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/fhg/ - For Honor General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 126

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Stop fucking up the devstream link edition


>NEW: First balance patch is now LIVE! Patch notes here:

>Leaked Centurion / Ninja Image

>New players:

>Multiple hero video guides


>Character damage values

>Gear modifier values

>Friends list sign up Doc:

>For those that have signed up:

>War of Factions:

>PVP Stat Tracker:

>Story mode collectibles:

Previous thread: >>170268584
R A I D E R !
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Next balance patch when?
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First for warden is a balanced class!
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How do you guys make friends in this game?
>event deadline extended
>ubisoft claims that this was because "there was an error in the goal calculation" and not because the game is just dying faster than they expected

fucking damage control holy shit

I'd have been content if they just reset the deadline as a free favor, but this is damage control if I ever saw it
Why are the mods /nofun/? They act as if contentfags take up a billion (You)'s but still mostly everything is discussion
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No. Leave.
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To be faid the servers have been unstable, making it harder too.
I've made a few thanks to duels. Sometimes you encounter people who don't get salty when you 3-0 them and want to keep playing against you to get better.

Of course you do it in custom games where their win rates won't get fucked.
>lawbringer rep 4
>starting to feel frustrated

should i keep at it or go conq
Yes, as you say they calculated wrong
Just parry his top light.
Become proficient and adapt. Stop playing passive!
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Stop while you still enjoy the game
Please don't go conq. Literally anything else is better than le shieldbump man
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ERP is gay but if they just post a pastebin or a picture/art then why is that not acceptable?
Do a little conquing until you want some more Law & Order
this general has really slowed down as of late
Conq feels boring and simple compared to LB to be honest. Sure it's fairly powerful and wrecks people who don't know how to dodge the shield bash, but matches feel like boring turtlefests. 4v4 parts end up almost always in the duels lasting so long that either your or their friends join in and finish the fight.
Ok I will go Warlord then. Thanks, anon
Does Nobushi ever get clothing that doesn't look like it was hastily stitched together in a couple of hours?
I want to play Raider but it doesn't seem like I can swap guard to keep up with the faster character attacks, that along with the fact they're not very good is making me run out of steam for the game. Is there any way to recover because I want to git gud, my heart just isn't in it for now
1. It's off topic
2. They weren't posting a pastepin, they were nonstop spamming pictures of them erping in the game.

Give a single reason why ERP should be allowed, because there is no reason. It's against the rules. Unless you're going to claim ERP is safe for work
>no OCs
>no fun allowed
Geez, I wonder why.
just like the game has
How to fight a Warden
By Rep 4 Warden

>Always default your stance to left to catch random zones
>Blocking the zone attack gives you a free untechable grab
>If the Warden starts a shoulder charge, your best method to avoid the vortex is to roll backwards. If you don't have the room to roll backwards, throw out your fastest light attack.
>Best way to penetrate a wardens defenses is to overhead feint. Any good Warden will try to crushing counterstrike an overhead. This means that unlike other classes, the Warden parries overheads with a light attack. He can't cancel his light attack when he realizes you baited him, and you can parry this light to punish him.
>Don't let a Warden get you near a wall
>When you're low on health, be especially careful of the zone attack. Leave your guard in left position and get ready to punish. Zone is a quick, easy finisher, and a lot of wardens will pull it out to finish you off if they're not trying to execute you.
>Watch closely for the top light, it comes out fast and if they hit you, get ready to be vortexed
>If a Warden happens to hit you with a crushing counterstrike, don't panic, because a lot of them will take advantage of your shock to shoulder charge and vortex you. Most of the time in this situation they will follow through with it, so if you can't roll away you're more likely to be safe by dodging rather than expecting them to cancel and tech
>Warden can shoulder charge off of a dash, so if they dash for no reason, light attack them in the face
>Warden has a heavy->heavy chain. The second heavy has surprisingly long range. Don't assume that they fucked up if they "whiff" the first heavy.
Take solace in the fact that Raider and Lawbringer are first in line to get buffs to improve their dueling.
I can't even fathom what it's like to be this retarded
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>2. They weren't posting a pastepin, they were nonstop spamming pictures of them erping in the game.
fucking who? the only person who did shit like that was lewdkeeper, and the entire point of those were the reactions it got out of normies

not one of those screenshots were actual ERP
Your words not mine
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what will the next vikang be?

will we finally get someone with a warhammer/mace?
> tfw seriously considering going back to overwatch because of the current state of the game
> will probably have to eventually even if the game gets patched
Please ubi fix this fucking game so I can prolong my brief escape from that shit game
>I can literally just spam the same combo repeatedly and my opponent has to do all the hard work countering it and GUESSING which move I'll use

>just parry one of the fastest moves in the game out of neutral
Agh! How did I not think of that? I must suck at the game.

I'll try anon, but it sure is tough being punished by such an aggressive tactic! Weird how it's both an offensive and defensive tool though.
ERP is for faggots and it shouldn't be allowed, but Lewdkeeper is trolling, not really ERP. Still, even if you ban lewdkeeper for ERP, weren't writefags getting gassed a few threads ago as well?
Overwatch is even worse right now. Every team is built around Bastion
I'm finally mastering Hidden Stance and its so satisfying
i plead to odin for an axe/mace viking with a shield/buckler
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what is the best punish for a max range parry for a raider against a hyrbid/kensei?

I main lawbringer so for him I just use the light unless i get the light parry, but I cant seem to confirm lights against them.

Wut do?
>30 frames
lmaoin @you
Seriously anon we all know vortex is cancer and turns the game into a shitty guessing game but you don't have to sperg out like this.
people still play that?
Got a feeling the next vikang mercenary will be Celtic-themed, probably wielding a ridiculously sized claymore like some Highlander parody...
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It's because no one wants to make any content for this general because of how toxic everyone is to any content creators in any form.

Want to draw the characters? Go for it. By the way, you are not allowed to:
Draw lewds
Draw characters without masks
Draw characters in a way that breaks the line between viking/knight/weeb
Draw characters as a sex other than female (But remember, no lewds)
Draw any suggestive material
Draw characters in a situation that doesn't fit the pre-conceived ideas on what they would or would not do

You also are not allowed to write about:
Anything because no matter what you'll be reported for ERPing and be shit talked

No one wants to do any creative shit for an ungrateful community. R6S has tons of content creators because people actually appreciate their work. Did you know there used to be a "Community Works" pastebin in the OP? Guess where that went? Removed in every single thread and when it was posted people bitched and screamed about it.
>tfw you meant to do a heavy attack in a certain direction but you end up parrying their zone attack and they think you're a god
>not one of those screenshots were actual ERP
Yes, they were.
>No bro you got it wrong, it was all satirical just to get reactions
You're retarded. And the way you say it is even worse, considering he did the same fucking thing EVERY TIME
>Hey guys I erp'd in game and people were creeped out!
>Hey guys I erp'd in game and people liked it!
>Hey guys I erp'd in game and people thought I was weird!
Comedy gold right? I sure love someone posting the exact same thing over and over again despite it being completely off topic and against the rules
>tfw enemy feints, you fall for it, but still hit them with your heavy

just as planned
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i would love some lewds
If the knights get stuck with a centurion, you faggots should end up with a Zulu spear chucker.
>tfw reddit is more accepting of all of that
There was literally OC in the last thread, yet here you are acting as if there's none
Literally the only thing people complained about was the ERP shit, and a few shitposters said not to draw people without masks.
Someone drew a lewd FemConq and everyone enjoyed it, and people appreciated the guy who drew the buddy Lawbringer and Conq cop piece as well
i made a nobushi with big tits
got banned for 3 days
>Warden can shoulder charge off of a dash, so if they dash for no reason, light attack them in the face

Good way to get dicked by their dash attack. Better off side stepping.
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i erp all the time

that's not erp, you fucking mong
You want to post it? Reported and banned (obviously)
You want to spoiler it? Reported and banned
You want to post a link to it? Reported and banned

Yeah nah. No one will anymore because of people like >>170291295

I stopped making content because I'm not a very good artist and whenever it was posted I was met with "the fuck is this shit?" so I stopped bothering to draw for fhg

Prime example.
That's the risk you take posting non worksafe things on a work safe board. I honestly don't know why people are fucking shocked about this.
Lets say warden loses the ability to cancel bash into GB

is he "balanced" now?
Guard swapping is only really affected in neutral when you aren't using a move or being hit by one. That's just the game using intentionally slow animations for
>muh immersion
When an opponent actually goes to use a move and you try to block it you'll find yourself 'snapping' into position faster than you'd normally be able to change guards.
Same thing applies when you're in the middle of a chain, but NOT when your chains get interrupted.

Raider is one of those characters that's very easy to learn but hard to master, some would even say hamstrung by his limited toolset. At the same time though he's very rewarding to play well.
this, this, this

I wrote but no way I'm gonna post if I'm gonna get banned for it
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>tfw you go to GB an enemy but they GB'd you first and you accidentally tech out of the GB and they fall backwards off a ledge
95% yes. The last 5% is the fact that he has a super fast top light AND a super fast zone. And the fact that you can cancel the zone into the top light now? Get the hell out of here with "warden is balanced"
there is literal porn in other generals so why do people in this one act like fags

No, Warden is fine as he is.
I got a 3 day for referring to the enemy team as a couple of "hunks" when I posted a 4v4 load screen where I was heavily outgeared (I might have compared a 2v1 gank to being bullied too, can't be meme'ing outside of /b/ or /s4s/!). I got a 7 day ban from /v/ for posting SOME in reply to Mass Effect's Pee Bee's Shrek face. I don't really know these days.
>No one will post OC anymore because of someone who didn't like seeing ERP pictures in the threads
Won't miss you if you think banning ERP pics will stifle all creative work.
I love how you still have not given a single example as to why the erp pictures should be allowed here.
It was one sided erp and lewd talking, you still haven't said why it should be allowed here.
zone is gb on block
top light is 30 frames, literally like every other light attack

How can you cancel an attack that comes out that fast? Where is this coming from?
i know its a risk, but a lot of way more explicit stuff gets posted on another generals but the people here was more eager on reporting
Warden has a dash attack?

Also do you retards not know that all you have to do to remove your ban is reset your router? You don't even have to get your ass out of your computer chair.
Maybe because the game was literally one week old and we had a shitposter nonstop posting pictures of him in game asking people to fuck him so he shits viking cum for weeks. Multiple people told him to stop and he smugly said he wouldn't, so obviously he got reported and banned.

The games a couple weeks old, having erp shit in the general turns people away from here.
there'd be no repercussions to dodging his charge, so it'd become somewhat useless and we'd lose yet another champion against the turtle meta

Yes, he has a running attack.
he's low tier and hardly played

Warden is seen as a low tier pick currently, Conq/Warlord/PK are all on another level entirely

the problem currently is that we have 3 broken heroes, 2 good heroes, and the rest are pretty trash
>non worksafe

Nigger people saying "fuck" and "nigger" isn't "worksafe".

>always saying ERP pics
there has been only lewdkeeper and that one writefag doing fanfics and that is the entirety of ERP bullshit in this general since the alpha. Stop shitposting about "m-muh erp posting" when there isn't any. Lewdkeeper gets banned every time they show up. Stop trying to say this validates you.

Zone still is pretty fast. Also lawbringer cannot do anything to punish it so bah humbug.

It's a secret tech. You can start a zone animation (or even a GB animation), it shows the indicator for what you are starting, then you get a light in another direction instead of whatever you were just using.
No, he is trash. Bash is a dead ability at that point. Right now the cancel into parry option is strong because it as an answer to the sidedash+light move. If the enemy can safely sidedash without having to attack to prevent a GB it also eliminates that option. It basically becomes a worse LB shove because it has a slower animation.
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>People ONLY report and discourage dumb ERP and lewd shit which has no place on a blue board anyway since 4chan has dedicated boards for that
>All other OC is tolerated and even encouraged
>12-year-old lewdfags start bitching and moaning about "prudes" and "no fun allowed"

Maybe if you find masturbating to le epic lewds xD and roleplaying more fun than discussing the game or producing actual quality OC then you should post somewhere else.
>scaring people away from a general with porn
>on this Mongolian cave painting site

A lot of them are just harder to master. I've seen some scary Kenseis and LBs.
he's low tier and hardly played in tournies*

this is relevant because tournies are tryhard central, where a fucking epic twitch pro warden lost to a fucking LEGENDARY raider
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because it's oc. it's a contribution to the thread. a step below actual art and shit, but it's something new and related to the game. it's the shit that memes are made of, literally. picture related

you're trying to smother a facet of content just because it's a flavor you happen not to like and that's pretty bullshit, friend
The people here were eager to report because one shitposter (lewdkeeper) had absolutely no self control and was shitting up every single thread, smugly saying he'd never stop when people asked/told him to. It literally took the mods range banning him to get him to fucking stop.
As a result people are obviously worried about someone becoming the next lewdkeeper and shitting up the threads, so they are quick as shit to report. Shame he ruined it for others
Samsy inspired me to play Conq.
A forced meme that most of the thread finds annoying is not quality OC.

In fact, a forced meme isn't even a meme.
The point is that while other assassins (and some classes like kensei and valk) have to use lights for dashes, you can use heavies for dashes.
This means that you cannot be punished as much as those classes for doing the exact same thing as them. Parried heavies don't have the huge window parried lights have. On top of that, people who haven't read every fucking move in the PK moveset will not expect that something that is as fast and looks 100% like the other assassins' dashing/gapclosing lights is actually a heavy, and they'll get punished for trying to do a light parry followup.

You shouldn't be punished less for doing the exact same shit as objectively worse assassin classes. It's unfair to them and your opponents.
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>that feel when you become an unblockable adonis
agreed, but making reads and punishing is something anyone can do, the problem is when the characters don't have any good tools outside of that, and you just lean on fundamentals because the character doesn't have anything good to use

t. rep 8 warden + LB
Makoto General
You're the one insisting on not drawing lewds, I'm the one saying as long as it's not ERP it will be fine.
Proof is we had an artist draw a FemConq after Lewdkeeper was banned and it never got deleted and he never got banned.

Stop pretending as though every single artist is being banned
Make warlord headbutt slower.

Make warden and PK zone attacks slower.

Make PK light attack block stun longer or alternatively cost more stamina.

Make LB heavies slightly faster.

Make raider GBs deal more stamina damage.

Give berserkers more mobility during their infinite combo.
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So how do you duel with Zerk? Are you just supposed to feint a lot and throw out lights, and only do heavies when you get a GB off? His heavies are so easy to block/parry it feels impossible to get a top heavy off
>this somehow hit the kensei
what the fuck

Did you just try to legitimize your point that if you're opponent doesn't know how the move works it's unfair to them? Duo you really think that's a reason for anything?
So is it worth it to waste my steel on the exp bonus? You honestly level much faster and seem to get twice as much loot. I assume once you hit prestige 5 its not really needed anymore but im only at 3.
>you're the one insisting on not drawing lewds
>proceeds to "this" a post about someone saying lewds should not be posted

Jesus fucking christ...
It was off topic, and against the rules. The majority of the threads were asking him to stop shitting them up.
>New and related to the game
It really wasn't related to the game though. If I suddenly decided that I want to go ERP in overwatch and flood the general with pictures of me ERPing in game and people ask me to stop, I'm not a welcome member of the general posting OC, I'm a massive fucking cunt hijacking the thread for attention
>Revenge is balanced
nah bro you don't like her 35 damage dash attacks lol get good

seriously what the fuck were they thinking with PK, it's like they never actually did playtesting

no, just let the dodge actually show up for a couple frames instead of just being the headbutt that comes out

keep PK zone as is, just make it punishable if blocked, or no longer cancelable

the former yes



kinda have to agree although i hate how insanely fats their side lights are
>Implying the majority of people posting "lewd" shit is not straight up porn
Keep the nips covered and you're good
Feint dodge everything, deflect everything, infinite combo into a top heavy feint -> light side (that fucks up everyone)
Feinting overhead heavies into side lights is usually pretty good and difficult to punish. When people start to get used to it, overhead heavy dash-cancel to a side. Maybe attack, maybe throw, maybe feint another overhead and then do another overhead that you actually let go through.

You basically just have to feint and dash like crazy, kind of standard play but with the dash-feints thrown in.
One of the fastest moves, not the fastest. It comes out about as fast as Kensei's top light but with more reach.
Also parrying a naked move out of neutral is not the same as parrying a move mid-chain.

Not sperging, just mad people deny there's even an issue with Warden to begin with.
95% of the time they also happen to play Warden or an assassin that counters him, so the fact they see no issue is infuriatingly obvious.
>off topic
What topic? What EXACTLY is the topic of this general? Talking about the game? Making stuff about the game in general? GENERAL conversation about the game?

>there has not been a single straight up porn picture posted and not linked to besides the first peacekeeper getting railed by raider image
>not warlord and orochi's zone too

may as well just get rid of faster zones so 8 chars dont need to be buffed
Personally I just think it's ridiculous the only fucking counter to his vortex is to fucking roll, giving up a huge amount of stamina just to avoid him

is this the true power of a rep 5 peacekeeper wearing a naruto emblem?


Fast light attacks work, too. In fact, they pretty much end it on the spot unless they cancel the Bash into a block/parry.
it was pretty much an instant hit. it even ended up on reddit and blew up there as well. not that reddit is exactly quality central, but the point is it found its way out of fhg and into the homes of normies

that's as fucking memey as it gets, man. lewdkeeper is bigger than fhg now
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And people wonder why no one wants to make content for this game
>look at most popular streamers
>see Tru3ta1ent
>watch his stream
>he placed 8th with PK or something
>explains how PK is not top-tier or OP, but warden is
>explains that Warden is because of his "OP vortex and free damage"
>explains PK is completely coutnerable because you can parry everything she does
>meanwhile he fails to parry warlords and conqs in tournament
>chat agrees with PK and Warden conclusions overwhelmingly

Are those the big voices of the community that will drive thousands of people to complain to the forums and ask for nerfs/buffs?
You ERPing in the game and post screenshots of it is not actual discussion of the game, it's you using the game as an excuse to ERP and be allowed to post pictures of it here.
It's not on topic at all, yet you pretend it is.

Again though, against the rules, get fucked
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Makoto is a powerful and attractive girl, but stop false-flagging friend.

Clearly those classes need buffs and the PK needs to be nerfed.
>using the game as an excuse to ERP
he still doesn't know what erp is
I know what ERP is, but going into the game and asking people to fuck your ass so you shit viking cum for weeks is best described as ERP.
Last (You) you're getting. That shit is banned and will forever be banned, get over it
>still saying "m-muh ERP" even though lewdkeeper gets reported and banned by basically everyone all the time

Am I sitting in some kind of cave or something? Sounds like an echochamber of nothing?

No one is fucking saying that lewdkeeper is good. Lewdkeeper is cancer and should be banned. Now what else have you got? That person writing fanfics? Banned. They stopped making content. The people trying to shitpost in thread about "fuck me"? Banned. Can you come up with any reason anyone should make content for this general if everything anyone ever says is "this is ERP you're banned". Can you pick out a content creator besides the femwarden/law&conq cop creator?
Nice ignoring the rest of my argument.
What I meant by that is that it's not visually represented as a heavies nor do they have the downsides of heavies (they're not any slower than dash lights). A developper should strive to be consistent in their visual. It's as ridiculous as representing one class' stamina bar with everyone else' hp bar graphic while their stamina bar is actually their HP. Everyone knows about sidestep/gapeclosing attacks. Not everyone know they're heavies for PK and for good reason.

Now that I've humored you, please respond to my original question : Why should PK get to be punished less for doing the exact same moves objectively worse assassins classes do.
>you don't attack
>sits in a corner
good job anon
Is the lb shit? I want to play some knights character other than conq, but i find the warden meh and the pk strange.
Shit but fun
>That shit is banned and will forever be banned, get over it
and that will continue to make the threads worse.

i'll be fine, but unfortunately you'll be retarded for life, friend
Agreed 100%. I don't know why, but /vg/ is just a bunch of prudes about the littlest things.
Like I was talking to someone here the other day about /fhg/ personalities like Lewdkeeper and they said that having a popular poster dissuaded new people from joining the thread. As if having less people here posting was a bad thing.

I just can't wrap my head around it. Threads with less people are just worse threads, period.
Even if they're more "on topic" if they're dead because we kept actively driving people away then it's the ultimate retardation.
Why are these fuckers justifying their off-topic bullshittery? Stick to the general's game you fucking mongols.
He is not great in 1v1/2v2 but he is alright in the rest of the modes when he can bomb people/flip them forever until their revenge runs out
Please make all zones fast but punishable on block.
Why is this not a thing already.

There's no reason for PK and orochi zone to be riskless. No, stamina isn't a risk, especially not for assassins.
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>when you crushing counter a lunge stab happy PK.
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Make webms faggot
at that point i was not even rep 1 on my kensei

some people with high reputation think they are owned a victory every time they play agaisnt a low level character, it really bugs them when they lose
It's not /vg/. Almost every general doesn't give a shit about lewds. There are even generals specifically about lewd games and they post shit all the time.

This is a /fhg/ thing entirely. Everyone that is against lewds is a crybaby spouting the same shit every time saying "it's against da wrulz" when they are entire generals about the shit they say is against the rules. It doesn't make sense.
>raider doesn't get a free side heavy off on a grab
>lawbringer can
how the fuck do you LEGENDARY?
Lol. This is only if your ISP gives you a new WAN IP on every router reset, which is rare. Fuck off, retard.
>Can you pick out a content creator besides the femwarden/law&conq cop creator?
Yes I can.

And the fanfics guy wasn't banned, he posted himself saying he stopped right because he was worried he could be banned.
All those posts were from the last thread, we clearly still have OC, but have fun pretending we don't
>when you crushing counter a leaping Warlord
>when you bait somebody into a crushing counter 3 times in a row until they die
No, homogenizing every character to be even more of the same old shit isn't the answer. Peacekeeper shouldn't be able to feint the second hit of her area attack, and Orochis is straight up fine. It's punished by costing half of his fucking stamina. The only REAL problems with these are the indicator bugs which are obviously unintentional.
>OC is just plastering the picture of one of the character's head on another picture

Well if this is the high quality OC you want to see from now on then so be it.

>worried he could be banned

>Lewdkeeper is less tolerated on 4chan than they are on the Discords and Reddit where they're loved

Really fires those neurons when comedy smut is more accepted on fucking normie websites than on here. We're literally worse than Reddit.
>Completely ignores the comic that one anon drew
I love how you keep pretending like there's some massive issue here. We still have drawfags making shit, stop whining
To be honest fanfics don't really contribute much. I'm not looking to read someones several pages long short story when I come to a VIDEO GAME board
Go to atechan, they can take a joke
He didn't draw that. That is screencaps from this video.

Nice fucking try.
I don't mind Lewdkeeper. Lewdkeeper is at least relevant to the game. Also, of course Reddit takes him in. They're outcasts who get a raging erection at the slightest mention of sex. They probably think Lewdkeeper is a girl.
>Comedy smut
It was the same gag over and over again. The only funny thing he ever did was the samsy pic. The others were the same fucking thing nonstop
>carry them 30 ft away into a wall
>knee head
>do whatever you want
>try to play 4v4
>it's a complete coinflip because people are going full autism about muh dailies and muh 300 steel

Ubi needs to fuck off with this mobile game trash
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>We're literally worse than Reddit.

I wanna argue that, but I can't. You're actually fucking right. It's time to abandon this general, guys. When Reddit is more accepting of weird shit than we are, we're doing something wrong.
Point still stands, we have content creators. Pretending otherwise is just retarded
Then go to reddit. There are rules here, not every board is your own personal version of /b/
Actually you can parry that unblockable after getting kneed in the head.
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I already told you guys I toned down the smut on here days ago to maybe one image a thread before going back to actual discussion. And no I'm not banned, people keep thinking I am.

It still upsets me that you guys always want to be so strict with the content here, but what can I do?
>anonymous board doesn't like avatarfagging crossposting autist

wow it's like you're fucking retarded or something
>what can I do?
Stop posting.
fuck off
>ywn be strict with LK
>I can literally just spam the same combo repeatedly and my opponent has to do all the hard work countering it and GUESSING which move I'll use

How many times do I have to say this? Warden is guessing as much as you are. You cannot cancel the shoulder charge on reaction, you have to input the cancel too early for that. You have 3 choices after a light :
>Shoulder charge
>Shoulder charge canceled into GB
>Shoulder charge canceled into parry
Each of those only counters one thing the enemy will do. If there's a 66.6% chance to escape (and perhaps even punish), how are you getting shafted exactly? You're basically arguing about the very definition of mixups. For you, things should always be clearly identifiable. This would mean that only mechanical skill would count in a duel. Mindgames would have no place. And let's be honest, the mechanical skill ceiling is really low in for honor. Do you also complain about the dice roll that is valk double poke into GB or sweep (50/50), or the raider unblockable feint (50/50)?
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Anyone feel smart when:

>need a wall throw for a heavy
>fighting one guy
>his friend comes from behind me
>grab target 1 and throw him directly behind me into target 2 to stagger them both
>free heavy

I like to call it the Jackie Chan
>this entire thread
just finish it off already its already dead
Being banned from this general is a blessing at this point. Do what you want, Lewdkeeper
No really, fuck off. You're basically avatarfagging at this point. Go to reddit if you want to be an attention whore, fag.
There are rules everyone has to follow. No one wants an unfilterable namefag who thinks they are above the rules
love doing this as a conq
>abooo bloo the thread isn't exactly how i like it so i'll shitpost about how bad it is instead of just making good posts

Fuck off
fuck off lol. Wahh, I don't get to post my irrelevant muscle girls, I'm upset! Fuck you, this is /fhg/.
>when you catch a leaping warlord with NO SUPRESTAS
How is posting my character in-game avatarfaggging? This is the shit I don't understand that has just driven me away from here and to the Knight Discord instead. Those guys can actually take a joke.
I don't know about a few threads ago, but I ate a three day ban for posting a shugoki x nobushi fic I wrote about a week back.
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>>"can you point out content creators"
>points out a bunch of images with people just plastering the character's heads onto pre-made content
>"here is sum oc 4u haha ur dum"
>content is literally shit bottom of the barrel scrapings
>"dis 1 is acktuakly drawn"
>It's just a screencap from a video about a completely different game
>"point still stands"

What fucking point? The fact that the only "content" made is pure shit?

Wow heres some new OC for you that I just made. It even conveys exactly how I feel right now. It's really high quality and we should all strive to be this good at artwork.
>all of this bullshit
Can we all just agree to ignore all PK webms and posts? Loser ass kids deserve no recognition.
Are you retarded? Posting your character every time you post is literally the definition of avatarfagging.
is this what irony looks like?
omg you can do that? holy shit
Ok, then instead of the "do whatever you want" like i originally said, do a top heavy
I was once getting 1v3's as Nobushi, had Revenge active, parried three people at once and then did an area attack to hit all of them, killing 2 and killing the other one a moment later. Unfortunately it was before I started recording my games.

The way the animation works when you parry multiple people at once in Revenge mode is probably the most satisfying shit in this game.
>most of the thread
Speak for yourself and only yourself.
FUCK OFF avatarfags and the ones who are giving attention to them
just ignore and report, hope that janitors are watching
Is posting gameplay avatarfagging? That's all I mostly did yesterday and the day before. It seems like nothing I do is right apparently.
See? What the fuck, you faggots don't have to read that shit, why care if it's here?


we need more of this QUALITY GOOD OC guys xd man isnt this stuff just so artful and funny xdddd

that's how you anti-content fags sound
next posting pictures you drew is going to be avatarfagging

fuck off, kid

no one cares, back to your discord with all your other overweight loser ass friends.
>driven me away from here
>posts in literally every thread
You can't get through these people babe. You're doing nothing wrong.
I haven't posted here all day until now. I posted twice yesterday. How is that "literally every thread?"
>being OOS is a punishment for an assassins
literally how?

I know orochi has fuckall other than his tops and zone, I mained him at one point. It's not a good enough reason to make a zone literally riskless.

You don't have to make entire classes copies of another, but having some similar tools is very good design. Plenty of fighting games have similar moves across characters with slightly varying properties. This helps make the game consistent and allows players to have a base to build upon when they change character.
homogenizing some things is fine, and it's already happened in for honor. Almost everyone has a fast top for example.
The witch hunt on Lewdkeeper at this point is more annoying than they've ever been at any point in their existence. This is just retarded, he hasn't even done anything smutty or against the rules and he's being attacked like a leper.
What's the Knight Discord, please, because I'm sick of the stuck up "KEEP IT WORK SAFE GUYS HEY NO AVATAR FAGGING HEY FUCK CONTENT JUST MAKE SUPER LOW QUALITY MEMES OKAY" fags here
>anti content
>the shit you posted is the content you want to be made

I pity your existance. I've also noticed how you have made me into a anti content poster when I advocate for all content to be shared. I think that due to the fact that no one wants to make any REAL content, all we get is the shit that you linked to.
Anyone else think the reason the game is dying so fast is because it's so difficult to get steel? The game feels like a fucking 5 hour uphill battle to get one goddamn emote for ONE character.

The game would be in better shape if steel rewards weren't so fucking paltry.
Anyone on xbone wana play some games?
>knight discord
so how much dick sucking goes on in there?
stop samefagging you obnoxious fuck
Nice counter argument you got there pal.
Anyone at all. Just wana play some games with some of yall.
>not every thread
>every thread: no guise I wasnt banned like idk why peeple think I waz
Hi, lewdcreeper. Back to samefagging again?
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OC pls rate
People look for the smallest excuse to complain.
And then straw man it to no end and continue to derail until they make you rage quit the discussion.

Thats victory to them, not proving you wrong and them being right, just you leaving. They could be arguing that smoking doesn't cause cancer. They don't care about being right.
>It's time to abandon this general, guys
No, it's time to stiffen that lip and double down on the thing you love and make people aware they're accepted here. By being the louder voice than the dissenters and being the majority.

If you really have to leave, make it an organized exodus. Not just silently dropping out as individuals.
It's so people can buy steel, goyim
The witch hunt against random people in general has always been more annoying than literally any of them ever were.

>Those autismos that were bugging out last thread over a whopping 6 posts or some that had that karate waifu
>The immediate circlejerk that always blows up of J-JUS REPORT THEM over any kind of "objectionable" content being posted
>The serious business brigade that have made writers and artists not even want to make actual OC shit for the place anymore
10/10 will not get banned for
The issue is that you've already ruined your reputation in these threads. I'm going to explain this simply without name calling so you can get it.

As you can obviously tell, the majority of the threads hated your erp posting, and many of them asked you to stop, or at the very least put on a trip so they could filter you because they didn't want to see every general filled with your pictures and people circle jerking over you.
I remember very specifically you responded to these people smugly telling them that "Sorry I'm not going anywhere <3". So naturally you got banned.

Now we have the issue of people recognizing you when you post, and we have two sides. One is people who were absolutely sick of you destroying the threads in the first weeks of the general. And the other side is your fan club sucking your dick in the thread acting as if you can do no wrong>>170294783 This fag right here is a prime example.

Basically you shat up the threads smugly for the first couple weeks, and now when you post you get your fan club circle jerking around you, and the majority of people do not like that. And it's not even as though people who want to filter you can, since you refuse to use a trip.
>debating the rantings of a retard

Your content is fucking stupid. Nothing you post is "high quality" content. It's just stupid lewdkeeper shit that only appeals to other autists just like you. How many normal people do you think go online and say "fill me up wit hcum babhy i need it" no one just shut the fuck up already you overweight disgusting fucking cheeto stained neckbeard fag.
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A lot of dick sucking
>tfw honorfag
>blame my losses on my fuckups ( except when it's a PK)
>Reciprocate emotes and Good fight's
>Not a deusvultfag
>Not an asshole unless directly attacked
>Still no friends after 80 hrs
I guess I'll just become a salt miner then.
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quality OC, but are they supposed to be naked?

sorry, but i'll be erring on the side of safety and reporting this. wouldn't want any kids browsing the thread to get in trouble!
master art work, one of the finest i've seen in years.
quality stuff mang 10/10 why dont the >erp shitters and writefags produce QUALITY stuff like this instead of that erp shit amirite this is the only content that should be allowed xd
No one on xbone? Allright i guess ill play alone :(!
What modes?
rated G/10
>lawbringer the male only character
>as a female

>behave a certain way in a video in hopes of genuinely attracting new online friends
Not only is that pretty sad, but randoms you matchmake with on any team game are not good friend candidates.
Anything you want man. Add me SupahSyke
The zone attack isn't riskless just because it's fast. It always comes from the same side, it takes half of his stamina, it doesn't lead to anything else. Without moves like that you have no way of opening people up. Moves like that are the only thing keeping this game from being a 100% gay turtlefest. It's not that difficult to sniff out and block or even keep your block right and react to his top light, same that you'd do to a warden.

I guarentee if they removed the indicator direction bug you'd be see how it isn't gamebreaking.

For reference I have never even unlocked Orochi or Peacekeeper, I just like having to fight characters who don't sit back and turtle all day.

I'm pretty sure it's one guy drawing his OC in the armour of every single class.
>when you can manually mark and unmark posts as yours now
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>not ledging yourself
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Wow, are they NAKED? This is unacceptable and lewd, and since its both lewd and that lawbringer is avatarfagging because I've seen that lawbringer in other meemays before I'm gonna have to be cautious and report you, friendo
no thanks, im not a attention whore faggot.

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>Lawbringer is labelled as counter attacker
>Any unsafe move that he blocks cannot be punished as his lights are too slow and his guardbreak automatically becomes a useless shove instead
>Any dodges he makes on unblockables like Warlord's Headbutt and Warden's Shoulder Charge can't be followed up with a punishing because again, his lights are too slow and his dodge guardbreak is his shitty shove

I feel like removing the Block -> Guardbreak and Dodge -> Guardbreak would make Lawbringer an actual decent character. It deals pretty much equal stamina damage to himself and the pseudo vortex that follow a shove is ridiculously easy to get out of and doesn't warrant taking away his ability to punish unsafe moves.
>They're posting the exact same low quality shit people are complaining about here
Top fucking kek
>doesn't respond to posting in every thread
>thinking Ill believe the screen shot of a fat autist
Literally just go to /trash/ or tumblr if you need to get off erp'ing
>Most of the posts in there are textual vomit shifting goalposts or arguing "B-but it's le epib to make people mad! I'm not edgy!"

I mean that's basically the exact same level of posting here if something like that were to come.
Just don't pretend to be your character on the thread, you were being an avatarfag in that sense, and you can't deny you were acting out a character.

>It still upsets me that you guys always want to be so strict with the content here
Why? Too much attentionwhoring derails threads, there was legit concern, your fans are polarizing people by fueling that concern.

It sounds like this is your first general, you can do what most name/avatarfags do and embrace the good and bad that comes with it, grow some skin and remember where you are. Or just keep bitching about how we're so mean you can't post anymore.
>muh swastikas
meanwhile hammer and sickles everywhere, they by large killed many more people then the nazis
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>have 6806 steel
>want the 15000 mythic skin for raider
>tempted to buy an emote for lawbringer
wut do?
Holy fuck. The Knight discord has a fur-fag tranny in it. user Kitten_Paws

Yeah, Discord and Reddit are so much better than /fhg/ :^)
Who is the single best character to wipe roachies off the face of the earth?
This game made me go back to HOTS
At least the games there dont disconnect
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His top light actually comes out decently fast and most good lawbringers I fight get probably 50-60% of their damage in through judicious use of it.

I think the best change they could make is so that shoving requires you to hold in a directional movement, and to guardbreak you just keep movement neutral, so you could actually follow up dodges with throws.

Honestly as overused as swatstikas are I'd rather see another ten before I see one more fucking sasuke's emblem or berserk symbol/run thing.
The only guaranteed punish is from a parry light. Also the overhead light should be fast enough to punish a charge whiff.
I've literally never seen a single one and yet I've already seen a few dozen ebin swastikas and SS bolts. Methinks you're trying to smokescreen or deflect for some reason anon.
Honestly the Knights spit out that they're the most normal of the 3 but I bet the samurai discord is just anime shit and vikings are mostly /tv/ fags, but I doubt they have shit like lewdkeeper and furries
The Warden is setting the pace of the fight every time he Shoulder Bashes. The problem is that a significant portion of the cast (ie. characters without dodge attacks) have no way of actually punishing the Warden for just using the same mixup repeatedly, because it just chains into itself repeatedly.

They have to guess and get punished severely for making the wrong choice, or just resetting the match back to neutral with no way of stopping a new vortex from coming in.

I don't mind the existence of Warden's vortex, but the number of times it can be used as a catch all in so many scenarios needs to be addressed.
save up and get a year champ status
Honestly it really is.

Playing on both sides most 4channers are REALLY boring people
I said filename for a reason, it had your response lined up for you.
The quality of discussion immediately fucking plummets when everyone has usernames. It ALWAYS becomes a circle jerk of inside jokes, without fail
buy some steel with ubibux
where did ubisoft say that conq and warlord had higher winrates?
A public chat thing is gonna have names put to people and some of them are going to be weird and stupid? Say it ain't so anonymous.
that doesnt make it invalid
>posts pic of me sucking a dick
>inb4 you call me gay xDD
>haha knew you would call me gay
>Neatly explain the situation for you
>Ignore it anyway
Don't know why I bothered
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funny i've seen 5 today, even this derpy looking one.

forgive the size
maybe not better, but you can't deny lewd shit related to the game is being censored here

fucking 4chan

hive of scum and villainy

maybe i'm an oldfag who hasn't kept up with the times, but this seems like some real sjw tier over sensitive bullshit to me that goes entirely against what made me like this community in the first place

i guess times have changed
Whatever, all I can say is I literally don't care enough to edit images. I'm way too busy literally ERPing on Discord.
4v4 is garbage unless you're Prestige 3 with 80+ gear

1v1 is boring parry/guard break baiting and way too passive

2v2 is the only decent game mode, congrats ubisoft you wasted yet another potentially good idea

Warden is a crutch class. They should remove his GB option entirely or make charge cost more stamina or maybe even be unsafe if you miss your target giving the enemy a free GB. As it stands right now its too versatile a tool and needs tuning down. Valk's pseudo vortex is a much better example of how this type of mixup should be handled. She can not cancel mid-sweep to catch you while you are dashing.
I would but I'm at work srry
>I don't like it therefore no one does and so ubisoft is a bad company

I enjoy elimination
People have always despised off-topic attentionwhoring, newfag. It's not about being prudes, it's about it being fucking annoying and not adding anything of value to the thread.

Every fucking general on /vg/ has this shit, and posters like that are always despised because try as they might to defend themselves with "wow 4chan has gone to the sjws no fun allowed", everyone knows that Anonymous faggot is only fishing for (You)s by posting "I want Saryn to fart on me" with a cropped porn image in the Warframe general. You fags are literally no different.
Tell Kitten_Paws I called him a freak. Ask him how the post-op surgery was.
>join dominion game late
>theres a 1v1 at C
>just looking at each other, both too careful to attack because of ledges
>walk up to my teammate
>he guard breaks me and ledges me
>turns out that that was the enemy, even though he was on "our" side of the map

Never have I felt so retarded
you dont have to edit the image, you uncheck those posts as yours then take the screenshot
>still has not responded to posting in every thread
>see I told you that you would call me out on my bullshit so it doesnt count
Autism. I am still going to report any off topic post you make kek

oh boy we got the buzzwords. Just.go.to.tumblr.you.freak
Save for the outfit. It's exactly what I'm doing.
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>build game around a blocking combat system that rewards patience, mindgames, and timing
>add ridiculous out-of-tone vortexes to a handful of classes that 9/10 times disproportionately punish the player having to avoid them than they do the shitter who fails them
>design 1/3 of 1v1 stages around not giving you room to dodge vortexes
>design the remaining 2/3 around reducing the entire combat system to: 'who fails to tech a GB first' over inconsistent turd-world tier networking
>canceling unblockables
>objectively uncompetitive classes

Literally Skill Gap Compression ft. Cancerous Twitch Fanservice: The Game
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you aint know shit
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I wonder who is behind this post
This, who would've guessed the attentionwhore is self-absorbed? Huge victim complex that would have been solved if they didn't insist on acting like fags or learn how to link nsfw images.
>This thread is turning into some retarded backwards cold war of reporting each other for "off-topic" posting

Serious business fags destroying this community.
Blame the many exoduses, when the guards leave. Its very easy to take a town when there isn't any guards.
>"conq shoulderbash unpunishable"
>literally getting punished on stream in the 1v1 tournament

Cant believe hes getting nerfs
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You have been visited by the Kensei of friendliness and no shitposting
Nice threads and drugs will come to you but only if you reply to this post with "おかげで剣士"

Friendly reminder that if you want to avoid cancer in the general, simply employ 4chanx's handy Filter tool to filter the typical shitposting starters. Or at the very least, do not reply to them! It's that simple.

Do your part. Do not fan the flames of shitposters. Only you can prevent bad generals.
>Learn how to link nsfw images
>People are worried to even link shit because of people getting reported or threatened to get reported if they do
>not adding anything of value to the thread.
except that's demonstrably false in the case of lewdkeeper and writefags. just because some people don't like it doesn't mean it has no value

>everyone knows that Anonymous faggot is only fishing for (You)s by posting "I want Saryn to fart on me" with a cropped porn image in the Warframe general. You fags are literally no different.
that's not even remotely similar and you're lying to yourself if you think it is, fuck off
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>1v1 tournament
>/our guy/ Aarpian talks about some new tech
>gets bodied by warlord first round

Come on, my man, you can;t talk big and then get memed on!

>inb4 link to stream pls
>Linking images has gotten people banned
>Linking pastebins has gotten people banned

>playing eliminations
>instead of a ganking shitfest it's everyone letting each other duel
>at the end of the match it becomes a fight club with the dead spectating and cheering you on
>take on 3/4 people and win

now THIS is fun

What is this gay ass shit

What kind of faggot actually tries to make a general good in /vg/?
>iSkys taken out of the tournament by a Zerker/Raider
Hey I posted a picture of scat porn why did I get banned? It was just an image!

Hey I posted a pastebin of me desperately fucking my step-sister, in great detail! Why was I banned?!?
>Raider beat one of the best players in the world again

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Really? Again?
>never happened

>never happened

And people wonder why no one wants to make content for this general
And they say raider needs a buff..
Dude drinks too much crackbull going into these tournaments
>All the porn and smut was For Honor related
>Hey just post links
>I did and I was banned

Nice goal post moving
So you're just admitting you're full of shit then and even linking to your content off-site isn't safe either.

>posting twitch cancer
Hey there Kitten_Paws, how was the post-op surgery? Penis still hurt?
viKANG ptsd confirmed
He narrowly managed to beat the Berserker after he won a game before and then after that the Zerker swapped to Raider and beat him
Dash attacks aren't the only things you can use.
Most characters have a fast enough light to cancel the warden shoulder, even LB. I can only think of conq, nobushi and raider who can't just light, and the first two shouldn't be in a position where they get hit by a shoulder in the first place. I'm all for limiting the number of shoulder charges you can do in a row, but two should be fair game considering you have 66% chance of getting out of one.

As for new vortexes, the ones coming from lights are the only dangerous ones. Neutral charges are incredibly easy to beat, and learning to punish them is a good way to get better against conq as well.
>if i just make up disgusting shit that never actually happened, they won't be able to argue!
>All this shit in this thread
And here I am, waiting for the mythical drawbro to give me the smallest hint that he's working on a FH dance pic. He's most likely gone along with other drawfags thanks to you faggots.

This general's ways are pretty much set in stone now, exploding with arguments over O. Don't try to tell me bullshit like it's time for people to "start being more thick-skinned" or that "people just gotta ban X or Y and nothing else" because none of you will practice what you preach and this general will never change.

This shit is over.
>Trying this hard to scramble for ways to discredit faceless opposition when you've gotten called out on blatant contradictions
It's time two civilized groups came together and dealt with the barbarian menace. They steal your crops and burn your towns, rape your women and enslave your children. This is a call to arms for all Knights and Samurai. The Vikings must be destroyed.
>grasping at such short straws

I thought you were running out but I guess I was wrong
can't tell if people are desperately samefagging in order to get muh muscle girls and /b/ back into this general, or if the autism is actually spreading.

Dude if I make a really really really NSFW (like me fucking LEWDKEEPER BECAUSE SHES OS HOT OMG I wanna fuck her pussy to tight........ and she poopoo out of ass?) i can still post it because its for honor related! XD
he was known for samefagging when he was erping, why would he stop now?
This general would be miles better if every single thread wasn't filled with faggots bitching that it's gone to shit since POSTS AGAINST THE RULES have been banned.
>Face off against rep 8 nobushi
>First thing she does is run and grab power ups and 2v1 my teammate
>my slow ass can't even get there in time
Come on ubishit
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For the guy who requested this a couple threads ago, here you go. Read it, don't read it, jerk off to it, report it, praise it, criticize it, hate it, I don't care. I just wanna deliver for that guy who requested it to show him that there's still some hope left.

>inb4 I get banned for posting a pastebin link

I miss pre release /fhg/

I thought this game was gonna be DOA?
It's okay timmy, you will understand when you get older that not everything needs to be as clean as a mirror so you can see yourself as you choke on all those cocks in your mouth because you don't understand mature content on a mature board
You got caught in blatant bullshitting, stop trying to worm out of it nigger.

>"People can't figure out to just post links"
>People posted links and got fucked over for that too
>"Wow why are you surprised you got banned for posting links to it"
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I've argued with plenty of them who literally believe that the ERP pics were on topic because they were screenshots of For Honor, and went as fucking far to call them valuable content for the threads.

There's no reasoning with these retards, especially since they are in the discord with their heads up each others asses telling themselves they are valuable to the thread
Threadly reminder to respect your opponents and be kind. It's only a game and there's no reason we can't be civil. Have fun, friends.
>Posts with seconds between them
>"M-muh samefag"

Jesus christ you're pathetic.
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>people that have different opinions than me are the same person!

Are you lucifer from DSG? This is the exact same shit he pulls there
but he won the 1st match
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I like you a lot /FHG/ and I enjoy straining my mind trying to make something discernible in the emblem maker. I don't plan to stop.

Note! I've posted several risque emblems with guides, including oral sex, and I haven't received a ban.
>Get gangbanged by the entire enemy team
>They emote over my dead body and flood the chat with taunts
>Bro be respectful to them, just be the bigger person
I will always, ALWAYS gangbang people because of this
why are you obsessed with "personalities"? thats pretty pathetic



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Why can't /fhg/ be as comfy as most other generals.
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this matchmaking.
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No idea
>Note! I've posted several risque emblems with guides, including oral sex, and I haven't received a ban.
Because this is actually relevant to the game. It's showing off what you can make in the emblem creator.

Faggots are throwing a tantrum because posting ERP shit in the thread will get you a ban, and act like all content creators are getting banned
>this is vg
>video game generals
>where general conversation about the game is held including but not limited to: game mechanics, story, characters, CREATIVE WORKS DONE ABOUT THE GAME, and strategy

>there are entire generals on vg about hentai where hentai is posted all the time

I can't do this anymore. It's on the edge of shitposting at this point and I want to go back to making stuff
>Prestige 19
Jesus, that's impressive
Serious business fags trying to control it and bandwagon too hard to oppose.
Post your bets that this gets deleted
man, you're all fucking babies. It's okay, Reddit will let you post full on NSFW porn of For Honor. Migrate there please
Have you played warden? if you input GB during the shoulder charge, it will come up way later. You can't just decide to cancel it when you see someone dodging, at that point it's too late and imputing GB won't do anything, you will complete your shoulder charge. The warden is predicting.
I admit there should be a lower limit to how many shoulders you can do, but complaining about the feint is stupid.
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Any new good clips of bringing the law to heathens?

Reddit doesn't allow porn in anything other than porn subreddits. Maybe you should go there.
Blame Lewdkeeper. He absolutely destroyed the first couple weeks of threads by nonstop attentionwhoring his lewd posts, refused to stop or even put on a trip so he could be filtered, so people who were sick of it mass reported him.

Lewdkeeper literally created this "no fun allowed" shit you bitch about because he treated the general as his personal playground for posting his erp, ignoring that the majority of the threads were telling him to stop. AND he ban evaded so fucking much they had to range ban the fag to get him to stop. He has absolutely no regard for other peoples enjoyment of the general and was happily shitting it up for his own attention whoring.

Don't blame us, blame him
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not a double date.webm
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Another reminder that just because I am stabbing you in the back and/or not waiting for you to finish a duel with my teammate in 2v2 mode doesn't mean I'm disrespecting you, I'm just playing the game.

I actually don't mind 1v4s. One day, I'll be good enough to handle them, even with my Lawbringer. I can now reliably survive in 1v3s because I keep getting ganked.
>Trying to deflect again when you're being a big ole bitch nigger cause you got caught in a fib
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>play elim
>ganking shitfest goes to 0-2
>manage to clutch it out twice and it's now 2-2
>it's down to you against 3 again and they're all around you
>except you notice 2 of them aren't attacking
feels good man.
It's literally impossible to survive a gank squad that knows what they're doing
>Of of them nonstop GB you while the other spams light attacks
This effectively shuts down revenge as well if they can manage to GB you
This is straight up shitposting now. That is against the rules mate.
took you fucking 7 minutes to edit that?
>He absolutely destroyed the first couple weeks of threads

I posted a handful of images over two days last week, from Tuesday to Thursday before stopping because of the asshurt. Where the hell did you get the idea I ruined every thread since launch?

People were bitching about the banning of smut well before I popped up. The community works for example being created for the OP and then REMOVED because it had smut.
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I think I'm done with this game, I just don't have the reflexes necessary to deal with even Kensei spamming top lights and side dodge attacks, conq shield spam,and vortex, let alone PK light spam.

I tried, I got up to rep 3 but I'm still dying to the same tactics and I'm not feeling myself improve at all. I don't know what it is all the people here are doing to make the game so easy but I can't do it.

I can't believe I spent $60 dollars on something I should have known I'd be shit at.

How else am I going to learn to deal with 1v2 fights?
>Majority of the threads were telling him to stop

I remember more people going "What the fuck, why?" than people ever telling them to stop or cheerleading after they did get axed.
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>*gently headbutts u from behind*

baa! >:3
>Expecting functional brain cells from a literal PK main
What the fuck are you on about you retard? I just started posting seriously today. What was the fib? QQ i don't get my lewdkeeper porn wahh I'm Lewdkeeper's BFF guardian!
It is time for most HONOROBRU Nobushi

So shave your pubes and embrace the name
peace keeper

I have only had this happen once to me. And it was a ton of fun. They knew they were going to win, so they just let me see how far I could get. Killed two people before I fell.
What is worse

Prude fags or faggots who just want porn
Holy shit this general is awful, literally who gives a fucking flying fuck. Why CAN'T you have your game discussion with a side of smut? Do you guys remember when everyone kept saying smut was going to kill the general? Well turns out Ubisoft's complete incompetence and the faggot mods here saw to that first. Prior to this yet again useless explosion of "no fun allowed" posters the general had slowed down significantly.

Why does it bother you if someone is posting a picture of the GAME with some funny and uncomfortable text? Why does it bother you that someone posts a link to erotic TEXT that you can choose not to look at? Do you enjoy seeing "duurrr X character is OP" "huurr how do I guard break" posting for the 700th time in a row?

You know what's going to kill this general in the end? No sense of community, you fags do not want to support any sort of content that isn't pasting a classes profile picture onto a premade meme picture.
Nah buddy, the middle one was mine, you're just a huge bitch trying to flail until you "win" whatever your dumb game is here.
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Lawbringer until you're a rep with a 1 in front of it.
Prude fags because they will call anything porn and say that people are posting porn even though there isn't any porn being posted
Now you care about the rules, don't you? Are you a liberal by any chance
anon...im sorry.
Haha jokes on you I don't actually play the game like everyone else here haha
the latter because they are mostly horny teenagers with unstable hormones that result in threads just like this one
theres like 3 damage control threads on reddit too.
I was there for the threads you ruined. You were being an absolute smug cunt refusing to stop or put on a trip.
It was being removed because of fear of encouraging people like you! And yet you came and hijacked the threads anyway. Before you were banned you were taking over every fucking thread, attention whoring the shit out of them even though you damn well knew the majority of the thread was against it and wanted you to stop.

If you had even a fucking basic understanding of the concept of self control back then and posted one picture every now and then it would have been fine. But no, you shat up every fucking thread and had your fanclub lick your asshole claiming that you're "A valuable content creator"

This is exactly why people are sick of you. You post and your fan club immediately shows up to defend you and circle jerk you in the threads.
oh weird that you post that, i had a similiar experiance the other day

i want to fuck valkyrie in the ass as she empties her balls all over my stomach

i mean videogames
>M-muh innernet poleeticks

You're visibly starting to run out of material now.
For what? That wasn't a five
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>Peacekeepers destroying the game
>peacekeepers destroying the general
I dont use discord but the irony in this is incredible.

I mean, they're faggots, but at least they're having fun and making friends.
I hope this game dies so the general will too
>Making up complete bullshit
You can dig through the archives if you like, there were a lot of people posting telling him to fuck off
Faggots who just want porn because when they don't get their way they spend WEEKS in the threads bitching about it.
I don't blame him for anything, I blame you fags who still make a big deal about it. Lewdkeeper has already said he's stopping and you people still complain and bitch, and now creators that aren't even him are too scared to post anything.

But please let's have more posts and discussion about how Warlord is overpowered, please, I'm fucking begging to read it.
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nobody is actually posting porn here though, all the complaints are about fics and "erp" (note: not actually erp)

i'd probably still say prude fags are worse, because they're trying to get rid of content, whereas the lewd fags are just defending their content. you can always just ignore shit you don't like, but if the shit gets outright banned, then it just takes away from the thread. it'll get that much more stagnant

you don't have to embrace everything with open arms, but you shouldn't want to get rid of it just because it's not your cup of meme
feels GREAT man
i got called the best warden they'd ever seen and referred to me as the final boss (since everyone else wanted to fight first)

At this rate the general will die before the game
And I stopped.

The only reason I'm even posting now was to say "I stopped" and moved to other places. You're the one screeching like a monkey for shit that happened over two days.
Seeking a Kensei or Raider with which to engage in honorable combat. PS4.
20 minutes
Find a single post about someone posting straight up porn that isn't from the first 3 days of the game when everyone spammed that PK image of her getting fucked by raider.

Go ahead.
>inb4 it's deleted
Prudes, smutfags aren't going to stop actual game discussion by existing.
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You guys are dramatic as fuck. Usually seen in spoiled kids

This is 10/10.
Peacekeeper but you have to be the first non cancerous and completely honorable one
empties them all over your videogames? do you WANT them to be unplayable?
Even if you die, standing against multiple enemies, blocking, parrying, and CGBing everything they do, even if only for a while, makes you feel like a legend.
Porn fags because they whine and fucking whine. They think the world is going to end if they don't get their fucking porn. Isn't it sad?
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lets talk about these new fuck boys
>Your fan club

At least for just me myself, I don't actually care one iota about lewdkeeper specifically, I care that all these faggots sprang up trying to cow people with reports or threats thereof and it's come to such a head that fuckin content creators who were making completely sfw shit don't even wanna post here anymore for frustration that they'll tread on the wrong little feet and get bandwagoned on next. It's more cancerous than any amount of lewdkeeper shitposting was or lewdfics or any of that stupid shit, I don't care about them, I care that it's become an oppressive feeling space in general at times.
Don't like it? Leave. The threads aren't here for your personal amusement.
>We still make a big deal out of it
Top fucking kek. It's been WEEKS since he got banned, and yet people are here STILL bitching about how erp shit is no longer allowed.
You stopped because you literally had to get range banned. You didn't stop, you were stopped. And no, it wasn't just over two days.

Your fan club however is the one here bitching for weeks now that you got banned, do us a favor and tell them to fuck off
isn't it completely the other way around?
>people post smut
>prude fags whine and fucking whine because the world is ending if there's prude in their thread
>whine and whine
>it's always prudes that start shit and shitpost in the general


Also read this >>170299318
everything has already been said
if ninja has a way to open you up with assassin levels of mobility im going to cry tears of blood

centurion looks cool though, i hope he's a based vanguard like kensei
You didn't answer my question :^)

You must be some kind of omnipotent judger, whatever I say goes! XD "i'm some kind of god xD omg dude im the BEES KNEES"


Prove that it's bullshit. You're just like those fags who say "you're salty so everything you just typed is now irrelevant, please award me the internets :DD"
We still have content creators. Prime examples are the guys who drew FemConq and the Conq/Law buddy cop piece.

The only person saying they didn't want to make content anymore was the guy making lewdfanfics.

Not super excited for the Shinobi. Looks like it's going to be a Peacekeeper/Orochi chimera. Centurion's would be cool if their gimmick is more damage/stamina regen when near other Centurions.
Streamers are cancer.
Here's hoping the ninja isn't another peacekeeper.
they havent tho

theres people who think writefags got banned too when they havent

if you guys have been, go bitch on irc or /qa/

that wasnt because of the links, it was other shit in their posts
He literally did nothing wrong if his plan worked.
>tfw Ninja will be used mainly by Roachieshitters
I hope Centurion would be good but seeing Raider/Law in their current state doesn't give much hope, even though they're getting buffed
Don't forget the porn fag who said the general was going to die because he didn't get anymore muh lewds :^)

>inb4 get me the exact post
It was two days, I started on Tuesday and stopped on Thursday. This is some absurd revisionist history you have going on right now.
>Porn is against the rules
>People report porn
>It gets removed/banned
Yeah totally the people reporting throwing tantrums though
What does Raider need in the buff department to be top tier?

It was the cube

The cube was the true villain in all of it
>now that people know how to play buffed valk, its more cancerous than PK
great, loving these balancing decisions
Watch how I get a 5 without telling you what to play
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>can't find the post or example of porn being posted
>because there isn't any even in the archives
im glad the patch hasnt hit consoles yet
So how would you guys feel if jumps and charges into ledges had you falling off of them if you missed your target?

Rather then teetering on the edge like some acrobatic god.
You keep using that word as if you even know what self control is. You did not stop, you were stopped. You and I both know you would have happily kept going on forever if the mods didn't have to fucking range ban you.
That you can then block. The Raider needs love.
i play on xbox but i suck


So are they adding a whole new faction in the war, or are they just gonna add more characters from now on?
It is though, being a huge baby and reporting people over inane bullshit that they wore themselves out on quickly anyway implies a lot more buttfluster than people just saying that's lame.
>ignoring what I said

[insert shitty tumblr meme here]

Also if it's nothing, why the fuck are you complaining? The fact that we're complaining about nothing being posted? XDD
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I want elim/skirmish dailies to go and stay go
The ban ended prematurely for whatever reason three days ago. I literally said from there I wouldn't do it any more. People still complain about me like I'm still doing it.

Nobushi wins!
>saying >inb4 someone invalidates the need for proof

OC coming through here guys, I know it's a bit steamy for this Christian general, but I had to share!
Wait is this actually real?
Is Raider/Lawbringer/Conqueror the ultimate bully team?
and yet, look at the thread. is it just smutfags whining? no. it's pretty much a 50/50 argument that's been back and forth non-stop

you can't just blame one side, it's become bigger than that and it's completely ruining the thread. every other post is about this shit. if the majority were in the right, and no one wanted smut, then how is it such an active argument?
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>people claim PK is OP
>Aarpian currently memeing on KingNigga in the 1v1 tournament by parrying his lights and zones

PK will become worse and worse as people get better at the game. Aarpian is an amazing player but eventually more and more people will be able to deal with her because they learn her animations and predict more of her moves.
enjoy the game while you can, as soon as it hits the metafags will know exactly what to abuse since its already been figured out on PC
LITERALLy reported

except not really because if i posted that i was reporting you i would be breaking the rules and i dont want to break the rules and i would rather post than make a report

That means orochi will finally be clean
I've never had a unblockable after grab be parried.

If it's possible the window is tiny.
looks good anon can't wait for you to make more quality content
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Nobushi is pure
If we had something like the Smash Gods, Aarpian would be one of them.
Swapped to Valk, if he wins as her I expect the Valk is op whining to go into overdrive.
Oh fuck off PKDF. The image I made for you fucks isn't on my phone, but the only people who don't think PKs are OP are the people that play them. Your easy mode is ending soon, faggot.

t. raider
Anyone have a link to the discord?
How do you even play Valk? I tried her but nothing made sense to me.
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it was already posted somewhere above but i'm too lazy to go find it so here

extremely fast lights and mixups scarier than warden's
that first round as Valk.
get ready

I'm finally getting good. The Lawbringer forces me to. So when the buff comes, it'll just be that much better for me.
>being this upset

Why is this general so prudish? I have never encountered a thread for a game so where people are so adamant about removing porn. Every other general I've encountered has people staying hush hush and thanking those who post smut.

Does For Honor simply attract snitch-like people or something?
>Going this full retard damage control mode

Not even the person you're having your spat with.
Yeah I saw it above but it said it was expired when I entered it.

>Valk is op whining
>wanting a balanced game is "whining"
give me a break
I know right. Being forced to parry all the time to even do anything is bolstering my fundamentals. We will become death.
>Valk 3-0 the best conq of all time

the website is for devout christians. heathens and their porn will not taint this general
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How do i get over my "i get outmatcheed by players of the same skill because i play a more fun but vastly weaker character" depression?
if im reading the arguments correctly, its more about the attention whoring than the thing they are attention whoring with
After 2nd light hit be ready for sweap.
Trust me, I'm Valkyr player.
Also be careful if they whip first fast, they ll probably follow it up.
Valk and Warden are the only two I can stand to play because I come from traditional fighting games.

Please ask Ubi to give the rest of the cast more mixup options instead of asking for a nerf to her. Her options and mixup game is very fun to use.
Valk hard counters a lot of turtles because of the double unblockable setups, also her startup lights are as fast, if not faster than PK
alternating lights into sweep into overhead heavy
replace sweep with gb whenever you feel like
okay here's an advanced tip

when youre on the character select screen, pick someone else.
>the winner can switch characters
nice tourney
A gang of retards popped up and started a bandwagon to try and put a choke hold on the place.
Please aarpian don't let kingnigger win.
At least if he wins that will show how retarded valk is after the buff
>announcing a report
that's a reportable offence mate
The game features knights.
So fucking devout christian like tendencies is bound to prop
Yes, but my point still stands. You would have never stopped on your own. You did not stop, you were stopped. And the only reason you're stopping now is because you're afraid of another range ban.
And the only reason people are still complaining about you at all is because your fan club is here to shit up every single thread going WOW YOU FOLLOW THE RULES? NO FUN ALLOWED
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This is great and all
But it's time to post your emblems
Good going buddy, that wasn't me so have fun with that, I've just been one of the consistent posters calling you shitheads.
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>All of this shitposting started because I explained why no one wanted to make content for this general here >>170291252

>it's still fucking going
>someone will reply to this saying "it's the lewdposters"
>someone will reply to this saying "it's the prudes"

Jesus christ. First of all, do people understand what spoilers do for 4chan? It's to hide away content that others may not enjoy but is allowed. Just so you are aware, lewdposting is allowed. Straight up porn is not. To further define this, showing genitalia is not allowed, showing sexual themes is allowed.

Shitposting is also not allowed such as >>170300325
these posts. These can be considered straight shitposting as they have no content about the game within them and exist only to cause issues between people. I would also like to draw attention to how a majority of these people listed are the "anti-lewds" posters. Someone will reply to this saying "ur just a fagit that wants porn posted. Like I said before, there is a difference between porn and lewd. I did not go through and cherry pick these people, I went post to post looking at each one. I would like to remind people that there are generals entirely made up about hentai games, porn games, and lewd games such as
to name a few. Once again I will say "is it any wonder content creators do not want to make stuff for this general when people are so toxic against anything that doesn't fit in their purity bubble?"

People that try to stop creative works will kill the general faster than anything else will. If someone posts something that IS against the rules, report them and move on. Do not reply to them. Do not complain about them. Do not celebrate when they are banned or deleted. If they are actually breaking the rules the janitors will deal with them.
It also features Weebs and Vikings, the former with ridiculous fetishes abound the latter a-ok doing some rape.
>Break the rules
>People report you
I have no idea how you spin this scenario to make yourself the mature one here
I wonder will they nerf Valkyr a little or buff rest of squad.

I would suggest not leting her chain light light sweap if first light miss.
Could someone post a link to the discord that DOESNT expire in 10 minutes?
And that is why there is a civil war going on.
Weebs, rapists and pillagers, and christans are in the same room with eachother.
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Give me an idea on what to do instead of my bottom right meme placeholder.
Dude come on, people were complaining about the removal of the community pastebin and the smutbin a solid week before I even shown up. This idea that I started this complaining is just absurd.
>Does For Honor simply attract snitch-like people or something?
See>>170298417 and >>170295302

It's not that the game attracts snitches, it's that the game attracted one colossal faggot who decided the generals were his personal playground and he shat up the place so fucking badly he had to be range banned to fucking stop him. Naturally people don't want another shitposter like him to happen
>kingbitchard complaining about conq using indicator glitch when he uses flicker bug nonstop
God i love how aarpian just has fun with these tournaments

The PK is a saltmine
>blame my losses on my fuckups ( except when it's a PK)
Players like this stay in the shitter tier because they never learn how to counter the meta, news flash there will always be an "OP" hero in every game you play.
Is the sakura effect worth getting for kensei? Does it actually look somewhat good like knights hellfire?
Mate, I am just trying to save a dying general. I don't understand what you mean by "tumblr sperg" because all I did in my post was point out things that are against the rules and explain what is breaking the rules.

But hey, call me what you want I don't care for it. It isn't against the rules. Killing creativity that is within the rules will not help any general and will lead to it's death faster than anything else can.
Why do people bother with these tournaments?

They're fucking jokes.
Can anyone on PS4 help me out with the Realistic difficulty campaign? Samurai levels are pushing my shit in real hard.
Cherry Blossoms > Fire Vomit
muh esports
muh pros
>I knew about it before I was even here

This. The loser admitted to posting on pleddit for attention. If the avatar fagging would stop I would probably still think he's a loser and want him out, but it would be better.

>implying that i am not behind 7 warlord shields

To be fair. If you weren't such a tumblr sperg i would probably give you a pass
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This is the only one I use.
So did Ubisoft extend the time for the event order?
You did not start the complaining about the pastebin, but the complaining about the pastebin was because people were afraid of it attracting someone like you. I'm not even joking right now. I didn't want the lewd fanfics in the pastebin because it was only a matter of time before someone saw a chance for attention and began whoring themselves out in the thread.
And low and behold, you showed up and fulfilled the prophecy.

Right now the majority of people complaining are bitching that lewd shit is not allowed, because you had to be so fucking obnoxious we literally had to report every single post you made until a ban stuck.
Like it or not, you are literally the reason that erp shit is not welcome here, because people don't want another awful shitposter to attention whore nonstop again.

That being said I'm completely fine with lewd art, but there's a fine line between someone drawing art for the game, and someone posting how badly they want to get dicked over and over again
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really should be lawbringer in this rather than shugoki
>deleting a post only to repost it because you forgot to reply to someone
Oh my post actually went through. this site is going to shit
Anyway nobody but (you) consider erp shit "creative" fuck off to /trash/ or tumblr
I mean as in before I did the whole Lewdkeeper shit, I was in these threads from the start since launch, I saw how the people posting pastebins were banned and their posts deleted.

Bit hard to attract somebody who was always here.
>People keep pretending like MUH CROOSADORS weren't massive barbaric pieces of shit same as anything else
>Crusaders cold-blooded murdered, robbed and looted in tons of homes and sites of their own side
>Crusaders raped nuns/priestesses-whatever of their own faith as well in their quest to go ape totally for the holy land and my faith and something we promise
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>grabs orochi
>drops grab and stun locks orochi
"He didn't fly so good! Who wants to try next?!"
>grabs Raider
>drops grab and stun locks Raider
"A lot of loyalty for a hired gun!"
>turns to third larger prisoner

"Or maybe he's wondering why you would drop your grab before throwing them off the bridge?"

"Wiseguy huh? At least you can talk. Who are you?"

"We are nothing. We are the steel in your sword. No one cared who I was until I picked up a poleaxe."

"Who we are does not matter. What matters is your sin."

"If I push you off a ledge, will you die?"

"It would be extremely painful..."

"You're a big guy"

"For Honor."

"Was getting grabbed part of your plan?"

"Of course. The objective was captured by you. We had to know if you could combo grabs."

"Well congratulations, you got yourself grabbed. Now what's the next step of your master plan?"

"Capturing this objective."

>Warden, Peacecutie, Berserker, and Warlord climb up ladders onto objective

"With no superstes!"

>proceed to smash shit in throwing nobushitters off bridge
>capture objective, starting to leave

Lawbringer to warden:
"No! They expect one of us to defend the objective!"

"Have we won the game?"

"Yes. The game is ours."
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Updated, pointy shoulders are much better
>"You're a big guy"
>"For Honor."
>*title screen*

New intro cinematic when
Aarpian you let the negro PK win REEEEEEEEEEEE
>Aarpian tries to be a bitch and ledgecamp the moment he is at 1 bar
>Works out and he ties 1 round
>Gets called out for doing it the second round and asked to return to neutral
>Gets mumed on by KingRichard

This is the cream of the crop of /fhg/, everybody!
>tfw wanted to make kenshin or samurai jack
>shitty options don't let me
Hurts tbch
Stop making up complete bullshit and using LK as a scapegoat. ERP was reviled before they even started and removed on sight. He's already mentioned the community pastebin which is a fine example. The guy making the OP tried to insert it so everybody could be happy, yet the anti-smutfags kept removing it.

Why does the Twitch chat hate Aarpian so much? They're contradicting themselves, they get angry when Aarpian tries to use environmental kills but it's okay when the negro PK uses it. lmao
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It's funny, I main Big Shu but I want to try out I AM THE LAW. Is he as turd tier as everyone keeps preaching about?
PK could have approached him too but he wasn't. Both were just standing still lol.

Looks like it.

Which is good, because at least 50% of matches played were crashing over the weekend.
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Why did they extend the event timer?
and didnt that pk do that all last week? and no ruling was made? that seems unfair that as soon as aarpian does it he's suddenly not allowed
I tried using Law a few days ago. He is
He ran to the ledge to try to get a cheap kill like a bitch. I am glad he got called out and asked to return to neutral.

He did, a ruling was made and he was asked not to do that again or he would get DQd.
Did you even read my fucking post? The reason that shit was removed was because we didn't want to attract someone that was going to shitpost erp shit all the time, which ended up happening anyway.
Do you not see my point though? No one wants an attention whore posting about how much they want dick. And now we have people complaining that you aren't allowed to post erp shit weeks after your ban

If you're at or past rep 3, don't bother.

He's fun in the early levels, but if you haven't learned him yet and are already a high rep, you will suffer even worse than somebody who has mastered his toolkit.

Even with complete understanding of his abilities and situations, you are fighting an uphill battle while people like Warden or Valk can just shit out combos and mixups to no end with ease.
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>tfw you're dragging the team down
Depends who you ask.
If you can parry lights at all he is a god. Almost 2 bars off a blind justice light parry confirm.
he can also bully people when they get exhausted.

If you are a mortal man he is about a strong as raider.
He just has very little going for him, such as not having much confirmed damage.

It's all made up for with the fact his armour looks fucking great though, and the feeling you get from executing an Assassin is better than sex I imagine.
>Slow guard change
>Need to parry lights if you are to do decent damage.

If guard change speed gets buffed pk, orochis, valks wont be able to throw out a single light without a very real fear of losing 1/3rd of their health.
Welcome to Modern Christianity where they keep modifying a book to fit a narrative.
Because Ubi doesn't want everyone to realise the game is already slowing down, especially being the first event since launch.
That's the opposite of an attention whore. LK can't be bothered posting any more and just fucks around on the Discord while people ask for him to come back. An attention whore isn't wanted by anybody yet still continues to be obnoxious.

LK clearly has a fanbase that likes them, whether you like it or not.
He was so fucking salty when aarpian stayed away. What the fuck is this hypocrisy? PK can just run away when under 1 bar, and conq can't do shit about it, essentially having to get a setup for that last bar. He's been doing it every match of every tournament.
And if kingnegro doesn't want to engage when he's losing 2 to 1, that's his fucking problem.
>expecting intelligence from twitch users
That's not my problem, take it up with them or tell them to move to the Knight Discord which is basically this place with names.
really hilarious how you think your samefagging isnt obvious
>i have a fanbase
come on dude
>get a round lead
>proceed to instantly run to a ledge on other rounds to hope to get an instakill

Not a fan of Bitchard, but Aarpian was the bigger nigger in that duel.
>Everybody that doesn't shit talk him must be him

Fuck off
Do I have to whip out the pointless screenshots proving I'm not samefagging you'll say is edited anyway?
its just a coincidence that they all happen to type the exact same way (punctuation, diction, styling, everything)
It's honestly pathetic that you believe this. He's not posting anymore because he's terrified of getting another range ban. He would have NEVER stopped on his own if he didn't get banned. That fact should be obvious considering he ban evaded so fucking much they had to range ban him.
>Dude I can't be held responsible for my fan club that shit up every thread for me
This is why people hate you.

More like doing God's work.
Bunch of cancerous tryhard shitters.
You mean not an illiterate fucktard like yourself? That's normal diction for average people.
>he got range banned
remember when I said that range banning was a thing and he, and others, laughed at me saying it doesn't happen
This anon
Did the 2.8 million dominion matches event reset?

I thought it had 72 hours a few days ago, why does it have 72 hours left?
>Just take control of anonymous posters by "telling" them to stop

Do you listen to yourself? Even if I did tell them to shut the fuck up they'd do it to spite you people.
because deceased juego
How do I work on getting better at this game when I'm being paired against Rep 8 players despite not having a single Rep 1? Bots don't react like people do but I'm too terrible to play online
He only ran to the ledge once they tied. When he had the lead he just stopped in the middle of map, not chasing negro's PK and that shouldn't be illegal.

They extended it to avoid community outrage.

The weekend was a total shitshow - their servers are wholly fucking inadequate, so almost every 4v4 that got hosted crashed.
How about you get on fucking topic, cunt.
Their shitposting for you faggot, get it under control
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here's him explaining it too
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So he's hard to play for not much reward? Well shit, I was looking forward to JUSTICEing some fuckboys.
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It keeps happening.

I'm just doing my orders man.
You are beyond help if you think I have ANY control over what other anonymous posters on 4chan do with their time.
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Post yfw Warden is nerfed.
I just want Warlord to get nerfed already
I saw someone do an emblem of the symbol of jack's family crest, that should be do-able and a bit more subtle
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this is what you chose.webm
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>never bothered to do the orders until a few days ago
>finally did a set
>ended up getting like 2000 steel
Holy shit I hate elimination so much but I have 500 steel just sitting behind 5 matches and I'm going to torture myself
AFK farming is getting out of hand.
>Rep 11 Warden
>Literally only attacks right and spams shoulder
>Kicking his ass as lvl 14 Raider
>Teammate comes, hits him once.
>Instant revenge
>One hits both of us
They need to fix this game
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Got THE LAW and conq to rank 5
8 decides my next main
>nerfing Warden
>over PK/Conq/Warlord
This might honest to god be the worst general on this board. Good work lads.
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Why all the hate for enterprise resource planning? The software alone is a multi billion dollar industry. It's a standard in the corporate world, and nigh required if you wish to be even close to successful.
Top level warlord is just headbutt spam, wow gg no re
warden or pk
get all the knights up

Play a vanguard so your suffering can end for a while.
>Beat someone playing Warden
>They play PK in the next game
Is there any better indicator that you've pissed someone off?
>needing nerfs

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If someone's still willing to fight you they're not at maximum mad yet.
how about a character that isnt complete shit this time
>EVER fighting a shield user next to a ledge
Don't know what that guy expected

I don't see one
Depends on their rank. I main PK but am leveling up Conq as well. Sometimes when someone beats me as Conq and I know I can win as PK I switch
FemConq x Centurion, my fellows.

FemConq x Centurion.
>1-0 as it starts
I can tell you what he was thinking, probably something along the lines of "50% is better than 0%"
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>tfw I beat him after he switch to PK too

The PK was his main, the Warden was rep 1 and the PK was rep 4 and he clearly knew what he was doing on the PK, while his Warden was zone spam.
Why are all Kensei executions lackluster?
What is your favorite?
That's like all that map is though.

There's a room I like to go in to fight, if my opponent follows me, but in that video, the conq was blocking the guy's way.
Probably wasn't mad, just thinking he could win if he swapped.
I fucking hate 4v4 and PKs.
Sped up because it took forever.
Also yeah I did a top heavy after a GB on accident.
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>Parry Kensei or Lawbringer
>Can't do anything to them afterwards because they're 20 feet away
His default decap is pretty great imo, something about it just feels so clean.
Sword-saints don't have time to be flashy.

They have Nippon to save, not only from the threat of other factions, but from the invasion of Narutard Orochi's who suddenly think they're hot shit.

Kensei... Has a hard life.
>want to brawl and duel as Law
>all these ledges

man, i just want to duel and get better. Its bad enough that people talk shit to me when i do poorly because i'm a rep 12
And risk being banned for writing it? No thanks
dont forget about nobushi
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He could've gone back up the stairs to the other area, or made me leave. If he really wanted to get up there he could've just walked past me and defended himself, if he breaks every GB and dodges well then there's nothing to stop him from going up the stairs behind me.

I just bought evisceration, I'm actually in love with it
If I include at least three Apollyon speeches, Cross and a good five paragraphs of Stone, will it be on topic enough to be accepted?
semifinals bros

the usual top tier
The stairs is safe ground as well, no missing railing to get ledged from.
I almost never risk fighting shields near ledges, feels like they have an advantage
Make them eat the pizzas.
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female orochi with bunny ears
>expecting roaches to know how to tech
futa is max degenerate you fucking fag
Stone's a superior boi.
it's after a parry you literal mongol
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tfw the worst sort of asshole
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I have a rep 3 Warden and Kensei. Are the 15k Mythic outfits worth it? The eagle on warden looks like shit and the hydra on Kensei isnt that great either. Should i just waste steel on executions? Insert New Spine is pretty cool looking.
Does Apollyon have a dicc too?
I wasn't responding to the video, I was responding to his response, which was to my response which was to his video previously posted of the roach getting ledged.

I would call you a retard, but I can see how you got confused.
If you want them, I think you can actually get a 'package' that includes all 3 Vanguards' outfits for only 24k total? Check it out.
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There's a mythic bundle?
i hate the flames

viking one is okay

samurai one is pretty cool
wew, soz then
So when are they gonna give up the charade of being serious and give us pacman helmets
Are Nobushi's light attacks shitty? I've noticed that more and more often my normal light attacks are just worthless in fights and I end up relying on my special attacks and parries.

Is there a trick to landing her lights or are they just bad?
get the costume for the effect if you want it, otherwise executions are the only thing worth buying
How do I get myself matched against tards like that. Every single warden I fight is a shoulder bashing whirlwind who dodges out of any of my shoves.
Save up for new season pass characters so you don't waste your real shekels
It's cool anon, I probably should've clarified.
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In the store tab.
>LB having long range
How do I play Conq against people who refuse to come to me when I play defensively? Specifically assassins
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>Against a Rep 6 Peacekeepe in Duel
>Playing Kensei
>Another Peacekeeper who does nothing but attack, some guardbreak attempts, no feints
>Parry her lights
>Tech her guard breaks
>Guardbreak her dodges
>Block every attack I couldnt parry
>3-0 her
>do something else than defensive play scrub or join some dumb pro team and be a turtle fag weeb

let the game tick out and force a draw :^)
Be more stubborn than they are
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>play defensively
>players know that if they attack you they will die
>they do not attack you
>they do not die
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Imagine how horrifying it would be to fall into water in Lawbringer's ridiculously bulky jousting armor.
literally backwards
I still don't understand how peacekeepers think they're opinions actually mean anything.
there slow and i get parried to hell so I just use them from hidden stance. The added bonus being is if it connects you get the third bleeding hit free.
They are awful. The indicators give away your attack direction decades before it even looks like you're thrusting your spear. If you ever fight other Nobushis you'll notice this. It doesn't help that she has a slow stance switch too. If you want to ever land a light in neutral, your best bet is to cancel/feint your first light with hidden stance, then do a light in another direction. VS lower skill level people, this is usually guaranteed to at least throw them off once, but it's still pretty slow, even newbies will learn to react to it.
"The only winning move is not to play."

Apollyon btfo tbqh.
>Warlord vs warlord
>Who headbutt the most win
ERP. Enterprise Resource Planning. I'm actually really confused as to why its such a big issue in this game. And why a bunch of wealthy upper management types play this game. The FTC will do an investigation if you guys keep using this to trade stocks and bonds. I mean, it was cool 10 years ago to do 6 figure unregistered index trades in Eve, but those times are over.
shit *their before any of you fucks call me out on it
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>unlocking rep outfits doesnt unlock their color palettes for use in neutral/team games
I bet he could survive

It's really not that hard to just tear armor off if you know how to put it on, plus he can still swim with a few pieces
I want to plan your resources on my enterprise.
Yeah I thought so, the only time I land the light combo is after dodging a heavy with hidden stance.

Fuck. I'm beginning to feel like I'm running out of options the higher level I get.
>3rd shield class for the vikings
god no less shields the better
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why is it ALWAYS a viking when it's someone being a cock in elimination?
Talk more dirty business and back-room deals to me baby
I'm also playing on console so the patch for GBs still hasn't hit and it's pure fucking suffering
>Roach is going to GB me
>Instinctively hit to GB him instead
>I'm locked into the animation and he GBs me first because he's faster
When the fuck is that patch coming to console?
because vikings are faggots
It's literal jousting armor though. You can pull off armor without help if it's battlefield armor, yes, but jousting armor is often riveted or hammered on with forelocks and shit and later removed by a fucking smith.
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>Raiders UH UH UH UH humping emote
>playing TF2
>I'm the heavy
>see the soldier on my team shooting at a pyro
>spin up
>decide not to shoot the pyro because that wouldn't be very honorable
>dumbass demoman comes out of our spawn and blows the pyro away
>have to type out "sorry for these honorless fags pyro" in the chat
I know dude fuck people like that
>Team based game
>Mad when people don't 1v1
Come on anon
>implying raider doesn't secretly have something for Brodens sister.

>Also WAAAAAAH i got ganked in a 4v4 mode.

I expected the law to be made of sterner stuff.
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viking distraction tactics.webm
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What exactly is wrong with that webm? 4v4s are not duels.

Team Fortress 2 has Team in the title implying it's a team activity

For Honor has honor in the title implying it's an honorable activity

Honor is all about doing dumb-shit like fucking your king's wife because she made you /honor/bound to

It's all very simple
Screwing around in Elimination; do people honorfag like in 2v2 or just gangbang everyone?
Also note that in your light combo (listed on moves list), 1st light > 2nd light > 3rd light, is NOT a true combo. They can react to the second hit of the combo if they are hit with the first, so it's unsafe. (Yes, this is retarded.) However, 2nd hit > 3rd hit is guaranteed, and hidden stance counts as the first attack of any string, so if you use hidden stance, land a light, go for the second light. But do NOT go for a second light if you just throw out a random light and somehow land it.

Also, yes, this game's options for offense are shit, this is not exclusive to Noboobies.
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>tfw seen it for the first time in person yesterday

The raider beat a rep10 warden or something. It was adorable.
You honor yourself with victory in war.
No one remembers the loser of the war who lost "well".
Look two posts up.
You'll find both if you play a few matches. Sometimes you might find both in a single match.

I'm usually an honorfag, but I don't really care if I get ganked, since it is a 4v4 mode. And I'll do some ganking from time to time for keks.
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What's your trade number? I have a hot and wet IPO for metal casting and machining. I think they make guns.

Also, the fuck is up with the lack of numbers? No one is net worthed...
>4th day playing
>finally get a rage quit disconnect

I can't figure out what triggered him
>weeb using nobushi
>low level no rep beating rep 1 character
>bleed damage

I've seen fast characters run away from heavies to 2 vs 1 people
Because he's a raider.

It's pretty much the only thing they have to look forward to, coming out of nowhere and charging someone into the wall then spinning them around and unblockabling while they're focused on the other guy. It's the one time they can actually be happy they're playing raider instead of being another cuckwarden.
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Just started playing titty boy.
My main is Rep 3 so I don't have as easy a learning curve now.

Any tips?
the game is called FOR honor

if they wanted you to play with honor they would've called it WITH honor

you gain honor in victory, you use any means to achieve victory
Our net worth scores are kept private in order to instigate a fair trade routine, but in truth the privileged few know the true net worth of everyone around allowing them to exploit this knowledge to make the safest trade's, granting them great fortune's where as others suffer and look to them as bastions of wisdom, stroking their metaphorical business schlong

It's all very GTR
if two people are fighting you should atleast let them finish before killing the guy.

ive been playing since beta and once people get used to this game we'll see the meta switch from the current "actually 1v1 your dude" to "run away from your dude and pick up the buffs and then gank anyone that you can"

and that makes elimination fucking retarded

its fine in domination or skirmish but it shouldnt be the playtype for elimination
>he only strokes his metaphorical schlong
I bet you didn't even turn a sizable profit last quarter
Why not? Give me a non-emotional reason like "Revenge is overpowered right now", not muh honor.
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Did we ever find out why the Iron Legion ABANDONED THEIR POSTS
Looks like gangbang, then. Honestly people are so bad I might just honorfag.

Bonus question: is it only dominion that has good steel payout or does elim also have it?
This is a christian image board, I cant have this Jewish filth being spread.
My estimates for next quarter are very... Promising.

Deals are sliding in and out of place and soon enough it'll reach the perfect climax for full profit potential
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elimation and domination have almost the same steel payout if you win (400~) if you lose elimination its about the same as 1v1/2v2 (around 200~ with champion status)
Because they didn't agree with the doctrine of Apollyon who the legion was submitting too. They abandoned their posts in a show of protest and refusal to disregard their vows.
Alright thanks, might do a little elim out of boredom/orders then. Dominion is awful and I refuse to touch it
>steel payout 400~

Please make sure you actually say exp next time, you almost got my hopes up, before I remembered that that's completely wrong
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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in Harvard, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on QVC, and I have over 300 confirmed products. I am trained in gorilla marketing and I’m the top salesman in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another target for acquisitions. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth like the cockroach you are, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker.
You guys ever put time into a character just to end up feeling like you made a mistake? I've almost got my Conq to rep 2 and I almost never win duels with him. Feeling like I should stop leveling him up and try someone else
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reported for blatant disrespect of my waifu
enjoy your ban scum

Have the will of the warrior and the strength of the Oni
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spin it.webm
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65% winrate on my conq, it was below 50% for a long time

Conq is actually not an easy class, his memes aren't real and it's damned hard to finish
I got my Kensei to rep 3 for the principle of playing an honest character.

I fucking hated living during the entire experience because everyone is just simply a better than him except orochi's.

They are like the perfect class to shit on roaches because thier swords can ignore their dodges.
> Daubney says to fight Holden would be an execution

> Holden gets his shit pushed off a hill by a random viking in the campaign

What did Daubney mean by this?
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I think this was my first Lawbringer vs Lawbringer match. Holy fuck this is boring. It takes so long to kill each other.
>Getting this assblasted that people make easy memes
Top fucking kek
Who was in the wrong here?
I will break it down for you in terms of power levels.

Daubney- 1 farmer

Holden- 1 Tien

Random viking- 1 Nappa
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now you know how everyone else feels when fighting LB
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Are you consolidation your loses? Next quarter is supposed to be rough. I actually just started the paperwork for a Swiss transfer.
I'm not upset at all though, I'm just having fun making little pictures that mock the seriousness of this general
yeah, two dueling LB's of equal or near equal skill is like watching paint dry
The baseless conqueror hype is already dead and gone

I'm glad everyone came to their senses about this character

typically it follows herd mentality. if you kill your guy then go watch another 1v1, the next teammate to come see you will generally sit around and watch too, or if the enemy wins he'll finish up and prepare to 1v1 you. anyone that goes against it will usually get slapped then everyone returns to honorfagging and he'll probably honorfag next round.

if, in reverse, the first thing people see are 2v1/1v2's, running for buffs, ect, then the match will devolve into gangbanging.
I'm sure he's reinforcing his assets in all the right places
Making sure to give them considerable form and bulk
I wouldn't be surprised if he's made sure to compile extra portfolios in case of an unforeseen market shift~
What's Orochi and Apollyon in this equation?

What's Stone?
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I hate elimination. I just wanna do my contracts.

Also if even one enemy on the team is being an asshat I'm going to be an asshat too. It's all or nothing. I'm not going to let that one person run around and fuck someone up by reviving and stacking boosts just because the rest of their team isn't doing it.
The problem is that the shield bash combo is his bread and butter, but most players know you can dodge right out of it after they get hit with a heavy
I'm honestly thinking of picking up Warlord just since he's top tier
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He instinctively did a parry->light counter when I would've been knocked down and so he missed out on some BIG damage, probably kicking himself for it.

I actually don't play Lawbringer that much, he's really cool looking but he just isn't that fun to play. I don't get how people here sit around and play him so often. He's BAD but not completely unusable by any means, but I just don't understand what's enjoyable.

Probably biased because my two most playeds are two of the sillier, crazy characters in the game (nobu and berseker).
Apollyon is Frezia, Orochi is Goku, Stone is Piccolo.
If anyones uptight it's the people whining that porn was banned
>derail the thread with porn
>bitch about it not being allowed
You have 10 fucking boards for porn and the entire internet, you don't need to ruin this thread with it
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Post dads
>refusal to disregard of their vows
>abdicating their legion duties and trying to revive the dead iron legion before the warden kills them
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>The problem is that the shield bash combo is his bread and butter, but most players know you can dodge right out of it after they get hit with a heavy
You need to incorporate mind games and lots of empty charges until throwing one out at just the right moment when you read an attack.

The only reliable way to finish that 25 regenerating HP is to hit with neutral bash into light and fish for a heavy before it regens

>since he's top tier
>picking characters because they are top tier
scum, play warlord because you like him, don't play the top tier because they are top tier

On that note, what's etiquette with active feats/perks/whatever?
Nigga I'm on your side, reread my post
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Their vows were about protecting the weak which Apollyon is against. Even Warden realized working with Apollyon was against his vows and considered abandoning her to be the more righteous choice.
Each class should have at least one attack that is like an orochi/warden/pk zone i think

Always the same direction, but quick and costly with low damage.
I want to play a shield user where I don't struggle to finish people off all the time.
You drop out of Brown? Me too. What's the international trade value for American cast steel anyways. It IS a hot IPO and literally no one is biting...
their vows also involve obeying their legion's orders
>61k people playing on xbone
At least it looks like the console versions will survive for a while
Doubtful. Warden had his vows while he was still a mercenary and happily cast aside Daubeny to join the Blackstone's.

The vows of For Honor's knights seem more just to be the basic set of chivalry rules with no regards to sticking to any particular master.
There's nothing else to play on Xbone.
>Warlord rep3
>Conq rep1
>Warden rep1
>LB rep 1

Love: the games concept and core gameplay
Hate: the defensive meta, lack of gearless Elimination/Dominion, non-standardized block change animations.
"Server" infrastructure of course is a joke, I think thats obvious.

I'll put the game off for now and wait until they fix at least a few of the problems I have with it.
There's no counter to it if you grab a speed boost it lasts so long that you can time yourself on it, run away and grab all of the boosts, and then come back, fuck up, run away and grab boosts again.

There's absolutely nothing you can do against a player cheesing the boosts and playing like a faggot. There's no diminishing returns on them, the cooldown doesn't last long enough to punish players abusing them, they don't take long enough to pick up. They're just awful. God forbid you have someone just waiting out their feats.

What do you do? Camp a boost? Doesn't work. The ONE player that grabs the speed boost in the beginning of the match and control the entire map while fucking everyone up or running away without repercussions.

Elimination is fucking garbage.
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>its an episode of crushing counterstrike misses

If that were true, he'd have abandoned Apollyon right after she killed those surrendering deserters.
Fair enough. I only get games on here because my friends are on xbone
I'm blind and angry, fuck you
> Fix

So you're quitting the game for good?
Warden's slow. It took him till they killed the storehouse viking's for no apparent reason to realize that 'THIS IS AGAINST MY VOWSSSS' and then the next time we see him he's betrayed Apollyon.
he was going to draw his blade on Apollyon until Stone stopped him.
>be me
>lb prestige 6
>im running out of tricks
>people learning to feint
>p2p literally delaying my parries
>action queue means i do a heavy after i block beause game cant into registry
>every game im still top fragging
>i hate it
>i will never stop doing it

this is true self torture
>rep 5 conq
>didnt know that the shield bash after heavy attack and after dash had different frame advantage, the difference being that shield bash after heavy attack leads into another guaranteed heavy
Only if it knocks them down



I don't play a lot of elim so I'm not entirely sure there, but I'm not fond of using them unless I'm fighting cunts.

roaches love to use their bow if they get enough renown, I know that much. had to get pretty good at dodging it, especially now that feats reset every round.
yeah, probably
whatever, got 100+h of entertainment out of it already, so its fine
>Playing elimination
>On the winning team
>Final round just need to kill one guy and we win
>Guy on my team spams sorry
>He leaves the game
>Game crashes because one person left
>especially now that feats reset every round.
cheesing it with valks poison feat is fucking ridiculous
>playing 2v2
>someone is bitching about killstealing
When is the patch hitting consoles?
This angers me more than anything about this game.

I played 10 minutes of some crappy game mode for in-game currency and i get disconnected and left with nothing because ubishit cant be fucked to provide dedicated servers
it only knocks down in revenge
2v2 is the worst mode in the game anon
All of the game modes are the worst mode in the game anon
not when skirmish, elimination, and dominion exist
Can we make a new thread, I want to post a stupid webm I made but I don't want it to be at the end of the thread and I'm impatient.
Once it clears certification by Microsoft and Sony.
You make one then
Reminds me of my best beta game
>Samurai bridge dominion
>Raider carry the entire enemy team into the same pit at middle point
>Continue throwing them off cliffs as they respawn and filter back in
>Call of "Wtf stop" in chat
>Can't stop won't stop
>10 kills just by ledges at this point, and not even 500 points on the board yet
Aaand then the game crashed and the match didn't count
whats so funny
Isn't that just the arms of Jerusalem?
How long would dedicated servers take to set up? I dunno much. How easy would it be?
p2p is better for fighting games
Okay I made the new thread
Do you guys think it's appropriate to quit over shit teammates?
>Playing elimination
>Carrying the fuck out of my team
>Final round comes and I get gangbanged by the entire enemy team
>I end up losing
>I had 12 kills and the rest of my team only had 1 each
I was pretty tempted to quit to avoid the loss because it's fucking bullshit I get paired with retards who can't win a fight
The idea is p2p for DUELS
and dedicated servers for LARGER game modes
Ubisoft is a small indy company they cannot afford such luxurious things
t.ubishit employee
good thing this isnt a fighting game
Trying to protect your wr on a garbage game mode instead of just taking the xp/steel
2v2 would be fine if they didn't give you maps fucking based around ledges and environmental hazards
>i don't like this core component of the game

why even play it then
People like you are why I scream "RING OUT!" when I dunk someone with way more health than me :))
YES, how do you make this, with the cross the the T's on the ends, ive seen it done somewhere before on this thread but i didnt save it
I don't mind ledging when it's my own fault for standing near a ledge. What I don't like is maps encouraging people to camp ledges for easy kills
>rep 3 kensei
>gotta work around opponent
>throw them into walls for guaranteed top heavy
>get 5-5 every game
>level 7 nobushi
>poke poke poke poke poke poke poke
>get 13-2 every game
You can stop being garbage and parry for your top-heavy. I play both, and both of them have good tools for similar playstyles, but it's a lot easier to punish Nobushi whiffs.

Nobushi is good against garbage players. Try playing offensively against someone with half a brain and you'll want to cry yourself to sleep.
>Come to the game intending to play certain classes
>End up liking several other classes instead, much more than the classes I came to the game intending to play
>Even the scrub classes
>especially the scrub classes

So on that note how does one not be a tool when playing a PK?
>I have two options
>A: Quickly duck sideways, dodge the claw, and quickly take her out with a spinning back kick.
>Or B: Take the blade in the face, then roll on the ground and die.
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