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/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 780
Thread images: 172

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>Choose your Legends Results

>Links and Resources

>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links

>Natural 5* list for Fire Emblem Heroes
Ryoma (Red); Lyn (Red); Lucina (Red); Tiki: Dragon Scion (Red); Leo (Red);
Azura (Blue); Hinoka (Blue); Linde (Blue);
Hector (Green); Minerva (Green);
Takumi (Grey); and Elise (Grey)

Elves aren't to be trusted.
Tharja a smelly turd.
She's not as shit as Azura
She's a dragon not an elf.
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Pillowy mounds of meta.
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breed black
Azura is shit.
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>Oh! I'm so glad I found you! Here, take this! I made you a pot of tea! It's basically a miracle! Don't laugh—it took me 14 tries! Here, taste some! ...So, how is it? You like it?! I'm so relieved! I've finally been able to do SOMETHING to repay you. I'm such a klutz, but you're always so understanding and kind. I wanted to thank you for that. I've been working hard to be a good help to you, and I promise to keep doing my best!

How can she be so perfect
I love Azura

Hey /feg/ I would like honest opinions on my series that I'm currently making. Link is my current video.
who to crush
>no previous love interest
Aqua and Catria seem pretty down to fuck
Azura is a cuck
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Add me /feg/ and whoop my wife

>still didn't put the confessions in the op
Op pls
Patrician taste.
>rng IVs
If they've got scales they better hit the trail.
>Both Felicia and Jakob have lines that are similar to their supports with both Corrins.
Did (you) cuck Corrin?
I can hear the saliva in your mouth.
Shit taste you cuck.
This friendzone meme has to be the stupidest fucking shit /feg/ has ever tried to pull.
Why do you keep calling them confessions?

Be glad the level-ups aren't random like usual and you end up with a completely trash 5*.
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Camilla a best!
Had literally ONE job
What the fuck? I'm halfway through the game, and I just realized that my team is missing Alfonse. I have Shareena, but Alfonse is gone. There's no way to accidentally delete him or anything, right?
>Implying Drill gives a shit about the quality of /feg/

( L O L
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There's some rare Yashiro here
Jap confessions and english "confessions"
You happy now?
rerollers don't get him
Azura has no canon love interest, as forced as she is with Corrin, you can marry her to someone else. Catria wants to fuck Marth but she never could, same as Cordelia, but they can also marry other people.
Palla seems good, am I wrong
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I hope you didn't waste feathers upgrading Femui when 5* Femui is going to be on the next banner.
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If Nowi isn't on the next banner I'll eat my hat

post yfw Hector banner
She's good yes
Its the 2017 version of the cuckposting that has always been part of this general, what with mark and all.
Did you send him home while drunk?
I want to FUCK Yashiro!

I hope he gets added to Heroes so I can fuck him, as unlikely as that is.
You didn't get him to 40 so you could be partners so he left to find his (ex)boyfriend.
By your logic there's no canon in FE because there are multiple possible couples.
>tfw you keep trying to breed a adamant cordelia but you keep getting selenas instead
someone crop it so it's just his head and the words "good breeding"
Who is sad enough to want to marry cuckbait?
Not even Mark is that self-loathing.
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the last of my free orbs from lunatic resulted in a 5 star corrin
What's the easiest team to beat the beach brawl with?
As long as you have a very good answer for lances.
Is 5 star Frederick better than 5 star Camilla since he isn't weak to archers?
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#FE Pause Screen.webm
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Don't give up hope anon. (You)'re supposed to be from the real world what's stopping you from summoning Heroes from AU Tokyo
but corrin is shit
Ryoma and his titty ninjas
>(You) get to fuck all the Pegasus sisters, Minerva and Maria
>but not Est

I like Hana
Wait, are you just fucking with me, or is this legit? I obviously don't terribly mind, since he's by far the inferior sibling, but I'm just confused. Also there are some quests that require him, and it's annoying not being able to complete them.
>+hp/-spd Femui
Salvage-able or not?
I want to fuck Kiria and Eleanora
They have different niches.
Camilla is a mage slayer (highest res in the game without skill boosts) whilst fred gets hreded by mages
Canon love interest is the wrong term that could still be true, you dont always get together with your love interest. Hence the word interest. You mean spouse
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is there a player count already? How many active players do they have atm? trying to make some math for the arena
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ended up being -SPD/+DEF

Wrong. Catria still wants to fuck Marth and Minerva comes first for Palla. Stay friend zoned
I have Camilla is that good enough?

I was going to use Palla, Camilla, Catria and then Robin or Lyn
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That's nice.
No you don't, Minerva comes first after all.
Only a cuck wants to fuck a person like that. Then Est herself is also NTR.
Take a guess, there are two banes that make any offensive non-cleric/tank shit and speed is one of them (with attack being the other).
Minus speed equals being doubled by everyone and their mother whilst missing dountless doubles.
Est ditches that beta faggot Abel though.
I would ditch until Echoes is out but I want to see if anyone makes a proper sprite collection or functional audio rip for Heroes. At least the text dump makes me feel like I haven't completely wasted my time hanging around here.
Enough where you're generally unranked unless you play on Advanced.

Guess it's just 2017's cuck, same shit, shiny new coat of paint.
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Why can't I have Female Robin
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>Beta faggot
Motherfucker I will fight you
Because kripperino
i'm trying to math stuff out i am currently at 2k rank
Catria basically said she'll move on from Marth with you

Palla keeps her liege first but she'd still marry you I bet, just like Kagerou. Duty slightly before love
Nobody cared who she was until she put on the face.
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I hope so Tharjaanon I hope so.
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Doing the hard mode to get the 3* unit is really hard.

I always get one unit sniped
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>shitposts if character "friendzones" (you)
>shitposts if character doesn't friendzone (you) because they're cucking avatars
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I agree with this poster. Elves are filth.
>if I keep memeing and strawmanning about it maybe it will stop
No friendzone memes will continue for as long as treememe decides its fun to add explicit friend mentions in the confessions whilst removing all the romantic/waifufaggptry subtext.
Unless you think shareena's wasn't a friendzone translation compared to her i love you in nip in which case you're blind
Didn't you say you were going to stop if you got BTFO?
Tsubasa is a dumb faggot Eleanora will always be supreme
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Worth upgrading?
Can we just destroy the human race?
-spd/+res Lyn

Where do I sign up to suck dick for orbs?
our boy is streaming
twitch tv
I was planning on building a wall with her, Nowi and Sakura so I thought the ones who could actually dent her wouldn't even have the speed to attempt a double
Nah, dude is a serious orbiter. No wonder Est left him. I'd leave him too.
Into the trash she goes.
That 40% chance to fail and have a garbage unit is nice isn't it?
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Felicia is the cutest! She gives my life meaning! Every day spent with her is a blessing! I`ll always be there for her and she`ll always be there for me! She is my soulmate! I could never want anything more! I love Felicia!
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It'd be pretty neat to have Robin and Yashiro on the same team since they have the same VA. And you could also have 3 Tikis.

Anon this is /feg/, there's always shitposting. People were legitimately trying to shitpost saying Tharja cucks you for Robin as if that's supposed to mean anything.

Shut the hell up Elly, learn to get along
Catria is a lying whore that's still not over Marth regardless of what she says.
Also likening Palla to Kagero is not a positive point for Palla.
I can see why Abel went for Est as despite being a bitch she's the best candidate out of the three.
can you max out all stats regardless of boon/bane if you keep merging?
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You have my condolences

t. proud owner of a +spd/-hp Lyn
I'd love to see what Est is up to in a future game. It'd be neat if she went by a different alias but still had the pink hair, and mentions in some obscure moment that she used to live with a green man in altea
Kagero is my wife though
Gee whiz, anon, good idea! Blatantly shitposting, making these threads even worse and poking everybody with a jagged stick, that'll show those liberal SJWs WE mean business! #BeattheMemehouse Stand up against shitty localizations!
>roll two takumis in the same session
>40 max them
> 40 / 46 / 30 / 25 / 21
> 40 / 43 / 36 / 25 / 18

so i got a +spd-atk one and a +res-spd one, fuck me sideways, thank god it's fucking takumi at least.

how do i submit stat info to the pastebin or whatever? got a bunch of cards i'm 4-starring.
I doubt anyone will play this shit game for long once they find out more and more about this shitty system.
I'm so sorry.
>(You) literally cuck Abel if you get Est to 40.
>Her sisters still friendzone (You) at 40.

Est confirmed best?
No. No matter what, boon +attack with +10 will have better stats than bane -attack with +10.
The good part about multiple copies is you can choose the good non-shit iv one
We can try, but it'll just end in some teenage boy and his reject army showing up and offing us.
Sharon's changeisdumb but all this friend stuff is what, 3-4 cases? The rest were left alone or even made a tad better.
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>no way to gain orbs
>play the game for 2 minutes every 20 hours

update when
Palla is warmer than Kagerou though she wouldn't be as distant

And yes Catria isn't over Marth fully - yet. She wants to love (You) though so she's taken the first step.
Are any of the story maps good for getting lv. 20 enemies that are easy for an ax user to kill? Specifically Narcian.


(But I got also +ATK-RES Takomeme)
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Did you see her special dialogue in Heroes from >>167985018 ?

It's really cute
Out of her sisters?
Yes, which tells more about how shit her sisters are.
What if we take a teenage boy and make him lead our reject army to destroy humanity?
They were never supposed to be confessions/romantic/waifufag at all though. Anything approaching those territories is supposed to be coming in some form post-launch. Evidently they dont see these "confesions" as that.
Stamina is the stupidest fucking thing in this game. Can't duel due to no swords, can't play due to no Stamina. Like wtf
Its around 10 or so with both girls and guys included but yes most of it is consistent.
But the ones that are changed are changed so badly its unrecongizable (t. Mainly shareena).
call it bad taste or whatever, but heroes made me remember how much i enjoyed awakening compared to fates
both Robins and Chrom were so charismatic
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Should I keep the right one? Or keep rerolling.

Was hoping for hector + something, Or takumeme + Something, but these two are literally the first two times I have gotten two 5*s in a single screen.
I'm still not getting with anyone with such a disparate and feudal moral code as Palla and Catria will never get over Marth. She's worse than Cordelia in that regard.
Heroes salvaged Azura t b h
>No Hector
>No Takumi

You know what to do.
Palla and Catria iterally all but say they are falling for you

Does Est really say she's ditching Abel?
>narcian killing anything but lancers
I certainly don't; still haven't rolled a single 5* yet and I want to take as much advantage of the pity mechanics as possible.

>hurr reroll
fuck you
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Now this is the correct huge, unless you want Great Knight instead. Whichever one has the most votes, I'll go with.
post xml for tiki & leo if you don't plan on using it please
Keep Leo
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>Palla is warmer than Kagerou

We need more scientific experiments for this
>saving orbs for the special costume thing
>I'm just going to end up getting Lucina

Why am I even bothering with this?
Yeah, super cute!
Leo is pretty damn good if you get to charge up his skill.
Post Leo Tiki xml, was looking for one for a while
I'm glad Kiran is just another Mark expy. Just so I can know this place *could* have been worse
She says her dreams were childish because there's a big world out there, and her dream used to be living with Abel as shopkeepers. Add to this that she does abandon him in 3.
>Caeda: Teehee! I appreciate it. I look forward to observing you right up close...

Did I just NTR Marth?
>not rerolling at the start for 1 5* you like, 1 esports 5* or 2 generic 5*
Your own fault you're suffering.
Enjoy lunatic
It might work, we just need one of our blatantly underage shitposters to step up.
Gilliam is meant to be a General
Great Knight
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>rerolled on day 1 to get Lucina
>didn't know there could be + or - stats back then
>Lucina ended up as +Atk/-Res anyway

It took me a while on the first day, but it was worth it.
Yes Roger. Yes you did.
that's when the smart man turns her into feathers
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Reminder that while rare as fuck, double natures are possible. Pic. related. It's speed++ Jeorge.
Great Knight was one of the most useless classed ever made.
>hur lets make a mix of Paladin and General but make it worse than both
Caeda is the army slut. Nothing new.
Don't fall for it. One minute she's hitting on you, the next you're recruited into the army and thrown on the frontlines.
She's using you for something that benefits Marth.
Not quite. Marth x Caeda, Alm x Celica, Sigurd x Deirdre AND Arvis x Deirdre are all canon.
I agree anon, Felicia is perfect
Fuck you Catria.
Holy fuck, and you people think Heroes AI is bad.
It's leagues better than Awakening, where the NPCs are literally suicidal and actively detrimental .
Will just stir up shitposting like it has been all day if it's put up front and center. Anybody who wants to skim through them already knows where to find them.
ok so my only requirement is that i have 4 girls in my party
what are the 4 best i can make as a combo of a girls
>Sigurd x Deirdre AND Arvis x Deirdre

I only started using this emulator last night, how do I do that? I'd also like to trade if I can, but you know.

I was talking to a friend who seemed to think the two would only be good for pve, and that the pvp things are not good for pve and vice verca, but the fag is about to quit and seemed terribly jaded. Also seemed to think leo gets doubled by everything.

I just wanted hector + a 5* friend, and takumi seems to be the hot shit as well.
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I love Pieri and so do you!
Azura, Lyn, Minerva, Kagero.
Eat a dick, Great Knights are fucking cool.
They're basically the in between of Knights and Paladins pretty much ending up as highly mobile Generals.
I hate characters like her
>"I'm a horrible person, b-but my parent(s) were killed!
So fucking trash. The guy who wrote Fates needs to never write anything ever again, I'd be embarrassed to be associated with it.
If you legitimately enjoy this game you should've long rerolled, now it's too late. Enjoy paying or mediocrity I guess.

Also, the rates weren't bad by any means so it isn't like rerolling was a struggle.
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This is the official /vg/ tier list, please remember it.
You're not even trying
There were more than one writer.
But Thracia is a fucking meme.
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>Fire Emblem 7 is shit
How far should I upgrade my castle?
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There we go, and another branch as well, what's his promotion gonna be?
Please explain this picture to me. And why does nobody have eyes in this and Peri only has one?
reverse it and keep fe2 where it is and you've got a good list
all the way
remember when people at least made it subtle
Shit FEs:
>Marth's games
>GBA games

Good games:
>the other ones
Please friend me: 7354880591
3% rates still aren't very good.
Bishop and use the glitch to give him Dark Magic when you get to that chapter
>expecting interesting characters when you have to shit out 50some per game

That's her parents and servants in the backround
Bishop. Don't be gay.
Not the thinking man though. The thinking man would keep her.
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>shadow dragon or new mystery
Bishop. No other choice.
Shit FEs:
All of them
It's 6% for Tacos and Red Swords.
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>tfw got the full uncensored version for a dollar
Ah, the choice of the Burch.
Average lucina
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They are because in this mobage u can only get characters unless GBF that u can get summons or FGO CEs.

This is one of the most generous mobages for sure.
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Post old guys.
Sage goes in all fields
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I guess it just wasn't meant to be, fuck.
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itt: shit /feg/ memes
When you use advanced growth on a 3* unit do they learn the skills they would have had if they were summoned as a 4* or do they just unlock and you have to use SP to learn them?
Hey. I linked one of the rolls you posted to a nintendo ID and played for about an hour and now I get a 3100 error. Do you have any idea what it is?
I can explain over email, if you'd like. I have accounts with 5*Robin+5*Merric, 5*Takumi, and 5* Fae to trade.

The reds are split amongst each other though if you're aiming for a specific one. You also have to get the right orbs, considering you can get no reds or no whatever you're aiming for.
You have to buy the new skills when you upgrade.
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I'll make Catria forget Marth by mindbreaking her
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>My Camilla is literally 2 hp off being able to win the Narcian hard fight for me

She can go in and kill the archer but only makes it out with 9 hp and Narcian gets a 10 damage hit in. I'm just going to have to keep leveling as I don't really have anything else to help with that.
copy info from deviceaccount:.xml
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Cuck, a classic meme of general as you can interpret everything as a sign of it if you're paranoid enough.
If you're trying to be a special snowflake and reroll for offbanner you deserve to suffer. The current 5s rate up characters will more than carry you. But ok, dig more for that Azura when she'll likely be on next week's banner.
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"Thanks for living after MY kids, Finn"
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Landslide right there. Thanks.
Go on...
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It's shit but I find it funny
Even when mindbroken as a breeding sow she's still moaning his name. What a ripoff not even Cordelia did that.
How do I farm exp for my units past 30? All the maps I can do for exp are extremely easy to get gibbed on if the typing is bad.
Lyn users -
Astra or Galforce? Which has proven more useful?
I rolled for Roy and it still took a few hours. Funny enough, I got 5* Azura in that time and tossed her out.
Alternate weapon sprites when? It's really offputting seeing Hana carrying that nohrian-looking armor slayer that's almost her height like some kind of loli Guts when the character art shows a standard folded 1000x katana.
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Hone Cavalry is fun.
I also like Gunter's voice a lot.
You're rerolling by deleting deviceaccount.xml, right? Just open it up instead and copy/paste the contents to share.

Let me know if you get another Tiki or a Linde.
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thanks thor
I agree.
>I also like Gunter's voice a lot.
Of course you do, it's fucking Wesker.
Marth- Caeda
Alm- Celica
Seliph- Julia
Lief- Nanna
Roy- Lilina
Eliwood- Ninian
Hector- Lyn
Eirika- Seth
Ephraim- Tana
Ike- Soren
Micaiah- Sothe
Chrom- Maiden
Lucina- Robin
Corrin- Takumi/Leo/Jakob depending on route.

Are these the canon lord pairings?
Is that Thor's art?
Lyn users-
The cuck shed or leaving forever?

Looks like Zacharias is back.
is narcian even good?
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Eirika and Tana sitting in a tree. K I S S I N G
Aiming for a specific roll in any mobage is strictly for whales.
Fuck off Drill
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>Eirika- Seth
>Ephraim- Tana
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Close but not quite
Just delete your deviceaccount.xml and open the game again.
you're litteraly shit if you don't complete hard mode.

that applies for everyone here.

Pass hard mode narcian or you're a shitter.
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>Eliwood- Ninian
>Hector- Lyn
>Eirika- Seth
>Ephraim- Tana
>Chrom- Maiden
>Lucina- Robin
>Corrin- Takumi/Leo/Jakob
Go to sleep Sothe.
And stop playing smash.

Not entirely, but I want both the 2 and 3 star versions.
Uhhh yeah it is dude. Get over it.
He's not that great but he's nice to have for collecting's sake
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oh okay. Is there a way I can just keep the xml for later, in case I decide to say fuck it and use it myself or trade? Like in a notepad or just copy the xml file?

Not terribly in any of those, as I've rolled fae or takumi already but I am pretty (stupidly) adamant on getting at least 2 5*s and having them be pretty decent to boot.

So I'll likely hold onto this leo tiki for a bit and keep spinning, but I WILL trade or give it out if I dont use it. They dont expire or anything I imagine?

I can only imagine my want of hector or takumi + 1 other thing is a very high demand. I'd also probably do Ryouma + 1 other thing as well (i've also pulled him once, but had 4 3*s with him that were garbage)
can't you rally def/res her or something like that?
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someone's not very attentive
>anyone that calls out my cuckfu is the boogyman
Trip back on spic.
I need that picture of Micaiah calling Ike the father of Sothes children. Too savage.
>wanting your waifu to be canon with someone in the game
Come on now. Wouldn't you want her for yourself?
They expire unless you link it to a nintendo account.
>Hector- Lyn
>Eirika- Seth
>Ephraim- Tana
>Ike- Soren
>Chrom- Maiden
>Lucina- Robin
>Corrin- Takumi/Leo/Jakob

Are you retarded?
Objectively correct, except for Lucina and Robin.
Four is an abusive slut!
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>they fell for the incest meme
From what I know, they expire if unbound for too long, but you can prevent that by linking them to an account. Just make an email and a stock account.

That having been said, Robin and Merric are pretty darn good, especially the former. Both of mine are also 5*.
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>implying Ephraim would want that forgettable blue-haired whore when he could have a HOLY defender of justice
Hector/Lyn and Chrom/maiden are canon though.
That is very rude
But isn't Robin (You) anyway
I guess "Tharjacuck" isn't just a meme.
>he thinks male corrin is canon
what did she mean by that?
>Lucina cucked Robin for (you)
>Takumi/Leo/Jakob cucked Corrin for (you)
Drill is friends with the spic you stupid newfag, fuck off.
Pedo cunt
>Not Mark/Lyn

Fuck off fag
>Minerva comes first after all.
>Only a cuck wants to fuck a person like that.

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Wrong, L'Arachel only loves Jesus.

I've been rolling with Femui to buff her attack for the archer hit but I don't really have anything that can help her defense on the escape out. Gave it a couple tries with a healer but she just isn't strong enough to 1shot without a buff.

I'll get it after I level up a little more but you know, frustrating to be that close.
Does Galeforce on Lynn provide any bonus damage or is it just the extra attack?

Would it be better to just use Astra or is Galeforce better than it looks?

Loosely translated.
hm alright, email and ninty account to hold it then. i'll keep rerolling and see what i get in the meantime.
It's just the extra attack, but holy fuck, if that's not enough for you...
I want to whale so badly but I can't justify it until they at least add Rinkah or Reina. I would give them $300 if either of them end up being good units
>Abel Level 40: Calls her his beloved Est
>Est Level 40: Just casually mentions Abel
don't tell me you're still losing sleep over him being the default for smash, the one featured more (with the amiibo and all that), the DLC confirming all the kids came from different multiverses, as well as the incredibly basic fact of water being corrin's counterpart in every single way including marriage
My email is [email protected], if you decide that you'd rather trade later.
She's just upset that she's the worst """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""lord"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" and clinically retarded.
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Purest form of love
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>naga's voice
>not dragon scion

You have terrible taste in units desu get good
Right so I just started playing Heroes after getting Nox, so a few questions

1. When starting up and after beating the virion stage, it made me download an update. How many updates am I gonna have to go through?
2. I have 17 orbs, should I roll now or get 3 more then roll? How would I get three more?
Uhh.. who said anything about Mamui?
Drill is Belkafag and Oborofag you idiot, the middle of which Tharjafag hates.
So cucked he can't even remember last year.
>sub 20th
Sorry dude. It's over. Nail in the coffin.
I seriously can't think of something worse (but still legal) to spend $300 than a mobage. Even a degenerate hobby like figurine collecting would be a better use of money.
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They were too young to be getting married anyway, Est did nothing wrong and Abel needs to get over it.
Seriously though, I'm having a hard time leveling units much past 30. Is there some trick or just not getting fucked on typing in the training missions?
One, but the neat thing about Nox is that you'll only have to do this once. iOSfags like myself have to redownload all that shit every single time.

Do the three Prologue levels so you can roll for a full five. Takes a little bit more time, but makes getting something good likelier and all the more satisfying.
no i mean, use a rally str and a rally def, that way you can kill the archer, but have the extra 3 def/res to tank the damage from the mages or boss.
>vs mode
>why am I a cuck for wanting to fuck someone that places someone else that far above me?
If you're going to reroll you might as well settle for 17 orbs since that's twice as fast and only a single summon loss.
Are you really gonna be stupid enough to say that anyone who likes pairing their waifus with their MU is cucking themselves? Cause that's retarded even for /feg/
Use macro with autobattle to set a loop, run 5 at once and watch tv whilst waiting for a 5*
Astra allows for major damage in one hit so you don't risk taking damage.

Galeforce, while allowing for more damage in the long term and even multiple kills, results in having to take much more damage.
That's the last update for now unless you want to use japanese text like some weebs in this thread.
Just wait, and don't reroll. All units are able to beat 5-star units by strategy and position.

Anna is fucking annoying by the way can you tell?
Unless you're using a Mac.
...Yes, I am that luckless faggot.
Hmm, alright. I suppose the next question is
I've heard Tacomeme is the greatest and Tippy is his only counter, and Hector/Minerva/Camilla are the best axe users. Who else is broken and why (including what makes the listed units so great)?
>he doesn't know about dancer galeforce abuse
Yeah just pretend that you are Robin irl, but don't call me retarded for not doing the same thing.
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This is correct. Lyn can't really make good use of Galeforce the way Cordelia can, mostly due to not having a brave weapon
Azura is busted. There are people who would kill you for the sin of rerolling a 5* Azura because she's both a strong Blue in a Red meta AND able to give your best unit a second turn with Dance.

Linde and Leo are great Magic users. Lyn is probably the best Sword user.
sounds good but i dont find minerva very cute, is cherche an ok replacement or something?
Theres literally a tier list in the op you goof.
But to make it tl dr
Hector, azura, lyn and takumi ae the best of their respective colours.
But there's no PvP yet.
Ewan is not a slut.
Does using more than one of the banner characters in the arena multiply your score more or is the same as only having one?
Hector azura and takumeme
Distant counter with highest stats inthe game, blue dancer and close counter with good stats+colourless respectively for why each unit is op
Would you recommend sticking with Astra on Lynn or does Galeforce have some perk I'm missing?

I fear Lynn is too squishy and would end up severely weakened using Galeforce.
LOL Tiki is the best of her colour because she shits on Hector.
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so what is heroes's Fire Emblemâ„¢? like lehran's medallion or the shield of seals or the yato or whatever you prefer
Lyn and azura easily gets you into top 500 or so of arena due to galeforce abuse
In FE Heroes?
The Gun
The bow that summons the spirits.
The summoner is the fire emblem themselves.
The gacha.
>one of the best characters in every game he's in
>still has an inferiority complex

poor guy
Ryoma is the best red
Dancer =galeforce
No dancer = don't galeforce in arena as you won't be able to abuse it
>the fire emblem was inside us and the friends we made along the way, all along
i'll keep it in mind, but now that I've got an email and ninty account, and linked to the tiki/leo, can just safely delete xml and keep rerolling yeah?
>Alfonse: "In the end, I guess we really are the Fire Emblem: Heroes."
Ryoma is fucking boring.
pls help someone
Yes, dancers are broken in feh due to how it works.
Especially with tacomeme, heavy knight (e.g. Hector or effie) or any galeforce abuser.
>get Azura
>get a whole bunch of story orbs
>never get Dagumi/any good red/any good blue/any other 5* in general

I trashed that shit.
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Thanks. I'll need to roll a dancer then.
At the end you die to power up your friends to defeat the big bad dragon because it's always dragons except for when it wasn't those four times.
You should be able to, yeah.
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Marth is cute but is this viable?
Wrong. THESE are the canon FE pairings










Not really. Two of the same color, much less the same weapon type, much less Red, doesn't bode well, and Marth isn't exemplary like Takumi or Hector.

Reroll your life.
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Let Robin handle Takumi
>no mention of Dorcas/Tiki
Canon FE pairings:


who gives a shit about the rest
Waifu gun
Good use there,man. Good genetics too.
So only Olivia and Azura allow you to break the game? Hopefully I can roll one.
>Epharim tana
Fuck off Ephraim Tana is Eirika's.
Don't be jealous that people know other languages.
Likely but I'd feel bad for Lucina, growing up as a literal cripple. Atleast she gets something from anyone else. Maiden is just the lowest common denominator possible. I'd rather Chrom have Sumia's pie.
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it's true, i have it on good authority that popularity polls determine canon.
So in the end, it was Caeda who got cucked.
Better than Arthur

Which is the only axe nigga I have
He's still the best red
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>Lyn is probably the best Sword user.
>glass as fuck and needs less than 50% hp to start wrecking shit
>shitty selection of 2 long CD specials and one alright 4 CD special
Lucina is generally better, tbqh.
If and when the meta shifts to blue
You mean lowest Chrommon denominator.
All of the cancer of FE in one pairing
Lucina's even glassier, nigga, what the fuck you sayin'?
So Roy fucked gender-bender Chrom?
Gee Ike how come your mom let's you have two pairings?
Azura basically upgraded for a better male MU, and it still counts as (You). The only person who stands to lose is Shitcina (enjoy roy (lol)

Best girl.
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I want to protect cripple lucina from risen with my wimpy level 1 attack!
Nah, Roy fucked Chrom and that's how Lucina was born. (^:
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>tfw to smart two use tu Tookumis in the arena
You mean rule 63 Marth
So is HP+/RES- Takumi a good tradeoff?
How the fuck are you supposed to beat hard Narcian if you didn't happen to get a tanky blue or Camilla? Tacomeme gets murdered on the first square of death even at level 40.
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yea just get a good team setup
Gender-bent Chrom is for village man.
>getting more fucked in the ass by Robins than he already is
Someone please tell me how rank works. Is it how many times you win in the arena? Is it how high your offense and defense scores are?
Only against magic attacks, physical attacks are virtually the same with Lucina's higher HP. Lucina will one shot most shit, unlike lyn who will have plenty of exchanges that allow the enemy unit to land at least one hit on her during Player Phase.
Is lvl 20 still the recommended level to use crests for FE7?

This is the worst meme pairing ever.
Use lots of res/def buffers like sakura
What a shit team. I hope you don't run into any blues.
What were the canon couples that Thracia 776 confirmed?

I know Lewyn/Fury but who else?
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I need pictures.
Pictures of Severa.
Should you evolve units in Heroes at level 20 ?
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in the middle
Is this a jojo reference?
If you run into Robin in those wall maps, you're done for
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>spend most of my morning and afternoon finally getting one of my teams into the level 14-15 range so that I can try the hard mode of the daily event maps for the first time
>2* meido is only slightly less crappy than 1* meido since she still doesn't have access to the better skills
I mean, I understand that this is how they make money, but still, kinda disappointing. I guess I'm supposed to level her up to 20 and then promote her?

How does promoting work in this game anyways? Is it like in the previous games where you're encouraged to go as far beyond 20 as possible before promoting, or do I just do it once they hit 20?
I'm just stating facts anon
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Bully the tsun!
Rank as in, you go to the rewards screen and it says Offense/Defense/Rank, right? It's how high your offense is compared to everyone else's.
Yes. Taking pre-5s above 20 is something you should only do if you don't have the feathers to promote.
So what the fuck is Sully supposed to do in Awakening? She's so fucking bad it isn't even funny, she's the worst unit in my army and it's actually starting to piss me off how worthless she is.
Yes. There's no real point in doing it after 20, unless you don't have enough feathers yet but you want to stock up on SP for quick post-evolution grinding.
Most units aren't worth bothering promoting since 4*>5* is a huge wall.
Only 3* worth going for 4* are tiki, gunther, serra, olivia and corrin of which you may just roll a 4* copy on the next roll anyways rendering your feathers mostly wasted.
She's also really ugly and has a bad attitude. The girl's a fuckin' mess, it's tragic.
Which unit(s) should I use to tank green and/or blue mages?
Shes not worth promoting unless you like her character or are waifuing her
That's what she deserves for looking like a dyke
I would bully her ass with my dick.
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What's the difference? Does Level reset when they get promoted, anyway?
She looks better in Heroes so I wanted to give her a chance (and I guess I have a thing for butch girls)
Her support is weak as fuck though, one of those "lol yeah guess we're married xD" affairs and she's just not any fucking good as a unit which is really sad.
I'm actually considering reloading to my pre-marriage save and choosing someone better, since apparently Kjelle isn't even worth the trouble.
Beowulf/Lachesis the controversial one.
>watching stream of heroes
>someone posts a link to a 30 page reddit guide on arena
>filled with absolute retardation
I can't wait for actual PvP to be added to beat these retards
>bitching about being able to 5* a free unit
You're an idiot. Go play other mobage and see if they let you do that shit.
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someone clearly doesn't have best taste
Oh. Then how the hell do I get ahigher offense score? I have two bonus units and just finished a chain of advanced wins with no lost units and apparently that's only good enough for 40,000th place
You're meant to pair her up with Stahl and have them cover each other's weaknesses. She actually becomes a pretty good paladin.

Unless she's just getting RNG screwed in her level up gains, in which case just send her to the bench
Level resets, promoting just changes your base stats.
Merricif you need to tank both greens and blue mages
Is Sully confirmed for black now?
The only other thief-class I have is Matthew, and I have no archers beyond the 1* they give you at the start. A bunch of casters, but not so many ranged units in the physical category.

I know I'll probably get a 4* archer or something the next time I spend my orbs, but it's not like I have anything better to do with my time.
This should be good. Got a link?
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rate my team /feg/ f2p btw
That's great. It's like Robin is tipping invisible scales in that image.
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Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not canon. Let Mark be happy, she had a hard life.
Brave Exvius lets you 6-star 3 freebies.
Alright, so I have the shared pref file selected on Nox, but how do I delete it? There's an option to open it with an editor but no deletion.
>30 page reddit guide
L I T E R A L L Y why? What could possibly require 30 pages of explanation?
He got NTRed by Chrom.
Promoting is what changes your characters Star count, right?
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Don't bully Severa, she's made for warm hugs & nice words.
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don't let anyone die
4 bonus units, 7 advanced wins, all units at level 40, zero unit deaths will hit top 500 or so which should be enough (t. 393 rank here)
People above me in rank mostly had lucky matchups against more point giving teams or are +10 teams vsing against other +10 teams for super whale status and rank 1-50
>I just
Wait a bit. It takes a while to update.
Sully C; lol I'm getting fat xD
Sully B; lol here's some seaweed bitch lose weight
Sully A; OH no I ate ALL of the seaWEED (420 blaze it dude) and now I'm SHITTING EVERYWHERE
Sully S; lol you're hot now MU, wanna fuck?
oh did you eat the seaweed too get fukt nerd XD
Thracia doesn't confirm it one way or the other, though.
>Meant to
>Made her fuck Virion

hon hon hon
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>He got Chrommed
That's the best moment ever.

A 4* one, I guess.
Jesus, who the FUCK is going to read all of that shit?

Living the dream. I'm f2p and have 4 five stars, but they're Lyn, Roy, and two (2) Marths.

I just want to have a decently strong core team of 5*s so that I can do any challenge the game throws at me without spending money, is that so much to ask?
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Post pics of my love
I didn't

Oh, level matters?
>This is one case where I’m thankful for the localization
Tumblr, not even once.
Nanna is Beo child.Kaga confirm it himself.
The only real takeaway from this is that you should get a team of four +10 Hectors if you want to be #1 Arena shitlord
Matthew is beyond s tier and god of buff/debuff in any map with chokepoints
Whole teams are raped by him in arena defenses once he hits 5*.
So if a character isn't at 5*, promote them to that at Level 20.
Okay. Are Nino or Beruka worth promoting to 5*?
>tfw I dumped the 80 gems I was saving to make myself quit
>tfw I'm back again levelling a new account

Heroes was a mistake
>in any map with chokepoints
>maps are randomized
whoa ok

She gives bad succ
I still can't believe they added that into the game. I'm surprised there wasn't an uproar about getting raped by Chrom.
You have nearly everyone I want. I'm f2p with 5* Lyn, Lucina, and Robin. 4* Camilla who sucks. I really want Takumi and Olivia.

You should give me your account desu
What? Isn't it the opposite? Instead of the obviously sexist tomboy wants to be feminine she's just butch and you eat seaweed.
Nino is, for sure.

Speaking of Nino, I fought a team with Nino + Linde. The AI had them never leaving each other's side. God, it was horrifying to see them buff each other every turn.
Olivia is a free unit on Sunday
+atk/-res Corrin(F) any good? Did I hit the jackpot?
>Tumblr is HAPPY they ruined her
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dude, Nino's literally only good as an anti-Robin. She's shit otherwise.
No flying unit is worth promoting while the game is still Takumi Emblem: Heroes.
Roy Koopa promotion when
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How's my Lyn looking
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I feel you, getting pure red swords sucks but that's how it is in gachas. I got lucky and pulled Takumi and Camilla in the my 10th reroll, got nothing in the next 40 orbs and after that I rolled Lucina and Robin in the next 20 orbs. Now I'm just waiting for new banners to spend my orbs.
how do I have fun in heroes without buying orbs
I'm sure the FeMUfags didn't complain, unless they were going for Lon'qu or Gaius or whatever.
Yes, +attack or speed is godly much less + attack without -speed.
You hit the jackpot, only -hp is better
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>Femui is way more useful than Mamui in Heroes
Really makes you think.

The only threat would be Merric and Nino and I don't think they double at 37 speed. They'd promptly get stat murdered and then actual murdered.
Sauce my man.
Chrom's auto marriage lets him NTR people, right? It also works in the sense that if his highest support is Femui, he forcefully marries her.
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Oboro best waifu
Reroll until you get your waifu/esports 5*
Hard mode and finish the normal story with the original trio (enjoy suffering in chapter 9)
>a-tier much more useful than a-tier
what did he mean by this?
Remember it's okay to rape people when you're royalty/Chrumb.
>I just walked up to Sumia and I grabbed her by the pussy.
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>Chrom is canonically the only man to get laid during the game
And people still shit on him? He's literally the only one who got pussy.
>pull corrin
>listen to his voice
man how does cam clarke do it?
I want Chromium to breed my waifu!!!!
I was going to say Miriel and her husband since Laurent is the oldest but I remembered it's only because he was fucking around in the sand for a few years after he got sent back in time too far.
I can't beat 9-5 on Lunatic even with Light's Blessing, none of my units can even get Xander below 30 health.

Team is Hector, Roy, Cordelia, and Fae. What do?
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I just tried this
>mfw 5* level Abel did 0 on turn 1
That map is easy, fuck the Ursula map

I hope you checked the IVs before merging anon or else ya blew it.
Persuade me not to spend orbs on current draws

Already have Ryoma/5* Robin
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I just spent 40 orbs and got three 4* and two Lyn.

I'm a bit confused on what should I do. Do I level both Lyns and use them? Or use just one?

One is HP 18, ATK 23, SPD 11, DEF 7, RES 4

The other is HP 19, ATK 21, SPD 11, DEF 7 RES 5.

I'm kicking Alfonse of the party, should I kick Shareena too
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Are there rules of thumb or at least general consensus on pic related?

I saw 'no fliers' at one point (still promoting Shanna, my early game MVP), so how about other classes?

Takumi is most likely going to be stronk as fuck for a long time, going after him wouldn't be a bad idea.
+HP with minus ATK & SPD Robin.
What do i even do at this point? All my heroes are underwhelming and I'm stuck on lunatic maps, can't aquire orbs for other rolls
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Post pictures of waifus/husbandos you want in heroes
It was on the offical site of Thracia but, Nips got angry and took it off.
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Canonically someone fucked Olivia, Cordelia, and Lissa since the Awakening trio are universal constants.
For Lyn should I gun for Galeforce asap or get Astra + Defiant Atk 3?
>He wants a filthy sub-human


Lyn #1 is a +ATK -RES
Lyn #2 is a +HP -ATK

You can merge 2 into 1 and have one nice lyn or just keep both for fun. Keeping Sharena is perfectly fine, just plop your Lyn inplace of Alf.
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That's why I said Chrom was the only male to fuck someone. Olivia, Cordelia and Lissa could've fucked villagers.
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This is it /feg/. My final 3 rolls until further notice. $26.99 and the 10 free orbs down on the table and I'm going all in no matter what!
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I want all of them, give me all the waifus.
>Stahl's eyes widen
>Wait, you're the Bull in this scenario?
>mfw he realizes what's about to occur
Poor bastard.
How do you know that was actually from Kaga, though? Especially with all the inconsistencies between 4 and 5.
Level the first one dummy, the second lyn is worthless since its minus attack.
When rolling make aure to use the iv calculator in the op to find a units boon and bane.
All units outside healers with a speed or attack bane is literally worthless whilst.
You're lucky you rolled a good lyn
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>tier lists
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Easy. She'll probably be a Merc or a Hero but I'd prefer a bow knight. My dream of her being a Mage Knight like Leo is sadly, too niche
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I'd rather have her younger, sexier sister.
Canonically only Chrom can fuck villagers.
Dancers are op
Takumi is op
Hector is stronk and op with dancer support
Robin cucks takumi
Camilla is bad in current meta since shes a mage counter in a red swordsman meta
All fliers suck due to takumi meta
Cavalry is op with gunthers hone cavalry
I don't know I'm just taking from what I learn from what other anons around here have said.
Says who?
Oboro, Kaden, and Shigure
nah m8 lethe is qter
>tfw finally got titty ninja
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>He wants subhumans
fucking gross
My Takummy is -def/+res. I'm guessing it would probably be nice for dealing with mages I guess.
Xander is going to be so fucking good when his map rotates in. Hope you nerds didn't blow all your feathers because he will be a arena staple at 5*.
-atk is from the 5* weapon
Its +hp -spd through which is just as worthless since speed is the difference between doubling and not getting doubled

Promote him anyways if hes your husbando or you like his char but otherwise ditch him in hopes of rolling something with less shit ivs
But Oboro is in the game

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Thank you.

Care for a raise?
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So what are the recommended support synergies in Blazing Sword?
my negro
Guys, when can I pick up a synchronize skill? I want to stop getting random natures already.
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>Dee dee
>le ntr man
>2 literally whos

Loli tiki could use the company I guess.
You'll still get raped by robin even with +res unless the robin you're vsing is also -attack.
Still its not minus speed or attack so you're in the clear
Fire on Fire with Mark as Fire
Rebecca Dart rape train
Shut up Jill, go munch some carpet with Mist.
He'll be a worse Camus like how he is now in every other aspect
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If we get Jill in heroes, can she still be racist?
Is Florina worth training or should I get a different spear flier?
Why is Corrin wearing that to sleep? It's stuffy.
Thanks anons. I'll level the first one for now, and leave the other until I figure out how this works
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>he forgot about everyone's favorite exhibitionists Pent and Louise.
Raven is a solid pull
You either merge the second one with the first one for bonus stats on the first one or you use double lyn for a lyn harem.
I find units with armorslaying weapons are too niche.
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Whos worth upgrading?
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2/3 now. C'mon 5*'s!
>he doesn't want to ride that bicycle
take your pleb tastes elsewhere
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>Canon exhibitionists
>not Odin
Did you see his kit in 9-5 Lunatic? That shit was nuts. Camus didn't seem too spectacular, although he didn't have Gradivus so that's definitely not helping.
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Should I keep or reroll?
T. Someone who has yet to suffer in chapter 9 lunatic
Armorslayers and mages are literal necessity if you want all the story orbs
>Not going for the LetheXJill pairing
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Everyone, send anon your luck.
Pent and Louise are already an established couple in 7. Hell Louise is pregnant with Clarine during the game.
If i had to ride a plegian bicycle i would ride the attractive one (Tharja).
Good luck, anon
Enjoy your 3*s
Take my luck. Just so you know, my luck is bad.
Like I said, pleb taste.
good luck senpai
My Hana came with an Armorslayer and I get fucked whenever I don't use her on chapters with knights.
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>another Hana
>3* city

Didn't send enough luck lads.
Bretty good if Camilla is your waifu. Shit if she's not.
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I believe in you!
I see no villager option for any of the girls if I wipe the guys out.
Hope you get a Bartre at least
>Making my Nowi even more relevant
Good good
choo choo

Got a 5* Azura + Marth. Keep?
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E-sports team or waifu team?
throw it away quickly.
Aren't the kits in upper tiers made up? Like I've seen Tharja's with a third skill and a defense skill in the Tower.
post heroes memes
esports are for gays
Half and half
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My final roll. Don't let me down /feg/ give me your energy.
The best waifus like Eirika, Lute, and Nephenee aren't even in the game so go with your "esports" meme team.
esports in the left slot
waifu in the mid slot

Have an E-sports team in the first slot for Arena.

Have a waifu team you actually use for fun in the second and third. The last two teams are just characters you like in general.
Towers are madeup, but story mode has legit units.

>his E-sports team isn't made of waifus.
>implying my Tiki doesn't completely destroy falchionfaggots
I want Fates Anna, so I can bully those all flyers teams some more.
Good luck.
Can we agree that Fire Emblem is Waifu and Husbando Simulator, the game?
>planned on doing an all-female team at first
>get a hector while rerolling
>get takumi and azura ~80 orbs in

Fuck that waifu noise.
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If you like winning, sure.
Take it
That's my wife
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So my lyn is -HP/+SPD

Have I been BLACKED?
Best child that isn't Severa?
But if all the dudes are wiped out, the wives still have to get with someone because kids are canon.
E-sports is never worth it because then you have to use Takumi.
you got this
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Is there any way I can use feathers to bring Robin up to 5* or is it not worth it?
Good luck
Its been that way since awakening and quite frankly the series is alot better as a result
What's the difference between 5stars and 5stars focus?
No, fuck off.
>husbando is hector
>waifu is not even in the game, so no worries about that yet
Thus I will aim for husbandos like ryoma/hector/takumeme
lyn is pretty ok too i guess.

feels good man.

Now I just have to actually ROLL any of them ;_;
thanks for educating me anon, i had trouble understanding why my attack was so low.
i'm really sorry that robin is - speed, i really like him.
are the stats growth somewhat random at least? with some lucky levelups could he still be decent?
You got the best Lyn, there is no Lyn better than the Lyn you have now.
Anon, cherry tapping falchions after Takumi or someone else softens them up isn't destroying them.
good luck!
focus -> The units pictured on the banner
non-focus -> everyone else
22000 feathers, gl anon
Or save up orbs
Is there a worse girl than Deirdre? She literally cucked her husband and was largely responsible for his death and then she didn't even blame the dude who kidnapped her and killed her supposed ""love"" in total cold blood after flaunting his NTR

If you can't hate someone who literally killed your husband knowing he was being a shit head about it and then made your son's life hell how fucked in the head are you

what a fucking bitch if I was Seliph I would've told that slut to go fuck herself
Both, you need E-sports team to get feathers to evolve those waifus.
Check IVs.
>no Aversa
>no Arete
>no Sonia
Please IS, we already met the quota for lolis and pegasluts. Ursula is a good start but we can do better.
But they are otherwise the same, right? Like I'm not gonna get a crappy takumi jsut because he's a focus?

Those aren't 5*s but you have 3 solid ones that could eventually be promoted. I'm a fan of that roll as it's a nice future investment.

Hell if that was my next roll I'd be happy.
It always normalises to what the calc shows at level 40, no matter what your robin is speed screwed.
Unless you don't care about arena competitive play, just wait for a better robin thats not shit
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Seems like my Lyn is +ATK/-DEF but I'll have to wait until lvl40 to check.

No, it just means the focused unit has it's own 3% chance of appearing on orbs of said color. You can still get the focused units on the other focus banner too, just they get lumped in with the other draws and have no special extra percentage.
>what a fucking bitch if I was Seliph I would've told that slut to go fuck herself

He's a cuck too for not purging all of barbecueman's spawn.

He could have used his half-sister and then give her to the men for morale and have the other dude assassinated.
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I think I would die
I am interested in FE and I like Super Robot Wars.
Which game should I start in 3DS?
>She literally cucked her husband

you know she was mindwiped, right
>roll 40 orbs
>get another 5* Robin instead of Tiki
I'm going to die!
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please dont be bad.jpg
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I hate to say it but yours might be +RES

this is what mine looks like for whatever its worth, i hope she grows up well
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>2 other riders
>not Servea

No 5* but I guess George can serve as a ghetto taco man? And I got Sabrina. Bonus!
She knew later on and she did nothing

That makes her a shit

If that thing happened to Lucy she would kill herself and be forever ashamed for facing Robin
>I like Super Robot Wars
why are you wasting your orbs on blues instead of just picking reds?
>when someone who lost to you in arena sends you a friend request
>opening blue orbs when you want a red focus

Having sex isn't an accomplishment, it's just something that normal adults do semi-regularly to regularly

All the adults in the game have probably had sex at various times before and during the events of the game, it's just not talked about because it's not really relevant and we need to maintain the T rating.
I haven't had error 3001 ever since I removed root and flashed back to a stock rom, is there no way to get around the error? I've had arena duels and maps being interrupted before, I would end myself if it interrupted a summoning.
Even when her memories came back she was content with getting plowed and impregnated by the guy who literally murdered her husband and knew that she was married to him previously. She literally just basically told Sigurd to fuck off by endorsing Arvis as a legitimate husband and lover, fucking horrible

If that doesn't make you a fucking cunt what does
>not opening all of them to get the 5* boost
>when someone that beat you sends you a friend request
It's definitely -HP.

Might be +RES.
There's also a small chance, very small, it might be +Atk.

One more level and it'd be easy to infer.
Eh, I don't care for IVS either way. She's useful.
It picks up where you left off if you disconnected during a summon.
you can just open reds and still get the boost
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Nintendo can't keep getting away with this!
What determines which unit gets pulled into the duel with Ryoma in 6-5?
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>when a ching chong sends you a friend request
The one on the first spot of your team
Oh that's not so bad. Alright, thanks.
I do it all the time. I only request people I beat. So they know I beat them.
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>when /feg/ sends you a friend request
it's stockholm syndrome, dude
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Seeing as Hector is a OP with an axe how fucking broken is the Burger King going to be?
Her memories returned and she still stayed with him

The only reason she even went back to Sigurd in death is because his bloodline ended up winning, she's a frontrunning Whore who just abandoned men when it was convenient for her

She probably spread her legs willingly for Arvis dozens of times after she remembered who Sigurd was - that's after remembering this is the guy who paraded her like a trophy to her original husband right before killing him

She's a fucking terrible person who deserves no sympathy or any sort of appreciation. She fucking deserved to die and the only thing that can be said is that both Sigurd and Seliph should have renounced her entirely because she clearly never gave a fuck about either of them in the slightest as evidenced by the fact that she never tried to help Seliph even once after remembering he existed

bullshit she just loved Arvis more than Sigurd up until the moment where Arvis lost
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Draw? I have all of lunatic and most of hard left.
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They're going to overcompensate trying to make him not broken and he'll end up useless
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When I started this roll I felt bad because I wanted to save for next focus, but this was great. I really wanted Nino, and this Robin is +Spd/-HP. Way better than my 4*, and no feathers.
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>perfect winning streak since release finally gets put to an end by Robin soloing my team due to me not paying attention

i don't feel like playing anymore
Meanwhile they'll probably make someone like Makalov broken and the meta will be Takumi/Makalov/some other assholes people don't like.
>not liking based Makalov, corrupter of waifus
Anyone know how bonus damage for Bows on Flyers or Armorslayers against knights is calculated in Heroes?
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>Rolling for Tiki on Legends
Well then
Lots of people genuinely like takumi. Almost everyone hates makalov
man who designed this stamina system, 3 lunatic missions and im done.
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Five is best girl.
time to reroll
Fuck off Azurafag
If remembering that your supposed true love got brutally murdered in front of you and that his last wish was for you to remember him isn't enough to snap you out of that shit, nevermind your fucking son with him still being out there, then you're a fucking shit

Deirdre is a shit
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Calm down.
Stamina potions are literally crack cocaine to me, I burned through the free ones so fast and I need my fix NOW.
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>see this
>fuck it I want to try for marth
>first roll
Thanks for the luck anon
He doesnt feel impressive. But i think mine got speed cucked.
Just pulled a 5 Robin (+HP+RES-ATK-SPD)

How good?
t. Tharjacuck
how do bonus levels worth with star increases? Do they reset, or can you fuse the 2* daily free unit into the 1* and promote to a 2*+1?
It makes him pretty well rounded but poorly optimized. Robin is strongest with +ATK or +DEF with +SPD coming second.
>worst stat distribution in the game

I'm so sorry
My Takumi is +HP/-SPD, is it useless?
I don't believe you.
>So many people die cause of this whore
Not worth it all
>Conquest Chapter 20

This wind isn't even remotely fun to work around.
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What do you wish we had learned more about/seen more of from Lilith?
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>Leave forest
>gets impregnated 3 times
Why did Deirdre allowed herself to do this?
He's gonna get doubled and die in one turn and +hp won't change that
>you can Smite people through a mountain
Wallhacking Hector is scary.
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They reset.
Black men breeding her.
She should've stayed in that fucking forest, fucking Seliph didn't deserve that awful bitch as his mother

Fucking Whore didn't even give a shit about him
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<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' standalone='yes' ?>
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5* roy
4* robin
Calm down Sigurd
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>playing FE7 for the first time
>saved ninian and nils
>lyn is catching up with them
>introduces hector, with the usual banter. even makes a cute laugh after she makes fun of him
>also introduces eliwood too
>doesn't introduce me again, in fact nobody says anything to me at all

i-i thought this cuck thing was just a meme
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Be honest, how much have you spent?
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According to the meta it's Galeforce if you have a dancer, otherwise just stick with Astra.
just use night sky
Is Sigurd the biggest cuck in the series?
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Azura Dance Edit 2.gif
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Only about $40. I'll probably drop it again though if Azura is in the next banner.
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Linus is a big guy.

I got takumi and azura out of those rolls so I feel less bad about it.

At least Sigurd banged someone.

how much to reach whale status?
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How gud is making Sheena 5 stars? Right now my only green on defense is Camilla, which is shit as far as defense AI goes. Her kit looks absolutely incredible as far as tanks go, and yes I do have Azura. Also, best IVs?

>tfw no minerva
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i wanted to post that.
zero dollars you whales
>Marquess Pherae, I'm Black Fang
what characters do you expect from the next focus if we don't get new characters? I would say Hector, Tharja, Both Corrins, Chrom, Azura, and 2 characters nobody gives a shit about.
Niles' Japanese name
I just got my terrible team up to 30 FEH and have no idea what I am supposed to be doing for team composition and whatnot
send help
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>those faces
Sigurd literally had his wife stolen and she gave the other guy more kids and then stayed with him even after her memories came back

He is by far the bigger cuck
Nothing. Fuck spending money on these games. I'd rather use it on actual games, if there were any to play right now.
but you are
Shame there isn't enough doujin of her I've only found one
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How is my Rufure? His SPD is kill, I know.
>and she gave the other guy more kids and then stayed with him even after her memories came back
Link for the one you found family.
True I guess.
Zero, and I have Kektor and Takumeme.
Nothing. It's a shame that the arena can get fucking stupid for a F2P like me, though. Fuck pressing Intermediate and having to fight meta memes.
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>Sigurd and Deirdre bullying
zero, reroll squad
>a woman can't show any feminity whatsoever or she's weak
Also yes I do eat seaweed, it's delicious.
I reclass Donnel to Merc at level 10, yeah?
Yes. Underdog isn't that important.
Zero, got a reroll and then got great luck on my first pull. Saving until the incredibly broken poll 5*s come out.
zero AND no rerolls because I'm not a cuck
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$50 and it's staying that way unless they make some massive improvements. Stamina is too damn small especially if training tower is going up to """average""" stamina after launch and end game is shit mostly.
Sigurd did nothing wrong

Deirdre betrayed him and betrayed Seliph, she decided that living with her husbands murderer and spreading her legs for him was better than being a good mother for Seliph or dying with some fucking dignity

Even in the end she throws her life away for Arvis' kids, not Sigurds

Her having the fucking gall to crawl back to Sigurd in the afterlife and suddenly act like she ever gave a fuck about Seliph is disgusting
>not rerolling
Who is the REAL cuck here?
Alvis is kinda hot tho. Can you blame her?
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delet this.png
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Not as hot as Sigurd.


Rerolled until I got a Hector, Taco, Lyn combo.
Lucina is better than Lyn, reroll.
How about those IVs ;^)
how do you check IVs on 3* and 4* units?
lyn hauls ass with a dancer, which you're gonna have with tacomeat anyway
Isn't Lucina better in Arena?
Larcei X Seliph, yes or no
>Level up to 20
>unlock potential
>see stats at lvl1
>put lvl1 stats in calculator
the people spending literal days getting fucked by rng
you can check at level 20 with 4 star, just to to promote and look at the new bases

with 3 star you're fucked

Best list right here
0, I do have two acocunts on two different machines
I think what we can all learn from this conversation(Deirdre) is that women were a mistake and put your bros before savage hoes.
Humanity was a mistake.

so this shit is as autistic as pokemon now?
Lucina definitely is better than Lyn for the most part, but Marf belongs in dumpster tier and is worse than Lyn.
>Leo in S-class
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New Thread
All units are good with dancers, Lyn is trash tier.
>boosts tank and tacomeat speed
>get hit for 50% damage
>get 3 kills with dancer/galeforce combo
>not a scratch on you

whatever you say faggot
Since when is there so much /tv/ cancer in these threads? Is it /v/edditors?
I like this one better because it understands lobster is SS
>50% dmg
>not a scratch on you
>the people spending literal days
>not playing the game with all the free shit they give you while the computer rolls for you
I have some bad news anon.
Thread posts: 780
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