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/wotg/ - World of Tanks General

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Thread replies: 759
Thread images: 183

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War Winners Edition.

*****NEW TO THE GAME?*****
Use the invite code WOTREDDIT or YOGSCAST when you make your account for a free premium tank, gold, and others goodies to help you get started.

[NOPAN] (elite weeb club)

[AWOO] (weeb friendly)

>where do I look up tanks

>how do I find people to platoon with
join the /vg/ chat channel in game

>Snowitzer and tree conversion guide

Catgirls are kawaii.
>E 25 becoming non-prem tank

How hard is gonna be the asspain?
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>war winners

those aren't British tanks
Whats the best reviews for wot?
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Catgirls are FURRIES
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Is there a single good non-premium Chinese tank before Tier IX?

I like to have at least one tank from every country, but I'm severely tempted to buy the Type 64 due to how poor the Chinese selection is.
>no Löwe or E50 ausf. M
Shit edition, tbqhwym
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>bolted armor
>Is there a single good non-premium Chinese tank before Tier IX?
The IS-2 is slightly better than the Soviet IS at Tier VII.
>he doesn't know about the t-34-1
Or IS-2 if you're into that sort of thing.
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>destroyed armor
>what is 131, 132, 34-1, IS-2, stuart
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apparently this is now triggering a lot of people on the forums
STB, Leo 1, or Action X?
I'm already planning to get a russian medium already
>in IS
>cleared towns, making way towards cap
>already at 48 HP and friendly leopard (light tank) shoots at my sides
>ask him to stop, he doesn't
>put round in his ass
>ignites leopard, tank destroyed
>he bitches and reports me
Did I do the right thing, /wotg/?
STB, if they ever end up giving it hydraulic suspension.
you probably stole his kill
dont be a dick, anon
>reports me

so nothing happened, cause WG doesn't care or respond to that shit
AX is STB without the succ cannon
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>Going for the Maus
>Grind through the tiger P and the god awful VK A
>Throw in the towel at the VK B because using an 88mm at tier 9 and getting heat spammed back to the garage sucks

WG: Lol we are now making the tiger P's turret armour actually work oh and we are significantly buffing the VK A. Btw you need to research a new line for the maus now.

What did I do to get Nigerian princed this hard?
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Nah, he was the retarded cunt for going city in highway. Plus I was only really going against Heavies/TDs he didn't have much chance in anyway. Shooting at me when I had basically zero health wasn't cool though.
>Going for the Maus
answered your own question
Why do we have to pay to repair our tanks?
>he wants the maus
In every game I play I always go big armour if I can so the maus is a must.
>piggybacking of america
>he doesn't want the maus
low test omega faggot cuck detected
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If you get any Tier 10 other than the Centurion AX, you're doing it wrong.
Germany is suffering
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should have won the war and maybe we wouldn't have had to deal with all this weeb shit
The fact that there are thousands of real "people" with a wn8 of WAY less than 1000, who, even after tens of thousands of games, still not grasp very basic aspects of the game, yet think they are doing totally okay, really terrifies me.

Because it means that there are millions of people like this running free in this world.
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>Three victories in a row in random battles

Feels wonderful.
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Japan lost and look at most anime, it's like they just forgot that Hiroshima ever happened and pretend they won everything. Just look at GuP, constant wetdreams of Guderian and no mention of Patton or Montgomery
but adolf loved japan

Tiers 11, 12, and 13 when? M60A2/3 and M551 Sheridan when? They (along with the Abrams and T-72/90) all possess renders.
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Should have been invaded by the Allies desu

A nice American landing on the south and a good Soviet liberation from the north. Tokyo should have had the Berlin treatment.
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>True, the game's mechanics will have to undergo significant changes: now the game will feature missiles, dynamic protection and advanced systems for target search and lock.

>X551 to feature missiles

Were we the fools?
Bombers are some scary shit, anon.
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Did Patton really do much beyond 'attack not many Germans with lots and lots of Americans'?
Why the fuck do I keep getting bottom tier MM in my IS-2. Even my IS gets better MM.
because unicums stained it as a hard hitting premium and so now MM has it weighted for low tiers every time
it won the war didn't it? I was a way better strategy than teaching your pilots how to be bombs
>tfw been playing on Nost too much
>tfw barely getting daily 20k xp
>tfw missing so many tanks daily doubles

Anyone else in a similar boat? With any other game consuming their time.
I just bought the division so, so long myabe i'll enjoy the grind
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>tier dependent tank
>get top tier over and over
>light a german shitbox on fire or ammo rack one at least once every game
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>tfw so close to breaking 1000 WN8
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congrats, now you just need to get out of the banana tree
All tomatoes need to be chemically castrated.
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Almost in deep blue.
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How many failed tries?
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>AT 2
>lose 3 times in a row with over 500 damage
>win in less than 3 minutes for my double
>0 damage due to everything being 8 miles ahead of me
>over 500 damage
wow that is so amazing
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Better than fucking 0.
>playing AT-2
you deserve everything thats happening to you
>dpm reliant
Sorry to break it to you but you're not going to be carrying any games in that line until you get to the tortoise.
it's complete and utter shit of a td, only complete shitters think its good
>1300 battles in the last 24hs

Why did you took wotlabs from the OP?
probably OP only plays for fun
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Just scout in it ))))
Got 25 milli and a shit ton to buy.
t. sold all his premium tanks
t. projector
>Their going to pander to non-payers

I would not bet your welfare check on it.
>What a noob going for the strongest heavy tank in the game and not playing meme tanks like the IS-7
>You will never get a WWII anime about the Axis side of the War where all the characters are little girls.
>you will never kill yourself
2A7 when?
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Why is this such a common result? Haven't all the little shits gone to bed?
carry harder greg
You're still here, so obviously not.
>greg wakens
>threads goes shit
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I'm not greg.

just as bad desu

go back to WT
nice photoshop
>bullying palmcute
to what end?
blogfag cancer needs to go BACK to WT and STAY in WT
my mom said he can stay
When the game starts to fuck me every time I take a hit I know it's time to sleep.
why did you censor its eyes?
>Not censoring his tanks eyes
Why are there like 3 maps that endlessly loop?
games telling you to quit
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>have a great day playing the super pershing
>suddenly every shot fired from across the map pens me
Some Russian fucker flipped the switch on me real good.
E-75 is the best tank in the game, prove me wrong.
Every time (100%) I see one, it dies within about 20 seconds.
The ST-I exists, and better tanks than it exist, therefore you're wrong.
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>trading mobility, gun depression, soft stats, traverse, and size for armor
Not so fast bucko
*presses 2*
>outting yourself as skycancer
I think it was an actual naval gun
Your brethren over at /wowsg/ are giving away free shit left and right to their fellow /wowsg/ers this holiday season.

Is /wotg/ also gonna get into the giving spirit?
fuck no

I'd hate to give an arty player anything other than coal
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At least I get compensated for my garbage team by getting less XP than the CDC on the winning team with 2 shots of damage
>3665 blocked in AT-2

they deserve that loss
yeah the *(total damage caused to enemy team / total health of enemy team) part of the xp equation is utter bullshit
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This is the bullshit I don't understand. If you do REALLY well in this game but don't win, the XP gains are negligible...

One might argue that this should incentive-ize players playing the best they can so they can win for more XP, but you'd be wrong.

I think they need to flatout rework XP gains. You can't panzer vor when they give you shit gains for losing, even with doing amazingly better than your team.
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Strv 74 is addicting.
is dead?
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>shoot T-34-1 in the lower plate
>he catches on fire
>he just sits there and burns for over 500 damage
Cheapskate didn't pack FE
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> /wowsg/ is giving away gifts left and right
> /wotg/ are a bunch of scrooges

I cant believe all the whales switched from WoT to WoWS.

You welfare babbies have no appreciation for your fellow /wotg/ players.

Tomorrow I will be giving some stuff away. Its my thank you to those who actually have provided some help in the past with questions.

Be in the thread around 9-10pm tomorrow.

I hope you all grow some hearts before Christmas...sometimes its nice to give to your fellow /wotg/ player.
I'd give some nice posters like dolan a present of truffles or something but not a in-game gift that gives money to WG.
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some of you guys are alright
dont go to this thread around 9-10 pm tomorrow

>but not a in-game gift that gives money to WG.

This. In all my years of playing this shitty game, I have yet to give WG a penny. I've milked them through All-Star/MVP events, CW, and the various missions. I've got basically every single worthwhile prem and plenty of gold to use for free exp and such.
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Just hurry up and give me that 3rd mark already
>realize i'll never be any good at this game
is it time to jump to wows and get my hopes up there instead
If its possible to send shit in January i will(EU). Currently in China so cant really do shit.
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maybe if the game wasn't dead, there would be some generosity
this game is old and dead and only attracts autists, garupan neets and possibly some poorfag slavs and slav-likes
the rich /ak/ nigs and dadfags have moved onto other shit games
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Why is this allowed?
rigged as hell.
how much money are you paying per month for this game?
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So you can make less XP than the arty with no damage on the winning team
>they just sit in base until the last 20 seconds
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battlefield situation assessment
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Well I bought a skorp, but I haven't bought anything else in this game for like a year.

Also why is this allowed
>put in swedish crew for holiday event
>conveniently leave out gunner
>wait for the amount of people spending gold to retrain one of the girls to trickle
>pretend to fix the oversight by adding the gunner as a reward
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Fury is love, Fury is life
>not Strv 74

But Fury is the patrician man's tank.
Patton was pretty decent, and a god compared to chucklefucks like MacArthur.
But only the Strv will get you closer to the giant fucking memes of Swedish heavy OP power.
Which one has more potential currently, Löwe or STA-2? I really want to convert my gold into something fun.

Löwe seems a decent heavy now, but I think STA-2 has more to it if I manage to adapt to the "let's keep my distance, I'm a paper tank" gameplay if it's viable at all nowadays.
Lowe is still shit, get STA-2
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I fucking did it!
I know its not that impressive really, but it's my first 3 mark and I'm proud.

Whenever I'm running on premium account, decent matchmaking.

Whenever I'm running on standard account, horrible matchmaking.

Must be a coincidence.
double-2 and you have no advantage
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t. Yellow
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>defending the sLowe ever
t. 44%er blood red
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>activate credit boost and queue up in Cromwell
>immediately get a tier 8 game in which I'm deleted a minute in
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>queue up in SU-100Y afterwards
>deleted by GW panther




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Apart from any stats and just by the looks which tank do you guys think is the sexiest?

For me it's definitely the STB-1.
>put the Poland-related Rudy closest to Christmas just before the new premium tank
>put a bit of ballast gold to boost the price, but don't overdo it
>this way PPPs (poor Polish players) will buy it or have it bought by their parents
>they know many siemkas will buy it just out of national pride

WG really are jews.

Anyone who says otherwise is just fat shaming
It's 20 euros mate
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>5 penetrations in the SU-100Y
>1st class mastery

I love this moving barn
>inna cromwell b
>with a friendly hellcat and Nashorn
>versus a single ISU-122S
>we all died and he survived

Well, that was embarassing.
>load gold
>achieve same in mere 4 penetrations
>war winners
At least it's not the abomination that was the panther.
>Recent WN8

Time to go to bed
Is the STB-1 worth the grind? I tried it out on the test server and it performs pretty well. I liked it better than the action 10.

I suck with paper tanks.

Leopard 1 - fail, blown up
STB-I - steamroll enemy team
Leopard 1 - fail again, blown up yet again
STB-I - steamroll enemy team again

I think it's a really really great tank.

No idea about how much the grind sucks on the tanks before it though.

It's shit without premium consumables.
>look for daily tournament or 1v1s

truly NA is now dead
>No idea about how much the grind sucks on the tanks before it though.

The Chi-Nu, -To and -Ri are awful, only redeeming qualities are quick reload and good gun depression. With the Chi-Ri you get the choice between the previous tier 6 gun or the same gun with 3 round auto loading, fucking useless against most tier 7's and up unless you get them in the ass.
I'm >>163512424

I REALLY enjoyed the chi-to and the chi-nu. And Aced the chi-ri within its first match with stock config. If they suck that much, I can't even wait to see how the STA-1 and type 61 perform.
Platoon/Solo WR split when?
Just want to see all these unicums become yellow.
It seems siemkas are rustling Your jimmies anon.
Have You already considered the pROPEr way out?
WR is unrelated to WN8
also to get a high WN8 you need consistency in doing damage no matter if you lose or win
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this game is literally telling me if I don't pay I have to suffer.

30% WR games all day. It wasn't like that in the past. They changed the MM algorithm to make the good goys win.
Also get these strange low damage rolls and shots going wide. I know it isn't a placebo, because I never had this feeling before.
the FV 4202 (P) is a best

You get better WN8 if you Platoon obviously.
there's hardly any correlation between the two
Are you fucked in the head?
You can farm damage much easier if you are in a platoon, because you just steamroll the enemy.
3 good players is all you need to win 90% of the game.
or you can take it easy and get lower damage than you would solo
not necessary, good players "stealing" each other damage is a real issue
there is nothing worse for your personal WN8 than having a competent team, steamroll victories usually result in a poor WN8
>be steamrolling with isu
>unicunt t54 with my flank
>blapping the enemy for most of their HP
>t54 starts team killing me for stealing the HP pool
I am always glad that the tank im up against is an E75 instead of, any other tier 8 heavy, well perhaps the T-10 then the E75.
t. Abdul Al Ramadan
I heard they buffed the Lowe's armor. How easy is it to pen now compared to a paper armored tank like the Tiger II?

UFP went up to 150, but the LFP still lets in everything as it did before.
What a fucking waste of time.
Jingles pls
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>finally get fan-mail
>it's an undecipherable contradiction
I don't know what do feel desu.
>people say the B1/Pz B2 are the most op tanks of T4
>despite the fact that they're the worst heavies after the Type 95
>and are massively outclassed by the matilda
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>skip garbage mission
>get one infinitely easier
>better reward
>No tech tree discount

God damn it WG
But there is tech tree discounts, just only T7 and below.
>tfw the the first time in either game I've had the opportunity to save up and buy T10s on an upcoming sale
>they don't put them on sale
Disregard I suck dicks and messed up the thread with /wowsg/
Are the sales on premiums only for NA? I don't see any discount ingame on premium tonks
Nothing but cash grab tanks.
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can you actually get anything not worthless in this festive event thing?
i noticed that players with bad english just repeat what they saw in chat once.
CDC or M4 Ravioli for my batchat girls?
are you guys high?
are you for real?
are you the guys that camp at baste to get two shots in the game worth of damage?
please post your WRs, I want to laugh.
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I dont even.
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The CDC is pretty much broken, I love mine and somehow manage to have fun with it most games, unlike most other tanks
Fuck you
buy up goy
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What the fuck. Just had a mediocre game and it happened to be my first match in this tank. Why are people still so fucking bad at playing TIger. I just faced rolled a 1.
Just fuck me and cuck me fambam.
>No cuck tanks

Thats some blatant dickery.
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only a weeb would find a first class worthy of a post
Did you even see the fucking point of the post?
>WGEU in charge of holiday festivities
I bet that if those people got to play mall santas they'd just give kids 15% off 360 day premium coupons before putting out their cigarettes in the kid's face.
that you are a weeb yellowshitter?
t. angsty orange player with 48k games
DEEP blue with 7k games, nice projection tho.
No, you sure didnt.
t. failed reroll
But I'm not him.
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>it's another I'm a normie and I hate weebs on 4chan christmas special
account created in 2011 with type as my most played tank, nice try but not everyone is shit for 20k games
>people actually use XVM

no idea since they added the minimap features theres no reason for it, servercross2 is the only thing that should he used and readded to the base game.
so I can focus on the unicums in my arty
Check my Xmas ornament here: >>163527450
>Type 62 will be a new Tier 1 in Armored Warfare
t. yellow
It's so cute!
Why is the T-34-3 so much more gold then the other tier 8 prems?
because it's actually good
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Turán III prototípus

Ram II

Matilda Black Prince

Which one should I get? meaning, which one is the rarest (even if just a little) ??
>no discounts
>nothing to spend credits on
>USE: 6.7k players
>Total: 11k players

Someone put NA out of it's misery.
Xmas is for family, you fucking fagget.

Learn 2 human.
>implying Euros are human
Normie get out
Christmas is haram in Mudslime countries.
>implying this isn't an average day for the NA server
>Learn 2 human
>Learn 2

Holy shit get the fuck out of here and go back to facebook or 9fag.
>i'm wrong but i'll insist i'm right
>in Mulitkulti Europe of 1438 AH
literal fascist
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This triggers the autists
What? But that's a Chinese tank.
is copy of slav tank so is in slav tree tovarisch)))))))))))
How shit is the in-game event?
the tree building? easiest way to get 4 soon to be 5 girl crew members ever.
You need to get a fucking Tier 9 to get the entire crew.
Fuck this.
So far its the worst event as far as substance goes. Mostly just a bunch of junk.

The female crew art looks like hobgoblins, the items are consumables, the discounts are for the Cuck TD tree only. Its a nice idea but unless they add some discounts its going to be a completely forgettable event and easily the worst Christmas to date.
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Are you ready EU?
Yes and? It's easy as piss, keep converting all your low tier shit to higher tier shit.
T9 will happen on it's own. The the t10 that you need to buy boxes for. Like literally - converting won't get you anywhere near t10.
you can get to tier 8 in 20 battles easy.
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>Stuck at T9 because I cant get my last tree skirt
Ram II is a little outdated but still halfway decent.
Turan is overwhelmingly average beyond having limited ammo supply.
Matilda BP is shit and still buyable for gold, but it does have pref MM and is still less shit than the 4202P.
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It won't get any better. It never gets.
>tfw you fuck up the 1v5
If Matilda BP got an engine upgrade it would be playable. Cant snap shot in a tank that needs 3 seconds to do the maneuver.
hell yeah, gonna pick up an E100/E50/T62A/IS-7 and maybe an STA-2
There's only person on NA who manages the tournaments, so when she takes time off NA tournament die off entirely. It's a joke anyways since NA tournaments pay out 500-600 for 1st while EU gets 10k. Server transfers when?
nigger, you're still not on E50m? what the fuck are you waiting for? Christmas?
because it replaced the type 59 and WG knew suckers would spend the gold for it
ram II is worth the most amount of gold
How long until they put the type 59 back in the store? Seams the power creep balanced it out.
Based tankfu. Worth the gold.
i have the E50M but i sold the E50 to finance it a a year ago, i had no interest to statpad in it, i have the T54 for that :^)
But it's the most common.

The real question is >>163531662 which one prints more money and which one trains crews faster ?
Matilda BP is also worth 1750, though it still goes on discounts while the Ram is 'rare' now.

>tier 5 premium
>prints credits
But I guess the Matilda BP since it never sees tier 7 and doesn't have much need for APCR.
they said themself that the type is legendary by now in a recent interview so they wont sell it unless they are dropping the game and want to squeeze the last drops of gold out of the game.

for now it will be a event reward only.
wut premium for farming gold
Great taste.
Even from a pure jewing point of view it's foolish of them, as the longer they let it get powercreeped and the more ded the game gets; the less people will give a shit once they finally push the button on it. If they did it now in a $150 bundle they'd make a killing.
>which one should I get?
The one whose tree you don't have any premium already?
man Leo a shit

rip fun
dont lie to yourself, the type is very mediocre as it is now with its bad accuracy and awful aim time but you would buy it in a heartbeat just because of how infamous it is.

they know this and the more rare the tank is the more people want it and will be willing to pay good money for it, the day the type will be in the store again is a day the game is either overhauled or dying.
I'm less than 10k xp away from it but I have nearly 600k free XP stacked away for rainy days. I'm debating whether or not just skip to the Emil I or go right ahead and get the Emil II.
Mostly true, but I still wouldn't buy one. I'm done paying any money into this, I've been playing other games over the holidays thus far and remembering what it's like to have again. There would have to be major overhauls to get me back into playing this more than once a week, and that won't happen unless RU server numbers start dropping drastically.
I've only played a few games so far and I haven't unlocked the top gun yet, but that gun seems like a meme anyway. Maybe it will get better after a while, but I doubt it.
>have again
Holy shit, I've forgotten fun for so long I couldn't even type it.
Well the 100mm gun is basically horribly shit so you're supposed to play it with the Strv 74's gun anyway.

IDK, the tank itself isn't that bad it's just the fact that just like the Comet's gun, the 75mm is useless against T8s and T9s even with APCR.
That's the problem. In T8/9 games the gun is extremely underwhelming.
welcome to the new 3/5/7 philosophy

bottom tiers get fucked
>3/5/7 philosophy
>with 3 man arta plats
remember when wg said 3 artys limit per game and everyone thought it was a good thing? remember when wg said tanks classes will be even distributed between teams?

guess what? enjoy arty in every game in the near future.
Fuck, that's gonna suck. My my fun matches are the ones with one arty or none at all.

Might as well join the skycancer then. Which nations are pretty good troughout? I've got both the bishop and the tier 5 murrican arty unlocked, haven't touched any of the other yet though.
>make tier 5 decoration
>its the same as the last one I made and I can only use one
Just buy the boxes friend :^)
murican or britdong
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>go East on Erlenberg with two artillery
>seven enemy tanks on side
>spot platoon of blackdogs
>two get dynamic'd by artillery
>spot 704, gets dynamic'd instantly
>last blackdog tries to rush me
>gets dynamic'd by own artillery
So Emil I or straight to Emil II, wotg? I'm literally clueless here.

>should i play the game or not
>15% discount
>But not for Swede tanks.
Just why.
probably a mistake on WGs part, wouldn't be the first time they did this shit.
Aren't they basically the same thing just scaled for tier?
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>Hit enemy vehicles with 10 or more consecutive shots
>Shot my gun 3 times total the entire match
>First hit the enemy
>Second hit the terrain
>Third killed the enemy
sharpshooter carries through games iirc, it just gets given once your streak ends
>spending money so I can save 30% on a tier 10
It would make more sense to just buy gold
That's the Krankenwagen and the Emil II. The Emil I basically isn't as OP as it's 9 and 10 counterparts. Or at least it doesn't seem to be.
Don't forget the grill crew they added to make tier 10 slightly worthwhile.
Not that it matters much since the top tiers are all three man crews.
>at 3 a.m.
Yes, why is the server not alive at such an hour?!
How alive are the clans right now?
very dead
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NOPAN isn't in full swing but pretty alive
How's the swedish leo? It looks fun.
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it's a bit shitty but the alpha makes it work and the next tanks are worth it anyway
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>These vehicles (premium TDs) were put there just to “fill up the animation we build for this presentation, we have no intentions of introducing these vehicles as normal ones” – Thaine Lyman
Ive still got mission grilles. arent the top tier swede tanks only 3 person crew ones anyways?
I imagine it being more like
>How can we fuck with the players even more than we already are?
>I know )))...!
This reminds me to ask, how often does AWOO do strongholds. I've been thinking of joining because credits are good
>were put there just to “fill up the animation we build for this presentation
but why
How's the Emil I?
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very good but the turret armor is only reliable vs tier 8 regular ammo, Emil 2 can tank a lot harder
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>not doing mega steel wall carries in your buffed tier 8 premiums instead
tier 9+ is overrated
poorfags on suicide watch
This week there have been multiple sessions.

Pretty active, I just joined.
>Its an artillery kills me episode
more like
>it's an arty kills me Season 1, Season 2, OVA and feature length movie.
Now with companion novel and artbook available.
>playing on shithouse laptop
>win all of my games for 3x
time to call it a day
I don't care about the other tanks. I'm only interested in the leo.
live action adaptation coming soon.
>5 Arty Shells Per Second by Makoto Shinkai
Why are all the super unicum streamers using the strange reticle with blue arrows and shit?
What is the benefit?
>only interested in literal fecal matter

sorry anon
literally why? it's ok but nothing special
server crosshair for precise aiming
Literally why.
>Take wild snapshot at enemy tonk
>Misplace cursor horribly
>Your shell "misses" so badly that it actually hits them
>My little artillery can't be this accurate by Tsukasa Fushimi
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>boot up WoT
>hit connect
>game crashes to desktop
Cause it's cute, go fast and derp, but if it's that shit then I'm not gonna bother.
it doesn't feel that fast and it's complete paper, alpha is nice to have though but it's not really a good tank
Quickybaby did _________________.
That's really disappointing.
How about the ikv 65 alt II?
Is that shit as well?
oh wow thanks for the type 59
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i thought it was just me

>reboot game
>make it to front line
>extend to trade shots
it's a turretless TD so it's most likely shit, but other than that I don't know
nothing wrong
my dad works for wargaming. he says that code is for Pz. T25
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E-25s are ruining my fun time in the Cromwell B
>Dog actually barks in the Rudy

I need this.
>Rudy is increased in price and in an arbitary bundle on NA

I don't need this
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>in my new fv4202
>e25s need skill rounds to reliably pen my
>still get to absorb gold through tracks

oh I am laughing
>the dog goes woof

I need this.
Should I for the fv304 or M44, so that I can do some of these arty missions?

Also, what line should I go for my first light tanks? MT-25, chaffe/T37 or something else?

And lastly, are the chinese lines any good? I just realized I never actually played any chinese tanks.
>blocked 1400 worth of damage from a Hetzer firing HEAT at my SU-100Y

how are people this bad, he must've planted all four of those shots straight into my mantlet
Only the lights and heavies.
why is the T49 allowed to have that huge derp gun? does the rest of the tank suck?

t. salty T28 prototype player
Yes, but dog.
The handling is so shot,that some oranges drive with turret locked.
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>First game in KV-2 with 152mm
>top tier
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>Not using a picture of Jingles.
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>get shitty team
>try really hard to carry them
>lose anyway

I'm tempted to stay in a permanent 3 man platoon to avoid this bullshit.
Are the chinese mediums really bad? The 59-16 also only has 85mm pen, so I'm assuming you need to play it as a real scout.

And why do you reccomend the M44 over the FV304? I seem to remember that the fv304 was a pretty highly rated arty a few months back. Did they change something about it?

Chinese mediums are basically goddamn irrelevant due to how dumb they are:

>shit depression
>thinner armor than their RU cousins
>less DPM than their RU cousins
>derp guns require the power of RNGesus or standing still to fire, unlike the laser beam accuracy the T-54/T-62/Obj 140 have
The Chinese mediums are essentially cardboard boxes with everything you love inside, they get shot once and everything goes up in flames.

The T-34-2 is the worst tech tree medium at Tier 8 by far and the only 'bad' tank of the line. If you go down the light line, you can completely bypass it.
oh, allright then. Thanks for the warning.
>still trying to decide between cdc and rev
Just get both
I don't really regret buying my CDC but I would probably trade it for the ravioli.

>playing either when the FCM 50t exists

It's as if you enjoy seeing tier10 matches.
>4000 gold more

It's like you enjoy giving wargaming money
Yeah FCM is better but more expensive, between the two I'd go with the Revalorise.

>not having a steady income of CW/Tournament gold

Honestly though, I refuse to drive prems that see tier10. With stuff that sees tier9 max, I can mitigate the bullshit with some unicum rounds. My other gripe is that the CDC and 50t are so darn similar in stats that it just seems unfair that the CDC sees tier10.
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Speaking of the Rev, am somewhat right in thinking it plays like a turreted SU-100Y? Fuck all armour but a big fuck you gun, so you stick to long range and away from where the enemy can hit you?

Accuracy is shit, it's not a sniper.

I just bought the chaffee. It's my first real light tank, and I feel like I'm going to fuck this up.

Any tips?
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Wow its fucking nothing
>file no longer exists
I've been getting this a hell of a lot lately. Whats up with that?
>tfw 5k damage done but enemy bot caps

Why are there never codes for existing members? It's always shitty "for new accounts only" codes.
We got to get new players to join. It's not like getting good rep with our existing players will pay off in the long run, goy.
>It's a fucking invite code.
>Why are there never codes for existing members?
WG used to do them in the past but I've not seen any lately.

Zippy Whelp would occasionally get one to give his viewers a tiny bit of gold or premium time.
If you ever want an invite code, don't use these shitty ones.

-1,000 gold
-1,000,000 credits
-7 days premium

>get told this pic is single veteran of some brigade or something who is the only one left
>its actually just a fat fuck crying because hes so fat he couldnt keep up with the rest of the parade

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>999 ping
What's the 8th code for russians and europoors ??

We can see a pattern to predict NA maybe.
Did they change something about the stugIII's engine? it seems a lot slower than I remember.
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>What's the 8th code for russians and europoors ??
For EU, gives some food rations for each country
If 3 food per country, that's 540k credits. Could have been worse.
So how are the festive levels calculated? Im on level 7 with a rating of 47. Whenever I hit 50 does that make me go to 8? What ratings correspond to the different levels?
the Pz. IV H is some garbo. I was really looking forward to making it my mainstay on the german line.
It doesn't matter, you'll spend a day or two getting to IX then the next few weeks grinding for X
>It doesn't matter,
yes it does I want to know the exact numbers to figure out if I want to put more effort into finishing it.
Unless you're a bright red tomato it should only take you a day or two to get IX.

So no, it doesn't matter. Unless you're a shitter. :^)
>playing this garbage game more than once a day
>Unironically having autism

Then you aren't playing this game enough to even bother with the tasks, retard.
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>mfw this guy throws away his HP when Borsig was tracked
>mfw he throws away easy win vs single arty in the dumbest way

That's before the nerfs, fucking memeing reddit nigger.
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stop spamming map noob!
Which heavy should I get for missions?
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im gonna spam map until my chatban expires
Guys I need the webm where they say green tea and coffee and it starts glitching out
Hoho, shit no dude. They ruined that tank.
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Russia is OP
nice spam you autist
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>posting the wrong version
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holy fuck using exclusively HEAT and HE on the Hetzer is literally the most nigger thing a person can do
Should I go Waffenträger auf Pz. IV or keep grinding the Object 704 (almost done with the SU-152).

Trying to wrap up the T-55a TD missions.
is it better to race to tier X or stick around a lower tier until your crew is tricked out
WT. TD-15 is far more suited to the Grille than it is the 268 owing to the mobility of the former.
is this NA only ?
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People just mute you when you spam map, tard.
Any server, I think.
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OH OH OH.gif
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>New premium today will be the Krupp-Steyr Waffentrager

What a shit calendar.
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Is this bizarro land?

I remember when EU had shit payouts and NA had 10k+ payouts for the week tourneys, all this past summer.
If by past summer you mean like 2014, yeah.
>grille going to be nerfed
should i grind through the line anyway
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The tier 8 alone is worth it.
>tfw console still has the old e100
>UNICUM guide
>creator isn't a unicum
really gets the gears crankin!
the only bad tank in the line is the tier 7, the rest are all very good
i doubt they will take away much if at all of the mobility of the grille which is the main strength of the vehicle
no you dont
well, you two have convinced me
>STA-2 acquired

Any other tier 8s worth getting? I already have a Mutz and a M46 KR
Stop me from buying the Rudy
you should make a video of your light flips and grab some tomato flips see if anyone can tell the difference. call it unicum or not. i did a cartwheel on nolan's stream once. he saved it cause i am awesome
why would I
it's probably the best T-34-85 in game
It's just some generic medium tank with a small audio meme attached.
How long until I can play again? How long until I can spend my millies?
woof woof
Biggest thing broken about it is the size & acceleration. It's harder to hit than a batchat sometimes. Guess they can't fix that though.
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will broken
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Friend bought me boxes about on Monday and I got the Patton KR. Bought boxes and got a lucky roll.

'M4A1 Revalorisé' successfully purchased. Spent gold: 6,120.
Sick dude. That's some luck.

Man, I've flipped so many goddamn tanks.
Actually come to think if it I think it's mostly been in the Leo 1. The M41 90GF I've flipped/rolled a few times but I can't really think of any other light tank it's happened that often on.

It's always really weird though, since I'll just do a barrel roll and then I lose nothing for it other than speed, I think that webm was the only time I really remember taking damage.
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>E-25 for sale in the EU shop for 7 days
>liberté aswell

I guess they smell money
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>bought the 13 57GF
>the blackdog GF
>the scorpion
>thinking of buying the liberté, T-34-3 and the patriot if it returns
>gonna buy boxes to get the b2 pz and patton KR

I need fucking help
Is the M4A1 good enough to buy? It's that or the STA-2 for me, and I already have a CDC. I don't really care so much about the crew training as much as I care about fun and quality of tonk.
>buy ravioli
>immediately want to send in a ticket to get the cdc instead
>Bought Skorpion
>Bought Rudy
>Buying M4A1

I've fallen right into WG's trap and I can't get out.

Gotta admit I don't regret the Skorpion one bit though, that shit is dumb.
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Grats man.

I got mine after I think 20 boxes. Gold was worth it since I just bought an STA-2 on sale with it, now I have 3 tier 8 premiums and now I feel like since I already have 3 I should get more

fucking wg
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rec (03).webm
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Which, speaking of, pulled up a random Leo1 replay and what do you know, I rolled in it.

Behold, the majestic Leopard 1.
Truly, the tier 10 medium with the most poise and grace.
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Good dog.
>yfw cdc turns out shit and want the ravioli again
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1 0 3 B
Just spent over 30 million buying shit to grind through haha ;)
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Ya dun goofd. I know they announced Xmas sales and it didn't include silver tanks.... BUT.... they might do a new years sale on silver tanks!
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>liberté aswell

>not the T26E5
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>mfw playing M53
Ikv 65 is shit, but it's workable shit. Use its mobility to play it as a pop-up attacker like the T25 AT.
Just don't get in a DPM race because your DPM is abysmal and don't trust your armor because it doesn't exist.

Basically the entire Swedish TD line is a grind to hit UDES and start lasering through everything.
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3 (three) of each nations food consumables and shit personal reserves, not even a day of premium
yeah i do that myself, but:
>implying i give a shit when there's only one guy left on the team

see >>163569064
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>24th tank
>it's shit
Oh okay.
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>everyone bitches about the E25 being in the calendar in an overprized bundle
>everyone bitches about the patriot and the liberte being OP

there are bills to pay, mouths to feed))))))))))))))
rubble continues, losing it's value(((((((((
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Which one do i choose?
>Trump will be buddy buddy with Putin
>will lift trade sanctions
>russian economy will improve
>Ruble will raise in value
>wargaming will no longer be poor as fuck
>prices for everything will drop
>premiums for everyone

MWGA (Make Wargaming Great Again)
Use tanks.gg like a sane person
things that wont happen
are you mentally handicapped or just german ? of fucking course IS-3
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>E25 on sale for an entire week
I'm fucking german.
Problem, fatty?
More like a /k redneck wet dream.
Let's hope general Mattis beat some common sense into Trump fancy haircut
I'm pretty sure Mattis has been dead for a while and they just prop up his corpse at press conferences at this point.

He definitely LOOKS half dead...
The only one here with problems is you, head problems that is
Enjoy grinding for credits in mid-tiers with all those E25 shitting around.
E-25s have been severely hampering my rally car efforts in the Cromwell B
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>bought 20 RNG boxes
>got only the standard drops, not even once extra gold or something
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>wg plans to increase pen drop off and dispersion at range
>meaning everything with shit pen and accuracy will be forced to brawl point blank
>meanwhile at spicymeatballs land
>best accuracy in game
>no bloom
>literally cannot be penned in the future
>pixel snipe all day with comfy 308/350 pen

why haven't you gotten yourself the future meta tank?
>that Matilda IV turret

good god what tumor did the soviets attach to that poor tanks face
>believing Wargamings lies

rookie mistake
i don't believe in WG minsk
i do believe WG NA's thaine

made promises and delivered them this year.
he a crazy nigga. he'll do it.
>literally cannot be penned in the future
>swedes actually believe this
i think WG found the next cash biggest cash cow after wehrboos
the correct term is naziboo friendo
overmatch will be removed
goodluck sniping the copula with pen drop off and bad dispersion
>overmatch will be removed
you really are retarded
not gonna auto pen the 103b so i dont care :^)
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And artillery will be reworked any day now
they have a real hard on for that stun mechanic so enjoy having your reload increased by 50% and crew skills reduced by 50%
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Frick my shit up.
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Smile you can trust.jpg
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I decided to play on my 10in laptop w/ wireless mouse since I'm away from home this holiday to play the tanks I bought from advent.

Worst mistake.
>Looking at an enemy creates instant framedrops so good luck tracking your targets at 20fps
>Can't hit anyone at range since every range is pixel sniping.
>Large minimap takes up 1/4 of screen
>Tull visioned the whole game on sub 720p screen

Worst part is I want to keep playing to do better in these conditions.
You need a reality check
Carry harder next time.
Damn, E 25 is up again for sale. Tempting.
Bad anon. Bad.
>euros get e25 on sale for a month

For once NA doesnt get shafted
you're garbo
The jokes was that it's never going to be reworked, same way overmatch isn't going to be touched
Swedes really are german-tier stupid
its OP in a platoon, decent by yourself
I think i see the problem with this game, this game is unbelievably selfish to the point where multiplayer is almost pointless. What could probably fix this is if the game had some sort of PvE, something that could slowly turn it into an mmorpg, that could really make something great out of this
because everybody got it for free on NA ?
t. yellow
because that really worked out for AW didn't it
ok Jingles
Half of the playerbase (being generous here) already plays like bots, you really don't need PvE unless you're like handicapped or something
pve isn't as a profitable business model
people wont pay for old content
people will pay for advantage
and pvp is much easier to develop
you're going to eat your words when sb 2.0 goes to live
>E25 being sold FOR A FUCKING WEEK

I'm done. I'm out.
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>he believes in sandbox
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Couldn't hold myself back anymore.
I don't blame you, that's why I bought the E25 the day it was sold. If you can't beat the cancer, join the cancer.
Meanwhile you're eating reality that is 122mm shells
>bounced a 152mm shell OFF THE GROUND into the enemy right in front of me

Stalin truly loves me
you have to agree that this game is very self-interested. you are constantly grinding and aiming to get the next better tank which makes you focused to get the most kills as possible, and all these gimmicks (badges, rewards, cash/consumables) are there to keep you in.

wg can do a much better job, something more creative than just a map sprinkled with bots. They can create larger maps organized for certain modes, im thinking they start off with a defense/offense mode and players either hold certain points or attack them. Something to start towards a more rpg setting since this the point of this game is to constantly reward yourself
Sandbox happened half a year ago, nothing changed, in fact "we want to make armor relevant again" meme backfired since penetration creep got even worse since then thanks new pay2win premiums and swede tanks, you need to be special kind of stupid to believe in WG lies
widepark is an awful map
its not opposite day

>All those E25s

Time to roll out that IS6
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>playing in city match
>1 min in game, moving through alley
>oneshotted by grille
Why is arty in wot the worst thing ive ever seen in games?
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and the next game pays off. i dont often get a good opportunity for last man standing, but once the opportunity is available its the best thing wot has to offer. too bad i couldnt get over 3000 damage, that was one of my missions
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and what should new crew skills should i get?
Start by removing chemo. Two duders wont have much of an effect overall anyway.
just learned you could remove skills, amazing
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I only have one guy for repairs, im wondering if i should switch him for situational awarness or should i leave it be?
might as well, if I were you I would have picked repair for all as 2nd skill and BIA in 3rd but you might as well keep going now
Man, a legitimate noob. This is awkward.
If you are playing a medium, heavy or TD you want repairs on everyone but you will make an exception for your commander after you can get sixth sense. Camo is worthless on a medium. When you can train 2 full skills on your commander you will retrain everyone to have borthers in arms and repairs and give your commander Brothers in arms and sixth sense and followed by repairs when you start working on the third. After that you can get whatever you want.
its not really common for me to get tracked twice on mediums, id rather improve my accuracy first then improve how i handle getting hit.

youre an awkward guy
Doesnt matter whats common. Having repair means the difference between getting shot by artillery and not, between getting perma tracked and not. You will get full repairs or you will always be that on the same level as the Tiger Il thats shooting HE.
he has 2 marks on 34-85 so you're obviously wrong
Ohh, two whole marks. I guess hes a super unicum then and sets the trends. He better tell QB that hes a shitter because he gets useful skills.
>gets proven wrong
>goes full retard
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Ohh wait, you were being serious.
show me a HE spamming Tiger II with 2 marks
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Its truly Christmas holiday.
yellows dishing out dumb advice are a year round thing
Chemo is worth more on a select few meds - that is those that already have a high base-value and would prefer sniping over brawling. For everyone else repairs provide more utility by repairing that track or turret or gun nearly twice as fast.
To be fair, at tier 6 and below you usually die before you repair your tracks because of the low hp at those tiers.
Two OIs meet on the battle field. One has the 10 the other has the 15. Who walks away?
whoever fires first
>Literal autists
the one with the stock gun if he isnt retarded, the derp needs to shoot him 3 times to kill him
the one loading gold
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I can already hear you pinging a map in autistic rage
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Why would anyone want the Krupp after they already sold the Skorpion?
Crom B or E-25, which is more OP?
>he says, while shitposting autistically
Why would anyone want the E75 when they already played the Tiger II.
Even fastfetus told the shitters it's bad
E-25 is better. Just more tricky to control.
If you do strongholds, get the Crommy B.
If solo, E-25.
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watch this funny stuff
Watched a Tiger Vi sit in sand river with 3 tanks shooting at him, lower tier tanks and didnt even angle his armor from full health to no health

Why is it that people are completely incapable of driving the standard Tiger tanks?
They introduced so many OP shit that they've got to introduce a premium that's utter shit.
fel when no German t6 Tiger premium with limited MM

soon.jpg. No way WG is letting an idea like that pass.
Are you fucking serious? The Tiger II is the downright worst T8 heavy tank and the E75 is one of the best tier for tier.
there's already a tier 6 Tiger with normal MM, they won't copy-paste it and give it special MM
Partly because the Tigers are overtiered in order to fill out the tech tree, but mostly because they have a lot of flat armor that requires you to angle it yourself to be effective.

It's not like RU heavies, which have enough bullshit angles that they bounce shots from every angle.
Sure they won't

4chan servers are just shit.
not ded
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>tfw its just another christmas with your family in your white suburban paradise
I like how they removed the overmatch mechanics because 122mm russian cannons couldn't point and click the new TDs and a lot of other vehicles that just barely fail to protect against 122mm overmatching

no bias at all
Wehrboos will eat anything up
to bully tier 5s
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planning swastikas for Christmas? Reported for hate speech.
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>want to get to the AMX30B
>don't want to grind through the light tanks
Separated line when?
Grind them, they're pretty fun. Even the 13 75 isn't so bad if you know how to play it
>Snowitzer is still tier 2 decorations
>Keep getting shit for the tree I dont need
AMX ELC is top ebin, so is the 12t

The 13 75 and 13 90 is a bit shit.
I also just noticed the first gun on the tier 9 amx 30 is top garbage and I'd have to grind through the tracks and the second gun to get a decent one which is almost 60k. I give up
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I know what I'm doing until summer
It isn't bad really, when you use it you won't even notice. The amx 30 is pretty solid even when stock, the mobility will let you hit their weakspots more often than not if you learned how to position with a french while grinding the line
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you're gif wouldn't fit on that floppy, ain't that something?
Most cancerous tank?

Hardmode: No artillery.

E5 platoon
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Am I a WoT Blitz Unicum™ yet?
>play casemate TD
>every hit tracks me
who thought such a garbage design was good
E5's little brother.
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>watching teammate
>Pz III A with 37mm shooting HE at enemies
I think I contracted cancer
needless to say, we lost that match
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>MK 103 is a fair and balanced gun
>despite having made up armor penetration
Starts with E, ends with 5.
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Typical argentinian.jpg
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Full christmas code
>"Invalid Wargaming code format"
what is this crookery
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Write it in all caps you dunce.
I forget the name of it but the tier X American heavy tank
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not that anon, but it's not working anyway
What does it give us?
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might wanna bust out that full apcr pz3 if you want ace badges kid
>tfw just bought JG PZ IV without Googling it
3(three) foods per nation and some XP boosters
3 of all the food items and a shitty personal reserve
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oh you're such a charmer :3
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I'm sliding towards buying T34 Blacked or maybe AMX CDC or Rev.
How do I stop myself? The urge is already in place.
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Merry Christmas /wotg/
Don't buy the T34 Nigger.
I just bought a T-43 with no free-exp to unlock the tracks and turret
How fucked am I?
seriously dont buy the t34 or the cdc

get the ravioli if you have 0 self control
Very. Tho tbqh you are never not fucked in a T-43.
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you too
Why not?
I have Löwe and I like it, I also liked T29 a lot.

I haven't gotten to Tier 10 yet, whats the deal with the E5?
best heavy & medium tank in game
It is a good all rounder tank. Kinda fast, very sturdy, good gun.

I don't know why anybody would think it is cancer though. Nothing spells cancer like a platoon of TVP or Bat Chats.
it's just the T-34-85 upped a tier
thing with tvp/badchad is they require skill and timing

e5's only requisite is not be retarded

>I don't know why anybody would think it is cancer though

Because it has no real flaws, which is fucking stupid. It needs its thin cupola back that actually gave it a weakpoint. The cupola used to be around 190mm effective, and now it's 255 effective. 255 is FAR too much for a cupola, especially when the fucking E4 has a thinner cupola.
How to spot a shitter.
Which flaws does for example IS-7 have compared to E5 then?
I do have both, and I know that E5 is somewhat easier to "handle", but E5 turret with the enhanced cupola is still nothing compared to hulldown IS-7
The thing is, the 110E5 is rendered useless as soon as you start shooting HEAT into the cupola. It's not the impenetrable doomfortress people make it out to be.

And the Kragfasfdsfasgaggacuckwagen makes it obsolete basically because of the LOL 600MM TURRET XD.
The IS-7 has a super potato gun while the E5 basically has a medium tank gun.

IS-7 has the hunk of shit known as the LFP and you CANNOT angle it, otherwise you weaken your pike. The IS7 is like the 113, in that both are fairly annoying and agile, but both have a horribly weak LFP that gimps the tank.
hulldown vs hulldown then sure the E5 is toast, but overall the E5 is more agile, has more DPM, a more reliable gun, and in a non hulldown 1v1 it has the faster reload so the IS-7 is going to eat 2 shots for each one he fires
But TVP/B-C platoons WITHOUT the required skill are even more cancerous than skilled platoons. Have you ever had a platoon of bats just rushing up to you and forcefully clipping you to garage without giving any fucks about your teammates fucking them up too?
That is the epitome of cancer.

a lot of them
then you were out of position and was going to die regardless of what tanks pushed you
Are the Japanese heavies any good?
they might be after they become land artillery in patch 9.18
Am i good if i get three marks?
all it means is you know how to position yourself to spot and farm damage in pubs

Could someone remind me why the E5 miraculously gets 2.0 aim time on its gun when no other tank with a 120mm gets such an aim time? I can live with the E5 magically getting a buff to its cupola for no fucking reason, but why does it have absurd gun stats compared to every other heavy? It has a clear advantage in handling, DPM, and so on in addition to being nicely armored and rather mobile.
it actually means you spam gold and/or had a good game streak to hit the 95%
the tea heavy has better gun handling and dpm
thats a given
its not that bad, can be really good if press 2

215b is garbage though outside of the gun and some niche sidescraping. The E5 is actually good even if you gave it a bad gun.
If it is on a popular "keeper" tank, a premium or a tier X, then yes.
If it is some T67 or elc amx then no, kill urself my m8.
uh, no. what makes the e5 good is the entire package.

and to say fv215b is bad is missing its point entirely. its there to trade out tanks with its hp and dpm or act as an impromptu td in cw.
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only played one game today

guess what, I'm still flagged for MM

it's getting real obvious.
So EU get the e-25 back and all the other premiums, and NA get a shitty Skorp G?
world of infantry when
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>a shitty Skorp G
>90% of the team goes into one 4x4 area
>they die

wow this is shocking
crap-style waffle tractor is like a worse skorp g yes
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>5 tanks in one spot
>one enemy comes around the corner and fires
>goes back into cover
>comes out again angled and fires again
>5 tanks sit in place and fire at the angled tank
>they don't rush them down because no one wants to trade a single shot of damage to secure a kill
>slowly get picked off one by one
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>t. blue
>hmm I wonder if I completed any missions
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I give up
Premium american solider tier 8 Black Edition
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>over 3,500 damage
>5 kills
>only first class
>Gaijin is unironically doing this
Fatton buff when?
>expecting 3,6k dmg in a 490 alpha tank to be ace
lmao yellows, low 5k dmg was not even enough when top tier
>playing KV-2 for christmas
How's your Christmas/Eve going wotg?
I decided to go for the Emil II with all my free XP.

I've put in the female crew I got from the holiday tank shit.

I'm literally clubbing everything and empty my mag of 4 rounds into people who are desperately spamming HEAT at my turret.

It's going pretty good.
I'm eating chocolate and playing with the family dog while avoiding relatives
x2 xp for every game when?
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>buy 10 tanks
>6 of those are cancer stock grinds
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Good god, going from AT 7 to AT 15 is incredible.
Normally I would say that whoever thought up the concept of xp sink tanks should be shot but since it's Christmas I'd be fine with just having them put on Putin's "Foreign Agent" watchlist.
Use your boosters, fag.
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>first class on a loss without honorable resistance

Why are these teammates so bad.
I can only do so much in a tier 7 game in a stock t-50 with a chaingun and a shit crew.
german tech tree rework when
everything at the end of the lines are awful except the grille 15

i'm not even gonna meme you with the JPE or the Maus but aren't you forgetting the E-100
E-100 is still on the bottom of GOOD tier 10 heavies

>even IS- 7

Even the Type 5 makes it obsolete, the only thing arguably worse is the 113
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>tier 7 game
nigger what the fuck are you doing
>type 5
>making anything obsolete
t. orange
t. red actual
>honorable resistance
I'm glad that they added to this game, if only there were more medals or the requirements for some better rewarded playing well.

Nothing pisses me off more than missing out on a Steel Wall just because I had one too few hits taken.

Not long ago I had 3k damage bounced with a Tiger 1 in a mostly tier 8 game and I miss out because it was only 10 shots received. It'll take a hundred games to get that mix of positioning and braindead enemies, meanwhile I could hop into a Russian heavy and shit them out with 1/10th of the effort.

>i only play medium tanks and i cannot play anything slower than an E5

what is up my dude
>play anything that goes under 30km
>get sky cancered

>play anything
>get bopped

rly my dude
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I Delet post
If you were to adopt a son, at what age would you teach him about the Jews and their lies?
wrong board my friend
plus I wouldn't teach him to blindly hate jews
just hate specific bastards like soros
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For old times sake :^)
But Soros is one of the good guys
why is jet so bad
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>Ace in the T-50 is this low

Damn, the times have not been kind to the T-50.

That nerf they hit it with was harsh as fuck.
>But Soros is one of the good guys
please don't tell me this is because he betrayed and snitched on fellow jews during WWII for money, right?
god I knew /pol/tards were braindead but not to this level.
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Well that was unexpectedly easy
Yeah welcome to the T-50 post-T-50-2-removal. It's awful.
Tiger I should really be tier 6.
Tiger II could be tier 7 if it had the long 8.8.

E-75 couldn't be tier 8 though, thing is too tough unless you gimped it's gun but the armor is still superb at tier 8. Thing is nigh tier 10.
I know you lads would give me shit for my bad stats and being a shitter. But you've honestly tought me a lot about the game.

Merry christmas, my senpais.
prime example of why wg shouldnt listen to forums for balance opinions
There already exists a tier 6 Tiger, they don't need balance opinions when they've already done it.
and the tier 7 Tiger is superior to it
because it has tier 7 health and an uptiered gun? Waowww fucking genius m8
obviously meant tier for tier, genius
>khalron and greg in the same ts channel
This should be good. Que Greg being a bitch in 3, 2...

It's almost 4 AM here
Merry Christmas /wotg/
Merry Christmas to you senpai
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Prestigious legacy /vg/ NA Clan, LEWD, is now openly accepting members of the /vg/ community.

No standards or requirements. Simply submit an application with your favorite dank may-may's and it'll be accepted.
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That just means we have nowhere to go but up.

That's one way of saying it
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Also the most accurate.
Jesus. This clan is so old you're still linked in NTR's clan description.
Soros is making the world a better place, I'm sorry that you've spent too much time on /pol/ to see that
>wanna play tanks
>Stuck at an airport waiting for my sister instead

My Christmas sucks wtg

I missed an o in wotg
>wanna play tanks
>stuck in China for 2 weeks

You don't know the meaning of suffering.
>Wanna play tanks
>Can, but only on my mediocre laptop at my parents' house
Have fun in the cloud of smog.
>reading all of the books I bought for Christmas and trying to forget that this game exists while my extended family gathers for Christmas and a wedding 2600 miles away
comfy enough for me
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Confirmed for most /vg/ clan of the /vg/ clans currently accepting applications.
>want to play tanks
>can do it just fine because I'm spending chirstmas at home by myself
anyone else hoping their christmas post gets a (you) because they're lonely
well at least its better than not wanting to play and doing it anyway because you have nothing to do in christmas.
>thats what I'll be doing
>ill drink a glass to you that day
>open window
>smell burned air
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what did he mean by this?
>khalron and greg on TS
>no all-out war yet
>no interest in the japanese mediums
>tempted to buy the sta2 in case they buff the japanese line
i'm being retarded, right?
dont spend money on this shit broken game
yes because sta2 already got buffed and wont get another one
>no interest in the Japanese mediums
>Bullied an awoo M3 Lee to death
Mission success, returning to base.
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>E-75 hull down thinks he's hot shit
>Aim at his roof
>Laugh all the way to blue wn8
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>khalron on TS
>no all-out ragequitting yet

On Siegfried?
It was some shitty grass map I can't remember the name of. You were platooned with some untagged dude named RussiaResi or something.
I was doing the bullying lad, we pushed an arty halfway across the map and he didnt seem to notice
>Arty players
>Noticing anything beyond their "bad rng"
I believe it.
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cancer evolved.png
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>kill lttb sitting in the open in my s-51 cause i want the girl crew from missions
>he messages me about how skill full arty is and that i should kill my self.
>pic related is his top 10 played tanks
people who played shit tons of arty shouldn't even complain about dying to it
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Merry Christmas old boys
you literally, LITERALLY defeat the tiger 2 the exact same way except your hull armor is trash too.
Probably the latter. Honestly tier X is overrated, it feels far too samey compared to lower tiers.
>play a normal game
>holding hill, teammates die, I keep holding as hard as possible
>die to arty
>basecamping T95 messages me like 30 minute after battle, yelling at me for being an idiot
>his top 5 tanks are all arty
>he did one shot of damage
I don't even know what some people are mad about sometimes.
Can someone explain the invite code and refer a friend?

Can my friend use an invite code to get a tank and refer me?
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>Bounced like 5 different shots that should have killed me

Cromwell B is too fun
i didn't know they brought karl gamemode back
i wish they would. karl and the other 8bit mode were fun
>still no broken fotm tier 8 soviet premium medium
What the FUCK is WG thinking
1.you put his email adress in the refer a friend section
2.then he gets send an email and has to click a link
3.now he has to create an account where he can put his code in the box named invite code
I honestly don't know. Object 252 soon, though.
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>Let's give the last tank in the tree a different crew member than the tanks before it because fuck you
>this is the type of player that complains about the rest of the team and blames the heavies for why we lost

Remember, WoT is a team game.
They had the Type for a long time and just never replaced it.
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>see that there's a tankrewards listing for ace in 13 90
>decide to attempt to do it
>takes two games

ez game ez lyfe
was this supposed to be impressive?
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Not really.
I'm just glad I didn't have to grind through 20 matches on Himmels/Ensk to complete the mission.
You aren't cool unless you're one of the following:
plsgo or pzmoe inner circle
OG ntr
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site error probly.png
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What did they mean by this?
type59 for that one last payout before they bail
Okay /wotg/

What tanks (alongside the scorp) make the most credits? I've played long enough and I want a credit grinder.

90mm m41 is looking pretty good right now
>pzmoe inner circle
So like the entire clan then because there's only 3 players in it
>It's never my fault: the post
>tfw i used to platoon with a bunch of pzmoe players
>tfw the only active people now is the purple squad
like you said the skorpion g is the best credit maker in the game
GF is an excellent credit maker, you should have a good german light crew tho
STA2 and CDC are good credit makers aswell, good gun with high pen and they are fast but you need to use food if you want max view range
patriot makes alot of dosh aswell because of its good gun and decent mobility for a heavy

I'd say he schooled you lttbh famalam
He ain't schooling anyone with 0 damage
As the others have said, the problem with well rounded tanks is theres no single strategy to beat them. You come across an Jag E100 and you know you have two ways to win, either pen his lower turret or take a shot in the face then flank him.

You dont have that with well rounded tanks. You pretty much have to outplay them and this is a problem for bad players who dont want to be forced to think.
E5 has an even worse LFP, only 127mm at its weakest point and curved such that part of it is always flat towards the enemy.

Pre-buff E5 got eaten alive the moment you tried to play it like a heavy because everybody instantly snapped to your cupola that you couldn't hide because you aren't playing in caves. At least now E-100s have to load gold into their 750 alpha derpgun to take it off the field in a frontal battle.
oh hey fellas, the red army choir died in a russian plane crash not too long ago
who cares

people that like professional music from time honored and stellar ensembles
;_; not how i wanted 2016 to end
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