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/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

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Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 146

Brode Edition

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help


>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:
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dead games dont need nudes threads

time for zeriyah new
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Have you taken the brownpill, me mateys?

Also: Ben is a faggot and locked cards need to be abolished.
>there are people desperate enough to consider her attractive.
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>implying you dont want to fuck her as vanessa
>tfw my grandma baked the most delicious spinach pie
the taste takes my mind of how shitty hearthstone is
>Team 5 designed spirit claws so other classes would be stronger
>Brode never heard anyone say early game weapons were overpowered

You can't make this up
>makes better win axe
>thinks it'll make shaman weaker
Can't make this shit up
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Stop playing Shaman
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Buy more packs!
Reminder that playing F2P is STILL helping Blizzard!

Reminder that even just watching Hearthstone streams is STILL helping Blizzard!

Starve the beast!
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>be jaraxus
>10 cost kazakus potion
>gain 10 armor and revive 3
>3 infernals

Only when you make your game playable.
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tfw got banned for posting this spicy meme in /hsg/ a few weeks ago.

he does it for free lma0.
>stop playing the best meta deck
what did he mean by this?
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>Heh, greetings.
>Brode never heard anyone say early game weapons were overpowered
>meanwhile people complain about Win Axe since forever
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Purchase more packs
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>Brann Dragon OP
>Op Discovers Burgle
>Burgle generates Swarmer and Sensei

Burglar Rogue getting outRNG's by Priest. I love it.
I'm 100% straight but Edwin is hotter than Vanessa
thats hot
Savijz gets to fuck that. ITS NOT FAIR
>streamer playing aggro shaman is complaining about people playing shaman

Oh boy.
why do they call it ronald mcdonald mage
because it's a clown fiesta
Being a new player at rank 20 must be torture right now. I bet 80% of them quit during the first day
Because Jaina and Ronald McDonald are both clowns.
blizzard is happy if 99% of players quit as long as the remaining 1% spend money

they are too stupid to realize that it is better to get more people to spend a little money, than a small amount of people to spend a lot of money
Neither of us have any actual data to support that, but I doubt a company that prints money didn't do their research. Blizzard has shown time and time again that they will push and push and push until they squeeze all the money they can before the consumer finally breaks, at which point they issue an apology or some shit, get the people back and repeat it.

Supposedly they made close to 400 million dollar on Hearthstone alone. Blizzard is extremely greedy, not stupid.
>Supposedly they made close to 400 million dollar on Hearthstone alone. Blizzard is extremely greedy, not stupid.
No they are stupid, because they could make that same amount of money, but have the game be good and friendly

instead they want to make a lot of money fast, and discard the game

hearthstone could have been the digital CCG for 20+ years, instead it will die after enough rotations

this year could be the tipping point
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memes vs memes
memes win
Agreed. All it takes is a bit of rot to spoil a big fruit.
blizzard literally employs psychologists and data scientitst to finetune their virtual skinner box to extract as much wealth from as many possible people for as long as possible
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who needs happy customers when you can have monies
we all know they hire pizza delivery men and cosplayers
>playing hunter
>topdecking rag on t8 with opponent 8hp left
>emoting until rope

Wew being friends with him must be fun.
he wasn't a friend
Why the FUCK do people praise the Discover mechanic? It makes counterplay impossible, especially when you have shit like Courier. It's no better than random generation.
happy customers => more money
I have around 6 months to spend money on Hearthstone and the last time i did i only spent 10$ but i would gladly buy their product if i saw improvement
would you rather have joust?
People don't praise discover for being able to counter play it. They praise it for allowing counterplays through discover.

It was fun at first, specially since they weren't so busted, sometimes you would play a card that would never see play otherwise

Then Team 5 caught wind people liked discover and started shitting out more and more cards with it, actually powerful cards

And suddenly you aren't able to play around anything
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what deck do I play for an EZPZ win in this week's Brawl?
Geez she looks crazier every year
being a degenerate whore will do that, day of the rope when
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>new tavern brawl gift exchange
>warlocks can kill cards using their 1-2 mana b/s cards
>shamans can treat their chests like additional totems

How does one even compete as a Mage?
You didnt let me finish

Crazier good every year! GOTTEM
Nadia is hot as FUCK
Priest can instantly clear the board dummy
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It's all we have left for wacky stories after wacky story staples like shredder and skill portal rotated out
holy fuck you just schooled that kid
Why is her head so fucking huge?
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just answer my question you faks.

what deck for an ezpz win in Brawl?
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>Playing Brawl
>Soulfire box
>Get 1 mana Siphon Soul
>Siphon box, get free bane
>Bane gives me Illidan
>Coin Mortal coil
>T3 opponent concedes

Guys, I think I love lock again
Priest is such cancer in the brawl.
I love it.
Discover is nice while it has an extremely limited pool of cards. For example Rafaam or Jeweled Scarab. They things you can discover are limited so you know what to expect and play around the worst case scenario.

For example a Shaman drops the jeweled scarab. What's the worst case scenario? Another Hex. Play around another hex. Nothing else can really be as dangerous or tilt you.

On the other hand, Courier allows you to discover shit that discovers shit that discovers shit that gives you random shit that discovers shit that gives you random shit that just happens to perfectly counter the situation that you put that fucking mage in.
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>Created by Cabalist's Tome Created by Babbling Book Created by Kabal Courier Created by Drakonid Operative Created by Kabal Courier
>have 50 card priest quest
>mirror match in brawl
>finish the quest in one game
It was fun.

Now I wish I unpacked 2 copies of the new alchemist for extra package clear.
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hey guys, I started a Standard Hearthstone Tourney
Sign up here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1IM2Yp-X2Mwrjn6xH7t_7BbSVTLzPklUU0v7EVTUFWOU/edit
Link to Join: https://discord.gg/rrnHWYV
Starts 02/04/17 8pm EST : WIN UP TO 20$
We might host tourneys for other games in the future too, and more Hearthstone tourneys
Come Join
>When the super sekret tech works

Good old one of
iner fire combos plus confuse and shadow word:murlocs?
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>have a beast quest
>play hunter
>get bullied by warlock in tavern brawl
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Is Kripp the only good hearthstone streamer left? Dog used to be pretty good but he's soo boring lately.
You can tell every streamer is almost at the point of suicide thanks to this meta
Dog should just be a doctor, I mean I know he thinks he can just be one whenever but "wasted last 7 years of life playing Hearthstone and never even winning a single tournament" looks pathetic on a resume for med school.

You all would be dead inside too if you had to play hearthstone all the time because you build your career around it. Which is still a pretty dumb decision but that's where hearthstone streamers are right now.
>tfw Hwarthstone is dying and Bluzzard killed it.

Serves them right.
Hearthstone viewer numbers are down significantly from last year.
i noticed that too. Every streamer is at way lower numbers these days. /hsg/ is dead aswell so i guess Blizzard is slowly killing this game. If i were to blame something it would be their terrible expansions and departure from wow lore
>when you fuck warrior
feels good man
How the fuck one team made LoE and WotOG and shat out ONiK and MSoG after that
>one of rogue's best matchups
wow its fucking nothing
are you fucking stupid?
Pirate Warrior has like a 60% winrate against Miracle Rogue.
>ITT: autists that can't even construct sentences properly

Jesus this game really is dying
>No period at the end of your sentence.
sure thing holier-than-thou
Jesus, this, game, really, is, dying!
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Put em up faggots. I'm gonna kick your fucking asses
hwo to play pirate warrirar?
I win 70% of the time just going face its kinda hilarious
>Mulligan for 1 drops
>Match cards in your hand to current available mana
>Go face

Congratulations, you too can now pay the 3rd strongest deck in the game.
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So, I'm definitely late, but token druid is fun as fuck.
>Go ahead, AoE my fucking little shits
>I soul of the forested them
>And next turn I'm whisp of the old godsing them
Egg Druid is a tier 1 deck in wild, dunno how Token Druid is in standard.
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>new content at least 2 months away
>Two more months until Explorers, Blackrock and Grand Tourney fuck off to the shitbin
Honestly when the opponent topdecks an rng card and hopes to win the game then starts emoting I don't see it as BM more of an admission that this game is utter shit
>mfw just unpacked a golden Madame Goya

Who am I crafting bros :D
i cant even get satisfaction from winning anymore
not nu miracle fags, it practically never has dead turns and always innervates some bullshit on turn 2
Disenchant for Patches
80g quest
Jam#12983 on NA
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Added ;)
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>Not having a second account for Murloc purely to abuse WnL and CaF
Sent ;)
Golden Blubber Baron

Do I disenchant this fag
quest is over, sorry losers
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>Nigger comes back in arena match due to getting the only card that could save him from Swashburgler RNG
>Thanks me when I concede

Have any info on the next expansion, or year theme? Will blizz perform another balance patch during new standard year? Will next exp be an adventure or packs?

By february last year we at least had some answers. Now blizz is quiet as fuck.
i have some info about the gallons of semen your mother shallows every night
Apparently some MTG guy helped out on the two expacs after the next one

Only good news I can think of

>Giving out informatino

You will get 4 months of silence and you will like it
Its going to be expansion > adventure > expansion from now on.
>balance patch
now thats a funny joke
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>implying MTG guy didn't sabotage Hearthstone to make players quit and go play MTG
>try out buffadin
>play against a legend cardback crusher shaman
>it's honestly just a jade shaman with 2x earth eles, white eyes, ele destruction and 2x ancestral spirit
>managing to take down giant golems and 0 mana TFB amongst other shit

I'm so tilted. Idk why I try to make Goons Pally work when Shaman can do literally everything

But Team 5 is already doing that by themselves
Or maybe they announce a printed version of hearthstone so you can buy your whole collection again


What are goons? Did blizzard released an adventure and I didn't noticed?

But there was already a printed version before the digital version existed

It's a secret stealth adventure that only appears when you find a way to unlock the green and gold border heroes
It's a money making cycle. Printed -> digital -> printed -> digital and so on. The blizzard fanboys will eat up any shit they get served and Blizzard doesn't have to put in creative work to make new cards when reprinting old shit again.
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>kripp streaming brawl again

Wew lad I'm sure those 17k faggots would rather watch the brode-mode-incarnate than arena or slither.io
he is literally the most boring piece of shit streamer when he doesnt play arena. He expects 20k people to watch him finish quests and 80 gold quests on all his fucking accounts. Insufferable cunt i dont even understand why hes famous
Hes got dank ass lore behind him

What about you? Whats your lore?
my lore is really often sex with my twin sister from the age of 13 until 19
dude same
>he is literally the most boring piece of shit streamer
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What's a really fun, memey Mage deck? I want to put it on my shelf next to the Inner Fire Priest and Doppelgangster Hunter.

Also does anyone have a non-thumbnail-size version of this image?
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RNGesus Mage

That is all you need to know
How much random can go into one deck though?
>Babbling Book
>Cabalist Tome
>Yogg Saron
>Everything that gives a Spare Part
Pre Nerf Yogg was the most fun i had in this shitty fucking game. Admit that you miss him right now

>the 4 and 6 drop shredders
>skill portal
>Faceless Summoner
>Ethereal Conjurer
>Servant of Yogg
>Kabal Chemist
>Kabal Courier
>Brode never heard anyone say early game weapons were overpowered
Hey, but Light's Justice is pretty crappy on its own
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I forgot one
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This is just standard, wild has even more fun
BTW This was done in a drunken stupor without Memefogger.
does summoning stone count
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>Reno matches are so much more skilled
>literally play on curve and press removals sometimes
>If anyone was stupid enough to play midrange or control, they lose to bran+kazakus

WOW SO THOUGHT PROVOKING. no better than wallet warriors who thought their shit took "skill" previous years.

No, it was a miserable fucking card and seeing it killing itself now its hilarious
It was fun, but it was too many stories for Reddit to handle, making him just another Noggenfogger.
t. shitter that tried cucktrol and failed to manage his resources beyond turn 10

>Sperg out and dump everything on board
>Gets cleared
Brode nerf this overpowered shit.
Is that a Yogg reprint?
Choose one
>Sperg out and dump everything on board
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>Edit deck
>Beat Jade Druid
>Beat Pirate Warrior
>Almost beat Shaman
>childrens' card game
it's not a children's card game
shut the fuck up faggot
no go fuck yourself asswipe
Both of you shut the fuck up
he started it though
are you blind?
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What did this Korean gentleman mean by this?
im tired of this dumb fucking meme that hearthstone is a children's card game
that's not what ccg stands for and hearthstone is obviously very mature.
no one has said shit about this dumb meme being parroted day in and day out so i guess i have to be the guy to put it to call it out.
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ALL OF YOU SHITTERS, SHUT THE FUCK UP and buy some packs 4Head
going over the cards that will rotate its really depressing desu
>[Rotation 2017] List of cards lost by archetype and class

naxx and goblin cards that rotate if you look at them now they are not as significant, maybe it felt like that when it happened though

it's also less sets that rotated then

the decks in standard can still be played in wild so its interesting to compare
the top of the wild meta is about the same as standard so there is powercreep lets call it

not sure how many sets we had active at once but i think with the next rotation its gonna feel like a big blow to many people regardless of how it goes. just gonna feel bad

can the damage even be undone? reno goes out itself, dragon loses good stuff, pirates need to be shredded. seems like it will be a great reset moment where they can put in more healthy archtypes
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Alright /hsg/ I'm feeling pretty meme right now so what am I crafting?

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That's either a 6 year-old or not a real Korean. The education system in Korea is far too comprehensive on English for anyone (we're talking beyond 10 years-old) to type that out with so many grammatical errors. It's a shill post.

Source: Actual Korean (Me)
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>All streamers do is complainit about the game
>All reddit do is complaint about the game
>All we do is complaint about the game
>Team 5 says everything is okay and they are still thinking about doing something

Man, this fucking team, kek

If he is a korean or not, we will never know, but everything he spoke was true
While im from a none English speaking country myself i was fortunate enough to receive a good education. However, most "gamers" from foreign counties arent fortunate enough to receive a good education and so their ability to speak and write in the English is lacking. It's entirely possible an actual Korean wrote this is the point im trying to make
korea is literally third world dude
asians are always awful at english
It's extremely unlikely. The entire culture of Korea is extremely education-focused and English is taught very early with extreme emphasis. Even people who play an excessive amount of video games (which is actually a huge problem in Korea) would learn enough English to type something out with relatively few mistakes.
I'm referring to worst Korea.
imagine going from i'm looking at a closet
closet is what i'm looking at
only it's actually closeti seeingee where those english in between words that give clarity are pushed into the modification of the main words
and then the entire alphabet is different too
>hating on asians
not cool...
why hate on asians? They are completely inferior to whites to begin with but its not polite to rub it in their face. Their weird slant eyed face
Dude I'm an actual Korean, are you trying to refute my firsthand experience saying that nobody over 10 would write that way? Korean has a ton of grammatical differences but the way their alphabet is structured makes the transition to English much easier than Chinese or Japanese. Children are taught English very early on and are basically told it's the most important language they can learn.
in Greek literally any way you structure a sentence is correct and yet my transition to English and French was relatively easy
found the gook lol
let's get him guys!

you're probably right
I wonder how Team 5 feels when the whole HS community gets together to take a huge dump at them

Because if they feel bad its totally justified

They probably think we're just hyper critical hardcore fans. I don't get the impression that anyone there feels like they have made bad decisions.

I hate this

People who actually play the game and have been doing so for years have no say but hey, some kid played 1 week and said the game is awesome! So everything must be ok!

Team 5 is so selective with the criticism they actually wanna hear

And even then when people like Kibler says everything everyone have been talking about but with nicer words Brode goes all like "Haha! Some nice points you got there Kibler, I love listening to you! But nah, not gonna address none of those issues! HAHA! But wow, never heard anyone saying early game weapons were too strong, seriously, no one ever said that to me"
>We don't wanna make complicated cards because our newborn players might get confused
>Meanwhile, lets print some broken ass cards that barely function as told and have counter-intuitive interactions!

Man, Team 5 is such a gem
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>>Meanwhile, lets print some broken ass cards that barely function as told and have counter-intuitive interactions!
what cards specifically are you referring to?
i don't remember any in the last year of xpacs at least
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>Play Wild
>Get Reminded Dr. Boom exists

Oh right, fuck this
>zoo is finally shit
>I can play full demons with a clear conscience
Just play pirate deck in Wild :^)
>implying the doctor or shredder is worth playing in wild anymore

no, you didn't play wild at all
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Hearthstone is a children's card game
Weasel right from the latest as an example.
Weasel tunneler and Djinn are the first that come to mind
>7 mana do nothing
How the mighty have fallen
>bringing Patches to brawl

Why are some players like being douchebags?
What the point of being nice in Hearthstone? You don't get anything for that.
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Here's a meme for you.
>bringing Warlock to brawl

Why are some players like being douchebags?

Well, he's green just like grinch.

6 mana die to maelstrom portal, lol
This guy is right >>167226915 you can't spend 7 mana to do nothing that turn in this meta.
i always thought he was grey
Did someone save that Captain Piranha oc an anon did? Is that anon here? Can you post it again plaese?
brode! no!
neither of those are playable let alone broken
Yeah, that's why it's a meme card.

You know, broken means more than one thing
Broken as in the card doesn't fucking work anon.
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luckily im still awake here you go Ben dont forget to give me credit
I don't believe you
looks balanced
yea and i made sure it died to piranha launcher for the stories
Here you go:
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Has Hearthstone actually been power-crept to the point Dr. Boom is a bad card? I'm just a Shieldbearer so I actually have no idea if you guys are just meming or if it's real.
Its not exactly powercreep my shieldbearing friend. Its just that there are so many low cost overpowered cards you no longer need to play 6 drops and up
The 3 best decks in Wild are Renolock, Aggro Shaman and Pirate Warrior.

None of them play Boom.
I think piranha launcher might actually be a good card
yea i noticed that too and i personally believe that given time you can actually aprreciate its shit bro
I appreciate your opinion kys
>Hunter deck
>Jade deck
>Jade deck
>combo deck
>jade deck
Rip control warrior
This meta is literally impossible for control warrior to survive
u wot
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i love you anon. Do you still wish death upon me?
Literally every matchup I get is a deck that is impossible for control warrior to beat
I just fucking hate playing against rogue not only do they try to cheese you from turn 1 but incase that fails they've just got their fucking 1mana 1//1 to generate infinite value XDXDXD Boy is it fun to lose in value to a burn deck HAHAHAH AHHA hepic fucking PEIc Hahaahaha
this brawl sucks dicks
how can anyone like this garbage? dude just kill the crate, get a 5 mana pyroblast and finish the game xd so fun and interactive xd
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Rogue is the only class running pirates in this meta that actually takes skill to play

just kidding, skill in hearthstone just equates to luck of the draw at this point
Turn 7 lethal was used as a joke to describe very fast games with face decks. Now games consistently end by turn 5.
CW is for beating aggro shaman and face warrior which is half of ladder.
I need this ladder, all the shamans I face are JAde and when I used dirty rat against a warrior it pulled out Dark Iron Dwarf
I also drew about 6 minion removal cards in a row when he was just beating my face in with weapons
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80g quest, I will also ask you to keep playing after we're done since I have a "Watch and Learn" Quest.

Be warned, I'm a filthy Jade Druid Player.
Forgot to mention that I'm EU.

this tavern brawl was blizzard admitting that they made a crap game
>none of the cards in tempostorm's tier 1 midrange jade shaman are rotating out next expansion
>its slightly favored against pirate warrior which is also not rotating out

It's over boys.
is Team 5 trying to make Cunnyverse succeed? :thinking:
all it takes to get this game back on track is a 100 card + adventure with Arthas as the final boss and after you defeat him you unlock the Death Knight class
you beat it in a few hours they go back to playing shamans on ladder

great idea
good taste
can I add you anyway
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really makes me think
It's balanced because it's random.
upgrade 1->2 mana
bloodsail cultist now 3/2
no changes to shaman cards.
>1/3 chance of being summoned
>Requires you to be playing the worst class
I see no problem
>Spirit Claws deleted
>All MSG Pirate cards changed to Grimy Goons
I mean sure pirates are about weapons that makes sense
What's with the weird coloring of the right hand card's background?
>Call of the Wild
>9 mana

>15/15 Jade Golem
>1 mana
really gets your neurons firing
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>6 mana 10/10
>joke in the tutorial about OP cards

>5 mana 10/10 Taunt
>actual shaman card

really gets your brain cells computing
Is there a base guide for building a deck like
>x buffs
>x reactive
>x minions
yea its called a brain
Here my guide.

1. Click the url bar in your browser.
2. Type in tempostorm.com
3. Become legendary.
>pick shaman
>add weapons
>add patches and STB
>add whatever
>enjoy legend
There's no strict rule on it, and each class and deck is different. Aggro decks run very different curves than control decks, some decks run multiple 1-drops, some classes don't run any. Best strategy is to look at similar decklists and see their spread.
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Are you scared yet, guys?
Has Blizzard ever actually explained how they expect players to learn anything without netdecking?
As long as Blizzard is scared thats enough for me
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No, we've also switched.
>Jade Blossom

outskill them by playing buccaneer coin nzoth first mate
How about I unskill them by my flame jugglers not going fucking face every single time?
Clearly this shit game is giving me brain damage
It's a fake post written by a shittyverse player. Another poster explained how Koreans don't have shitty English unless they're 6.
Innervate 3 drop is always cancer
have you ever seen a Starcraft tournament? 90% of them either have shit english or don't speak it at all
justify reno
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It's because they literally spent most of their life playing Starcraft because they started when it was a juggernaut in Korea and was considered a (unreliable) career. Korean education, as a standard, has general English mastered by age 10 in a wholly education-focused society. Every Korean in the LoL, Overwatch, and Dota scene speaks fluent English. This doesn't even account for how the post was made by an account that's 2 weeks old with 2 posts.
The entirety of hearthstone is unjustifiable, seeing how incompetent Team 5 is.
literally thinking about running tiny knight of evil just for the demon tag.
Why would someone with shitty English have a Reddit account? Do you have baidu and cyka.ru accounts?
I mean is there any disadvantage to having only one of a card in a deck so great that you should be rewarded with a restart button for the match, except your opponent already blew his load and used half of his deck?
Koreans in general would not, yet another reason the post is fake. Gaming there is huge so they can literally go on to Facebook and it would be /r/hearthstone except instead of Redditors it would be all their friends from school.
You can't run 2 Ice Blocks unless you get it from the Cabalist Tome generated by Babbling Book.
>overextending before reno

aggroshitter detected.
>shitting on all the minions druid can offer in wild with aggroshaman

such race
much board control
>rewarded with a restart button for the match
lol m8 first you have to
>make it to turn 6
>have the board be clear when you play reno
>don't let your opponent rng warlock hero power
you're just mad Cunnyverse won
>doge in 2017
kys my man

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You're making 3 incorrect assumptions in your post:
>There's a battle
>Shadowverse can win it
>Shadowverse did win it
I honestly don't care if you enjoy your game, or if it's gaining popularity. Hearthstone has a massive dominance in the online CCG genre to the point most Blizzard developers don't even know about the game, let alone consider it a threat.
stay blind my friend
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Literally not enough Demons in the game
Just purchased 100 Duelyst orbs
I'm sorry BUT WE LOST
Take 5 minutes to look and compare the numbers between the two games.
>Hearthstone has an uncomparable amount of players
>Hearthstone generates more money by a massive margin (oy vey)
>Hearthstone has more money to spend on marketing (because it makes money)
By literally every definition Shadowverse is not nearly as successful as Hearthstone, even if it plays better (the argument even for this, I personally feel lies entirely in how it's easier to get cards in Shadowverse, not in actual gameplay).
its a blizzard game, of course there will always be people playing it, normies eat that shit up.

I mean shit, there's people playing D3 RIGHT now instead of PoE or D2, or any REAL arpg alternative really. D3 is still a failure and loss its "playerbase". Only a big bunch of drooling retards still play.

Same applies to HS.
There's a difference between the game having a playerbase, and a game having a significantly larger base than all of its competitors. TF2 still has a playerbase, but Overwatch eclipsed it by a massive amount (and I personally prefer TF2, but that doesn't change which game is more successful). Shadowverse is still not at the point where it can claim to be more successful than Hearthstone. It may get there one day, but it's nowhere near there even now.

Hell, even take a look at all the posts on Reddit complaining about the current state of the game, how many mention Shadowverse? One, the one I'm pointing out as a deliberate plant.

/r/shadowverse has 12,000 subscribers, 200 online now

/r/hearthstone has 418,000 subscribers, 3,400 online now

These numbers aren't even comparable. If Shadowverse kills Hearthstone by outperforming them, then that would be great given their history of generosity with card distribution and the consumer-friendliness it entails. As of right now, Shadowverse is nowhere near a position to even take on Hearthstone.
jesus christ anon what did I just said with normies playing shit game in mass

>reddit subscribers
okay I'm done here
So you're arguing that the people who play a game that's popular (because a lot of people play it), don't count? I'm failing to understand your logic in how Shadowverse is more successful than Hearthstone when it loses in every quantifiable method.
let's try this again
1) Cunnyverse won
2) You are a cuckold and a toilet
3) That's all there is to it
>No u
>shaman cut trogg golem for flame imp
it's not power creep because buccaneer is a neutral Hahahahahaha
Top 10 broken cards:

10. Fiery War Axe
9. Netherspite Historian
8. Kazakus
7. Patches
6. Spirit Claws
4. STB
3. Doomsayer
2. Maelstom Portal
1. Reno Jackson
Hearthstone failed as a card game but "won" at an entertainment/youtube/twitch/stories to tell your friends level.

Basically HS is popular but a big fucking joke of a game.
Then perhaps things will change in time and Shadowverse will eventually eclipse Hearthstone. While I *personally* don't think any CCG should be taken seriously as a competition given all the luck inherint to it, I obviously understand the appeal of skill-based gameplay over "randomly random a random random", and would not be upset over Shadowverse coming to dominate the market through this path.
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All right enough of playing against ladder cancer let's cue some casual and relax
Play better decks.
casual = quest completion mode
just concede against aggro
Because Jaina was raped by tribe of assclowns
>Class themes
>Cheating mana curve through mana gain
>Choose one/flexibility
>Summoning many small creatures at once
>Beasts and Nature
>No efficient AOE or removal without drawback

>Dealing damage to the enemy hero
>Powerful tempo secrets
>Situationally powerful weapons
>No efficient/reliable class card draw

>Efficient burn spells
>Freeze effects
>Spellcasting synergy
>Counter and Value based secrets
>Few strong-statted minions (wtf Faceless Summoner)

>Large burst healing
>Divine Shield
>Aggressive buffing
>Weapons that get value from trading with minions
>Debuffing enemy minions
>??? Secrets that do things that don't have a theme, just express other themes or do weird shit
>No real single target removal at all

>Incremental/granular/mass healing
>Turning healing into damage
>Using opponent's cards, copied or stolen
>Defensive buffing
>Attack-value based removal
>Strong tempo gain through using multiple cards a turn
>Drawing cards
>Weapon buffing
>Cheap and powerful spells
>Bouncing friendly and enemy minions back to hand

>Overload giving tempo swings at the cost of later mana disadvantage
>Board filling
>Temporary aggressive attack buffs

>Sacrificing minions to gain tempo
>Strong/overstatted cards that have a partial hero damage component
>Discarding cards to gain a cheap powerful effect
>No real card draw except hero power
>No efficient healing

>Efficient/high value weapons
>Gaining Armor
>Synergy with minions taking damage
>Whirlwind effects

Am I missing anything/wrong about anything? Classic only, unless it's an effect from a single card in classic that was expanded on as a theme in cards from later expansions, like Warrior and Whirlwind.
what did he mean by this?
premium healing, taunts, burn, aoe and weapons for shaman
Someday I'll find a way to get card draw in Hunter and then you'll all pay.
we build a wall
and make the pirates pay for it :)
Pretty sure this is a 'shaman op' memepost that's not aware of how meh shaman was until it hit critical mass from Blizzard trying to fix it, but here goes
None in the classic set, unless you count Ancestral Healing which is more of a value taunt card. Since TGT they've had a good healing card in every non-adventure expansion though. Maybe.
Not really a theme, just something they happen to have. They have less than Druid.
That's something to consider, but they only have 2 usable burn cards in classic, and only 2 more have been added since then across all expansions. It's good burn, but it's not exactly something the class is built around, just a strong tool they happen to have.
They have good aoe but it all fits under other categories of themes.
Again, just sort of there. Doomhammer is great and Spirit Claws was a mistake but Blizzard has printed a lot of Shaman weapons so I guess that could be a theme. High-value weapons.
it's 2017
who cares how hearthstone was in 2014, the design direction has clearly changed since
What's your favourite shit card?

Mine is Charged Hammer. Nobody expects Shaman do suddenly drop into shadowform and start zapping minions.
The themes that exist now from non classic sets are transient.
The themes that exist from classic will always be a factor in the way new cards are designed and how decks are built.
Is it valueable for a new player to play arena?

I have played like 2 so far and went 5 wins and 2 wins, and most of the time it's purely RNG based.
Whoever has the better hand and starts with the better curve usually wins. Whenever I died, I died at turns 5-7. It's rather frustrating, and so I'd be playing arena purely for the rewards.
80g quest. Post EU id.

Hustensaft #21472
Rather new player, would be grateful for the gibsmedat
You need about 7-8 wins to make profit with arena. With 5 wins you're about break even with just buying a pack you want.
arena was good for new players when the game was new and everyone sucked. now you're playing mostly against tryhards with heartharena optimized decks and trackers.

hearthstone has nothing "good for new players". you're looking for Cunnyverse.
tfw no hafu gf
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>It's a "3 quests" day
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>play 30 warrior class cards
>win as a priest 5 times
>play 75 murlocs

So much
The Trinity Series - A Hearthstone Team League - Week 3

3 hours from this post

Virtus.Pro vs Team Liquid
Complexity vs Luminosity Gaming

with ya boy TJ "vapenaish420" Sanders
Unless all losers are to be sacrificed to the sun god I don't think anyone cares.
So what hunter and paladin are going to do next set when rotation hits and even more playable cards rotate out of Standard?
The core goal of the Trinity Series is to showcase team collaboration in all aspects of competition. Most notably, all three team members will have open verbal communication with one another throughout their matches, allowing them to discuss and deliberate every in-game decision as a group. With this open communication in place, the strongest teams will ultimately be those who most effectively collaborate on their strategy and preparation, and the audience will get to listen in on each team’s discussion during key points in the games.

40k viewers disagree with you :)
>Win 5 games as "class you have no fucking cards for"

At least for the card-playing ones you can just go to wild and spam. If you get lucky you'll meet someone doing the same thing and you can both get your quest done in one shot.
who cares
I'd love to watch a cunnyverse tournament with hearthstone ecelebs though
Both teams submit 9 Standard Decks
Each team submits 1 deck for each of the 9 classes

Picks and Bans
Each team bans 2 of the opposing team’s decks
Each team picks 6 classes to play (out of their 7 non-banned classes)

Best of 11 - Last Hero Standing
Using their 6 picked classes, teams play each other in Last Hero Standing format
The first team to earn 6 game wins the entire match

wow this is pretty cool!
>pay for 39,999 viewbots
>pay for thread shills
tax season is coming up. are these things write-offs?
Just play Curator and Coldlight Oracles lol
reminder pirate warrior and aggro shaman don't run card draw (or next to none)

and those are classes with worse hero powers than hunter

no, card draw is not hunter's main problem.
How do I have fun with this game again? These days it's all just daily quests and tavern brawls.
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>Not clearing the easiest quest everyday
>Not rerolling every day to get the best value
>Not abusing the brawl every week for easy completions

You have no one to blame but yourself scrub
>As of right now, Shadowverse is nowhere near a position to even take on Hearthstone.
It already generates roughly equal amount of revenue.
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>+2 years playing
>I got my first copy of this 7/5 stealth guy today with the tavern brawl pack
What are the chances
what streamer played a jade mill druid deck recently? every other game is against that meme deck. what deck is supposed to lose against that?
> playing since ... May 2015 is my 1st rank 20 card back
> I still have not that stealth guy
No you don't understand. The problem is classic and basic. They have those crazy interesting smart good ideas, but they can't implement them because they would power creep over classic and we all know they don't want to do that.

Just you wait. Once Auctioneer rotates out, we will see some insane Rogue single target removal and card draw. We will get great 5 drop as soon as Azure Drake rotates out. Just think of all the opened up design space!
>Azure Drake rotates out

Did I miss something?
Pirate Warrior and Aggro Shaman are currently the only thing keeping Miracle in check. There is a reason why everyone shits on people who say STB should be a Rogue class card.
Lucky guys, that card is so shit it still amazes me. 2 mana more than the tiger only to get 2 more attack and no tribe.
Ben doesn't like that people use good classic cards over their shit tier expansion and adventure cards so he wants to either nerf them into the ground or rotate them to wild so that the new cards see play.

Apparently classic makes a stale meta and the solution is to remove the good classic cards instead of adding more than 10% playable cards in every expansion with everything else being filler trash.
So they printed STB to replace awesome 1 drop which was undertaker?
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>no Lady Vashj legendary
>no Kael'thas Sunstrider legendary
>barely any Outland related cards besides Illidan

What are they saving them for?
Pretty much.
Sine the Undertaker nerf there wasn't a single snowballing 1 drop in the game which made aggro almost impossible to play. So they printed a 1 mana 3/2 Battelcry: Summon a 1/1 with charge minion to fill in the gap that was never there after the Undertaker nerf.

I honestly don't know how I managed to play the control meta up until now. It was so boring and we really needed a good 1 drop.
midrange shaman dominated the game for months, there never was a control meta
That's why I never bothered to craft him.

Still missing 4 rare cards from Classic. Only other rare or lower missing from Standard, if not counting newest expansion, is Ball of Spiders.
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Really anon?
but anon, a goblin town in bumfuck nowhere is way more interesting than let's say outland or northrend!
They are keeping them for when the game starts really dying. Arthas as well.

Just you wait, the grand reveal for the expansion at the end of the year or the next year.
Well we are in very polarised face vs control meta right now. Renolock, reno mage and priest are certainly control decks.
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That explains why the OGN HS league just died out of nowhere despite having bigger crowds and viewership than overwatch
i fucking love you guys
should I craft kazakus now? Or should I wait to see if singleton decks are viable after the rotation? I could craft leeroy and van cleef as well for decks too
what legos from Blackrock and Explorers are you dusting? All of them are so dope, so I might keep most of them for brawl shenanigans, but some I'm definitely getting rid of. Probably Rend, Chromaggus and maybe Rafaam
None, I dusted executus and the 2/8 spider back then and even though they are shit I still regret it.
I love Chromaggus.
Every now and then he can ruin the opponents day. Although he's always better then gotten from Historian rather than when you put him in your deck.

I don't plan on dusting any of them.
What. Rafaam and Rend can be good in brawls and adventures, Chrom used to be almost playable in slow decks.
Is that some meme thrown around or did they actually state that it's getting fucked over?
are y'all planning on dusting any rotating cards?
when you dust ben wins

I don't think so, I dusted the 2/8 spider from naxx and still regret it
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You can bet Zeriyahs ass I'm dusting them.
Wild can suck my standard dick.

It sure was fun getting the standard announcement while having literally every Naxx card in golden because "they are adventures, I will never draw them golden out of the pack anyway)))))".
He didn't say any specific cards, but the way he worded it made everyone think it's Azure Drake, Thalnos, Rag and Auctioneer. He basically said cards that are too popular and fit in too many decks will probably be either nerfed so that they don't see play or rotated to wild.

I'm not sure. Maybe some cards that I've never seen see any sort of play and I believe have no place in any deck. But nothing that was ever good. I enjoy wild occasionally and as more rotations happen, wild will be a better mode than standard I believe. Standard will be always a meta forced by Shit 5. Same as they forced nothing but Reno and Pirates, tried to force parasitic archtypes like Jade and C'thun. How they are trying to force bolster warrior and beast druid.

It's obvious they don't like naturally created metas where people experiment and decks are built around cards that happen to have synergy. No, they would rather have parasitic archtypes since they can control what is played and what isn't. That's extremely hard in wild so I give them one more rotation.
i'll never dust my golden Boom, fuck blizzard
>we have reached the point that people are having nostalgia for the prenerf yogg meta
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That's because pre nerf Yogg was literally the most fun this game has ever been.

You literally cannot prove me wrong.

>losing game
>flip coin to win the game instead

Yeah, no. Yogg should have been a casual exclusive card. THen the pre-nerf version would have been okay.
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>Playing a pure Yogg deck
>Caring whether you won or lost
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>usual aggro shit
>most of the time you know for certain what kills you and what doesn't
>you can calculate the damage you are going to eat in the next turns
>basically being poland in 1939

>russian roulette between you and brode
>4 sprints or lmaoing@hislyfe
Read the post again.
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When you Yogg too hard.jpg
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No I understood, but what I meant was playing a pure Yogg deck was the most fun ever.
But lets be honest, would you rather have pre nerf Yogg, or current meta?
Pre-nerf yogg definitely.

I'm just saying that it's not fun to play against on ladder nor was it fun that half the decks in tournaments run him just in case they start losing and drop him as a panic button. I have absolutely no problem with pure bullshit RNG that was Yogg in casual and it was fun in those games.
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what are we cooking to eat during the esl trinity series?
i'm going for some green curry rice chicken
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reminder that you don't want to miss this

>carbs in 2017
wheres temposhit?
Rank 14 shitter here. who do i watch to get good? I don't follow any streamers and don't know who's worth watching or not.

Also do I have to surrender my soul to play meta decks to progress or can I get away with playing stuff like Burglar Rogue? I have the cards to make a Reno Warlock or Mage deck and I guess Shaman/Druid Jade...
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I have 18k dust after not having played in the past 6 months
What are the best legendaries to craft at the moment
I only want to craft 1 or 2 maximum and go from there to maximize my mileage


that's it
they played yesterday i believe
does this seem like an interesting thing for you >>167241352
you literally hear the pros debate with each other over which play to make that turn
Sounds really fun desu. I'll check it out, do you guys watch that often?
yeah most of us watch all of those things and this is one of the better ones
i can't stand to watch people play shaman v shaman or warrior v reno anymore
jade vs reno is pretty nice to watch tho?
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are any of the new op legendaries like kazakus, patches, aya blackpaw or whatever going to get buffed or nerfed

i haven't gotten any of them nor have i crafted any of them

also, i have never hit legend before. is now a good time to craft something like patches and grind my face off to legend?
'can the reno deck brann -> kazakus: the match' is so interesting
are you f2p?
i am f2p indeed, i spammed a ton of arena back in the day for all that dust

i never really played constructed much
>kazakus dies once reno + brann leaves
>patches is only good due to a neutral flame imp that might get nerfed
>aya is whatever

dont expect any substantial nerfs. why anyone would want to play the game so much to reach legend is still a mystery to me
They're not going to change any legendaries because they're jews when it comes to free dust.
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What should the mana cost for this card be to make it more balanced?
10, maybe 9 mana.

This + Cho'Gall would be actually pretty good.
it would still be garbage at any mana cost, like curse of rafaam. the opponent would have to pay more mana to get rid of the effects than for the warlock to cast it for it to be broken enough to see play
But muh 1600 dust! Every legendary nerf is like new Shoah!
What should the mana cost for this card be to make it more balanced?

>next turn your opponent has less mana equal to the cost of this card
2 mana
5-8 mana would be the sweet spot
Why are peopla playing pirate warrior in this brawl??
>expecting retards to actually build a deck of their own
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this girl comes up to you and asks how you are enjoying the latest card expansion
what do you say?

no butthole comments
I like the ideas you were trying to bring into the game, but hate the execution and balance, so overall a 4/10 patch at best, do your job next time
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ask her for food and shelter
If you're not a hearthstone genius, I'd say you do need to play on-meta to make it to like rank 5
>watch a streamer just as he starts streaming
>Wins his first game
>max 100 gold already reached
What the fuck do they literally play hearthstone 'round the clock?

I ignore her question and ask her how did she got her job, because she's clearly awful at it
where can I see all the teams competing?
>jade shaman is the second most popular deck in the game now
And professional shaman player said my predictions were wrong and shaman decks were too refined to change
liquipedia hearthstone, is generally satisfactory for things like that
STB made jade claws relevant
What are some standard fun off-meta decks that are still able to climb? I managed to take evolve shaman and egg druid pretty high and Im looking for some others
tempo mage is still good but that's as fun as you build it
So? If he didn't realize how good stb, claws and lightning were before, it's his fault.
I'm cringing at this warlock losing to dragon priest
yeah Its a shame though that all the fun cards in it (Medivh, antonidas) are all way too slow.

Has anyone managed to make a secret mage work? Some of the cards actually seem pretty strong (medivhs valet, kabal lackey, kabal crystal runner)
>dragon priest is good now
what happened?
a 5/6
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>playing Brawl against Rogue
>get Trade Prince from his crate
>he fills up my hand with good stuff
A vanilla stated minion with a dragon tag and an insane effect and not a single downside.
kabal lackey almost makes medivh's valet good on curve, I had a deck and got to rank 14 with it, it was like secret oriented with spell generators
Unlimited dragon works
>Created by Netherspite Historian
It triggers me seeing priest win unfavourable match ups
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>Created by Kabal Courier
We need a Courier version of this.
That 4 mana alchemist girl? Tri-class, add a random potion spell to your hand.
why don't you just use your dust? its not like it is appreciating value. if anything, it is depreciating.
Hi guys, I've played Hearthstone from July 2016, and I always spend $100+ each month for buying packs. There is no doubt that I'm a typical user that Blizzard wants to aim. I don't have much time for grinding, so I have to buy cards by real money.

I just read that post

Its people like this that are killing the game
this new listen in thing is fucking hilarious

>yeah they're playing around this and that possibility while also setting up an advantageous position

>so we play on curve here right?

>Watching 'competitive' hs
>it's that time of the month where ladder is nothing but shaman and warrior

is this what it feels like to be a female on her period?
>Warlock in brawl is easy mode
>Doesn't matter because no pack
trying out egg druid in wild

any other things that can be >fun
dont really have all the best cards
>Working 2 hours a day for minimum wage
>Buy more packs than a f2p player can grind in 20 hours playtime
>Have board control

Nice card

>Have money
>Spend it on things that actually feel good

Oh hey, I have this money right here, do I spend it on a game that feels miserable to play and has the worst game devs in the market, or do I use it to buy games that are actually good or go out with my friends?

Tough choice
2 hours of minimum wage is around 2 packs in my country. Still more than a day of grind in Hearthstone, but I certainly wouldn't invest that money in it.
the game is only terrible if you grind it.
Opening packs is fun
>1$ minimum wage
Damn, bro. Where do you live?

I play only when my quest log gets full, and only around one hour, its still miserable

Also, opening packs is fun? Sure. Worth the money? Hell fucking no
What are things that are worth the money?
whats token druid?
things you dont regret buying. For example a good book or a good game. I bought the welcome pack 4 months ago and im still regreting it

Going out with friends, good games, books, buying good clothes, travelling

Those things are certainly more worth than spending money on 100 digital magic blizzard dust that is soon going to be worth nothing if they keep sending this game straight to the ground
how do you regret the welcome bundle lol
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Something like this
2 fucking things this game needs to be insanely good.

>Deck and class variety

Every single class should have at least one ladder viable deck. Ideally 2. "Aggro pirate shaman with jades" and "aggro pirate shaman without jades" are not different decks. Cards should be strong enough and varied enough that they're included in decks, no more of this "half the expansion is never played" bullshit. This can be helped by-

>monthly balance patches
FUCK "waiting for the meta to settle". FUCK the dust refunds. FUCK the "players just aren't playing counterdecks". Cards that aren't played should be buffed for fucks sake. Nerf the blatantly broken shit like flamewreathed (compare that fucking card to earth elemental and say it's balanced). A buffed card is too strong or a nerfed card is too weak? WOW YOU CAN CHANGE IT IN A FEW WEEKS TIME, NOT A BIG FUCKING DEAL. Cards from brand new expansions should be left untouched for 2-3 months unless they're obviously broken.
i regret it because i feel i got ripped off. Havent spent money since and im not going to ever again unless i see Icecrown with good cards and the introduction of the Death Knight class. To me Blizzards product right now isnt worth anything cause it sucks. Thus any purchase is regret enducing
trump's america
>Things I enjoy are worth the money
it goes for lots of small minions and then buffing them?

Look at those things and compare it to virtual dust, which do you think its more worth it? And take in consideration that Team 5 has been doing worse and worse with the game
>wanting 1 more class when they can't balance even the existing 7 classes

>Hunter and Paladin consist of 4% of the ladder

Oh boy, can't wait for the 5 mana 5/6 beast discover a beast card hunter is going to get
yeah sure, that one that got posted looks more bigger minion based and some control

most token druids go for small minions and aggro
and they will never be able to balance them all because they are different. Adding one more will only please the community thats been asking for it. This is how a game should advance
cool thanks pals
No, that's not a how a card game should advance.
Pretty sure Magic doesn't have 10 colors for the same reason why Hearthstone shouldn't have 10 classes. Even the 9 classes are too much.
Im not talking about any card game im talking about Hearthstone. What do you think the draw is for this game? Cards? Nope. Its cards + WoW lore + Blizzard name. Remove any from the formula and the game becomes worse
You can have all the without inflating the number of classes.
Death Knight can be done the same way Shadow Priest is done, just for Paladin. Inflating the number of classic will just dilute the card pool even further and make it harder to balance everything. They will never be able to achieve perfect balance, no one right in their mind is asking for that, but there is no point in adding stuff that will make the game worse in every aspect except your role playing.
No it cant. Death Knight is something different entirely its not part of the Paladin class. Have you even played Warcraft ?
>tfw next expansion gonna have ALL MINIONS
Who's that PRO?
Not that guy, but it doesn't matter what a normal death knight is.

The way they would incorporate it into hs is by making a paladin legendary named Arthas that turns your hero into a death knight a la jaraxxus.

Its just the easiest and most obvious thing for them.
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Can Ben Brode look at a graph like this and honestly say "this has been a successful expansion"?
>your hero power becomes "summon 1/1 skeltal"
>that's all
wild fucking SUCKS
few weeks after MSG launch they posted graphics where each faction, goons, kabal, jade had exactly 33% of games played. Wonder how that would look now.
it's on his radar
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>win 5 tavern brawls
I like the way it sucks more.

they were happy with kara, what makes you think they wouldn't be happy with streets?
There was an interview with a dev awhile ago thay said they almost made ysaarj a new hero, with all new cards if you just had him in your deck

I think he also said volazj used to copy your opponent's deck

Ill find the interview, it was bretty neat
if youre sick of shamanstone try the game HEX its the best of mtg and hearthstone combined desu

im going to only play 1-2 times a week to hoard all my gold and just get the tavern brawl packs. Its fun watching tournaments at least because shaman is always banned so people can play actualy decks instead of niggertongue 2 mana 12 damage burst for not having 20 board clears in your deck

the fire emblems mobile game just came out so i'm trying that out now

>Devs always talking about how cool and interesting the cards were at first
>They then decide to destroy them before release
Found the article
>I think he also said volazj used to copy your opponent's deck
I'm surprised Blizzard hasn't tried this mechanism yet.
Is tokendruidbro still here?
I used to play this deck while i was >nodust but now I got some more cards I want to try it again.
Post dick please
Are you talking about the thread?
shut up retard
make me nerd
i'm waiting for gwent
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>they almost made ysaarj a new hero, with all new cards if you just had him in your deck
Something like this?
stop posting your shitty oc
Why is it shitty?
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It's basically Exodia where you need to find 7 cards in your deck and play them. Then you pretty much auto win the game with shit like 4 mana spawn 2 6/6's
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I still like this concept, gives mages weapons that are fairly OP but you can't use them all at the same time.
The values could be altered to make it more balanced, if that's the issue.

>5 mana 6/3 draw 3 absurd cards

Yep, its balanced because you can't equip them all at the same time!

Then just play with the mana or make it Discover one.
Can you play Shaman to legend without Aya?
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I dunno about that.
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time flies by so fast

>MTG OC is something common
>People actually print out OC sets and play with it

Creating HS OC is suffering
MrYagut sounds exactly like he looks. lol

What you got there?
here is another thing I don't like heartstone.is that the community don't know how to use well play or gg.It should be used by the loser first not the winner.

I used to play dota and dota2.for a very high level.and whenever a good or at least a decent game ended.the loser will type GG or WP.as concede.and show the respect and good manner to the winning team as congraz.and when I was younger playing starcraft and warcraft always the loser type out GG then the winning respond back GG.

I don't mind that much BM emo if it was a very close game.or when people get lucky and spam EMO.even if I were the loser.it is all good.

but heartstone when your opponent demolish and destroy you winning a one side match up.cuz the match up is bad or you just draw so bad.then they will like well played.WTF,srsly WTF.It is like a 40 year old man kick a 8 year kid's butt and say thanks for playing you little shit.

I really really hate this in heartstone.I only say well play after I lost.or someone lose to me and they say it first I will say it back.

That's what happens if you don't give us chat and instead give us bullshit like shaman.

To me these are the emotes

Hello - hello or check this bullshit out
Oops - oops for me or them.
Well Played - LOL GG REKT
its true many times the well played just feels so bad
The sad thing is nerfing pirates wont do shit. It will be the same shaman dragon reno shit until the end of time. Fuck this game is dead
can you guys keep me company for 40 minutes?
i feel so sad and confused...
any news on what is going on?
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>Shaman smashed the frequency records and climbed to 30% at all ranks, and 38% at legend. On the last day of the month, Shamans surpassed the 40% mark, and during the last few hours before the ladder resets, Shaman numbers were nearing 60%.
>What is standard
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what did le happy lasagna man mean by this?
A miserable pile of lies
HAHAHAHAHA Turn 5 lethal HAHAHAHAHA Hognaros
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I still think it's kind of ironic
back when I started to play in BRM, Shaman was literally tier 5 in every list.

time changes everything I guess

Hey, don't worry about it, Team 5 has super sekret numbers that say all the classes are being played equally

Its normal for classes to change around a bit, but holy shit, shaman has been s tier for almost a year now
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what deck do I play for a quick Brawl win? just want to get the card back and then gtfo.
>Everyone abandons Shaman after the nerfs to Aggro
>Come back a week later when they realize it made Midrange the best deck in the game

>Everyone abandons Shaman after MSOG launch for Pirate Warrior
>Come back a week later when they realize Aggro Shaman is one again the best deck in the game

Everyone ready for next abandonment of Shaman after Trogg and Golem rotate out? Will there be then yet another return?
priest with as much removal you can muster (like confuse for the present double kill)
Almost no one will abandon Shaman then.
There are already a lot of extremely good midrange lists that don't run anything except Brann that is rotating out.
Haven't played since summer. Just came back and even at rank 20 I keep facing le epik jade golem druid man of nature exclusively.

What the fuck counters this pile of shit? I tried to play some quirky meme deck but no fun allowed.
>everyone tired of playing shaman, switch to something else once expansion hits
>they realize shaman is still only viable class
>everyone tired of playing shaman switch to something else once expansion hits
>they realize shaman is still only viable class
jade druid is the reason why 30% of people on ladder right now are shamans
>new global tournament

why has there been more tournaments in the last few weeks than most of 2016

>yfw Blizzard nerfs aggro so hard it makes Jade Druid unstoppable
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I have 80g quest on NA

Does anyone wanna trade it??
Oh well.

Does no control deck fare decently at all? Don't think I even have all the aggro shaman cards because I never liked that deck much but maybe it's time to craft the last few rares.
If they nerf shaman and buff jade druid shouldn't miracle rogue jump to the top of the meta?
I'm doing well against it using N'zoth Pally, thanks to humility effects.
But I don't think you want to play Paladin right now. Maybe try anyfin?
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>file name
>when you have watch and learn but nobody still plays this shit game
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>Win 5 games as Warrior
I have 50 friends on the list and only 7 of them play Hearthstone semi-regularly
Has it finally happened? Is everyone now sick to death of Shamanstone? nearly 1 year of this shit and the rotation will only worsen the problem.

will our boy benny broderino be able to make hearthstone good again?

>spectate quest
>only person online in hs is the dude whose client bugged and it shows him in deck builder despite begin offline for a week

The next expansion needs to have about 200 cards to save this game.

kara and streets were made with the intent of killing shaman, so I wouldn't put any eggs in that basket lad
>used to be salty about all those legendaries on ranks 20-15
>got relegated to 20 at the begginig of a season
>rank up through low ranks using super greedy N'zoth pally with lots of legos
what have I become

What, but blizzard told us HS has 30 million regular players!
Remember that recruit a friend deal and how everyone made 5 fake accounts for it? They obviously used it to boost the stats.
As a control shaman the cards I'm going to miss the most are Lava Shock and Elemental Destruction, but of course I'm running Brann too because jade. RIP you beautiful bastards.
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Reminder that Auctioneer will be moved to Wild in the name of "design space."

Reminder that they won't actually do anything with the design space and Rogue will no longer have a single viable archetype.
it's actually quite insane the cards shaman got in this expansion

prior to the expansion this was the BEST class by a long shot
let's see what it got in the expansion

healbot EXCLUSIVELY reprinted just for it, with better stats and cheaper
a 2 mana mass silence that also makes the enemy board worse
the 3 best jade cards by a gigantic shot (shaman can generate 2 jade tokens for 5 mana with brann), both cards put bodies and are tempo swings in themselves

the only bad cards it got is the murloc generator and the meme generate 1 overload card shit

and their legendary is among the most playable

Man, meme streets rogue cards were a joke
if they didn't want auctioneer to be playable they would have nerfed him harder or not printed tomb pillager and counterfeit coin
Welcome to the special club, Valeera. Uther and Rexxar will be glad to greet you.
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>Shaman got the best Jade cards

Jade Idol alone makes Druid the best Jade class
Untrue. Jade Shaman is a tier 1 deck. Jade Druid is a tier 3 deck.
No, it's only the best if you have the perfect draw and the game goes into fatigue. Shaman's midrange jade deck puts far too much pressure on Jade Druid and wins the game before Druid can start going insane.

Jade Idol is probably the best Jade card, but Druid's overall card quality doesn't allow him to use it as effectively as Shaman uses his.
Unfortunately having best cards is shaman identity
Man, greedy Paladin decks are the fucking most fun in Hearthstone. I used to have a decklist with over ten 7+ cost cards, both Deathwings, both Ragnaros', N'zoth, Ysera, Chillmaw, Y'Shaarj, Tirion, and Barnes to get something good early. I think I got to rank 4 with the deck, back in the days when Reno wasn't considered Mage/Priest/Warlock exclusive.
>tier 3 is better than tier 1

>t. new player
It was nice when it was limited to what you could discover, like scarab with a 3 cost neutral or class card, and the beast that discovers other beasts. Blizzard then thought everyone liked it because it allowed you to choose your random so they made discover even worse than the randomly do random thing cards we already hate.
>t. Brode
You should at least try going with the times, gamps.

Thrall decided to change how he identifies from a jack of all trades, master of non to master of all trades.
Yes, I'm new.
i don't remember shaman being garbage
well it was garbage until tunnel trogg came out in LoE
Wat. Deathrattle shaman wasn't garbage, mech shaman was tournament frequent. Tier 2 isn't garbage.
>Shaman was good in LoE
I started playing around wotog.
Shaman was already insane back then, when the infamous pally and druid decks rotated out.
>Thrall decided to change how he identifies from a jack of all trades, master of non to master of all trades.
The best upgrade indeed
Exactly, it became popular thanks to favorable match-up with secret paladin
i dont kow what you're trying to prove but WoToG was after LoE

aggro shaman was better than secret paladin

>Deathrattle shaman wasn't garbage
what the fuck is deathrattle shaman, nobody played that shit.

>mech shaman was tournament frequent
you can't ban zoo on ladder
>WoToG was after LoE
i never said it was not

that burst shaman list was getting pretty crazy just before standard and wotog
>what the fuck is deathrattle shaman
Lots of sticky Naxx minions, creepers, argent squires, flametongue totems, bloodlust and sometimes Al'Akir
I'm not helping either. I just want my gold.
sounds like it probably got memed on by hunter, zoo, and CW
It was good against CW and handlock. Buzzard hunter tore it apart, zoo match-up depended on the sole shaman AoE at that time, priest was a good counter to it.
why is freeze mage still allowed and how is it not at 100% win rate
How will freeze mage finish the game before turn 6?
Tell me the magic spell combo that deals 25 damage from hand with 6 mana.
how will freeze mage die before turn 10?
I understand I was not playing some hardcore pirate face deck, but if hunter can't rush its face, then nothing normal should
Ahh, yes. I remember winning/losing countless ladder games off of absurd crackle rolls. Those were simpler times.

we don't live in the timeline where mad scientist was made evergreen
First EU bro to reply me his battle tag gets to play me my 80 gold game, in a full game
pieszo#2977 senpai
How will it not die before turn 10?
Does every mage somehow start with 2 frost novas and 2 Blizzard in hand? Even then it's turn 3 and 4, then turn 6 and 7.
What else can it do? Coin out doomsayer for it to die?

>but if hunter can't rush its face, then nothing normal should
You're kidding, right?
Pirate warrior is a few turns faster than Undertaker Hunter was. It literally finishes same games on turn 4. Turn fucking four (4). I would bold it and write it in red so that you can just realize how insane that is.

Freeze mage needs the perfect hand to stall the match. And even then it's questionable if he will win since you wasted resources on stalling it meaning you probably didn't draw all your needed burn. You have 4 turns wasting basically all your mana on stalling, meaning you can't use those turn to draw cards.

Freeze mage only stands a chance against decks that leave it enough breathing room to safely draw their cards and get the combo pieces.
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yo when is the first 2017 expansion

pretty easily, they don't start off with 10 mana and 30 cards in hand like you seem to think they do

the current openings for pirate are as retarded as old undertaker into double leper
Around April.
Is thinking hard?
Oh hey, something

added u
>but if hunter can't rush its face, then nothing normal should
Serious question: have you played Hearthstone in the last 2 months?

Hunter is utter trash tier, a sub <2% played class with not a single playable deck. Aggro Shaman and Pirate Warrior both completely destroy it.
>Hearthstone release - March 11, 2014
4 months, 11 days
>Curse of Naxxramas - July 22, 2014
4 months, 16 days
>Goblins vs. Gnomes - December 8, 2014
3 months, 25 days
>Blackrock Mountain - April 2, 2015
4 months, 22 days
>The Grand Tournament - August 24, 2015
2 months, 19 days
>League of Explorers - November 12, 2015
5 months, 14 days
>Whispers of the Old Gods - April 26, 2016
3 months, 16 days
>One Night in Karazhan - August 11, 2016
3 months, 20 days
>Mean Streets of Gadgetzan - December 1, 2016
>Expansion / 2015 cards rotate out - April/May 2017
>Adventure - July/August 2017
>Expansion - November/December 2017

>The Pirate 'package' of Small-Time Buccaneer and Patches the Pirate is played in about 50% of all decks at rank 5 and above

nice game
What the hell counters Reno mage and Reno lock the most consistently?
Tolerating bullshit just because bigger bullshit exists sounds retarded
Maybe I'm unlucky, but every freeze mage in my life had 2 ice blocks every time.
Can cuckstone be saved boys?

Can the pizza man stop laughing at the moon for two minutes and actually save this game?
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>Our next patch is planned for around the end of this month. You can expect an announcement from us regarding balance changes either way in the week or so leading up to that date.

Great post, Brode.
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Best Golden Neutral Legendary to craft?

BMT or Sylvanas , maybe yesera?

Got golden Rag and Harrison
You got unlucky.

Hey guys, neutral cards were a great idea? Amirite? Who wants a raise? HAHAHA

Stop giving these incompetent fucks any credit
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>Is thinking hard?

my dude

that's just how a combo decks are, the game revolves around their draw more than any other deck
I see sylvanas a hell of a lot more often than ysera.
>they're finally going to nerf patches

I knew day 1 patches craft was 0 risk
Thalnos is more versatile imo ...
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That's 25 more packs that my Patches will earn me before the STB nerf hits so it wasn't bad crafting him.
Again, is this a fucking joke? Freeze Mage is a mediocre unreliable deck. It was "decent" in Karazhan because it could beat Midrange Shaman which was so dominant winning against it was worth it. In MSOG it is completely outshone by Reno Mage, a much better deck.

It is also a deck that even if they don't do something like put iceblock in Wild, will be crippled in 3 months by the rotation of Emperor and Torch.

>not stb

>Do you see this wall of text? It has a lot of nothing and is only an announcement for the announcement we are going to do by the end of the month
Ben said the problem is STB and it will be nerfed, not Patches.
And while I agree with him, I would rather have my 1600 dust back and not get the extra dust from STB.

They have said time and time again that if they are gonna nerf anything, its gonna be STB
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>there is not one single old gods deck that's viable in a none meme way
Fibonacci recently took advantage of the predictable meta and built a Control Warrior deck that did very well against Aggro Shaman.
Hey guys, Ben Brode here! Haha!

I have read a lot of your complaints and have decided to make an announcement that we are gonna make an announcement by the end of the month! Haha!

What? Its only day 2 of the month? Huh.... WELL, HAHA, CYA GUYS
how old
>Over the last two weeks, 30% of players are piloting Shaman at Legend. If you include all ranks, 17% of players are playing Shaman

There is no way these stats are remotely true. Blizzard themselves admitted 2 weeks ago that Shaman was 25% of the ladder. Since then every single third party source has indicated Shaman got more popular, but according to Blizzard it dropped by a third?
Love this post, especially the statistics part. It's been a long time we have the guy in charge coming here with official numbers.

Thanks Ben

Your arithmetic probably wouldn't be to sharp too if you used to work at Dominos.

>queues kabal

nothing personal, control warrior

>CW becomes viable, Jade Druis just pop-up again and destroy it so it doesn't come back
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>>Not clearing the easiest quest everyday
>>Not rerolling every day to get the best value

Lmao, the game is playing you. Not the other way around you fool.
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Ben is a stand-up guy, and I'm glad we have someone like him at the helm of development. It's comforting to know that we have a guy behind the scenes doing real statistical analysis to monitor the health of the game.

I think Hearthstone is the best that it's ever been! Here's to a great Standard Year, boysss!
>beats shaman with 70%
>lose to every single deck that runs kazakus or jade idol, every single time
> below 50% winrate

back to square one
ive seen stats that show when people get to legend they start playing different decks that are more fun
for example aggro into legend and then just play miracle, theres a big swing way bigger than any swing across any of the rank boundaries

furthermore when you say 30% in 2 weeks it should immediately ring a bell right? thijs for example has been ending his stream early from still facing all the shamans because in the week where he went to push it was almost constant shamans
so maybe it is 30% on average in 2 weeks, but it will also be like 60% in the last week etc
I think they conveniently changed up their statistics by not excluding Shaman mirror matches that are 50% winrate lowering down the winrate closer to 50%. Considering that the last day of the season had over 40% of all matches be Shaman, I would say that has a huge impact on the real numbers.
They are lying through their teethe.

They are also bending the truth about Shaman having only a 53% winrate while Undertaker had a 60% winrate.

The obviously didn't exclude the Shaman mirror matches in those calculations, which are 50% by definition. Having Legend be 40% Shaman during the last day and me facing 30 Shamans out of 40 games I played between rank 10 and 5 on the last day, I would say the number is closer to 40-50% and not 30% as they say.
40% Shaman would greatly impact the actual winrate of the deck and make it seem more reasonable. As an example, if Shaman was the only class played, it would have a perfect 50% winrate. One player wins, the other loses. It's a zero sum game and that's why you exclude mirror matches in those.
>tfw you hate blizzard games now

what happened?
do dean ayala's eyes water like that when bbrode is bounding his bussy
That's the main problem of Shamanstone. If you make a deck that reliably beats Shaman, you lose to basically everything else.
they also compared the power of the pirate aggro shit in a vacuum
you need to look at how strong it is compared to the current, its pretty fucking strong

so saying out of all the decks they consider "strong" its the weakest, even though those other decks existed in a different meta and cant be compared directly to how this one plays out, thats some sneaky shit right there
Tic tac toe has more depth that this game.
at least it is cheaper
The thing is, literally everything in this meta is teched against the pirate package and aggro shaman and it's still 53%. When everything teched against Patrons they actually had a negative winrate.
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Why would you do this?
Did you forget the /s or are you serious?
I don't see any reason why I should trust Ben on this one. Just a while ago he said Shaman is 25% of the ladder and now he's saying it's 17% after it was shown that it's the best deck. Why would the actual number drop when every site that keeps track of this is showing the opposite to be true?

His whole post is just a wall of bullshit damage control, nothing more.
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>vanilla WoW

From top of the world to bottom of the barrel.
ben only has our best interest at heart. he would never lie to us.
>Just a while ago he said Shaman is 25% of the ladder and now he's saying it's 17%
when was this first 25% post?
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>that load screen
He is just trying to help other classes :^)
Wasn't that in one of the interviews lately? Although I don't know the exact number but I believe he was talking about how many Shamans there are on ladder or something.
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>I will never go back to playing d2 LOD in its prime with the soj economy
>I will never go back to playing BW custom games
>I will never go back to playing wc3 at a pc bar
>I will never go back to exploring different zones in vanilla wow, being amazed at the music and how huge the world is
Max McCall said on January 13 that on average a player faced Shaman in 1 in 4 games.

As you can see here >>167260453 that matches about what VS stats said at the same time.

But since then VS had marked an increase in Shaman, while Blizzard is now claiming a decrease.
Some of us want an actual challenge and not just play the easiest or strongest deck.

But that's just me. Not all of us are sheeps
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When will zoo come back from war?
Small Time Buccaneer is now a paladin card

>nerf end of this month
>not waiting until rotation for nerf like last year
>the not so subtle hint that rotation and expansion are coming in late
>only takes 540 bucks to get all the cards for meta decks with 95% security
*starts working*
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Before I quit WoW I literally just flew around the world and feeled.
>nerf end of this month

They never said that
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Just from reading this thread is it fair to say Hearthstone isn't worth jumping into?

It's /Sunk Cost Fallacy General/, she's dead Jim.

I'd only jump in if you like the warcraft
Hearthstone is the opposite of worth jumping into.
This anon put it perfectly.
It takes months to gather cards for a real deck and after that it takes you 2 days to realize how much time you wasted
basically strictly worse faerie dragon
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>Give Priest the most busted cards of the expansion right before all his 1-4 mana minions rotate out and make him useless
>Still useless because Shaman has been getting busted cards since TGT
>and Brode decided that a 1 mana 3/3 weapon was too weak, and needed to be complimented by a 1 mana 3/2 with 1/1 Charge
>Without even any Overload
>This is literally the worst meta in Hearthstone (even Face Hunter was at least an extremely cheap deck)
>But it's also the best rotation for Priest
*angry Kazakus sheep noises*
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>Everyone complaining about how the meta is shit
>Meanwhile I'm having the time of my life running memedecks at Rank 20
Y'all are doing it wrong.

At least you noticed, there are people that even after we say its the most horrible game ever people still wanna try it out
i've only dusted maexxna and moroes out of the adventure legendaries i have so far and i'm slightly worried even those'll come back to bite me
this is literally half the cards in the game
dont you feel bad destroying people who are too new to even build a good deck?
I think I'll stay near rank 20 this month for quest.

It's near impossible to do quest near rank 10 and rank 5.

And the funny thing is most of the people who add me after losing in casuals are usually all rank 5 and it's even harder to win in casuals
ive been doing just that for 3 months now. Spent an hour to go to 15 at the end of the season and call it quits
off topic but is Elder Scrolls Legend out of open beta? I cant find anything that says if its still in or out. Dont want to play, then they restart my collection once it goes our of beta
Im only logging in every 3 days in hearstone and what to try something else besides shadowverse.
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>Over the last two weeks, 30% of players are piloting Shaman at Legend. If you include all ranks, 17% of players are playing Shaman

Ok there Blizzard.

I don't think so, I honestly forgot the game existed and that I had it installed tbqh.
There's a reason why he didn't bring up high legend numbers, instead opting to make shaman not look too bad by having all 6-7k legend count
>2% paladin

This graph is a lie, it should be 0% like hunter.
There's no way this is true.

I run into more lock and reno mage than mirrors

Surprised Warrior is so low, I thought that was the go to deck for aggro
>playing warrior when shaman does exactly the same thing but better
those may be control warriors, i didn't see pirate warrior in weeks
>last ship in my team
>fighting a dd
>two bbs approach and shoot at me from afar
>actually have a decent chance of winning if i can kill the dd
>one random bb shell hits me

i was about to fucking have fun for once in this godawful game. the guy who came up with random detonations should be fucking shot, what a retarded fucking idea.
nice acronyms retard
ben brode (shell) cant keep getting away with this
>>two bbs approach and shoot at me from afar
Holy shit, not only are there TWO Ben Brodes, but they've embarked on a murder spree?
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>STILL playing kikestone in 2017
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are we fortunate to have a developer who is so invested in the success of the game?
I love this brawl
bb stands for boom bots, hence the detonation
if anyone actually cares, I meant to post on /wowsg/
Ops, forgot pic
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Can not fight the tide
So I become the cancer
Death is release
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convince me not to put him in Control Warrior.
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I need a tavern brawl deck. Pls help
I want to craft him
is he as bad as everyone says
he already is

Pick warlock, put a lot of stuff that kills your own minions, profit
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I can't because he's actually really good right now in Control Warrior.

He's essentially your best shot at winning against Jade Druids.
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You should, he is in the Ben Brode Approved CW deck.
post decklist
>Fibonacci browses /hsg/

here's fibonacci's, he's one of the best control warrior players that I know of
Deathwing vs Ysera vs Alexstrasza

>Sleep with the Memes
seems clunky
>t. aggro shaman
>will have to sell my house for all this cards
I'm going to try it
Uh no, someone who can click Fibonacci's twitter account browses /hsg/
is alex even good in control warrior? i guess you'd win with an activated grom the next turn if she sticks
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>no offence friend
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>no offence friend
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HOLY SHIT. How can people keep buying Ben Brode's shit? How is that even possible, is everyone at reddit mentally ill? He said nothing again. He avoided everything and didnt talk about anything again. How can people keep BUYING IT AND PRAISING HIM FUCK
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>fuck you faggot, fuck this game,fuck ben brode and your mother in the butthole trash, no offence friend
I refuse to believe comedy like this wasn't staged
So basically tl;dr on Brode is if Pirates stays at 50% by the end of February they'll nerf STB, but don't expect any specific anti-Shaman nerfs.
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>Ben tells me to play this deck to beat Shaman
>doesn't warn me that it will lose to literally everything else
sorry I have autism

If you read the replies, half the people are calling him out and saying he didn't say anything

Be honest, who among you gave this NuMale money? Do you regret it?
>welcome bundle
>one wing of Karazhan
>one arena entry
>2 packs when I was drunk
I bought every adventure with real money, plus a bunch of packs each expansion and the welcome bundle.

I regret nothing
almost $200 deep at this point.
no going back now.
Well, welcome bundle was pretty good deal
Naxx and Brm which i dont regret. 40 € for 40 packs which i regret and 5 € for the welcome bundle which i regret . I dont plan on spending money on this game ever again
why do you regret €5 on the welcome bundle? did you get a shitty leggo
He probably got only duplicates since he was already playing for a long time
no its just that at that point i hated hearthstone and wouldnt even spend 20 cents for a pack. I didnt actually buy it i was gifted a 20€ battlenet card and had nothing to do with it so i bought the bundle yet i still regret it. I wouldnt buy a pack right now if it costed 10 cents
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>Every adventure but Naxx because I was late to the party
>Welcome bundle
>55 Classic packs
>Enjoying every moment
I honestly don't understand why people would play a CCG for anything but epic memes considering the RNG starts rolling at Turn 0 with your mulligan. I know I can get Rank 5 and possibly Legend, but why even bother if you don't enjoy it?
good goy
good boy
good doggy
good mutt
fair enough. i got sylv from mine & bought it when i was still new to the game so it felt like a good deal. i wish they'd have more deals or free packs or whatever but who am i kidding
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how can one man be so jolly
So i'm thinking to get back into this game (stopped playing when the mean streets of gadgetzan was released).

How is the meta nowadays ? Is it worth coming back ?
its actually really good since you have a lot of beasts and rat pack falls prey to the 1 mana priest shit potion so you can consider it. I would still go rat pack though

It feels like it has been some time since we saw Ben Brode actually happy, nowadays he always seem exhausted and frustrated
no. run
How can he be happy if the goy is not
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Read the thread, like, stop for 2 minutes and read the thread and then judge it by yourself. Or even better, look at reddit's frontpage
Guess i'm stopping the download then.
Thanks anon.

You're welcomed anon, I hope you use your time well
no way, you dont have enough beasts for it by far. i would still go rat pack 100% of the time.
this is feeling like TGT meta more and more. (which still was the worst, by the way)
Have miracle rogue always been a glorified aggro or is it just now
>even reddit cucks hate this shitty game

why haven't you uninstalled to teach the jews a lesson?

I can't even remember the tgt meta, wasn't it just a continuation of the gvg meta

Based Ben knows what he's doing. Redditors need to be glad they get anything at all.
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Next time actually use the internet instead of asking inane shit.
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it's just now.

Miracle Rogue used to have to think about its first few turns and decide whether spending resources for tempo was worth sacrificing card draw later in the game. Now, they just slam WHOM RESIDES HERREEE and his pal I AM THE LEADER NOW and hits you in the face without hesitation.

Then they reload their hand with le tricky merchant and do it all over again.

The deck is a miserable shell of its former self.
>Based Ben knows what he's doing

Of course he does, he is banking off the stupid people who still put money into this shitty game
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>only viable Paladin deck is murlocs

oh that's right, what a fun time that was
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paladin has to pay for his past crimes
>doppelgangster, thing from below into evolve into bloodlust next turn
Every deck that required actual decision making (patron, freeze, miracle, etc.) is nerfed either to being a dumb autopilot deck like the rest, or out of the game.
control pally may be not good but it's the control decks of all control decks
actual card synergies involved
Dumbest fucking reasoning ever, paladin has been shit tier for longer than secret paladin was on top.
i just realized that minibot loses to all three pirate one drops. absolutely amazing how far the powercreep has come.
Why is Based Ben being treated so poorly by the community?
because he is an incompetent buffoon who only uses PR speak
go back to your office Ben. Zeriyah is waiting under the desk dressed like a catgirl to suck you off
his game is getting worse every time he PATCHES it
>human art
>dwarf art
>undead art
>in game gnome model

Never understood why this happened
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>December, ended Rank 7
>January, ended rank 18

this isn't fun anymore

why did they have to make all of my favorite classes the same fucking deck?
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>Nozdormu changed to 1 mana 0/12 Stealth
Clock dragon fixed?
Calling it now
>Patches/STB changed to Grimy Goons
>Upgrade to 2 mana
>FWA to 3 mana
You people are cranky, entitled little nerds. A balanced game isn't free, if you want a card game with a strong foundation, you have to support the devs. I for one, do not mind one bit spending hard-earned cash to show my support. Just bought 30 packs right now.
our guy fibonacci!
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But anon you can't buy 30 packs in one transaction without using gold.
>gives priest a going away present in secret agent
>a busted card card with almost no downsides
>priest is still shit tier

sure they're better than hunter/paladin that's in the dumpster, but i dont see that class much at all. it's amazing really
>auctioneer nowhere to be seen
>losing pretty hard
>go all in on one questing adventurer
>reclaim the board with removals
>lethal next turn
>sap (created by drakonid operative)
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>2 months till new expansion

Feels kinda too soon but it can't come fast enough.
>turn 3 priest kill
If the expansion was coming out early-mid April Brode would have just said they're not doing any balance changes until then. I'd say May is more likely.
Add "Can't be targeted by spells or hero powers"
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