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/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 850
Thread images: 224

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>[Rerun: Uproar of the Chocolate Ladies]
From 2/8 to 2/22
Expanded version of the previous Valentine event
5* Berserker MHX (Alter) is on rate-up every day

>[Valentine 2017 Female Gacha 1]
2/12 Jeanne
2/13 Tamamo
2/14 Jack
2/15 Nightingale
2/16 Sanzou
2/17 MHX (Alter)
2/18 MHX (Alter) + Valentine 2016 CE
2/19 to 2/22 MHX (Alter)

>[Valentine 2017 Female Gacha 2]
2/12 Orion
2/13 Drake
2/14 Mordred
2/15 Medb
2/16 Arturia (Lancer)
2/17 Quetzalcoatl

>[Valentine 2017 Male Gacha]
Tesla, Arjuna, Karna, Enkidu, Ozymandias, Waver, Vlad and Cu (Alter) rate-up

>[Craft Essences]
5* Cute Orangette / Street Choco Maid (+5)
4* Choco Angel / Kitchen Patissiere (+3)
3* Blissful Time / Valentine Dojo of Tears (+1)
5* Chocolatier Arts (+5)
4* Bitter Black (+3)
3* Composure of the Victor (+1)
5* Sweet Crystal (+2)
5* Fondant Au Chocolat (+2)

- Latest changes http://fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- Melty Sweetheart CE can now be bought with Rare Mana Prism
- Secondary Archival Storage can be expanded with Mana Prism
- Epic of Remnant to launch on late February or early March



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Grand Time Temple Solomon and General Profile Translation

>Fate/Grand Order Material Book III

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate Servant/CE DB
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We told you to let us die
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Guan Yu 5* when lads?
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I want the medjebs to watch while I fuck Nito
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Sita when?
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Best boy.
There are at least 2 of us, so "we".
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I'm late but are the event CE's worth getting?
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Caster Agrippina when?
Would whale if she wasn't tan.
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More Pharaohs when?
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Who /kingbrosan/ here?
What was that message we got about today on login?
>tanned saberface
Please stop, weren't saberfaces with boobs bad enough?
>that pic
I don't get it.
>if she wasn't tan
You have some shit taste.
Gaijin ban soon.
I have a feeling the invulnerability pierce might be useful.
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She would be an Assassin specializing in poisons.
This is the shittiest meme of the general, fuck off and die if you can't live with the shitposting.
New Master Missions, that's it. They're going to remind us every week I guess.
sandniggers are lewd
5* Akhenaten when?
>"Hope you faggots are enjoying the rerun. Don't forget to buy quartz and roll for the worst servant we've ever released :^)"
Can't stop until we have every flavor of Saberface under the sun
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Caster Artoria when?
Thank you for your honest opinion, we will take it into account.
Welcome to Fate.
I wonder what Caligula sees in her that's so great. Apart from her rocket body, I mean.

And comparing Agrippina and Nero in terms of looks is borderline offensive, Nero is downright ugly compared to Agrippina.
somebody give me dark hearts
Why wasn't the Berserker class Artoria, Saber Lion?
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>All my accounts have all three Tamamos at max grailed level
>Still roll for Tamamo
Happy for the lads that have gotten her.
My condolences to those that tried and failed.
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Do you
she is
Coming in Saber Wars 2.
Wait for Mysterious Heroine XL.
Saber lion will be beast class
She is me, so yeah. But for a good reason
I wonder if anyone here has every artoria per class, minus the caster slot.
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>And comparing Agrippina and Nero in terms of looks is borderline offensive, Nero is downright ugly compared to Agrippina.
Are you memeing? Agrippina looks like utter shit, 2* Servant at best. I'm glad they never used her anywhere.
I know I am.
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Remove her.
>mfw Saber Wars 2 will vastly expand the MHX universe
>mfw there will be every flavor of MHX (MHX Lancer, archer, etc)
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How does one survive this kind of situation?
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>it will come bundled with a Saberface gacha

I'm already ready to whale
>there will be MHX version of the servant
>Agravain would come for good.

Well, why not.
Ozzy would probably hate that guy. He did a lot to revise Akhenaten's leftover monuments, particularly the ones that were made to the heretic worship of Aten.
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Unit Lion.gif
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Rider Saber when?
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During the past week I rolled EVERY. SINGLE. QUARTZ. and EVERY. SINGLE. TICKET. I had at this very time of the day. All 309 quartz, 30 tickets, and $100.
During the next days I got more quartz and spent it all in the same time of the day again and I got NOTHING.
Now, after bonding grinding the whole day the servant most close to leveling bond, and thanks to the master missions, I just got three more quartz. At the every same time I always rolled without success in the rest of the week. Just enough for one single roll.
I feel tired and broken. I'm scared of what awaits me if roll again.

I don't know whether I should just wait a few more hours or just be done with it. Part of me really wants to know what these quartz will bring me, but I don't know what happens to me if I get nothing again.

At this point I don't even know if I still want that servant. help me /fgog/ what should I do?
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by going into the offensive with this snek and cum into her kneesoxxu~
>unfortunately your transaction cannot be processed at this time

What the literal fuck?
>tfw I don't even feel like playing this game anymore

When are we getting a Nobunaga / Okita event again? I feel they are the only ones able to light up my fire for this game at this rate.
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Nobu a CUTE.
Good luck with your new CE.
You should take a break from this game
Our lord and savior Fatalpulse-sama returned today how happy are you /fgog/?
Everyone would hate Akhenaton in Egypt, beside his wife. Even his son tried to supress his heritage.
Well, trying to change the pantheon for a "monotheism", moving completely the capitale and taking even more importance than a normal pharaoh was a bit fast for his time.

Definitively servant tiers though.
Shota Tut when?
Did he? I wish I had his friend code
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good night for the ROMAfags present in this thread.
Kill yourself, degenerate fuck.
Keep rolling.
Roll until you go mad and fall into the very depths of despair.
Only then will you be able to find true salvation.
Did he go somewhere?
Yes, saw him online today and with Sakura CE so he is playing the game.
Is Hector's scene translated yet? I want to know if DW is retarded or if there's a significant reason for why he give you a model of the Trojan Horse, a symbol of the downfall of Troy.
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man, you sure are dumb.

he is using the horse to infiltrate in the MC heart.

this must be a real example of american education.
How much damage do I need to deal to Gawain the second time? Do I have to kill him? He has 421k and the same damage reduction buff as the first time, but at 112k he still didn't fucking die and ended up wiping me
it's all on the wikia, anon.
Yes, all 421k Health points.
Use Euryale and Orion to stunlock him.
>tfw I still have him in my friendlist
You need to kill him. So either wait a week or two for people to go back to their usual supports and steamroll him or use your command spells.
Reminder we've got actual cucks in these threads >>168120820
is this bait

Use double best gorgon sister m8
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Just use best snek
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>bringing AoE Rider to Saber
Christ, I need to level my servants. I wanted to clear the singularity before the event expired for an extra 10 roll but I need to farm archer exp now. My team was Tawara 47, Euryale 42, Euryale 100, Mashu 54, Gorgon 50, Caster Gilgamesh 60
Its not fair bros /a/ is making fun of us again...
first reddit now /a/...

Level your Euryale ASAP. Sadly, my brute force approach won't work for you, so I can't offer any strats that would work.
Shop has EXP if you need it.
do free quests and friend a level capped orion
she can pretty much solo Gawain
>present day
>being a riderfag
they can't keep getting away with it...
not fair bro

Reddit is /a/ though plus I don't feel so bad when reddit has pure autism like pic related
>angry crying wojak.jpg
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I want to breed with this lewd fox.

Nope this anon is one of us.
Scat isn't even on top15 reddit servants meanwhile she is on our top5.
I want Scathach to dominate me sexually.
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You can keep the fox.
>>168153390 here.
Sorry, I accidentally clicked the Enter key.
Level Mashu (and her skills if you haven't yet done so). Her defense buffs will mitigate most of Lion King's damage.
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Alter is best
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that's just the average /fgog/ scatfag.
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Not my fault Rider is still the best girl since 2004.
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At least post something to remind people why he's called The Smiter.
Is Nito thick or not?
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She's got a nice body but she doesn't have enough meat to be called thick
Scat isn't even in top 16, Jeanne Alter and Okita aren't top 10 and yet people scream reddit whenever they are posted.
She gets ticcer as she levels up.
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It's kinda crazy to think that Nitocris can rip open wormholes that spew out hordes of laser-eyed ghosts.
Why was the Camelot CM so much better than any of the CMs for the other orders?
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When are we getting him?
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rin a shit copycat 2nd rate magus
She's not even the best version of herself.
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Considering how she has underworld connotations and an Anubis theme it's not too far out there since Medjed is associated with Osiris. The real question is why they don't use their eye beams.
can we all just agree that prisma is the worst thing with the fate brand name?
Too OP.

>8 pack

seriously nigger
>Says the third rate magus copy of her teachers little sister
It can't be the worst, it has Gilgamesh.
Gareth-chan when?
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They can curse people just by looking at them, according to Hundred Faced Hassan. Using eye beams would be overkill.
We're gonna get an Hosoya voiced character right after a Fukujun, Nana or golden Mamo one.
IIRC, the Hashshashin encountered early in Camelot yelled not to look Medjed in the eyes, so at least there's something going on there. They said Medjed would inflict curses on people who make eye contact.
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Okita #055™.png
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Fuck Prisma. It killed Illya as a character, nowadays people don't even remember what she used to be.
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Isn't instadeath supposed to be a Nitocris specialty, or were people just referring to what she does to their hearts?
>people don't remember how she used to be

A psychopath, sadistic women trapped in a child's body?
Thanks for the rinSip.jpg
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take it back
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I actually agree.
>In her choco scene, Brave Liz says there exists no servant dumb enough to eat a ring, if there did mathematicians would freak
very funny nasu
>tfw feel obligated to take Carmilla's choco because I have her at np5
When you put it like that it makes me think maybe she deserved to die.
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She was an actual character, and not a shameless pedobait.
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You are right. She used to be completely heartless.
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Lizfags cucked again
>implying this is true
We need Freud, or a true doctor as a servant. Liz need it seriously.
she was hardly a character

she was a meat puppet with no personality, programmed to do the family wishes

she never had any character growth, meaningful relationships, etc before prisma glory
So she was shameful pedobait?
Nitocute is a heart attack waiting to happen, yes.
Have you actually read Fate/stay night and Hollow Ataraxia? Because I'm pretty sure you didn't.
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How would you like your goddess senpai?
fuck off secondary-kun
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Before people reply to this bait,let me just ask

Do you want to check out my mixtape,mang
>le no personality meme
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>she never had any character growth, meaningful relationships, etc before prisma glory

She still doesn't have any, french kissing a brown loli and acting embarrassed every five minutes doesn't constitute a personality, much less than her relationship with berserker and conflicted feelings towards shirou as kiritsugu's son.

How does it feel that in her own show Shirou still somehow manages to get more meaningful exposition and will get his own movie?
Last crossover crosses over with anime, who is the 5*?
Not that anon but I want to.
tamamo cat and nekopara croosover when?
Shirou is best thing to come out of prisma
Shirou is the best thing to come out of the Fate franchise.
What's the point of ______? she's dumb, weak and ugly.
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>Original Illya fags prefer seeing their character suffering and dying instead of living a fulfilling life with friends and family
Sure shows how much you care about her
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Good taste
Don't say things like that about your mom.
UBW last fight became my favorite anime scene
it's not a meme

she has 2 modes

1. programmed robot

2. pedophilia fantasy for shirou

wow what a diverse character

sometimes instead of killing her they show you scenes of her wanting to get intimate with shirou!! but she's a little girl xD
They are not the same person though. It is like saying you don't like Saber if you don't like Mordred, they are only similar in body.
Prisma Illya has literally nothing to do with the original Illya, they are completely different characters.
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If red man is dead how did he dead gilkamesh?
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Servant Shirou when
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You spoiler that as if it's controversial. His character deconstructs and then reconstructs the super hero archetype. He's a multifaceted character who has issues with having a 'borrowed' ideal which he slowly makes his own, developed due to having deep set survivors guilt. He's a doormat who at the same time isn't a complete push over when things get serious. Full of flaws yet is someone who is very easy to look up to, especially by the end of the VN.
Shirou is a fucking great character. And just to bait people, he's far better than Shiki. All of them.
Just because he died doesn't mean he was killed.
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Buh b-but!
>not the "hey, that's hell you are walking into" scene
Which choco is Berserker Kintoki's?
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>dat deformed anatomy
The nuclear meltdown really did a number on him.
When they finally give the redman more versions instead of bait and switch servants like Kerry and Bob.
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How can other servants even compete?
EMIYA isn't Shirou. They are completely different characters by the end of every route in the VN. As stated by Nasu himself, Shirou does not become EMIYA after any of the routes
The one with his chain
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What did he mean by this?
Blackman soon
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Whenever Nasu figures out what legendary sword smith he wants to shove inside him.
Are people still in denial that Bob is Emiya Alter?
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This. At least we'll get more Illya in the HF movies.
They will continue to be until the 22nd.
There is no denial, Bob is not Emiya. He is clearly another guy who is taking the name.
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>she was a meat puppet with no personality

Secondary pls. She has a personality since she was actually born from Iri instead of being created by the Einzbern.
Is anybody else getting a connection error when trying yo burn cards or feed exp/fou? I can do other things, such as battle or use the event shop.
Would you want to admit your favorite servant was transformed into a nigger out of nowhere?
He always always a nigger to begin with.
Can't wait for illya/rin/saber to get blacked by the alpha emiya
Well I'm black so I don't really have a problem with niggers.
I dunno. I kinda like Beowulf, and he undergoes some considerable melanin enrichment as he's ascended. Not really a big deal to me, though.
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Yeah, a ginger nigger.
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Could be, but also could be EMIYA + Grail or EMIYA + 10 more years of bodily degradation before he died.
If they're not the same why are Illyafags so insistent on saying how Prisma Illya killed the original? Isn't that like saying how Mordred being introduced killed Artoria?
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He's your nephew
>body degradation turns people into black men
What did Nasu mean by this?
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Wew, only now I noticed that Emiya is such a faker he even copied Gilgamesh's hair.
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This is why.
It means you turn black when you die.
Yea but the art in prisma shits on the VN garbo
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Post bond levels
That's what makes it hot.
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Wait so at the end of Apo Jeanne breaks out of the Throne to be with Sieg right? Isn't he still a dragon though?
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I have a lot of these, you know.
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I remember some folks at /a/ somehow became convinced that Crunchyroll's translator phrased the line like that for the sake of deliberately perpetuating the "Shirou is stupid" meme popularized by the DEEN anime. As in, they thought the subtitles were sabotaged. Honestly, it was funny to see.
You're going to need more.
>still thinking nigger is Emiya Alter

Kek. He doesn't even have red lines on his body/clothes that would make him look like Alter servant. Also, we already have canon Emiya Alter, so stop memeing.
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tohru a cute.jpg
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Where's the most efficient place to farm bond?
She really wants that dragon dick.
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pic related
was Akhenaten the one that looked like a Bogdanoff?
>You thoght I wasn't wearing any undergarments?

>What a shame, I was actually wearing my swimsuit
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>not using Fate baits

Come on, shonen
And Cu Alter is totally a furry wolf thing, right?
Why is every form of Sakura so fucking hot? Is it the worms?
Could actual Siegfried also turn into a dargon if we fill him with enough mana?
lol if anyone actually believes this

He may turn out to be some adopted African kid, but he's the only EMIYA Alter we're getting.
He has to forsake his humanity for that to happen
If Artoria and Seig fucked, would they make dragon babies?
He is more like a cute looking grail than a human to be honest but instead of killing everyone, he kills himself
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The Holy Maiden my ass.
>Character from an ongoing series where she's the protagonist has more results than a character from a series that ended a year ago, and where she was only a side character in
And also why do you give a shit which one is more popular? Can't like a character if the rest of the world don't like it either?
Sounds like an ahegao doujin plot.
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Emporor Nero when?
It would be possible, I don't think he could turn back, but he does have Fafnir's influence on him so he should be able to..
What right does the queen of whores have to judge?
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The AgK ending was such a trainwreck
Anyone got a high-res borderless version of Sweet Crystal?
Well Siegfried did Ingest Fafnir's blood, And Artoria is related to vortigern.
So yeah their kids would probably have strong dragon-traits, or atleast stronger than their parents.
Mother Harlot will wear that outfit but with her hair down
Siegfried should have had Monstrous Strength that slowly turned him into Fafnir.
Angry Manjew is already possessing his body so technically he's there.
That's for Sumanai Alter.
Would make more sense than disengage and would be more useful ingame than golden rule
This. I can't believe the worst girl won.
I never knew I wanted this until now
They where probably cautious with Giving Siegfried too much, since then he'd probably be able to rival higher ups like Karna and Achilles with the estblished Skillwank and how fucking busted AoF is.
Half of me: but why
The other half: NICE
But Esdeath died
They could have given him it instead of fucking Disengage.
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>Wait so at the end of Apo Jeanne breaks
There's a time-line people seem to forget

>Seig flies off to other world
>Joan promises to find him again some day. Gilles tells her that she's already fulfilled her duty, she should worry about her own happiness again.
>Some unspecified amount of time passes, maybe thousands of years given what Manaka said in Labyrinth
>Joan finally finds Seig.

Pretty sure FGO is during the unspecified time-gap before she broke out. I've seen women marry dragons before though, that's not that big of a deal. Just read a manga about it the other day. Dragons can take on human form when they want.
That would make him too much of a dark hero.
Would Jeanne Alter become a dragon if you injected too much seamens inside of her?
My stance on Prisma Illya is that I don't like her seemingly replacing the original Illya for the most part. That said, I still like her. I consider her something akin to EMIYA's versions of Caladbolg and Hrunting. She's a somewhat inferior copy of the original, but she can be used for different purposes which makes her nice to have around.
You wouldn't fire Caladbolg as a projectile because it's a close quarters weapon, but you would use Caladbolg II for sniping. In the same way, I wouldn't want to see original Illya portrayed as a dumb slut because I don't think that's fitting for her character, but I'd still like to see her design used for something along those lines. That's where Prisma Illya comes in. She's innocent, dumb, and lewd. She's an inferior copy that is changed in ways that make her perfectly suited to new lewd scenarios that, while superior, the original is unsuited for.
Queen of whores.
Goddess of prostitutes.
Slut master.
Bimbo battlemage.
Lust commander.
Is there really a difference in the end?
Will In-lore Disengage is kinda busted, Especially with anything that helps boost survival.
Could Steve Jobs be Caster?
She's a dragon witch not a dragon. She doesn't even have the dragon trait.
So, Jeannefags (if those even exist) are cucked by default?
do we really need another patent troll caster?
That is an amazingly autistic way of putting it. I'm honestly impressed.
The whole thing was a trainwreck, but the ending was perfect.
She's not an inferior copy. Its like saying UBW Shirou is just an inferior copy of HF Shirou attempting to be him, but its "permissable" that he exists as long as he understands fully he's an inferior faker of the real thing, which is HF Shirou. That line of logic is odd.

Its just an Ilya who lived a different life and ended up in a different place. Alternate time-lines and shit; just think of it like the difference between various route Shirous. Ilya who lived a normal life.
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Mashu has been in my party since day 1, her skills are essential to let my party survive.
Anyone or anything can be any kind of servant. All you need is a bit of bullshit to justify it.
Was Edison not enough?
No, those Illyas are more different than Shirou of any route or Shirou and EMIYA.
Prisma Illya is completely different since her birth, she doesn't even shares birthday for starters.
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Fuck off, Tesla.
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>traces Gil's swords from the base to the tip
>Shirou's eyes/hair are a flip of Gilgamesh's eyes/hair
>copies his hair when he's older
wow...really makes you think
No one said anything about electrofingers being any better.
>Lulz I said cuck, so fanny

Don't be a retard, literally all of the heroines from previous stories are still committed to their original MC
>B-b-but this housewife across the street, when i said she had to fuck me she said she had a husband and wouldn't! I was totally cheated and cucked here. How could she fuck me like this, she literally was forced to do it and didn't.

You weren't. You tried to cuck, you didn't. If anything the only way it would have actually been cuck is if you had gotten what you wanted and she cheated on her MC. She was never going to be into you like that, she's already in a relationship. If anything its you grossly misunderstanding that word, its not "Anyone who won't fuck me = cuck". Cuck is when you're in a relationship with someone, and they fuck someone else. You were never in a relationship or the potential to be in one with any of these.

Tamamo, Nero, Joan, Saber, Shiki, are all spoken for already, that won't change.

Nasu however said that for each of those heroines that are already taken, he'll create a special "Player version" of that character that they can waifu.

Nero Bride, Tamamo Cat, all alternate versions of Arthuria, Void Shiki, Joan Alter, etc are all Gudas versions.

Cuckfags are all shitposters who don't even know what the insult they spray wildly means, but we already knew that.
Which boy servant for the best scene and gift for Valentine's Day?
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Jeanne Alter doesn't give a shit about Guda
That girl is hotter than Jeanne at least.
Is that a nipple?
Look up Ordinary Story.
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keep up the good work anon
>Fakku would rather do this than loli
Fuck those whores.
I don't see any.

It's from the sadpanda.
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Did you enjoy the chocolate?
You sound pretty mad there, cuck
Servant with the sexiest belly button?
You know to this day, I don't fully understand the Shirou vs Archer fight, patcularly the scene where Shirou rebounds from being told off by Archer.
My interpretation is that despite it being a hypocritical and foolish thing, it's still a beautiful and good thing wroth striving, and striving for it is good enough.
Am i wrong with my interpretation or am I over analyzing this?
I can't chew through crystal. Dumb spaceship.
dats gros
That fucking veil keeps me wondering why they didn't just go with long hair in the first place.
If you're have any kind of standing relationship with a female, it doesn't matter if you're friends or coworkers or whatever else. If you don't make her your exclusive property, you're a cuck. The only way to not be a cuck is to build a harem of all girls you interact with or to just avoid them entirely.
I don't know about best scene but gift definitely goes to Ozzy.
probably Shuten
>despite it being a hypocritical and foolish thing, it's still a beautiful and good thing wroth striving

This. Even though his dream will end up destroying him, saving other people can't possibly be a bad thing. Archer was just butthurt because he became a janitor anyway.
Mashu or Musashi.
Karna, easy.
that 1* berserker that nobody remembers the name.
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>My interpretation is that despite it being a hypocritical and foolish thing, it's still a beautiful and good thing wroth striving, and striving for it is good enough.
Yeah, he pretty much says that. Nobody can say saving people is wrong, that act in itself is something beautiful that Shirou admires.
For Gift?
I love animals, so i gotta go with Ozzy's sphinx litter.
Scene? Don't really know, can't read nip.
>Its just an Ilya who lived a different life and ended up in a different place.

And that place is a void stand-in without anything remarkable. She's a completely stereotypical Magical Girl Protagonist, the blandest of vanilla.

You're defending a series that began as a Nanoha parody before the writer tried to make it serious without remembering that he had no talent whatsoever at it. So whenever the story moves out of whacky lesbo kisses, she just becomes exactly the thing she was parodying: an "I will solve this by caring really hard about my friends and firing beams" nice girl who has no other character traits, much less a character arc beyond that.

EVERY plotline the guy has come up with has consisted of him aping stuff Nasu wrote and then mixing it together while changing some names. The antagonists right now are the Not-Einzbern except lead by Not-Zouken. He tried to write an original story for FGO. We ended up with a whole lot fo bloody fucking nothing about characters so vacuous they didn't even bother making sprites for them, peppered with a dose of aping Urobuchi instead of Nasu for once. And since Illya had no one wackier around to bounce gags off her throughout it all, she basically had no role whatsoever until it was time for someone to deliver pre-canned lines about friendship and never giving up.

This is what it boils down to: enjoy the loli lesbo softcore porn all you want, but stop trying to claim she's a real character or that she's at all worthy of being discussed in the same breath as others, because she bloody well fucking isn't and the only thing she has in common with Illya is the name and appearance.
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He's being hypocritical as shit, but at the same time he still believes its not wrong. Its not that he'll ever be rewarded or that it'll actually ever work, or that he'll ever even save a single person. But, the thing he's trying to do is good, so that in itself is enough to believe in. Its not wrong, its not a mistake, because the ideal is still nice. Even if its literally flawed as shit and completely pointless, its still beautiful in theory. So that's reason enough to pursue it foolishly.

Then again all ideals are incompatible with humanity. Ideals are perfect, they're unobtainable, while humans tend to compromise and do what they can per situation. Eventually you'll fall sort, but its the determination to follow something perfect even though you'll fail that matters.

Though no matter what Shirou chooses in life, any of his various paths. He never changes as a person deeply as Nasu says. He's always just charging forward doing what he believes is correct trying to protect what he can. Apparently Nasu considers him a somewhat static character ironically. His ideal is just one outlet of this, but no matter what you make of him in life he's still Shirou. Even in the worlds he doesn't uphold the ideal he's still just trying to grasp onto something and have pride in it.
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When will we get this fatty?
EVERY plotline the guy has come up with has consisted of him aping stuff Nasu wrote and then mixing it together while changing some names. The antagonists right now are the Not-Einzbern except lead by Not-Zouken.
Alright, /fgog/, quick question: are we talking about Prisma, or about Apocrypha?
Thanks for the insight friend.
>His ideal is just one outlet of this, but no matter what you make of him in life he's still Shirou. Even in the worlds he doesn't uphold the ideal he's still just trying to grasp onto something and have pride in it.
This so much, people may fight over who Shirou is the better one and who made the best decision, but at the end, he is always Shirou with the same thing as his basis.
He is a hollow man trying to fill himself with something.
Are we talking about Apocrypha, or about Zero?
Are we talking about Zero, or about Strange Fake?
Between ebin 2 and 3. Start saving.


Moon Sakura fans are dedicated fans
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>She's a completely stereotypical Magical Girl Protagonist, the blandest of vanilla.
That can be cool. I mean, Sakura is one and look how beloved she is.
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Let's talk about Aoko
>man trying to fill himself with something.
I'm sick /fgog/ send help
>Didn't max out skills on Santa and Lancer, or at least raise them to 90

Can't decide which of the three to level to 100 since I finished Saber earlier, and only have 5 grails left.
What kind of sick?
How the fuck do you guys manage to get +25 coins per drop?
Most of the time mentally, but right now it's physically
Are you the Nerofag? This is vital.
They roll the gacha
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This is your nurse for tonight
No, I like Nito
Own Sakura or Shirou CE + Illya or Kerry CE.
In time, anon, but for now, wait.
With six sakura's ce you can get +36 per drop
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bond levels
But I've rolled the gacha, got edgy cucu
Acceptable. What's the issue, specifically? Blood coming out of your various orifices? Uncontrollable projectile diarrhea? Pain in parts of the body that you didn't even know you had?
I own like 4 of the shirou ones, guess I should equip'em all to diff servants? Also one orangette I think
Who's the edgiest servant?
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>tfw Shiroufag and didn't get a single Shirou
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>people actually paid money for a servant worse than Jeanne and Ilya

oy vey
Don't worry, we may get a shirou servant with the HF or Prilya movies. Have faith
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Orion is going to end up dead because of this.
Cu Alter by a landslide.
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>You're defending a series that began as a Nanoha parody before the writer tried to make it serious without remembering that he had no talent whatsoever at it. So whenever the story moves out of whacky lesbo kisses, she just becomes exactly the thing she was parodying: an "I will solve this by caring really hard about my friends and firing beams" nice girl who has no other character traits, much less a character arc beyond that.

MY FUCKING NIGGA this one fucking paragraph sums up everything that is wrong with prillya.
Fuck you David
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My only chance of actually getting him is he's a 3* or welfare. I have terrible luck.
I don't even have a single copy of L/OZ yet.
>he's a 3* or welfare.
That reminds me, will ebin have free 3*s?
>free anything
>after FGO OVA
No anon, these times are behind us now.
I mostly wonder where they're going to stick those chapters. Wonder if they're going to stuff all the old Orders in a submenu or something.
Equip AntiClass CEs to servants that are strong against Servants that drop the class choco coin you desire. Example: If you want Lancer choco coins, Equip the Sakura/EMIYA CE to a Saber.
The fact that newfags are supposed to be able to access ebin at any time has me worried about the difficulty, personally
They've said it'd be about as difficult as Babylon, didn't they? So pretty easy with a few stumbling blocks here and there.
What? That's not how it works. They have to complete Part 1 first. After that they can choose which EoR chapter they want to play. It was also said the average difficulty of each is around Chapter 7 Babylonia.
If I put Sakura CE on Avenger class does it get me berserker cookies with berserker mold?
I didn't know it was going to be like that.
Maybe it's dynamic leveled though. If you're over certain lvl you can play it in its max dificulty.
So whose choco did you reject?
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Ilyafags always get triggered by Prisma. It seems to be all they ever do. Write up long paragraphs about how its wrong and bad. Then they go "Well I don't hate it, I just want it to understand that its inferior and shouldn't exist since it takes attention away from the original as a degraded shitty copy". You tell them its not that bad or it isn't meant to be the same thing FSN Ilya, its just different route Ilya not "inferior copy Ilya", don't try to compare them. They get triggered more and ramble on long paragraphs.

Different versions of Shirou can exist without Shiroufags getting triggered and writing how this is just an inferior copy that's not real. Both UBW and Fate Shirou are real. We have an entire cooking manga about cooking Shirou.
I got the chocos I wanted already so I dont care a lot about the class, I just wanna clear the shop from mats before the event finishes.

Did it with my caster gil along with some 1* casters to be able to equip em all with the CE's and got +15, thanks anons
Pretty much every female servant besides a select few.
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>tfw no SSR servant
kill me
Every single snek.
>make a small an ironic shitpost about prisma
>people actually reply
I only wanted (you)s
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Raikou's and Kiyo's.
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You're going to get shitposted but I agree with you. I hate to see those so called secondary Illyafags (kek) pretending that vapid piece of garbage cliche is an actual character. She's just a pedobait. Just fap to her and her equally vacuous pair of non girlfriends and call it a day.
Fuck you man she actually sounded like she put her heart into it.
If you have plenty of Gacha CEs (More than two SSR CEs) you should really aim for the entire Choco/Gifts, hoarding molds is a literal meme unless you just started playing recently.
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Has Mama's scene been translated yet, actually? Or is it too icky for the usual tumblr translators?
>Shiroufags getting triggered and writing how this is just an inferior copy that's not real
Because that forms part of the daily usual canon and route wars.
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She did it for (You)
>mad Prismafags to be called out their bullshit
There's no Zouken in Apocrypha.
Is there a tl somewhere?
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The funny part was how her lines also seem to offhandedly remark about Ozzy trying to hook her up and give her advice.
>MFW the copy is in fact inferior to the original

fucking told you zasshuus
Why didn't you just buy an account then
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>The nuclear meltdown really did a number on him.
It's okay. That's how chicks like them nowadays.
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I refuse to bond farm despite how tempting it is.
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The difference is that Shirou is always a sword autist that wants to be a hero while Prisma Illya is just pedobait with a bland personality that has nothing to do with the original Illya. I really don't mind Prisma but you could change Illya with a completely new character and it wouldn't change anything.

Fuck off enkidu
Yes there is, he fights Zouken.

Darnic is only tangentially related to Zouken by the soul transfer thing and being killed by a member of the church. He hasn't degenerated like Zouken has and has a clear wish that was never that well intentioned. He's also out in the open from the beginning, isn't that cruel to his people, and actively participates from the beginning.

He's clearly taken inspiration from Zouken, but it's far from the most blatant copy-paste in Apocrypha.
4th one, please.
What will you do if Bbnmiya is Shirou adopted by a Harlem gang who was dropping in Fuyuki and revealed he used to be black but the grail cancer made him Japanese ginger because Kerry found him? That's how true Ilyafags feel about Prisma.
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Okay sweetie
Every male except for Tristan and Cu
I like both fsn Illya and prisma illya, what now autist?
Am I wrong?
>Illyafags are this racist
Fuck you
>levelng Gil 5 times
I said true Ilyafags, not shallow lolicons who like her because she looks underage.
I got the impression that he's just telling her to stop being so neurotic and temperamental.
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>qt albino waifu
Why wouldn't we be
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Keep crying bitch nigga
>No true Illyafag can like both Illyas they are fake Illyafags

>Prismafags are out of argument and keep spamming shitty loli pictures when they are told

They are truly cancer.
With the goal of getting along better with her master.
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>that hair
>that lip
>that 1 shade off completely black skin colour
>hand cuffs
>TWO guns
>those pants and shoes
>the pose

This is a ghetto gangbanger straight out of detroit after watching too much anime and you know it.
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>not liking all illyas
That description clearly applies far better to Prisma than to Apocrypha.
Not an argument "true" Illyafag.
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>Illyafags cry because their waifu has an alternative version
>Cry because she's not good in gameplay
>Cry because she doesn't have a route
>Cry because she doesn't get focus in the anime adaptations
>Even cry because other people are allowed to like both versions of her
Holy shit how can a fanbase be so fucking retarded?
Nah, he gave her advice. Although his advice in itself seemed kinda pointless. Biggest thing she needed was confidence, which she just substituted with fake arrogance asking you to bow.

Read Ozzy's scene next in order to get the context.

>Have you already met with Nitocris? If you haven’t yet, after go show her your face just once.
>She said it under the pretense of doing it for me but, she probably has prepared something for you as well.
>That’s the kind of woman she is. While being the incarnation of the heavens, still, she continues to live as a human.
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The true cancer are gameplayfags
T-True Illyafags don't cry over anything, P-Prismafag.
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I'm not crying, I'm just saying that Prisma Illya is not Illya at all. Also
>implying I rolled for pedobait: the servant
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Your arguments are so shit that reaction image is the proper response. After awhile there's no reason to continue arguing with an autist, just let this fag keep working himself up getting angry about a series and rationalizing his own bull.
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This is now a Illya thread
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Truly too cute for her own good.
>phantom choco scene is longer than bikini Scat's

I thought this was a waifugame.
>>Cry because she's not good in gameplay
That's fake Ilya though, so it doesn't count. We all know real Ilya would be 10.0 on the memelist.
Xth for Best Pirates.
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>not rolling for cute breedable little girls

I just want a true ilya route with an exploration of her character with as much depth as wormslut and pleasesoldmen got.

Why does nasu hate us? If he had just delayed the game for a year and finished the ilya route our entire lives would've been different.
Prisma Illya is Prisma Illya, F/SN Illya is F/SN Illya, everybody knows that. You went in a different direction with "cancer" and "no true Illyafag" shitposting, though.
When they add alter egos will we finally get ruler/avenger slots
I'm upset by the implication that she gave chocolate to someone other than me.
Most people who play this will cum from just seeing their waifus blush and stutter a little. Husbandofags actually like and prefer more actual insight into a character, so the husbando scenes need to be longer to appease them.
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Shit i forgot the picture.

Rollin for MEIN KAPTEIN in a few hours.
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illya and berserker 3.jpg
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That wasn't me though.



Be there or be square
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I can see you making an image like this already.
kys gilkek
She's definitely not that good and their review was fair but there was definitely some bullying in a few parts of it. Guess the nips were just as upset as here that it wasn't literally any other servant but her
And I just want to go back in time and make Nasu write FSN with the MC being Shinji instead of Shirou. But that's not gonna happen, and I accept that.
I think it means that she did it and said that she only did it because Ozzy told her to, but she actually made something just for you as well, of her own free will.
That's why there are two kinds, the obligatory ones she gives to friends and people she admires and the true love ones she gives to her lover. She already tells you yours a the very special kind.
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You can't take risks with female Fate characters, period. DW does experiment with the gifts instead, also, most male servants are actually intelligent.
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>shilling your stream
>4 viewers
Advertising is against the rules
Ozzy is literally hooking you up with that line telling you to go see her for the very purpose that she has a present just for you without outright saying it.
>replying to bots
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Servant Cucker when? Who would be Grand Cucker?
I can think of worse things than being hole bros with the ancient Egyptian Koyasu man.
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I want Miyu

Pls DW
He's not hooking you up, he's simply telling you to go and see her later, but that's before you give him a gift, so he takes you flying instead along with your new children.

He was talking about how he couldn't indulge because he's the Pharaoh and he ends up indulging. You just missed the point of the scene it seems.
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We already have a lot

Diarmund, Lancelot, Fergus, Cu, Gilgamesh, etc

Lotta ancient heroes dabbled in it, its one of the oldest plot devices.
Ozzy didn't tell her anything, though.
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hahah, fo' real huh?
>tfw no Carnival Phantasm episode of Shirou trying to tame all the Arturia's

How would he go about doing it?

Lily being easy modo and Alter Lancer hard mode
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There are still people who think that DW will add SN Illya as a servant?
Hey, that's a pretty cute Illya you got there. It'd be a shame if something bad happened to her
>Normal Saber Arthuria is Shirou's that's the version he knows and that knows him
>All other Arthurias are stated to be Gudas. He's their master, and the one they fell in love with
>They met Guda fell in love with him, most don't even know Shirou
>Entire interludes have Guda and that version of Arthuria confessing to each other, like Lancer Arthurias

I hate cuckfags who constantly go on about it and shitpost all thread, but I'm not really into people that look for cucking either.
>All other Arthurias are stated to be Gudas. He's their master, and the one they fell in love with
Lion King doesn't give a fuck.
>oh by the way you should have a chat with this girl who totally has the hots for you
>she told me that she wanted to become a better person by talking with other people for my sake but she's totally doing it to get to know you better
>that girl is just so ditzy, she wants to be a god like me but she's still interested in silly mortal things like love
>Wanting fake garbage
Prisma isn't even a real story.
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I want to breed Miyu!
lion king is ded
>lion king is lancer arturia

Fuck off
Say something nice about these pirate sluts
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l-like what?
Totally hots for you is your extrapolation about the scene because you're a hopeless waifufag who misses the point. The heart of the issue is that Ozzy felt he can't indulge into silly holiday shit unlike Iskandar, Cleo or Nito because MUH Pharaoh and he ends up indulging into those same silly mortal things. He wasn't trying to hook you up, he was giving a speech about how he couldn't allow himself to do the same and he ends up doing the same. The scene wasn't about Nitocris, it was about Ozymandias.

(You) don't want her chocolate, you want to give Ozymandias chocolate.
When there's a foxtail event when we get good BB who is conveniently nerfed for player use.

This will immediately result in fgog exploding into even more shitposting than usual, getting smashed by the mods and then shitposting some more.
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Miyu a slut.
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They good for fuk
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Fuck off Plebbit
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These new animations renewed my appreciation for Medea.
I'm using her like I used when I started playing and used her all the time.
Just rolled them today, they don't seem too bad
She fucking appears in Solomon Temple. Yes, I double checked, it's the Lion King, not her inferior joke version.

Fuck off, she explicitly isn't. They even have different designs even.
anyone else find it better to masturbate to servants you own
>shoutout to appmedia for teaching me how to make high quality reviews
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>he didn't even read the post before replying

Or you're just a newshit, eitherway fuck off.
Well yeah, but it still went with the tone of I shouldn't be doing this but I'm doing it anyway and while we're at it this person happens to also be interested in such things so give her a visit for me.
>no tier list
>im fucking playing
If you're not named Hector or Takumi you might as well not exist.
You say it as if anyone has to rights to do that with ones they don't.
That's pretty gay.
Why didn't the Lion King and Ozymandias simply resolve their cold war with a political marriage? Bridging the gap by way of a matrimonial alliance seems like an easy fix. She's presently single, and he doesn't think there's such a thing as having too many wives.
No, they aren't. Lion King is an Artoria who becomes older and a goddess after Bedivere fails to return Excalibur so she doesn't pass from the world. Lancer Artoria is just a pseudo divine spirit of an Artoria who grew up because she wielded the spear more than Excalibur after becoming king, she isn't the same character and the backgrounds are different.
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I refuse to masturbate to servants I don't have at 10/10/10 bond 10.
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>Guaranateed 5* character ... eventually
How is this a plus? Eventually you will get a 5* character in F/GO too.
>No "tier list" Bs
you what
no it isn't fucking eop
Are you people dumb

The fact he's telling the other post to fuck off indicates he knows lion king is not lancer Arturia otherwise he wouldn't greentexted it.

Are you all from reddit or something?
Because they're incompatible and it'd impede decisions down the line, it wouldn't work for either of them and be a pointless affair
>people still misinterpreting that Lancer Arturia interlude
>people still think the Alters love Guda
>No tier list BS
I get that this is a joke, but that's straight up wrong.
>being a Gudafag
This was before you give him choco. All the points Ozzy says about Nitocris are applicable to him, that was why it was brought up. It wasn't about her, it was about him. I have no idea why you guys found the scene so hard to understand. Nips immediately get it.
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No one is cuter than Astolfo!
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My original point is that the Lion King, who is a version of Artoria Guda met, doesn't give a shit about him.
> Implying any of these servants actually give a shit about you

I promise you right now that if anyone of them ever appear in a spin-off, they won't bring up Guda in the slightest. Hell, they may have romantic arcs with other characters.
Rommel a shitty Rider
Von Richthofen when?
Yeah and my point is that Lion king is not Lancer Arthuria and Lancer have some feelings for Guda as shown in the interlude.

>Eventually getting a 5* in fgo

Be careful, that's one hell of a stretch now.
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Not soon enough
The way the gacha works in FEH increases the 5* roll rate every time you fail to roll one. Eventually if you're really unlucky you'll get a 100% chance.

FGO has no such feature.
Guaranteed 5* is incorrect, as orbs are a finite resource if you are not spending money. The moment the current banners expire, so too does the rate up. That 6% that I turned into a 10% with shit rolls is reset the moment the 14th rolls around, so really it's very jewy.
Then it's not All the Artorias except Vanilla, anon. Saber Lily also shows no romantic interest.
Please tell me there's a video somewhere of someone hot glueing these fucking sluts.
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The point being why not just have both? Also the the lines still show she has a preferential interest in her master to the point of someone who is supposed to be a goddess having a mortal kind of love.
Can we have a gundam collab please
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Not even the most Übermensch Saberface.
No, she doesn't. You're completely misconstruing that interlude. Her valentines scene didn't show any romantic attraction or affection either
Fuck off Johnny
Yeah I didn't say all sabers, I said lancer arturia.
>after X rolls
>lol hope you get something
>after X rolls
>next 5 (if you do the maximum 20gem roll) are all guaranteed SSR's
DW would go out of business if they did that though :^)
> Punished Seiba
> Ubermensch

Top kek
We like to be contrarians for the sake of it. You say tomato sauce, someone says ketchup, and then you get an argument just for the sake of having one.
Sure, in her scene, but it has nothing to do with Ozymandias' scene. My problem is when people try to make his scene about her when it was clearly about him and a continuation of Camelot stuff where Sanzou brought up he is just ''''''''pretending'''''''. I like Nitocris a lot.
>he doesn't know about the paid gacha
(lol nice try shill
You're guaranteed a 5* after 120 singles, so that's something
is it true?
Yeah, the guaranteed 5* is really a feature for unlucky whales.
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4chan is where philosophers hang out after all.
>天草、トルフォ、オジマン、ベオに追加ボイスあるらしい…Why…謎面子" onmouseover="this.style.backgroundColor='#ebeff9'" onmouseout="this.style.backgroundColor='#fff'">There seems to be additional voice in Amakusa, Turf, Ojiman, Beo ... Why ... Mystery Kamiko
Follow your advice and notice the reply chain >>168167718

>All other Arthurias are stated to be Gudas. He's their master, and the one they fell in love with

My reply:
>Lion King doesn't give a fuck.
Just wait until they make another Carnival Phantasm and show the absurdity of the situation with all of them competing in some kind of love Olympics where the gold medal is being the chosen as the preferential servant that ends up in some kind of disaster with them just having an all out brawl in the end and Guda is just sitting in the background with an exasperated look the entire time.
I'm forcefully bonding with pinky anon's waifu and there's nothing he can do about it.
That wasn't me you replied to

this is me and none of the other posts. My point was that Lion King doesn't like you doesn't mean lancer arturia doesn't since they are different people.
Sorry. I meant to say (You).
>Just wait until they make another Carnival Phantasm
Keep Going
We're just reaffirming the things she said with the material that was present in his lines though.
And? I have no idea why you replied to me when I clearly said Lion King, not Tituria.
At least I will have a friend to share tips about cuck sheds.
I don't think we're ever getting more Carnival Phantasm.
>as orbs are a finite resource if you are not spending money
Don't forget you also need to use them for upgrading your castle if you actually want to get experience
And the no Tier List is pure bullshit, it launched with a versus mode with rankings, of course it has a fucking tier list.
Sh-shut up.
That's fine, but don't claim the scene is Ozzy trying to hook you up. The intention seems geared to Ozzy longing to do these things but he won't allow himself. It reveals more about him in contrast with other pharaohs than about them. You think his sphinx kitties are pulled out his ass when he even got the trouble to infuse them with his own power so you could have them? He even asks you to keep quiet to Cleo and Nitocris.
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Ozymandias (True) when?
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>tfw you like F/SN Illya the best and get the hate for Prisma Illya but also like her
This guy looks more like a black Italian man
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After Guan Yu(female)
The Castle spending is actually quite generous and probably obligatory if you are going to keep playing the game, either way. They could've gone full Jewish mode starting it at 5 orbs for the first upgrade, and going from multiples of 10 instead.
That's Nitocris (True).
Well that's the problem with godhood but at the same time he's pushing you to go see Nitocris because he at least wants to see her be happy doing things that he isn't allowing himself to do.
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Alter Guan Yu Lily when
After Rider Santa Lu Bu Lily Alter (female)
I want to eat Illya
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I hope Chaldea gets nuked so we can build our own base like the summer event.
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After Gundam Guan Yu
Hey, that's not ozzy, it's Alberto Barbosa, king of the Portuguese caliphate!
Yes, but this was before you give him chocolate and a lengthy speech about the issue. While the translation didn't make it obvious because it's difficult to express it in English, the heart of the issue is that your chocolate reminded him of Nefertari (meaning when he let himself love and indulge) so he stopped his act and gave you not just a special present and a flying date.
I would make all female servant rooms next to mine.
In fact, I want a fate base-building game in which we can make stuff like that.
Chaldea Dwarf Fortress
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>Chaldea room doors are fully automatic
>pirate sluts give you the key to their room
Most likely to happen since Roman isn't around as its leader and everyone seems to do a shit job to keep the place intact.
And let's not forget: FUCKING RNG STATS. IN GACHA GAME.

Imagine rolling Jeanne Alter or Cu Alter and then getting fucked in the ass by the RNG gods during leveling so that they end up with shit strength. Congratulations on your high rarity piece of useless crap.

So not only do you need luck to roll the stuff you want, the agony uncertainty continues first by whatever natures you end up with and then throughout leveling, as you pray that the fucking thing doesn't randomly decide to fuck up their stats so they become useless for their build.

I've always considered RNG stats to be bullshit in the actual games. Porting that into a gacha-based title is nothing short of fucking evil.
You dense mother fucker.
It works alright with his Halloween appearance. As he said, even adults will join in when it comes time to play. Maybe he wouldn't feel comfortable indulging himself unless everyone else was already doing it.

I suppose you could extrapolate some of his philosophy of kingship from that. He likes to make people happy because then he can make their happiness his own. He did say that a pharaoh is like the world, and in a way that would make sense.
It's the key to their chastity belt
Louise summoned the last Servant you got.

Who did she get?
There is nothing chaste about either of them and I'm quite sure there never was.
One would think the picture would have given that away.
They also tell you not to keep them waiting and they expect to see you in a bit.
It's why I will never spend money on that game, until they change it. If they change it. If I get lucky enough to roll an SSR, it damn well better be the best it can be, especially if motherfucking money is changing hands.
Jing Ke
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How strong would angels be as servants, if they could even be summoned?

Shit, now I'm hungry.
plz do not sensualize the saber
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I'll sexualize the lolis then.
He did make some comments in Fragments about how he thinks he's too lenient. He's a generous soul, or so he likes to think. But I don't think it's easy to argue against it, since between treating you to a banquet and free provisions in Camelot, helping Cleo out in the Halloween event, and now gifting you some nascent NPs which he most likely considers sacred, the guy has been pretty charitable.
Yes, but even if others were doing it, he still refused until you gave him the choco.
I wish isekai would just go away.
>nuking Chaldea
I'd like to see them try. I'll fly out with my dragon cosplay, boar pelt, and damage reducing earrings while wielding a druid staff, a makeshift magic spear, a magic sword, and a fucking gun while also commanding my phantasmal beast kittens and my war elephant.
I'm waiting a translation of that.
What if they do it while you're out at the garden supply store buying more fertilizer for your eggplant. Then what nerdo?
Yes, one of his descriptions in Fragments is about how his heart is as 'warm as the sun. I think he plays the contrast to the Lion King, a human ruler who became a goddess and is completely out of touch with human feelings. Ozymandias seems to be the god who became a human ruler and he's completely in touch with his human feelings, even if he can act stupid sometimes.
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I would imagine angels are comparable to valkyries.
Caster Houdini when?
One of Solomon's lore abilities is to summon and control angels.
who the fuck wants even more casters in this god-forsaken game
I wonder what Solomon's return gift would have been.
Well that's pretty much a direct invitation to join in the fun. It would be rude to refuse.
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We always need more casters.
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I swear to god, if this little cockblocking daemonette interrupts my marital bonding ONE MORE TIME I am going to rip those horns off her head, shove them up her ass, and fuck her with her own tail.

I fucking hate you nasu. ;-;
>playing cucktella
Your own fault.
I wish there was a Liz route. Or at least a way to stop Tamamo from treating Liz like garbage.
Void Eli when?
>playing cucktella
point at him and laugh!
Better than Cuckentine's Day. :^)
wow these graphics are BAD.
That would be hilariously ironic because he was a very vocal skeptic and debunker of psychics and mediums.

And he was also an active freemason.
Maybe once DW learns to stop making them almost only in either shitty attackers or busted support varieties.
He'll put a ring in your left-ring finger but then Da Vinci will interrupt with her choco for him and cockblock you.
Why did they make every incarnation of tammao love hakuno it makes no sense really from a logical perspective, they are not the same person technically, each tamamo grows differently,
But anon, every route is a Liz route.
So it's actually implied Dantes fucks/fucked you in his chocolate event?

That one fag from tumblr translated it already.
Liz deserves it for being a little slut. Trying to homewreck a loving husband and wife, and Praetor and Emperor.
Liz is trying to save you from dirty used sluts
I would code cast shock(256); on her if she interrupted fug time with my slutfox
>last 30 quartz
Singles or 10 roll boys?
So you want them to not be good at anything?
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what the dicks is this awful translation?
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It just occurred to me that Beowulf only actually killed one dragon in his legend. So for him to know how to cook one, let alone know which part is tastier, that would mean that immediately after slaying the legendary monster that threatened his people and killed almost all his men in the greatest battle of his life, the first thing he did was just chill there and try to eat it.
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>I fight against my life with just fighting... no, I do not have any color
I'll just log into the Moon Cell and DELET her so she fucks off.

Worst servant. Who'd want to be saved by a serial child molester-murderer anyways?
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I wouldn't take anything that fuck says as confirmation, but given how many nips on twitter and Pixiv keep drawing that even as an implied after fuck, I'm now unsure.
Revenge is a dish best served cold
>it's possible that the author makes a luvia/caren threesome doujin
Please god let it happen
Tell me again how Tamamo cat loves hakuno, or you're just full of shit.

>b-but I mean you have blue Tamamo love hakuno, and also caster blue hakuno. T-t-that's all of them right?

You're full of shit though
Someone translated Enkidu scene
>you get to fuck Roman's dad

Shit. Finally the meme of "fucking David in Solomon's face coming truth" but Solomon isn't around to witness it.
Lancer Alter is a good choice. She becomes better then her 5* version when grailed.
Post crying Alex
fuck that russian fujoshi, piece of shit
There are many fags on tumblr link pls
That was posted here days ago.
I didn't post it because everyone hates this fucking jew.

The smile she has when she reaches stage 4 is truly wonderful.
odds singles
evens 10
You head to fuck David in his chocolate scene. Fairly unambiguous.
Which Valentine Quest drops pages?
Would Sumanai and Altera have cute children?
>Oz fights you
>then treats you to a lavish feast, advises you on where you need to go to fully grasp the situation, and freely lets you help yourself to the supplies you need for your journey
>Gil fights beside you
>then delegates it to his secretary to send you off to some crammed lodging house where you mostly do nothing particularly important
After reading it a second time, yes, but it's subtle and ambiguous.
Meme changed to "You fuck Roman/Solomon in Goetia's face" after the reveal.
bottom pink 40 ap lv 80
>getting rider kintoki's belt even though I had to burn him because I only got 1 copy and no lighters
I'm sorry best boy
The cutest, most autistic kids.
Thank you anon.
>Scathach is weak to begging/puppy dog eyes
>Guda learned she was weak to this from Cu
How many times do you think Cu fucked her using that trick
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This looks so cute, but the slut probably got fucked more than 50 times in one day.
I meant tamamo caster shitforbrains
Picking the 2nd option at the end, he tells you to go about your day and leave cleaning "that" up to him.
Gil is never described as particularly generous.
There is nothing wrong with being russian.
Some gifts were platonic (like Da Vinci's). But do you think she's pregnant?
>im squinting at Dantes’s event bc im 90% yall banged but i also dont wanna think about that bc i have never once in my life wanted even the notion of being around komaeda whatever the fuck’s dongle

Aside from making faggots pay for their shit, this fucker has horrible taste.
The Guda's are sterile
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>you will never be ravished by your servants over 50 times a day
Can a servant impregnate a human?
If she is, who would the father even be?
they can try
Yes, it's implied Dantes spent the night with you. Maybe he cuddled and held hands, but it doesn't seem likely. I have no idea if the scene is different if you have a male master.
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The sex implication is more or less intact (she turned it down I don't know why) but some of the other stuff is a fucking mess.
But the important thing here is that yes Dantes gave Gudako the D
Not as many as you'd think. It would take him a few days to lose the stilted walk.
David because he had a fuckton of children. Or Ozzy if they did it after they flew together for the same reason.
>Dantes brews coffee for Shakes and Andersen

well if that's actually what happens, I know this guy is not exactly good on translation but I know even less so
>Cu trying to set Guda up as Scat's new man since he prefers Emer
How do you cope with your gacha failures?
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Yeah, one of his my room lines mentions them too, he hangs out with the writers.
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After giving it some thought I really I want that Cuzilla alive plush that Medb was rocking during the Illya event.
>yfw Gudako gives birth to reborn Roman

Redhair + David features = Roman
> Since he prefers Emer

Even after Cu Chulainn married Emer, he continued to have sex with other women. Emer was cool with it, the only time she ever got jealous was when he started to genuinely prefer a certain fairy queen.

Cu's just letting you fuck Scat when he's busy fucking others, but at the end of the day, he'll take that hole too
play other gacha games so i can say at least i rolled well in one of them

then kill myself when my bad luck lines up in all of them
>I know this guy is not exactly good on translation
Eh, his translations don't seem too bad since they're pretty similar to other people's translations. It's just that this fucker has the nerve to make these "commissions" when other people do it for free and word them better.
I get sad and begin to save quartz from 0.
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Now I get why some love Alter Lancer Artoria over the other Saberclones/faces.
Has Emer's existence eve been Fate? He always brings up either Scat or Medb, but I don't think he's ever mentioned Emer.
He mentions her in My Room off handedly I think
She even got the ahoge. So this is Roman's master plan.
Remind myself I already have my husband and shouldn't be so selfish as to ask for more than I deserve.
God's master plan.
Karna had 10 kids, maybe him?

Or maybe she would have twins with different fathers like the whore she is. The other father being Arjuna for maximum keks.
I go to My Room and hug my daughter to comfort myself and appreciate that at least she came to me.
Cu wants to keep his distance from Scathach. And for good reason. When he eventually spent more than ten minutes in her company in the swimsuit event, she unflinchingly sent him on a suicide mission. He's not having fun with her around. She's detrimental to his good health.
It's gonna be David because of this >>168175581
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>male servants give you a piece of his NP, some cool stuff or have sex with you
>meanwhile female servants won't even give you even a kiss
A-At least the pirate sluts will rape me
Some do both, plus romantic dates in exotic places and banquets in your honor.
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omega strong-tan
Don't worry Medb will have Fergus fuck you while she makes the Cus fuck every hole she has.
>dies by episode 3

Numbers don't lie
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Astolfo's words apparently.
You know, I really, really hope Sigurd's powerlevel blows Siegfried's out of the water. For Siegfried's sake. Sumanai is more fun when good stuff doesn't happen to him.
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You realize Cu doesn't want anything to do with Medb right?

She had to use a grail to get one for her and still didn't work.

I roll the gacha with my other accounts, if I don't get the servant I feel angry at the shitty rates and if I do I get angry because I didn't get it in my main.

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I beg DW to stop bullying me
The scene doesn't say you learned that from Cu, she just mouths off in flustered anger and asks if you're taking tips from him. Not to mention, "that" is just "being straightforwardly pushy", since the options are to stare at her or just loudly insisting that you want to drink the bottle with her.

...you know what, fuck it. This shit is unbearable. Pretty much all discussion here devolves into you writing your own fanfiction and then coming up with an entire goddamn anthology based on what some dipshit lied about. You are now analyzing a character's whole approach to women based on something he is not relay hinted at doing at all.

Playing whack-a-retarded-fanwank gets absolutely exhausting here, especially since it's impossible to tell how many of you are retarded trolls and how many are just retarded. Like with Sanzou. Are there actual people here who see the "haha, she mentioned Goku instead fo you btfocuckroflcopterlmao!" posts and still take them seriously, or is all just tiresome pantomime on all sides? I can't even tell anymore, but by God does it get insufferable after the fifteenth time.
Instead of a Cu-chan who was a combat autist she should have wished for a Cu-chan who would love her.
But can anyone defeat Sieg?

And I'm not talking about Homunculi Sieg intended to be a prana battery for Adam.

Nor am I talking about Siegfried-Heart Sieg capable of turning into Siegfried three times with deadcount shape-shifting

I'm not even bringing up Siegfried-Heart Sieg with transformations and Galvanism allowing him to spam Balmung more than Siegfried ever could and giving him access to a blast burst


I'm asking about Third Magic Body Sieg with full capacity to manipulate his indestructible physical soul body at will to turn into Fafnir or whatever the fuck he likes whenever he likes with endless capacity to fuck your shit up and capability to travel to the land of phantasmal beasts where his Jannu awaits his firm dragon dick
Is astolfo good or should I try to get a better Rider?
I think I already ran out of luck rolling Alter Cu so I dont think Ill get Ozzy
cuck spotted
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It's becoming a thing since Cu Alter gives you his chibi plush for Valentines Day.
I dunno. Could Sieg defeat Amakusa Shirou?

And I'm not talking about the incarnated Ruler Amakusa Shirou. And I'm also not talking about the incarnated Red Master Ruler Kotomine Shirou. I'm talking about the Grail-powered incarnated Burial Agent Red Master Lesser Grail container Ruler Kotomine Shirou, whose powers have been augmented by the Greater Grail (modified by Grand magus Darnic Prestone Yggdmillennia) that contains the mana of twenty Servants aggregated from the Third Holy Grail War of Fuyuki and Yggdmillenia's Great Holy Grail War of Romania, his efforts funded by the Mage Association and provided with catalysts for the seven Servants of Red as well as the building resources for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, equipped with super strong Black Keys and supplied by the Assembly of the Eighth Sacrament with a masterwork Holy Shroud and Gamaliel as well as the Seventh Holy Scripture and the Alien Stomach World, mastery in Baptism Sacrament, Magic Resistance A immunizing him from nearly all magecraft, God's Resolution giving him two Command Spells for every Servant summoned in the same war as himself, True Name Discernment letting him identify any Servant on sight, the Ruler class' special Servant localization ability, Revelation guiding him to always take the correct action for victory (even down to fighting master warriors like Achilles in melee), wielding Yagyuu Juubei Mitsuyoshi's incredibly famous Miike Tenta Mitsuyo, also retaining Noble Phantasm Akhilleus Kosmos in addition to his own Noble Phantasms Left Hand - Xanadu Matrix and Right Hand - Evil Eater, which give him the power to use all types of magecraft (giving him full control of the Cup of Heaven) and strengthen his Baptism Sacrament while also reinforcing his body and making him eternally young and giving him Eye of the Mind (both False and True) and giving him additional Precognition.
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Well yeah he literally did, that's the ending to Apo.
she's hunting for them in her choco scene. she'll give them mead.
What's up with the sudden influx of ozzyfags? Go away.
Not happening, Siegfried is already top level enough in the Saber Class to be a threat to the Saber KoRT's and Nasu loves the KoRT too much to let anyone blow them out of the water

He'll probably be worse than Siegfried
Im already gonna have to grail Bedivere, also he doesnt seem that good, though his last ascension and sprite look pretty cool
Mordred wanted to kiss you but Mati cockblocked her.
But anon, having the confidence to charge for it means it's of higher quality.
Astolfo is kinda shit-tier in all honesty.

Casters tend to not be very hard to kill, so you can go for any other unit or even some of the 3* Riders if need be.
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Finally got my spats sith

Based 7th day ticket
sup reddit

or are you the tumblr translator jew instead
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I find this oddly entertaining for some reason.
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Its pointless to call out plebbit now since there's so many of them around.
Smug Red Man not so smug after being RUNED
Well done, Mata-nee! You saved Mo-san from becoming a slut. Now she can still get married.
so what, Scathach is still cucking Scatfags?
Well its fate

Nasu loves the characters too much to let you have anything

Literally no one beside Mashu loves you and wants to have sex with you

The ones who want to fuck you are just special circumstances
>five point zero
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He is good. His charisma and quick buffs work well with other riders/star generators, and his np gen is good. He doesn't need to be grailed, either. I've had mine at 70 the entire time I've been playing and he's been solid.

Cuteness is a solid 9.0

I already have Kin for gameplay purposes
But she's getting married to (Me) anyway. We might as well move things along.
I decided to roll and got Euryale. I hate her now.
Show me where Sanzou shows any affection for Guda outside of her Camelot shit that got memory wiped and I'll believe that she isn't cucking you for Goku
Mashu only cares about male protag. Gudako is free for the guys to gangbang.
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Congrats anon!
>Mashu only cares about male protag.
Too bad I only care about the boys in this game, shitplant can go fuck herself.
enjoy your comfy seiba anon
Who cares who saves you when you're trying to fuck some shitty used goods literal whore
I don't give a shit about your retarded shipping fantasies. It's the imbecilic roleplay that repeats over and over here one of you makes some shit up and the rest of you sperg over it because you think you're funny. Assuming of course that I'm not giving you altogether too much credit and that the spergout isn't entirely honest, which a good deal worse.
Well, she's cute though, but that's not going to stop me from burning her tomorrow.
>Gil gives you good lodging despite the situation, with everyone being dead
>All food and water is taken care of despite how Uruk is only working off food and water reserves until they run out eventually.
>Everything you need is handled through Shiduri
>Lets you earn upkeep in the meantime helping the townspeople and training with Leodias, which both of you enjoy. Until he's ready to send you on real missions
>Make daily useless reports to him about how many food carts Ushi destroyed when trying to chase birds. Despite getting annoyed he tells you to keep going and finish the stories. Guda grows to enjoy their daily reports.

Guda, Mashu, Shiduri, Ishtar, and the narrative all make it clear he's being pretty helpful and that if it was the old Gilgamesh he wouldn't have done any of that. Ishtar was shocked how he came back from his journey to find immortality a wise man who despite still being a bit petty did hear you out openly.
Nasu said Mashu's feelings were only romantic toward Gudao.
Now Dantes gets his own cd drama and Gudako is posing beside him in the announcement.
>being this assblasted
Show me on the doll where your waifu cucked you
So you can't show him anything? :^)
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My dick, she cucked my dick man

Its a bit more complicated than that. If he focuses purely on defense, anything B+ or below is cancelled out entirely, as only A+ and above NPs can damage him, additional modifiers can be granted against NPs. Unlike other armors in the series even if you can damage him, you have four layers of the attack shaved off instantly, so only minor damage is given.

Defense drops a bit if he uses Balmung to defend himself ironically, so he's actually a better defender without using it. Its been said that if he had fought in the war as intended he would be like a moving fortress that very few servants would have had the chance to damage.

Although since then he's become just a joke
This anon is right, your MMR is going to go to shit if you don't follow the meta correctly in this highly competitive game.
>Mashu won't even kiss Gudao
>Gudako already has a morning after scene with Dantes

Shit is biased.
Mashu is free, you need to luck out or whale for Dantes.
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I just came across something strange, I just came across a post that seems pretty instant that at one point TM wanted to make Wei Yan an Assassin class servant (for a spinoff according to the post). Does anyone know what their talking about? I've never heard of this before.
Fuck off chink.
Wasn't Astolfo, Seigfriend was already hesitating even before that shit. Its what happens when you're too seigi no mikata for your own good, you're too heroic to do something like that, your natural instinct is sacrificing yourself instead.

Prolonged exposure to seigi no mikata causes skin darkening and potentially killing innocents ""for the good of the many"".
Yeah sure since fellow shufag
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I want to roll this damn gacha for more servants but money is tight. How to heal the itch of gacha rolling?
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Is it okay to have a king harem?
>rolling the 5.0 gacha
Could go and sell plasma, I remember dark times when I had to do that just to get by.
>Mashu is free
That sounds so wrong. Mashu isn't a slut.
le bone of my sword xD
Karna literally raped his boipussy near the end
Okay, you convinced me, Ill use him then. And as the other anon said I checked astolfo skills and yeah they are kind of shitty
Can't you do it like once every 6 months though?
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This is an Egyptian Pharaoh
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Worse comes to worse, that 5.0 is still worth 5.0 rare prisms.
Giving blood makes me pass out, I'm sure giving plasma would have the same outcome.
Its kinda retarded if you think this is what happened

Protip: Seig =/= Siegfried

He's a poor imitation, who had to rely on a dozen different tricks to be close to the original in ability. He's less skilled for sure, but he had more hax.
She's a slut for Senpai.
That doesn't make any sense though.

She first asks where you learned that behavior and then rambles on for 2-3 lines and it's only then that she connects it to Cu. It doesn't make sense to separate the thoughts unless the connection actually exists
This argument has been done to death.

At the end of Apo Sieg was >= Sumanai and he was still getting destroyed
Even the easiest quests will oneshot her
The memelist chink massively undervalues support Servants that aren't Waver and Merlin.
Fuck off reddit
the list rated your shitty waifu in the garbage tier she belongs and now you cry
No you can do it like twice a week. Donating blood is a longer wait, because you sort of need the blood, but usually with plasma they drain the blood from you like a fucking vampire, put it through a centrifuge to separate the yellow plasma, then put the blood back into your system.

Shit sucks and I still have slight scarring on both arms where they stuck me over and over without giving it enough time to heal, but hey, when you are in abject poverty, you do what you can to get by.
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I love Taiga.
>People originally found the list and started posting it to shit on some group they didn't like "Haha this is proof you are shit, stop existing"
>We all knew it was a joke shit list at first
>It was one random Japanese fans opinion
>Eventually people started taking it seriously
>Now we use it as the entire basis whether you're allowed to like a character, even when we know the list is still shit that rates things badly.
But I'm doing the level 90 quests without problems with her.
Nobody thought she was that bad before the chink updated his list. Even now it should be fairly apparent that she's better than a lot of the really trash 5-stars that the memelist somehow rates higher than her.
>having a waifu who isn't a 10.0
it's like you're asking to be cucked
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Then what's this?
Have you even used her? Skills ain't great but I'm using her just fine in all the hard mode quests. Her NP, stars, and usage in itself are fine.
Spats is love. Spats is life.

I love spats.
After finishing Extella and click on a chapter new game, does it delete the level of the servant the chapter belongs to?
You niggers only have yourselves to blame, though. Remember that fake Descartes quote about communities and idiots? It has a point. This is just the natural flow of things, and if you didn't want it to evolve like this, probably a good idea not to meme it.
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Stretches in preparation for the mating press.
There isn't a waifu who is 10.0 though

Only husbandos

Magi mari don't count
>Nobody thought she was that bad before the chink updated his list

People were calling her shit since the reveal of her skills. Many even guessed the 5.0
Did you miss all the 5.0 and 4.5 posts are are you just pretending to be he biggest retard in this general?
People always say a new 5-star Servant is shit when they first come out. It's meme shitposting.
Where is the list?
That's true, but MHXA is still complete garbage.
>not having The Sacred Scriptures in your favorites

Surprise, they were right this time.
I find it pretty funny that Descartes was practically hounded into an early grave by one of his most affluent and eccentric fan girls.
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They don't though, only the bad units get that kind of treatment. Nobody was calling Merlin shit.
Not really, we knew Merlin was broken. Nobody thought Ishtar or Quetzalcoatl were bad.

It's easy to predict if a servant is trash or not once their skills are out, only way to be wrong is if the numbers on their skills or their NP and star gen are not normal.
People were also saying Old Man Hassan was awesome too, but he's turned up to be at the bottom of the list.
People still think Ishtar is bad. Because she sort of is, 7.0 at best realistically.
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Waver is a waifu, he even has a husbando.
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Surely saying such a thing would give someone the wrong impression of such a pure goddess of no ill intent such as herself.
>We all knew it was a joke shit list at first
the list is generally a better gauge of servants than /fgog/ 2bh

people laughed at it for rating jack highly when she first came out but now pretty much everyone agrees she's best assassin
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I agree. It's the only reason I'm not completely bummed that I rolled MHX Alter.
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Yeah I don't understand why when he is legit good. The 6.0 score got memed for a while but as a regular King Hassan user even when going against Casters because of bond farming autism I can say he is really tanky and can murder anything just fine, and if you have anything that supports his buster needs even better. I don't know why he gets such a low score, sure he isn't a 10.0 but 6.0 is a bit too much.
I use him quite often and would rank him 7.0 personally. He's better than 6.0, but not by a whole lot.
>(you) fuck Roman's dad
Why the fuck couldn't we fuck Roman?
>it's a "hypocritical hassanfags think their opinions matter" episode
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Yeah 7 seems about right. The death doesn't proc anywhere near enough to be super useful, but the NP damage by itself isn't bad, and the skills are solid.
>tierlistposting AND cuckposting again
Good night /fgog/
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>hypocritical hassanfags

If you say it because of the huge backlash against Musashi, it was just a bunch of shitposting. I at least personally don't have anything against her.
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>Musashicuck mad that Hassan had a bigger impact and made more money
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is this a roundabout way of asking for a cucking tier list?
This needs to be an actual doujinshi, or we riot.
Is there any morning after scene for waifus like with Dantes? I know some invite to have sex or want to date rape you, but they are kind of played as joke or possibility. I want to know for sure if Guda fucked someone or he's still saving himself for Mashu.
It's not just about musashi, I don't even roll for her or mhxa. It's about these redditor faggots making a hugbox about their favorite servants even though they're proven shit and at the same time mindlessly bashing the shit out of anything they don't like just because they feel threatened. This wouldn't be a problem if they didn't shitpost so much they came off as the majority, but they do and that makes other faggots think they have to like the same shit to fit in. It's fucking retarded.
What does molt mean?
You sound like a creepy virgin m8 lmao
If money mattered, MHXA matters?
When snakes shed their old scales, that is molting.
It's when snakes shed their skin to grow, esl kun
MHXA isn't making any money, the other rateup servants are.
You sound like a normie redditor
Don't bully him Anon, we were all ESL at some point or another.
Having sex will ruin the immersion for virgin NEETS so no. Women love it, so they can have their self insert as a promiscuous slut.
Is when you shed your old scales and get a new human skin to keep the cattle unaware
Heracles giving me a comfy boar hat was my favorite gift, but I'm not getting them from anyone but my favorite servants so I don't know any others.

what's up with BRO KING HASSAN fags and their obsession with Musashi?

Get over it, your bro is complete garbage and she isn't. Who the fuck cares about fucking retweet and edgy garbage? Are you Zerofags too?
But the gacha threw more money when she was solo.
some wounds never heal
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Long ago in a distant land, I, Altera, the White Titan Sephyr of Destruction, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish Knight warrior wielding a magic sword stepped forth to oppose me.

Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung her into the future, where Velber is law!

Now the fool seeks to return to the past, and undo the future that is Extella!
I'd rather have Hassan than Musashi. I welcome Buster Assassin's more so than Buster Sabers.
When they will add a dodge to Instinct.
>she trended worldwide
>s-she's not making any money
Sure, they just rolled for Orion or Jannu, I'm right?
>Musashicuck shits on king hassan out of butthurt
>someone points out KH made more money and more people wanted it

Like clockwork. Musashicucks are some of most insecure posters out there.
That's just waifufags and moefags in general
Are we getting a Valentine's 2017 event?
No. Right after this we have EoR 1.
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[page 10 intensifies]
new bread plox
No Anon, Now it is time to rest.
Pretty much everyone besides a few of my favorites. Got Jeanne Alter's, Altera's, Saber's, both Scat's, and Heracles because I wanted the comfy hood. Other than that I don't really care about a bunch of XP CE's, I'd rather use what other coins I farm to clear the shop.
>implying it isn't the opposite
King Hassan was hyped over 6 months before his gachas, anyone with a brain knew he was guaranteed to be popular. You fags are just mad he's shit. On the other hand a servant with no prior introduction was released around the same time and turned out to be far better, so you insecure manchildren started posting about muh fotm muh koyama muh cucks like you always do. Waifufags don't actually give a fuck as long as they have their waifu, you're the only fags that continously shitpost out of asspain.
Don't be such an hypocrite retard.

The way it went was literally
>dude Hassan isn't actually shit
>no he IS shit

nobody even cares about Musashi anymore, in fact the only way she's mentioned is when Hassanfags get butthurt about their shit unit.
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Its like a running joke, except instead of a joke its the opposite.
It literally always goes this way

>Masushicuck starts shitting on Hassan to bait Hassanfags
>Hassanfags start pointing out facts
>Musashicucks start playing the victim

Don't think you're fucking fooling anyone here.
Don't take the list too seriously, there's a reason why people call it the memelist. Personally, I only use it to shitpost.
I'd rank King Hassan 7.5 because he is above average overall high NP damage and great skills.
This was supposed to be cute and fluffy. Why is the artist doing full angst now?
Sure thing faggot. I've already said I'm not a musashifag, I'm just sick of hassanfags being so hypocritical and completely lacking in self-awareness.
Because angst feeds, angst sustains.
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