea. Why didn't they do this?
There haven't been any patches since release day.
You get what you deserve, filthy scummer

This has NEVER been a problem until right now. I save scummed ALL of the amiibo gear without trouble before, without moving or doing anything. I just reloaded and tried again, got something different, but not what I wanted, and did it again and again until I got all sets.
But there was an update yesterday
kek now I'm imagining how horrible the game would be if there was a 30 minute time limit to bring your horses back to life, even though I've only had the white horse die on me once from pissing off a Lynel in Hebra and getting knocked off my horse by a lightning keese on the way to the labyrinth then a rain of arrows from stalkoblins and shock arrows from the sky
it's actually pretty difficult to have a horse die
I also just realised the horse may have died of old age and not in battle, so it would be like bringing back an old as hell horse that would live for a day
>ALL the amiibo gear
>I just reloaded
What do you mean? On a new save?
Hmm. Are you on switch? I'm not, but I wouldn't be surprised if the releases were not the same (or they just abandon wiiu at this point).
Yeah, on switch

I mean I just found a nice open spot, saved the game, scan amiibo, reload save, scan amiibo, reload save, repeat until I got every gear in the game.

Now I'm just trying to get some ore or star fragments with a Zelda amiibo, and I'm getting the same shield over and over. I never had this happen trying to get the exclusive amiibo gear.
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>I also just realised the horse may have died of old age and not in battle

>Epona had to live the rest of her life without Link in a ruined Hyrule
that might be a special case with just one per playthrough, I remember getting a fragment from Zelda on the first scan. Scanned it at least 20 times and only ever got it the first time.

save your sanity and don't upgrade the amiibo gear. It's about 15-18 hours straight of farming, you can't dye it, and the set bonuses suck.

well, fuck. are there patch notes anywhere?
well with Calamity in jail and the Guardians fucking around, and not attacking horses anyway, it seems likely enough.
Do you really not get anything for completing all the memories?
you get the true ending
Characters are likeable but they don't get enough screentime, or could have longer quest chains dedicated to them after their part in the story is over.
you get an extra cutscene at the end.

almost every collectible in the game has no good reward, be it side/shrine quests, kilton medals, all equipment, etc.
Yeah, I wasn't planning on upgrading all of them, but I just finished upgrading EVERY non-amiibo armor that needed them, so anything I get at this point can be put into them.
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it's a boy with a vagina
That's awful
you upgraded the circlets? I want to, but they just interfere with the corresponding set bonus. they could be useful for fashion I guess.

Yeah, I upgraded them all for completeness. I am NEVER going to use them.
helo were are the mamaries
Stop Anon, my cock can only get so hard!
Would Zoras and Rito have a cloaca? Where are the female gorons? How does zelda's fantastic race anatomy work?

Somebody needs to ask Nintendo the important questions.
Fuuuuuck, I just got the Ganondorf amiibo sword. But I already have all of the champion weapons on display at my house, so there's no room. I really wish they had more melee weapon slots in your house, or if champion weapons just acted like the master sword maybe with a longer cooldown, or didn't need a fucking diamond to fix.

Anyway, what should I do? Would the Ganon sword be too hard to get again through amiibo? I could take a champion weapon with me instead, but they all look so nice right now together on the wall.
I really wish these gay artists would start drawing stuff based on stealth set, or rubber, or voe, or barbarian (white dye = midriff cum stains) or pretty much ANYTHING else.

the veil is fucking shit
Female zora have breasts but they're vestigial (like your appendix). It does indicate they're probably part mammal and possibly platypus tier in weirdness. zora and hylian pairings being relatively common or frequently alluded to probably means they're compatible. Rito in this game are basically a different species from the ones in WW (who needed to make a pilgrimage to Valoo to even get their wings). These Rito just seem like straight up birds. Unless they also have vestigial breasts. I can't tell honestly. They seem flat. Gorons probably asexually reproduce in some fashion.
I really dig the veil but holy fuck there's a lot of outfits, draw more than gerudo
Reminds of One Piece SBS questions where the mangaka straight up says yes to a lot of the sexual questions.

>Luffy can stretch his dick
>Buggy can detach his
>Mr.5 can make his explode
>Jozu can turn his into diamond
But it's the one outfit that appeals to only marginally bisexual master race.
how do I get in the shop behind the clothing store in Gerudo Town?
Since it's the only one that's specifically used for crossdressing, it's the only one people jump on.

Ask the girls at the bar.
The password is G S C Diamond but you may have to do a sidequest first that involves finding the bar and eavesdropping on a couple of Gerudo talking by listening in through a window on an adjacent building
That raises a question, why do those Gerudo shop there? Like, what's the point for them?
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>Eldin Ostrich dropped 2 Raw Whole Birds
It's like Dragon's Dogma cyclopes all over again.
>yfw gohma fight that needs you to outrun it on your horse.
No males in town so they probably don't mind crossdressing in cool voe outfits and letting their titties hang out

Also, just imagine an underground wrestling ring where Gerudos dress up as glow in the dark skeleton luchadors and settle their disputes on the mat

Fuck I want this so hard
Which outfit is your favorite design wise?
it was pregnant
Is there a single one of you that isn't a degenerate fetishist??
If the board starts with /v and/or rhymes with /d/ then you will already know the answer to that question.
Stealth suit. I like that yoga pants aesthetic.
I'm into full-blown genderbending but Majora's Mask didn't have a Gerudo Mask and the vai outfit didn't go far enough so I have to get my porn elsewhere
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>Poes carry lanterns on a stick that work similarly to flamespears
>Redeads drop the big-ass swords they used in TP
>Armos drop stone clubs
>Skulltula's legs can be used as a spear type weapon
>Dark Nut's high HP is balanced by the fact that they drop two weapons like in TP, one of which they throw at you mid-fight and thus can be picked up mid-fight
>Like Likes drop nothing because fuck you they're Like Likes
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Haha nope.
where 2 farm yellow chameleons for rubber set
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Why didn't Mipha just tell Zelda her secret?
Rubber outfit and Ancient armor because they remind me of Monsoon

I like the voe outfit because I think it's more of the swords and sorcery variety of barbarian and I wish the actual barbarian outfit was more like it

Fierce Diety outfit because it's my favorite variant of the traiditional "Link" outfit
Electric Lizalfos? The desert.
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Queen Gohma

it can crawl up walls and spawns Gohma larvae
I would love the Radiant set if its 3 piece bonus allowed you to fight unarmed and grapple enemies

I ain't afraid of skeletons
Can someone link me to the SS/MM amiibo bin files?
NFC Bank doesn't seem to have them and most of the collections I've looked at don't either.
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Where the hell is the "Slippery Falcon"? This rito kid says her sister's there but I can't find the place. Looked all over. What a pain in the ass this salmon quest.
>NFC Bank doesn't seem to have them


Mostly okay but

>redeads in TP were gibdos that localizers called redeads for some reason
>likely because gibdos were reskins in N64 era

>like likes could drop half-eaten equipment from other unfortunate travelers
>or if you're fast enough they can give back some durability to the weapon it ate in a similar fashion to octoroks cleaning rusty weapons
It's the general item shop
>get duplex bow
>two arrows come out
>only 1 arrow is subtracted from inventory

how did Nintendo let such a stupid bug get through?
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then I'm retarded, 'cause I got that one and am apparently still missing a kid
Would you a female Link?
I would a male Link.
>not a makeshift shield from a skulltula's "skull"
Odd they weren't appearing using the search or listed under the 'works with BOTW' catagory. Thanks though.
Probably the Climbing Gear because it's literally just a modern day mountaineering outfit, complete with drawstrings on the pant legs, cord, and d-clips, and a du-rag for maximum backpacker asethetic
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>look up this guy on IMDB
>it's actually Revali's voice actor
So hard she would need 13 hearts to survive
Yeah, he's actually pretty cool. Shame his character is such a douche.

Holy shit, I remember him from the songs he made for SaltyBet. He's come far.
seriously, they show a tech demo of gohma years ago and they don´t even include one single spider, not even in insect form
Just finished up BotW. That makes it only the second Zelda game I've ever actually beaten, after TP. Never actually finished OoT (or the Oracles, SS, ALTTP, or WW). Which one should I go back and restart?
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Wait, I don't even
>more evidence points to it being the mirror of twilight than it not, deal with that
What's the evidence for?
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>leave 81 Savage Lynel Shield in the shield display
>come back to a 62 Savage Lynel Shield
I noticed this before I even left the plateau. Was pretty impressed but didn't comment on it cus I didn't come here til I beat the game, didn't want spoilers.
Yep. Random buffs get lost if you display.
that's fucked up dude
I was leaving my best weapons here in case I needed them
Thread theme song
Can you kill a lynel with melee only?
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It's not easy but it's doable.
Melee weapons only? Of course
ALBW had a death counter.
Flurry rush is a thing but I don't see why you wouldn't shoot him in the face and mount him
Done it several times. Easy once you get the hang of parries and dodges.
what do you mean?
do you mean not cheese them? of course, it´s way more fun, love to parry and dodge lynels
Where can I find a full list of mods for BotW trainer? Is it possible to make the master sword not need to re-charge?
>implying the sound anything alike
I did on my first,
Forgot to restock arrows, said fuck it, and went in.
Lots of dodging and poking because I was scared he'd one shot me despite having 13 hears and double-upgraded.
Yes, but more importantly female Link would be raped by every girl in the game
I only started shooting them with bows after a while, just git gud at jumping backwards

Or sideways amd far away if the nigger has a hammer
Just melee weapons? Of course, easily. Even I can beat a base Lynel with timed dodges and flurry rushes. I'm pretty bad at combat, I can't really aim well with the bow, so it's actually easier for me to use melee only. I'm sure a good player could kill a silver-maned with just melee weapons.,
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Stop fucking crying about it you little bitch. WAAAAH MUH MEE BOH WAAAHHHH

Wait, is that not THE way to fight them? I still can't parry, but flurry rush is all that you need. Super easy on sword/shield ones, fun challenge on the crushers, drawn-out and boring on the spears. Reds, blues, silvers, they're all the same if you don't let them hit you.
What is the difference between a red "Game Over" and a yellow text one saying gameover?
Is there any bow that matches the Hylian Shield and Master Sword?
The way you die. Freezing to death is blue, for instance.
Soldier bow maybe? or Knight one
probably some shitty traveler bow or something
I typically use the bow of twilight or revali's when i'm cosplaying as that Link guy. royal bow probably also looks okay, but I think it's a little too similar to the master sword sheath
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>Start climbing around Gerudo town for fun
>Find this random Gerudo sitting on wall eating melons and chucking the rinds into the city's water
What the fuck
Aesthetically? Not really.
Gerudos are niggers
I think yellow is if you're killed by lightning (thunder keese, etc.)
After you get into the Gerudo Secret Club the women at the canteen talk about her, but I haven't figured out if there's an associated quest. Her dialog becomes different, at least.
Aside from SS, you really couldn't go wrong with any of those.
One of the lolis wants to grow berries there

After you beat naboris
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>Climb to the top of the huge stone on top of Riju's place to see where the Gerudo's water source comes from
>There's a korok up here.
Just YAHAHA my shit up, senpai. Also there's no hole in the rock for the water to be coming from, so either this korok is pissing hundreds of gallons of clean drinking water or it's just good ol' magic.
>Revali's VA unironically posts on /trash/

How do you feel about this?
it makes me wonder if he's in this very thread
Revali's VA has been internet trash for a while, and it's no secret that he loves to meme. He's pretty cool actually.
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waste of good weapons really. mounting them and beating the shit out of their back doesn't cause your weapon to degrade at all. so if you get a monsterous lynel club that has like 120 damage you can kill them in less than a minute with well timed arrows to the face.

either way to answer your question yes I can
Do i need a monster rig to emulate BoTW?
I just stasis'd a sleeping Guardian Stalker and it fell through the ground. Only glitch I saw in the game so far.
Holy shit, Urbosa's fury just flat out embarrasses enemies, doesn't it?
>Only glitch I saw in the game so far.
You're in for a world of fun if you watch speedruns in the next few months
It's really powerful, yeah.
My biggest issue with it, other than trivializing enemy camp raids, is that you can only use it with a weapon. It would've been perfect if you snapped your fingers when you had nothing equipped and lightning rained down.
A high-end i5 and a 1070 would work, I think
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Sure m8, you did it
Imagine if Link did the twirl from the cutscene when he got it every time you used it unarmed?
>Molduga sidequest in Gerudo town
>Give the guts to her so she can cure her husband
>Talk to her again
>She asks to name her future child after you
Someday there will be a Gerudo woman named Link.
>each new version of Lynel just adds 1000 hp (basically 1 broken weapon)

>go through 3 broken weapons and deplete your master sword to get 1 weapon back
When I got to Tabantha Tower and bombed the column. the dust visual and noise kept playing over and over again until I reloaded the area.
Thanks obama.
>not shotgunning Lynels in the face so you can go to town on their back and not use durability
I haven't broken a non-Lynel weapon on a Lynel in weeks
>be bad at videogame
>complain when the game punishes you for being bad

Are you using tree branches or something?

You're probably the kind of guy who wastes 4 weapons on mini guardians IV and then don't pick up the guardians ++ weapons
>im bad y is dis game hard: the post
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The fug is she planning?
>The next Ganondorf is called Link

Every hit you do even flurry rushes depletes durability.
Mounted hits don't.
You do know you have a bow right?
>All this ignorance about fighting lynels

Git gud
Anyone have a 120 shrine map? I'm at 109, can't find any more (except the ceremonial song shrine quest, but I can do that whenever I like)

Lynel ranged attacks really really hurt, I don't want to have him draw out his bow too.
No, you shoot at him medium range in the fucking face to stagger him

How can you be this bad?
Ah. Git gud. Go to an elevated area, glide down so you mount the lynel, hit 5 times. When the lynel throws you out, bullet time headshot, mount and hit again. It's not hard.
>not using attack buffs
>not using arrows to its face and mounting him
>using shit weapons
>bitch about killing a lynel when they have some of the most powerful weapons, shields and bows
You'll get to a point when if you want it you just strafe for less than a minute and kill them with 25 shock arrows with their own bows
>not using a bow at melee range
See, this is why your weapons break.
eating the carrot from the other oldman
she's cucking her husband
>When the lynel throws you out, bullet time headshot
You mean when it has its back turned to you?
Have /you/ fought lynels?
Her husband is the pumpkin farmer who is in a feud with the carrot farmer over which is the Kakariko vegetable. She secretly likes carrots.
When you mount a lynel, you have time for 5 hits and it kicks you out (like how a horse kicks you out if you have little stamina). I have a full page of Lynel weapons, man. I'm not as bad as you.
Well, a page is an exaggeration, I have a row, but you get it.
Then, how exactly do you faceshot a lynel right after it throws you off? I find 100% of the time, they have their back turned to me at that moment.
glide, and use a x5 bow
>hit them anywhere
>fall to ground again
For those who find Eventide Island too difficult and/or daunting and want to train, try the self-imposed Tenoko Island Challenge!

1) Go to Tenoko Island
2) Unequip all your weapons and clothes
3) Try to reach the shrine with only what you can find on the island

Good luck!
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You may think you can't headshot a lynel from behind
Many people once thought a human couldn't build a machine that flies on its own

I'm going to double check that I got the right spike, but I know this is the general idea
I should've been able to think of that myself.
Thank you.
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>tfw got lucky on the Eventide challenge
>Somehow managed to dislodge the sphere from the Hinox's neck with a Boko Spear so I grabbed it and ran away while the Hinox was still alive and chasing me up the hill
You can glide to it's side at most, then bullet time to aim at the head. With a x5 bow, you will probably hit a headshot. If you don't, use stasis.
Hey does swinging around this wind yiga sword use up it's durability?
Not sure, but if it works anything like the Master Sword, it probably does
Fuck it this is going on the wall then
you will enconter many of them
I like the full charging attack of those blades
>Fuck it this is going on the wall then
It's a pretty shitty Katana m8, and you can get them from yiga fucks
Don't the yiga completely disappear after a certain point?
But it look so cool D:
>Don't the yiga completely disappear after a certain point?

Nah, they barely show up in the beginning but once you kill Master Kogah they will never not show up in at the worst times possible with their shitty bows and shitty katanas and earth powers
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of course I got it wrong, just checked and it's the ends of the center spike
>Don't the yiga completely disappear after a certain point?

When you finally beat their leader they become even worse.

They start becoming random encounters, both the usual variant and a stronger one called a Blademaster. A lot of them don't even bother with banter as a disguised traveler.
Oh that's good to know. Kinda afraid it'd be another lynel situation
Does anyplace sell wildberries? I don't have it in my compendium and I don't want to randomly wander around in the snow looking for them.
They're like everywhere in snow places on the west side of the map
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>nintendo didn't let you even try to save her
being Link is suffering
go to rito stable they're right there
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well...this is awkward.
>not white or original color Hylian hood
>White hylian hood
This isn't Assassin's Creed, homie.
>can climb
>can stealth

Sure, I can't miss a prompt to hug leonardo, but still
>sneak attack kills
>can wear disguise so that enemies don't realize it's you
>not assassin's creed
>Implying this isn't Metal Guardian Solid V: The Phantom Waifu
no, when you travel do it near roads and you'll encounter many of them
So, would BotW Link be the strongest out of all of them?
Custscene Link certainly is
>Kills Yiga with one hit
>KILLS, doesn't just beat them
>Takes on half an army alone
>And wins
>Was apparently a beast in combat
100 years really dulled his edge.
ALTTP link shits on all the rest
But can he beat Warriors Link?
>Flurry Rush, which is basically Smash Link's Final Smash but way more accessable
>Can get headshot crits with his bow
>Has access to x5 bows
>Has bomb arrows, the closest thing another Link could get to that was Link's Awakening Link who had to equip a bomb and an arrow and press both buttons at the same time
>Can get the largest supply of healing items where most links are limited by like 4 bottles

Yes, by leaps and bounds BOTW Link is a monster
How so?

He cut down all of the Guardians near the Dueling Peaks stable with just the Master Sword.
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Could any of the Links beat Warriors Link? The dude cuts down more enemies and bosses in one battle than most Links face in a whole game.
TP Bomb Arrows.
>How so?
beats ganon while ganon has all three triforce pieces

succeeds where OoT Link fails
>Hyrule Warriors Link
>WiiU Link
Hyrule Warriors was made for the WiiU wasn't it?
Ah that's true.
Plus I believe he went on to be the same Link in OoA/OoS and LA.
He's up there.
That picture was made before BotW's subtitle was announced.
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>see some smoke up in a mountain
>go up there to check
>it's a fucking landfill
>how the fuck all that trash get up here
>there's a girl turning meat into fucking coal
>she gives you tips on how to cook
>my sides
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How dare you insult her works of art.

She also has funny reactions when you try to use her pot, even when she's sleeping.
To be sure, are the climbing gear, climbing boots, and climber's bandana all part of the same set?
you actually get a better bonus if you wear the worn trousers with the climbers cap and shirt
The best part is that going with her advice and combining meat with a rock actually does produce something other than Dubious Food
>Plus I believe he went on to be the same Link in OoA/OoS and LA.

No more
Does anyone know what Zelda is saying in the ceremony memory while the other champions are talking about? I can just barely hear her.
yeah, I actually tried that as soon as I found a cooking pot
The Lost Woods were very well done
which botw waifu would you let vkre you?
does this have the inception chord for when you get lo.....

Is that a radio station? I don't know if they would make good DJs.
is there any lore about kohga at all? i want to know what his deal was.
Horse armor doesn't actually protect the horse, does it? The in game description sounds vaguely like it does.
>Funny fat guy is not good ninja
That's about it.
Indeed! Love it.
Did you think Zelda's life just magically retconned between the two games? It never made sense.
Nah forget beating Ganon when Ganon has The Triforce, SS Link straight up has The Triforce himself. SS Link is very strong.

I think the strongest is MM Link with the Stone Mask, unless we aren't counting fake Links. He's invisible and just destroys any Link that doesn't have the Lens of Truth or similar.
So did Kogha just get lazy over the years, or are the Yiga Clan really led by this incompetent?

Because it seems like the Yiga were really posed to be this serious threat...and they still could be if they had a competent leader I could fight. Kohga seems more like a parody of old Zelda bosses if you ask me.
it was a fucking joke dont take it so seriously
I went to the arrow farming exploit spot and I kept taking damage. Do you have to stand in just the right spot?
More like "Yeah, I get the joke. Now can we have a real awesome Yiga boss fight?"

"...No, that's it? Dissappointed given how hard this stealth section was."
It stirs something in me, it makes me want to teach her how to actually cook and then enjoy the fruits of our labour together.
Was Kohga the original leader of the clan? I figured he was just some shitter who inherited the clan, considering this all takes place 100 years later.
Take a picture of him and check your compendium, dingaloid. He's a ninja who let himself go over the years, but despite almost all of his underlings being much more fit and imposing than him he is still respected due to his unusual esoteric abilities- namely mastery of runes and even apparent telekinesis.
When I did it, I got hit maybe one out of every 15 shots or so. Make sure the camera is directly above you
>I figured he was just some shitter who inherited the clan, considering this all takes place 100 years later.
The clan was actually founded 10k years ago, not long after calamity ganon was first defeated using the beasts. Sheikah technology got too advanced and incomprehensible, which was why it was all hidden, and the sheikah were banished from the castle. They split into two groups, those with remorse who returned to the old, primitive ways (the ancestors of Kakariko) and those who were pained by the bitter sting of betrayal from the ungrateful Hylians and formed the Yiga clan. He presumably inherited the clan from a master who passed down teachings that had been passed down for thousands of years, which is why he was apparently able to use magnesis for instance. You get this from the compendium entries for kohga and yiga clansmen mentioned here >>172515738 and from the traitor in kakariko.
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>Talk to Paya at night
>Learn the Sheikah eye on her face is a tattoo
Is that okay with you? That's permanent, you know.
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>Metal Guardian Solid V: The Phantom Ganon Automata Creed: Elder Souls V: Steep Just Cause 3: Zero Dawn
It's cute and she has a good reason to have it, and since it's on her face it's unlikely to be distorted much by age, health or pregnancy.
It's Tony Hawk's Zelda's Dogma: Dark Automata. No need to overcomplicate it, it's just Dragon's Dogma with a Zelda skin, shield surfing and a lot of the monsters are robots.
>Hyrule Warriors Link catches sick air in his spinner
>BotW Link does sweet board grabs on his shield
>Mario Kart Link does rad motorcycle stunts on his master cycle
Link is becoming more and more EXTREME.
Don't forget paraglider sailing to a downthrust manuver
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>get monster cake for that sick kid in tarrey town
>suddenly starts treating me like shit
>father is a rich prick that treats me like shit too

At least the mom is grateful.
Does the order you revive the fairies determine which level buff they can give?
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