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League of Legends general - /lolg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 761
Thread images: 235

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Cuddly and adorable edition!

OT: >>167144820
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Xth for Katarina
best girl
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I want to do lewd things with Ziggs!
Would Vi ever date ____me_?
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>We are literally right back to the late S6 stack all the flat armor pen meta.

Epic Riot I sure love getting 100-0'd by a Jhin just with his Ult or getting chunked by half my health from a Varus
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>riot about to nerf zyra/malz
>the only two supports that are actually fun to play
>still isn't touching janna aka queen of unfun
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>when you go to play a random unpopular champion and someone on the enemy team picks that champ before you do.
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She's not real.
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>tfw tankfag
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>Lose game and go 6/3/15
>Still get an S rank

th-thanks i guess
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Best otp
>Be Anivia
>Lane has an IQ above 3 and knows how to dodge
>Any and all presence you could have had is now gone
>Lose lane
>Only hope is land a q on an ADC
>She knows how to dodge too
>Lose game
7.3 can't come soon enough, too much fucking cancer in every role

When your shitter botlane feeds 6 kills to them there no way in hell you're going to have the defensive stats to counteract them having Youmuus/EoN
but anon... Lux wants to have babies with Garen :3
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Forgot to ask: who do I main now that Anivia is a support/unplayable in mid
What's the point of Leona anymore?

I haven't had a good game or laning phase as her in a long time. The enemy knows better than to get close to Leona. The only time the enemy gets close to enemy is when they are baiting for a gank. I always end up feeding or doing nothing all laning phase.
new pbe patch when???
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Bard! And Lulu! Friends!
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Ionian lesbos.
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Be patient, and give your opponent the time to mess up.

can i build ghostblade on twitch?
why is it that every OTP plays a champ i despise having on my team?
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Yes you can!
because you hate every champion in the game

riot should just gut every single champion into unviability
>No attack speed
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xth for cutest most comfy bfs~
418 games, anon? Two people played 209 games a piece?
Not likely.
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1st for why is playing as Bard so comfy?
Twitch hits 2.5 Aspeed with runaans + bloodrazor/bork and MAYBE another zeal item but its not really needed.
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xth for breast metal waifu
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Their lesbian love is pure anon.
Then why build that when Edge of Night gives similar stats and a useful active?
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>armor pen jhin
>armor pen varus
you are like a little baby
watch this
why do warwick run all gay now?

srs question.
because youre giving up reliable strengths that other supports have to make both your adc and the rest of your teammates missurble so you can have fun

youre just like singed support except the champ is designed to do it so you wont get reported
Which of those two do you think has a firmer ass?
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>*DoTA 2 Sniper vietnam flashbacks*
i can't play him, I don't know when to use his E and ult
SJWs man, SJWs.
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>ad mids
Completely disregard this post I have autism and put the wrong picture AND somehow neglected to link it back to what I was replying to.

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Probably Irelia
All the waifufags in /lolg/ are cute! I hope you all get to see your loved ones someday!!
Irelia is a zombie so probably syndra
>queue up for normals
>feel nervous and palms start sweating

WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME. I can't even play this game anymore because I get nervous.

>Kill jungle camps

Don't ever give up free gold from farming jungle for unreliable gold to try a straight up gank. Counter-ganks are usually fine but if the two camps in your jungle aren't dead on that side of the map dont gank.
Syndra doesn't even walk and just floats about leaving her ass soft and pillowy
Is Syndra's firm too, even if not as much?
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>tfw you simultaneously abuse lethality and tank stats
>3 shot squishies with only 3 offense items

>AD bots
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What about the husbandofags?

The bisexual shipfags?
Taste her Irelia.
I would say Syndra's ass is more on the pillowy soft side.
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It's something that you get the hang of with experience on him. His ult is hard to master.

>Giving up reliable strengths
>like support singed
>adc miserable
>pic related
Who said I play him mostly support?
(I do though)
In all seriousness: not staying in lane as support Bard a lot is a common mistake for new Bard players. You get a feel for when leaving lane is appropriate with experience. I haven't had an ADC complain about me not being there enough in a looooong time.
>2 weeks later
I wanna cuddle Jinx and do anything to make her happy and feel loved.
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I completely support you in this endeavour
pic makes me hnnnng every time

Most supports should be rotato potatoing mid lane.
I fucking love being morgana and roaming up river to kill crab to give my adc the xp in lane and secure bonus gold and map control. Throw in a warding trip with sightstone and snag a snack fruit and its a done deal.
02/01/17(Wed)14:16:45 No.167172318
With Rek'Sai what percentage of time should I be ganking and farming? Should I be going full tank in solo queue?
Always full tank
who would feel better sitting on your lap

Irelia has the firm booty but syndra can float and make herself feel lighter
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Post and rate friends!
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xth for triggering lulufags autism
Thanks bro

S+ tier midriff, a valuable asset only a fool would over look.
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>this bronze advice
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Do you wrestle with the cord of your mouse while playing League of Legends or do you play wireless?
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Can someone please spoonfeed me with up to date support and """support""" runes?
could you stop already.
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This guy walks into the botlane and smacks your tower's health.

Wat do?
did he have a full lethality page?
Well you already have been informed that you should kill yourself. Now if you weren't completely useless, you'd have done it by now. Therefore i must assume you are a wheelchair-bound vegetable.
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>cant duo with someone in flex because im too low rank
>cant climb rank because i cant carry myself solo

End my miserable existence.
I wanna cuddle you and do anything to make you happy and feel loved~
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I chuckled
But their love is pure.
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I want to Megastuff Sona!
take your garbage shippings elsewhere and stop it.
By jove, what in the fresh hell was that?
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I want to be Orianna's friend!
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hey guys what's going on in this genera-
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lulu and bard posters ruined those champs
I don't get the Hydrox bit.
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cordless is unreliable but I do enjoy it. I prefer reliability over luxury though.

Y-you too...
Cheap dirty disgusting knockoff.
here's to hoping for more lulu smut after her buffs! i'll be sure to post any new favorites. so many more players are going to have their way with her now and theres nothing you can do. in fact, i think im going to go fap to her again.
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According to the live game he's playing right now, he's using an incomplete runepage, all his ADC pages are the generic ones, the match history doesn't tell me what runes he uses for those
It says it's murrica's oldest though
So probably oreo is the actual knockoff?!?!?
holy shit i kek'd
luv you bby~
Why don't you do something productive instead and drown yourself in a tub full of sulfuric acid.

damn lulu is a slut
it looks like a lethality page
most rune trackers don't show lethality runes since they got changed in the API from flat pen
the attack speed matches blues and the armor obviously yellows
lethality in marks and quints
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>The champ
I can dig it

Minus Garen not too shabby, I wish they would give MF dialogue updates her game self does a bad job at representing her lore self. It's sad and disappointing, she deserves better.

S-same. >////<
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I don't click that shit, but eitherway you should kill yourself and stop lying about the purest angel.


elise wins the fight cause cat has fleas
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pls respond
>tfw he hates on your Garen after you flirt with him

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>someone decides to splitpush while low HP
>mfw I'm warwick
I'm starting to type bloodborne references and shit warwick says while hunting in all chat
Along with a big AWOOO whenever I get a multikill

I'm going in 1v4 and chasing people far longer than I should and losing the game
but i dont care because I'm having a fucking blast while doing it
please stop posting
Please kill yourself
when should i buy swifties? mercury treads just seem better

am i a retard




He's a fun champ with a cool background riot please he's way better than gaylio and urguf
I wish Alistar was a better jungler.
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>enemy has lots of slows and no hard CC:
>enemy has lots of hard CC:
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No. You're a horrible person for suggsting that. Do you think anyone would want you to be like this? Please stop it.
Irelia VU when?
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But everything else is besto and MF more than makes up for it. I never said Garen was bad.
>He maxes Q first on WW
>He doesn't rush tiamat first item on WW
>He doesn't build a mana item WW
>He uses flash over ghost on WW

league of retards is too hard for me.
Well don't you think that posting degenerate porn doesn't make you a horrible person?
Look you can't get me with that moral high horse shit if your high horse is stuck in a sinkhole
>implying the living embodiment of pure, condensed autism is capable of reason
thanks bby, jhin is also one of my fav adcs too
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Jhin is based as fuck
>bloodborne references

like what? I cant think of any that would fit right now.
i posted the porn, retard. the person you replied to is someone else.
whenever a noxus event happens

at the very least in 3 years


probably never
Then the "kill yourself" was meant for YOU. So why are you not doing the only thing you will ever be praised for?
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kat lore update to have garen removed completely HWEN
source on this gif?
Can I play full arpen jungle quinn again?
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They said Bloodlord splash will get updated eventually. Ive not fapped in a week now waiting for that jesus riot come on
Why bother playing that when you can play her top and fuck over someone on the enemy team while doing so?
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There was never one related with garen

also i thought garen is not real
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Katfags deserve to be forever cucked by demacian man of many spins
Top lane is for manchildren.
so when are you gonna give me that ign cutie?~
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only the memories of his design need to be exterminated now.
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How many times do you have to cum inside her to satisfy her mating instincts?
>Near an Enemy Katarina
> "Seven thousand and two--- oh, I didn't see you standing there."
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Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!
because your easily triggered autism amuses me. lulu is a slut.
Guys, how much can I get for a ps3 and about 20 games for it at this stage?
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Sona is my sweetheart!
but it's to preserve the bloodline, anon.
It's pure :3
>full lethality quinn
i feel kinda sorry for their cait
Go away Ahri.
Your extreme denial is just so cute
you amuse yourself thinking you "trigger" people.
In reality, i am simply informing you of the fact that you should kill yourself. See, i see this as more of a community service.
And only through persistence is anything ever accomplished, therefore i must tell you to kill yourself until you finally get the message and do it.
Usually what Gascoigne says
"...What's that smell?"
"The sweet blood..."
"Oh...it sings to me..."
"Enough to make a man sick."
And some of the villager stuff
The abhorrent beast says
"Rancid beasts, every last one of us!"
"I never asked for this."
I wonder how sweaty and sticky she is down there under that FAT butt
Shut up ahri
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Stop molesting Sona ahri!
Jealous foxwhore
so what's the name of your favorite lulu hentai?
Come to think of it I should make a macro that types one of those whenever I press W, because I usually just type it on my way there
Not the cutie in question, but how often do these lolg relationship-esque things happen.
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Jesus christ, calm the fuck down lulufag
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Guess we have to kill the furry fox.
there is none, as i am not a piece of overglorified biomass like you
Syndra because holy shit that range.
>caring about bloodline of diaper man with recessive arayn gene
So apparently Vapora Dark runs Battle Trance on Twitch? I think I've seen QT take it, too. Is it because of his passive that makes it better than Double-Edged Sword?
it cannot be contained
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>tfw you are handling your lane fine and someone comes to gank when you have multiple enemy waves just outside your tower
>an ally has been slain
>enemy uses that kill to turn the tables and dick you all through laning
What do you guys expect from the tank update?

These are the champions that will be reworked on various scales:

Mega Gnar

And Maokai i think.
I really hope it isn't going to be a faliure like every single class update so far except adcs
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In-character, do any of you ever feel Jhin regrets his obsession with the number four when he's about to slay some schmuck but his gun runs out of its measly four bullets and said schmuck tears him a new asshole?

What kind of fool designs his gun to hold four bullets and reloads in the middle of fights
I was thinking of her, Viktor, or Orianna

I'll try her
I am as calm as always.
Which makes these fantasies of "muh master trolling" even more ridiculous.
I am merely stating facts.
> the tank update?
For what purpose?
>mages were a failure
>adcs were a success

I hope Rammus ends up ok.
I did not post any degenerate porn. I asked you politely to stop posting and you insult me without cause.

I could be the worst being on Earth or a saint, it would not matter. I did not imply to have the moral high ground or to put your position in any relation to mine. This is purely about your good, not mine.

Anyone can become a person good for himself or herself. If you keep wishing ill upon others, ill will come to you. For your own good, please stop it.
doesnt he always fight with one eye and an immobilizing gimp suit

i dont think he minds
Ezreal is Talon's bitchboi. Lux needs Garen's seed :3
>tells people to kill themselves in horrible ways over fucking porn of a fictional character, of all things
>porn that the people posting it didn't even make themselves
>"i-i'm actually the calm one here though guys, and not neurotic in any regard"
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posting it again is high res
>i am just stating facts
telling people to "kill themselves" over a combination of pixels is not stating facts
I want her rework to make her worse and fail.
They're going to gut the overall efficiency of tank items while baking what they removed into all of the tanks kits.

Basically tanks are going to stay as strong as they are while Bruisers are going to get fucked in the ass because they'll be forced to build the shitty suboptimal defensive items instead of true tank items.
If it was accurate it'd be the other way around though
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it's just him being artistic
fairly sure that he only needs 4 shots to kill any target, considering the 4th shot is empowered, now forgetting to reload is another thing.
whenever I flirt with someone and theyre responsive

dont really last long since most people cant keep conversation nor have a real interest but its pretty fun for the first bits
Is Swain good?
The facts are that the entirety of humankind would benefit from these degenerates no longer polluting the gene pool.

Just imagine the great achievements that humanity could make if it didn't have those scum to deal with.

The world could be a much better place, and i want it to be that better place.
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I love Viktor too, but holy fuck I can't deal with Syndra when I'm Viktor. I'm a shitty player without a doubt, but I can never get within range to do damage, and her burst/range is really high. Any help regarding that matchup would be appreciated.

They're both great in teamfights though, and even a moderately fed Viktor should be able to chunk a respectable amount of health out of anyone besides tanks.
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Fill this out for me /lolg/.
>Your main
>Your main's best skin
>Shit that ticks you off when you see other people doing it on your main
>Tips you have for others that wanna play your main

For me it's
>Dreadnova, every skin is good though.
>They get Doran's Blade first item.
>Farm as much as you can until Trinity+Youmuus, constantly look around the map for good ults, especially bottom. And be sure to get triple barrels down ASAP, it'll help you a lot.
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Yo lulugoy,
Chill out mate you're telling people on an anonymous image board to kill themselves.
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posting terrible OC
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Probably dozens and dozens and dozens. You'd have to give her the equivalent of several prostates worth of cum to satisfy her.

I want to sniff Ahri's tails.
Remained exactly in the same situation and now he's cancer reincarnate
Pretty much the only good one along with cassio
Absolutely fucking nothing
It's almost like they changed nothing
It's alright compared to the previous version of cass


The adc rework was good because it really diversified the role itself, and for a while every adc was viable in it's own way. Right now, there are a very few adcs that get picked in higher elos/competitive, but that isn't because of the terrible adc meta, it's because of the really strong anti-adc meta.
>Crybaby throws a bitchfit because I didn't lend him my role, locks in champ anyway.

How the fuck do you deal with this shit? Holy fuck it's so tiring that I have to be the one to dodge or play a role I don't like or get trolled. Get a fucking better system Riot, because it's not working if I am the one getting punished for other people refusing to do what they're supposed to.
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Is Jhin a homosexual?? His fucking vocabulary, fixation and association with flowers, and obsession with beauty despite being a man is all gay as hell.
You telling them to kill themselves isn't going to accomplish anything, whether they bite za dusto or not.

Those 'great achievements' are gonna happen with or without them: the presence of the morally degenerate doesn't adversely affect the march of technological progress.

And you ain't doing shit to make the world a better place.
Are you saying that my advice isn't sound?
Should we rather put them in slave labor camps?
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I suck at this game but if you want, i'm always down for things so hmu whenever BanditXen plznobully

Can they just revert her back to release already?
>ulting just to push
>Don't trade unless you have at least three graves ready
What do you build on Taliyah? Hextech GLP? Protobelt?

Is she supposed to Roam? Should I build Talisman of Ascension?
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Just an ordinary glass of water.jpg
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>Mountain Dew
>Intentionally using ult on an enemy knowing that it will not execute him
>Hit your q's. thank me when you get to challenger.
Remember how christianity held back human scientific progress for several centuries?

I'm telling you, if we get rid of these subhumans, we could colonize other galaxies within the next 50 years.
Every single gun reloads in the middle of fights stupid. It's just that rito only recently thought of reloading mechanic and so far nobody but jhin and graves uses it.
Also his every bullet is speshul self-made super-magic shit with a piece of his soul inside or something.
Gameplay-wise every AA hits like a truck and it's satisfactory.
Executing dashing faggots like lowhealth lee charging into you is fun. Executing some running fag whom thresh lanterns to him because of which they had to fly through your range for some milliseconds is fun. RFC critting some fagmage for half a bar is fun.
Also his gun has smite out of the box.
It's objectively the best gun in the game.
He's gunsexual. He's not into chicks, but also not into men. He just rubs his crotch against his rifle and gets confused.
>Sewn Chaos
>Ori support
>Go RoA if the enemy has lots of means to getting to your backline
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you can like flowers, be obsessed with beauty and not be gay, although i'm not sure on his flamboyant side
it's something they gave him to emphasize his personality and make him a strong character
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first of all you could start by not posting that FUCKING SHITTY FAN ART.

Fucking stupid non-Riot artists cannot get over Taliyah's nose. IT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK ANIME-LIKE OKAY PEOPLE.
>the presence of the morally degenerate doesn't adversely affect the march of technological progress
want to progress as a species? start a war
>Classic/Mecha Zero if you really want to drop some cash on him
>People who take Grasp on him
>Unless you're laning against someone super immobile like Nasus, don't level your Q first. Level your E and go bowling with Sion. Also, it's super important to understand that Sion wins his trades through attrition - a good trick is spinning baiting the enemy laner towards a bush you moved into while charging up your Q while he can't see you. Also Thunderlord's Sion is NOT just a meme build; if you can afford to do so, going off-tank bruiser Sion with Thunderlord's is surprisingly strong due to his potent combo of E>Q>W.
>fanart replaces literal monkey nose with qt button nose
i see no problem
Or trade. Trade and war have been the progress enducers in humanity since forever.
Paper from China. glass from Europe, Algebra from Baghdad, all spread through trade and war across the world.
It didn't, actually. Christianity's organized religion helped to preserve education, and established more than a few universities as well.
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No. She's dead now.
Taliyah is shit until she gets a nose job and trim her eyebrows.
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I am cum.png
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>When you're tilted as fuck
>Playing like shit.
>CS and Kda are garbage
>Enemy team's fed as fuck
>And They throw and you win the game



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Here, now answer the question supplied

No matter how many times you post that, that shit looks worse than the nose she already has.
Her current nose is flat but that shit looks broken.
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Lulu is the strongest! THE STRONGEST!
I'm going to pin down your waifu and MATING PRESS her while you watch helplessly.
until herwomb growls from the amount its already poured inside it

Nah bruh, you wouldn't be able to do shit, just like now, only drown in your illusions of grandeur.
If you want to colonize galaxies - go on, get educated, make scientific breakthroughs, make long-distance space travel doable and viable. Inane blabbing and childish dreaming won't get you any closer.
I'm saying you are letting words with no faces attached bait you into being mad over pixels. They don't deserve any punishment.
this looks like an ayyylien
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You speak some words i can agree with kid
>that zed build
>that sona build
>that lucian build
they deserved to lose
Being an actual tank instead of an aoe nuker with 4k health and 500 armor
New w and q
Less linear
Remove that disgustin hwalth scaling on his shield holy shit
An actual passive instead of a game mode
What's the most fun champ currently?

I can only play so much Tahm Kench.
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christian dark ages is a meme.png
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>Remember how christianity held back human scientific progress for several centuries?

no i dont remember actually
>that lack of sightstone on sona
>"Pffth, ill carry guize!"

Feels good to see a retard trio with that moron throw. Good shit, anon.
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>tyrant or base skin
>not jumping on their lane partner lvl 6/missing w's/not shoving lane and roaming
>I'm a silver surfer but the best thing to do IS to shove lane and roam mid/with your jungler for picks and watching bot constantly to tp. Also in mid/late team fights just run into the enemy team and try to stun their adc/carry and then zhonyas for maximum birdo damage

Good taste
Not suggesting she needs a broken nose, but that she definitely needs to have a different nose and thin eyebrows. No man wants to look at her unless she's wearing a brown paper bag. Even during sex.
How good is full magic pen Zyra
>Black Firecracker or Classic
>using ult at full health targets
>zap slows people enough to chain rockets use this for strong lane trades
>Eve getting a VGU

For what purpose?? She's more than fine right now. She's arguably the only AP jungler worth a shit aside from Elise.

>Implying Malphite isn't already a massive fuck you to AD teams
>Wanting a Tank not to scale with tank stats

>default desu
>not being capable of jungle rotations and knowing when to/not to gank
>Just be capable of jungling before you play jungle please ty

I know i'm a b2 shitter but fuck I don't get it how can you be so incapable of this

>using your ult before you engage
>you can 1v2 at most points of the game so it isn't much of an issue to push the fug out of your lane. This also helps your team because if you have a not braindead jungler They won't try to force anything top and can pressure other lanes.
I don't know and don't want to know whats the conversation about, but the fact is 100% of humankind are degenerates in one way or another. There is no escaping or purging it, deal with it kid
If you mean punishment in the sense of "vengeance", then you're right. But i'm thinking punishment in the sense of prevention of further transgressions.

We as in he entirety of humanity. There are many ways to further humanity's progress.
Some of them involve research and development, and some of them involve filtering the gene pool from contaminants.
She's been building all 2 items which have flat mag pen for god knows how long, what more do you want?
>kayle and yi main stuck in bronze

like pottery
I am building retarded rune pages and I have one that gives 26 flat magic pen. I wonder how well will it work./
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No I'm saying that "Fix" picture just looks like a broken nose. And as it stands her nose is fine imo. The person who did the art for her in that animated short just fucking sucked. Even in her splash art she looks a dozen times better
Plus the guy I'm posting drew her plenty cute with her normal eyebrows and nose.
What happened to Alistar?
From Riot
>The first thing we want to address is Evelynn’s kit. Our three big design goals with Evelynn’s kit are to solidify her as the Assassin she was meant to be (not the diver she has become), add a bit more more satisfaction on ability use, and increase her game health. Specifically, we want to make her map presence less oppressive in the early game. We think PermaStealth is a cool and unique trait, so we don’t plan on removing it but we do think there is a healthier version of it that will allow us to shift power elsewhere in Evelynn’s kit
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>use your combo on their adc
>brand/malz/zyra support can just one shot your adc
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I know this feel
they said the same shit on her first rework
zyra karma malz happened
And why don't I see you researching, developing or filtering yet?
All you do is whine and complain, like a little good-for-nothing beta bitch you are.
Stay mad.
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>nottingham/tpa not sure
>fighting inside creepwave
>don't try to 1v1 enemy adc with critbuild in late game
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No lulugoy, no. Just go worship lulu or something.
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>Best skin for me is Giant Enemy Crabgot (gotta preserve those 2006 memes

>The last time I remember someone playing Urgot withing the last 4 years was in an ARAM so i cant really answer that, desu

>If you want to play Urgot, land your E, and ban Yasuo. Build Cleaver, Mura, and a 3rd offense item depending on the game. If you have to rush Hexdrinker after tear, do so

>Have fun.
Probably okay-ish if you can avoid dying. You'll do true or near-true damage to whoever has low mr and haven't built any mr items.
You don't see me because this is an anonymous imageboard. You're the "slow" kind of person, huh?
>Want to reduce her early game oppressiveness
>Keeping her permastealth

These are oxymoronic statements. Her permastealth is the exact reason she has to have absolute shit tier base stats. You can't have one while keeping the other.

Honestly all they need to do is just give her a new ult. She doesn't need a full VGU. That should've gone to Morde or Aatrox
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Either way, she needs a nose job or else she'll be forever a worst waifu.
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is grasp that bad? ive tried it out a few games since colossus has been nerfed and i eventually dropped it but i dont think its TERRIBLE

>classic is the best skin

my man
I will, don't worry. But if a degenerate pops up, i will inform him of his need to kill himself. Again and again and again. Mostly as a matter of necessity/principle.
Nice semantics there bruh, sure shows how enlightened you are.
Have you accomplished anything on your own list of advancing tech progress?
Do you even have a degree?
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>Small straight nose in model.
>Needing a nose job to add some dumb hookshape to it.
Her nose is fine.
No one cares about Morde and Aatrox. Now just shut the fuck up and let Eve mains feel joy for once
This is some pure grade autismo here
There is no point in bragging or justifications here.
Therefore let us concentrate on the current matter at hand: Luluhaters needing to kill themselves.

I haven't seen anyone successfully make a case as to why they should keep wasting precious oxygen.
>Implying anyone gives two shits about Eve

Literally every time she's even remotely close to being meta everyone, pro and soloQ shitter alike. state their utter dislike for the champion. GTFO with your trash BDSM titwank champion
I want old Morde back.

That Q was so satisfying.
Needs to be shorten a bit and cut and trim her eyebrows. Once done, she'll look beautiful.
Taking it on Sion is the same reason why taking Fervor on him would be bad - you don't auto enough to justify it. Champs like Garen, Poppy, and (if you don't take Stormraider's) Nasus auto enough and are tanky enough to warrant taking it.
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>"You know what they say about big gems... right?"
What did he mean by this?
Why are you so outspoken lulugoy, why can't you passively play and enjoy your champ? No need to be so malicious.
yeah it's unfortunate since I really enjoy playing lulu but feels like a massive faggot for playing her now :\

I may or may not BE Bardposter. I'm not really as bad as Lulufag, am I?
She doesn't need to look like a model - she's a teenager, for god's sake. Besides, people have big noses IRL all the time.
She doesn't have a short round face. Shortening it would put too much empty space above her lips. That's ugly.

I really don't think anyone cares about eyebrows that much.
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>Taking ignite/going ham and cheese and feeding and wondering why it isn't working
>Your level 1 is deceptive, your Q does decent damage if you isolate a target, if someone jumps on you don't be afraid to exhaust them to negate their burst and go all-in. Your ult is not just a kill-"securing" tool, it's mostly a late-game teamfight ultimate. With proper AP and MPen your ult will half health or more the enemy squishies and can easily net you the most damage in the teamfight even if you do nothing else. You are AOE Damage: The Champion lategame. Use it. Don't be afraid to die either, dying simply means nobody can stun you to stop your ult.
hey guys im trying to improve

watching n3ac3y and LS videos

anyone know any more informative youtubers? im a jungle main silver AF
That he likes to shove big gems up his ass?
>Not liking 1! 2! 3!!! over autopushing Q

What are you gay?

Honestly my problem with current Morde is moreso his agency is gated behind a shitty dragon gimmick and shit tier defensive base stats. Outside of that he is considerably more fun to play than Old Morde
Big gems big chin
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Well, i wouldn't do her justice if i weren't fighting for her, now would i?
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write me smut pls

I want Leona to kill me!
Who's a better kitty Kat? Warwick or rengar :3???
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Dogs are the better cats.
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It's only people on an image board my guy. Have to know how to take things easy and laugh a little.
Has any ever written Orianna guro?
Who here hates this game but still plays it. I sometimes stop for a week or a month but i always come back and always every match feels like shit nowdays.
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Just don't turn this into anything physical, can you do that lulugoy?
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>Twisted Fate
>Blood Moon
>Building Ludens Echos

When youre ulting your cycle should be:
(0. make sure you have E proced or on its 3rd stack)
1. Hover over R to see the range and if its where you wanna be at
2. Activate Destiny (first part of R)
3. Activate the first part of Pick a Card (W)
4. Activate Gate (second part of R)
5. During the Channel look at your W icons and use it to lock in the card you want
6. W, Q, Auto should be your max damage burst combo to get thunderlords and your E proced, if this isnt enough to kill the lane you ganked should have enough damage to finish them off early

ezpz smooth card locking that maximizes your uptime on W and fluidity

locking in a card BEFORE you ult wastes a lot of the time your card will be up during gates channel
"There's a certain line you don't cross and you've crossed it"
-some blonde rapper guy
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>Blood Moon
>Sitting there autoattacking instead of kiting every single motherfucker like an mlg pro. Or using e to farm every single minion.
>When you finish runaan, or high enough attackspeed, you can easily kite everyone and everything by holding shift and rightclicking. This allows you to jump around automatically.
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Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.
I'm with you.
Stuck in this hell since season 1. Every season is worse than the previous but I still come back.
I sometimes uninstall this crap just to download it next day.
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I've got a new account on OCE, who should I main? I'd prefer top or jungle, but I'll do whatever

Give me someone fun
Anon, even you would cover her face.

>She doesn't have a short round face
Then change her head and face into it.
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kitty kat.png
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katarina :3
Armor pen Jarvan.
Few expect the damage.
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I want to go swimming in Lulu.
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Ashe Main.webm
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I need to write 2 papers in 2 days
master yi
No I wouldn't. She's a cute kid.
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What balanced champion do you despise?

I fucking hate wukong, hes a completely braindead assassin that gets better teamfight than most of them
>New account after not playing for like 3 years.
>Games are filled with nothing but premade smurfs who make split level accounts to get wins
>One game I had a level 30 with two level 1's who jungled as Hecarim and was impossible to kill because of Masteries and runes.

Why? Why do Riot do these things? Why not disable masteries and runes for leveling games?
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I wanna go swimming with Lulu.
>that fucking hitbox
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>oh shit, i know what would piss me off if i saw it

For you plebs that ult the first person you see in a 5v5 situation, stop it.
Either use your ult to make a pick on someone who is alone, or become invincible in a 1v1 scenario.
The only acceptable time is if you have GA, and a priority target gets too close, and your team can follow up.
Evelynn is the most anti-comfy champion in the fucking game, soon as we have 10 bans tm I will NEVER play against another Evelynn ever again
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What happened to my rank? Its just gone. On my profile it just disappeared and the "rank" tab is greyed out. Already tried resetting the client, that didn't help.
Does Shaco count as balanced? Because fucking Shaco. He's either a complete non factor that will do nothing but feed and hilariously fail to assassinate anyone, or an ancient god reawakened to taste the tears of mortals through an online videogame.
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>The blue Chroma
>Building Frost Queen's claim, Iceborn gauntlet
>Don't EVER FUCKING leave your ADC alone in lane, unless All threats to them are either dead or visible elsewhere on the map. Just because there are chimes DOES NOT MEAN you should collect them at that moment.
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No, no they haven't
but I don't know, she doesnt seem like the type to do it.
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tryndamere is completely unfun to fight
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Ḑ̶̡̤̯͈͉͇̦͍̬̮̘̝̥̝͈̟͍͎O̸̧͖̰̥̘̬̲̲͇͎͘͢͝N̨̝̖̰̹͞'̨̡̢̛̮̬̼͉̠̗̼̳̟̳̞̣̙̫̮͠T̸̡̯̖͙͖̳͇͙̀͜ͅͅ ̴̧̧͙̬͙͓Ỳ̨̨͉̺̜̝̻̳̱͍̰̤͘O̵͖̙͍͔͢U̵̷͕̯̝̦̘̬̖̼̗̯̩̬͟͞ͅ ̶̵̢͎̤̳̖̬̪̦̜͙͕̹͚̜̹̳̗͉́M̵̢̡̥͈̱̺͎͎̭̬͍̜̣̫̺̲͈̤ͅÉ͕̦̳̪̲͖͖̺̭̖͘A̴͉͎̤͖͈̭̜̞͎̲̮̕͞ͅǸ̸͎͔̹̣̫̥̺̰̹̦̱͕̀͘ͅ ͏̻͓̙͚͎̩͚̩̭̣̫̺͙̦́ͅͅI̡̞͔͕̻̬͔Ņ̗̯̗̲̜̦͕͇̥́͘̕?̵̠͖̳̖̯͍͇̣͖͕͈͔͠?͖̜͓̦͕̞̩̰̳͓̮͖̦̣̫̹͇͎͢͝!͏͏͏͔̳̝̘̺̦͖̞̗̦̺͕͈ͅ
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>Omega Sqaud, without a doubt
>Stay still on a bush
>Rush Hextech Revolver, doing and auto and Q procs Thunderlord for tons of damage OR rush Haunting Guise and Sorcerer shoes for that free 30 MR pen + runes and masteries
I still think Caitlyn is completly retarded and had the same opinion about her for years. when riot added the trap spam thing and better headshots i legit thought it was a joke at first.

Am i the only that think she should be reworked? brainless cunt you literally cant play badly on her
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delete this immedaitely and lower your neck cur
Why is she just a slut, Anon?
She's not cute until Riot change her face.
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I genuinely hope that all "people" playing GP get gangbanged by pack of niggers.

Soraka is more anti-fun than Nunu. If your adc doesn't build grevious wounds blade or soraka isn't braindead, lane evolves into 20 minutes of farming
>Everyone needs to be round-faced and look like a child.
Spotted the yordle-fucker.
make a zip of that and post it booddy, I want em
The thing with Wukong is outside of his lvl 1/2 cheese he really is a pretty mediocre laner and his jungle clears are total ass compared to top tier metacancer. So he has to make up for it somewhere

Xerath is so fucking gay if you don't have the right teamcomp to deal with his range
i play fiora top and my last 5 games ive had a gp picked into me, only 1 had the new skin

what gives?
Is that Garen fucking her
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Are there any champions in LoL you play if you want to literally defy logic and status quo?
Aka6 is nowhere near that bad.
The people who give him money for futa and the like are the real cancer.

Just like how teh-dave was fine, but for whatever reason, gurofags wanted to commission him.
If Kayle has one, Orianna can too

Let me see the Eve one then
alright but at least get better taste in art
Tryndamere. Granted, he's shit, but apparently I shouldn't be having trouble with him, so I guess he falls into the balanced category; the fact that he worthless while behind and a walking statcheck that you can't beat or get even with while he's ahead is infuriating. That, and the fact that while you can SEE he has full rage, unless you've got strong poke or are capable of hit-and-run tactics, you're not going to be able to get him to lose his rage, since you can't just trade with him directly (and thus force him to have to use it to heal) while it's full.
Meant for >>167181365 and >>167181654
Are there any melee toplaners that can win trades against Darius?
>Futa Ahri the Rapist
Got another suggestion how Riot should change the shape of her head then? Maybe that of Katarina or MF?
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That's not how you eat ice cream silly.
UnemployedProfessorsDOTcum my ninga
>Building Rylai's
>Just hit your skillshots lmao
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do you mute people?
>Implying he's not

He can be strong at times but in this meta of hypertank cancer, ranged toplaners who can disengage you with ease in Jayce/Quinn, and fucking Camille, he really isnt that great in comparison
illaoi, if she counts as balanced.

every time some mouthbreather illaoi player lands their truck-shaped skillshot on me and i take 1500 damage instantly then have to play mario party for 10 seconds before i can go back to laning i get so fucking angry

world would be a better place if all illaoi players died that's for sure

* - requires IQ higher than orangutan's
>flash autos your adc
>1700 crit kills them
ty rito
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>If Kayle has one, Orianna can too
Kayle has 10 actually.
Second most out of all of them.

>Let me see the Eve one then
It was wrote by a non English speaker so there's grammar errors.
fits her theme nicely though, and this is the only eve piece I have.
aka6 wouldn't be so bad if only he didn't draw horsefaces and didn't use a vomit-inducing palette.
i play with 20 mpen in runes all the time as zyra. i still keep armor yellows because of autos. i build random ass shit though like banner of command, so you should ignore me. last game i built eye into ninja tabi into hourglass (on zyra) because of fed yasuo.
Renekton because laning against him tends to be fucking horrific. Oh look level 5 Renekton is shoving the wave into my tower, I wonder what he's going to do with the Lee Sin coming into my jungle?
yeah renekton

also technically jax and wukong

you're gonna have to work a lot harder for it than the darius player unfortunately
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>save ally as TK
>running away with them
>they spit themselves out early in direction of enemies

I have never been more triggered in my life. It is the year 2017 and people STILL don't know you choose where to be spit out
>i can't dodge telegraphed skillshots
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I laughed harder than I should have at
>truck shaped skillshot
>Mario party

well meme'd, and saved.
>lane against varus
>it's not fun
at least he's not unfun level of Caitlyn
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They gon't have to, her head is fine. They just need better art.

I've already posted plenty of pictures where she has the same longish nose and thick eyebrows and looked a lot better.

I swear someone needs to post the full art to that over in the /aco/ thread.
I can't find it anywhere.
yes, /mute all
Renekton, fiora, camille, riven, yasuo

Having dash is important so you can avoid the Q no matter what
I'm going to pin lulu down and spill my seed multiple times to ensure she conceives, considering she isn't even fertile. I'll just keep it up on the hour to ensure it
literally play quinn

like don't because if you do i hope you die

but if you want to never lose to renekton just pick quinn

kennen works too

i can dodge 9/10 of them no problem but it has like a 10 second cooldown and laning lasts quite a while, she's bound to get lucky. they always build full damage so as long as i can get a scenario that's not ideal for illaoi i can kill her, but it's just not fun
Oh yeah, that reminds me: Trynd's fucking auto animations and sounds are so goddamn bad that I'd find them hilarious if I didn't already hate him with a passion.

Seriously, they look and sound like he's slapping the other guy with an oversized cut of salami.
Maybe they can do a visual update or a region with a better original splash art of her in the future.
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If you're good enough, pretty much anyone with a gapcloser and some long trading potential. I've managed to bit a few Dariuses with Irelia, it depends entirely on dodging the Q and being able to match his damage with just autos.
>varus 2 weeks ago
>Wtf he is shit literally who
>Varus now

I swear you are all braindead
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>play cancer to beat cancer

You have to be a better player.
Whats the best keystone for wick? I've been running fervor, but i'm not sure if CotC would be better with his fear and ult, or if the damage boost actually matters. Or some kind of meme build with Raiders.
its why i dont take anything anyone says on champ balance seriously, here or reddit. Even with pros i only take whart they say with a grain of salt, because at the end of the day they are playing a completely different game then us.
>play cancer to beat cancer
this game is 40% counterpicks 40% teamwork (aka luck in solo queue) 20% skill at most tiers of play

in the immortal words of sanford kelly, just pick a top tier
Varus has been meta ever since they buffed the shit out of his passive. He didn't suddenly come out of the blue like you contrarian fags like to believe.

Also doesnt help Lethality is cancer right now.

Fervor unquestionably. CotC is garbage for 90% of champs right now
>thinking they aren't part of the problem
windspeakers so you can heal more
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Bard neutral, Lulu bad, A. Sol good, Jax good, Yorick good. Pretty good overall.
All good.
All bad.
My nigga on all except Jinx.
>have 300+ armor and 4k hp on malphite
>Kha'zix 100-0's me in 3 seconds

Basically all she needs is a better splashart, yeah.
i just dont have the energy to play this toxic game
i dont care to play and have my team be raging 80% of the time
Bye bronze-o
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>ride the Shaco freelo train for 4 games in a row

>lose the next 3 fucking games

Great now what do I fucking do
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the rick stare.gif
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>im destroying a Fizz in lane
>he comes back with a Dark Seal and an Aether Wisp
>He nearly one-shots me with his ult, w, and e.
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help im gold and I have a Challenger in my game...
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>giving a shit about ziggs when you know for a fact that quinn and mundo are far from "best in their role"
Talon, poke the living fuck out of him with W and never get within E range, if he uses it and it whiffs all in with W and melee Qs

also lvl 2 darius is easy first blood for you if you have ignite
Ivern is scarier than new warwick.
>quinn, jayce, kayle, teemo, nautilus, swain, yorick, camille all have high winrates in top lane

maybe i should take a break from the game for a bit
But ADC stands for Attack Damage Caster

Full ad J4/illaoi
stop giving a shit about normals, if you lose its a normal, if you beat him obviously he wasnt playing to win cause its a fucking normal
So? Ziggs still doesnt build Attack Damage.

Kled and only Kled. Write in Caps all the time.
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guess the ELO
the champion.gg guy just named his roles wrong

the ACTUAL role is called Bot, as in Bot laner

so ANY champ can go in that role its just that marksmen and now ziggs are just better in it

just like mid isnt ONLY for mages and top isnt ONLY for tanks
Gimme rp for guro writing pls
No it's stands for a damage caster.
Too soon lad
>gangplank on his way to becoming the most played toplaner

so this... .is the power.... of tobias fate.....
Yes pretty soon everyone will be building AP and lethality and we're gonna have a happy meta where the first 3 seconds of the game decides the match.
How do I pursue Jarvan 4?
And long range, large aoe, easy modo barrels dealing 1300 to 1800, removal of cc and heal no mana issues and a decent range poke.

Also a global that slows automatically with little to no effort.

This... is somewhat true. I just carried a game pretty hard as a mid lane Sona. Our MF tried really hard to feed but me Poppy and Swain got shit done and the support Teemo made the enemy team miserable every time they left creep pathing.
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hi anon from last thread, how do I get over ladder anxiety and being really afriad of being yelled at by teammates for performing poorly? I stopped playing ranked and normals entirely because of it. serious question bc i deal with anxiety alot irl too
Map awareness is a big effort.
>bronzies copying le tobias for teh epikness
What's new? I'll continue dumpstering tobias wannabes to my hearts content
It's time to stop calling the botlaner (non-support) role "adc".

is aka6 the "shadman" of /lolg/?


I wish her spider form actually changed how she played and wasnt just the lackluster second part to her burst combo.

Human Elise= Disables and other mage strengths

Spider Elise= draintank with melee kiting drawbacks
Do not.
>put more lethality in the game than armor pen
>by the time you reach a level where you can buy your lethality item it's almost as good as old armor pen at that same level
>so now lethality scales well and is also OP early game, again
the perspective are all fucked up in that gif
>easy modo barrels
>no mana issues
If i reroll 3 champion shards i can still get 450 and 1350 ones right?
Relaxing music
Intense music like initial d
Developing a tulpa of your favorite character and other them!
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>ranked game
>teammate disconnects and your free win turns into a loss
>the person you absolutely analed in lane types "gg ez"

The same people who designed Camille.

Think about that for a solid minute.
oh yeah i absolutely see the appeal, it's exciting just WATCHING somebody annihilate a whole wave with a barrel and seeing all that +20 +50 +6 gold spam
i have massive anxiety irl but its just a game without a voice chat

do ur best
better than the 4 tanks per match tank meta or the assassin meta

and honestly in solo queue you can still play whatever you want and win if youre better than everyone else

if you arent you deserve to be in that elo till you do get better

and if you give a shit about esports youre a retard
>be riot
>don't like crit
>make crit users shit
>problem solved
How do these geniuses do it lads
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>He went full AD Jarvan 4




So is full lethality jhin doable now with buffs or the only lethality item worth getting on him is ghostblade?
>lethality was balanced
>beside rengar and kha all assassin were in a decent spot
>buff lethality
>now riot is gonna nerf every single lethality user one by one
>lethality is going to get at 50% instead of 60% once all champ are done nerfed

are you ready for a whole season of shitty balanced decision featuring silver rioter
best (highest winrate in plat + on average) build is still crit
I can sympathize - I rarely play ranked because of anxiety, which is really strange because back when I was in high school I played tons of HoN and climbed to 1700 mmr which would be around Plat+ for league. Now I play League but almost strictly normals with people I know.
WW support

People think it's shit, until they focus WW and then get feared.
>about to say "but most adcs use crit, and they are in every game"

shit familiar you are absolutely right
>botlaner (non-support) role "adc".
>non-support role
This is what adc babs believe.
There's a reason every team is picking Jhin and Ashe and Varus every game. Ranged CC.

No its not. If you lack this you're probably diamond or something.
more like

>be riot
>cant balance crit
>give 70% of the cast alternative builds that involve arpen or trinity instead
>out of sight out of mind :)
It's just a game bro (c)
Use mute all if people get on your nerves, it's not like you'll lose anything by that in whatever shitter elo you'll get put in.
Vidya pvp anxiety is normal thing but it goes away when you play more and stop caring too much.
I'm actually happy now when I feel that heartbeat, it happens rarely past couple years and it's all the same gray dull without it.
The non-support gets the gold, it's not about utility.
Whats the alternative? People can AA everyone to death with ease?

ADC is a retarded role that only serves as a PvE stopgap.
Only because people are slow as shit at adapting.

Watching challenger streams of guys like DL they're building Youmuus/EoN into crit every single game now.
yeah what's up
>People can AA everyone to death with ease?
Uh about how mages not in 3 fucking roles and adcs being decent?
Some of us like playing aa-based champions and kiting and stuff.
eon is busted and probably good on all adcs or at least every caster adc
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Can any Elise players share their rune pages? Right now I'm running Attackspeed Reds Armor Yellows AP Blues and AP Quints. I saw Tarzaned always runs hybrid pen reds and cdr per level blues.
So i havent played since season 3 is fucking baited still good in the jungle?
Used to be like you. Had a pathetic amount of bot games in Season 1 because I couldn't deal with the pressure and whenever I tried normals/ranked everyone just bitched at me.

Then I got super fucking autistic about jungling since no one knew how to play it well and found I could play it better than everyone else at that tier of skill. Once I found my niche I stopped caring as I could consistently play at least on par with my teammates if not better than and it was laughable to be whined at by your 0/10 mid lane when you're even or positive.

In reality you just have to learn how inconsequential a singular game is. People in this game will whine about anything. The practice is often harder, just mute everyone or grow a thicker shell. I've been playing this shit for years and now nothing bothers me.
What if they added a new summoner spell to make adcs great again

What would it be
>Literally a free banshee's veil on top of a high amount of AD and solid MR.
>Riot made it even more babby mode by reducing the CD

They're trying their best to outdo the shitshow that was S6 in terms of balance
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I want to protect his smile.
this has been my phone background forever
Second flash.

Seriously though, Just add like a 2 second stealth.
A locked summoner for "marksman" champions that grants them five seconds of cc immunity and 90% damage resistance.
flash but with half of ghosts movespeed for 2 seconds
Allow your champion to automatically attack the nearest enemy champion WHILE MOVING for three seconds.
No BoxBox, Anon. We ignore him.
I would say some kind of weaker bkb effect, but if everyone could take it then it'd be broken as fuck.
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xth for Cute Ashe
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>mfw quinn top, graves and kindred jung
kill an enemy champion (can only be used once per game)

>CC is ADC problem
>Movement is ADC problem

The Problem is ADC are too useful ironically. If an ADC isn't focused down, they can wipe teams in seconds and take towers.

So the issue is do you add survivability onto ADC at the cost of their damage?
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I love Lissandra!

Ashe a shit
Why does boxbox cross dress so much?
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ty for the kind words. have a cute pup as thanks and one free (You) c:
Remove that crossgender and never speak about him again.
who are you?
after losing 20 out of 25 games, i have now won 10 straight. when will this forced 50 stop?
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the money

hes like a gurl gaymurr except he can actually beat all the players that subscribe to him

considering he also has a gf, id say the guy is just smart and knows how to exploit retards for money
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Man of taste. Good taste.
attack speed reds arent that great in this jg I feel like since if you start machete you clear super fast regardless. I go mpen reds(barring one for a crit chance for the cheese), ap quints, ap yellows(which is inefficient as hell you should go scaling hp or something), then scaling cdr blues.

My other one which is even more autistic is 20 mpen and the rest AP
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Liss a shit
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Would you?
>carries can wipe teams in seconds and take towers
Everybody can fucking do that. Even supports can, now that people stopped playing Soraka and Thresh. The difference is, and the reason why carries are fucking garbage right now, is that tanks ALSO melt entire teams in seconds, while taking five times as much punishment to kill. The only "viable" carries in high level play right now are Jhin, Ashe, and Varus. Why? Because Ashe and Varus have hard CC on their ults, and Jhin has ultra long range CC on his W, on top of being simply too powercreeped numbers wise I personally think some other carries are actually as strong or stronger than they are, but pros are metasheep who refuse to innovate until somebody else does.
The "carries" can no longer carry, and have turned into support slaves. Towers are so paper thin that they fall over instantly, and you don't need a ranged character to take dragon or baron quickly.

If they REALLY wanted to fix carries? As in, actually fucking make them good again without relying on some stupid gimmick? Go down the list of every single carry and give them slight numbers buffs. +5 movespeed on some of them, maybe +30 HP here, or +2 AD, just a little something for all of them. See where they line up afterwards and then re-evaulate.
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Why do people still play Singed in 2017? Is it fun?
>Tumblr OC

The same reason they always played Singed:

To spam laugh, run around like a goon and win games while doing basically nothing.

>Rework lifesteal, it's now Endurance
>Endurance gives you bonus MR and AD based on total Attack damage
>Bloodthrister changed so the shield scales off of AD too
>Death's now the only item with flat lifesteal
>Blade now steals 4% of the targets HP.

they afk farm all game

the only fun they get is your enemy being just as bored as you are
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post top rows
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Would I let her kill me?
>ADCucks bitching about being shit, again

If S6 wasn't enough proof that these clowns will literally never be satisfied I don't know what else to tell you guys. Especially now with the lethality buffs bringing us right back to the armor pen stacking meta where Jhin (And Now Varus) are fucking supercancer
That comic makes zero sense, considering Lissandra became blind centuries before Sej and Ashe were even born
Playing Jungle is the most unenjoyable role to play in this game right now and I've been playing it for 5 years. You constantly have lanes bitching at you to do stuff for them even though you help another lane get ahead, a lane on your team loses and you loses all your camps and in general you just get blamed the most for everything it isn't fun anymore. Its the role I win the most on because of how dumb jungle is at the moment but holy fuck I just get tilted and pissed off after I gank a lane and cause someone to blow summoners or something and my laner still get solo killed a couple seconds after I leave. Fuck this shit role it just makes me tilt and play like shit when I hear nothing but constant ? pings when my dumbass bot lane dies to a fucking Vayne whose heal and flash I just blew. I'm just gonna be one of you waifu playing mid laners now.
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Just got a fresh 6 Fortunato too.
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im still waiting to find somebody as autistic as me

my only regret is that nunu's shitty face will always be there just because he was a 450 ip jungler
that sounds autistic as hell
did someone say nunu?
singed is a champion for autistic underage stoners
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You're a pretty cool guy. I like Aurelion Sol and thinking of having him as my final mastery 6 slot.
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wow nice GIRLY champions you GIRL
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his icon is hilarious thought, its great
He's probably a boy tho
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hey, at least i'm not your typical support gamer girl
Jhin arpen isn't quite widespread, at least not yet. In my personal experience mf is off the rails nuts. Every lethality item works nicely with her.
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wonder if ill ever get them all to lvl 7
no one knows, anon. i tried i play a couple games of him lately to see how he is and all i did was feed my ass off every time. it takes a special kind of autism to play him well.
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th-this isn't cute at all..
what do I do after hitting 1m mastery
You're still a slut tho
You are tho~
it's over now

you win
does this mean i beat league of legends
i can quit now right
hit 2m mastery
top 2 rows but cant be bothered to make a new one
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fuck my shit up
Holy shit I never realized how cancer my mastery levels are...
The only champions up here I currently play are Lee, Eve, Singed, and Cait.
I have Singed up there and Riven as 4 level because I wanted to tilt myself into oblivion trying to get mastery level 5 with, I hate riven with a passion but I found out singed is really fucking fun.
i got bored so I edited a vg tier list of my own opinions of the people who play

left a couple of them the same since I don't really know them that well

achieve the highest mastery score in all regions with them and then ask riot to do a request of yours in the lore

if its Ez or Talon make them bfs for me plz~
>dominate lane every single game playing fun champs
>team manages to feed le toxic enemy hyper carry 20 kills
>can't carry hard enough with my meme champ

I just want to win without playing cancer
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why is phantom dancer allowed to be good on anyone

damn the damage reduction was strong this game
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>ask riot to do a request of yours in the lore
he impregnates shyv

>if its Ez or Talon make them bfs for me plz~
I've been watching streams of QTpie and DL spamming that shit. It's fucking ridiculous. What makes it even worse than old Arpen builds is that they didn't give a fucking FREE Banshee's veil like EoN does
I like the J4 Shyv ship too, get that top mastery J5!
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play more legal legends.png
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At some point I will start playing this game far more regularly.

That point is not now.
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>1mil=lore request
Give Jinx and Jhin lore together make them hardcore rivals. I want to see them at each others throats with seething resentment.
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I was a support main for a while. Techinally still am. I do not fear, the support autofilll.
*highest mastery* mb nvm mind me off I go in embarrassment
Ill remember, and Ill bully you for it~
aren't there autists out there with like 450-500mil on some heroes since they've been grinding since the system came out

even trying to crack 1% of that autism would be a mountain desu
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I-I said plz no bully!
loving bully

I tease you cause I like you~
Full lethality Wukong is legit
Why do people end their sentences with ellipses?
Because autism.
can you viably play ivern outside of the jungle?
Don't macros cause bans? I heard Riot was retarded when it came to certain macros

some of the highest are 4 mils, hell our very own booty drum (lissfag) is number 3 in NA
maybe i got baited by clickbait youtube titles i never watched
4mil sounds low, does that site filter by plat+ or something? cause the autists that play the most are almost always silver
nope it posts top mastery levels for each champ and shows their server

4 mil is like 4000000 so that in bog bold letters seems like a shit ton on youtube vids
isn't he considered bad? i though almost every matchup goes against him and all the meta top laners are supposed to absolutely destroy him every time.
>about to win game
>suddenly 2 teammates start lagging
>lose game cause someone got disconnected right in the middle of a teamfight

League is so rigged.
quit lying you avarosan whore!
in Spanish and Portugese thousand is 'mil' so you probably got baited by a South American monkey with 400k or something
I have 1mil mastery on Altogether
Say what you want about my particular breed of autism but Im proud

>118 champions 3 04 1,000,490
> a single minion can still trap you against terrain

why is this still allowed?
>riot tries to fix arpen
>makes it worse
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that must be it
As far as OTP's go, he may not be the absolute best GP out there, but he's good enough to have finished challenger/masters in the past 2 seasons.

He's also easily the most popular streamer for GP, which matters way more than being the best in regards to getting people interested in picking him up.

It's like riven, ask any riven OTP about why they first decided to play her and I guarantee 99% of them will say they saw boxbox play her and thought she looked fun, but he's not the best riven player out there
97 champions 2,128,071 total

I am a one trick so 676,860 of that comes from a single champ
>Riddler is mastery 5 with T H R E E champions
>Rank 6 with 0.

Damn dude I ...
H-Hey lolg I'm new to league can someone m-maybe play with me I'm nervous
He's not talking about tobias, he's talking about GP

Also why the fuck does Tobias build morello on karthus, I need to know
only if you post buttpics
yeah cutie post that ign

also gibe those buttpics too
He said he doesn't like to wait 60 minutes to be useful and prefers the mid-game powerspike
minions need to earn their gold somehow
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>Use red plant (or whatever is called) to jump to krugs
>Land badly and the krugs will stomp you against the wall until you kill them

Why is this shit not fixed
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I can
I suck but I can explain stuff if you want
Also I don't get frustrated very easily

IGN is Glitchkun, I'm on NA
>not even number 1 in NA
Lissandra will never be his
isn't *GP* considered bad? i though almost every matchup goes against him and all the meta top laners are supposed to absolutely destroy him every time.
fixed it.
thx senpai
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Alright /lolg/, post
>Favorite tank
>Favorite bruiser
>Favorite assassin
>Favorite mage
>Favorite healslut
>Favorite assassin bait that autoattacks
Conduct your surveys somewhere else riot
Every time I see J4 I wonder at the possibilities for a Fire Emblem type game with Legal Legends.
support is so fucking boring i usually pick blitz or janna
Three situations:

Janna uses Eye of the Storm (E) on Caitlyn; Cait channels her ult, but the shield degenerates before she fires.
Caitlyn channels her ult; Janna has her shield on her, which fades after she fires but before the bullet connects.
Caitlyn channels and fires her ult successfully. Immediately after launching it/before it connects, Janna uses Eye of the Storm on her.

Which one does the most damage
>tfw rito approved his proposal to liss anyway

so shameful that he isnt even fully dedicated enough to get #1 in NA, let alone the whole fuckin world
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>>Favorite tank
>>Favorite bruiser
Darius if he counts
>>Favorite assassin
>>Favorite mage
>>Favorite healslut
>>Favorite assassin bait that autoattacks
Oh, yeah he gets fucked by a lot of top laners, especially early kill ones like renekton or riven. He just wants to survive lane and get whatever farm he can while looking for kills/assists with his ult.
Hentai tentacle monster
Blonde Ariel
Midna with an automatic cannon
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>Favorite tank
Jarvan IV
>Favorite bruiser
Jarvan IV
>Favorite assassin
Jarvan IV
>Favorite mage
Jarvan IV
>Favorite healslut
>Favorite assassin bait that autoattacks
where shield is on her when bullet lands
Malphite although Maokai is slowly taking his place
If you mean support Taric
>Dont play tanks at all but favorite to have on my team is Nautilus
>Twisted Fate
>Dont play support, probably Miss Fortune
what the fuck
why do you have to make it so complicated?

the damage of the ult depends on Cait's current attack damage when the ult hits the enemy
Last one
>ywn be good enough to duo with lolgs jarman main

feels bad man, Ive been a fan of yours for a while
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If you wanna play Taric and don't like his retarded base look, your skin choices are pink, green, and black reskins of his default look?

Does ANYONE have it worse for skins?
>pool party
I use Pool Party though.
>Implying any of those skins or his base are bad
Shit taste famalamadingdong
What's wrong with his base look?
Do pure AP jarvan (no lichbane, gunblade, nashors)
he looks like a damn homosexual
thats because he is dipshit
Posts like this in the year 2017
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>pink skin doesn't have the cape

Literally the ONLY reason I dont use it, PP is good though
you know you're playing taric, right?
isn't that the point?
im blushing, anon

B-but how will I scale?
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lolg first one with last number 9 picks my name
He has Baywatch David Hasselhoff skin, which is pretty funny.

>Does ANYONE have it worse for skins?

Zac's skins are literally just recolors with some slightly different particle effects.

All of Vel'Koz's skins look like shit.

Akali, Twitch and Talon have a lot of outdated or trash/low budget skins.

Yorick still only has two, one of which looks bad after his rework.

There's probably a handful of other champs that i'm forgetting.
what's you ign now?
Saracen Dan
my name got reported because i changed my name to my friends name and he reported me
Rito Jewed Me
J4 was one of my fav champs when I started playing but I cant play him for shit so when I started coming here and noticed how much you play him I became a fan

youre the coolest bro!
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>arclight vel'koz looks like shit
Why aren't there any THICC League girls?
what a faggot
camille and illaoi exist
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making it mushymonster (no space) like you want

literally annie

Nothing. She's an inferior Nautilus on every level.

In general you're messing up by playing tank supports. Play a mage instead.
One added me, played a bot game with me then went offline forever. I'm still mad
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what support(s) should i be learning for very low elo solo queue? im going to try stopping bot games and support since it seems less stressful im not a playmaker and really passive all game long if that helps
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>watchin lolvids at my college all day
>see them bitch about lethality
>laugh because I knew it was gonna be sweet for me
>get home
>first queue of the day
>enemy team bans Talon
>next queue
>hover Talon top
>mid laner picks him

REEEEEEEEEEEE stop picking him!
>im not a playmaker and really passive all game long if that helps
Janna. Literally all you do is shield your ADC and ult if people get too close
if you are passive play adc you literally dont do shit ever. If you are shit though you gonna lose every game that lasts longer than 40 mins.
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If you want to play passively there's janna and soraka

Yeah... anon...
Janna is the premier "i want to watch other people play league of legends" support
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new year new you anon
go learn some fucking top lane and play some big guys like naut and j4 and trundle and sion
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Just play Nautilus, he's the better tank support and actually can go top as well.

Leona is literally useless in lane if they have Janna, and Zyra/Malzahar/Brand/Vel'koz "support" fuck her hard as well
>rito desperately wanting more people to play support
>ok, here's some nice support picks, which are arguably just mages but provide a decent power level so players can at least have some impact on the game outcome
>lulno, those are too strong guys, back to shieldspamming
let's be honest, support is pretty shit if you aren't able to have a significant impact on the game
now you could argue that you shouldn't play support in that case anyway, but not sure if that's what Rito wants to achieve
>Someone calls position
>Someone else calls the same position
>They then say they were first
>Chat history is a thing
Are people actually retarded?
Would Irelia ever date Yasuo?
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FYI, today was Jhin's 1st birthday!

Happy Birthday, Jhin!
Azir should be SS tier those are huge
You can play malzahar support and be a passive-aggressive cancer.
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2-2=4 ???
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What mastery does Taric use? CoC, Windspeaker's, or BoS? I think Windspeaker's is his best, but I'm not sure.
On another note, I've never seen BoS once ever since CoC was introduced. Is BoS just bad now or what?
you motherfucker mushymonster is taken in NA ill take number 1-5 for next try
BoS has always been bad, it just happened to be the one mastery tank supports could take that wouldn't be completely worthless on them. Anyone who went BoS could also proc CoC which is actually a good mastery
Why is Cassiopeia being picked so much in the LCK?

Is she S tier now?
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okay ill give janna a try.... she sounds like a low skill champ that i can use to learn the do and do not of support

sorry i cant im still dealing with severe anxiety and stuff like that would make me afk and have a panic attack. it sounds dumb to a someone without it maybe but its a serious problem i have in online games and in life
that is too long only 16 characters max
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/vg/ vs. /vg/ up on NA
password is vidya
all ranks, levels, etc are welcome
join for a good time
4 slots
add 4 free skin
You're super cute. Godspeed anon
how does a "pro player" like doublelift get solo'd by a single zyra plant? he could've just walked away from it but he stood there autoing as it ticked him down to 0 over multiple hits.
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7 names my new acc. Make it either league lewd or dumb, I don't care

Otherwise I'll use Camille Thighjob
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I can disenchant Ekko (owned) Taric and Jax, and craft a champ, is it time to hunt those who have fallen to darkness?
its full?
nice try 1-5
With the nerfs to Yasuo's E, has anyone tried using a bit of AP on Runes and Masteries to compensate the loss of damage? It's a higher ratio than the new AD one.
Huhu! What's in it for meeee?
>Not just rerolling them
It's like you don't like clenching your anus hoping not to get whatever shitty champion you never want
>riot addresses that junglers have too much impace
>but not that a level 1/2 cheese completely invalidates one jungler
Kog's The Cutest
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I was under the impression that's low EV when you don't own all of the <4800 IP champs
All bets on bot
>watching jin air vs SKT
>a whole 15 minutes of nothing happening
>adcs have 1-2 kills in a 45 minute game while having more assists than the supports

no ' symbol allowed should i just do it Kogs The Cutest? i dont even play or own kogmaw
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Better get on buying him then
Can I be your friend?
fuck that ill change my name to that though but i cant use ' so is it fine without it ?
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don't disappoint me :3!
So, anyone suspect the next legendary skin release will go to either Viktor, Yorick or Casseopeia? The last several skins went to Thresh (a support,) Ashe & Jinx (ADCs) and Sion (a top laner) so the next one being a mid laner sounds extremely plausible. Even moreso when you consider the fact that the last true legendary skin for a mage was Final Boss Veigar.

It just seems likely imo, since 2 of those champions are meta - yet also kind of dated and haven't received a skin in ages. They have a ton of potential going on with their designs and kits as well.

Meanwhile, it's not happening to Malzahar or Zyra becuase they just received big nerfs.
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Of course, spread the word
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Be Miss Fortune Support
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ty anon y-you too

sure ty!! but i warn you im very bad at league and get afriad kinda easy ;c
these teams arent even close to balanced wtf is wrong with u people

anyone who doesnt say top has never played a vg game
tfw i have the account Lu Bu on oce and i only play wk j4
im not good enough at position or decision making to play a support like that sorry.. maybe one day though right?
why are there so many faggots on this general?
why not "The Cutest Kog" instead and be a kog otp?
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I *HAVE* but that doesnt mean you SHOULD
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Ok done add me if you want
Jokes on you anon, I'm a femanon.

>inb4 tranny or girl(male)

>at position or decision making to play a support like that
Can you hit a champion with Make it rain?
Use it

Can you hit more than one champion with Bullet Time, or is someone in range, without a shield available, being attacked by an ally?
Press R
is someone stunned?
Press E + R
congratulations you can carry!
Now buy a Eye of the Watchers and drop wards and carry your shitty top laners
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Keep choking anon, it pleases the goat.
No girl in this game is worth waifuing.

They all suck.

>3 of these suck, 2 of them are okay-ish and 1 is really fucking good
Kind of agree with most of that desu. A lot of them look great and have good designs, but not a lot of personality or character to back them up.
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Zed with a bow.png
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Fuck why is this allowed anons?
I don't play this game very much, but I just wanted to be your friend if that's okay! What's your name? I hope NA too!
i'm 2/2 in my promos out of bronze, and our jungler just picked riven into a vi and our support picked lux

how fucked am i?
no to all of those questions :(
Picks don't matter, anything is possible, my friend!
someone else got it already my new name is Kogs The Cutest
>tfw you cant do anything to the guy that causes you to lose your series

feels bad man
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>don't play much mid
>pick up vel'koz to try out
>100-0 niggers with just my ult at shit out damage at all stages of the game from 1000000 yards away



im trying to play it more often and yeah im on NA my ign is pornstahrii (unless you meant my actual name) c:
wow the first list that doesnt jusr exclusively talk shit about me in 3 different peoples descriptions!!

too bad most people will just open it see the same format as the last list and close it
no im saying thats the literal flowchart for playing a game.

Is something in range of your DoT spells?
If yes, then fucking use them immediately, and constantly.
if no, then run the fuck away. Once you get good you can do neat tricks like Using Q on the back minion, stealing a CS but also wiping half the ADCs health bar
Using Guns Blazing (W active) and then autoing a minion in between turret auto, drastically amplifying your damage
When did Varus become a thing again?

This guy was in the trashcan with Kalista and Tristana just a few months ago.

finally proof that elo hell is real and riot is a bunch of money grubbing riggers that's the man keeping you down!!!1
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>trying to unfuck riot's messup

this is hard
Passive now scales with other bonus attack speed, plus the Zyra/Ashe and Ziggs/Malzahar lane combos.
sup bbygirl u single n' qt?
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ty for the suggestion anon i really appreciate it but she isn't my kind of character to play i dont have the confidence to be able to play her comfortably i wanted a passive support with a low skill floor so that it could make up for my lack of skills :(
why arent they balanced? ive never been in a vg
mf is a passive support with a low skill floor that's the whole point. just press e whenever it's down.

>barrier tp

i'd search your summoner name but i already know you're silver 4
what is the meanest thing youve ever said to someone on league, the guy that cost me my series just added me to apologize
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results, anivia afk...
whatever forget it i've moved on

mint is a real jerk isn't she
Nothing I don't talk to these faggots
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You better stop this self loathing before I kill your whole family.
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another /vg/ vs. /vg/ is up on NA
password is vidya
all ranks, levels, and /vg/ newcomers are welcome
join up, 6 slots.


t.michael j fox
Just enough AP to cover some of the damage nerfed from E, not going full AP.
wait for me pls
pls no bully

can i join if i'm unironically bronze 3 and a very autistic mord one trick with 450k mastery
>entire team seems to think my cc ult is a disengage
>they fucking walk away from any fight if I ult more than two people
>even if it was an easy double kill
>they complain when I stop using my ult
It was a Co-op v AI game and Im actually Bronze 4

but Im unranked at the moment as I havent finished my placements. Currently 4:3 with no desire to play the remaining matches lest i go 4:7 and land Bronze V again. I do *deserve* Silver 4 or a bit higher, I just dont have the motivation or energy to grind rank
>unironically bronze 3
>morde main

Holy fucking autism. Does this nigger actually believe Riot would go through the meticulous effort of rigging matchmaking based on your purchase history? How would you even be able to do that with any level of consistency? How fucking stupid can you be?

>m-muh statistics
What do I gain by entering?
Not really self loathing
He knows his weaknesses and takes steps to make up for it
He's just taking it slow until he slowly improves and can move to better things
It's pretty endearing actaully
sorry i don't follow all the lolg personalities closely. does she have a feminine penis?
That's no excuse for being a dick sucking faggot.
>all are welcome
tell me more about your silver games
rotate whenever

>all this stat autism

Yeah, there's a sweet spot in the silver elo where games feel like a cointoss but that doesn't mean you can't climb out of silver in a fifty games max if you're invested in league and you actually know what you're doing.
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>soraka mid on ranked
really makes you think
30 posts and 20 images early
Personally I think it's a girl posting based on the posting style. Could be wrong though.
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>and black cleaver
>silver shitter complaining that he can't climb
this shit writes itself
would you rather have a lulu edition?
Could be, could not be. I've been here long enough to assume the latter
desu i like lulu (and all the yordlefied (so not corki or heimer) yordles in general) but i disapprove of lulufag and would rather not be lumped in with the likes of him
the OP literally doesn't matter desu
I'd rather have a thread that's past post limit so it doesn't fuck up the tracker and catalogue
wait wait wait..
why am i getting matched against diamonds when i'm level 20? everyone else was also around level 20?

If they're queued up with some low levels themselves, you get weird shit like that
>snow day, aka his only good skin
>they take thunderlords, and flash ult the carries in teamfights
>you are an anti initiator, not an initiator. In teamfights, save your ult for when an assassin tries to jump your backline. Also, finish Rylai first if you're ahead in lane.
matchmaking just sucks dick before level 30. they're probably grouped up with one of their friends on a new account and the matchmaker simply doesn't know what to do.
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I don't know why I play singed and main him
I have a 62% win rate with him and seem to feel most comfortable playing him than any other champion. His win rate tanked 5% since 6.22 down to 48% and yet I'm still finding myself to be having tons of fun.
I think I like how singed can have one of the most varied build paths in the game. Singed is the only champion that benefits enough to buy three dark seals and corrupting pot to have insane in-fight sustain.
awesome stuff.. had a great game

>samefagging this hard for attention

This is why nobody likes the lolg inner circle
>Favorite tank
>Favorite bruiser
>Favorite assassin
>Favorite mage
>Favorite healslut
Why would I want to play a shitty support
>Favorite assassin bait that autoattacks
I have no idea what you are talking about or why
whatever nerd I have class in 10 mins anyway
is gun nigger good again now that lethality got buffed?
i dont recall seeing hmnid give anyone shit but i haven't seen him in vgs in months either

>pshhht nothing personnel t.tripfag

go away
>Favorite tank
>Favorite bruiser
>Favorite assassin
>Favorite mage
>Favorite healslut
>Favorite assassin bait that autoattacks
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how do I macro something?
I wanted to Kayle laugh whenever I hit the Q (is funny cause it's fucking point and click and slows you so if i'm feed you know you're gonna die and Kayle would be luaghting the whole time I'm not the gurofag but he came to my mind when I was typing this, trippy
Wait wtf there's another mint?

This entire time I thought people were referring to me, god damn

t. mintegral
its kyung
Your run on sentence triggered me.
bump limit
Why you always lying
Sorry, english is just my 2nd language
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diaper beam lol
>Are people actually retarded?
in blind, yes.
Cuckerino HAHA
Thread posts: 761
Thread images: 235

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