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AGDG - Amateur Game Development General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 787
Thread images: 120

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Winter Jam never edition.

> Play Demo Day 11

> Next Demo Day 12

> Play Dinosaur Jam

> Helpful links
Website: tools.aggydaggy.com
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: boards.fireden.net/vg/search/subject/agdg
AGDG Logo: pastebin.com/iafqz627

> Previous Demo Days

> Previous Jams

> Engines
GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
Godot: godotengine.org
Haxe: haxeflixel.com
LÖVE: love2d.org
UE4: unrealengine.com
Unity: unity3d.com

> Models/art/textures/sprites

> Free audio
F-first to dev
>> Engines
>GameMaker: yoyogames.com/gamemaker
>Godot: godotengine.org
>Haxe: haxeflixel.com
>LÖVE: love2d.org
>UE4: unrealengine.com
>Unity: unity3d.com
>> Models/art/textures/sprites
>> Free audio
We were so close last thread. But you fags had to shit it up with your sourceposting until people migrated to the other one.
I'm smart, talented, and a great game dev. Making games is easy and fun for me!
just let this man's soothing voice explain how easy UVs really are

This is good OP
Now if only the Game Maker babies would stop putting UE4 and Unity at the bottom of the list
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my town looks way less bad then i was expecting

its still source mod tier but its better then i usually do :)

need to fix the horrible shadow bias tomorrow

Alphabetic order. Gay Maker is for babies though.
dope moire
Shouldn't Allegro be at the top?
source looks 1000x worse than that
thanks :)
Substance painter is on sale on steam is it worth it?
loaded question. software itself is top notch, but will you use it for your game?
>completely unrelated anime pic with logo slapped on it
you get points for using proper op text though
winners never quit
Undertale had incoherent game design, indecent pixel art and shit cakewalk gameplay , but you know why the fans and +1 million owners on Steam liked it?
Because the characters were there, they had their moments and were alive, they were designed for the fanart, the OCs, the fanfictions, the shippings and the fandoms and blah blah blah.
Anubisdev's furry characters are well drawn, there's some implicit sexy elements and blushing, but nothing happens. Some tumblr furries with a passion for pixelshit will grab onto that and make the magic happen.
gay anime op but whatevs
>they were designed for the fanart, the OCs, the fanfictions, the shippings and the fandoms
I doubt that.

You should have stopped at:
>the characters were there, they had their moments and were alive

Other than that, fair point.
>there's some implicit sexy elements and blushing, but nothing happens.
Ahahahah Anon Anubis has a full-on porn version
but you're not a winner
because you're not playing the game you're making it
i can't do it
i'm sorry /agdg/
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toooo liiiitttlllleeeee
Whew, I didn't know that. Honestly the game could sell much more if people were left to speculate and make their own porn.
>I doubt that.
I'm kind of 99% sure that they were rooted towards it. Simple sprites, some backstory...
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what the fuck is going on.webm
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someone give me cool weapon ideas
every kind of weapon for these kinda games has already been done, just copy the ones you like from other shmups
A weapon that absorbs the stars in the background in a radius around you. The more stars it absorbs while charging the greater the damage. Stars disapear once absorbed and do not respawn
How much in Godot should you be doing in code and how much in the editor? In theory you could generate almost everything you need in the code, or a lot of it purely in the editor. So it's unclear what the "correct" way to do things is.
Plasma Flamethrower
Shooting Star Meteor Bazooka
Supernova Bomb/Nuke
None Use Unity
the correct way is the one that gets you a complete game
oh shit nigga that looks great
what's yo numba baby
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You could code tools for do actions inside the editor. Those apply to Godot/Unity/etc
Example triggers, spawners, etc.
The fruit spawner in the webm spawn a fruit after 3 hits to cyan circular sprite.
I guess i can always do that,

>Plasma Flamethrower
>Shooting Star Meteor Bazooka
>Supernova Bomb/Nuke

those sound cool as shit, thanks

no but seriously do you have a tumblr or an itch
Pretty cool idea
So I understand correctly that for this you would have to use the "tool" keyword and then you could respond to input inside the editor just as if it was a game?
It's great but the steam license is a little restrictive.
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So, Winter Jam is dead, and Confy Jam was voted by nodevs that have no idea what comfy even means.
So what should the next Jam be about? And when should it start?

Valentines day
tool = the code run in editor/game and a flag exist for test if is running inside editor or not
You could look godot demos/plugins/custom_node
and copy/add to any node:
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>finally start learning load/save system
>implement it
>works fine
>when I test the game though one of my UI elements is now missing
>can't for the life of me figure out why
>package the ""game""
>launch it outside of the editor
>UI element is there, along with the save system (so I know it's updated)
>joining cute jam with loli jam
gross but i guess it's the only way cute jam has any chance of winning
well comfy already has 40 votes from this previous poal http://poal.me/k7h7ow

a week or two after dd12 seems okay
fuck off weebs
Are you implying that loli aren't cute?
This is weird. Are only cute lolis allowed? Or is it loli OR cute?
Oh I think I get it. It's Cute/Loli as opposed to Lewd/Loli

i dont have one yet i only really post here

>everybody adding their own answer instead of voting for existing ones
This poll will be useless.
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Used to 3D model a lot in college, just for fun. Did a little work for an indie game that never got off the ground. Did meshes, and textures. But never really did any rigging or animating, though I know how.

Is it worth it to throw myself out there and say I want to model assets for someone's game after I brush up a bit?

Dont want to help if anyone is going to be a confrontational douche though. Just want to model assets. Like props and items. I think its fucking fun on a bun. Just modeling.
When are you implementing ass girl? If you don't I'm really stealing her
I think you're better off just making and selling asset packs then.
programmer/artist/musician here

looking for a cool idea guy to direct my creative talents
Oh you are alive.

I adore this style of gameplay but yeah, visibility is fundamental. You literally can't have a good game if you can't clearly see what's going on.
Thats gay.
I want to make things under instruction, and see them in a finished (ha) product.
Post some samples
Mecha is the objectively best theme for after comfy jam.
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-The main character isn't a green square anymore
I feel like there should be an easier way to do menus than just hiding or destroying everything, reshowing it, recreating it everytime.
Any suggestions in that regard?

I tried to make it easier by slowing down bullets slightly, making dangerous stuff glaringly obvious by making it either flash or giving it a bright red color which helped alot (at least for me, can actually clear my demo stage consistently taking only 1 pt of damage), adding radar so you know where enemies are, right now the biggest issue I have is something like a missile flying in from off screen and hitting you or a stray bullet..if im ever hit it's always something coming just from the corner of the screen that I don't have time to react to.

If enemies are attacking the player they can't actually fire on you until they have been on screen for x amount of time, and I could try playing with that, I think the grace period is something like 5 seconds.

Only other thing I can think of is doing something like a bezier curve where the camera slightly pulls towards bullets that get within a certain range of the player, and im not 100% sure on how to pull that off.
we had a mecha jam already at least wait 1 year before repeating a theme
I dunno man. I do the hide/show method. Pretty shitty but manageable when there's only like 10 different elements..
Yeah >>163553579 hiding and showing is the best way. Destroying and recreating stuff every time you change menu page doesn't make sense.
Oh now I understand what the script in the webm does, it just changes the image?
I just did some experimentation and made a script that spawns items into the scene, but is there a better way to do it than to use setters and getters on variables, without making a plugin?
Something about your main character creeps me out. No offense. Maybe it is his eyes.

See I sorta just thought it made sense to have all menu elements be their own class instead of having them be part of other things. So like I'd have one options menu, that was created by other classes, but there doesn't seem to be an easy way to do that and then set the visibility of the previous menu back to visible from the new menu.
You could have a menu manager class that manages all the different classes for each menu pages
This is for different menu screens? You want a state machine.
how do they work?
Hey Guys, gamemaker question:

Have checked the documentation over twice and am not seeing an answer to this anywhere.

I have a particle system that creates a stream of colors for a projectile from an enemy that is either blue or red depending on the enemies color. I want to use the same particle object for each.

When I create the particle_object, I pass the enemy's color using the with function with an instance create from the enemy object.

Two problems have seemed to pop up:
1: If I try to used the passed variable for color in the create portion for the new particle object, it states that the variable doesn't exist. If I move it to step, it does. Is there a way to move this to the create tab?
2. When I try and change the color in the step function with an if/else choice using part_type_color3(), it doesn't change the color, as from what I can assume, all the other part_type_functions are in the create tab for the particle object

Any ideas? I can post code if needed.
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plugin != tool
You make plugins using TOOLS, but you could make a node without a plugin and declare as tool.
In the webm changes the fruit image and update the line between the hitbox (the cyan circle) and the fruit to spawn.
With this someone without coding skills could add a Fruit node and a Hitbox node (the cyan circle), connect them and visualize which fruit is gonna spawn.
Here is the webm ingame of the working fruit spawner.
And yes I use setters for redraw and update the fruit as you can see in the editor window from webm.
they're all shit tho
>So it's unclear what the "correct" way to do things is.
Because there isn't one.
So perfect for (you)
Yeah, but I've got too much going on right now to get into it much. You're probably over-juicey right now with all the screen shake and particles. And there's not much cohesion with the very bright colors. You have blues and yellows and reds and purples all fighting for attention. Your guy doesn't look noticeably different from enemy guys. And stuff is flying too fast for an orange-ish tint to be effective for threat ID.

I'm just rambling off the top of my head but I think probably turning down the big, soft particles and the screen shake would be good to begin with. Screen shake is something that is better and more effectively used sparingly anyways.
I'm not following.
So you have particle_object, which is is an object resource? And in it's create event has a part_system_create() and a part_type_create()? And in its step event it has a part_type_color3() and a part_particles_create()?
And then when you want to create a stream you make a new instance of this object?
never used that stuff so far but try writing the code in draw event
Coins implemented.
Those attract to nearest player and are spawned by enemies between the Bonus duration activated after 5 fruits.

Why did winterjam flop this year? Is it global warming?
yea, no one got around to making it, but we'll just blame global warming

comfy jam can be sorta wintery too, I suppose

Yeah, its a turn based game. There are three objects you need to know about in the code I've posted. One is the Brain, which holds all the arrays and lists for stats and turn order and determines whose turn is next and where on the grid things should be drawn, etc, etc.

The second is the enemy/character. The third is the projectile (powershot). The projectile houses the particle system in its code.

If I try and reference host_id (a variable that gets passed when the character creates the projectile) in the create event to set color, game maker throws an error and states host_id doesn't exist.

If I reference host_id in the step event, no problems, but the particles are always the same color.

No idea why this doesn't work.

I either need a way to pass a variable in the instance_create of powershot that is accessible right during powershots create phase -OR- a way to change the color of the particles in the step phase of powershot.
Alright thanks for the help, I will play around with this
Doesn't do anything different ;/
thanks man, ill try to improve on these things
>If I try and reference host_id (a variable that gets passed when the character creates the projectile) in the create event to set color, game maker throws an error and states host_id doesn't exist.
That's because you can't actually pass variables to the create event. When you call instance_create() it runs the entire create event, then you're setting host_id, so it won't exist until after that point. You could get around this by changing the colour in the with(){} where you're setting host_id, or if you really want to pass things, you could get around this by setting a global.pass variable before instance_create() and using global.pass instead of host_id in the create event. If you passed a ds_list then you could pass multiple parameters, like in Lua when you pass a table.

>but the particles are always the same color.
I've never had this issue, they always change colour for me. I don't use emitters however I create all my particles manually. I'd see if you can change the color of particles you create manually. I'm thinking that it's possible emitters copy the particle type you give them instead of reference it.
Don't buy too heavily into people who act like there are hard rules for this sort of stuff. I find the webm you posted to be pretty damn readable for the amount of stuff happening.
I didn't think about globals at all. That seems to be the easiest mickey-mouse way to get this working. I've largely ignored using them because they can create problems.

I assumed what you had written about passed variables not working in the create phase, I just couldn't find anything in the documentation that stated so. What a dumb way to do things, seriously. Why wouldn't you have the with function instantiate THEN run the create code, I'll never understand.

I use emitters because thats how all the documentation states you should. I'll look into creating them manually, as well, but I think the global fix should work.

Thanks so much for your help.
That's okay, I can do it
Not that other guy, but readability is a pretty hard thing. It depends on your target audience. Normal players of the genre will be able to read your game well, to the hardcore it'll be easy, to the casual it'll be difficult. It all depends on your target audience for things like that. Don't let people outside of your target audience affect your game's decisions.
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awww yis.jpg
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so I'm working on a multiplayer side shooter that runs in your browser and uses webGL.

How can I make 2d side shooters fun?
you guys don't know shit
how do I target audience

I will keep that in mind, I know its best to take feedback here with a grain of salt
Anyone who thinks that the amount of colors in that webm is a problem doesn't know jack shit.
I'd just (((steal))) the good elements of Nuclear Throne's gunplay.
Dungeon break dev are you in this thread?
Great argument, senpai, here's your (you).

There's no hard absolutes when it comes to dev, or what makes a game good. Everything is subjective, and your decisions are based on who you want to play the game, which could be as simple as "people like me".

Feedback in general should be taken with a grain of salt. Especially the kind you get from friends IRL.
What's the name of that Necromancer game?

I tried looking on the site, but I can't find it.
a gun that shoots giant golden mecha crabs
it's in the last recap
do you think nobody has ever given thought to readability or usability for any graphic medium?
it's a basic fucking art thing that you could quite easily study, and it is directly applicable to videogame graphics
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i put in game over screen
> i could see how this is confusing if its the first time you see it but it seems pretty clear that red = bad, though i do agree with that guy that your mech enemies look too similar to the player, i'd make them a deeper red and maybe change their silhouette up
If it runs smoothly, has energetic, driving music and forceful sound effects, has a variety of enemies and weapons, a cohesive art style. Not too easy, but not too difficult. Blah, blah, blah.

I have played hectic games that *gasp* DARED to have a wide array of colors and things moving on screen and did a fine job of understanding what was going on.

I really can't stand this new-school philosophy of design that thinks every attack must be color coded or players will be stupid to comprehend the action. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.
That's a general guideline yes, but not one that's particularly relevant. Some people want their games to be a clusterfuck of shit to go through. Something like a mech war game like his is one of those game types where excessive juice and things going on lends not only to the atmosphere of your game, but has a positive impression on your player. But then again, I don't know why I'm arguing with you anyways, given how narrowminded and stuck in formal conventions you are. Have a merry christmas, I bid you adieu.
there is such a thing as trying too hard.
Show some of your portfolio,
give us some inspiration.
>Use the committee approved art standards or your game will be unreadable
Yeah nah.
am i the only fucking retard who has no devving experience yet still tries doing something fairly hard?
I see your game and it's just collisions, that's it, why do i have settle for more.
That sounds like your problem, nigga. No reason to put him down for you getting in over your head instead of working your way up.
It's harder to finish a platformer than it is to not finish whatever overly ambitious game you have planned.
>Am I the only person that experiences the Dunning–Kruger effect?
No, you're definitely not alone.
Looks like shit, to be honest with you, Anon.
Start by finding some good color templates.
its admirable to set high standards for yourself but you also have to have incremental goals
one shits on me other one admires
i fucking hate this place
the thing i'm currently working on is the easiest to do of other games i wanna make
Why make all the Jam options theme related and not make it mechanic related instead?
There is no fun if the only challenge is to make assets in time
They're going to shit on you no matter how good your game is. Don't be a pussy and just ignore it.
>dae le better than this guy? i have no experiecne but i iwll make something betre
i castrated the link to your asinine post in order not to give you the ecstatic satisfaction of having more replies next to your post's number
couldn't you throw him a bone this holiday season?
>he thinks i get satisfaction from replies
you need to get out more if that's the only thing that gives you satisfaction friendo
how could you even call something you made in an engine "my game" with a straight face?
lmao get real
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>lmao get real
Being an N.G. is the real joke friendo
When is the annual Waifu Jam supposed to be starting actually?
how can you even call an engine yours if you didn't even create the OS , lmao get real
how can you even call the OS you made yours if you didn't .... and so on
Your point?
Should I go back to Gamemaker if I find coding in Unity a bit overwhelming, or should I just stick to it until I maybe get used to it?
everything worth it hurts a little bit
Traditionally Waifu jam is on May. It started on May 1st (International Workers' Day for extra waifu deving hardwork) but Demo Day happened.
madness: project nexus is worth checking out

also check out nuclear throne and enter the gungeon
depends on what you wanna make, but learning c# is never a bad thing

go try some of the official tutorials
also try catlike coding. worth it even if you're not trying to do what the tutorial is teaching
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Fuck it, I'm tired of reinventing wheels on my own, I'm moving to a real engine.
Unreal, Unity, or Godot?
My priority for an engine: Least "bullshit" to used to.
if he is finding unity overwhelming why would he go to catlikecoding to learn about marching cubes?
*to get used to
the first tutorial is a decent intro to unity, and all the other ones introduce useful bits of unity-specific knowledge
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Goddamnit Unity, I'm starting to remember what made me lose motivation for gamedeving in the first place, you stupid piece of shit.

How do I make my cube player stop climbing on the platforms when they collide? I'm trying to make babby's first 3d platformer, but I can't get past this hell.

Also, I'm using Javascript instead of C#.
nice piñata simulator you got there
It includes things like "what is a variable" and "how do I type in an IDE", which this anon has been struggling with

Yeah it's Unity that's stupid.
3d without demanding graphics - unity
3d with demanding graphics - unreal
I don't know anything about Godot but if your pic indicates the game you want to make then stay away from UE4. Sledgehammer for a nail
If you stay 2d - Godot.
>want to make game
>only game i want to make is among the hardest possible genres to program
Game's literally called Loot Pinyata. Run an item shop; restore your inventory by farming for materials and rare loot.

I am not opposed to working with 3d. I haven't because I've been using Monogame and there's no way I'd make a 3d engine myself. Inf act, I'd be more inclined to 3d because I could make my own assets then instead of trying to find placeholder sprites.
I did it!
main mechanic is done!
Now, need a second character(maybe just change the sprite of this one, might be easier)

Soon all i'm gonna need is art and level design, the plot i pretty much have in mind but of course dialogue will still need to be written.
Do it, faggot. Birds learn to fly by falling to their death.
>Birds learn to fly by falling to their death.
anon, i...
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shit forgot the webm
Anyone know how to convert a number in the range of 0.0 - 1.0 to a number in the range of X - Y ?
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looks fun
soooo a roguelike?
how can you even reply when you didn't even invent your own language?
smash clone

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Just one simple choice, motherfucker: Become a glorious eagle or a pile of mush on the ground.
multiply by y
How come no one ever talks about how you should structure your code? Because I have no idea, I already know programming but I never worked on huge projects with multiple objects, all I ever did were small scripts for working with simple files, web scraping, etc... I mean, I could probably come up with some spaghetti monster that works just fine, but I feel like this will teach me nothing and make it harder for me to deal with the code especially in later stages of development.
google it

inb4 shitposter w/ "just multiply it bro"
lerp(X, Y, t) where t is in [0, 1]
Stop trying to start shit.
If I could just get the fuckn collision detection working efficiently so the framerate doesn't drop from 2000 -> 100 with like 100 objects I wouldn't even be considering a switch to an engine
The big rule is to keep all your code as encapsulated as possible. The internal workings of an object shouldn't matter to other objects.

So don't call functions or set variables from objects that aren't that object.
try writing a procedural generation algorithm friendo :^)
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>not just copy/pasting one of several thousand from other roguelikes
>stealing code
DCSS is open source my guy
((0 to 1) * (Y-X)) + X
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This is a function that will convert old_value in the old_min, old_max range to a value in the new_min, new_max range.

new_min or 0 and new_max or 1 means that if those values aren't defined they will default to 0 and 1.

In your example it would be called as math.rangec(value, 0, 1, X, Y)
Minimize side effects. Don't abstract before there is duplication.
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>releases a demo
>nobody even downloads it

maybe i just should start to shit post souce images. like everyone elses
post link
>So don't call functions or set variables from objects that aren't that object.
If this was true, nothing could ever happen.
keep in mind, aggydig isn't your audience
you gotta advertise someplace else
did you release it on your own hard drive, because I don't see any links
Meant for >>16356227.
Okay, I'll try. I don't think I know what "side effects" are though.
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Gamemaker: 2D games for non programmers
Godot: 2D games, fast setup for pixel art games. Requires some basic programming skills vs gamemaker.
Unity: 2D games, handles well all 2D style with exception of pixel art games, is a pain to setup for perfect pixel art.
Unreal: 3D games.
how to check if a received rpc is called by the server in godot
cant, right?
Sorry, internal functions.

You should never be setting variables directly though.
Unreal can do 2D just fine too, but it's overkill
Where is your indiedb/tigsource/another gamedev comunity entry?
>Godot networking
Now that's a can of worms I don't plan on opening anytime soon.
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Why doesn't it work
reminder that people who say graphics don't matter have literally zero idea about making stuff and that you need to do your hardest to polish your presentation as much as you can even if your artistic skill doesn't exceed that of a 5-years olds
make screenshots, make gifs, record videos, make your game pop out
A side effect is anything a function does that is not reflected in its outputs, or anything a function depends on that is not reflected in its inputs. The former, as long as it doesn't lead to the latter, is fine (e.g. printing to console).

You don't have to completely get rid of this but you should try as much as possible to do so. Reason being you will see if you start making spaghetti through other things. Side effects are invisible and hide spaghetti, but it's still there. Global state is a notorious example.

Also, a big one I forgot to mention is to make sure you divide up responsibilities well. Rule of thumb is that if naming a thing precisely is hard, you fucked up.
Read this:
it's okay anon. just make the game you wanna play. I like simple games, so my games will be simple.

i appreciate the honesty anon. tomorrow i'll experiment different color palettes
make a gun that fire knifes, or a ice sword
>maybe i just should start to shit post souce images
That's what source poster did when he didn't get the positive reinforcement he demanded. Worked for him. Oh wait.
did you program this board yourself?
then why are you posting here?
That's also wrong. If there's no invariant to check/maintain or no data binding (logic to fire when a variable is changed), there's nothing wrong with exposing fields publically for reading and writing. Getters and setters that do nothing but literally get and set the field are a waste. Like I said, don't abstract until there's duplication.
Do you (you personally) just create the UI elements every time a new level is loaded so they are all ready to go and then just hide and unhide them? I dunno why, in my head that seemed like the best way to do it.
I sure hope you are running your own OS.
It's not like I have many other options for high-level networking.
Unreal seems the most polished in this context but I think it would be an overkill for me, plus I hate both Blueprints and C++.
I thought graphics and art are different things.
The high-level stuff is 2.2+ iirc? Currently working with the 2.1 stable build, so I won't be touching networking until I upgrade anyway.

What are you building with it anyway?
I hope you made your own computer parts and assembled it together into your own architecture
I hope you are wearing a skirt right now.
If you haven't built your own energy supply, please stop talking to me.
you could say they are different, but either way they belong to one very important group that should not be ignored if you want your game to reach wider circles - presentation
If you aren't pure energy being, don't continue to exist.
If you didn't create the universe you might as well have done nothing
That's not very patrician of you, don't you think?
I was expecting anons to shit on me and my shitty code, but instead I got some useful information.

bless you senpai
That's some good juice, even if it's a bit too fast for my "beyond my action vidya days" brain
>The high-level stuff is 2.2+ iirc?
>What are you building with it anyway?
Trying to make a simple top-down shooter to learn networking in video games, with a twist in that the server can be easily modded to a degree.
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Uggg the drops shouldn't be moving with the enemy path.
Wasn't your game a Runescape clone?
because that's a subject that only professionals encounter
you don't even approach the subject by the time you graduate with a BS in comp sci
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>you don't even approach the subject by the time you graduate with a BS in comp sci
I know
DUNGEON BREAK dev you in this thread?
Or if you just have an interest and can self teach yourself.
>>163560450 This.
We need more mechanics driven jams like Made Up Sports Jam.
fix those rixels.
>Been making a simple 2d game in Gamemaker for about 2 weeks
>Feel like I'm limiting the fuck out of myself already after hearing some features are locked behind Professional version

Should I just jump ship early to something like Unity?
I applaud your efforts, but you might be better off waiting for him/her to post an update and then replying to it.
If you want to level up to 3D, go for Unity or Unreal.
For 2D, go Godot.
you'll never get all the features you want unless you make the engine yourself
from scratch
in assembler
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The keyword you are looking for is: Design Patterns
And the rules of thumb:
Minimize dependency: Example: An enemy is dependable of player for work, that is bad design.
Evade repeated code.
Don't abuse globals.
If you want to do 2D, gamemaker is totally fine. Only use Unity or so if you want to do 3D. Unity is also more difficult though.
any good tuts for making a babby's first 3d game?
Design patterns tend to make code worse. They are not tools for writing code, they are for communicating about code, specifically heavy OOP code.

Dependencies are fine, too, as long as they're explicit and not unnecessarily concrete (you want to pass in dependencies, not have them created or searched for outside of the caller's control).
seconding this
unity official tutorials
Inspect the example games that come with Unreal
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check my explosion
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The Score System is finished.
It's a mess ;_;.
The system works as follows:
Each 3 enemies killed, drop a fruit based in the third enemy type.
After 5 fruits, start a Bonus for a limited time (10 sec), in the bonus each enemy also drop a coin based in last fruit + enemy score

Player should touch the fruit to collect it.
Player should get near coins to attract them or initiate a Bonus to attract all coins in screen.

The main problem I see it's the fact that player should TOUCH the fruits. That it's like a chore and doesn't feel smooth with the gameplay style of a shmup at all. Maybe I could make the fruits after drop automatically attracts to the player, but that change reduces clarity vs coins. Another thing could be a reduction of fruit spam, maybe each 3 enemies of SAME type drop a fruit?.

So Guys any suggestions or ideas for score system?. I want the fruits at least in the formula.
Does anybody with Unity 3D expertise know how to get Unity to recognize when two input buttons are pressed?
Whenever I try to do it like this:
if (Input.GetKeyDown("d") || (Input.GetKeyDown("w")))
It doesn't work, and gives me the error: "Operator '||' cannot be applied to operands of type 'float' and 'float'"
Looks like GetKeyDown returns 0.0 and 1.0 for some reason. Test for > 0 to turn both sides of || to boolean.
They didn't? Structure was a really important part at my ghetto school (Seneca College), our teacher was autistic about structure, and making it efficient.
what does float mean?
what is an int?
who is void?

so many questions....
the whole concept of going out of your way to collect something that does nothing besides increase score is a bad mechanic
main() like in Main Street? Are there shops on main()?
Float is the designation for processor priority, you use to prevent your code from 'sinking' and slowing down the software.
Int is an indicator of how well efficient your code is in general, it affects the earlier priority.
Void is 'Append to the void' to clear the memory of the selected code.
Usually scoring also gives you extends in shmups, so it is a part of survival.
looking great anon, keep it up!
basically they're types of data, which are used on different kinds of problems/algorithms

most relevant ones are

ints are natural numbers (1, 2, etc)
floats are "floating point" numbers (1.5, 0.5, etc)
strings are collections of symbols/letters, usually characterized by the quotes ("1", "agdg", etc)
booleans are simple true and false switches, which can only store either "true" or "false"

You should probably try an easy step-to-step tutorial, maybe on youtube instead of an official documentation
It's a fairly large game loop, though. You're basically asking the player to optimize for something that's going to happen in the future as a result of a bunch of small steps they took, which is not good from a "give feedback to the player" perspective. Compare that to, like a combo system that
A. tracks smaller numbers
B. grows due to discrete events
Then, just tie your extends to getting a combo of X size and you have a fun system that rewards risk
>thinking that post was genuine
Anon, we need to talk.
Is it? I don't see it
Are you legit the frogatto dev? I love you!
You do not have to play for score. But if you do, then getting a high score is the reward.
Hey you chumps! It's the holidays, and Saint Nick has brought everyone a magnificent deal!


High-Quality indie game for only FIFTY (0.50) CENTS!! Suck on that, /agdg/ nerds! I even got a new *POSITIVE* review for it today, and now you too can experience why this game is going up, Up, UP!!!

Proof: http://steamspy.com/app/343150
Have a MERRY christmas... ;)
In an arcade game, you should always be playing for score, and that should always be the way you want to play
otherwise your game is just a less deep normal game
Well, as my onee-san would say: a deal is a deal...
Complete bullshit. R-Type also hardly was played for score, but it is still an excellent arcade game.
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Does the slight zoom I have going on help at all with judging distance of ledges compared to player location?
Looks great.
Keep up the good work, anon.
"playing for score" is a shit gimmick, I've never played a game for score
if the game is good, it's good whether you're trying to get a high score or not
I only play for score if said score gives some kind of reward, like new items or extra levels.
However, the score is just a means to an end in such cases.
t. casual who never cleared a difficult game
How do I stop myself from feeling bad for nodevving when I'm purposefully trying to take a break so I don't burn myself out on gamedev?
>The Dream King is a 4-Player Cooperative "Metroidvania" Video Game, inspired by Nostalgic hits from the early 90's!
okay bud

Try some other productive things, go learn to cook (very useful), get another hobby, whatever.
>I only play for score if said score gives some kind of reward, like new items or extra levels.
That's exactly the mindset of the modern casual gamer. Instant gratification.
Aracde games are just not your thing, because they are not about rewarding the player with dumb items or whatever, they are munching your coins aka self-improvement.
I've never played R-type. Wikipedia suggests it's a quarter muncher sort of deal, which nowadays would be called "a hard game".
That's fine too. Having a good scoring system won't detract from your enjoyment, but having a shit one will detract from other people's.
how do i start devving more than once a week for an hour?
>I've never played R-type
Of course you haven't, because you obviously have no idea about arcade games, let alone shmups.
get back to work
but you're wrong
I like tetris a lot, but I don't pay attention to the score I get
I'm gonna do it lads, I'm gonna start to learn to make a game in gamemaker and I'm not looking back.
Hey man, positivity on 4chan. It's rare, enjoy it. >>163570221
Alright, while I like the bloom on the trees, it kinda makes the house look terrible.
Maybe, try taking up something else? Cook, Bake, Bike, shitpost on a forum.
If you're the artsy type, draw!
If you're not the artsy type, draw stickfigures doing funny things!
That's because you don't play it seriously, or because it has a shitty scoring system.
Also, just because you like tetris, doesn't mean you like arcade games.
good luck man, i'm kinda in the same boat, it's not hard really but i'm such a lazy dude
this is me >>163570624
Just don't give up when it seems hopeless man. I am learning how to do stuff in unreal blueprints, it's pretty exciting honestly.

I think the blueprints are a big part of that though so
>That's because you don't play it seriously, or because it has a shitty scoring system.
no it's because the number doesn't mean anything
I know how good I am at tetris, and having a particular high number on a particular version of tetris doesn't add to my knowledge of my skill level in a meaningful way

just like knowing your high score playing as Ken on a 3rd strike cabinet doesn't tell you much about how good you are at 3rd strike
>my feeling is more accurate than any metric
Sure bud. You da best, don't let mean numbers tell you differently.
Street Fighter never was about scoring, you dumbass. They just implemented score into fighting games out of tradition. Jesus...

Playing for score is about self-improvement. The number represents your skills in the game. That#s all you need to have fun.
>Of course you haven't, because you obviously have no idea about arcade games, let alone shmups.
You're not wrong, I give zero fucks about shmups, and I wasn't alive when R-type came out. But we're talking about making a game in 2016, and if a game is considered "arcadey" nowadays, it's because it has leaderboards and a decent score system.
How the hell do you want to know what a decent scoring system is, when you give zero fucks about shmups? Just shut the fuck up and go back to your modern walking simulators
my point is that you can have the exact same sense of self-improvement in the same exact game whether or not there is a visible score
tetris and street fighter are both excellent examples for this
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Whoa guys, that is a nice Holy War you got there.
Well about the game it's more akin to gradius/rtype/darius. But still I want to implement a good score system for the people who enjoy that, mainly the people who played arcade games.
The fruit system comes from my love for games like bubble bobble and other arcade games which drop many mundane objects for score. But in the current state in the game is more like a CHORE and, at least me, didn't enjoyed collecting fruits and deviate from my objetive which is kill enemies.
Thinking about that maybe a solution could be collect fruits with BARKS (barks is a precise shoot when you tap the shoot button).
Maybe I could publish a small demo for more iteration in the score system.
>coding the mechanics of the game on a blank test scene
>already at 63 fps

That didn't happen last time I attempted a game. Should I be worried?
>tetris and street fighter are both excellent examples for this
Again, Street Fighter is not about playing for score.
Seriously... You have zero idea what you are talking about, so why acting like you know it all?
The hell are you doing?
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>finish the dev tasks you set out to do
>consider deving some more even though you're kind of ready for a break
>decide to take a break and relax the rest of the night, you earned it
Nodevs will never know this feel.
what you just posted did not invalidate my point.
chances are there's something easy and dumb you can just spot with a profiler
that 3d platformer on unity
at least the gameplay works fine for now
Your "point" is that you are retarded and make no sense.
The reason why Street Fighter score is irrelevant, is because it is not about scoring.
You are basically saying "make a scoring system like in a game which isn't about scoring".
vsync on?

its in edit->project settings->quality
>Street Fighter is not about playing for score.
He said it allows a sense of self-improvement for the player whether or not there is a score.

You seem kind of thick. And angry. Maybe stop posting.
>make a scoring system like in a game which isn't about scoring
is not what I said
what I said was
>"playing for score" is a shit gimmick, I've never played a game for score
>I don't pay attention to the score I get
>the number doesn't mean anything
>having a particular high number on a particular version of tetris doesn't add to my knowledge of my skill level
my argument, therefore is
>don't add a high score system to your game, it's a shit gimmick
>234 fps
thanks a lot friendev
Maybe you just should stfu when you have no idea what you are talking about.
Street Fighter is not about scoring in the first place, so why mentioning it?
It makes no sense, to compare this game to a shmup, when it comes to scoring.
Because Street Fighter is not about scoring, it is about beating your opponent. The score in this game says fuck all.
>Because Street Fighter is not about scoring, it is about beating your opponent.
Most games are about beating the game which is your opponent, score is often irrelevant and just a measuring tape for progress.
>don't add a high score system to your game, it's a shit gimmick
How do you wanna know if it is a shit gimmick, if you never played a game for score?
You just have no idea what you are even talking about.

>is not what I said
Of course you said this, you dumbfuck. You gave an example of a "good scoring system" from games which have no scoring system.
I'm the "doesn't know anything about shmups" guy, so you're welcome to take this with a grain of salt as actual yesdev man

But I would describe your solution as an execution tax. It makes getting the fruit harder, but not in a way that changes the amount of risk the player has to put themself in. It can work if there are other active things the player has to do so it splits their attention, but if the game is too simple to begin with it just becomes a more involved chore.
you're getting your (you)s confused.
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>You gave an example of a "good scoring system" from games which have no scoring system.
But... MK does have a scoring system...

You're not thinking clearly man. Hang out in a different tab for a bit or something.
>You gave an example of a "good scoring system"
I've never given my opinion on what a "good scoring system" would be
>score is often irrelevant and just a measuring tape for progress.
This is only the case when the game has a shallow scoring system.
And nobody ever played Street Fighter for score.
>And nobody ever played Street Fighter for score.
>he posted it again
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>this autistic discussion of game design between people who never made a game
It has a scoring system out of tradition, but not to attract players who want to play for score.
Nobody plays fighting games for score.

Much in contrary to shmups though. shmups pander heavily to players who play for score.
Yea sure... You obviously live in your own little world

Yes I did. because you guys here seem to be extremely slow minded.
As if developers would have an idea about game design. To know good designs, you actually have to play games.
Look faggot you're the one using terms like "modern casual gamer" and shrieking at people calling them dumbasses and retards for not patting you on the back, fuck off. You're never going to make a game anyway.
Game Design is a skill, you have to practice it too. You don't get good at programming or art just by looking at someone else do it.

You would know that if you had any experience whatsoever with it.
If you don't wanna get called casual gamer or dumbass, then don't act like one.
Also, shmups are my favorite genre. In fact it is the only good genre, imo.
So if you talk shit about it, then prepare to get stomped, fucker.
don't hurt his feelings
you might get him started shitposting incoherently for hours
Of course it is a skill. But to know what good game design is, you actually have to play games.
Most developers hardly play games, that's why they have no idea about good game design. They just know how to code it.
>prepare to get stomped, fucker.
Don't worry, all comments are welcome.

My todo list now is:
- Make barks (precise shoots) collect fruits.
- Spawn fruits after you kill a barage of enemies instead of every third enemy. <-- Reduce fruit spam and adds more clarity (kill the visual line of enemies instead of track how many enemies are killed)
- Push a demo for more iteration.

About your discussion, think this, today all games comes with achievements, most people only finish the game and others enjoy the achievement grindfest to show the world how good they are at X game.
The score systems was something similar in arcades. Some people only played to 1cc finish the game and other compete for the better score.
So it's score system something essential for a shmup? As achievements, NO. But there are many people who enjoy that part of the game for show who is better.

Oh hey, you should check Bangai O. That game is almost the same chaotic level as yours, but with almost all clarity problems fixed. Screen related.
you tellin me my game design will be shit for my first game even though i played numerous games throughout my life?
Maybe not shit but if you keep improving you'll always look back at your games and laugh at how shit they are design wise. But that's normal. Most "devs" here don't even get to that point as they never actually make a game.
Stab and Stomp! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHqRDeOFRG0
>you tellin me my game design will be shit for my first game even though i played numerous games throughout my life?
Yes, that's true
Sadly, yes.

It's an infuriating revelation, but it's a simple fact that no one thinks about game design when they play games.

There is so much work that goes into making a game fun that it is ridiculous.
Playing video games doesn't necessary imply you'll be analyzing them from a game design perspective. Do you know the chords of a guitar song you heard if you have no idea about music theory? Could you replicate it in that case? You can't passively get better at things, you need practice. That's just how things are.

Miyamoto hardly plays games and yet every one of his designs up to SM64/OoT are still references to modern game design.
No. I'm telling you it will get better the more you do it.
Where's your game?
>Do you know the chords of a guitar song you heard if you have no idea about music theory? Could you replicate it in that case?
If you have perfect pitch, yeah
so maybe Miyamoto has a similar thing, but for game design
>doesn't necessary imply you'll be analyzing them
Of course not. But if you do analyze them, then it will transfer to your game design skills.
Just learning how to code and looking at what is currently trendy on neogaf doesn't make you a good game designer.

>Miyamoto hardly plays games
Yes, that's also why he only produces simple casual games for little babies.
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Well i do, i compare games and their sequels and usually try to think why one game was more successful than the other.
(still don't know how can dark souls 3 be liked this much when it's completed garbage except for the graphical improvement)
Why don't you try making a game to put all your theories to the test then? Your posts reek of greenness and the overconfidence in your non-existent skills that comes with it.
uh oh
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Hey senpaitachi,
Working on a dash. Right now it's mapped to space bar and the direction you dash is based on where the cursor is. That's how Nuclear Throne does it with fishy. It feels less natural but I think it works better than dashing in the direction you are holding the wasd keys down with.
A game doesn't need to be well designed to be liked. Ubisoft games are well liked and always sell well.

Video Games are no different from music or movies in this sense. If you just want to be rich, being a sellout works better than trying to achieve good design.
Prince of persia warrior within is one of my favourite games of all time, it's perfect! (not even joking)
I'm just telling you how it is, because you have no idea.
Take Crimzon Clover for example... It was made by a single person with no prior dev experience. Yet the game is one of the best shmups ever made. You know why? Because the guy who made it was a multiple world record holder in several shmups.

He actually played the games he wanted to make. That's why it didn't matter if he was unexperienced. He just had to learn how to code his ideas.
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>I've been in many great buildings, therefore I can design a great building.
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nigga please.jpg
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Does it work like that? I've never noticed, I'm actually going to test that right now
t. triggered nodev
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Well about that the answer is competition:
In fighting games from arcade era the people competed in VERSUS mode.
In Shmups the competitive component was the score system.
That is the reason why the fighter players ignored the score, They already have a strong competitive component with 1 VS 1.

Do that. Then report back and tell me what you think. Hopefully the fact that you never noticed means that it works.
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I've never been in a building, therefore I know what a good building looks like.
I think that's enough reaction images for now.
Those kind of people often study those games at depth to the point where they fully know their inner workings and how even the smallest of details work. I don't know about that guy in particular, but it's not uncommon for those people to disassemble said games so that they can actually tell exactly what is going on down to the memory management, people like Pannenkoek2012. What games are you acquainted with on that level? That you could play them just by watching their RAM? Merely playing through a game casually, no matter how observant you might be, will never give you that level of insight into them.
What about scroll the camera a bit based on the mouse position?
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But can you try?
Well the webm I made is too large but it's actually more subtle than that

Here's how it looks like it works:
1. If you aren't touching wasd, then fish rolls toward the cursor
2. If you are touching wasd, he rolls towards the direction you're holding down
3. the dash is fixed length/distance, if you roll into a wall you keep rolling into the wall

For fun I also tried gungeon, it uses the exact same system except you won't dodge at all if you aren't holding down wasd
analogy + reaction image
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>I think that's enough reaction images for now.
>Merely playing through a game casually, no matter how observant you might be, will never give you that level of insight into them.
This is exactly what I was saying the whole time... What are you even arguing?
I don't play games casually. In contrary... I basically only play shmups and study them when playing them. That's also why I would make a better design for a shmup than someone who can code since years already, but has no idea about the genre.

To learn about game design, you do not have to learn how to code or whatever. You have to play games.
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Once again, go make a game. It's obvious you'll make the best shmup ever, you're doing the world a major disservice by not devving right now.
I never said I could make the best shmup ever. I don't have the coding skills for this.
All I'm just saying that most devs have no idea about good game design, because they don't play games.
Especially western devs are mostly hardly gamers. They are just programmers who have no idea about games.
Way to generalize like a retarded faggot.
[smug anime]
I'm not generalizing, dumbass. Western games have mostly complete crap gameplay.
Go away evil dogger.
Not? That 90% of everything is crap is sturgeons law, dumbass.
Or do you honestly think most games on steam have great gameplay?
Dude, stop. You sounds like you're fresh off the boat from /v/.
It's not a secret that western devs don't care much about gameplay.
They rather care about "realism", "immersion", good graphics and such shit.
Go away evil dogger.
It's kinda disorienting to me.

Thank you for your analysis. This is how just playing games is different than game design... you really have to pay attention to the little things and rules that you never pay attention to.
Go away evil dogger.
>you really have to pay attention to the little things and rules that you never pay attention to
Sounds like you never played a game seriously then.
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>mfw I saw what you did there
Go away evil dogger.
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>mfw another wannabe dev thinking he has an idea about shmups because he made his shitty crap kusoge shmup in 10 minutes
Go away evil Nicholson
what are you people even arguing about? scoring systems in shmups?
I don't even know
it started by talking about how a game should give you continues and eventually I just tapped out because it was getting silly
this is for all the marbles friends

even - implement photon
odds - move on to a different game
Some retard thinks he was sent by God himself to save video games.

Just another day on AGDG really.
Wannabe devs think they know more about the genre they made a game of in 10 minutes than people who played the genre for thousands of hours.
go away evil dogger
Probably. Different spheres of knowledge, though.
see? they really believe this shit...
>try your best
>it's not good enough
Fish can roll. He also rolls to where you are moving with WASD, not to where you are pointing. This is so you can be shooing forward and rolling backwards evasively.

I've put a few hundred hours into NT, and that system works really really well for it for that character, but your game may be different.
Keep trying until your best is better than good enough.
You have no idea what I meant, clearly.
You don't try your best to succeed. You try your best because there is nothing else you can do. Accept mediocrity and live an hedonistic life. You will be happier.
Then what did you mean? You didn't really made it clear by simply saying "probably". Probably what?
Sounded to me like you think "They probably know the genre better from developing their kusoge game".
Go away evil dogger.
Increase your reading comprehension skills.
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hard to do when anons call you shit
Learn to express yourself first, dumbfuck.
Gentlemen please, this is a gamedev thread
I used perfectly cromulent English. You already displayed you don't know how to parse it. Why don't you look up some of the definitions of the words and phrases or something? Something useful.
Simple responding with "probably" is not a a good way to reply, because noone can see what you mean by "probably". Learn to talk in full sentences, asshole.
My word. Let's not get fixated. Maybe just endeavour to read more. We'll get there eventually.
>Maybe just endeavour to read more
Yes that's something you really should do.
Ooh, burn.
I mean like... if you were making a Kirby game only from memory, would you know if when you are in the middle of sucking an enemy and let go of the suck button-- does the enemy keep on getting sucked until he's in your mouth or does the enemy stopped getting suck and resume normal behavior.

The answer is it depends on which Kirby game it is and what kind of enemy it was.

This is something that almost nobody playing would ever give thought to. But I guess your right, maybe I haven't ever seriously played a game.
>Sounds like you don't have asperger's then.
Kirby is a shit game, that's why you don't have to pay attention to such details in it when playing it.
A good game will force you to pay attention to details when playing it. Otherwise you will fail at the game.
>Kirby is a shit game
You not liking something doesn't make it shit. Get over yourself.
It's a game for little children... It's good at what it is, but as a game for adults it's crap.
I am confused, anon. Where, exactly, was it stated that this was a game for adults? If he is making a game for children then surely this is a non issue right?
If a game is for little children then this implies that it's crap. Just like stories for little children are crap, and not comparable to stories for adults.
>I have authority to decide whether or not entertainment software qualifies as a "good game"
Fuck off, you vapid cunt.
This is seriously misguided. Many children stories can be very well crafted and have things for an adult to appreciate. The same is true for children's games (what ever that is).
>I have authority to decide whether or not someone can decide whether or not entertainment software qualifies as a "good game"
Fuck off, you vapid cunt.
Yes, they can be well crafted, but they are still very simplified, so that little children can understand them, thus less interesting in the end compared to well crafted stories for adults.
That is a far cry from 'crap'.

Dunno what qualifies Kirby for a children's game either.
>I have authority to decide whether or not someone has the authority to decide whether or not someone can decide whether or not entertainment software qualifies as a "good game"
Fuck off, you vapid cunt.

But what about like..... fun?
Games aren't for fun, you silly bean! Games are for whatever >>163581470 says they are for!
If a game is too easy, then it's not fun. It's like letting a grown up football player play against children... He also won't have fun playing against them. He will be bored easily.
where the video games
you're mother will die in her sleep tonight unless you post progress in the next 30 seconds
I learned how to compile Godot from source in order to start experimenting with networking.
got my ledge code working better
Following a rigging tutorial to git gud
Go away evil dogger.
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>spend 2 hours devving
>feel kinda good
>remember real indies spend 10 hours a day on dev
This. how do they do it? I have to push myself to get 2 hours in
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How'd that work out?
diet, exercise and sunlight
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you're killing me anon
>Oh hey, you should check Bangai O. That game is almost the same chaotic level as yours, but with almost all clarity problems fixed. Screen related.

how the fuck

where is the player even at

I spend that much time and feel like i've barely accomplished anything most days
now I feel even worse
Well that screenshot is from the "bomb".
Look at gameplay:
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How do I into perspective, agdg?
Also how do I make books that dont look like shit?
My game is going to have a lot of books in it, they're essentially the primary weapon.

It's programmer art, yeah.. but like.. I want to actually make an attempt to make them not look like shit.
I decided to go for a flat color look with bold outlines to try and hide my shitty art skills.
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Finished my BRAND NEW GAME

Had to rush it, especially on the sound design and finishing touches, but I wanted it released before Christmas, which is only a few hours away now.

I believe AGDG SledFree got 13 downloads last year, so I'm going to need at least 14 of you to download this one.
I'll probably post this again at the start of the next thread and, since there didn't end up being a jam, it will probably end up in next month's demo day. So if you didn't read this post don't worry you can download it later.

Merry Christmas AGDG.
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>So if you didn't read this post don't worry you can download it later.
I gave up and found an artist who only wants to do art.
pls dont false flag me senpai.
I really want to make an effort this time.

It's hard to stay motivated when you're just programming squares to interact with other squares. Especially when everyone else in this general is like a million times better than me at everything
Why the fuck is something so simple like animating a walking character so difficult in Unity? Any pointers?
do it in blender or some other proper 3d animating tool then import it
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Ya did good anon. Fuck those rubberbanding cunts in racemode though.
Are you the same guy who made that shitty weasel?
I meant coding. I'm experienced with modeling and shit I just can't figure out how to add in a character, make him move around, and add in my animations.
that's the easiest part dude what are you talking about unity is the best at that
just watch the damn tutorials on their website
I'll try aim for better AI next year for SleDDDFree3(D).
Just get better at "modeling and shit"
and partner with a programmer that will always be better than you at programming.
1MA is retarded
>tfw Christmas day today
>tfw no qt to cuddle up with
>tfw family thinks i'm a failure
>tfw sitting here alone try to fight depression so i can dev at least
I cannot find a single tutorial for it.
What's the best set of beginner tutorials for Blender? Is it Jacob Lewis's videos?
Want to make some models for a 3d sidescroller shoot em' up?
Dunno if you're still in the thread
then make a 3D movie with blender, because if you can't even find unity tutorials, then this is way out of your league.
OR team up with a programmer.
The best part of having some problem with code is that you get to learn everything about that thing to solve it.

I am joking, it is awful and I want to die
Making an AI with states for a survival zombie game.

I have these states:

public enum EAIState
idle, // nothing assigned yet
wandering, // default state when there is no threats/enemies
following, // following another of its kind
chasing, // zombies chasing humans
walking, // walking to a destination
tasking, // a human performing a task
fleeing, // a human fleeing from danger
hiding, // a human looking for a place to hide
attacked, // being attacked.
fighting, // a human brave enough to fight
gathering, // a human trying to gather resources
consuming, // a human needing to consume resources

Any idea of what else to add to this? The more I am prepared before I actually start coding it, the better it will be at the end I think.

The AI will also have a "brain type", zombie, human ally, human enemy, animal... etc, so that each state can use that information for something.
But maybe those brain types should be their own classes that implement all these other states?
I don't know lol
Basic perspective is pretty simple. I mean I can't imagine that you've actually looked at any instructional material and practiced. For starters, all you have to do is put vanishing points and then make sure parallel lines converge to that. Illustrator and Manga Studio have perspective tools that are very good. For complex perspective in environments it can be helpful to just do a rough layout in a 3D modeling application and then use that as a base for drawing. Of course you can also learn perspective in-depth but I don't see the point unless it interests you or you want to focus on art
You will enumerate all possible states of an AI actor? Do you thinking this will work?
How do I easily trace code execution order? Do I really have to implement that myself? I mean I simply want to mark a function and then in case the code gets there it will track all the ifs and fors and calls and produce some sort of graph of what happened. This could be a bit more efficient than debugging manually by stepping through the code at runtime
yeah bro, state machines and shit.
My actors are humans, that will become zombies too.
If I decide that I want an animal to also be in the game, they can still use the wandering state for example, or fleeing if they see zombies, or from hearing gun fire.

But I have decided that AI State has to be a class on its own, and that I will extend it for different "brains"
so a "brain" will have an AIState object, or better yet an interface, and each AIState will have a previousState, nextState (maybe?), currentState, startState, switchState, I don't know... shit like that
Why do you need to have all of them up front?
Maybe you will find 'state explosion' and want to kill yourself. Consider alternatives.
you mean a breakpoint?
if using visual studio, press F9.
If using unity too, try finding where to set "attach to unity and play"
then when the code reaches that point, it will stop there, you can look at values and such.

There are also conditional breakpoints (break here if i > 10, for example)

or did I missunderstand you.?

Because I feel that if I don't have it all ready, I will end up with a state that does too much, or too little, and then later have to split it up and have to do that for all types of actors, So they better I plan for it, the better.
I don't expect it to be perfectly planned though, but I feel better knowing all the states, and I can try to guide my own development with this.

Sometimes planning what to code is good!
"stepping through" means using breakpoints and such.
so then what is it that you want?
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Working on the first area that you go into. You get the fire ability in the house but I had it outside to showcase setting the wood post on fire. Gonna try to make everything flammable that I can.
weaponChanger[(int)itemType - ItemDefinition.WEAPON_START_INDEX]
Fun! Way to make a nice game on a shorter timeframe!
Agree. Poor thing.

Either that, or underage ban
Why does it go black? It's jarring enough that it looks like the screen skipped to another scene and I don't know what's going on.
I don't know, anon, that camera still feels weird. Wouldn't it be easier just to turn it into a TPS? It could be still a platformer, but then something like SuperMario64?
Nevertheless, it's looking better and better each time you post in terms of visuals. So keep it up!
I don't think it really helps much for what you're asking, no. It makes sense to the effect that you can see yourself better as you get further away (it's normal for a camera to follow the player yeah?). The way it zooms in and out only at particular points seems to suggest that there are set "layers" in the Z plane that the character can move between, but that isn't reflected in your actual gameplay since it's free-form and there are no such layers, so I find that confusing.
show examples of your 3d models
if they are good you will get pathetic, desperate programmers and worn out animator whores who will deepthroat your dick for a chance to work with you on a game for free and do all that boring shit for you
But if your art is shit or only mediocre then you are fucked because you are too unintelligent to do anything else but art judging from your posts
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Work hard today. Make a list of things you want to get done before you sleep and do them
Dead thread :(
What I mean is I would just execute a piece of code and it would tell me afterwards exactly what happened. So basically the same as if I put some log command every line.
Should I make a script that puts log commands everywhere before compilation?
I thought about it but each level is going to be fairly small, not much bigger than the level you see there, so I kinda want the player to have a fairly big overview of what they will be seeing all at once. My idea is for each stage there's a puzzle you have to solve, and it seems better that the player can see as much of the level as he can at once. I'll still tinker around with the camera though
I should never have surrounded myself with idiots. I guess I'm the true idiot.
But then you'd be lonely.
Yeah. But I'd rather be by myself than in bad company.
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Christmas progress! Yey!.webm
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Like I said, I've restarted all the code of my game, and that actually was a good thing: with a lot less code and more organisation, I've got nearly the same gameplay, but without the bugs.

The dialogs shows automatically when you're close to a PNJ (and a variable "can_listen" is different than 0 but that's for later).

The player can't move when he doesn't see.

And the text is easy to change as hell (because it's just a variable, not ten tons of them).
Are you Japanese? Only Japanese people would use that font and think it's OK.
Why is my movement with keyboard much smoother than with gamepad in Unity?
Is there any way to fix this?
cluster bomb that explodes spawning dozens of smaller seeker missiles
pulse sword that absorbs energy to get really big for attacking
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Homeless simulator:
>Drink beer
>Throw it at someone
>Beg for change
>Pull out another beer
>Throw it again
>TFW Homeless
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philosophy time

why not simply devote all your spare time to
-fleshing out the entire concept, story, gameplay of your game
-learning about the industry and workflow (NOT actually learn how to programming, art, animation etc, the technical roles and skills)
-meet with gamedev communities and people to stay afloat with developments
-read widely and gain a liberal arts level of understanding the world

and support yourself with a full time job, saving a little all the while which you can spend on artists, programmers, animators, etc which you'll have met from your networking time or just do it online

does that make sense? i mean if you really have a vision for your game, why not do this instead of doing some disorganised (and, honestly, doomed) one-man-army approach?
Oh there's no begging animation, I forgot to beg for change, but it's in anyway.
of course, if you just wanna wing it and you like making little games or you're a really disciplined one man army, go for gold. but for people with grand conceptual visions who are just starting now with c++ and loomis, what would you say to the above?
>Have no experience other than "I've been every where man!"
>Try to employ people to see your vision
>People tell you to fuck off because you're an idea guy.
>saving a little all the while which you can spend on artists
go away
tl;dr version: why not be a nodev?
My answer: Nah.
Why does that font pose problem?
It's just a font like another. And with my short-sight it's one of the comfiest to read.
why would people tell you to go away if you're
-paying them
-have a well-refined GDD
-connected in your local gamedev sphere
-don't breathe through the mouth

>Not doing it all

you guys will ALWAYS be small-time
You will always have no game.
We'll see.
If you can afford to hire decent people, at a minimal $40k/yr then you might be able to get something out of it, but mostly it's $80k - $100k au per person to hire people for this job.

You will probably end up hiring people with lack of experience, thus, messing everything up.

Say you want 3 artist at 40k a year and that's being generous, that's 120k a year alone, then you need a few coders, working at about 35k a year, again these are minimal prices, now assuming this is minimal you're looking at near 200k a year just to pay people to work for you.

Don't bother with the "I'll pay you when the game makes money!" people generally don't want to be part of that and you seam like an idea guy.
>why read books when you could pay someone else to read them and then tell you about them?
This is you. If you don't have fun making a game you don't belong here.
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Bughunt over. Shit was complicated because it happened in one frame then corrected itself by the time I looked at it.

Working on a scenario where someone asks you to break into an email account and delete a nude pic they sent but regret. Can't seem to make a game out of this ;_;
Why do you thinking that artists make more than coders?
What was the bug?
You can't make a game out of that scenario or out of hacking game?

plot for me your gamedev career path

for a concerning number of people here its

1. youtube tutorial on unity3d
2. ????
3. interview with adam sessler on how you did it all

which is not to say quit, not at all, but to say, really sit down and think about how and where you want to go with this. have every junction mapped out.

fleshing out the mechanics and story of a game IS gamedev.

also, for that matter, you're just describing a producer, which is a legitimate role.
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Why do people say sprite art is harder to create? It looks so simple compared to modelling texturing and animating a 3D character
Well i'm just saying, for 200k, minimum, you probably won't make back that investment.

could be part of some slice of life point and click. jut a set-piece tho at most
It started for me with watching a unity tutorial on youtube (although I had some modeling experience from years ago when I wanted to make nintendo fanart so I taught myself 3dmax) and now I have a game released and working on my second, all as a one man army.

It's not this impossible task. Just takes dedication.
>gamedev career path
See, this is where you're wrong.
>story is gameplay
you have no idea what you're talking about, you dumb ideaguy
The kerning is shit, it looks really jarring.
congratulations you have made one good looking frame of a character
now resize it and keep it good looking
now draw 10 more frames to animate it walking
we want it to turn around smoothly? better draw 4 more frames for that
we need a cool jumping animation, like that in prince of persia 1. quick, whip up 8 more frames
our complex combat system requires some nice looking attack animations. we need a dozen different stabs to give the player some degree and feeling of freedom. animate them all, at least 6 frames each
shit, the character is dying! quick, give them 8 frames of animation so it doesn't look dumb

see what i mean
this is why le retro pixelshit is prevalent among indies
Yes but that's exactly what's makes it easy to read.
And that's just a font...
Probably because you're Japanese and used to monospaced fonts, as a westerner I find it easier to read well kerned variable-width fonts.
I see your point, but don't you also have to animate those things on a 3D model too?
Because you have to make a frame for each individual thing when making sprites. 3D can be more efficient in the long term depending on the game.

Say your character can change outfits, you'd need to sprite every action the character can take, each action requiring multiple frames and each pixel needs to be placed by hand.

But in 3D once you've made an animation you can use it for all future outfits and characters.
I'm not japanese.
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Thanks sempai!
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>What was the bug?
tl;dr, base class loading was making an object look ready before it was

On line 19 it sets ReadyToInteract = false, because this class is not done loading yet.
On line 20 it calls its base class load function, which is more or less identical, which on line 40 notice it sets ReadyToInteract = true.
So when a derived class loads, it sets ReadyToInteract=false, but then calls its base class function, which eventually sets it to true.
The problem comes on line 24, because when it yields, the object has ReadyToInteract value of true, because thats what its base class set it to during the base class loading. But in reality the derived object isn't ready, because its waiting on things (line 23) and also has to do some stuff (line 28).

It was just a dumb or careless design problem, solved by moving line 19 down to after the yield. In other words, it'd do its base class loading first, which would set Ready to true, then immediately set Ready to false and do its own loading. It was just tough to hunt down because it'd be considered ready too early, break things, but the code would run eventually (line 28) so it would appear that it loaded normally. Just potato programming.

>You can't make a game out of that scenario or out of hacking game?
Out of the game overall, like it keeps boiling down to a rigid "do this then this", but at the same time even something that straightforeward will probably be frustratingly hard.

>slice of life point and click
Chinese, Korean, whatever. Either that or a massive weeaboo.
what if homeless people had to fight monsters at night
animating things in 2d involves either redrawing the whole thing multiple times or taking liberties with how they look through using tweening, reducing the amount of frames and other stuff like that
animating things in 3d involves having your model rigged and moving the skeleton, it doesn't make you redo the whole thing and making global alterations to the model after all the animations are already done is much easier
I'm french.
I've just learned japanese because I love learning languages.

And also why would I be a weaboo just for using a font?
Can't you just use fake 2D bones?
Or does it look like shit by default?
Hmm, then it would be like dying light.
that's what you do to use tweening and depending on the artstyle you're going for it might be very difficult to use in a way that doesn't look jarring
the reason for that is that even with your set of 2d bones you need to emulate what is given for free in 3d - manipulation around different axes
you can easily rotate a sprite around one axis, but if you want to do the others, tough luck, you need to do more work
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i was thinking midnight in a persona game kind of monsters
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Added a new enemy, damage knockback and 3 NPC's.

Couple more enemies, a boss and some new tiles and I'll have a mediocre demo ready :).
Nice progress
That enemy looks like a hassle to kill since it has so much health and you have to go back to attack it again. Plus it attacks so slowly.

Why would the player ever bother attacking it?
I still need to properly polish its stats but to answer your question when the drops hit the ground their splash create several projectiles that travel in different directions. Which could cause more trouble than it's worth. Enemies drop items too so y'know.
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The hacker games I've played were rigid as well, maybe change the game play to make it more loose or add some minigames in between steps.

If it's hard to make why not make tools make it easier or simplify the game to make it easier on yourself?

I'm sorry your having trouble with game, hope my advice helps.
hahahaha saved
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sorry for the late reply, but some systems have this.
Unreal engine 3 had a "trace" command. But it's just not recommended in general because it's VERY intensive.

C# seems to have this.
You have to setup a way to turn it on and off during gameplay, or to have it turn off automatically after X time or something. Or else it will really really really output a lot of text
ok, I've been trying to create a state machine for my game, while unity already has something similar.
After coming home from work, all I want to do is sleep. Shit was exhausting.
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tried a different color palette (DB32)
i think it got a little bit better
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What was it before? I tried DB16, and DB32, and was unsatisfied with the range of skin tones, so I went with Arne64.
you wouldn't believe this bug i just fixed
anyone here
dont leave me
We're all shitposting in discord, come join.
If the shitposting in dickord is as much as this general. I am just gonna go be part of the leddit community instead.
merry whittu piggu holidays
The slower the thread the more yesdev
busy enginedevving
>MonoDevelop crashes out of nowhere
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fixed the gravity and shadow issues, added streetlamps and a zebra crossing :D

probably not going to do much else today since xmas eve

going to start drinking to block out the pain of being alone

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do you guys think there's still a market for good old-fashioned d&d style RPGs with simple graphics?

or has RPGMaker flooded the market to the point it doesn't matter if you code it yourself
Guess who is back, back again to viral


If you need music, watch the video, and contact us.

non-uu sane high-level networking pls
Difficult to say. I think the market for JRPGs are saturated, but I'm not so sure about western RPGs. I think you'd have to bring something new to the table, in terms of art design, writing, and/or music, if you're trying to be commercially successful.

Use what you want, but I imagine you'd churn out something novel if you coded it yourself.
I don't think there ever was. Not for those without marketing, anyway.
I don't know how ambitious you plan to get with this, but while I worked at a grocery store and had to tend to the bottle return machines we had two or three homeless characters that often showed up with their collected cans/bottles to exchange for change.

Also fairly frequently one guy would "trap" people in the bottle return area with rambling stories, you wanted to avoid being in a corner to avoid this. You could make a mechanic where you ramble on about either conspiracy's or just incoherent garbage which causes people to try to get away from you, but if you catch them in a corner and trap them with your ramblings they eventually give you money (then they no longer are stunned by ramblings and can get away or they then ->), shout for help or try to fight you.

Just some stuff to consider.
Horrible feel when nodeving due to Christmas and only have phone with me. I should read some tutorials probably
It is important to take breaks.

And not just laziness breaks, properly planned breaks where you shouldn't be working.
Looks good anon! It would be nice if that clock on the train station accurately told the in game time.
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does somebody want to fight me in chess
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Can't wait to have my grandma ask if I have a girlfriend this year at the Christmas table again.
Anyway, happy holidays.
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as long as the jews aren't involved, sure
>overseas on holidays devving from laptop
Lets give the gift of yesdev this Christmas
im hoping to eventually do that

the whole solar system im hoping to make explorable and dynamically moving

so time of day will be simulated properly

and i thought itd be really fun to tie all that into the real world :D

im probably going to drown in scope

but im loving every second atm :D
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added features to my game engine thing
>entities that spawn other entities (buildings spawning circles, for example)
>player controller
>camera locks to player, can unlock to look around the map still
>can summon circles who follow the player
merry christmas to every dev
Bah Humbug to every nodev
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i'll be a yesdev one of these days
but probably not
What do you think is the best length for a roguelite strategy game, a la Invisible Inc or FTL? Why do you think your answer is right?
Length is a hard one. It's really about how many tries it should take to win.
I'd say it depends on the amount of bullshit in your game, basically >>163606804

One can get to the final boss of IVAN (a roguelike with incredible levels of bullshit) in under an hour, but it'll take you 100s of playthroughs to kill it, assuming you ever even get to it.
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Added in some mining nodes and a smelter, to smelt ores down into bars. Just trying to add more interesting things to gather and craft at the moment.
a comfy game where its getting progressively hotter outside and the objective is to stay cool
Damn you're always one step ahead of me in your progress. I still want to consolidate my item management before going into crafting.

Nice progress btw
Thanks! Only reason that I'm making decent progress is because I took time off work. It'll slow to a crawl soon enough.
Run length is one of those things that is going to vary wildly based on how much time a player has spent with the game
So I would add Spelunky style shortcuts to manage that: make small chunks that you can finish pretty quickly, and then good players can tie the all together for a longer run
a full run should be between 30 minutes and 60 minutes. the average run should be 10 mintes to 20 minutes.

source: spelunky

if you can save your progress and if there's not a lot of rng which can quickly fuck you over, it can be longer.
nice :)
What is a No Art jam? Only text games?
You've been working on this for 2 years and barely have anything to show. Reduce your scope you're never going to make a mmo alone.
Text is art
>barely anything

he could just package it up now and sell it as an early access survival game now :)
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Well, I've been working on this for two months. I've done single player projects like pic related, but I always get drawn back into my mmo pipe dream.
How can make game for No Art Jam?
You can't, that's the joke.
If your dream is a mmo, then actually finish some single player games. If you can prove yourself as a dev you can actually get funding for your dream. Or better yet, you make a single player game so successful you can fund a mmo yourself.

Trying to make a mmo as your first game is asinine. I myself would love to make a mmo comparable to classic RS or WoW, but I realize that'll never happen until I become a successful dev.
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now what

come play chess somebody
it's webgl
known bugs: promoting a pawn only works locally and you can't pick your opponent

i'm bad at chess so no worries
and you can't move before there are two players or the sync breaks, sorry
>known bugs: promoting a pawn only works locally
This sounds like a playground argument.
>And then my PAWN turns into a QUEEN
How is that joke?
I appreciate the advice. But I've got something Greenlit on steam, I've published apps on the app store, and I secured funding in the past and promptly blew it.

If you wait to hit it big before starting your dream game, you're probably just never going to start your dream game. This game will probably never work out, I just want to see if I'm capable of making it. Plus classic RS is what got me into game dev in the first place.
Ask your mom.
>What do you think is the best length for a roguelite strategy game, a la Invisible Inc or FTL?
>Why do you think your answer is right?
it's a genre where people constantly repeat play like an arcade game right? procedural generation is a big deal in them too right? infinite makes the most sense.
what am I supposed to look at?
I don't understand
Friendly reminder that God wants 640x480, 16 colors, and a single analog voice.
Voice is analogue, you tard
God will have to make do with 320x240, 4 colors and no sound
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yet another dev makes it through
print("Hello AGDG")
I was the poster for no art jam. My idea was to have games where art doesn't really matter, so text games, games with cubes, abstract geometry etc., yet, they are not prototypes with placeholder rectangles.
Binary is inherently problematic. You can't just assume whether or not a bit is set by its value. Some 1s are 0s and some 0s are 1s.
return 0;
I understand. Looks like fun.
I know, disgusting heteronormative computing.
Not to mention 1s are obviously based on penises and 0s are obviously based on vaginas and """coincidentally""" most programming languages define 1 > 0...
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now what

string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(@"c:\");
foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
>implying this is c shart
>implying I know c shart
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Some progress.
Added fade transition between scenes, started working on victory screen and refactored some code.
Don't worry about the monsters spawning inside the mountains, we already fixed it.
What approach did you take to do your inventory system?

I've been hunting around and watching unity tutorials and it seems like there are all kinds of directions from using item dictionaries, to external text documents, to arrays of stored items...

I don't need it just yet and I'm kind of hoping by the time I have to implement it I'll know enough that I can write my own.
why don't you just learn to program?
then you wont have to look up tutorials on how to do every little thing
Oh, you collab now on a main game? Nice. How do you separate tasks?
Then why the fuck do other games in agdg get such an audience here?

Clarent, Bokube, a lot of the demo day games that have demos get a lot of attention here. I guess I have to post my demo while looking and shilling that I look like a tranny.
>How do you separate tasks?
We do the same task at the same time, and then when we're all finished we vote on the best solution out of all and add that
because they have good graphics
Because they're good. Is your game good? Be honest.
Pretty much, though hopefully we'll use a more efficient system going forward.
>tfw your shitposting is actual reality
>implying I'm the dev
>implying I'm not the dev
"audience" as in people who would buy and play your game. Most devs here will comment on progress and mechanics, even if its in a genre they don't care for and wouldn't buy.

but developed games with a long history of good progress will get more attention here, naturally.

Don't let it get to you, just keep working

also post your demo if you have one
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Is leadworks worth $20 or is it meme bullshit?
But anon, I am learning to program?

In the process of learning I am also asking others what approaches they have taken to problems I don't know how to tackle yet.

How did you learn to program? Did you use a textbook, or did someone describe to you the way different commands and syntax interact, which is spoiler alert the same as a tutorial..
The only reason those games even get more attention or look good especially bokudev is because hes a tranny that didn't kill himself after we told him to with the early versions of bokube and how bad they were.
That is a great way to do it.. until you of course decide you want to be able to save and load your game and then hang yourself when you realize that you can't serialize game objects and have to write an individual handler for every entity type
>Card game
>75% Win rate required to beat the campaign
Is this too brutal? I want to pull the old "make game incredibly difficult to beat to mask how short it is".
>a tranny
seriously post your game before you whine anymore

otherwise we know you're just a shitposter, because only shitposters mention tranny stuff

I don't know why I haven't filtered it yet
Not that person but I never got what's hard about save systems. Doing it *quickly* is hard, sure, but if you don't care about that you can just write all of the contents of your relevant variables to a file then read/parse/load them to load. It is not like the typical aggydaggy game has a ton to save. For textures you can do the same with texture names and load the relevant textures on read.
Anyone that advertises their looks while deving is retarded and should expect backlash or tranny bashing. I mean cmon its honestly attention whorey on the discord.
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Intuition/gameplay mechanics question:

When you change rooms in a level and come back to the same one, but from a different entrance, as in the webm, should you know the connection to the known parts of the same room?

Does not make sense in reality, but I'm not sure how would the alternative be handled - reveal the memories only after a percentage of them were re-explored?
>Advertising your personal self isn't helpful at all to your gamedev

Tell that to successful devs that sell games based on their name brand and image. Even more so with Japanese devs that value their work and sell games alone to many people on who they are.
I've only ever heard it secondhand through the stalker shitposters, and the best backlash is not replying at all
>I mean cmon its honestly attention whorey on the discord.
There is no reason to be in the discord.
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>nodevs will never know the feeling
You could have a little text piece or something above his head like "This room seems familiar.." or something like that.

Or have some kind of world map that highlights the rooms you've been to.

Or let the player figure it out for themselves. Your players arent dumb.

It depends on the atmosphere you're going for.
yeah i'll never know the feeling of wasting my time watching some shota bullshit speak the obvious instead of actually making a game that i want to make
Wow, anon, that looks really nice!

What's that made in?
ms paint
>admitting to being a nodev
>thinking that's a boy
>shitposting on agdg instead of actually making a game that he wants to make
Bull's eye
This is why nobody likes the nodevs here. You all just bitch and complain about other people with games while not even posting your own.

Lets be real you just don't want us to shit on your demo.
Yeah, that's what I can do. Every one of the options has the ups and downs, such as not showing the remembered map cuts you off from known information, which would depend on the player traits (another stat just for this?), but showing it would make you see through walls.

I'm just looking for opinions on which one sounds the most sensible or how others handle it.
>call someone a nodev
>imply they have a demo
Make up your mind kid
>nodevs will never know the feeling
Honestly I think you should just not tell the user at all.
It seems like exploration is a big part of your game, so it might be best to let the player discover if they've come back to a known room or not.
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>He LITERALLY posted this
Look at it. :) Look at it and laugh. :)
I want to make a kickstarter for my game but I have no idea if I should also have mac support, and linux for the kickstarter demo..

SHould I agdg? Or will just having Pc, and VR be enough for the kcikstarter demo?
>he's going to do it on christmas eve and christmas
probably new years too
we should have told him his garry's mod maps were amazing
we didn't listen
I'll try something along the lines of saving multiple memory states for each separate stairway, but probably end up pushing back the implementation due to the possible complexity.

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Looks like christmas is ruined now.
>admitting to being a nodev
>thinking that's a boy
sorry i don't watch time-wasting garbage with zero plot
>shitposting on agdg instead of actually making a game that he wants to make
hypocrite you are, for you are shitposting right now
idea guy here

multiplayer deathmatch with savestates
>yeah i'll never know the feeling of
Here pal :)
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Is it common for terrorists to act on holidays? rev up that report line.
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>idiots will never know the feeling of reading sarcasm
here's a more accurate depiction of so called shota doing the thought-provoking speaking
better idea guy here

mmorpg with neural networks and savestates
hmmm... will it have big data?
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>have you ever had a dream that ...[unintelligble]... you want him to do you so much you could do anything
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A game I'm working on is hearthstone style two player board games, is this networking idea kinda correct?

Each of the square nodes is a new program that runs at all times and the double square is a server program spun up for each individual game. All the data is passed between programs and the circles indicate what is passed.
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Remember back before you started "ironic" shitposting about source last year when you were crying to us literally everyday about how you couldn't dev in source engine and how it was everyone else's fault?
It's your fault. It's always been your fault. You just suck at gamedev and aren't smart enough to do it. Giving up was the correct move. Staying here for a year to shitpost to "get back" at agdg for not coddling you was not.

Merry xmas faggot
Why would someone make this? For what purpose? Is it just to ruin the thread?
nice to see more encounter based games, the victory screen is short and sweet, you could add some incrementing numbers or something with sounds like FF series

awesome character, would be nice to see more exaggerated animations, maybe some number for dmg points

nice progress
It could work. The goal would be to get the opponent to savestate at a point where death is inevitable. So that the player couldn't just savestate once at the start of the match and never lose, force them to save at least once every 10 seconds or something or else the game auto savestates.
Thanks. Everything is placeholder and I already plan on implementing damage points and incrementing numbers later, for now I just wanted to lay out the base groundwork.
Oh and the animations definitely need fixing, especially the side stepping and the victory one.
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Happy Christmas devs!

I'm spending Christmas 7000 miles away from my family, and all my local friends are visiting their families so no partying for me.
Looks like Santa is bringing wine and progress this year!
Lol. He is LITERALLY freaking out because we LITERALLY posted his ""work"" for everyone to see. Lol. :) Just lol. :)
Looking at your k/d ratio fills you with determination
>open mod tools (read: fire up garry's mod and call it modding)
>realize I'm literally insane
>close mod tools (garry's mod) and shitpost agdg for 430 days

Every Time.
hahahahahahahaha holy shit are you serious

someone actually made that and posted it here

Sorry for the late response. Each object in my world has an ID, which corresponds to a GameObject in an easily accessible dictionary. So each slot in the inventory just points to an ID essentially, with 0 being an empty slot. Then when I save a players inventory, it's as simple as storing the IDs as a string.

If you have a more specific question in mind, just let me know.
>use OOP where everything is subclassed and objects are referencing each other everywhere
>wonder why it's hard to implement saving and loading
>opened up phone to check out how AGDG is during christmas
>shitposter still at it

Wow that's a bit sad I guess.

Also this turkey is cold, I wish I was at home making progress.
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>"""people""" who use the source """engine"""
Watch, now he's going to desperately post something from his Private Collection of furfag shit to say this looks ok.
Merry Christmas anon!

In the spirit of sharing, I can't wait to see your progress Hope it's great!
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Does anyone have any strong feelings about this sort of class layout for a RPG?
but it's only the 24th? are you drunk?
Ranger is generally a specialized class. Why not go for Rogue if you already went with Warrior and Mage?
sure whatever
>opened up phone
1/10 reek try again
Actually, the setup I have for ranger is the most unspecialized of the group, but the green (ranged) classes are all kinda iffy on where they reside spacially, but ranger is very well-rounded, so it made the most sense to put it there.

Thanks senpai.
it's christmas in this part of the world m8
>you may change classes freely
For what purpose?
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what's 3d modelling that's not organic stuff called again? hard body or rigid or something like that?
'cause it's the Dragon's Dogma class system.
By "freely" I mean "at a save point". So if you don't like a class you unlocked you can switch back. They're all supposed to be endgame viable, so...
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Some progress. Finally started working for improving gameplay. Monsters weaker and move more randomly at first and gets stronger as time goes on. It finally looks like game.

get some new HDDs 4chan, 3mb is too low
looks good m8 the blue/yellow makes him stand out from the background a lot better

i don't know if you're already planning this or not but how about some decoration on the black parts? like some border tiles and then just a single simple tile to fill in the rest so it's not just a black lump, like a slightly more saturated version of the colour you're using for the background part
The class system was proven effective in Dragon's Dogma so I don't even know why you're asking.
hard surface
are you a chink
thanks anon
Well, now I know Dragon's Dogma is shit.
Why choose when you can have everything?
terrible post
>Why choose when you can have everything?

I didn't really ask about the effectiveness, only if people had strong feelings for or against it. I understand it works fine. I'm curious if people are for, or against it, or if people would prefer other styles... So it's opinion seeking, my friend.

Go novice then, have everything and be good at nothing. That's kinda their thing.
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>Well, now I know Dragon's Dogma is shit.
>he hasn't played it

DD is honestly one of the better action RPGs I've played in awhile, and it's a valid thing to switch between the classes as you play further on because levelling up as a specific class will change your base stats, plus each class has some special skills you can earn and equip between OTHER classes.

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he bitch you say something to me?
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this is easily the worst thing i have ever seen in my entire life
Please forgive me, I've let my idiot gimp out of the cage and he's posting on 4chan again. I'll punish him swiftly, I promise.
its just the shitposter getting desperate cause everything else is filtered
Would you believe that's what I was wondering as I typed out that post?
Oh so now you're going to be an obtuse fucktard.

The class system was proven publicly favored and successful by Dragon's Dogma so I don't even know why you're asking.
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>there's source in the thread
>there's full sail shitposting in the thread
Okay anon. Try to have a merry christmas.
So almost every /agdg/ thread then?
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And here is the gameplay after 10mins. The monsters are probably a bit too hardcore
w-what's wrong with full sail?

I got full tuition there...
This. He's still mad that he dropped out of Full Sail and has to live with his mother under a Halifax pier. He's admitted it before. Check the archives. It's all there.
How much of a failure can someone be to proceed with his drama even the 24th? Seriously.
Who the fuck is Source and why should I care?
Stop posting.
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Good thing the police still operate even on Xmas. They'll pick him up soon, right?
yet another idea guy

strategy game where you play as a memetic thoughtform formed from the discourse of an internet community that has become a sentient AI. this AI seeks total domination of the internet, and by extension society, under the ideology of the community from whence it came. however, it must also compete with similar AI. rather than winning control through military or economic force, the AI wins through propaganda, social media discourse, and by controlling search engine and feed algorithms through its constituents, i.e. people who are aligned with the central ideology of the AI. would be a fairly easy game for someone with minimal art skills to make this game.
looks good. Now model a huge city and let the player explore there during the zombie apocalypse
you gotta add some swarming, flocking and flanking my dude, not just relying on monsters that spawn in opposite directions to fake it
>spamming his false flag shitposting on Christmas eve

this is a cry for help, danny were here for you
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>someone actually thought that was "progress" once
Should individual UI widget aspect ratios change with the overall screen aspect ratio?
And there it is. Took you long enough.
nice but like all idea guys you forgot a very important thing: what buttons does the player press and what do they do?
Lol. Keep mewling that name, retard. I own you. Just like I own this thread. :)
How to produce acceptable 2d art with only a mouse?
Vectors? I can only trace sketch drawings by holding paper to the screen
Lovingly render a single pixel at a time.
>Roleplaying game
>You don't have to choose a role because you can be anything
>Literally genderfluid
Sound like a bastardization of the RPG genre, fucking gaymers ruined everything.
Pixel art is the easiest way to do so.
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yup, though Krita has a software cursor smoother so you can make somewhat smooth strokes with a mouse

otherwise paint tool SAI has a nice vector lineart thing where you adjust everything with nodes and curves

otherwise you should stick to pixel art or models
I would advise sticking with pixel art until you generate revenue and get better equipment. Think of it as leveling up
Jack of all trades is a legit role though, anon.
they already did this, it was called this thread

j/k it was actually called Uplink
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>deving on the 24th

don't you have family to be spending time with?
do most people make a house you can enter in blender and then import to unity or just use unity object creation? most tutorials I see just use unity and wont even touch blender.
>Shitposting on the 24th
Don't you?
No it isn't, when you call yourself a warrior it's because you have something that defines you as a warrior.
If you want to have jack of all trades just make a general skilltree or some gay shit like that.
How do people this stupid even exist?
you keep posting this image but there's no pattern here
my family hates faggots
Anon, do you even know what a red mage is?
it would be a bit like dwarf fortress in that you assign individuals, or a group of people tasks. assign john doe to make propaganda infographics, assign nu-media co. to spread a certain news story on social media. players would use the mouse to navigate the ui, or use hotkeys if they choose, all in order to access specific menus.
idk man at least someone out there is spending time in a productive way and devving unlike you and me who are shitposting on our phones, unable to utter a word to our families even on these days
A red mage is a red mage.
A red mage is not some special snowflake that can be anything.
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Final Fantasy is a bastardization of RPGs. Only here on agdg.
you can't make 3d models in Unity. If you mean build a house out of Unity cubes then no that is retarded. use blender
A red mage is a character in that can do almost everything in Final Fantasy well. A jack of all trades. So yeah, it's a special snowflake that can do anything reasonably well.
But I don't want to do pixel art
What's wrong with vectors?
What are the best ways to learn coding in Unity?
Written preferred but overall most recommended methods wanted too.
They're harder to fuck with with mice. If that's what you want to do, though, do it. No one is stopping you.
vector art looks like cheap mobile shit
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What? you can change classes freely? What a shitty RPG!
I suggested Krita and SAI for vector art, please read the posts

sometimes I realize that the shitposter also asks questions as bait
Yes, Final Fantasy is pretty much an entry level RPG.
There is a difference between being a jack of all trades and having the chance of changing classes.
Red mages can't have the most powerful spells.
>They're harder to fuck with with mice.
but its parametric????
The only thing I don't like about it is the hybrid classes unlocking after the advanced classes for each.

Probably feel better if they unlocked with sufficient leveling in Warrior/Mage/Ranger, and then had a subsequent advanced hybrid class that accentuated the hybrids skills.

Perhaps leveling progress towards those would be at a reduced rate (65-80%) compared to the 'pure' classes (ie. Warrior -> Berserker) to represent the complexity involved.
You recommend raster graphics programs targeted at artists with tablets for doing vector art and complain about shitposters, how does that make anyit sense
Figures source poster is a UK cuck
Nobody learns coding. Just copy paste from tutorials.
Hey do any of you browse the gamedev reddit? Should i go there?
>cute chibi style
I really want to make a game in that style but I'm no artist.
What's an acceptable save file limit?

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>Krita and SAI for vector art
are you stupid

theyre the literal opposite of vector programs
Do the official tutorials. Nevermind >>163622602 he couldn't even drag and drop Half Life assets into garry's mod.
I'm not 100% sure what you're trying to say. Do you mean you'd rather them be unlocked at a different time than advanced, or do you mean that you'd like them to be unlockable if you only go warrior, you can still get to spellblade?
depends on the game? I usually use one
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>he's lashing out at random anons now because all his shit is filtered
if you aren't a shitposter, suggest alternatives rather than criticizing
Why not limit it by the hard drive?
learning how to use HTML5 canvases and the various drawing features for 100% control over your creations

alternatively, I hear inkscape is what a lot of people actually use these days but then again I don't know much about it because I only draw by hand or do 3d crap
Because I need to load each save into memory to get details like the character's name and stats to put into the file select screen.
why? load 10, then if they scroll down far enough load some more
inkscape was one I forgot

I only suggested krita because I've seen some really poor desperate people without tablets make some pretty nice mouse art, definitely not for vectors though.

SAI allows you to make lineart layers that can make nice smooth lines too

I was also under the impression that unless they are using flash, anything they draw is going to become a raster file anyways.
The mmo Skyforge has exactly this class system. It's pretty cool
3 is alright, 5 is a bit much.
Never heard of skyforge. How is it?
Isn't that kinda how you learn
Lazy loading, pages, etc.
best idea guy here

multiplayer deathmatch without savestates and with permadeath
once you die, the game uninstalls itself
Krita is a bit of a memory hog if you have a shitty PC.
They're really basic. I grew up with FF6, FF7, and FF9. They have a special place in my heart, but they don't have near the level of complexity or choice that many cRPGs have. And some were fairly easy to break.
Can I resize the tile dimensions of a room? Or do I have to resize the tile set?

I have a tile set where each tile is 16x16, but it seems the grids in my room are 32x32 at least.

Using Gamemaker Studio
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Christmas comfy dev time.

Coffee: Ready!
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more like hot cocoa + peppermint schnapps w/ candy cane stirring rod
Thread posts: 787
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