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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 772
Thread images: 190

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>Links and Resources

>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links

Post your favorite Heroes skill activation quotes.
Azura is shit.
I want to impregnate julia and take responsibility!
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Glad my favorite characters are also top tier
Reminder to save your orbs for the popularity contest units
Let's settle this once and for all. Which one is the best green mage, Nino or Julia?
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Julia for not needing a team to prop her up.
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>top tier

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Who was your first favorite FE girl, /feg/?
Reminder to only use characters with high stat totals in arena.
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Alright, so I posted this here about a year and some change ago but I recently came back to it and, feeling nostalgic for Awakening, fixed a few typesetting and translation errors I had made. Reposting for people who might want to read.

Robin(F), who isn't out yet.
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I love Veronica!
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It's not fair, lads.
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How do you get Great Scarlet Shards? I need to make my 4* Tharja 5*
Does anybody else get a weird incest-y vibe from the twins?
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You can only post in this thread if you are not unranked in arena. If you're not even in the top 100k players you shouldn't even be playing this game.
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I hope she joins Heroes soon.
Nino because she's stronger, faster and kills anything Julia can kill better with the exception of Nowi, who Julia kills slightly faster.
Ephraim is shit. Why do people still say that he's good?

Julia is also shit. Nino wins by default.
play training tower floor 6 or higher on red badge day

Nino easily.
Nino because she's the cutest
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Reminder to suck deez nuts!
Merric scares me in the arena
6th floor or higher on Tuesdays. You can also get 20 from getting a few kills with one of the bonus units for this focus, though that mission only lasts until the focus event ends.
First and only favourite girl.
Did I miss a meme?
hahaha, epic, epic for the win!
Nino is sexier so her.
t. not Jaffar
Reminder to stop putting shitty defense teams with high stat totals in the arena to give people free points with.
>both of them are (+1)

Call me Ishmael. Some years ago--never mind how long precisely --having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world. It is a way I have of driving off the spleen, and regulating the circulation. Whenever I find myself growing grim about the mouth; whenever it is a damp, drizzly November in my soul; whenever I find myself involuntarily pausing before coffin warehouses, and bringing up the rear of every funeral I meet; and especially whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people's hats off--then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.
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Best girl
>currently earning a 1.5x exp bonus
hol up
>Vurrently earning a 1.5* bonus exp

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Who should I 4s first? I'm leaning towards Sharena, but if anyone else had recommendations from this lot I'd like to hear them.
1,5 exp event IN RIGHT NOW!
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that was sweet. thanks.
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My waifu for laifu
I like Hana
That was pretty cute, thanks for posting it.
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When do we get best Elibe?
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(Old Screenshot)
Does merging a character always reduce the cost to upgrade by the same number of feathers you'd get by sending the character home?

Is there any reason not to just send the extra home? Other than getting 40+x levels for 5* characters I mean.
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Mmm. That's the good stuff
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Start training up those Catrias.
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Related.Awakeing and fates artist is livestreaming now.
stat and SP increase?
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>wake up
>see this
what happened?
No problem. I'm a weirdo but Robin/Lissa is my favorite gen 1 pair in Awakening. And Owain/Lucina is one of my favorites from gen 2.
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Should I roll for more 5 stars or wait for the Ike banner?

I have 45 orbs and I've done all the story except for the last 3 Lunatic chapters
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This is Ike, Say nice things about him.
Stop shilling the wiki tier list. It's trash.
You have a beautiful relationship with Soren
But he's facing the wrong way.
why is Lucina S+ or even anywhere near the top to begin with.
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But I already finished.
Every day I remember Heroes gave us HD Wrys art. What a time to be alive.
Probably because she's overall the best sword user.
he's the best South Park character
>Lucina is STILL S+
Lobster is better in almost every way but muh waifu faggotry
She's a stronger, faster and overall better Lyn that kills dragons.
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Sumia when?
>Start training up those Catrias.
Why? What's happening to Catria?
>tfw no one said Cecilia
>always hear David Vincent in my head saying "Time to tip the scales!" now whenever I'm reminded of FE
This line was a mistake.
These lists are extremely flawed and worthless.

Wait for Ike.
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>his defense team's healer has a weapon equipped
Once he gets older he's hot.
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>Lyn moved down to A+
What happened with Leo? I remember when people had him in S.
Virion and Severa should be D desu
Decide once and for all

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1.5 EXP lasts a whole week
I'm not a cheater
Should I roll again, since apparently the next two banners are garbage and I just want a good fucking mage or mage killer?
eh kills all teh bad gods and doesnt afraid of anything
what the fresh fuck
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>Only units above A are Roy, 2* Olivia, Shareena and Takumi
>apparently the next two banners are garbage
where did you get this from?
I know about the possible Hawkeye Fir etc banner but what else?
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>-Atk +Spd Leo
>Still not fast enough for the shit to be meaningful

Don't let the blind waifu hate fool you. Lon'qu, Fir and Hinata are the worst swords.
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>you don't even get one feather per friend
>login bonus caps out at 10 feathers

why be this greedy about it if they give out like 1500 of them a week from arena anyways?
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I agree
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Sheena, why are you such a pussy? You're even level 40 what the hell.

I just realized that place has an official discord. Raiding it while waiting for stamina might be fun.
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>Rerolling until I get two S+ characters

life is hell
>implying that's not a decent full team already
kill yourself luckshitter
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god this picture is exactly how i feel when i'm edging for 7 hours straight to pictures of neph
i wonder if her dragon could vore her
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They met like, 10 seconds ago
Camilla isn't even A+

t. Camilla owner
Kelik is better than all those shitty swordies.
>when you don't need a red sword to counter anything in the game
You see how long that guy's chin is? He doesn't have the luxury of being picky.
In the context of FE4, each turn is like a whole day.
Colorless mage when?
Super Pupil Ewan and Athos
Don't worry she forgets about him and falls in love with Arvis just as fast
They should label turns as days like they do in Advance Wars.
That's impressive. Sequel when? That means child owain could meet ophelia.
battle cleric when
Anyone have a Ryoma fresh roll account?
>7 hours
That's not healthy, dude.
We weren't lying when we say Deirdre is a slut
Unfortunately no, but this artist has lots of Robin/Lissa art if you care. http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=58199108
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So why was the thread throwing such a shit fit earlier when everyone agreed with me for the most part
omfg i JUST deleted one, not even joking
And what do you gain from telling anon that? You sadistic bastard
I don't even know who they are and voted Arvis lmao

Fuuaaaark! please let me know if you get one! I just want his lobster dick.
whats an arvis
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Sometimes, 5 orbs is all you need.
Who could Zacharias be?
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IS my selena worth it? She's my only swordsuser and I have no more orbs to earn.
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Really cute. I married Lissa for eugenics but this was nice.
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This is like the 5th fucking time she's done this.

Stats are fixed, right? She should have more eventually because she's 3 stars instead of 2?
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I need ur halp
Yes, but it doesn't even out until you hit level cap.
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Nah. Mine is -Atk and even with triangle adept she starts missing kills.
They normalize according to their IVs when they hit cap. The journey could still be painful if it's all backloaded.
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Could be worse
Is it true if you delete dlc classes from Awakening, they revert to Grandmaster? Now i want an army.
The masked man is actually Alfonse's son from the future, who has come back to the past to save his waifu or some shit
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>Lissa moved up to A tier
I won't lie, I initially chose to pair Robin with Lissa because I wanted to make a strong Owain and magic Morgan. And the thought of breeding Naga with Loptyr (Fell/Grima, whatever) blood amused me. But I stayed because it ended up being a really cute pairing and family.
You'd better be thankful that Marth doesn't have the Falchion, he'd be one hell of a problem for that team
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How many different Lucinas can we expect by the end of the year?
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who should i 5 star first?
Tharja if she has a decent +/-
The masked man is Alfonse from the future
Saizo or Odin. You will literally be the only person on the planet with them.
>Gheb is overweight
>is a tactician
I guess we know why Mark could never get laid.
A lot if they do polls for characters each time. Ideally, they'll go down the list instead of just using the top 3 or so each time, but I don't mind either way since I'm not a whale and Lucina's alright.
>poll ver
>class change
Next year has at least 3 more.
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It's already too late for you, Tiki
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I'd be hype for titty monster lance Lucina.
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>Run out of Stamina
>Decide to go to Arena with the team I'm training so that I can save Stam potions and use the mountain of dueling swords I have
>My level 28-34 team against a level 40 Takumi and Raven with a level 20 Cordelia and level 26ish Tiki
how come only now I've been told about the whole castle thing? There should be some general tips in the OP!
>str/lck owain Grandmaster has all balanced stats.
What the fuck, they made Mysterious Heroine X from the april fools joke a few years back into an actual character? Then, as if that wasn't enough, they made two fucking more versions of her? How low will Takeuchi sink? How much money is enough?
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Nino is already an incredibly strong unit. You can, however, make her one of the strongest units in the game with buffs. The answer is obviously Nino.
did Alfonse breed black?
I don't know. I'm not sure if I agree with him being placed at S tier but he's definitely not as bad as people say he is. His weaknesses in Offense (and I'll freely admit they're gaping wide) are covered enough and he shouldn't be wading into a mage's range in the first place.

His high proc Moonbow is criminally underrated in assessments because he's getting 2-3 of those off in a single fight if you're playing smart about it. He'll oneshot lots of targets with set-up and a good Moonbow attack. Reds literally can't step to him and even Tiki/red mages have trouble against him despite targeting Res because they have low HP. He's probably comfortably in A tier though, not in S.
>all my 4 star blues have ugly or messed up art

it hurts
>1.5x exp event
>already maxed castle and leveled all of my units to 40

I want a refund
Probably F. Robin.
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anyone got tips on leveling olivia from 33-40
Don't you love matchmaking by stat totals?
>first arena match
>opponent has healer so the score is shit
>second match

what a great way to start the day
Impossible. Alfonse loves me.
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Ike won the popularity contest, and yet he and his series aren't in-game. Anyone else find that odd?

More importantly, does anyone even care? Is the Tellius series even popular in Japan?
3 babysitters with one of them being a healer and one a ninja
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>tfw -atk and -spd account
Who should I 5*?
Fae, Robin, and Effie are all -atk.
Use crystals
Good shit fampai
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It's okay, I got my revenge on a Takumi later. I'd care less if it weren't Takumi. I absolutely despise this character, his popularity, and that IS pushed him so hard.
Baby sit her hard in arena as its actually easier there
Babysit her im training tower
Find full green tower and bring healer
>2 red
>2 camilla

Just reroll at this point. You didn't get a Takumi when he was in focus so it's not like you're losing anything.
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I was hoping for him to be apart of the next rotation but they opted for the incest siblings and daughter of a slut with her brother.
I was going to memetext your entire post, but it's just too much.

Ike's not in yet because he's the most popular, hence why he also won the popularity contest.
Ike is the most popular character in Japan
They don't want to let the fans down he's coming just wait
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>-ATK 4* Robin

Wait for F!Robin with me, brother
What happens if you have a team of dancers?
But female robin is an event unit and event units are 3* max
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>deathless arena run
>tfw sub 4.5k shitter
He better come quickly then because I want to come.
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>equiping skills will require stamina after this weekend
Isn't she a green?

It's 2* max but you can upgrade to 5* m8
Dancers can't dance for other dancers
3 level 1 dancer with tacomeme however easilqy gets you 3k points even if you pay zero attention
They do nothing for each other. So it's better to run dancer to support the rest of the team.

Did you not read the recent news? Equipping skills don't cost stamina anymore.
they don't want everyone to reroll for him.
he'll be here but can only be rolled with paid orbs or some shit.
Wanted greens, got four blues and a gray instead.
Which of these siscons has superior seed to keep the bloodline pure with Eirika?

I blame it on the idiots who keep putting azura with hector

Shit only gives me 630 per win
Ike wouldn't be shit without Smash to boost his popularity, he and Roy.

Hector got 3rd, and his game released almost 14 years ago AND he has had no other appearances in any game (aside from FE13 spotpass stuff)

Ike is a boring lord from a boring game and the only reason he's been shilled so hard is because his game was current FE at the time of Brawl.
>tfw Fem Robin has the shittiest art in the game
No, Harold's art isn't shit. It is out of place and clashing, but it isn't shit.
Dread Fighter Owain, +Spd/-Def MU
- Armsthrift
- Luna/Ignis
- Aggressor/Swordfaire
- Galeforce
- Limit Break

If female robin is just male robin but a green unit should would be the best unit because she would counter both Tacomeme and his counter without being slow as balls like Cecilia.
How do I get Eirika and Ephraim? I loved them but I haven't gotten them in 4 summoning sessions
At this point, you just want to shitpost and get (you)s
Yeah, that was my reason too. I grew fond of the blood mixing.
The first, no speed bane ephraim gets doubled by everything in existence due to 20~ speed at 40
The first.
+res with -HP is essentially -def with no boon.
+Speed/-Res, I suppose. You should never be attempting to fuck over Ephraim's physical bulk.
idunnomate still want an eirika?
The answer is
>Ike is quite similar to Hector
>yet there are people who love Hector but call Ike boring and hate him
>get mostly wrecked by takumi meme team
>barely scrape by with a win, Olivia is last man standing
>time for that 7 winstrea-nope, 803-3101 error
What the fuck is this, I've been spamming retry for five minutes and I can't get back in.
You better have passed down white hair for edgelord Owain
You aren't alone.
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Tharja is for....!
>boosting popularity
Smashfags want to forget that game exists
Reroll if you love them that much. Otherwise you should just truck on without them if your account is good.
Damnit, I already rerolled for Hector last week
Hector is only first due to nostalgia factors due to 80% of this game's market being 20-30 years old and fe7 being their first game
Speed Boon, easy. It's still not going to help him double but it'll tide you over against the likes of Robin and the other middling speed tier characters. And if you have a Ryoma or Lyn Ephraim turns into a beast.
The difference is that the characters in Hector's game aren't shit, nor is the game long, drawn-out and extremely boring

Nintendo had to TRY to make the animations in FE9 worse than the stylish sprites from FE6-8
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>he doesn't like Tacumi
If he doesn't want it, I'll gladly take it, or even trade for it
That's nice, but it has nothing to do with calling Ike 'boring' and then turning around and praising Hector. Call the game boring and shit if you want, but if Hector is fine then sword-Hector is fine too.
Should've linked that account reroller fag
You got softbanned
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>mfw I got Robin AND Kagero

At least I get to shit on Takumi effortlessly now.
hope you linked the account
Obviously. I know Luna tends to be better but Ignis with its flower petal shower seemed perfect for Dread Fighter Owain.

Another thing is that Hector is part of a trio. People bitch about Lyn and Eliwood a lot but them having more stable and less bombastic personalities is what makes Hector shine even more. I think the ensemble complements each other very well.
Could a Live action fire emblem movie work?
Good, hope he stays out. If I ever draw an Ike I swear I will kill myself
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strange that ike still came in first in the 2015 famitsu poll but roy didn't make the top ten if their popularity is entirely based on smash
Even matchups all across the board despite her mishmash of conflicting skills, in addition to triangle advantage against green units. Only really loses to blues and strong indirects(Kagero & Mages for the most part).
That's some shitty opinions you got there, here is a (you)
Why not -lck since limit break will make it hit 50s whereas Armsthrift will always activate
How is Ike anything like Hector?
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Why in my past 7 (seven) arena runs in a row all of them had Hector? The bastard takes two hits, I just want to one shot everything.
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Juila you dumb tards.
Was this before or after Roy was revealed/released for Smash 4?
>Japan hates Roy
>only American smash faggots like him
The worst part is he isn't even good in Melee
good luck getting the hair colors right
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I have Robin, Kagero, Jakob, and Cecilia. That shit doesn't matter when there's an 8-12 level deficit man.

He's a pretty bad character, he's basically Severa with a penis. Some of his fans go on about how he's the only "realistic" character solely because he's the only royal to shit on Corrin, even though Takumi shitting on Corrin was motivated entirely by his selfish need for attention, and that siblings doting on one another, especially ones that haven't been around in ages, isn't an abnormal thing in the first place.
Making a single mother
I like this guys art. It's a shame that Julia's face forward art is so off looking.
Would you be her plains breeze?
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lol and this is right after i pulled 5* Takumi and Camille, free full team and $0 spent
hes not wrong though. fe9 is the only game ive not bothered to replay. characters were boring and the addition of the laguz units just complicated matters
B-but t3hf1r3
Owain 80 44 40 42 42 45 41 45
Str/lck dread fighter
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Yeah it is not appealing in the slightest.
>nips like bishounen ver Ike more than bara ver
Strong, brash young man who has a soft spot, but mostly reserved for people close to him. Uses a stronger, more overbearing style as opposed to a softer, more technical style yet still has a surprising amount of control. Has no real head or patience for politics, and would rather be out doing his own thing. Reluctantly assumes leadership of something out of a sense of obligation and duty.
Lyn is life
Lyn is love
>Lyn without ponytail
Do the during combat buffs stack with start of turn buffs?

eg. Jagen and Eliwood.

...marrying off to Gaius.
I dunno, I guess it doesn't matter that much but I always hate the idea of losing Str and Mag, especially on a hybrid using Ignis. It's probably better to drop Lck though?
Congrats, but Seliph is pretty shit. You might want to focus on getting another red 5* like Lucina or Eirika. They'll really complement your teammates. Or you can just save up your orbs for later.
Looks like adult index character. Or emilia.
Birthing Noire and marrying her instead.
Seliph's sprite is the cutest girl
Delete this now, she belongs with Robin/m
I also have a 5* Lyn and Fae from my starting roll, Fae seems really strong, and I think having a magic user would help?
I don't see what's wrong with it. Looks better than 98% of the cast to me.
Yeah, I mean that IS the artist for Index. He's never been great at facial variance.
So...has anyone had luck buying an account? I'm a wagecuck and I don't want to spend hours rerolling
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what does half dragon pussy taste like
>Look at my Cherche's IVs
>She's -HP, and +Def, but also +Atk
The "High" Attack IV would place her at 23 Attack, since it assumes she has Hammer+, but my Cherche has 20 Attack with a Hammer, which would put her at 24 Attack....what?
alone ending
Eirika is pretty good, but she sucks for defense teams. I haven't gotten any successful defences with her yet. I think Olivia is a better overall sword support.
the stats for her arent accurate yet
I don't get why he's so popular. Cute design, but every time he opened his mouth I wanted to strangle him. He's an insufferable bitch.
salty dragon milk
Making a cuckquean out of my wife.
>fe9 is the only game ive not bothered to replay
So you replayed 10?
>Cute design

That and a lot of exposure due to being a royal is enough for fujos.
Holy fuck I'm retarded I forgot that Cherche had +Attack as one of her skills.

I guess people just like tsunderes? Male and female. The nigga was insufferable though, goddamn.
Are two 5 stars the maximum per summoning round? I've never seen anyone post 3+ 5 stars in a screen shot.
Nope. I've gotten 3 5* myself.
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>self proclaimed wagecuck
>not buying 1000 USD worth of orbs and rolling
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I love Nino! I upgraded mine to 5*
never played 10. sorry should have clarified

9 turned me off to 10s world and story so I didnt bother
The odds don't decrease, they just reset the bonus chance back to 0
Within the first week there was some nip with a full pull of all 5* on twitter.
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I rolled a 3x 5*
Also seen people posting 4x 5* from reddit
I'm not convinced there isn't something wrong with the defense system now. I have 0 successful defenses, which would be really strange already, but I've also dropped from 3-4 friend requests a day to 0 in the past 2 days.
My brother. I have never hated a FE character as much as Takumi and his popularity is salt in my wound.
That's because it's a 0.0216% (1/4629) of getting three. Where two it's 1/277.
>red tome
>green unit
It's really sad that tsundere evolved into just meaning "this character is a cunt every waking hour, they're tsundere"
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jar full of wet pennies
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My start was 3 5*
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>Need more firepower so I try my hand at rolling for Takumi/Kagero
>Get Elise
I guess Ephraim is collecting imoutos to cope with my lack of Eirika. Should I switch Sakura out or keep her?
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>+atk -res Bartre
do i train him, lads
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How long until I drop below 5k?

She's illiterate anon. You're going to help her learn to read, right?
>having a team this shit
It only shows succesful defenses so your team has been getting raped
do it, 5* him
>Cain casually struts up to my unit in Arena
>44x2 Atk
Is this guy secretly OP?
It means your team is shit at defending
Gunter is fun
>what is ruby sword
Destroy the Hectors. Also, make him your lead and send a friend request to anyone you beat.
I want to be Nino's friend and then betray her!
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I got a few of these at least

I don't know what the fuck to call him other than "asshole". Same with Severa, both of them are terrible, attention starved people. The best part about Severa is that she also drives home just how insufferable Cordelia is as well.
I think Alphonse wants to fuck the summoner
Cain has a Brave Sword, not a Ruby Sword.
she uses elfire in fe7 when you recruit her, you know, am actual fe game?
Something that Cain doesn't have. Stahl and Palla have it.
Nah, not talking about what you said just the term in general. Nowadays it really days refer to twintail cunts constantly on the rag for no good reason, or alternatively bitchboys in otomege
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>roll Lucina

Get a load of this flat idiot.

Well, at least I've got merging material if I ever roll another one.
is the summoner a girl?
Honestly, I found him more annoying than Severa. Don't get me wrong, she's totally a bitch, but I found her entertaining at times at least.
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the lack of flier with a brave sword is kind of interesting. it's not like how nobody has blarwolf yet since ursula is unreleased; there just plain isn't one

I wonder who they could have in mind for it..................................................................................
For f2per is castle even worth it? And how long until stamina refills?
It doesn't matter
Yes, all "during combat" specific buffs(spurs, blows, etc.) stack, though only the highest of the turn length buffs(Winds, Hone, Defiant, Fortify, Rally) for each stat gets included in calculations.
Doesn't matter. They'll pretend to like you so you help them.
Upgrade your castle fully fag
She won't have a brave sword, she'll have a legendary tier sword that heals adjacent allies after every attack.
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Owain for FEH
IS please
lol someone is salty they aren't getting a costume
accept it gbabby, you lost
It's the only way to explain why Shanna offers you a ride on her pegasus.
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What will his skills and stats be /feg/?

I think he'll get Wary Fighter to make up for low Spd on top of Brave Axe. Naturally he'll only be a 5* pull desu.
It's the price of a full roll and a half to cut all your leveling time by half for the entire rest of your time playing the game. The second question can be answered by basic observation and math. Come on now, anon.
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>Olivias existence ruins everything again

learn how to get experience from dancing you useless cunt
I thought that was Hinoka?
he is wrong though
it's the FE I've replayed the most
here's your (you) back
My lvl 34 Nino has 34 attack

Am I fugged?
Just let Olivia attack things sometimes. She actually deals a fair amount of damage to people.
The only answer is more Olivia's. I brought in a second one to level my first.
Platonic love can be quiet sweet.
Both Lon'qu and Florina are nervous and jittery around the summoner, it's your call.
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>cum and me
what did she mean by this?
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>implying he won't have Basilikos

She might have the line. It's more important coming from an Elibe person though since these pegasi only let girls ride.
I wonder how much easier it will be to get a good rank next week now that everyone is draining their duel crests
>Kagero on the bridge map in the arena
Fuck you
Basilikos: Attack only decreased to 10% when fighting WTD
Ardent Sacrifice
Distant Counter

I still have 40 left as does alot of people
Unless you're doin lunatic arena quests, you should not be running out
Elise doujin with owain?
>tfw still have 39
>will end up with 50 once the weekend is over
I'm probably not going to even bother with the lunatic arena quests. Too much effort for small payout.
I'd ride Shanna
Literally just wait in the starting area until she reaches within range of a mage+dancer kill
Do you play with 2 or 3 accounts, anon ?

I don't know which one to keep in the end


Most people have at least 30-40 still. Unless you're a shitting who can't cheese the AI, it's not hard to get a deathless run.
Anyone feeling the suffering of leveling their cavalry to level 35 purely for the quest?

Literally learn to control yourself
I want to make Florina relaxed around me

bonus points if I do it by making Florina cum with me
Did that last week (maybe a bit more) with Gunter.
No, Eliwood is good and it'll be nice to have a decent 4 Star Eliwood in case I ever get to put together a cavalry team.
Nah, Abel is a good killer of swordfags even as a 4*
Sure be niceid I had even a fucking 3* cavalry unit.
Literally leveling 2* gunter right now.
Fuck this shit,
It wasn't that bad for me since I had the cuckmaster for it.
It's hard to choose between two good accounts. First account: Julia Cordelia Takumi Lun (all 5*), the second: Azura Takumi Lyn Cecilia.

I'm better at the arena with the first team, since I don't have a good green mage in my second team for now.
not that guy but I love Odin, and just got him at 3*.

Fuck it. I'm going to promote Odin to 5*. It might take a few months but I like the novelty.
Green mages are literally only for effie and you have tacomeme+azura to kite effie to death and back.
Why do you want a green mage?
Could you post the link for whichever one you don't use?
New Lucina card.
Even if he's not a huge issue, green mages can beat Robin too.
Like I said, control thyself. If thats too hard than calc those ivs and usthe team with better ivs. Unless you're really enjoying yourself with the gameplay, this game isn't worth two accounts
roy is a piece of shit.

Whereas Ike is easily one of the most badass lords alongside Hector and Ephraim.
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>it's an Azura and Takumi episode
>on the fucking lava map
yeah I didn't need that deathless streak anyways
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>running dual smites with Effie and Bartre
jesus christ he tears everything up, and what he cant touch he can just toss Effie directly into the fray with his smite.

everything about this is fantastic
no, i like to use peri and i got her as a 5*. sucks that cordelia is way better than her so i had to bench her.
Nice. Did you start with a Hector account and get Lyn's focus?
I'd like to thank everyone who runs tanky units without an all-range counter, since it charges my specials for free
you forgot that they asked you wether you're male or female at the beginning?
>tfw ur peri has 20 def at lv40 according to the calc

what the fuck
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>PoR chapter 12 Hard
>onna boat
>benched Mia because 3 stats in 3 levels
>don't want to use Zihark because Stefan later on
>no other sword users for laguzslayer
>Ike is already level 18
Fug. What do?
Ditch all except Bartre and use the feathers to promote him.
>Ike isn't 20 by chapter 6
What the fuck are you doing
>motivated entirely by his selfish need for attention
Completely wrong. He literally says he's suspicious of Corrin because they spent most of their time raised in Nohr and was recently fighting Hoshidan troops near the border (which is justified) and he just doesn't know how to receive Corrin. Pre-Mikoto getting allah akbard he's just kinda distant and aloof with Corrin.

It's not until AFTER Mikoto and the city square goes kaboom that he starts shitting on Corrin.

His swinging superiority and inferiority complex probably does play a role but to dismiss it as just whining for attention is extremely disingenuous.
Am I the only one who thinks that the Hoshidon royal family let Takumi down in conquest?
He's obviously got something wrong with him and they never once notice.
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+DEF/-HP Effie, +SPD/-DEF Seliph
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That's why you need to choose Birthright so big sister Kamui can save him and jerk his penis.
Dorcas or Dart? I had zero luck with training Bartre.
First account: Julia ATK+ SPD-, Takumi HP- RES+, Cordelia HP+ RES-, Nowi ATK+ RES-

Second account: Azura RES+ SPD-, Lyn ATK+ SPD-, Takumi SPD+ HP-, Cecilia is shit

Basically with Julia I can destroy Linde, Robin, dragons, most blue units and Takumi if he's already hurt.
Funny how Nohrians are more family than Hoshidans. They didn't give a shit about their younger prince just so Ryoma could put his hot lobster OUGI inside Femui.
It's everyone's fault. He's an approval and attention seeking kid and even though he has the most doting and obsessed retainers he still doesn't have enough to be well adjusted.

Ryoma is naturally distant
Sakura probably wouldn't be able to help
Hinoka wasn't meant to exist so it's natural she has no interactions with him
Oh I forgot Lyn in my first account, she's ATK+ SPD- too
What are the best ivs for Lucina?
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Not playing optimally I guess? Boyd, Oscar and Titania are currently MVPs, I don't want to level Ike any more just yet because he promotes after the slog of Chapter 16. Marcia's turning out great, Soren's above average in everything and Neph is on the way up.
Dart, he's fun

20% Skl growth but he should be fine against lance users and such whereas Dorcas's 20% Spd hurts
Should I marry Aversa or Tiki /feg/
Aversa for the Julius x Ishtar throwback.
+atk or spd
-hp or res
Aversa. Why go after Marth's used goods?
>enter the training tower with Frederick in my team
>he shouts "Not while I draw breath!" when I choose a stratum
Never thought Frederick would be so opposed to training.
Both on different files, but if you're only willing to pick one go with Aversa.
Alfonse is the shittiest and most boring lord.
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>aimming foe blue orbs
>Only red and green
>pick one and back out
>only red, green and grey
>pick one and back out
>only red

This game is trolling me right? Why is the color random anyways?
I feel like an avatar of Grima fucking an avatar of Naga is conceptually hot as fuck
Alfonse is the cutest and he hits like a truck.
As opposed to Gangrel's used goods?
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Unpopular opinion but I feel like Takumi's relationship with his retainers is something he needed to eventually grow out of or change, seeing as no matter how much they doted on him, they still weren't the main ones he needed or desired affection from.

Hinata and Oboro do constantly dote on him but most of the time he takes it suspiciously or is exhausted by it because of his own lack of trust. I know their whole schtick is that Takumi can do no wrong in their eyes but I think that being honest now and then in his flaws and giving him space would have helped too.
>4 star olivia

how is she as an attacker? will she get dumpstered if she's alone? i'm going to use her for dancing mostly
One was political maneuvering and the other is an idol that you will never surpass
Idols are tossed aside after 2 years or when they get a boyfriend.
Robin confirmed for #FE2?
So the next banner is in 2 weeks?
Only if you if say it is not the time the delicate balance of luck in my favor
Should I marry Rinkah in Birthright or Revelations
How much is a Lucina/Tiki account worth?
>2 focus
>2 red

three fiddy

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<string name="deviceAccount">d988d0fde20745cd</string>

I rolled this a week or so ago not sure if it still works
It'll happen anon, I can feel it in my bones. Just like the 2d Fire Emblem fighter that isn't Smash and a Thracia remake.
Catria is just too good, she's like a flying tank on attack, you have to gank her up with all of your units or Takumi because she's probably the most potent duelist in the game.
They made barte C tier

Fuck yooooou
Birthright, unless you're really into Scarlet.
>Gunter keeps getting attacked for no damage

This is erecting
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I've been rerolling on and off on my phone for three days and so far this is the only roll I have that has both my waifu and at least one 5 star in it. Should I stop now?
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I nees to look away from fapping to porn.
Link it to an account, and if you find something else you want you can link it to a different account later.
Check Ryoma's IVs first. Femui is really useful and worth bringing to 4* or even 5* if you'd like.
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G-guys i am in love with Nowi but shes 1000 years old so its ok r-right???
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What does it mean? Is the calculator not entirely accurate?
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New skills to buy fucking when?
If you live in Canada get ready FOR JAIL
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As best I can tell Ryoma is SPD+/DEF-, that's good right?

Not sure how to figure out Femui's though since the calculators don't cover 3*s.
Yep. The calculator told me my Selena was +Spd/-Def but she was actually +Spd/-Atk when I leveled her to 40.

You need to compare with like two other anons to get an actual idea what boon and bane you have.
A feature that lets you turn extra SP into shards or crystals wouldn't be a bad idea. Certainly better than having it sit there.
Yep. Enjoy worrying about who to 5* if you care about gameplay.
+Hp -Def
Shit gotta go
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I've heard what they do to guys like you in prison.
Elise is too sexual.
the jews are doing everthing they can to prevent me from rolling a linde + azura account but I'LL NOT GIVE UP, I'LL PREVAIL
That or something like converting to feathers at a 10:1 SP:Feathers would be great.

They really need to add some kind of SP dump once you get all your skills. A few people cost a shitton, like Lyn or Lucina, but some people just end up with hoards of it.
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>Pull a single Hero for shtis and giggles
>Get this
>Pretty go -
>- Attack + Res

If Peri wasn't my waifu, I would already be making a noose, lads.
Anyone actually tried out both Elise and Lissa?

Mobility and a reliable 15 heal doesn't seem to matter as much as being able to heal someone for 50+ health, but I can't say for sure.
I've got a Linde + Kagero + 4* Olivia account. The downside is the jews have eaten 120 of my story orbs and I've gotten literally nothing but 3* and the same two 4* over and over.
I have like 1 full roll and some change left before I gotta start whaling to save this account.
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Fire Emblem Heroes SC.jpg
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Ever since I heard that Eirika and Ephraim are now in this game I have wanted to play it so here is my first pull.
Is it good? I hear you can roll again if you aren't satisfied with a pull you get but this doesn't seem too bad.
Also should I keep playing the Japanese version, a friend told me it's better than the localised one.
I really don't like how her base res looks since Corn's res is trash to begin with. She caps out at 24 at lvl 4o 5*, and that's with a Res boon.
You should re-roll until you get Eirika or Ephraim now. The chances of getting them later are extremely low.
It's a good pull but if you're playing for Eirika and Ephraim you should reroll until you get both or risk missing out.
>Also should I keep playing the Japanese version, a friend told me it's better than the localised one
They're literally the same, which isn't usually the case with mobile games.
Reroll. If you can understand japanese then yeah otherwise it's fine. Some things did get changed in the localization but overall it's not bad, definitely nowhere near awakening and fates level.
>have 5* Merric
>get 5* Julia, level her up to his same level
>her stats are utter shit compared to his other than for her atk and res
>just use whoever you like

>Also should I keep playing the Japanese version, a friend told me it's better than the localised one.

Your friend is a weaboo. Unlike 90% of mobile games, this had a simultaneous launch in JP and worldwide. We're getting everything they are and at the same time.
We will literally never get that thracia remake anon
And it sucks that we won't
>got 2 5 star Ephraim's in a row

game pls
it's actually

>just use whoever you like if they have good IVs
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Elise team.png
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Finally I am unbeatable.
Well people were constantly saying that a Musou would never happen, so anything is possible now really.
>Your friend is a weaboo. Unlike 90% of mobile games, this had a simultaneous launch in JP and worldwide. We're getting everything they are and at the same time.
It's not even that, the Japanese version is literally the same game. You can change the text/audio to Japanese in settings.

The only difference in the versions off the store is the default language.
I guess I should re-roll then.
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This kills the manakete.
That's actually impressive assuming those are all his 5* units and he didn't send any home. I spent like 5 hours rerolling colorless for Kagero and I got 0 Elise's.
Mar-Mar why

but she's my wife.
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Which is a shame as I use both.
Yes Marth.

Free us of the Elf/Dragon menace.
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>that one Elise that's not loved like the rest
Her art is so nice.
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Do you have 4 of her?
I don't see why we wouldn't if Echoes turns out to be a series like people suspect

and it'd be a convenient leadoff to tie it into Heroes and Cipher (which I suspect is half the reason we got a Gaiden remake)
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Elise 3DS.jpg
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There always has to be a black sheep anon.
One for the others to bully.
5* Elise
4* Camilla
3* Wrys
2* Wrys
I've had many weird rolls but nothing as hilarious as this.
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Like half of my summons are units that are in the free unit rotation and it's really getting annoying.
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So with Fir and Hawkeye (and two other scrubs I forget) coming to the next focus, how much better are they than Ephraim and Eirika? I mean, they can't suck, because otherwise how are they going to get whales to spend money? Do you think there's a buff incoming?
>>2* Wrys
that's not possible.
Veronica is a slut
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My rolls are putting Ephraim in a very uncomfortable position.
It's Hawkeye, Fir (fucking terrible), Minerva's Sister and Titty Tiki.
Titty Tiki is the draw since she has a 2 range counter. It's just a tide over banner though, probably only a single week before they add the next batch of missions and lords/important people.
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Why does female Robin always look retarded?
It was a 3. I got carried away by the pattern.

Fir is poormans Lyn and sucks bad for it. Haweye is actually decent, but his speed is awful, though he actually has legitimate bulk to tank. Problem is, he's a green in a red meta.

The next banner is utter trash.
She's a spellsword
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>need to train 2 lvl 25 characters
>lvl 21 stratum
>lvl 29 stratum
>He gets to fuck two loliprincesses if his sister is on the rags

I do not see the problem.
Out of the two who is better Florina or abel? Those are my only 2 blues over 3 stars
>having issues with level 29 stratum at level 25
You ahould be hitting tenth stratum as early as level 30 if you have colour advantage unless you want to level like a snail
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Well, at least that means we'll all have more orbs stored up by the time a good banner comes around. I think Ike and Micaiah are guaranteed, but who else would they add next?
>We got 1.5x exp before they made the lower-level difference exp change

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>go in the lvl 29 stratum
>kill 3 out of 4 but then it dies so no exp
I feel like Fir could be kinda cool actually, if only because she hits a speed tier Lyn does.
All he's missing is Minerva's Sister for the loli healmouto set. Good thing she has a focus soon.
Level doesn't really matter all that much, but these damn training maps really like to load up on blues when I'm training reds.
They could add Sothe and Elincia.
I want to violently rape Fir.
She's a savage so it would be totally justifiable.

They might throw on Soren and Sothe if they do Ike and Micaiah. It'd go pretty well and give us a banner unit for each color.

I'd just be happy with Ike. Once I have him, I can start being more liberal with my rolls and stop saving.
Thracia in heroes when
>Looks like there's strange rumours going on. I don't have those kind of weird hobbies though.
>As Eirika's brother I must protect her
>I will protect you. Trust me and come along
>If something happens call me anytime
>I really like you. You are someone I can deeply trust.
I'm getting mixed signals here Ephraim.
>one of each color

Can't have that now can we. Enjoy Ike (Red), Elincia (Red), Micaiah (Blue) and Sothe (Colorless)
I don't know why they added the lines denying the rumors, they only make Ephraim sound more suspect.
I want to say you're wrong, but goddammit, that's exactly what they're going to do. Having 1 person for each would be too smart.
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Well /feg/? Do I do it?
my favorite meme is seeing a lance icon and having no idea if it's a flyer or a knight.
''Long live the king!''

Pull the trigger, lad.
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Not for years at this rate.
>I really like you. You are someone I can deeply thrust into.
oh-oh my, ephraim, i-i didn't know

Imagine when the Choose your Legend banner hits

>Literally every single fucking unit is a red.


Do it. Commit Patricide.
Do I 5* Effie or Bartre
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The salt over people pulling Elincia when trying to get Ike is gonna be hilarious.
>Having 1 person for each would be too smart
Not really. Having two reds on the focus means that the chance of getting a specific focus red is lower, meaning whales will be chasing their desired character more.
It'd be cool to have an even spread, but not doing that doesn't mean they're stupid. Just look at the next banner, they have two reds, one of which is the best unit and the other is the worst.
Worth? Also Calculator is bugged? it shows robin with 7 base attack. Anyone know what his IVs are
Well he does say suki da zo! very emphatically
>elincia ends up being another Brave weapon memer
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the lord doth protest too much
Gotta need more than just that, buckaroo.
i'm already salty i got 2 seliph and a leo when i wanted eirika. only gotten 2 blue orbs in 3 summons too ;_;
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forgot pic
Effie can wall any red swordsman, which the meta loves right now. She'll even counterkill them most of the time, with the extra attack from skills/5* stats.

And she's cuter.
Should I add another healslut to my group? Right now I only use Clarine and she's my highest leveled unit. Thinking of using Maria is she good?
Ouch. I feel you, this red oversaturation is gonna make getting any future reds a goddamn pain. Hoping Ike comes next new character banner before it gets too hard.

I pulled, when trying to get Eirika, Leo, THREE 5* Marths, and Seliph before I finally got her.
Azura focus when
what if my Effie is -def +res
+ Speed - Res. What most people tend to forget when they do a 4* going into 5* is that the values in the 5* calculator is with said units top weapon.
+spd -res
What fucking calculator are you guys using?
Healers are booty and 1 is 1 too many. But if you want to use them go for it. Just make sure you're ready for literally never getting defense feathers.
In two days I can 5* either Sharena or +hp - res Femui and I cannot fucking decide since I like to use both of them on a rotation.

Help ;_;
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Well these are some weird unit choices
well once you can 5 star sharena, look at her stats and see if she has shit IVs. if she does, 5 star Femui instead
Wait one month to save enough feathers for both of them :^)
I thought Sharena was locked into being neutral.
The starters have IVs?
You interrupted the Femuis gangbanging Merric
Merrich realised elice is shit and made a harem. Good taste.
well did you win
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Found this over on reddit.

Think it's an automated response or is there a legitimate chance Ephraim could get buffed to let his skills stack?
Do I get anything for beating the last mission on lunatic?
Don't count on it
You have to go back faggot
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>skill buffs/debuffs not stacking has been a bug this entire time
>nino now controls the meta
Yeah but seliph got 0 exp cause he got fucked instantly by femui
>Think it's an automated response
You'd have to be pretty dumb not to.
Mine is -res+def, but any mage would kill Effie regardless. 55 atk Effie can still take care of non-greens by herself, either OHKO'ing or baiting a counter and then attacking next turn.
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Who's that fat bitch next to Azura and what does she do?
Linde the walking nuke?
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I wish.
Murders reds and Takumi
I don't mean Robin's discount version of beating him either she fucking one rounds him
>Nino with Olivia, Eirika, and Sharena
>+4 Def, +4 Speed, +11 Attack
>30 damage boost
My god...
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I'll pump and leave her
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Thoughts on her? She seems pretty weak to me
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One of the hardest hitters in the game is all I know. Probably really only worth it with Azura or Olivia.
you can get some pretty nice damage on her like this anon shows
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Keep or reroll?
Eirka is +hp-spd
Julia is +def-hp
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>-spd Eirika
Reroll for sure
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>decide to finish off Lunatic and get my last set of free orbs after spamming the Training Tower
>1.5x EXP event
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Who do I promote?
would getting a 4* to 40+10 be the same as a 5*+2/3

by how much do the stats increase going from 4* to 5*
What's the popularity contest and why or how do you use orbs for it?
I think someone said a 4*+5 is equal to a 5*. I have no idea how accurate that is.
julia is a dumb incest baby

also she's ugly
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>Heroes has stat debuffs applying until the end of the opponent's next turn instead of you regaining stats over time like in Fates
Why the fuck didn't they do this in the first place? That shit was fucking stupid in fates.
titty ninja
Sharena, she's actually pretty good.
>more than 3 versions of Artoria

what the fresh hell
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>tfw +spd tacos in advanced arena
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One of them is a Star Wars parody
If you have a male on your team you are a homosexual
No exceptions
4*+5=5* but you miss out on skills and weapons so the difference is much higher
You guys are killing me. They both sound like really good decisions, I'm leaning towards Sharena now though because I'm not sure how useful Kagero will stay. Meanwhile, Sharena seems like the kind of unit that will be good for a whiiiile.
Trchnically mysterious heroine x is not arturia and merely a saberface since shes MYSTERIOUS.
If mordred, whore of babylon, jeanne and the rest are included, there should be alot more.
Well, what kind of unit does your team need more at the moment? Both are solid choices.
Look at Kagero's Poison Dagger, then look at the sheer amount of infantry in the game.

Then never look back.
The original MHX joke was Artoria but the GO version is an alien so
>because I'm not sure how useful Kagero will stay
Even if she isn't as useful in the future (highly unlikely), it's not like you couldn't just raise Sharena later.
I'd go with Kagero unless you have like, no blue units.
For those of you playing on Nox, how do you fucking do it? I am trying to but I'm constantly afraid of the game giving me the error message at any point right in the middle of a game, ruining any progress but also keeping any spent stamina gone.
Why do you play on nox, you're only meant to reroll on it.
If you seriously don't have a skartphone or ios device in this day and agr you should consider soduku
I have Lucina/Tiki/Robin/Takumi, more than anything I probably need a green but at the same time I feel I'd rather replace the Tiki with Sharena.

This is true, god I hope for another feather rt event to help make this choice easier.
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My squad is a level 35 and three 40s yet when I clicked advanced arena it gave me a team of four lvl 1s as my opponent.
Haven't used Nox for anything besides fruitless rerolls, but have you tried turning off root?
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He's too fast and tanky
Robin or Effie?

My team has Marth/Takumi/Azura
Wait for Robin F.
I do asshole, but I have more than one account and only one phone to play on otherwise.

Yeah, it still gives you the error after a certain amount of time. So far nothing particularly bad has happened but it is kind of annoying and makes me feel the need to delete the xml every so often just because.
Well I re-rolled and pulled this, now I feel deep regret.
I only have 2 5*, do I roll more? Spent about 60 orbs so far but I don't wana reroll cause it has my waifus.
Robin f is female and coming next event map
Keep rolling. You don't just re-roll once.
Lowen is a god
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I accidentally my sister

wut do?
maybe it takes in consideration the player in the matchmaking

wooo burned
I finally did it. 5* Husbando Niles maxed out!
Now what?
Reminder that the only acceptable Savers are the orinigal one, Alter and Nero. The rest is utter trashtier that should be burned on the stake.
Ignore them, upgrade dragon pussy.
Don't worry, just say you're age-sexual, all kinds of mental illnesses get covered up that way up here and the libtards buy it everytime.
How do we know what's coming in future?
Is there a list somewhere?
probably you should have started with 2 5 stars

shit i spent 60 orbs on one of my rolls havent gotten 1, so you want the best start you can get
Best Cav
In my playthroughs he always ends up as a Golden Axe Paladin God
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forgot pic
Walhart the conqueror when
Datamined, check previous maps
I know, it's just I threw away something decent.
For Selena.
Previous threads*
I knew he had high res, but fuck. Is that normal?
I got Catria and Tharja as my 5*. Tharja is a -res/+atk and my catria is a -res/+spd. I'm also using olivia and corrin which are 4*.

I mean my strat is to attack with corrin for res debuff and then attack with double hit tharja and possibly even use dance for quadruple hits. Or I'll pair up Catria and Olivia to snipe out archers/mages before they can even attack.
Gheb when?
>Almost completely even stats

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Hes known as the magekiller archer for a reason anon
Do you know when it might come out?

Ouch anon :(

Weird, considering they had their passives unlocked I guess it might have been a sync issue, who knows.
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I would imagine when the current focus ends on the 27th
>Not having 2 2 week long banners 1 week apart
>+atk -def robin
i can still kill tacomeme with him r-right?
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Breed Tiki!
I hope they don't actually use that banner. I could use some new units but those are kinda rubbish.
what does Tiki smell like
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I want to Tiki Tiki's Tikis with Tiki!

Hawkeye has some great art, I'd like to find a 5* version to use.
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This anon here
Decided to stick with it
And then just got this using the first twenty orbs gotten from beating chapters.
Should I head to Vegas or have I used up all my luck for the year?
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Does fem Robin have the worst art in the game?
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Raven level 40.png
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Finally got this bastard to level 40
I dunno about worst, but Harold's is the least fitting compared to everyone else's.
yeah but what does heaven smell like
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What is the chance for an azura drop? I want a lovely singing waifu dammit
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Thank you, whoever you are, you glorious bastard.
You should put Olivia to the far left
Hp, def, or res? What's the best bane for Camilla?
HP or res. She needs as much defense as she can get since unless she has +spd she gets doubled constantly.
0.x percent
Wait for ner to be a focus as otherwise theres zero chance you're getting her
Like tiki
I don't understand how people don't get any defenses, every morning when I check the 10 shown defenses are always new
>losing to a team with no blue
i hate you
>tacomeme + dancer
>on maps like that cancerous brisge map

Lucky you. I don't really have any good 5*'s for defense.

Don't ask me. I'll gladly take the extra feathers.
Don't think about the rate. Just keep multiple Nox running and reroll endlessly, or lurk in these threads with a Nintendo account ready to attach and snatch one up as soon as someone posts an XML with her. I posted one a few days ago but someone grabbed it and I haven't seen her since.
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More free orbs when
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Something reserved for Tiki's husband aka me
right here

Some of us just haven't rolled good units for defense I guess. Considering that I'm still trying to hold out for new characters I really want, my defense team is Femui/Takumi/Lucina/Olivia. Sure as shit isn't optimal but I figure Femui will do more work than Hector.
what's faster, getting 20 orbs and going for all 5 summons or rolling with 17? rooted phone btw
What is even the purpose of the 1* and 2* units?
roll with 17 orbs

summoning is fixed, you're just literally loading the character card
With macro and autobattle they're exactly the same but 20 means less restarting which mesns less chances for errors in the macro
Rolling with 17. It's really just one more unit you get to draw from, and the additional time adds up after a few rerolls.
Freebee units in case you need them. Like if you don't have a dancer then you can get an Olivia
Nino or Camilla for my green defense slot? I use Camilla right now and have no problems getting upwards of 273 points, but would Nino be harder to counter for the attacker?

Neither, if you plan on rerolling you should use nox.
dont listen to these people, do 5 rolls, if your account doesnt have 2 5 stars, reroll
Most here will say Nino is better, but it really depends on your other units.
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Interesting choices.
I don't see any discernible reason to use the other 2.
Mine is Clarine, Takumi, Robin and young Tiki. I don't know what makes it so strong but I get defenses literally all the time and the highest score is usually 265 or so, currently 267 is my highest and got it this league.
Loli Tiki, Lucina, and Azura.
do you guys know if I can link my main account's nintendo account to my reroll account ?
Sain is the best of those three
Am I stupid or does Heroes not let you rearrange units when deploying?
Are there any Fire Emblem games for PC? If not which emulator/game should I start with
Then definitely Nino.
>7 levels higher
>less str than Sain

There aren't. If you're emulating then start with Sacred Stones, it's the best one for newcomers
>still no FE heroes crossover doujin
I'm always let down.
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And the lords, the new one looks frail so she will probably be difficult to use, like Charlotte or Hana
what's the difference?
Kind of hard to say then, I guess I should have asked what your Camilla's stats are because she is much more sensitive in that way than others. Generally though, for that team, it's hard to say. I'd lean towards Nino but she only gets the one buff from Azura I believe, and she needs a team that can fully support her. On the other hand it'd balance your physical and magical damage more.
>skipping Lyn mode

No, no he is not.
Yeah but look at that bulk, he won't die like Sain will.
And Lowen can use a steel sword with no penalties. Making the offence difference negligible.
Lyn is very frail but she's alright overall, and her animations are pretty cool. That Eliwood is surprisingly good.
So when you're at the arena or friends list what do the tiers mean? Most people are tier 3 is that just supposed to indicate how long they've been playing?
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And the generic Pegasus Knight
Why should I?
I heard FE7 was easy so I acquired a save with Hard mode.
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And a second Archer, who I will not be using.
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>playing Lyn mode
>Are there any Fire Emblem games for PC?
>If not which emulator/game should I start with
I would say get a GBA emulator and try 7, it's just labeled "Fire Emblem" on most sites. The GBA games are where the series started in the west, it has a tutorial, and starting with the older games will teach you good habits. If you start with the newer ones and you want to go back you're going to have to unlearn a lot of things.

There used to be a ROM compilation but I don't know if it's still functional, it's buried in nested pastebins in the OP.
I want to mate with a dragon.
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Lifis WHEN?
>Not using based Wil
Why are you even here?
In the four Fire emblem games I have played I have never once used an archer and I seem to have beat those games easy enough.
Plus the girl archer is dead.
I've spent all the orbs you can get in the game so far and pulled 2 5*... I guess the probability of that makes me kind of lucky if you think about it the other way
Why is Severa such a raging lesbian?
>lettine Becca die
She got hit by a bandit and died.
<3 <3
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>letting rebecca die
>letting rebecca die
Kill yourself
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>letting characters duie
2-3 is the average with no rerolling so idk what you're whining about
>plus the girl archer died
Reminds me of my first playthrough of SS
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who did it better
About the same as when FGO gave out 1-2* units. In short, devs have no idea what they're doing and think those are enough to clear any content.
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Oh I see the token waifu character.
It's like when people reacted to me losing Hinoka in Revelation.
>better at anything other than being shit
Wil's waifu >>>>>>>>>> Severa
>letting any characters die at all
Absolutely disgusting
Heres your (you)
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download (1).jpg
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Severa did the pose better honestly

Don't fret, she's not that great of a unit like most GBA bow users
This isn't your blog faggot
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Don't bully
>Rebeccacucks mad that their waifu is shit
>Hector, the Marquess of Ostia
And all that time I thought Hector was a man.
>if I attach cuck to the end of every other word maybe I'll fit in
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Yep, frail.
>implying I'm a newfag
I was there for Belkakeks wedding, faggot. Fuck off.
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>+spd -res Linde
Was Wil really that good? I never used him once since Rebecca was usually the better option for me.
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>any bow user that isn't pic related
All shit, and this guy is an absolute scumbag anyway. Archers are the worst class in FE.
They were both shit but Rebecca was better
No Rebecca is better in every single way
That said I always use Wil since he's my favorite archer.
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He's the slower, bulkier one.
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>letting any characters die
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>20% def
>Talking about gameplay

>FE2 Archers
I don't see the problem.
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GUYS i have a problem

25% Def is the standard for GBA FE, that isn't very far off
>Oh I see the token waifu character.
That's Lyn
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Ayyyyy just got my Ephraim to 40.
>I don't know who they are so they must be literal whos!
>tfw rolled with a lucina and linde all the way to lunatic and havent got a single fucking 5*

im getting real tired of this kusoge
Until the Seiba machine stops making money out of her fanboys.
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>hasn't even played FE4
>wanting to play as a cuck
For only about half a game then you play as a his daughter(male).
Nope. That place goes to Shadow Dragon and especially Mystery of the Emblem. They LOVE that game to death.
>You can change the text/audio to Japanese in settings
Wait, where?
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Is this guy decent? His 3 star run was bad and I'm afraid he might be a -atk
The son is also a cuck and a pussy from what I've read.
The strongest cuck (lord) in the series.
Lyn nowi takumi hector vs Lyn Olivia takumi hector
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>tfw best SS girl is not in yet
>>>>from what I've read
>taking /feg/ memes seriously
>has pussy line up for him
>even his bro gf
>even his half sister
Hector is basically Proto-Ike. Ike is IS's "perfected" version of Hector.
What makes a good Lord?
Ike doesn't have a cute daughter
That's not Tana
not having a -spd iv
Blue hair
Ask Eliwood.
File: Fire Emblem 7 - Fire Emblem.png (18KB, 240x160px) Image search: [Google]
Fire Emblem 7 - Fire Emblem.png
18KB, 240x160px
Yep, as I thought, generic Pegasus Knight
That's not L'Arachel
Pic related is what I have. The only gold I ever pulled was a +res/-att takumi and I leveled up Camilla and she's still shit. What comp should I make? I'm using Gwendolyn right now for attack buff.

Also should I put money in the game for orbs? I pretty much completed all missions on every difficulty and I got shit pulls every time
Nice Kagerou
>Alm is basically proto Ike/Hector
Not be a shit unit and have a likeable personality with a clear goal.
40% isn't exactly average Pegasus Knight. Fiora has the trademark average Pegasus Knight growths though she comes later and has better stats to make up for it.
>Blue hair
>much interaction with other characters
>is not Roy
That's it I think.
>alm the warlord who needs pussy to calm himself and not go all walhart
>anything like hector or ike
Nice Kellam
Hector give away anon here, always do 5 rolls, you will likely get 3rd 5* with the last orb.
Kellam is a good unit
>tfw I wanted to like Roy because SoS made him awesome
The hell were they thinking making Roy a Master Lord for only 5 or so stages?
>keep trying to pull Hector
>Have 9 Gunters and 5 Cherches
Fuck me
Just imagine if Walhart wasn't born so fucking ugly and actually had a waifu. We could have skipped all that Valm shit
You could just beg you know?
Alm is pretty much what Conquest Corrin should have been.
mine is -atk. If yours is don't bother. He'd probably be pretty great with +atk
my nigga
Lel best SS
New thread
File: Screenshot_20170217-074535.png (3MB, 1440x2560px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1440x2560px

Shit forgot pic

This is what I have
But he's got a cool descendant in the form of Priam.
Hard to say. IS did say that Hector was one of the inspirations to make Ike. Ike's brashness comes from him.
Just as many Tharja variants and we know there's a Christmas variant of her and Robin already.
You press Change Language which is under 'FAQ/Etc.' for some reason.
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