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/khg/ Kingdom Hearts General

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Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 191

KH3 Riku Edition

KH 2.8 Release date Jan 24 2017
KINGDOM HEARTS HD 1.5 + 2.5 REMIX PS4 March 28 2017

KINGDOM HEARTS Unchained χ available on Android, Google play, and IOS

2.8 Trailers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4gKAR0uRZZ0 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iu63R9ml_Es [Embed]

(KHUX guides) The reason you're here:

Kh1.5, Re:Chain,358/2 Days Tips:

Union, JP and NA Medal, Material Spreadsheets:http://pastebin.com/h0iYnMJt

Kingdom Hearts 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKo4BgDnlfQ [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW1jcguknXA [Embed]

Other News

Previous Thread:>>169103553
Cmon khg step up your game
Does anyone here know if you can already get Moon Gems for Dark Biter?

Will there be separate Proud+ Quests? Can you get them at level 500 or are they simply not there yet?
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>finished dream drop distance
i hate this fucking series for making me feel so much
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what did you mean by this
I'm playing DDD co-op passing the controller with each Drop, it's a lot of fun.
that actually does sound fun. the dropping wasn't as annoying as i thought it would be honestly
Why did you make a new thread? I was fine with letting it sleep.

On a game related note, I'm at the point of no return on KHFM and the grind for completion has begun. Damn synthesis.
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Who is the second cutest KH?
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Xion is number 1
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I think I know what deals we get in a few hours based on what jp got
>what deals we get in a few hours

There shouldn't be a new medal deal tonight.
anyone in khux need a group? we're shooting for top 50. we just kicked some inactives looking to fill the group up?

leave your lux and ID, invites are ready.
we got the notice for several skills for thrills deals coming this monday. JP currently has multiple skill for thrills deal http://luxenvulpies.tumblr.com/post/157704878984/skill-draw-4-february-26-28-there-are-four
red clothes blue hair dont mix
They do when she's wearing them.
stay alive atleast till the new deals please?
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Aqua Limit Form?
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What's the most cringey thing you've done involving Kingdom Hearts?
>inb4 'playing kh'
Dreams that involve me summoning Keyblades and fighting things.
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Post some awful kh fanficiton kh
I made kingdom hearts amvs back in the day
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meant to tag
but what were your amv's about
I say goodnight to Aqua regularly.
Not suprised considering the amount of aqua fags here
Aqua is such a bitch she didn't even give Ven a pillow.
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Every time we hit page 10 I'm posting gay shit.
No Moon Gems yet

I can't imagine they would proceed from the Sun Gem quests. That'd be absurd.
I want Aqua to be my pillow.
She would leave you to rot for a decade just like she did to Ven
delete this. Lingering Will is not for cute, only for anger.
No, she would make me comfy.
>red and blue don't mix
In what universe?
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Good move, BUT TAKE THIS
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Heres some gay shit as promised
delet this

Riku belongs to Kairi
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My nigga
You mean she didn't even bite the pillow during anal, my guy.
I wrote KH fanfic back in the day
pls no
Then don't make khg get to page 10
Clearly no one gives a shit about Kingdom Hearts at the moment. There's nothing to talk about until there's news or a trailer. Until then just let the general die.
>zootopia medal
>into "dark" aesthetics
>Aqua might not be into dark guys because darkness
should I finish guilting Meow Wow before evolving it?
rank weeks end is here hows vulpus battle royal going?
When you evolve it, you'll have at best a 25% so one reroll will get you a guaranteed gain.
>one free medal from JP turned into a premium quest reward
>takes two weeks to get enough for Guilt

They seem obsessed with lowering the bar.
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>61% on first Minnie and Daisy medal
>78% on second
I wonder why send them to Merlin specifically. Like sure he's the tip top magic user but how about using a sword or gun?

>yfw Leon teaches them how to gunsword fight
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Im annoyed its a shit pull but I got kh2 kairi meaning I can buff my speed medals better
someone must have that fetish
Makes no sense since Yen Sid is a former Master, whilst Merlin is just a powerful wizard. Yen Sid is just lazy.
Anything past lv200 is borderline impossible to kill for me. Even if I actually damage it (instead of hitting for 1), the damage is way lower than usually.
Do I need to get more attack? Are buffs/debuffs pretty much mandatory at this point?
>he's not using buffs
>Herc and Phil medal
>get enough medals for 1 guilt and 5 rerolls
I mean I'm happy I get to reroll teh guilt but 5 extra medals seems like such a queer number. I wonder why they chose 5...

Yes. lvl 200 enemies can still be beaten with few buffs and strong guilted medals but their defence ramps up fast so having str/type buffs/debuffs for the first 2-3 medals will be quite mandatory.
Well shit.
My only buffs are: uniform kairi (for only 2 attacks), sebastian (that fucking cost though), woff lightining, White rabbit, Crocodile.
From debuffs: woff sephi, Mr Smee, Owl, Xigbar B, TR Donald.
So far I've been mostly using Lady Luck with woff medals, alice & cheshire cat for heal and filler. There will be some event cheap str up eventually, r-right?
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I dont want this
Zootopia confirmed for KH3.
>Judy & Nick
>on the 28th
Meanwhile JP got both Judy and Nick immediately.
does it actually matter? Its a single generic Strength&defense boost. Tier 2 Guilt
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>cats in last place
my union is shit. SHIT!
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I would rather worry about bears
Bears were really weird this week, it's the first time getting over 20 mil on a raid week didn't stick you somewhere in the 500 range so it was crazy competitive for those gems.
That was foolish
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>bears anywhere but last
Holy shit they actually did it. It may have taken 10 months but they finally clawed their way out from last place. Get rekt Gula.
That's the second time actually, first time happened shortly after the JP release of 2.8 if I'm remembering right.
That wasn't the weekly rankings. It was some sort of separate rankings during that week for jewels which Ursus came 4th for. Regular weekly ranking was the eternal 5th spot.
>398 billion
Fucking hell Vulpes, you filthy lux whores. No wonder we all die in the Keyblade War.
>Leopards actually lost to Bears
Congrats Bears, you're officially no longer worst Union, now Leopards are both worst Union and Foreteller
That cunt Ava clearly recruited all the good wielders away from the other Unions, and left hers in place
She'll pay for this.
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"this moment... *sniff* is so much bigger than me"
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Y-you can barely beat us.. J-j-just give up already..
I was honestly expecting Snek to be the one to eventually falter in the weekly rankings against Bears after that incident, but I'm sure glad we got our groove back
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Snek a best.
Invi a best.
Anguis a best.
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Like, I'm happy we are in first. But I hate that it's because of those whores who sully the Dandelions name.
ugh, i'll still be one dot short of guilting it after this
shouldn't they be releasing those hd heartless medals since best picture went to moonlight? kek
fuckin googles
i'm only mad since the main theme for lala land was just a faster version of dearly beloved
>Herc and Phil medal
>5 bars
Excuse me?
#NotAllDandelions are lux hoarding scum bags.
The Uniform Kairi, Selphi, and Ansem the Wise medals boost for 2 attacks. Does the attack from the medal count as one of them?
its an extreme high damage AOE
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What did they mean by this?
its just furries in the furries union
So in reality it's just one attack.
does the event provide enough to guilt 2?
or should i save my excess for rerolls?
i just rolled a 72%
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Vulpes continues to prove that it is, indeed and forever will be, a shit.
12 medals. So you could guilt 1 and reroll 5 times
>all those damn furries
As if they weren't degenerate enough as it is

Ghost is cool though
Miss Aqua's soft and cute feetsies!!
Kill yourself faggot.
Fucking Genie. Should have known that over the top personality was just an act.
I really really hope they fix the load time for Drive forms in KH2 for the PS4 collection
i was about to start wasting them on dots lol
i really really hope they add multiplayer to bbs
Not really. It isn't as good as KH2FM gameplay wise.
It's alright, not as good as KH2, but the monopoly mini game is addicting, and it's plot and character s are gonna be relevant
>roll for herc and phil guilt
>every fucking time

Thanks, SENA. You really make me want to keep playing
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>I'm going to play chronologically
>but I'm going to play chronologically and
Production order
>roxas has ven's hair and coloration
>he rules the samurai nobodies
>ven trained under eraqus, who was styled like a samurai
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Oh shit we're back?
for a certain definition of back
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>want to do at least 1 skill deal
>don't have enough room for 10 medals
I really gotta get that weekly deal
I care
Axel pls
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xehanort is an ordinary lion
>is an ordinary lion
What does this even mean?
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Shitty forced meme by some autist.
Speaking of axel what should his kh3 outfit look like
sora was originally nomura's lion fursona, young xehanort has a horned lion on his keyblade. lions are traditionally considered majestic and regal and shit so their communities are called "prides," superbia, the likely name of the master of masters, means "pride", so from this i conclude that the master of masters is their mpreg child

even the dankest meme contains a glimmer of truth
Not that.

Either fuck off to plebbit or kill yourself. I really don't care which one you choose.
>kill yourself
that's hurtful
Welcome to the internet
>that's hurtful
Good, I hope it hurts.
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Ignoring the mpreg bit, >>169594054 pretty much has it right. Additionally, there was an absolutely pointless debate a while back on whether Sora could be considered "special" as the chosen keyblade wielder, or if he was just an ordinary boy who got a keyblade. Autists cried themselves to sleep for several weeks, while trolls reveled in the stupidity. In the end, every hearted returned to the darkness whence it came.

So yeah. Ordinary lion is actual a duwel wheeled meme.
Any other business nerds getting ready for the Square fiscal report? Be interesting to read it, maybe get a few hints on how KHUX stacks up to the other Square mobile games, and how that will in turn affect it's longevity.

Recent shareholder releases point to global downloads being roughly half that of FF Brave Excius, but it would be interesting to see how that compares in total sheckles.
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Post Ranks
Least ill get 1
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Can anyone confirm what round the current top 1,000 marker is at? I'll make the push if it's nothing ridiculous, but forget about turning it into a sleep+ RNG-fest.
I might take a look when i have the time
I could do a lot more but Im not in the mood
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I'm guessing right about 170. One of my party members has been stuck on 168 since the second day of the month and only dropped out of the top 1000 within the last two days, so it can't be too far ahead of him.
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What's the rough cutoff for 10k at the moment? I guess I should start working on this
Its not that far off im on 96 and within 6k so try to aim for round 70 or 80 at least
I'm at 171 and in 1121st place so I'd say probably closer to 180
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Minnie and Daisy help out a lot with Def Boost 2
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Thanks. The only round that's getting stupidly difficult is the one with the copter fleets. So long as I can skip that a few more times, I should be able to slide under 1,000.
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made some shitty mspaint oc to celebrate my union getting out of the cave.
fuck, but sweet edit
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Oh bother. I can't see anything, and now I've wondered into a place call 'FooRf'.

Can someone please tell me how to get home? I would be ever so grateful.
Truth be told, I just played the waiting game for those rounds. It's impossible for me to 1-turn any other round besides the poison apple one. It's only going to get tougher
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does anyone care about the skills?
I might grab the Def boost for one of my tech medals if I get enough jewels in time.
>Herc and Phil maxed in 2 rerolls
Welp, there goes all my luck for the next month
Mind posting damage numbers with/without buffs?
I might grab another atk2+app or atk3MAX but i still cant decide which
Like in battle numbers?
I'm still relatively new, I'm not quite sure what you are asking.
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Damage numbers as in how much damage the special attack does by itself and with general str buffs/ Power str buffs
Is there a baseline enemy that you want me to test it on?
And I can only do the general str buff x3. I don't have anything to do a Power buff besides a x1 up.
Oh, and wouldn't my keyblade strength affect it?
Dont have an ideal enemy, you can decide on that and thats fine on the gen str
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Pretty much, there are eight factors that go into damage dealt:
>the STR value of the medal
>the special attack damage multiplier
>the special attack bonus (guilt) of the medal
>atk boost skills you have assigned
>the multiplier of the keyblade slot
>stacked buffs/debuffs (the calculation isn't exact, but for simplicity's sake you can assume +0.20 multiplier for each)
>enemy defense
>attribute advantage/disadvantage (0.50, 1.00, or 1.50)

For example, take into account the pic related. Assume I have it sitting on a ×3.00 keyblade slot, with +3 general buffs, +1 speed buffs, and +1 speed debuffs on the enemy. The enemy is also a power-type heartless, which speed gets a 0.50 penalty against, with 'n' defense. The calc the above order would therefore be:

=8,050 × 3.90 × 2.30 × 1.60 × 3.00 × 1.60 × 1.20 × 1.20 × 0.50 - n
= 399,284 - n

Of course, since enemy defense isn't something you can determine, you'll want to use the above calc to determine a medal's relative strength to other medals rather than for the specific damage dealt to enemies.
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This is with no Keyblade multiplier.

No buff vs a speed enemy

With a +3 general strength buff vs a speed enemy
hey that's pretty go-
>5 gauges
That's what I was saying when I first saw it.
I don't see myself actually using it
its basicly the stronges AOE strength medal availabel
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Enemy def is 5,065

>(7,050 - 5,065) × 3.36 × 2.00 × 1.50

>(7,050 - 5,065) × 3.36 × 2.00 × 1.50 × 1.60
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it is suffering hearing nonkh fans state their opinion on kh(1/2)
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they kind of have a point, desu

we still don't know what the fuck a kingdom hearts even is
>says that the story of kh is difficult to understand if you haven't played all the games
>started and has only played CoM

Wew lad. This guy is kind of a hypocrite, dont'cha think?

But we actually know what Kingdom Hearts is.

It's light.
is there some kind of deep lore meaning to xemnas having an elemental weakness to gravity

like how is nothingness still subject to the effects of gravity
>xemnas having an elemental weakness to gravity
i'm getting tech points for popping him with graviga
Ansem SOD is hovering. sort of.
Gravity brings him back to the ground?
thank you
Nobody's have no hearts, so they can never grasp the true gravity of a situation.
>Ansem SOD

He's talking about the Xemnas fight in KH1.
>meanwhile during the plot of KH3
Did you see her face when she was told she would be training with him?
They are going to have some hardships trying to get along.
This will probaly happen
yen sid does it again
>Heres a move i saw sora do once
>something raid
what happened to riku's homosexual body armor
I expect a TL;DR my good man
I'm surprised we don't have enemy stats datamined yet.
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What a sap
Why do I remember there being Invisibles in Halloween Town?
Was that in Days?
Or maybe re:Coded.
yuffie's vagina bones are pretty good
Maybe. Every time I play through 1, I always expect Invisible by the stairs to the graveyard.
They are never there, so it has to be Days of re: Coded.
Retards should be euthanised.
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Yuffie is one of the OG waifus
Aqua's shorts grab my attention to that general area. Why do girls have such nice bones?
girls are scary but if i ever talk to one i'll make sure to ask for you
I need to meet more girls that openly find fictional characters attractive so I can perv with them as friends.
Do you think we will ever go to Bambi's world?
i hope so, bambi's pretty hot
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Rip him, Only summon besides Chicken Little whose world we don't see.
Chicken Little world would make more sense than a Bambi world.
Re:coded doesn't have Halloween Town so it must be Days
You don't want to see the cast as cute woodland creatures?
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No. Pride Lands already had that and it was awful.
Those aren't woodland creatures.
It doesn't matter.
Both are furry faggotry and Pride Lands was worst world in KH2.
Atlantica ?
Atlantica was just a fancy rhythm game. It didn't have annoying combat and ugly animal characters promoting furry faggotry.
ok then I have a question for you: what's wrong with furries?
>fight in a hellscape, taking on big penis ship and fight inside it, drowning in darkness, come out on top
>that scene of a billion stars rocketing back into space and probably trillions and trillions of lives being saved
>everyone neatly and safelly carried back to their homes
>"sora you are not a true keyblade master"
>"riku went above and beyond, it was truly magical"
>"i mean you both deserve it, and really this perilous test is entirely my fault, but i'm just not gonna give it to you kek"
i hope yen sid or at least yen sid's keyblade armor is a boss in KH3, because i really want to knock that guy around
As he who asked the question about the Bambi world in the first place.
There is a lot wrong with furries.
1. i'm not the guy who asked the question about the bambi world
2. you didn't awnser the question. what is this "lot of wrong" with furries
I know that, I literally just said I was the one who asked.
It's the same shit as people who think there are more than 2 genders. They are living in a fairy tale world and pushing it on others.
1. my bad misunderstanding
2. then you do the smart thing and ignore them. they only gain power if you let them have power
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Okay, it's clear exactly what combatative stance you're trying to initiate here.

The idea of furries is whatever. Frankly, there's enough weird enjoyments on the internet, fetishized or not, that make judging one while ignoring the rest kinda silly (I for example enjoy the giantess fetish, which is fucking weird). Hell, if you're on a random forum and someone has a furry avatar but never talks about it, they're a-ok.

However, the furry FANBASE is full of whiners, people who can't seperate their roleplaying from real life, and those that insist the fandom is clean of said weird internet sex stuff when in actuality it contributes a double-digit percentage of the internet's collective whole.

If you don't fall in those groups, fine. Congrats, you're functional as a person, just with as much weird tastes as anyone else. But judging by how confrontational you're being to some anonymous user about an offhand comment, I highly doubt you're not part of the group that gives them such a dispised image.
>what's wrong with furries?

Fucking everything.
You need to leave.
I didn't mean to come off as combative or anything . my bad guys
>sleeps through the test
>NOT failing
C'mon anon
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Good to see we're still alive
>No Story or Multiplayer in for ages

Game is fucking dead.
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They already did February's story update. They only do story updates once per month.
how short is alice that she only comes up to KH1 Sora's shoulders. unf
Hope you like kazoos
Multiplayer got pushed to April for NA
2nd to recorders in the instrument hierarchy
Actually an interesting lore thing that I think most people don't bring up is that 0.2 takes place between the end of the Hallow Bastion segment and the Final World because Namine is alive and able to contact Terra.

And while Namine could have instantly known what to do it does mean several days pass between those points, which further reinforces the point that eventhough its never explicitly mentioned during the games the timeframe of the games themselves seems to be several weeks if not months.
Is it even out for the Japs yet?
According to days it takes about 3 weeks from the birth of roxas to the end of the castle oblivion mission.
Late last month they tweeted out that they needed more time to fine-tune it, but didn't give a concrete date.

Since NA is saying April, March seems safe for JP.
Do you think kairi likes it up the ass?
IIRC it's been 6 months in the RoD for Aqua.
so she's old and busted now
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Wait, so, we saw what roles the MoM gave each Foreteller, so no one was the traitor? It all was just a elaborate scheme to spark the war?
>because Namine is alive and able to contact Terra

At what point is Namine doing things in 0.2?
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>medal won't get dots
What did they mean by this?
>can't combine Terra, Aqua and Ventus medals to get the really nice TAV medal

Bullshit I say.
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I don't know... Do you think the KH girls are aware of how hot their asses are?
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I agree. To heck with this game.
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Goodnight nerds
The first breath concert. Namine talks to Terra (The Lingering Will) and tells him to go find Aqua.
Pretty much. Only people who like the taste of heartless cock and semen would still want that.
Oh you mean the live action thing that wasn't actually in 0.2 like you claimed.
>want to find cool/decent images of Aqua from KH on pixiv
>only find images of Aqua from Konosuba
I don't want that useless Godess
0.2 starts after the Secret Episode and ends more or less at the same time as KH1.
So not all of it happens in that specific period

Days had a timeline somewhere that plotted out the length of KH1's endgame as well as CoM, in comparison to Roxas's life.

He didn't say that scene was in 0.2
Learn to read
>0.2 takes place between the end of the Hallow Bastion segment and the Final World because Namine is alive and able to contact Terra

That implies the scene is in 0.2.
No it implies that 0.2 takes place in that time frame.

Assuming the very first illusion Terra was related to real Terra (which admittedly could be argued that it wasn't) and that as far we know Terra only knew to find Aqua after Namine told him, we can surmise that the events of 0.2 have to take place after Namine is born (HB end battle) until just around the final battle.
... No.
>0.2 takes place between the end of the Hallow Bastion segment and the Final World
>because Namine is alive and able to contact Terra

Nowhere is it implied that they exist within the same work.

It's the same as understanding that the frame story of 0.2 takes place after Another Guardian of Light. Using the context of different works to establish facts.
When you read it as one sentence it makes the inference.
That piece of shit won instead of Moana? Is the academy filled with sjws?
Well yes but that's not why it won.
The animated feature category is often ignored.
The majority of the judges did not view any of the movies and just voted for the Disney flick cause Disney.
It JUST happens that this time it was two disney flicks against each other.
Imo neither Disney movie deserved an oscar. Both were awful.
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>is the academy filled with sjws?
Are you saying that the Secret Episode proceeds significantly into the 10-year gap? 'Cause 0.2 starts immediately after that, which is immediately after BbS proper.

I would say Forest of Thorns is happening with KH1 more or less. It's the longest level so I'm willing to give it a wide berth in the timeline.

The illusions of Terra and Ven early in the game are just Aqua's heart getting fucked with I think.

Stop being retarded.

I broke it into two pieces to make it easier for you to understand. That's how the sentence is structured. Putting it together changes nothing.
0.2 doesn't start immediately after Secret ep.
It seems like it starts after she's done some wandering already since she says she's been walking for ages.
Aqua a shit. No matter which version it is.
They were pretty good in my opinion but not my choice
>Is the academy filled with sjws?
Is the Pope Catholic?
Yeah and don't forget with the about 6months of time that has gone on for her it's like a x20 multiplier so really a few weeks wandering by herself before Secret Episode is possible.
Doesn't she say that after entering Castle Town?

Secret Episode ends with her seeing the castle.
0.2's first scene with Aqua is quite literally a remake of that scene.
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Speaking of Moana, it's supposed to come out on DVD early March right? Now I can watching it without paying $20 for a movie ticket.
Should I be excite?
KH Aqua isn't dumb unlike Konosuba Aqua
>20 dollars for a movie ticket
Where do you live?
Western New York. Only one movie theater a reasonable distance from where I live.
Still a shit.
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Is papaper something Greek or was this just a typo?
this update has some typos.
I was going to post that too. Pretty sure Phil says "you to" referring to the two of us.
>the screen in that final round
10/10 classic Hades
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what's that about ursus beating snek in the second panel?
i don't remember that
I love how no matter what show or entertainment medium it's on, Aqua always manages to be worst girl. Must be something to do with the name.
One week there was a separate ranking for the top party of every union. That's where it's from. Weekly ranking they were still 5th. This is the first week they haven't been last.
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so how does the new herc medal compare with meowjesty?
well lets say you're fighting a single enemy, meowjesty definately outperforms herc by a landslide

now lets say there are two enemies, meowjesty's attacks dispersed equally, it's damage is cut in half for both targets, i'd say herc outperforms meowjesty here.
>tfw you're too intelligent to like aqua
>tfw too gay to like aqua
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>tfw too intelligent to fall for the gay meme
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Being back on ap is kill
I can't believe how few jewels we get for login bonuses.
This is ridiculous.
You do know you can always just buy more jewels if you need them.
I bought the Jewel deal when it was 0 ap all around because I could grind exp and evolve mats.
It's not worth it right now.
Why the fuck does this thread hate aqua chan so much now?
Thank you based Xemnas A for getting me my next adamantite for treasure trove.
Because we're all sick and tired of your shit and your cancerous posts shitting up every KH thread and general.
Because you keep spouting your bullshit. Go fuck your body pillow and quit being a faggot in the thread.
How is aqua posting any worse than the rest of the stuff in this thread?
t. firefag
Someone posting abut her "feetsies" or some other bullshit contributes to nothing except the bump limit.
and that's supposed to be any worse than the non-stop gay sora/riku shit nobody bats an eye at?
It's honestly several magnitudes more autistic than someone uploading an image.

Like that fag who keeps calling her Miss Aqua
It's just embarrassing.
If you posted actual Aqua pics nearly half as much as you whined "oh god, i love the shape of Aqua's feet" or whatever, there would be no complaining. Instead, we just have to deal with your waifu desperation as it is.

So yeah. You're worse than the gay stuff, since that can at least be funny sometimes. Also, possibly canon.
That's a nice butt
>So yeah. You're worse than the gay stuff, since that can at least be funny sometimes. Also, possibly canon.
I wonder who could be behind this post
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Someone who has more lewd pics of Aqua in their folder than you, apparently.
>I wonder who could be behind this post
I don't care, they posted a nice butt.

Shout outs to you. Lewd Aqua is great.
Miss Aqua's feets are an integral part of KH lore, I'm sorry some of you cant appreciate that.
I'm constantly telling the fags to kill themselves.
>Miss Aqua will never cuck me with a BBC
Its not fair bros, please tell me she'll at least save the day and kill all the xehanorts without trying and unlock kingdom hearts at the end of 3
Kill yourself, my dude.
>They closed in and pressed their cocks against my back. I felt the warmth on me, taunting me. Then Sephiroth said, "Now, use your mouth to unzip my pants." I did. His bulge started growing more and the underwear covered bulge poked out from his pants. Like all men's underwear, there were two flaps of clothing in front of his cock. "Use your teeth to expose my cock." I bit the cloth and moved it to the side. His cock erected out of his pants. It was huge. The biggest I had ever seen, even in the porn videos I watched with Riku.
>I licked. I put my tongue on his cock and moved it around. He hissed in pleasure. Loz and Yazoo started making out, as if my pain turned them on. Kadaj ground his bulge on my back.
Fuck off.
This belongs in /ffg/
>card game spinoff
>no harem moege spinoff
this series has issues
He was talking about Kingdom Hearts: Solitaire of Darkness
I would play a Solitare game with KH characters as the cards and KH music
What do you do with extra medals if you already have max guilt for it?
Sell em.
I keep them on hand if they're tier 3, but yeah, sell them if tier 2.
>I keep them on hand if they're tier 3
Any particular reason why? Just out of curiosity.
I actually found a way to make Donald useful in KH1.
Only put normal attacks and Defensive magic on constantly. Everything else on the lowest setting.
Playing re:com for the first time. When I'm not being struck by how cute and good Namine's facial animations are, I'm appreciating her big lewd feet, which are of a higher quality than Aqua's.
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I don't know what to put in this last slot.
Of the shit I have anyway.
Just for reference.
Aqua is at 64%
Hades has 5 dots
Demyx is at 86%
I'm leaning toward Demyx.
You and me are about the only two people who tweak their settings to make them slightly above useless.
I've been doing that since I started playing this damn series.
Also, I found out that you can use their knocked out bodies to block enemy attacks. That's pretty funny.
Bring Demyx in. Then on a second setup, do everything the same exxept move your Woff medal to the third slot, Demyx to the last slot, and bring your HD Aqua into the second slot.

You now have both a good AoE and good solo setup.
Thanks a lot.
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its the 15th kh Anniversary very soon.
Will NA get anything?
You'll get a free copy of Sora A and like it
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these medals seem fake but ok
It's the art from the acryllics that came with Japan's 2.8 LE
>Will NA get anything?
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>Will NA get anything?
300 jewels and a typo filled thank you notice.
and a 1* exp medal of every color
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are you guys ready for the generic knight march colliseum?
>inventory, once again, is reaching max capacity
>holding on to medals that I can guilt but won't because of the fear of getting a low bonus %
>Alice, Aqua, Xigbar, and the kids are taking up space

I just want another guilt campaign. I have been saving up jewels just for Ill. Kairi 2 and the perchance that SENA either makes it a mercy pull (which even I doubt) or a medal that is obtained by guilting specific Super Rare medals. I don't want to waste it on inventory space increase again.
>plumed helmet
I'm down.
>I don't want to waste it on inventory space increase again.
It's only 100 to increase space.
Dude, I am at 270 right now.
I imagine I'll have this problem later because I'm keeping one of everything.
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Posting #1 qt
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You forgot the pic.
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(/VG/ is active today)
wow coliseum is really intense
>tfw have a few decent skills but no good medals to use them on
time travel
Do you think Nomura made Nobodies in response to criticisisms of the heartless

>Heartless have hearts but no bodies
>thats doesnt make sense
>Nomura: You want sense? No problem
>Nobodies are bodies with no hearts
>sora, it is clear you cannot contain the darkness inside of your heart
>we had to learn this through an extremely dangerous trial that left you weak as a kitten
>instead of just connecting the dots after surely you, donald, goofy, or jiminy brought up the uncontrollable heartless transformations during your second adventure
yen sid...
Why does Critical mode punish you for trying to be more aggressive?
I just can't play without getting hit back by enemies and end up dying after the enemies counter attacks.
Kingdom Hearts 2 isnt bloodborne
I play 0.2 and I don't play Bloodborne (even though I did buy it)
how do the basic melee combos feel in 0.2
You're not supposed to be aggresive in 2FM Critical. You're supposed to take a step back, look at the boss, analyze its pattern of attack, and based on that, attack, block and dodge accordingly.

Mashing attack works on Begginer and Standart. On crit, you're supposed to wait for an opening and counterattack.
Really good, if it werent for the super free flowing movement system in ddd i would say 0.2 has the absolute best controls
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>stiff, floaty combos with no flow whatsoever
gotta reach quest 200 to be 100% sure
I'm not playing 2FM Critical, I'm playing 0.2
like for reference my favorite melee in the series is the first game, where it felt like sora was just beating guys to death with a heavy metal pole. last time i played KH2 was vanilla when it came out and i can't even remember it, i won't speak to that

is there that kind of weight to it or is it more like BBS where it's real flashy but none of the hits are satisfying
It feels lighter than kh1 that actually fits with Master's Defender being a thinner key

The animations and movement help it feel much better than bbs though
Oooooh. Ignore what I said then, unless you play 2FM crit.

0.2 Crit is more difficult because, unlike the other modes, you don't have Second Chance, only Once More.

Also the enemies in 0.2, except Mirror Aqua, don't have any kind of revenge value or something, they just attack whenever they want. Couple that with the fact that Aqua's combos in general are trash, and that you can be oneshotted, and you get that crit in 0.2 sucks.

At least your damage is buffed to match that of Begginer, so there's that.
The problem is the delay between combos combined with the lack of air mobility

That being said its no worse than kh2
I dunno, after playing 0.2, patched mind you, wich improved the controls and removed quite a bit of delay between combos, I went back to 2FM, and it felt so much more fluid without being loose.

In my opinion, 0.2 has worse controls than 2FM, but vastly better than BbS.
i wonder if anyone's ever fucked the traverse town mailbox. that tongue looks pretty good
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>When you're hitting it from the back and she turns around and says "fill me with supreme darkness"
Fuxk i need to 6* this herc and phil, meowjesty aint cutting it god famnit
im 1 short from guilting and im probably not going to be able to get it
suffering is me
I got enough for guilting and 2 rerolls but i just need more mickeys
Post ending in 3 becomes the kh3 endgame OTP
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This is what I want more than anything else.
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Everyone remains single and pure like they are supposed to be
Guess we have a winner
Wayfinders and Destiny island trio get into an orgy
Aqua is acrobatic!
man i just noticed kairi included sora's crown emblem in the center of he oathkeeper charm. what a waifu
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>7 hours left
Will you be gettting atk3+app this time around?
>Current rank:7759
Im stumped and can only watch the time go by
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>Getting atk+app
>Nothing good to use it on

Would like to use it on my WoFF sephiroth, but it doesn't even have a dot. Maybe I should save it for HD Roxas.
I don't think anyone actually knows what this means. I see people use it all the time for games that definitely aren't floaty.

It's basically a buzzword now.
>wanted to get two for Xemnas B and Xigbar B
>ended up being cucked buy the yellow copter fleet
If it didn't get a fucking 3x attack boost every other time it attacked I could pass it easily
What it means is that it's slow and "interrupts" the gravity on your character. Basically, compare KH1 and 2's aerial attacks to BbS and 2.8's. In 1 and 2, your character attacks while still falling, and the attack comes out very quickly. In BbS and 2.8, your character attacks in the air, but instead of falling, moves in a straight line on midair, without falling at all. The attack also comes out pretty late.

As for ground combos, BbS and 2.8's arent floaty, but they're very slow and stiff, and they also tend to whiff a lot. This was fixed a bit in 0.2, as Aqua attacks a bit faster compared to BbS, but not by much. Her aerial combat still has the same problems however, and the only attack that comes out quick and isn't floaty and stiff is her aerial spiral.

I hope you understand what I'm saying, because even I find it a bit complicated. You have to feel how the character plays and compare to really understand the difference.
>In 1 and 2, your character attacks while still falling
Uh, no?

Any descent happens between attack commands.
The first swing in KH1's aerial combo does exactly what you said BbS and 2.8 do, Horizontal Slash does it in KHII. Those are just attacks I can clearly recall, but I'm fairly certain that every attack (which isn't specifically designed to move vertically) does the same.

I've seen many people complain that KHII is "floaty" compared to KH1
Or that KH1 is "floaty" compared to later games

It's a fucking meme
What I meant was that in BbS and 2.8, if you attack in midair, you don't start falling until after the attack animation is finished, whereas in 1 and 2 you start falling while the attack animation is still playing. You're right about Horizontal Slash though, but that's a combo modifier that you can choose to perform, whereas BbS and 2.8 have those attacks as normal attacks.

In the end, it comes down to personal opinion. Some people find some games better or worse than others.
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>round 187
>Jester one shots me before my turn even starts
>even if SC procs, only one turn to clear both enemies

This may be a problem.
>you don't start falling until after the attack animation is finished, whereas in 1 and 2 you start falling while the attack animation is still playing.
Yeah, I got that.
I still don't think it's true.

If anything, it might just seem that way because KHII's animations, at least, are faster.
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>never been past round 100
have 8k jewels

should I just save them?
The only time you want to spend Jewels is when you get enough for Mercy Pull banner Medals. If you don't have the patience to save up at least 30k, then at the very least, wait until anniversary.
Not him, ux noob here. What's 'mercy'?
When they guarantee you will get the special medal within 5 pulls.
They're guaranteed pulls.
For example, Illustrated Kairi had a 10 pull mercy. Meaning if you didn't get her in 9 pulls, she was guaranteed on the 10th pull (in total spending 30k Jewels).
Read the banner to make sure what the Guaranteed Pull is, as they can be different. For example, iKairi had Mercy 10, Casual Roxas had Mercy 5, Ursula HD has none.
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*drawn out farting noises*
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Oh god its gonna happen again i can FEEL it
Man, Minny and Daisy is a godsend in the coliseum. I really envy the parties that have people who have KA1. I didn't think iKairi2 was anything special but now I'm really hoping she's a mercy pull and isn't nerfed.

You mean Key Art 2?
>retuns 4 gauges
>slightly recovers health
>all attribute str+1 for 2 attacks
>reduce enemy defence for 2 attacks
iKairi2 is useful to have for the coliseum, but in terms of events where shared medals are allowed, it's actually more advantageous to use a party member's medal and save your keyblade slots for buff/damage medals.
It's KA1 in NA
Yeah, I'm pretty impatient so taking out a damage dealing medal to have Minny and Daisy really is a pain
>It's KA1 in NA

Doesn't matter.
Its still Key Art 2. What they renamed it in NA is irrelevant.
For another example, who actually says Special Attack Bonus over guilt?
None of us, but it's still special attack bonus. And burst is Nova. And Satan is Hercule and Vega is Bison and Phoenix Wright takes place in America and do you really want to go down this route just because someone called you out on being wrong?
>do you really want to go down this route

Sure why not?
Otherwise we just get homo art or the thread dies
What's the best raid boss to spawn for Lux farming?
Now das a cutie
>implying baseless changes in the localization are canon, or that anyone cares about it
Guilt is Guilt, Burst is Burst.
It was jew sorceress, now I think behemoth
>tfw went from lv210 to 300 in January
holy shit fuck coliseum
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Am I safe?
Someone give me a list of which rounds should be skipped in coli?
5th rounds seem to be bad since the High Wizard has gobs of hp that I can't seem to beat in one round.
seriously, what tier do you have to be to hit 10000 this month
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If you got a decent magic setup, try to one-turn rounds that end in 1, 4, 7, and than beat the round that ends in 0. That will skip the pain in the ass rounds, such as the copters or the monkeys.

Probably, if you're aiming <10k
Just regular behemoth? Not the Omega version?
No, omega.

57 > 57 > 10 > 151 (plus all your omega boss perk accessories)
You definitely want omega.
If Axel can still pop open corridors of darkness, why don't they just get him to pick up Aqua
Don't they only traverse through the realm between?
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>Attack boost IV
>lets throw a guy who just found out he can wield a keyblade into a realm where every living being is attracted to and will attack keyblade wielders
great idea
That would make a whole lot of sense if he didn't have a ton of experience with darkness and fighting before having a keyblade.
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Atleast I got something out of Disney's obligatory oscar. Just needed one more for guilt.
What ability should Sora get as a reward for almost beating Gaston?
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>Egg Swallow
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Goodnight /khg/
Ill see ya in the morning
Im playing ddd right now. Is the world after symphony of the sorcery the last world?

Not him but my main gripe with 2.8's feel is that Aqua does feel very slow when she attacks. That being said, I don't want to say that that's how it'll be in III. I never played BBS but I know Aqua and Sora have very different styles of combat.
0.2 Aqua feels like a better BbS Aqua, but her moveset is generally the same.
And is her moveset in BBS pretty much a slower style? Not necessarily a bad thing, but just how that particular character fights?
It's a little stiffer, and BbS has a nasty habit of sticky shoes so the air game is bad.

It is definitely just how Aqua is built, and shouldn't in any way impact the way Sora fights in KHIII.
>played 0.2
>never played BBS

Da fuck man? Who does this shit?
I did. I never had a psp or ps3.
BBS came out when I was a sophomore and I didn't feel like buying a whole 'nother handheld just for KH, never bought a PS3, and I never really like the notion of prequels back then. So I just did a quick skim over the summary, and my understanding was that BBS is story where shit gets fucked. Besides, by the time KHIII rolls around I'm going to play it anyway.
>I never had a psp or ps3
>I didn't feel like buying a whole 'nother handheld just for KH

Why did neither of you just emulate?
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I finally got the last Dark Matter and got Darkgnaw to +25

Only NOW does it gain SP.
So it's stuck at 10 until the Lunar Gem quests show up

At least it looks cool
Does it have high multipliers to make up for the lack of bar?
Yeah. 1.9, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 3.0
But it has such little gauge that it's virtually useless unless you use Minnie & Daisy or APP skills to mitigate it.

I'm just not sure what the point is in limiting it like that. I hope this isn't the start of a trend with Reverse-type Keyblades.
black xehanort x kairi
When you consider that the KH cast can fight against Herc, and that Phil and (kid)Herc were impressed by how strong Terra was it really makes them retardedly strong.
>Attack Boost All
What is the purpose of these?
For any boosted medals that you that you don't ever really wanna use the skill off.

>tfw boosted Luxord and Vexen
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>tfw boosted Luxord and Vexen
how does the new herc medal compare to classic goofy?
attack boost 4?!?!?!
do you realize what a big difference it's going to be if that triggers or not?
that's like make or break on certain bosses
Have you seen that guy with his chakrams and fire magic? Hell he was good enough to intercept a magic rapeshot from Xehanort and put himself in the crossfire of 12 of those guys, I'don't trust him to handle a wave of Shadows or a dozen Darkside, especially if he had a convenient way of porting out anytime
>Aqua and Sora have very different styles of combat.
Some of her styles are actually really similar to the telekinetic dancing crap Sora does in his final form, and his magic in that state is comparable to most of her finishers and a regular string in one of his ground combos, the one that warps in a circle, is pretty much the same as her final shotlock.

I agree that in base form for each of them, they're not really comparable. Aqua is graceful and Sora just kind of pounds people with his big stick
now that tier 4 is a thing
will we someday see an end to tier boost limits?
like on attribute buffs and what not
>sora lost all the stuff that makes him comparable to a master-class fighter right before the big war
yen sid is my favorite

I don't get the point of sending him to Hercules to get his juice back, Hercules got it back by default after an epiphany but Sora's not a demigod. He's not sad, his heart's just literally damaged
>Bond of Flame
>Maverick Flare
>Frolic Flame
>Axel's default
Why axel gets four different keyblades based on him. Like he already had three then when he got his personal keyblade it wasn't even any of them

KairI didn't even get a unique one, destiny embrace turned out to be some random keychain aqua got for helping her out. There are arguably three other kingdom key-esque things, not counting all the counterfeits, star seeker came as a bonus with sora's fancy clothes, way to Dawn is close enough to soul eater I dont mind pointing out ansem's glaive thing.

What's with the dev hard-on for axel
>Maverick Flare
Just 'cause it has a fire-themed name doesn't make it related to him
I'm thinking of putting my AB3APP on Marluxia B. The fact it has a single hit and is AoE makes it the best candidate I currently have. I'm wondering if I should go ahead and do it or save it for something else.
Yeah I guess you're right, it's a Roxas keyblade with a circular guard with some spikes and a flame for the blade but it doesn't actually bear much resemblance to his chakram. The name, Maverick Flare, felt thematically connected since Axel's a maverick agent but that applies to Roxas too
It's called Heretic Flare in Japanese
Which maybe you could stretch to fit Axel but really, it's just another edgy name for Roxas's edgy Keyblades
>Hercules got it back by default after an epiphany
Herc got his godly powers back after he was willing to DIE to save his girlfriend.
I wouldn't call that just an "epiphany"
No probably not.
well how high do you reckon the attack boost tier will go to?
surely they won't stop at 4
In χ[chi], Attack Up went up to V, with an additional Attack Up EX (which was less powerful, but proc'd more often)

In JP the Attack Ups are S, M, L and XL.
Going by the numbers, there should be one more.
S = 1.2
M = 1.4
L = 1.6
XL = 1.8
? = 2.0

Since Attack Ups have 100% variants, a tangent skill like EX is redundant and probably won't happen.
>you want to find riku and the king don't you?
>uh, sure
Namine really had sora wrapped around her finger, I have never heard him give such zero shits about riku
Well Sora did that in the first game already, doing it again would have way less impact. Point is I'm not sure how Herc's gonna help here other than providing mobs to grind in the coliseum
Probably some bullshit about what it means to be a "true hero".
Like "It's not just about beating the bad guys" etc etc
What is the best way to use mirrors? Just to max guilt on a medal whenever you can?
Its just going to be the tutorial.
Don't read into it so much.
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>page 10 again
Hello Darkness, my old friend~
Aqua is so elegant.
For fucks sake, at least post some fan art with your shitposting. That way there is something decent to look at.
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That makes it so much easier to look at.
The level select in Ux could be better. It's so tedious to go back to a specific mission.
And we have a winner
Welp, let's pack it up folks.
Shit, would you look at that.
you fucker

I hope you are hit by a truck
Hey drawfag, can we get something for the oficial /khg/ OTP now?
Cant wait for the scene of sora plowing that from behind with kairi diddling herself in the background
>not kairi on a hotel room smiling as Sora and Aqua fuck like rabbits in the other room
Get some taste senpai
>>not kairi on a hotel room smiling as Sora and Aqua fuck like rabbits in the other room
>this again
You first kohai
NTR pls go
Does Aqua do squats?
Boob windows will always be great
I feel like I need to add squats to my routine to be fit for her.
You don't do any routines.
Not true, started last month. Arms were/are looking too thin.
Keyblade wielders are magic people who don't need to lift to be strong enough to swat away skyscrapers
She has good posture and cartwheels though.
But they all work out regardless.
Healthy of body, healthy of mind.
I bet Aqua eats plenty of healthy food and isn't limited to ice cream.
How much data does KHUX consumes in average? The office here doesn't have open wifi (fucking jews) and we gotta have our own mobile internet; with how many gbs you guys think I would be alright per month?
just dont play during work
I don't have any other time to play.
I play like 5 minutes during work days
What, you work 18 hours a day or something?
How would you not have time to play otherwise?
Have other responsabilities at home.
From Feb 3 to now, it has used 47.99 mb for me.
And I play everyday, multiple hours.
Then perhaps you shouldn't be playing mobages in the first place?
If you have time to post on 4chan about how you don't have time to play mobage

You have time to play mobage
Well it isn't so bad then. Thanks anon.

I was hoping KHUX would keep me sane during work hours. Discussion has been pretty stale around here for awhile.
>Thanks anon.
No prob, my bill cycle ends in a couple days so it was a pretty good time to give you an answer.
Who let the normalfags in here?
So I'm new to KHUX, and just managed to get above 3000 jewels. Which of the pulls should I go for?
all epic pulls
Kairifags and homofags absolutely BTFO
as a kairifag i'm just perplexed
As well you should. Now that SorAq has the favor of meme magic, how can the other pairings even compete?
>how can the other pairings even compete?
By being super cute.
maybe the sassy "look sharp" roxas or the vaguely selfcestuous handholding roxas would be cute with her but retard roxas from days proper shouldn't be paired with anyone ever
Well, if it were to happen, it would be the sassy Roxas because that's how he is right now (when he appears anyway).
Who /madeit/ here?
Made what?
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Whoops forgot pic
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>TFW made it
>MFW nothing to use it on and can't pull more medals yet

Waiting for iKairi2 is suffering
>implying using it on ikari 2
he means that when pulling for her he'll get more medals, hopefully guilted, to use it on
I got it. But I have no idea what to use it on.
wtf is wrong with /vg/ today? 20 minutes and page 10?
/khg/ is ded thred.
It won't pick up till 1.5+2.5 comes out.
Or when brooms is finally released
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>tfw got it but have 14 medals to guilt and no campaign
Eh just guilt them anyway and live with it.
We might never get another guilt event again.
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I tried that with my ice titan and got cucked with a 48%

I can wait but I won't like it
I guilted my Muskateer Donald at 50% then rerolled to 50%
I rolled Young Kairi at 93% 5 times.
She's still there. I could use mirrors, but I don't know if it's worth.
I used mirrors just for 5 burst levels.
Do you have anymore young kairis? If no, then use mirrors. If so, wait for guilt event I guess.
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>tfw donald is the only musketeer I don't have guilted yet, been at 3 dots forever
>have 2 guilted mickeys

I had a bunch of rerolls so I used a few on her, got a low initial roll and then went to 86%, hasn't moved after 2 rerolls. Saving my last couple for an event because fuck using 14 mirrors on that trash
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Can someone explain this situation to me?

Sora is fighting against possessed Riku in Hollow Bastion in KH1, so he doesn't get Kairi's heart to complete the Final Keyhole/Keyblade of people's hearts.

But when Riku is defeated he uses the Keyblade himself to get the heart the way Riku would have gotten it.

What would have actually changed if Sora would have been defeated in this boss battle?
Why is everyone saying that kh3 is coming out this year?
>What would have actually changed if Sora would have been defeated in this boss battle?
Ansem SoD would have been able to use the power of the keyhole to unleash even more darkness upon the worlds.
Sora took him out of commission long enough to give the princesses their hearts back and seal the keyhole to HB.
who's saying that
hope is a hell of a drug
No one. I expect that guy wanted to spark discussion and flaming
i don't think riku would have been able to hold ansem back
>tfw no Upright Speed medals ever
rip those multipliers on lady luck
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in a few months?
Here's hoping.
Anything high level I need speed medals for is rough.
Wasn't Necho Cat added to global a week or so ago?
Along with all the dalmations?
SENA has been pumping our files full of medals we won't be getting for a very long time while ignoring ones that are coming sooner.
Cloud EX was added a couple weeks ago, for instance
it was also added with medals that didnt appeared yet
>riku unable to hold ansem back
>kairi's heart immediately stolen after it returns to her body
>evil keyblade completed, ansem brings in more kurt zisas and phantoms and behemoths
>heartless sora never restored, either fades into obscurity in the realm of darkness or acts like his coded counterpart and gives into his instincts, consuming hearts until he evolves into neo-darkside or anti-sora
>ansem probably kills himself on accident when he opens up kingdom hearts but everything is still fucked anyway
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Just use SDG B and Young King Mickey in a couple of days :^)
That's mean.
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why does he not have fingers?
>I've gotta find and fug Namine!!
>but first I must help imaginary winnie the pooh find his imaginary friends in a series of bad minigames
sora c'mon
He has fingers (probably only two two or three; in the drawing you see the thumb and the index finger of his left arm), but they are grown together with the arm fins.
It's a more advanced transformation closer to a real dolphin.
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Aqua's prefect face
Miss Aqua's wonderful smile!
Pls god news soon pls
>tumblr noses
Delete this. /khg/ official pairing is SoraxAqua now.
Literally nothing wrong with Terra
Someone better screenshot the event so we have it immortalized.
What do you mean?
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I got it, don't worry about it.
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Aqua's noise has the same colour as her skin...
I want Aqua to be comfy with me but I feel like it would be hard to admit to her that I have passionate fapping sessions for her.
>need one more Stormy Stone
>Neo Shadows REFUSE to spawn
God damn it man...
do you really need the ultima weapon at this point though
No time for comfy.
What do you mean?
>banned for using naked browser on my phone
i never got the "collect all keyblades/staves/shields" trophies.

how come no one talks about this strat? i needed this years ago. wtf khg?
>how come no one talks about this strat?

Because its a garbage strat?
He doesn't even DM skip or Final Form firaga spam.
kys, my guy.
Not my fault you can't git gud or learn to use strats that aren't retarded like that video.
You realize that campaigns only save you from low guilt percents right? You're already over the campaign minimum so there's literally no reason to wait
Yes there is. Rerolls pick from the entire available range still.

>reroll an 83%
>RNG picks a number between 40 and 100
>72% chance the guilt doesn't increase

>reroll an 83%
>RNG picks a number between 70 and 100
>43% chance the guilt doesn't increase

You're literally fucking yourself over on all guilt rolls by not doing it during an event.
And if you refuse to even try, you're fucking yourself over by not being able to use that guilted medal in current events.
Which for something like Marluxia B, is a big fucking deal because it changed the game completely.
Got me there anon, I didn't think of that. Egg on my face I guess. Now to wait a whole month til we get another one
>Now to wait a whole month

Or longer. They don't happen every month. They happen completely at random and we've only ever had 2.
Well next month is NA's anniversary so if it's gonna be any time it's gonna be then
I expect free jews, maybe an event with a shitty medal and for the VIP medal quests to be active.
Oh probably 0 AP too.
I expect nothing else.
Certainly not brooms
I wish SENA would release puppies already.
I need something mindless to grind that's not raid bosses for lux.
We don't have all the necessary quests yet
They can always move them around to different quests.
If we have to wait for the quests JP gets them on its gonna be a long while since one puppy comes from quest 640. And global is only on 555.
With 15 quests per month, that's 6 or 7 months.
Why would they have already patched in puppies if they had to wait that long to activate them?
I was gonna say something but i forgot
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all day every day
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Do cute KH girls think it's cute when guys fap to them?
I thought all KH girls were dykes
It would be hot if Aqua were bi so I could imagine having threesome with her and an eventual irl gf.
Thanks for sharing Anon.
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>an eventual irl gf
Are you 10 years old?
high school didn't have the right niche.
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>Decide to roll guilt on Young Kairi since have 5 rerolls
That could have been my XigbarB
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You 8 year olds don't understand. 1.5+2.5 is the only reason I have to get up in the morning. My life and future are so empty that looking forward to experiencing nostalgia is all I have left. But you can avoid my dark fate. Just kidding, neither can you.
But you already played them on ps3.
Who would have purchased at any point in the history of man a PlayStation 3?
Those who also purchased a ps4.
Incorrect. Only multiples of 2 are worth buying.
I bought a PS4 after the 360.
Meu negro.
1 is not a multiple of 2.
Woah who is that blonde haired kid
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If this dude had attacked Sora at any point before Deep Jungle, Sora would be dead.
Hi guys! khux top 50 party leader here,
just moved from Unicornis to Ursus. recruiting players for raids at 20:00 PT on weekends
post IDs for invites
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why would you switch
easier ranking, better medal pool
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>caring this much about a fucking mobabge
actually its because I started caring less, want to get all the rewards with less effort
Goodnight /khg/
Goodluck surviving
this is kairi. The art was tagged as kairi and kingdom hearts
I hope Terra fucking wrecks her pussy when they reunite.
I was so zoned out I forgot to continue after finishing the two base boards.

Damn you Neir.
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Is Aqua the kind of lady that would pose in sexy yet tasteful clothing for the cover of a magazine?
Good luck with that one, I've been sitting in the 18-24ish range of party members from both here and randoms since the game started, Ursus is not a union you go to expecting to easily gotten party members. Outside of this last ranking (We got 52 despite nearly everyone grinding to 40-110+mil Lux each) we've always hit 20-50 unless it's a dead week and I can't even get randoms to join because the entire randoms list are filled with people who haven't played in literally 70-150 days, level 1s who spam you with requests, and people with no parties at all who refuse to join any. I can send out 20+ requests after an hour of searching for the most barebones of people with decent medals and no one bothers to even join mine or any other party for the entire week wasting my invitation slots, it's ridiculous.
>he thinks it works like that
The game picks from 0-max for the tier at all times. Guilt events only matter for a freshly unlocked medal or one below the new minimum because they'll still roll 40 but the game temporarily treats it as 70. You're expecting way too nice of a thing from these people.
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its so fucking despairinducing
hmm it is so:
Herc and Phil are basicly stronger but they require one more gauge. unless you are going for upgrade orbs classic goofy is strong enough
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>Im going for rank 3 now snake fucker
What if Terra friendzone Aqua because he see her as this sibling who constantly nag at him?
Considering there is no highscore event this week, Bears will just go back to hibernating again
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Show the receipts, guy. Put up or shut up.
I think Miss Aqua is the best.

Just, the best.
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It's such a pity that a badass keyblade master like Aced would be held back by a union of losers. Wouldn't you say?
I think he's a violent brute who jumps to conclusions.
>thought today's challenge went by gaugr cost
Welp no chip for me
Just grab four shit 1⭐ medals, leave a slot blank, then use a shared 0ap single target medal.
He's like Kenpachi, the strongest, but somehow just attracts the worst crowd.
I used 5 5* 1sp cost medals making sure there were no multipliers. ezpz
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>who jumps to conclusions.
That's Ira's shtick.
Man I just love how Aced fought off the other three masters, one-shot Gula and was just ready to take on Ira as well. The guy gives no fucks.
what medals will we get tomorrow?
>Cloud Exe

No way are we getting that now, unnerfed.
sena is adding medals jp recently got to game data to avoid adding them later
I would like the 0.2 stuff and the TWEWY ones.
Why do you even think we're getting new medals tomorrow?
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I wonder how much of the recent drop in /khg/ activity is due to the recent spike of mobile IP bans.

I also wonder how many of those bans are just attempts to increase pass sales.
>mobile IP bans

4chan is banning phone posters?
Then how would you explain the increase in /vg/ activity? It used to we could stay hours to get to the last page, but now we get to in what, 30 mins?
>downtime at work
>want to post on 4chan to pass the time
>haha whoops looks like your local pedophile got almost every single mobile IP in this area banned :^)

I don't get the vitriol for phoneposting to be honest.
I just want to hang out in /khg/ at work.
Post from your work computer like I do.
Or if your job has Wifi, that works too.
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You could probably draw a correlation between the activity of generals and how dependant their activity is on mobages.
>I just want to hang out in /khg/ at work

Maybe you should be doing work instead of shitposting on 4chan.
The computer is monitored.
There is no WiFi (that I have access to, at any rate).

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>+3 gen str buff for 3 attacks
>AoE x1.70
>5 bars
Are they worth the 5 bars? They do a lot.

>The computer is monitored.
rip you
By your logic shouldn't /vg/ be going even slower then?
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There's an association between mobile posters and ban-dodging shitposters that largely comes from other boards such as /v/ and /pol/. It's resulted in mobile posting being looked down upon, and the hardcore elite of 4chan decrying them as "normalfag scum".

Frankly, comes off more as a compliment considering the types of posters that seriously take that stance.
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I'm a little annoyed with today's Daily Jewel challenge because it's all about doing Special Attacks and I can only reach the 5 or more mark because there's only TWO SETS of low level enemies for one that's Lux 286. Any tips to get at least the 10 or more mark?
Low level 1 cost medals
Ah. Many thanks!
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I could care less what medals we have coming down the pipe (except maybe the dalmations). I just want more speed and magic gems.
sorry was playing stuff
well all deals expire tomorrow
Yeah but we don't always get EMCs. There's no guarantee that tomorrow's deal will include new medals.
Could be something lame like Org XIII deal (again).
I'm doubting it because of the skill deal we got monday
So you expect us to get new medals tomorrow?
Well godspeed anon.
Considering an EMC just ended I don't expect another one for another week or so.
do you care about your own chirity?
I like him. When he said he had no friends, I said he was my friend before the player in game did.
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Miss Aqua's canon feet when
its the same in Unicornis bro
>the ersatz beauty and the beast world had kairi accepting sora while he was a monster
Seriously? I'd have thought it was at least somewhat easier to find people due to how the rankings were. That really sucks then.
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>2 def down for 1 turn, more abilities triggerd higher multiplier
power creep so strong you have no good ideas for medals
Who cares looks at all the guaranteed premiums you get on every pull.
JP really is fucking heaven compared to NA.
That's not even that amazing unless the multiplier gets crazy high after only a few abilities.
What the heck is the medal between Leon and Roxas? And what's it saying about Axel OP ver.?
Key art #4
There is a chance to get axel art version but no mercy
>Key art #4

aka the shit one
huh? Are you implying a single strength up for 2 turns isnt obsolete?
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I'm implying the opposite of that, actually. I think.

We already have a few medals that do that with attribute buffs for 1 gauge. The only difference is that it's t5, which is less impressive considering the low damage multiplier.

It'd only work well with Pooh & Piglett, and RAX already does that for 0ap.
What are good skills for buffing medals?
is the point of the medal to deal damage? Attack boost 2 mininum
Is the point to buff you? Second chance, defense boost 2
Then what medals do you put app skills on?
preferably use the attack+app skills
That doesn't answer my question.
The ones you would put attack boost on.
Instead of just "Attack Boost x" you put on "Attack boost x + APP"
Aqua will probably get a model update and a new outfit after Sora rescues her. I wouldn't bet on bare feet though, she seems the type to favor boots.
>after Sora rescues her
After Riku and the king rescue her.
No way the hero isn't gonna save the heroine. Get real.
AOE medals
I'm not foot Aquafag (though I would love to see her feet too). I'm asking about modeling.
Riku and the King are literally on a mission to save her. And let's not forget that MASTER Riku still has all his powers.
But kairi already got saved?
Ohhhh you mean Sora is going to save Xion and Namine. Duh, of course that's going to happen.
implying Riku isn't a hero
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>Ohhhh you mean Sora is going to save Xion and Namine
I want this.
Yeah I guess would be okay with it, if didn't make it as professional ballet dancer.


Let me amend my statement. No way THE hero isn't gonna save THE heroine.
>Let me amend my statement. No way THE hero isn't gonna save THE heroine.
You're delusional.
then it will be Aqua x Riku
Aqua's body is so flexible and strong.
It's obviously going to happen. It's been made clear that the special nobodies are all coming back with Roxas.
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>Xion doing 133k damage
God damn, I wish she was max guilt.
If you got her boosted, she's an absolute beast.
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I didn't unfortunately. I pulled two 3 dot Xions in the last Org XIII emc and rolled her at 86%.
She's been my anchor ever since.
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She is, senpai.
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Best Girl
Ux level select needs an overhaul. It's a pain in the ass to scroll all the way back to level 10.
I mean Riku still has all his powers, but Sora has the benefit of being player character next round which means he'll rocket back to full retard strength in no time flat. Then get kicked down to level 1 of course, but so will Riku when he gets his next playable stint. Their relationship is like pottery, it rhymes you see.
Masters in this series have a really bad track record when it comes to winning or being successful in general. With the exception of Mickey at the end of the first game, but even that's blunted since he was only achieved about as much as the no-name kid all the plebes were calling keyblade "master"
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The only reason I buy Sora being the hero and Aqua being the heroine is because they share center billing on this box art, and because DDD's journals call them kindred spirits.

I don't think Sora will hook up with Aqua, because I don't consider Aqua a heroine in the VN romantic interest sense of the word, but I do think she's the series heroine
>because I don't consider Aqua a heroine in the VN romantic interest sense of the word
Well someone has to be, seeing Kairi is going full power levels now too. Aqua at least has the advantage of being the series heroine, is popular and has Nomura's favor.
But Aqua is already deep in the power level game
I just started DDD (Well not JUST, I've finished the first 2 worlds) I have a few questions:

How do I figure out what what spirits each character should use? Or do I just use my best for both?

Should I hold onto spirits until I max out their boards or move on and worry about finishing out my abilities later?

Does this game have any super secret bonus bosses like the other ones? Any easy missables I should look out for?

Also how long is the 0.2 prologue thing? Is there anything to actually do like some arenas or something, or is it just a quick taste?
I wish we could have a hero and a heroine in a story that don't hook up just because they are of different sexes. That shit could get forced if writers are not careful.
Yes, it means she and kairi have the same standing as girl characters, kairi is not VN waifu material anymore.
Also it's not unheard of or even uncommon for heroines to have the power edge over their husbandos. Arcueid and Shiki, for one example. I don't think Kairi learning to fight somehow puts her out of the running for the requisite Disney happy ending.
No, but you were disqualifying Aqua for that reason. I merely say they have the same chances counting only characters archetypes.
I guess Xion is technically an anti-hero and Namine is technically an anti-villain, and Kairi has mostly been a damsel. If Kairi actually finishes training before 3 is over you know she's going to technically be the main heroine right? the destiny islands trio definitely have the top story spots.
I have art I want to post but I also want to save it for the new thread
Their circumstances are entirely different. Kairi's the childhood friend who's constantly at least subtly pushed, with the exception of DDD which was bizarrely Kairi and Kairi-derivative-free. Even CoM, the NTR-fest that it is, is ultimately about Sora's feelings for her.

Aqua's more like the girl who comes in at the last second and she maybe rubs her feet on a dick in a fandisc or, being generous, gets some kind of gimmicky hidden route that has half the content of all the other ones.
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The childhood friend never wins though.
>Aqua rubbing her feet on a dick
Miss Aqua's cute feetsies!
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>feet artists too deep in the waifufag mobage hole to ever cast an eye towards kingdom hearts
opinion pls footanon
looked through my kh hentai folder. I only have a single image of Aqua doing a footjob
whoops, formatting on a phone is tricky sometimes
I don't think I've done footjob fantasy night yet. Sounds nice.
you have designated aqua fetish nights?
Pretty much, yeah. Whatever fan art my dick likes...
Can't wait
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meg's feet are pretty good too
Just being an attentive Aqua fan.
sorty but you will need to wait longer. I will sleep.
finally we can die
is it possible for me to redo the 3 questions at the end of KH3D in 2.8? how?
Beat the final bosses to reach the ending again.
Just watch the secret ending on youtube
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>goodnight everyone ill see you all in therapy.
I've never understood that line... Does it mean he's going to think about them during his appointment?
It means they traumatized him to the point of waking nightmares and hallucinations.
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bye bye
ah fuck, thanks
New thread lads?
don't worry, even if we don't make one now somebody will tonight when the new banner is announced
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