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/owg/ - Overwatch General

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Thread replies: 1568
Thread images: 234

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Why add 24 if 23 is not used edition

When did Season 3 end?

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Additional PTR changes coming

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


Old: >>169021482
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Threadly reminder that little nig isn't the new hero. She is a robotics and AI expert, who will build the new Omnic Doomfist voiced by Terry Crews. (hence the omnic language under the new doomfist in this poster)

Stop the spider memes.
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who /sombra/ here?
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woo boy time to buy yet another golden gun that i will have equipped for like 5 games max until i come to the conclusion that it looks like shit and then i unequip it for the rest of days

when will blizzard add something worthwile to purchase with comp points?
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What is Widowmaker
Sombra online.
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>primary fire is a BB gun
>invisibility rendered totally worthless by "Here I am!"
>hack requires several seconds that you could have just spent actually shooting/killing the enemy
>teleport throws a big gamecube on the ground the enemy can stare at until you appear
>ult is basically a big "lol wtf was that, nvm" for the enemy team
>ugly chica spic nails, horrible skrillex haircut
>voice actor sounds like she forgot her prozac

Terrible hero design. 0/10
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see >>169037289
same here. honestly, I'd recommend taking a break for a bit so things can cool off. it's definitely not a healthy environment for mind.
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Who is Mercy
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How did you do?
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The third Doomfist already exists in the story, Reaper has banter mentioning him. YOU stop this meme.
Nah your new hero is a little girl.
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Pssh, that's an easy one
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Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7leQB_Oe_k
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You can only take one to the ball. Sex may or may not be on the table, but you will have to:

>dance with them
>buy them drinks
>keep them entertained
>stay with them all night

Which one?
Why do they always wait to make the update live at the beginning or middle of the seasons?

It fucks up the game. They couldn't push it out today?
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Although I regret not getting it for Sombra, I love DVa and you get five actual gold items for her.
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imma ask again
Autistically maining lucio got me to masters, and i got enough points for my first golden gun.
Should i say fuck it, fuck around in comp and main McCree the whole season and buy the gun for him?
Genius nigras oh lordi
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>I and two friends that I always play with decide to make a last push for a higher rank before the season ends since friend #1 is 2850 and friend #2 and I are both 3350
>everything goes well, winning a lot
>suddenly I get a random disconnect
>-60 SR
>we continue playing nonetheless
>we still keep winning
>final season score: friend #1 3030, friend #2 3520, me 3494
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It would be nice to see them do another piece like this at some point with the new heroes added on.

I wonder when he lost that part of his arm. He still has it in the photo with Winston and the rest of the group.
>muh 5 gold items

thats like saying that you should buy rein and zarya because theyre the biggest and most obvious ones
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S1: 52, only did placements
S2: 2357, only did placements.
S3: 2557, got only 2200 at start, worked up to that in a dozen or so games.

I think I'm actually going to try for season 4 and see what happens instead of just doing placement matches the day competitive is about to close up.
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So if I got to 1 SR this season, does it means I'm pretty much guaranteed to be bronze in the next one?
can't even get mad at this cause is true.
Also I hate her fake, forced latino accent.

When she says "Didn't see that coming." makes me rage hard.
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... no?
But I never wanted a golden gun

An animated spray would be nice but I'm not that good nor do I have enough time to play
Leave it to a trumpfag to think that 0.8 is multiple seconds.
I don't want to fuck them.

Again, sym or dva
Screw the rules I take both Amaris
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And for femanons.
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Give me the bleu woman.
>liking shadbase

fucking KILL yourself with bleach in your mouth and anus
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Comp is a bad meme and I only do it for gun points
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>spider meme
Let me let you in on a little secret
seven vagánias.
maybe more
Yes, no doubt.
I know. Like I said, I wish I had gotten it for Sombra who happens to have the least amount of gold overall.
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>play all season

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>I wonder when he lost that part of his arm.

I keep thinking that he loses it when the Overwatch HQ blows up and when it all falls apart.

In the back of my mind I keep thinking it should be that Reaper betrays him and takes his arm off when McCree doesn't go with him. Like McCree turns away from him and Reaper shoots him from behind and takes his arm off. And it's his good arm.
don't know if I buy ana golden gun or soldier, I play way more ana but soldier golden gun is cooler
off-topic, I always laugh at how in TF2 the hats have at least x10 more polygons than the weapons.

Yeah about that

But I'd go for Jesse anyday
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Every day we drift further from god's light
>I don't want to fuck them

Might as well take Tracer then, she will probably at least be fun to drink with
They don't even need to re-do the artwork, just keep adding heroes.
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I've changed my mind.
How can you have fun with this game if not in comp? I legit don't understand because I can't.
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it might look like progress at first but it isn't thanks to welfare ranks in s3

not thart i really care, i only had about ~20-30 hours played in each season, this game is boring
Next hero is/was named Orisha and is a quadruped robit with African motif (gold, green), gatling gun, and a barrier that's like if Mei could deploy a Reinhardt shield at a target location

It's happening
Widowmaker by far. Both players and waifufags are absolute shit-tier.
the newer ones yea
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I like the big pictures of the whole cast
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Literally me lol, except I'm not very aggressive with my complaints
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>implying implications

look at my lame Lúcio boop montage
>bad off-model roadhog
>bad off-model everyone except torb and rein

No, thank you
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>inb4 boosted
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>But I never wanted a golden gun
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>want golden pharah
>mediocre at best with her
>all the black supremacists and their reddit cucks crying over no dumfist
>crying that its a little girl
Is Blizzard, dare I say, /ourguy/?
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>pick Tracer
>thrash the enemy team with massive elims
>pick Sombra
>can't even kill a support before they escape

Never going to be viable
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2511, career high. Got to it at literally 3:58 pst. Miraculously, the team I won with ran four fucking DPS on Volskaya.
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>people caring more about shademan instead of this
Only problem is he left before the HQ blew up.
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>Might as well take Tracer then, she will probably at least be fun to drink with
god no, she's one of the worst

I don't understand how people can have fun in comp.

If you just play the game without communication or something and just ignore your team I guess that's some kind of fun but it doesn't seem really good.

Else you just have tryhards and autists and people who care way too much about a 4-digit epeen
>S1: 68
>S2: around 3600
>S3: 3800
I could have pushed into GM but it was not worth playing in this fucking tank meta, I even got some decay at some point
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Who did you guys play in TF2 and who do you play now?

Crossbow Medic
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I'm with you senpai. Got it before I even got my season end points.
Redo it with the proper white turban.
Tigole for sure, but Chu and whoever the producer is are not.
Let me remind you that Kaplan was a hardcore forum troll - and probably still is, in disguise of course.

If Tracer wasn't gay she would be tied with D.Va.
First gun I bought was for Pharah but I soon stopped playing her after I got it. lol
This is kind of a weird comic because I assumed he got his new arm almost right away from Overwatch.
that's because everything added to the game nowadays isn't made by Valve.
The only guy who's off model is reaper and genji, because they still have faces.

Hog too kind of
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They're going to be even more upset when they found out the woman doing Anchora's african accent is actually white.
Sounds like a personal problem. I melt Ana before she can even unscope all the time.
>it was not worth playing in this fucking tank meta
Yeah because hero stacking/coin toss and nanoboosted Reaper were so much fun.
>1052, 653
haah waaw
all of them
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Sombra Brain.jpg
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McCree, despite not being female.
Dumb trumpposter.
That makes no sense though, if someone can get kills with tracer then they can get kills with any tracking aim hero
But I've seen more people pissed in these threads over the fact that she's african
Give me more information anon. The artwork looks good. And most importantly is Tracer straight - or at least gay for Widow - in this?
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2 decades ago, maybe
Im pretty sure it will be the VA they have recently used her speciality is literally little black girls.
No, it's because hats are what actually makes the cash for TF2.
soldier, demo, pyro (before they were nerfed to shit)

pharah, symmetra

junkrat isn't very good it saddens me
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>8 damage per pellet
>magazine size is 60
>Ana has 200 HP and an immediate full self-heal
>implying for even a moment you will land every single shot in the magazine without spread

Why do you tell lies on the internet?

He could have come back, he still could have felt enough for either Reyes or Jack, have enough respect for them to hear them out, when everything goes to shit.
plot twist: s3 is the only season where i have ended higher than being placed, the s1 and s2 highs were what i got placed at and it was all downhill from there
He has pictures late into Overwatch with both arms. So why did you think that?
>But as Overwatch's influence waned, rogue elements within Blackwatch sought to bring down the organization and turn it to their own ends. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.

Seems doubtful
This is a big victory anon.
The redditors wanted to insert a literal cuckold stereotype into the game. Blizzard trolled them with a little girl.
I hope the WE WUZ girl isn't the new hero.
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Any new voicelines to come with the update?
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>be genji
>step in front of ana before she nades her team in a small room
>theyre all antiheal
>dash kills all of them
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>ended season 3 with a high of 2982

I started at 1750, but that's not the point
Not released yet online, it is a doujinshi by hirame (aka. turtle.fish.paint)
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Will someone take one for the team and just kill him.
part of the problem is ana's fucked up hitbox wheres shes leaning to one side also her nade burst heal is annoying
>implying there aren't trolls in their 40s in this spelunking discussion tabloid
Sombra shouldn't loudly declare HERE I AM when she comes out of cloak
I don't understand /pol/ anymore and I don't think I want to.
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You aren't missing a whole lot. Being good at Pharah is suffering.
>guys, I killed two of them
>I got another two super weak, can we push in?
>oh, you all died the moment I took my eyes off of you
none of these address her real biggest problem which is all the bugs with translocator
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Was anything even updated? Nothing from PTR came over yet.
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Tfw ran into /ourguy/ ENUMBRE in quickplay

W-what do i say guys
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>people always impulse spend golden gun points as soon as the season ends.
>not keeping at least 3K spare to see if it would look good on the next hero to be released.
>missing out on fucking golden pizza's
You uncloak at point blank range, melt her in 20 rounds. It's even easier on Zenyatta. You can watch Codey do it in literally every game he plays, you can test it in practice range or you can do it yourself.

Like I said, personal problem.
There wasn't an update.

Well if placements are anything like this last season then you won't have to climb nearly as much. Not much compensation right now but still.
I wasn't saying age discredited him as a troll.

I'm saying he's been with blizzard for ages and is about as much of a troll as my grandmother is
this is the first time ive heard someone ever mention the translocator shitting up glitch

also the one where when you throw it and immediately teleport to it it actually teleports you half way to it
No updates.
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Happy now?
wtf i just started playing overwatch again since season 1 ended a few days ago and season 3 is over already?

when does the next season start?
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Well darn, I just got home and assumed there was one.
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Yes, very good.
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THIS fucking guy right here.
What, do you only meme like two levels deep or something? Keep up.
Pretty good
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absolute madman
Next Tuesday
Is Efi even actually confirmed to be a new hero or is everyone just worked up over nothing again?
i mained sombra in season 3 in GM level games so yeah i am fairly familiar with her quirks

not sure if it's a bug or not but i also think she should be invulnerable during the time she is travelling to the translocator, similarly to how tracer's rewind works

currently if often happens that you press E to get away from danger and then you die because your body is still right there able to be damaged, just invisible
>Boring child robot builder
>instead of based Terry Crews Doomfist

I'm kind of out of the loop here. Who's Enumbre?
as if that makes a difference, in fact, he probably stoked the flames

Maybe he thought there was a way for peace between the two factions. McCree leaves from the fighting between Jack and Gabriel as they butt heads, one of them talks McCree back to help arrange a peace between them, likely Gabriel. Things go south, McCree backs out and Reyes snaps when it falls apart and during the fighting takes McCree's arm.

Frankly, not a lot else makes sense for why McCree's arm is missing thematically speaking.

I mean, practically speaking he could have just had a car accident or gotten bone cancer and gotten it removed. Something very very mundane. But in a story/lore/thematic logic, I don't think much else really seems like a good fit except losing it the night all that shit falls apart.
This thread is missing sine serious thigh appreciation. Post more juicy thighs primarily of the brown variety
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Why does every new hero have to be a female shitskin?

This is getting to be ridiculous.
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I'm not sure why the artist drew him with both his arms, but I'd still go with Jamison anyway!
This is probably what's going to happen, I doubt Blizzard would let us kill a child.
Hey reddit
>prefers LE PUNCH EVERYTHING MAN XD over genius african youth
Literally a faggot.
i gotchu senpai

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I'd be more surprised if she actually did make it to the game. There was this with Katya and while it wasn't as much as the stuff from today it could play out the same. She appears in a short that introduces another hero.
I thought offseason competitive play was going to happen
Why can't I play comp
The best FPS player on 4chan. You haven't seen his EPIC flicks in his webms? What a newfag.
just won a game and lost 2 games after
if that doesn't prove forced 50 i don't know what will
you mean to tell me you dont throw arcade games to help people get their loot boxs? are you a monster?
some aimbotter who was a meme
She makes it into the game but you don't actually control the 11 year old, she sits in spawn controlling the giant spider mech
Apparently it is mixed FutaWidow x Tracer mixed with slight accidental Tracer x Genji.
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>Sombra needs a damage buff

Yup, 160 dps is pretty lame

>Sombra needs a spread reduction

Try aiming

>Sombra needs her stealth delay removed

People will still survive her shitty gun unless they're asleep at the wheel

>Sombra's hack interruption should have a higher damage threshold


Sombra's EMP should interrupt Tactical Visor, Blizzard, and Configuration Tank

Sombra already has too much of her power wrapped up in her ult, she needs something else

>Sombra is working as intended

She can do the "backline disruption" thing. The question is whether it is enough
>The best FPS player on 4chan
>on 4chan
Don't even tell me that he sullies this site's good name with his presence.
as soon as server browser is out there'll be farming servers and thank god for that
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Aimbotter who comes here and talks shit.
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>tfw not fit like shad
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>touching the ground as lucio
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I wish they kept the 1-100 scale.
>Yup, 160 dps is pretty lame
>People will still survive her shitty gun unless they're asleep at the wheel
Make up your mind anon
I remember when Blizzard used to make games about purging civilians, space colonies used as bait for aliens, and a whole game about satanism.
Morals are overrated.
He is. Name someone better at FPS than ENUMBRE on 4chan. You literally can't. He's an FPS god.
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Proper colorblind mode when?
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didn't we not even know ana until after she was shown

or i guess is this in the time between the narrative 'starts' and ana shows up
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>coming to /vg/ for discussion
This man lives in a world few of us will never understand
>try QP now comp is locked
>my team is always 2 snipers, tracer, genji and roadhog
>enemy team is a typical comp 2/2/2 that rolls us

You find this fun?
Thanks doc
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thanks doc

where else would you go? /v/? that's even worse
nigga what

just fix your eyes lmao
What are you talking about? She went MIA and then was declared dead. 6 years later Ana writes a letter to Pharah that she is still alive.
I'm sure the girl is just the creator of the omnic who will be the actual new character.
She was in several illustrations before she was introduced in-game.
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>healing Roadhog as Mercy
>Winston starts tickling us with his gun right in our fucking face
>Roadhog barely taking any damage but keeps missing his hooks then vaping
>I have to jump around like a retard and eventually die
Thanks doc
No seriously, I'm not colourblind but I heread from a friend that WoWs colourblind mode was really great so I'm kinda suprised that OWs colourblind mode is so shit.
>Putting in fucking Bastion buffs the DAY Season 4 starts
Are they unironically being retarded? Placements are going to be filled with idiots who don't know how to use the new Bastion. Nice.
>try comp since season is ending
>player spends all game bitching about how matchmaking is putting him with unranked players
>picks mei and walls us off the point

You find this fun?
Yea but were pharah and mcskillet even together as "overwatch" then?

I could just be not remembering shit but then again the story for this game is dog shit.

Yea, as "sombra".
>didn't we not even know ana until after she was shown

Yes we did you retard, people were even speculating that she'd be a new hero.
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Great, now my dick is tipping over my office desk. Thanks based anon
>Talon tries to steal the Doomfist from the exhibit. Efi is attending.
>Efi reprograms a guard robot while the attack is going on. It fights Talon, wields Doomfist during the fight, and drives Talon off.
>All of the guard robots have Terry Crews' voice, but Efi programs this one to have a bombastic, heroic personality based on the fact that she's 11 years old and looks up to Overwatch's heroes

That's how I'd like it to go down, at least.
>Name someone better at FPS than ENUMBRE
The guy who coded his aimbot.
I mean, technically, he is better.
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best big brother
That's now how you write Seph
I wasn't being sarcastic, she needs to do more damage. Her spread is fine
This was weird to read, this time of writing doesn't blend well with the usual Noblebright tone Blizzard uses
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Post the cute african
Of course they could have been, Overwatch wasn't disbanded when Ana "died". It's not as much of a mess as you seem to think it is.
Man I'm glad my eyes work
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I-It's not that cool
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She's been in multiple illustrations for a long time but it's just nothing was really known aside from the most basic details. Pharah was never an actual Overwatch member but hung around everyone growing up.
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Is 3v3 match making fucking bonkers for anyone else?

I get matched with and against GMs and I'm fucking 3000.

Please stop this hell ride.
I am really liking these fanarts.

Apparently there is now a cure for that.
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Daily reminder that Pharah and Ana didn't reunite in the lore yet.

Your comp rating has nothing to do with arcade, it just throws 3 people together.
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Africa had been ebola free for a long time now buddy.
So is she going to be:
>piloting a mech
>controlling the mech (via controller/computer)
>the creator of the new hero (aka built him)
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>tfw the fanarts are way better than the sketchy original concept art
Killed next week, new hero is her robot dog
>rule 34 is down right now
We're seeing the biggest influx of loli porn in human history
Between the art and that short article I wouldn't doubt they threw it together once everyone pointed out how stupid Jeff's comment was when he said no new info for new heroes.

What the fuck
cute african you say?
There you go
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I'm hoping she controls the mech from spawn.

>die and respawn
>see cute loli tapping away on a laptop lounging on a couch
Please just don't be real, please, she looks like a pile of shit. And not because she's a nigger, but because she looks like an actual child instead of an animush idealized one
Her headpiece being a weird mix of tribal jewelry and headphones and a visor is actually kinda neat
he posted one from his computer and one from his phone
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They helped me get acclimated to Sombra, although this official pic was also very good imo.
I'm willing to bet it's the second option.
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I felt a great disturbance in the Internet, as if millions of neckbeards suddenly spammed F5 in unison, and suddenly DDoS'd Rule34.
>but because she looks like an actual child instead of an animush idealized one

This is legitimately one of the most disturbing things I've read. Please go outside.
>Please just don't be real
You think a character posted by blizzard is fake?
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what's up with this thread
Blizzard could tweet a picture of a fucking potato and you dumbfucks would think its a new hero.
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>I see you have outmaneuvered my team and killed them all while I was hiding in the corner and are about to win the game.

Go to bed Stylosa. It's late in bongland.
a team that doesn't kill a Mercy 1st deserves to lose.
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>Team Fortress 2- Nihilism/Laissez-Faire

>Battleborn- Anarcho-Primitivism/Maoism

>Overwatch- Authoritarian progressivism/State Capitalism

>Quake- Kantianism/Classical Conservatism

>Paladins - Authoritarian Anarcho-Reactionary/Keynesian

anything else ??
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Blue post about Sombra's EMP
I try too hard to keep people alive and not enough time cowering behind a corner so I can get a sick 4 man res, I'm a shit Mercy.
being forced to pick certain champs on certain maps and others like ana/lucio 100% of the time else you're at a disadvantage is almost as unfun as it gets.
How can you kill her first if you can't see her?
so lil niggress will build a robot hero is that it
theres no way blizzard would allow a 11 years old hero
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>Realize that I aim better on offense heroes on lower FoV
>Constantly get caught out because of it

I do the same thing.

I can't stand by while all those big critical signs are in my vision.

Mercys who hide, make the team fight 5v6 then try and come out for the "big res" after saving their ultimate all game are degenerates that lose games.
>having a child fighting wars and getting killed/killing people isn't
I would be okay with a character like that in a serious dramatic setting, but in fucking Overwatch? Why should I want to play as a fucking child?

heh, maybe she's just some shitty side character, maybe the daughter of the actual hero, but I doubt it
Blizzard's art department is top notch, but everyone sharts once in a while.
Decrease bullet spread by a TINY bit
Make invisibility animation faster
Fix that fucking hitbox with the translocator
Literally all they have to do.

>I want to create things that make our lives better. And someday, my dream is to build something that can keep us safe, like the new OR15s! I think that would be great.

The way this is worded implies she didn't make the OR15s that are keeping people safe, and she hasn't built something that does yet.

It's hard to think that it's her or even something she built that is the next hero, going off this interview. The thing about the OR15s is REALLY specific though, I'm under no doubt that an OR15 is the next hero, whether it's one tinkered by Eri when shit goes down on the plane, or maybe it gains sentience like Bastion, I don't know.
>torbjorns ult
but it already does that? unless shes talking about his transformation
does my golden weapon not work with skins other than default?
>Camera pans over the Doomfist exhibit, dramatic trailer music
>Introducing our new hero..
>*Record scratch*
>Camera drops suddenly to the floor
>"over here"
>Camera turns to a little black girl
>"Hi my name is Efi and im a sassy young black girl. I build robots"
>Overwatch logo fades to black
She's real but you don't control the actual her, she remote pilots a mech. She talks about building a robot to help people.

Yea yeah "to help people" means killing people pushing a limo in hollywood because it's a video game, same with mei being a climate scientist with the murderous power equal to a mercenary
It works with any skin you have for that character.
Ogon’ po gotovnosti!

Warīhum quwitak!

Come over here!
It works on every skin for that hero
>McCree has a small crush on Ana
>Ana dies
>Pharah is all alone
>McCree also needs someone to lean on since Reyes is becoming a dick
>They start talking a bit
>McCree starts to like her after a while
>Always lusted for Ana
>Pharah looks like Ana
>That night McCree bangs Pharah
>Feels regret in the morning
>They never talk about it since
guess what it means is that, even if the turret is hacked, neither torbjorn nor the turret go back to their previous form (the turret, even if not firing, still has 800hp )
>>having a child fighting wars and getting killed/killing people isn't
>I would be okay with a character like that in a serious dramatic setting, but in fucking Overwatch? Why should I want to play as a fucking child?
what? you'd rather have her in a dramatic, realistic war game, than a wacky hero shooter? I doubt she'll even be the hero anyway but come on m8
> She will be a comic relief
>tfw everything McCree does only puts him farther and farther down the path of pain and self-loathing
>tfw you know that feel
Now lets argue about how to pronounce her name! is it efee or efeye?
Eh-fee Oh-lah-deh-leh
It's kind of insane Ana does 75 damage a shot with her firerate, she can't headshot like McCree and it's a projectile unscoped but god damn. Serious threat to anyone downrange.
Exactly. I'm playing a whacky hero shooter, I want to play cool heroes, not a fucking nigger child
Samefag, but I just thought of a way the cinematic could go down.

>She's about to get on the plane
>Reaper and Widowmaker move in and attack, destroying the OR15s that are guarding the airport and try to take her away
>Parents get in the way
>They're not fighters so get BTFO but allows Efi to escape near a destroyed OR15
>In a rush of the moment to save her parents, tries to repair the OR15.
>Uses her super genius to make it SUPER POWERED or some dumb shit
>The super powered OR15 fights off Reaper and Widowmaker
>Parents die anwyay
>Eri is crying over them
>end cinematic
It's just retarded enough to be possible
You forgot Reaper fucking up during the mission.
>Tracer being a dick to an 11 year old orphan
>kill Mercy first
>kill the rest of her team
>she respawns and comes in with rez anyway

Won't happen
Tracer always uses luv instead
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>Competitive ends
>"Guess I'll go practice some heroes I've never played before in QP"
>Can't do shit because everybody is uncoordinated and people rarely play healer
ana or soldier golden gun ?
It's a bit of a transition, takes some getting used to
Oh yeah, I fucked up.
>This is no place for children
>oh no u didn bitch -Efi

80 damage, and yes, it's pretty incredible.
lol you're an idiot. a child fighting a war in a realistic setting is far more disturbing and less fitting than in a game like Overwatch. doesn't matter though because I'm pretty sure you need to be eighteen to join OW. It'll probably be her roboot.
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>that black kid
>three dots above and below her eyes
Shit. I've been trying to decide who to get gold for: Pharah or D.Va. I've been telling myself that I'll get three guns for the price of one with D.Va, I didn't even realize about her hand controls. Pharah's my main, but damn, five for the price of one?
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More esports stuff for anyone that cares
>mfw she is the actual leader of Talon
There's no guarantee that the interview is from the present day. Omnic war has been over for what, 25 years? Numbani must have been around that long. This person could be older.
Oh cool, I always miss the Overwatch eSports stuff live, I'm used to fighting game tournaments where it's just like "watch this stream from this day to this day and watch matches". Overwatch seems to space the shit out.

I hope not. I'd rather see the R34 made with what they've given us so far.
rank 55, 2858, 2726. when will i stop being bad?
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Already said to be in the present
Omnics still attack.
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Why not?
>a new hero is finally announced
>it's Ongo Bongo, a nigger genius and a female
Why am I not surprised.
>less fitting
It's actually fitting, famalam. Real life is gritty and you'd encounter them by the hundreds. It's just sad, that's it.
Oh well never mind
There's only one big tournament going on right now and it's in Korea so the times can be bad depending on where you live. Other than that it's a bunch of random small things like this one.
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>Super Shimada Bros.
Is there a crosshair that is universally better or is it all preference?
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>Can't play the game off-season
>Forced to go play quick play/arcade
>The designated shitting streets of Overwatch

Yeah I'm uninstalling bye lmao
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Have fun
Short crosshair seems to be the most common
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>humans worshipping The Iris

political correctness and blizzard, the most jew company out there concerned purely with appealing to casuals and sjws
Short crosshair or dot are the best options in my opinion.
>once everyone pointed out how stupid Jeff's comment was when he said no new info for new heroes.
what'd he say
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It begins!
You guys should check out /v/ and /pol/, they're having an absolute epic meltdown over the new girl.
the dot is the most universal crosshair.
Calling it now god is Overwatch is a giant floating Dindu head
>come into da iris muh chilren.
>they're still getting massive framedrops
Why are they so shit at this
>over a year and people still mad that black people exist in video game
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>Playing Sombra on attack and defense Eichenwalde
It's fun because /pol/ is actually being btfo hard on /v/, maybe something is finally changing for the better
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Who is the best hero and why is it Zenyatta?
Depends on the hero. If you use the small + crosshair on a precision hero, you'll feel more inclined to line up headshots.

Circle crosshairs can help you guage the spread of scattershot heroes. I'm pretty sure the large circle matches with D.Va's spread 1:1.
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Let me guess. "omg it's a nigger the sjws are taking over why was it not a white man from Oxford in a suit?"
>The reason we don't talk about new hero development more is we took the community feedback regarding the Sombra ARG to heart.

Makes it even harder to watch
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>get to 3495
>get thrown back to 3250 because that's the way the universe works
>"eh, it's the last day, i got nothing to lose"
>winning streak back to 3495
>season ends during my match

I was losing that last match.
link to thread. Too lazy.
Oh it's just that

What was the response then, I guess?
>tfw no cute Vietcong hero
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>she's with the Illuminati all along
Most people kept saying that was stupid and not at all what they should've learned from it.
i'm not annoyed at blizzard adding a black girl, i'm annoyed at how forced their "diversity" is.

>"Let's add every ethnicity! sombra must be mexican because we have to represent them, we got germany, sweden, china, japan, korea, etc etc etc."

they're some shitty ass company trying to pander.
Theres literally nothing on /pol/ about this. Will you sjws stfu.
I was expecting something spicy not just normal comments. Oh well
never, because they "don't want to incentivized playing competitive too heavily"

itd make QP shutters feel bad
>3 new female characters in a row
It's about a fucking global military organization in an ideal future, that's like getting mad that a fighting game based off the U.N. has "forced" diversity
ow will never be a serious esport. any game that has a built in 6 second instakill mechanic (hook) and such reliance on pressing q instead of actual fps skill is a fuckin joke.

the fact you can literally grind to top 500 by playing a hero who holds m2 down 24/7 indicates something.
Fuck off tumblr. Theres nothing on /pol/.
And an oxford white man in a suit would be pretty crestive never seen that before.
You can't be for real.

How many people complain about Barlog, Dudley, CJ, Lee, and more?

It's more like being so invested in the diversity meme that you make all non-straight, non whites holier than thou can do no wrong people with literally zero imperfections or shortcomings.

The problem is being so afraid of portraying them with even the smallest of issues that they just become literal Gods on Earth that would make Jesus look like a gangbanger by comparison.
Everyone wants a piece of the cake anon. It's like you don't know how capitalism works.
Exactly, along with "omg Africa is nothing but tribal animals Blizzard forcing AIDS on everyone black people threaten my very existence this game is unrealistic with how it shows what black people are like all the new characters have been black women I'm going to cry".

fuck off /pol/
>jews want to make money
>make their own twitch channel

don't you know how this works

they can't just...share the same channel. and even then there could be multiple tournaments going on. maybe people want non-shitty commentators and then another channel crops up.

just find what works best for you and stick to that one channel, nigger.
>3 new brown characters in a row

/pol/ is getting btfo so hard it's not even fun
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>play QP
>get stomped by GM premade

Why do people want a MMR reset again?
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So when's ranked coming back?
who is Pharah?
McCree would never do any lewd stuff with his little sister. Also he probably thinks Ana will come back as a ghost and haunt him if he ever touches her.
Sjw out.
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hanzo main btw.png
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post your new gold gun(s)
blizzard doesn't know how to run a competitive scene, just look at sc2.

seasons for ranking is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. dota's system works fine.

Why is she printed at a 45 degree angle on the paper?
>Africa is nothing but tribal animals

Well, we already got Winston so I guess they can't go back to that pool again.
hey now fareehafags are good people they just
like a good wank

now widowmakes
fucking widowmakers
>will never be a serious esports
>revolves around using abilities
>top esports are currently MOBAs
wew lad
>implying it's McCree in charge and not Pharah trying to seduce someone she's had a crush on as long she's been menstruating.
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1 week downtime, i believe
Let's be clear, you think they are going to let you kill a 9 year old?
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>tfw there's no Overwatch character with a GEP gun
>dota's system works fine.
Blizzard can't admit that they can't actually make games anymore. They just keep the production value high and keep spewing WoW pets to keep their fanboys buying everything they make available.
>he doesn't like female-heavy game rosters
Every game should just be sexy and cute girls.

400 comp points away, sadly. Not sure who I'll go for next. I have D.Vas already.

I wanted Anas for a while but I'm not very good at her. Maybe Mercy. Maybe Zen. Maybe Mei.
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>make all the non-straight, non whites holier than thou can do no wrong people with literally zero imperfections

lol? The "main" bad guy is fucking Mexican. Hanzo is a crimelord and shitty brother. Sombra murdered like a shitload of innocent guards. Symmetra works for evil comic megacorp #495

76 is basically the most white bread American boy scout there is, McCree is John Wayne's wet dream, Reinhardt and Zarya are fucking heroes of their country who have never done anything wrong, and Torbjorn fucks like a champ
You're gonna kill her robot, that's it.
>nigger McCree
>hentai weirdo Roadhog
>dummie Junkrat
>fat Winston
>faggot Soldier
>non-robotic Genji
>yakuza style Hanzo
>anime Lucio

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>We will never get a gundam hero

why even live
>Archived thread

Maybe she doesn't die in a traditonal sense. Maybe it's just a remote controlled robot that falls apart like Bastion.

Or maybe they won't give a shit. It's not like this game has any blood, her head's not going to explode from a well placed headshot or anything.

Not like they accuse you of hate crimes for killing anyone but S76, Reinhardt and Torb.
>I'm a faggot rape me with AIDS
rofl between the garbage spectator client, boring ass meta with reinhardt ana lucio and roadhog being near-100% pickrates and low skill cap heroes everywhere this game'll be lucky if it survives another two years in terms of e-sports.
I want a mongolian hero
he rides an omnic horse or something
lets get a quick play stack going
>You will never have a qt omnic bf or gf ):
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no tanks.jpg
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Explain this to me metafags.
>76 is basically the most white bread American boy scout there is
No he's very definitely "rogue". When he was strike commander though yea.

>McCree is John Wayne's wet dream
He's Clint Eastwood, not John Wayne. One of his voice lines is literally "Well I'm not bad and I am certainly not ugly".
Widowmaker > Mercy > Tracer > D.va > Zarya > Mei >>> Pharah > Symmetra > Sombra > Ana
>he doesn't like female-heavy game rosters
But only 1 of those three females are actually sexy. If pic related was what Efi was really like I'd be down.
>No tanks

Also tracer/genji is the fallback meta
Made an overwatch profile on Tinder, hoping to find a healer gf.
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nigga wat
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Which girl will you be fapping to tonight?

Just because someone is antagonistic, doesn't mean they've got real flaws.

Did you think Adrian Vieght had real tangable problems?
as long as the map is 2cp it doesn't matter what the fuck they pick. the map is pure cheese, doesn't represent skill at all and it's a joke that it's included in a "competitive" rotation.
Both 76 and Mcree were inspired by Eastwood.
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i just woke up but il try and set you straight.
>primary fire is a BB gun
not as strong as tracer but allows her to have a better medium range game than her and can shoot down a pharah. if you cant crit with her at close range don't play her.
>invisibility rendered totally worthless by "Here I am!"
true and id prefer she decloak faster but you can cancel the voice alert by using another voice line "boop" which in some ways is more fun.
>hack requires several seconds that you could have just spent actually shooting/killing the enemy
this is just stupid,
>teleport throws a big gamecube on the ground the enemy can stare at until you appear
teleporter can be used this way on purpose to distract the team but in most cases you want to drop it on a hacked health pack for your escape. teleport is almost always used for escape including for when rein or a sym starts rushing you, get caught in zarya/mei ult and sometimes to reach high places. invis is used for sneaking up on people. sombra is a hero who "can" sneak behind the enemy and kill teleporters/turrets safely. as well as harass back line. where you put your translocator for escape can be huge for mind games, when they think you went back to you team for safety you can stay in back line hack their health packs or come right back to finish off the ones you were killing.
>ult is basically a big "lol wtf was that, nvm" for the enemy team
zen- major fucked by ult
zarya- fucked and sitting duck
turrets all shut down.
bastion forced into recon mode and sitting duck.
cancels some ults such as pharah and road hog etc.
bane of existence for rein basting torb combo (some communication required for this one but your team will listen when confronted by this)

im sure im missing a few more subtleties of her play style, shes just not the straight forward "only good in team fight when ult is up and perfect communication" she requires a lot more creative thought than that im afraid.

tfw no one understands you.
>murdering innocents for money isn't a flaw
I have this skin but I want a giant robot and dva would be perfect if the meka didn't look so dumb
>non whites holier than thou can do no wrong people with literally zero imperfections or shortcomings

>Reaper is literally a terrorist
>Sombra is basically hated by everyone
>Genji was in the Yakuza
>Symmetra is literally autistic
>Mei is a landwhale
>who the fuck knows what kind of shit Roadhog and Junkrat have done
>Zenyatta is a shill for the Patriots
>Hanzo: straight up criminal

Only Pharah and Ana are good.

Meanwhile you have
>S76: a fusion of Captain America and Batman
>Mercy: literally an angel
>Reindhardt: a German knight straight out of the First Reich
>Mcree: just a cowboy.
>Tracer: dyke who teleports through time and space.
>Torb: engineer with almost 10 children
Widowmaker is maybe the only bad white character, but they'll probably redeem her or something.
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yeah, cause the top selling moba's metas weren't stale like week-old bread during the first seasons...
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Lewds when???
Sombra and Young Ana are both sexy as fuck though
>>who the fuck knows what kind of shit Roadhog and Junkrat have done
they nuked the outback
I know how you feel but unfortunately Pharah will probably be the closest we ever get to Japanese Mecha in this game.
i'm sorry, i don't follow league's scene. i'm talking dota.
>Roadhog and Junkrat aren't white

I mean, Roadhog is maybe of native new zealand descent but Junkrat is pretty clearly white.

Zenyatta is a robot without a race
It's amazing how much better she looks without the retarded nose.

I can only hope if she is a character they fix the art
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>he doesn't want to impregnate Ana
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Aw, that's harsh, anon, I think Junkrat looks all right! My only real problem with it is that he appears to be missing his prosthetics, but he's still very cute!
>Genji was in the Yakuza
Literally the opposite. Hanzo killed him because he DID NOT want to be a crimelord, and spend his time as a neet.
>Young Ana
I always forget about her.
>suddenly both teams are full of noobs
>level 9 reaper kills all
>level 6 roadhog with crazy accuracy
>hardest game in days
At least Raptorian is her best skin
>redeem her

She's french remember? That's bottom of the barrel.
True, they are australians, they are barely human.
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>Using any other skin
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I've never played an FPS game in my life
Only MMOs
Would you recommend this game to me? I'd probably healslut on Mercy or whatever the fuck other character can heal
He didn't want to be a neet he wanted to be a slutty playboy.

Just like the real Genji
Roadhog is the only one who nuked the Outback, though.
Why is every god damn female character so annoying except for Zarya
Sounds like people leveling smurfs during the downtime
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Dude you copied part of my autismo. Original reply for reference

>Reaper: Mexican
literally the most evil guy in the game

>Sombra: Mexican
an hacker, a thief and a blackmailer

>Symmetra: Indian
an autistic and annoying bitch, quite on the evil side too

>Lucio: Brazilian
an anarchist

>Widowmaker: blue
an assassin bitch

meanwhile on the white side

>Soldier 76: white American
he was captain America and now is Batman, still an heroic character

>Mercy: Swiss
A genius doctor and literally fucking Jesus

>Reinhardt: German
the most heroic character in the cast and one of the most beloved by the community

>Tracer: Britbong
the face of the franchise, but right she's lesbo so she doesn't count, huh?

>McCree: American
Fucking Clint Eastwood, also a somewhat good character

>Zarya; Russia
a nationalist bitch who sacrificed everything to serve and protect her country

Still yeah Edgelord is American, my bad
Pretty sure the Shad is working at this very moment to deliver.
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who /widowmain/ here?
>I've never played an FPS game in my life
>Only MMOs
>Would you recommend this game to me?
no go back to wow

Phara and symmetra are autistic but not annoying, I think.

There's also Ana.
Ah yes, he's being trained by the Patriots shill.
>no kind, motherly character

feels bad man
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I'd fucking kill for a skin of Roadhog in a suit
Play some TF 2 first, mostly because it is F2P, it's not the same game but you should get a feeling for some FPSs games that arn't Counter-Strike.
But Halloween
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Anyone here play Overwatch in another language besides English?
>putting the gay bong below retard blueberry

kill yourself
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don't be fucking rude
"Not in Education, Employment, or Training"
Doesn't mean "4chin neckbeard"
Tho it's canon that he spent a shitload of time playing vidya...
ana's such a fucking cutie actually. too bad her default skin gives me eye cancer.
Prostitution counts as employment
I played in german but switched to english.
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Well, she's old.
Not much you can do against that.
For as much of a fuckwad he is I still have to respect someone who doesn't cow to sjws
Listen, I'm not going to take kindly to having piss grenades thrown at me
Shit that sounds plausible

Would much rather have femomnic but I'll accept a brown loli
>play some mystery heroes for the lootboxes
>get grouped with two plats and two golds vs 3 GM and 3 Masters
>we obviously get raped, comp irrelevant
>this happens 3 times in a row
yeah fuck you too Blizzard, last time I tried playing le ebin arcade.
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Mei and Tracer are the only annoying cunts, luv.
Only blizz game I play in italian is Diablo 3. The rest have too bad VO for my taste.
If you change their hair colors, Zarya and Symmetra are unrecognizable
>some guy forgets he has the mic open
>he starts swearing in Italian
>he invents new blasphemies like
>he keeps doing it for the whole match

I'm so proud of my autistic country
>mfw anas lob the death grenade from the other point like a mortar
>it splashes harmlessly on Reins shield.
For what purpose
>NOT wanting to play as candy giving grandma

Merciful is her best skin tho.

you'll your jarate and like it
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It's Ana's squirt, actually.
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>He doesn't want a hot woman to piss on him

>second point 2cp map
>not complete shitfests
>you'll your jarate

Is this bad?
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BREAKING, looks like Efi's theme has been leaked on the PTR

I would play it in Japanese if the console version wasn't region locked.
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Is Terry Crews going to voice that little black girl?
kek, that would be actually cool
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>people in the /pol/ thread are more civilized than the /v/ one
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No, he voices her robot
First time for everything.
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>tfw the only time you were diamond was ptr
/v/ is shit.

Ana is stern and aloof. I want a warm, gentle heroine.
If he voiced her as his normal voice, that would be acceptable
Its all shilling I get called /pol/ every second /owg/ thread by some wild tumblr cunt.
I'm fine with little nigra hero.
I don't see her theme song I just see /myman/ trump's anthem
my favourite moonman song
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Read that filename in DVA's voice.
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What if the girl is inside the machine? What if she is like the dragoons from StarCraft? What if she got insured so bad that the only way to save herself was to be inside of a mechanical spider tank?
Is it true that the next hero will be an 11 year old african girl?
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>tfw cant go off and solo carry anymore
>have to stay with the team to do anything

GM kinda blows or maybe i'm not adjusted yet.
Maybe. More than likely it's a robot that she made.
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>New hero is a tachikoma witht he mind of a loli
please blizzard
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She can be loving. But you have to be a farm boy from Indiana to get it.
>Koth 2-2 on overtime theme
or Doomfist is literally Evil Reinhardt, and instead of a qt redhead as a mechanic he's got a little black girl
Fancy skins would be great. I want all the guys in suits
>tfw only got 200 points.
Mercy exists

mfw hacked a mercy just as she tries to fly in for team res.
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>African children now used as soldiers in Overwatch
That's fucked up.
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mfw i teleport away as a mei is freezing me but i don't actually teleport away and die
I want to propose marriage to Sombra.
how do those cut off sleeves stay on D.Va's arms if they're not attached to the shoulders?
>implying blizz would ever present a new hero without leaks
it's not the nigglet
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>mfw pulse bomb the Mercy right as she resses and get a double kill.
I'm one of the most anti-/pol/ faggots here but I hate the nigglet. Really, I just find her ugly, no grudge but considering we have a new hero every 4 months I want them to be cool. I don't like little black kids

attached to an elastic band around her arm?
>Bedtime Ḥabībtá
>I think justice could use a little nap
>Heh (McCree), you always were such a charmer

she's plenty sweet
Did you actually only get 1 SR? Screenshot pls
>getting attacked
>appear at my teleport location
>die back where I was
>2400 more competitive points until next golden gun
H-How much do you get per rank again?
was the last shot from an Ana? the tick rate on the damage is weird.
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most of the time it's a Reinhardt
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sounds like you have a shit connection there amigo. maybe you should go play sym or torb.
>133 more wins until another gold weapon because I couldn't get the 55 sr for diamond

feels bad
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winston's sister
It's the fucking worst.
I had one where it actually let me start to move before it snapped me back and left me dead at a Reinhardt's feet.
dude epic, ill gift you gold hold on
>i'm only getting 200
damn man
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>tfw 150 coins away from my next skin

It takes so long. I just want muh damn Ana skin
No, it showed me teleporting away on Mei's screen well before I was frozen, but I didn't actually move.
No pretty sure translocator is just shit when that doesn't happen on Tracer whenever I play her
who is the Punished Snake of Overwatch?
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haha reddit gold right there :DDD
wtf am i supposed to do without ranked
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obvious answer
>Shadman retweeted

what would Spurdo's kit be?
bliz stated long time ago that what you see in replay is not exactly what your enemy sees. timing is still off if theres a discrepancy
try to have fun playing the game?
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>Have 2000 coins
>Literally nothing I want that's available
>But not enough to get a legendary in a event
try out some new heroes or practice aim on newer players.
i don't even know where to begin with how wrong you are
>have nearly 9000 overbucks
>know there won't be anything I want in the next event
how do we know that Doomfist is a villain? what if the new bearer of the gauntlet is a good guy?

Spurdo's Ultimate would be


Spurde floods a large area of the map with ES Energy Drink, speed bosting his teammates and knocking up foes and also deal a little amount of damage.
>what if the new bearer of the gauntlet is a good girl

>mfw i get a quad kill without the use of an ult
from a poor family?
Reaper saying Doomfist should do his own dirty work and Blizzard said he was threatening the peace of Numbani.
Why would she make a remote controlled robot if she's an a.i. expert
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as overwatch gets more girls will the waifu posting get even worse or just more diverse?
>very close to the 6000 cps cap
>nothing to spend the the points on because I only play widow and already have her golden gun
Fuck. I guess I'll just do the placements the next season? Or should I just get some random gun to free up 3k worth of storage space? Hm.
it's not remote-controlled, she hacked an omnic to reprogram its' personality but it escaped and now has stolen the glove
More bannable.
Pretty sure Bastion is a girl.
Roadhog and Mercy
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Amaricest > Shimadacest anyway
>Genji presses E
I cri everytiem
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her translocate is not as fast as blink there's a small start up
Start up or not, when I'm already at my destination on my screen, I shouldn't be able to die from damage that I took while I'm an orange blur on someone else's
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Can someone red pill me on why Ana is op? She fucking sucks. Am I missing something?
>She fucking sucks.
100 DPS, ~94 HPS, gernade, dart
>Ana's voice is still old while in the Captain Amari skin
>So is Morrison and Reyes

This triggers me to no end. I'd pay Jeff $1000 to record alternate voicepacks for these skins
>she fucking sucks

she has the most healing per second while also having a long range DPS, and has an infinite range stun. How is any of that suck.
Remove the cast time on sombra's teleport Right Now
burst heal
Stops enemies from healing
Decent weapon for when nobody is hurt
Long CC
Teamfight winning ult
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It will remain the same since they won't top Fareeha.
>We could change it so Sombra's hacking cancels active abilities and clears ongoing effects
>nothing inbetween though
nice to see things haven't changed since the days of invisible quest bunnies
>well, I reached my goal for this season in comp - time to practice a bit for next season
>6 dps team deathmatch mode
>team with one (1) healer wins every time

Does this happen every off season?
I prefer decreased Hack cooldown. They can keep the damage interrupt
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So here's Tracer's solution to the fossil fuel/energy crisis, what do you think of it?
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>a week of quickplay

Are the genji and mercy voicelInes live yet?
I like Pharah but honestly these sfm pictures make her looks retarded.
Hanzo shitters

oh you mean worst fanbase

Hanzo shitters
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Naw, what the should do is change Sombra to 125HP/75 Shields, and have so taking shield damage doesn't kill hacks. Even opens up some nice team play with Symmetra.
>Roadhog can heal 300 hp without being interrupted
>A 1 damage reaper pellet can interrupt your hack
Dva, no contest

>tfw D'va
No and they probably will never be. Although at this rate they might be saving them for White Day (Japanese Holiday where people give chocolates to close friends/family)
Nice bod, horrible face
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>Tfw I'm that healer
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Rudeness against Pharah is a bannable offense.
>tfw I actually recognize that fart
Why is her head so tiny?
Can someone explain to me why reaper can't phase through doors or tracer blip through doors?

There's no way they're gonna have an 11 year old on the battlefield. Blizz will not risk OW's T rating.
Because it's the default Pharah head swapped onto a generic naked brown body instead of being modeled with Pharah in mind from the start
fuck off
she's going to be some kind of support character for Doomfist in lore, but never seen in-game

>specifying healslut
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I wouldn't go as far as that other anon but her in-game face is superior.
>stuck with comptards who have been glued to their screen playing widowmaker since closed beta last year

seriously, comp is a containment game mode for tryhards
The actual teleport act takes like a second, so if you wait to long to use it, you can theoretically get killed in transit. Has happened to me so many times
Apparently Deflect stops Hook. Never knew that.
And an edgelord is born.
what would Guts' loadout be?

Donald Duck having a stroke
Can i just play off-season without having to worry about anything being registered ? Just want to chill out, played for literally 4 hours on cuck play and got literally 0 decent games. I'm tilted as fuck. Maybe it was the influx of garbage when off-season wasn't activated. QP is not good, but today's session was fucking disgusting.
>she looks the exact same
really makes me think
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shouldn't she be using peanut butter
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Fuck Griffith
quick play is literally cancer and has been for months
I haven't played quick play since they made it 1 class limit, how's it like now.
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>was gold for awhile but never really tried, loved playing S76, Lucio, Road, Torb
>usually just filled in comp
>last week been focusing on comp because I want my fucking golden weapon already
>was placed at 1700 beginning of season, was 2050 a week ago
>jumped up to 2890 yesterday, borderline diamond solo queing as S76 and occasionally Lucio

I wouldn't say I main either but these are the 4 I always play, should I get a gun for Lucio or Solider? Or neither and find a "main"?

What do.
Uh oh, looks like someone got a 3 day vacation
I actually think it's same as always.

80% doesn't really care about the objective and just do fuck all.
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so I just got enough coins in a lootbox along with a gold Roadhog skin.

Now, Captain Amari or Horus?
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Are they changing anything about how placements/ranks work again? If not, what's the point of seasons? They're already more than comfortable with adding shit to the balance mid-season.
Don't think they've said anything yet
>what's the point of seasons?
gun points

a reason for people to play comp more than 10 times ever

Both are great but Horus looks better with the gold weapon
Why would they need to change anything about placements?

You are where your skill sets you
that's an awfully lewd expression
If it's between Lucio and 76 I'd definitely say 76. Just go with whoever you enjoy the most.
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My Reality.jpg
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Does an Ana version of this picture exist? I was gonna make one since i can't find one
White Day is more or less exclusive to Japan, though, isn't it? Do you think they'll add in lines if it's only for three or four people (Genji, Mercy, Hanzo, and potentially another character if they're getting shipteased with Hanzo)?
Server browser when? Game is getting tooo fucking boring
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>close friends
That's all Genji will ever be to Angela
wait does that thing mean I can choose what brawl I want to play?
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Here you go fampai
>no clean shaven pretty boy
unacceptable, even Lucio has facial hair.
Can someone please explain to me why everyone hates shadman? I just never understood the reason behind all the anger as it was never mentioned in any threads he came up in.
Fareeha PLEASE respect Angela's restraining order or she will have to call your mother.
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Yeah. We're pretty close
>liking twinks

pleb tastes
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que onda
Because Hanzo is also Japanese? Plus he and Genji were supposed to have a line about Hanzo getting chocolates, so there was at least something.
>liking fuccbois

if you can contain your salt a bit more effectively Pharah, you might be able to season the leftover rice that Genji and Mercy bring you!
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>we will never get casual skins
Just because a man has no hair on his face and is young does not mean he is any less of a man. Fuck off.
Junk is the closest thing to sexually attractive.

Mcskillet is as "manly" as I'm willing to go and that's only in part because of his autism
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>worst waifu
>worst skin
>worst decision
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Thank you kindly
I thought that's what her normal darts were made from
it took me a few secodns to realize who that girl was

mercy actually looks sort of cute when she's not in dumb cosplay
Junkrat is ugly as fuck. Mccree looks like a hobo
He still has some kind of 5 o'clock shadow I think
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That's still a terrible skin. She needs something decent soon
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>Genji's robotic dick short circuits, explodes like a grenade and the resulting pressure wave injures Mercy's face
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Found the non-white.
>worst skin
>not odile
>Junkrat is ugly as fuck

>Mccree looks like a hobo
you say that like it's a bad thing
Found the amputee fetishist.
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Anytime. Have a Pharah edit
scratch that maybe it's just the hairdo, i still think she looks dumb in this
Tfw I've considered making that outfit but scared as hell to try bodypaint
Tracer a flat, FLAT

Rest assured Mercy did "extensive testing" of all of Genji's cybernetics. ;^)
>not wanting McHobo to fuck you behind the dumpsters
yeah she really needs something, i really only use it because of the gun, it's silver and gold with the swirls and wings, real nice actually
He's got a 5 o'clock shadow, it's just hard to see because of his hair color.
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I actually did ask for this.png
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While I technically have an amputee fetish I only have it in regards that I project myself onto the amputated person so other people can have control over my body.
What does playing comp right now actually accomplish?
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>Not going for Rein levels of manly

baby tastes
McNugget is handsome in the rugged way. Junkrat doesn't even look human.
Why did they nerf the amount of points you get from diamond tier? im still 700 away from 3K
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>manufactured by Samsung
They both suck but odile's colours are less straining on the eyes to me.
Odette is snow white and Widows skin colour is light blue, so we have two very bright colours that don't work together all that well.
The idea behind not over-incentivizing Competitive Play is to keep casual players out of it, not the other way around

Imagine if everyone who normally stuck to QP jumped into Competitive just to grind for the newest shiny thing they added

They want you to have a "competitive" mindset in competitive. Lord knows it's already bad enough with throwers and people trying to game SR
Absolutely nothing
>my shitty internet connection is not a factor
>Decayed from 3100 to 3000 because I forgot.

Shit. I'm fucked for S4 placements. I couldve just coasted into diamond again.
>Imagine if everyone who normally stuck to QP jumped into Competitive just to grind for the newest shiny thing they added
I honestly don't know why they added golden guns and made them comp-exclusive. I sure as shit couldn't care less about competitive but I still have to play 10 games of it every few months.
i like the color scheme on odile, but the gun is ugly as sin, especially gold. on the other hand, Odette is meh, but the gun is beautiful, again especially gold
got golden sym just now, have enough for another gold but don't know who to get... guess I'll just save it though.
I'm not sure the system takes decay into account

Don't people who start playing again after decaying tend to gain back what they lost fairly quickly
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Why do you think the Meka has self destruct?
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I don't like mccree's type of handsomness. I like clean shaven well put togheter men.
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drive by.jpg
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Animated short about D.Va's adventures in Junkertown when?
>he has autism because he's not a fuccboi

Do you faggots even know what the word means anymore?
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How many mouse pad lengths should it take me to rotate 360 degrees?
>>he has autism because he's not a fuccboi
I'm not being literal with autism, I meant that he's a wild westaboo in 2070 and doesn't seem incredibly smart.
What sort of hero would even be like that
What kind of abilities would he have
good idea
Don't forget her ult
>turning Reinhardt from a Merkel into a Rommel
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McCree is a hobo.
Pretty much. With the decay example you could drop from 4k to 3k but when you start playing again it'll match you with current 4k people because it knows that's what you actually are.
You know that guy has facial hair?
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Are we going to make 5 new threads at once before hitting the bump limit again?
i dont fap
>fuck about in QP in between sessions with stack
>play and defend well
>your turn to attack, time for fun
>entire enemy team fucks off and the game's retarded servers just put you back into a queue

>I like clean well shaven men
>Posts a guy with more facial hair than strike commander
360, duh
>an American is a cowboy that makes him an autist

Just like how the Japanese men being a samurai and a ninja makes them autists, right? Or the British woman using British terms makes her an autist.
Did they at least fix that no EXP bug that comp practice had before S3
Why does he look pretty decent in the game but always looks like utter dog shit in any official medium outside of it?
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>Am I missing something?
Probably 100% of your darts and grenades
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not expand dong.jpg
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>4 gold medals as Winston
>get card for objective kills
>not testing the cyberdick with toys and underpaid hookers before trying it out yourself
you've gotta be better than this, anon
Holy shit, that pocket bitch is actually hilarious
>>an American is a cowboy that makes him an autist
In 20 fucking 70 yea it does.

>Just like how the Japanese men being a samurai and a ninja makes them autists, right?
Yes. But again I wasn't using autist literally, callt hem weirdos or whatever you want.

Hanzo being a muh honor fag is weird, genji was normal before he got through the wood chipper
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he's bad at drawing
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I like the Huntress a lot.
Mostly because I can't take a character seriously that has blue skin, don't get me wrong I don't have a problem with fantasy races having odd skin colours like Orcs or Draenei from WoW, but in a world were everyone is suppost to be a human or some omnic fucker that just looks so out of place. Also I like the clothing Widow wears with that skin. I mean her vanilla outfit looks like some kind of fetish scuba gear. I really don't see the appeal of her character.
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Because he is blonde and in real life most men will always have a bit of hair. But compare that to this. I don't like this type.
childhood is idolizing matt bomer. adulthood is realizing that jason statham makes more sense
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>Body paint when you can just pick Odile.
He's an overrated shitty artist that tries his best to be edgy just to have more views. Cancer
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>"ch-ch-cheers luv, w-welcome home..." Lena submissively whimpered upon Emily's return to their apartment
>"I-I'm sorry luv b-but I burnt the fish head haggis pie n chips casserole a-again, please don't be angr-"
>"That's fucking it, this is the LAST fucking straw Lena!" Emily screamed, slamming Lena's face into the counter
>"E-Emily, I'm s-sorry..."
>You're SORRY? You're fucking SORRY? You're goddamned right you're sorry you useless cunt!" Emily screamed
>"I work hard all fucking night and then I have to come home to another fucking burnt meal, what the fuck CAN you do? Can you lick pussy? NO YOU CAN'T EVEN LICK PUSSY RIGHT YOU USELESS SLUT" she said
>grabbing Lena by the throat she began to choke while screaming obscenities
>"I'm *gargle* s--sor--*gasp* ry" Lena struggled to say
>"OH SO YOU'RE STILL SORRY? I'LL MAKE YOU SORRY BITCH!" Emily slams Lena's face in the still piping hot casserole, she screams and collapses on the floor in agony
>Lena trembles in a stew of blood and charred casserole on the floor
>"S-she loves me, I should've done a better job for her" she thought as she pulled herself up and began cleaning and preparing another mealaning and preparing another meal
/tv/ please leave
She's not some sort of fantasy race or anything, but she's not really an ordinary human anymore either
his art style is bad and he frequently draws bad things (see: hiloli clinton) but the hate on him is like 30% meme. He's shit and all but he's not even that bad compared to some other more obscure people
from the Moon
>it's the fucking future, why hasn't everyone abandoned their countries' histories and identities?!

It's 2017, why hasn't the world abandoned everything from the 17th and 18th centuries? Is the entire world autistic to you? Are you the only sane one because you'll abandon your past and history because you think it makes you autistic?
When will Emily be kidnapped by Talon and made into Windowmaker 2.0?
To prevent the North from stealing military technology/secrets.
Yeah but he looks like a monkey and not some kind of Pokemon with buring fur that is painted red with orange sprinkles
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12KB, 394x463px
all the, smol thinks
true car, truth brinks
i'll take, 1 lift
u're ride, best trip

always, i no
my head, bea-ry smol
watchin, waitin
footy, is wigglin

say my head smol, i will not go
turn the lites off, this is smol board

smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol! smol!
smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol! smol!
smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol! smol!
smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol-smol, smol! smol!
>knocking up foes
How would this work against male/omnic characters?
Never. Because Emily was actually a sleeper agent for Talon the whole time.

she ends up legit falling in love with Lena and kills herself out of grief
Cyanosis is a real thing, my man. With sci-fi tech it would be plausible for a person to live in that state.
I always fantasized about having a really masculine full beard bf but when you actually kiss a man with a full beard and you notice how shitty and rough it feels.
can we get a mercy in spiderman pajamas?
waow how trendy
that's more believable than mercy rezzing people
Well it's some kind of tsunami wave made of a shitty energy drink
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3MB, 1920x1080px
Hopefully not any time soon because there's plenty more important things to focus on than Tracer's throwaway girlfriend
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>why hasn't the world abandoned everything from the 17th and 18th centuries?
We have, what the fuck are you on about.
Are you me?
Because that's exactly like a person with blue skin from being scienced upon and having her body made cold.

Get help. Seriously.
How many times I gotta tell you
>want reapers golden guns
>but i barely play him because hes useless

We haven't, actually. You'd know this if you did more than play video games and sperg out our stupid shit on Japanese image boards.
Theres people that still wear cowboy clothes you stupid cunt.
>We haven't, actually.
Please tell me where I can find the local cowboy enthusiast club or legitimate ninja group in japan.
>evil redhead british spy hero
Should I get Ana's Captain Amari skin, Phara's Thunderbird, or Symmetra's Architect? I've only got enough for one
if you knew where a legit ninja group was they wouldn't be very legit would they
Not him but some Arabs today still dress in those long white dresses.
Does anyone else have an issue where the highlights don't update? like I got a POTg that I wanted to save, but it only shows the first 5 matches that I played today.
>local cowboy enthusiast club

Literally any bar in Wyoming
Rodeos, dude ranches, cattle and sheep ranches, cowboy bars and restaurants.
I'd say Thunderbird because it's one of my favorites and Ana has a great cheaper skin in Merciful.
>evil redhead british spy hero who, unlike windowmaker, is an actual antagonist to the game's mascot
If you go to the rural areas of almost any country you can find cowboy attire. Nearly everything a cowboy wears is just practical attire.
Wide brim hats, jeans, leather chaps, belts, shirts, boots with stirrups. All ordinary stuff for anyone that works rurally.
>Tracer kills her
>"You always snored anyways!"

potential for bantz would be pretty up there
>TFW Symmetra keeps pressing M1 at me
why do you struggle
I live like twenty minutes from Phoenix and I see cowboys like every other day.
At this point, if I miss my sleep dart, I dust accept death.
>blink through her as Tracer
>the beam STILL is locked on to me
>it's going over her fucking shoulder

>/v/ has at least three threads about the new girl and all of them have been /pol/ ragefests

If I can applaud Blizzard for one thing it's providing wonderful entertaining shows from the mouth-breathing retards and idiots.
>tfw people complain about W+M1 Pyro in TF2
>They don't know the true W+M1 ruler
His primary would be a submachine gun
This. Arizona in general is pretty Old West-y, especially in the suburbs where the farmland and neighborhoods bump right up on the desert. It's not all that unusual to see people straight up riding horses on our biking trails.
neither should reaper be stomping around despite thematically being a wraith

its game balance
>Throw translocator when about to be pushed by Lucio
>Go a foot over the edge and activate
>Still fall
What the fuck is this thing even for then?
or the entirety of central to southern California
parts of New Mexico are the same way, and that's where McCree is from as well.

Additionally, fuck Trump and fuck white people.
>Not yelling out phrases and technique names like an anime
In Australia anyone that is outside of the cities is either cowboy-lite or full cowboy.
>live in New Mexico
>almost every day there's hot topless cowboys walking and riding around town

Come on, Blizzard, give McCree a costume where he's topless, nothing sexier than a half-bare cowboy.
>you can now no longer upload images on 4chan

Oh christ

Well, I suppose it all evens out in the end. Trump's supplied enough tears to last decades.
So is this new girl the new Hero? Is this a red herring?
>upload failed 10 times

>there are more people whining about /pol/ than there are /pol/ posts in those threads
Really fires those neurons
What if I told you the people upsetting you were not white...
It's a spider robot drone thing with the little girl either piloting it or with her consciousness in it.
She's eleven so if she is a hero she's probably going to stay in spawn or just not be in the game itself, but instead you play a robot she created.
>need to upload new image to start a thread
rip owg
or it's an AI she designed, that article mentioned someone about her being good at that too.

Also does anyone else get the feeling she's not surviving that plane ride
So the robot being an African spider is an Anansi reference right?
What about the white people who don't like Trump, and the non-whites that do like Trump?
Reminder that the rules specifically state that /pol/ shit needs to stay in /pol/. /pol/tards don't give a shit about rules, though, and non-/pol/tards have gotten sick of their shit.
Is farming a big thing out there? That was the impression I got from what I've seen in videos, in which case it'd make sense.
It takes virtually nothing to trigger a liberal and have them crying for years.
uh huh
Have you forgotten how we handled a lesbian relationship being cannon and an interracial relationship being strongly implied?
>identity politics bullshit to simulate people caring about you
>can't post images
No the WAIFUS.
Yeah lots of farming, cattle, horses all that.
>Also does anyone else get the feeling she's not surviving that plane ride
Now what's the next step of Blizzard's master plan?
>Hiro is finally killing /vg/
So why cant you tumblr cancer stop bringing it up? You even post clumsy bait posts hoping for it.
Is it just /vg/, or is this happening elsewhere?
not just /vg/

all the other boards are having the same problem

which means that no one can create new threads which means threads won't die ever
it's a punishment for waifu posting. we all know it.
oh fuck its going to be a dog AI

>waiting for its master to return
Probably someone is spamming something nasty so they shutdown pics.
This doesn't make any sense.
>blizzard kills off the little african girl
>but you can play as her dog!!
Yes it does.
Spider will be a Nerubian reference. Betting it will fire a net gun that is a hard counter to flying heroes.

I won't give up
>a Nerubian reference

>who is Anansi
It could just be the site shitting itself. I've had posts go weird from sudden connection errors before, maybe that's what's happening?
>flying heroes

what, all one of them?
Not a blizzard game reference.
Yeah, we totally need another Pharah counter.
Well there was a spider-tank robot in some early concept art, it will probably look more like a Tachikoma than anything else. Maybe the Nerubian shit will be a skin
because Overwatch is FILLED with blizzard references
Technically Mercy flies with aid of Pharah. Then Dva can fly in bursts.
Finally Genji sort of flies around.
But maybe there will be more flying heroes.
[Picture of porn of your favorite hero]
Is there some Zenyatta porn?
x is not for lewd!!!
Reported. Shame on you anon.
hot post more!
Yes anon. Its a Blizzard game.
The small leaked pic makes it look like a scifi Nerubian. Also the Nerubuan hero in war3 and Hots is essentially a tank.
[Picture of my GASM]
what is this s4s shitpost doing here?
[reaction image of loli vomiting]
you gayfags are disgusting
[An image of the one hero you think is pure, in a lewd position]
Liberals can't imagine them existing, which is why they lost 2016. None of them thought Trump winning one out of every 3 latinos was impossible.

And for some reason they thought they could obsess with and base their entire cause on identity politics and never figured whites suddenly might consider their own identity the way liberals did with minorities.
>8 (You)s in a minute and a half
Is it GOOD porn, at least?
In case you didn't notice, no one can upload pictures, ergo no one can make a new thread.
[Image of Morrison and Reyes cuddling]

Have you accepted the new canon yet?
>only play Overwatch once a week anymore to get arcade boxes through 3v3
>out of the blue friend invites me for some quick play
>think sure alright I haven't played an actual game in a while
>it's the least fun in a game I've had in months
>remember why I stopped playing

holy moses there's just so much potential for cancer
Fareeha is pure! Delet that!
[insert image of favorite hero in a normal happy situation]
X is pure! PURE!
Shitters cant hit Pharah.
Wow I didn't think Zenyatta could fit that in there. Hope Torbjorn's okay.
>The girl everyone happy touched in Overwatch

l o l
I'm thinking like a non-satanic spider mastermind.
Finally 4chan dies.
Most liberals who aren't retarded (haha yes very funny quite an oxymoron) hated the identify politics shit and everything hillary was doing but hillary being a crook was one of the only /pol/ memes that was actually real so she had the party nomination and was a shitbag from then to the election.
Quick, post shadman while mods aren't looking.
[picture of someone else's waifu]

Stupid nickname edition

When did Season 3 end?

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Additional PTR changes coming

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


Old: >>169037289

Welcome to the new thread.
[screenshot of a golden gun]

So which gun did you get, anon?
Shit OP desu
>no true scotsman
[McHanzo image #47]
[Picture of all OW men, naked and exposed]

Claim your husbando!
Back to basics! We 2ch nao.
[Posts picture of Reyes and Morrison kissing]

I love and support them!

new thread
Enjoy your 3 day vacation anon
[Picture of nice Efi fanart]

I hope she at least voices her robot and has a witty personality. Efi a cute.
[Picture of the 24th hero]


[webm of Tracer}
why cant i make a new thread is moot retarded
[Smug anime girl #7]

You cheeky cunt
I didn't even do "no true scotsman" you idiot, that would be me saying "Real liberals" or something idiotic. There's a fuck ton of retarded liberals, probably in the majority from all I know.
[Picture of sweaty Reinhardt wearing sports clothing]

I claim Reinhardt
I want Reaper to shove his shotgun up my ass and kill me.
Reunited with Ana when?
[Tracer farting in Reaper's face]
[picture of Tracer and Emily]

Junkrat! What do we do when this thread gets archived?
>No images
>Thread quality shoots through the roof

What did gook moot mean by this?
[laughing man]

nu /vg/ is funni
Finally a white male villain character.
someone just make the fucking thread already jesus christ
We can't you cunt
[Picture of Winston and Tracer]

When's that bitch Emily gonna butt out of the game's best true love/friendship?
>implying "identity politics" isn't just doublespeak for "civil rights" because no politician can just outright say they're against civil rights
why not
[Picture of Efi with a turban bearing the Overwatch logo]

[smug pepe]
>tfw you learn /vg/'s spray pattern
Anon where did you find this image, Only 1 copy exists and its mine.
Are you blind? That is CLEARLY a bigender Afro-Arab planetkin, you shitlord.
[picture of Efi]
Local man not paying attention.
[the only known manga of Dva being fucked by her Meka]
[Picture of Soldier 76 getting his hole teased open. He's squirming and pretending to resist but anyone can tell he needs it. Reaper is above him, the tip of his cock ready to claim him just like he used to. He whispers "Need me that bad... huh boyscout?"]

[Picture of Sombra with Huge Forehead]
>tfw too intelligent for images and spraying routines
[Pepe image 37]

>Americans waking up
>Thread quality goes down

Makes you think
Sorry anon, I had to hack into your computer because I just love Reinhardt so much.
A hope I didn't caused any damage or inconvenience
[vampire Symmetra in suggestive pose]

Vampire Symmetra is hungry, do you offer your neck??
>posting pepe
>on our blue board
Don't you know Pepe is anti-semitic anon?
[Widowmaker webm]

As long as that image is going to someone who also loves Reinhardt as much as I do, I am okay with that.
because we drifted away from waifuposting and got into /pol/ shit again
Funny how civil rights somehow became "give me money, programs and education for committing violent crimes and border jumping"
Not anymore.
quadruped omnic tank sounds fucking cool
[A picture of Penn Jillette putting a picture of Widowmaker into a trashbin]

Know your place
Happening in /v/ too.
[Picture of 76 wiping away sweat]

Delete this
[Kang with spaceship pyramids]

How is that balance? Spy didn't announce himself when he decloaked. There was a sound but you had to listen for it. Why can't it be the same here?
[Rainbow array of smug Widowmakers]

I need the smugberry.
[Next Overwatch Event]

Wow I hope Genji and Mercy's daughter who time traveled from the future will be a good hero, she looks cute.
>tfw you'll never taste the smugbow
so the site's literally broken?

way to fucking go hiroshimoot
[leaked doomfist ult webm]

I can't believe it's a 1 punch kill ult don't they realize how broken that is
[unrelated instagram bobby pic]

does doomfast need buffs he sucks heh
[reaction pic of startled dog]
[Picture of McCree]
Jesse McCree.
[Pharah picture]

>Letting Doomfist get near you

Hello silver
[porn that I quickly drew up of Efi]

[soldier]Ill post later[soldier/]
Holy smokes that new McCree skin is awesome
I can't believe you're into fatties.
When the fuck are they going to get rid of Link Summons, holy shit.

Oh wait, wrong game.
Widow is too smug for any man. At best we can hope to breath in her lush farts.
I can't wait until we find out who responded to the Recall
>still no widowmaker skin

Don't give a shit
>widow will never flatulate into your mouth

Why live?
Nice to be working with you Jesse mccree

If that is your real name

Excuse you the term is THICC, she inherited Genji's ass!
>Genji pre-robot-body was actually a 350 pound greasy arcade dweller.
Possessive Reaper is best Reaper
>tfw you're the Amélie and Fareeha poster
[Smug Ana.jpg]
>Widowkeks still haven't gotten a new skin
Chatted with a tech cuck about 4chan being broken. He responded with "oh no".

Expect to wait a while if our thread goes down
I'm lolin'
you just know this "[image description]" posting isn't going to stop when the images are back.
It's going to be the next thing like pepes or bait images
[le nyx assassin kills SF with carapace gif]
[Picture of the new leaked comic page. Top left corner has Jack and Gabe leaving the same bed together and complaining that it's too early in the morning.]


[Picture of Widowmaker in meme sweater]
I want to hug the smug.
It's like they forgot they made that short. Lore really went downhill after Chu.
how do you contact the tech cuckies
Yeah I can't wait to get my hands on that sweet new Ana skin
Don't know what you heard

But my name's not Joel.

Best remember that.

[cute Junkrat fan art]
Jamison Fawkes!
I cant believe it took this long for blackwatch mccree and deadlock rebel mccree legendaries to be released
I can't believe Reinhardt is dead.
[Niggress cp]

What went right?
Enjoy the syphilis, frenchie
...../||||||||"""""""""""""""""""""""""""||||||||\ YOU HAVE
....|||||||/......................................\||||| JUST BEEN
....\|||||||.......................................||||/ VISITED BY
../\|||||||...._-====.........====-_....||||||||/ THE GHOST
..\...|||||..........<o>../..|..\..<o>.........|||| OF BILLY
...\_|||||.................|...|...|................||||| MAYS
......|||||.........___'-.___.-'___..........|||| HE WILL HAUNT
......||||\..../,,,||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||,,,\./|||| YOU IF YOU DONT
......\|||||\__\\\\\________/////__/||||/ POST THIS ON 3
........\||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||/ OTHER PEOPLES
..........""\||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||/""" WALLS
[Picture of McCree shirtless]
This is your Huckleberry for tonight.
I somehow think miniskirt Ana is a mistake
about to hit the 1k replies.
>tracer is still the only person to respond to recall

Thanks for all the holiday comics, Chu.
[sad pepe]
Every time someone picks him I get feels.
[Picture of seductive-eyed Mei]
When's Blizzard giving us our next T H I C C ?
Delet immediately
Nobody can make one because images are kill.

>tfw no Pharah gf
[Disgusted Mercy.jpg]


[Picture of Winston, Tracer and Emily]

Anon leave her alone, they all get along really well and she loves spending time with Winston!
Fair enough, but business casual Ana is my favorite, simple but beautiful.
>tfw our ironic shitposting isn't too different from our normal activity
[Picture of sexy ninja man]
I need healing.


wats going on
[Image of Starbucks]
Who #VentiChaiLatte here?
The fuck are you people doing?
So have you gotten the genderbend skins for your main yet /owg/? It only takes 10 consecutive wins on capture the flag.
Gook moot turned off picture uploading for some tests.
Thus, you can't post pics, and also you can't make new threads.

When are they going to get rid of the 6 tank meta?

Making a healing tank was a mistake.

What shitposting? This is your avarge /owg/ thread
Trying to waifupost until we can post images again
What do we do when we 404?
[screenshot of Junkrat smiling]
No, but that's okay! I don't need a genderbend skin because he's already perfect to me!

invade other threads
>keep em out for harambe
What did he mean by this?
That's currently impossible, as no new threads are being made.

A thread can't be bumped off if no new thread is made.
[image of pharah]
wow she is good look at her yes
Play the actual game
[cute picture of D.va]

hana is not for lewds
[Smug Sombra image]
Sombra hacked the site in revenge for her not being competitive in the game.
So he's just testing something? Has anyone figured out how long it'll take?
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Who's dick is this?
>it's a "teammate refuses to switch from the character he sucks with" episode

The dragon becomes me!


i recognize that dick
not yours
>it's an "anon assumes everybody they play with is male" episode
Which Overwatch girl has the best farts?
go to paragon general, it was just made before the error
[That picture of Tracer seductively leaning over D.Va in a bunkbed during the Recall]
D.Va is a total slut for Tracer and Tracaer's girlcock.
Isn't that dead already.






/tv/: The Movie!
Remember when doomfist was a mandatory pick?

They sure nerfed him into the ground.
girls are icky
[spooky skeleton]

Holy shit, look at Reaper's new skin.
Where do we invade?
At least we know that this dick doesn't belong to anyone from Code Geass, because no one in Code Geass has a penis.
person who 404s gets cum-covered cookie
[Tracer and Winston watching movies together]

So seriously these two are getting an animated series any month now right?
PLs hiro stop plsssssssssssss
No new threads can be made so we should be fine
paragon general
[picture of Sombra and D.VA at the mall]
Post canon.
If no new threads can be made then it wont be 404d you mongs
Girls suck at video games. If my teamate is doing terrible, I assume it's a girl.
[picture of me cosplaying as Mercy]
S-so, w-who wants a s-support?
[Image of Geno with Kallen]
You know this fuckboy's been making moves since Zero's death and that he'll be cucked by Lelouch when he comes back
>tfw you can't post pictures of her
>tfw I have no face


are we kill
Remember back in Blizzcon 2017 how they went so far to prove that Pharah was pure that they had a 1 hour presentation telling us the story of her teenage-hood, what drove her to avoid masturbation along with some x-rays that showed how her hymen was completely intact?
That was pretty fine.
{hieroglyph of a nude Hanzo and Mcree embracing.}

You know what to do. post those hunky boys!
[webm of mercy trying to Rez gabe reyes]

She didn't know!!! She didn't know...
[Image of Tracer happiy hugging Winston's face/neck]
They are too pure for any writer to do the justice. And Chu still wants to use the bitch Emily in the story, so no thanks.
[screaming pepe]


i masturbated furiously to the cosplay contest
About time if you ask me
[scroll of Reinhart shirtless]
yooo this guy gets it
We 1000+ posts now boys
you're fucking kidding. what's going on here?
Now that's what I am talking about
[Image of the cotton candy being dead inside from Tomo's bad fashion choices]
Post your Season 4 participation color

I played 400 games and got onyx

I'm so happy that they switched it up and dropped skill ratings
[Picture of Symmetra]
I want to lick her spicy thighs.
The only other image that's been posted is a bane image
Played 500 games and still only got peridot. Feels bad
Stop you did great I only got cream but I only did placements and stopped comp
Of course it is
If theres one thing I hate more than Torb, its people who pick him.
Really, I played at least 650+ games and all I got was red with grey stripes

"Sombra, please lay off the burritos. I may be a decomposing corpse, but that smells pretty bad"
Too hot for you?
Oh gosh I wish I could make top 50,000
The Taco Bell promotion skin for Sombra was a mistake
I'm so glad they removed Hanzo from the game after season 5.
Hiro punishing me for all the blooposting. Maybe I should stop.
*unzips dick*
[Image of Winston, Tracer and Emily drinking at a Bar]

Well at least Emily warmed up to him. It was bullshit when she tried to pull that "it's him or me" bullshit on Tracer, at least Tracer stood up for him and patched things out.
[fat white girl in tights booty clapping]

[Sombra wearing a sombrero]
Sombra hacked the site so we can't post images or make new threads.
Dude, quiet! You forgot that they haven't reached that point in this timeline yet.
[Pharah pouting]
Where is Bane?
hey guys do the poles of the signs count in captcha
[flashy potg webm]
Yeah but removing the Night Ops: 76 and Commando: 76 skin was fucking stupid now that they added 25 different Vietcong heroes
>Overwatch question in Jeopardy
[Pharah toast victory pose]

Why is she so perfect bros?
what was it

[Image of Symmetra doing that hand cinching thing from that porn video]
Just gameplay of mercy getting a 5 man res and asking what game is this clip from.
What was the question? Also video?
>You'll receive mercy from Mercy in this game, and maybe, just maybe, you'll get the play of the game

Apparently nobody got it.
Funny thing is when they first introduced those skins in beta it actually made 76 invisible so they had to disable them.
I have no fucking idea. I've submitted captcha's where I've missed images of what it told me to click on that went through.At this point I think you can click on anything and it registers.
I don't crossboard post a lot I think this is how you do it.
[flashy potg]
Yeah but it still sucks that you didn't get your Overwatch credits refunded or at least a new glove-skin
Nice Q faggot
Try landing a better Doomfist ult after he got nerfed after season 5
[Young Ana holding her gun like a newborn baby]

Whats /owg/ having for dinner?
[smug green frog]

Any chance they add another weapon type other than gold?

I just got 3,000 for the first time and I'm not sure what character to get
[low quality /pol/ bait]
>implying doomfist takes skill
[Image of laughing Tracer and Winston along with a jar of peanut butter]
Having fun in bronze scrub. Wouldn't have worked anywhere else.
[Ana holding a teacup]

It runs in the family.
Fuck off Hanzo

>no ana wife and fareeha daughter

Why live
[Image of Tracer falling on Widowmaker and voreing her with her anus]
[Sparkly-eyed anime D.Va]
I'm saving this awoo.
[Gentleman dressed in a blue polo shirt and cargo pants with his thumbs hooked under his belt stands in front of an airplane]

Oh yeah

1v1 me

at Mars Colony: Andromeda
enjoy your 3-day vacation anon!
this shit is spooky as fuck boys. 4chan might be dead for good this time.
When not investigating Overwatch, Jack's home life is an alcoholic drug-fueled miasma of stagnant depression punctuated only by the brief embrace of unconsciousness in a single bedroom apartment.

We won't get archived r-right?
No because no image uploading means you can't make new threads.
Anahart > Ana76
>mars colony
>not ecopoint: madagascar

Nice try
Can someone post Yeah!?
Auto-archiving has been a thing for many years
I thought threads get automatically archived once bump limit is reached?
Should- should we.. play Overwatch?
AnaCanadian, Reaper76, Gency, WidowGerard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all other non-canon "ships"
That makes me wonder when I last saw MARKED FOR DELETION (OLD)
Image posting is back up, everyone F5
[spoilered image of Tracer being physically abused by Widowmaker]
Sure thing luv.
There was an error communicating with the Steam servers. Please try again later."

The internet is officially over. Pack it up lads.
I'm pretty sure Jack literally runs on pure PTSD at this point. Like, the moment he stops moving toward something his past will catch up to him and destroy his mind.
They get archived as soon as a thread is made dude. All the archives just scrape threads.
Dude, Ana76 is so predicable and boring... It won't happen right?

What bump limit means is that the thread stops being bumped and slowly falls through the pages, same as when no one posts in them, and the same happens when they get archived.
They slowly ''die''.
Oh haven't read the new patchnotes yet?

Ecopoint: Madagascar is currently not in the map pool because they wanted to rgive it a little "facelift"

There was a blue-post 20 minutes ago

But we could also play on Exclusion Zone Pripyat
[cat with a blank stare] Holy shit is this the apocalypse?
Should I goldwep Junkrat or Memepig?
He broke in to steal his gun and stuff but I wonder if he's done anything else in the last six years. If that's supposed to be him in the reflections photo then he has white hair there so it was in that time frame.
[image of Winston mid Primal Rage]

fuck you nigger shill probably stuck in bronze 5'1"
[Image of laughing Ana styled after laughing Tom Cruise meme]
>this guy
>unlock his no mask alt costume
>expect a broken weathered man
>he looks like a normal, charismatic, confident dad

Works on my machine
Streetpig, the golden hook looks hella rad
I hope not, Ana deserves better than someone who can't let go of their past.
>new character literally looks like a monkey nigger

yfw we've discussed more Overwatch in the last thread than in every general since the game came out
Steams working fine for me
>play Overwatch?
>nunca serás chantajeado por Sombra
Also 76 x Gabe is the only canon ship
The rapidness with which the meme of [describe picture in brackets] was picked up is astounding.
Again? I remember the controversy over the first one and I do not want to deal with that again.
good choice
Do you want a golden hook that reaches out and blinds everyone with its beauty as it pulls your prey into memepigs tender nipples

or do you want a gold gun that no one sees because junkrat hides behind walls anyway
[Gentleman shrugging]
We literally have nothing left.
>Nunca vas a chantajear a Sombra
>people think they would reveal a character like this
>after Sombra
what the fuck is wrong with you people? o_o
[image of confused anime girl]
so which one did you decide on?
a lot
honestly, every board is doing it. im not sure if it spread really fast or we all just think alike, but either way its impressive
The golden anchor alone is miles better than any of junkrats golds desu.
Well I mean everyone forgot how to post images in ASCII so what else do we have now
Look at that hair!
I'm still staring at the hero page.
>Exclusion Zone Pripyat

I'm of hopings when you die it says "Lost to the Zone."
we're still trying to figure that one out
Oi ye wonna fockin take this outside mate?
I bash your fockin 'ead in mate
I swear on me mum.
Think. What causes more tilt than getting hooked? Getting spanked by a GOLDEN hook. Then you can take advantage of your opponent's emotionally vulnerable state and potentially win more games.

Psychological warfare, yo.
We are truly a hivemind

refer to >>169061602
I tried to post ASCII but the system thought it was spam.
>not double jumping over chokepoints and raining shit down on the enemy team

do you even garbage mouse
>bastion buffs and server browser going live the same day as s4

Hopefully nothing goes wrong
[screencap of hero usage]

Post your hours here
Streetpig, I'm telling you

[extensive hours as Hanzo, Widowmaker and Genji with a sub-3000 rating]
[screencap of upside down mercy 420 hours played thats posted every fucking thread]
The whole point of people flaming someone for using emoticons was that this is an image board so there's no reason for them

with images gone I say we should now be able to use them freely


Why the fuk are my teammates so retarded
>50+ hours on both Hanzo and Widow
Literally kys
[50+ hours on Ana, Lucio and Mercy, with Reinhardt clocking in at 35+ hours]
I got a warning for typing xD ironically so forgive me for being a little hesitant. :)
penis cuck poopies lol :D
i think teh board is better this way >:3c
When will blizz let us mod the game.

I want to insert those nude models
[Harrison Ford with a sign that says "Hello Redit"]

like 10x

Waifufags BTFO, artfags BTFO, shitposters BTFO

Game discussion at all time highs
I fucking hate Mercy
she is CANON a slut
its a custom server option
Who's fucking terrible idea was this?
>somehow became
lol, look at the anti-CR rhetoric used in the 50s and 60s
>Our general has the second highest posts

We're doing it
Best /owg/ ever.

Welcome to a post-pizzagate 4chan
How many posts will we reach before images are bak up?
[image of lucio dancing to the beat]
Can't stop, won't stop
*widens eyes like in that one jackie chan meme*
lets go for 2000

have we gone further before?
How to fix images tutorial
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ [embed]
The only game I ever played with nude models was Rugrats on the PSX
better yet how many new threads are we going to have from people thinking they need to be the one to do it.
>[Embed] [embed]
thank you embeded preview feature
*post Gamergate 4chan
What's the current conspiracy theory for why we can't waifupost?
who had the biggest baby dick?
aw dangit guys i went to the link hoping to post images and then i got rickrolled i never saw this coming gosh darnit shoot
is this better than waifu image spamming?
Hiro is cutting down on the server costs by removing images
File: 1464897224150.png (59KB, 184x209px) Image search: [Google]
59KB, 184x209px
Chu is the only one who can post waifus now.
i wrote [embed] ironically
Fareeha confirmed best
Chu! get out of this thread if you arent going to post lore!
Wut le fug?
fucking excue me
/[embed] (embed) >embed "embed"\
Custom character like Smash Mii fighters when?
Holy crackers
So if you have exclusive waifuposting rights, what of the husbandos?
>worst girl

don't you mean Mei?

sombra is more of a support character than an offense character, right?
I forgot her icon used to be that dark. Did they change it because Chu made her half-leaf?
>Posting has gone down because everyone wants to spam upload image
Sombra is best played by not picking her :33
Pretty much, Kaplan even said she could have easily fit in the support category.
are we all gathering somewhere to yell at gook moot or are people just giving up and heading to new board
More of a hybrid. A good Sombra still gets kills but usually more importantly gets the hacks off on key targets when it's needed.
I didn't see Reinhardt looking for Ana.
Reply with estimates on how fast we'll hit the image limit on the new thread as soon as image posting is back.

My estimate is 30-40 minutes.
>open box
>legendary ooooooo
>another reinhart legendary
>have 5 legendaries inlcuding the event one
>played reinhart twice
[picture of angry anime girl]
Reaper to Ana: I shouldn't be surprised you took HIS side.

Yeah it's happening.
Listen here Ana76 fag when you gonna give this up? You lost months ago. Let it go. Jack is fucking Gabe. It's happening.

And by the way, Ana wasn't looking for Jack either.
[zenyatta ult]
We have transcended pictures.
[Carbon Dva Funko Pop]
Looks kinda cool, I'm tempted. But on the other hand her classic skin is perhaps more iconic/cute, so I don't know which one to get...
Looking at the time it'll be longer than that.
>Funko Pop
[High Noon's externally]
what? how?
>he thinks we'll get image posting up again soon

specify which angry anime girl faggot there are like 4
I like it when my Funko Pop collections cold lifeless eyes watch me jerk off.
When do you think it'll come back on? Do we even know why it's gone in the first place?
Please, I need to waifupost before going to sleep
But Rein is best husbando
the one with the short blue hair
Why did Reaper shot Jack on first sight?
Okay so we're obviously going to be in this thread forever. These thread is our village.

Who do we kill first.
Reaper/76 fags
I second the motion.
Chu because he's the only one who can post images.
we town of salem bois
please do explain what is going on

Boards: Up
Posting: Up
Images: Up
Thumbs: Up
Static: Up
Front Page: Up

Hiroshimoot you liar

sorry. noncanon couple posters have to go first. start with the winston/trace fags
Tried to post Rein, didn't work.
You keep pushing this, but it can be still be interperted as "We were all friends, and you didn't take my side in our argument."
get bent
Personally I'm a fan of McCree but beside that Reinhart is so boring to play, it's like playing a support with no heals
>Don't forget, you're here forever.
Because he's tsundere
post count is the amount HP new Buffed D.VA gets
I bet mods/janitors can still post.
Hog [consenual] Dva
>implying Reaper/76 is a canon couple
Hog's hog is for Winston only!
>Hating on the best canon ship
I bet you like vaginas too, faggot
Kill your self
I know they are the ones that shit post in /owg/ all the time.
anahart = hey haven't seen you in a long time hahaha lets fuck
ana76 = actual love and shit
>implying Ana isn't 76’s bro
When did Season 3 end?

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Additional PTR changes coming

>implying Jack knows what love is since he pumped up on super soldier drugs and shit.
He does not know what women feel like.
I finally got out of GOLD I'm now PLAT
>implying they arent.
But who was photo?
[smug blueberry]

>yfw people actually care about overwatch """lore"""
Why didn't Reaper kill him right away?
Why didn't he kill Jack in the Switzerland incident?
Why does Reaper for some reason resent the fact Jack tried to kill him if Reaper is supposedly trying to kill him?
The poster above me is now your best hero

what do
Stop fucking up other generals faggot
Actually Sombra is best girl because she is now the Op image FOREVER.
Best waifu confirmed

Calm your autism
Sombra/Symmetra bros where we at?
>Stare at bleu for an hour
>balls are now bleu too
This anon gets it.
>Delusional Shipper fag that still manages to ship best ship.

I can live with this
Tell that to hiro, topkek
Is the nigger loli the new hero?
>implying this general wasnt dead
Maybe we should go ask some other generals if we can move in with them for a little while. just until we get back on our feet.
we're homeless and poor

we're like black people

i don't like this, /owg/
why does the new character have a nigger nose?
No we must strive to hit the 2000 post mark
Now we know how the refugees feel LET US IN
hello, would you be interested in being a character in our future overwatch comics?
1276th post best post
Artist Gods mistake
>be me
>playing with my pug team against a full stack with one grrl gamer/streamer
>it comes down to the wire but we win

feels good lads
It's not the new character.
Requesting Reaper76 for thread OP when/if we can make one
Plz tell me the spider omnic will have its own voice so we won't have to listen to an annoying little nigger girl
[Crudely drawn cartoon character under the sheets while staring at the monitor]
I'm off to bed, /owg/. But when I wake up, I hope to see this thread as long as the cat.
>90s queue
>finally join match
>DEFEAT two seconds later
>everyone leaves
>kicked out to main menu
>90s queue
>finally join match
>a nationalist bitch
ты чe oхyeл?
Who knows, all we have is a little teaser by blizzard
hey guys, I have some info on the two new heroes being introduced, how do I make myself have an id? sorry, new to 4chan.
Goodnight anon.
we can't post gifs. describe gifs to me.
nice one /b/ro
Post pics or youre fake.
It would either be a kid voicing them or someone trying to do a child's voice so I hope it's neither. Just slap some accent on an Athena-like voice and I'd be fine with it.
>posts nude pharah fucking a rocket launcher
>He doesnt know how to post images

[Laughing anime girls]
[poorly done sfm pharah]

See you in three days pal.
I'm just waiting for triggered pharah poster
[angry, blurred Pharah]
How do we fix Hiro?
(smug naked mercy with cock in face)
Reaper was going to kill him. Ana saves Jacks sorry ass. Reaper could of snapped Ana's neck at any moment but decided to talk with her. He still has weird feelings for her.
[Ana Amari looking rather seductive and putting one finger in front of her mouth]

New fags can't even post pictures
What's going on in this general lads? Why are we up to 1300 posts?
Buy more passes
We can't make a new thread because image posting is working extremely sporadically at best.
I want to impregnate Ana.

Gook moot has disabled image posting for some reason, which also means we can't make new threads.
[naked ana moving with 0 momentum back and forth with a cropped view of bastion turret]
[A picture of Tracer smiling at you]

Read the thread luv
4chan is broken and only Chu can post images now.

No images means no new threads.
[Widow laughs at your tiny brown penis]
Gook moot is finally killing us
>play offseason
>enemy team are grandmasters and masters
>my team is gold
Hrio broke the site by making it so you can't post images, which means you can't make new threads, which means threads can't end without no threads at all
Means you were in elo hell all along and deserve to be in masters
Why is Hiro doing this?
stop making me sad writefag
Someone offended his honour. Shamefur
I'm going to periodically try and make a new thread until it goes up. Wish me luck.
Don't waste your time it won't work
t. sand nigger beaner
>Reaper was going to kill him.

Any yet we don't know that. Reaper is clearly stronger than Jack so why did he choose to fist fight with him when he could have snapped his neck? Reaper is so overpowered he can take down Russian metal gears single-handedly and survive lethal blasts by ghosting away.

Also, Ana interrupted whatever it was Reaper was planning. Regardless, why didn't he kill him outright and remove the opportunity for failure? You're either suggesting that Reaper is very stupid, very vain, or both. All of which don't really make sense in regards to his "let's get the job done" attitude, does it? You know what would make sense though considering his history with Ana and 76? Reaper hesitating. Which is what he did.
Well, we can't just sit here and shitpost until the thread gets archived. Someone's got to try to do something, right?
>I just played with the highest ranking player in the world
>they're a mercy main
The man can't even open a door
Make it as gay as possible
>Play offseason
>Everybody is playing it like QP
What's even the point ffs
Typical Widowfags playing Overwatch:
>wounds 76 before giving his little speech
>talks about how the swiss hq wasn't enough to kill him while his shotgun is pointed right at him
>"oh but we don't know he was going to kill him"

Seriously, what else do you think he was going to do? This is the most basic villain shit you see all the time.
fuck off nigger
This. I was going on to try Sombra but we needed up with Roadhog solo tanking and Hanzo and Widowmaker
Just try to attach a pic everytime you shitpost.
So at least you don't have to reload the same page all the time.
why can't we die
<Picture of a smug Blueberry>

Why does headshotting a Gaycer feel so good, fellas?
You do, eventually that is.
I'm not suggesting he is dumb. I'm just saying Reaper still has feelings for Ana. Reaper had every intention of killing Jack once and for all.
because the bullet is widowmaker's manifestation of her surpressed sexual urges for tracer
[A picture of young Ana Amari laughing at you]

Widowkeks can't even posts pictures.
Sombra go away.

>wounds 76 before giving his little speech
Again, why was the speech more important than finishing him off? Could it be... oh I dunno... has other motives?

>talks about how the swiss hq wasn't enough to kill him while his shotgun is pointed right at him
Again, that's proclaiming the fact that "if I lived so did he". The whole "old soldiers are hard to kill" motif that's passed around constantly between the three of them. But what's your point?

>"oh but we don't know he was going to kill him"
That's exactly right. Because Ana interrupted. Maybe if Ana made him miss his shot. Maybe if Reaper actually pull the trigger. But none of that happened. I can guarantee you we're going to get that moment again though without an interruption down the line though. Then we'll see what Reaper does.

>Seriously, what else do you think he was going to do?
Hesitate or maybe even take 76 captive.
>filter "bloo" and "blueberry"
>/owg/ suddenly becomes more tolerable
>mfw I just filtered myself
that's kinda hot

Don't forget smugberry or berry in general
Anon he was was going to kill him. Ana stopped him.
i havent seen this board before am i getting fooled?
Which arcade is best for lootboxes?
Ah good one, thanks anon
I do all Brawls
what does he mean by this
>tells people about his filter
Just as bad as announcing reports.
every time a threasd hits 2000 a d.va main dies
telling people about your filters is a bannable offense?
what seperates a grandmaster from a plat?
ive watched some grand gameplay and i didnt really see any sick kills
[High resolution picture of leaked Blizzard documents detailing upcoming heroes and cosmetics]

What do we think, lads? That Nova Widwomaker skin looks fucking unbelievable.
>cap first point
>payload goes through gate
>gate stays open after payload went through

>cap first point
>payload goes through gate
>gate closes as soon as the payload went through

What does Blizzard mean by this?
>Reaper had every intention of killing Jack once and for all.

So why did he purposefully aim for his side? Why did he not pull the trigger on him immediately? Why did Reaper not shoot 76 the entire time he had the opportunity? Why didn't he kill him when he punched his ass to the ground? Why did he even run away?

There are so many issues with "he intended to kill him outright" because he wasted every opportunity to do so and there were multiple during that entire fight.
refer to >>169067305
Because that's part of Reaper's character and is the most generic villain thing to do. Did you forget the reveal cinematic and how he stopped to crush Winston's glasses before taking the final shot? He even does the same thing again in Recall and give Winston another chance to retaliate before shooting him then.
need a new mouse
what should I get guys?
0 waifuposting

best thread ever
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Iniciando el hackeo
I drew some porn, tell me what you think.

76 is a different case though. Messing with Winston is not the same as killing the man he's supposedly done nothing but hate for 20 years and who he blames for how he is now.
He wanted to get his dumb speech out and he wanted Jack to know that he was killing him. You can look at the fucking comic again. He has every intention to pull the trigger the second time. Then Ana shot it out of his hand.


Mate. Do a quick math problem with me. 20 x 8

That's 160. You'll notice 160 is less than 200.
Is there a reason we have to wait a whole week for this every single time? There was no patch..nothing. Plenty of games on a season format just press the reset button and continue on with their lives

But Blizzard? Nah. "Just don't play our game for a week" fucking dumb
turret detected
Lived to see 4chan kill
Obama gone
Blonde man as ruler of the world.
2017 is a beautiful year.
le ebic pordal 2 turret :-DDD DAE gamer?
>he wanted Jack to know that he was killing him
What does that even imply? Jack knew Reaper was Gabe. And Reaper knows that. And he knows 76 is Jack.

>He has every intention to pull the trigger the second time
Again, that can only be your interpretation because he never fired the shot. You'd think if that's the point they wanted to get across in the comic why didn't Ana shot cause Reaper to miss? Why did he not see the gun discharge? Why did Reaper not pull out another gun? Why did he not ghost over to his guns? Why didn't Reaper just beat the shit out of Jack when he was clearly able to the entire time? He knocked him on his ass in one hit to fight Ana.
When did Season 3 end?

>Live Patch Notes

>PTR Patch Notes

>Additional PTR changes coming

>Overwatch Dev Tracker

>Convert source mouse sensitivity

>Stats and Leaderboards

>Competitive Info


Old: >>169037289

Why are talon operatives the most fun to play?
holy kek
it's still going on.


Every one of you /owg/ cucks, that live on this gerneal

tell me your S3 ending rank.

Do it. Don't be scared. You're in the general.
4000. Widow main.
only did my placement matches and let it decay
3243. Did my placements the day before the end of the season tho
I fucked up hard after placements and couldn't climb back out.

Not even mad.
I've seen like 3 of these ranks last few months, don;t lie holy shit kek

How cucked can a general be it LIES about it's own staus
>team raging I can't solo kill the pharmercy as cowboy
>both of them are 10/10 at staying 40m+ away from me
>our 76 and hanzo do nothing except shoot into the rein shield and die to mei
>win because while everyone else is off deathmatching I'm sitting on the payload and ride it the last 20m to victory alone
>end with gold kills/obj kills/time
>don't get a card
>"our mccree was shit!"

Do idiots just not know he does fuckall for damage beyond 20m?
people can't shitpost if you don't let them post
[thinking black man putting index finger to temple]

I got within one win of master and then lost nearly every match after that.
this is more like it


this is more like an actual video gaming general
so what site would you all go infect if 4chan was shut down?
idiots in general just don't understand anything
they don't understand fall off
they don't understand how hard it is to track a target moving on 3 axes
they don't understand that even if you do it, either the mercy just regens or the pharah gets healed
they don't understand how strong pharmercy is in general
they don't fucking know anything

I've always found the best way to get your team to look at a pharah and/or mercy is to take the hitscan role and then not do anything to them at all, in their rage at you they'll make it a point to deal with it themselves so that they can flame you. ezpz
Eventually threads will get so big they just crash peoples browsers.
Started at 2513
Climbed to 2600
Dropped to 1820
climbed up to 2300 last night

It was a wild ride
Fundamentally reddit must pay.
i finished the season at 2498. can i be counted as a plat boi
What the fuck is wrong with you? There would of been no comic if Reyes just quickly killed off Jack. That was done for the sake of there being a story not because Reaper has some gay crush on Jack. And yes he every intention to kill Jack. He says it in game and he says it in the comic. He says "this is how it should of ended". He wants Jack dead. He wants everybody in Overwatch dead. The only former Overwatch person Reaper has talked to without killing them is Ana. Reaper was about to pull the trigger on Jack in the comic. You can see with your own fucking eyes you delusional twit. That is not open to interpretation. Quit saying everybody else on the board is insane when you are.
I played 14 matches since ranked Overwatch is meaningless
oh yeah watch this

I'm sorry, but did the Attackers already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fact, it's only halfway there. Does not having the lead at half count as a loss? Is that what you're saying? Because if you're saying that I can assure you that you're wrong. Why would you make this topic when the game is still on? The attacker are still pushing right now and they have been the best team in the USA Server for how many years now? They're playing one of the worst teams in the Korean server who just happen to have a lead because they're feeding off the energy of playing tank n spank. But you know what? They still fucking suck. Soldier+Ana+Reinhardt are one of the best fucking teams in the game, they went 2-1 last game and would of won the game if the healer didn't choke. Maybe you should shut the fuck up before you make retarded topics like this. You know why? Because you're going to be embarrassed when the attackers win and someone bumps this topic. Oh look at that, the enemy healer just stepped out of bounds and fell to her death when they needed a rez, just like the aussies did. Are you a fucking drunk? Are you retarded? Are you autistic? You are a fucking idiot and you should never make a topic on this board again and I'm fucking serious. I almost have a feeling you're the only guy making all these anti-attack topics because you're a faggot hater who doesn't like the team because they're good. Fuck you, be good at something in YOUR life and then maybe try to troll these fucking teams on the board, like I give a fuck. It's so easy to spot out your threads now, you're a retard. Always doing stupid shit like this. Why don't you try to be a good poster? Just for once? For once in your fucking life try not to make a topic like this. That's just you, you're always right at getting it wrong. Fuck you. You are nothing.
>tfw start at 1600 and never comp until last few weeks
>I played 80% of my comp games last week
>climbed 100sr

How the fuck does someone PLACE at plat but DROP to gold with effort

I told the 76 to swap me and I'd have a better chance, but he was too busy just laying into the rein shield all fucking game.

I'd hit Mercy 5/6 times and she'd just dip out of my LOS. Same with Pharah.

Cowboy fucking blows now and I regret even trying him that game.
cowboy doesn't suck he's just not the anti air god people make him out to be

im sure it exists, its our image posting that doesnt
Fuck it, I'm going to leak something about Doomfist. He is a combination of Tracer/Rein. He has charges and can do a pinning/charge move. His ultimate is a nosedive towards the ground. It has knock back no stun and will instant kill anything if it is direct contact regardless of HP. No long ranged attacks, straight melee. Think of the gauntlet like a separate entity. His charge/pinning move can be used to move around the map, can be used in any direction and can be used while moving. He is considered a high skill ceiling hero. Offense hero. The lower HP he has the more damage he does. The main focus of this hero is his charge. You can change the distance by holding the specific key. The longest you can hold it is 4 seconds for maximum distance. Max charges is 3 similiar to Tracer. The main mechanic of this hero: think of it like Rein's pin, but it can be used in any direction and the distance can be changed and can be used up to 3 times. I look forward to how people use this new hero. He will be released on the same day Overwatch was released. The 1 year anniversary. Yes, he is being voiced by Terry Crews. Screencap if you like.
Alright /owg/, since we're gonna be here for some time, let's get a bit personal.
Tell me a secret about yourself.
i have monophobia
not even therapy is helping me with that shit
Literally no reason to pick him over pharah/76. I have 26 hours in as him so it isn't as though I haven't played him a lot, but currently he's bottom tier.

I only placed when it began and didnt touch it
give it a day or two
just got my fourth star, BUDS
forgot to mention, his charge can be used in quick succession.
Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night

there's hardly a hero in the game that can't carry itself to top 500 in the right hands
>Justice rains from above brawl
>Justice rains from above brawl on defense
>Justice rains from above brawl on defense on a payload map
>Justice rains from above brawl on defense on a payload map after you solo kill one of the enemy Pharahs and they get super butthurt and hunt you specifically for the rest of the match
Is the a worse game mode?
Play a good FPS instead.
{picture of Shadmans lewd drawing of the loli hero}

Ha ha this isn't pedophilia right?
pics or its fake.
why dont you guys open a new thread
Justice is way worse on offense
>What the fuck is wrong with you? There would of been no comic if Reyes just quickly killed off Jack.

Did you even read my post? Honestly, did you? Or are you so blinded to logic you threw a fit? I'm not going to repeat what I already wrote because of your lack of reading perception but I will copy paste this part:
>You'd think if that's the point they wanted to get across in the comic why didn't Ana's shot cause Reaper to miss? Why did we not see the gun discharge?
did you just get here?
I always leave when I get that brawl on a payload map, takes way too fucking long.
>mfw faggots on fucking 4chan, of all places, criticize artists like Shadman


do you faggots realzie WHERE you are? hol shit, when I see these posts I can't help but laugh

It's like a bird getting mad at other birds for eating poultry
I don't mind the pharmercy brawl that much but I also don't get it too often. Show your support has really started to annoy me, especially when it's on something like Eichenwalde.
76 is the better hitscan by far. Pharah can stay at range and just bully the fuck out of mccree. Ever since mccree got dinked down to 22m falloff he's pretty fucking worthless compared to those two with their recent buffs.
e-even mercy?
I've been afraid of the dark since I was four years old. It fluctuates from moderate unease to me having to run away from a dark room at the opposite end of a fully-lit hallway.

Sorry about your monophobia, though, anon. Shit sounds rough.
Kill yourself pedo
honestly this sounds amazing if its real
tfw everything except competitive sucks
You are trying to do an old debate tactic of mudding up the water. You are saying your position is equal to mine position because the truth isn't clear.
It's always been a free win for me on offense on payload maps because you don't even need to aim at the enemy team, just spam rockets at the payload to keep the enemy team off it and land on it occasionally to keep it moving.
competitive's just as bad
{screenshot of a dead enemy mercy}

Ha ha this isn't murder right?
you first you left cuck lmao

you post on 4chan, you identify with it.

if someone asks you in person, do you post on 4chan, are you gonna lie? are you gonna be a cuck?

Do you even know where you are? this general posts sfm porn all day erry day

how can you even think sfm porn of futas, lolis, literal fictional characters, is better than fictional shit?

the hypocrisy is fucking REAL with you.
>Its like a bird getting mad at another birds for eating poultry.

Because cannabilism is bad?

Competitive is aids nigga

>pointlessly long matches for no benefit
>cancerous niggers who throw if anything doesn't go their way
>cancerous niggers in general
dat ass
I had a really bad weekend full of throwers and leavers a while back and didn't really play comp until I found out about the 21st being the end of S3.
its the only mode that makes me feel like i achieve something
So 24 is guaranteed to be a nigger woman who works on AI, or an Omnigger she created.
People saying there will never be another white character are looking correct so far
>Arabic woman
>Hispanic woman

How do you feel?
>switch off this character we need this character more.
im not good at that character if you want it on the team then you'll have to switch.
>tfw haven't played comp since s1 because it was so shitty back then

My high was 62. What would the current equivalent be?
can you stop saying nigger so much?
sleepy. And angry at Jackie 4chan for not fixing the image posting.

Oh, about overwatch? I don't mind, as long as the mechanics are fun.
Don't give much of a fuck as long as they're fun to play. Blizzard has played up the diversity part pretty hard and mention it whenever possible so I wasn't expecting much else.
>implying the site doesn't prohibit it
>implying that anons are responsible for other anons posts
Oh boy. You are told this before you enter.
Kill yourself.
We'll it wen from a 1-100 ranking system to 1-5000, so multiply by 50.
Low diamond but you'll probably be way below that if you've been playing quicjplay for almost half a year. Low Platinum, maybe even gold.

Hopefully the character is fun to play

Achieve what though? The game is so team based you win when you get a team that works well together and you lose when you don't. Skill distribution is all over the fucking place, people are everywhere and the game allows stacking and solo queue to go into the same games.

It's a fucking mess
please respond
i would play sombra or ana 7/24 if they were white and blonde like mercy. but no they had to make her shitskin
>this site, 4chan, prohibits LOLI content

holy shit have you even visited the main board? ahahaahahahahaahha
Good on you m8, I'm only in the 300s and started to feel a bit burnt out so hopefully the custom servers change that. I don't know how these people around level 1000 do it let alone that girl who is 2200 or something like that.
you spent a lot of time on the game

>90% black
Unironically, "diversity" means not white.
No I'm saying you didn't understand what I wrote, so I'll over explain it because you still don't seem to get it.

In the comic Ana interrupts Reaper while he is holding 76 at gunpoint. Reaper hesitates. In that moment Ana heals 76, 76 tackles him, and the fist fight ensues. There was no second shot and his guns were on the ground mere feet away.

If the narrative wanted to make sure the reader understands, without a doubt, Reaper intended to kill 76 there would have been a second shot. I don't mean killing him. I mean: Reaper pulls the trigger the moment Ana shoots him. It causes Reaper to misfire. Ana uses the moment of confusion to heal 76. 76 then tackles him and a fist fight ensues. If that alteration was in the comic it would have said without a doubt Reaper intended to pull that trigger and deal the final blow. But this did not happen. Instead we got ambiguity. This is because they want you to think Reaper wanted to kill him, when in fact his motives are still a secret for now. As they have been since this game came out and says so literally in his bio.

Does it make sense what I'm saying now about this?
/e/ prohibits it
/s/ specifically tells you they want it no where on the site.
Even on /b/.

Van yourself.
>almost double bump limit posts
Peaked ~3410
Got screwed by shitty mains multiple times.
>4 star
what are you a faggot ? silver portrait is more common than bronze one these days.
At least Augmented Sombra is blonde
If you haven't accepted the diversity of the cast by now, just fucking quit dude. It's been known that this was intentional from the start.
Don't care because it's a video game and you /pol/tards are the whiniest shitstains of humanity to ever exist, even moreso than the liberals and tumblrites combined. I cannot fathom the type of mind that seriously flies into a rage over what skin color imaginary people are.
With Season 4 upon us i cannot help but feel that this will be make or break Overwatch for 2017. The system and how it places people needs to be drastically changed. I solo qd to diamond and it was completely ridiculous, mostly in terms of difficulty due to substandard players dragging me down. I think the stats that place people needs to be changed immediately.

I for one will definately will be quitting if the system is not totally revamped and I certainly won't be the only one. People are sick and tired and if it's not fixed it will be "gg's" to 10s if not 100s of thousands of players in a massive exodus. I very much doubt the player base who have been patiently waiting for changes will wait another season to see results.

Here is to hoping you get it right Blizzard. Many people who got placed into masters and gm are mostly those who got to milk this from season 1 and 2 and many of them simply do not deserve to be there and are riding the wave. What i find more amazing is these players that DO NOT deserve to be there and have less than 10 hours played in S3, because they are simply afraid of deranking due to the hopelessly flawed MM system. There are many skilled players that are stuck in lower ranks due to this broken system and not being able to synergize with people who understand the game and combine ults and teamwork effectively.

Two bombs were not enough
Thanks. I've gotten burnt out from it too. I recently started playing comp more which rekindled some interest. Regardless of how I feel though, I play every day. And I've met some cool people which makes it fun. Custom servers should be great though

And nothing

>silver portrait is more common than bronze one these days.
In what reality? I see one silver portrait every couple of days, if that
>/e/, the "safe" part of doujinishi porn
>/s/, literally anything NOT hardcore, is mad at hardcore or above
>I have never been to /b/
>I have never been to /d/
>I know what I'm talking about

thanks for the giggle m8, 10/10

I have 2 stars so I figured that was a lot. I also solo que for everything.
Once i reached diamond, I have simply stopped playing comp, mostly due to the broken rise and fall in a pathetic excuse you call a system and the "streaks" are somewhat ridiculous. The amount of frustration is quite indescribable in reaching diamond. I would drop 60 and 70 kill games and still lose. Then you have players going on 10 win or loss games in a ridiculous form of inconsistency in matching with team mates, again, this is down to the flawed stats people get placed on AND matched on. This needs to change.

Good luck Blizzard. You're going to need it. Hope you pull through.

As Jeff Buttler said in 'Law abiding citizen': "I'm gonna pull the whole thing down. I'm gonna bring the whole !@#$in' diseased, corrupt temple down on your head. It's gonna be biblical."


Well in this case the player base will ;)

9 of the 24 characters in this game are white. Are you really upset that over a third of the cast shares your skin color?
there is no achievement
the entire ranking system is invalidated by Blizzard's own design
I don't care. Overwatch's thing was always about people from all over the world coming together. There are already ten (maybe eleven depending on Roadhog) white people in the roster, it's not like there's a lack of them.
People are sick of niggers being shoehorned into all western media.
>t. Shitskin

If you were white it would concern you that the media, and the politicians are desperately pushing to eradicate your race because of white guilt.
Funny isn't it how no other countries push for "diversity" except white majority countries, even though whites are a minority world wide. Encouraging race mixing, inviting non white migrants who have almost double the birth rate of the native populations, shaming people for having pride in being white whilst encouraging pride in every other race
RIP Overwatch general

Overwatch is a boring game to discuss only fan made pictures could push the general.

Where were you when Hiroshima Nagasaki made /vg/ great again?
If you want to count Roadhog and Widowmaker the amount goes up to eleven.
Whether or not he's Maori is still openly debatable, anon. His surname is British/Scottish, so it's very likely that he's at least partially white.
/a/ is a blue board you mongoloid.
I am going to take Reapers word for it that he wanted to kill Jack. The only time Reaper hesitated was because of Ana not because of Jack. Reaper doesn't have feelings for Jack. He wanted to kill him and leave. The only time Reaper talked without attacking is with Ana.
It's his last name that makes people think he could be biracial.
I was counting Roadhog.
The white characters in this game are:
Soldier: 76
If we count Widowmaker, that's 10.
>if they're in at all they're shoehorned and forced and raping me and augh augh AAAUUUUUGH

Cry more, bitchtits, while those of us who aren't retarded don't give a flying fuck.

Whiter than bread, so your "If you're not with me then you're my enemy!" idiocy doesn't fly, Anakin. Neither does your 9/11-tier conspiracy theories and your pants-shitting terror over your paranoid delusions. It's hilarious and sad how the people who champion my race are also the worst examples of it.
>bongistani last name
>year ~2070
>tfw this game is stale as fuck but it's the first popular competitive game you've been unnaturally good at since SC2: WoL so you feel obligated to play
1500 here we nut
tf2 had 90/10 white ratio and nobody cared? why should there be 14 shitskins just because muh diversity
If Efi is actually a hero she'd be the second black character. Out of a roster of 23 characters from all around the world. It's not shoehorned if at the very start Blizzard says they're going to include characters from a variety of countries.
>I ignore sadpanda threads and every single thread that involves an underaged girl with a skimpy or loose outfit

really shows how long you've even been on this site you fucking newfag

I can't get off on 2d but I fucking love it, you're bitch ass can't even acknowledge the fact your fanbase LOVES shadman, holy shit

I wonder how long can we go?
>I am going to take Reapers word for it that he wanted to kill Jack.

Except, why are you taking what he says literally when he's done things to contradict it? Likewise, why are you acting like that isn't the entire point? Chu has said character may act differently than how they really feel, it's up to the reader to read between the lines.

>The only time Reaper talked without attacking is with Ana.
Pretty sure there is a moment we've been referring to where Reaper is just talking to 76 while holding him at gunpoint. No attacking involved there. Just threat.
Because Overwatch was a global commitment, sorry Blizzard actually delivered on that and didn't make all the non-white characters random cannon fodder.
>Liberals scream there is not enough minorities in media
>Conservatives scream that there are not enough whites in the media

Can we please stop caring about skin color a person is? All it is an adaptation to depending on how little or how much sunlight your region gets. Does it have to be a big deal?
Because the game is based on a global conflict. Why the fuck wouldn't it include a diverse cast? I'm not an SJW but right now you're showcasing that euro-centric worldview that they're always going on about. Believing the only people that should ever matter in fiction should be white is ridiculous in every way, especially in a scenario in which the entire world is affected.
Hmm, I wonder if this game has a 1.5x headshot modifier dumb fucking cunt
There are still white people in Britain in the 2070s, you egg. Even so, the name Rutledge and variations thereof have been in use at least since the 1400s, when there absolutely were white people in Britain.
Blame Hollywood; it's always the white 'murrican saving the day in those movies, even when it's ridiculously out of place.
I'd pay Junkrat's VA $5 to say dumb fucking cunt.
You wake up as your main or most played hero.
How does this affect your day to day routine?
Listen, you nigger-loving shitskin-fucking race traitors, you're the reason we're going extinct and video games are dying, get AIDS and die.
Looks like /pol/ forgot to take their crazy pills
>I started 1600iah

>I'm fucked

Guys, guys, guys.

You're fine. Pick a DPS. Pick someone you KNOW, you can carry with. You'll win. Maybe not 100%. Maybe more 70%. You lose? So? Get that next win. Carry your team. You'll be confident, but wary, soloing.

Otherwise find a team, I don't have that kinda experience, honestly think anyone, support OR dps can carry, even fucking roadhog, at 1000-2500.

Just, believe in yourself. Believe you'll win, even with that 0-2 during matches, BELIEVE.
>There are still white people in Britain in the 2070s
I think it's obvious that the Doomfist associated with Talon is the scourge while the hypothetical one the little girl will build will be the successor.
>who is Tracer
>who is Emily
>who is that girl dating the omnic in Alive
White people have been a global minority for literally forever you spooked fucking faggot
>Hold off the first push by the offensive no problem
>Friendly symmetra has her ult
>"Nice, we got this in the bag no prob"
>"Teleporter Online"

Holy shit why not just throw the game at that point?

>conspiracy theories
No conspiracy about it famalamadingdong.
You see it constantly, "Oscars so white", the Democrats just recently had several people coming out saying the reason they didn't win the election was because they were being led by whites, Black History Month, social justice is a mandatory course in some universities, white pride is evil but you can be proud of be black or Asian or anything else.
Whites are a minority world wide and yet non whites come to white majority countries and demand to be represented by them in their media, all the while the white race is literally the only race on the planet that isn't growing proportionally to every other race. Whites are already a minority globally, and pretty soon they'll be a minority in their own countries. In the US, white people are only 56% of the population, hispanics are almost 30%.
In the U.K., they're at about 83% white and that falls every year.

You're retarded if you think that it's some kind of conspiracy to point out what's happening to white people.

Enjoy your diversity. I'm sure when you're a minority in your own country whatever race has replaced you is going to be happy to give you more representation.
1. You're fucking delusional if you believe the white race is anywhere close to extinction, and 2. Why the fuck would you care anyway? You're gonna fucking die within the next 100 years, and we still won't be anywhere close to that reality. Getting emotional over such a stupid topic is entirely your problem, not mine.
this would be good advice if the ranking system was worth it
Silly anon, Junkrat is a good boy, he would never say something so crass!
You don't give a fuck because you come from brazil or some other shithole. Its relevant to westerners.
No one cares about your anti-white opinion you piece of shit.
You are so fucking dense. For one Reaper shot Jack in the back before trying to finish him off. He was giving a villain speech that is all. Every comic book since the existence of them has done it. Reaper has made it very clear he wants to kill Jack. He keeps saying "this is how it should of ended". I have no idea why tumblr thinks this means Jack and Reyes are butt fucking. Also keep in mind Jack was tracking down Ana. He had no idea Reyes was alive. The fact Jack figured out Ana was still alive and not Reyes should also send you homos a message.
You're missing the point dumbass. It's western media. The fact they're "heroes from around the world!" Is an excuse to shoehorn non whites in, and you've completely fallen for it
Reminder that anti-white posters are mexican shitposters
blah blah blah waah waah waah my master race is so precious and blessed by god why won't everyone else bow to us my entire being depends on thinking i'm superior they're all coming to get me and spank me and make me not special anymore mommy mommy make them go away mommy mommy where are you whimper
gosh who cares
You're wasting your time on that shipper.
Hey if non whites want to make a game they're welcome to. Why should western media force "diversity" on their behalf?
Mexican here, im dating a white guy so they are a okay with me
> Da da da Jews are responsible for everything! They are responsible for why I live in my mom's basement and why I have no gf.
There is literally nothing wrong with inclusivity. Stop being a cunt.
>thinking fantasy whites means there'll be whites in the U.K. In the real 2070s
I know I should stop but I don't want them chasing people off this general.
>will never unlock symmetra's cute spray because shield generator is infinitely more useful
wish they'd change the achievement t b h
fighting games
if you say they are stale too you are playing them wrong
Why do you care so much, you'll be dead by then.
Its funny how an American company can have a month of Chinese themed celebrations but no American specific celebrations.
"Diversity" in everything is just boring. Everything becomes the same.
Was just reading a developers blog today where sjw were demanding the devs cram diversity in a game to make it "acceptable" diversity to them meant no whites. Irony was it was a japanese dev in charge of the art.
We're not talking about the real UK, anon. We're talking about the Overwatch UK, which has no bearing on names that originated near the England-Scotland border in the 15th century. Rutledge is a white last name. Roadhog is probably partially white.
There is 8 white characters. I think you will be alright.
>but no American specific celebrations

Fourth of July, ooooooo whoopee, what exactly can they do with that, every character wrapped in American flags with firecrackers up their asses?
>For one Reaper shot Jack in the back before trying to finish him off.
Reaper aims for his side and the artist even went to the trouble to emphasize this. It was not meant to be a fatal shot so why do you keep acting like it was?

>Reaper has made it very clear he wants to kill Jack.
Ok I'll repeat it one more time:
>Chu says: characters will act differently than how they feel
>Reaper threw away several opportunities to kill Jack immediately AFTER Ana interrupted him

Oh yes, that sure sounds like Reaper has clear cut motive there anon. You mongoloid.

>"this is how it should of ended"
Actually it's "this is how it should have been".

>He had no idea Reyes was alive
Not just wrong but really wrong about that. Chu has commented on this. 76 knew Reaper was Gabe before going in and he knew he was alive.
Not an argument.

Guess I win if you don't want to actually respond.

I've said nothing about a master race, but whites have a right to exist and yet there's blatantly an anti white agenda as I outlined previously. Only race in the world who's population percentage is decreasing and yet the media is pushing for more and more non whites to be represented in white majority countries, the government treats non whites as poor defenceless people who just need to come to our countries, take our money, oh and out breed us 2 to 1.

Again, if you insist on mocking reality then you deserve the future where you're a minority in your own country and yet the non-whites continue to treat you like the devil for the sins of your ancestors.
>If it doesn't affect till I die I don't care
This mindset is why the earth will be near inhospitable in a few hundred years
So you wont have a problem with ten more white heroes.
In all fairness, Chinese New Year is a globally recognized event in some way or another. US-specific holidays don't really do that, no one's celebrating Independence Day in Poland. It'd be the same if they had an event to observe, say, Bastille Day - wouldn't matter to most of the world.
Sure thing Schlomo
I dont really care as long as the story is good.
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Don't fall for it posters like that anon are not white they are larping hues, pajeets etc
Its the reason 4chan is so shit.
The human race was never meant to live forever. You have inserted meaning into our existence where there is none. I make my carbon footprint fairly minimal by driving a hybrid and consistently recycling/never littering. If you think that's even remotely comparable to the inclusion of non-white characters in a video game where it's completely appropriate and expected, you're actually fucking insane.
>leave thread for two hours to watch a movie
>come back
>image posting is still fucked
>some of the same arguments from two hours ago are still going
>the /pol/ pissfight has evolved

i love you cunts
Why the fuck do people keep wanting a Fourth of July event? There's only two American characters in the roster. There's a difference between celebrating Chinese New Year which is literally just celebrating the new year and celebrating a specific country's independence day.

Same, I don't give a shit about anyone's skin color, I'm just not surprised when a new character isn't white.
I don't really care to be honest. As long as the story is good and the gameplay is fine
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Not with Chu in charge of story
>Gency makes total sense
>of course they'd fall in love, even though Genji hated being a cyborg, and fucked off into the mountains as soon as Overwatch died, while Mercy has saved thousands of lives, genji should be nothing special
>I-I-its not just my ship b-baka!
He's barely fit.
That's like slight ab at best.

Then you realize he's a nazi obsessed pedo scum degenerate that the world is ACTUALLY better off without and suddenly you're better than him.
No its not. Westerners do not celebrate it. Its Chinese you stupid fuck.
Its literally Blizzard pandering to the Chinese market like whores to comoete with Chinese owned games like LoL.
>I do what I can to preserve the Earth
>I do nothing to preserve my race
GG no re
They aren't butt fuckers. Soldier 76s original mission in that comic was to find Ana. To every normal sane person on this planet, its obvious that Reaper wants to kill Jack. The only place Reaper/76 exists is on Tumblr. I don't see any secret meaning in Reapers desire to kill Jack.
>makes no sense to celebrate a holiday for 2 characters
>makes total sense to celebrate a holiday for 1 character, then pretend it's New Years for all characters even though most of them would celebrate NY almost an entire month ago

In fairness we literally only had a Chinese New Year event to boost sales in China.
Go shill your Israel lover elsewhere, /pol/
Did you know in 10^100 years the universe will be completely empty aside from a few particles floating around and it will have a temperature of 0 kelvin, thus, incapable of supporting life?
2457 SR season high. Two more wins would have been sufficient to get to Plat. Zenyatta main. Total hours spent in comp in S2 and S3: 30. I'm looking forward to play much more next season.
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