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Heroes of the Storm General - /hotsg/

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Thread replies: 760
Thread images: 146

You be my valor, I'll be your angle Edition

>What's new?

>Mystery Summit meeting in Paris, updates with content imminent

>For Azeroth reactivated; get a WoW mount by playing Warcraft Assassins

> Two Heads Are Better Than One; get your free Cho'gall (if you haven't already)

>For new players:
>Which heroes should I buy?
Play all the heroes on free rotation or try mode and see who you like. Don't buy heroes just to get into ranked, you'll regret it.

>Current Weekly Sale
>Current Weekly Brawl
>Latest patch notes

>Hero Rankings, various Statistics, Talent Calculator:

>Current Tier List

>Where do I find you Monstrosity Picking downies?
"/join /vg/" in game chat

>Tips and other useful resources:

Previous Thread: >>172078808

Where the FUCK is Maiev????
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Xth for I hope the next hero teased is cute.

or Kel'thuzad.
Mannaroth, Archimond, Tichondrius, Imperius, The Overmind, and Baal are literally the only heroes that are NEEDED in this game.

This list is perfect and anybody whining for Maiev or Garrosh is a weeb faggot.
Reminder of reddit karma-whoring sell-out rats: https://www.reddit.com/r/heroesofthestorm/comments/4mh256/theres_a_guy_on_4chan_who_has_accurately_leaked/


They are in this thread RIGHT NOW!
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>post yfw the next hero is Sargeras
I'm going to marry Auriel.
Also, mercy skin when??
Gazlowe can't do anything useful for his team aside from get slowing turrets. My point was more that the HotS team said they don't want builders overlapping, which is why Probius is such a shit builder and why Gazlowe can't have anything close to a competitive build. It really makes no sense since they should be entirely different kinds of builder while still being builders, and Torb would also be a different kind of builder, but they're afraid of having too many similar characters while their roster is still so small apparently.

They would make his basic attack the long range shot he has, basically Morale's AA. His W would buff it into the shotgun blast for higher damage but requires him to be in melee range. His Q would be building his turret, replaces existing turret. His E would be armor pack. His D would be that instead of mana he collects scrap from dead minions (2 each), dead heroes (5 each) and destroyed buildings (10 each), which would be used to upgrade turret, or repair Towers/Forts.

Though we'll get other overwatch heroes before that, no doubt.
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Corki when
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>but they're afraid of having too many similar characters while their roster is still so small apparently.

But it's apparently okay to rework one character so he's just like another, but better.
Can Uther be fixed just by changing numbers?
I honestly think his kit is pretty great and it has a bunch of useful and neat things, problem is that his cooldowns are too long, his mana pool too small and his attack too low, all of which are things that can be fixed without giving him a full rework.
>There will never be any guest characters
rip Stitches
Daily reminder that Blizzard deems these irrelevant nobodies more important than your favourite heroes that aren't in the game yet and maybe never will.

>Li Li
Isn't that actually pretty likely?
I haven't paid attention to WoW in ages but apparently he is a big part of the latest expansion, so there's that.
I'm okay with all the heroes in this list being erased.
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Peach when?
Bayonetta when?
2B when?
Big Boss when?
Falstad is an actual character though.
>No Captain Diomedes
>No Talos from Rising Thunder
>No characters from Dawngate
He sort of is, but he has no physical appearance. He's only been a fel flame speaking to Kil'jaeden. Meaning they aren't ready to actually use him yet, or else they'd go through the trouble of giving him at least a portion of a model to use and show us. So we won't be getting him in HotS until the day they decide to show him.
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>he wants Brightwing gone from the game

It's OUCHIE TIME for you Anon.
Yeah he has like 1 quest and that's it?
Fuck OFF
Shh. Let him think he knows something.
Remember "Blizzard" feels like the already took "important" characters
If it weren't for red shirt guy giving him meme status, he would just be another OC hero based on gryphon riders
Why are my sickest samuro teleport plays completely by accident
There's no doubt it's a bullshit answer, but that's the one they put forward.
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>Blizzard developers
>Blizzard """""lore"""""
To master the way of illusion, you must first let go of all thought.

Remove generic talents except cleanse and make him have actual builds

Relying on piano build is what makes him bad, so long as he has access to shit like Project Shield and Shrink Ray and Shit he will remain in the limbo of "but he has all these buttons and is good 0.0001% of games so we won't change him".
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That feel when winning at life.

>Kael'thas' that mindlessly pick Convection

they are not worthy of wielding his power
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>Raynor goes ballistic
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So, i was playing my favorite purple nigga hero, and got this peace of shit excuse for "healer". All his spells are overcosted and have long ass cooldowns. He really need change in numbers.
Watch your tone with him, boy.
What's the best Lucio build?
top everything
1) We Move Together/Accelerando
4) Any
7) Party Mix/Sonic Amplifier
10) Sound Barrier for heavy burst. Reverse otherwise
13) Any, situational
16) Rejuv/Heliotropics if necessary
20) Bonus Track
Yeah I know and it pisses me off. There is so much unused potential while we get shit characters. It's not that their not fun to play, some designs are amazing actually. But it still triggers my autism
>have 10k
>decide its time I get abathur
>proceed to win 6 games in a row

wew lads, why did you not tell me this fucker is so much fun?
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I wish Brightwing's master skin didn't have those horrid horns. Horns are not cute.
they said already he's being reworked right now
>wew qm
why is Alarak so satisfying to play, /hotsg/?
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>yfw they put in Garrosh instead of Grom
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Because his decrees are absolute.

Or so goes the Chain of Ascension.
More like RAK'SHIR
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More like Carousel of Omnipotence
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>The Overmind
Whaaaaaaaat does that mean? What gimmick would they implement to throw him into the game? Just make the player control all 5 heroes?
>le probe maymss
>literal who but fun to play
>sc unit made into a hero I'm fine with this
>more meems
>this thing can fuck off
>>Li Li
>this too, blizz still pretends pandaria wasnt a disaster
>ETC ain't a literal who if you've played WoW
>pretty sure everyone who's played WoW knows Gazlowe, weak fantasy though
>wc unit made into a hero, one of the stronger fantasies IMO
>see Morales
>like all D3 classes made into heros
>they had to have a pudge because it's an assfaggots

Oh what he is? Well anyway the fantasy of being a gryphon rider is pretty strong imo. Maybe that's just me though.
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roughly 13 hours until info about next update

hold tight my boys
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Pandaria WASN'T a disaster, though. It faired greatly compared to that shitstorm called WoD.

Great zones, great lore, great character development..

Much more than can be said than WoD.

>Gazlowe being a literal who

>Mayor of Ratchet, one of the most iconic hubs in WoW

Nah, mate. Too many memories and too much nostalgia in Ratchet for me. Alliance raids aplenty, motherfucker.
Does anyone follow HotS esports?

What team should I pick for the Heroes of the Dorm to get at least one win?

>built orgrimmar

Ratchet is small beans my boy, he was contracted by Thrall and that's how he got his name
How ya like my groove Daggoth?
>literally who
Spotted the neo-WoW fag.
Why stitches and not Patchwerk
How did Uther go from Boss ass Paldin, to Knight of the eternal oom?
coin flip between ut and uc. either of them should roast whoever else makes the final.

I picked UT because they had more asians.


>play the most casual moba in existence
>pretend that you are a hardcore strategist by playing HL

get to fuck m8
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>play inherently unfun and unbalanced mode by choice
Well Done
stitches is more famous
not many people raided naxx in vanilla
That just sounds like HL as well.

Every mode in the game is garbage, just play whatever is most fun to you, boys and girls.
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>Li Li being hot garbage.
Everyone says WoW lore sucks at inconsistent levels. That's true but Li Li wasn't even written directly by Blizzard. They threw that job off onto actually competent third party contractors. Her purpose was to introduce WoW's fantasy to any new babies coming into the franchise because Kung Fu Banda expansion was coming. I guess you could call it shitty fanfiction at that point though it's worth noting that her character development was fluid as fug when it comes to fitting into the puzzle pieces that is WoW's setting. Does that mean she should get placed into HotS? She has as much of a spot that Chen has. Bliz needed a hero that appealed to a simpler audience grills and pedos with no mechanical understanding of how assfaggots work.
>Became dudebros with King Magni Bronzebeard.
>Beacame dudebros with a keeper of a grove and made some bomb ass beer out of seeds he gave her.
>Stopped a fel orc bladmaster from working with a naga queen to ultimately help Y'Shaarj at the cost of getting her babysitter killed.
>Witnessed executions following an attempted uprising.
>Saved Ansirem Runeweaver's daughter from being raped by pirates.
>Was sensually healed by a cute night elf druid.
>Single handedly found Pandaria after being a neutral party in a corrupt confrontation against asshole Horde and Alliance captains.
>Dabbles in chink furry black alchemy magic for the fuck of it.
this >>172287640
wasn't me but
>inherently unfun
totally objective measure
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>That's true but Li Li wasn't even written directly by Blizzard.

anon... Samwise made Li Li in like the 90s. The went to Samwise a lot for early hero concepts in pretty much everything Warcraft, so it's natural his OC trash made it into the game.
That's why I come to this general, to read stufff just like this. Thanks anon
They've already said Uther's getting a facelift soon at the very least (mentioned when they redid the armor system, I can find link if necessary). But I think you're right, unlike most unplayable heroes, all he needs is different cd's or improved healing. His talents are actually not bad imo and by that I mean anything but piano build is trash but piano build is "le fun"
What about Wrath of the lich king
>"Remember, everyone: we know what's best for you; don't worry about calculating your rank."
>"We know your MMR so you don't have to!"
blizzard pls
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>Didier became responsible for the creation of the pandaren, a race originally regarded by fans — and used by Blizzard — as a " April Fools joke", but still with legitimacy within the lore. He had originally created the race for his daughter soon after her birth.
Hold the fuckin phone. Do you have any sauce on specifically Li Li existing when he thought of Pandaren? I believe it but it would be interesting to see if he based her off his daughter. Especially because Neilson based her off his own daughter.
Don't you fucking lie to me.
my point stands
personally I was horde and had no clue who stitches was to begin with, but I didn't even know hogger either
Live also did a small update
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>early concepts

Samwise concepts nearly everything that goes into this game including most most skins.


That image was drawn by Samwise in 99. The big Panda is chen and the small panda is Li Li. Note the outfit.

Samwise has been drawing these pandas forever. It's his thing.

The RACE in WOW was originally a April Fools joke way back when, but even before that they were considered to be the Alliance race for the Alliance in TBC instead of Draenei, but was ditched early on in development because making Outland AND Pandaria was too much for the team at the time and didn't feel right.

That aside, Li Li and Chen have been in Samwise's drawing forever. Them making into the game considering how Samwise is the lead concept artist over at Blizzard only makes sense.
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Does anyone want to do some TL with me? i just need 4 more games to complete my promos.

for NA of course
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Neato. Good to know.
Go to bed, Sam.


Here's more of his shit.
How do Jaina and Kael'thas compare?
Is either one of them inherently better than the other?
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It will 100% be Maiev because of Sargeras tomorrow. Therefore yfw it's actually an OW character nobody wanted that they force into HotS anyway
Probius Cannon need :
+33% duration
+25% Range
>Nobody want Junkrat
Speak for yourself brah
In a 1v1, KT is obviously better.

In a teamfight, it depends but if it's one mage vs one mage, KT's team will probably have an advantage.
Jaina is safer and has more utility
Kaelthas has more burst and damage but is heavily reliant on good positioning and stacking, if you pick the quest at lvl one

honestly Kaelthas isn't very fun to play with Valeera in every game imo
take Jaina for burst+waveclear, or VP combo pls don't take for VP combo
take KT for burst+CC
Also Jaina+Aba is/can be busted
I prefer Jaina, and think she's better in current meta, but not by a lot (neither are great right now). As always, anon, just play what you like and don't feed.

Li Li and Chen circa 2002
>implying Junkrat wouldn't be one of the best characters from OW to be in HotS
>implying his kit isn't theoretically super fun in a moba
>implying I don't want to spend hours in try mode spamming rip tire
Granted, his AA would be interesting, to say the least. I guess they could make splash AA part of his trait or something, along with death grenades.

Samuro circa 1997
If only Samuro actually looked this fucking rad in-game.

At least his paid skin looks fucking great. Not the Monkey King one, I hate that skin.

The main elements are there. Most of the dangley bits were removed for obvious reasons.

>Splash AOE on basic attack
I mean how else would they do it

Unless they just completely changed one of the core elements of the character.
not disagreeing, it's probably undo-able sadly

Junkrat's base kit would completely obliterate pretty much every specialist or summon/structure based hero in the entire game and any to come in the future.

He would need a hefty reload mechanic or his damage numbers would be asinine.
>sudden influx of illusion master ebola samuros

what happened why is this allowed
Pandaria inserted pandas in the game.
How's that not a disater?

pandaren are cool
>started playing playing again today
>playing illusion samuro


are you me?
i even after buying 2 master skins i still have 40k gold.
I blame lucio and prodius for that.
obviously we are all just illusions of the prime samuro player
no they are not and the avatarfag panda posters are even worse
Didn't buy
Maybe next hero
Ever since Samuro was invented in Warcraft 3, he was in most maps. He was a favorite in Hero versus in WC3 mods. And now in HOTS he's still a favorite.

The illusions are so good and he's just a pain in the ass without any real counter.
Lucius and Probius are good though.
they might be good but they are not cool, wich counts for me
What do the two different graphics for Abathur mines mean? Like one is a little bump and the other is like a pulsating thing with holes.
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Master skin, right?
Also it tells you if it's growing or if it's ready to blow if you're too blind to see the progress bar by its health.

Pimple = arming
Spikey glowy = armed
When it's a bump it's non-stealthed and not armed.
When it's glowing it's stealthed and armed.
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Thanks bros
>HotS summit going on
>Uther reworks coming
>Leoric changes have been promised ages ago but not delivered
>No announcement of the new heroes yet
>Before a sudden change, the Probius video implied there was more they wanted to announce at the time but didn't for some reason

So what announcements do you think are coming and how many of them will we be disappointed about?
Do people unironically think anyone other than UTA has a chance of winning dorm? Thanks for the free stimpack blizz
what was the change to the probius video? I probably only saw the final version.
why are they changing leo? he's an unstoppable god right now. the enemy team only has two choices while dealing with a good leo

>enemy team ignores leo, takes insane damage with medium slows
>enemy team bursts down leo, friendly team steamrolls because everyone is on cd. leo respawns quickly/on the map, rinse and repeat

i hope they don't ruin my favorite hero
LSU has a chance though
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA but really no one has a chance vs uta
>Not Arcturus Mengsk

Disgusting taste friend.
They'll probably give him 10 Armor and make him more of a bruiser.

The last change he got was a March nerf promising "future changes soon".
This was back... before Samuro I believe?
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Okay so what if

>each healing fountain had it;s own cooldown

Vikings would be an unstoppable god
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No one would ever die unless your comp completely revolved around deleting people.
I think Anon means that if you use a fountain, you would activate its cooldown, meaning that no one else can use it until it is over.
Is that right, >>172296251 ?
New hero will be a Starcraft one, Mengsk or Stukov to coincide with free Broodwar and then Fenix when SC Remastered is released in summer.
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So shrines in bota but only for the user?
no lol
each fountain has it's own cooldown linked that player
Make it splash when the grenades connect with a hero.

Also make them sorta bounce forward instead of flying straight to target. So they could hit something earlier and go off.
Autos that can be bodyblocked? Junk would be completely gimped if his target walked behind some minions then.
Originally the Probius video announced Probius, mounts, and more!
Then when someone pointed out the video is terribly short and only has probius and one mount the title was changed, suggesting that originally they video they were going to put out had more to it.

At the time he saw no play. Because that changed they said they're just giving him number tweaks, and maybe a few talent changes so he gets more build diversity.
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Perhaps no auto attack and just something similar to Zarya's Q except that...bounces?

I can dream can't I
Ziggs kit is basically Junkrat, just move his E minefield to his trait and give him the beartrap root as new E.
>tfw no Vrykul hero

I'll settle for a Skeleman King dressed up as one, I guess.
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When the Valeera is just right.
>Xul can now toggle his trait between skeletons pushing mindlessly or staying by his side like Arthas' ghouls.

Is he fixed?
Basic attack just being grenades that hit straight to one target and Q being a bouncing grenade that triggers on contact on an enemy or wall would work.
>I'll settle for a Skeleman King dressed up as one, I guess
Would be neat, however his skeletons would just melt to AoE and never really get to do anything.

This also doesn't fix the fact that he's the D3 Necro, not the D2 Necro they sold him as.
>xul now spawns big skeletons that follow him when enemy heroes die near him
>they have no time limit

Is he fixed?
I think I have a pretty decent idea of how to play each map by now and I want to try Ranked but I can't into drafting.
Am I right in assuming that Brightwing, Arthas/Muradin and Jaina are pretty safe picks in basically any map? Keeping in mind that I would pick one of the 3 depending on whether the team needs a Healer, Tank or Assassin respectively.
That would be fun.
people might actually value taking down fountains early rather than pile into the first often worthless objective on some maps. too strategic for this crowd. consider yourself promoted to where ever dustin browder went.
>not Mephisto
switch sonya with auriel and put xul for the D2 fags
I had ENOUGH of your lies. You are like the 10th fucking person saying when the news will come and they NEVER come! So Shut up. It will came when i see it already on there youtube channel with an indev video.
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>It will came
I'd be excited too bud but there's no need to be that pumped about it.
About how many wins to unlock a Master Skin after level 8?
I'm starting to have second thoughts about getting Jaina's.
More than you have won so far
20-25 games with no stimpack

1. Malf
2. Rehgar
3. Lucio
4. Kharazim
9001. Medic
9002. Auriel
9003. Tassadar
9004. Tyrande
9005. Brightwing
90001. Li Li
900001. Uther

Oh well
At least Jaina has become significantly more fun since I changed my build.
That 30% increased range on Frost Bolt is great, it lets me chase people around much more easily. I can't believe I used to pick the one that increases chill duration.
Auriel is way better than Medic and Tassadar is one of the best characters in the game. If your just labeling him as a solo support yeah, but Tass is fucking insane in the utility role.
Tass should be up with Malf
>Tassadar not first
Hey wood
this list is ___correct________

i think the list is for solo supporting
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God, I missed this

I am ranking for random HL game.

I rank Medic higher than Auriel because Auriel again needs a good player and hero to be paired with while Medic is a weaker but more reliable support who sees play on small sustain maps.

Tassadar can be great if your team drafts around him but he doesnt fit in any random comp.
For example Lucio, Tassadar, Zarya, Leoric and Nazeebo could stomp all the way from Bronze to GM but good luck getting a team that is daring enough to draft that.
Imperius reveal when?
Only thing chill duration allows is to combo a fb after another, which sucks anyway because you have no range on fb
Range of q is okay but increased slow is better, mostly because you need to be close to your target anyway for coc and blizzard, ence why range is for chase

that being said, if you're in qm q build is usually better
>not releasing belial, lord of lies, on april 1st

missed opportunity blizz
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Junkrat or Reinhard could be cool in HOTS
The increase in the slow amount use to be good when it was 10%, but it's a bad talent at 5%, the range is the best and the increase in duration is the second best. The 5% increase in the slow is not good.
Kel'thuzad and D.Va
Zagara gets easter skin this year
As in KT next week or something?

I imagine cataclysm was the disaster. Then every quit before pandaria and went lolpandas without playing it.

Or maybe I'm projecting, since that's what I did.
Who should I buy as my next 10k hero /hotsg/:

Valeera so I can only kill scrubs in QM
Ragnaros so I can only kill scrubs in QM since he is literally always banned in Ranked
Varian to annoy people by going invincible every 10 seconds


q build is literally her default build in hl, it's not only better in qm
Rag for the 1 time in 20 when they decide to ban tass/arthas instead and you have first pick
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>Garden of Terror
>I hover TLV
>I pick TLV (2nd pick)
>"wow so incensitive do you even want win ?"
>someone dodges, back to queue
>new match, Garden of Terror, the 2 people who insulted me are against me
>first pick TLV
>proceed to stomp them in a 15 min match, lvl 20 vs lvl 15 at the end.

Stop trying to make Maiev happen. It's not going to happen.

Hell if I know, I just picked the team with the most asians on it.
>for the Azeroth
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Something about his face and the way he's hunched over makes me think he's squatting to take a shit.
replace archimonde with Killy J and add Mengsk
Where the FUCK is Imperius????
Memereveal on saturday, real reveal on monday
Who should i pick to win the pick chalenge? ulc or arlington? the other two obviously won't be it since they have no chinks on their teams
Any news?
We'll see tomorrow.
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Since everyone's friendly neighbourhood High Lord is back on the f2p queue, I need tips on getting gud with him.

When is the trade-off between Discord and Telekinesis distance talents worth it? When the enemy team is highly mobile? Or is it the opposite when they aren't as mobile? Would the distance get long enough to basically make him into a better Stitches and yank solo enemies far away from their deathball? What about ults? Is one objectively better than the other or are they both good? I have doubts whether the charge is ever good but I hate using the other ult and expecting somebody to hit me AFTER I finish aiming it. And I see mentions that lightning builds are worthless here every once in a while, is poking with Qs just that much better? I feel pretty squishy a lot and exposed whenever I try to do any frontline fighting so I want to just mash E and never get close against half of the comps I go against. Is that normal?

>pick Tassadar

>pick sonya solo tank

>pick malf blindly because hurr he strong

Makes you think
Even him just being the D3 Necro his design is all over the place.

Only really his skeletons and their talents are designed to be a pusher. His Q and W are good for waveclear just like any other AoE ability. And then there's that level 20 Bone Spear they put in to pretend that hey it's the D2 Necro we promise.

In a lot of ways it feels like they had two designs and didn't want to make two heros and couldn't decide what to go for so they just squeezed them together and released whatever was left.
>enemy picks a shit comp that is outsustained by a solo Tassadar
>hurr my pick was good
>enemy picks a shit comp that can't even deal with one Sonya
>hurr my pick was good
>can't play one of the easiest pick2win healbots
>hurr Malf is bad
I hope you actually are thinking.

Xul isn't a solo lane pusher, hes designed for clearing two lanes in close proximity. His kit enables him to clear fast, leave skeletons to clear, and move on.

Bone spear gives him another safer damage / wave clear tool om a short cooldown.

I don't think you understand this game enough to criticize it :).

Malf doesn't save people, he prevents them from needing to be saved. Sometimes Malf is shit, for example against burst damage of any kind. Blindly picking him regardless of draft because "hurrr he strongest supp!!!" Is a wood league mistake.
Li Li is too low if you're talking about people who are good at the character
>tfw le preparations man with 20% hp retard charges you across the map and you explode him by blowing your burst load all over his face and and whisper "...prepare this"
>tfw the cringe is completely worth it
Roadhog stitches when
So is stitches really that bad because of his Hook now being obsolete?

Because I kinda like playing him as a bruiser-tank but I don't know if its worth shelling out for him when I'm just gimping myself into a playstyle that isn't viable

It's as viable as your teams ability to collapse on hooked targets and your ability to land dank hooks.

People give him shit for being a fat ass with a hook and that's it, mainly because like two years ago he was a terror and was so well rounded he was the best tank in the game, now he's not.
The reason Artanis outclasses him is because Prism goes through minions. Hook doesn't.
No. A good Stitches will turn any fight into a 5vs4 preemptively.
A good Artanis can do that, but it allows counterplay in form of blowing Artanis up who switched himself into a shit position, equaling out to a 4vs4.
Stitches is a lot safer and much sturdier in a poke heavy environment, particularly with spellshield. That's the tradeoff for less damage and dueling power.
Stitches works but your not gonna be able to solo tank easily unless the enemy teamcomps bad.
You're basically just a big bag of HP with low survivability.
Also, positioning on hooks is way more important thatn people realize.
I usually play her with the armor talent and the shield talent. Allows me to be very tanky against characters who can dive me especially when you consider her range isn't the greatest. The chill when they hit you is also great.

It has worked great for me in QM since you often can't count on your team to be able to peel or even to have someone who can do it in the first place.
>enemy picks a shit comp that can't even deal with one Sonya
Time and time again I see people stupid enough to focus Sonya and she just keeps healing with her Whirlwind. Literally spin to win.
those devs should have made a necromancer more like the D2 one. Main reason of playing summons was to see all those skulls following you, this shit would have been funny in hots
Artanis' speed and damage makes him less reliant on his team. A good stitches is only able to make plays if his teammates are good enough to back up his godhooks.
How the fuck do you play Dehaka? I'm having an incredibly difficult time with him. Missing drag feels like a death sentence, and despite it being incredibly useful, the times that there's a perfect opportunity to use it seem slim in QM. Often when it would be at its most useful, there are creeps or other obstacles in the way, or else the enemy simply walks out of its range or sidesteps it as you cast it.

Is he the type of hero that requires a well-coordinated team who can follow up? I can see the potential for him, but I just can't seem to make it work.
you can carry games with gorge but it rarely happens
How to spec Tyrande?
What I mean is that I don't know how I'm supposed to be engaging as him. Do I initiate with drag? Do I just walk straight into the enemy team? Do I enter the fight late using brushstalker? Do I try to flank? Do I sit around the middle of my team and try to drag people into them?

He feels weirdly squishy for a tank, and I understand how to use his regeneration, but it makes me scared to actually tank.

He's an ambush tank. Use your mount ability to burrow in on unsuspecting split pushers or behind the enemy lines during a teamfight and grab up a squishy or support. Use your ability to everywhere to farm up essence and xp, then burrow in at opportune moments for a gank or snatch up. Don't play his like a front line tank, play him like you're a savage beast pouncing on it's prey and drag it back into your pack to eat.

Also don't make the mistake of using Swarm during body blocking, and dodge pain with Burrow.

There's a slight skill floor with Dehaka, but at a certain point it hits you and it just clicks. Keep practicing.
>your johanna picks the shitty fall from sky ulti
>doesn't even know he can move while it's casting
maybe a missclick talent?
3 hours boys
i wouldnt be surprised if she doesnt know, i've only seen that ult twice, most people doesnt know it shoots rays with the upgrade
until ?
Man, Abathur and Alarak make me wish I picked up SC2. I stopped playing during broodwar. Maybe I should buy SC2 just to play through the single player.
I have never picked it and know it can move
The single player is definitely worth it
Never touched competitive multiplayer and only played arcade aside from the single player

Until justice rains from above
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>roughly 13 hours later
>tfw you lose 5 minutes in because your team is filled with actual retards
Dark Wanderer when? I want a hero whose ult is just Become Diablo.
hardly worth 40bucks if you're just gonna play the campaign
Isn't the campaign free? Or was that the multiplayer?
When will they make seperate servers for russians?
I'm actually thinking about getting the 60 dollar digital deluxe battle chest for all the goodies in all the other blizzard games, mainly the wow pets.
>he still plays wow
There was a deal recently on B.net to get all 3 campaigns for 40$/€. I've spent about same amount using other promotions in the past to get all of them and feel satisfied, even though I've never touched standard multiplayer match.
Blizz knows that 70% of people who bought SC2 are filthy causals like me or >>172329085
and so they are investing so much time into Co-Op mode, which is also super fun with all the themed factions.
so when new hero announced?
either in 2-4 hours or friday
it's not
the free version is basically play vs ai

I'm sorry to hear that

Literally never
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Taking bets on Hero reveal

1. Warcraft
2. Starcraft
3. Diablo
4. Overwatch
5. Blizz classic
6. BONUS: Map reveal
7. BONUS: LOOT system reveal
8. Superman
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Draenei waifu.
The next hero will be from __HoTS__
Two diablo heroes, one Warcraft hero is teased, two maps, and a teaser about the loot system.
Diablo and Starcraft are dead to the HotS dev-team

Ambitious, i like it
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>Go to sleep and wake up and STILL NO NEWS.
This shit better be good.
It's superman
Probius just came out bra.
If you watched the reddits, you would have seen that last novermber they were taking ideas on how to make Deckard Cain a hero.
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>this fucking art
>Ugly character
>Shit abilities other than hook
>Boring as fuck to play
Take a guess
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>nothing until tomorrow

>tfw human skin colored tyrande with human skin colored sylv on my team
>tfw throbbing erection as i zoom at them
so hawt
>tempted to buy Love Goddess Tyrande
>only color palette I like for it is the one with blond hair
>tempted to buy Ranger General Sylvanas
>all colors look nice but it's little more than a recolor of the original

Blizzard pls

im mad
Deckard Cain
Tease of Overwatch event in summer
Maiev and grom pls, but ur list is nice too
Just watch. We're gonna get Malthael.
depends on comps/maps. owl and shadowstalk is safe but she can be tweaked around a lot depending on your team AA strenght or if it's a boss map or if you have a heavy kill comp..

more prolonged hype over what's probably going to amount basic features other games had for years.

taking this to reddit rn
Malthael would work since there was a whole expansion about him.
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>Cho'Gall buffs
>Rag nerfs
>Tychus buffs
>Varian buffs/nerfs
>Murky buffs
>Probius buffs
>Tassadar nerfs
>Arthas nerfs
>Leoric buffs
i love sylv
>fighting that little dragon slut
>he health getting low
>filthy coward tries to use bye bye to get out of the fight
>fucking denied
>she starts running around in panic knowing she can't do shit
feels good mang
>tease of overwatch event
So they're already going to address the dying overwatch player population?
pretty sure they stole the taunt/base health from one of my posts...either that or it was the most obvious thing ever.
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>Tassadar nerfs
>Varian buffs
>all shall suffer

you fucking bet
meh, now that i was starting to enjoy arthas

I already do, because I was waiting for some huge announcement, instead they nerf Tassadar even more.
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>Tassadar nerds

I don't want to have to take the globe talent dammit.

Finally rag nerfs like wtf were they doing this whole time?
>Cho'Gall buffs
>Consuming Blaze is now 33.3% more effective as a heal (also self-sustain quest is 50% more effective)
>more DoT as Cho's basic attack now refreshes the duration
>Cho's basic attack and Gall's Q are just straight up more powerful

Not world ending but I feel the better self-sustain combined with damage over time is just what Cho might need to push him into solid territory
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Nova? Zeratul?

"I will fullfill my calling."
"En arudin Raszagal."
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>Skelekang buffs

STILL no talent rework.
>tiny buff to leorics damage
it's fucking nothing
Could be Raynor.
they reduced varians health AGAIN???!!!
it was already reduces by 20% fucking percent before, varian is now basically abathur reskin without the hat and mines
They increased Varian's health, and reduced the bonus from Taunt.
>but I always choose Taunt!!!
They don't like that.
With how hard they're nerfing Warbringer, I think it's a sign they want people to take Shield Wall.
Still no toggle to control Li Li's healing priority?
Life is suffering.
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Your memelord has returned.
because his other ults are garbage, by desroying taunt instead of buffing his other ults they will only have another dead hero on their hands like tlv or hummer
>Khaydarin Resonance got changed again
Dammit Blizz make up your mind already
This is her trait dipstick. They can't make her healing targeted because she would immadiately made reghar and all other healers obsolete
still keeping diverse heroes and ignoring retards?
gj blizz

learn math retard #2
CS is pretty good for burst heavy comps, and TB is good for dive comps.
I hate it when Blizz acts like this, it's kinda childish isn't it?
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>varian still kept his personal divine shield
They do that all the time in wow, like in cata they introduced rated battleground, people didn't like they because they sucked and would do arena instead, so they decided to increase the points in RBGs you got for winds, and then double the amount of games needed to cap your points in arena. Then people still weren't playing RBGs so they made it so you could only cap your last 400 points in RBGs not arena.

People still didn't play it except now they needed to run one rbg a week to cap their points.
>they reverted tass's shields from 8 seconds back to 5 seonds
l o l
>marky not deleted
where's my man impqu
>globe talent is now required just to have 100% uptime on shields
Except cooldown stayed at 8 seconds
How new R U? That's the blizzard way. If they want people to use the bad ult, then they nerf the good one until both are taken equally

LiLi's trait is that she runs faster when damaged. You meant to say "her gimmick" or "her theme"
Who's going to win heroes of the dorm?
The good team
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Worker Rush (Z)
Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
Now automatically activates when Probius is in the Hall of Storms
Warp in Pylon (D)
Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds
Warp Rift (W)
Range increased by 15%
Slow amount increased from 20 to 25%
Photon Cannon (E)
Damage increased from 95 to 105
Duration increased from 11 to 13 seconds
Null Gate (R)
Range increased by 12%
Cooldown decreased from 40 to 30 seconds"
From how my picks have gone already, the one I didn't choose to win.
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>Shield Wall
>2 charges
>1.25 seconds invincibility per charge
>15 mana
>7 sec cooldown (can be reduced to 4 seconds if attacked while using the ability)
>A total of 2.5 seconds of invincibility, or 1.25 seconds of invincibility every 4 seconds at lvl 7

>Medivh's Force of Will
>1 charge
>1.50 seconds invincibility (can be upgraded to ~1.9 seconds with lvl 16)
>5 second cooldown
>50 mana

>Uther's Divine Shield
>Heroic Ability
>1 charge
>3 seconds invincibility duration, 5 secs at lvl 20
>EIGHTY (80) mana
>NINETY (90) second cooldown, 70 sec at lvl 20

>Varian's talent, at level 7, costing 15 mana per activation, is more effective than Medivh's innate 50 mana ability, even after being upgraded at level 16
>Varian's talent, at level SEVEN, gives more invincibility time during a fight compared to Uther's HEROIC ABILITY
it's a straight downgrade from pre-nerf tass now
and then they will nerf shield wall because no one picks warbringer
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the team with the most asians.
fuck Kentucky ruining everything for me.
Tiny buffs to damage can impact a lot. Remember the numbers they are throwing out are at lvl 1. He now hits harder at every point in the game, clears waves better with Q and at lvl 20 you still have Spectral Leech.

Leoric was an amazing solo laner before this just made him that much better. Leoric is never going to be a tank, even at his best he was more of a bruiser an this just helped him out
Divine shield's main perc was invulnerability to cc as well.
But yes, it was in a bad spot after the nerf and has been god awful since recent heroes.
It doesn't help that Uther is also complete dog shit.
When's that TownHall podcast happening exactly? hour and timezone
Complete doggo doodoo only in rando teams, my friend.
If your dps isn't shit and your tank has the balls to go hard then Uther can get some work done.

But yes, he's suboptimal in most situations, especially since no one knows how to play a melee assassin.
So that don't actually intend for Probius' Z to be used as an escape?
Playing him in CLOAKED HEROES of the storm is rough.
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What would Vorazun's kit be like?
It's called intuition.
Push in a bit, toss out a few w's+q and don't overstay your welcome.

With proby's waveclear speed you can get in and out a lane in no time.
No he's shit everywhere. He can't keep up with with the damage people throughout anymore and his mana costs are ridiculous.

Not to mention he's a melee healer that hits like a wet noodle. Morales hits harder.
His auto attack is super slow anyway, so this won't help him much. Not a lot of his damage even came from autoing, it is his % life drain. A slight auto increase to a very slow auto attack won't change much. The bigger change would be the buff to his wave clear, his swing, but that is pretty insignificant he was good when he and johanna could clear early waves, but they both have pretty lackluster wave clear now even after the like 8% buff to its damage.
Daily reminder that Invigoration and Flail Axe are the best early game talents for Butcher.
>He can't keep up
His sustain is awful but his burst heals combined with his hard stun make for quick, clean teamfights.

He has his place, but most people are too shit to know how to play with him on the team.

>Not a lot of his damage even came from autoing
I do agree that people are getting too excited over this "notice me" buff, but Leoric already hit's like a fucking truck. Increasing his aa by by nearly 15% is going to make those incredibly drawn out teamfights he seems to get himself into all the time a lot easier to settle.
What they should do is have skeletal swing reset his auto, so you can auto > swing > auto like all at once so he can get some decent burst there.
>pick Beacon of Light
>pick Blessed Champion
>act as an off tank for your team
>after a holy light, your autos heal everyone and yourself for a significant amount, giving you a fair bit more sustain

Nobody ever takes those talents though because 'muh piano build' or 'muh radiance' build, even though Blizz gave him 10 armor, suggesting he's meant to be a bit more aggressive and frontliney than most supports.
But you can...?
You do realize that if you swing immediately after you auto then it's almost completely reset by that point.
What you do is
>auto > step > swing >step/auto
Micro to cover more ground so they don't just walk away from you, the direct counter to Leoric.
Uther's place in the game is when every other healer is banned or picked. I mean he's LiLi tier but LiLi can actually do damage.

The one thing he has going for him is a decent Tracer counter with stun, divine storm.
>LiLi tier
But Li Li is an amazing counter to hard auto attacker teams.
She can even solo heal if you take the right talents and your team doesn't pick/isn't meant for sustained teamfighting.
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wtf I love Blizzard now
It's a 9% increase, only a 12 damage increase. But he doesn't get much damage from his auto attack. He doesn't really hit like a truck either, rag autos hit harder and they hit faster as well even after the nerf. He's not really an AA character. You will get most of your damage from drain and then at 20 from leech. The bigger change is to the swing because it slightly helps wave clear because he gets double damage against minions, but it's still not very significant.
He's saying reset, not a lot of abilities do that in hots (artha's D does so he gets good burst there) so auto + swing + auto would happen pretty much immediately it doesn't do that now, you just are waiting for the rest on the timer after the swing instead of it happening all at once.
>double damage to minions
What are you reading?
It only got a slight number boost and a boost to Renewed Swing.
Which if you took renewed swing, minions waves are already completely melted by you and vanish instantly by the time you hit 20.

He doesn't need waveclear help.
Skeletal Swing does double damage to non-heroic targets by default I believe. Or was it just minions and mercs?
>What are you reading?
Skeletal Swing has always dealt 2x damage to nonheroic units. Thus the slight number boost is more impactful there.
Thus his waveclear, already excellent, is even better.
Renewed Swing, rather than helping with waveclear, is now more useful against heroes since bopping them twice is better, whereas at 50% it was a light brushing.

The buff is not tremendous, but nevertheless, should help him a bit.
Skeletal swing deals double damage to non heroic units. Please read the ability. Also he had thee buffs one was to his q
From LotV she only has one ability that separates her from Zeratul, and Vorazun's Shadow Fury is not that distant from Zeratul's Shadow Assault. (Behavior wise: Shadow Fury causes Vorazun to wildly teleport-attack everyone in a wide radius, whereas Shadow Assault is more directed, letting Zera teleport-attack single foes of his choosing.)
Furthermore, two cloaked protoss in purple rags adorned with green crystals and wielding glowing green blades? Visually, she is not distinct enough from Zeratul to possibly enter the game. It is unthinkable.
The best you could possibly hope for is a Vorazun Legendary skin for Zeratul.
>buy Tassadar because he's both fun and good
>shield duration is cut almost in half
>level 1 globe quest is now going to be the meta, eliminating the viability of all the diverse builds he had previously
I fucking hate Blizzard.
paszkie is a good sperg, i love his autistic rambling
"I am the nicest and most intelligent person in all of /vg/!"
How do I stop being bad at the game?
Click the uninstall button?
100% true

Use shields reactionarily, not preshielding.

Practice makes perfect. If you have a lot of games played and are still bad then you aren't exapanding yout knowledge of the game. Try different heroes and talents and understand each talents place in the game and how to use / counter them.
So no new hero announced today, right?

All signs point to tomorrow
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The buff of his base health in addition to the bonus health of Taunt actually makes it so he even has more health on his Prot spec.
It's not a nerf of Taunt, it's relativizing it to the others, as the Ult stays just as effective. His early game just got a good bit better.
Imperius incoming.

What will Imperius play like? From what we've seen, he's basically the Leeroy Jenkins of angels. First to rush into a fight and first to get shitslapped. Angel version of Illidan?
Consuming Blaze (W)
>Healing amount increased from 30 to 40
>Basic Attack reapplication on Heroes now extends to all targets currently affected by Consuming Blaze
He's basically unkillable in teamfights if he catches 2+ people with it and just sticks to one target forever.

Right now, it heals for 30 per target hit, and then 30 every time you hit a hero again.
That amounts to roughly 1% of his literal life. With the old Consuming Fire, it was 2.5% of his huge health pool every time he attacked a hero.
Level up boni scaling his health slightly more than his healing make these numbers just a taaad smaller lategame, but nothing big

With this patch, we're at 40 health per target. with the new Consuming Fire? 120 health per hero. 4% of his life. If he hits 2+ people, and a basic attack on any hero inflicted reignites ALL ignited targets like I'm reading here? Stupidly high fucking sustain holy moly. Like up to 20% of his life later on, every time he smacks someone if he gets ONE good W off.

It gets even worse if there's Samuro Clones or Misha in there.
This shit actually counters heavy frontlines similar to Sonya, but the sustain is more suspectable to soft CC than hard CC.
I'd be more interested in seeing how Ithereal, the angelic embodiment of "teleports behind you and unsheathes katana", would translate into actual gameplay, honestly. Dude literally moves around solely through the medium of teleportation.
You're a retard. It means you can whack non-heroic targets and reignite the same way you reiginite heroes.

Literal who, not important.
Imperius is an asshole, by lore he's the highest ranking member of the angelis council i.e. topdog like Diablo of the demons and the most accomplished fighter.

Jobbing had to happen in order for DIII to happen as a game at all, don't hold it against him.
If they were to do any guest non-blizzard character who would you like?
>inb4 superman
>non blizz character
That's pretty stupid and pointless.

Your mom

My mom
Cloud Strife
>Q - Braver: high damage ST hit, animation locks Cloud for .5s, low cooldown but high mana cost, most of Cloud's damage comes from here
>W - Cross Slash: very small cone AoE, low damage, .75s stun followed by 1s 30% slow, high mana cost
>E - Blade Beam: Straight skillshot that, when hitting an enemy, splits in two and locks on to two nearby enemies (think cross between Gilnean Cocktail and Chain Lightning), low mana cost, moderate cooldown
>R1 - Finishing Touch: large cone AoE, moderate damage, enemies are knocked into the air, moderate cooldown
>R2 - Omnislash: channel for 1s before becoming Unstoppable and locking onto an enemy, causing Cloud to teleport around them attacking them for 4 seconds, Cloud can still be attacked but gains 50% armor. High total damage, very high cooldown
>Trait/D - SOLDIER 1st Class: Activate to purge Cloud of Slow and Root effects. Cooldown 10s, no mana

Why did I waste my life typing this
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The one and only.
gabriel angelos

any space marine really, the terran marines are just a cheap knockoff
I'd buy blonde D.Va skin with sleeveless fleece shirt and blue mech with burning eye/8-balls decals
So would I.
Though instead of NERF THIS, she'd have to just yell "WOOOOO!" as a guitar riffs in the background.
>still no ETC nerfs
the one-cow stunlock show continues.
so much this
>ETC nerfs
nigga, why?
anything that interrupts him cancels his moshpit and puts it on a massive cooldown
>two cloaked protoss in purple rags adorned with green crystals and wielding glowing green blades? Visually, she is not distinct enough from Zeratul to possibly enter the game. It is unthinkable.
I can't tell Valla, Sylvannas and Tyrande apart most of the time during fights anyway. What difference would that make?
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Why is there no Leeroy Jenkings Blizzard Classic hero yet?

Captain Diomedes.
Jesus, I needed this today
cata was best xpac though
It was so shit it killed off a big chunk of the player base
>caring about the lore
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Where the fuck is the leaked Azmodan brawl?!?!

Where the fuck are leaks from illuminati meeting?!?!
they are not going to leak anything
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Jotaro with part 3 part 4 and part 6 skins, and legendary DIO skin.
fucking kill your self you fucking nigger
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>all my heroes are at lvl 1
>quest button not working
I-is anyone else having this problem??
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Why is he so fun??
Well, you're an idiot.
For one, Valla is not even using the same weapons. While I could understand getting Sylvanas and Tyrande confused to some degree, they still have noticeably different clothing, skin tones, and equipment. Tyrande has no hood, Sylvanas has no glowing mantle behind her.
Alright, where do I download this shit?
My western-show-fu is weak, I barely managed Wakfu due to it's popularity.
Just some pointers would be enough.
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>I can't tell Valla, Sylvannas and Tyrande apart most of the time during fights anyway
They also have completely different stances and thus sillhouettes.
haven't played in months

is azmodan ever getting changes to his quests
Taste for Blood got buffed and you now get 10 damage for takedowns.

But no, probably not.
Did you play after Sieging Wrath was introduced?
How come at the start of every game both teams rush mid and pound their chests at each other? I see this in pro games too. What's the point? Half the time both teams are too scared to initiate so nothing happens aside from missing xp
What is the best build for probius?

Objectively best build Q build

Memey good build against stealth and capture objectives, turret

Bad build asking to lose, W shotgun build
Emulating proplay without knowing why.

Pros meet at the middle to get cheeky stacks for quests, maybe a surprise pick literally never and to quickly decimate the minion wave in the middle, which arrives roughly 7 seconds earlier, and quickly splitting to the other lanes as to not miss out on experience.

I personally do it, because everyone else on my team does it, and boy do they get sore when they inevitably get picked off by being morons, resulting in bad blood not even 1 minute into the game!
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Anyone who gets Spider Build is a pleb

Best build is
Thing from the deep
Blood Ritual
Dead Rush
Superstition (most broken talent ever)
Spider Colony
Vile Win the Game Infection

This build allows you to get insane stacks, spread the vile infection easily, and never ever run out of health and mana.
Is it just me or does Alarak's voice lines spam way more than other heroes?

Him, Gul'dan, and Hammer seem to talk way more than other heroes
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>he doesn't take big voodoo because he is bad at managing hp/mana

More like safe cuck build.

> no big voodoo

>not taking big voodoo and having more hp than your tanks at level 20
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Captain Falcon
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Megas XLR was my jam back in the day. Great show
I want Pharah to be added just so she and Tyrael can be justice buddies.
what did he mean by this
>a sandnigger
My dick knows no distinction between gurls I want to fuck.

ALL females are welcome as long as they're attractive. Only really leaves Ana and Symmetra out.

>65807 >>172365932>>172364708
> >>172365932>>1723647>>172365932>>1723647
thats hate speech
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just had an enemy pick a chogall so i picked tychus to counter

i miss this hero so much ;_;
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ARqpg3uSS4 ;_;
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>patch notes
>nothing else

Thursday, right?
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get on my level, nubs
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>Liteally LITRALLY still no Abathur buffs
>No Lei Shen
>No Velen
>No Mengsk
>No Blackthorne
>No Tosh
>No Ket'Thuzad
>No Stukov

w-w-wew lad
What the fuck is this memery
>get into draft
>two people hover Abathur
>they fight over him
>get into game and lose in 10
>check patch notes
>spike does 5 extra damage, shield is 2% stronger or some shit

Abathur was a mistake
Honestly the fucking stupid tiny buffs they keep giving Abathur is a joke.
They butchered the fuck out of locust and mine build to the point all he really has is hat, and even then that's only good if you've got some decent melee players on your team.
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Who do I pick?
most asian least niggest team
I locked in them gooks. God help me.
>Tass is op in top level play so we'll nerf shield uptime for everyone.
>You can get it back though, but only if you're in a high level team that actually rotates.


>hey guys lets ignore the fact that gazlowe's winrate actually went down and he still isnt any more "competitively viable" than before despite what we said we wanted

Fucking Gazlowe will never be "viable" unless they actually put forth big efforts. Fuck. I fucking hate this shit.

He's strong in higher play and weaker in lower play. That's what they wanted and it happened.
Now that Gallywix has a proper model in WoW, how long before we see the Gallywix hero?
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>He's strong in higher play
But the point is he isn;t someone you would want over others. He has no big strengths that would make you want him, especially considering he asks more of your own team than others.

Hopefully this friday. And then 3 weeks from now we get Marin Noggenfogger as the Goblin Alchemist.
If I never see a WoW hero again I'll be happy

Unless it's Garrosh

He's legit good on Braxis and Temple. If you disagree you're a bronzo.
>You can get it back AND be able to shield faster
Tass first ban every game now.

>fat piece of shit goblin hero

no thx
He already was first ban.
>tfw like zombie wall but spiderbuild is so much better
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>two of my picks are still in
it's something i guess
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>Basic Attack damage decreased from 180 to 171
>Empower Sulfuras damage decreased from 201 to 191
>Sulfuras Smash cooldown increased from 60 to 80 seconds
>Resilient Flame cooldown increased by 5 seconds and armor decreased by 10

When will they stop fucking my main in the ass.
>having a "main"

>unstoppable god assassin at all levels of play

hmmm i wonder why they nerf him????
They added more IMPACT to your ulti, what's the problem?
Been a few months since I last played.

Just checked hotdogs, what the fuck happened to Rexxar to put his winrate so high? Am I just misremembering, or didn't he used to be shit?
Only people who can actually play him are playing him
>He's good at one objecive! That means he's competitively viable and not at all far too reliant on a million other variables in order to achieve a level of usefulness on part with pretty much every other hero in the game!

stop fagging around with "mains".
Some QoL improvements, some talent reworks, a bunch of minor stuff. It all added up to "If you can play Rexxar, great. If not, get fucked." so nothing really changed.

The 'solo top, 4 man bot' Dragon Shire/Braxxis meta. That's the only time people pick him, but he's exceptional at that. Just sit back safely under your towers and let the bear cap the point.

If they send a second person to deal with you you just back off while the four man wrecks bottom. They take the point, leave then you put the bear back on the point.

On top of that, only the hardest of hardcore Rexxar players are playing him anymore. They changed his controls to dogshit and most players quit him.
I just go straight to my lane because it's just a wee bit less likely they'll engage like idiots when it's not the entire team there.

its obvious people are abusing him to have no vs no tank games
he is still OP
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Why is Sgt hammer considered a specialist when she's very clearly driving a tank?
go spider build to hear DING DING DING DING DING
so satisfying
Why did people miss mines? Seems like one of the most shit maps in the game
old mines was better

>zarya not a tank
>varian not a tank
>sonya not a tank

someone will pay for this at blizzard
What team is winning?
No idea.

Hello, Sylvanas.

or Tassadar
the fastest map, you could stomp or be stomped fast
I honestly forget what was diff about it. Less entrances?
The old golems didn't move from where they fell, so depending on how far it pushed, when it flipped it might have a longer or shorter walk. At least, from what I remember of trying it in a custom game a while back.

There's arguments for Zarya and Sonya(Though if you put bruisers separate then you'll get a long list of 'why isn't x also a bruiser?').

There's no argument for Varian. Your solo Varian going colossus smash is a flaw of the player, not the hero. Because tank Varian is in fact a tank.
golems were stronger, they respawned in the place where they died, mines only had top and bottom entrances

>there are people playing right now that will never experience the true mines
Lucky them.

I wish they never bothered bringing this mess of a map back.
>they respawned in the place where they died
You say it like it was a good thing.
So it Tickles good now or what
>just farming some minions for my stacks, all is good
>wtf im not hitting heroes with spiders
>realize they changed so everytime you get a stack you have to hear le mario sound
>have to hear this for every single wave

imma WAAAA BRAAAP someone at blizz real good
>zarya not a tank
But that's true.
Why is it so easy to die as Alarak? Every single one I see dies at least 10 times in a match

He's not easy to play and people overestimate combo or have poor positioning.
He should have some sort of bonus for pushing people into walls with his W

anti-synergy with his kit

He needs better talents in general.
Anti-synergy how? Having people get stunned when pushed into walls would be great for him.
They have to just... never be good? Then why have them in the first place?

He's designed to scoop targets up into his range for Q, not to toss them around like Diablo.
And pushing in them into a nearby wall for a stun + Q is bad for him because?
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I feel like I am doing something wrong as Samuro.

Post enemy team and talents.
No he's just fucking shit.
Brings nothing to the team other than being slippery.
isnt the Weekly Sale suppose to change today?

Update postponed due to announcement this week.

>take camps
>secure kills
>be evasive
>be annoying

Your main problem is dying too much, you need to get better at juking or learn Illusion master.

Since it's quick meme any detection or DOTs absolutely destroy Samuro, so keep that in mind.
Playing Samuro is my first and only guess. The Gazlowe of Assassins.
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Why is there always that 1 fucking retard on your team who plays at a level 2 leagues down from where you are?

Because MMR is broke and the only measure is winrate. Sometimes some retards slip through the cracks via luck.
I'm going to try the skelly king for the first time
What build should I use?
Keep in mind I'm charcoal league
Matchmaking is run on a team-average MMR system. Meaning it will take players of varying MMR, and as long as the team's average MMR matches the opposing teams, a game is ready to go. I believe it DOES try to "roughly" grab people around your MMR, but there aren't enough players in this game to consistently do that. So you generally get somewhat mix-matched groups.

Probably the biggest reason to not take this game seriously, and one of the reasons why rank will never really matter in this game.
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some things changed. probius is 10k on the buy screen

also there's this price drop at the moment.
damn, blizzard is getting more and more generous.

I wouldn't say never, but maybe someday. We need like 500k more players in ranked to play often to add enough mix to the pool to get more accurate rankings.
Yeah, I guess I shouldn't say never. I do love this game. Hopefully they'll keep churning out those cross-promotions, both for new players and for free goodies.

And then follow up with some sort of educational campaign that teaches people how to play this game better, because goddamn.
How do I play the Skeleman King?
He seems pretty rad, and the whole "not actually dying" thing is convenient since I can relocate while I'm dead, but other than finishing off weakened heroes and breaking structures, I don't feel I can do much.
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>because goddamn.

this so much

I don't know if he should get stuns shoving people into walls(As that's both really strong and two people already do it), but he is designed to toss people around. That's what sets him apart from Kerrigan. He's got the combo and that's what he'll usually use, but being able to push people into the team, away from the team, off the cap point whatever from any angle is what makes him unique.

You could do something with terrain. They don't HAVE to go that direction, but it's certainly a option. Maybe it does more damage, or slows or something.
>probius is 10k on the buy screen
still not buying this shit hero
For some reason Stitches devour has been making quest pings, even if I don't choose that shit talent.
He's like trying to play a Medival: Chivalry character in a game that is becoming more like Quake..

E early so it's almost off cd when you engage. Take camps, push lanes(You've got good escapes and the enemy will tend to ignore you, because they assume that the Samuro on their minimap is just a clone).

Get to 16 and get a huge powerspike with press the attack and you might even be able to kill someone.
>wanting garrosh instead of grom

1:Usually w. Reanimations fine though if it's a globe heavy map.

4.Fealty unto death as long as there's minions about and it's not battlefield of eternity or something. Otherwise the w. Some people probably say w every tier, but..this one is kinda weak.

7: Ossein and both Q talents are good.

10: Entomb. There's never a 'good' time for march, though if you're qming rarely there can be a bad time for entomb(Like too many melee on your team) in which case you march just so you don't bodyblock your own team.

13: Crushing hope if they have low mobility targets to w. Otherwise burning rage is always a reliable talent.

16:Unyielding despair.

20:Spectral leech.
>Cho’s Basic Attacks now apply and refresh Consuming Blaze

What did they mean by this?
March is good vs Gorge Stitches.
But then we run into the debate of: is Leoric good on Towers of Doom, Gorge Stiches only good map?

They want them to be "viable", so they made Cho immortal with the right support.

I hero power and emote!
Tried it in try mode. Autos don't apply blaze if the target doesn't already have it on. Basically, that dot reapplication on heroes can now be done on any target. More sustain out of fights, which is pretty good.
why should i play probius instead of chromie again ?

Probe has better wave clear and zoning power.
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>All these Varians spamming protection bullshit
>Chromies sniping you with sand from 30 miles away behind their fort gates
>Unrevealable stealth stuns up the ass
>All this overwatch faggotry

Remember back when Zeratul was the only "OP" hero and everyone made fun of Gazlowe?
Well Gazlowe never changed.
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>v-valeera is op guise
>expecting anything other than casual fun from a game that exists solely to promote their other ones
I used to have a lot of fun with this game and be chill all the time, but now that I actually understand the importance of map objectives and staying together in team fights, I get fucking pissed when people do something retarded.

How do I go back /hotsg/?
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>That Chromie that NEVER misses her shots
>Always hits you at absolute max range
>Always hits her ult/trap combo with 100% perfect timing
>Always knows which shots you are going to try to dodge and which ones you aren't
>Always knows exactly in which direction you will try to dodge
>Always knows exactly where you are behind your wall, even if you're not near fountain
>Always knows exactly the route you'll take to get to her and always has a pre-emptively placed trap on it

I swear these people are fucking mindreaders.
Find a way to avoid caring about whether or not you win and just focus on improving, performing better, adapting, etc.

As odd as that may sound.
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>like nigga open your eyes
Heeeeey, that happened to me too.
It makes sense, actually.
Try to improve my individual performance and get a better understanding of the characters I like and how to react to certain enemies. Thanks for the input m8

How long have you been playing?
Early Alpha. I've been jaded a long time. There was this gigantic dip in quality in the jump from Alpha to Beta that made me quit for a few months. I know it was due to a massive influx of players, which brought along bad players, but still. Before then it was such a nice, close knit community wherein almost everyone knew how to play at the time.

>that chromie that misses literally every fucking thing because the dude playing her is terrible and predictable
>but that ONE fucking time he lands a lucky ass fucking combo is during an important team fight
>or even worse, you're juking and embarrassing him all game yet your 4 other teammates are feeding him over and over
Quite ironic that the more you get involved in the game, the more you get annoyed by it.
Friend of mine played HotS for months and recently got his feet wet in HL.
Managed to climb from Silver to Gold 4 last season just to be placed in Silver 3 again this season.
He quit the game in rage because he felt all his time and sweat was wasted.
I fully believe in the "I take the anger players convey in their complaints as a sign of affection for our game." philosophy that Dustin Browder once mentioned in a tweet at some point, because he's absolutely right. I get legitimately annoyed at the way they handle Gazlowe or Nova, or how the game has become obscenely bursty in comparison to what it used to be, and all because I actually give a shit about the game.

This explains why people who have spent thousands of hours in a game will have the most, thought-out and detailed criticisms to offer people asking how said game is. Warframe is a good example.
If they mixed me in with master level players I would stop bitching about matchmaking

No, I'm not gonna grind to get there, especially in QM
>After 10,000 years I'm free!
>Not Illidan.

I think this is just a testament to how legitimately great the Power Rangers theme is.
>ready to spend some dosh on Lunar Jaina
>try it out first
>it has some dumb fireworks theme for the skills

I dodged a bullet, I guess.
Master level players aren't as good as you think. There are still plenty of morons that are Masters.
>Varian has like 60% of his health
>entomb him (improved version)
>land Drain Hope
>land a double swing
>keep attacking
>I still end up dead

I guess ALL SHALL SUFFER includes Leoric as well.
>entomb him (improved version)
>land a double swing

oh boy ...
>entomb him (improved version)
>land a double swing
never play leoric again please
I'm a free week Leoric shitter, what exactly did I do wrong?
Did I spec wrong or am I just not supposed to go 1 vs 1 against Varian?
ALWAYS take spectral leech at 20.
>entomb him (improved version)

yo hol up nigga
>the game has become obscenely bursty in comparison to what it used to be

you are either not playing very long or paused playing for a year.
thanks to warrior buffs, mage nerfs, stun nerfs and mount speed nerf we got the most anti-burst meta in the history of the game right now.

I still remember the times when Jaina or Kael alone got blow up the whole enemy team in seconds.

When chain stun lock was the name of the game with Uther and Rehgar being the best supports in the game.

I still remember how you had to pop preemptive ancestrals the moment someone took damage because the burst was so hard that not even the tank could survive the 1 second.
>STILL no Kel'Goddamn'Thuzad
Is there something amiss?
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99% of the time you'll use this
may switch fealty for vessel on 4 according to map
may switch paralizing for ghastly if plenty of kiters

Only reason to pick double swing is if you're up against a team with nova tracer zeratul chromie and probius

W cdr at 16 too. Because the cd starts when you cast, not when it wears off it's a lot better than it looks, giving just 3s downtime if you stick to your target.

Double swing is fun with insta waveclear and slows for days and I wish it was a thing, but it can't really compete with that.
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>15 minutes vs AI games with sylva AND hammer in team
Thanks m80s, guess I royally fucked it up then, huh?
I'll give these talents a try.
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Where the fuck is the announcement! I haven't done an ounce of work in the last 48 hours, since I'm just sitting and refreshing Reddit expecting it to drop anytime!
In 9-10 hours from now.
Screencap this.

>do quick dailies vs AI
>sylv on team
>go to their lane
>push my face into their towers to let sylv know i will smash towers with her
>she just sits there in a bush waiting for the creep wave and other bots

>the top lane Rexxar is constantly pinging and whining saying he needs help while bot is being insta-smashed

I love quick dailies and everything but the sub-bronze 5 gameplay triggers me.
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>picks sylvanas
>wants to solo lane
I'm concerned about Jaina /hotsg/ the way she rides a horse does not look safe at all.

I guess she's too COOL to ride it properly ha ha ha
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>Zeratul is the best stealth hero in the game
>he is not a blond waifu

Just how far behind are Valeera and Nova compared to him?
What Master skins would you consider good enough to be worth the grind to level 10?

Xul if you play him. His default skins are complete dogshit. His master skins are GOAT.
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Oh no! The heroes of the Nexus have entered a tournament to vie for your affection. Who do you love most?
>morales vs chromie
this doesn't seem fair in the slightest
sonya naz and probably xul
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>Lost Vikings
>Gazlowe (just so the poor fucker gets some shoes)
Someone's got too much free time

I got bored halfway in
Kel'Thuzad is coming out in 7 hours on the PTR.
Especially Nazeebo that skin is so awesome

Sounds like you're not autistic enough to post here.

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Why does Anub'arak feel so good to play now?
I personally have TLV and Medivh and absolutely love them both. I also intend to buy Cho'Gall.

I think it mainly depends on which characters you REALLY like to play. For example, I LOVE Nova's Master skin, but I don't love the character or her gameplay, so I wont buy it. Also, even if you love some character, the master skin might not be worth it. For example, I love playing Li-Ming, but I find her master skin ugly.

Master skins tier list according to me:

Tier 0 (one of the best skins in the game, a must have if you play this character often):
The Lost Vikings

Tier 1 (awesome skin, if you really like playing the character you should buy this skin as soon as you can unless you want to buy other heroes first):
Li Li

Tier 1.5 (debatable, could be tier 1 or tier 2 depending on tastes):

Tier 2 (pretty underwhelming and forgettable skin, it's okay, buying it is alright if you really love the character, but wont it add much add much to it):
Sgt. Hammer
Lt. Morales

Tier 2.5 (debatable, could be tier 2 or tier 3 depending on tastes):
The Butcher

Tier 3 (bad skin, actually worst than the base skin, buying it is disadvised even if you love the character):

Special tier (very debatable, could be tier 1 or tier 3 depending on tastes):
You fools don't understand the ways of the time.
>Alarak Tier 1

>Medivh not Tier 0

>Probius not being tier 2

>Ragnaros not being Tier 1

I personally have Leoric's Master skin, and I would place it on Tier 1, it's one of my favorites <3
I absolutely love Medivh master skin and I own it, but I don't think it's tier 0 because some people might dislike the raven heads everywhere and think it's a bit too much.
Actually, yeah, now that you mention it, Tier 1 would be better.

Mainly because the Raven mount doesn't change at all, like what the fuck Blizzard?
McIntyre now streams live him cleaning kis keyboard.

Quality HotS content!!

Jesus why is it always so dull before big patch.

>watching a literal wigger who listens to wigger music

add maraad for ret pally

Uther's rework should make him dual spec like Varian for Ret.
I want a draeneï. Maraad would be okay because he's the archetypal draeneï, even though I prefer Akama, Velen and Nobundo. Also, Maraad would be better than Yrel.
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>friend picks sylvannas
>has 10 deaths because he keeps trying to 1v1 gank as her

I need better friends

They gave him actual good syngery talents and made his targeted counter laser focused.
>No Literally who?
>No completely nothing to the story
>No old babyboomer with zero special abilities
>No literally who?
>No black Nova
>Fair enough
>No infested black nova

I wish i could use sylvs mind control on friendly heroes too, her lvl 20 would be perfect for pulling friendlies from cluster fucks, or it could be used to punish shitters by walking them into the enemy team
Boner King isn't a real tank so he can't solo tank but he's a great tank buster / hero killer with a team because of all that %-based damage (but he can't finish them off, hence the need for a team) and the teamfight setups with tomb do wonders with a teamcomp that works with it.

He's basically a moving area hazard.
only edgy 12yo goths wear two belts
So many MOBA players skip the tutorials, it's not even funny.
I'm more interested what purpose does the chain serve
>jaina master skin
>anywhere but tier 0
get out of here with this garbage list
>lock in your tournament pick to get free stimpack
>do it
>no stimpack
>submit your roster for free portrait
>do it
>no portrait
fuck you blizzard
the one with more chinks
>tyrande uther and thrall have good master skins
you can't make this shit up fampai
are you blind? grinding to level 10 for an extra minute detail like shoulderpads that are hardly noticeable from the camera angle the game is locked on too, is really really autistic.
And Nazeebo has one of the best master skins, it's radically different from his default.
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Since I don't own Artanis (don't really feel like spending gold ATM), I'm working on Valla since I really like the gold tint and Hammer; already own Jaina's. Hammer's Master Skin isn't anything special but I just really like Hammer.

I think the ones that are also worth owning are:
- Lucio
- Morales
- Abathur
- Zarya
- Greymane
- Murky
- Nazeebo
Because they actually look like an improvement to the default aesthetic. Maybe Stitches too for the hat but I hate playing Stitches so I personally can't say it's worth it. I'd also say Lunara and Brightwing but I like their default skin more. Also Monarch Brightwing is leagues superior.

I really fucking hate a lot of the Master skins that do nothing but add extra pointless ornaments that don't even look good or just make them plain look bad. Or hell, you can barely tell the difference with some of them.
Alarak, Valeera, Sylvanas, Chen, Kerrigan, fucking Nova, Tracer, still 50/50 on Tyrande, etc.

I'd put the rest of the Master skins as "If you really like the hero, it'll be worth it" because I personally have no attachment to the hero and/or I don't have an opinion on whether it looks better or worse than default.
radically different, but still very meh. Hence, tier 2.
How do we adress the reddit issue, /hotsg/?

Clearly there needs to be something done and it helps that blizzard retards go there baka
Anything new? Who is bad and who is good? I heard Anub and Arthas were busted but I haven't seen them played at all, so I'm worried about picking them up again without knowing how their play style has changed.

Who are you guys first banning?
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Fite me.
>reddit issue
What's the issue?
They exist and they're retard central if it comes to hots

First ban varies by map as different heroes have power over certain objectives over others.

Tassadar is a safe first ban, Ragnaros also a safe first ban on most maps.
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Of course it's retard central, they have too many users to not be. That's how every community works, the bigger it is the dumber the colective. What will you do with it anon?
We have to end reddit and also blizzard
>Who are you guys first banning?
Lucio, Ragnaros, TLV, maybe Brightwing / Malf / Tassadar, maybe Varian.
>Anything new? Who is bad and who is good?
Can't really give a satisfactory answer if we don't know how long you've been off the game.
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Can anyone even make sense of blizzard's balancing decisions?
They balance depending on numbers
Something has high/low winrate? Nerf/buff it
Something has high/low pick rate? Nerf/buff it

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>it's just a cosmetic update
Gems purchase ....

Why the fuck are some spic sites getting this shit out first?
>The progression and economy overhaul we were promised at Blizzcon
> just a cosmetic update
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>3 different currencies
Are they going full mobile jewery?
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>That face
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Maeiv fags BTFO again XD
This is an early april fools right? Surely we can't be getting a pre D3 character?
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They always fuck up female faces in official art. She'll look good in game
I'm gonna flip my shit if this means they're gonna up the prices for things. 10€ for a hero is already fucking high.
Maiev,Stukov and kel'thuzad on suicide watch
Guys, i got an idea. What if kel'thuzad will come into the nexus, but he will come as his wc3 form and not the one from the naxxramas? We already see heroes coming with rather than wc3 form than WOW like guldan and thrall. When kel'thuzad will be announced, he will look like this! How do you feel?
bruh he was a lich in wc3 far longer than human
Perhaps the wording isn't correct.
Update for cosmetics.
I think he will be in his lich form but the ability design will probably be more like WC3 KT rather than WoW KT.
I always loved Warcraft III necromancers, so I would definitely be happy, even if it would feel weird to know we'll never have a lich.
>tfw it's a leaked april fools
i can't even count the games we lost because nobody noticed there was a catapult chipping away at our core
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>the shittiest Diablo character of all 3 diablo games gets in over KT and Maiev
where are getting that? is is onthe beta server? can i try it?
what if one of his R is turning into a lich like illidan turns into a meme
They're all stock images posted in the article.
look at >>172428554 and >>172428017
GUYS what should i do with my Gold now??? With these 3 currency JEWery i cant tell if it is better to just buy master skins and heroes now, or keep it for later. If heroes will be only buyable by diamond(because you can get them from boxes) than i should spend all gold on heroes!
What more do pubs need?
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>20 Euro heroes inc.
>announcer packs cost extra too
>going full Highrez

Also all the recolors will become their own skins, so you have to pay for them too.

Blizzard really wants to suck their customers dry before abandoning the ship.
nobody reads the chat and nobody looks at the minimap, anything that isn't nice loud voice is useless
>no prices for anything
>Going full Highrez

My sides XD
The already existing announcers say when the core is under attack
"The beta for Heroes of the Storm 2.0 starts today, so you can start to try all the new features that come with it, as well as all of the above, reworked almost from scratch the matchmaking system so that you find games in a way Much faster but above all, the pairings you have are as fair as possible." We'll see Candy Crush 2.0 today
javazon is a leaked april fools the news sites took for a real thing
its real
We are Overwatch/Starcraft Boissss!
There better be an Abathur and Alarak announcers here in hots.
From the context of talents, Amazon's kit looks something like that:

Q Lightning Fury - AoE dmg
W Blinding Light - well, AoE blind
E no idea
Trait Avoid - some sort of evasion
R1 Ball Lighting - Throw a ball of lighting at enemy, deals dmg, bounces to other enemies
R2 Valkyrie - Summon a Vlakyurie that pulls an enemy hero toward your location
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>believing this
you're dumb
Basic Abilities
⦁ Lightning Fury (Q)
⦁ Hurl a javelin that damages the first enemy hit, and splits into two lightning bolts that deal damage to enemies in their paths.

⦁ Blinding Light (W)
⦁ After 0.5 seconds, Blind enemies in the target area for 2 seconds.
⦁ Passive: Cassia deals 15% increased damage to Blinded targets.

⦁ Fend (E)
⦁ Charge at an enemy, and upon arriving channel for 1.5 seconds, damaging enemies in front of cassia every 0.25 seconds.
⦁ Deals 50% reduced damage to non-Heroes.

Heroic Abilities
⦁ Ball Lightning (R)
⦁ Throw a ball of lightning at an enemy Hero that bounces up to 6 times between nearby enemy Heroes and Cassia, damaging enemies hit.

⦁ Valkyrie (R)
⦁ Summon a Valkyrie that rushes to Cassia after 0.75 seconds, pulling and damaging the first enemy Hero hit, and stunning them for 0.5 seconds at the end of her path.
⦁ The Valkyrie knocks back all other enemy Heroes in her way.
Based on the kit and Fend especially I think she's going to be melee but with a bunch of ranged skills.
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1. it can't be an april's fool because it looks too serious and Blizzard would not risk such a bad communication, which would be disastrous commercially.
2. the pictures are numerous and look very convincing.
3. they announced such changes several months ago, so there's nothing surprising here.
4. they already implemented such functionalities in Overwatch (which is now their most popular game along with Hearthstone) as well as Starcraft 2, so there's nothing surprising here2.
5. Amazon was partly leaked a month ago.
6. I really see no reason to believe it isn't true. If you see some, please give them.

Amazon Spotlight!

Update 2.0

Progression Spotlight
>brightwing announcer

muh duck
this game is about to get really fucking cancerous
>All blinded enemies will take more damage
>blinding light
>not inner sight

>ball lightning
>not lightning fury

>nova amazon skins looks more like the D2 amazon than cassia skin

Do they even try ?
I'm fine with this. I'll almost 100% end up spending less money overall.

And unlike OW, I actually enjoy this game.

Amazon hype!
So old players should get a lot of loot boxes when they first log in, r-right?
They probably did it on purpose to make sure people won't mix up Novazon and Cassia.

>inner sight
Has nothing to do with blind? Or do you mean they should've given her an entirely different skill?

>lightning fury
Agreed that it's a bit weird it's her Q. Would've made more sense to have lightning bolt or charged strike as her Q and lightning fury as one of the ults.
it doesn't seems

>not having titan
>weird gold shield instead of a monarch shield that everyone used to create phoenix
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Now you can get items that you could only unlock by real money in the past by playing only. I think people overreacting this new currency system. I think it will be cool.
PTR when?

I'm getting a version mismatch.

Also is the new hero coming today or is she going to be on PTR first?
300+ loot boxes, I can't wait.
We got spoilered on everything except the most important thing: do we have a date?
Yes, they will. it is confirmed in the 2.0 spotlight video. (dont know exactly where, but i was curious as well, so listened for it)
Who the fuck used Phoenix on a javazon?
oh shit im sorry
PTR today! (tommor for EU maybe)
when is this hots 2.0 patch

Also I noticed that Chromie was 750 gems on the video and based on the screens we got 1040 gems are 10$/€. She's currently 10€ so we might actually be seeing cheaper hero prices in the future.
today confirmed. probably late EU timezone though.
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Customizing and expanding the cosmetic and skin system is a very smart business move.

Works in WoW, Smite and Overwatch.

The never ending level rewards will keep people playing and put more money into it, if they really want a skin. (see Overwatch chest buyers)

On the other hand i really LOVE the ANNOUNCER packs and VOICE lines.
This shit better be retroactive.
>They probably did it on purpose to make sure people won't mix up Novazon and Cassia.
yeah sure. but that's quite stupid in the end.

>inner sight
Amazon had this skill that could put in light monsters and deal more damage to them, I think they should have kept this name since the skill does that (passive) + blind
>lightning fury
Well this Q isn't really lightning fury, more like lightning bolt that you can throw, but it's true you can't possibly give such a powerful skill. I thought they would put it as her ult, and have something else as Q

But i'm quite happy they added her and made her a javazon
Anyone super nostalgia'ing for the spotlight music in Cassia's vid?

She genuinely looks fun as fuck, but I am gonna be so trash with her. Her trait and shorter ranged attack will make sure I'm useless.
It will be!
The Shards sound nice in practise, but I wonder if the rate of earning them will match gold currently and the rewards that can buy. I'd like to play a similar amount of time from a current level 1 hero to a skin tint to getting a skin tint with a shard.
Will we lose already unlocked skin variations upon release? What about variations for the basic skin and master skin?
I hope this means more than 3 tints per skin. Another is now you can pick based on A E sthetics rather than just the third one for cred.
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The really nice thing about Cassia is that she is an older woman.
>I'd like to play a similar amount of time from a current level 1 hero to a skin tint to getting a skin tint with a shard.
I think it's going to be way more RNG than that but they did say that getting hero specific level milestones will have chests that guarantee a loot for that hero.

So don't level up any more heroes in the next few days, boyz.
should've directly released the patch since this game started to die

the casual player base wouldn't play ptr anyway

also hoped for an engine rebase since the sc2 engine is fucking garbage
WTF. Sounds extremely unfair.
I dont know if you catch it but in one of the videos, you can see that thhere are new alternatives and tints for old skin. Like mecha dehaka but his tint has camouflage colored.
I have a 365 combined hero level, though.
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>tfw bliz is punishing you for being a hoarder ;_;
If that's true that's great. Could someone post a screenshot?
Hm. You normally get a chest at what levels?

I only have two heroes at 10, so I might not even get 70.
I hope that having all heroes and a few skins will drastically improve the chance of having hero skins
Am I the only who noticed that the portrait menu had a fucking Achievements section?
No, it will not. You will just get shards from duplicates.
Gold is still used only for buying heroes so it's not like anything's changed for gold hoarders like us.
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>see 2.0 update
>get excited
>see cassia
>give up on the game
Never before I went from hyped to jaded in one fucking video. Cassia's natural counters are mages which will now counter both assassins and her and stuns are still the primary counter to everything on the game.
But we will get something? Where did you see this?
Oh SHIT bruh
>combined hero level : 522
>number of game played 3589

How fucked I am ?
Fuck, I hope that's not real.

I burned out on Dota 2 because of their buy-compendiums-for-time-limited-achievements shit.


Mages basically aren't seeing any play. What's wrong with some buffs to them?
really glad it's a confirmed april fools joke
Gul'dan and Li-Ming see play.
What's this mean? 70 chests max regardless of your overall lvl?
>WC battleground
I'm in pretty much the same boat level-wise. Really want some info on this and on masterskins I already own
Fuck it's real.
Fucking cheevos for a MOBA.

Guess this means I'm burning out on HotS too.
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>Berzerker Kharazim skin in 2.0 Spotlight

we /wolverine/ now
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Might just be for stuff like the event portraits from the past 2 years though.
Got a pic?
True, but Ming is kind of eh and needs a good player. Compared to AA heroes or stuff like Rag, it is fine to get one that is countered by mages.
Here you go my friend.
Yeah, give me a little bastard who flies around in a gyrocopter and I will be happy.
2,0 sounds like they combined OverWatch with Dota and amped up the jewing.
I think its more fun than bad. If you dont like it dont care about it. It is not something that has huge impact on the collectibles, its just some portrait.
t. taygeta
>Those of you who have already racked up a bunch of levels in Heroes are going to get up to 70 Loot Chests to open on patch day. The higher your player level, the more you’ll receive.

sooo, veteran players get fucked. cool shit
How you can get skins for free now. How is that amping up the jewing?


No idea how to get screenshots on my surface

New Kerrigan skin too in same frame
Only for compulsive gamblers. Everyone else gets a lot more shit without spending a dime.
It's just one (or 12) extra reason for pubs to throw a game.

Pubs doing stupid shit to finish quests was bad enough.
How do you even get loot boxes?
Free shit. They could've easily have given you nothing.

It is just a bunch of free skins and crap.
Shards are like Overwatch's DUPLICATE gold where you only get like 5-10 per duplicate while buying the thing in the shop will cost like 50-1000 shards. Then you bring in the Dota item shop categories for all that shit.

Definitely an upgrade in jewing.
Its free, thats true. But my overall level is like 527, which means I get an initial boost and then get shit WAY slower than someone who just started because all my heroes are at a certain lvl already

leveling up heroes
He's also, canonically, bigger than a fucking planet so it'd be pretty hard to justify him being in-game.
Yeah but now you can get skins for free. Before you couldn't.
How are banners going to work?

They're not just going to be some bullshit that litters the battlefield are they?
Level up.
A shitty jew-y system that gives me a couple extra skins is still a shitty jew-y system.
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click Learn More
There are some mages who are pretty good right now, my point being Cassia's whole kit looks like a massive pain in the ass to play against and you just know we'll be seeing one in every fucking match.
the prices won't even change. it will be like buying IP on LoL.
In the video they get placed after a kill, merc capture or fort / keep destruction. they dont show wether its automatic or you do it via a button
They're put up over captured objectives and destroyed forts/keeps
Not way slower. You saw those fake graphs. You'll be leveling up at a pretty normal rate.

You probs get better boxes at higher levels anyway.

>⦁ Deals 50% reduced damage to non-Heroes.
I have a feeling this means it's going to deal ridiculous amounts of damage if you don't move away from it, making it instagib squishy targets who get stunned by someone else first
A lot of it sounds good but i don't like how they are adding a ton of unecessary shit like banners and emojis to loot boxes to make it harder to get skins.
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I gotcha
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>li li announcer pak

i need this
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That's fucking it, I quit.
Eh. A free skin per level up would be insane though. You'd have the entire roster in like two days.
It also seems that some skins are going to get a "higher quality" variant. There's a part in the video with they short Star Li-Ming and then like Star Mistress Li-Ming or some shit and she has more armor.
>still no gifting

not really, they are adding tons of different colours of the skins aswell. Can you honestly say you'd be happy with a load of loot boxes with emojis and voice lines? that's how it is on Overwatch.
You dont get better boxes, they are gated at a certain level interval, so every 5 levels, every 10 lvls or something

thats copy-pasted straight out of starcraft 2, not surprising. I hate the idea of banners, sprays and emojis but really like announcers. You can just skip that shit like in overwatch or whatever
After Cassia there will be 3 other new heroes, a cinematic, a battleground, and a "program".

All until May 5th!
you can still pay the skin you want with the gem thing that you buy with money
New bread?
>3/30: Reddit Q&A
>4/12: Heroes Timeline
>4/17: ANOTHER New Hero + New Battleground
>4/18: Launch Event
>4/19: Reddit Q&A
>4/20: New Bundles + New Program
>4/25: NEW CINEMATIC + Nexus Challenge + Event
>5/4: New Hero
So this shit doesn't Launch till the 18th?
Only reason I don't like OW lootboxes is because I don't enjoy playing that game.
>sooo, veteran players get fucked
It's saying veteran players get 70 free chests.
Is that not the opposite of getting fucked?
He wants 500 chests.

He is placing worth on something in an irrational manner.
Not even then necessarily. We'll get infos about the Launch Event on 4/18.

So they are limiting us to 70 loot boxes and then saying the event doesn't take place for a month. Guess I'm not leveling anyone for a month. When they get close put them on ice.
>game doesn't put out anything worthwhile
>blame myself for being a hoarder
blizzcucks in action
>there are people in this thread even at this very moment who have less than 150k gold
Do you even play this game?
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