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/ddg/ - Dragon's Dogma General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 764
Thread images: 225

Savan front and center Edition

>Tips for new players
You can change vocations at level 10 at the Gran Soren inn or BBI.
Character appearance can be changed later on.
Don’t miss your sidequests: http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Side_Quest_Progression
Further info on "Must Do" sidequests: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qS9A47duONEwozGu8A6_oX_HyCxgBwbquGmlZqEQqqg/edit?usp=sharing
Understanding the romance system: http://dragonsdogma.wikia.com/wiki/Beloved
Hard Mode doesn't change enemy AI, it adds higher Stagger/ Knockdown resistances and increases Stamina consumption and Health damage recieved. More info about it in the wiki. Recommended for NG+

>Wiki you lazy shit


>/ddg/ Pawn Sheet

>Stat Growths

>RC Calculator

>In-depth Beginner/Advanced Player Guide and FAQ

>Character Creator Sliders

>Mods available

>Hotkey Script for PC Players

>Modding on console and old pawns

>Guide to get DDO

>DDO Beginners Guide

>Screenshot Guide

>Make webms

>[un]official Steam group

Previous thread >>165848581
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post ur pawns
I switched back to Normal mode, but the game feels so empty without that looming threat of 1 hit kills...
Just wear shit armor in the lategame
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I hate these things. I fucking hate em.
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Just use staff normal attack, they die in few hits
HFB is actually subpar compared to the regular attack
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All given for this, a neverending riddle.
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>Complete Bitterblack Isle 2.0
>Complete Offline NG+
>Playing as Seneschal, wandering around Cassardis, shellshocked because I (my main pawn from my first playthrough) just had to kill my former arisen master
>See beloved walking through Cassardis
>Can't even talk to her because seneschal
>Later on hear this song
This is hitting me waaaay harder than it should be, but goddamn.


>I took a little journey to the unknown,
>And I come back changed. I can feel it in my bones.
>I fucked with forces that our eyes can't see.
>Now the darkness got a hold on me.
>Oh, the darkness got a hold on me.

>How long, baby, have I been away?
>Oh, it feels like ages though you say it's only days.
>There ain't language for the things I've seen.
>And the truth is stranger than my own worst dreams.
>The truth is stranger than all my dreams.
>Oh, the darkness got a hold on me.

Matt Damon was right, the Eternal Ring holds nothing but pain
Did you try to arc of atonement their shit when they possesss someone? If you are plaing no magic shit run you should have already some warrior ranks.
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Throwblasts. When possessing, throwblasts' one shot them. Even if they are possessing you.
I'm struggling to find a roll for my pawn that doesn't feel redundant.
Are mages of any worth in BBI?
Posting an updated version of the ddg pawn list based on previous thread’s replies.

Here's how the list works...

If you want your pawn listed:
>Reply to this thread
>Do NOT have Guardian/Nexus inclinations

To use this list:
>Vocation, Gender, and Level have been listed for filtering convenience
>If a pawn has "+" after their level, it means they may be a higher level than listed
>If you have trouble finding a pawn, check replies to see if they have an update
>If a pawn has "^" at the end of their entry, it means they were just updated

If I have made a mistake or wish to update your pawn's info:
>Reply to the thread with the relevant info for all to see
>I will correct the list as needed upon the next repost
>If you want your pawn unlisted for any reason, reply to the thread with that request

Remember that often you need to reload the search list in the rift a couple of times to find a pawn.
Terra L36+ Female
Kiryu L40 Male
Sheeba L43+ Female
Matau L48+ Male
Lucky L51+ Female
Von Asswhoop L62+ Male
Delphin L90+ Female
Wolfgang L86+ Male
Red Vardo L96+ Male^
Gilda L101+ Female
Christine L110+ Female
Flavius L138+ Male
Sir Stanley L192+ Male
Goliath L178+ Male^
Halkor L200 Male

Erika L34+ Female
Wave L41+ Female^
Barbara L57+ Female
Lady L41 Female
Azorya L103+ Female
Dorna L200 Female

Visenya L17+ Female^
Altman L43+ Male
Aria L47+ Female ^
Andalt L102+ Male
Kabuki L101 Female
Izalia L103+ Female^
Ritz L160+ Female
Izanami L193+ Female
Sahmed L200 Male
Wild Rose L200 Female

Catherine L28 Female ^
Kalashnikov L46+ Male
Cereza L60 Female
Abel L69+ Male
Sadia L116 Female
Mylo L120 Male
Basilius L153+ Male
Shirley 193+ Female^
Lady L200 Female

Karin L13 Female^
Lucette L36+ Female
Faith L103+ Female
Nathaliegos L138+ Female

Johanna L33+ Female
Rheya L40+ Female ^
Nerodamus L60 Male
Hannah L70+ Female
Serena L131+ Female ^
Ana L79+ Female
Alma L104+ Female
Kendra L178+ Female
Ahr L145+ Female
Hatshepsut L188+ Female
Galak L200 Male
Lennox L200 Male
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This probably won't end well.
Um, no, I'm sure a shitty potent greenwarish won't be enough in any case.
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Mages are more of a convenience than anything else in BBI.

Their main unique abilities are healing and debuff removal, both of which can be achieved with curatives, but curatives weigh a bunch.

Mages for comfy, Sorcerers for serious business.
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Forgot the pic.
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So who was this guy?
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I told myself I wasn't gonna end up in trophy set again, but here we are. That boob window is just too hard to resist.

Also here's Decimus, my pawn. Level 150 Fighter if you need a meat shield. Still haven't gotten jack shit from BBI for him though.
Both looks great.
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looks good man, I"ll give him a run when I get the chance.
the ghost arisen guy who sexed his pawn
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>Still haven't gotten jack shit from BBI for him
> Level 150

That's a lot of levels for a character who haven't got BBI gears, that should compensate for the lack of better equipment.
hasn't* got

Andalt, this fucker

Is a 124 strider now, plateau exp and a brief break stopped from leveling, which is a nice change
Yeah, I went to 105 or something in the everfall with weal on and then went to BBI, then did the entirety of 2.0 with Weal on for most of the kills.

that's basically ~50 levels just from 2 BBI runs. Best thing I got was a magick bowman band with sixfold and gleam boost on it, I'm mad there isn't a third level for Ricochet though

Speaking of Gleam, would Explosive Volley be a better choice for Death hunting? I know Gleam can sucker-punch Death if he hasn't seen you and potentially brine him when he shows up at Fortress of Remembrance's bridge but would rivets be better for general use?
>none of the stuff that looks good on my pawn has sleep resist
Make it stop. ;_;
Use master rings
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Add my pawn. It's a scather/mitigator

Eolyn 155 Female
Nice. What is her name/lvl?
Easier said than done, still trudging through BBI 1.0. I guess that's something to look forward to at least.
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>Restless Earring
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Lvl 200 Hilde
She is not a ranger anymore though, changed her to Fighter
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I can't tell what that image is supposed to convey. Are you saying 60% is good or bad? Worst case scenario you can use 2 of them if you reeaaaaally want that particular fashion.
New player here. Can someone give me an in-depth guide on how to successfully fly into free?
>fly into free

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Artificial Fun.webm
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Old timer here, for Flying Into Free please refer to webm related:
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Horror and disgust in equal measure. 60% isn't nearly enough and equipping two isn't an option.
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I finally found a CE table with free cam.
It was very easy to find in retrospect.
-Go blind
-Don't care about min-maxing
-Fashion is more important than stats.
-Try every vocations.
-When an npc warns you about another character, listen to him...
-Don't pay attention to mods for now
-Post pawn, screen shots and stories
-Have fun
Have some tips, you will understand what I'm saying later while you play the game:

-Try to avoid Guardian / nexus inclinations on your pawn. In the encapment an old man sells potions that change inclinations.
-test the vocations, see by yourself which ones you like or dislike, without worrying about minmaxing.
- "lost and found" is an important secondary quest and can't be done after finishing the first everfall quest. In general, the end of a "stage" of the story means that you can't do some secondary quests anymore, so check the quests page of wiki.
-play on normal, hard mode is a huge embarrassing mess.
-if you will feel overlevelled / that the game is too easy there a mod that can slow the levelling and so limit the stats growth, check the second pastebin about mods in the OP.
How does it work?
Num 0 activates it.
Num 4, 5, 6 and 8 controlls the camera (Num 9 and 3 controlls the elevation).
You can change "fly speed" to something more precise by editing its default value (25).
>I finally found a CE table with free cam.

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Here you go anon, i'm afraid this is the best I can do for you. Here's everything that has at least 40% sleep res when goldforged. If you can't slap on a 60% sleep ring and make decent fashion with even just one (1) of these equipment pieces, well then i'm afraid you're just fucked.

Just carry some peppermint seeds if it triggers you that much
Thanks man, I'll try it.
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It's literally the second result when searching "Dragon's dogma free cam".
>a CE table

That means you need to install Cheat Engine before the camera mod, right?
Yes. CE is required in order to run CE tables.
Run the table, select DDDA process (computer icon in the top left corner) and you're done.
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T-thanks, cos. By the looks of it, I'm gonna need that grace sooner rather than later. Merc slogs might work too.
And it's not that it's triggering me, I just don't want others to be triggered by it. Have some best tits for your trouble.
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No problem friend, have fun fashion-ing.

I also just realized that list is still incomplete too, since Hinterland waistguard gives exactly 40% when goldforged but it's not listed there on the wiki.

Sorry if I got a bit antagonistic, but you insulted my ring-fu
Alright, thank you.
>Horror and disgust

Dude, what the hell, most gears give you less than 20%.
Didn't mean to insult it - the earring is amazing, just still not enough. Fashion is a cruel, demanding mistress.


Horror and disgust was a bit of an exaggeration.
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5 stars.
Exudes hate and disdain for hoomins.
You took that with the free camera mod, right?
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I did.
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warrior Lady is 45.
Is it normal that I feel the urge to kill myself while trying to 3 star Gransys?
Anyone with EnVision ENB? I installed it and it looks great but after a while there's a weird line that forms at the bottom of the screen that makes everything overly bloomed when close to it.
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DDDA 2017-01-21 11-58-49-83.png
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Pic, is there any settings I should change or anything?

Red Vardo L100+ Female
Another day, another missed grace.
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>wake up
>see this
Just beaten True Daimon for first time, as a Warrior too.Felt lame, might as well been playing Strider or Assassin during the chest part
Unless someone made a pawn named Hannah again, she is dead and gone. Did a fresh start many days ago
The level was more or less that, wasn't it?
Around that yes
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So should i do bitterblack isle before i enter the post-game state?
The problem is that it shares num 8,5,2 with dinput8, if you have both mods clicking them activates both commands.
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The newest Murenase! Shiiton Gakuen and it made me want to slaughter wolves. What's the best place for killing wolves other than the path leading to the Witchwood from the Encampment?

I'd spend a long night with her and come if you know what I mean.
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>long night is come
>same length as every other night
Elysion should have been my kill
>Play DDDA for a while 6-7 months ago
>Quit for a long while
>Start playing again for the last 3 months
>Quit for 2 weeks again
>Get on today
>Feel like actually playing again

They really weren't kidding about this eternal cycle. DDDA has spoiled me from enjoying other games, I really don't care for anything coming this year unless it's DD2 being confirmed.
Northest area of the map, that area had a lot of white wolves.
>DD2 has to compete with DMC5
Shit world we live in
Sure, why not? You want to reach post-game before finishing BBI though, obviously.
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She gets busy with her friend often
They train together, you know... ;)
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FRAPS takes screenshot but doesn't take video and doesn't show the fps. What I'm doing wrong?
>What I'm doing wrong?
Well, you're using fraps.
Ok, give me an alternative then.
Strider best vocation.
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She's a Sorcerer
Which one do you like more?
Which one will get me more hires?
they're both shit
they're both good
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The one on the right is better. Looks like something out of Soul Sacrifice.
shadowplay or OBS
Both, I love pawns in red.
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Took Kiryu into the Watergod's Altar quest. He's doing very well so far, Aids the party often

Pic related, hes holding the ogres attention pretty well.
Switch out the ugly Lv.3 cape for the scarlet cape.
Then get a Delta Guard and Gleaming Bangles.
Rebind dinput then like I did.
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Left by far, but find something for the wrists/arms.
Fuck, I meant right.
Okay so I reinstalled and realized something terrible: the main menu theme switched from "into free" to something considerably less pleasant. I recall a mod that fixed it but it seems to have disappeared. Anyone know of a decent repacement?

>Rebind dinput

Oh, I didn't know you could do that, or at least F11 doesn't show rebinding options.
Rebinding has to be done through dinput8.ini
>a class named Assassin can wield a shield
This shit still triggers me
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Holy fucing sacred and sanctified shit, a third Cindy!
Mr Anderson
Is there a guide I can use to recreate Mercedes and have her as my pawn?
There is a Mercedes face in the sliders sheet, and you can get all her armour/weapons.

But you will be missing the best part

Her voice

Okay, real talk. What happens if you hire all three of them? Does her owner get triple RC?

Thanks so much

Yeah I'll miss her voice
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You guys remember when male pawns not getting hired was a meme?
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is my arisen too naked?
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46 now.
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Fuck, I can also send Cindy the Third away and resummon her exactly as if CindyX2 weren't already in my party, this shit is crazy. And, unsurprisely, their stats and knowledge are entirely identical.
This pic perfectly expresses how I'm feeling. If it's a glitch, it's the sexiest glitch ever.

Man, don't make me imagine that, my limbic system would explode.

>What happens if you hire all three of them?

I can't, can I? Your main pawn must be in your party, as far as I know. Cindy the First and Cindy the Second were already in my party.
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>Your main pawn must be in your party

I meant that you can't replace your main pawn with one from the rift, as far as I know.
Of course you can brine it.
>I meant that you can't replace your main pawn with one from the rift, as far as I know.
O-oh, didn't think about that.
But the question still stands - what happens if you hire the same pawn twice? Double RC?
How did this happen?
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>But the question still stands - what happens if you hire the same pawn twice? Double RC?

Probably, in the sense that my username will appear in his renter list two times with the same amount of RC, I guess.

No idea. Yesterday when I entered the rift Cindy the First was already there as usual, she's usually in the first group of pawns I met right after entering the rift. After some dicking around, Cindy the second showed up, I don't even know the exact moment she appeared, but I'm sure she wasn't there from the beginning. Then I hired both. This morning I entered the rift and there was nothing unsual. Some minutes ago I entered the rift again and Cindy the Third was already there without me doing anything at all.

>inb4 tomorrow a 4th Cindy will show up. I would like it
well, I have 24 kept large fish (took a while to collec) and Arsmith (the bar keep) won't open the window to accept them. I've tried setting it as active quest and reloading to no avail... bugged?
Does every single vendor get different items when maxing out their affinity or only a couple of them? Masterworks and Madeleine at least do, anybody else worth mentioning?
Ugh nevermind, he wants giant fish not large ones. I skimmed through the quest desc
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I know that Jayce and Reynald get new things too
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Yes, the mechants in the greatwall and devilfire are worth affinity maxing.
The guy at the Greatwall and Aestella do too.
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I think I found something, when I open the search function of the rift, Cindy's name is already in list of the pawns to summon, it's already there without me selecting her, and there is also a padlock near her name. But the funny thing is that I didn't do anything, it was already there and it's there when I open every kind of rift searching function.
It's nice knowing that someone else made that mistake.
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Man, I love how Kalashnikov looks, he will probably be the first male pawn I hire.
well today I learned sumnthin
looking good
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I just dragonforged him a pair of royal cuisess.
Red suits him.
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>praises of the quiet life are sung far too infrequent

why didn't you just settle down and live merrily with Queena, cos
Id rather kill things.
Quina is boring desu.
Why are Nexus and Guardian unwanted?
Can I murder that clown fucker who put this stupid hat on me?

Why can't I take it off.

This is bullshit. I am the arisen you fags.
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Long story short, it makes them stand around and has broken / borderline-useless AI in every situation.

It makes them into derps. Very easy to accidently do if you call for help or ask them to come often. Easy way to get your 3 inclinations, get 15 potions of the main one you want, 10 of the secondary, and 10 of the hidden. chug hidden -> secondary -> main potions.

That will lock you in for a while.
also it fucks up casters pretty bad
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Is your pawn stronger than you, Arisen?

Thanks. I need to do some managing it seems.

>That will lock you in for a while.
The elixirs don't have permanent effects?
alright what the fuck i talked to aelinoire and she now wants me to cuck her husbands. Am I going to have to throw some pots at her now? I wanted selene....
I liked how the King just made a mild joke about it. He seems like a chill dude.

you can give it to his wife in the garden
I did that and now she loves me. (bells chime when I talk to her.) I never asked for this.
>The elixirs don't have permanent effects?

No they do not. Nothing does, not even the chair. The tables are floating. You'll have to chug more potions every now and then to keep what you want.
Ayylinore is for bullying, so yes, eventually you'll have to. Pretty sure you don't max our her affinity in the garden though.

>goat looks offended as usual
>Julien is unimpressed
>the Duke just goes with it
Everything about that scene is great.
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There isn't her name in search function now, I'm an idiot, probably I just unintentionally toggled her while I was checking if her stats were the same as the ones of her clones. Oh well, then I don't know what's going on, there is no sign of something that keeps causing a glitch.
Dunno, maybe that player made 3 completely identical pawns through the family share, and the game keep sending them to my rift because they get selected by the name or something.
>(bells chime when I talk to her.)

That high affinity, not love. Shitting pink light is love/max affinity.
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Yeah I got the chime for her too, I was surprised you can romance the Duke's wife out of all people. I just wanted to see if I could get extra items or learn new info since she's an important character.

She has has more physical strength but I beat her in speed and stamina I suppose.
How do I avoid my pawns dying to Death?
spam them to come to you when he starts either of his animations, and carry peppermint seeds
Brine them.
does everyone use scalding daggers?
My bad. You're right. Shes bells but not pink yet. I can do her quests then bully her and still get selene as my beloved given I take up witch hunt, yes?
One more question, does Death health reset after beating Daimon or leaving BBi?
>shitting pink

Oh my that, cannot be healthy.
Yes and no, just doing witch hunt isn't enough to make selene shit pink light, or at least it wasn't enough for me. To raise max her affinity you need to talk to her a lot and give her some gifts. Every gift makes the affinity higher but every character also has a favuorite gift.
It's better doing the gift thing after the witch hunt quest, for a reason that will be obvious after you will finish that quest.
Can Symone end up as your beloved? Does it look as awkward as I think?
Thanks for with-holding spoilers. appreciated

I think anyone can end up as your beloved but I havent tried it personally
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It could be worse. Or better? I don't know what your taste is

>I think anyone can end up as your beloved
There are a few exceptions, like the duke and the dragonforged. Might be more that I don't know about.
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y tho.
How do you deal with stuff like Living Armor and the ghosts in Bitterblack? Weapon enchantments don't do shit, Sorcerer pawns are too stupid to use the right spells, and I don't want to play a magic class outside of maybe Mystic Knight, and even then I'm not sure about it.
Arc of Obliteration or Act of Vengeance as a Warrior.Idk other melee class as I havent played them.
Maybe try stocking on the tomes that invoke magic?
I'm mostly thinking of one of the final cutscenes.

I'd imagine it would look hilarious if your arisen is tall+bulky and either one of those 2 jumped on you.
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fucking lanterns, swear to god, so sick of this shit.
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For living armor you can knock them over ledges with skills like arc or mighty bend, though you won't get their drops like that. Goldforged level2 elemental weapons or ur dragon weapons are enough to kill their ghost form, though it will be a bit slow. Elemental weapons are way too slow for wraith killing, so either wait for them to possess someone or run past them.
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Resetting the world resets death, beating daimon or leaving the isle does not
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Dim lanterns make for some pretty neat lighting.
Attack is Strength right?
>Got the game from the Humble Bundle shop.
Holy shit, where was this my entire life?
in the store apparently
I don't know of any elemental weapons. Aren't there only a few?
Attack in number, Arisen.
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42 Total elemental weapons, of which 10 are staves/ archistaves

When you purify level 2 weapons there is usually a regular and an elemental version available in the list. Ur-dragon weapons are all holy element. The main game has various elemental weapons but they tend to be on the weaker side compared to the previously mentioned.
Serena 147
Really need Bestiary knowledge, pls help.
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>expect nothing from silver-forging this beauty
>with Periphery, it starts blocking elder ogres and big black bulls, rendering BBI actually doable as MK
Holy shit.
I will never doubt you ever again, Julien.
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Dragons Dougo.
Magick archer
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Animal tossing should be an actual feature. It's almost like playing fetch with your pawns.
I released Kiryu just now. Did very well.
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>tfw just watched everyone at the greatwall encampment fall through the ground

Good thing that riftstone is there, I entered it and left and everyone respawned.
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Giant Spider is best fried. The carapace has a surprisingly chewy texture once cooked, a pleasing contrast in texture to the soft meat contained within.

The delicate white leg meat is somewhat bland, not unlike chicken or cod, but not unpleasant with a little seasoning.

The abdomen, however, contains a great deal of soft brown meat, composed mostly of internal organs, excrement and possibly eggs, and is generally not recommended due to the strong taste and difficulty in cooking thoroughly.
i like your style my man
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>There will never be a Dragon's Dogma: Dungeon Meshi game
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t-thanks, he's an idiot though
meant for
but oh well
Is that his current level? I was searching for him from the pawn list but I couldn't find him.
Would hire.
>Exploring Post-Grigori just because I usually did BBI and went straight to NG+
>Find Quina as a priest/nun up in the Wilted forest
>Walk into the cathedral and find Mason

I was wondering where he went.
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yeah, it is
>tfw can't get third gransys exploration star for my pawn no matter where I go

Life is suffering.
If anyone with a PSN wants to try and get it for my pawn, my username is kissykaede. My pawn is a bredi gud sorcerer level ∞.
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favorite main story quest?

Honor and Treachery is pretty damn good.
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It includes gather spots in forests and that pain in the ass firefly one at the bog, but if you don't have full beastiary you should focus on that first since it affects pawn ai
I did the firefly one multiple times, I've gone to all suggested locations from googling the problem (a lot of people have this problem), I've let my pawn gather mushrooms at that goblin hill over by the catacombs entrance, I'm outta ideas other than doing a full night and day sweep of the map after Grigori dies, but I've read that post-game map doesn't actually affect travel knowledge.
Did you have your pawn gather at log nodes throughout every forest patch? It triggers them saying "there's a bounty in these woods" or something like that. Be sure to do the one north of nightcall crevasse too
the one where I get to kill the shit out of julien
>not getting the silver rapier

Julien is a FILTHY dirty traitor
remove julienREMOVE JULIEN
Going INTO nightcall crevasse or a gather node north of it, IE, above it on the hill near the chimera and the saurians? Because I've gone into nightcall crevasse thousands of times and let her fish in there and haven't gotten anything.
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training my strider right now
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We need an edit of this for Assassin using Masterful Kill
Having your pawn gather at the forest area above it, goes for any forest
hunting the griffin was interesting. but the shadow for was prolly the most fun
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Seems to me that "The Final Battle" is the obvious choice? The entire Grigori fight is just too good.

Otherwise Griffin's Bane.
Doing that now, do I need to do all the nodes or just some, or do certain nodes trigger the discovery?

I can't decide which one /ddg/. I want to go with the first because a lot of people are running with divine surcoat anyway, but I can't find any matching gauntlets.
well obvious grigori is top tier my man

quina is shit tho
oh i forgot, I change my answer to thethe seneschalp
but the second one looks good on him
Which mods do you use?
Not sure how many it takes, it's pretty tedious
None. But the XP skill table mod looks pretty damn good desu.
my favorite
Looks pretty shitty.
maily for respec and inventory
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anyone want to rent her?

shes a lvl 56 strider, scather/ challenger

skull splitter, clout, eminence. havent fought grigs yet but i trained her well
her name is Eleanor and im on PC btw. my b
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The one where you put on a dress and molest the she-bandit.
Name and lv? im interest
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dont see her
Belaran / 138 though I haven't actually played in like a year
Is Mystic Knight as fun as Fighter? I spent most of my first character's playthroughs as ranger with a bit of strider and assassin, but I tried a bit of fighter and like it a lot. I don't like sitting in a corner casting stuff like sorcerer.
MK would be a lot more fun if their buffs lasted longer. It can be pretty satisfying when you set things up right, but rebuffing so often really kills momentum.
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hm, i think we were level 58 when we rested at an inn last?

my arisen's name is King Crimson and im Din of Raindrops on Steam
That's what I was afraid of.
I wish the sigils were better.
I like the idea of being a rock in the middle of the tornado. Drawing enemies in, doing damage, and countering that which doesn't die.
Ruinous sigil is great, you just have to use it in combination with great cannon while right next to enemies so that the rapid sigil hits trigger the multiple cannons you have set up.
Ill try again later
No doubt, but that still makes it just a support skill for great cannon. While I love planting one down on a large enemy and letting it go to town with ruinous, GC just makes MK boring 90% of the time.
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thanks. she wears an eye patch normally
Is there any downside to farming BBI on Easy mode?
Playing the game on easy mode means that you're a pussy.
You won't be killing any faster so there really isn't a point.
Nope, if Daimon hit you too hard then change it
I never considered including easy mode when I made these, but bbi 2.0 doesn't care if you're on normal or hard mode when it comes to the damage you receive and always acts as though it's on hard so I'm inclined to believe easy probably won't change either.
Is doing the Symone's escort quest perfectly to obtain the Gold Idol very hard to accomplish?
LOL no.
Has anyone else ever "remade" their character or pawn, only to miss the way that their original character looked?

I miss my first Pawn that I took through my first few playthroughs. She had so much charm, and I've never been able to remake her exactly. I make pawns that look really similar, but I can tell something is just a little off. (It'd be cool if there was a way to save presets.)

She was a big THICC warrior who was handing out death-by-snu-snu!
I'm supposed to skip the chained up gorecyclops in BBI the first time, right?
I spent a great deal of effort just to knock down one bar of health before I just ran away.
Comparison outside bbi.

No, it's a joke if you know all of the requirements.
Any mod to let me search pawn with name?
Actually, you still get the increased stagger/knockdown resists on enemies in hard mode BBI
The rift can be modded.
>when it comes to the damage you receive
The rift *can't be modded.
Just bring a flask of water with you, let her win the race and don't wander too far from her, unsheathe your weapons or bump into her.
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>start a new game
>unsatisfied with my pawn
>start over
>missed lost and found
Just do what she says and use a bit of common sense, it's one of the easiest quests of the game and probably the comfiest.
The only people that could find it hard are the autists who go around brining loli pawns.
>Which mods do you use?

Those ones
>Mods available
I doubt you use all of those.

Turn on hard mode to start story mode over so you can change your pawn for free, you keep all your levels and gold and equipment. Turn hard mode off after it restarts.
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I do, and I have no idea what makes you doubt it. Actually, I have no idea how you can even think or even image that those mods are so many that one person wouldn't use all them, are you joking or you didn't even read that pastebin?
Well which ENB do you recommend? I've never used ENB in any game.
The wiki says to use walk near her, but I don't have it bound, it also said to make a hard save as a precaution so I was worried. I really need that gold idol.
You don't have to walk, it just makes it easier to not bump into her.
Walk? So long as you don't sprint and don't do anything stupid you're fine. Don't bump into her, don't offend her, find her in the inn/alehouse when she plays hide and seek, have a flask of water on hand to give to her and let her win the race. Stay close but not close enough to bump into her.

When she trips, don't try to help her up or anything.
still not showing up so I just went ahead and added you
>I doubt you use all of those.

I'm curious, what does make you say that.
I wrote the original post that was later put in the pastebin when an anon asked for a basic mod set up that can suit every player, new players included.
You probably missed that dinput8 is written many times in that pastebin, and that, while they can still be used individually, texture improvement+don't blind me+enb work better togheter, as the guy who made the texture improvement mod said.
I like her, but the navy leather gloves feel out of place imo.
>1 hit everything in NG+ with shit weapons
oh well, it has been fun, see you guys next year
>anything other than BBI matters


This is also a good way to get two Rings of Perseverance from BBI.
Use hook mod to delevel your characters and put the exp table mod. Suddenly the base game is much better.
I can use only the performance version of Wickfut because it's the only one that doesn't rape my fps. At least it doesn't make my loading time longer. Rudy seems to be pretty popular in those threads.
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Woo finally!
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If anyone has a Dragonblood ring they don't need, I would love to have one. RNGjesus is not merciful on my Arisen chest.

Also post lvl 30-50ish pawns you want to get hires on, I'll run through everfall few times to get some ranks on different vocations.
A bit too naked in my opinion
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>Ended up with 3 when I was just trying to get my 20 wakestones
I got you senpai
I literally got it just now but thanks anyway. I'd say it took me 70-80 tries I think. Did not really count.
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Whos is that chubby goodness on the left?
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Kendra 200 mage/ranger

What sort of level should one even consider approaching Death?
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Shit son. Didn't touch the game for about 1,5 days and this happens. I guess Rangers are more wanted than Sorcerers.
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200 for me
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>Also post lvl 30-50ish pawns you want to get hires on,

Kiryu, lv40.

>I'd say it took me 70-80 tries I think.

Holy shit man, that sounds like a hellish torture.
Level isn't important. Class and supplies are with gear being secondary. If you stack 4x periapts and bring enough blast arrows you can take death from full health to dead in the first encounter on normal. I know ranger can do it in a single encounter on hard with a goldforged level 3 weapon but not sure about first encounter on hard when you've only got a dragon weapon.
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They are great for stunning fuckface
Catherine in lvl 30 now. Pick her up if you want a ranger.
>70-80 tries
Tell me about it. It took me almost 100 to get my Holy Cuisses, 40~ for shadow greaves, 70~ for grisly skull

Whatever level you can get Blast arrows and conqueror periapts
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SenatraChan lvl 46 fighter

Take her to BBI and teach her something

I would also like some advice on her looks because her face doesnt look like as good for deepthroating.

Couldnt think of a better name for her anyway.
Didn't realize these threads were back, I've been looking into hotkeying items that aren't curatives or the lantern lately.

I've managed to hotkey anything with the hook mod, but the only tools I've gotten to work off the hotkeys are things without animation like periapts and arrows.
Arrows are pretty good to have hotkeyed already but I'm wondering if anyone has looked into this stuff before, I'd really like being able to hotkey throwing items and jewels of healing for healing methods that don't feel dumb.
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Need honest opinions, should I delevel him to 80 or 100 for more hires? I played without the exp modification for a while and I really do not like being in the 120+ region, makes me dread every level up.
Also thanks for the hires, I recognize some of the pawns/nicknames from here
Didnt work for me. My desired hidden one became my secondary one. Perhaps my values were originally different than yours.
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Thank you for however took Red Vardo out to BBI, much appreciated.
to 80.
Favorite soundtrack? Mine is probably Coils of Light.
Same here, beautiful song by video game standards and general musical subjective standards as well. I also love the sitar diddy that plays here and there. I love the distant flute song that plays in the bandit castle, wish I could find it somewhere, it'd be the perfect alarm tune for mornings
Thanks, it's around the level I did BBI2 the first time around hence I thought it'd be fitting.

So uh, yeah.
Is now 80
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Can not find him mate.
Reload the rift list a couple of times, the search system isn't very accurate (in some cases I had to reload 4 times, but in the end they show up).
Is there a way to make pawns not "fade out" when your camera or bow-zoom is too close on them? I need to know for reasons
Okay, I have an idea but I have to know something. How many pawns can you list as favourites? I want to see ddg pawns around my world and if there's not too small of a limit on favourites I will go through the list once it's posted to fave each and everyone of you~~
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Which one, /ddg/?
The one on the right but you gotta change that headset, the red just stands out
>How many pawns can you list as favourites?
100 if I remember well.
Right, but also
> you gotta change that headset, the red just stands out
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Noted, but the mask stays, at least until I'll stop missing every single grace.
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That moment when your pawn, now in the form of your Arisen, takes a moment to acknowledge the player, god damn. Fourth wall be damned.
It seems there is literally zero reasons to play mage yourself. Am I wrong?
You're 100% correct. If you want to use big magic, go with Sorcerer.
how do you have 2M RC at level 64? Im maxed and my pawn has been rented maybe 5 times total
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Always gives me goosebumps
Also, anyone else feel like music is barely noticeable in game at times? Unless it's boss specific stuff like the gorecyclops theme or death, I can barely hear it
to get some augments, that's about it
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was gonna post Truth as well, but I choose this one instead
Gonna start BBi run as 1 rank Assassin.Need a Sorcerer.Post yours to hire!
>Im maxed
That's the problem. No one rents maxed out pawns. The longer you stay low level the more rents you get because that's where most of the playerbase is so if you sped through you hit the dead zone with nothing. Same thing happened to me since I already knew what I was doing from console days and had a lot of time to play the busy levels were over within a week.
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never thought about that but it makes sense. I played on console as well and remember my pawn being rented alot more. Guess that's why
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Right is way better, but personally I would prefer a complete change. Aria is pretty cute, totally hiding her under those kind of gears is a shame. As it has already been said, that mask is a complete and utter "nope", it hides her cute face will standing out way too much and looking very over the top when compared with the rest of the gears. But even the mask clashes less with the rest in the right version, so go for it without any second thought.

Released CindyX2 (which almost broke my heart). I tried to find out what was going on again, but shit still doesn't make much sense. Everything in the seach function considers her as one single pawn. For example, when I talked with them in the rift, the system signaled that all 3 of them were in my friend list. But when I open the list there is only one Cindy. Same goes for the Past Summons list.
That should mean that they weren't different pawns made with share family, I guess. Maybe it really was an as weird as sexy glitch. In that case, God bless the DD glitches.

Anyway, new party with little Rheya and Catherine to do Rise of the Fallen and collect some mandrake, hope that little Rheya won't destroy everything by herself since her level is higher.
After that, Griffin's Bane part 2 with Aria, or The Conspirators.
I actually somehow got 800k or something from my previous save file's pawn.

The rest are purely from doing my best to make sure my pawn doesn't go full retard and sometimes begging for hires and making her look like a slut
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>For example, when I talked with them in the rift, the system signaled that all 3 of them were in my friend list.

the system signaled that all 3 of them were in my *favourite* list
I would also like to add that out of the generals I have lurked/posted in(about 8 in total I guess) this one is by far the best.

I don't mind waifu posting and that will never be gone no matter how many autistic kids scream about it.

But the main thing which makes this general nice, is that you get actual answers without the basic "git gud fgt" shit. And people seem genuinely nice here too.
Keep up the good work Anons
waifu posting is life.

and thanks for the kind words anon that put a smile on my face
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We red party now.
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Is it action screenshots time already?
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What decide which pawn to pop in Gransoren? Pawn from active player or just random?
Random actives, past hires, pawns of arisens who have hired your pawn, favourites, friends' pawns
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>Aria in proper ladywear
Considerably cuter than I expected.

Alright, updated her. The original idea was to use the vizard and something else to provide contrast, but striders don't have nearly enough good red clothing.
With some luck, eventually I should be able to replace it with another mask. :^)
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good heavens would ya look at the time
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Holy Christ's shit , it happened again, so it's really a glitch.
This time 2 Alfadorias! Beautiful face and all, but they can't match mah Cindies.
I want to fap to so many pawns here
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I've been looking for that small, red cloak. How is it called and where can I get it?

It's nice to see Catherine being in someone else's party.
Post game Everfall is really comfy for some reason.
Wanna hire Wave if you're still in the everall? She's level 41 warrior. >>166231098
made me a little sad first time I crawled through it. That, plus the dialogue from the pawns and how absolutely grueling the fights were

I'm in a need of lvl 30-40 sorcerer. Shill it if you have it.
Fight me!
Fight me if you dare!
Scarlet Cape, sold by Caxton post-dragon.
Do I lower the lvl of my pawn down from near 200 to 100~ for hires or keep them as is for 'pawn end-game' as a luxury hire?
What happens with my pawn if I start New Game brand new character playtrough?
who is the cutest pawn?
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It's a scarlet cape, but I was lucky and found it in a chest, according to the wiki it's actually a stage 6 gear.
Since Catherine has it equipped, you will automatically receive it as gift when I'll release her.
Strangely enough, I've been pretty lucky with chests and red gears,during the witch hunt quest I got that red cloak Kiryu's wearing , and I think I got at least one red gear for women in the lesbo bandits' den, I'll see if that it suits the rest of Catherine's gears.
her face looks pretty great
try a different head shape maybe
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looks like a gender-neutral version of geralt
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>add /ddg/
>favorite /ddg/
my world is now filled to the brim with /ddg/
what's the best ENB?
The one that doesn't totally rape your fps. The rest is subjective, take a look at the comparison gallery in the OP. Rudy seems to be pretty popular in these threads, though.
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fantastic, love it
my character is lv22, would installing the alternate exp table now screw something up?
your old pawn gets taken off the Rift and your new pawn takes it's place.
if your old pawn happened to have been taken out before it's deletion, when he gets released your new pawn will obtain all the old info it had and collect the RC
Nope, you can install it and switch setting whenever you want.
>who is the cutest pawn?

Hard to choose, probably Von Asswhoop.
Your old pawn gets replaced by the new one. If you want the same pawn, you can remake it again (before starting the NG, use the character customization screen of the dinput8 mod to check what body parts you used ), or you can use some tricks, like:
switch to hard to reset the game to stage 1 ---> switch to normal ---> delevel with dinput 8 and leave your previous gears in the deposit
and it's like you started the game on normal with your current pawn.
and it's like you *restarted the game on normal with your current pawn.
When you fight Online UR dragon, are you supposed to see no visible HP bar changes even when hitting hearts?
Yep. It has retarded amounts of health.
What enb is that?
dem tiddies
>Fight Daimon
>Kick his ass while having Holy Pact on my sword
>Goes to second form
>Mage doesn't enchant or even try to do it anymore
Right after making this post, she gives me the enchantment. Then Daimon activates his Stand and does that whirlpool bullshit and kills my whole party.
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The only correct choice
If I want to install a different ENB that what I've been using, what are the chances that I can just move over the new files and replace and it working properly?
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ded tred
Before killing dragon I entered BBi into first garden room and I fought the evil eye dude that you encounter in Post game everfall.But after killing dragon and going to BBi many times I never encountered it again.
hey!! there is my pawn! Thanks for using her
The patrician one.
>Thanks for using her
is there any reason to NOT dupe gold idol with dllinput?
Lads, I'm running the compilation of mods that includes pretty much infinite weight, does this stop my pawn from being hired?
I'm pretty sure I've seen pawns I had in the past get hired regardless of having the mod on, so I'm not sure if people just think my guy sucks.
yeah, just use the dllinput to modify your own carrying weight , or just force movement speed to +1.00

for your pawn, put sinew on them if they are a small person, and leg strength if they are large / tall. People love that shit.
doesn't madeline and craxton have all inventory anyway when you start NG+?
>As far I know and tested myself, all versions are safe for online pawn sharing.
From the GMC mod page, I think I've used it too and gotten hires myself in the past as well.
Speaking of broken pawns anybody got any idea if you can share pawns that wear things their vocation normally can't? Just decided to get the dll hooks mod and you can do some really amusing mixes.
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selene is mai waifu, you can't romance your pawns.
Someone pls confirm this
Confirm what? The Gazer in BBI only respawns in BBI 2.0.
If only she had eyebrows.
delet this
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Ever a pleasure.
m8 she's perfect other than the no eyebrows and that weird facial discoloring she's got going on.

Did they fix that in PC or does she still look like she smeared indigo all over her face?
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forgot to install the free camera mode
I assume the cheat engine doesn't mess with the hook dll right?
What's the name of that curative that makes you one rank lighter in terms of mobility?
Dreamwing Nostrum
Is this the only one?I think I recall some curative from vanilla game that increases speed too.It looked like oil
I started a new game and my fighter pawn is useless, I see her either repeatedly jumping around away from enemies, or continuously running out of stamina when next to foes.

I haven't had this issue before with previous fighter pawns and she has the same inclinations (Scather/Challenger.) Is it a specific skill or augment that causes them to act this way? I am running with 1 fighter and 3 mages/sorcs

I-Is it because i made her a loli?
>is it because I made her a loli

No, but scather/challenger has her too busy for her level. Make her scather/medicant and give her a lot of curatives and she'll be fine. Alternatively, give her some time to build some stamina, possibly level her as a ranger for awhile.

I've made a build that is quite balanced with loads of HP and Stamina.

Yes, lolis are useless and are only good for the brine.
Consider suicide.
See? Can't even into banter.
Give yourself up to the brine, loli.
>I hate fun, there is only one way to correctly enjoy this game

kys autist
The Gazer and Pope respawn after you rest in the mainland for either 3 or 7 days. i forget which
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Karin is a level 30 sorcerer now. Please hire so I can buy her the good stuff

PS how do I skill sorcs
Who are you quoting? Fun is my favorite.
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She reminds me of hermione. Might take her for a spin here in a bit.
If you do get strong enough to see visual changes you should leave early because the damage cap is pretty low. If you don't see an accessing server message when you or the dragon leaves then nothing you did counted.
are ogres always such a chore to fight? i am having more fun killing cycklops than those pink arse faggots.

lvl25 ranger and the only time i saw doing any significant damage was with tenfold furry using blast arrows. i lost all of them on first ogre and there are two more in ancient quarry
Do you have a high damage single hit skill equipped? Those are important for piercing defense early on.
Soon as you manage to do respectable damage on them, ogres are a bunch of fun imo.
You can solo them at level 15 as a warrior if you aren't retarded.
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Eh, Rise of the fallen was way too easy with 3 pawns and Rheya's holy affinity. I also barely saw them fights, so I'll probably tae them on tour to collect some from a different sky medals.
>You can solo them at level 15 as a warrior (with a draforged weapon) if you aren't retarded.

I did it with an unupgraded Judgment, actually.
Just get a couple BBI rings that increase your knockdown power.

Jump attacks are your friend.
Are Sorcerers as OP as people claim to?
i have tenfold flurry endecad shot and meteor shot.

for daggers reset scarlet kisses and cutting wind.

also i went 10lvl strider than ranger. changing to magick archer at lvl 30-40 would fuck my character up?
People claim sorcerer is OP? All 4 of the bow classes and mystic knight are stronger.
Sometimes. They can do a SHIT TON of damage with the right spell, and usually with three other sorcerers next to them.
iirc you are never supposed to level as a magick archer.

See here for stat growth potential.

>Just get a couple BBI rings that increase your knockdown power.

Which is basically the same thing, you exactly know how effective that is. Comparing that with a normal level 15 warrior is just plain nonsense.
Stat growth literally doesn't matter. The game isn't hard enough to warrant minmaxing - and when it does get hard, you'll have access to some seriously busted gear anyway.

>strider and assassin
>bow classes
>Which is basically the same thing

It isn't, it takes 10 minutes to get some rings from BBI, upgrading even a Judgment past 1 star takes materials you can't get for awhile.
come to think of it, i haven't played assassin yet
guess it's time.
i'll pick up some random sorcs to take on a trip too
Dude, you are really confused, it's like you forgot what we were talking about. It's ok, though, but next time just think before shitposting, this isn't a Soul thread.
From Roleplaying perspective, is it better to make Strider or Assasssin build all about climbing mnosters?
as a MA main I always level up using Ranger for maximized str / matk.

I have around 5 warrior levels for the extra hp.

but yeah. MA is the absolute worst stat growth out of any class. Best to switch to another class before leveling up. It's not too tedious as long as you use a save manager or something. DDDA save manager is great for this in case you accidently level up on MA
You can literally get 2 Virtuoso rings from BBI at level 5 within 10-15 minutes.

If you're talking about a fresh off the boat noob warrior with no experience playing a warrior, yeah, you're right, they can't tackle an ogre solo. I could do it at level 15 without the rings if I wanted to because I know how to play the class.

>this isn't a Soul thread

Nobody said it was, but maybe you should gitgud
no need for that.
use hookmod to respec yourself. takes seconds
>i have tenfold flurry endecad shot and meteor shot.
Tenfold and endecad are a bunch of weak hits spread over a large number of arrows so are bad for piercing defense. Meteor is ok, but get dire/deathly for real piercing and make sure you do the perfect charge releases on it.

>Just get a couple BBI rings that increase your knockdown power.
This is a bad argument because bbi should be saved for endgame and the rings there are rng plus as far as knockdown power goes barbed nails are better. You don't need any of that to kill an ogre on the first encounter anyways.
Im pretty dumb with it though, Like I know how to set the levels but the exp values and such confuse me a little bit

I guess I need to use the respec website to find out what my stats would be for my current level (if says I did 10 on warrior, 50 on ranger, the rest on sorcerer up to level 100?) or am I overcomplicating it?
>Ranger for maximized str / matk.
If you're trying to get a maximized mix of those you would want to level as assassin and sorcerer.
Though I would say magic archer gets a lot more benefit from magic than physical so a minmax sorcerer would be even better.
>as knockdown power goes barbed nails are better.

True but you can't get those at the beginning of the game, can you?

>bbi should be saved for endgame

Running around the first stratum and duskmoon tower and avoiding fights isn't really doing the content though. And if you really want to get down to it, it's highly beneficial for you to go get the moonbeam gem to get to the Ring of Perseverance (or do it 4 times with the hardmode exploit), but I didn't really mention that.
>Blitz Strike with Abyssal Anguish hits like 15 times
>offers no tangible improvements besides that
>leaves you open for longer than Blink Strike
Do you even want to use it on Fighters or Assassins?
Aw shit man you're right. Huge difference there. Thank you for the link friendo
Listen me dude
Just believe me
>You can literally get 2 Virtuoso rings from BBI at level 5 within 10-15 minutes.

That has literally nothing to do with what we were taling about. Is its really that hard?

>I could do it at level 15 without the rings if I wanted to because I know how to play the class.

No idea, the only real fact is that you solo'd them only because you abused warrior's knockdown power thanks to BBI equipments, an area that is meant to be played around lv 50-60. Getting so aggressive towards him when you basically cheated is pure idiocy. What's next, calling people retards while using cheating bow? Dude, seriously.

>Nobody said it was

Duh, but your last posts and your obstinacy are definitey similar to the average post of soul threads.
Ogres are a pain early on. Really they are just hard to kill, I find they are really at fighting back.
>I find they are really shit at fighting back

I fucked up.
>Running around the first stratum and duskmoon tower and avoiding fights isn't really doing the content though.

That's the point, you aren't doing the content while just getting the rewards of that content. And then using rewards meant for lv 50-60 players while playing on lv 15. There is nothing to boast about that.
>That has literally nothing to do with what we were taling about. Is its really that hard?

Uh, we were talking about fighting ogres at level 15, right? Why are you sperging out, I said getting rings from BBI would help you kill ogres at a low level.

>No idea, the only real fact is that you solo'd them only because you abused warrior's knockdown power thanks to BBI equipments

I can do it without the rings, it's just more tedious. There are also a thing called throwblasts as >>166331164 mentioned, although I don't use them, they are extremely powerful for a low level character to use, you can end up taking half a life bar away with one of them.

>Duh, but your last posts and your obstinacy are definitey similar to the average post of soul threads.

Knowing how to play a game and suggesting things to do to be able to accomplish things at a low level is an average souls thread post? Jesus Christ, cry more, kid.
>And then using rewards meant for lv 50-60 players while playing on lv 15

Most of first stratum's rewards are obtainable by the time you get to gran soren tho, really the only OP stuff is in and beyond the second stratum where the cockatrice is

So really, you're just complaining that you're too much of a pussy to run past some hobgoblins and an ogre to get some rings and get out.
What level should I start BBI at?
I'm lvl 80 and I don't feel like I'm doing any damage to anything that matters.

I just faced my first cursed dragon and had to run away. I did manage to take away one if it's health bars, thanks in no small part to a few really good hits by my sorcerer pawn, but if I screwed up and got hit once it almost always meant death.
You aren't supposed to kill everything you run into, you know. Anywhere from level 50 is good enough, but you'll need good weapons (stuff from the post-game or BBI itself) to actually have a fighting chance against necrophages.
>Uh, we were talking about fighting ogres at level 15, right?
Yes. While you killed ogres thanks to equipments meant for level 50-60 players. That has nothing to do with a lv 15 player. It's not that hard if, you know, you aren't retarded.

>I can do it without the rings
Nobody cares if you think that you can do it or not. The only fact is that you didn't.

>Knowing how to play a game and suggesting things to do to be able to accomplish things at a low level is an average souls thread post?
Where are the suggestions to accomplish things here >>166332859.
Your "suggestions" showed up only when I pointed out that you were full of shit. And as excuses to try to save face. Dude, seriously, stop making yourself look like an idiot.

>I-i-it's not that OP, I swear!
>You are just a pussy!

Yeah, you are definitely a genuine underage soul shitposter.
your way overcomplicating it
Where are the suggestions to accomplish things here >>166327381*
>ou can solo them at level 15 as a warrior if you aren't retarded.
yea, just upgrade your weapons. your at a decent enough level to be doing it
Not that guy, but it's the same for every class. Just keep hitting it in the head. Sure it takes a while but I never understood all the complaints people have about fights being too long. When a tough enemy like that is dying in 30 seconds it means you're too strong and it's time to move on to harder areas.

The first encounter with a big enemy is always the most fun for me since it takes some actual effort to win. I see people complaining about doing a single bar to the first condemned gorecyclops and giving up saying it's impossible when they could have just persevered and won since they were clearly capable of doing damage.
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I updated Rheya's staff and she's now level 33

Kiryu is a cool guy.
level 43* My bad.
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is speedrun mode easy? almost finished all the achievements except that one
It's newgame+ so you get to use your maxed out character and gear. The hardest part is sitting through the tedium of the hydra head escort, everything else is teleporting around and 1shotting a few bosses.
tip: >temp roll mage, kick the shit out of that ox and keep healing it
What don't you get about it, click the respec button and it shows you your stats as you increase your levels in whatever vocation. Your first 10 levels must be in one of the 3 basic ones though
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My goal was to get an orc party my first playthrough, now im just doing all the side missions instead of ramshacking through the game.
>>I-i-it's not that OP, I swear!

Go look at the gear you get in duskmoon tower right now, faggot. No, really. Other than the moonbeam gem doors (which can't be opened unless you've gone further than the 2nd stratum and beyond) everything in there is shit you can literally buy from Reynard and Caxton at stage 1.

Kill yourself.
Group healing items are faster. It's still the worst part of speedrun mode.
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>walking through forest minding my own business picking mushrooms by moonlight suddenly, AMBUSH

What an asshole
Kevah L28+
I remember fighting him when I wasn't strong enough to stagger, and got absolutely shit on by that move. Then it turned into a 1 v1 where I just dance anround and whittle away at his hp for 45 minutes. Was great
>'i will pay you back lol'
>moves back into her house
>still keeps saying she'll keep her promise
lying little bitch
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WELP Guess im leveling magick archer now
on a related note. Have any of you every killed anything with exequey, because I tried once and didn't know what I was doing
iirc Deathly Arrow will always stagger him, almost regardless of your level, ie, if you are of a level that can even /get/ to Daimon, then Deathly Arrow (or even the Strider/Assassin variant, whose name escapes me atm) should always stagger him. It always has for me, anyway.

The six/nine shot from magick archer will stagger him. Holy charged bolt will stagger him. Magic cannon will stagger him. Enough damage while grappled to his face using hundred/thousand kisses will stagger him. I think the only class that truly gets boned facing that move is warriors, but a jump attack with eminence probably might if you get lucky and hit his head.
That move is a one-off that consumes one of your pawns to be able to do. He posted it because he's an edgelord briner autist. Get good and don't rely on desperation attacks, Dark Bishop is dispatched easily if you know what you're doing.
>Have any of you every killed anything with exequey

Anything worth killing with it takes way too long to tick down and it has a high probability of failing if you can't keep the creature inside it.

It's not a move worth one of your six slots, even High Miasma is more useful.
im aware. I want to play it because it looks like fun not because I have trouble killing things.
Magick Archer is probably one of the most OP classes, especially in BBI. Ricochet Hunter alone can kill Death in the Bloodless Stockade in a few runs at no risk to you. The simple fact that they also have access to daggers AND staves in addition to their magick bows is pretty ridiculous.

It's a fun class though, enjoy it. I never gave it a try until I was figuring out how to beat Death. It's kind of a shame that you have to cheese him though. I don't typically like cheesing bosses.
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Updated eleanor!

Lvl 68 Strider, Scather/Challenger. I'll add her to the pawn list soon
Miasma is fun in Gransys desu
Abyssal Anguish is good with core attacks desu
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Do you mean fracture dart or mighty bend?
Mighty Bend will certainly stagger Daimon when he does that attack.
I am also interested in this . Who is the cutest pawn of VG?
Von Asswhoop is banned from listing because hes basically the threads mascott.
How does quest save data for the achievement work? If I start a fresh game, do the quests I did from the earlier save still count towards the achievement?
you're overthinking this. Im assuming you missed Lost and Found

If you aren't to far along, roll Hard Mode, (resets all quests you keep everything else) then switch back to normal in menu, and you can do it again without having to wait until NG

but thats if you're just really anal about getting those quests. you'll have every opprotunity to do everything eventually in NG and so on.
And which pawn is that?
Oh no, I'm well into the game at 400 hours in, I just want to start getting all the achievements done but I also want to do a fresh start again.
If you've been playing 400 hours I imagine the only things you could have missed are reynard's questline and 2 of the 3 cassardis quests only available before fighting the hydra. More specifically the one from the priest to go find a book and the one from some random guy to tell his friend that another friend is dead. You should check for those before going through the trouble of trying to do absolutely everything over again.
I know I got those three, but since I can't open up DD wiki for some reason how do you trigger Reynard's questline? I'm only missing him and the witchwood one where you have to kill a metal golem or something.
You have to buy stuff from him 10 separate times. This does not mean 10 items in 1 go, you have to buy something, exit his shop entirely, open it again and buy something and repeat. Then he gives you a fetch quest, then you buy more stuff, then another quest and etc until he leaves the game.
Magick Archer is ridiculously powerful in BBI, mostly because there's so many small corridors and hallways to completely fuck shit up with Ricochet Hunter and also quite a few things are weak to lightning.

They can also set themselves on fire which is fun as fuck and actually pretty strong.
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>tfw have my portcrystals set up for speedrun
Fuck. Thanks though, anon.
There isn't much that you can't do as an Assassin that you can as a Strider, and Assassin has Dire Gouge which will fucking murder anything that you climb on
that would ruin the fun
How the FUCK do you kill Metal Golems as a Magick Archer?
With the RPG, you need to dodge missiles but just aim the rpg at them and it will tick with a sound, making it a homing attack.

Just juke left and right and fire when the sound ticks.
Same as a warrior or fighter. Jump off their head and hope your aim is good enough to hit the floating medal. Or just skip them.
Use your daggers and hundred kisses, climb and stab the fuck out of the metal plate.
or just cheese it as warrior.
Never mind this I read that as you have to find him in a different location each time.
What should I look for in a pawn that casts spells?
Long answer is you do these suggestions

Short answer is, you don't.
Depends on what you're fighting. There's no easy answer here. You've gotta just be familiar with the spells.
Pretty much just make sure they don't have retarded inclinations like guardian or nexus, spellwise is really up to you and what you're fighting. Do not take high ingle for granted, it's a lot better than you think.
Well I typically grab people with healing spells, because if you are melee you typically will take damage.

What would be some good spells that complement a warrior class besides elemental weapon spells.
I'm fond of spellscreen and grapnel if you're looking for a mage. For sorcerer, Bolide is always a fun one, as is Fulmination but I don't know how good that one actually is.
Frigor creates a platform for yellows and reds to jump on

Levin hits things other classes cant really reach
Healing is a big one.
Elemental buffs are situational.
Frigor, Glacil, Comesation, and Levin are all solid as well.
>Frigor creates a platform for yellows and reds to jump on

Pawns can't really be directed to do this, this is like the warrior and fighter skills Launchboard and Ladder Blade(?), pawns will never use it where you want them to.
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This is what I found while looking for a spell caster with those that were specified.
i suppose so. i like when my pawns use the spell, cause i actually use the platform lol
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Only one such as me can appreciate the true beauty behind this creature.
Whats the best enb/graphics mod?
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I mean for situations where you actually really need the platform, like during some of the From Another Sky quests.


>tfw just got a platinum trophy and the only trophies I was missing were the ones that required you to do shit wrong: Walk away from Grigori, walk away from Seneschal, die at Seneschal.

Fucking hate trophies like that.
>required you to do shit wrong

I got the choice ones out of curiosity, and actually died to the seneschal in my first playthroughs
>and actually died to the seneschal in my first playthroughs


I literally had to sit there and let him kill me, WITH that magick archer attack that sets you on fire and hurts you and it still took 15 mins.

I mean, granted I am level 200 but still.
Before facing him go to bbi to get hit first?
This was years ago mind you, but I didnt realize that during the final attack I had to grab him. pawn's inclinations and vocation setup at the time made her stay far away, or some conditions where I was the one who had to grab. Ontop of that I hadn't overleveled myself and entered the last rift as soon as I'd gotten 20 WS, I think it made it more fun in hindsight.
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It still bugs the shit out of me how I one shoted him with a normal swing.

After all that bullshit. A fight with a dragon and constantly dying to him.
I some how manage to one shot god.

The fucking concept was cool, but holy shit character action games seem to be the only games that can get this gimmick right of "normal dude" being a boss.
It was a rather anti-climactic fight, but I gotta admit, when you kill yourself and your pawn is falling back to earth with you, all the while screaming "MASTER!", kinda hit me hard.
flying into free
I am the dangan
I don't understand the reference, unless you're talking about how when you die to the Seneschal, you become the dragon
there was a version of the music video where it had those lyrics being sung with the pawn falling cut-scene being played.
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exactly. He should have been more akin to daimon in strength and hp imo. Or maybe a completely unique skill set that played around his pawn.Guess it was just one of the drawbacks of low budget low time or whatever the development issue was. I do like how s/he changes every cycle, that was really cool.

On the other hand though, I can sort of understand it. Grigori was the goal the entire game, and proved a fitting boss in both structure and challenge (having to fight through the mountain, the scaling, the battle) where Sen was more of a literary boss. You'd already proved your mettle, so it was just a matter of giving a unique and intriguing ending.

The entire thing is set up as a series of tests.

Beloved decision is a test of courage/bravery.
Grigori fight is a test of strength.
Seneschal is a test of willpower, he wants to see if you have the emotional fortitude to carry the burden of living the cold, isolated existence that the Seneschal is resigned to.
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I accepted it was going to be a normal fight, because its just men on the field.
But one hit?

Come on...
Come the fuck on... this guy killed the dragon before me and god knows what fucked shit he had to do for his quest.

I expected somebody to be equal, not weaker.
Its like fighting Gwyn all over again, but a lower health bar.
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'Tis not defeat to flee from battle master, 'tis survival
Ricochet Hunter
>ricochet hunter
>working in that room

Lol no

The six/nine bolt with explosive rivets would fuck their shit up tho.
You were probably overleveled, fampai. One hit exceedingly easy for when you're supposed to be fighting him.
You don't even have to let him kill you. After winning you can just godsbane yourself instead of him to get the same ending.

Don't forget he killed his dragon at level 20.
>After winning you can just godsbane yourself instead of him to get the same ending.

Well shit.

What's done is done anyway, already got the platinum and it's not like I'm going to do another speedrun for that. Good to know though, probably should be in a guide.
>even High Miasma is more useful
What are you talking about, Miasma is one of the most useful skills in the game.
i was taken aback by how much damage it does. Disgusting
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Started the tour to collect some FaDS medals.
Catherine used the bow very well against the bandits, little Rheya basically one-shotted a cyclops.
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>that's all?
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Am I supposed to see heart lit on online UR dragon to attack it?

Talking about non grace period
No. Purple blood means you're dealing damage, brown blood means that area is already dead.
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on top of this, the skin has to be broken to see the heart. The actual hearts themselves start at pink, then become red when they are about to break. Thats why all grace hearts are so vibrant
What do pawns mean by "Blows to darkened areas are useless" then?

Once a heart is broken, it'll go dark and look all gnarly and rotten, and you have to find another glowing heart to do damage. It's much like fighting a Golem, just bigger and trickier.
Go for it. As long as you don't abuse the particularly OP spells, MA is pretty fun.
Great Sacrifice in particular has great audio-visual effects too.

>t. mad short person
But they don't appear dark to me, they look like the color of the >>166370115 sky wtf
thats the right color. A muddy brown just pops out instead of purple blood when you hit it. That means the area is dead and you should move onto another heart
daily reminder that lolis are cancer
Go to brine some loli, Pierre.
Only have a few more creatures without 2 stars, I have a lot of 2 stars though, will this knowledge just gain from kill count or do I still need to utilize specialized tactics to get the 3 stars?
As in I have all lesser dragonkin at 2 stars now, do I just need to kill x amounts, or do I have to witness something special as well as a kill count?
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>tfw 600 hours playtime and yet no full bestiary
Worst case is the fucking seneschal and griffins
>will this knowledge just gain from kill count or do I still need to utilize specialized tactics to get the 3 stars
Both. Check the bestiary section of the wiki.
Griffins are one that I only have 1 star in, hoping the scrolls do something for that.

Cool, I am hoping to get it done soon and give the pawn to my brother so he has an easier time with the game since he's really bad and tends to give up easily on things like this.
Speaking about griffins, whats up with the griffin flying around gran soren and never landing? Is it a roaming monster and the encourters are randomised? I never seem to be able to actually aggro the fucker, my arrows never reach him even with augments.
there's a comparison galler in the OP
second mods pastebin
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Gave Rheya a weaker staff, and had some fun with some little changes of Catherine's fashion, I had some other ideas but I didn't want to change her fashion too much. Dressing a female pawn was pretty refreshing.

In case Rheyna's owner is here, if you haven't collected the 6 Agates needed to upgrade the Helical Archistaff / if you didn't change weapon, I can send an Agate when I release her.
It will ocassionally swoop in to attack oxen and maybe goblins.
I usually just kill oxen until he swoops on down and then hope to put him down before he flees again, it's supposed to be easy to halt him with some blast arrows but I never carry them around gransys.
I always have trouble with those flying encounters, like the dragon by the conquerors road just disengaging and playing in the water out of reach.
What's the best place to attract death with bait if its even possible?
First area of bbi 2.0 if the saurians spawn. If goblins then leave and re-enter.
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That pawn looks great, what's her name and level.
Will death health reset if I leave BBi, say to Gran Soren?
No, the only thing that's supposed to reset his health is going into newgame+. I have heard about a bug where his health goes back to full if you reload in the area he spawned so don't do that. Also don't let sirens live when he's around or they'll heal him.
I think I was level 87 or some shit.
I dunno, I turned off cloud sharing on my new computer so I can start the game over.
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Aria is level 50 now.
Shored up the most important resists, but it's still a work in progress. Can swap out the Signs for Heaven's Keys if you need holy or whatever.
Alright, updated version of the ddg pawn list based on this thread’s replies.

Here's how the list works >>166182846

Remember that often you need to reload the search list in the rift a couple of times to find a pawn.

Terra L36+ Female
Kiryu L40 Male
Sheeba L43+ Female
Matau L48+ Male
Lucky L51+ Female
Von Asswhoop L62+ Male
Delphin L90+ Female
Wolfgang L86+ Male
Red Vardo L100+ Female^
Gilda L101+ Female
Christine L110+ Female
Flavius L138+ Male
Sir Stanley L192+ Male
Goliath L178+ Male
Halkor L200 Male

Kevah L28+Female^
Erika L34+ Female
Lady L41 Female^
Wave L46+ Female^
Barbara L57+ Female
Azorya L103+ Female
Dorna L200 Female

Visenya L17+ Female
Altman L43+ Male
Aria L50+ Female^
Kabuki L101 Female
Izalia L103+ Female
Andalt L124+ Male^
Ritz L160+ Female
Izanami L193+ Female
Sahmed L200 Male
Wild Rose L200 Female

Catherine L28 Female
Kalashnikov L46+ Male
Cereza L60 Female
Abel L69+ Male
Sadia L116 Female
Mylo L120 Male
Basilius L153+ Male
Eolyn L155 Female^
Shirley L193+ Female
Lady L200 Female

Karin L13 Female
Lucette L36+ Female
Faith L103+ Female
Nathaliegos L138+ Female

Johanna L33+ Female
Rheya L40+ Female
Nerodamus L60 Male
Ana L79+ Female
Alma L104+ Female
Serena L147+ Female ^
Kendra L178+ Female
Ahr L145+ Female
Hatshepsut L188+ Female
Galak L200 Male
Lennox L200 Male
Add Decimus to the list

Level 150 Fighter, male
Do male pawns get hired?
If they are good (and look good), of course.

Level Infinity/max

Not available for hire atm. Fixing her inclinations in order to function as a mage more appropriately and all that.
Going to farm Daemon for the coat of oblivion anyone want some hires?
I have spare lv3 armour if you want.
Sure that would be great, my pawn's name is Cyrille level 200 fighter.
Prith - Lv 200 Strider Female,

If you're still adding
>3 stars across the board
>pawn learned of Cockatrices
Welp, just killed daimon for the first time. Is bitterblack isle now "ng+" or do I need to do something more?

He was annoying enough already, though the pull in move(which I assume is supposed to delete your pawn(s) ) was pretty easy to interrupt.
It is BBI 2 now, there are harder creatures and new loot, now you can go kill him again.
You need to open the shortcuts again, but they won't close the second time you kill him.
i warned you bro
warned you about petrification
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Thank you!

I will do a some levels as ranger to gain some stamina, do you know of any strong low level pawns other than Cindy I can use to speed through the early levels?
xaxaxa good joke comrade
Can you control the direction of thrown items, like arrows?
>throwing arrows
Anon, that's... that's not how it works.
But no, I don't think so. They're just tossed forward.
What pawns should I bring to beat Daimon and his second form?

His whirlpool thing got me last time even though I was right on his face.
sorcs, rangers, striders
How do you interrupt his thing?
I'm playing on Hard.I tried silencer arrows, kept Gouging his chest didn't work out

All that worked were pawns spells like Maelstorm
You have to stagger him
Blasts should work. I'm not even sure if you can silence Daimon at all.
who did you end up giving the gold idol to on your first playthrough?
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Does it count if i'm playing as the pawn I had in DDDA?
Hey thanks for using her, I upgraded her staff last night actually thanks for the offer though, glad to see you're enjoying her company
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>Find a pawn with the skills I need
Kalashnikov is level 69 and will probably be stuck there for a while
because better gear and miss tits dissappears
Thank you for existing, cos. :3
First ever playthrough here, only final quest is waiting couple questions

any point to going to Everfall pre final battle?

does BBI change after dragon?

Anything not in clear sight that I should do? Im thinking of things like expanding the quarry
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So is ur-dragon ass cancer online?
She-goat or Jewtits?
jewtits now
jewtits then
jewtits FOREVER
is stagnant surge staff pretty good? the stats are good but the dark enchant has me worried, I don't think there are many things weak to dark are there?

>any point to going to Everfall pre final battle?
Not really.
That said, one of the notice boards in BBI has a quest for Everfall that's only available before the final battle. It's nothing important though.

>does BBI change after dragon?

>Anything not in clear sight that I should do?
Finish whatever sidequests you want to finish, obviously.
Talk to the Dragonforged, maybe? Check the escort quests in case there's something good, I guess.

Jewtits best girl.
>grace is only when I am asleep
Its not fair
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It's basically the same thing as offline but with millions of health per heart and it'll fly away if you take a certain percent of it's health off
There's a couple different versions of it for the sake of multiple people fighting it at once, but the damage dealt gets averaged into the Ur's other versions of the same generation too iirc
Why does it have to be like this?
I just want the set and at least some mask. ;_;
I ended up giving the gold idol to Craxton and I got the Stagnant Surge archistaff for Rheya since I already had the materials to upgrade it. I haven't field-tested it yet, but she has more matk now stat-wise (which may be a good thing or a bad thing, considering her level...) I don't want to make her rediculously overpowered like the other sorcerer I see her level with gold dragonforged stuff.. let me know what you think, thanks
Mercedes obviously.
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>there are people right now in this thread that don't respect Mighty Bend
Can you train caster Pawn stand out of range and not cancel casting like retard?
Avoiding Scather and not teaching them Magick Agent should help a bit though.
Magick Agent is pretty good for wraiths/phantoms though, just pick up your pawn whenever they cast it and then just kind of carry them through.
how exactly do I lock my current level with dllinput? Just change my current xp to 0? will I have to keep doing that?
That's really cute actually.
Still, I've seen countless sorcerers interrupt long casts just to put up Magick Agent - and against most enemies it does nothing. It's just not worth it in the long run.
>glad to see you're enjoying her company
She's truly adorable beyond words, cutest pawn I have seen for sure.

>will probably be stuck there for a while
Neat, after the tour with Rheya and Catherine I wanted to do The Conspirators quest with him. Expect seeing him return with a much weaker weapon, though.

>incredibly cute or insanely hot?
Your choice.
Is there a way to rebind xbox controller dash?
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> Just change my current xp to 0?

Yep, at least as far as I know. Use the plauteu setting of the alternative exp table mod and you won't need to do it that often.
ok cool, thanks.
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Wolfgang and Ana are both 88. As always, thanks for the list.
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God fucking damnit I just started playing, level 14.
I spent 4 hours inside BBI getting my ass handed to me thinking it was just a matter of getting good and after almost giving up after this skelly guy the game decides to let me know it's supposed to be a high level area.
Why the fuck would you lead me inside if I'm not supposed to enter, fucking hell. I'm so mad right now
it's pretty lame how that popup encourages the player to go immediately to BBI every time they enter cardassis even.

I'd suggest possibly re-rolling, 14 isn't very high at all.

A lot of people save BBI for after all the other stuff in the gane. I alot of people have made the mistake of going there right after the game begins
>I alot of people have made the mistake of going there right after the game begins
What's problem with that?
Ugh I read it as ends haha
>the place is literally called Bitterblack Isle
>everywhere are signs of death and decay
>ghosts literally tell you to turn back
>he goes there anyway
Worst part is that at one point I figured out how to kill all the adds, if you play it quick you can throw 2 explosive barrels on them while they are spawning.
This just fed my belief that it was doable, but the big guy was having none of that and kept killing 2 people per swing.
But yeah, I might reroll because I set to easy mode out of frustration and that's lame.
Heh, hindsight is 20/20, but I guess I should've got a clue when when the mimic kept throwing me off the bridge to be eaten by the Brine...
Or when I used the skeleton key and got ass blasted by the summoned mages behind the bars...
Or the grim reaper with the lantern killed literally the entire room just by pointing the light...
>walk into dyke bandit camp without disguising
>bandits aren't actually hostile
>as I talk to one of them my pawn goes berserk and smashes her with his club
>he puts away his weapon and comments on the weather
>nobody gives a damn
>pick up the 10k gold she dropped and carry on
Never doing these quests again.
Is that ring boosting barehand damage gud?
it's all right. you can stack two of them.
the problem is, the fist moveset is nonexistant
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Alright collected some from a different sky bandages, used golden talisman while doing a goblin genocide to get some money (around 50.000 not very much this time), it's time for one last quest for the red cape team.
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Trying to kill the oversized lizard that infest the lake. We meet it some minutes agos but we had to skip it because the effect of the golden talisman would have run out, but now it's time to (try) to kill it (or to get killed).
Whoever designed the camera when climbing deserves to die painfully.

Why can my fighter pawn block and not get staggered when the fucking condemned cyclops stomp around like retards when I as a mystic knight with the shield augment can not? Fuck fighting those things legit, all they do is stomp around making anything but cheesing them impossible.

Why do some enemies, for example the dark bishop still cast spells when I silence them?
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Just got done fighting the metal golem. Kiryu did well, I sent him back with some balmy perfume.
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>already a posession.

Wew, great start. The fact that I suck at strider and that we have almost no curative won't help.

Thanks man!
Well if you think about it, the story does indicate BBI is a giant trap designed to murder Arisen. It sounds like BBI is doing its job.
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Went much better than expected. Had to use one wakestone, literally all my few curative (didn't know that a debilitation curative like interventive could also be used to get some decent HP, it was a lifesaver), had to take some greenwarish from the environment while in the background the poor pawns were being wrecked, but here we go, first resurrecting the pawns and then the final blow. Hope I can send you guys some good drake goods and some new bestiary knowledge.
Also, best little girl freezed that flying piece of trash 2-3 times.
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FUCK. Bad end. Don't even know how that happened, after hitting him with the bow and then with skull splitter it looked like his life bar was empty but then he still attacked.
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Nah it's cool. If you don't care about romancing him then give him the stuff and he can move on with his life


Huzzah! that stomp hurts
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Hey again, /ddg/. Looking for 2 sorcs to go running through BBI for a bit.
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His health got a little low once, but then I gave him a harspud brew and he instantly used it. Was a cool fight, he actively targeted the heart as well.
Which one is the boss of the gym?
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Really nice, glad to hear Kiryu behaved well!
Karin is now a level 32 sorcerer. I'll leave her like that until she is like 40 or so.
o snap, muscle wizard's back
someone post that quad seism/bolide

Eh, I just update it with threads' replies, the other anon (Nerodamus' owner, I think), did 99,99% of the work.
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Quad Grand Seism.webm
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Just returned Circe and Morrigan after how many months, picked up Serena and Hatshepsut. I'll try to return them tonight or tomorrow.
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hey kid
Abandon all delusions of control....
Fighter here.

How do I beat Daimon's second form? Its all going fine until he sucks my whole party into the void. I've tried outrunning it and I've tried staggering him like in his first form but its not working.
>miss tits dissappears
She comes back in either the cassardis inn or the fields of gran soren depending on your quest progression with her.

>Why do some enemies, for example the dark bishop still cast spells when I silence them?
Are you sure the spells are coming out while they're silenced? Enemies still go through the casting animations while silenced but when they finish nothing happens unless silence wears off in the middle of it.

>I've tried staggering him like in his first form but its not working.
Just grab on and keep trying. It helps to identify what it looks like when he's about to open the rift so you can climb and get into position before he starts. You'll probably want a liquid vim so he doesn't drain your stamina and use periapts if you still cant stagger him out of it.
Will I miss grace if I go to sleep right now?
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Wish Gregori was stronger
Being relatively weak is the best way to enjoy the base game.
Less or no curatives, less or no enhanced gears, less levels using the exp table mod or hook mod, and shit gets more dangerous.
Ive been running around in circles trying to trigger the ambush for the quest in stage 3, above the gran soren bridge. i ran all within the circle and still cant find it, what a pain in the ass
Is it night?
And yeah, that quest sucks.
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>Less or no curatives, less or no enhanced gears, less levels using the exp table mod or hook mod

And less pawns (keeping in mind that less pawns also means much more exp, though, so it's better doing that with the exp mods), but that for many people could also mean less fun, I guess.

You mean the nameless bunch, right? They attack during the night.
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Posting an updated version of the ddg pawn list based on previous thread’s replies.

Here's how the list works...

If you want your pawn listed:
>Reply to this thread
>Do NOT have Guardian/Nexus inclinations

To use this list:
>Vocation, Gender, and Level have been listed for filtering convenience
>If a pawn has "+" after their level, it means they may be a higher level than listed
>If a pawn has "^" at the end of their entry, it means they were just updated

If I have made a mistake or wish to update your pawn's info:
>Reply to the thread with the relevant info for all to see
>If you want your pawn unlisted for any reason, reply to the thread with that request

Remember that often you need to reload the search list in the rift a couple of times to find a pawn.

Terra L36+ Female
Kiryu L40 Male
Sheeba L43+ Female
Matau L48+ Male
Lucky L51+ Female
Von Asswhoop L62+ Male
Delphin L90+ Female
Wolfgang L88+ Male^
Red Vardo L100+ Female
Gilda L101+ Female
Christine L110+ Female
Flavius L138+ Male
Decimus L150+ Male^
Sir Stanley L192+ Male
Goliath L178+ Male
Halkor L200 Male

Kevah L28+Female
Erika L34+ Female
Lady L45 Female^
Wave L46+ Female
Barbara L57+ Female
Azorya L103+ Female
Dorna L200 Female

Visenya L17+ Female
Altman L43+ Male
Aria L50+ Female
Kabuki L101 Female
Izalia L103+ Female
Andalt L124+ Male
Ritz L160+ Female
Izanami L193+ Female
Sahmed L200 Male
Wild Rose L200 Female
Prith L200 Female^

Catherine L28 Female
Kalashnikov L69+ Male^
Cereza L60 Female
Abel L69+ Male
Sadia L116 Female
Mylo L120 Male
Basilius L153+ Male
Eolyn L155 Female
Shirley L193+ Female
Lady L200 Female

Lucette L36+ Female
Faith L103+ Female
Nathaliegos L138+ Female

Karin L32+ Female
Johanna L33+ Female
Rheya L40+ Female
Nerodamus L60 Male
Ana L88+ Female^
Alma L104+ Female
Serena L147+ Female
Kendra L178+ Female
Ahr L145+ Female
Hatshepsut L188+ Female
Galak L200 Male
Lennox L200 Male
Also, thanks for carrying the torch anon(s). Very much appreciated.

Or you can just edit it with the hook mod
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Post Seneschals
This is way cooler like this
Alma is level 110 right now
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How do I deal with living armour second phase as a physical guy.

Is there a method other then hiring 2 magic pawns? Do elemental weapons + magic boost peripats work?
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This is less silly with the nude patch
I would normally carry some magic scrolls, then again if I am going red class I completely avoid living armors if possible
>Never keep my pawn in the same vocation long enough to be viable for this list
Luckily a few people from here hired her out when I was just starting out and gave me lots of sweet RC
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Having some fun here
Which lewd mod is best lewd mod?
coral them together in a group
makers finger spreads killing most if not all of the group
Any of you make kid Arisens? I'm kinda considering it. And by kids I mean not the ones you want to fuck.

I can never make a child face. It always comes out as a dwarf. I suppose my shota playthrough where I only hire amazonian women was not meant to be.
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Why aren't the digital art book and Into Free opening in the sticky?
Name of the right?
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>Vincent, Sorcerer, Lv. 200, Chal/Util
>Valcrom, Strider, Lv. 90 Sca/Chal
Also curious. That is the most attractive semen demon I've seen yet.
so i made some vituoso rings with the hook I made:
1) 500 health 90 sleep
2) 500 stamina 90 possession

but now i cant find her on my other characters when i search for her
did i over do it the values are within the confines on the wiki
I can see her under friends pawns but not when i manually search
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gib sliders.
> It helps to identify what it looks like when he's about to open the rift so you can climb and get into position before he starts.

I brought Vim, he floats too high off the ground for me to grab onto him.
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what did they mean by this
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Based 'Roos. Always have a great sense of humour.
Virtuoso rings are the weak ones, master rings are the ones with high values like that. I also don't think the values are a random range on those rings and everything has a set version that are within those ranges so you can't just make a custom ring.

I was jumping to try and grab on but I just couldn't latch on to his tiny leg.

I ended up trading off my Sorcerer for a Ranger and he was stun locked for the entire fight and eventually died. It was just him doing his staggering animation the whole time.
Im in bbi trying to progress and i keep getting raped by the eliminator in this tower thing near a bunch of harpies. Im a level 50 max rank warrior and i keep getting pinned and insta killed while my pawns do fuck all, any tips?
Hit them in the head for easy stagger and don't let them knock you down. If you do get knocked down your only real hope of mashing out of their 1hit kill is with egression. If you happen to be playing on hard mode as warrior in bbi then good luck with that massively increased stagger resistance.
Updated Izalia to L134. Still a Strider, but I keep thinking of switching her to Ranger. Both voc are maxed and with the relevant skills, just not sure if longbow would be any "better" over a bow for (mainly) BBI.
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Is it Grigori time already? Golly
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>Try my hand at recreating my pawn
>This is the best I can come up with
I think I either have to ditch the pointy chin completely or just accept the fact that I'm just not that good at this kind of stuff.
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>tfw looking through earlygame screenshots

I wish I could wipe all memory of this game and then play it over again. And then another couple of times.
is that a man
Nope, like I said I'm just not good at character creation.
keep trying until you get it or you hate yourself
try different face shapes
17 I think is good

or this
You will never ever be satisfied
So Witcher 3 used to crash shitloads when you tried to take screenshots through ENB. Is DD the same? I love taking screenshots.
The trick is when using different face shapes, to also adjust eye/nose/mouth/eyebrow positions/sizes to fit the face. There's also going to be a lot of going through each option again. Trying out different makeup also helps.
>You will never ever be satisfied
Also this.
>Run out of stamina
>"Don't worry I'm here"
>"Can you move?"
>"I have you now"
After 1500+ screenshots with ENB with no problem I think it's fine. However, the game itself does crash once in a while.
Is there a list of faces that aren't terrible? Most of them seem retarded by design.
Well, they're supposed to fit a lot of different caricatures, so it honestly depends on what you're going for. Also, I forgot to mention, always check the head from the side. Sometimes you'll end up with a perfect looking front only to look like dogshit from the side.
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I vouch for 16.
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Kevah is 38 now, got some good questing done and did a bunch of hunt missions. Looking forward to the direwolf set so I can finish her aesthetic.
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Does this look not dumb

Pls excuse physical pic of screen I'd switch to windowed to take an actual screenshot but this is lioe the sixth time I've done the tutorial

He had the floofier hair before, can post if necessary

Also I hope this isn't sideways
good night
ok well i searched the rift for pawns with the desired stat rings i wanted copied those and used them and she still wont show up for my other character does that have something to do with family share?
>I'd switch to windowed to take an actual screenshot
alt tab is a thing
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I've spent way too much time on this.
It's not great but it'll do.

You could also use the print screen key, and just paste it in paint.
The pic's just a black screen that way.
if you're on steam just use F12
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ayy thnx bb
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other hair for reference

just tell me if it looks retarded, I can never tell until hours later
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I might never unsee that
Catherine is now lvl 30.

Thank you for what you're doing.
24 and 21 are the best male long hairs imo.
>"Like wow Arisen, a Cyclops!"
that is my arisen
Add Amber L200 Sorcerer Female
>tfw figured how to make my pawn into an actual magick archer, MK or assassin
>his vocation levels up as he fights and everything
>MA and MK literally don't use any skills at all
Bittersweet, I'd check out assassin but I don't like it so much.
I like what you did with the cape and boots, it fits her really well.
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It's weird that there are MA human enemies but your pawn can't be one
I'm pretty sure the only reason pawns can't be hybrid vocations is the fact that the hybrid vocations can swap weapons and often have to. I can't think of any other reason.
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>I like what you did with the cape and boots, it fits her really well.

Glad that you like it, man.

The other 2 small changes are
Denim Hosen (I think) ---> Short Pants to show little of leg skins and to make the bottom part of the Crimson Jerkin look like a sort of skirt.
Ancient Bangles ---> Red Leather Gloves since those gloves look pretty archer-ish and can also look somewhat womanly when put togheter with other womanly gears.

She fought really well, roll dodged enemies' attacks like a boss, used the bow and 10fold very well, switched rapidly to daggers in convenient moments like when Kiryu grappled and she rapidly finished the enemies with cutting wind. 5/5 would hire that cutie again.
Strangely, she has the third bow skill slot empty.
>often have to
Magic archer and mystic knight really have no reason to ever switch to staff.
I honestly have never had to swap to a staff for any reason at all.
Does anyone still play this on PS3? I'm looking for a dragonforged Delta Guard. Doesn't have to be rarified, I just can't df it myself.

PSN: Rhaksha88
Delta guard can not be gifted. Your only choice is sex change.
Shit, didn't think of that. Time to find a good surgeon.
That's because i don't know which skills would be usefull for a ranger pawn except for tenfold. I'm torn between deathly arrow, comet shot and great gamble for the third slot and I also don't know if I should swap body binder for something else.
I like fearful din.
going to farm BBI, anyone wants me to hire their pawn?
Decimus, 150 fighter
Ritz is level 161 strider, but hire someone else if a lower person wants it.
Pls respond, is the blocking thing about stagger/knockdown resist perhaps?

Are there fixes for the fullretard camera system while climbing?
I'm pretty sure he started casting again after getting silenced. It was my first time fighting him so it was all chaotic and shit, didn't pay attention if something came out or not
New cycle when?
New thread?
>I'm pretty sure he started casting again after getting silenced.

The guy you are replying to is right, it seems like the are casting it but they won't.
Finish the cycle of eternal return.
>Why can my fighter pawn block and not get staggered when the fucking condemned cyclops stomp around like retards when I as a mystic knight with the shield augment can not?

Maybe your pawn uses Divine Defense.
>blocking thing
The shield stab skill, whatever it's called, can't be broken. Your pawn is probably using that or Divine Defense.

>fixes for the fullretard camera system while climbing
Don't think so. It's fucked.
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I've deleveled Andalt to 80 and I reckon I'll keep him there for the rest of his miserable strider life.
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>leave Urdy when he only lost like 2 bars
>come back to this
Baking new, I guess.

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