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/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #962

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 778
Thread images: 197

Goodbye Magnafest

>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8: Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13: Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23: Samurai Shodown Collab
1/23 - 1/30: Guild Wars (earth)
1/31 - 2/8: New Event

>How to Start
Go to http://game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning
alternate: http://pastebin.com/XAw8bBCf

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread
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>joined a raid the instant magnafest ended

Why is there still no info on what gacha comes after legfest?
>mfw retards justifying yngwie over kat
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It's finally over, time to shitpost while waiting for EP and AP regen

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>yfw magnafest is done
>mfw gays using an old man over the best waifu

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Fuck, still got 50 berries left.
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>Lancelot Yngwie Altair
The age of the waterhomo is dead, my man. You'd gain like 20% damage just from swapping Lancey to Izmir let alone fixing the rest of that team. Glasses can stay.

The grind never ends.
I need to do HL shit, even more halo grinding and other things.
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5* soon.
Suptix when??????????
So what did you get this magnafest?

>4 tia guns
>2 tia fists
>2 Levi bows
>1 Yugu staff
>1 colo fist
>1 colo katana
>too many selfies
Shut up you useless cunt

You're never going to get anything
I'm pretty sure you're only saying yngwie because you don't have kat, right? Please say yes because I'm getting second-hand embarrassment here.
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>it's over
I was too busy joining raids I just realized I forgot to host my own
>even more halo
>he didn't stockpile tons of shit when it's only 10ap
18 magnas, 18 hard, 18 normals and several HLs and summon raids every day. It's finally over.
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>only 1 gun from Tia all magnafes
It wasn't supposed to end this way.
You NEVER have enough halo shits
Remember to:

1. Farm damascus from event
2. Farm GW mats
3. Do fate episodes
4. Empty your crate
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Magnafest over, time to not play this game until next GW or magnafest to hoard berries.

See you at the end of the month faggots.
>Yugu selfies
>2 yugu Daggers
>1 Yugu sword
>8 yugu bows
Nothing but hosting got me

6 Yugu Swords
4 Tia Guns
1 Celes Claw
2 Chev Guns
1 Levi Dagger

And then a bunch of SSR fodder.
you guys are beginning to scare me away from the game
>1 colo blade
>1 colo gun
>1 chev gun
>1 tia gauntlet

From leeching, MVP is a lie.
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I can finally play other games again
If we're removing useless whores then can we remove beatrix and her annoyingly retarded fans too?
>1 tia gun
>2 levi daggers
>1 yugu sword
>6 chev swords
>lots of selfies
>lots of SSR fodder (including chev guns and cele axes)
Much better than the previous 2 magnafes where I got 0 chev swords.
>it's an "esports" discussion in a general that's obnoxiously waifufaggotry > esports
If I were honest Yngwie/C.Arulumaya/Izmir or Lancelot*/Altair/Katalina would be my preferred teams for involved units. But I don't have the energy to argue over another failed magnafest.
*Him or Romeo

7 Athena spears
6 Athena swords
tons of coloshit, at least 6 staff
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>tfw I can finally play other games or do other things without having to worry about losing magnafest time
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>still need 147 more rainbow prisms
>magfest is over
3 Celeste Axes
5 Tia Guns
1 Yugi sword
1 snek dagger
1 stick
1 Athena sword
1 Chev gun
hi, I'm new
is there a crew with space for someone?
i made the account 30 hours ago
is it that bad?

what have I gotten myself into?
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What does a normal magna dark pool look like?
Because current legfest is over at 7 Jan
9 claws and summer zoi
>3 chev swords
>4 chev selfies
>1 chev axe
>2 chev guns
>fucking nothing from everything else

One of my better magnafests Chev-wise
Are Ogre/Martial Artist classes good for anything? Or i should give up on them and raise Swords/Axes as everyone?
Use your beginners ticket on Lucio.
>crew has 28 members
>not a single bonus is active
What the goddamn fuck you nips? I've been making daily deposits.
seriously stuff like >>164548783 and >>164548680 is making me double guess this decision
I said normal, not a nigger pool.
Where do I put EMP in my Dark Fencer?

I didn't use even 1 point because I'm affraid to fuck up.
9 claws and summer zoi idiot
Debuff Success, DA and TA
If you can control your autism and play the game casually you'll be fine. If you're a turbo autist who wants to get the best shit NOW then yeah you should probably turn away because you'll lose control of your life.
ATK, Double Atk Chance, Debuff Success Chance
Using chrome browser, how do I check what id my guild is?
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You sound unreasonably angry, shut the fuck up.
>Start making wind grid this magfest.
>Was previously have one gun, 2 star fist in the grid.
>magfrst end, I have 1 two stars, 5 one star gun and countless fist in inventory
Tia is such a good girl
Da = Dark Attack and TA?


Thanks for the answers.
>double baha
Stop spreading this meme you dumbshits.
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>50 AP
>5 Berries
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>dark attack
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>tfw free from 1/2 Fes in GBF
>realize I haven't even started grinding for event Kaede in SS yet

Why WOULDNT you run double baha?
>tfw free from magnafest
>Realize I still have to work on grinding two other games
>And do LB4 shits

Fuck me
>started new account during magfes
>had fun and blasted through beginning again
>just got through Vira and unlocked Luminiera
>magnafes ends
>I don't have a single Chev piece
>GW in like a week and a half

Mother of DICK
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Double attack than. P-please don't bully.
God you're such a faggot, fuck off back to whatever place you crawled out of.
>plays autism game
>doesn't go full autism
Because I'd rather have 500 less HP and have an extra claw than ave 500 more HP and do shit damage.
is that the beginner's draw set?

I have a chicken which is earth as the only piece of my team that might be viable for long term use. would lucio derail that?
Because you're running enmity and S.Zoi.
>realize on the last day I still need to farm an additional 50 white certs
>get more horns than white certs
>still need 20
>An extra claw
Not everyone runs nigger zoi
I run Romeo/Kat/Lancelot and even go to HL with that. I wish I had Silva, want to ditch lancelot.
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>10 tia guns
>1 levi dagger
>1 yugu sword
>1 yugu dagger
>1 celeste spear
>fuck ton of tia fists, axes, spears, selfies
>gw dagger
>fully skilled my grid from skill level 5 average to 10
>gained 20 ranks

This was a good magnafest.
double baha is not the standard
stop memeing
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>double baha
I seriously doubt that. But besides that, it looks exactly what I thought it would be.
Double baha is the standard
>wanting to ditch Lancelot for Silva
Do you just hate contributing in raids or something? Silva is garbage compared to Lancelot.
What else would you run, albino Zoi?
>1 celeste axe
>1 chev sword
>1 chev harp
>1 levi dagger
>4 levi staff's
>7 tia guns
>1 tia fist
>2 tia spear's
>3 ygg dagger's
>2 ygg swords
>1 athena spear
>too many selfies to count

I basically got a wind grid in 72 hours of just spamming Tia with a consistent drop rate on guns
Silva is cuter and I like her.
>Not everyone runs nigger zoi
Damn you're stupid. Can you speak in anything that isn't memes?
Why are so many water players contrarian faggots (both literally and figuratively?)

I'm often embarrassed to play this element when I read the posts of other people who do on here. If you don't want to minmax and rather run your waifus/bandos that's fine but shut the fuck up about it and stop trying to pretend it's anything but what it is - dickpicks.
Is there a HL raid guide? Just need to know how to work Maculus so I can get those damn urns.
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I'm not even sure what I should be doing at this point. Should I focus on light or wind?
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>no news
Scam gacha again?
is Christina worth 777777777 or go for Anat

only wind ssr are have patra and feena and looks like i'll have to wait for a suprise ticket to get birdman
Genuinely curios then.
What do you sub out for the Baha sword then if double baha isn't the actual standard?
Anat and then get Christina's gun eventually or just don't get it at all desu
Get Anat. People only get Christina to reduce her gun for gun elements.
Is there a guide on how to ninjameme celeste
You usually want two LB4 bahas if you have the race synergy to run them since it gives you a great HP and attack boost in two weapons.
Why are you using a tia fist when you clearly had enough Tia Guns.
Either a 2nd unknown or another magna weapon. The only reason to run 2 bahas is if you run double Baha which still loses out to Celeste/Baha with 7 magnas.
wind unless you enjoy autistic light grind and are gay enough to pick lucio over korwa
>spoonfeeding retarded ESLfags
Do you still have start dash. Go wind

You can't go light unless you whaled a pool of SSR light attack up weapons

Wind is easy and cheap. Pray your start dash has monkey and korwa monkey + random SR/SSR attacker can carry you forever
only retard here is you that can only spout memes

feel free to fling shit at me too and give me that free reply since its all you can do
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What are they saying? What are you even angry about.
>The only reason to run 2 bahas is if you run double Baha which still loses out to Celeste/Baha with 7 magnas.
So where are the numbers or proof of that? Got the calculator numbers?
Vira outclasses Dark Jeanne.
Just mvp your RNG drops from the VH/EX raids. He drops both the bow and the summon.
Light, it's gonna be a pain in the ass but it'll be worth it. You can also use Korwa in a light team no problem until you get more light units.

Next events also has light weapons that will help you get started.
Mate I had like 6 drop for me farming up the 3m honors for the chocolate crystals
Nah. You can keep using 2 bahas. Less players to MVP race against. Enjoy that HP.
Read the end of the last thread. Someone was adamantly suggesting Katalina's SSR is trash and dead weight and when asked when team he runs instead it was Lancelot/All Cummings/Altair.
Every time.

Ask for proof and retards go LOL STAY WRONG FAGGOT.
Reminder you still have 3 to 4 days to farm everything from Platinum Sky, and you should.
Because you won't see it again for 2 years.
>he admits that it's all for the (You)s
I had too many fists and uncapped one while I was filling out the grid. It's still better than 0* guns so I'll be using it until my guns are all uncapped.
fuck man that makes me legitimately sad, this event was great. maddie is the best regular event boss I've seen since forever
What do I do with all the spare archangel weapons
Yes. But really just have fun for now.
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>Oh boy 2 EP time to do a ra-
Who bitch this is?
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I'll be honest, every time I call out dumb shit I slightly regret it because I worry that people ehre might actually look into things themselves and correct it. Glad I haven't cucked myself out of any MVPs this time, since you actually don't seem to be interested.
Unless you need that extra Hp or have the race synergy, its better to just got for another weapon for much better damage than a second baha. A second unknown arguably might even be a better choice.
sell or get some exp on your 5* ssr charas
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Post your chev results.
hard mode: no bars
its standard if you have naru which is the op in dark
Why is that all the hag posters are all retarded shitposter?

Magisa, Rosetta and other hags. If someone posts them its always to act retarded and shitpost every time.
is the bow worth using or just an ssr fodder??
Albert 5* soon
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Why weren't they part of the main crew?
How can I know if my start dash has the Legfes characters? It's available during legfes but it starts some days before it generally
It's just a reaction image, bro.
Useful stuff

2 chev guns
1 colo stick
7 or 8 levi dagger
5 yugu swords
2 tia guns
too much fodder
>Light and Dark freebies
Not on cygames's watch
are hard raids worth doing for 15ap?
Better jewing to keep them in the gacha.
The Noah/Lucifer wars may be kill, but you can bet your ass Noah is the next story SSR.
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Baha ATK multiplier maxes out at 50%. Since one Baha HL weapon already boosts your ATK by 32% at SL15, the second one only grants you 28%, period.

You can do the rest of the math yourself.
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>Would have to blast through 40 quests to get another legfest roll

I'd want to kms.
Fuck off ive been running double baha for 3 months now and I can tell you it doesn't cap at 50% that's just HP
>Shitposts "ironically"
>calls someone else a shitposter

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting you dumb cunt
How ironic.
It does cap at 50% but you still want double LB4 bahas for the average all purpose build. You can take one out for short battles maybe but you usually want two.
Is upcoming event a rerun? They using Zeta and Vaseraga a shitton recently.
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>caps at 50%
>so one gives you 32% and the other gives you 28%

/gbfg/ basic math skills strike again
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>gay boy event
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>Johann's event
>Zeta and Vaz are the ones in the banner

Told you people no one cared about that useless fuccboi. This event is all about Zeta and Vaz while that guy gets sidelined in his own event.
Thought you'd say that Satan/dream eater.

Guess I'm in for a night.
Yes it is
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From what I hear double unknowns is almost a must for dark.
Extreme Event
That guy is just the person who drags you along to the island where you meet Zeta and Vaz. He was never meant to be anything more than that.
Your pool sucks
boy howdy thank god someone posted that, I've been looking for one of those for the past seventeen days and couldn't find a single one
Stop shitposting
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Granblue Fantasy is a nice game.
Your pool still sucks, stop posting it.


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>need to grind out 28 guns for a wind build
It was more of a plea for help. I can never get randoms to join my Extreme raids.
11 snek daggers
3 colo sticks
1 yugu sword 80 dagger stones
2 celeste axes
2 chev guns 2 chev harps
and like 30 snek selfies for quartz.
It was good.
Anon you got called out for being a shitposter in it for the (You)s, this is just embarrassing now.
Kill yourself.

172 draws total this legfest so far and only new things I got was two summons that are complete trash and an average 3% SSR rate.

Fucking shitfest. WOuld've sparked if I didn't split my rolls between the two parts.
This is a proper pool for dark. The only reason to change this formula would be to replace 1-2 axes if you have S.Zoi.
wew didn't think my water team would be able to do it but it's doable i guess.
And you got called out for having a shit pool and pretending to be esports, stop embarrassing yourself.
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>Replying to yourself
That's pretty sad.
And to replace an axe or unknown with Gisla. You are using your free Damascus bars on Gisla right? You'll have 3 soon even if you don't whale.
>3 Athena swords
>1 Athena spear
>a bunch of colo, tia and yugu selfies
>8 yugu daggers
>enough sticks to finish my stick grid
>1 chev harp
>1 chev gun
>1 celeste axe
>a bunch of tia fists(fuck you tiamat)
>1 levi dagger
>a bunch of colo fists(fuck you colo you fucking piece of junk)
Better than my last magnafest. I'm glad I was able to finish my stick grid before the year ended.
>zephyrus and zeus
>gets two 0.021% summons and they're the absolute worst ones
>"luck of the draw.jpg"

I have never felt so sorry for anyone in this general
1 Gisla doesn't make enough of a difference, I hate that people keep memeing this.
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Double Baha anon sure is butthurt.
I have Agni too
A lot of people here pretend to pretend to know it all and meme a lot of dumb shit in here.

I honestly feel bad for any retard taking "Build advice" or game advice from /gbfg/ of all places.
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>3 tia spears
>2 tia guns
>4 colo fists
>3 yugu swords
>2 yugu maces
>4 yugu bows
>2 chev guns
>1 celes claw
>2 celes harps
>no Celes Axe
fine, fine. I didn't want to sound mean or anything. do you use twitter? it usually helps for me, just throw tweets out every 30s or so until you get a couple of people
>watersluts going at it last general
>darkcucks going at this this general
What's next?
There's nothing wrong with Zues when you have the proper light grid aka 8 swords and double baha.
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>1 Gisla doesn't make enough of a difference
I thought Zeus was really good if you have a lot of Chev Swords.
>farming swords when you could be building your superior fire pool
I seriously hope nobody does this.
>Extreme Trial
>Back to 40ap

For newfags that's
Lucio, Dark Jeanne, Narumea, Mahira, Rackam
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Taimanin collab when? i need my daily dose of NTR
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Since you people are no help, I actually bothered half-arse use the calculator. >>164550154 so far seems the most correct.
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>I'm finally free from Celeste grind hell, but I actually feel a bit empty inside
Is this what people called Stockholm Syndrome?
any time someone feels the need to point things like these out, they're usually the ones upset or butthurt so you're only making yourself look like the upset one.

and this is the only reply you'll get from me, dont drag me into your retarded argument.
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GBF Earth Team 2017.png
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SSR Eugen will never come to me, and neither will SR Jessica.

I have a +99 Baha Dagger, but I feel that if I'm going to use cows and Catherine, I'd be better off using something that'd benefit them. The Yugu stick is there until I get some more swords.

Anything you guys wanna suggest at all team comp-wise? I'm trying to git gud so I don't weigh down my crew.
How's that 0.021% rate doing for you firefag?
jesus christ what is with this general today, that was some next level hivemind shitposting
You lose a bunch of HP for marginally more ATK. Not really worth it unless you swim in sunlight stones.

It'll be better once Gungnir gets a 4* or if you happen to have multiple S Heles spears laying around.
Honestly consider replacing Cog with SR Jasmine.
What, you mean Athena spear pool? Even with 120% Agni (which I have) it was only slightly better than a magna build and even now with Shiva it's still only slightly worse than Earth Magna and miles behind Titan Earth and everything above it.

We thought that Agni might be of more value because we were thinking Cygames' idea of rebalancing the element would be more normal modifier weapons through new bosses or showdowns but it's painfully obvious that Shiva was what they had in mind.

There is currently no more incentive to farm Athena now than there was a month ago, I'm afraid.
Magnafest is over, nobody plays this shit game outside of GW and magnafest so people come here to shitpost.
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Why can't I mvp my luck like this
You want the Sword/dagger build for most things though. Unless you're running Summer zoi and need maximum backwater, you'll love the extra HP and still have great attack out of it.
Can I start using Hades with 2 Gisla? How many cerb guns?
Are Hawkeye's extended mastery skills worth getting? Extend Break and Force Snatch
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Well, do you?
>only slightly better than a magna build and even now with Shiva it's still only slightly worse than Earth Magna and miles behind Titan Earth and everything above it.

Jesus fucking christ.
Don't worry, he'll come to you soon
>100% HP
That's not how it works, sorry.

Break keep yes.
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At least gun elements aren't worthless
I'll bully him in bed.
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I am very glad that I was able to help you out, anon.
Mary needs to fuck off and stay gone, this is the THIRD bronze moon from her.
You're free to mislead and meme people all you want but in practice that's what you'll want to take always.
I have an account but I haven't used it in this game yet besides the AP restore, guess I'll try it out for raids next.
>You're free to mislead and meme people all you want
What are you talking about?
This all started because some fag wanted to mislead and meme people into his epic double Baha weapon meme.
5* Bear update is here!
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>double Shiva
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What the fuck? I've been grinding chev swords just to be worse than fucking fire of all things?

I'm never listening to /gbfg/ again.
>not mvping your luck like >>164550256
cock fix incoming

Post pool, I want to have a laugh
Is that until I feed 1900 Archangel Weapons into Cog and she hits 100, or is it because Jasmine is already much better at supporting?

My 3 main dirt comps are A) full DPS dirt boys; B) Sara, Airi, and Catherine for charm; and C) Sara, Cog, and Jasmine for your standard drawn out raids.
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Does light have the best SR boys?
How is this Hades pool?
>free spot for main weapon
Gisla x2
Cerb gun x2
Olden Cortana x1
Diabolos bow x1
Baha weapon x1
Cele claw x2
If I could mvp my luck, I would have better sense to play this game.
This general is literally retarded and is always wrong about everything.

Idiots in here think that being able to use the calculator for big numbers makes them automatically right for everything.
That build is using double Shiva. Unless you can pull your own MLB Shiva out of your ass on a whim and find a reliable amount of friends with MLB Shiva then that image is nothing but a meme and will be for a long time.
This is bait, right?
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>Idiots in here think that being able to use the calculator for big numbers makes them automatically right for everything.
IRC cucks everyone.
>slv15 unknown
>Double MLB Shiva

Good luck with that bitch.
You need to drop below about 68% before 3 claws show more damage and at about 30% health you get about 10k extra damage. Honestly, it hardly seems worth it with dark since I don't have S.Zoi on my main.
>light has Magna x Luci
Gotta bullshit the numbers to make yourself look right
You should be running Dark Jeanne though.
oops, it bugged out. Congrats, double baha anon is correct.
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And this is a typical Darchrow nigger who thinks a calculator spitting out bigger numbers is the be all and end all.

This is the nigger that thinks critical is a bad stat because they're a one element wonder.

That thinks DA/TA doesn't make up for raw numbers because it doesn't show up on the calculator.

whose name goes in the blank?
Holy shit Meteon fucking PRANKED Sturm and Bea
New update fixed Ayer/Cock bug?
>more people here willingly sucking hindu god cock than worshiping white greek goddess

/gbfg/ keeps getting gayer.
Double baha anon is still wrong according to >>164551001 >>164551195
and understanding how damage actually works in game.
lmao lyria the no titty idiot just a reminder that big tits > flat chests
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Image didn't attach, the cunt.
EOP here. Someone translate moons.
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finally done with this fucking bow
Why is Lyria eating the breast?
Critical is shit though. Fuck using superior element, I want to mono element every fucking thing so you better make crits work like crits.
You're the only one that doesn't know how damage works in this game and thinks only one person is calling you out on your shit.
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I would almost consider dropping MLB Cog for Jasmine, especially if she got a 5. But yes, once you get her to 100 you can spread her mediocre buffs at a 20 percent rate to the entire party.
Jasmine's low tier SSR support, Cog barely stratches a decent SR support.
Does Ayer and Mahira echoes stack now? Make it stack please, why does Lucio get stacking echoes with everything
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I'll see you next GW.
They fixed the Ayer+Makira bug. Someone test that shit.
They are primal beasts
>Reach HL
>Host tiamat HL
>Couldn't even scratch her itch

O...oh. So this is the power of HL.
Bigger number is definitely not the only thing to judge damage on, because most attack buff use Normal modifier, so one pool could get more benefits from the buff than other, for example.
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>kat sr has stronger shield than kat ssr
Don't worry, Cygames is already hard at work at making crit more relevant by slapping non-weakness damage penalties on eveything. GW NMs are just the first step.
Rooster's buff is barely higher numbers than Cog's.
I'm done with GW if the damage mitigation is any where near retarded levels. Fuck having to have a full pool for every element, I'm not autistic enough for that shit.
It's kind of funny how double baha anon literally never posted his own numbers and just shoved an old meme.

The calculator numbers even if 2 katana was higher are still too close to be perfectly reflected in the game.

It's okay though, defend memes and maybe one day people here will stop defending the truth against said memes.
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Honestly, it's only a matter of time before Cygames notices how good crit stacking is and nerfs it. Or fixes it because it's probably actually a bug/oversight.
Was doing VH better than Extreme AP efficiency wise?
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Finally fixed.
>Proper builds are memes because I said so

Is it really that hard to admit that you were wrong?
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>non-weakness damage penalties
So what even is the point of going all out for chev swords at all anymore? Gun light already has zero problems with MVPing and solo on-element shit. The only point of swords was to be better than other elements even off-element.

stop fucking posting japanese things if you aren't going to explain what it says you limp dick bitch not everyone here is a weeaboo who learned japanese just so they can play some shitty eroge
>Mahira got bugfixed
>No compensation for their double fuckup

I want HRT back
Ayer & Lucio NARFED?
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So earth core is now
Ayyer, Cock and free spot for someone like H Eustace, Okto or Hale?
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Makes sense. I'm mostly using Cog because Ars Magna++ is aesthetically pleasing.
HRT would have given us two refunds already, FUCK KMR!
Why don't you shut the fuck up?
There is none unless you want to minmax for personal pleasure, mono-element babbies got fucked.
You were always supposed to get your pools to 3*/4* attack weapons then move on to other elements, only coming back for more swords or whatever each element's preferred weapon is after you had a decent pool for every element.

Grinding the fuck out of preferred weapons should be your end goal not your first step.
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Updated Element Ranking.
>he didn't learn Japanese just so he could read shitty eroge
Clearly you don't belong here.
Real Element Ranking


Dark > Light > Fire > Earth > Wind > Water


Fire > Dark > Light > Earth > Water > Wind
you shut your whore mouth and respect that man. there is no better reason in the world to learn moonspeak than to play eroges
>Fire > Dark
You wish.
Fire still cant touch dark, not even with Shiva

Other than that, its pretty accurate


>Magna Fire > Wind and Earth
holy shit just how delusional can you firefags get
Crimson Fingers are better than Gislas

>But Dark has S. Zoi

So does Fire, just like how Earth has Korwa.
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Jesus christ, sweet Luci may have surpassed Yngwie in my favorite attack animations. That triple attack man.

Praise god's fuccboi!
Stance shift. Light and dark were supposed to be the endgame elements, but they don't like that line of thinking anymore because players will play less after finishing one pool since they don't need anything else.
Firefags trying to be relevant in the age of Dirt.
>responding to yourself
Sad, really.
Dark has slv15 trium.
>it's another fire think they're hot shit because of a 140% summon they'll never get episode again
They bugfixed Lucio, nothing to do with gameplay just voice issues.

Then they bugfixed Chicken so she doesn't overwrite ayer.

That's it.
>45mn before the next gatcha
>Still no info on it
Even Lucio was announced some hours before his own gatcha and the upcoming one will have a spark pool shared with the legfest. What are they planning to release? The return of sheep?
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Where is the gatcha news?
>Current year
>Thinking "140 is higher than 120 omg powercreep" matters
>Double Agnis is always better than Agnis x Shiva in reality
Yeah you can record some youtube video with Shiva for funz but that's pretty much about it.
>The return of sheep?
I want to do naughty things to female harvins.
its going to be a scam gacha dont get your hopes up
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anyone got a youtube link to this event's boss bgm?

also whichever anon made this image, you're still awesome
Halle Ayer Korwa
Was it him repeating voice lines
>and the upcoming one will have a spark pool shared with the legfest.
What? Where did they say that?
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Newshitter here.
If I'll let /gbfg/ decide on what element I would take. What would it be?
free surprise tickets when
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>Double Agnis is always better than Agnis x Shiva in reality
Go to the draw page, the spark pool changes on the 7th.
why is it so fucking difficult to level summons
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One of us. One of us.
>double agnis
Be a new jaded vet and go light

Farm Chev swords until the heat death of the universe
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>double agnis
What the fuck am I reading?
Use wind, then bully Yugu into dropping swords for me.
Characterles SSR weapon gacha
Double Agnis is better for the whale and the poorfag build both, unless it's an extremely short fight that nothing really matters.
Math never lies. >>164551571
>anon can't multiply
Wind because it's easiest, use wind to mvp other magnas to build your other pools.

Free buncles.
Free* 80% summon.
Easiest pool to build.
Easy to find friends with Anat or Tia even as a low rank.

*Requires some time spent in Casino.
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Delusional Firefags
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Have you proven your worth?
I suggest you look at the character page located on both gbf-wiki.com and in-game and make a decision based on which element has which characters you like the most. If you can't decide then I would suggest Wind or Earth as starters.
You don't choose your element. Your element chooses you through shitty gacha luck
good job bro, r charas only is rough
>Suggesting wind to anyone
>In 2017

Its Earth or FIRE. Wind and water are shit now.
Too bad /gbfg/ never wants to utilize a calculator when there is one that can even computes everything including DATA/crit/backwater/frontwater.
this reply really made me think
Not even worth the (You)
Surprise ticket end of this month or next month?
Oh fuck, I completely forgot about that, it's not impossible.
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Unless you reroll for ages to obtain Shiva, which is the summon that makes Fire stronger than Wind, I don't think you should start with Fire unless it , as I've said before, contains your favorite characters.

Even though I know you're meming, some people will believe you.
Remember you're in /gbfg where people meme things like "Support shivas dont exist! Fire is still shit!"
It'll be on 7th.
in 24 minutes
Why would support shivas add some random shitter?
>Rerolling for Shiva
>When you can use a support shiva

Dumb retard
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So do I play water, and where do I start. It might be shit but fuck it, I wanna use the onahole team.
Around Valentine.
Support shivas don't exist, because none of them are going to add your non-whale ass.
I had a full bahamut support pool at like level 60 nd my summons were all fucking shit.

If you send enough friend requests, people will eventually add you.
how does Tezcatlipoca summon works
max dmg at how many dif party member type?
if it's 4 why ayer+korwa on the same team since they have the sam type
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it's like >>164552210 says
>get bahamut so start as dark
>no dark ssrs for the first 150 legfest rolls
>fucking 4 earth ssr charas in a row
>get veight, next dark ssr chara weapon is veight's again
>yugu keeps showering me with gifts like pic related

the game wants to choose our elements just to spite us but FUCK that. man up and bruteforce your element choice
The same reason Lucifers and Bahamuts accept random shitters. Because most people don't give a shit.
Race. Harbin, Human, Doraf, Erun. Have different ones on your team.
Mad windfags grasping at straws here

Fire can now just use random shivas and be the best wheel element or use Agnis x Shiva and become god
>No cowtits
Play Dirt anon
This, I've had a few friends roll Shiva and they unfriended me soon after.

Because the translation sucks and it's supposed to be race.
How often are you going to find Shiva support summons in your raid list to where you can consistently use them, especially since it's a new 0.021% summon AND how do you expect said Shiva support summons to even add you if you have nothing?
The only part where Shiva+Agni is better than Double Agni is the off-element fight. Against wind bosses Double Agni is better, I won't say it's much stronger though.
It's a mistranslation, it's actually Races and not Types.
Don't worry guys 100 people in /gbfg/ will get a surprise ticket in the 11th.
Jita is unknown
Pick 3 unique in the 4 existing types:
- Erune (Eustace...)
- Harvin (Chicken...)
- Cow (Tharatha)
- Human (eugen.(
Using non-friend ones is unreliable and you are going to end up spending a lot of time in trial battles. Especially considering its rates.
What race would a Medusa SSR chara be? Human?
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Can someone please explain to me how this slut's top works?
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What the fuck

I've never seen HL chev blow up this fast either. Fucking animals.
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So this is the power of Fire huh. Not bad.
My semen acts like a glue
google adhesive bras
Unknown. Medusa is a snake women.
I think I see this question once a month. Funnily enough they think they are smart asking this.
>tfw you go from 75% to 70% and 50% to 45% one 1 turn so you skip both aegis
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I'm glad I got a mlb agnis.
Wouldn't she be unknown? Is this seriously a question?
Already on it.
go play clash of clans instead, suits you better :^)
>not censoring the wolf's eyes

What a slutty berserker.
>wolf eyes not censored
you dirty dirty slut
>He missed the wolf eyes
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>1 second apart

are we soulmates bro
they dont need to add you idiot once time passes more people will have them and they will just appear in the list for you to choose just like how you can always just choose luci and baha summons
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Put 3 different skills into one SSR earth character to make it S tier.
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>one second
They can't make any Earth SSR chara unknown because they wouldn't work with Tezca and be shit off the bat
Are you blind?
No one uses that shitty build.
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>started a week ago
>everything's going smooth
>logged in today
>5 EP raids
>10/15/20 AP Halo
Oh my god, I...

>Goodbye Magnafest
At lest I grinded some trials and halo.
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Friendly reminder that Shiva+Agni is slightly better than Double Agni at >75% hp. For magnafags, even with Shiva fire is still weaker than earth.
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Right, so legfest is certainly ending? No surprise renewal or new characters to be revealed?

I scrounged up the other 3000 from my fates and early islands stuff. Still wishy washy on the big spend.
>been playing a few months now
>have MLB rabbit, agni, tecatz, leviathan as friend summons
>finally got a dick big enough to be picky about my friends
>go back through the list
>first remove the ones that haven't logged on in 48 hours, but this is only 2 people
>start removing the ones that have nothing useful
>suddenly feel a crushing wave of guilt
You need agnis or shiva. they're both the same draw rate and you will have an easier time finding mlb agnis than mlb shiva for at least 4 months.
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that's the wrong post mate. you had one job
>that shitty build
I'm not sure which build you're talking about but the build doesn't really matter. The result is always the same. 75% hp or higher, Shiva Agni is slightly better. Else and overall Double Agni is stronger.
It's not really a mistranslation, if you check the character pages it will say Type as well. Using Race is awkward when the same term is also used for summons where it's clearly not races.
You stupid motherfucker.
You know, with all these people who keep throwing charts at /gbfg/, do people take account the fact that Shiva's active is literally teamwide break assassin-level boost?
So is fire actually saved or what?
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Nothing but summons and hp weapons FUCK YOU
>mfw maggie raids getting absolutely destroyed in 1 minute
I should have worked on this before.
The actvation doesn't really matter in longer fights thanks to Trium.
yep that shit, i've seen fire doing 13mil dmg on 1st turn, goodbye mvp, who need strike time when u are fire with shiva as support
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>they cant do this because it wouldnt work with x
Yea, no. That's not how it works. Medusa is flat out an unknown. You can't assign her human, because she isn't a human. Nor does cygames care about the games meta.

Besides lore reason, she has a tail, anon. She is automatically disqualified from being human nor will she be considered erun. This is a dumb question.
4 chev swords
2 celes fist
2 old cortana
6 tia guns
1 athena spear
not counting ssr fodders/ summons
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What did he mean by this?
>thinking they will make a whale bait character completely shit for no reason
Dumbass, they randomly gave Forte bigger tits and made her a Doraf.
Very Hard or Extreme? Pick one.
He want's the DOCKING with you
He's going to try even harder to win next year.
>these motherfuckers were uppity enough to persistently try and rank whale fire above whale dark
as always, low levels have the biggest hard-on for wanpan shit
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>fire is shit again

>Cock AND Korwa
No because I'm not spending 40 ap on certs.
As always, frogposters are the most retarded ones
He can dock me any time of the day.
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new bonito.jpg
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>implying giving her bigger tits and downgrading her from a dragon riding demon warrior into titty fighter isn't a doraf
It's not like I don't like this iteration of Forte, but it's straight up a downgrade compare to her RoB/Shadowverse version.
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They'll make her a harvin
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Meteon's going to have it ROUGH.

>/gbfg/ is listening to a SEAfag who doesn't even know Japanese or English interpret a Japanese blogpost into English.
>this misinformation will be repeated for months.
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>Bea is an honorary doraf
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Unless you are implying cygames are literally going to change Medusa's design, she is going to be unknown. Just face the reality of the situation. Medusa is an unknown, cygames doesn't care about the meta nor about how well their whalebait characters work with the current workings.

Medusa is an unknown unless you can provide a reason outside baseless assumptions that cygames gives a fuck about inane shit they've shown time and time again to not care about. The only way for her to not be an unknown is for them to change her design and that won't happen, she is already in the game.
And they can easily do something similar for Medusa considering they're starting to become more aware of how their game is played. Look at Mahira, she's clearly designed to be what Earth wanted for a long time since she's the limited whalebait zodiac. They're not going do something like fuck over a theoretical Medusa SSR like that.

It's more likely that they will just change her, unless they also release a 140% earth summon that obsoletes Tezca.
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Good lord
Your water holds more potential than your earth thanks to the Bonito, but when it comes to characters it's basically a toss-up.
Here you go, sorry I was a little late.
Fire is trash! I did it guys!
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>dirt niggers
go light and suffer
It's more likely that they'll release earth Shiva than making Medusa an unknown to be honest. Stop and think for a damn moment, Medusa is already in the game, she's already designated as a Primal Beast, and all playable Primal Beast character are Unknowns.
>18 chev selfies
>4 chev axes
>4 chev harps
>3 chev guns
>0 chev swords
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ebin joke bro
Not him, but I'll take it heh
I bet you couldn't dig a hole like that even if you tried.
fuck man, better luck next time
If it's of any consolation, in the previous magnafests I got 30+ chev weapon drops and none of them were swords.
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Is there a cuter R-only team?
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Newfag here, is dark the only way to build a party for me atm?
Only cummies is cute there.
>only has vampy
Why the flying fuck would you start with dark when you have korwa?
if you want any decent damage then yeah, you can't go wrong with those two dark charas + korwa
Kumuyu Fire
Kumuyu Earth
Kumuyu Summer
Because wind is shit
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Has everyone gotten 700 crystals from the access and play giveaway?
I can have Main dark + vampy + cerberus + korwa with bahamut? It seems to be the most damage.

It seems if I go earth with chicken, korwa, wampy and earth main than the damage is worse, so yeah...
>this meme is now steering new players away from the element that is both easiest to gear up in both leader summon and grid and the strongest with minimal investment
Press F to pay respects to the next generation of GBF players.
>starting dark over wind especially with a top tier wind chara
I'm actually getting triggered.
Thanks for the help. I can host more if anyone wants, I need a distraction for a bit and I've already done my coop missions.`
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>Muh kurwa
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1 Chev sword
1 Athena spear
2 Athena swords
Around 3-4 Chev guns and axes
6 Chev selfies

A profit of 350 BP seeds and 250 AP pots.
I couldn't because the dirt around here in Socal requires excavators. It's like 90% rocks and bedrock is a couple feet below that.

But that's still pretty impressive. If that dirt is solid enough to make walls form like that, then it's also very tough to shovel through.
>why is this gentleman not choosing to build two separate elements in a row instead of starting with the best element

really makes you think
Well it's what I have. I've been playing 6 days so...

He's not me, aka the guy from >>164553745
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>think dirt niggers were just a meme
>look at tier list

Why does dirt have so many niggers?
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>quotes two posts
>one of which doesn't even mention korwa at all
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Well legfes is over, post your best draws
Someone won the login lottery event here?
>New gatcha is the exact same without legfest
That's kinda retarded.
>both Korwa and Ferri rated over SZoi
But I thought SZoi was the strongest SSR in the game?
Uh why are there no gacha images flying at my face when I go to my home page?
Did they mess up with saying the draw rates would change on the 4th?

Nothing changed. No sheep this legfest.
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I started this legfest
>Sara is better than Sarasa or Octo
Ebin tier list /gbfg/
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Nothing but Characterless Rs and my FOURTH Lucius fire blade!

Except for this deliciousness! Another one on the list is in the harem.
You have baha? Then sure go for it. Note that cerb is shit that several SRs are superior. Farming your magna weapons will be hell also considering the drop rate for dark. On the other hand, if you start with wind, half the work is already done for you. There's a summon you can get in casino that gives 80% wind atk + buncles.
>implying she isn't
I'm so sorry for you anon
>Well legfes is over

she is only good at quickly killing magnas and low level stuff (aka shit that dont matter) when you already have good grid and for actual endgame content she is shit
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Not a bad haul this legfest
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I want to play water now.
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Korwa and Monkey were tickets though
I took Korwa from the newbie draw ticket, didn't know back then she was so strong. I also had 1 more vampy but got the golden moon because it seems I need them more than a proper SSR...

I got Vortex Dragon(or what's it called) and the casino summon(since someone told me to do so yesterday).
I'm undecided on the element since I get random SSRs more than anything, when the suprise ticket comes I'll buy it and get some SSR for the element I'll choose, like wind or dark.
>Worst element
>Worst posters
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not in picture Juliet,Ferry,Christmas Arulu

Start farming Tia for SR weapons to uncap. That and Korwa gives you a good base to play off. Then you can start farming Dark if you want (going Dark at the very start serves no point since all the of the boat's SR weapons are HP up and therefore trash)
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Best boys
I want to have fun.
No, they did change

They just removed legfest :^)

Unlock Meteon quickly you fool.
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Draw rates are back to normal and legfes exclusives are gone. You cann still draw chicken though
Mkay, will do.

I really wanted to go Earth because chicken is cute but wind is fine as well.
>R only quest costs 30 stamina to run twice and gives an elixir and a half worth of materials to trade in
Is there any reason I shouldn't just run this a million times and then buy 2 elixirs every day for my entire life?
>1/2 is over
Finally I can save my time.
most people do that
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Kat and Mahira and I play water and earth so great for me.
So you don't have baha? Then definitely just go wind. I'm assuming you're talking about baha support summon. Just make your MC some random element and use Grande for 200% dmg as support.

Wind has elemental advantage over Earth. Once you got a semi decent Wind setup (unlock Meteon from the event by the way. He's basically a low-tier SSR character) you can start mvp:ing your own Yugu's, which will speed up building a sword pool for dirt.
>You can still draw chicken though
Does this mean we will be able to ticket her?
Please tell me yes, I would gladly let her pop my f2p cherry.
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Why does water have the best waifus?
>ticketing any zodiac
Why do you even breathe anon
Not unless you started this legfest

Just MVP your wallet!
Which R quest is this? The chapter 1 one?
>everyone posting their good rolls
>meanwhile i only got DLF in 3 10 draws
Fuck all of you.
I'm pretty new so pulling a full wind team with Yuisis and Nez to add to my Andira was more than I could ask for. I'll consider spending a surprise ticket on korwa later.
Wind it is than. Will unlock Meteon since it's 4 more days left.

Thanks for the help lads.
No. She's on the gacha until jan 7 and then only returns on legfes. It says so on the gacha image for her
nips actually play this on their phone at home?
>No more sparking streams
I'll miss this funfest.
Why is Yuisis cutest?
I actually bought a nvidia shield for granblue only since I don't play other android games.
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>didn't link them
>thought gacha would reset so I could get my whale stones to get the last 3 blue sky crystals I need
>it doesn't

on my way to get like 147 more rainbow prisms I'll get those 3 crystals normally then
It won't be next legfes though, probably will take 4 months. Unless KMR decides to be a jew and makes special gacha events for her outside of legfes.
Beats sitting down at a desk all day, also the most efficient way to play since you only need 1 hand to play. So you can do things like poop and fap and still be grinding
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Good enough.
They were everywhere in Niconico during the legfest. Future streams will not be the same until chicken comes back or they release a new limited character.
Yep, "Scattered Cargo." It drops two of the materials for GW characters that you need 300 of each, and very easily pays for itself in traded elixirs, though you can only trade 2 per day.

I'm running rabbit + kaguya or rabbit + rabbit but I doubt that changes much.
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>It won't be next legfes though, probably will take 4 months
Are you high?
When was the last suprise ticket thing? 2 and a half week ago?
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>didnt draw christmas sen
>didnt draw yuisis
>missed out on all the wind waifus
He's not, and you're new.
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post damage reports on your leech supply
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My sheet for the anon who wanted it. Also included the GW/Class weapon tracker because anons kept asking for it and I coudn't find it on the web. First time using Mega so hopefully I don't fuck this up.
>people say yoda is only for early-mid game
>meanwhile im still using him in HL
Never had a team without yoda in all my rank 120. His ougi comes up often and every 4th turn I still do 999999 dmg. His stat cut sucks but that 1 turn makes up for it.
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I've got nothing to farm for
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You poop with your hand?
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ill farm harder next magnafest
I'm saving rolls for sparking so I only used their free daily rolls. Managed to get Lucio only.
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You don't?
Get that + away from his armpits right now
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>got an SSR from the free rolls
>Lucio even
Wow, what a waste of money. Almost every chara was a gold moon too, whale noises.

I bet videos like this get you hard. Streams and videos of rolling and loot opening is one of the most vapid things around.
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>he doesnt poop with his hand
Feral pig, don't touch me.
tfw no refunds
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It actually went up if I count the balms in.

And lots of moon pots.
How many new characters did you get this legfest? And how many rolls did you do?
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Where do you farm Sand Brick, Wheat Stalk, Indigo Fruit, Slimy Shroom and Flying Sprout for Siero's berries and pots?
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I don't actively grind.
You only farm 2 of those

The rest come as gw weap byproducts
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Would you fuck Metera in this situation?

The condoms might have holes in them.
Around 60-70 new characters with 14 being SSRs.
370 rolls
He's a massive land whale that gets anything new that comes out
Is there a pic or something for reference?
I just started on an earth team, and farming honor for the event bow feels impossible to do before the event ends. Should I keep trying or use my EP on farming magnas instead?
They said they were going to give 777 crystals but they only gave 700?
Check the pastebin for pots farming
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70 rolls

A crappy water and dark SSR. Happy about the siblings and Yuisis.
I'd fuck any Erune regardless of gender and age that race was made for breeding
300 rolls
14 new characters (10SSR)
Notable summons: Hades dupe, 3rd Garuda, 3rd Hector
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not bad
Hot damn
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82 rolls
Sparked Lucio
Notable rolls were Ayer, Korwa, Yuisis, Naru, Ferry, Sophia
Summon wise, I got a chicken
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All of this. 50 rolls.
>didn't get shit as always
Fuck you too gbf
Did they give crystals? When, I can't find them in my crate.
I love watching GBF sparking, it dissuades me from spending my crystals.
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Didn't get rooster this time, but atleast I'm not mad about my draws
What the fuck why is that fair wtf cygames I fucking hate everyone
What? Did this happen with monkey too? Why would they do this?
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74 pulls(memerolls included) altogether

i was upset but at least I got two limiteds.
Is hosting the fastest way to get your daily distinction from prestige pendants?

Just reached HL and damn does the HL magna make their previous incarnation feel like wet tissue.
Yes they came back with their skins
Magna is literally 2 turn finish wet tissue compared to HL, but HL doesn't really give a higher drop rate for SSRs.
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It wasn't a primal pack, but eh, good enough.
Make alts. It's more satisfying and gets rid of that impulse.
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This is not even half the ammount i've wasted in the last legfes but it's still better than nothing.
>have to wait almost 5 months for another chance to roll cock
>still won't be fixed by then
A blessing in the skies.
How are this many people getting these and why wasn't I one of them? FUCK
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fuck you guys.
Because there are people with 200 reroll accounts who get the rewards on those. There's probably a baha luci grande on a character that will never be used.
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>magfest over
>can finally take a brea-
>have enough meats to host 28 blast maddies
I want off this ride.
>got 777 gems
>now I have to get 3 gems to make it round number
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>The more days you access, the greater your chances of winning!
Eat shit and die, jew lord.
>Relink will be as good as Nier Automata
I cannot wait
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>magnafest over
>game is fucking unplayable
Should have just given 777 to everyone who played on every day, that way no one feels left out.
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Where's my primal draw. It seems they're late in delivering the prizes

I'll just wait here till I receive them
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>tfw no kaguya
fuck everything
Can someone come slap this maddie?
Fuck off gaijin piggo
Nihongo onry
>Not saving gems for the 3rd anniversary limited
>Which will be Olivia or Medusa
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Wasn't magfes supposed to be over?
Actually, thanks for reminder.
Can't a SR crystals still be an SSR? Why does he just skip them all.
He had 4 more ten rolls left to spark and he already had makira. Why wouldn't you just roll them for a free SSR.
Because a rainbow part still has to come out.
You silly anon, magnafest ends when magnafest starts
A rainbow shard must break off
I was saving for a spark but then decided to try my luck on getting Lucio, Cock or Shiva.
I've spent all my 25k crystals in hope to get something good and getting absolutely nothing in the process.
These crystals burn my wound even more.
>tfw saving for s.zoi
It hurts me a bit when people roll good stuffs but the thought of getting her in summer helped me through the pain.
>DMM account still is 1/2
Well, I guess it's time to leisurely leach from chevs
Holy shit what
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They're racing heels.
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I guess I'm the only one?
>Got 777 crystals in crate

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Who part of the highly skilled luck club here
What are you playing on, are you using a DMM account
Yeah, DMM
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Fuck every single one of you who won at least crystals. I didn't even miss a day and box is empty
it's over for me, stop hacking!
Jesus christ I have one for kancolle but I'm not sure if it's transferrable

I'll take a quick look at it, thanks
Nice to see. I don't remember anyone get anything for Halloween.
What's the next big event? Anniversary? Summer?
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>it's real
Nice game nerds
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Who /worstpartofnotfindingcrystalsincrateisrememberingyourlegfestssrs/ here?
That one is far the New Year's giveaway. The one just given out was for Christmas. You could still get something
Anniversary is huge in terms of game updates. Might not be too big in freebies since last time was also a player milesone celebration.
I just hope they don't add Summer Lamretta because that will kill my stocks again.
Still i hope they do that because i need it.
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Glad I had a pool for every element.

Some of those were actually quite tough. Pretty enjoyable though, they need more bosses that well balanced.
>1 Engine drop almost every VH I solo
This event was amazing until I got to the shitty fucking crystal grind
I don't have a fire or water pool whatsoever, how tough are they compared to Lv90 Hell last GW for example?
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Cocy was the hardest.
if they add summer lucio, that's gonna be the death of me.
Still this legfes + memeroll netted me lucio, romeo and Grande summon so it's not all bad.
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>Really want to start with Mahira, but steam friend gave me a dark account.
How do I motivate myself to continue playing? My characters aren't even cute.
If it has szoi then you won the game
Not at that point but the quest to raise it to 150 was also nice to play through.

Just hard enough for my bad pool and enough to show how my better pool perform.
Definitely should have started on the DMM account, but I think rerolling there is a pain in the ass. Guaranteed SSR tickets and all that
Can you elixir?
They're harder. They have 40mill+ HP each and have all their normal HP triggers plus some surprises and their damage is ramped up quite a bit.

For example, you need to bring 2 dispels for Sagi because he puts up a damage cut and fire damage cute when he ougis the first time and he puts up a 100% DA and attack boost on himself on the second ougi, repeating it, plus HP triggers that hurt.

You're going to want to have at least 3* pools for every element because I find it hard to believe you'd be able to easily kill them all off element unless you're the whalest of whales. Not sure if you can use elixirs, but I nearly wiped to Sagi and ended up killing him because he put up his guaranteed DA the turn before I put up Aliza's counter and she murdered him.

Funny, I found Sagi the hardest because of his damage cuts.

Probably, but I just barely didn't have to.
Unless that dark shit has S.Zoi or a good dark pool, you are better off starting with the shit you like. Dark is a cunt to farm just like light and takes a decent amount of time to build. Even more so if you don't have a pool in a different element.
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No problem then, I have summer Zooey.
Crossfate ep where Lucifer purges that retarded demon-potato when
>yet another time where I don't roll a free ssr or get anything from logging in
I wouldn't be using her on them myself but when you try it out please let me know how it works out for you.
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Is leveling healer worth it?
Earth just needs a strong human attacker who is female and we can have cute esports once more.
Don't you need some enmity for szoi to work?

Or is her skill set just that strong?
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Go MVP that shit you dingus
It works, I cleared all of them with the standard dark setup, zooey naru djeanne.
Of course you need backwater for her to work.
No six?
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which one is the meta now days?
new dark player
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>>Or is her skill set just that strong?
Yes and you build claws so you can backwater meme harder.
Why would you Six in a Zooi team.
I'm sure it works just fine, it was just a lot of fun actually using all my pools. Also seems like one mistake is gonna wipe you off element and I'd rather avoid that hassle.
Reason for djeanne is her def down hits pretty often ontop of dark haze.
Claws if you have the best character in the game axe if you're just some old-fashioned six attacker
I see well I hope this pinboard ticket gives me something dark like djeanne
We did this shit earlier
Double Baha is the best for Dark anon. HP is amazing.
all i have is
naru, djeane, vira, beato, six
full cosmos axe is the way to go?
Neither. The only meta is 3-4 Gislas, Cerbguns, Cortanas, 1-2 magna claws and wait for a Sk15 Unknown.
it's rigged to give a characterless sr, enjoy
Don't link to that tweaked information
>SL15 unk
>100% hp
I got Percy from mine.
He corrected it later and realized double baha was the way to go
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>I can start making GW weapons before the baha dagger cuz I was unlucky and only have two baha daggers

should I start I really want smug sword man
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I got J.J. from mine
I don't have an s.zoi character, and according to >tierlist my dark is pretty mediocre. I should've rerolled when I had the chance.
And the extra for that shit.
Is Rosetta's dagger worth it as a budget GW dagger?
>has bahamut
>"I should've rerolled"
Fuck off.
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What did he mean by this?
>cortanas without diabow
Have fun actually dying all the fucking time.
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Is this the true calling guys? Will I be ready to embark on this arduous path?
That makes it a lot harder to decide to reroll. Unless you really aren't enjoying yourself, I don't think you should.
Stop following retarded meme garbage made by idiots. You have a baha, don't be an idiot. That's a solid dark starter.
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delete this
Watching the frustration slowly set in on this guy. Makes me feel bad that this kind of system is allowed. I wonder if there's a better system out there than gacha that still gets the cash flow coming in for the devs.

but double baha is shit
since you can only play 1 race for it to benefit
if u play 2 race, 1 char gonna miss 10% dmg
meanwhile playing 1 unknown 7 magna 1 gw dagger 1 baha , is weaker only by 1.5% what
>get dagger from baha
>now I need to get bricks from casino
>still not enough rusted daggers to fully uncap one
>meanwhile I've 2 fully uncapped rusted bows, harps and swords
it's rigged
Could you go in with a bunch of chev swords and a few buncles and bull your way through things, or are the ougi triggers too much even for the inflated HP pool?
Literally allow sparks to carry over.

Boom. Done.
Dark only plays one race. Technically two, human and unknown.
F/GO roll videos are great
You share despair and share the joy because of a system worse than Granblue
Or well, poverty dark WITHOUT szoi

If you have szoi then you're obviously using Zoinaru
Light and dark are probably fine, but one mistake (or double trigger, yes if you hit 2 HP triggers in one turn they'll ougi twice as I learned on my Corow kill) will kill you.
Just be grateful there's spark system here.
B-But my jutenshu..
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>this cutie
>boring humans or gay unknowns
They're jews. Otherwise sparks would carry over and need less draws. Also ticket for gold moons would cost less.
>worthless summon that gets outclassed end game by celeste

who cares....
It is. I have 4 uncapped swords
er what?
beatrix drjean vira s.zoey vampy is a thing?
I got Lady Grey from mines
S.Zoi, Beatrix, DJeanne is actually excellent for long fights if you have Hades and 2 Cerb Guns.
gw dagger is better but rosettas dagger is ok until you get it
> 1% SSR character rate
> no safety net compensation system
Why is this allowed?
Hosting my first grand order

3158B16A if anyone wants to carry my shitter ass for some stuff
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>another legfest without vira
>farming for celeste weapons
>not just building superior 10 baha grid
who cares...

Do they at least obtain rolls faster/cheaper?
>Only 5 backup beating HL chev

I have much to learn now that I am HL.
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>50% HP
Tales rerun with 4* Katana.that have enmity as second skill when?
3 quartz to roll
Take it as you will
Around the same
Just be a casual dude. If you can contain your I gotta be the very best like nobody ever was right here right now autism you'll be cool a cucumber.
Why is the 10 draw thing 2 times more expensive in GBF than in other android games?
So many gold moons
Anyone who pays for pixels deserves to get scammed. This shit only exists because people like that exist.
remember to always change your settings in battle on the menu to dissallow invites otherwise the gooks get in
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>tfw too intelligent to waste money on pixels
What other android games are you talking about
Yeah I forgot to do that and then it filled before I realized what happened
Sounds fun.

How long is it between 130 and 150, in your experience?
Dragon Blaze for example.
Fuck, I can't remember, but a long time. If your dark pool is finished don't be surprised if you have a couple more completed element pools by the time you get there. I only had my Dark and Ligh at 4* when I hit 135. 15 Ranks later and I have all 4 mainwheel elements at 3* and I'm starting to 4* wind.
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Why are these 2 ladies hanging out with the homoknights
Can I still use a Hades grid if I don't have Hades? Thinking of using Bahamut+Hades support.
Percy's and Vane's girlfriends.
Obviously he's talking about Clarisse and Lan-chan.
Clarisse is my girlfriend though.
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Thanks for the blue crystal, Apolo anima, and horn.
Thank you for the certs kind anon.
Is your name Percy? I thought not.
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I have no doubt my pool won't be completed by the time I make it to 150, I'm just hoping that two buncles an element is enough or that it'll take so long I'll save up a spark and roll more buncles with it.
Does treasure hunting Maddie do anything?
Dark I can see being fine because Zoi is just that broken with backwater memes and being literally invulnerable. Light, well I pray you get Ferry's skills off fast because the bosses will overpower you very quickly off element without a lot of damage cuts.
Just curious, how many chocolate bars used and do you actively still hunt other elements

I'm kinda thinking of just not wasting my points on chev anymore and just waiting for chocolate bars and building up other elements
>tfw no H.Eustace
Just kill me now
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How can gbf even compete?
Most of my kills were treasure hunted because of hawkeye and I've gotten 4 total bow drops in 3m honor for the crystals

No summon drop though
licking clarisse's armpits!
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I should've waited with grinding the event for when magnafest was over. There's nothing to do now.
What if Sierokarte ends up being the anniversary limited?
>anniversary limited
What is this meme
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My last sword drop was before they started giving chocolate pieces out with events, so none.

I'm essentially waiting on a single sword because next event brings everyone to 3 freebies.

Buncles take too long to come online compared to how hard the bosses hit?

I suppose if I don't get a sword by the end of next magfest I'll give up and farm an S. Zoi pool for the ranking quest.
I don't care as long as I get my Dark Kat.
I recommend you do that anyway. If you have a decent light pool it's time to start farming other elements thanks to the GW changes.

You're going to see one pool wonders losing spots in top guilds if the off element nerfs are serious enough and your ticket into those good guilds will be flaunting a pool for every element.

It's also more fun and less stressful to always on element. Variety is the spice of life.
>le epic cag is man maymay
He is an old fart no matter what he pretends.
Would an s.zoi celeste pool work without unknowns if you can slot int her ribbon?
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Who do i fill for the last slot?
>le epic cag is a man maymay
Friendly reminder that Nausea only has 1 free slot remaining!
>Buncles take too long to come online compared to how hard the bosses hit?
Some do, some don't. I'll use Cocy as an example. He has 4 ougi beads and he ougis for 26k unmitigated if it goes off. Then he has a HP trigger every 20% that ougis for 16k unmitigated. None of these bosses HP triggers reset beads. And several of them gain full beads every 25%.

You're gonna have to find a way to get through that shit off element. Cocy is the worst for ougi spam, because he's built around the existence of Sara, Sieg and other earth characters.

In fact, all of the bosses are built around the existence of characters in their element.

But you can use 1 elixir per fight so it doesn't really matter if you can DPS fast enough.
Cog is a thousand years old alchemical spirit that drives meatpuppets as 'bodies'.

I don't think it qualifies as human anymore, let alone gendered.
I got a summon and 2 bow drop.

It's all down to luck.
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It certainly pretends it's people.
fire is saved!!
Sounds like fun.

When you said the triggers fire at once if you pass more than one, did you mean that it ougis multiple times in a turn or that it goes through the ougis one by one?

And if it ougis multiple times, do triggers overwrite the regular ougis or add to them?

Can anyone help me finish this Maddie? No one is coming in.
No, they obviously don't ougi twice in one turn, that'd be both absurd and abusable. They ougi one turn after another so you better have damage cuts up for 2 turns in a row and know whether their strong ougi is coming first or second.

And you better hope it's not like Sagi who will put up 2 damage cuts and 2 attack buffs and then wreck your shit for the following turns.
>Shiva whale added my low rank s zoi starter
What a nice nip
>S Zoi starter
Did you buy an account?
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What do you think we'll fight for the 200th rank uncap quest, it's likely they'll raise the cap again during Anniversary
No some kind anon gave me one a few weeks ago
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>ywn be as strong as this player

>anons giving away S. Zoi accounts
>bought mine for $40 dollaridoos
What the fuck. Profile or didn't happen
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What's this for? Wiki shows it in the Albion Fortress free quests list but the page is blank.
Is Grani an okay summon to have on a starter account? No other summons available, sadly. It has Societte, Lecia, Cog and Paws lmao erun
I only found out vice mvp get another chest today.

No wonder I keep getting 5 chest on those magna, and here I thought it was just luck.
celestial primals + kirin and white horse, gw lvl 100 hell difficulty
I can ticket S.zoi in an account I got from here.
Move it cucklords
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Just burned a pot to find out, thank me later.
I am because I can just play dark and do all that as fast as him with all those different elements with the exception of celeste.
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